#zygarde 100%
mysteryposter · 4 months
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In honor of Pokemon Legends Z-A being announced, I redesigned my old Zygarde OC [He/They] ^-^
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jacob-the-human · 9 months
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keksalot404 · 4 months
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World'Z MoZt ObviouZ Joke.
also if PC is actually taking time on this might you consider:
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marinecorvid · 4 months
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2.27.24 - in light of our long awaited blessing from god (pokemon z-a my beloved) finally finished hammering out my realistic/alternative interpretation of 100% zygarde. big dragon is big dragon
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flameraven · 4 months
So with Pokemon Legends ZA coming out I guess I'll finally find out why Zygarde turns into a dog?
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nightshadeis · 2 years
More Pokemon per Pokemon!!
With the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and a few of the new 'mons, I've decided to go through the pokedex and find out just how many Pokemon are actually MULTIPLE Pokemon disguised as one. I did not count forms that are actually two Pokemon combined, such as Necrozma Dawn/ Dusk wings or Calyrex with its steed, nor the gen 8 fossil Pokemon, which are each two halves of different ancient Pokemon slapped together.
First up, one of the originals: Dugtrio. Literally three Digletts. Now, it's entirely possible that's it's three heads on one body which we never see- but it's still three heads. Which is enough for me to call it three Pokemon per Pokemon.
Similarly, and yet not quite the same, we have Magneton. It's three Magnemite stuck together. There is at least one piece of Pokemon media (the original Pokemon Snap) that shows three Magnemite evolving by combining into one Magneton. The most literal three Pokemon per Pokemon.
Slowbro. "But Nyx," you might be saying, "I thought you weren't counting Pokemon forms that are two different Pokemon combined?" But consider this: This is my list, deal with it. Slowpoke + Shellder = Slowbro. I *think* (and I might be misremembering) there's an episode of the anime where a Slowbro devolves into Slowpoke when the Shellder detaches?? Don't quote me on this I've been awake since 8:30 last night
Doduo. Two heads, one body, I'm counting it.
Dodrio. Same deal, plus another head!
Exeggcute! They can separate from each other! It happened in a short before a movie, the second one I think, and they stole Togepi to pretend they had enough of each other until the other one got found! It's literally six Pokemon!!!
Exeggutor is kinda. I don't think it can separate anymore, but it's clearly all the Exeggcute stuck to a tree trunk.
Weezing is two Pokemon, but according to the dex, sometimes it's three! Never in-game though.
Kangaskhan has a baby! That baby can fight! What!!
Slowking is the same deal as Slowbro, but the Shellder bit its head instead of it's tail (or arm, in Galar).
Girafarig has two brains. This is canon. (Ftr, Wobbuffet does not. It is *heavily implied* that the tail is its actual body or brain or whatever, but it's not outright stated to be the case.)
Mantine, but only in gens 2&3 and in Home, where its sprite has a Remoraid attached.
Metang is two Beldum fussed together, and
Metagross is two Metang, ergo four Beldum.
Combee is three bees! I love them!!
Vespiquen is said to use its honeycomb abdomen skirt thing as a nest for baby Combee, but this isn't depicted in any in-game sprites. Still, more Pokemon per Pokemon.
Cherubi? Kind of?? It has a second head, but unlike Girafarig, that head doesn't have a second brain, and it loses it shortly before evolution. I'm gonna count it anyway.
Spiritomb is 108 souls trapped in a rock. Are they Pokemon souls? People souls? Do 108 people souls trapped in a rock count as 108 Pokemon per Pokemon???
Magnezone is a Magneton that got bigger. It's still three Magnemite per Magnezone.
Vanilluxe is another "two of its pre-evolutions stuck together" 'mon. Two Vanillish, one Vanilluxe. They melted and refroze together, so presumably they can melt apart?
Klink is two Klink per Klink, but it's canon that once they combine, they cannot separate.
Klang- one of the Klink got bigger!
Klinklang gains two more gears, but only the original two are sentient.
Zweilous has two heads, and they hate each other. So much so that one of the heads loses sentience upon evolution. Or maybe they just merged? Either way, Hydreigon only has one brain among its three heads.
While you were becoming a fully formed human adult, I was studying Doublade. Which is two distinct swords. However, I don't think Aegislash retains dual-sentience.
Binacle is two mons in a rock, but unlike Spiritomb we don't have to delve into philosophy about it. They're two physical and distinct entities, either of which can leave the rock to find a new partner.
Barbaracle is just a bigger rock, so the Binacles are seven roommates instead of two.
There are 50 Zygarde cells and 5 Zygarde cores (at least in Sun and Moon), which makes a 100% form Zygarde 55 Zygarde per Zygarde.
Wishiwashi school form is approximately 248 Wishiwashi, according to this person who did the math. Thank you, Goatman879.
I decided to follow Goatman879's example to calculate how many Meltan make up a Melmetal. Per the lore, it's just one Meltan that absorbed it's group (and then when it dies it splits into a bunch of Meltan again, though it's unclear if they're ontologically the same Meltan as before). Per the math, one Melmetal is approximately 100 Meltan.
Cramorant can pick up an Arrokuda or a Pikachu when it surfs or dives, so that's occasionally two Pokemon per Pokemon.
Now for the mon that set this off! It's not new as of Scarlet and Violet- this mon was introduced in Sword and Shield. It's Falinks! Six Pokemon per Pokemon!!
Drakloak carries a Dreepy with it.
Dragapult carries two!!
Now onto Scarlet and Violet spoilers, though if you've seen any of the pre-release material, you might already know about Farigiraf. I have no idea how to pronounce that! But I do know it still has two brains!!
Wugtrio, the not-a-regional-variant of Dugtrio. Though it has the same issue- is it three heads on one unseen body? The dex says no, it's three separate bodies. Not sure I believe it yet.
Tandemaus is the first multiple Pokemon per Pokemon I caught in Scarlet. It's two mice holding hands!
Then it evolves, by which I mean they procreate. Possibly. Now there's four mice, two of which are smaller and baby sized. (Or three mice with one baby size, but you have a random 1 in 25 chance of getting that form.) But it's """unclear""" what the relationship between the three/ four of them is? Or where the tiny one(s) come from??? The little one(s) just "appeared" one day????
Extra spoilers for this last one!! There are special Pokemon that appear to be ancient relatives of modern mons, that somehow survived to the present day? Including a mon known as Sandy Shocks, an Electric/Ground relative of Magneton. It's unclear if this Pokemon evolved from ancient Magnemite relatives, and is therefore also three Pokemon per Pokemon, but it certainly looks like it.
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orderandcollosal · 4 months
Hey. Out of curiosity, what would you say is the most difficult thing about having your abilities? I’m asking both of you, if it isn’t clear. :}
The most difficult thing, hm?
Having to limit myself. And to not use too much energy. It takes a lot sometimes. I cut my original strength in half because my body just couldn’t fully handle it.
Knowing when it’s necessary for certain abilities, and what to use. I don’t want to abuse my power just because i’m one of the more powerful legendaries..
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The Ecosystem Trio (Xerneas, Yveltal, & Zygarde) and the Wheel of Reincarnation
The Wheel of Reincarnation is the fundamental force of the universe that cycles and recycles souls into and out of the physical plane to experience life, death, and rebirth for all eternity. There are Seven Facets of the Universe or Stokes Of the Wheel that keep the universe functioning. The first three are more obvious: Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde, who deal with life and death directly, and who are tasked with maintaining balance in the physical plane. The next three are the Creation Trio: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. They handle the balance of the universe at large, the non-life, the things that keep the universe flowing and running correctly. These three, paired with Arceus itself, are the other four facets of the universe, who will be discussed in a later entry.
Xerneas (#716)
Abilities: Fairy Aura
General Information: Xerneas the Life Pokémon. It is one of the embodiments of the universe, or even a facet of Arceus, however one wishes to interpret it, and is the Deity of Life. It has two “forms” it’s neutral state, the one it exists in when it is not using its powers, and its active form, the one most depicted in legends and seen in battle.
Xerneas is 9’10 ft (3.0 M) tall and weighs 474.0 pounds (215 kg)
Divinity: Eldritch Being
Heritage: Arceus
Divine Role: The Deity of Life
Place in the Wheel of Reincarnation: In every universe that Xerneas (or its dimensional counterpart) exists in, it is the one responsible for reincarnation and thus is the one who brings souls back into the physical plane to experience life anew.
Should Xerneas be destroyed, no new life would be born, and the universe/Arceus will exert its power to create a new one to return balance to the world as soon as possible. However, birthing Xerneas or any of the Eldritch Beings is exhausting, and the powers that be would need to rest for an unspecified period of time.
Personality: Xerneas is kind and gentle, and sees no difference in worth between the flowers, the Pokémon, and the people that inhabit the world. Often, Xerneas is in a hibernative state, where it spends time watching over the world from the astral plane and tending to its facet of the Wheel of Reincarnation there.
Role Amongst Humanity: Xerneas is the Bringer of Life, the Forest Walker, He/She/It/They Who Brings the Flowers, Revered One, Life Bringer, and many more variations of this. Humanity have known about Xerneas for eons, and have beloved it for the role it plays in the world. It’s hard to name any particular examples, when Xerneas is so prevalent in countless ancient and modern cultures, that there is no example greater than another. This is to say, that specifics are left to the needs of your campaign.
Special Rules:
1.) As an Eldritch Being, Xerneas is entirely incapable of being caught through conventional means, ie: no Pokeballs (not even Master Balls). This does not disclude un-conventional means, such as the Red Chain or other such magical entrapments, nor does it disclude Pokémon Rangers from being able to use their stylers to calm or befriend Xerneas.
2.) Should Xerneas be destroyed, life will cease to be born until Xerneas is itself reborn.
3.) Xerneas is indeed capable of bestowing immortality, but this is done seldomly, for it distorts the balance of the world when done too often.
Yveltal (#717)
Abilities: Dark Aura
General Information: Yveltal the Destruction Pokémon. It is one of the living embodiments of the universe, and the Deity of Death. It is 19 feet long (5.8 M) and weighs 447.5 (203 kg).
Divinity: Eldritch Being
Heritage: Arceus
Divine Role: Deity of Death
Place in the Wheel of Reincarnation: As the god of destruction, Yveltal is the natural counterpart to Xerneas, who wields the power of death over the ecosystem as part of the grand balance of the Wheel of Reincarnation. For every soul that Xerneas rebirths into the world, Yveltal balances it with another death. In the grand scheme of it all, Yveltal came second to Xerneas, for death cannot exist without there first being life. Its role in the Wheel of Reincarnation is simple yet heartbreaking: to reap souls back into the cosmic cycle of death and rebirth, where they may undergo transformation to become something new all over again.
Should Yveltal be destroyed, all death would cease until the universe is capable to rectify this. Be warned, this means that those caught in the throws of dying, will continue to suffer, and the consumption or destruction of other lifeforms, no matter how small or large it may be, will cease.
Personality: Despite the nature of its existence, Yveltal is not an unkind being, though it has been known to be ill-tempered at times.  
Role Amongst Humanity: As the Deity of Death & Destruction, Yveltal is feared and revered by humanity, and more than one person has sought to destroy it and failed. It is truly the Harbinger of Death, the Wings of Oblivion, Death Incarnate. In times past, Yveltal was sometimes seen flying over battlefields to reap the souls of the deceased. In some depictions, Yveltal is a great kindness to those who suffer, though these depictions are far fewer than those that describe it as a merciless death god.
Special Rules:
As an Eldritch Being, Yveltal is entirely incapable of being caught through conventional means, ie: no Pokeballs (not even Master Balls). This does not disclude un-conventional means, such as the Red Chain or other such magical entrapments, nor does it disclude Pokémon Rangers from being able to use their stylers to calm or befriend Yveltal.
Yveltal has the power to take away life from any non-immortal being, no matter what stage in life or condition its in. Not only this, Yveltal is fully capable of permanently destroying a soul from existence, a counter to Xerneas’s Immortal Life, Yveltal can cause Immortal Death.
Yveltal ultimately gains power from death. When it hibernates, it rests in a cocoon state.
Zygarde (#718)
Abilities: Aura Break, Power Construct
General Information: Zygarde the Order Pokémon and the Deity of Balance. To most of the world, Zygarde is the being most relevant to them and their lives. Life and death come in cyclic patterns, but the ecosystem at large is vital for balance. Zygarde is effectively the supervisor for Xerneas and Yveltal, the one who observes and ensures that balance is maintained, and is there to strike back, should something occur to off balance the world or should something happen to either of its counterparts.
Zygarde is a unique being, an entity composed of 5 separate “cores”, ie: brains, and Cells. The Cells and Cores are all physically independent from each other, but the Cells are entirely at the command of the Cores, who function as the leader of the brains of a hive mind, utilizing the many Cells at its disposal to observe the ecosystem in many different places at once.  There are an unknown quantity of Cells, but each Core is connected to a proportionate 1/5 of the entire population of Zygarde of Cells… ish. It gets a little weird when combining into larger forms, but effectively Cores are able to lend Cells to each other for the purposes of powering up, and the fusion of Cells and Cores into a larger Zygarde form also serves to transfer knowledge to the other Cores. Because all Cores and Cells are part of the same being, this mutual cooperation is easy to achieve.
When the Cores need to fuse into larger forms, there are three main forms that Zygarde can achieve:
10% form is a dog-like form with 1 core and 10% of its Cells. This is the form that a single Core can achieve on its own without calling for help from the other Cores. It is 3’11 ft (1.2 M) tall and weighs 73.9 pounds (33.5 kg). This form is capable of running over 60 mph, and specializes in close-quarter combat. It likes to sink its fangs into an opponent’s chest.
50% form is a snake-like form with 2-3 cores and 50% of its Cells. This is the classical depiction of Zygarde, and often the state that it exists in to rest. As it rests, Cores periodically return to it and cycle back into the ecosystem, allowing Cores to share knowledge and for Cores to take turns resting. This form is 16’05 ft (5.0 M) long and weighs 672.4 pounds (305 kg).
100% form is the Ultimate Form of Zygarde, containing all five of its cores and 100% of its Cells. This is the form that emerges when Zygarde must correct a great wrong/threat to the balance of the ecosystem. It is 14’09 ft (4.5 M) tall and 1344.8 pounds (610 kg). This is the “Fuck Around And Find Out” form.
Divinity: Eldritch Being
Heritage: Arceus
Divine Role: The Deity of Balance and Order
Place in the Wheel of Reincarnation: Zygarde is not directly responsible for the birth, death, and rebirth of souls in the Wheel of Reincarnation, but it is responsible for what could be argued the most important: the balance of the ecosystem at large. Zygarde is the one who neutralizes threats to balance. Zygarde is the one who ensures that both life and death are protected. Zygarde is the one who acts when outside forces threaten the balance of the its world. Zygarde is the one who acts to birth new gods when needs emerge, such as Zacian and Zamazenta, or Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma. Zygarde is the one who emerges to defend Xerneas and Yveltal (especially Yveltal) when something happens to either of them.
Personality: Zygarde has a balanced personality with a deep-seated love and passion for its home world. It is also, perhaps, the most ruthless of the three when the time comes. Yveltal may be the deity of destruction, but it sees itself as doing a kindness and a performing a necessary act to allow life to flourish (ie: it doesn’t see the unfairness in death), and Xerneas is the benevolent bringer of life—Zygarde though, Zygarde is the maintainer of balance. Zygarde sees life and death as equally necessary, but understands that death feels like a cruelty to life, and equally that life can feel like cruelty to those who suffer in anguish. It recognizes the need for ecological and cosmic balance, and when it does kill, it kills knowing that death is cruel to the living, and acts of a sense of justice that Xerneas and Yveltal intrinsically lack. Zygarde will protect its home world relentlessly. But on the flip side, it loves its home world with passion and ferver.  
Should Zygarde be destroyed, the universe/Arceus would act to create a new one.
Role Amongst Humanity: Zygarde is the Deity of Balance, Gaia, Mother Earth, and so many countless more. As mystical and fearsome as Xerneas and Yveltal may be, they have little direct impact on the functioning of the world at large, only existing to ensure that life, death, and rebirth occur—barring weird circumstances, of course. When epic and existential threats occur, it is Zygarde that humanity has always had to contend with, either on its side or against it.
Special Rules:
As an Eldritch Being, Zygarde is entirely incapable of being caught through conventional means, ie: no Pokeballs (not even Master Balls). This does not disclude un-conventional means, such as the Red Chain or other such magical entrapments, nor does it disclude Pokémon Rangers from being able to use their stylers to calm or Zygarde.
Each Zygarde Core acts independent of the other, which doesn’t typically mean much in terms of practical game play, but it does mean that in the 50% and 100% forms, each Core is independently capable of observing the battlefield and processing information accordingly. Most pressingly, the five cores in 100% Form are fully capable of acting independently of each other, meaning that five separate points of combat may be present—think like an action game with a Final Boss Battle with multiple heads that you have to kill, except the Cores aren’t heads they’re brains controlling different parts of the total body and can strike independently of each other.
Zygarde has two abilities, both Aura Break and Power Construct, so long as it is in any of its combined forms.
Rules for the Mythology Section: All Pokémon listed exclusively under the mythology sections are entirely uncatchable by conventional means. Pokémon Trainers are not able to catch these Pokémon because they are gods and eldritch beings. Only Pokémon Rangers have a chance at taming these beings.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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solosergiohd · 10 days
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Gigabash but my favorite characters was in "Gigabash"
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vaugarde · 1 year
only thing im really taking from the volcanion movie is that heracross fucking died
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Possessed by this right before bed instead of, you know, studying for finals. Because I saw someone posting their lineup for the Third Child’s pokémon team and have OPINIONS. Because my doodles aren’t entirely legible:
Before accident: Abra, Fennekin (possibly shiny but I’m not decided), Espurr (didn’t make it), and Sewaddle
The Third Child: Kadabra, Fennekin, Swadloon (all his pokémon suffered burns in the accident but as a grass type Sewaddle had it worst)
With Eli: Scyther (stayed with Liquid after Mantis traded him so he’d evolve), Alakazam, Braixen (evolved late due to fire trauma), Hatenna (met while in England with Eli and appreciated his ability to make loud minds QUIET), and Swadloon
Psycho Mantis: Mega Alakazam (gained the mega stone from the soviets), Delphox, Leavanny (knows every psychic move she can to keep up), and Hatterene
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poketcg-art · 8 months
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Zygarde (100%) -- Masakazu Fukuda
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fever-project · 4 months
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Four for the Pokémon AU! He has an X&Y inspired design. Gave him the hat with the feather pin that’s now a Minish Feather, and also gave him this kinda ponytail thingy that is covered by an Ezlo charm. It’s weird but I like it.
I didn’t put in all of his Pokémon because i just couldn’t make myself draw them(Swampert and Azumaril). I only recently noticed how short I made the tunic. The anatomy’s just kinda wonk, but I can’t really fix it now. I also tried a new rendering style. I don’t know how to feel about it. Anyways, Lore under the cut.
At the beginning of the Minish Cap, Link doesn’t get a starter. Instead, he gets his starter once he meets Ezlo, who suggests to get a Pokémon companion to help out, since he can’t really do much. Because at the moment, he was a hat. Link choose Mudkip because he thought it could help him get over the water easier. That did not work.
Link also transforms into an actual Minish, who are a Pokémon in the same vein that the Zora and Gorons are also Pokémon. Pokémon=species, more of less. Pokémon-Mystery-Dungeon-esk, but not as much as Twilight’s adventure was. Four’s adventure was more or less the exact same, and he didn’t really use Pokémon all that much, just the Pictori sword/Four sword. But he did catch a bunch of Pokémon, because he was really into collecting things back then(like how there were a bunch of figurines in the actual game).
He found a Maril near the beginning of his adventure and thought it was cute so he kept it. He specifically wanted a shiny Shedinja because no one in Castle Town had ever seen one up close. He did not that shiny after hours of hunting. So in the end, he just got a regular Nincada and named his Shedinja NotAShiny, because he was so annoyed. Link did come to love it tho, so he usually calls him Nota for short.
At the beginning of Four Swords(and let’s just combine fsa because who cares), Link became friends with an Eevee, right before the maidens got kidnapped. Stuff happened and both Link and his newfound Eevee end up at the Four Sword Sanctuary, where Link had stored the Four Sword after his first adventure. The sword had been accumulating more and more magic since Vaati’s imprisonment within it. I don’t know how the story works in LU canon, but that’s how it works here.
The 4Sword not only splits Link up into four, but Eevee as well, the sword reacting to the uniqueness of Eevee’s genes or something. Leafeon for Green, Flareon for Red, Vaporeon for Blue, and Espeon for Vio. Also because of Eevee’s wild genes, the 4Sword clings to it and its spilt eeveelutions, and can only be pulled out by the colors. I mainly came up with this because I couldn’t figure out where to put the sword on Four’s design.
Link found the Castform early on, his first shiny on this adventure(he found shinies before but he liked this one especially so he had it in his team at the moment he went through the portal). Link also found the Zygarde Core sometime during the adventure. His collecting instincts kicked in whenever he found the cells. He can make Zygarde become 100%, but he likes the Core form best.
Btw, Shadow never had any Pokémon of his own. He’d order around Pokémon provided by Ganon. He would befriend a Masquerain and would love it forever. He’d say he doesn’t but he does.
I don’t really have any ideas about LU specific stuff right now, but I can say that Four, Legend, Wind, and Hyrule are the only ones with Mega Stones. Four’s Swampert has a mega stone.
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pokepollsters · 8 days
Doesn't really count as propaganda since it's common knowledge but it could help some people make their choice: the Gen 6 legendaries are based on Norse mythology creatures, and so the three forms of Zygarde are based on the children of Loki and Angrbotha:
10% is a dog, like Fenris Wolf
50% is a snake, like the giant sea snake Jormundur
100% is a humanoid with Yveltal red spots on one side and Xerneas blue spots on the other, like Hel who has half her face in the shadow of death and the other half in the light of life
Have fun nerds
I am personally a big fan of myths and legends being incorporated into Legendary designs! Glad to see some commentary on it!
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
Do you have any Zygarde headcanons?
Zygarde can disassemble and re-assemble its cells when advantageous, such as dodging attacks in battle.
Zygarde is almost never seen in its 100% form.
Sometimes cells turn up in Alola. It's customary to release them back into the wilderness so they can continue to protect the environment.
Its patterns can vary wildly depending on what order the cells arrange themselves by.
Zygarde is hypothesized to be millions of years old. It is unclear if there's more than one due to the rarity of ever seeing it completed.
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trelinha9 · 3 months
Some thoughts on the last episode:
1 - Gibeon mentions something called Lacrium, which may be the Shiny Zygarde that appears behind him. It also says "once more in Rakua" which is confusing. Did he arrive in Rakua? Is he in Rakua? Has he ever been to Rakua? What's going on?
2 - Spinel 100% will betray the Explorers. His face at the end of the episode says it all. It is interesting that there is a possibility that both Amethio and Spinel would leave the group, but while Amethio would betray the Explorers to help Liko and the RVT, Spinel would betray them in favor of his own interests. It's interesting to wonder what Spinel's reason is for being on the Explorers, and what he's up to with Rayquaza and Terapagos. I prefer it to be something more interesting than "he's the villain and wants power to dominate the world" or something like that.
3 - It's super interesting to me that Amethio says "Follow your own path" when he terastalizes Ceruledge, because we know he's not in the Explorers for his own dreams and interests. Amethio doesn't have a dream, and he probably doesn't think he has a path outside of the Explorers. It's a very interesting choice of words.
4 - Conia and Zir were obviously worried about Amethio. Conia's tone of voice, and how Zir speaks first of Amethio's well-being before anything else, further shows how much they care about this troubled teenager.
5 - Floragato using the yo-yo to attack is so cool. Plus, she hugs Fuecoco and Liko (it was so cute). She was definitely super proud of herself for evolving.
6 - Liko thanking Amethio for his help! She seemed a little unsure of what to say, but it's nice that Amethio wasn't rude to her like he is to Friede. I think this may have been his way of apologizing for almost killing Liko in episode 1. Also, this is the second time Amethio has saved Liko or one of her Pokémon, and I think it would be cool to see Liko consider that at some point. He had nothing to gain by saving Sprigatito, and he did anyway, and that's cool.
7 - Am I the only one who thinks Charizard and Ceruledge fought way to well together to be the first time? Maybe we'll get a reference to what really happened in the mine with Moltres now that we finally saw Amethio and Friede working together.
This episode was really good, and I can't wait to start arc 3!
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