#zombie apocalyptic outfits
bashzzey · 1 year
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ENAs in zombie apocalyptic outfits! I'm big fan of post-apo themes so I decided to draw them in funky outfits :]c
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amongaesthetics · 1 year
To all the people who think apocalyptic clothing aesthetic is tight, industrial-feeling, torn, and black, do I have news for you.
In any of the human-on-human apocalypses, yeah, that might be true. But the more popular ones, like zombies, would probably result in any areas with pre-made clothes being dangerous or empty, and in the off chance you DO find something, it is not going to fit perfectly like that unless you or someone you know has the time and the ability to alter clothing.
In most “safe zones” or “bases” in the zombie apocalypse worlds, food production, defense training, and wall building are usually prioritized. However, this overlooks the amount of young kids and injured adults who can’t really do that. They would likely be the people who care to the wounded, and also the ones patching up the holes in the clothes to make them last as long as possible.
My point to this aesthetic is that craft stores are probably not as dangerous or empty, and grabbing yarn an easy stop on the way to get the wood glue, spray paint, and decorative icing I’d imagine people could use. With the rise in popularity of the fiber arts, there’s a higher chance of SOMEONE in this base knowing how to crochet or knit to create new clothing that keeps warm and actually fits.
So rather than an industrial look, I submit there’s a HUGE lack of crochet/knit apocalyptic fits. Additionally, since zombies are usually able to track through smell or hearing and not sight, and the amount of black yarn is probably limited, I submit that these fits could be pink, or lime green, or orange, and nobody would complain because they have some damn clothes and this isn’t a fashion show.
That is all.
Thank you for your time.
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junkgutz · 10 months
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oc i made for a discord art challenge 😛
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
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words: 800
warnings: vague descriptions of video game violence and gore, established relationship
“is it scary? i don't wanna play if it's scary.” you pout as rafe places the controller into your hand.
“ill protect you, promise.” rafe says, reaching over to flick the lamp on the side table on, that way more than just the light from the tv is illuminating the room.
“fine, but you can't get mad at me if i get your character killed.” you watch as rafe navigates the game easily, opening it up to the character customization screen, just doing default settings for himself.
“oh my god, im gonna make my girl look so cute!” you gush, taking your time to carefully choose her hair and outfit, even though none of the options are stylish, you create the best look you can out of the post apocalyptic clothing choices.
rafe doesn't care that he has to sit and wait for you to perfect your character, not when he finally got you to agree to play with him.
“okay, done.” you nod as you choose a pair of pink sneakers, practical but still cute. “so what's this game all about? just running from zombies?”
“basically.” rafe says with a light chuckle. “we gotta get to the safe house for this round. just follow me, gonna pick up some weapons.”
you pick up the hang of the controls easily, concentrating on the tv as rafe drops a knife and gun for character to use to protect yourself just in case.
“this isn't so bad.” you hum, pausing to admire the scenery in the background of the game, mountain peaks poking up into the sky. “where are all the zombies?”
“they give you a few minutes to get weapons before the storms start.” rafe says, eyes scanning the screen as you head into a building, rafe knows there's med packs in there that he will need when he sustains damage keeping your character safe.
“storms? that sounds scary rafe.” you scooch so you’re closer to your boyfriend. “and it's getting dark.”
it's already dark outside your actual window, but you can tell that it's getting darker in the game as well, the sun setting as you follow rafe down the desolate street, crashed cars and trash strewn about just like if it was a real apocalypse.
“here they come!” rafe warns, clicking the buttons quickly as his character shoots at the zombies moving slowly towards you. your eyes widen upon seeing the gore, cringing and turning to hide your face in rafes shoulder once your character is hidden behind a stopped car.
“i don't like this rafey!” you whine once the gunfire stops, peeking up to see a literal pile of dead zombies. “it's scary.”
“i know, but i kept you safe, didn't i? we are almost done with the first level, just gotta get to the safe house then we can take a break, okay?” rafe offers, keeping his eyes on the screen but turning his head to press a kiss to your cheek.
“fine.” you groan. you like playing games with rafe, but your preference is him watching you dress your sims or decorate their houses after using a cheat to get them more money, only wanting your sims to have the best furniture.
you navigate your character to follow him down the sidewalk, occasionally stopping to kill the zombies. you even manage to shoot a couple.
“wait, baby, be careful.” rafe warns. “dont go that way.”
but his warning comes too late as a zombie jumps out of a dumpster that you’re standing directly next to, making you scream as it takes up your entire screen, not just attacking your character but also jumpscaring you.
“i got you, hold on.” rafe is pressing the sprint button as hard as he can, as if that can somehow make his character get to you faster. rafe manages to kill the zombie before it has the chance to bite you.
your chest is heaving up and down like you were the one to get attacked. “come on, the safe house is just around the corner.” rafe wraps an arm around your shoulder, using one hand on the controller until you’re both behind the barbed wire fence, the game switching to a cutscene. 
“i hate this.” you look to rafe with a pout on your face. “can we play stardew valley instead? please?”
rafe sighs. he should have known better than having you play with him. you are extremely adverse to any sort of shooting game. “yeah, sure.” rafe saves his progress, just in case he can convince you to play with him again before switching to stardew valley and handing you the main controller.
“yesss, thank you.” you smile, pressing a kiss to rafes cheek as your character wakes up. “you’re the best boyfriend ever.”
“you just say that because you need me to go into the mines for you.” rafe says with a laugh.
“well, its scary!”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh
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whyeverr · 9 months
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With the successful completion of Lydia's birthday party I’ve officially unlocked townies, which means, in addition to all the possessed townies already running around, I can now add some survivor NPCs to my save. (Maaaaaaybe I should’ve considered how confusing this would be to explain before calling my zombie sims “townies”?)
When encountered out and about in the world, survivors will be met with caution (safety first!) and might go on to befriend, barter, hook up with, hire or be hired by New Promise residents to help out with odd jobs, etc. Full disclosure: They might also, I don't know, get cornered and turned into a townie. It's a dangerous world out there!
I've already begun collecting a few survivors from friends (thanks, friends!) but want to put out a call for submissions as well! If making some post-apocalyptic sims sounds like your idea of a good time...
GUIDELINES (please and thank you!)
Ages teen and up
No occults
CC-free to make my life easier
You can submit more than one sim if you feel so inclined!
Include (at minimum) everyday, cold, and hot weather wear
Need to look like they've been surviving the apocalypse one way or another for the past 5+ years (weird outfit combos, dirty / disheveled swatches, utilitarian footwear, etc. is what I've found works best for me!)
Must be okay with me making small tweaks where needed to fit the style / setting / story of my bacc, avoid duplicating swatches of the same item or hairstyle, etc.
I own all packs excluding the Batuu one. The only CAS kits I own are Grunge Revival and Simtimates (but if there’s an item you really wanna use from a kit I don’t have, chances are good I have a bgc version I can swap in on my end…)
To submit a sim please tag @whyeverr in your post and use the hashtag #rbaccsurvivor so I don't miss anyone!
There is no deadline to submit sims as I can just continue to populate the world as needed — however I will update this post if somehow I end up drowning in sims and can't make use of any more submissions.
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vvyvernicus · 8 months
So now that Fionna and Cake has officially ended and possibly won't get a second season, I've decided I'll make a small post about a character that's lived in my mind for a while. This of course has major spoilers for OG Adventure Time, so read at your own risk.
It takes place way back, before the Mushroom War even began. There is a woman in her mid twenties who works a dead end job in a cafe. It's not the most exciting job in the world, but it pays the bills. Specifically the loans she took out so that her comatose young sister can stay in hospital care. She knows that she can never pay them back, but works hard regardless.
But her life is not entirely gloomy. After all, there's that regular who comes to the cafe. He's a little dorky, always wearing these round black glasses and a bowtie. But there was just something so captivating when he talked, like he could make the most complicated topic sound easy and fun to understand. It wouldn't be far fetched to say his visits made her day.
She finally decides to confess and... he's brought his fiancee. She didn't know he had a fiancee, but that's cool. Her name is Betty. They're very good for each other and she can see that since now they both come together. She's happy for them and moves on with her life. As best as she can, it's a little hard to tell your brain to just stop liking someone immediately.
Then they both just stop showing up to the cafe. At first she thinks that they must have gone on another expedition together, since they had told her stories of their previous endeavors. But it had been months now. Eventually she has to tell herself that they aren't coming back. The country is now in shambles and it's only a matter until— bombs fell.
The world gets swarmed with nuclear radiation that mutates whatever it touches. She is of course caught in the blast while taking shelter in the cafe. Her body starts to mutate while she's unconscious. However when she wakes up she still looks... normal. Unlike the world around her which looks like a zombie apocalypse. She sees other people's bodies which have turned into grotesque slime creatures.
Of course, she immediately gets the hell away from them as she makes her way to the hospital. Her little sister had to be alive still. After all, she was. Her little sister was too pure to turn into one of those creatures. Oh. The hospital was destroyed. Completely crushed by the rubble.
It's fine. She's probably still alive right? If the rubble was just removed. She'll be okay. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's not fine. Oh shit, they're coming this way.
The city she lived in was now swarming with those mutated slime monsters. She couldn't stay there anymore, it just wasn't safe. So she did what people do in those post apocalyptic shows and gathered as much supplies as she could into a backpack. Maybe she'd return to the city again once those monsters had dispersed or decreased in number. For now she just needed to get the hell out of there. Find somewhere safe, anywhere safe.
Weeks go by. This world seems to scare her out more and more as time goes by. Where is everyone else? She's not truly the last person alive, is she? Panic attacks become a more regular occurrence. The strange feelings in her body don't seem to help with them either.
While scavenging at the city's outskirts, she hears a child's scream. Not hearing a human sound in days, she rushes to the source. It's a girl with bluish skin—not human, but close to being attacked by those creatures. She cautiously approaches before the slime monster gets turned to ice.
She sees another blue skinned humanoid with long white hair and a beard. He's wearing this crown thing on his head. The girl immediately yells at him for putting it on and he takes it off and apologizes to her. For the first non slime mutants she had seen since this apocalypse began, she was intrigued. She got a little closer to observe them while keeping a safe distance.
No, she recognizes this outfit he's wearing. And those glasses he's wearing, but he's missing that little bowtie. Simon?! It's him, but different. Was he changed by the bombs too? She had to go over and see—
Shit. What's happening?! Why was her body changing all of a sudden? Why was she changing into this beast!?
Oh crap they see her now. Only now that she's transformed. God, they are terrified. She must look so scary to them. Run. That's all she can do. She can't let them see her like this.
She runs for what feels like weeks. Just running in that non human form. Sometimes she wants to change back, but it feels safer to be like this. Though, eventually she does when she reaches an area she wants to scavenge that is too small for that bestial form. But afterwards, she finds her body transforming right back.
Life goes on like this for months. She finds that she has control over this new power. But in a world that's become overwhelmed with danger, she finds security in that bigger, stronger body. She saw her reflection once in a pond. It reminded her of a nine tailed fox, but with many more eyes and much more terrifying.
She finally locates this elusive island of surviving humans. And she's sure that they are human since she's carefully observed them for a while. But she knows that she can't join them. After all, she's no longer a human herself. Even if she can morph her body to look like her old self, she can't say she's still human. And these humans are terrified of mutants. So she leaves to find her own place in this new world.
Years seem to be passing, but she never feels herself growing older. The mutants have become more sentient now and some even seem to be evolving. She still keeps her distance from them. She wasn't ready to trust anything yet. Her scavenging hobby still persisted as she kept looking for ways to hold onto the past.
Eventually she settled into this abandoned theme park. Using her beast form was easy to claim it as her lair and scare off anything that dared enter. Now she had a proper place to store her relics. With a few centuries of cleaning and polish, this place would turn into a real home. She even took a crack at this new magic stuff to set up a barrier to close it off to everyone else in the world.
Though there was something to be said about loneliness. She could never really connect with the less hostile variants that sprung up from the ashes of the world she once lived in. Her body could shapeshift into something of a mix between beast and her old human body shape. Especially since humans were apparently delicious, she couldn't walk around freely in her old body. But never once could she really connect with any of these new beings.
Her deep diving excavations of lost human technology eventually leads her to a snowy area. The ice and snow was a pain to dig through, even using her stronger body, but she was able to find a lot of good findings. At least until the self proclaimed ruler of these parts came over to complain to her. He calls himself the Ice King. Oh right, she's heard of him before. He's the weirdo who kidnaps the princesses of the lands.
Despite this, she remains respectful and offers to make a bargain. She'll continue digging stuff up, but allowing him to have whatever it is she finds and she takes the leftovers. Somehow he agrees with this. Huh, she didn't expect that. She was just going to keep digging regardless, but it was always nice to have permission.
Finding more human relics was always fun. Even if she already had dozens of old laptops, it was fun to keep building up her collection. The Ice King seemed unusually interested in her excavations to her surprise. Since she started digging, he'd frequently pop by to check on her. Sometimes it was like he forgot who she was, but once she reminded him the conversations would play out like normal.
Strange as he was, she found herself enjoying their little chats. Sure he was incredibly quirky and odd, but somehow she found it endearing. Having the penguins around was pleasant too. But it was him who made her days just a little more enjoyable. For the first time in centuries, she was really starting to feel genuine happiness again.
Of course there were things she didn't like. Like whenever a princess was captured. That was more annoying than anything. Since she had to quietly rescue them. Having them there seemed to lessen the chats she had with him after all.
Ah shit, she's got a crush on him. Somehow that happened. There were plenty of other weirdos she could have had crushes on. But no, her brain chose him. And she was perfect okay with this. Not like she could force herself to stop liking him, that's just not how crushes work.
There's just... something familiar about him. Specifically his voice. Oh shit, it's him. Like really him. The regular named Simon who she had a crush on decades ago when they were both still human. But like her, he's changed now, not only in appearance but in personality.
So she does a little research and she concludes that he is cursed. And the thing that cursed him is the crown that he wears. So of course she decides to see if there's anything she can do to break it. But when doing her research, she realizes something. If the curse is removed he becomes mortal again. Human. He'll age and die.
That's not what she wants. No. There has to be another way. A way to return him to normal and keep him at her side. Because like this he was suffering, she could see it. But she didn't want to watch him die. There just had to be another way...
I'll probably never write an actual story or plot surrounding this character. Not that I don't want to, but matching Adventure Time's tone and style in writing is a little bit tricky. But I hope you've enjoyed my little "what if" character. Now I should probably get back to writing that Winter King fic I said I'd write...
Anyways, thanks for reading my little brain dump!
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reality-liver-n0 · 8 months
Black Lagoon Halloween Headcanons
The Lagoon Company does group costumes for every Halloween and one person gets to choose every year. It started when Revy first joined Dutch and he tried to encourage her to dress up for Halloween because it would be a good boost to “workplace morale.” Revy decided it was bullshit and Dutch only convinced her when he said that if she chose to be something scary, she might be able to get candy from other trick and treaters. Since then whenever she gets to choose everyone dresses up as killer clowns.
On Rock’s first Halloween in Roanapur he literally walked into the office and saw them dressed up and he pretty much passed out. When he woke up and Revy told him the “requirements” on company attire for Halloween he just had to accept it. I fully believe he’s afraid of clowns and sobbed the entire time he had to put on the costume. He can’t really look at them due to his fear of clowns and went the entire night with his eyes closed. However, he did try his best to return the candy but Revy would immediately kick his ass whenever she saw him palming the ground.
Dutch’s choice of their group outfits is mostly either American military or any costumes from movies he’s watched (mainly war ones but at Revy’s insistence he has gained an appreciation for 70-90’s crime/thriller movies).
Benny honestly is so laid back that he doesn’t mind giving the others his turn. But Rock has supported him to not give Revy all of his turns. Revy got pissed at that since she was always able to talk him into giving it to her and not Dutch (Dutch never cared.) So, he just goes with either Scraface or just dressing up in Hawaiian shirts/Florida locals. If he’s really feeling selfish then he’ll have them wear stuff from his college and that’s probably the most happiness he can get in Roanapur. Revy teases him about being nerdy although she sometimes wears his college clothes (when the company is on downtime or sowing chores). Benny never comments on it and the one time Rock did he got slapped. In return, Benny shows his appreciation by making the group wear NYC clothes on Halloween. This is the only loophole he can use since technically it’s still his decision. Whenever the group dresses up either as Floridians or New Yorkers Benny and Revy do their best impersonations. Rock tries his best to do the same but fails, and he gets mocked. Eventually, Dutch has to step in to get some peace and quiet.
Rock’s outfit ideas are unanimously accepted as the best ones out of the four of them. Revy still talks shit but she has way more fun when it’s his year than even her own. But his very first idea was the worst as he thought they could dress up as themselves. He’s still haunted by it and constantly cringes at how bad that was. He still doesn’t blame Revy for roasting the shit out of him for that. Thankfully, since then he’s mastered the group costumes and is quite proud. Every year he chooses something different and are generally based on something mundane with a twist. Like when they dressed up as priests with Revy being the devil that antagonizes them, zombie cowboys, and even post-apocalyptic astronauts.
Rock spends the whole year preparing for Halloween and Dutch even offered to help him get the materials for the costumes (He sends Revy on multiple jobs). Since it wasn’t for an outside client Dutch wouldn’t pay her and he basically had to negotiate a deal so she would do it. She wanted straight cash but he said no and instead gives her guns/attachments/ammo. She’s still annoyed by it but realizes that if she doesn’t do it then Rock won’t be able to create the costumes. He’s the type of person who makes aesthetic boards/picture references/an entire whiteboard of ideas. The others kinda have to accept that he’s a little unhinged in his perfectionist streak and move around or ignore all the stuff he has lying around the office in August-October. The entire night Revy will do a little bit of complaining just because it’s him, but by the end she does say a single compliment which improves his mood for the rest of the year.
Now, Chang is absolutely the biggest ass on Halloween. He goes out of his way to dress like a royal king with real gold just to piss Balalaika off since he’s the “King of Roanapur.” Him and his whole group still wear their sunglasses but they specifically use ones with gold (Chang) or silver (everyone else) frames. Also, he makes all his men wear fancier suits with a lot of embroidery/patterns. To top it off he speaks in Medieval English the entire night and that gets on everybody’s nerves since they can’t understand him. And he has the audacity to be disappointed they can’t appreciate “eloquence.”
In response Balalaika and her men wear their military uniforms with the gas masks. Everybody in Roanapur shits their pants when they see this army of Soviet paratroopers marching down the streets. Balalaika also holds a contest within Hotel Moscow where the person who can scare Chang so that he screams/the one who can make him scream the loudest wins. So, they basically have a war with the triad and try to intimidate/flex on them as much as they can.
Luckily both sides agreed to not use lethal methods but by the end of the night dozens of people are knocked out or kidnapped and put somewhere until the next day. The kidnapping usually results in great embarrassment as they are found in their underwear with other incriminating evidence that ruins their ego. Boris is definitely the reoccurring winner of the contest (he wants to make his Kapitan proud) and the knowledge with his size compared to how quietly he manages to move unnerves every triad member.
The Lagoon company every year ends up in an awkward position between Hotel Moscow and the Chinese Triad since both want to employ them for the night. Dutch at least officially states that they cannot do that as whichever side they go against will weaken professional work relationships and reputation. But the rest of the crew pretty much agree to be with hotel Moscow in fear of themselves being hunted down by an angry mob of military fanatics. They can’t say it aloud but everyone knows it. Before Rock’s arrival, the Lagoon crew stayed out of the whole ordeal until he suddenly he tried to make peace on both sides by proposing a coin flip. Since then, the rest of the company blames him and are sitting ducks for whatever side they’re on and hope for the best.
If they’re on Chang’s side they have to endure both his terrible mediaeval English (Revy has considered betraying him several times because of this) and the outright disregard he has for them. He uses everyone as folly and says good luck while he does a cool backflip or something and leaves them there. But he also does give them sunglasses so that kinda evens it out. He is somewhat bearable due to how many times he says dirty jokes or smart quips in his mediaeval tongue and in the downtime (they’re trapped and know that at least one member of Hotel Moscow is nearby) they actually do try to solve what he’s saying so that’s fun. And to further butter the Lagoon company he gives them a few expensive jewelries which increases their profit. He also does engage with Benny about Star Wars and other nerdy stuff so that’s a plus. It’s just hard to really have fun since they’re constantly either running or holding a place down and choosing where to run next. He did have the great idea to make one of his men the “music man” and all that guy does is run around with a boombox that’s on full blast just far away that he won’t comprise their position but  enough to wear it serves as background noise. There are lots and lots of cars that end up getting destroyed. The most brutal waw when Revy drove the car and Hotel Moscow didn’t even need to interfere, she just crashed because she was fighting Rock.
If they’re on Hotel Moscow’s side they’re basically moving with the group as a whole. Balalaika debriefs everyone then they move out. She would probably plan a bit more than Chang and just generally use the Lagoon company better in incorporating them. The real downside is how serious everything is. Like they’re sitting there and it feels like they’re going to war which is not as fun as Revy hoped it would be. Also, Balalaika always finds a way to fuck with Rock and give him the most meaningless/pointless jobs. Literally his most popular position is just time keeper where he says the current time aloud. Revy gave him so much shit for that but got punished by getting the job of being on guard duty for the time keeper (nobody is even anywhere close to him so they’re just forced to be handcuffed together). Dutch is the most respected and is assistant for battle tactics. Rock regularly tries to pipe in but somehow gets worse treatment so he finally stopped. Benny is the most out of place in terms of personality and he tries to make jokes to ease the tension but they fall flat. So, he goes right back to his techie stuff. If Revy somehow manages to not be punished, she serves as the joker card near the front lines. She basically distracts, jumps around, retreats and repeat. It is somewhat fun since she gets to team up with Boris and anyone else nearby and constantly bounces off them or work in tandem. So, she’s the annoying fly to keep the triad on edge and in general has a way different battle style than the soldiers.
And that’s about it for Halloween in Roanapur. I’m not sure if I’ll create a new post or edit this one if I do get any ideas about other minor characters in the series. I just wanted to focus on the most notable ones. Also, I have no clue where these super specific headcanons came from. They just randomly appeared in my mind. I have high doubts that any of this is canon or even a close assumption of it but I wanted to have fun in my delusions for a bit.
Thanks for reading this whole mass of text and I hope you all have a great Halloween!
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wubyreal · 2 months
Here we go. Ruby lore as requested by @mitspeiler and @jin-kies
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✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I didn't come up with it. Friend thought of it because she is a redhead, so I rolled with it. I expanded her name by making Ruby short for Rubelle. It sounds nice, but unfortunately sounds like rubella, which kinda ties to her sickly constitution. Ronove is alliterative and a reference to the demon who reaps the souls of people near death. Ruby often feels like she's near death due to her ilnesses.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Ruby's antics span her life. About 10 during her childhood days, 16 during her teen story, and early 20s when she runs away from home to join a circus.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes, Fenetre a fox boy from the circus. He convinced her to leave home so she can travel the world.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pancakes, gummies, and strawberries
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Briefly worked as a manor cleaner as a teen. Fortune teller for the circus
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Knitting, tarot card readings, and reading romance adventures
🎯 -What do they do best?
Really good at giving accurate tarot readings. In contrast, she cannot read a crystal ball or see the future.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She loves to help others and swim. She hates pancake training with her grandma, physical training, and any activity that involves getting dirty.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Getting her favorite plushie from a flea market and visiting her first circus
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Laying in bed all day because of her sickliness. Being judged by her mom and grandma for being incompetent. The day she fought with her first true friend
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Pretty much. I always draw her in different outfits so she has a massive wardrobe.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
High fantasy with gothic post-apocalyptic stuff
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis straight
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
1 dead older twin sister
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Terrible. Her mom sees her as a burden. Her dad has been absent her whole life because her mom left him for becoming broke.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
She's a straightman that greatly contrasts with very wacky characters from different fantasy races and wield various kinds of magics. It's also fun seeing an underdog rise up becoming an epic hero.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I think about Ruby every day. Drawing and writing about her happens when inspiration strikes
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Only in bad endings and memes. She has main character plot armor
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Many. Failures, bugs, the dark, large carnivorous predators, heights, fire, ghosts, zombies, germs, getting lost
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Callisto a resident bully (I haven't developed her role fully yet. subject to change), Glioma from the circus, and Cherry in the Afterlife
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
4 years
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
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atzfilm · 2 years
as the world caves in (m); nine
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pairing; hongjoong x reader, mingi x reader, ? x reader
word count; 4.8k
genre/warnings; fantasy-ish, apocalyptic au, angst, fluff, blood(a lot), weapons, fighting, injuries, zombies, knife, blood, miscommunication, bullying 
summary; a mysterious virus has taken over the world, resulting in the undead and the new ‘eden race’ of humans. desperately trying to find your brother jongho with your friends, you stumble across another group in an abandoned hospital tent. strangely, they’re looking for him as well.
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Chapter 9:
"I thought you might like to stay in your brother's old room," Yeosang says, pushing you along the dirt path. "It's smaller than all of ours but a lot of his belongings are still in there. He left with little. None of us had the heart to go and look through his things. Pretty sure there's a thick layer of dust over everything."
"Sounds good to me," you say, hands wrapped around your body, just above the bandage. You're still a bit weary about Yeosang and the others. There's little that you know about any of them, but in order to gain their trust you have to play by their rules just a little. Enough for them to see that you're not going to run away. The suspicion hasn't subsided at all, especially with the way they tip toe around issues and questions that any of you bring up. You told Hongjoong you trust Yeosang more than him, but that was a blatant lie. Despite all of his faults, he’s your best friend. And nothing is going to change that.
"Is everything okay?"
You furrow your brows at his question, angling your head to look at him. He has the same blank stare on his face, lip twitching slightly when his eyes meet yours. Yeosang has always acted indifferent to anything having to do with you. Especially feelings. It bothers you to the point where you can't quite hold in your annoyance.
"You don't have to pretend to care about me Yeosang,” you say, looking away from him. “You guys want information about my brother and we do too. There’s no reason to try and feign a whole lie about how you like us or anything like that. We’re all adults here, let’s stop playing around.”
“Oh?” You don’t see his face, but you know he’s raising his brows. “I didn’t expect a whole tirade about how much you hate us.”
“I didn’t even say that.”
“Yea, but like you said, we’re adults. I can read between the lines,” Yeosang rolls you along the path, a bit more to go to the house. “We don’t hate you, y/n. There’s just some things you don’t share with strangers. You haven’t even seen Jongho in years, he could’ve changed in that time away. The same Jongho that you knew is completely different from the one we did. Disasters like this change people. And by the way, I’m not pretending to care. Perhaps in that little mind of yours, you’d ought to realize that I actually do.”
Neither of you say much more, Yeosang lifting you up the steps and into the farmhouse. It’s eerily quiet inside, a disassembled gun sitting on the kitchen table. He places you next to it, explaining that he’d be back once he gets your wheelchair. You adjust yourself in the chair, eyes on the gun. The only one that your crew has ever had was the one that Woo carries; he rarely uses it, and there’s only a few rounds left before you run out. So seeing their weapons in much better care compared to Wooyoung fascinates you. Yunho’s father must have stockpiled tons of artillery and ammunition to have weapons this… advanced, for lack of a better word. They’re almost military style compared to the others you’ve seen.
“Time away from daddy?”
You turn around, seeing Seonghwa enter the room. He steps around you, grabbing a gun off the table. He tucks it into his side, humming softly. Seonghwa is wearing the same outfit as before, without all of the embellishments that protected him from the Sick. “Or did he decide to kick you out?”
“Not my dad, asshole,” you retort, rolling your eyes. He scoffs.
“Better go and tell him that.”
“No need to act like a dirtbag, Hwa,” Another person enters the room, this time Mingi. He gives you a tight smile. “Sorry about that. We aren’t too used to anyone else sleeping around here. Although you did do that for a while…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his head. He’s in a pair of loose shorts and a rather tight shirt clinging to his body. It leaves nothing to the imagination, your eyes moving away from him. “But you get it.” He opens the fridge, grabbing a glass bottle. He passes one to you, and you thank him silently.
“There are rules that you need to know before you decide to stay in our house,” Seonghwa starts, sitting on the opposite end of the table. “First–”
“–is to let her sleep,” Yeosang enters the room, frowning. “We said we’d discuss everything tomorrow. One night of sleep is all Yunho asked for.”
Seonghwa sighs, flicking a piece of dust off his pants. Mingi downs his water, the room engulfed in silence. The uncomfortable air surrounds the four of you, much of it from the man across from you, eyes on yours as he glares. You knew that Seonghwa didn’t like you much, but the pure distaste isn’t what you expected. Actually, you assumed that Mingi or Yeosang would be that archetype. Mingi somehow flipped a switch, and Yeosang is sort of neutral.
“I don’t like you here,” Seonghwa says simply, as Yeosang wraps his arms around your legs and torso, lifting you with ease. “The quicker you leave the better.”
“Fuck off, Hwa,” Mingi hisses, grabbing your wheelchair. “Go have a pissy fit somewhere else.”
“Watch your tone,” he says simply. Mingi grips the chair tightly, but doesn’t respond.
Yeosang sighs, looking down at you. “An unusual Friday night in this house,” he murmurs, taking you up the stairs.
You look at Seonghwa just as you disappear around the corner, his eyes staring into yours. You could tell he was furious, jaw clenched. Yeosang takes his time making his way up the stairs, making sure not to go too fast or hold your waist too tightly. He turns into the room, Mingi close behind the both of you. He places you on the edge of the bed, taking a step back. Your eyes roam around, taking in everything. Mingi puts the wheelchair next to your side, clearing his throat.
“It’s not much, and Jongho didn’t do that much with it either, but I think it’ll be enough for you to stay in for a while,” Yeosang says, resting against the door frame. “We’ll leave you to it.” He leaves first, Mingi lingering around the door. Before he steps out, you call out to him. He spins on his heel.
“It's about my brother. you said you two were close,” you say, fingers digging into the sheets. It’s odd that the room still has his familiar scent around, a quiet confirmation that he did spend his time in here. “Was he okay? I mean, as much as he could be?”
“Honest answer?” Mingi sighs. “Not really. I didn’t know at the time, but he was always stuck in his head. He joked around and spoke with us, but he kept to himself. I thought it was just because he might’ve been introverted, but Yeosang is and he doesn’t act that way. That closed off. We couldn’t figure out why he was that way, but I didn’t say much because I didn’t want to upset him. But he was a good guy. You would’ve been proud of him.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Why are you speaking about him in past tense? He isn’t dead, Mingi.”
His eyes widened at that, shaking his head quickly. “Ah, no! I know he’s not. Just using it in reference to him being here, nothing more.” You don’t trust any of them, but you feel like Mingi wouldn’t lie to you. The switch in the past week from the anger that he used to you, to now, the comfort is neck-breaking. “I know you have no reason to believe us, but I’m telling the truth. He’s not dead, y/n. If you can’t trust anything else I say, at least attempt to trust that. Jongho wouldn’t die that easily, especially when he was desperately trying to look for his sister.” Mingi goes to the top drawer of the dresser in front of you, taking out an envelope. “The others don’t come in here often, but I do. And I found this the other day. Finally have the chance to give it to you.” He passes you the papers. “I’ll leave you alone, goodnight y/n.”
"What is it?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"It's better to read it yourself."
“Oh," you grip the paper. "Goodnight, Mingi.”
He nods, a small smile decorating his lips. He leaves the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. You grip the paper between your fingers. The envelope is already ripped open, so you peek inside. You flick on the side lamp, lying back on the bed to see the paper clearly.
Mingi rests his head on his arm, throwing a ball into the air as he hums to himself. The night feels quieter than usual, Yunho’s music player silent. Usually there’s a bit of talking back and forth through the hallways, laughter just outside his door. But there’s nothing tonight. Not even the incessant crickets that scream outside his window make a sound. He rolls onto his side, sighing softly. Yunho would kick him out for that letter he gave you, but you’re in Jongho’s room. They’ve already scavenged through it before you slept in there, in case there was a hint of their past between letters. Mingi hid it in his pockets from the others, leaving it for you to find. He’s ashamed of what he was, of what he was forced into. He doesn’t feel that it’s right to hide a letter clearly addressed to you, Jongho’s sister. They might kick him out over this if you mention that he gave it to you. But that was a risk he was willing to take.
To absolve him of his sins, of his faults? Maybe.
He just knows that if he had the chance to talk to one of his family members again, to see their words written on an old piece of paper, he’d jump at it. Who are they to prevent you from doing that?
You sit straight up on your bed, unable to get a wink of sleep the night before. Your lids are heavy as you stare out at the barn. Wondering how exactly you’re going to warn the others of what Jongho wrote to you.
If you ever come across this paper in your hands y/n, if you ever meet any of them, run.
Your chest tightens, paper tucked into your pocket.
Run as far and fast as you can away from them.
Why the hell did Mingi give you that? Did he read it? No, he had to have read it. That’s why it was ripped open. It’s likely that all of them have read it. But why would they keep it in here, why would Mingi hand deliver the note that incriminates him? Incriminate all of them? Jongho didn’t get into detail about their past, but he said that he found out something that made him want to run. What exactly, you have no idea. It couldn’t be anything related to eating people - all of the food you’ve been given here has been fruits and vegetables. And you’re sure Jongho would’ve figured out something like that from the beginning. No one sticks around for five years without having a clue about it.
But what are they hiding?
You want to run, you do. You trust everything your brother could ever say to you. And curiosity has killed the cat more often than not. But… what did he find out? What does he know that you don’t?
You have to speak to the others about it. Sooner rather than later. No matter how much thinking about Hongjoong leaves a bad taste in your mouth, at the end of the day he’s your family. You can push aside your differences for a moment to figure out what’s going on at this farm. San and Wooyoung move immediately on things like this. They’d probably figure out a plan much quicker than you ever could.
A soft knock pulls you out of your thoughts. You tell them to come in. Yunho stands on the opposite side, holding open the door with his hand. He’s in working clothes, probably on his way out to the fields for the morning. It’s covered in stains and pebbles, a bit of it falling to the floor as he stands there. You wrinkle your nose, but don’t say a word. It’s best not to upset him, especially with the explicit warnings you were given.
“Had a good rest?” He asks, and you frown.
“Not exactly. But I’ll get used to it eventually. Beds are something to get used to when you’ve been sleeping on hardwood floors or dirt for years. I think my back might be out of alignment,” you rub it for exaggeration, and he chuckles.
“Hopefully you get used to it soon since you’ll be here for a while. Seonghwa made breakfast a few hours ago. It’s a bit cold now though, you might not want it.”
“Yunho,” you deadpan. “Have you forgotten that we’ve been on the road for years? I can handle a bit of lukewarm food. Thank you.”
He helps you out of the room, ignoring your protests when he lifts you from your bed and carries you to the bathroom. He waits outside patiently, then carries you down the stairs. You’re sure he hasn’t suspected a thing from you. He places you at the table as you thank him. Yeosang passes you a plate.
"In a better mood today?" You ask.
"In comparison to what?"
"Every other day." You nonchalantly glance around the room. Mingi isn't anywhere to be found, and you don't hear his boisterous voice through the hallways. “Where’s everyone else?”
“I’m eating, Seonghwa is out at the farmhouse speaking with your friends. And Mingi should be-”
“Right here!” The door swings open, violently. In comes said man, holding a large basket of fruits and veggies. He drops it on the floor, a loud boom echoing around the area. Yeosang sighs but doesn’t comment, Yunho glaring at him. “What?”
“Do you really have to be this loud on a Friday morning? It’s barely past dawn,” Yeosang complains. Yunho leaves the three of you alone, walking out the front door and shutting it behind him. Lightly. Knowing what you know, you feel uncomfortable being alone with any of them, but at least there’s more than one. You’d rather have someone from your group with you, but you’ll take what you can get. You adjust yourself in your chair, looking down at the food.
“Hey Yeosang,” you say, taking a bite of your food. “How do you know it’s Friday? I can’t even tell anymore.”
“He’s been tracking it since the beginning,” Mingi says, untying his shoes. “Told us that if we have nothing, at least we know what day it is.” he chuckles. “Not sure why we need to know that. I doubt anyone is going to be making calendars anytime soon.”
“Makes sense. We’ve lost pretty much anything, time is all that we can count,” you shrug, taking another bite. “By the way, Mingi, I don’t think I need that wheelchair anymore. How about you convince Yunho to pardon me and let me go?”
He snickers, “If you can walk from the table to the door without falling, then I’d approve of you walking on those two legs of yours again right away.”
“He doesn’t have the authority,” Yeosang adds from his spot, standing. “Mingi’s best friends with him, but he’s also the last to make decisions around here. Unless the three of us are incapacitated,” he glances at you, putting his plate in the sink. “And you’re not ready yet. There’s no rush, you can split those stitches open and have to start all over. Sure you don’t want that, yeah?”
“Right,” you murmur, holding a chopstick between your teeth. “Don’t wanna stay here longer than I have to.”
“You didn’t, don’t you remember?” Yeosang raises his brow, turning from scrubbing the dish to glance at you. “You told me that you wanted to hang out around here. And that means uninterrupted supervision by the big man himself. And he’s fond of you too much to see you hurt. So expect to be stuck in that wheelchair much longer than necessary, Tiger.” Sarcasm drips from his voice as he mentions your nickname.
“You never told us why Tiger,” Mingi mentions, throwing his shoes next to the door. He sits next to you, grabbing his plate of breakfast and swallowing it down immediately. His skin is covered in dirt and oils as you grimace, glancing at the dirt touching the table. “What?” he says, mouth full of food.
“Ever heard of washing your hands before eating?” You frown. He widens his eyes, quickly going over to the sink. Yeosang slides out of the way just in time, fingers pinching his nostrils when he gets a whiff of Mingi. “You alright?” you grin, wiggling your brows.
“Take a shower, now,” Yeosang kicks Mingi’s ass - literally, his foot planted in the middle of it - ushering him out of the room. “Being in the apocalypse doesn’t mean that we can go around smelling like shit. You didn’t smell that?” He turns to you, and you only laugh, taking another bite.
Yeosang leaves the kitchen soon after that. You watch him disappear around the corner, hearing a door close. You debate on walking around and peeking through cabinets, but the ache in your side stops you right as you stand. So you slump back into your chair, pushing the foot around your plate. What did Jongho see? It either took him five years to figure it out, or he stayed until he realized that he couldn’t take it anymore. But that’s not like him. It isn’t, and yet here you sit - probably in the same spot he once was. Trying desperately to figure out what he found out and quicker. Enough time for you to relay it back to your family and then get out of here.
“Still here?” You hear stomping from the stairs. It can only be one person, Mingi appearing from around the corner. He smiles at you, sitting back in his spot across from you. And then there’s Mingi. Staring at you, grinning. As if he didn’t give you a letter confessing that his group wasn’t safe.
Why did he give it to you?
“It’s a bit cold in here, isn’t it?” he asks, shivering slightly. “Want to go outside? I’m pretty much done with my food.” He doesn’t wait for you to say another word, grabbing the back of your chair. You pick up on what he’s trying to do, sliding into the wheelchair. He opens the front door, rolling you over the threshold. He doesn’t bother to take you out of the chair, lifting it with ease as he walks down the steps, placing you back on the ground. You’d stare in awe if you didn’t catch a glimpse of how tense he is, knuckles white as he grips the back of your chair. The two of you walk far away from the house, to the fields. You tense up, fingers digging into your jeans. You didn’t bring a weapon with you. He could do anything to you, in the middle of a field like this.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he starts, moving from behind you. He sits on the bale of hay in front of you, rolling his neck. “If I was going to do that, I would’ve done it already.”
“What do you want from me?” you ask, tone sharp. “Why did you bring me out here?”
“I want to know what you think.”
“Of the letter? I think I should be getting back to the farmhouse and taking my family with me. And never come back. That’s what I think,” you say, his expression dropping.
“So you will believe his words over mine?” he asks, and you scoff. Loudly.
“Are you trying to convince me not to trust my brother? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?”
“I didn’t have to give you that letter, you know. I could have kept it to myself. You’d never know what your brother thought of us.” Despite his harsh words, he only seems exhausted. Hand pulling on his hair, expression somber. “I wanted to explain some things before you assume the worst of us. Because we are not what he thought. He just found some things from our past that were… not the greatest.”
You stare at Mingi, fear creeping into you. His cryptic words only seem to make it worse. The whistle of the wind interrupts the two of you for a brief moment. All you can think of while staring at Mingi is his straightforward words about him.
Stay away from Mingi. Just because he’s good on the outside doesn’t make him that way on the inside.
“I think I should go,” you say, swallowing deeply. “See you?”
“You expect me to believe that you’ll just go back to the farmhouse and pretend nothing is going on?”
“Fuck no,” you snicker. “I expect you to know that I’ll be going back, telling the others about this gift you’ve given me, and leave. No turning back, no matter how close you were with Jongho. He doesn’t just… up and leave people like that. He trusted you enough to stay here that long. That means that you’ve hidden something unthinkable for him to leave. Just like that. I don’t trust you, Mingi. I don’t trust any of you. I… I was starting to, I have to admit,” you say after a moment. “But that was a foolish thing to do. I’ve realized that now. So just let me go. Please.”
“Can I explain it for just a bit, please?” He holds his hands together. “Please just give me this chance. Jongho didn’t let me, but I want you to understand. Clearly, why he left. And why you shouldn’t. Not yet, at least.”
You stare at him. He was an asshole in the beginning, but he’s changed since you’ve spent more time with him. Softened a lot more than before. So despite the very apparent red flags around him, you let him talk.
“He heard us talking one night when we thought he was awake,” Mingi starts, rubbing his pants. “It wasn’t anything too important, but it just slipped out around him.”
“Stop walking around the truth, Mingi. Just say it.”
“He heard us talking about our former positions in the government.”
Your heart drops. Without another word, you grip the wheels on your wheelchair, turning with ease.
“y/n wait!” You hear him stand. Knowing that you wouldn’t get far with rolling, you stand up. Your side immediately hurts as you walk swiftly to the barn. It’s just after sunrise, but you know the others are awake. It’s a habit to be up at daybreak. Ignoring Mingi’s yelling, you make your way up the path. A hand grips your wrist. You pull back, losing your balance and falling to the ground.
“Shit!” you cry out, landing on your barely healed wound. Mingi crouches down next to you, profuse apologies falling from his lips. You put your hand up, hearing the door swinging open behind you.
“What the fuck is going on - y/n?” Wooyoung’s familiar voice appears from behind you. You turn, his eyes wide as he flicks between the both of you. He stares at you, eyes narrowing. “Do I kill him?”
“No, no! It’s my fault I fell. We need to leave now,” you say as he jogs over, helping you to your feet. “Not tonight. Now. Are the others up?” You ask, and he nods quickly, lifting you with ease. Mingi stands there, not saying a word as Wooyoung carries you into the farmhouse, shutting the door behind him.
Hongjoong and San stand in the kitchen, speaking to one another. Their eyes flick to the both of you, smiles slipping. Wooyoung lightly places you on a chair, running up the steps without another word. San’s expression tightens as he follows him, not saying a word to you. It’s funny how all of you know what you’re thinking with just a look. Hongjoong quickly makes his way over to you, giving you a bit of space. You dig into your back pocket, pulling out the letter and handing it to him.
“What’s this?”
“Just read it, that’s better than explaining,” you say, slowly standing. His brows furrow but you wave him off. “Fine, I’m fine. I’ll pack up our things while you read.” You slide the weapons on the table into the duffle, leaving a few out.
“What did he find out?” Hongjoong says, fingers gripping the letter tightly. “Did you find out?”
“Mingi said they were part of the government. The fucking gov, Hongjoong!” You hiss, throwing the duffle over your shoulder. “No wonder this farm is equipped the way it is! I couldn’t believe that Yunho’s father made it right before the apocalypse hit, but it all makes sense now. The high tech weapons, the watch tours. The fucking gate wrapping around the property!” Your hands shake, desperate to control yourself. “We made a mistake staying here. Jongho was right to leave.”
“Fuck me,” Hongjoong rubs his face, deep in his thoughts. “Right under our noses, it was right in front of us.” he holds the letter in his hand, thinking. “Are they going to come in here knocking our doors down? They probably have surveillance in here, watching us this whole time. What the fuck were we thinking?” Hongjoong closes his eyes for a moment. “I already know Woo and San are grabbing our things. And we have keys for a few of the cars out there. Yunho said they were full tanks before, so I’m sure they still are. We can leave within the next fifteen. I’ll grab food for the road. y/n,” he turns to you. “I know you hate to be bossed around and we have a lot to speak about, but please don’t leave my sight. Not now.”
“I won’t,” your lips curve slightly. “I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid.”
He laughs dryly, jogging into the kitchen.
Mingi walks through the door, sighing softly. His eyes flick to the couch, Yeosang reading a book. He barely gives Mingi a glance, until Seonghwa clears his throat.
“Where’s y/n?” He asks, brows furrowed. “Did she want to stay out in the sun?”
“No,” he hesitates. Seonghwa immediately picks up on it, standing up. Yeosang lowers his book, glancing between the both of them. “It’s not that bad-”
“What did you do, Mingi?” Yeosang says simple, frowning. “What the hell did you do?”
He rubs his hands together, jaw tense. Seonghwa doesn’t say a word, running to the back to tell Yunho. Yeosang stands up from the couch, pushing past Mingi and entering the kitchen.
“You just had to tell them? You couldn’t help yourself? Couldn’t wait until they gave us enough information about Jongho? You fucked up, big time Song,” he grabs his guns off the table, tucking it into his pockets. “Do you realize what you’ve done? They’re going to leave, and we aren’t going to get anything from them. Not a word.”
“I thought she would let me explain-”
“Where are they now?” Yunho’s voice interrupts the conversation. He looks freshly showered, hair still dripping. He pushes the strands from his face, eyes on Mingi. “Have they already left the compound?”
“No, they’re still at the farmhouse. Packing up,” he adds, avoiding Yunho’s gaze. “I had to tell her, Yunho.”
“We go there without weapons. We speak to them clearly and precisely so they don’t believe that we’re up to something. We convince them to listen to our words so that they won’t leave. It’s that simple,” Yunho says, flicking his chin at Yeosang. Yeosang narrows his eyes, but he drops his weapons back to the table. “We fix it, and they stay longer.”
“What if they don’t agree?” Seonghwa asks. “You said no weapons, but-”
“There’s three of them, and four of us,” Yunho says. “She’s in no condition to do anything without straining herself. We will lock the three up, and keep her here. Let them go when we have enough information.”
‘We said we won’t do that anymore, Yunho,” Mingi says softly. “After we left, we said we’d never lock up another person again. We promised.”
“We did,” Yunho agrees, buttoning up his shirt. “And we weren’t going to do it again. We wouldn’t have to think of that possibility if you didn’t mess it up for us. In fact,” he thinks for a moment. “Stay here. You’ll interfere too much while we’re talking to them.”
“As much as I’d agree to that,” Yeosang says. “She doesn’t trust any of us, but she’s more lenient with Mingi. Him not being there will only force us to take Plan B.”
Yunho sighs, eyes on Mingi. “Mingi, if you so much as say another word to her, you’ll be locked up with them. Understood?”
Yunho’s hand grips his neck, slamming him against the brick fireplace. His grip is tight as he holds Mingi there, eyes furious. “We need this information, Mingi. We need to find Jongho. And if I have to break your legs to keep you from saying shit, I will. Now, do you understand me?”
He gasps, hands gripping Yunho’s one. “I understand.” He lets out. Yunho lets go, watching as Mingi falls to the floor.
“Good. Now let's go and convince our Tiger to stay a little longer.”
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after note: hii;; please leave feedback it motivates me :>
tags: @haechanniesunflowers @kpopnightingale @vanishingboots @moonctae @bangtanxberm @honeysbbae @havetaeminforbreakfast @mirror-juilet @knucklesdeepmingi @captainjoongiekissme @roroswitherose@a1sh1teruu @goldenstarmermaid​ @meowsannie (?) @atinytease​
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puppycheesecake · 7 months
can we get a cc list for your hot zombie? 🥵
This guy? lol.
Eyes N2 by @cerberus-cc / Seong-Jin hair by @simandy / Beard N4 by @rustys-cc / Parlor Tattoos by @gothoffspring / Nailed Baseball Bat by @aniraklova / and the outfit is a Simblreeen gift from aniraklova. (Psst...!)
(Also thank you Kari for temporarily coming out of CC-retirement for Simblreeeen! 🙏 I love it! How would I ever dress my post-apocalyptic ghouls without you?)
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daakjenaar · 9 months
Manic creativity in the best cRPG
I’m not doing anything else with this Tumblr account, so I’ll post my inane ramblings instead.
There is a fine line to walk when trying to fit so many ideas into one video game. Walk too far on the side of serious, realistic content, and you’ve brewed a modern Larian Studios game where an insistence on being down-to-earth is utterly destroyed by a comic-relief encounter with some sort of whimsical chicken in between body horror and misery. Or to a lesser extent, have an otherwise mostly serious story get derailed by something lighthearted but altogether harmless, as is the experience with so much of Fallout 2. Walk too far to the side of cartoony, goofy subject matter, however, and watch as your writing becomes the wrong kind of laughable the moment you try to get mature. See the Borderlands series for a fine example.
I just made someone angry with each of those takes, so moving on.
There are ways to maintain a balance. The simplest way is to stick to one side and cut out everything that doesn’t fit, to curate a game to be a cohesive experience. As much as it’s a shame that so much of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 was forced to be cut, for all its faults, the game is a serious take on a classic, perhaps overdone franchise with a clear thesis. The balance between comedy and maturity can be achieved, of course, but that is easier said than done. As much as I hate to praise the works of Chris Avellone, I must cite a second project he worked on, every terminally online person’s most formative roleplaying game. Fallout: New Vegas is by no means a flawless game, I’m still amazed that the same quest can jump between the absurdity of helping a bunch of zombies piloting prop rockets to their holy land, and genuinely feeling conflicted about their treatment of their non-ghoul scientist ally. Of course the ghouls need these model rockets, that makes perfect sense, but did they need to gaslight this poor human into helping them? The quest I’m citing is the go-to for anyone singing the game’s praises, but any number of the game’s regions are host to the same kind of mix of the two tones. With high-enough quality in your writing, even the most disparate vibes can mesh.
But that’s a high bar. Saying to “just write good enough to make it work, lmao” is useless advice. Writing is exceedingly difficult, and good writing even moreso. So what if you try doing everything at once? Every idea, regardless of cohesiveness, coherency, sometimes even quality, all thrown into a bizarre soup of raw creativity.
If that sounds like a good time, then I urge you to get yourself a copy of Wasteland 3. All at once, it is one of the most engaging, fascinating, and baffling video games I have ever played. A point where it crosses the threshold from ‘a few weird ideas’ to a display of sheer, manic creativity. The kind of game where I encountered a weaponized statue of Ronald Reagan and the robot anarchist commune said statue is fighting. Where many quests center around a society of people named the ‘Monster Army’, who wear outfits taken from an off-brand Spirit Halloween and inhabit an old, buried mall. All the while, this Monster Army is under constant threat from a bunch of crazed clown-themed bandits who bring pain and destruction wherever they go. A partially-mechanized army of well-organized raiders seek to pillage and claim the post-apocalyptic snow-swept lands of Colorado, lands currently led by a man who wields a comically large warhammer wrapped with an American flag, sitting upon a throne of guns.
Wasteland 3 is a truly, genuinely bizarre title. At every turn, the game has some new idea to throw at you. The tone is so erratic that there really is no tone anymore. In its own way, it is such a strange and incoherent game that it comes full circle into making perfect sense. The most faithful attempt at recreating a classic psychedelic film in a game format. The game’s own drug imagery aside, every facet of its story seems to be focused on baffling and throwing off the player. The gameplay itself is quite good as far as cRPGs go, but the story is why the game has stuck with me so strongly for well over a year after playing it. Even when the game gets serious, there’s still an air of delirium. Sure, everything seems to be making sense now, but when is this important character going to do something fucking weird? I know it’ll happen, I’m just waiting. On paper, Wasteland 3 should be a mess, incoherent in all of the worst ways, and a cautionary tale. In contrast, though, it broke the idea of coherency so hard that it makes perfect sense. You just need to be in the right mindset to pick up on it, the kind of mindset you get in after clearing out a clown-bandit circus camp or watching a (good) Ralph Bakshi movie. 
There are absolutely points being made, satires to be found among the bizarre vignettes, and moments that justify the game’s strangeness. I’m sure that the murderous Reagan statue’s saying something witty about America, and I can’t help but look for some meaning in the Patriarch of Colorado and his throne of guns. A game written by a more self-serious writer might try to add a few more layers of abstraction, but Wasteland 3 dares to ask the most important question.
With a sufficiently large gun, can I kill Ronald Reagan? If you know anything about writing essays and wish to malign my sloppiness here, please direct unto me your rage in great detail. I am a failed arts student, and thus too lazy to properly structure arguments.
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
now i am imagining that the scugs in the outer expanse would have that sorta post apocalyptic vibe with their outfits, like fallout, zombie shows or mad max. since rain world is basically post apocalyptic
or is that weird?
this is the normal anthro au its not that dark lol
but for the darker cases yes
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luyo-mi · 1 year
me, looking at your satan design first, seeing that it's for an au: "omg like wuxia au or something? HE LOOKS SO GREAT love him with that sword-"
and then i saw belphie with the gun ksjfglh welp, i think he would have one. anyways their outfits are all absolutely POPPIN, you cleaned up their color palettes so well, they look so stylish and bold~ awesome work!!!
PL eAse when i was drawing belphie i was gonna give him a dagger but a random ass gun felt more in character with him lol the little shit would bring a gun to a knife fight no doubt
the au is a apocalyptic world with ✨zombie demons✨
also thank u tehe ❤️
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
12 Characters Meme
I did this on Dreamwidth (come say hi if you’re on Dreamwidth!) but thought I would transplant it here. Dreamwidth memes are great, it’s like an ask meme except you don’t have to wait for people to send you asks, you just do it.
From here. The characters (themselves randomly selected) are:
Second Doctor
Eighth Doctor
Romana II
Seventh Doctor
8 [Donna] and 4 [Romana II] get stuck in a lift. What happens? Romana has a sonic screwdriver and Donna has the phone number for building maintenance. They get out. And then Romana fixes Donna's memory.
Randomise a song by your preferred means (shuffle your iPod/MP3 player/iTunes/the internet). Pick out the line that best fits 2 [Eighth Doctor]? I got The Corries singing "Twa Recruitin' Sergeants." (I don't listen to the right kind of music for this, I don't think. Unless it was Jamie instead.) But "Over the mountains and over the main" is a pretty good fit for any Doctor, wanderer that he is. You could use the whole song (which is about how great it is to join the army because it allows you to avoid all of your responsibilities) really bitterly and ironically in a fic where Eight joins the Time War.
What would be your plot device of choice for a fic involving 11 [Leela] and 6 [Seventh Doctor]? Crossed timelines: Seven and pre-canon Leela!
Rec a fanwork about 12 [Jack]? Practical Mythology. From the stats on it probably everybody in the world has seen it already, but it sprang to mind because it is very good.
2 [Eighth Doctor] and 4 [Romana II] are now buddy cops. Do they make a good team, and is this bad or good news for nearby criminals? They make an incredible team. Nearby criminals are doomed. It won't last long, though; they'll have ethical differences and/or the Doctor will get restless.
Make up a summary for an apocalyptic fic featuring 5 [Katarina] and 10 [Ben] Ooh, this is not my usual kind of fic! I don't know what the moving parts of it are! ... oh, wait, can this be things like a zombie apocalypse? In that case:
The undead are rising. And they're hungry. Even the TARDIS isn't safe anymore when Ben finds that one of the Doctor's ghosts has returned...
1 [Second Doctor], 10 [Ben] and 8 [Donna] go on an epic road trip. Where are they going, who drives, and who gets left behind at the first stop? In the TARDIS? I assume the Doctor must be driving, and Donna sure isn't getting left behind so Ben must be. Perhaps they got lucky enough to find 60s England again.  In a coffee shop type AU with 9 [Mel] and 4 [Romana II], what would their establishment be called? I feel like they'd pick something a bit tacky and obvious -- Mel likes the obvious and Romana doesn't know how coffee shops are supposed to be called. It would be a cozy place to get strong coffee and sensible advice from intelligent women. Caffeine Solutions? Terrible pun.
If forced to choose, would you rather have an evening out with 1 [Second Doctor] or 11 [Leela]? Probably Two. I'd love to do something with Leela, but only if it was an activity she wanted to do. Most of which I would not be any good at.
What's your favourite pairing (romantic or otherwise) for 3 [Liz]? I don't really ship her with anyone, so I guess her friendship with the Doctor. Although I once wrote a drabble where she was Clare-from-Shada's doctoral advisor, and I do like that headcanon.
Write a snippet from a 8 [Donna], 9 [Mel] and 3 [Liz] pirate AU. ('Snippet' here meaning 'as brief as you like'.)
"Why do you want to be a pirate?" asked Liz.
Amy hesitated, her eyes darting between the three women seated at the other side of the rough wooden table. "Honestly? It's just a whim. The outfit looks good on me?"
Mel shook her head disapprovingly, and Donna made some notes on a pad of paper.
"Look," said Amy, getting frustrated, "you can't criticize--you're recruiting based on hair color!"
11 [Leela], 1 [Second Doctor], 12 [Jack] and 5 [Katarina] are on a talent show. Who wins?Leela has the most impressive talents, but the Doctor would take it seriously and actually try. (For once.) Jack might have some surprise talents, though.
What might 1 [Second Doctor] say to compliment 5 [Katarina]? I really don't know that much about Katarina. But I think she'd like to know that he remembered her and cared.
What would 10 [Ben] hate most about 2 [Eighth Doctor]? And what would 9 [Mel] love most about 10 [Ben]? Ben would be annoyed by the Doctor's vagueness and still not being able to get where he's trying to go half the time. I think Mel would appreciate Ben's practicality.
If you had to write a crossover involving 6 [Seventh Doctor] and 4 [Romana II], how would it go and/or what would the crossover fandom be? I've actually wanted to send Seven and Romana on a double date with Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane for a long time, but I can't write mysteries and it felt like it should be a mystery, so I haven't done it. But that's what I would do.
Go here to generate a random poem. The second line is now the title of a fic about 11 [Leela] and 7 [Nyssa]. What's the plot? The link is broken, so I used this one. I got Poe's "Lenore," whose second line is "Let the bell toll!- a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river." It sounds like a sad fic; it would pretty much have to be about someone's death. But maybe you could use the title for something like... bittersweet vignettes of both of their lives as aliens on Gallifrey in an AU where Nyssa stayed there in Arc of Infinity?
If 3 [Liz] and 9 [Mel] decided to get together and pull off a jewel heist, how would that go? Mel is great heist team material and Liz would be good at organizing it. But they have some knowledge gaps. Can Mel rope in Seven and Ace? They're a ready-made heist team: hacker, mastermind and demolitions. And Liz would be their respectable-looking front-person.
7 [Nyssa] has got to save the world from 8 [Donna]. Is the world saved or doomed?On the one hand, Nyssa is not really the solo world-saving type; she's more of a team player. On the other hand, it depends what Donna is doing to the world; if it's something like she's accidentally causing the apocalypse by, say, turning left, and just needs it explained to her, Nyssa will be very good at explaining gently but firmly what she needs to do to fix it. If Donna were some kind of evil overlord, I think she would be able to catch Nyssa plotting against her.
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 2 years
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I finally found a decent outfit choice for Dareth! This is for my Abandoned AU. And Dareth's roll in it is... oh boy. 😄
So- Dareth is the leader of a little civilization that situated in the east side of the city. The best way to describe it is " a group of post apocalyptic zombie survivors mixed with a group of people that got lost in the jungle and went Tarzan tribal crazy.
Ya. Um, not really sure how else to describe them. They've kinda claimed a certain section of the city as their territory, but Dareth tries desperately to make them let the ninja come in and out without issue. But even after 4 years, some people still don't like the idea of letting the ninja in. Mostly Gail Gossip. Vini doesn't mind, but he's still pretty much Gail's slave. I'm going to be drawing those 2 next. Probably.
Also, sorry if I misspelled anything, or the drawings look weird at all. It's late and I need to go to bed, but I have SO MANY ideas I need to get onto paper NOW.
I'm so tired 🥲
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