lostinsidetheclouds · 3 years
Mister Rogers Neighborhood
Give an expression of care every day to each child, To help him realize that he is unique. I end the program by saying,
‘You've made this day a special day, by just your being you.
 There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you, just the way you are.’
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Fred Rogers, from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.
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lostinsidetheclouds · 3 years
Living ain’t easy, but it’s worth it.
It's not easy. 
I mean... nothing in your life is going to go perfect, but it's all about the experience of it.
I could say, ‘I had a lot of regrets in my life because they didn't work out’. However, you learn so many more lessons out of your failures, than you ever did out of your success.
Anybody whose successful has NEVER not failed. They have failed countless times to get where they are at today. As a result, they want to share their story & advice & tips to others.
Notice, they all say the same message:
'You know how hard this journey was? It wasn't easy'. 
Or 'It's never easy getting where you want to be in life, but doesn't mean you shouldn't try’.
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lostinsidetheclouds · 3 years
You know a bunch of people always calling me a ghost, right? Ya know how they say, ‘she's just a ghost, she doesn't reply, she responds like two weeks later. Worst part about this situation is that they take it personally. I never usually leave people on read necessarily, because I never even opened the message.
There are many reasons as to why I don't want to respond to you. It's me looking out for me. Not in a selfish way, but self-care type of way alright.              
*Internal thought, R.I.P Mac Miller*
1. You are a Dude.
a. One that has no intention to actually listening to the thoughts behind my brain. Only interested in the way I look, the way I appear, and the way I behave.
b. I don't want to engage in that conversation, like that's not fun for me. Fun for you, but not fun for me because I am NOT a casual person.
2. Energy Commitment.
a. I have to dedicate my own energy, time & effort. Because when I am dedicating my energy to conversate with people, I want it to be meaningful.
b. Not into surface level conversation where they go 'Hey, what's up?' 'Nothing much man, just chillin'.
c. If I'm checking in, which I often do with people from years and years ago, we check in with one another every 8 or 9 months. Saying 'you good?' or 'congratulations' on their life update.
d. Opposite which is where people go 'Come to Cali, ya know' 'Come hang out with me!'. No, no I'm not going to respond to you.
3. Value Independence.
a. New mantra is that I value my time & energy so much, that I'm only going to dedicate a certain period of time for that anyway in my life. Not personal, it has nothing to do with you.
b. A lot of things on my plate I'm dealing with, that I don't want to involve another...unless I'm ready for it.
4. Not Half-Assed.
a. If it's friendship you're after you're going to get a lot of quality from conversating back and forth, but you're not going to get a lot of it.
b. Understand people who chose to go the more artificial/surface level route, for distributing time & effort sake. I'm not one of those people. 
c. I'd rather have a few good pals throughout my lifespan that I really know I connected with than having like a thousand friends or thousand followers on Instagram. At the end of the day, nobody even cares about that.
I just miss the older times where letter writing was just how you communicated over long distances. Simpler time. 
Generation Z, the generation in desperation of connection via instant gratification medias. Often, never stepping foot out of their societal norms to experience...
Real Authenticity. 
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lostinsidetheclouds · 3 years
Degaussing in Westworld?
Prior to this course, Principles of Information Assurance, I never even thought of how data could be safely deleted. I assumed every time I erase the data on my hard-drive to reset my PC for better performance that the data on it was completely erased forever!
This took me on a research journey on the topic, from watching YouTube videos of a guy degaussing his old crt monitor (80s retro computers). That in fact old crt tv monitors would become extremely effected by anything that emitted electricity, even a nearby lightening bolt hit would cause the monitor screen to scatter.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEEaZ1GGl9I Here’s a link to the degaussing of the crt monitor if you’re interested!
On my continued research path, I looked into the differences between wiping vs degaussing vs shredding. I recently built my own desktop PC, which helped me under my laptop a little bit better when it came to the motherboard and ssd vs hard drives that I installed. When my SurfaceBook 2 started getting a little glitchy, I decide to do a clean install on it. The performance is just like it was out of the box. Don’t get rid of your old computers just yet! At least not with PC rigs, because they never die really you just replace the parts inside over time.
Finally, in reference to my title and why ensuring a machine has been degaussed properly. Software claiming to wipe a drive is not always a guarantee. Due to GLB-Act & HIPPA regulations, NSA requires that sensitive data has the ability to be completely unrecoverable. If not degaussed properly, your data can still be restored from a partially corrupted drive. It can be repaired so to speak and remounted onto the drive. Additionally, something I didn’t know before researching is that USB drives cannot be degaussed due to their data storage being based on a solid-state drive. Never knew why there was a difference, having both a HD & SSD installed on my PC rig, now I really know why one is quicker than the other.
If you don’t understand my Westworld reference in the title, read this explanation:
Westworld, an HBO show deals with AI being put into this simulation park that its clients pay big money to participate in. Clients can live out their wildest fantasies, kind of like when you’re playing videogames in Red Dead Redemption and be a cowboy. Well, they put in these NPCs characters, real modern AI robots that every time are either killed by a client or client’s actions, they wipe their memory and respawn them back into this simulation world. Some memory wipes aren’t successful and certain AI protagonists have PTSD and rebel. Great show if you haven’t seen it.
All in all, remember to degauss your data storage devices so people can’t access your sensitive data and/or so your computer doesn’t become self-aware and rebel against you.
What is degaussing & how does it work? (2013, March 1). DataKillers. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from https://datakillers.com/what-is-degaussing-and-how-does-it-work/
Wiping vs degaussing vs shredding - what's the difference? (2019, February 18). ERI Direct. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from https://eridirect.com/blog/2019/02/wiping-vs-degaussing-vs-shredding-whats-the-difference/
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lostinsidetheclouds · 4 years
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lostinsidetheclouds · 4 years
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lostinsidetheclouds · 4 years
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Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle (1987) dir. Éric Rohmer
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lostinsidetheclouds · 4 years
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