v1nuswrites · 4 months
Chapter Four: Oh Fuck...
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Summary: https://www.tumblr.com/v1nuswrites/749849029310021632/all-my-unconditional-love-carina-x?source=share
Please read the summary before continuing with this fic ^^
Chris x female! OC
Part One, Part Two,Part Three
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The alarm was like a bulldozer within Carinas head, annoying and loud. As she got up, she couldn't help but wonder why Olivia chose to have her party on a school night.
Today was not going to be a good day.
Maya and Carina got ready as quickly as they could, already having overslept. Carina snatched her bag off the floor, not bothering to give it a second glance. She zipped it up as they made their way outside to Matt in his car.
“Morning guys” Nick said, missing his usual enthusiasm and flair. Suddenly, Carina felt like this definitely wasn’t going to be a good day.
Carina didn’t say anything to Chris when she got into the car, and he didn’t say anything to her. She remembered what had happened last night, and it felt oddly … private. She felt like she shouldn’t tell anyone.
Carina could feel the group’s eyes on the both of them, wondering why they weren’t arguing like usual.
Carina ignored them, instead choosing to stare out of the car window to the large tree in the distance and the calm morning sea behind it, the peaceful scene at complete opposites with her inner thoughts.
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Carina could hardly look at her painting first period, she felt like it should be hidden away so no one could ever see it. Sadly, she knew she wouldn’t have time to finish the project if she decided to create an entirely new piece, so she kept painting, never once looking at Chris.
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When it finally reached lunch, Carina couldn’t help but glance over at Chris. She realised for the first time that Olivia and Joel both sat on his table and, to her annoyance, she also realised that Chris and Emily were awfully close. She suddenly felt sick. It must’ve been her lunch.
Her thoughts were broken when Joel sent her a wave, noticing her glace in their tables direction. She sent a small one back. Finally, Chris turned around to look at her, glancing at the both of them.
“Joel huh?” Maya raised her eyebrows.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Carina responded dryly, turning back to her own table.
“Bitch are you blind?” Nick asked, finally back to his usual self after sleeping off his hangover first period.
“I think I like you better hungover” Carina said looking at Nick, clearly joking.
“I think I like you better drunk” Nick retaliated.
“I’m just glad you’ve finally got a new crush after Soren” Maya said. Matt nodded in agreement.
“Guys I literally just waved at him, its no big deal. That doesn’t mean I like him” Carina said honestly, she didn’t have a crush on Joel. They just got along well.
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Carina’s last period was history, and her teacher asked her to quickly run a pink leaflet down to the library to be scanned and printed. Her teacher was clearly panicked, as apparently, the leaflets needed to go out to students today and school would be finishing for the day soon. Carina didn’t question it, stuffing it in her bag and walking down to the library. At least she would get to miss the last fifteen minutes of history.
When Carina got to the library, she quickly pulled out the pink sheet her teacher had given her to be photocopied and handed it to the librarian.
The librarian printed enough for the entire school with haste, clearly noticing the time, and handed them to Carina.
“Just go to the top floor of the school and let them fall, we’ve given up on trying to hand them out individually” The librarian sighed, exhausted from dealing with adolescents all day.
Carina did as she was told, as soon as the bell rang, letting the leaflets fly as everyone ran out the school to get home. Watching them fall was actually a beautiful sight … until Carina herself looked at the last leaflet and instantly recognised the words and handwriting.
Her handwriting.
Her words.
Her letter to Soren.
Her love letter actually addressed to Soren with her name at the end.
Oh fuck.
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A/N: Chapter four as promised! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I've been so busy revising for tests and meeting up with family I've had no time to even think about posting this next chapter! This is definitely a short but exciting chapter! Finally the drama begins!! Lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list :)
Taglist: @mattspolitank
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v1nuswrites · 4 months
Overall aesthetic x જ⁀➴⁠ ⁠♡
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Quick reminder that i'm still here lol! I know I haven't uploaded a new chapter in a while, sadly i've been busy with some tests, however, Chapter 4 will be out tomorrow (should everything go okay!)
Have a great rest of your day :)
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v1nuswrites · 4 months
can u post the link to ur wattpad plss i cant find ur account
Ofc! Im so sorry about that ^^
Here's the official link to my Wattpad
Thanks so much for asking :)
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v1nuswrites · 4 months
Chapter Three: Party?
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Summary: https://www.tumblr.com/v1nuswrites/749849029310021632/all-my-unconditional-love-carina-x?source=share
Please read the summary before continuing with this fic ^^
Chris x female! OC
Part One, Part Two
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Carina didn’t know why her friends had decided on that particular dare, but Chris' actions soon made blindingly clear to them that it wasn't going to work, and eventually, they gave up. However, that didn't stop people around the school from talking.
All Carina could hear throughout the day was whispering about her and Chris holding hands, most of them ignoring the fact that straight after he tripped her up. She'd already heard so many ridiculous theories by the time lunch rolled around, she practically collapsed onto the groups lunch table, making her embarrassment and annoyance clear.
The group only glanced at each other, Nick smiling sweetly.
"Everything okay?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"Peachy" Carina gritted out, deciding to let it go, the gossip wouldn't last long anyways.
"I just can't believe anyone would think I would go as low as to date Chris" She couldn't help but mutter. However, her direction of thoughts was quickly altered as she noticed just how close Luca and nick were to each other.
Carina turned to Matt. She soon noticed he was looking over at Chris on the other side of the lunch hall. Recently, he had begun to sit next to Soren with the 'popular' group.
"I can't believe Chris doesn't sit with us anymore" Matt said sadly. It was clear that the group shared the same feelings, excluding Carina of course. Still, she felt sympathetic for them, especially Nick and Matt. They hadn't been in separate friendship groups well ... ever.
"Oh by the way guys, Olivia Is holding a party to celebrate the start of Senior year, were all invited so you guys better show up" Maya threatened, clearly trying to keep the group positive.
"Sounds good" Nick replied. He quickly glanced at Luca in a questioning manner, silently asking if he would be coming. Luca nodded in response.
"I'm in" Carina nodded. She actually enjoyed parties most of the time, and she definitely needed to loosen up after the stress and embarrassment of the past few days. Maybe she could even use this as an opportunity to stop those rumours once and for all.
They all sent a pleading look to Matt, knowing he would be the hardest to convince.
"Come on Matt, it's the first party of senior year, you have to be there!" Nick tried to convince him.
"Pleaseeee" Maya and Carina began to beg.
"Fine" Matt gave in smiling.
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Carina looked at herself in the mirror as she zipped up her emerald green midi dress.
Her mother was right, it really did compliment her auburn hair. She didn't know how long she looked at herself in the mirror, mostly out of surprise, but her trance was broken as she heard a honking outside her house. She quickly added some finishing touches to her make up and left the house.
"Great, she's coming"
Carina could already hear Chris' outrage and she had only just stepped out the door. She couldn't help but grin; making him annoyed was one of her favourite hobbies after all.
"Everything okay Chris?" She smiled sweetly, but he could immediately detect its teasing edge.
"Fuck off and turn around" Chris seethed from the passenger seat. Carina couldn't help but think he looked like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"Oh that wouldn't be much fun now would it?" She replied. Carina honestly didn't recognise herself around Chris, she never acted like this with anyone else, and from what she had seen, Chris didn't either.
"You better stay away from me tonight, I don't need more rumours spreading, its embarrassing enough as is" Chris said as she got into the car.
"Trust me, staying far away from you won't be a challenge" Carina retorted as she sat beside Maya.
"That's enough! You two can get really annoying when you argue. Seriously, I think I'm getting a headache" Matt warned as he continued to drive.
"The Mattitude tonight is crazy" Maya whispered next to Carina and whisper like laughs could be heard from the very back seats - Nick and Luca.
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By the time they arrived at the party, it was at its height. Music was blasting from the speakers around the house and Carina wondered how the police hadn't already been called for a noise complaint. As they entered the house, it was chaos. People were making out in corners, others were taking shots from precious looking vases and a group of guys were sliding down the large staircase using a surfboard.
How innovative, Carina thought dryly.
As Carina walked into the kitchen with her friends, she realised that the backdoors led straight onto the beach, where even more people were. Carina had been to her fair share of parties over the years, mainly thanks to Maya and her many friends, but this one was for sure the biggest she had been to.
She instantly turned to Matt, realising he was picking his fingernails. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture.
"Want a drink?" Carina shouted over the music, hoping it would calm his nerves.
"Please, nothing too strong though" He replied.
As Carina looked around her, she realised Chris was gone. It hit her that he had likely gone straight to Emily, and Carina felt anger well up within her at the idea, but she wasn't sure why.
Ever since they had started high school, Emily and Chris had been dating on and off for years, seemingly relishing in the drama of breaking up and getting back together again shortly afterward. Carina couldn't stand it. She knew all about Emily. She knew how rude she was to everyone but those who she deemed 'good enough'. Over the years, she had tried to tell Chris, but of course he didn't listen to her.
Trying to distract herself from getting angry, Carina poured a cup of whatever she could find on the counter for herself and Matt, handing it to him.
Suddenly, Olivia, the girl who Carina distantly remembered as the host of the party, practically popped up from behind Matts shoulder, nearly scaring Carina to death.
"Want one guys?" She asked as she held out a tray of jello shots. Her voice was bubbly and bright, the kind of voice which would normally make you feel welcome, but Carina could instantly detect the melancholic edge it held. She decided now likely wasn't the best time to ask, she didn't want to upset the girl even more.
Carina had already finished her first drink, so she shrugged and said "Why not?", grabbing one from the tray.
They were delicious.
Carina wasn't sure how many of those jello shots she had, all she knew was they tasted delicious and there were sooo many different flavours... She was listing them in her head; grape, cherry, strawberry ....
Suddenly, she bumped into a strong frame sitting on the floor. She vaguely recognised the figure as one of the football players on the same team as Soren and Chris.
"I'm so sorry!" Carina gasped as she finally realised she had hit him.
"No worries" He laughed, turning his head to her and away from the beautiful view of the ocean.
"Why are you out here all alone?" She asked as she sat down next to him. Normally, Carina wouldn't sit next to a stranger, but the alcohol circulating her system had other plans.
He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "No one to sit out here with me I guess"
Carina knew this couldn't be true, distantly remembering he was quite popular within their school.
"Carina" She said simply.
"Joel" He replied.
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They talked for what felt like hours, but Carina knew it could have only been forty-five minutes. Joel was surprisingly great, and easy to get along with. It also helped that they had a lot in common.
She was enjoying herself until she felt a harsh grab at her shoulder, practically dragging her away from Joel.
"Time to go" The voice said casually.
She could recognise that voice anywhere, Chris. Immediately, she tried pulling away from him, but his grip was surprisingly strong considering the fact he wasn't hurting her at all.
"I wasn't done!" Carina exclaimed, annoyed Chris was ruining things for her once again. She immediately turned to Joel who was getting further away by the second. His face was one of pure shock.
"Bummer" Chris said, clearly not caring.
"I thought we agreed to stay away from each other!" She seethed, looking at him. She continued to try and tug her arm away, to no avail.
"You agreed to stay away from me, I said nothing of the sort" He smirked, knowing he had her trapped.
This was why they never agreed on anything.
Well, apart from that one time...
She shook her head to rid herself of the thought and stayed silent as Chris led her out of the house and into the car where everyone was waiting, not letting her go or softening his grip for a second. Carina silently blamed her sudden compliance on the alcohol.
She and Maya were dropped at Carina's house, Maya staying the night for a sleepover. Not that it would be much of one considering the drunken state the girls were in.
When they finally got to her room, Maya stumbled into a medium sized pink box on the floor, a gorgeous velvet ribbon neatly sat atop it.
"What's this?" She giggled as she asked Carina.
"Oh those are the love letters I wrote for Soren years ago, before he rejected me" Carina told her. The whole group knew about her and Soren anyway, they had all helped her through it, so she didn't really see the point in lying.
Maya opened it, trying to read one of the letters but failing, her drunken state causing all the words to swirl and move around the page. Carelessly, she dropped the letter to the floor.
Or, at least, what she must've thought was the floor.
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A/N: This is a bit of a longer chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far :) I'm certainly having a lot of fun writing it and putting my own spin on all kinds of cringey romantic moments! As always, thanks so much for your support <3
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v1nuswrites · 4 months
Chapter Two: Fakers
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Summary: https://www.tumblr.com/v1nuswrites/749849029310021632/all-my-unconditional-love-carina-x?source=share
Please read the summary before continuing with this fic ^^
Chris x female! OC
Chapters: Part One
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It was the first day of senior year and Carina felt like being sick. She had never done well with stress, not even in childhood. The only thing she could think to do to help ease her mind was paint.
She would have to wait for the triplets to come and pick her up since Soren went much earlier that morning with his own friends to football practise, leaving no room for her in the car. It was clear he was doing his best to stay far away from her.
Carina told herself she didn't mind. Besides, she liked going with the triplets, especially since she knew Chris wouldn't be there this time as he would also be training for football.
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A loud honk outside of her house let her know Matt was here. She finished scrubbing her hands and ran to the door, not wanting to keep him and the others waiting.
She smiled as she got into the car and sat in her normal seat across from Matt who was in the driver's seat.
"How are you feeling?" Matt asked as he looked down at her paint covered hands. Only Matt would know her hands were an easy way to see how Carina was feeling. When she was stressed or upset, her hands would become splattered with paint, pen and whatever else she chose to use. He knew art was her only escape from stress.
"I'm okay now" Carina reassured, looking down at Matts hands which were his telltale sign too. As soon as he felt angry, stressed, or upset the area around his fingernails would begin to scab from where where he would pick them. Luckily, there was nothing there. Carina smiled at that small relief, his calmness rubbing off on her.
"Seniors baby!" Nick practically screamed in excitement from the back, making Carina jolt. She nearly forgot him, Luca and Maya were also here.
"This is going to be the best year I can feel it already!" Maya exclaimed, always the positive one. Matt, Luca and Carina joined in on their cheering, bouncing off their excited energy.
As Carina turned to look out the car window, she realised she was directly in front of it, Matt having not driven off yet.
Their tree.
Her cheering suddenly died down. Matt drove past it almost agonisingly slow. She didn't blame him though, he didn't know. It was the one secret she had kept from him throughout all these years.
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As they all got out of the car, Chris and Soren were walking back from their football practise, sweaty and pink faced. Soren clearly spotted them and Carina looked into his deep brown eyes as he gave their group a small wave. He avoided her gaze and parted from Chris, making his own way to class. A sudden jolt of sadness hit Carina as she began to realise they would never be the same as before.
"Hey" Chris greeted everyone, except for Carina. Obviously.
"Do you guys hear something?" Carina said sarcastically, looking him in the eyes to make her point. His eyebrows creased in an annoyed expression.
"Remember you guys are meant to be 'dating' " Maya whispered harshly at both of them as she grabbed both of their hands, connecting them.
"You have art together first period right? Walk there together" Maya suggested, clearly not understanding just how deep their hatred for each other ran.
"This is ridiculous" Chris muttered, seething. But he didn't let go instantly like Carina thought he would.
"Don't let yourself get any ideas okay? If this wasn't some ridiculous dare, i'd chop my hand off before it touched you." Chris whispered in a harsh tone to Carina. She just ignored him, purposefully tightening her grip on his hand to the point she knew it must be hurting him.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have unusually sweaty hands?" Carina spoke loudly enough for those around them in the hallway to hear, gritting her teeth and scrunching up her nose.
"Like seriously ... You should get that checked out-" Carina went on, but suddenly she was cut off by a foot coming in front of her, tripping her up.
Chris, of course.
"Whoops" He said as he continued walking, not even sparing a glance in her direction. A flurry of curse words entered her mind as he walked away.
"Well, That failed." Nick sighed, turning towards Maya, Luca and Matt.
"Dramatically." Maya added. Even Luca nodded In agreement.
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When Carina finally got to her art class, she was late. She silently blamed Chris. She wasn't too worried about her teacher, Miss Thompson, being mad at her though. They had become quite close over the years considering how much time Carina spent in the art studios.
The classroom was set with a circle of easels in the middle of the room, a range of other art equipment surrounding the rest of the class. Everything you could think of creating could be made within the art studios, and Carina never got bored of the excitement she felt when she entered.
Looking for the easel and chair with her name on, Carina found she was placed across the room from where Chris was sat, a small miracle.
"Please paint or create whatever you would like," Miss Thompson said happily. "Today is for experimentation! Allow yourselves to get back into a creative mindset"
"You'll have three days to complete this experimental piece, and after this, you'll be working in pairs for a project which will make up a large part of your final grade." She reminded the class gently.
Carina didn't think much about the project, knowing she wouldn't have a tough time finding a partner considering practically everyone in the school knew how much she loved art. She didn't bother to look at the worried expression on Chris' face at this news.
By the end of class, Carina looked at the rough outline she had made for her piece. Without her being aware, she had painted an outline of two hands reaching out to each other, close to touching but ultimately not being able to reach each other.
She grimaced as she turned it away from her, reminders of earlier infiltrating her thoughts without permission.
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A/N: Chapter two! This fic is a little slow to start, but I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me! Thanks so much for reading, the support means the world to me :) <3
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v1nuswrites · 4 months
Chapter One: The Dare ...
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Summary: https://www.tumblr.com/v1nuswrites/749849029310021632/all-my-unconditional-love-carina-x?source=share
Please read the summary and warnings in the linked post before continuing on with the fic! ^^
Chris Sturniolo x female! OC
Chapters: Two
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"Once you’ve felt the power of unconditional love, you begin to realise that nothing else can compare. It’s a love that transcends past and self, exceeding grudges, word and insecurities. Unconditional love will always ultimately overpower all, no matter how much you may not desire it to."
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One thing that’s always stayed constant in Carina’s life? Her very much reciprocated hatred for Chris Sturniolo. No one really understood why, but they had had it out for each other since they first met – when they were six.
Ever since they had met, Chris had made fun of Carina, particularly her auburn hair. He was always tugging it, always talking about what an ugly colour it was. It had been her biggest insecurity ever since, and she never forgave him for it. Ever since then they had hated each other. It was no secret, and to their friends it was as natural as breathing. Chris and Carina hated each other, and that was just a fact of life.
Carina had always loved art. All kinds of art, whether that be painting, sketching, even writing. It was the only way she could express herself and let go of her admittedly irritable and abrasive personality.
Although it pained Carina to say that they had anything in common, Chris’ personality was similar in that way. Maybe that’s why they never got along. Hatred does tend to stick, after all.
The thing is, when Carina was six, she befriended Matt and Nick two of the triplets Chris of course had to be part of, so no matter how much they hated each other, they’d done everything together. With other people of course, but he was still always there.
God she wished Nick and Matt had been born twins so they could have been saved from sharing the womb with that idiot. Her friendship with two of the brothers made it more than awkward at times, and Carina and Chris were often yelled at by both of them to stop arguing.
When they started high school, rumours spread quickly, everyone wondering if they were 'secretly crushing on each other'. Chris was quick to put an end to that.
The sound of scraping on canvas broke Carina’s track of thought.
The idea of Chris irked Carina so much her paintbrush had scraped across the canvas she was currently painting, ruining the bristles of the paintbrush and the painting in one foul swoop. Gritting her teeth and silently blaming Chris for the mishap, Carina washed her supplies and tried her best to fix the brush, not bothering with the painting. She could worry about that later. Senior year was about to start and she was having their group over to celebrate; this of course included Nick, Matt, unfortunately Chris, and their two other friends Maya and Luca, who they had all collectively known since middle school. As she left her studio within the house, she made sure to lock it. No one had ever been in there, and no one ever would.
As she finished setting the snacks down in the living room, the doorbell rang. “Its for you Carina!” A deep voice, which she distantly recognised as her stepfather, called out. Her stepfather, Joseph, was a genuinely great guy. Carina and her mother had known him for a long time before they finally got married, and Carina was so happy for her mom, even if it meant she sometimes wondered how her father could be forgotten so easily after his death. She knew it had been years ago, but she couldn’t help but feel as though she were backstabbing him every time she treated Joseph like a father. Ignoring this though, everything was amazing, her mother was finally truly happy.
Well, everything was great … apart from her stepbrother, Soren. Nothing was wrong with Soren himself, it was more Carina’s past feelings for him. Yes, it was Carina that was the problem. Not Soren. They had known each other for years, before her mother and Joseph had began to date. They had been together all the time as kids and they always had the best time together. It was no wonder Carina had liked him since she was just a little girl, but when she discovered her mother and Joseph were starting to date, she knew her feelings had to end. It was easy enough and eventually, she got over it. However, that didn't erase her confession to Soren. She wished she had known about their parents, but she was told the day after, permanently ruining her and Sorens friendship. Even with it clear those feelings were long gone and buried, Soren just couldn’t seem to look at her the same as he used to.
“You’re just in time!” Carina smiled, ignoring her previous thoughts as she opened the door allowing the bright sound of laughter and the salty scent of the beach just a few meters from her house overwhelm her senses. “Of course” Matt laughed as he walked in already making himself comfortable, looking as though he lived in the house, which he practically did.
Maya bounded in just after him with a bright smile on her face, hugging Carina tightly. “I missed you” She practically wailed. “We saw each other two days ago!” Carina laughed, hugging Maya back even tighter. “Exactly!” She replied as she moved, allowing Luca and Nick to walk In. Her and Nick hugged, Nick complimenting her outfit and Carina reciprocating.
Luca and Carina smiled at each other with smiles and a small hi considering Luca’s highly introverted personality. As he and Nick walked further into her house, Carina couldn’t help but notice how close the two had gotten over the summer holidays.
She already knew who the last presence at the door was, and it took all of her willpower to not shut the door right in his face. “Chris” She gritted her teeth as she greeted him, trying her best to keep all hostility out of her voice. Chris only made a disgusted face as he walked into the house. “I’m doing great, thanks so much for asking!” Carina said sarcastically. “What a shame” Chris replied, smirking as he walked into her house. Carina could feel her eye twitch as she closed the front door.
As the night went on, the group started sprawling across the living room out of boredom. Maya suddenly shot up from her place on the couch. “Guys I’ve literally just had the best idea” “Oh god” Matt groaned, already knowing it was going to be the worst idea. It was clear the rest of the group agreed about his assumption as they each collectively groaned with him.
“Extreme truth or dare!” She exclaimed proudly. “That’s so fifth grade Maya … Lets do it” Nick added, always a sucker for any kinds of games that could bring harmless drama. Carina could see Maya practically vibrating in her seat.
“What makes it extreme?” Carina asked, never having played before. “Basically, once you get a dare, you can’t say no or ask to do something else, and once you get a truth, you have to answer“ Matt shivered at the idea, remembering the last time they played this and he ended up being dragged into one of Maya’s experienced dancers only lessons, in which he had no experience.
Eventually, they all sat in a circle, Carina and Chris on opposite sides for obvious reasons, and they began giving each other various truths and dares. Once it reached Chris, he just smirked, cocky as ever. The ones giving him the dare, Luca and Nick, turned to each other, whispering.
Finally, after a few of minutes of whispers and shared giggles, which Carina couldn’t help but smile at, they turned to Chris. “We dare you to fake date Carina for the first week of senior year” Chris’ face went through a million emotions within the span of seconds, finally landing on one of complete disgust. Carina, just as shocked and angry, blurted out “what?!” Even Matt’s face was etched with horror at the idea. “Come on guys! Can you imagine? It’ll be the first big drama of senior year; I’ll have so much material for the Instagram account! It’s been so slow lately” Nick sighed, referring to the Instagram account he had been the owner of ever since freshman year. Practically everyone at the school followed it. No one else knew it was Nick behind it, apart from their small group of course.
“You’re joking right? You must be insane to believe I’d ever entertain the thought of pretending to date that thing” Chris spit out. “That thing? You literally look like you’ve snuck onto earth with that ginormous forehead of yours-“ Carina started to retort, yet another argument between the two bubbling. But before it could go any further, Maya cut in.
“Sorry guys, but you knew the rules when you played this game. You have to, and its only a week don’t be so dramatic” Knowing she was right, Chris and Carina could only glare at each other. It was clear to everyone that the game had come to its end… Or had it?
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Tysm for reading! This is defo going to be more of a cringey fic, but I'm sure you can already tell just by this chapter ^^ I hope you enjoyed, thanks so much for supporting! x
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v1nuswrites · 5 months
Welcome + Masterlist ! x જ⁀➴⁠ ⁠♡
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My name is Honour! Here, you can explore all of my work. All my work is written and thought of by me. If you're inspired, please make sure to give me credits. Please be kind, I don't tolerate any hateful attitudes towards myself or anyone enjoying my blog. None of my works are or will be 18+ so anyone is welcome to read/interact and have fun :) Obviously, read at your own discretion. Any warnings will be in each fic description post so please make sure to read these before reading the actual fics themselves. I'm currently not doing any requests due to time constraints ‪♡ Look out for my latest fic: 'All my unconditional love, Carina x'
I’ll likely be posting all my chapters to Wattpad first, so if you’d like to read them quicker give me a follow on there: @v1nusx
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Chris Sturniolo:
‪♡ All my unconditional love, Carina x
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Summary
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Chapters - Part One, Part Two,Part Three, Part Four tbc...
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Aesthetics - Overall Aesthetic, tbc...
Matt Sturniolo:
to be continued ...
Nick Sturniolo:
to be continued ...
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v1nuswrites · 5 months
All my unconditional love, Carina x
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In which,
Carina and Chris have been enemies for as long as they can remember. But what happens when Carina's old love letters for her new step-brother are released to the entire school? Will fake dating each other bring the two closer together? Or will their already damaged relationship become unfixable?
‪♡ Parings: Chris Sturniolo x female!oc
‪♡ Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, mentions and descriptions of violent fights, verbal arguments, partying, alcohol + drug consumption, mildly suggestive content, no smut, mentions of anxiety
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‪♡ Extras! to be continued...
© V1nuswrites 2024 {You do not have my permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices, all work is my own, if you are inspired please give me credit}
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