gvmwrites · 1 year
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Chapter one and two of my new story are out!! It’s on Wattpad so easy access :)
Found family, slow paced romance, best friends who grow up together story, so if you like that check it out :)
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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La Notte, Maureen Hyde
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gvmwrites · 2 years
The Crack on the Wall
Ever had cracks on the wall? If so, come reminisce. Read "The Crack on the Wall" by GVM - Please, Like, comment, and share; It helps out a lot
There’s a crack on the wall. You’ve never noticed it before. It’s a strange shape. Almost like a circle. Almost like it was some patchwork done in a hurry. You wonder how you never noticed it before, such funny shape, so visible on a blank smooth wall before, but you carry on with your day.  The next day, however, it’s not so easy to leave the fissure alone. You…
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gvmwrites · 2 years
I look up at the clock hanging on the wall of the cafe, shivering in anticipation of meeting someone whom I have known since the ages.
Suddenly I feel the touch of someone on my shoulder.. My heart beats faster ..and as I turn my face, my eyes light up as they meet his eyes and i lose myself again in the depth of those deep brown eyes.....
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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don't let your skill in writing deter you. publishers look for the storyline, not always excellent writing. many of the greatest books came from mediocre writers—and also excellent and terrible ones.
keep writing even when it sucks. you don't know how to write this battle scene yet? skip ahead. write [battle scene here] and continue. in the end, you'll still have a book—and you can fill in the blanks later.
find your motivation. whether it's constantly updating That One Friend or posting your progress, motivation is key.
write everything down. everything. you had the perfect plot appear to you in a dream? scribble down everything you can remember as so as you can. I like to keep cue cards on my nightstand just in case.
play with words. titles, sentences, whatever. a lot of it will probably change either way, so this is the perfect opportunity to try out a new turn of phrase—or move along on one you're not quite sure clicks yet.
explain why, don't tell me. if something is the most beautiful thing a character's ever laid eyes on, describe it—don't just say "it's beautiful".
ask for critique. you will always be partial to your writing. getting others to read it will almost always provide feedback to help you write even better.
stick to the book—until they snap. write a character who is disciplined, courteous, and kind. make every interaction to reinforce the reader's view as such. but when they're left alone, when their closest friend betrays them, when the world falls to their feet...make them finally break.
magic. has. limits. there is no "infinite well" for everyone to draw from, nor "infinite spells" that have been discovered. magic has a price. magic has a limit. it takes a toll on the user—otherwise why can't they simply snap their fingers and make everything go their way?
read, read, read. reading is the source of inspiration.
first drafts suck. and that's putting it gently. ignoring all the typos, unfinished sentences, and blatant breaking of each and every grammar rules, there's still a lot of terrible. the point of drafts is to progress and make it better: it's the sketch beneath an oil painting. it's okay to say it's not great—but that won't mean the ideas and inspiration are not there. first drafts suck, and that's how you get better.
write every day. get into the habit—one sentence more, or one hundred pages, both will train you to improve.
more is the key to improvement. more writing, more reading, more feedback, and you can only get better. writing is a skill, not a talent, and it's something that grows with you.
follow the rules but also scrap them completely. as barbossa wisely says in PotC, "the code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules". none of this is by the book, as ironic as that may be.
write for yourself. I cannot stress this enough. if what you do is not something you enjoy, it will only get harder. push yourself, but know your limits. know when you need to take a break, and when you need to try again. write for yourself, and you will put out your best work.
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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Ana Juan, 1961-
Making Mischief. Cover The New Yorker May 23, 2022. Description: A mischievous, black house Cat pulling at a loose thread.
New Yorker
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gvmwrites · 2 years
Reading on the train #2
Scurrying around in front of me, on its covert little mission, was a sweet little ferret. It balanced itself precariously on the broad shoulders of the man I assumed was its owner, but once I glanced at his expression of malcontent that suspicion became less concrete. If he was the owner, it was not out of his own sheer will. Was the poor ferret an ill thought gift? Probably. But the man had…
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gvmwrites · 2 years
The Weight of Love
To say I love you, cumbersome words that weighed heavily on my heart and mind, was a nerve wrecking ordeal. As I tried to profess them, they travelled slowly up my throat, like gravel, only to be expelled out of my body rapidly, merely slipping out through my lips, suddenly turned liquid. When the first droplets began to slip out, it became too late to turn back.…
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gvmwrites · 2 years
How sorrowful does my heart feel have to feel for me to feel once more?
I wait,
and rest,
and wait once more,
for my heart to heal,
but alas, it never seems to mend itself.
When will it be full of this emptiness?
How much sorrow do I have to feel until I've had my full?
When will it be enough for this famished soul of mine?
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gvmwrites · 2 years
The words escape me. They’ve left from under my pen ages ago, and now I have nothing left to write with. I’ve tried writing without relying so much on the beautiful words that once came to me, but, the texts become strands of words without much meaning. Things without though, without depth, without colour. So, I tried a different approach. I tried imagining the…
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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gvmwrites · 2 years
my dad, trying to explain the concept of money to me: say you have a sandwich, and i need your sandwich. but i don't have anything to give you. you're not just gonna give it to me.
me: i would just give it to you.
my dad:
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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Jocelin Carmes on Instagram
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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Mark A. Nelson
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gvmwrites · 2 years
“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”
— Mitch Albom
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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Still feeling slow and tired from Covid but I’m much better now. I want plants to grow from my bones and heal me from the inside out🌱
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gvmwrites · 2 years
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Asking for directions
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