uniquemummy2 · 1 year
# I'm struggling, I'll get through it, I'm not ok, I'm hurting and broken, I'm fixable #
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uniquemummy2 · 1 year
Hey gus,
I'm sorry i have been so quite, These past few months have been so difficult, I have needed to take time away, My mental health and physical health has been declining and I haven't been able to deal with it. Im young and have 2 young children who depend on me. I battle with my mental health and my physical health everyday and have done for years and I have days where this is breaking me. Well these few months it broke me and its broke me for longer then i wanted. This is a battle that is hard and i know i am strong and i will always come out the other side, i fight these battles on my own as I don't want others to feel or have to think they need to fight my battle that i have to go against every day. People really need to understand the impact of mental health more, the impact it has on someone, the fact that to much pressure or to much weight can finally make someone crumble and when that happens they have to climb back up again. Yes that is me now. I have had everything thrown at me in one go. I have had a death in my family, my health, my job, everything that could possible break someone or cause the heart break or soul crushing,mind breaking, thing has hit me, i have gone upstairs and just cried, i have gone upstairs to get clothes, get ready and cried, walked to the stairs and cried because right now i am broken and right now i don't know how to fix it because i'm shattered into a million pieces. but its ok to not be ok. its ok to struggle its ok to cry its ok to call out for help...
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
Watch "Donald Trump | Promise To Kill Transgender Rights On Day One In Office | Human Rights Violation" on YouTube
This is discusting what right does this man have to say if your in the wrong body,if you don't feel right. What right does he have to say you suffer and stay in the body your born in or suffer the consequences. This is outrageous!!! Please view,share,comment and subscribe., Let your voices be heard don't let him stop who your are, don't let him take your voice! Show him who you are!!
Let's stop this inhumane person!!
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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@theopeninvite on Instagram  
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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F. E. Marie  
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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Sophia Joan Short    
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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some days there is no reason for the tears
they just flow
let them be
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
Hey guys
I've been a little quite, it's been a rough few days, mental health hasn't been brilliant, there's alot going off, it really takes it's toll on you, also been in alot of pain. Has to put my workout on hold.fingers crossed I can get back on it tomorrow. Mental health sucks when it wears you out and you are constantly battling with your own thoughts and negativity. This is what makes us a soldier because even the toughest things our heads tells us,never breaks us, we are strong, we can succeed and we will keep walking to the light. No matter how many times it can knock you down, get up everytime as you will make it weaker each time, you will beak the cycle, don't ever let your mental health our body imagine defeat you, love yourself even on the darkest days, when your having these bad days, don't get up and not do your workout, the workout helps release positive chemicals and brings a positive to your day, when you see yourself and feel negative remind yourself your doing something about it and it's on progress you will be there soon, don't ever give up because this will cause you to fall back into the same horrible circle as before. You got this ladies and gentlemen. Feel free to ask anything, speak about anything even tell me how you are on a day to day, we are here to help eachother.
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
This is something I never realised, my triggers where showing me my issues and showing me where I needed to fix it and get rid of the problems! Look out for it and listen to your body,mind, heart and soul. It works in amazing ways
Pay attention to your triggers, they are showing you where you need to heal.
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
This here is so true! Even on your toughest days. Have this quote somewhere to see. A reminder that you are a fighter and you can do it. Never give up,never back down, never stop where you path is taking you!! Love yourself and be strong #yougotthis
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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Seconds Apart on instagram
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
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uniquemummy2 · 2 years
Hey guys
Today is one of those bad days. Waking up with this horrible feeling of this is all just going to go wrong. Not feeling good about myself or how I look. Dreading doing my workout.y motivation level is just meh!
This is the down side to depression. Your mind picks and chooses how your day's going to go, whether you smile or cry. This is why I'm trying so hard to break away from my brain taking over how I feel. Tonight I'm going to do my hypnotherapy with Paul McKenna. He is brilliant, he helps so much and has worked wonders for me. He does mutliple hypnotherapy. I will give myself some words of in couragment. I will do my workout! I will get through this day with a positive outlook! I will escape this black cloud over my head. Guys we all need to support you eachother. Be there for eachother on these horrible days. You can help someone who's having a crappy day. It takes alot and it takes so much strength to continuously keep fighting. We can do this and we can get through this. ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
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