gotham-gremlin · 3 months
Martha Wayne is 100% a chaotic art girly.
She embodied the spirit of creative chaos in its purest form, a vivacious art enthusiast through and through. When the grand galas concluded and the flash of the cameras dimmed she transformed, donning paint-stained overalls that were her creative armor. She wore her medium proudly, a pencil and paintbrush behind her ears and paint on her hands and face as if she were a walking canvas herself, brimming with life's vivid hues.
The allure of her artistry was undeniable. She inhabited a world where inspiration was her muse and innovation was her compass. She believed fervently in the fleeting nature of ideas, swiftly passing from one mind to the next if they weren't seized. It was this belief that would see her abandon all else, her every responsibility, to disappear into her sanctuary of creation at a moment's notice. Midway through dinner conversations, she would be caught in a reverie, an idea blossoming within her like a fragile flower seeking the sun. Swiftly, she would rise from the table, propelled by the urgent need to capture her fleeting thoughts. Thomas would watch her, bemused yet enamored, as she dashed to her studio, leaving half-filled plates and unfinished conversations in her wake. Even sleep couldn't stop her beautifully creative mind, there were many a nights when Thomas, would be jolted awake by her abrupt departure from their shared bed, only being left the echo of her hurried footsteps, summoned by the siren call of creativity.
Her studio, a sacred realm that was hers and hers alone, was her sanctuary of imagination that stood as a testament to her unconventional genius. It was a domain of untamed creation. To anyone else, the studio appeared a chaotic landscape, with paint splatters adorning walls like, half-completed canvases piled in seemingly disordered stacks, and brushes and paint water residing haphazardly on the floor. Yet, to her, it was an organized cosmos. Every paintbrush, every tube of paint had a specific place, known only to her. The azure blue paint resided precisely where she knew it would be, behind an unfinished masterpiece, adjacent to a cluster of easels.
The studio itself, an extension of Martha's spirit, was a work of art. The paint splatters that adorned the walls were abstract echoes of her creative process. The half-formed stacks of canvases spoke of dreams that had yet to fully emerge, and the brushes and paint water that adorned the floor were a testament to her fervent process. The studio had evolved into an embodiment of her very essence, an intricate composition of chaos and creativity.
Martha's influence reached far beyond the confines of her studio. In a city like Gotham, where dark shadows intertwined with towering skyscrapers, she was the brush that painted the cityscape with bursts of color and ingenuity. While Thomas Wayne was the architectural engineer who laid the foundations of Gotham, Martha Wayne was the visionary. Her spirit intertwined with the urban landscape, manifesting in sculptures, murals, and and hidden gems of artistic brilliance that flourished in unexpected corners that brought forth Gotham's soul.
Martha Wayne was more than an artist; she was a devotee of the creative, a slave to the imaginings that bloomed within her. She embodied the harmonious union of chaos and brilliance, her heart a canvas on which life's vibrant tapestry was painted with every stroke of her artistic genius.
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
Bruce Wayne, the advocate - the man who exposed many personal details and relieved an awful trauma to testify against Harvey Dent in court, the speaker at a Mental Health Awareness Seminar who brought an audience to tears, the person who willingly became a hostage of the Joker in order to ensure the safety of the random woman who'd been plucked off the sidewalk, the creator and sponsor of many worldwide charities (such as The Martha Wayne Foundation for Environmental Protection, The Thomas Wayne Foundation for Medical Expenses, The Grayson Foundation for Children Orphaned by Crime, The Todd Foundation for Homeless Children, etc.), the billionaire who personally pays the medical bills of any employees hurt on the job, the listening ear who helped Lauren Kelly through her messy divorce from Lex Luthor, the first prominent public figure to stand up for Lois Lane after her phone and computer were hacked, the Prince of Gotham who uses his power and influence for Good.
Batman, the protector - the ghost of city streets who personally carried a passed out college girl out of a party and onto her doorstep, the tall dark shadow whose cape shielded a lost and frightened child as he slid quarters into a payphone to call their parents, the righteous hand of the gods who snatched a raving drunk ex off a doorstep, the hero who ran into a burning building without a second thought to rescue a firefighter and the boy he'd been in there to save, the bystander who stood on countless rooftops to talk someone out of suicide, the stubborn prick who refuses to give up on anyone, the detective who brought closure to grieving families at long last, the unyielding force who lifted a car off a sobbing teenager, the strong hands slipped under the arms of a drowning child to lift them above the surface and the warm chest on which the child is cradled as they are carried back on dry land, the tongue of Mercy who forgives the unforgivable and defends the undefendable, the Lion-hearted Savior who never ever turns his back on the people who need him.
everyone shut the fuck up i'm in my feels
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
I love giving my interpretations of characters so much (canon is my estranged spouse that still comes over most nights but we tell our friends there's nothing between us anymore)
tim drake - a stained blue hoodie with messy cuffs on its sleeves because he chews on them, glasses that are always crooked from dick ruffling his hair, light up blue keyboard, quietly sitting in the same room as barbara as they each do separate activities just vibing in each other's presence, correcting people's grammar in arguments, clicking a ballpoint pen, spinny office chairs, keeping hair ties on his wrist for his sisters, sustaining himself off blue powerade alone, humming steph's ABBA while disabling security cameras so she can beat up riddler in peace, getting extremely competitive at Just Dance with Damian, messy eyeliner that's been through five showers and eight mental breakdowns, wearing the bracelet Bernard gave him until it breaks and then blowing off all his plans to fix it, stealing bruce's rings all the time, infodumping about physics to Alfred, muttering the shoelace rhyme every time he ties them, picking at the skin of his lip when he's thinking, laying down on the cool tile of his bathroom floor when his headaches get bad, drawing constellations with the freckles on Bernard's face, being late to everything all the time despite religiously wearing the watch dick gave him for his birthday, those ridiculously complicated Rubik's cubes with a million parts you know the ones, watching Conner play video games and pointing out the physics mistakes -
just tim drake being a greasy little rat nerd man who loves his boyfriend and his family and his friends and can't express anything ever to anyone at any point in time
guys, because we can never decide on how we see tim, i want to know how people see them.
rb and tell me please i want new interps.
rn i see him as a typical alex g boy. a bit dirty most of the time, not good personal hygiene unless he really needs to, messy overgrown hair and this makes bruce have to go through industrial treatment before public appearances. untied laces, watching the sunrise and rooftops. not sleeping, or sleeping too much, just a twinge too much of carelessness that starts to affect himself.
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
you’re twelve years old and you break your father’s hand when he hi-fives you. the first thing you learn is that the smallest slip up can hurt the people you love. your (foster) father smiles and says it’s okay (it’s not). 
your parents are not your parents. the idyllic farming community that raised you is not your home. you’re a You-Don’t-Know-What from You-Don’t-Know-Where. all you know for sure is that you’re not human. 
so you can fly. so you can run fast. so you can lift cars. so what? why do you even have this power? what should you even do with it? 
your father said do what’s right, so that’s what you do. 
you stop a robbery. the man’s knife shatters against your skin and you see the same fear in his eyes that you saw in your father’s when you were twelve. you catch a falling child before it can hit the water. his mother looks at you like you’re a god. 
they love you, even though they don’t know you. the most powerful man in the world hates you because they love you. 
you wanted to write when you were younger. you wanted to tell stories that needed to be told. you never wanted to star in them. you never wanted super-geniuses and demi-goddesses looking to you for advice; like you have any idea how to handle threats to reality itself. you’re just a kid from smallville who’s trying to do the best he can with what he’s given. 
you try and get back to the farm as much as you can. it feels normal being back among the open wheat; where everyone smiles because you’re that nice Kent boy. 
when you were younger, you pretended to fly, hands out to your sides and running through the tall grass by the river. it doesn’t look as beautiful from on high; the details get lost and the colors of your hometown blur together from a mile above ground. 
the problem with flying is that it puts you so far above people you care about
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
DC enthusiast here!
So, the anon unfortunately doesn't specify which Kryptonian and there's a bit of variation.
While they have the same base set of powers, each Kryptonian is a little bit different in how they operate.
For example, Supergirl is notably stronger than Superman. Superman left Krypton when he was a baby, but Supergirl left when she was a teenager. While it's true that the radiation of Earth's yellow star has different effects as Krypton's red sun and this is what gives Kryptonians some of their most recognizable powers (ie laser vision), the reason for their strength is actually twofold.
Yes, the impact of our sun's radiation is very different as while the Kryptonians were actually in a fair amount of danger from their sun (as humans are from ours) Kryptonians are actually able to metabolize the radiation of our sun which is why they can do some of what they can do, including their strength.
But that's not all - part of the reason Krypton's explosion caused such massive effects is that the planet was HUGE. Like, bigger than Jupiter and probably bigger than our sun. And it also grew. Which means that as time went on, this colossus only got bigger (which made it incredibly fragile and decently toxic when Kryptonians weren't careful which is only relevant later).
Due to this, the gravitational pull was much, much stronger and Kryptonian's hand to adapt to it in a way that humans AND vampires don't, because our gravitational pull has never put us at risk.
A vampire's strength is, as I understand it, instinctual. And because of the unchanging nature of a vampire, they have a definitive upper limit. They can't develop new muscle tissue, their bones don't change, they don't adapt. They physically CAN'T.
But Kryptonians are all about adapting because they had no other choice.
Supergirl spent much more time in Krypton's incredible gravity than Superman did, as well as the fact that her muscles developed without the hindrance of being held back all the time to handle the fragility of things on Earth.
So a fight between Supergirl and a Cullen vs Superman and a Cullen would be slightly different. Superboy, however, has the same caveats as Superman so I believe there would be very little variation between those two.
And the other known Kryptonians (Zod, Astra, and Non) are not just super powered aliens. All of them were lifelong warriors. Not only did they spend much of their adult lives on Krypton, making them even more well adapted than Supergirl, but they have extensive combat training and experience.
Having Emmett as an opponent is a very different fight than if you have Jasper as an opponent. (The specific Cullen fighting also kind of makes a difference but whatever)
But now that that super long-winded explanation is over, back to the lovely anon's question.
Now, because of the fact that a vampire's skin is like stone, they are pretty much invulnerable.
Kryptonian skin is invulnerable too, but for different reasons. Their cells are much denser and much closer together. Their skin is invulnerable not because of any biological mutation like the venom, but because it was built that way from day one.
Some vampires, like Edward and Alice, have a gift that helps them in combat. But if they were fighting a warrior like Astra, I doubt this would really affect much. They'd just know they're getting their ass handed to them a few seconds before it happens.
Vampire skin is considered in-universe to be the strongest thing in the world. But I believe it's met it's match with a Kryptonian. While a Kryptonian wouldn't have the vampire teeth typically needed to accomplish wounding a vampire, Jasper says when he's training everyone for the battle in Eclipse that it's not technically necessary.
He warns never to allow the newborns to get their arms around you, as they will immediately crush you to death. The implication that a vampire can be crushed by a creature stronger than itself is pretty much all the proof I need.
If my memory serves me, vampire strength is mostly due to the rigidity they're capable of. Kryptonian strength however, is (say it with me) adaptable. Adaptability is one of nature's greatest gifts, as it's the only reason Kryptonians even survived to touch down on Earth in the first place.
For various reasons, Kryptonians have had to continuously get tougher. Yes, the gravity was a big part of this (making them physically stronger) but there's actually more. Superman was only very briefly exposed to Krypton's gravity because he left when he was a baby. However, he had to adapt to a level of precision and care when handling pretty much anything. One parallel sticks out to me in particular.
In Breaking Dawn, Edward breaks three of Jacob's finger by smacking his hand away from Bella.
In American Alien, a teenage Clark gives Jonathan Kent a high-five and breaks his hand.
A werewolf is noticably tougher than a human, but as of my current understanding we have no evidence Edward wasn't trying to hurt Jacob. Yes, he wasn't focusing on it or trying very hard, but it's completely possibly that he did mean to hurt him.
But Clark had spent fifteen years tempering his strength all the time. Any action had to be carefully thought through at risk of completely destroying whatever he interacted with.
We know for a fact that Clark was actively trying not to hurt his father, and still he obliterated the man's hand.
A vampire's precision is one of their famous traits. They make no unnecessary movements.
But neither does Clark. And after a few years on Earth, neither does Kara. The warriors don't really have this hangup as they've never tried to present as anything other than glaringly and obviously alien.
Basically, all this is to say that Kryptonians are actually a lot more dangerous than first assumed.
And it's pretty damning that their only real weakness is Kryptonite. Especially when we know that Astra was able to make a suit of armor completely protecting her from it.
To quote her, "It's just like any other danger, shield yourself to it in the right way and it's harmless as a fly."
Kryptonians adapt.
So even if, by some miracle, the Cullens got their hands on an element they know nothing about, depending on who they're fighting that might not even matter.
All of this is to say, even without some of the more outlandish abilities (lasers and flying and all that nonsense), a Kryptonian is better suited to battle because they are designed to be strong and they are able to adapt to any weaknesses.
A vampire has been mutated by venom and is fairly unchanging. While they can gain knowledge through experience, they can't actually physically change to suit their situation.
Kryptonians kick ass.
TLDR - a Cullen, any vampire for that matter, would become a footstool for any Kryptonian.
Cullen vs Kryptonian??
I'm afraid I'm not a Star Trek person.
@theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, you're up if you got anything on this.
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
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gotham-gremlin · 1 year
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