#batfam memes
jbharts · 2 days
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It's called fashion, Bruce
another repost from my Instagram in 2021
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tarta-de-limon · 1 month
Damian is physically unable to draw Tim. Change my mind.
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theaceofarrows · 4 months
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myshipsbesailing · 4 months
Dick, pointing to Jason's photo : This is Jason. He was our brother. He liked literature and was very good at school. People would've told you he was violent but he was the sweetest and would've never been on the wrong side.
Damian, who has seen Jason training in the League of Assasins to commit homicide and probably mass murder in Gotham : Okay
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lustwithoutlore · 5 months
After a mission…
Dick: I can’t wait to go home, have a bowl of cereal, and go to sleep.
Duke: Lucky, I have patrol in like, two hours. No sleep for me. What’re you going to do when you get home, Jason?
Dick: Wait! Let me guess. Crack open a beer, order in Chinese food, and fall asleep on the couch watching a gritty action movie.
Jason, fully planning on having a lavender scented bubble bath while drinking vanilla earl grey tea and watching Pride and Prejudice: … Something like that.
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arguablysomaya · 7 months
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failed step one
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honeyuuyuu · 2 months
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time for some dc heehee content
Instagram  ✎  Devianart  ✎ Reblogs help! ^^
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thejinglingfool · 2 years
I drew these back in April, and never posted them here, there's a secret pt 2 to these that i'll post eventually :^]
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Batfamily Tumblr Shitpost Memes
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Batboys as Brian David Gilbert Gifs
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Damian Wayne:
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Jason Todd:
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Tim Drake:
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Dick Grayson:
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tarta-de-limon · 3 months
Just some quick sketches:
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I saw this on Instagram last week. I couldn't just NOT draw it. It was way too funny. The post and the comments are just HILARIOUS.
(He definitely says pog).
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theaceofarrows · 10 months
18 year old Dick: Hey, check your phone I sent you something
13 year old Jason: [checks texts] You're such an asshole
Dick: You see, it's funny because it's true
The text:
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myshipsbesailing · 4 months
Tim : Who is this?
Dick , holding Damian in a tight grip knowing full well he will jump Tim as soon as he lets go : Our New Brother
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lustwithoutlore · 6 months
Stephanie: Congratulations! You have won a lifetime supply of lemons!
Black Mask: You only gave me one lemon
Stephanie, pulling out a gun: yep
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arguablysomaya · 5 months
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take some jasons
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mothmoth0 · 2 months
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He's so in love
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