My head and heart are clear
Clear as the Pennsylvania well-water,
Clear as the Oregon night sky.
No longer is it swimming in blistering heat
Heat like Columbia summertime,
Heat like Red Rock Canyon.
Instead I feel like I’ve landed in my body
Warm as freshly-tilled New Orleans earth,
Warm as my Asheville bed with you in it.
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The soft golden sunlight peers through the clouds
Shining on my barely waking face
Each day is the same: I am 
The cloud in the sky, and I am the sun,
Permeating the shadow of doubt
Warming the chill of anxiety
Photosynthesizing depression into growth.
In fact, I am every celestial body: every star, 
Every black hole. I am creation and destruction.
I am both depressed and content,
I am anxious and at peace. I am full of 
Doubt and full of courage
Because these things are not what they are
Without the other. It just so happens that 
Fear and love happen to look the same: 
It all depends on how the light shines.
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Open your heart
Allow light to shine through
Into the window of your soul.
Feel how you sparkle,
How you illuminate the path
So that all who follow will not fall.
Open your heart
Breathe into your veins.
Allow the oxygen to permeate
The walls you unwittingly erected;
Trust that your will can make them crumble,
The remains fertilizing the very ground from which you'll grow.
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Raise Your Voice
I wrote this monologue for my applied theatre class. It was in response to the call of Henry Giroux’s Border Crossings, Gloria Anzaluda’s Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, bell hooks’s Talking Back, and Paula Rothenberg’s The Construction, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction of Difference, among others. 
[Barely audible] Can you hear me? Hello? [Thumbs up, so as to ask the audience.] Okay? I would speak up a little louder, but I seem to have lost my voice. I am unsure of where it might have gone, but I have a suspicious feeling that it got lost somewhere between here and somewhere else: right on the border of then and now.
I feel fine, really. No need to send a Get Well card, though please know the thought counts for something. My throat doesn’t hurt; I haven’t been coughing; I tried gargling with salt water; I even drank this strange mixture of honey and some kind of spice with lemon, which I wouldn’t recommend to anyone who I thought of as a friend.
I didn’t lose it myself. Honest! I’m usually pretty careful with all of my stuff. Except for that one time I lost my key to my bike lock, but even then I found it after about half an hour of looking for it. It ended up being right next to my bike. I figured that if I looked hard enough for my voice, that I’d have found it by now.
I don’t know if someone took it, but all I know is that it’s been so long since I’ve known where it was that I hardly remember what it sounded like. I remember it being kind of low–though not quite as a low as a man’s–making my chest vibrate a little, and it would get higher in pitch if I got excited about something. Sometimes I would use it to sing or to laugh, making the music of my soul. I had a laugh like it came from the center of the earth, hearty and heavy but happy. I think I miss those more than I miss talking loudly.
But it seems like there’s something in the way of me finding it. I don’t even know where to begin looking for it. I can’t even call out to it like I would to a lost dog or something because, well, that’s the whole problem in the first place, now isn’t it?
[Full volume] Oh, you’re giving it back to me? Told you I didn’t lose it. Now, take a listen.
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Show up for yourself
Every day
Honor who you are
Every day
Love yourself fully
Every day
Open mind and heart  
Every day
Hold space for others
Every day
Find a way to let go
Every day
Seek opportunities
Every day
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Smoke, Fog, and Haze
The trails of burning Palo Santo cleanse me
Of all that I no longer need
But my soul’s light reflects off the smoke
Cobwebs of curiosity create clouds
Through which I cannot see
—My ancestors remind me to rely not on sight, but feeling
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From Under the Magnolia
This poem was guided by my Mexican ancestors, and by the magnolia tree of my childhood home. Root in and make room for growth.
From under the magnolia’s dark green leaves,
I saw Her. For the first time I recognized a face
Of someone who wasn’t familiar; I was
Comforted by a stranger. She showed me
A vision that would one day become mine.
I was 5; She was ageless.
We danced and told secrets and
I walked along her roots
Until the street lights came on.
Then I’d be gone, only to return to her
Branches’ embrace, coming to know her divine face
Day after day. Like it was my own. She told me that I
Was a warrior; She told me that I
Would never be alone; that my own roots would always
Guide me home; that my mind contained
Knowledge that I didn’t yet know; that through me
Healing love and creation could flow, in and out.
I didn’t know what it meant, but I knew She meant well.
I didn’t see her for many years. Until:
After 17 rotations of the sun, after thinking
All I was was said and done, She returned to me
In a dream. I was
Down and out, seeping self-doubt.
I looked upon Her face but saw my own:
She said to me
     “Come in through the leaves. Sit at my roots.
      Look at me: look at my blooming flowers that will soon wither;
      Look at my deep, entangling roots, that have held on for many storms;
��     Look at my leaves, evergreen, but always growing.
      I am proof things remain but there is no way that
      You will stay the same. You will yield to change.
      To feel joy amid all the strange
      Is a feeling you cannot feign,
      A feeling foreign to your brain
      There is no way it will sustain. But, find peace
      Knowing that your soul’s moonlight won’t cease
      As the same light was never extinguished in
      All those who came before you:
      Your magic is ancient. Your roots are deeper than
      Any pain you may be feeling now. You carry within you
      A potent medicine, passed down to your in your life’s blood,
      From mothers, midwives, magicians, mighty warriors
      Who bore you, who birthed the essence of who you are,
      And are becoming yet.
      Like you, I, too, was once a sapling, just beginning to feel
      Our great mother’s earth, not yet knowing what it could offer.
      She ensured my growth was not stunted; that I was not lost in the forest.
      For every snap of a branch, there have been ten more that grew;
      For every season I went without, my blooms doubled the next.
      It is not in your mind’s eye now, but it will be:
      The day when you come to know Her as you know me,
      The day you fuse your old and current selves, to meet
      Who you will become:
      The past, present, and future selves as one
      Fluid transition to your newfound position
      Giving recognition to all parts: those without and within
      To strive, to seek, to dream
      May you never lose steam
      To achieve, to fight for what you believe
      To pursue all things with hope, all things
      With love, in service to below and above.
      Illuminating dark spaces, to seek familiar faces
      In unlikely places and cherish the embraces
      That you may never feel again.”
And She is gone. The coolness of the air, not Her branches,
Wraps around my shoulders
Much of what surrounds me serves only as a placeholder
For the connection that yields direction.
The signs and prayers could all just be deception
But is believing in something not better than despair?
It’s a game of Lotería, but it keeps matters fair
But magic and all is coming, with no shortage in sight
And I can change the course of fate if I will it.
Still, for now, the Fool’s fortune is greater than my own
What power can I possible conjure when I’m all alone?
I am left with only my intuition and sheer volition
That’s wearing thin, but I’ll search for more within
Even if nothing is revealed, even to examine my scope of field
It may yet yield all which is past and now healed.
I remember the pact we made when I was five,
But, oh, how much harder it is now to keep hope alive.
I’ll continue to dream
even when I’ve lost all steam,
even when the light narrows to a single beam.
I’ll continue to hope
even when the Universe says nope,
even when I’m seeing only a limited scope.
I’ll continue to pray
even if I don’t know if I’ll see another day,
even when the response is after much delay.
I’ll continue to dance
even if I’m not granted a deserved chance,
even if my moment’s magic fails to entrance.
I’ll continue to create
even if I share my art too late,
even if my efforts are met with hate.
Magnolia’s gaze reminds me of my earth’s view
This vantage point above it all
But keeping close to those I’ll care for
Nurturing with compassion and intuition,
Healing by soft light,
Providing others with gentle protection,
Remembering my ancestors’ loving lesson
Of rooting, and growing, from deeper within.
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Magic and all is coming
The coolness of the air wraps around my shoulders
Much of what surrounds me serves only as placeholders
For the connection that I reckon gives direction
The totems and herbs could all just be deception
But is believing in something not better than despair?
It’s a Wheel of Fortune, but it keeps matters fair
It’s a Tower of hope that may most likely topple
It’s a Hanged Man who humbly surrendered amid debacle
It’s a Fool’s gold that is less precious than any jewel
It’s a Magician’s trick that uses only a simple tool
But magic and all is coming, with no shortage in sight
And I can change the course of fate if I will it with all my might
Still, for now, the Fool’s fortune is greater than my own
What power can I possible conjure when I’m all alone?
I am left with only my intuition and sheer volition
That’s wearing thin, but I’ll search for more within
Even if I don’t know where to begin - but I must do research,
Not be be besmirched, see all that I can see from my lowly perch
Even if nothing is revealed, even to examine my scope of field
It may yet yield all which is past and now healed.
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New Collection: Yamas and Niyamas
As I am going further into my bilingual (Spanish) yoga teacher training, I have created a new collection of poems about the yamas and niyamas. The yamas and niyamas are yoga's ethical guidelines laid out in the first two limbs of Patanjali's eightfold path. 
During a restorative yoga meditation + free write, I expanded on each of the yamas and niyamas: each of them have been posted without editing, without judgment. You can read them all here. 
Many thanks and much love.
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On expansion and contraction
Old clothes hang on my bones that 
Feel more mine than ever
Shedding dead weight so I 
Won’t be late for my cue to 
Walk through the door of opportunity
Excuse me as I strip my skin
Revealing what lies within 
Patience is not wearing thin: my
Body is shrinking but my soul is
Expanding past the confines of the
Physical frame I occupy in the meantime.
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Submerged in my subconscious
Inundated by intuition
Flooded by feelings
Holding my breath in these depths of hope
Below the breaking waves, emboldened
Treading, then traversing 20,000 leagues under the tide
Looking up to the moon’s light with love
Wading towards the world within
Gradually giving in to the galaxy’s gravity
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Dismantle your convictions
Break them beyond recognition
Into the smallest parts imaginable
For those fragments of atoms
Build us up.
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Love and light
Lay down your heavy head
On the soft cushion of love 
Safe from the hard reality
Let your load be light.
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You are more than a number
More than a letter more than
You could ever imagine,
More than the sum of your parts
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Heart stops; thoughts kick into overdrive A chill in my spine to remind me I’m alive Time stands still through tunneled vision Self-doubting interrogation halts all decision Count my lucky stars; can only get to eight Uncertainty’s dance keeps me up in a state “A diamond in the rough: I am enough” But it’s too late to call Anxiety’s bluff. . . . Late (better than never?) World Mental Health Day words. Anxiety has had its way with me these past couple years. While it was something that has been with me for as long as I remember, the dominoes finally fell. It has been quite the journey toward facing it head-on, healing, and health management. But I’m here. Even if just to remind you that you are valid, you are worthy, and you are loved.
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I fix my tea before I dream
The herbs swirl in my subconscious
A ritual warm and full of steam
I wake knowing, “I want this.”
I read someone else’s words before I sleep
Losing myself to a story
A healthy escape that I’ll keep up
To bide off darkness and worry.
I wash my face before I slumber
Washing away the day
Tomorrow any anxiety I may encumber
Must in the future stay.
I pen my thoughts to the night’s sound
Striking the ink to the rhythm of my thoughts
Meanwhile fear and curiosity abound
I must momentarily quell my haves and have nots.
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It’s okay
To think
What seems possible
The intangible
Keeps us
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