heyyyashhh · 3 years
i might’ve binged she-ra in four days and now am completely obsessed. Also might be in the middle of writing a fanfic for catradora😏
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
I am currently reading We Free The Stars (the sequel to We Hunt The Flame) and I’m only starting chapter four but this is the thing i am hoping to see most from this book in future chapters:
I want the Zumra to save Altair but mostly Zafira. I really love the dynamic between Zafira and Altair. It will be easier for Altair to forgive Nasir cause they are brothers so their arc requires him to forgive Nasir. And for Kifah i think it’s possible she and Altair might have romance so if that is true than same thing with Nasir. Then that leaves Zafira. Just the friend. So I want to see her save altair and then “to her surprise, Zafira finds herself desperately hugging Altair” Happy to see him again safe and sound… Okay that’s it, i’m going back to reading now ;)
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
hey guys hey guys guess what i just posted my first fanfic on ao3 and it’s a jerejean <3 Basically jean has a nightmare and guess who’s there for him?
Thursday Nights by heyyyashhh
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
I was just rereading The Kings Men AFTG and after neil gets home from the court where he fills in the whole team on basically his whole life they all practically have this huge sleepover in the living room dorm of Matt and Neils room. But remember how andrew sleeps on his side with his back to the wall when he and neil sleep? yeah he and neil are in the dead center of the room sleeping which means andrew is purposely going out of his comfort zone for Neil. he feels safe enough with the team and neil to lay in that room like that… i’m dead
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
so guys guys guys i was just retreading The Kings Men for the nth time and I caught something and now i’m confused. So spoiler warning now!!!
Right before Neil gets taken by Lola, in the game he asks Andrew to shut out the strikers and Andrews like “Not for free.” and Neil says “Anything.” then the game continues and Andrew plays like Neil has never seen and Andrew GOES HARD. But my question is we never got to know what Andrew planned to ask of Neil later after the game since he heard everything in the interrogation with the cops. But I wanna know, what did he plan to ask? @korakos ?????
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
I just had the weirdest thought but what if in the beginning of AFTG andrew also never made any moves on Neil because he thought if Neil were into guys he would go for Nicky... just because Nicky was caring and not as confusing and he was very much “out and proud” and he had less boundaries and was just in general better suited for a relationship (especially because andrew didn’t even rly want a relationship in the beginning, just some good fooling around)
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
wait😃 i remember this but i want to go reread it... do u know the chapter?
when in tkm neil hysterically laughs after lola tortured him, andrew tells him to stop because he was the one who laughed at his own pain after all the abuse he got, he couldn’t bear the thought of neil going through the same
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heyyyashhh · 3 years
you do not know how often i read these questions and answers... i’m crying 🥲
So I'm pretty sure I would give my right arm of you were willing to shed some light on when exactly Andrew came to the conclusion that Neil actually meant something to him. (any chance of that?)
Keep reading
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heyyyashhh · 4 years
James’ POV in CHoG when Lucie saved Cordelia during the Mandikhor battle ⚠️WARNING ALMOST DROWNING TRIGGER⚠️
“Where is she?” Matthew gasped as he neared James. “Where’s Cordelia?”
“She’s in the river.” James said and began to run.
James’ heart raced pounding along with the sound of his footsteps as he raced as fast as he could down to the river bank. Lucie, she must’ve been down there already so Cordelia must be fine. He found himself reassuring himself with this statement over and over again. Until he could see the embankment and what he saw had him stumbling. Only Matthew’s fast grab at him kept him from plummeting down the hill. Lucie laid on her back arms splayed out on either side of her, Cordelia was on her side and James could see her body spasming with the force of her coughs. But Lucie’s eyes were shut, and he didn’t even see a single cough or heave leave her.
“Lucie...” Matthew’s breath clouded in front of him as her name slipped past his lips.
“Cordelia!” He shouted to the other Merry Thieves, pointing to her. They knew what he meant. And with almost no hesitation they ran towards Daisy. But matthew stuck by James’ side as he fell to his knees grasping Lucie’s shoulders. “Lucie, Lucie wake up!” James went to her neck reaching for her pulse willing it to roar up against his cold fingers. And like her heart resented the freezing touch, her heartbeat bucked up to meet his hand. His breath gushed out of him, he hadn’t even realized he was holding it in.
Matthew did the same falling back onto his heels, glancing over to Daisy. James followed that look, and almost regretted it. Daisy was desperately looking towards Lucie. But when she noticed James and Matthew looking her gaze shifted. And James had to ignore the swirl of feelings in his gut. Now was not the time, he forced his head to turn back to Lucie. Lucie, Lucie was the priority right now. His hands moved like shadows as her searches his sister for injuries. His lips tugged downward when he was done, “What is it James?” Matthew looked him in the eye, and James could spy that inkling of old feelings towards Lucie. Almost pitying him for it.
“I can’t find anything to indicate why she won’t open her eyes.” Matthew’s lips curved, identical to James’ expression. “I’ll take her home and see if Magnus can figure it out. You and the others take care of Daisy.” Matthew began to protest but Thomas laid his hand firmly on Matthew’s shoulder, lightly jerking his head toward Cordelia. Matthew’s chin dropped just an inch, before he began to move absentmindedly towards Cordelia.
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heyyyashhh · 4 years
Sapphic Romeo & Juliet
Looking for a sapphic twist on the Romeo and Juliet story? Welllllll check out my first blurp of writing of Rome and Julliette. Please feel free to comment your thoughts on the story and if I should keep it going.
They say love is all-encompassing, they say no matter your circumstances you can love someone and be loved. They will say to you it doesn’t matter who you love, no matter their beliefs or skin color or eye color or even the way their eyes are shaped. The saying goes, well as I’ve heard it, “Love is all-encompassing. Loving is like walking blindfolded, trusting the person you love to lead you in the right direction.” But they never finish the quote, this is how I think it would go, “But nobody tells you the person leading you isn’t the one you love. But actually who you love is already drowned across the river in which your leader secretly pushes you towards.” So yes, love is all-encompassing. You pass the hazards signs, blind to them. You walk through the black air, unfeeling to its cold welcome. Not until you are submerged in the water, do you realize; you’ve been tricked. And who was it that tricked you? Love itself.
Chapter One
I feel blind, I feel numb. I dance, I sing, I chant, I sway. I told myself walking into the party that I wouldn’t drink too much. But here on the dance floor with Nora and Alice, a cup in my hand I can’t help but get addicted to the bitter tang in my mouth of the sour liquid. Some of it spills while I jump and careen, headed towards the middle of the dance floor. 
“Julliette, don’t look now but Zak is here.” Nora has to yell to me from barely a foot away. I nod my head to her, a silent thanks for the warning. It would now be two months ago that Isak, or as most people call him Zak, broke up with me out of the blue. I bring the red cup up to my lips, finishing it off with a jerk of my head and the cup following just as fast.
“I am going to get a refill, be right back.” This time it’s me yelling at Nora, and her nodding her response. She laughs as her and Alice rub against each other both spilling droplets of Jungle Juice on their glittery outfits. I went dark for tonight, black denim short-shorts that fray extensively at the bottom. And a black spaghetti-strap bodysuit the tucks nicely into the shorts. Red fishnet stockings slide like a second skin along my long snowy legs, then tuck into my black combat boots. My hair’s is in its natural state. Which in other words would mean straight, but it sharpens my heart shaped face. My makeup is done just as dramatically, with bright red lipstick, and a smokey eye. Confidence is strikingly showing through and performs a perfect execution of the personality I fool everybody into thinking I have. Foolishness is not something I lack of though, and I feel it right before. Someone wraps their arms around me and their hands fall dangerously close to my waistband. I almost flinch at the sudden physical contact. But reel it in before a soul could know. 
“Baby girl what are you doing getting a drink alone?” Jack’s breath whizzes past my ear, causing a shudder to race through my body. 
I play his game.
“Running from people like you.” An airy laugh leaves him, my body knows how the game works. Molding to his shape, pressing against his actions. But my eyes betray the game, glancing to Zak sitting in a corner talking to his football buddies, or at least he was, before he saw Jack grab me. Now Zak’s eyes were murderous as he tried to stare down Jack. Good I thought, Lets make him jealous. 
Within seconds hot air is passed between Jack and mines lips and saliva slips down my chin. Gross. Kissing is not in this guys strong suit. When I open my eyes they pierce into his closed eyes. The world is spinning, that stupid alcohol. I stumble backwards, colliding with the wall. He mistakes it as an invitation and quickly follows me. His body crashing into mine as his kiss becomes more passionate. I try to push him away, but my bones shake when I try. I groan, and he once again mistake this as something it is not. Oh no, what-
It’s cold, I shiver. How did it get so cold so fast. 
“Julliette? Are you okay?” Those eyes… “We should get you home.” 
“No!”I almost fall suddenly lurching in any direction, “Anywhere but home, for now please.” Hesitation. Those eyes pause, hesitating. They see right through any walls or masks I had ever put up. The light blue eyes that seemed to know every thought racing through my mind. The light blues that haunt my dreams. 
“Okay.” Katherine Rome Lysander finally agrees, she grabs me around the waist and leads me away to the front door where we exit swiftly. Her hand brushes only slightly over my rib cage for me to cringe and instantly jerk away from her grip. Obviously not ready for my full weight guilt and all, I begin to collapse forward. Katherine grabs for me, careful to avoid my rib cage. Grabbing me up before my knees touched the floor. She now carries my bridal style. She’s carrying me so lightly,  I must have lost weight again. 
“Yes Julliette, you have lost weight.” I almost beg her not to look at me, but then her eyes meet mine and it’s like the lighting has completely changed them. They now are soft and not piercing, inviting instead of caged. I try to pry my tongue away from the roof of my mouth, but to no avail. So till it be morrow, I can thank her. I shut my eyes, dreaming of the baby blue hughs.
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heyyyashhh · 4 years
If the events in CHoG went a little different against the Mandikhor! Lucie Herondale. ⚠️Almost drowning⚠️
She took a step forward, her boot coming down in the shallow dark water. She shivered as the icy liquid seeped through the leather. That was it Lucie thought, just like Cordelia had saved her all those years ago Lucie would save her. She plunged into the thick water, kicking restlessly her arms surging forward over and over again. A flash of red and gold and Lucie knew, that was Daisy. She kicked even harder than she had before, her arms working faster than before. And in record time considering she was wearing leather gear and had her weapons still strapped onto her she grabbed Cordelia and Cortana. But maybe she hadn’t thought about the fact that bringing cordelia back to shore would be harder than she originally guessed. Water filled lucie’s mouth for the nth time. She spit it out only for more to fill her mouth. She wasn’t getting enough air into her lungs when struggling to keep Cordelia above water. She looked frantically around the water, until she saw a Barge in the distance. “Help!” She screamed. It did nothing though, because the cold liquid was merciless and unrelenting as her screams became gurgles and her lungs burned. Her muscles were beginning to tighten and her body started to sink. With one last attempt Lucie screamed at the top of her lungs. And then her head submerged underneath the water. Cordelia’s hair floated around them like a fire was surrounding them. Bubbles burst out of Cordelia’s mouth, then they weren’t. Because cordelia wasn’t even there anymore. Lucie saw, miraculously, through the dark water just enough to see someone gripping cordelia right above the water. They were flying her back to the beach. Good, Good, Lucie thought. Now I can just rest a second before I swim back. And with that last thought, Lucie’s vision was abolished.
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heyyyashhh · 4 years
“you little shit” that’s what i like to hear james. Overprotective brother? yes.
Cordelia : I date your brother
Lucie : ah, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you, Cordy!
Matthew : I date your sister
James : ....
James : you little shit
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heyyyashhh · 4 years
*breathing intensifies*
That scene where Cordelia held Lucie's hand for hours so she doesn't fall off, breathe if you agree.
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