briarscreek · 11 days
Welcome to the Creek!
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I’m Briar and this is my Masterlist!
I’m relatively new to the fanfic writing scene so please bare with me as I find my own style.
be kind on my page
send requests!!! i can write fluff, angst, crack fics and more! i am still attempting to write smut but i dont think i have my writing style down to put it out yet, however, if i get a request of one i’m never gonna say no (this is gonna be a learning curve for all of us)
have fun!
send in any hate
if you are under the age of 18, DO NOT INTERACT
if you don’t like my writing you can just keep scrolling
With that in mind, happy reading!
Call of Duty:
Task Force 141 as Different Kens from Barbie Movies
Red Hood/Jason Todd fics
The Hidden Library
0 notes
briarscreek · 11 days
Task Force 141 as Different Kens from Barbie Movies
A/N: This is just such a specific niche that I have to get it out or it would kill me. I’m only writing based on memory bc I’m lacking in the Barbie movie department rn so please bare with me. Not everyone will have a role in each other’s stories but I’ll try to at least include them in different roles. I did take some creative liberties bc some Barbie movie endings I think could be fixed but that’s what fanfiction is for. I’m treating this like a writing exercise so please be kind in the feedback!
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John Price as King Dominick from Princess & the Pauper but hear me out:
you, the lowly pauper wanted to sing to your hearts content, sharing the joy of your voice and melody around the world
but that wasn’t in the cards for you as of right now
with a mountain of debt from your parents providing for you, you had to stay in Madame Carp’s Dress Emporium to work it off
after accidentally bumping into your kingdom’s princess in the village square, you both realized that you looked identical
you immediately became friends with her along with sharing both of your troubles
her stuck in a soon to be marriage to help the kingdom but wanting to investigate further in the old mines and you, stuck in debt up to your neck at a dress shop wanting to sing to the world
with a promise of calling you to sing one day, you both returned back to your lives
it wasn’t but a day later that Gaz (Julian just in this scenrio) called for you about an important issue
the princess had gone missing! he asked you to fill in for her until he found her and uncovered the plot against the crown
he taught you everything you needed to know but trying to get it to stick was the hard part
John Price was supposed to wed the smart/scientific princess from a kingdom about to be bankrupt but he wanted to make sure that she was at least kind and a possible fair ruler to their kingdoms (hence the get up as one of the king’s advisors; let’s be honest, he could never pass for a stable boy)
but when you entered, took three steps, and fell flat on your face he couldn’t do anything other than let his heart melt at the sight of you (and be worried that you broke your nose)
while filling in for the princess just until Gaz could find her you tried as hard as you could to play the part
when the king’s advisor introduced himself, you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his alluring, soft eyes and the way he kissed your hand in greeting
at least he was, or you hoped he could be attainable after the charade you’re pulling
once he heard you sing by accidentally listening in after your bath one day about being true to yourself, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about lying to you; not when you’re about to supposedly be married in less than a week
when he reintroduced himself as the actual king and not his advisor, your heart broke and mended at the same time
he spent the next day or two getting to know you or in this case the real you (since he had no idea who the real princess was)
when you were discovered as a fake by Shepherd (aka Preminger) you were immediately detained and dragged away
price couldn’t do anything to help you at the time, this wasn’t his kingdom and he had no say in the internal affairs
when he heard you accuse Shepherd as the one who actually has the princess, he was dead set on figuring out the truth
you lied to him but he lied to you too, so he couldn’t leave you as a sitting duck in the dungeon
after getting over resigning yourself in the cell, you made it your mission to prove yourself innocent
lulling the guard to sleep? easy. sneaking out through the winding dungeon tunnels? piece of cake. not looking where you were going in fear of being chased? stupid.
running right into the arms of a guard, he dismissed the others chasing after you, saying the queen had special orders for you
while being dragged away, you stepped on his armor’s weak spot (his foot) and elbowed him hard in the face only to receive an “easy, darling it’s me”
king price?!?! why is he here?
“I had a feeling there was more to you than Shepherd accused you of.”
“You do love disguises, don’t you”
you bit back a smile, wanting to kiss him but the immediate danger of the princess and the queen ran to the forefront of your mind.
with him hot on your heels, you both interrupted the royal wedding between the queen and Shepherd; right as the princess and Gaz arrived
proving his plan to be true, Shepherd was immediately detained and thrown in the dungeon for his sentencing to be delivered another time
with the princess’s new discovery of rare and precious gemstones in the old mines that she was trapped in, there was no need for her to marry King John Price anymore
with no hard feelings, he accepted it and even offered help of his own scientists and excavators to help the princess’ kingdom be brought back to financial health
the day you always dreamed of came, offered a deal by a talent scout to take your voice to the world
you would be gone for a year but before you departed, Price had something to give you
“it’s only ever belonged to you”
a simple diamond ring with a gold band, a symbol of his devotion and love to you; the real you
“no promises?”
“i’ll take my chances, darling”
throughout the year of touring the world, you met a great many people; kings & queens, princesses & princes, lords & ladies, even an empress admired your voice
but it all felt hollow, without the one you love most beside you
after all, his ring never left your finger once (only to bathe yourself did you take it off)
with hope in your heart, you went to his kingdom as your last stop on your tour
“you decided to end your tour here? why, dearest?”
“i hoped I could fulfill a promise. your majesty would you allow this pauper of humble beginnings to have a chance at your heart?”
“my darling, you’ve had my heart since we met”
nothing else in the world could compare to the kiss you two shared at the alter
Gaz as Prince Eric/The Nutcracker (PLEASE LISTEN):
after being gifted a toy nutcracker for christmas by your Uncle Drosselmeyer (John Price in this instance; could be by blood or family friend), you couldn’t help but absolutely adore it
it was a treasure unlike any other, yours to covet and keep in pristine condition
until your brother Tommy wanted it as a general for his toy soldier army
one thing led to another and its arm hinge snapped
your stomach dropped as you hurried to try to fix it
it was christmas eve and the best you could do to help him was create a cloth arm sling; just until you could take him to the toymaker for him to get properly fixed the day after tomorrow
you fell asleep on the couch that night, with the nutcracker by your head in a protective position
the hushed voices of small armies reached your ears wait that can’t be right
mice?!?!? what are mice doing in your living room?!? and with swords at that?
wait, where’s your nutcracker?
a quick glance and you saw him fighting mice at your feet
this isn’t a fair fight, there’s one of him and hundreds of mice soldiers
helping even the odds of the (dream?) battle was the least you could do
“leave him alone!”
armed with a large and sturdy vase, you instantly started to hit the hordes of mice until one with a scepter pointed it at you and yelled about you becoming smaller
right in front of your eyes, you shrunk to their size
quickly feeling unequipped to fight the army, you ran for the mantle and its garland hung from the fire place
after the battle was subdued and the mice retreated, you finally came face to face with your nutcracker
“you’re real? am I dreaming? who are you?”
“this is real and you can call me Gaz, sweetheart”
once you were equipped with a necklace to send you home after your journey, you and Gaz set off towards the mouse hole in hopes of finding the sugarplum princess to stop the mouse kings’ tyrannical rule
he introduced you to his home and explained what was going on
“the prince was a coward, and ran as soon as he could when the mouse king took the throne”
you noticed a twinge of harshness in his voice
the prince? prince who?
walking the terrain of the kingdom was easier said then done, and coming upon the remnants of the candy village left your heart broken
these poor people, driven from their homes just because a mouse wanted a throne
after successfully helping two children who were left behind in the village, they helped you tame a horse with a carriage to help lighten the load on the trip
taking a break in the forest helped to ease the childrens’ minds as well as give Marzipan some time to rest
it wasn’t until you were running from the mouse army did you happen upon the group of survivors from the scattered kingdom
Major Mint (Ghost) and Captain Candy (Soap) introduced themselves; beginning to bicker about how Prince Kyle’s selfish actions and lack of responsibility were the reason they were in this mess with the mouse king
“those were some pretty harsh words, Prince Kyle”
“you know, sweetheart?”
“it’s kind of hard not to notice but don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone”
it’s then that he said he promises to do better, be better (for you but he doesn’t realize that yet)
teaming up with Major Ghost and Captain Soap (i know these aren’t their actual ranks just go with it) had been a piece of cake; they volunteered to ready a boat to cross the giant sea while you and Gaz went out for supplies
after noticing a hole covering, you took Gaz’s sword and tried as hard as you could to open it, hearing small pleas of help from inside
it wasn’t until Gaz joined you for a final push did the cover slot free, letting the small fairies out of their prison
in their gratitude, they helped you gather more supplies and a moment between you and Gaz began to grow; hoping he would kiss you
but sadly that never came as a giant stone monster shook the earth and Gaz grabbed your hand; never letting you go as you both made for the boat beside the Major and Captain
you narrowly escaped a giant rock monster after it destroyed your boat; and fled on a sea of ice with the horse Marzipan leading the way
after successfully getting to the island where the sugar plum princess was rumored to be, Gaz, Ghost, and Soap entered the brightly colored castle without a second thought; desperate to find the princess
it was only a second before you realized that the castle was flat and painted did the trap spring on all three men
with you left behind on the island, you were desperate to help them in any way trying to come up with a plan
the fairies that you had freed before came to help, offering to carry you to the castle before Gaz could be used as firewood
it was by sheer luck that you happened upon a guarded room in the bottom of a tower
with easy manipulation towards the mouse guards, they scurried to their king; with your lie about him wanting them front and center in the courtyard on their minds
with the keys you pocketed off the sprinting guards you unlocked the door to find—
“why would they guard an empty room”
“we’re here miss!”
“we’re right in front of you”
“we can see her but she can’t see us. come on sweetheart. you know we’re here”
their hearts sank just a little when you turned to leave but turned to surprise when you picked up a metal lantern off the wall and crashed it towards the glass spell keeping them prisoners
“well done, sweetheart”
“come on! the mouse king has everyone in the courtyard”
an intense battle later with the mouse king left Gaz in a rough state, you quick to comfort him and fearing for his life
“you’ll be alright, Gaz. i know you will”
“it’s alright, sweetheart. i’ve been through worse.”
with the mouse kings anger, he aimed a spell at you but with the last of his strength did Gaz reflect the spell back onto the mouse king; making him shrink smaller instead to the size of an actual mouse
for his bravery, you bestowed him a kiss on the forehead thanking him for protecting you
it was then that everything changed, Gaz turned back into Prince Kyle and his subjects from stone back to people
everyone rejoiced in the knowledge that the true heir to throne was with them all along, fighting beside them
when Gaz turned to you, he saw the fairies you freed turn your old nightgown into a gorgeous dress with a crown atop your head
“it all makes sense”
“what does?”
“the sugar plum princess is kind, selfless and brave. it’s you sweetheart, it’s been you all along”
a smile adorned your face as the kingdom celebrated the end of the mouse kings reign right there
there was music, dancing, and even Ghost and Soap joined in on the fun
Gaz—Prince Kyle politely extended his hand towards you
“may i have this dance, sweetheart?”
“of course”
with both of you dancing to your hearts content, you couldn’t help but feel closer to him
at the end of the dance, Gaz dropped to one knee, his eyes filled with love for you
“will you stay with me sweetheart? will you be my princess?”
“i know this locket is supposed to take me home but I know in my heart i’m already there”
Gaz couldn’t help but let his smile grow wider, rising to meet you face to face
at the last second before your lips touched, the shrunken mouse king stole your locket and opened it for you
as you began to disappear Gaz couldn’t help but be heartbroken
you awoke with a start on the couch, the giant clock ripping you from your dream
after a moment of drowsiness passed, you began to desperately search for your nutcracker but he wasn’t anywhere in the living room
you searched everywhere, even about to yell at Tommy to help you find him when your uncle came towards you
“Uncle! Have you seen my—“
“Ah, there you are dear, I was out on a morning stroll when I found my old friend. He saved my life once, years ago. I believe you should meet him”
“But Uncle, I have to find—“
“Hello, sweetheart”
it was then that Price’s plan had worked; getting his niece to bring back his cursed military friend and helping her to find a love she’s always dreamed of.
Simon “Ghost” Riley as Aiden from The Magic of Pegasus (he is the only one i think is close enough to Ghost’s broody personality and backstory in terms of Barbie age appropriate stories):
your parents had always been strict with you. never go outside, stay in the castle, don’t let yourself be seen.
it was exhausting, but all you wanted to do was skate on the ice in your winter kingdom.
on the night of your 21st birthday, you had snuck out to join the fun with the people of your kingdom on the frozen river.
the happy atmosphere was over in an instant when an unknown warlock introduced himself as your future husband.
“husband? I will never marry you”
your parents had arrived just in time to beg Makarov (Welock the sorcerer) not to do this again
again? what did they mean again?
right before your eyes, Makarov gave you a choice; either marry him in 3 days or your kingdom and parents shall be set to ice forever
in an instant, a horse with wings yelled at you to climb on and leaving no time to explain you both set off towards the sky filled with clouds
she brought you towards the cloud kingdom and it’s Queen (Kate Laswell; why not spice it up)
the queen explained that this has happened before, to your sister Brietta
your sister? you have a sister?
unfortunately, Brietta was turned into a pegasus; the very one who helped you escape from Makarov
“Brietta, I’m so sorry. What can I do to fix all of this?”
Cloud Queen Kate told you that Makarov could only be defeated by a Wand of Light made by the measure of courage, a ring of love, and a gem of ice lit by hopes eternal flame
after setting off with Brietta and your pet polar bear Shiver, all three of you began your journey in the dark forest
running into a smart-mouthed blacksmith was not on your to-do list
“and what are you doing in the forest all alone by yourself, love?” (the pet name is irritating)
and there was Simon Riley (Aiden), a blacksmith
“only fools come to the dark forest”
“and yet, you’re here”
“touche, lovie. what are you doing here?”
“i am gonna make a Wanda of Light to save my kingdom”
he chuckled at that; he never heard something so ridiculous in all his life
once you fixed him with a look, he realized you were serious
“if you help me make it, i’ll pay you!”
“you do realize it’s a myth love, right?”
“half the gold payment from what I have on me now, and more when I get my kingdom back”
now that was a hard bargain he couldn’t pass up
in your negotiating back and forth, you heard Shiver fall through some branches and started to scream for help
“love what are you doing?”
“someone has to help Shiver, and if you won’t, I will”
“wait, no it’s a trap-“
jumping feet first into the now broken branches before he could talk you out of it
he couldn’t believe how downright ridiculous this plan of yours was
he guesses he has to help you now, before you do anything else crazy
after successfully escaping the troll’s stew pot with just your hair ribbon, you made your way out the door and was greeted by Brietta
along with Simon, for some reason
Brietta was the first to notice
“Was your hair ribbon always that long? If you put it next to you, it’s your exact height!”
And right before everyone’s eyes, your ribbon turned from flimsy to a solid staff in your hands
“Oh a measure of courage! It makes sense now”
unable to deny the truth now and getting closer to making it, Simon agreed to help you
Simon stated that he knew someone to talk to about finding rare gemstones
after acquiring a map, all of you made the trek up the highest mountain for a rare gemstone
it was only based on your thinking that helped to realize that the rise of the dawn is hope’s eternal flame
upon entering the cave of gems, the warning rang back in your mind
take only what you need
after picking a gemstone for the staff, your heart spiked as Simon reached for another gem
“wait Simon! it said only take what you need”
“I know what it said love, I read it myself”
he picked a singular gem and nothing happened
the cave only collapsed when Shiver begin to play with gems and jewelry on the floor, putting them on herself
in a rush to hurry out, Brietta realized she only had enough strength to take one of you out of the self-destructing cave
a pegasus neighed in the distance, a gift from the Cloud Queen herself to help you both out
in another mountain cave to weather out the snowstorm, Brietta offered her tiara as the ring of love
with it completely enclosed to make a ring, Simon heated up his tools and got to work
“Simon, why did you take that gemstone?”
“my mates and I started our own blacksmithing business, but in my infinite wisdom wanted to help double our profits instead of waiting for the work to come to us. I lost it all in a gambling table, every single cent that we combined to make the shop itself.”
you couldn’t help but feel upset for him, his heart was in the right place yet his efforts led to no success
“promised myself I wouldn’t face them again until I gained it all back. thanks to you lovie and that gemstone, I might have a chance”
you realized that Simon wasn’t just rough around the edges but he cared deeply for others in his lives
maybe he could care for you one day too
on your journey back to your kingdom with the staff in hand, you heard Makarov’s harpy scream behind you giving chase
he finally caught up to you, and you raised the wand towards him
“destroy him!”
Makarov only laughed when nothing happened
“Wow the magical wand of Light is nothing but a prop, how disappointing.”
as a last ditch effort, you offered up yourself to marry him
“and why would I want you now? you’re exactly like my other wives. the least I can do is put you out of your misery”
an avalanche buried you faster than you could see it coming
it was Simon, rushing towards you as he dug his hands in the snow along with Brietta using her hooves as fast as she could
“hang on love, you’re gonna be ok”
with haste, they made for the Cloud Queen’s castle as Simon carried you in his arms
all they could do is wait for you now
“love? love please wake up. I need you”
when you finally awoke, you and simon hatched a plan to sneak into Makarov’s fortress to take back the wand
finding no stairs or paved paths, both you and simon strapped on some ice skates
“think you can keep up?”
“i think I can manage, love.”
once you both evaded being seen as much as you could, you split off to divide and conquer
“I’ll take care of the harpy, you grab the wand, love”
once you finally defeated Makarov and broke his wives out of his spell, you and Simon decided that the wives could take care of him themselves
with the kingdom back to it’s former glory, Simon invited you to join him on his visit to the blacksmith cottage
“Simon, you dolt! Where have you been?”
“We’ve been worried sick about ya!”
“Aye, ‘nd we’ve ‘ad more business as of late”
“I’m sorry mates, I lost all of our savings in a gambling game. I was trying to get it back before I faced ya again.”
“You know we don’t care about money, Si. We just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“We love you, brother”
“Aye we do. And who’s this beautiful young maiden you’ve brought with you?”
“This is my fiancee, the princess.”
They couldn’t believe that Simon, their Simon, finally softened up to someone. And to a princess no less!
Johnny MacTavish as Prince Stefan from Barbie as Rapunzel (He fit as Stefan more than the prince in Swan Lake but someone else will be taking that title if y’all like this post and want another one):
living as Gothel’s servant was never easy
doing chores day in and day out exhausted you
in your escape, you found painting, just dreaming of the places you wished to visit
of course Gothel never liked this
after she left the mansion grounds to run errands one day, you and your best friends Penelope and Hobie discovered a secret passage that led from the kitchen to some sort of storage chamber
finding a hairbrush engraved with your name and a portrait of Gothel with a man whose face was scratched out, gave you more questions than answers
if Gothel said that you were abandoned, then why did she have a hairbrush engraved with the words of someone saying they loved you as constant as the stars above?
With Penelope’s eagerness to see it too, her excitement made her jump and crash right through the storage floor
a secret passage? to where? you were about to find out.
Penelope wanted to go with you but couldn’t fit through the hole and Hobie was down right afraid of Gothel finding out, so the both of them stayed behind
the corridor itself led to a beautiful kingdom with a charming village, all of the sellers trying to influence you to buy something
after perusing the village for a good portion of the day, the next step was to walk the apple orchard right off the stone path
it was a few minutes later that you heard a little girl scream and branches breaking
rushing to her aid, two other girls on horseback went to get help from someone else as well
“grab my hand!”
“I can’t! I’m slipping!”
“I know, just let go with one hand and I’ll grab you”
she did as you told but after pulling her halfway up, you slipped on the edge of the pit trap yourself
two hands flew to your waist to pull both of you out before you could fall in
“are ya alright, bonnie?”
“yes, I’m ok. thank you for your help. where did that trap come from?”
“a courtesy of King Wilhelm, unfortunately. he thinks we stole somethin’ from ‘im years ago”
“oh that sounds awful”
the mysterious man smiled and you took the time to notice that his head was shaved in a mohawk pattern
“pardon my ruddness, bonnie. my name is—“
“DON’T tell me! trust me, it’s better that I don’t know”
“mysterious. i like it”
at that, you both smiled at each other
“I should get my nieces back inside but don’t go ‘nywhere!”
you nodded your head but it soon surprised you to see Penelope yelling after you
Gothel was on her way home and Penelope came to warn you
Penelope begged you to come back and you agreed wholeheartedly, although a little sad you might never meet that mysterious and handsome man again
you thought you had made it just in time and without being discovered but it was Otto who betrayed you
you’re not even surprised
“and who was this man that you met in the village today? what was his name?”
“i don’t know”
“you’re lying to me”
after a heated argument of Gothel thinking your only lying, she destroyed every painting and art supplies in your room, even lengthening your bedroom tower to become too high to climb down without stairs
that night as you cried yourself to sleep, something magical happened beside you of your hairbrush turning in to a paint brush
Penelope and Hobie, feeling upset for your situation, decided to cheer you up by making paint from the berry garden outside
they brought it to you though your window, encouraging you to paint
“but I don’t have a paintbrush”
“why not use this one”
the same one that sat beside your bed
you gave it a try, the red berry color changing into a rich green and you soon realized the paintbrush itself was made of magic
after painting the portrait, your hand passed through it, understanding that this painting could become your escape
as you pushed through, you almost bumped into the handsome man with the odd hair again
“oh bonnie, there you are. i was lookin to find ya.”
“Oh, I just, had to go home. But could you help me find the maker of this paintbrush?”
“Aye, I know just who to ask.”
he lead you to a iron carver’s shop by the name of Kyle’s
“Oh your high—“
Johnny immediately motioned for Gaz not to say any pleasantries behind your back and he was quick to get the message. you were none the wiser
“Hi-hi-hi-hi-hi. Ahem, what can I do for you today?”
“I was hoping you might recognize the maker behind this paintbrush”
“Oh I know it, it’s my brother’s”
“May I meet him?”
“I’m sorry but after King Wilhelm set up his borders, I haven’t been able to talk to him in years”
“I’m so sorry”
In ending the conversation and visit with Gaz, the handsome man led you on a walk through the village until he pulled out a piece of paper
“it’s an invitation for a masquerade ball tonight. I was hoping aye could meet ya there bonnie?”
with his pleading eyes and soft smile, you couldn’t say no to him
Penelope once again came up to you, huffing about her father being in trouble if you don’t come back
Johnny couldn’t handle the fact that there was a dragon, let alone a dragon who’s talking with you.
As quick as you could you ran after Penelope but not before looking back at you handsome man
“I’ll be there tonight”
“I’ll see you then, lass”
with a pep in your step and ready to finally break free, you decided to paint your own dress; much easier than trying to find one
once you were in love with your finished product, you finally glanced in the mirror and saw Gothel
“once again, I am going to ask you for his name”
“i told you already, I don’t know!”
after that, Gothel ruined everything in your room, from destroying the portal to breaking your paintbrush, even cutting off your hair from its floor length to your shoulders
in a fit of anger, Gothel cast a spell on your tower to never release its prisoner with a lying heart
once Gothel left, your friends Penelope, Hobie and even Penelope’s dad Hugo realized that since you never lied the spell doesn’t affect you
once you arrived at the ball, you realized that chaos had ensued and went straight to the ballroom
“you STOLE my daughter!”
“NO for the thousandth time I NEVER stole her!”
“No, I did” Gothel stated proudly
and there it was, the earth shattering truth
Gothel stole you from your father just because he didn’t love her back
“You took me from my father just because he didn’t love you back?”
“He should have been with me instead!”
with that, you enticed Gothel to chase after you in the maze
“it doesn’t have to be this way Gothel, I can forgive you for all those years. just stop this and we can forget about it.”
With Penelope and you behind the door, you both closed it and let Gothel walk right into the portal that took her right to your tower
as you rushed back inside, you saw your father, the other king, and your handsome man finally putting out the fires that Gothel had cause in her wake
when you both made eye contact, he dropped his vase and immediately ran towards you, swooping you in his arms
“are you alright?”
“me? what about you bonnie? are you ‘lright?”
he hugged you even tighter, afraid to let go
King Wilhelm gently took steps towards the pair of you, calling out your name. when he finally held his face in your hands he cried with joy
“oh my beautiful daughter, you look just like your mother.”
King Wilhelm finally turned to the other king and begged for his forgiveness
“All is forgiven, if I were you would have done the same to you if someone took my children”
it was then that you felt a hand hold yours and pull it into his lips.
“may i give you my name now, lass?”
you shook your head in delight
“Johnny MacTavish, at your service, bonnie”
“Seems our children are already set to end this feud”
at that comment made by your Father, you realized—
“You’re the prince of this kingdom?”
“Aye, lass. And you’re a princess. I’d love to court you after you spend time with your father, bonnie. You two have spent too much time apart.”
Your heart melted at that, knowing that his kindness was bottomless
“Promise to write to me?”
“Every minute we’re apart lass”
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briarscreek · 11 days
does anyone want to read about task force 141 as different Kens from Barbie movies??? i need to know gang, i have it typed up i just need someone to tell me they want it
edit: it’s been posted thanks y’all
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briarscreek · 6 months
THIS!!!! And honestly, I kind of liked seeing the non-jedi way of life in the Star Wars realm. Where they can’t magically use the force to get out of a situation. I honestly thought she had some sort of like ‘cure all antidote’ in her blood or something like that, but now it just feels like they got lazy to just finally finish a show that they’re not interested in anymore.
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Does anyone else hate the whole Omega training to be a Jedi thing? I just think if the show ends with her going off with ventress to train to use the force it's going to be a very boring ending for her character. I also think its unneeded her character is amazing without having to make her weild the Force. Idk it just seems lazy of the writers to be like "oh, we'll just make her a Jedi." like that's the default purpose of a character. I feel like cuz they've basically just told us the ending of the show there's a feeling of "well what's the point of the rest of the show if we already know how it ends now."
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briarscreek · 11 months
The men just need to continue being sluts in all honesty
Hear Me Out.🗣🥴✨
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credit : Sketchy_Hedgey on twitter
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briarscreek · 2 years
forever and always 💅💅
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Happy International Women’s Day!
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briarscreek · 2 years
oh my god its 50/50 right now
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Tumblr, I propose a battle of wits!
I have put Iocaine powder in one of these two goblets. You choose, then we both drink.
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briarscreek · 2 years
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briarscreek · 2 years
The Hidden Library
Summary: You find a hidden library at Bruce Wayne’s Estate and an unexpected (but hot) guest surprises you.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Note: y’all are so horny for this man and i am too so here ya go. also, alfred is a little ooc since i didn’t want to specify pronouns and give everyone a chance to read themselves in this story. <33 (this is also my first fic so pls let me know your input!)
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How exactly did you find yourself in this situation, you had no idea. Well, you had some idea but not enough to comprehend that it was actually happening to you.
Almost a year ago, you had accepted the job of being Bruce Wayne’s Secretary. With the added stress of a very busy CEO and his constant disappearances, it was harder than you expected to help maintain his image of Gotham’s richest celebrity. So one late night at Wayne Tower when Bruce stopped by to pick up some paperwork while in a full tactical bat suit without the cowl caused your boss to reveal his biggest secret.
Bruce Wayne was Batman.
This didn’t necessarily shock you at first, it was more like finding the last and most crucial piece of a 1,000 piece puzzle that had been stuck under your couch for the last 5 months. The sudden excuses, random injuries, and multiple coffee cups a day had finally all made sense.
With the added knowledge of his secret identity, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots between his family and the bat dressed people running around Gotham. After that day, you started to uncover the human side of not only your boss but his kids as well. Dick was the resident goofball, Tim had coffee running through his veins, Barbara and Cass would let you in on their gossip sessions, Duke would teach you about the batcave and Damian constantly walked around like his kitana was glued to his hands. But one person in particular stood out from their unruly crowd. That would be one Jason Todd.
From the moment you met him for the first time, it didn’t take much detective work to realize you would have a crush the size of Metropolis for this man. The problem wasn’t that he was incredibly handsome and charming, it was that he knew it too. Mix a dash of danger, with a splash of a handsome face and a gallon of confidence; and you’d get an incredibly attractive man with extra fries on the side. Nevertheless, you kept it cool while trying to talk to him. Emphasis on trying.
For instance, a nervous habit that you developed while growing up was to subtly avoid and participate in a conversation by making yourself seem occupied with something else in your hands. Whether that be on your phone, writing something down, or even fiddling with the ends of your nails. This happened constantly while you were around Jason. You wanted to seem cool while also not giving away the middle school type crush you had on him.
It was on a random Tuesday evening that a pipe burst in your $300 per month Gotham apartment, which caused heavy water damage to spill into your kitchen and living room. You can’t really complain since the reason rent was so cheap was because of Gotham’s unnaturally high crime rate. It might just be the 45-year-old pipes or Scarecrow messing with the water supply again. Either way, the situation would sort itself out in about a week.
Being the generous philanthropist that he was, Bruce offered you to stay in one of the bedrooms at his mansion. You initially declined at first but the mention of Alfred’s cooking had you packing your bags faster than The Flash.
All this aside, let’s focus on what happened today.
Around 1am, you decided to wander down to the batcave in your pajamas and stick your nose in what ‘mission’ they had that night. Surprisingly, Alfred was the only one sitting at the computer while occasionally pressing a finger to his ear talking to the vigilantes that occupied the massive estate upstairs.
“So what villain is on the schedule for tonight?” you said while standing next to Alfred, announcing your arrival.
“No one so far, just patrolling. I believe they are finishing up as we speak.”
You knew this, since the only times any major villain actually did something was all coincidentally scheduled on the 2nd Thursday of every month. No one really caught on to this until you decided to map out Bruce’s and Batman’s coinciding schedule. You still haven’t told them this part yet, since a day off for them could potentially become the worst night in Gotham for victims of smaller crimes.
“Sounds fun.” You retorted to no one in particular.
Alfred turned his chair to face you, studying your slightly bored and exhausted expression.
“Do you like to read?” He asked out of the blue. You turned away from the computer screen to face him.
“Yes. Why?”
“Well, if you are planning on waiting for them to return, you could do that in library. It will take them at least an hour to take off their suits and discuss the next few villain cases.”
You were a little taken aback by his suggestion. Not offended, just surprised that he somehow knew you liked to read.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. If anyone needs me, let them know I’ll be in the library please.”
Turning to walk away, Alfred couldn’t help but answer back to you.
“Yes, if Master Todd needs you to patch him up, I’ll tell him where you are.”
Pivoting back to see Alfred’s smirk on his face left you with a small blush on yours.
“Alfred! I was talking about everyone! Not just Jason.”
“Oh yes. Whatever you say.”
Knowing you weren’t gonna win this argument, you stomped up the stairs while feeling Alfred’s smugness behind you the entire time.
In a haze of slight anger and embarrassment, you had begun to walk around in Bruce’s home without taking note of your surroundings. Even though you had moved in for a short while, you still had no idea what the layout of the mansion actually was. The only places you knew how to get to were the batcave, your room, the living room, and kitchen. Other than that you were stumped. Sometimes, you would have to call someone on your phone to help guide you but that was a little impossible since you had somehow forgot your phone in your room.
The feeling of a never ending labyrinth came to a halt once you opened a door on the 2nd (or maybe you were on the 3rd?) floor, three doors down from the stairs. Swinging the door open, you were met with floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bookshelves and a gray bed positioned in a cutout specifically for it.
Huh, you thought. I didn’t know Bruce would stick a day bed in a library, that’s actually a genius move.
After perusing the shelves for a few minutes, you finally settled on a blue covered book and laid down on the bed. You adjusted to a comfortable position on the bed with your head on a pillow and your legs crossed, with one foot hanging in the air.
This particular book you decided to read was one you knew that suddenly became popular on a few websites in the past couple of weeks. It was described as a wild ride from beginning to end and you were mildly intrigued about starting it. You finally began to devour the words on the pages like there was no tomorrow, fully engrossed in the plot to not care about the outside world around you. If you were paying attention, you would of heard the door open slowly.
“Whatcha reading?” A familiar voice asked, startling you from the fantasy world you wrapped yourself in.
Jason stood, leaning against the door frame of the room while you were slowly sitting up on your elbows.
“Oh, hey Jason. I found Bruce’s private library.”
“Private library?”
“Yea, he’s got some surprisingly raunchy stuff in here. I mean, I found Ice-Planet Barbarians; which is in itself hilarious that Bruce has it of all people.”
You held the book that you were referring to in your hand, and continued to read it. More like pretend so that you didn’t have to make direct eye contact with him.
“What part are you on right now?” He lowered his voice while sauntering towards you on the bed.
It made your heart stop and drop to your stomach with the way that he was looking at you. Like he was closing in on a target.
“Uh, well, um.”
You had completely forgotten the entire book. On to a new tactic.
“Wait, what time is it?”
“It’s almost 3am, last I checked” Jason responded.
He started to finally take off arm guards, setting them on the table. He walked around like he knew the layout of the room.
Wait if he knew the layout of the room-
He smiled while slightly wincing at you, chuckling at your reaction.
“Lower your voice will ya? People are sleeping a few doors down.”
Mortification filled you as you quickly launched yourself off the his bed.
“I am so sorry! I just thought it was Bruce’s cheesy romance library. I had no idea! Especially since I still have no idea the layout of this place. I seriously think that this place could give the Labyrinth a run for it’s money-“
With every step you took backward towards the door, Jason took a matching one. Until your back was against the door and he placed his hand on your mouth, stopping your ramble.
“There’s no need to apologize. I liked seeing you on my bed.”
You were now only inches from each other’s faces. Eyes widened, as you realized he not only had a hand on your mouth, but the other was pressed against the door behind you. Effectively caging you in, the tension rose between the two of you. One you had been avoiding from believing was real because of the overwhelming fear of giving yourself your own hope.
He slowly slid his hand down, gliding it along your cheek effectively tracing the skin. He looked concerned, so deep in thought he almost closed the gap between your lips.
“Why do you ignore me?”
“Ignore you? I don’t ignore you.” You said in a breathless whisper.
“Yea, you do. You never fully engage with me when I try to talk to you.”
You contemplated about finally saying it out loud.
“If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh at me?”
“Why would I laugh at you?”
“Jay, I’m being serious.” You stated, while still actively avoiding his intense eye contact.
“Alright fine, I promise.”
You still couldn’t look at him, so you squeezed your eyes shut.
“You make me nervous.”
“I do?” He stated with slight amusement in his tone.
“Yea, you do. God, I am about to sound like the stupidest person in the world right now but I have feelings for you.”
He stayed silent so you peeked your eyes open to gauge his reaction.
He was stunned, like he was hit with some sort of gas from one Gotham’s villains. His face split into a grin as he tried to keep his laughter to himself.
“Hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
Jason finally collected himself, still not letting any distance increase between the two of you.
“No, no. It’s not that. I just think it’s hilarious that the reason you slightly avoid me is the same reason I talk to you everyday.”
“Are you being serious?” You said, trying to comprehend what he was saying.
“As serious as I am about kissing you right now.”
Something in you snapped, and a rush of confidence came to you that you didn’t know how to control.
“Then what’s stopping you?”
You finally held Jason’s eye contact, but only for a second before they instinctively closed when Jason brought his lips to yours.
Your hands explored his chest and shoulders while his never left your face. Your mouth opened slightly to invite his tongue in. You couldn’t get enough of him, and him of you either. But all good things must come to an end as you both parted for air.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’d really like to wine and dine you before we go any further.”
You chuckled, “I’d really like that”.
Jason had another thing on his mind as he pulled away from you slightly.
“I know it’s late, or early, but would you read to me from that book?”
“Sure, but only if you actually go to sleep.”
“I’ll agree to that, but only if we get to recreate a few of those scenes from Ice Planet together.”
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briarscreek · 3 years
“no one ever looks under the chair” 💀💀💀
Bernard meets Bruce 💀
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briarscreek · 7 years
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