#zodiac jules
marimuntanya · 5 months
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Image Prompts for the Signs
Aries / Taurus / Gemini
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Cancer / Leo / Virgo
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Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius
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Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces
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Jules Joseph Lefebvre (French, 1836–1911)
If this prompt inspires you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
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coastaldog · 2 months
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Jules ✨
I commissioned a friend to design me a dragon fursona years ago and then never did much with him due to mental illness issues but I’ve been developing him again and making more dragon characters recently :3
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carnivorousyandeere · 9 months
Group of 12 Zodiac being placed in a chastity cage or as a cock ring and being constantly teased by their darling. Who would last longer?
Zodiac Yans and Chastity
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
CW: chastity kink, bondage gear, orgasm denial, mentions of overstimulation, anal, teasing, crying, dehumanization, sadomasochism, bratting, fighting/combat kink, exhibitionism
Pffft sorry for taking so long to answer this, went a little more in depth than was… probably necessary... Anyway, thank you for the delightful question, and TL:DR; the one who would last the longest is, surprisingly, Chandler the Libra 🤭
Kosuke (Aries): “You’re out of your fuckin’ mind if you think I’m gonna wear that.” You’d literally have to beat them in a fight to put a chastity cage/belt on them, and even then they’d be so testy about it… you might as well add a muzzle and a shock collar if you want them to be anywhere near obedient. I suppose they’d last at least a few weeks in the cage, though, if only because their pride prevents them from begging to be released. A simple removable cock ring would be fun, though. They’d probably see that as a challenge for their endurance, seeing how many times they can make you cum on their cock before needing to take the ring off…
Olive (Taurus): Olive is honestly a little offended by the idea. They’re a hedonist, convinced that quality and quantity can and must coexist— and plentiful soothing orgasms are no exception. How could you ask them to forsake their lazy afternoon masturbation sessions on their days off? “Although…” their eyes twinkle with mischief where they peek up at you through their lashes, “maybe it would be rather cute to see you in one…” The use of the word “chastity” in reference to themself also offends and amuses them— are you implying you think they’d ever be unfaithful to you? Who do you think they are? Might try it just the once for your sake, but doesn’t enjoy it.
Tomi (Gemini): the first out of the bunch to truly enjoy being locked up… Tomi loves being unable to touch themself or get off while pleasuring you with that annoyingly clever tongue of theirs. Loves your teasing and dirty talk, your sly touches. Their pride actually ‘breaks’ pretty fast and they’ll beg you to unlock them— but the truth is they want you to tell them “no.” Tomi could last for at least a month, enjoying every bittersweet moment of blissful torture. They love being rewarded with a chance to pleasure you, even at their own expense. They love the discomfort they get from being turned on and unable to do anything about it.
Jules (Cancer): Jules shivers at the thought, pleasant tingles racing up and down their spine. Maybe for you, it’s purely kink— maybe it’s not. But to them, it’s a clear declaration of love, devotion, care, possession. You want them to be yours and only yours, unable to share their body with anyone else… not that they’d want to, but still. They have this idea that you’re going to be so kind and gentle with them, that you’ll care for them when they can’t take care of themself. They imagine a romantic scenario with candles and rose petals as you click the lock shut… and so they’re wholly unprepared if you’re unceremonious about it. If you tease them so cruelly and deny them for long periods of time. They look so pretty when they cry, it’s difficult not to tease them… but ultimately, they’d hit their limit at about two weeks.
Jett (Leo): “Huh?!” Jett flushes a deep red underneath their winter spray tan. Just ‘cause they like to make you jealous by dancing with other people at the club doesn’t mean they’d actually sleep with anyone else! Surely you’re not serious? The idea sounds kinda hot, but only for a day or two— it’s not so much a physical limit as a mental one. They could go for longer without getting off in normal circumstances, but knowing they don’t have the freedom to choose when they get off would really get under their skin. Most likely to use an emergency key for non-emergencies or steal your key to unlock themself.
Zuri (Virgo): they’re really more interested in you wearing one… the spells they’ve set up should alert them if you so much as think of cheating, but a physical barrier certainly wouldn’t hurt… Ironically, it would take a lot of begging and pleading on your end to convince Zuri to allow you to put them in a chastity cage/belt. You’d have to build up an immense amount of trust with them beforehand, too… difficult, but worth it. I think they’d find unexpected enjoyment in longer-term denial on one or both sides, even for months, but teasing them too much in that time is rather risky~! They’ll turn the tables back on you in a heartbeat.
Chandler (Libra): Chandler agrees breathlessly without a moment’s hesitation, cheeks dusted as pink as their hair. They’d do anything for you. And they’d be lying if they said the thought of having to wear a chastity belt/cage, and even a vaginal or butt plug during a photoshoot wasn’t incredibly exciting. Especially if it was really obvious, like a near-naked photo shoot… their fellow models, their clothing director, MUA, and manager, all biting their tongues out of fear of upsetting Chandler by pointing it out makes them squirm with mischievous glee. They’re yours, they’re yours, and they’re so proud of it. “Do you want me to wear a matching collar? Matching lingerie?” Chandler grabs your hand and rubs it against their cheek, looking up at you from their place on their knees reverently. It might be strange to say for an air sign, but Chandler could probably go for years… they’re the most likely to throw away their emergency key… 😬
Tasi (Scorpio): Tasi crosses their arms and raises an eyebrow. “No.” They aren’t gonna wear a chastity belt/cage no matter what you say or do. They might make you wear one, although they’re somewhat less interested in orgasm denial than they are forced/painful orgasms and overstimulation…
Blake (Sagittarius): they’re caught off guard by the idea, but intrigued. Blake usually takes the lead in their trysts, so letting you take control is an especially vulnerable venture for them. Poor Blake lives in discomfort from that moment on between their high libido and the rush of adrenaline and serotonin that renders them lightheaded every time they remember just what they’ve got on underneath their clothes. Blake gets a little shyer and more prone to blushing as they ease in to their submissive side more for you. It’s very cute to see their embarrassed expressions across their instagram when you take pictures of them after teasing them— not that their audience knows anything about the context~! Blake could honestly go for two months, maybe, but the whole time they’d be utterly insatiable when it comes to tasting and pleasuring you… but that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?
Cypress (Capricorn): Cypress frowns, tapping their meticulously neat nails against the marble countertop between you and them. Their mind trails off to the vagaries of work. Biting their tongue when dealing with sensitive subordinates, placating investors, dealing with unexpected crises every other month… just as much lies outside their control as lies within it. They’re not willing to give up any of the control they have with you in the bedroom. Much less their access to their own body. But maybe they can negotiate with you a little, so you don’t feel rejected. “Is there anything else you would like to try?” They’d probably consent to trying out a cock ring, but they’d still be in control of when it comes off— not you.
Indigo (Aquarius): Indigo pops the gum bubble they’d been blowing. “Sure, why not?” They think it over some more, grin spreading across their face. “Can I get a glittery one? Or maybe one that glows in the dark?!” They get bored and tired of wearing it extremely quickly, and can really only handle a day or so in it, but they love having you lock them up before the two of you go out and about— especially to parties. And whatever color and style you pick, they love picking out other accessories that match it, like their underwear and jewelry. Another yan who’d enjoy mutual locking… although they still wouldn’t last long.
Minnow (Pisces): Minnow is practically drooling at the idea, especially if you emphasize the “chastity” aspect… sprinkle in some of their virginity kink, corruption kink, and blasphemy/religious imagery kink. Minnow wishes they could be your good little angel and wear the chastity belt/cage forever, but their tolerance is actually pretty low… they’ll be genuinely begging you for relief after only a few days, a week tops. They like it when you’re a little mean about it, too… teasing them, seducing them, making them beg for forgiveness when they cum after you unlock them. They’d cry so prettily if you teased them for days, weeks, as they wear the chastity device, only for you to tell them they’re still not allowed to touch themselves when you take it off again. Watch them struggle so hard to be good for you… and fail.
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blueopinions49 · 2 years
(Mis)Understanding Type 4 PT 2
This is a Rant/Informative post on how people misunderstand enneagram 4.  I would suggest checking enneagrammers type 4 section cuz its well written and its probably one of the best ways to clear allot of misunderstanding plus I'll be referencing it allot...like allot. ill go over some common mistypings ive seen around as well as misconceptions and certain nuances people often ignore. 
Every type is and wants to be special its not limited to E4. 
“4’s don’t want to be separate, they’re coming from a place of already being so. 4's are unaware of how to modulate themselves to anything if it contradicts their inner experience.” This often leads for people to not understand how type 4s work and end up mistyping others due to certain believe that wanting to be unique and special is SOLELY a type 4 trait. All enneatypes want to be special and stand out in their own way. Especially when it comes to attachment types because “Often the attachment types get stuck to the idea of being a 4 because they are dealing with a type structure that consciously fighting against the unconscious urge to actually be in sync with others.”
Some Misconceptions 
“Being candid about traumatic experiences (this can be anyone, but less likely a withdrawn type)
Self-deprecation (this is seen most often in 6's and 9's especially if there's 4 in the trifix, also 7w6)
Being artistic (any type can be artistic, 4's just have a specific aesthetic expression need that's tied into their type structure)
Being depressed (depression and/or sadness are emotions/conditions that can be experienced by all types, even bright 7's, and many 4's are not depressed at all)
Being moody/dramatic (4's do tend to be reactive and moody, but so do 6's and 7w8’s)
Being unique or weird (4's individuate constantly, but any type can do unique and strange things, ex. Lady GaGa is a 7, Björk is a 9)
Being overly emotional (all types have emotions, not all types identify with them, but type 6 as the most outwardly emotional type in some cases)
Enduring pain on the inside and having to smile on the outside (this is highly 9ish and not ever 4ish)
Feeling detached from mainstream things (this is true of 4, but any type can be sardonic and biting about "basic" people or mainstream things, type 6 for example can either be the one doing what everyone else is doing or the one who's sarcastically speaking out against it)
Fearing being flawed (4’s feel that the world is shallow and flawed and they are too deep for it, this creates a frustration and fantasy around their superior self-image)”
All of this is taken from the enneagrammers section on enneagram 4 link below. 
Mistyping 4s 
 When it comes to 3s- Two common mistyping when it comes to attachment types are Pearl (ESFP 3w2 so/sx) and Asuka Langley Soryu (ENTJ 3w4 so/sx) Being typed as  4w3 sx/so. Due to their need to stand out HOWEVER their need to stand out and be their BEST SELF Pearl being a Star who is seen as great and love by the public while Asuka being the best EVA Pilot and proving her competency. While a sx 4 would present an image of brokenness and sadness look at Prince Zuko for example (ISFP 4w3 sx/sp) he presents an Image of brokenness and constantly over indulges in anger and melancholy. Also Pearl and Asuka a wtihdrawn type...no. Both of these two are way too expressive to be 4s. Also very clear attachment types. In Asuka’s case we see she searches for love in being the best Eva pilot and creating interpersonal relationships in school while Pearl does this through status and becoming a Star.
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When it Comes to 6s- a common mistyping I see its Mitski (INFP 6w5 sp/sx) Due to the self preservation 6 being on the most reserved side of things and both can complain allot due to both being in the reactive triad however when it comes to separating and differentiating these types is that a 6 is still craving connection (due to being an attachment type) and 4s are a rejection type while sure they want to make connection they might negate it all together. Also 6s are incredibly interested In problem solving and are interested in dissecting an issue while 4s dont really care about problem solving “However, 6's will still display a need for acceptance, a fear of being cast away, and they will emphasize how different/problematic they are as if it's a problem/danger to be put on the table right away. Even when 6's are at their most negative, they still tend to be funny and likeable.”
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When it comes to 7- I typed Jules Vaugh as a 4 in my ENFP characters post and I might go back on that however for a very clear mistyping of a 7 as a 4 is Laurie “Theodore” Lawrence from little woman 2019. In my opinion Laurie is a ISFP 7w6 sx/so rathe than a sp 4w5. The differences between 4 and 7 are a bit more notable even tho both of them are frustration types. 7s tend to be highly positive individuals who are constantly looking for good expiernces and understanding of the world. 4s on the other hadn't complain about what they don't have and focuses on the negative aspects more. 4s are withdrawn types while 7s are positive types. I just dont get how Laurie is a 4 im sorry. I thought his journey was very clear that Amy pushed him to integrate to his 1 while he was wasting his life and talents. it
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 Comes to 9s- This is probably the most continuous out of the previous type you'll notice that most 4s in media are probably mistyped 9s (I myself mistyped Amanda Young From the Saw Franchise as a 4w3 when it makes more sense for her to be a 9w8 sx/sp) But the most common mistypings ive seen in this case is Wanda Maximoff (INFP 9w8 sx/sp) and Camille Preaker (INFP 9w8 sx/sp) Mostly you'll see them typed as 4w5 sp/sx or sx/sp in Wanda’s Case. 4s tend to hate masking their disdain for things and others while 9s tend to present a more calm exterior. In the case of Camille and Wanda both Sx 9s they care about interpersonal relationships and dont have the boundry in interpersonal relationship 4s have. They see themselves as specially unique in comparison to orders. Due to being in the gut type 9s are prone to anger and tend to struggle with this. A thing we see with Wand and Camille struggle with. Both of them go into a haze of sort when it comes to dealing with problem rather than dealing with them like any assertive type like 4 would. Also it's very clear that both of them are attachment types not frustration types. 
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There are some other mistyping such as 8 vs 4 but I just think that’s plain misunderstanding.
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starrynightwriter · 2 years
Signs as Euphoria Quotes
Aries: “I hate everyone else in the world but you.” - Jules (Aries can harbor a lot of anger-- their Greek god is Ares, the god of war, after all! But let them in and they’ll fight for you until their dying breath.)
Taurus: “I like the way I dressed you, but I’m worried I fucked with your gender expression.” - Jules (Tauruses are materialistic with a love of fashion but also a love for their friends who they deeply care about. They yearn to protect their loved ones while also seeking to understand them.)
Gemini: “First of all, ew. Second of all, ew.” - Maddy (Superficial on the surface level, Geminis are funny and relatable.)
Cancer: “Everybody gets their feelings hurt. Some people need to get their feelings hurt sometimes.” - Fezco (Cancers at their best are emotional geniuses who understand that people sometimes require harsh words; this ability to be compassionate yet brutally honest is what many cancers struggle with.)
Leo: “90% of life is confidence, and the thing about confidence is that no one knows if it’s real or not.” - Maddy (Leos are by far the most confident sign, but don’t be fooled-- it may just all be a facade.)
Virgo: “I feel like I’ve lived most of my life in my imagination, taking the smallest moments and dreaming them up into something bigger.” - Lexi (Virgos as writers obsess over every detail and are capable of creating elaborate, detailed worlds and characters in their heads.)
Libra: “I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have to make a choice…about who you are and what you want.” - Rue (Libras need to be decisive in order to be their ultimate selves, but this is what they struggle with most. But sometimes, you just need to experience things as they come and make your choices after.)
Scorpio: "I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it." - Cassie (A dark quote for a dark sign, this cynical outlook might be experienced by scorpios, especially those that are in or recovering from tumultuous relationships.)
Sagittarius: “It’s not her fault. She’s a writer.” - Suze Howard (Sagittariuses are wanderers and the constant change of scenery may have them feeling inspired to pen their travels. While some people may judge them for being so nomadic, it might just be because they constantly crave freshness.)
Capricorn: “Memories exist outside of time.” - Rue (Cronus, Capricorn’s god, is associated with the concept of time.)
Aquarius: “At least for me, being trans is spiritual.” - Jules (If you aren’t transgender, take this as how being yourself can feel like a spiritual journey of sorts. Aquariuses are so unique that they are considered eccentric, so to be authentic may be effortless for those who embrace their individuality and harder for those who resist it.)
Pisces: “I want to be as beautiful as the ocean.” - Jules (An aquatic quote for a constellation of fishes, pisces are dreamers that may appreciate beauty more than the average person.) 
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vonlipvig · 6 months
i'm a nerd who loves puzzles and escape rooms of course i love taylor swift
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proxylynn · 11 months
Every birthday I could find for every visual novel character I play on this blog (and the other game characters too)
[Okay, so this is every character's B-Day that pops up here. If I couldn't find it, it's hidden really deep. To make this clear, I'll post them in by series. If there's any I missed, please, tell me about it so I can add them.]
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Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack:
Sunny Day Jack - June 15th, 1958 (Gemini) Ian Duff - March 3rd, 1997 (Pisces) Nicholas “Nick” Herrera - January 18th, 1997 (Capricorn) Shaun Durand-Cofer - October 7th, 1997 (Libra) Barry - ???? ("That’s it. He’s just your manager!")
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion:
Elias Declan Gallagher - April 19th (Aries-Taurus (cusp)) Taylor Anthony Potts - August 24th (Virgo)
Bo - ???? Simoun - ????
Br<3ken Colors:
Ace - ???? Angel - ???? Catherine - ???? Delivery Guy/DG - October 31, Scorpio, Chinese zodiac: Rabbit Diana - ???? Gunther - ???? Janne - ???? Jester - ???? Leevi - ???? (Cancer) Mike - ???? Milla - ???? Mimic/Mic - ???? Pearl - ???? Rasmus - August 13, Leo, Chinese zodiac: Ox Richie - ???? Salvador/Sal - ???? Shadowman - ???? Skye - ???? Stalker (Damon) - January 6, Capricorn, chinese zodiac: Rooster Venni - ????
Malachy Doe/Mal - January 1st "Antichrist" - ???? [There are two more characters but they left the project when things went south, so I won't be including them despite having the info]
John Doe - November 35th
Tate Frost - April 28th Vic - ????
House Hunted:
Maison: ???? (planted in the 60s) Heim: ???? Mayor's Assistant (Ivy) - ????
14 Days With You:
[REDACTED]/Ren - February 14th (Aquarius) Moth - January 2 (Capricorn) Violet Gacia - June 10 (Gemini) Elanor Creston - July 5 (Cancer) Conan O'Rourke - August 27 (Virgo) Jae-Hyun Kim: September 28 (Libra) Leon Davis - November 30 (Sagittarius) Teodore Alvarado - July 29 (Leo) Olivia Dhawan - ????
Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend:
Pedro - ???? (He does not like to remember his birthday or his childhood in general but they plan to tell his birthday in the game)
My Dear Hatchet Man:
Alan Orion - January 14 Stuart Cassidy/Stu - February 6 Erika Vivián Ramos - May 5 James - August 7 Jules - June 22 Claude - November 11 Carver - ???? (doesn't remember his birthday, so he made his birthday December 15) Stitches - April 4th
Lurking for Love:
Jacob Alden: October 26 Austin Lepley - ????
Apples to Ashes:
Douglas Owens - September 20th Xamira Othman - ????
Your Dearest Boyfriend:
Victor A. Anderson - ???? Lizzy - ???? TK - ????
See Thru: Need a Friend?:
[unkown]/Friend - May 10th Z - ???? Carter - ???? Diane - ????
Liu - ???? Dr. Fischer - ???? Nurse Sara Evans - ????
A Double Sided Mirror:
Charlie - April 8th Charles - ???? (possibly Mother's Day) Cameron - ???? Lein - ???? Jeremy - ???? Stella - ???? Jacob - ???? Lucy - ????
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phelia · 11 days
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S had a dream, so when they could not fulfill it, they did the impossible for it. but don’t you dare ask them how they got there… unless you want to die. remember, the end justifies the means.
age: 25
zodiac sign: gemini [06/18]
mbti: intp.
likes: the stars and space.
dislikes: people, the beach.
comes from: Florida, United States.
if female, Simone has wavy chestnut brown hair, falling to her shoulders. black eyes and a nose piercing.
if male, Simon has short wavy hair above the tip of the ears. black eyes and a nose piercing.
if non-binary, Sage uses their hair on a small bun, but sometimes use in its natural wavy short hair. black eyes and a nose piercing.
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D belonged to one of the biggest bands in the world. after their tragic breakup, D began taking not-so-good decisions along the way, getting a spot in Palm Tree. hope no one realizes who they really are!
age: 30
zodiac sign: pisces [03/07]
mbti: enfj.
likes: music, playing the guitar.
dislikes: screaming fans, stalkers.
comes from: London, England.
if female, Darcy has straight blond hair, just below the shoulders. luminous blue eyes, freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
if male, Daniel has a middle-part hairstyle, short to the tip of the ears. magnetic blue eyes, and freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
if non-binary, Dee has short straight hair above the shoulders. striking blue eyes and freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
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M is someone everyone should be scared of. no one really knows what they have done to end up there, but they do know they shouldn’t mess with them… until the escape plan comes to life.
age: 28
zodiac sign: virgo [09/14]
mbti: intj.
likes: football, cats.
dislikes: people who call football “soccer”.
comes from: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
if female, Merlina has black curly hair, falling through her back to the waist, but she always uses it in a long ponytail. big brown eyes, with long lashes, and round red lips.
if male, Miguel has medium-long curly hair, falling to the shoulders, but he always uses it in a ponytail. big brown eyes, and a charming smile.
if non-binary, Mal has pretty long curly hair, falling a few inches after the shoulders, but they always use it in a pony tail. big brown eyes, round lips, and marked dimples.
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F always claims that they are in for something they didn’t commit. but after years of being locked up, no one believes them… and sometimes, F doesn’t even believe they are innocent either.
age: 26
zodiac sign: libra [10/02]
mbti: infp.
likes: puppies, and romance novels.
dislikes: people who claim they are guilty.
comes from: Seattle, United States.
if female, Fawn has wavy ginger hair, falling just below her shoulders. with a freckled face, passionate green eyes, and gentle smile.
if male, Felix has very short military haircut (used to be a curly ginger). with a freckled face, lustful green eyes, and a kind smile.
if non-binary, Fall has a bob haircut accompanied with a blue ribbon. with a freckled face, greedy green eyes, and a tender smile.
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Officer Rodriguez loves you. and he can’t hide it even if he thinks he does. he is hopelessly in love and he would do anything… although that might cost him his job.
age: 32
zodiac sign: taurus [05/15]
mbti: enfj.
likes: MC.
dislikes: lies.
comes from: New Mexico, United States.
you don’t know Officer Rodriguez’s name. but he always looks the same. tanned and strong body, enchanting hazel eyes, and an enamored smile.
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anqelified · 2 months
╰ 𑄽𑄺ྀ ˖ ⁩ ۫ idol profile
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) ⠀:⠀ BASICS
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ birth name: Kang Jae-Hwa ( 강나리 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ english name: Juliette Kang ( 강줄리엣 )
name meaning: The name Juliette is a girl's name of French origin meaning "little Julia". The name Juliette is derived from the classic name Juliet. The name Juliet is thought to be a form of the name Julius, which was a Roman family name.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nicknames: juliet ( everyone ), julie + jae ( close friends ), hwa ( family ), irl angel + sm’s angel + girlfriend ( fans ), my juliette ( lover 🤫 ), korea’s little sister ( fans + korean public )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ date of birth: October 31st, 2000 ( aged 23 )
zodiac sign: Scorpio
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ place of birth: Busan, South Korea
hometown: Los Angeles, California, U.S.A
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nationality: Korean-American
ethnicity: Korean
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ physical details:
height: 5'2" (158cm )
weight: 97lbs (44kg )
blood type: A
hair color: brown - black - blonde
eye color: brown
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ gender & sexuality:
cisgender female - she/her
sexual orientation: not labeled
relationship status: not disclosed
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ languages: Korean ( 100% - Busan Dialect ), English ( 95% - American ), Japanese ( 90% ), Mandarin ( 50% - Conversational )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ claims:
facial claim: mostly park jiwon ( fromis_9 ), other female idols/celebrities
speaking claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 - Korean & English ), minatozaki sana ( twice - Japanese ), ning yizhuo ( æspa - Mandarin )
vocal claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 ), ning yizhuo ( æspa )
rapping claim: park sooyoung ( red velvet )
dance claim: kang seulgi ( red velvet ), kim chungha
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) :⠀ CAREER
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ stage name: Juliette ( Jule-ee-ett )
backstory: she chose Juliette as her stage name since it is her English name. though many people pointed out it was also a SHINee song and eventually called her the Juliette.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ agency: SM Entertainment ( 2010 - Present )
training period: 5 years~
idol debut date: February 14th, 2015
idol debut age: 14
acting debut age: 20
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative color: millbrook ( #614834 ), beauty bush ( #f1c5d4 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative emoji: 💗 / 🍀 / 🐰
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ fandom name: capulets — in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was born into the House of Capulet. Given that her fandom would be her “home”, Capulets was eventually brought up to lean in the Shakespearian concept.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ known for: being sm’s angel, korea’s little sister, shinee’s juliette, being an all-rounder idol, her voguing/wacking choreographies, having too many 00z friends 🥲, her halloween birthday and sm’s halloween party, wildin’ after turning 18/21, always with the dreamies or aespa, high-pitched laugh, an idol-butterfly or social butterfly, always yapping 24/7, daughter of the ▇▇▇▇ company, being a supposed chaebol, being a flirtatious person in general
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ signature:
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) : PERSONAL
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ mbti: ENTJ ( Commander ) — a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging traits. they are decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment. they gather information to construct their creative visions but rarely hesitate for long before acting on them.
strengths: efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinkers, charismatic and inspiring
weaknesses: stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold and ruthless
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ likes: white noise, rain falling on the window, choreographing, non-scheduled days, classical music, indie games, the persona franchise, affection, handholding, her bf, karaoke, anime— kimi ni todoke, nana, a slient voice—, true crime . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ dislikes: loud noises, super crowded environments, affection, feeling weak/overworked, mentions of her family, thunderstorms, horror games, anything creepypasta, racism & xenophobia, the dark, donald trump tbh . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ phobias: atychiphobia ( fear of failure ), nosocomephobia ( fear of hospitals ), nyctophobia ( fear of the dark ), tonitrophobia ( fear of thunder ), lockiophobia ( fear of childbirth )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ favorites:
colors: white & light pink
season: winter
animals: penguins, arctic foxes
number: 0
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ immediate family: born into a rich and busy household, juliette had barely any time to spend with her parents and was sent to the united states early on with her aunt. although she did develop a resentment towards her parents, they support her from the sidelines. though she has siblings, she doesn’t speak to them most of the time or rarely sees them due to her work. barely any family photos are shown by the idol, which is the most secretive part about her.
father: kang sanghoon — born 1981 ( aged 47 ) in busan, south korea. works as the ▇▇▇▇ ceo. twin
mother: choi naeun — born 1982 ( aged 46 ) in gwangju, south korea. works under the ▇▇▇▇ company.
sister: kang nabi — born 1997 ( aged 27 ) in busan, south korea.
brother: kang joo-won — born 1999 ( aged 25 ) in busan, south korea.
kang grandparents: kang ha-▇ ( 85 ) & kang ▇▇-hyeon ( 90 ). raised sanghoon and bit-na.
aunt: kang bit-na — born 1981 ( aged 47 ) in busan, south korea. works as ▇▇▇▇ president. twin
▇▇ grandparents: ▇▇ shin-hye ( 87 ) & ▇▇ beom-seok ( 89 ). raised naeun.
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chaebol lore drop 😔
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love 🔱
A dramedy and slices of life from the Boys. About music and magic, friendship and love.
Follow them 🧭 to wacky places 🧭 going on dramatic adventures   and 🧭 having weird encounters
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Chapters: 1-6 📔 7-12 📔 13-16 📔 17-22 📔 23-28
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The Boys
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Saiwa 🔸 Kiyoshi 🔸 Vlad 🔸 Jeb 🔸 Ji Ho 🔸 Jack
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🪷 Heights and Zodiac 🪷 Group Dynamics 🪷 Roles (below the cut in the linked post)
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🗂️ The Resistance 🗂️ The Council
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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(not updated yet) ❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
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The Stables - a spin off about their Horses (and Goats)
There are stories woven around how the Boys found their horses: 🐎 Kiri and Kiyoshi 🐎 Diablo and Vlad 🐎 Yang Mal and Ji Ho 🐎 Lunatic and Jack 🐎 Tyalindo and Saiwa 🐎 Valerian and Jeb
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Old Chapter list Old Loose Collections
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All our other stories below the cut
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(all my stories are without poses, cc, mods and proper english Ö.ö)
chronological  -   The Family Business   - latest saving sims, hunting things. The Callahans. chronological  -   Lost in Space   - latest alien cat lenny’s only joy is his vacuum bot, but it vanished in a malfunctioning transporter...
chronological  -   Zombie Detective   - latest a zombie wakes up in a pile of trash and shuffles back to humanity
chronological  -   Rosa’s Garden   - latest Grandmother asks Rosa to look after the haunted family farm
chronological-   The Gang Doctor   - latest a doctor treating gang members to pay the treatment for his chronical ill sister
chronological  -   Owen’s Farm   - latest the daily life at a moisture farm - with droids!
chronological  -   Sixam Away Team   - latest  the team on their search for lost crew members in the jungle of selvadorada
chronological  -   Love hurts   - latest teen werewolf logan loves his boss, the vampire giga, but...
chronological  -   Strangerville   - latest dutiful soldier kang and the warily trailerpark goofer gianna are investigating the strange things happening in strangerville
chronological  -   Bacalao Bay   - latest the pirates of bacalao bay
chronolocical  -  Meteorite Crash Scene  - latest the sixam away team examines a meteorite crash at granite falls
chronological  -   Magic Realm  - latest about my magical sims
chronological  -   Underwater Love   - latest Dreams of a Mermaid. Ji Ho’s dream of him, Vlad, Jack and Giga as Teenagers.
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bookish-phile · 11 months
when he has a nickname for her>>
"love" - aaron to juliette (shatter me)
"violence" - xaden to violet (fourth wing)
"crismon" - julian to scarlett (caraval)
"little fox" - jacks to evangeline (once upon a broken heart
"princess" - hawke to poppy (from blood to ash)
"feyre darling" - rhys to feyre (a court of thorns and roses)
"heiress" - jameson to avery (the inheritence games)
"daisy" - james to cordelia (chain of thorns)
"little mouse" - zade to adeline (haunting adeline)
"blue" - lance to darcy (zodiac academy)
"princess" - rhys to bridget (twisted games)
"red" - josh to jules (twisted hate)
"sunshine" - alex to ave (twisted love)
"butterfly" - christian to stella (twisted lies)
"sarge" - ravi to pip (a good girl's guide to murder)
"investment" - kaz to inej (six of crows)
"rachel" - miles to tate (ugly love)
*pushes lily off the stairs* - ryle to lily (it ends with us)
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I want to give Jules the sloppiest oral
Can’t even blame you, they’re just so destroyable 🤭
( MDNI, No Age In Bio DNI )
Hair escaping the ponytail elastic, face flushed, and glasses knocked askew… it’s been so long since Jules has gotten any action— if they’ve ever gotten any— they’d be unable to stay still for you, hips bucking towards your face and thighs twitching in your hands. They’d apologize with nearly every desperate roll of their hips, afraid they might hurt you, but it feels too good and they just can’t help it. They can’t keep their moans or tears in, crying and gasping loudly when they get close. Probably accidentally confesses their love while coming or shortly thereafter, tbh 😭
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blueopinions49 · 2 years
ENFP “The Campaigner”
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Enthusiastic~ Optimistic~Jovial~Talkative~Merry
““When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.” ― Shannon L. Alder
Misato Katsuragi (NGE) 2w1 Saggitarius (Dec 8,1986)
Harley Quinn (DC Comics) 7w6 Cancer (July 20,1990)
Aang (Avatar the last Airbender) 7w6 Libra
Issa Dee (Insecure) 7w6 Capricorn (Jan 12,1985)
Jules Vaughn (Euphoria) 7w6 Pisces (Feb 28,2001)
Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games)  9w1 Libra 
Judy Hale (Dead to me)  9w1 Pisces (Referenced in S2)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) 3w2 Libra (Oct,10)
Dani Clayton (Haunting of Bly Manor) 7w6 Cancer (July 2,1960)
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prettyplumbobs · 6 months
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jules sterling. born in game on a monday morning at 6:48 am faves: tofu dog 🌱🌭, classical music 🎼 and the color black zodiac sign: capricorn ♑
╰┈➤ ambitious: (random) 💪🎯
╰┈➤ schmoozer: (inherited from both parents) 🤝😊
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wisteriagoesvroom · 8 months
in honor of lando dropping his new 2024 helmet: do you have a favorite helmet design?
i started to look for one but ended up with several aksdjks. no.1 has gotta be the rainbow LH one from qatar '21. and the quote that came with it. king. “I do think as these sports go to these places, they’re duty-bound to raise awareness for these issues."
exhibit (a):
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but these all come pretty close too!!! exhibit (b) and (c) together: charles's one from austin '22. and lando's sticker helmet for his 100th race, which perfectly encapsulates him and his personality.
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now exhibits (c), (d), (e), (f). guan yu's helmets are SICK. THE BUBBLE TEA ONE??? CRYING. and the porcelain blue helmet with his name on it is soooooooo. ugh. so so good.
he's also a rabbit in the chinese zodiac and he uses that motif too which is fun, and a cool reference to his heritage.
(i actually think guan yu and his team consistently turn out the best helmet designs on the track, period. do not sleep on this man!!!)
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and lastly i do adore charles's corn one. it's adorable and... jules 🥺. exhibit (g):
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thank you for asking this anon!!! it was really fun to go looking for these. helmets, i guess due to the advancement in printing, have gotten super fun and fresh in recent years. long may it continue.
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