#zutara mongoose
stardust948 · 2 years
Was on reddit and saw this writing prompt and thought it could be fun to make it Zutara and also thought you'd do a great job at making it a oneshot if you'd like :)
From r/WritingPrompts by jardanovic
You're a supervillain whose latest evil scheme threatens to throw the city into chaos unless your nemesis goes on a date with you. To your surprise, they agree with enthusiasm before you can even explain what the consequences of refusing are.
Why don't you say so?
“Nephew, is this really necessary?”
“Shh quiet! Painted Lady will be here any minute. And I told you, it’s Fire Prince!”
“Why don’t you ask her? I’m sure she’ll understand.”
“You know why. Now go prepare for Phase Two! Hurry!”
Fire Prince grumbled to himself and reviewed his notes as Iroh left. Tonight had to go perfectly. Phoenix King was due to reawaken any day and he still had to complete all of the tasks. The alarms blared signaling one of his many traps were triggered.
She’s here.
Fire Prince put on his red and black dragon helmet then took the platform lift to the lower deck. As expected, a figure decked in bright red and brown was tied to a pillar. She lifted her head letting the thick veils that hung from her bamboo hat to part. Her bright blue eyes lined by decorative face paint sparkled with amusement.
“Sunshine.” She said in a sing song voice. “There’s has to be an easier way to get a girl’s attention.”
“What’s the fun in that, my dear lady?” Fire Prince smirked.
“Please. You’re too stiff and humorless to have fun.”   
“I am not!”
“Sure.” Painted Lady giggled. “So what’s on the agenda today? Laser beams? Mutated mongoose-lizards? Oh! An army of giant robot turtleducks?!”
“Clever.” Fire Prince circled the pillar in slow careful steps. “But I decided to go old school.”
 “Well, don’t keep me in suspense.”
“I’ve planted six interconnected bombs in six secret locations spread throughout Republic City that will go off in exactly-“
“Six hours?”
“Let me finish!” Fire Prince hissed.
Painted Lady laughed. Fire Prince cleared his throat to compose himself. Where was he? Oh yes.
“That will go off in exactly SIX HOURS, coating Republic City in a classified yet dangerous substance. I alone know the kill code which I will gladly share with you,” Fire Prince leaned closer to her face. “For a price, of course.”
Painted Lady raised her brows expectedly. “Oh?”
“One evening together. No bending. No battle. No tricks. If you refuse, I’ll-“
Fire Prince blinked hard. “What?”
“How does dinner at Beifongs sound? I hear their komodo chicken entrée is incredible. And I’ve been dying to see that new Omashu movie.”
“Wait, wait-“ Fire Prince shook his head and took a step back. “I didn’t even tell you the consequences yet!”  
“Don’t worry, Sunshine. I can put two and two together.” Painted Lady casually freed herself from the trap then reapplied her lipstick. “Honestly, it’s about time. Meet me on the Avatar Aang statue at 8?”
Fire Prince could only manage a nod.
“Great! See you then!” Painted Lady winked at him.
She summoned a wave and rode it through the sunroof, leaving a dumbfounded Fire Prince behind.
Iroh came in carrying a tsungi horn with a whole orchestra following behind. He casted Fire Prince a knowing smirk.
“I take it we won’t need Phase Two?”
“No.” Fire Prince continued to look up at the sunroof. “That won’t be necessary.”  
This was such a fun prompt! I’ll definitely turn this into a full one shot later. Thanks for the ask 💖💖💖
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 years
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I'm watching beastars s2 and the moment the mongoose character appears I think of the zutara mongoose alsjjsksjsjjs
Somehow I ended up drawing this, it's the mongoose "attacking" Zuko
Anyways, go read it would have been you by @the-descension-inks if you're still not already for some reason
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sunmoonturtleduck · 3 years
Hey, so I missed the big atla fandom rush the first time around due to being a child, but I still loved the show and have definitely gotten back into it when it went back on Netflix. I found that I really like Zutara.
But I have a question... what the hell is the zutara mongoose? I've seen references on tumblr many times but I am so confused. Please, please, please spill.
When I saw the first half of this ask, I was certain it was going to be about the live action. I was very, very pleased with the twist in the second paragraph.
The Zutara Mongoose is from the fic (if my wishes came true) it would have been you by @the--descension. It's still a WIP, but it's become very popular within the Zutara fandom for its unique storytelling techniques and lighthearted humor. The mongoose is Azula's "emotional support animal" and it functions as a running gag within the fic. Zuko and Katara send pictures of the mongoose to each other as a joke, the mongoose chases Zuko into the ocean and wrecks his phone, etc. Because of this, the mongoose has become a private joke of sorts within the fandom as well.
Anyway, hopefully this answers your question. I recommend giving this fic a read!
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gemgirl28 · 3 years
Ok one more spoiler free @the-descension-inks this was actually me after the last chapter came out.
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southslates · 3 years
if you're a zutara shipper and don't automatically know what it means when someone says zutara mongoose idk what to tell you man
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lettersfromn0where · 4 years
Zutara mongoose, pass it on
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zuko-thee-stallion · 3 years
15, 22, & 27 for the zutara asks!!! <3
(sorry for answering this so late ToT)
15. What do you think would have happened if Katara and Zuko hadn’t been interrupted in the Catacombs?
i think that things would’ve turned out way differently.
zuko would’ve definitely joined them, for one, and i think he would be slowly accepted into their group.
i also think that he and katara would have a really close bond like in the show but there would be a lot more development.
22. What are your favorite Zutara fics?
i have a lot of zutara fics that i enjoy (i have 482 fics bookmarked on ao3 ToT) but i’ll list a few that i keep revisiting:
(if my wishes came true) it would’ve been you by @the-descension-inks (i know it’s still updating but who would i be to not include the fic that gave us the zutara mongoose™?)
caught by @soopersara (i would put all her works here, if i’m being honest, but this has to be one of my absolute favorites)
on commitment by jdphoenix (i haven’t revisited this one in a while but this was the fic that got me hooked on the whole ‘fake marriage/dating due to circumstance’ au)
27. Do you enjoy reading metas?
you, my friend, have no idea. i was in my little zutara bubble all summer long reading fanfiction, perusing fanart, and most importantly: finding meta. i was (and still am) obsessed with meta. it really opened my eyes to new perspectives and deeper meanings and i will forever be grateful for that.
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hklnvgl · 4 years
could you do a prompt with 24 or 48 + romantic zutara please?
thanks for the ask! here you go, plus some extra cuddling! 💛
(full prompt list here) (previous zutara drabbles here)
24. “You’re trembling.”
Zuko had known it’d be cold. It was the Southern Pole, after all. They wore furs all day long, and lived in houses made of ice—that sort of thing. And it wasn’t even the first time he’d been in a similar climate—he’d literally swam in icy water before the Siege of the North. He’d been thrown in a cooler!
“You’re trembling.”
Zuko swore under his breath, and wiggled closer to Katara.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispered, burying his chilly nose into her tousled hair.
“You should’ve stopped shivering, then. Do you need another blanket?”
Zuko didn’t know. They were already cooped under a blanket mountain, heavy as an armor.
“That’s fine. Go back to sleep,” he said, trying to press himself closer to her body. He couldn’t feel her skin, buried in layers and layers of fabric, but he could feel her heat seeping towards him.
He was starting to fall asleep, resigned to spend the whole night curled up and be all stiff and achy in the morning, when Katara’s sudden laugh made him jump.
“Sorry, sorry,” she said, not sounding sorry at all. “It’s just—you’re like a mongoose lizard, crawling towards the heat.”
“A mongoose lizard,” he repeated, wondering if he’d actually fallen asleep and this was a very weird dream.
“Yes, well. A bit tinier. And cuter. But—yep. A Fire Lord mongoose lizard. You should get it engraved into your headpiece or something. It has a certain catch—” Katara’s voice was as soft as her fingers, which had bypassed all fabric ramparts to reach his nape, where they were drawing circles.
“I don’t think I want to know what you’re talking about,” he said, feeling some of the tension in his shoulders relax at her touch.
“I meant it, though. We’ve got more blankets.”
Zuko shook his head—Katara couldn’t see him, but she could certainly feel him do it, as he was practically on top of her by that point.
“I meant it, too. It’s late. Go to sleep.”
If he got too cold, he could always use his Breath of Fire. He’d just need to step away from Katara for a bit, be careful not to burn her, and ignore the smoky air afterwards.
He didn’t feel like moving, though. At all. Forever, possibly. If he could run the Fire Nation from this very position, snuggling Katara under five thousand blankets, he would. It’d be a bit undignified, sure, but what was the point of being the Fire Lord if he didn’t get to decide what was undignified and what wasn’t—it actually didn’t work like that, but Zuko hadn’t seen Toph in a while and he often found himself thinking jokes he’d want to tell her later.
He sighed, and smiled against Katara’s neck when he felt her kiss the top of his head.
“Good night,” she muttered.
They slept.
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klancin-with-myself · 7 years
@mongoose-bite and @gudetamazing BOTH tagged me yall are fuckin cute.
Rules: tag 9 people you wanna know better do i even know nine people
Relationship status: well my husband left me for some white trash hussy so. single? but also emotionally unavailable.
Favorite color: green or purple
Lipstick or chapstick: sticks for lips
Last song I listened to: uhhhh. idk probably something by flogging molly.
Last Movie I watched: why don’t i know this. im so busy i don’t even remember.
Top 3 Fictional Characters: aw shit. okay. how the fuck am i gonna narrow this down to three. raistlin majere because he saved my life. probably sirius black. and isabela from da2 because im gay for her.
Top 3 Ships: lmao three ships. im not even gonna try. dramione, zutara, strifehart, jeanmarco, klance, shance, fenders, zevistair, wolfstar, otayuri
Books I’m reading: currently just Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis.
idk who tf i should tag. @shiroganeholt @katieshirogane @psychotic-cheesecake @sinfulcernal @prsphny @gayliens-and-pidgeons and whoever else wants to do this.
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stardust948 · 3 years
Lock and Key
Zutara Drabble December 2020 Day 9 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27928822 
Summary: Katara breaks Zuko out of prison after he is captured for helping her in Ba Sing Se.
TW: child abuse and description of violence
Katara looked anxiously at the sky as the moon edge closer and closer towards the sun.
It was almost time.
The army let out a mighty cry as they stormed through the city. Katara waterbended a solider off his mongoose lizard and secure the animal. She glanced at Sokka who nodded in return.
"Go get the angry jerk. We got things covered here."
"Be careful, Sokka."
"You too."
The siblings embraced quickly before parting ways. Katara knew Sokka was a skilled warrior and she was so proud of him. But she couldn't help but worry. So much could go wrong today. Katara shook her head and steeled herself. She had a mission to complete. Zuko sacrificed his freedom to save her and Aang back in Ba Sing Se. Now she was going to return the favor.
Katara mounted the mongoose lizard and raced towards the dungeons. Most of the Fire Nation forces and heavy tanks were concentrated near the Capital. With the mongoose lizard's speed, she reached the dungeons in no time. Katara easily took out the guard soldiers and descended the dark damp tunnel. Zuko's cell was most likely at the very bottom, farthest away from the sun.
She finally reached the last door. The guards tried to firebend at her only to produce weak sparks.
The eclipse had begun.
Katara froze them to the wall and stole the key. As she barged through the door, she was bombarded by a foul odor. Katara gagged, fighting the urge to vomit. She grabbed a torch from near the door and shined it towards the metal cage that sat in the corner.
A weak moan responded. Katara walked closer and saw the ex-prince, covered in burns and filth, limped on the dirty floor smeared with bloodstains. He looked like he hadn't eaten in days. Iron feathers that chained his thin arms to the wall, were the only thing holding him upright. Zuko weakly lifted his head, tilting his long tangled hair out of his eyes as he squinted at the torch light.
"Ka..tar..a.." Zuko wheezed painfully.
"Zuko! Spirits, what did they do to you?!" she fumbled with the key she stole from the guard. "Hang on. I'll get you out of here."
 The key refused to slide into the hole. Panic started to set in.
"Where's the key to your cell?" Maybe if she hurried, she could steal it and still get Zuko out before the invasion ended.
Katara cursed under her breath. Of course, the Firelord would have the only key. Well then, she'll just have to make her own. She streamed water into the keyhole then froze it, causing the lock to expand and explode. Katara rushed into the cell and repeated the action with the iron feathers. Zuko slumped over into Katara's arms revealing his back full of whip scars, both old and new. Tears poured from Katara's eyes. How could someone be so cruel?
"It's alright, Zuko. I got you."
Katara tore the end of her tunic and quickly wrapped it around Zuko's back and exposed wounds. She did not have time to heal him properly. The ellipse will be over soon. Summoning her remaining strength, Katara hoisted Zuko onto her back -Spirits, he was light. He shouldn't be this light - and bolted out of the dungeons. The guards outside the cell shouted angrily at her as they melted the ice. Katara ignored them and kept trudging on while whispering comforting things into Zuko's ear. As soon as she exited, Appa landed in front of her.
"Katara, let's go!" Aang rushed her. He earthbended them into the saddle then urged Appa upward. Katara laid Zuko down and set to work healing him, starting with his back first. There was a collective gasp as she unwrapped the bandages. Haru turned The Duke away.
Not looking up from her work, Katara asked what happened to the invasion. Sokka explained how Azula tricked them. The Fire Nation knew about the invasion for months and set a trap for them. They had to leave behind the adults, including Dad.
Katara's heart lurched. She just got Dad back and now...
"It wasn't a waste, though." Toph said softly. "Katara was able recuse Zuko during the attacks."
She was right. The invasion wasn't a complete failure.
The important thing is that she got Zuko back and away from that horrible monster.
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 years
The latest chapter of (if my wishes came true) it would have been you by @the-descension-inks has me screaming akdhdjqkjdhkakdja
It finally happened and it's all because of the mongoose akdhsjkakshajgs
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gemgirl28 · 3 years
Fish, soft, and shiny but make it mongoose pictures 👉👈
Hello boo! Thanks so much!! I’m chugging water like crazy lol.
Would you like to hear my opinions about Zutara? Because let me tell you, they are the best.
And friend YES give me all the mongoose pictures!! Don’t you know I started a petition to make the mongoose the official animal of Zutara? It’s a thing. We need all the pictures. 💜💜💜
Send me a color!
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pineapple-frenzy · 4 years
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Zkfaw Day 3: Fanart Tuesday
(if my wishes came true) it would have been you by @the-descension-inks
So today is all about favorite fanfiction, and I gotta say this fic easily became a favorite of mine. The format is literally the coolest thing, and the story itself is amazing!! Not to mention the memes aksjhdhdj. This is honestly such a fun fic and it always cheers me up reading it, seriously check it out if you haven't already
Look, of course I had to include the mongoose!! It's the best character and you know it 😤😤😤
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the--descension · 3 years
I've pestered Magi enough for today, so I'm here to bug another of my favorite Tumblr people. How are you doing? -Indigo
Ayyy this is no bugging at all. I'm always so happy to hear from you!
I actually woke up to this ask from you so my day automatically became infinitely better. I also have a long weekend off so I'm working on my super secret Zutara Big Bang fic, and as soon as I'm done with it, I plan to go back on my mongoose hijinks. 💃
I have also been itching to write Jet and Azula interacting and being chaos-buddies, and you know exactly why that is. I am still in my feelings over that, by the way.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a great weekend too, my friend. ❤️
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