yeetwinchester2 · 2 months
Hi!!! Love your skipping series I can’t wait for more parts💗💗
Hi my love! Thank you so much!
And thank you all for the positive feedback. I'm glad to see that yall are liking it ❤️❤️
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yeetwinchester2 · 2 months
i just logged in for the first time in forever and i have 79 followers?? thats a lot compared to the last time i logged in.
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yeetwinchester2 · 2 months
Skipping Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Y/N had been struggling with her ED lately, but the team doesn't know that. Its getting worse... can she keep it from the team? Can she keep it from her mission partner?
Warnings: Eating Disorder(s), mention of passing out, angst, worry, some fluff
a/n: Yes! The long-awaited part 2!
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The morning following the incident, each member of the team asked you at some point how you were doing. Some even asked what had happened. Of course, you said it was nothing, that they just caught you off guard or that you weren't feeling well. But these excuses will only last so long. Another incident like this can't happen if you want to keep this from them. On the other hand, it made you feel good. Knowing that you were working so hard to look thin, and passing out meant you were pushing yourself.
Days go by, and with each one, you grow more worried that they know. Its all starting to add up, so you do little things to play it off better. Occasionally eating light snacks in front of others, or talking about what you “had for lunch.” Adding small details about your day, that will help cover it up.
"Has anyone else noticed something different about y/n?" Bucky says with some concern in his voice.
"She's probably just recovering after that mission. It really took a toll on her. We all feel a bit under the weather after a rough one." Tony replies.
"No, its not just that. I noticed it a little before the mission too. I don't know what it is, but something's not right." Bucky might not like her, but he knows her well. They go on almost every mission together. As much as he wishes it weren't true, the pair work well together and Steve was right. They are the best of the best. Her going down on that mission was out of character and has to be more than just 'feeling under the weather.' He's gonna figure it out. Bucky isn't sure why he feels such a need to figure out what's going on with y/n. He tells himself its for the betterment of the team, but is that all it is?
"We'll keep an eye on her. Don't stress it too much. I'm sure she's fine." Tony says reassuringly.
You're getting dressed to go down to the gym for a good workout. Looking in the mirror, you're motivated to change what you see. No matter how little you eat, how healthy it is, or how much you workout, it never seems to be enough. You're never thin enough. The only thing you can do is push harder. So, you put on a pair of basic black sweatpants over your leggings, and a matching sweatshirt over your long sleeve top. Maybe you should be sweating more. It wouldn't hurt to try. Covering up yourself helps too, so at least you don't have to see yourself.
You make your way to the workout room, starting with a leg workout to cut away at those thighs. Next is a core workout, because no one likes a stomach. Lastly, a nice treadmill run. The run really puts the cherry on top. You were feeling good until the last 400 meters of your 2 mile run. You were getting the good fuzzy, lightheaded feeling. the feeling that proves you're working hard. You make it to the end, nearly falling over, but proud of the workout.
Content with what you've accomplished, you make your way back to your room for a hot shower. But before you make it there, someone stops you right at your door.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a second?" He says it firmly, as if it wasn't a question.
"Sure, what's up?"
"What happened during the mission? What made you fall out like that? That never happens." He keeps his voice firm.
"Oh, I just wasn't feeling well. I'm doing better. It was just a off day kind of thing." Just stay cool. You weren't feeling good. That's all it was.
"Y/n. We have been partners for a long time now. I know how you perform when you don't feel well. That wasn't it. We can't help you if you don't tell us what's going on." He seems genuine, speaking with softer voice this time.
"Really, Buck. I'm fine. Thank you for the concern though. I've go to get a shower now. I'll see you later." You push past him, making your way into your room. Now you're getting nervous. Bucky is catching on. Who else has noticed? Surely the others haven't noticed it. But what if they have? Do they care enough to say anything? No, its got to be fine.
In your bathroom, you lock the door. Turning on the hot water while you prepare for a hot shower. The kind that makes you dizzy and weak after a long day. You strip naked and pull out the scale from under the sink. Stepping on it, scared to see the number. You look down to see a number you're still unsatisfied with. Feeling defeated once again. You look up to see yourself in the mirror, picking at all the places you look too big. All the places you want to be thin.
Eventually, you step into the shower and wash the worries away.
Knowing that you were going to be in the bathroom for a while, Bucky took this as an opportunity to do some investigation on his own. He peeks into your room and verifies that you are in the bathroom and hears the shower water running. He steps into the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He knows this is intrusive, but its got to give him some idea of what is going on. He snoops around a bit, but only finds your regular day-to-day items. He gets to the opposite side of your bed, where he finds a small, pocket-sized journal laying in the bedside table. He opens it, to find your daily journal entries. Quickly closing it, he debates on what to do. This is your personal journal and this is private information, but this could also tell him what is going on. Maybe even how to help. He takes a seat on your bed, and opens the journal once more. He finds the days' entries before the mission, thinking this will be a good place to start, and begins reading.
You turn off the shower water, satisfied and complete with your shower routine. You step out and dry off with your favorite, most fluffy towel. You wrap yourself in the towel, then wipe down the foggy mirror to look at yourself once more. Still feeling defeated, you step out of the bathroom, ready to slip into pajamas and get into bed.
But instead of finding an quiet, empty room, you find the one and only Bucky Barnes reading your journal. The journal that no one but you has touched. The journal that you pour your heart and soul into.
You stand there, in shock. Who knows what he's thinking right now. Who's knows how much he's read, or what all he has read.
Bucky looks up at you, just as shocked as you are.
"Y/n.." He has tears in his eyes, but he doesn't get up from where he is sitting. He just looks at you with an expression you've never seen from him. "Doll, why haven't you told anyone?"
"You really shouldn't be in here right now. Let alone going through my stuff," you reply, walking to take the journal from his hands. You close it and stuff it in a drawer, away form him. He stands, slowly stepping towards you.
"I know what's going on, y/n. I noticed a while back, but you've just confirmed it for me." He points towards the drawer holding the notebook. He continues to ignore the lack of clothing on your body. It is the least of his worries at this moment. Your health and well-being matter more to him right now that seeing you with or without clothing. "I know I haven't been as kind to you as I should have. You've been nothing but good to me. This last mission made me realize that. Seeing you laying there, helpless, it hurt. Please talk to me, let me help you." The look in his eyes and the expression on his face is nothing like you've seen before. Except once. You saw this look on him once before, when he brought you back to the jet.
After so long of doing this alone and keeping this to yourself, you break. You bring your hands to your face to hid the tears that stream down. He wraps his arms around you, his rough hands on your back. You wonder what he thinks of you. You've always been fond of him for one reason or another. There's no telling what he thinks now. Is he disgusted? Does he think this is stupid? Does he see you now the way that you see yourself? All you get through the soft sobs is a quiet "I'm sorry."
"Darling, what're you sorry for? Let's get you some pajamas and then we'll talk." He pulls away, but leads you to sit on the bed. He steps to your closet, grabbing a set of pajamas, handing them to you. "I'll step out while you put these on. I'll be right outside, just come get me when you're done." His tough, rugged demeanor is long gone. This is a side of him you never knew existed.
To be continued...
A/n: Yes, I finally wrote a part 2. Will there be a part 3? Who knows. I did write this in one night, so forgive me if it isn't up to your standard and if there are typos. I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think!
Tags: @yve-barr , @hoseokslefteyebrow , @yoruse , @opheliabarnes , @bbymelsworld , @sketchygirlslipstickboys , @loki-laufeyson68m , @lovechuumorethanu , @that-girl-named-alex , @soggycheetoparty
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yeetwinchester2 · 9 months
I forgot I had Tumblr guys. Oopsie poopsie
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yeetwinchester2 · 1 year
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Y/N had been struggling with her ED lately, but the team doesn't know that. Sent on a mission, and her partner doesn't know that it's been two days since she's eaten.
Warnings: Eating Disorder(s), passing out, angst
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"C'mon Steve! Seriously? What else do you want me to do? She's been on every mission with me! I'm tired of her!" Throwing his hands in the air out of frustration. Bucky has had a hatred for Y/N for as long as anyone can remember. She's a former Hyrda experiment such as himself, yet they're polar opposites. Bucky is harsh, brutal, dark, seemling always seeing the negative. Yet, Y/N is kind, caring, light, and always positive. Everyone liked her. except Bucky. But she never let that get in the way of things. She treated him just the same as she did everyone else.
"She's one of our best, and so are you. I'm sorry Buck, but you need to get over it. You can out up with her for just a little while longer. You know how these things go. We get the best of the best. That's you two. We need both of you for this one. We can't have either of you back out."
"Fine. But this is the last mission with her. After this, I'm done. I can't take it anymore. Just something about her I can't stand."
"I'm sure you'll be fine. Go get ready. We leave in the morning. Carrier 0430 sharp. We leave at 0500."
The morning comes, 0430 and the team has met at the carrier. Everyone but Y/N. Which is odd, considering Y/N is almost always one of the first to arrive, prepared and full of energy. The first to notice was Nat. Once it was mentioned, Everyone followed suit with confusion.
0440 and she still hasn't shown up.
0445 and still no word from her.
0455. Nothing.
Just as they were about to call over the comms, she appears, running up to the carrier, duffle bag in hand. Immediately blurring out an apology.
"Sorry guys! I got caught up in something. But I'm here now and I've got everything, I'm good to go."
"You sure? We were getting worried." Clint said unsure of what had happened.
"Yeah, I'm good."
Everyone just brushed it off and assumed she must've slept in or missed her alarm or something of the sort. But Bucky could tell something wasn't right. He didn't know what or why, but he knew something was off. He didn't say anything, though. It's not his business, why should he care?
Steve stood, getting everyone's attention. He pulled a small map from his pocket and laid it out for the team to see. "Alright, I know we already went over the mission, but here's a recap. Nat and Clint will take the guards at the right rear entrance, me and Tony at the left rear. Y/N and Bucky will talk the center. The main objective is to retrieve the hard drive from their maim computer system. They're smart, which means this won't be easy. Stay with your partner. Watch out for each other. If you get separated, you get hurt. Six of us exiting the carrier, six of us returning, understood?"
"Aye Aye, Captain." Bucky joking saluted.
The mission went as expected, until it didn't. You and Bucky broke through the center entrance doors and took down the first set of guards without any problems. It was cold, and the alarms seemed louder than usual. Everything seemed fine, maybe feeling a little weaker than usual, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Bucky was busy with several guards on his own, while you were lucky enough to handle them one at a time. You only had one or two more to take down, Bucky had a few more. You began to feel weaker and weaker by the second. The last guard put up a tough fight, eventually winning against you. Fighting with all you had, but it wasn't enough. You took hit after hit, in the face, the gut, the side, until all you saw was black.
Bucky sent bullets through one guard after another until he no longer had anything to shoot with. So, he turned to his trusty knives and combat boots. Kicking, punching, and slashing all that comes his way. He was pleased with his completion of his portion of the mission, that is until he saw you on the ground, beat. He didn't hesitate to rush to your side. For a moment, forgetting how much he hated you.
"It's clear over here, but Y/N is down." He says over the coms, letting the rest of the team know his plan.
"On it. How bad is she?" replies Nat, her voice laced with concern.
"Not sure. I'm gonna take her back to the jet and do what I can from there." He brings your unconscious body up into his arms and carries you towards the exit and back into the jet.
You slowly try to open your eyes, bringing up a hand to block out the bright light hovering above you. Suddenly, it dissappears.
"Hey, hey, lay back down. Y/N, it's Bucky. You went down during the mission and we are in the jet. We need to figure out what happened with you. What hurts?"
"Nothing much right now, I'm fine. Just got a headache," you say, swinging your legs across the side of the bed, attempting to brush off the embarrassment. Hoping and praying that he doesn't try to investigate any further, knowing it'll be 10x more embarrassing than what he's already witnessed.
"What happened out there? I've never seen you go down that quick."
"The guy just got to me and he was stronger than I must've realized. I'm fine though. Just drop it, please." You didn't want to seem rude, but more importantly, you didn't want him knowing.
With perfect timing, Steve calls over the coms, "Good work, team. We're done here. See ya at the jet."
Everyone else boards the jet, each one asking some version of "you ok?" And you just nod with a smile and hid it all the best you can. God, you're starving. It been two days since you've had a meal. You knew it wasn't good for you. You would've eaten before the mission, but you felt fine before. More importantly, you looked fine, so there was no need.
You had struggled with an eating disorder for a few years now. It had calmed down and you had almost forgotten about it for a while. One bad instagram post from a model or the wrong word being said or one bad joke about your body. That's all it took to trigger your ED.
You had started living with the team while it was getting better, so you never told them about it. You worked out with them, ate with them, appeared healthy around them. But when you were alone, it was quite the opposite. Doing anything to keep yourself from eating, doing extra workouts to burn the calories. The team never found out, but it has been getting worse and you're worried some of the team may have noticed something was wrong. They've said you look tired, or maybe even smaller than usual. All that last comment did was encourage you even further. So, you kept going, letting it get worse. Skipping more meals, avoiding the team as much as possible, working out every chance you get.
You were sent the the med bay as soon as the jet touched the base. You were checked over and over. Turn out, you only had a concussion and broken nose. It could have, probably should have, been much worse. You have Bucky to thank for saving you. From the med bay, you were released and headed straight to your room.
You walk down the hall towards your room, the one just before Bucky's. You want to thank him, but now's not the time.
this is is definitely a part 1. but I get on Tumblr like once every 6 months so who knows if there will ever be a part 2.
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yeetwinchester2 · 2 years
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Colleen Hoover // Reminders of Him
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
102 NOW
i just logged in for the first time in forever and i have 79 followers?? thats a lot compared to the last time i logged in.
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
Excuses Pt. 2
Pairings: The Avengers x reader, Steve Rogers x daughter!reader, Peter Parker x reader (Reader is a teen because, yeah)
Warnings: ⚠️TW⚠️Self harm, razor blade(s), body image issues, depression, mentioned suicide, angst, fluff, caring family, ✨tears✨
A/N: if you or someone you know is going through something you can ALWAYS text me. The suicide hotline is 800-273-8255. there is always another way and people WILL miss you. also, not my gif :) I'm obsessed with dad!Steve and he just seems like he'd be a great dad. idk. i love him
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With a pounding headache, you get yourself out of bed and into the bathroom for some Tylenol. Using one of your small throw-away cups for water, you toss the pills to the back of you tongue and swallow them, along with the water. Looking in the mirror, you start to remember last night. All the thoughts start coming back to you. You pull up your hoodie sleeve, revealing the bandage that covered your cuts. It's okay. Today's a new day... I can hide.
The ringing of your phone pulls you out of your thoughts and towards your bedside table. Its Peter. He texted you several times last night after you had fallen asleep. I didn't say "goodnight"... You answer your phone and hear a worried voice on the other side.
"Y/n? Babe? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay, Peter. Im okay. Sorry, I fell asleep before I could text you and let you know. I had a long day yesterday and was just extra tired, I guess."
"Oh, I'm sorry... You're okay, though?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired."
"Its still early. You should go back to bed. Sleep in today, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know. But I've got a busy schedule today, so it'll have to wait. I'm okay, Peter, really."
"Okay. Well, maybe try to go to sleep early tonight? You need the extra sleep."
"We'll see. I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Okay, babe. I'll talk to you later. Bye"
"Bye, honey"
Lying to Peter like this... you hate it. You know its not fair to him. He's been nothing but kind and caring to you since the beginning. But oh boy.. if he found out you were doing this to yourself... Its for the best, right? Right...
You start the water for the shower while you slowly undress yourself, careful not to re-open last night's cuts. Next, you brush you hair thoroughly, getting out each and every knot. Stepping into the warm water, you feel a small sense of relief. You don't need to worry ahout anyone seeing you while you're in the shower. This is the only time you truely get alone. Every other time of the day, anyone can walk in your room and start talking. But now... now you're alone. It's just you and the sound of running water.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts once again, your body is put on auto-pilot and you get done what you need to: washing and conditioning your hair and scrubbing your body while being careful around your arm. Once you come back to reality from zoning out, you realise that you're clean, dry, and out of the shower. You wrap up your arm to help cover what you did the night prior. You put on a pair of your favorite leggings, a workout top, and a thin sweatshirt.
Finally downstairs with the rest of the team, you say "good morning" to everyone.
"Good morning, y/n! How'd you sleep?" Clint said, sounding cheery as usual.
"Pretty good. How about you?"
"I'm swell. Thanks for askin'" He seemed happy. How can someone be in such a good mood allllll of the time? That just can't be normal...
"Yeah. I think I'm gonna go workout. I'll talk to y'all later."
"Hey, guys. Is it just me, or does y/n seem to be acting different lately?" Steve seemed a little more worried than usual. The only people left in the room were Clint and Bucky.
"Different how?" Clint seems to notice some of the little things since he has kids of his own.
"I don't know... She's been more distant lately, I think. I've noticed that its been going on for a couple weeks now. She stays in her bedroom more. And some days she barely eats at all, but other days she eats more than she usually does."
"Have you talked to her about it? If I need to, I can try." Bucky always got y/n to talk whether it was just about a regular school day, or about her nightmares. But it wasn't forceful. She felt comfortable enough to talk to him about these things. Peter too. Those were her two people. Of course she could always go to her dad, but its not the same. She doesn't want to worry her dad more than she already has.
"I think I'm going to try to talk to her again. Last night, I told her that we'd have to talk about it. I'm not the only one who's noticed it, am I?"
"No, I've noticed some things too. I was going to talk to her about it a couple days ago but ended up being busy and honestly forgot. I've got some training to go teach some kids now, so I'll see ya later. Let me know how the talk with her goes."
"I will, thanks." And Clint leaves. He's always showing some kids how to do tricks or self defense or something of the sort.
"I agree. She's definitely been acting different than usual. She usual talks to me about these things though. She hasn't said anything to me about it though. Could it be Peter? Last I heard, they were doing good."
"No, I don't think so. I asked her last night. She said it definitely wasn't him. She said she was just tired. That can't just be it though, right? I'm not crazy, am I?"
"No, we've all noticed a little something too. Let me know how it goes."
"I will, Buck. Thank you. She loves you, you know that? You're one of her favorites." He said it with a small smile. Seeing his daughter bond with him like he used to is good for him. The two most important people in his life are just as close as he is with each of them. Thats all he can ask for.
"Thanks man. I'll see ya in a bit."
@notasofti @that-one-person @angeldreineedshelp
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
its 97 now 😎
i just logged in for the first time in forever and i have 79 followers?? thats a lot compared to the last time i logged in.
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
are you going to do a part 2 of the son he never got ? i really like how you write and i got hooked to the story :D
omg thank you so much :))
there will be a part 2, but i honestly dont know when. its in the drafts rn, but ive been busy lately and mental health hasnt been great. and i honestly forget tumblr exists..... so, yeah :)) but i'll try and work on it soon
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
The Son He Never Got...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x daughter!reader, Bucky Barnes x Rogers!reader (platonic), Peter is there but no real relationship between the reader and him.
Warnings: abandonment-ish??, ✨daddy issues✨, angst, more angst, thoughts of not being good enough, blah blah blah, I think you get it. steve's not really the good guy here. Bucky fluff
Requested: yes/no "Prompts 1, 2, 13 and 14 with Steve Rogers x daughter!reader" #1: "Why would you do that?” #2: “I can’t believe it...” #13: “I hate you.” #14: “Go to Hell.” I don't think I included all of the quotes that were requested... but they'll be there in the next part or two.
Summary: When a boy named Peter Parker shows up as a new recruit, Steve starts spending more time with him. The reader notices, but Steve doesn’t. Bucky is helpful :)
A/N: Thank you for the request!! This is (maybe) the second request that I’ve actually completed :) I hope it's alright!!
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Turning off your alarm, you get out of bed and get dressed for school. Today you were supposed to have a father-daughter date with your dad after school. You decided to wear a plain black flowy shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and your white Doc Martens.
Throwing you backpack over your shoulder, you head down to the kitchen to get some breakfast and tell everyone good morning before you leave for school. "Mornin' everybody! Hey, dad. Did you pick out where we're going today?" you say with a toothy smile.
"Hey, sweetheart. What're we going out for, again?" he sounded confused, but you just ignored it.
"For our father-daughter date, dummy." you said, jokingly punching his arm. Not that it'd hurt him. He's a super soldier for crying out loud.
"Oh, yeah. About that... We're gonna have to reschedule our dinner tonight, hun. We can do it another night. The team and I are going to meet the new recruit tonight. You should meet him too!" he was rubbing the back of his neck, hoping that you wouldn't be too upset.
"But we've always had our dates on the first Friday of every month. We can't just skip this month!" He's not seriously going to reschedule dinner because of a new recruit... he wouldn't do that to you, right?
"I know, I know. Can we please just have dinner another night? This new recruit could be some serious help for the team."
"Yeah, okay. Whatever. I've got to get to school. I'll see ya when I get back." He's seriously gonna choose the recruit over me, his own daughter? No, maybe it's just more important than I realize.
"Y/n, its probably nothing. Maybe he just needs to talk to some new people. Being stuck in ice for 70 years and all, he doesn't have many friends," your friend, Milo, tries to reason.
"The recruit is my age. He's a highs schooler. My dad isn't gonna make friends with some high schooler. I don't know. I guess we'll just wait and see." It's nothing, he needs to get to know the recruit anyways...
After a long and tiring day at school, you get home to see you dad and the new recruit going over what you're guessing is paper work.
"Hey, dad. Hey, new recruit. It's nice to meet you, I'm y/n." you say, holding a hand out for him to shake.
"I'm Parker Peter. I-i-i mean, Peter Parker." he says with a wide smile. You can see his cheeks become a little more red.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Peter. How long do you think you'll be staying tonight? I can't have you stealing my dad from me already!" you say, jokingly. The three of you let out a short laugh.
"I'm not sure. I guess I'll leave once I've gotten the tour and we've gone through all of the paper work." Peter says. Why does he need a tour? He's only here to train, right?
"Sounds good! I'll be in my room if y'all need anything." you say, adding a fake smile. Turning around, you head to your room. The rest of the night, you do nothing but homework, completely forgetting about Peter.
The next few days consisted of the same exact thing. You'd eat breakfast, go to school, come home and greet your dad and Peter, and go do homework. Had your dad asked you how your day was during the few days? Not once. Had he asked Peter how his day was? Yep. Did your dad ask if you needed help with homework? Nope. Did he ask Peter? Of course he did. Every day. I can't believe it... Is my dad replacing me with Peter? No, he's just helping him out, right? Right.
The next day was Wednesday, which meant you got to workout with your dad and Peter. 'Oh boy. I get to train with two abnormally strong superheros. Yay.' you thought sarcasticly. You went about your day as you usually do. On the way home from school, you texted your dad to let him know you might be a little late because of traffic. You When you got home, you changed into workout leggings and a sports bra, and headed to the gym where you usually meet your dad for workouts. You then realized that your dad hadn't texted you back. When you walk into the gym, you figured out why. Him and Peter were already halfway through the workout that y'all were supposed to be doing together.
At this point, you're starting to realize that your dad is actually replacing you with Peter. Peter's like the son he never got. He's been pushing you and the plans you've made to the side. He's been making Peter his priority.
Walking up to the two sweaty guys, tapping them on the shoulders to get their attention. "Peter, I hate you. No offense though. It's not your fault. Dad, can I talk to you? In private, please?" You do hate Peter, but not because he did anything wrong. He didn't. He's a real good kid. But he's you dad's favorite now. He replaced you, but he didn't know it. So, by default, you hate Peter.
"Hey! Don't talk to Peter like that! He didn't do anything wrong. You can't just walk in here and tell him you hate him. That's not how it works," he practically yells. Your dad never yells at you. The harsh reaction cause tears to swell up in your eyes.
"Dad. I need to talk to you. In private. Away from Peter."
"It can wait. Let us finish what we were doing. Then, we can talk. Got it?" he said sternly.
"Yes sir." you say, holding back tears that you knew would fall as soon as you turn around. And you were right. As soon as you turned around to go to your room, the tears fell, and they wouldn't stop. It only got worse when you got to your room. Forgetting to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y. to soundproof your room, you continue sobbing, yelling every now and again. Bucky, in the room next to yours, heard your crying.
Bucky was always there for you. He had been since the day he met you. His face when he found out Steve, THE Steven Grant Rogers, had a daughter. You and him have been close ever since. He's more like a best friend than an uncle if you're being honest. You go to him for everything. Well, almost anything. You hadn't told him about what was going on with you and your dad. You knew he'd be pissed about how your dad was treating you and go argue with him about it. You didn't want to make a big deal of it or anything at first, in case it was nothing.
Bucky, hearing you crying, run out of his room and to your door, softly knocking on it. "Y/n? Hun? Can you please let me in? It's Bucky."
You slowly stand up and walk towards the door, opening it. Looking up at him, with red eyes and mascara running down your checks, you move back to the bed. Bucky closes the door and sits next to you. "You wanna talk about it?" That's always the first question either if you ask when one of you is in this kinda situation.
"I don't know. I don't know, Buck." You lean into his shoulder, crying again.
"That's okay. Take your time, y/n/n. I'll be right back." he says, standing up from the bed. You see him walk into your bathroom, knowing exactly what he's doing. The two of you have a good routine for these kinda nights. It's usually always the same, but it works. When you're crying like you are now, you get horrible headaches. So, Bucky will always get you some ibuprofen and water to help. When he gets back from the bathroom, he hands you a two small pills and a glass a water. Without a second thought, you swallow the pills and some of the water. You thank him and set the glass on your nightstand. Pulling the covers up over your shoulders, you lay back down.
"Thank you.."
"Mhm. Are you gonna sleep first? Or talk? You know we're gonna talk about it at some point."
"I know, I know. Can I sleep right now? We can talk about it another time. I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, of course. But you're not getting out of it, and I'm not giving you the whole 'Its not healthy to keep it all in' lecture. You've heard it enough, so have I."
"Thanks. Mucho appreciated, old man."
"No problem, kiddo. Get some rest, we'll talk tomorrow. 'Night, sweetheart."
"Night, Buck."
A/N: Cool. This is part one of this. Yes, I will (eventually) finish part two of Excuses. I have no idea when, but eventually. Same goes for part two of this one. But I really like this first part, so I think it'll continue. Thoughts? I hope y'all like it :))
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
sorry, y'all. i just kimda abandoned yall.....
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
Valentine’s Day
Pairing: Sweet Pea x reader
Warnings: one swear word
Summary: Sweet Pea, y/n’s boyfriend, shows up to her trailer on Valentine’s day.
A/n: sorry, this one is kinda crappy and late, but i wanted to write at least 1 thing for Valentine’s day.
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You were woken up from a dream you can’t remember by a loud knock on you trailer door. You knew who it was. It was the love of your life, your everything, your ride or die; Sweet Pea.
You had moved to Riverdale a few years ago and you ended up being by yourself since you’re parents ditched you to go live “somewhere better than this dump” as they put it. You were walking from the Northside to the trailer that you’re parents were renting for you when you heard some shouting. There was no one else around, so you knew they were hollering at you. You also knew that it could only be trouble. And of course, it was. They had jumped you and you had a nasty cut from a blade one of them had used. Not longer after they had started beating you up, another gang showed up and shooed them away by fighting them. Thats when you had first seen Sweet Pea. One of the Serpents, you learned what they were called, named Toni helped clean you up from the fight. After you were all cleaned up, she took you your trailer to set your stuff down, then to one of the Serpents’ hangouts, the Whyte Wyrm. There you had gotten to know Sweet Pea some more. By now, you had fallen for him, and you fell hard, too. Ever since then, you ans Sweets had be getting closer and closer and eventually, he asked you out. You said obviously said yes, and the 2 of you been dating dating for close to a year now. Everyone was surprised that he was able to have a successful relationship that didn’t end within a month.
Anyways, you went to answer the door, still in your pajamas. You opened the door, only half awake, then headed straight for bed again. When you plopped down onto the mattress and cover yourself with the soft and fluffy blankets, Sweets immediately took them off of you, forcing you to try to wake up.
“Y/n, you better get up. We have to go to the Wyrm today, remember?” Shoot, thats right. You forgot that there was going to be a get-together at the Wrym today. You also forgot it was Valentine’s day.
“Wait, I have something for you,” you pulled him to sit on the bed with you and you pulled out a little box from under the bed. “Here. Open it.”
“You got me something for Valentine’s day?”
“Well of course!”
“You really shouldn’t have,” he said opening to small box. He took the wrapping paper off and slowly opened it. He pulled out what was inside; a silver ring. But it wasn’t just any ring, it read on the inside, “Happy Valentine’s day, baby- y/n”. He slid the ring on his finger and it fit perfectly.
He hugged her tightly, whispering a “thank you” in her ear before holding one finger up, signaling “one second” and quickly returned, holding y/f/f, chocolates, and a gift bag.
Y/n cheeks grew slightly red as her boyfriend sat down in front of her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. “Open it,” he says, eager to see her reaction to the gift. Slowly removing the paper from the small bag, you find a jewelry box. You open the jewelry box the find a necklace the has “Sweet Pea” engraved into it along with a note that says, “Here’s my first name until I can give you my last.” With slight tears in your eyes, you reach over the gifts to give him a big hug.
“Thank you, Sweets. This really means a lot to me, really.”
“I know it does, thats why I gave it to you. Here,” he took the necklace and put it around my neck, securing the clasp in the back. “Now get dressed so that we can head over to the Wyrm.”
“Alright,” you lay a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
*time skip*
When you walked through doors of the Wrym, you didn’t expect to find it covered in hearts, Cupids, and flowers. Sure the Serpents like holidays, but you didn’t think Valentine’s would be their kind of thing. You looked up at Sweet Pea to find him smiling at the sight in front of him:he people he calls family, hanging up paper hearts and eating chocolates, surrounded by red and white roses.
After Toni yelled at Fangs and Jughead about how to properly hang up some cheesy signs, they sat down with you and Sweets at a table covered with a pink table cloth and a handful of rose petals with a simple white candle in the middle.
After a few people, including FP and Jughead, talk about the ones they love up on stage, everyone eats and chats amongst themselves. (Fancy words lol sorry)
You’re enjoying the moment. This rarely ever happens; everyone’s happy, or at least content. You look up at your tall boyfriend and find him staring back at you with a wide smile plastered on face. “What?”, you ask.
“I love you. I love you so damn much.” His voice was barely above a whisper. He didn’t have the need to be any louder because he was already so close to you.
“Well, lucky for you,” you say before pulling him into a small, sweet kiss. “I love you too.”
(Another) a/n: im so sorry that this was so late after Valentine’s day. I just didnt feel like finishing it. This one also kinda really sucks cause i didnt know how or when to end it, so, sorry…
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
Hey I don’t want to be annoying or anything, I was just wondering when excuses part two will be out? Please take your time! School is way more important!
i honestly have no idea. I'm so sorry about the wait. I'm not sure when it'll get done
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
peter: I'm just the neighborhood spiderman.
fury: bitch please. you've been to space.
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
if you have someone that you just want to hug and tell them that everything’s going to be alright and that they deserve happiness...god you’re imagining someone fictional aren’t you?you fucking nerd.
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yeetwinchester2 · 4 years
Prompts 1, 2, 13 and 14 with Steve Rogers x daughter!reader
In the drafts!! :)
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