criminykat · 2 years
Taking effect July 2022, the US Suicide Prevention Hotline will change from 800-273-8255 to the three digit code of 988. Especially with families and communities reeling from back to back tragedies, it is super important to share this information!
Repeat: Starting July 2022, the US Suicide Prevention Hotline will be 988
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criminykat · 3 years
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[ID: Series of Tweets by Hogan @Hogan698 “American tank mechanic here. Some advice. Tanks are bad at urban combat. They need infantry support. Without boots on ground they're just big targets with poor visibility. Rifles should aim for the periscopes, but most importantly the sight unit on top of the turret. Take down street signs. Don't let the enemy know where they are. Move signs to the wrong streets. Tanks are super heavy, so try to direct them to streets that can't hold their weight. They can't move if they break through to the sewer. Break the tracks if you have explosives. Tracks are also terrible for catching stuff like barbed wire/concertina wire. Line the streets with anything that can get sucked in and tangle up. The engine needs to breathe, so throw your molotov cocktails at whatever looks like an intake for the engine. It has rubber belts, hoses, and fuel lines. Tanks are a logistical nightmare. They need a supply chain a mile long for service parts, and especially fuel. They can usually only go about 300 miles on improved roads on one tank of fuel. Stop the supply line, and a tank is just a giant pile of useless iron. Visibility is rather poor from an armored vehicle. If you paint dinner plates to look like mines and set them upsode down in the street, the tank crew won't be able to tell if they're real or not. The U.S. ARMY likes to fight at night because we have thermal imagers. Thermal picks up heat, so you can not hide behind a bush, but anything that is ambient temperature just looks like a black square. They can't see through windows because the glass is ambient. Cut up cardboard boxes and put them everywhere. The cardboard is the same temperature as the environment. Hiding behind anything that obscures vision only works if they don't have thermal. Sheets of cardboard in every bush, tree, etc. Will just be a square in a thermal imager. Set them up everywhere as distractions. Make a chaos terrain for the enemy.”]
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criminykat · 3 years
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Please read and share.
When I was fleeing my country at the age 17 to avoid repressions I didn’t even think that in the future I’ll be discriminated because of it. What a time to be alive.
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criminykat · 3 years
Fellow epileptics, I have some fantastic news for you. There’s an add-on that makes the internet safer for us. It’s called Epilepsy Blocker. The creator had me test it out, give feedback, he made adjustments, and it works great. It may even help those with migraine disorders that are triggered by the same thing that messes with those of use with photosensitive epilepsy (mine is a case of being absurdly sensitive).
This is the only add-on I’ve encountered made specifically for those of us with epilepsy. It’s not a well known add-on, but I hope to see that change.
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criminykat · 3 years
I learned Tumblr kills posts with links so I had to make a new one.
Hi. I’m Alexa, I’m 25, a lesbian, I live in Poland and I am dying.
I was born with unfortunate amount of rare genetic illnesses and gathered some comorbid ones on my way through teen years.
Right now I hope to live 7, maybe 10 years. I do have a chance for more if I’m lucky and in good care, and I’m desperate to live as long as I can.
I’m a full time wheelchair user and I also have to use oxygen generator.
In December I moved out to rented flat with my sister. It’s much more accessible and life is much easier now, especially considering our abusive parents. But money is tight and with COVID pandemic it’s even worse.
Long term I’m trying to raise enough to upgrade my oxygen generator so I can get my oxygen as prescribed - one I use now is too weak and only helps some and still leaves me with hypoxia symptoms at times.
But short term,being immunocompromised during the pandemic, I need help with expenses like groceries delivery, oxygen cannulas (they got much more expensive now, and harder to get) and meds.
My paypal is PayPal.me/AlexaOlszewska
My ko-fi: ko-fi.com/helpalexa
I make embroidery commissions and sewing commissions. My embroidery blog is @ spoonsandneedles here on tumblr, but you can also commission me here. I use sliding scale prices and am always willing to work with you.
I will show proof of all of that if needed but before you ask, I would please ask you to consider that it’s quite personal, intimate informations and even putting myself out there like this is pretty humiliating. So just please be nice and respectful cause I’m being vulnerable here.
Some photos so you know who you’re helping.
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criminykat · 3 years
🔫 gun
your 12th emoji is how you'll die
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criminykat · 3 years
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So you want to make an OC?: A Masterpost of Ways to Create, Develop, and Make Good OCs!
i made this masterpost in hopes that it helps you in making your own OCs ah;; it can also apply to developing RP characters i suppose! if you’d like to add more resources then go for it sugar pea (´ヮ`)!
How to Write Better OCs:
basic tips on how to make your oc even better
tragic backstory? learn how to write one/make yours great
writing specific characters
a wordier, great guide on how to develop your character
kick out those vague descriptions and make them AWESOME
Character Development:
how to actually make an OC
Q&A (to develop characters)
more Q&As
giving your character a backstory
how to write an attractive character
adding more racial diversity
avoiding tokenism, AKA, how to add diversity to your cast not just because you “need” it
writing sexuality and gender expression (doesnt include non binary, if you have a good ref to that, please add on!)
masterpost on writing more diversity into your story
cultures of the world
guides to drawing different ethnicities (not just a great art reference, but also really helpful in appearance descriptions!)
villain generator
need an evil sounding name for your evil character? bam
villain archetypes
what’s your villain’s motive for being a villain?
character perceptions (What your character thinks of themselves and what others think of them)
how to write strong relationships between two characters
8 ways to write better characters and develop their relationships with others
OCxLove Interest Handbook 
develop your couple with good ol’ Q&A!
how to write realistic relationships
how to write relatives for your characters (this is more OC related to a canon character, but will help in writing family members in general)
12 common archetypes
8 archetypes for male/female characters
female archetypes (goes pretty indepth from two main categories)
a list of archetypes
how to name your character
random name generator
most common surnames
surnames by ethnicity
tips for better design
basic appearance generator
pinterest board for character design (includes NSFW and images of skeletons/exposed muscle (?) so tread carefully!)
clothing ref masterpost
give your character better powers
a list of professions
proactive vs reactive characters
positive and negative traits
interest generator
skills generator
motivation generator
123 ideas for character flaws
list of phobias
again, this is to help inspire you or help establish your OCs! i hope you get a lot of info and help from this ahh ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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criminykat · 3 years
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Here are the fully colored Alastor sketches! Featuring centaur deer boi
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criminykat · 3 years
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[Image: A pastel rainbow color block with repeating white text that reads “aces and aros belong in pride”]
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criminykat · 4 years
Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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criminykat · 4 years
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See this picture? This comes from a town in Canada where a 24 pack of water bottles is 104 dollars and formula milk for a baby is priced at 55 dollars a pack. What’s more, a pack of diapers is 95 dollars and one head of lettuce is 26 dollars. Inuit people are starving in a country known for it’s generosity.
If you don’t believe this is true, you can find more images like this here. This is the only grocery store these people have in their small towns, and many people are going hungry & elderly are dying faster.
You’ll send aid to foreign children that are starving, so why won’t you pay a little extra to feed the people in your own country who work hard & still can’t afford the prices for healthy food for their families?
Please have a heart and reblog this photo to raise awareness that even in our own countries people are starving, join the movement and show the government that we won’t sit by and watch people starve. 
If you think this will make your blog ugly you’re wrong. Children in a first world country are getting sick & starving, and nobody is even aware it’s happening. You can let people know by reblogging and showing you care. People I am close to, my friends and future in-laws are going through this. 
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criminykat · 4 years
Cookies, Recipes and who to give them to:
Amanda—Chocolate Ship Cookie: Cabal Oil and Null Taste
Eva— Classic Butter cookie: Taken Butter and Superb Texture
Devrim—Gentleman Shortbread: Ether Cane and Perfect Taste
Eris Morn—Ascendant Oatmeal Raising Cookie: Chitin Powder and Finishing Touch
Crow—Bittersweet Biscotti: Dark Ether Cane and Balanced Flavors
Zavala—Gjallerdoodle: Ether Cane and Delicious Explosion
Spider—Dead Candy Ghost: Dark Ether Cane and Flash of Inspiration
Drifter—Dark Chocolate Motes: Taken Butter and Null Taste
Hawthorne—Eliksni Birdseed: Ether Cane and Personal Touch
Ikora—Traveler Donut Hole: Cabal Oil and Flash of Inspiration
Saint-14—Lavender Ribbon Cookies: Vex Milk and Personal Touch
Petra Venj— Ill Fortune cookies: Dark Ether Cane and Impossible Heat
Failsafe—Infinite Forest Cake: Vex Milk and Impossible Heat
Xur—Strange Cookies: Taken Butter and Electric Flavor
Banshee-44—Telemetry Tapioca: Vex Milk and Bullet Spray
Riven—Thousand Layer Cookies: Taken Butter and Delicious Explosion
Lord Shaxx—Vanilla Blades: Cabal Oil and Sharp Flavor
Shaw Han—Blueberry Crumblers: Ether Cane and Bullet Spray
Tess Everis—Bright Dusted Snowballs: Chitin Powder and Multifaceted flavors
Variks the Loyal—Etheric Coldsnaps: Chitin Powder and Electric Flavor
Happy Dawning, Guardians. 💋
- Tigerlily Everis
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criminykat · 4 years
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criminykat · 4 years
can you talk about being intersex and cis? how do you know if you're cis or trans when you're intersex? i promise this isn't meant to be rude i'm just a little confused as to how gender works when you're intersex. thank you so much.
I’m cis because I’m afab and still identify as a woman. If I was afab and identified any other way, I’d be trans. I’m intersex because my body itself has a mixed bag of secondary sex characteristics and hormones.
The label “intersex” itself isn’t a gender identity as much as it’s a way for people with mixed or ambiguous sex characteristics to define that experience. There are cis men and women who are intersex, trans people of every kind as well. I’m sure there are intersex people who just identify as intersex entirely but most intersex people I’ve met still identify as male, female, or nonbinary. Because your body doesn’t determine your gender identity.
Also, the opposite of intersex is perisex. You can be cis or trans, while being intersex or perisex. If you’re not intersex, you are perisex.
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criminykat · 4 years
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criminykat · 4 years
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Let’s talk about the fabulous aromantics out there
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criminykat · 4 years
(warning: lots of violence/swearing)
This is why people say ACAB.
Footage from a livestream Tuesday night by Reddit user u/testsubject011 shows police in Portland, OR suddenly attacking a crowd of peaceful protesters using rubber bullets/flash bangs/tear gas, with absolutely no prior warning to disperse.
There was no curfew in Portland last night.
These protesters were not breaking any laws.
The police were BEHIND A FENCE.
And they were chanting “Hands up, don’t shoot”.
edit: I would like to point out that this video also shows them possibly attacking a journalist towards the end (at around 15 seconds left)
I see y’all, liking this and not reblogging it. Stop that.
(The OP was shot in the foot and back with rubber bullets, but they made it to safety and asked viewers to plaster this video all over social media. I did my best to blur out the faces using YouTube. Regardless of the theme of my blog, I WILL use it to make sure people know what is really going on.)
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