chocolacornetta · 4 years
Positivity of the Day!
Biromantic people!! You feel romantic attraction to more than one gender?? That’s so cool! Asexual and biromantic??? That’s amazing!! Acespec and biromantic??? That’s super awesome!! Anything else??? That’s so perfect too!! Biromantic people are literally the best people, and you aren’t any less bi for not being bisexual!! Biromantic people belong in the community!! You have a preference? Wow that’s so great! You don’t have a preference? That’s super! I love you so much! Sending hugs!
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Positivity of the Day!
Bisexual people! Ahhhhh! You are!? Sexually attracted!? To multiple genders!? That’s so valid!! Bisexual women? So cool! Bisexual men? Ahh so amazing!! Bisexual enbies? Absolutely wonderful!! You are still bisexual no matter who you date, you are still bisexual no matter your preference! You aren’t greedy, or spicy gay, or any less LGBTQ+ than a gay or lesbian person! You are absolutely perfect just as you are, so don’t ever feel forced into changing your label because it’s not inclusive enough for some people. You are so so valid! Sending hugs!
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Positivity of the Day!
Lesbians! You are absolutely perfect! And yes, that goes for all lesbians. She/her lesbians are stunning, so are they/them lesbians, he/him lesbians, it/its lesbians and neopronoun lesbians! Lesbians who used to identify as bi, lesbians who have dated men in the past, enby lesbians and xenogender lesbians. You are not someone's fetish, you are not abnormal or gross, you deserve recognision in LGBTQ+ spaces, and you deserve so much love! Sending hugs!
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Positivity of the Day!
Gay men / enbies! You are so amazing! You are not dirty or gross, you are not weird or abnormal. You can use whatever pronouns you want! He/him gays? Glorious! She/her gays? Stunning! They/them gays? Fabulous! It/its gays? Perfect! Neopronouns gays? Amazing! Y’all are so great, you deserve so much more love than I can possibly give! Your identity as gay should never be questioned, you are valid, and if identifying as gay works for you then use it! Sending hugs!
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Okay but being gay isn't a spectrum. A bi person isn't 50% gay. If you're gay you are completely gay, if you are straight you are not gay. If you are bi then you are fucking bi. Not a lesser gay person. Not a gay person in denial. You are BI. Don't let anyone erase that.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
If your heteronormative media didn't make me straight, no amount of lgbtq representation will make your kids gay. All it will do is make your already gay kids happy. If that's so gross to you maybe you shouldn't have kids.
Is it just me, or is becoming part of the LGBTQ+ community like suddenly being able to understand everything? Like you spend so long being told to repress stuff, or feeling weird or ashamed. As an asexual person I always felt abnormal and confused. But once you become part of the community everything makes sense suddenly. Concepts like spilt-attraction and different attraction types are only ever mentioned deep within the community, which is sad because there are so many kids who spend long time confused because they didn't have the information to understand themselves. We have answers here, but the cishets try to hide it from the people who need it. And that hurts. I'm not sure they realise how much that hurts. That's all the gay agenda is - to let people feel f*cking happy. And it makes me miserable to think of the number of people who are suffering because our words can't reach them.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Is it just me, or is becoming part of the LGBTQ+ community like suddenly being able to understand everything? Like you spend so long being told to repress stuff, or feeling weird or ashamed. As an asexual person I always felt abnormal and confused. But once you become part of the community everything makes sense suddenly. Concepts like spilt-attraction and different attraction types are only ever mentioned deep within the community, which is sad because there are so many kids who spend long time confused because they didn't have the information to understand themselves. We have answers here, but the cishets try to hide it from the people who need it. And that hurts. I'm not sure they realise how much that hurts. That's all the gay agenda is - to let people feel f*cking happy. And it makes me miserable to think of the number of people who are suffering because our words can't reach them.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Ace culture is not noticing sexual innuendos in kids shows even as an adult.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Okay you know what I live for? Lesbian and ace solidarity. I have a lesbian friend, and before either of us were out we would bond over our shared disgust of the idea of sex with guys. Our other friends would be crushing on cute boys, and me and her would be gagging at the thought. Probably should have been a sign. But that solidarity is A+. Love my lesbian friends <3
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Reblogging for this amazing edit 💜🌿
Okay cake over sex is good and all, but why isn’t the asexual slogan ‘plants over parts’? That should be a thing. I would 100% date someone if they had cool plants in their house. Why have children when you can have plant babies?
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Okay cake over sex is good and all, but why isn’t the asexual slogan 'plants over parts'? That should be a thing. I would 100% date someone if they had cool plants in their house. Why have children when you can have plant babies?
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
I stand by this addition! Trans rights are human rights. Don't let society try to teach you otherwise.
Being trans, the way I understand it, is like being born left-handed and being forced to write with your right. Everyone expects you to write with your right hand, and you have to force yourself so you can fit in. But it’s awkward and difficult and sometimes even painful, and you have to work so much harder to write. It just feels wrong. And then, when you’re alone, you write with your left hand. And it just feels right. It’s not uncomfortable, it’s not difficult. It’s normal, and how it should be. But society expects you to be right-handed. And it doesn’t make any sense to you. It shouldn’t matter to anyone else which hand you write with. It doesn’t hurt anyone. So why are you discriminated against for writing with your dominant hand?
This is how goddamn stupid all you transphobes are. People’s genders affect you about as much as the hand they write with. Get a life. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your opinions of other people’s identities.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Telling an asexual person that if they try having sex they might like it, is comparable to telling a straight guy to try dating other guys because 'they might like it'. Y'all cishet people already know who you like, so why can't I? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
You do not need love to be complete.
You are not missing something without love.
You are not incomplete without love.
You are not broken without love.
You are a whole person, and you are perfect as you are.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
Being trans, the way I understand it, is like being born left-handed and being forced to write with your right. Everyone expects you to write with your right hand, and you have to force yourself so you can fit in. But it's awkward and difficult and sometimes even painful, and you have to work so much harder to write. It just feels wrong. And then, when you're alone, you write with your left hand. And it just feels right. It's not uncomfortable, it's not difficult. It's normal, and how it should be. But society expects you to be right-handed. And it doesn’t make any sense to you. It shouldn't matter to anyone else which hand you write with. It doesn't hurt anyone. So why are you discriminated against for writing with your dominant hand?
This is how goddamn stupid all you transphobes are. People’s genders affect you about as much as the hand they write with. Get a life. The world doesn't revolve around you and your opinions of other people's identities.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
You! Your pronouns are great.
She/Her is beautiful.
He/Him is amazing.
They/Them is incredible.
She/They is extraordinary.
He/They is awesome.
Neopronouns are fabulous.
All pronouns are perfect, and there’s no excuse not to use them.
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chocolacornetta · 4 years
I don't understand why so many people have a problem with polyamorous people. They aren't unfaithful, in fact they can have wonderful and healthy relationships.
Just because you don't understand or could never have multiple partners, doesn't mean other people can't either. Your own lack of comprehension shouldn't allow you to hurt polyam people because of your misconceptions.
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