traumatizedjaguar · 4 months
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you left me for dead, I won't forget.
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The Purest Narcissistic Person
It’s been a long time since I posted. I was in the middle of writing a blog about how I was told that I am prideful, I had to pause that writing because it requires a bit of reading and understanding to get my point across. I don’t believe I am prideful, but I do choose wisely who I talk to. Meanwhile, I do have to do this writing because I’m struggling with isolation and being ignored…
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I accept flaws, I don’t accept lies and disloyalty.
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
5 Vows of the Seeker:
⁜ Ahimsa - non-violence ⁜ Satya - truthfulness ⁜ Asteya - non-stealing ⁜ Brahmacharya - pure conduct ⁜ Aparigraha - non-attachment
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quarn-sunnah · 1 year
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If the Slytherins have taught me anything then it's to embrace my own darkness. Or often just to embrace what other people consider darkness, what you get punished and ousted for, which is relatively easy to be done in our current life conditions.
You have to find a loyalty to yourself that holds onto your self, your worth and your goodness even if the outside world, maybe even people closest to you, will tell you the opposite. You have to find that loyalty even if it's just for the fact that you cannot change who you are in this moment, no matter how hard you try to repress, deny and disown what other people don't like. I found myself to deserve better than trying to juggle my personality in such a way that others might be satisfied or find me tolerable. Life is worthless trying to put on a show and being dishonest and disloyal to yourself.
It is hard, very hard and I've paid the price a thousand times in my life. When I was younger unconsciously because no matter what I did, most people disapproved of it. And for the last couple of years consciously because I found that feeling of loyalty to myself somehow and a strong, strong aversion to performative goodness and trying to be something just so that others like you.
This is what I like about the Slytherins and what I like about Snape. They cannot deny their darkness, they already made such bad choices or they already are so bitter or unloved that they cannot deny their negative attributes. And they don't seem to have enough of a redeeming quality. It's up to us what we do about our "negative" attributes and I highly empathise and connect to Snape on that level. I think he was blessed in that way that he got to choose, he was presented with the opportunity to genuinely choose something honest and loving. Not everybody gets that opportunity or not everybody recognises it.
But always, always choose from the heart, choose it out of love. Don't choose to do anything good for other people's approval or so that others might be gracious enough to stop bullying you or making you wrong. Your soul deserves better than that. From my own experience, choose to do something better or redeeming out of deep love in your heart and don't let go of yourself in the process of it. Be loyal to yourself and love what you do.
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causin-mad-hysteria · 2 years
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al-jadwal · 1 year
The Best Thing For the Believers
al-Fuḍayl b. ʿIyāḍ said: “The people have not adorned themselves with anything better than truthfulness and seeking al-ḥalāl (ḥalāl provision).” حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْحُسَيْنِ السُّلَمِيُّ، أنا عَبْدُ اللهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الرَّازِيُّ، قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ نَصرٍ الصَّائِغَ، نا مَرْدَوَيْهِ الصَّائِغُ، قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ الْفُضَيْلَ، يَقُولُ: " لَمْ يَتَزَيَّنِ النَّاسُ بِشَيْءٍ أَفْضَلَ مِنَ الصِّدْقِ، وَطَلَبِ الْحَلَالِ " al-Bayhaqī, Shuʿab al-ʾĪmān 6/516 #4557 البيهقي، شعب الإيمان ٦/٥١٦ #٤٥٥٧ https://shamela.ws/book/10660/5008 Telegram: https://t.me/aljadwal Tumblr: https://al-jadwal.tumblr.com
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penmanshipeb · 11 months
📖 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. - Matthew 24:12
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ["the lie"]: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:11‭-‬12 📖
In regards to the last days, Christ says that the love of many shall become cold because iniquity shall abound . . . We live in a day where people don't relish genuineness, loyalty, love . . . Stuff like that gets used and abused. You're seen as a pluck, simp, a lame. It's either play or get played. . .
So many move not acknowledging their human quality . . . God designed for love, faithfulness (loyalty), truth (genuineness, love essentially) to be desired. But when one moves as if they're outside of those desires -- lit, living their best life -- as if they're heartless, savage, or whatever, they have believed "the lie."
"The lie" goes back to what Satan deceitfully implied way back in the garden of Eden: "You shall be a gods" . . .
So many move recklessly in these last days because so many move having this lie permeating their spirits and minds -- some even calling themselves gods. Thus, so many mishandle relationships, damaging others.
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response-to-other · 1 year
The main thing is that you stop telling lies to yourself. The one who lies to himself and believes his own lies comes to a point where he can distinguish no truth either within himself or around him, and thus enters into a state of disrespect towards himself and others. Respecting no one, he loves no one, and to amuse and divert himself in the absence of love he gives himself up to his passions and to vulgar delights and becomes a complete animal in his vices, and all of it from perpetual lying to other people and himself. The one who lies to himself is often quick to take offence. After all, it is sometimes rather enjoyable to feel insulted, is it not? For the person knows that no one has insulted him, and that he himself has thought up the insult and told lies as an ornament, has exaggerated in order to create a certain impression, has seized on a word and made a mountain out of a molehill — is well aware of this, and yet is the very first to feel insulted, feel insulted to the point of pleasure, to the point of great satisfaction, and for that very reason ends up nurturing a sense of true animosity... [...] The main thing is to shun lies, all forms of lies, lies to yourself in particular. Keep a watch on your lies and study them every hour, every minute. Also shun disdain, both for others and for yourself; that which appears to you foul within yourself is cleansed by the very fact of your having noticed it in you. Also shun fear, although fear is only the consequence of any kind of lying. Never be daunted by your own lack of courage in the attainment of love, nor be over-daunted even by your bad actions in this regard. I regret I can say nothing more cheerful to you, for in comparison to fanciful love, active love is a cruel and frightening thing. Fanciful love thirsts for a quick deed, swiftly accomplished, and that everyone should gaze upon it. In such cases the point really is reached where people are even willing to give their lives just as long as the whole thing does not last an eternity but is swiftly achieved, as on the stage, and as long as everyone is watching and praising. Active love, on the other hand, involves work and self-mastery.
F. Dostoevsky, Brothers Karamazov
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sadgirlsummer93 · 2 years
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black-rose-sp · 1 year
Atrévete a ser tu... ¿Ser yo?
¿Todos te dicen debes ser tu? es lo mejor que puedes hacer.
Pero… como alguien acostumbrado a hacer versiones de si misma para cada grupo, y así “encajar” sabemos que es difícil ser tu, hay personas que nos dan la suficiente confianza como para ser nosotras y si te das cuenta esas son nuestras mejores relaciones.
Entonces, ser auténticas, pues es algo positivo. Piénsenlo es lo que nos une a algunos Influencers, o celebridades. Intrínsecamente valoramos a las personas genuinas, pero ¿porque vivimos ocultando quienes somos, lo nos gusta y todas esas cosas?
Pase la mitad de mi adolescencia intentando ser alguien que no era. Eventualmente me canse de ser alguien que no soy, era agotador mantener una doble vida. El “Masking” que hice durante toda mi vida, es parte de mí y no siempre somos conscientes de esta habilidad de adaptación que tenemos, pues lo hacemos en automático.
Pero cuando conoces personas nuevas y pasas la etapa en la que te adaptas, gradualmente te empiezas a sentir en confianza y tu verdadero yo sale a luz, ese que te esfuerzas en ocultar. Algunas personas que vemos en la calle, son realmente auténticas y es algo disruptivo, pero tranquila con pequeños pasos puedes empezar a ser autentica y permitir que tu verdadero yo sea visto por los demás.  
Por algo se debe empezar y en el camino a la autenticidad el primer paso es conocerte a ti misma, que es importante para ti, que deseas y cuales son tus sentimientos, una vez que te conozcas a ti misma debes aceptarte porque, aunque suene cliché como esperas que otros te acepten como eres, si tu no lo haces, acepta tus fortalezas y debilidades, quiérete mucho, mira que eres el amor de tu vida.
Como eres el amor de tu vida, pues debes ser honesta contigo misma, aprende a decir la verdad incluso si es difícil o incomodo, como ya te conoces las decisiones que tomes deben estar alineadas con lo que es importante para ti. Por favor deja de compararte con los demás, eres un individuo y como tal eres único, todos tenemos nuestro propio, no tengas miedo de ser tu mismo, diferente. Acepta tus errores y aprende de ellos eso te ayudara a crecer como persona.
Con esto te sentirás satisfechas y contenta con tu vida, las relaciones que tengas serán más sólidas y saludables, el ser autentica te dará seguridad y confianza en ti misma. Cuando te conozcas a ti misma tendrás mas claridad sobre lo que quieres y necesitas en la vida, al aceptar tus errores y aprender de ellos te convertirás en un persona más resiliente y capaz de manejar los desafíos de la vida, como hemos visto en otras personas, la autenticidad en las personas hace que dejen un mayor impacto en el mundo y las personas que le rodean,
Ultimo comentario cliché del día, ¿por qué nos desgastamos tanto queriendo ser alguien más? Cuando solo hay uno de nosotros, y todo el punto de ser individuos es el ser únicos, así que atrévete a ser tu todos los días un poquito, mira que hay algo en este mundo que solo tu puedes dar, gózalo…. ¡Esperando que se diviertan mucho siendo auténticas las saluda Black!
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Why did this make me feel some type of way!!!
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F#CK MY LIFE!!!!!!!
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curtvilescomic · 15 days
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i learned about Shiniuzhai, a convenience store hanging on a cliff in Hunan, that’s been nicknamed “most inconvenient convenience store” in China (x)
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eyeonpalestine · 3 months
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