jonesyvibes · 1 year
What IS The Low Glycemic Lifestyle?
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I know you all have heard me harping on and on about the Low Glycemic Lifestyle.  I thought I’d take a moment to tell you all about it and how it’s helped me.
Let’s begin with explaining what Low Glycemic Index is.
What is the Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increases in blood glucose levels. Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tend to release glucose slowly and steadily. Foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly. [source]
So basically, low glycemic foods are food that don’t spike your blood sugar.
Why is that important for me to control my moods and symptoms?
Well, I’m glad you asked!
According to Indian Journal Psychiatry, “It is suggested that low glycemic index (GI) foods such as some fruits and vegetables, whole grains, pasta, etc. are more likely to provide a moderate but lasting effect on brain chemistry, mood, and energy level than the high GI foods - primarily sweets - that tend to provide immediate but temporary relief.” [source]
So I choose a low glycemic lifestyle and diet to keep my blood sugar at normal, non-fluctuating levels to keep my moods in check.
From my studies through the years, I learned about how eating a high carb diet that included excess sugar was probably making my depression symptoms worse.
So, sugar...
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I’m not going to lie, I haven’t fully kicked the sweet stuff to the curb as of yet, BUT I’ve definitely cut back.
It’s not easy quitting sugar, believe me I know. It’s pretty hard for most of us and that’s backed by science. 
Check out what I found while researching sugar and it’s affects online; “A study done in rats found that the brain’s sweet receptors are not adapted to constant and high levels of sugar. This intense sweetness can stimulate the brain’s reward center and may be more pleasurable than cocaine, even in people with a drug addiction. In other words, the high from sugar is stronger than the high from cocaine. Your self-control mechanisms are no match for sugar’s strength.” [source]
Although it’s something I’m working on, I will beat this - my mental health and wellbeing are at stake!
So how does one know what the Glycemic Index of certain foods are?
There are plenty resources online that actually give you a list of common foods and their glycemic index. The key is to stay as far under 60 as possible.
The one that I usually reference from the University of Sydney. 
So now that we’ve covered the basics of the Low Glycemic diet let’s talk just a little about what makes a complete Low Glycemic Lifestyle.
My Low Glycemic Lifestyle
It’s simple. I incorporate a low glycemic style of eating and pair it with a more active lifestyle.
The activities I partake in are varied because I enjoy variety in all things in life.
I go for walks on the local beach, in parks or go hiking in one of the many nature preserves and national parks in my area. I have a gym membership and a home gym.
Simply put, I work out whenever I have the chance. Am I consistent? No, not at all. But the important thing is I try and keep trying!
This is my lifestyle choice because I choose not to medicate.
Along with my lifestyle adjustments I also regularly take vitamins and herbal supplements to help as well.
We’ll get into those in another blog post for sure.
I hope this post clears up the mystery of the Low Glycemic Lifestyle I’m living.
If you still have questions or want to learn more, check out my source links below or shoot an email to [email protected] and I’ll be more than happy to answer them!
Be easy!
Sourced material for this post:
Harvard Medical School
University of Sydney
Photo Credits:
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash
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jonesyvibes · 1 year
Achieving Optimal Body Recomposition: Unveiling Its Benefits
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In the realm of fitness and body transformation, the concept of body recomposition has gained considerable attention. Unlike the traditional approach of focusing solely on weight loss or muscle gain, body recomposition aims to strike a balance by simultaneously reducing body fat and building lean muscle mass. This holistic approach not only enhances physical appearance but also offers a myriad of benefits for overall health and well-being. In this post, we will delve into the world of body recomposition, exploring its benefits and why it may be an ideal strategy for those seeking optimal results.
Understanding Body Recomposition:
Body recomposition, often referred to as "recomp," entails altering body composition by decreasing body fat percentage while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. This is achieved through a combination of targeted resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and appropriate nutrition. Recomp is different from traditional approaches, such as bulking and cutting cycles, which focus on separate phases of building muscle or losing fat. Instead, it aims to achieve a balanced physique with visible muscle definition and a healthy body fat range.
Benefits of Body Recomposition:
Improved Body Composition: The primary advantage of body recomposition is achieving a well-balanced body composition. By reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass, individuals can attain a leaner, more defined physique. This not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also contributes to improved body image and self-confidence.
Enhanced Metabolic Function: Body recomposition can have a positive impact on metabolic function. Building lean muscle mass contributes to an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories your body burns at rest. As muscle tissue is metabolically active, having more muscle translates into a higher caloric expenditure throughout the day. This can aid in weight management and make it easier to maintain a healthy body weight in the long term.
Sustainable Weight Loss: Traditional weight loss approaches often involve restrictive diets and excessive caloric deficits, which can lead to muscle loss and a sluggish metabolism. Body recomposition focuses on building muscle while shedding fat, which helps to preserve muscle mass during weight loss. By retaining muscle, individuals can sustain a healthy weight in the long run and prevent the dreaded weight regain often associated with crash diets.
Increased Strength and Functional Fitness: Strength training is a fundamental component of body recomposition. As individuals engage in resistance exercises to build muscle, they simultaneously improve strength and overall physical performance. Increased strength not only enhances athletic performance but also aids in daily activities, making routine tasks easier and reducing the risk of injuries.
Health Benefits: Body recomposition is not solely about physical appearance; it also carries significant health benefits. Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage reduces the risk of obesity-related health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Additionally, increasing lean muscle mass contributes to improved bone density and joint health.
Long-Term Sustainability: Unlike extreme dieting or unsustainable exercise regimes, body recomposition promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to fitness. By incorporating resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and a well-rounded nutrition plan, individuals can adopt a lifestyle that supports long-term health and well-being. Body recomposition is not a quick fix but rather a journey that fosters healthy habits and sustainable results.
So, embrace the power of body recomposition and embark on a transformative journey towards a stronger, fitter, and more confident version of yourself. The benefits of body recomposition extend beyond physical appearance, encompassing improved metabolic function, sustainable weight loss, increased strength, and numerous health advantages. By adopting a balanced approach that combines resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and proper nutrition, you can achieve optimal body recomposition while nurturing lifelong healthy habits. Remember, body recomposition is a journey, and consistency, patience, and dedication are key. So, take the leap, prioritize your well-being, and unlock the remarkable benefits of body recomposition that will positively impact your life in the long run. Your body is capable of incredible transformation, and through body recomposition, you can unlock its full potential. Get ready to sculpt your physique, enhance your health, and embrace the amazing benefits that await you on this empowering fitness journey.
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash
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jonesyvibes · 1 year
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8 Incredible Transformations That Happen to Your Body When You Start Lifting
If you follow my instagram account, you will have no doubt seen a post or two about my foray into heavy (heavy for me) lifting in my quest to recomp my body.
After years of relying solely on cardio to burn my fat (unsuccessfully I might add), it's been a miracle to see the difference lifting has made in my body and energy levels.
Embracing a weightlifting routine can be an empowering and transformative journey for women. Beyond the misconceptions surrounding heavy lifting, this form of exercise offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond building strength and toning muscles. In this blog post, we will explore eight incredible transformations that occur when women incorporate lifting into their fitness regimen.
1. Increased Strength and Toned Muscles:
One of the most noticeable changes when you start lifting weights is the increase in strength and muscle tone. Resistance training engages your muscles, promoting hypertrophy, which leads to enhanced definition and a sculpted physique. As you progress, you'll be amazed at the strength gains you achieve, empowering you both physically and mentally.
2. Improved Bone Density:
Weightlifting has a direct positive impact on bone health. As women age, they become more susceptible to osteoporosis. However, regular weight-bearing exercises, such as lifting weights, can help increase bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and maintaining a healthy skeletal system.
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3. Enhanced Metabolism and Fat Burning:
Lifting weights can be a game-changer when it comes to boosting your metabolism. As you build lean muscle mass, your body becomes more efficient at burning calories, even at rest. This means that weightlifting can support your weight management goals and aid in fat loss, leading to a more toned and defined physique.
4. Increased Confidence and Body Image:
Engaging in weightlifting can have a profound impact on your self-confidence and body image. As you witness your strength and physical capabilities grow, you'll develop a sense of empowerment and pride in your body's abilities. Building a positive body image is a powerful byproduct of weightlifting, promoting self-acceptance and fostering a healthy relationship with your body.
5. Enhanced Posture and Core Strength:
Lifting weights is not only about building biceps and triceps; it also strengthens your core muscles. As you perform compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses, your core muscles are engaged to stabilize your body. Over time, this improves your posture, reduces back pain, and enhances overall stability and balance.
6. Hormonal Balance and Stress Relief:
Physical activity, including weightlifting, has been shown to positively impact hormonal balance and mental well-being. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which help reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and boost your mood. Regular weightlifting sessions can be a natural remedy for stress, promoting mental clarity and overall emotional well-being.
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7. Increased Energy Levels:
Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights doesn't leave you feeling drained and fatigued. On the contrary, weightlifting can significantly increase your energy levels. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular fitness, enhances oxygen flow, and elevates energy production within your body. You'll find yourself feeling more energized throughout the day, ready to take on new challenges.
8. Support for Long-Term Health and Aging:
Weightlifting has numerous long-term health benefits for women. It helps maintain joint flexibility, promotes better sleep, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. Additionally, weightlifting can slow down age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia), keeping you strong, independent, and resilient as you age.
Incorporating weightlifting into your fitness routine can be a game-changer for women. Beyond the physical transformations, lifting weights boosts strength, confidence, and overall well-being. As you embark on this empowering journey, remember to start with proper form and gradually increase the intensity. Consult a professional trainer to design a program tailored to your goals and abilities. Embrace the strength within you and enjoy the incredible transformations that lifting can bring.
I know I am :)
Photo by Benjamin Klaver on Unsplash
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash
Photo by sharon wright on Unsplash
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jonesyvibes · 1 year
In this episode, we explore the topic of shadow work and share our experiences from our current shadow work workshop in our virtual group. We delve into the various methods of shadow work that we've been exploring and how it helps people to better understand themselves and their unconscious motivations.
We begin by discussing the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for shadow work, where participants can feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities and exploring their innermost thoughts and feelings. We also touch on the challenges and considerations of shadow work, such as dealing with difficult emotions and memories that may arise during the process.
We then delve into the different methods of shadow work that we've been exploring in our workshop, including journaling, visualization, and group sharing. We share our personal experiences with each of these methods and how they've helped us to gain a deeper understanding of our unconscious patterns and motivations.
We also discuss how shadow work can help people to improve their relationships with themselves and others, find greater purpose and meaning in life, and heal from past traumas and wounds. By acknowledging and integrating our shadow, we become more self-aware and accepting of our imperfections, which can lead to greater self-compassion and self-love. This can in turn improve our relationships with others, as we become more empathetic and understanding towards their flaws and shortcomings.
Finally, we wrap up the episode by discussing the importance of ongoing self-reflection and growth, and how shadow work can be an ongoing process of self-discovery and healing. We encourage our listeners to explore their own shadows and to seek out safe and supportive environments where they can engage in this important work.
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jonesyvibes · 1 year
In this episode Makeydah chops it up about friends, ending relationships, self improvement, growth and the 3 week wellness workshop that's changed her life.
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jonesyvibes · 2 years
We Went On A Cruise!
It had been 2 years since we really vacationed {{Covid}}.
This trip was long over due!
So we left from Miami to Bimini, Bahamas then back to Miami to spend a little time there (sentimental reasons), then we came back home.
Short and sweet, but just what we needed... or was it?
We are actively planning our next getaway lol
This post is a 2 for one.
I had so much footage I decided to cut the video into 2 instead of having 1 long video.
Instead of typing my fingers off, please, enjoy the footage!
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jonesyvibes · 2 years
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Well, Hello
I have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve sat down and wrote anything.
There have been so many changes since I’ve updated this blog.
I have changed since I last wrote in this space.
Possibly over a year...
Well, where should I start?
Maybe I can work backwards.
We just got back from a cruise to Bimini, Bahamas from Miami. It was FANTASTIC!
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What made it so nice was that we didn’t tell anyone we were going - or where.
I was so relaxed and we had such a good time.
It was so peaceful.
We’ve been home for about a week and I have been posting (on social media) as if we were still on vacation 😂 (I didn’t post at all while we were away).
This trip set a new standard for us.
From now on, mum’s the word when we plan a getaway - even a local one - which I hope is sooner rather than later.
We’ve already got something swirling around our heads  - and that’s as much as I’ll say for now 😉
Something about this last trip really showed me the importance of getting away.
We are naturally nomadic - always have been. We were often judged for it but something about being stuck in one place bothered us. We have always been natural explorers.
Even now we live away from ‘home’.
Home to us is each other. That's why we can so easily pick up and go just about anywhere it make it work for us.
In other news:
Anyways, I have drastically changed my diet - which I am currently struggling to get back on.
I went ‘low acid vegan’ and was loving it.
I allowed myself to live some sort of fantasy food life while on this cruise tho and now I am having to really work at getting back to where I was.
I just need a moment of prayer and refocusing and I’ll be fine.
I’ve recently taken up vlogging again - just in a more private way.
So basically,
Life has been good. I’ve been in the word a lot so that’s probably why.
Prayer life has been good but can definitely be better.
Weight loss hasn’t been something I’ve been focused on lately - which has been nice. I am however focused on our health so we need to get more active for sure.
I’m going to start soon. 
Believe it or not, it’s been hard to switch out of vacation mode lol 
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
Social Anxiety & Being An Awkward Black {Grown} Woman
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
I’m fat.
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I was filming a vlog today (subscribe to my Youtube channel) and was getting some footage by the hotel pool when…
I set the camera on its tripod to get a good shot of the pool and us swimming in it when I walked into the frame - OMG...
I was FAT.
It was enough to make me never want to eat again! (LOL, I’m kidding here)
I am way too BIG for my frame and I’ve got to do something about it and now.
If not for anything else, for my health.
(This isn’t going to be easy but I can’t let that stop me)
I’ve got weights at home and access to a park (within walking distance) near our apartment.
I’m waking up every morning and trekking to said park - I’ve already got my route picked out.
I’m also going to start using those weights on a regular basis.
This is, I am ridiculous.
I’m tired of planning this change and never following through completely.
Nothing that I want to change will change until I do.
This blog is filled with attempts and I really want this to be the last one.
I’m tired of this. 
Tired of feeling bad about how I look in my clothes, in photos and now on video.
I had initially reasoned within myself to keep this endeavor private/personal, but I’m considering documenting my work and progress along the way.
Although I plan on documenting things, I may still keep it private.
At least until I’m ready to share.
We’ll see.
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
When People Expect Too Much
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
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Just another day at work.
If I keep this up I may just meet my goal!
Don’t forget to follow my daily eats blog
The Lifestyle Eats!
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
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I’ve been eating way too many carbs.
Pasta, pasta, pasta!
Don’t get me started on the French fries!
I’ve been doing okay with calorie counting (although I have to admit it does give me a bit of anxiety so I’m gonna have to learn how to deal with that), but it’s the type of food I’ve been eating.
It’s bad. 
My weight is stuck - I just amped up my workouts to harder stuff and I am slowly getting back into my yoga practice.
Yah willing I see some progress within the week or I’ll be exasperated!
Just wanted to update real quick.
Be sure to check out my new food accountability blog, The Lifestyle Eats where you can see the sheer overindulgence of carbs for yourself!
Until the next update or podcast episode,
Be easy
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
Just A Blurb - Weight Loss Journey
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jonesyvibes · 3 years
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I've been considering going on a spending fast of sorts.
Not buying anything aside from necessities like food, paying bills, etc.
Let's face it, I have enough things - honestly I probably have too many things.
I may need to purge some of all my stuff, you know what I mean?
I try my best not to have attachments to things.
Of course there are items we may find sentimental, but if it gets to the point where you begin to become defined by your belongings then, that's a problem.
Sometimes it's helpful if we hold off on making new purchases and spend this time to enjoy the things we've already invested in.
How many times have you purchased an item you really wanted only to have it sitting in the corner a few months later collecting dust?
We live in a 'buy now' and 'have it all' society. Where over indulging in all things is glorified and sometimes praised.
Buying things or shopping incessantly is at the top of the list of symptoms of living in a society such as this.
Take the time to enjoy the things you already have before looking for more to get.
In all honesty, I'm talking to myself here. I've been shopping too much lately. And I know there's somebody out there who hears me right now.
Definitely gonna curb my spending for a while.
Saving is the name of the game - and finding new joy in the things I already have.
Be easy
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jonesyvibes · 4 years
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I’m Going Through Perimenopause And Nobody Told Me What To Truly Expect. I Learned The Hard Way And Now That I Know The REAL DEAL, I’m Telling You.
I grew up with one of those mother’s who didn’t tell me much about what it’s like to be a woman.
I’m serious y’all. That woman didn’t tell me sh*t. Just left me out here blowing in the damn wind!
I had to go to my father about needing a bra and starting my period so I’m not sure why I expected her to give me the low down on what to expect during perimenopause and menopause. 
My dad is no longer here to ask about it so I was left to hit the books.
Hit the books (and Google) I did. Through research and experience, here’s some of what I found.
You’re welcome in advance hun.
First, let’s discuss the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause.
Perimenopause vs Menopause: What’s The Difference?
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Perimenopause is the period of time your body is transitioning towards the complete cessation of monthly periods - and that is going to be the bulk of this post seeing that’s where I am right now. 
By the way, Perimenopause can last upwards of 10 years.
10 YEARS. TEN sis. A Whole Damn Decade (or more)
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Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles or the end of your reproductive years. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States.
I am currently going through perimenopause and some days it’s hell sometimes. Honestly. Truly. (in my Joanne the scammer voice)
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Let’s start with hotflashes.
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I’d be lying if I said I had no idea about hotflashes - but what I was never told is that can come on at any time, any place. Especially when you are most unprepared for them!
Nobody told me about the ungodly amount of seat that can literally drip off your body, even in the coldest weather.
I didn’t know you can get them in your sleep and that it can wake you up in the middle of the night and keep you up, disrupting your sleep so you’re grumpy the next morning.
Nobody told me about the need to change damp sweaty panties at awkward times of day. Yes, That’s a thing.
The other side of hotflashes I learned about from experience is how cold you get after one is over. Yes girl, you’re gonna get cold.
Doesn’t this sound fun?
What else did NO ONE tell me about this transition?
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Nobody told me that because your horomones are going through a serious shift and fluctuations, you can become more prone to UTIs and bladder infections. 
Why does this happen? 
According to Medicine Net:
“The drop in estrogen levels associated with symptoms of the menopausal transition can affect the urinary system. Like the vaginal wall, the urethra (the tube that drains the bladder and is used for urination) undergoes changes as estrogen levels drop. These changes in the urethra may lead to different kinds of urinary symptoms, including an increased susceptibility to urinary tract infections”
Another fun fact: Weight Gain
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Once again, due to those pesky horomone fluctuations, you are also more prone to gain weight during perimenopause + menopause. 
Yeah, you can get fat sis.
Lifestyle changes including changing your diet up a little can help but just know, the older you get the harder it is to lose weight.
This ride isn’t over yet, hold on to your panties girls.
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Yeast Infections
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Yes, you get more yeast infections too.
Doesn’t this sound glorious?!
It’s enough to drive you mad right? Wrong...
Mood Swings
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Perimenopause + Menopause can bring on those familiar mood swings commonly associated with PMS as well except this time, THERE IS NO WARNING WHEN THEY WILL STRIKE!
Yes, I know this sounds bad. But, and there is always a but.
When you are prepared for these changes by listening to your body and you know what to possibly expect (because every woman’s experience is a bit different) you can prepare your body for this transitional Olympics by taking some preventative measures for some of the negative side of this change.
Self Love + Self Care
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Taking care of and loving yourself is a start.
Understand that this change is after all a change that must occur - that does occur when you are healthy and your body is functioning normally.
Be grateful you’ve lived a long enough life to go through these things.
You’re earning your stripes here sis!
Self love encompasses a few things, so let’s discuss some of them here.
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Eat + Drink Well.
Eating a well balanced diet full of fiber and healthy nutrients can ward of some of these symptoms and lessen others. Try limiting the amount of empty carbs you eat and swap them out for whole grains. Get enough proteins and vitamins in your diet to keep your body happy.
Make sure you are getting enough water every day and cut back on the alcohol - which can make your symptoms worse than they need to be.
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You can also try some supplements, herbs and herbal teas that also help with keeping your perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms in check
Try herbs like:
Black Cohosh (helps with hot flashes)
Red Clover (night sweats)
Dong Quai (vaginal dryness + hotflashes)
Evening Primrose (hot flashes)
Maca (balances horomones)
Flax Seeds (helps lessen hotflashes)
Ginseng (be mindful of blood pressure with this one)*
Valerian (for sleep support)
Chasteberry (anxiety + hotflashes)
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You should be sleeping sis.
Why? Because getting enough sleep every day helps with menopausal symptoms as well.
A well rested body means a properly functioning, happy body.
Make sure you are getting at least 8-10 hours each night. Prioritize for it and you will see the difference.
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You may not want to do it, but I bet those night sweats and mood swings will be enough motivation for you to get your butt off the couch girl!
All it takes is a little effort to get a few walks in each week or maybe some yoga every day or so.
You can do that!
Learn To Love Her.
Lastly, as stated in my previous post, learn to love your uterus and care for her like you really care and she will love you right back!
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It’s my goal that this post serves the purpose I intended and that is, to state it plain what to expect when you start going through perimenopause.
I hope this helps!
Take care and be easy.
Sources: Medicine Net
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jonesyvibes · 4 years
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I Used To Hate Her
I used to hate my period - and my uterus specifically for the painful periods I've experienced most of my ovulating life.
Griping pain that left me rendered to the bed on days that should have been productive. Horrid PMS: crazy mood swings and chocolate cravings that lead to weight gain and skin eruptions. It's been a monthly nightmare that lead to actual anxiety about my monthly!
Until I changed my lifestyle AND my mind by learning to appreciate the beauty of my reproductive organs and my monthly cycle.
During your development as an embryo becoming a fetus, you were graced with what God gave you to reproduce with - your sexual organs. Testicles, prostate and a penis if you were going to be a boy, and a uterus, ovaries and vagina if you were to be a girl.
For many of us ladies, around 13 or 14 (sometimes younger, sometimes older) got our first period. We were women now. And very soon we learned what exactly came with stomach aches and bleeding every month.
Nobody bothered to tell me that sometimes you can actually lose your mind and lose touch with reality. I kid of course, for most of us it doesn't go that far, but it can feel that way at least.  Right? Just me?  Eh, okay then. I digress...
For various reasons, (age, life experiences, lifestyle choices, hormonal shifts, diet or heredity) we can have certain issues with our female parts.
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Some of those issues can vary:
Fibroids which can lead to excruciating menstrual pain for some sufferers.
Ovarian Cysts which to a certain degree are fairly normal but can become problematic.
Endometriosis causes painful menstruation in women who suffer with this condition.
Various Venereal Diseases which definitely depend on your lifestyle choices - so we won't get into those here.
Yeast Infections are quite common after all (up to 75% of all women have had one) and simply part of being a woman at this point.  But did you know that recurring yeast infections are not common and are a problem ( only 5% of women suffer) and most women should only get maybe a couple in their lifetime?  Did you also know that recurrent yeast infection could be linked to your diet?  Yup.  The more you know.
But that's just the troublesome side of things - let's shed some light on the more positive and productive side of things, shall we?
Before you can complain about the cramps and bloating you've got to ask yourself, "How well have I been treating my body?" If it hasn't been very well, then maybe we change change a few things around and today start with our uterus. I know she makes it hard with all the bloating and cramps every month, but what if I told you that if you treat her nice, she'll treat you nicer?
There are so many women with 'issues' like the ones listed above and others I didn't list. If your only issue is hating your period, then count yourself lucky - that's number one. Now that we're over that, let's start the loving.
You can limit your monthly symptoms very easily every month by doing the following:
Learning about your body - you can't help yourself until you truly know yourself.  Figure out how certain things affect your body during this time of the month so you can tweak things to find your own personal balance.  By 'things'  I mean water intake, alcohol, foods, etc.
Tracking your menses - if you can figure out when you ovulate, you can easily track your periods.  I can feel my ovaries when I ovulate - weird but I can.  Otherwise they have ovulation tracking kits at every store and on every baby website nowadays.
Adjusting your diet - even though you crave the chocolate, eating it may worsen your PMS symptoms because you're actually in need of magnesium.
Doing mini 'Menstrual Cleanses' to get your body prepared for the changes your about to be going through during your menses.  Let's face it - it's hard work!
Doing a little more cardio - and you know this!
Diet and Exercise
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There are many yogic moves (esp. hip openers) that help ease uterine pain from your menses.
First off, as with anything in your body, if you treat it well, it will treat you well.  The same goes for your uterus ladies!
By adhering to a healthy diet and fitness program, your body will find it easier to operate. You will begin to notice that your monthly cravings for chocolate and/or chips will subside and your energy levels will barely fluctuate.
Even extremes in mood are reduced. 
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Sanitary Napkins or Tampons?
Ultimately, the decision on what to use to handle your monthly flow is yours, but I am a firm believer in making informed decisions so - let me inform you.
Tampons - Tampons are clean, convenient and you felt like a real woman when you started using them, right?  Just me again?  Okay then.  Although they are so efficient (most times) at their job, there are health concerns floating around out there as well.   For one, it plugs you up and blocks the downward flow of energy that occurs during your menses.  You have to let it flow baby!  You will cramp worse if you don't.  By now many of you have heard of dioxin and the health concerns it poses, especially to women because of the products we use during menstruation.  It's found in sanitary napkins and more alarming it's found in tampons. More information can be found here.
Sanitary Napkins - The old reliable.  The pad.  Thick, bunchy, hot and uncomfortable.  A constant physical reminder that you my friend are on your period!  Although a safer alternative than tampons, commercial sanitary napkins, or pads pose their own risks as well. But if I felt the two were my only option, I'd definitely choose pads.  Why you ask?  Because there are options available like cloth menstrual pads!
Menstrual Cups - What the hell is this pray tell?  Menstrual cups are cups typically made of medical grade silicon that can be inserted into the vagina and worn up to 12 hours at a time.  Afterwards, it is removed, emptied, washed and reinserted.  They are apparently expert at preventing leaks because of a natural seal if forms with your body.  There are several brands to look for and I will list them below.  Out of all of the methods mentioned above, menstrual cups are by far the safest, most cost efficient, environmentally sound and cleanest methods available.  I made the switch myself about 3 years ago and never looked back!
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Menstrual Cup Brands:
Diva Cup
Natural Mamma
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Cloth Menstrual Pad Makers:
We Moon
Luna Pads
Or Make Your Own! - I prefer this one ;)
What about the cramps?
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Now that you have a little better understanding of your period and how it works, how to deal with the 'flow' part, and how to eat and exercise for it - what about relieving those darn cramps?
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Well, if you subscribe to this blog then perhaps you caught this post detailing a kick ass recipe for naturally relieving menstrual cramps as well as some info on uterine massages - yes they work.
There are also a plethora of herbs that can get you the help you need to help relieve menstrual symptoms.
Maca root, raspberry leaf, chamomile, fennel, wild yam, ginger, bee pollen, black cohosh, red clover, sage to name a few.
We also sell a handcrafted blend in our shop, Indigenous Origins!
You're welcome.
Basically, appreciate your body's functions. Your period is a monthly natural phenomena - if you were to fertilize that egg, you'd be having a baby in 9 more months!
It's necessary for life to begin - each month your body is preparing the stage for new life.
That in and of itself is such a beautiful thing.
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All in all it boils down to understanding, respecting and loving your body - during every part of the month. If you're good to your uterus ladies, she will in turn be good to you.
It's give and take.
Be easy    
*FYI The FDA has issue a 'Patient Alert' on the reported chemicals and their uses in tampons and sanitary napkins.  The patient alert can be found here.
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jonesyvibes · 4 years
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Spring Reset Supplements pt 2
These are the rest of the supplements I’m taking and why.
TURMERIC - natural inflammatory, fights depression, increases the antioxidant capacity of the body, improves brain function, can prevent and possibly treat cancer, helps with joint inflammation (arthritis).
OREGANO OIL - natural antibiotic, may lower cholesterol, powerful antioxidant, can help with yeast infections,  may improve gut health, anti-inflammatory properties, may help relieve pain, may help with weight loss, may help fight cancer.
CARALLUMA - appetite suppressant, weight loss properties, enhance endurance, lowers blood sugar 
USNEA - used to promote excretion within the kidneys and the urinary tract, which supports a healthy immune response in the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, healthy functions of the urinary system, and maintains a healthy microbial balance within the Urinary System
RHODIOLA -  decrease stress, fights fatigue, reduces symptoms of depression, improves brain function, can improve exercise performance, may help control diabetes, may have anti-cancer properties.
(Special mention, not pictured) 
ASHWAGANDHA -  can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce blood sugar levels, may have anti-cancer properties, reduce cortisol levels, reduce stress + anxiety, reduces depression symptoms, boosts testosterone and increase fertility in men, may increase muscle mass and strength, reduces inflammation, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, improves brain function, 
CARDAMOM -  antioxidant, diuretic, may lower blood pressure, may contain cancer fighting properties, protection from chronic diseases, may help with digestion, treats bad breath and prevents cavities, treats infections, assists with weight loss, helps with anxiety, liver protection, lowers blood sugar
BEE POLLEN - high antioxidant, protects from free radicals and chronic diseases, lowers heart disease risk factors, boosts liver function, anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity and kills bacteria, aids wound healing, anti-cancer properties, eases menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, improves nutrient utilization and metabolism
For more on my Spring Reset be sure to follow me on social media!
Be easy!
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