cheeringsloth89 · 8 months
The Best to Happen
Things are changing for me. I left my job. I'm going to miss those people but I had to get out of there because of the stress. I left to build a life I don't feel like escaping from. I'm still me, I still have dreams and goals, but how I'm going to achieve them will be looking different than they have been. I'm leaving behind some of the habits I developed just to cope with how stressed I was. I'm ready to thrive and I'm asking myself and the universe, what's the best that can happen? So I'm going to work on manifesting the best of the best. I'm exploring new avenues of my spirituality as I've walked away from my old beliefs. It's scary but it's freeing and there's also a peace to it. I know that's contradictory but that's the reality of it. There is more than one side to the exploration. I think I'm most at peace with walking away from my old beliefs that were limiting me and my potential. I don't fit into a box, none of us do! I wish society would stop treating us like we're all the same and robotic. I mean, sure, there are things that are the same for a lot of us but our experiences that brought us to different diagnoses, conclusions, religions, and beliefs are all unique to each of us. Not a single one of us can say we had exactly the same thing happen to us to get to a realization. I'm stepping into something bigger. I've broke free of binds and I'm ready to be fully me.
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cheeringsloth89 · 9 months
I'm going through my first watch through of Star Wars. I started watching it in chronological order so Episode I. I've reached the beginning of Episode V as of the moment this sentence is being written. I think I could have watched it in release date order without being too awfully confused but chronological made the most sense to me. So first things first, I always though 3CPO was silver and he's not! Also, I didn't know enough about the saga and I thought Luke and Leia were lovers. oops! Hahaha! I miss Jar Jar, he made me laugh a lot.
I was sparked to watch this because my husband and I started watching The Mandolorian and there were things h would mention while we were watching the series that I'd look at him and go, "huh?" and he'd be like, well in such and such movie this happened. So I thought maybe watching it would bring some clarity. It has been a great thing to pass my Saturday with. It amazes me all of the creatures and species of beings that were come up with. I love R2's sassiness and 3CPO's interactions with him.
SPOILERS incoming if you haven't seen Star Wars and want to watch it then stop here.
Just some thoughts of mine here: I wish they'd have left Padme alive although I think it's clever that she died and they made everyone believe the babies died with her. I don't understand how Vader is able to have the use of the force he has when he has only one actual limb left and I think that's an impressive display of his power. I don't like Han Solo so far, I think he's arrogant.
You can come at me if you want but again, these are just my opinions so far in the movies.
BTW, how old was Harrison Ford in this movie?
I wish I could do some of the braids of Leia and Padme. I find Leia intense. I think I'd enjoy wearing some of Padme's attire from the movie. I love Chewbacca too. I think Chewie's panic moments could be my own if I were that hairy! I find Leia intense. I didn't know the music they use frequently to introduce Darth Vader was used before Darth Vader existed. I thought that was an interesting find. I only hear Mufasa when Vader speaks. Thank you James Earl Jones for your iconic voice within my childhood!
Do we ever get a back story on Darth Maul other than he was Palpatine's apprentice?
Just my random thoughts for now, I'm off to continue watching Episode V before I head to bed for the night.
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cheeringsloth89 · 1 year
It's just another day, missing you, wishing you were here, wanting to share all the love I still have to give to you.
It's just another day, missing you, wishing for another chat, wanting more of your wisdom and advice on living in this crazy world.
It's just another day, missing you, the grief hitting me in waves, wanting to just hide in bed and not face the day.
It's just another day, missing you, Father's Day, thinking about you, wishing I could celebrate it still, wondering if I'll feel less melancholy next year or the year after that or when we have kids or when more time has passed.
It's just another day, missing you, grieving the loss of you, feeling the space you used to occupy, acknowledging the void I feel.
It's just another day, missing you, passing time, adding more hours since I last heard your voice and felt your hug and had you here with us.
It's just another day in this life to get through when I'm feeling the loss of you. But it's not just another day... it's a day I want to celebrate you and the things you gave to me over the course of my life, it's a day I want to spend with you.
Instead, instead, I'll probably cry a few tears and I'll think about you and our memories a lot, and it'll be a semi-normal day where I go about my life missing you a lot more. I'll get up, I'll go do my grocery shopping and come home to do meal prepping and laundry.
And I'll outwardly pretend I haven't missed out on celebrating you 5 Father's days in a row.
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cheeringsloth89 · 1 year
The Ongoings of Life
Goodness it's been a hot minute since I've been on! I've been busy with life. I'm married now and going to be 30 in a couple of months. I dove head first into the world of make up and am enjoying the learning process. I've had such a confidence boost since I started using these products routinely!
We adopted a boxer mix August 7th, 2022 and she's been a very welcome member of our family. She's the perfect amount of mellow and active for me. She's one of the greatest snugglers and I'll probably mention her quite a bit. Her name is Annie! She has some separation anxiety so she ends up with my sister in law while I'm at work. We still have Raleigh and Riggs, they're almost 8 and 5. Oh, and Annie is 2. I'll post some updated pics here soon.
In my last post I talked about my PCOS and that's still ever present. As we approach our one year anniversary I've had several instances where I thought I may be pregnant but that hasn't yet turned out to be the case. I talk candidly about it Tibecause I want others to know they're not alone in their fertility struggles. I too am somehow inadvertently hurt when another baby announcement pops up but oh how joyous I feel for that celebration! I keep reminding myself we're only about a year into this marriage thing and even though we've been together nearly 7 years that doesn't mean we're yet equipped to have little ones of our own. Despite all of that I'm working on making changes and figuring out what I want for consistency in my life. I've made some new eating habits and that is progress.
We're also working on our financial health because it's been ill for a while. We're learning new things together. We're changing habits and I've been meal prepping and I actually sat down and wrote out a budget. All of this has made our money habits less stressful and more beneficial for us. The best part is, we're not doing it alone, we have people in our corner who are cheering us on and helping us.
Other ways to connect with and follow me:
CheeringSloth89 is my username for TikTok and Xbox
Facebook Stuffs https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086745837257 - my facebook page for all things makeup
https://www.facebook.com/SewCalmCollective/ - my page for all things sewing related
This below is my Facebook group Humbly Flawed Beauties where I run games and occasional in group parties for my Senegence Biz
Goodness I feel like I've thrown a lot at you all today but this is the update I have for the time being. Thanks for being here!
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
I came to talk about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) because I have PCOS myself. I didn’t understand it and there are still things I am learning about it myself. Even doctors don’t understand all of the things involving PCOS, there’s still more research and learning to be done on all counts.
Now, I’m no expert, but here’s what I do know about it. PCOS and insulin resistance often go hand in hand but aren’t always linked. Weight gain, excess hair growth, male patterned baldness, fertility issues, irregular or nonexistant menstrual cycles, and more are all linked to polycystic ovarian syndrome. 
I have the weight gain, the excess hair growth, fertility issues, and nonexistant cycles. I hate it, it stinks so awfully much. I’m working on the weight as of right now. The excess hair growth is something I have to just treat individually by waxing and plucking (ick). I’ve struggled with depression that is often also linked with PCOS and I truly belive, though I cannot find it anywhere that it is linked, that some of my intestinal issues stem from the untreated PCOS. The nonexistant cycles, ladies, let me tell you as nice as it sounds it isn’t super great. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy not bleeding and not having to worry about if I’m bleeding through my clothes or making sure I have pads and tampons on me. However, as nice as all of that is, the lack of bleeding also means I probably don’t ovulate, I’m at a higher risk for endometrial cancer (which absolutely terrifies me), and I struggle with infertility. I’m not in the best position to be having a baby but man oh man do we want one. So, as a woman, having a period is a sign of health. 
There isn’t a cure for polycystic ovarian syndrome, we can treat the symptoms, take birth control, eat better, exercise, work at losing weight, go to specialists, all of that, but it’s not a cure. And it puts me at higher risk for things like the endometrial cancer, type 2 and prediabetes. That doesn’t include the risks involved with pregnancy like premature birth, gestational diabetes, and miscarriage. 
It’s scary, there is help but it’s scary. I have to advocate for my own health. At almost 27 I haven’t had any of my doctors be all that concerned with my PCOS but I’m finding information that says treating it early is best. I was diagnosed at 16 or 17! I’ve only ever had weightloss thrust in my face. I have even had a doctor tell me I didn’t need to come back in for a follow up unless I wanted to get a vaccine she tried to push on me or to talk about my options for weight loss. I was furious, so furious I didn’t go back to see her. So, it often feels like I’m on my own though I know I’m not. Stay tuned for more on my polycystic ovarian syndrome journey. 
If you suspect you have polycystic ovarian syndrome or other issues, please advocate for yourself, go get checked out and insist on treating the problem instead of waiting.  
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
Young Living Is Changing My Life
First of all, let me tell you about Young Living (YL) as a company and what we sell. It’s an essential oils multilevel marketing company (MLM) who also have cleaning products, oral care, personal care, make up, and even things for use on kids, babies, and pets! As distributors we can do classes and share oils and have our friends and family sign up with us and that allows individuals to rank up and earn more money. So if you want to rank up and make Young Living a career you put on classes and work on relationships and introduce people to oils and what they can do (or any of the other YL products). 
I first heard of oils when I was working as a CNA in 2015, one of my coworker’s moms had a kit and my coworker was doing some one on one educating with one of the charge nurses on my unit. I kinda listened but I don’t remember which company she was with. Fast forward to November 2018 one of my nieghbors from my home town invited me to one of her classes. At that class I learned more about oils than I had heard previously and I realized it could help me with a lot of the issues I was having at the time. I think what clicked for me the most at this class was how there are oils to help with reproductive issues and that struck me because I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and that causes infertility due to the lack of a full cycle. PCOS affects each woman and the length of their cycles and ovulation differently. More on that at a later point in time though.
So, knowing I have PCOS combined with the high probablity that I would have infertility issues, I wanted to get my hands on these oils. I wanted to invest the money in a kit right away but I couldn’t afford it at the time so I waited. I was finally able to sign up in October 2019 and have been doing my best to use oils consistently since then. There are so many products that are helpful to this. 
The more I’ve dove into Young Living and switching out store bought products for YL’s clean and natural products, the more I’ve learned about just how harmful chemicals and processed foods are. These products you buy on the shelves of Walmart, Target, Walgreens, small town grocery stores, and other places like that aren’t the best quality. PErsonal care products carried by Johnson and Johnson, Bath and Body Works, Old Spice, Dove, Babyganics, Suave, Aveeno, Colgate, and so many more are full of chemicals causing damage to our endocrine system, reproductive organs, digestive system, even doing things like drying out our skin. Even the all natural products out there need to have their ingredients list looked at because the more product is has in there the more likely it has chemical consituents in it that cause disruptions. I fully believe the use of these products in my life over the years have contributed to some of the issues I have today. I’ve stopped trusting all these companies and have switched to Young Living products as much as I can because YL products are truly plant based and contain pure essential oils that are going to help keep homeostasis in my body and hopefully some day get my PCOS back under control so I don’t have an infertility struggle. 
Learning about all of that has been eye-opening and alarming. No one is going to protect me but me myself. We have to look out for ourselves, look up ingredients in things, even the greenwashed companies! It blows my mind. 
So back to happy stuff, right?! In the kit I purchased there were 12 oils, a hand purifier, Thieves spray, and two Ningxia packets. Some of the oils were from the vitality line, which just means you can ingest them and they are white labeled to be clear that they are safe to ingest. The color-labeled ones are for topical use or diffusing only. Oh! And the kit also came with my choice of diffuser! Anyway, in the following paragraphs I’m gonna share how I’ve used these oils and what they have done for me. 
Citrus Fresh Vitality has added even more freshness to my smoothies and I’ve used it for odor-eating in my trash can and in cleaning products. I’ve diffused it with other oils as well. It has fresh in the name and it really is just an uplifting oil! 
DiGize Vitality is a digestive help! Oh my goodness has it been a life saver when I’ve been ill and my stomach has felt wonky or I’ve needed some indigestion relief. I put 10 drops of DiGize and 10 drops of Peppermint in a roller bottle and added fractionated coconut oil and then rolled it around my belly button to calm my stomach or rolled it up my chest and onto my neck for indigestion DiGize doesn’t have a great smell to it, it’s almost like black licorice so adding the Peppermint not only helps sooth but it also makes it smell better and makes it more tolerable to use. 
Peppermint Vitality has been awesome to sniff in the morning when I need an extra wake up boost or in the afternoon slumps when I need to be more alert. Pairing it with other oils like the way I did with DiGize I mentioned above or you can add it to a roller with Lemon Vitality and Thieves to roll on when your allergies are acting up. 
Lemon Vitality is a great way to add some flavor to your water. I haven’t used it in my water a whole lot because it is kinda bitter since the oil comes from the rind but I’m gonna try it again soon in hopes I warm up to it even more. Lemon vitality can be used a lot like Citrus Fresh since it is part of the citrus family. I will add that it works better as a natural ‘goo gone’ than the Citrus Fresh does. And you can add it to the peppermint for a wake up blend or combine it for that allergy roller I mentioned in the last paragraph. 
Now, this one here is one of my ultimate favorites because of how it has helped even out my skin tone and the grounding effects it brings on when I use it. It’s Frankincense! I cannot get enough of Frankincense. It’s almost peppery smelling but also earthy and it is just amazing for your skin and mental health too!
Lavender is one I have used in my diffuser at night time or when I’ve had a rough day at work (when I was working anyway). I have mixed it with some other oils that aren’t in the starter kit to make a glow serum that has really helped my skin stay soft and smooth. I’ve used it on burns I’ve gotten from cooking and I wished I had it when I sunburnt myself to a crisp because it REALLY would have helped then. Alas, I was out at the time. Unfortunate! Haha!
Okay, moving on we have PanAway, think PainAway, because that’s what we use it for, pain. You can use it on sprains or you can use it on sore muscles. It’s really fresh smelling, it has wintergreen and peppermint in it already, among some other oils. So this is one of the best blends to have on hand. When we moved I used it because of all the extra lifting I was doing was causing me to be sore. It’s great paired with some coconut oil and massaged on to sore spots. 
Peace & Calming is one of my man’s favorites. We use it often for sleep. Or I pair it with Valor or Stress Away for an even better calming experience. It is an oil that has had to grow on me so I haven’t personally used it a lot outside of those two uses. You could mix it with bath salts and have a nice relaxing bath as well!
Raven, my goodness have I been enjoying this one when I work out. Raven is our respiratory helper! It acts like a natural vix rub so you can use it when you have a cold and congestion to open up your airways, just be careful because it is considered one of our “hot” oils, meaning it can cause sensitive skin to flare up. Diluting it by adding it to coconut oil is a good idea and it’s strong enough that I wouldn’t use it on kiddos. 
MMMmmm... okay, Stress Away! Stress Away is the first oil I really connected with. A lot of YL members call it vacation in a bottle. It is so good! So, okay, it has vanilla in it, it’s a blend of oils, and vanilla is one of my all time favorite smells so I think that has a lot to do with it but I also think it has a lot to do with the fact that it reminded me of baking cookies with my grandma. So I use this one a lot. I diffuse it with other oils like lime (not in the starter kit) or peppermint. I’ve mixed it with epsom salt and baking soda for a detox bath that left me feeling so relaxed I dunno why I haven’t taken a bath with it recently! Totally should! I’ve put it in a roller with coconut oil and rolled it on my neck and wrists to use as a perfume and I’ve huffed it straight out of the bottle when I’ve needed moments of de-stressing. My go to oil, ya’ll!
Valor, oh valor, how you’ve grown on me. Right, so, at first I didn’t like Valor so I gave mine to one of my coworkers I was working with shortly after I purchased my kit. A few months went by and I kept finding diffuser blends that I wanted to try and a lot of them called for Valor. So I purchased another bottle and have since used it in different diffuser recipes. The first time I really noticed it help me the most was when we had a storm here a few weeks back and my anxiety was starting to rise and I had Rusty grab my Valor bottle and hand it to me. I took the lid off and just huffed it straight out of the bottle for several minutes. I was still on edge afterwards but my body wasn’t nearly as tense. It’s our brave oil, a lot of the people in the YL community use it before they go into meetings or interviews or before they teach a class. It has many uses too! 
Now, I have saved this for last because it has a whole line of it’s own showcasing how cool Thieves is. Thieves is another oil blend. It contains Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucaluptus Radiata and it comes out of a story of these 15th Century thieves who made up a botanical blend during a plague and would go rob graves and dead people but never got sick themselve because of the blend they would use. How gross but cool is that? So Young Living replicated that and have put it in a whole line of cleaning products.
You get to sample two of the products with the kit purchase. There’s Thieves waterless hand purifier (so essentially it’s sanitizer) in a 1oz squeeze bottle. I kept mine in the car for the longest time and used it frequently until I lost the bottle at one point. There’s also a 1 ounce Thieves spray which you can use to spray down cart handles, door knobs, toilet seats (all of which are suggested uses by YL), I use mine in the car and just keep it in my purse for when I need to purify something I’m coming into contact with.
Outside of the kit purchase Young Living brought Rusty and I back together, I had the oils sent to the apartment we had shared which is where he was still living at the time and I opened my kit right there in the living with him and shared them with him and it basically led us to getting back into our relationship. It’s also brought me a whole community of people, mostly women so far, who support me and we support each other for healthier living and lifestyles. Since I started using these products and since I have been learning so much about the harmful side effects of other daily use products I have had a thirst for more clean living. It’s leading me to make better, healthier choices. I’ve started working out and I am working on a more clean eating grocery list. I want better because now I know better. It’s gearing me up to be able to eventually have kids and it’s already done so much in the way of helping my skin, my digestive issues, and even my emotional well-being has improved. My whole outlook on life has changed because of one person inviting me to her oils class. I was so skeptical in 2015 when I first heard about essential oils. I was skeptical even in 2018 when I went to that class, but I was also curious about what they could do for me.
They work, they work, they work! And they change lives, bring people together, and support a healthy lifestyle. It’s been an amazing journey so far and I can’t wait to see where else it takes me! 
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
July Goals!
I want to grow my Young Living team.
I wanna lose 10 lbs.
I wanna move every day.
I wanna eat better.
I wanna treat my body in the healthy way it deserves so I can THRIVE in it.
I wanna be more consistent in writing.
I wanna challenge myself to do the hard things this month!
Here's to the next 6 months being awesome and full of change and progress!!
#healthandwellness #bewell #dohardthings #grateful #workit #growth #healthy #lifestylechanges #writeon
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Raleigh was welcomed into the family first! I have had him since he was born. We had his momma too and she had four kittens total. Raleigh turns 5 at the end of July! He has moved with me each time I have moved. He's the calmer of the two.
Riggs was welcomed next! We got him from one of my friends. We have had him since he was about 6/8 weeks old. I figure he was born in March because we adopted him in May two years ago! He is definitely more rambunctious and less mellow than Raleigh.
These two have reallt grown and bonded. They chase each other around and play fight with each other. It is quite amusing at points until it is just annoying.
It's a two cat life for us!
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
Grateful 10 List
I have so much to be thankful for and I find more of life and things to be grateful for when I actually make a gratitude list so here goes!
1. Celebrating my loved ones turning another year older!
2. my cats who keep me entertained (introductions coming soon!)
3. a decent and safe place to live that I’ve been able to make into what I want.
4. Iced tea! So refreshing. ;) 
5. Honest conversations with those whom I have mutual love and respect.
6. scrambled eggs with cheese, salt, and pepper.
7. Being able to work on my sewing skills.
8. The ability to take the time to slow down my life and examine what is really important to me and what I want to do and allow with and in my life. 
9. Friends and family who share their life experiences and culture with me.
10. Being able to speak freely without much consequence.
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
3 Things to Hate
As a senior in high school I had an english teacher who once told us, “Now, you can only hate three things in life.” It took us all by surprise. I think we were all shocked! If I recall correctly one of my classmates asked her if she hated only three things. I don’t know what she said but I have remembered that ever since. I’ve been out of high school for 9 years now and I still remember it so it really stuck.
When you have only three things you can hate, it really limits you on what you can hate, so you have to be choosey. It’s allowed me to think more about what I’ actually choosing to like and dislike, even still. The reminder also makes a person think twice about their anger. When you’re choosey about what you hate that could also translate to being thoughtful, considerate, kind, compassionate, all of the descriptives which read opposite of hate and dislike. You don’t come off as harsh and cruel. At least, I think it’s one of the quotes which has shaped me as I am today. Don’t get me wrong, I still say I hate things but it makes me think twice about it after I’ve spewed the words out. 
What do you hate? What are you choosing? What else can you be choosey about?
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
My Self-Care Habits
Hello friends! Today I’m gonna talk to you about self-care and what it looks like in my life. 
Self-care is an act of doing things that help your overall mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Self-care can look like a lot of different things for any number of people. For me it can be as simple as taking a relaxing bath with some of my favorite scented bath salts. Sometimes my version of self-care is more complex and invites other people in to help out in the forms of hard conversations or assistance in actually being motivated to do self-care. Some of my self-care experiences are below. 
I love baths. I used to take hours-long baths in the master suite of the house I grew up in, it was a jetted tub! I miss that thing so much! I couldn’t use bath salts in it but the jets on it were so relaxing. I’d take a book in there and sit and relax and read. Sometimes I got too relaxed and dozed off - BIG NO NO! Now I just have a regular bath tub so I use a mixture of epsom salts combined with baking soda and essential oils for a detox bath. 
My self- care looks like having hard conversations with people I love about the way they treat more or the way I treat them. It’s talking to my most trusted people about some of my deepest and darkest innermost thoughts. Thoughts that can be really scary and alarming. It’s talking about my hopes and dreams in the midst of feeling like I can’t make my dreams a reality. It’s hard conversations about how I need to be more disciplined in housechores and taking care of myself because, damn, sometimes it’s just so hard to do! 
Attending church is something I’m not always comfortable with, not because I don’t believe but because it gets really uncomfortable. I have a hard relationship with church-going for several reasons I’m not going to delve into here. But attending church sometimes is a self-care habit for me. Ultimately it lifts me up and I leave looking at a different perspective. It can be so beneficial. 
Housechores... ugh... I’d much rather laze around on the couch reading a book, writing poetry, pinning on pinterest, or playing video games or watching a movie. So a lot of time housechores take an act of will power and pumping myself up before they actually get done. Yes, self care sometimes looks like doing the things you don’t want to do so that you feel better about the space you are in. Housechores aren’t hard, they just aren’t fun. And for me, even at almost 27, I struggle to do them all but boy do I feel so much better after they’re done!
Self-care has also started to look like diffusing my favorite oils to relax when I’m feeling extra stressed, to apply them topically using a roller or just dabbing some on my fingers and then spreading it around on my neck and chest so I’m smelling the oil off and on all day long. 
My self-care routines look different for different seasons in life. When life gets hard and my emotions get the best of me, my depression and anxiety flare up, it changes then. It changes when things are going well too. Self-care is important to me, though, because it keeps me going and it helps me stay motivated to do the things I need to do as a productive adult in society. 
What does your self-care routine look like? What’s similar or different about yours compared to mine?
Have a happy Sunday!
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cheeringsloth89 · 4 years
Excellence and skill don't require attention - they require commitment.
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cheeringsloth89 · 5 years
Life Happens
It’s been a while! I haven’t used my blog as I have intended. I am trying to figure out some of my life stuff.
So, strangers of the internet, here are some of my goals I want to accomplish within the next year or so. 
I want to find a place of my own again. I am going to need to find an additional job, parttime. I also want to go back to school. I don’t know what I want to go back for though. I’m struggling with where to start. I think my first step should be finding a parttime job so I can support myself in my new place. I just hate the process of finding a job. The whole process just makes me a little anxious is all. I don’t want to be a workaholic. I don’t want to miss out on family things and on time with my boyfriend. 
Since I last wrote a post on here I have reconciled things with my boyfriend of three years, it’s been such a relief to get back into the swing of our relationship. I’ve been living with my brother in the meantime. I’ve joined the oily community, Young Living! It’s helping me sleep better and changing the way my skin looks. I am loving using oils. I also love the community it has brought me into. 
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cheeringsloth89 · 5 years
Winner Winner Big Steak Dinner!
If I were to ever win the jackpot in the lottery I would treat my closest people to steak dinner. I would help pay some of the biggest bills these friends and family have, and I would make sure we were all well.
I would start a women’s shelter where there would be money available to help get women and their children back on their feet. I would make sure they had jobs and a safe place to live so they didn’t have to worry about much, at least for a while.
I would buy some of the things I want to be able to have. Things like a house, horses, a newer car (nothing too fancy, just new to me), and furniture to put in this house I want to have. 
I would also take some of the money and invest it so it can grow. If it grows I can continue to help people. That’s my real passion, helping.
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cheeringsloth89 · 5 years
Music I Enjoy
I really enjoy listening to music, I even have a Spotify playlist featuring music I can easily write to. Some of the lyrics inspire me and other songs are just easy going to listen to so when I get going on a thought I am able to focus. So some of these songs are from my writing playlist, others make me feel good when I’m not feeling so great, and even others are just fun to jam out to when I’m hanging out.
I believe life needs music, it helps replicate feelings, it may help memory recall, it can help you create a memory so when you hear a song you will remember that moment for the rest of your life. Music is a beautiful thing to be part of.
Shoot for the Moon - Lelia Broussard
Hurt - Johnny Cash
Home - American Authors
The Heart of Life - John Mayer
What About Us - Pink
Take Me Home Country Roads - John Denver
A Million Dreams - Hugh Jackman (Pink’s version is beatiful too)
Love Runs - Tim Mcgraw
God Only Knows - For King and Country (look up the version with Dolly Parton)
Stealing Cinderella - Chuck Wicks
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cheeringsloth89 · 5 years
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
Ray Bradbury
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cheeringsloth89 · 5 years
20 Things About Me
1. I share a name with two of my cousins on the same side of my family.
2. I could have been Autum Dawn. Thank you mom for vetoing that one, really though, thank you, thank you, thank you!
3. I want to be a mom some day. Despite hearing some interesting and scary stories about pregnancy I still want to experience the miracle myself. Pain and all.
4. I will not eat seafood at all, except for the little bit of crab in rangoons if it’s even in there and not imitation. I also will not eat grapefruits, honey dew melon, or mango among some other things. I can be a bit of  a picky eater but I would say I’m not too picky.
5. If I’m needing some comfort food I will make spaghetti, put cold Dorothy Lynch on it and parmesan cheese and eat it. Yes, I know it’s weird but it is so so good and now I want some.
6.Peanut Butter pickle sandwhiches are actually really good if you like pickles and peanut butter separately you should try them together. Seriously, don’t knock it until you try it. It’s another one of my weird comfort foods.
7. If I could still dress up and go to prom I totally would. I love wearing frilly dresses and being a girly girl but I’m also down for wearing sweats and a tee or hoodie.
8. I have five aunts and five uncles plus countless other friends who’ve become family who I have called aunt or uncle over the years.
9. I’m loving the sunflower and red roses combination. Growing up my mom and one of her friends redid the kitchen to green and yellow with a sunflower border and decor. I have such fond memories, so I’m a little attached to sunflowers.
10. I cannot bring myself to watch horror movies by myself. Even if I watch them with someone I think about them for days and I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. They make me a little paranoid so I generally just avoid them. Hahaha, yeeeeaaaaah..... 
11. I have had both dogs and cats. Buddy, Jigsy, Abby, Cubby, Nevaeh, and Rowan for doggos. Pia, Boots, Scamper, Kit Kat, Skye, Itty Bitty, Raleigh, and Riggs for kitties. Steal my name ideas if you’d like, I don’t mind.
12. I wish I could dance and sing better. I just cannot get the hang of dancing! It’s so much fun though.
13. I have watched This Is Us on Hulu and I cannot wait for the new season to come out! Gah! It’s crazy to me how stories can draw a person in so well! We are so close to the new season: September 24, 2019!
14. I listen to a lot of different genres of music, some older and some newer and some from in between!
15. Poems written by me are here: https://allpoetry.com/RenewedSoul93
16. I used to twirl my hair around my finger when going to sleep at night. I would twirl until it got caught around my finger and then I would just pull and in doing so I created a bald spot that has never grown hair back in and probably never will.
17. I like tattoos but I have only 1 tattoo that is my dad’s signature from a card he and my mom gave me. It’s on my wrist. I plan on getting more tattoos at some point.
18. I was part of the 2nd largest tornado in the history of the United States. I was 10 at the time and we had just started summer break. The Hallam tornado happened on May 22, 2004 and was 2.5 miles wide. The tornado spanned across 5 Nebraskan counties, with winds reaching speeds of 200 MPH.
19. I want to travel and have even more adventures in my life than what I have already had.
20. I am trying to grow in my writing experience and some day I would like to write a book. I love prompts.
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