Oooof.... thiiiiiiisssssss 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is something I've been doing for a while that I think should be more often utilized. I'm not sure if it's 'a thing' or just something that I intuitively started practicing, but re-balancing had significantly improved my craft. It's similar to centering and meditation, but it's less about connecting with yourself and more about your stance in general. Sometimes I feel like I'm toppling through life as if I was tripped - this is my way of catching myself before I fall.
I use two quartz crystals, but I'm sure any number of objects or runes will work! I sit in a cleansed, quiet area (or with instrumental music in the background) and hold my hands out flat, palms up. On my left hand, I place the crystal so it points up my arm. On my right hand, I point it away from my arm.
Once I'm situated so I'll be comfortable for about 15 minutes, I imagine my body as one half of a circle. The other half is everything around me - the natural stream of energy that constantly flows. I imagine it flowing into my left hand, following the point of the crystal up my arm, through my shoulders and chest, and back down my right hand. Slowly, I see this as less of a snake chasing its tail in a circle and more like a solid, spinning circle. This allows my body to reconnect with the flow. I know I'm ready to close my hands and cleanse my crystals when I feel myself begin to readjust to accept the cycle without resistance.
It's easy, it's quick, and it's relaxing. It gives me times to think about what my next steps should be in life, and what I need to do to make my life better for myself and my loved ones. It also helps me better connect to the natural flow of energy so that I can have a better sense of what spellwork needs to be done.
If anyone tries this, let me know how it goes! :) Blessed Be!
Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi
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friendly reminder that... you don't have to live a dream life?
i see so many posts about manifesting millions of dollars, fame and riches, celebrity partners, luxury lives and whatnot, but just a reminder you don't have to want luxury.
the dream life i manifested is my desired appearance and a natural talent at any video game i pick up. sure, riches and fame and partying sounds fun, but i'm pretty introverted and this is what's comfortable for me.
go and manifest living alone in a quiet apartment. manifest having just enough money that you need and not much more. manifest an uneventful life. manifest simplicity and relaxation. manifest taking it easy.
some people manifest being celebrities and going out all the time. that's cool. some people manifest peace and quiet. that's cool too.
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I fucking love this 😀 😭 💞💟💕💘💝💓💗💖❤🧡💛
3-day self concept challenge
challenge outline & what this will do for you
ok so we all know how every loa blog ever says to "work" on our self concept? well this challenge is here because self concept isn't like reading a book- you don't just chip away at it until you're done. no, you decide that you have a perfect one and EMBODY that and that's how you get a perfect one.
the three days in this challenge are literally just to get into the mindset of a master manifestor & then maintain that. after that, boom you are done, then you can go out in the world using your mind to its full, 100% capacity.
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it's fast, simple & effective and i promise you that after this
after this challenge- or maybe even during- i want you to stop scrolling through tumblr looking for posts on "how to get a good self concept" and "how to manifest/do this this technique". after this challenge, go manifest your dream name or whatever you have your mind set on first (for me it's my da!)
challenge rules
. after you complete this challenge, you are NOT allowed to do anymore challenges. you are GOD.
. you will keep at least some sort of loose routine after you finish this challenge to maintain your shiny new self concept.
. you will either delete tumblr or set a 5 minute timer (to look at this post) for at least the next week.
day one: getting into the mindset of a master manifestor
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throw out your old self concept. this is especially important if you discovered manifesting using an dodgy source such as r/subliminal, anything relating to the law of attraction and even loa instagram.
then, i want you to adopt your new self concept: know > assume > receive. that's all there is to it, really.
you know by getting into the state of knowing using affirmations, adknowledging that you're god etc.
you know you know when there's no ifs, buts, hows or whys when you think of your desire. you calmly know that you have it.
you are god. you are the creator of the world around you. why get upset at something that's in your control?
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things that can get you THINK/CAN ACTUALLY get the way of your manifestion;
. past failures, logic: logic had no place in manifestion. delete it out your brain, baby!! even if you didn't get into the void 300,000 times you can still get into it if you change your assumptions.
. time crunch; the only reason you think that you can't manifest with time is because you assume that it's harder because there's a smaller time window for it to happen. so you're using LOGIC. but GOD doesn't worry about time, right? so simply apply the law the exact same way with time. time doesn't matter, all that matters is the the assumption is correct in your mind.
. "proving" something to yourself; you don't have to go into the void or be happy & have a good sc 24/7 to be a master manifestor and "prove" that you can do it. we're all human, and emotions don't manifest.
day two: maintaining your self concept
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. today, figure out a routine to maintain you sc.
. this is important so that you're always confident in your manifesting abilities! also life will just be easier and lighter.
. make it fun, effective & easy to do!
. examples: reading neville, affirmations, music
. mine: affirming randomly & affirming for the first/last hours of the day
day three: mapping out your desires
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. write down your ALL desires. don't forget to be detailed, you can have a coconut-scented pink telsa if you want!
. choose method/s & mind activity/s (eg affirmations, SATs scene, etc.)
. get EXCITED because tomorrow you're manifesting your desires!
. don't forget to maintain your self concept
xoxo, hailey
i know this post might come off as simplistic but tumblr deleted 2/3 of this post twice i did not have the energy to redo it. also i'm sick LMAO
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THE PROBLEM WITH AFFIRMATIONS | also instant manifestation and states
Affirmations are merely just a way to focus your attention on the wish fulfilled. It is a way to maintain your thoughts and keep you on track. We use affirmations to REMIND us that we already have our desires now in our 4d.
When you affirm you guys act like ur performing for someone?? Like omg ok if i affirm 29373518 time maybe the manifesting fairy will give it to me11!1!1!!11! NO!
When you affirm dont forget that you sre talking to yourself. You are making sure that YOU understand that its done. So do and say whatever will make YOU feel that way. *thats why premade affirmations from bloggers may feel not natural to u**
I see so many people use affirmations to TRY TO GET their desire. No. You arent living in the end. You are not trying to get something!! You are already it. And im not just saying that.
Since consciousness is the only reality, whatever you are aware of being is what you are amd what will be reflected on the the 3d .
So you are already that which you want to be IF you decide and claim it. You shouldnt be desperatley affirming to GET IT. NO! Affirmations are used just to remind yourself of who you are and to keep you in the state of having it.
You are not pretending to have it. Stop pretending. You actually do have it. You dont pretend to have it and THEN youll get it.
You have it now like actually. Living in the end IS THE END. You dont live in the in order to get it!
You choose your state and you stick with it! Wanna be pretty? You decide that you are now in the state of being pretty and thats that. That is your state now. You are in the end. You just persist so it becomes your dominant state because in the past your dominant state was “im ugly” .
Instant manifestation
I have a problem with this. I know we can manifest instantly and i will never deny that. However heres where the mix up is
Lots of new manifestors get so hung up on manifesting instantly that they arent living in the end. Stop it. If u know u have ita dm you are living in the end you wouldnt even worry about it.
Manifesting is instant, as in the decision is instant. As in when you decide that you are pretty rn that it. Its done. Your manifestation is done there is nothing more to do. Just maintain that state amd persist in it. Dont go out of the state of having it.
But what about when it comes in the 3d?
Well neville says:
The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be — of already having what you desire.
And i agree. Does that mean that instant manifestation isnt possible? No! It is definitley possible.
If you know you have it amd it feels natural to you like a fact then it will happen instantly if you believe so.
The problem is that people get SO HUNG UP on it. Stop thinking about when things manifest instantly.
This is all from my experience. I got my shit when i stopped worrying about getting it instantly. Because if i truly knew i had what i wanted i wouldnt be thinking of getting it instantly.
So just make sure that you feel like you have ti. Make sure you ACCEPT your desire. Bc if you are trying to get it then you havent accepted it as fact yet.
stop tryna force it bruh!
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Thank u for coming to my ted talk
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“But My Self Concept Is Perfect, Why Don’t I Have My Desires Yet?”
So, you’ve been “manifesting” for what feels like ages now, and you’re sure your self concept is perfect, yet your 3d still isn’t conforming, you truly believe you have what you want but you still don’t have your desires or at least can’t see them. So you can’t possibly be doing anything wrong, right?
I know you may be used to shifting blame but you’re GOD, remember? Do you think God shifts blame despite having created everything to exist? No. So if you don’t have your desires whose fault is that?
“Why don’t I”, you see the highlighted word right? You don’t have it because you keep saying you don’t. If you knew you had a giant sticker on your back and couldn’t see it would you assume it just wasn’t there at all? Probably not right? You’d know it was just as real as anything else, despite not having seen it.
As for continuously telling yourself your self concept is perfect? Good on you for persisting but clearly it still needs work. If your self concept was truly perfect and you had zero doubts in your ability to manifest you wouldn’t be stuck looping back to square one every two weeks. In fact you’d probably already have most of your wishes and whims.
Listen to what you’re telling yourself. Don’t let yourself slip back into the old story. Persist in your new assumptions, your 3d will have no choice but to change. ♡
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self concept + keeping your thoughts in check + living in the end = perfect manifestation formula
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some people is overcomplicating loas/manifestation too much now and starts to complain why their desires aren't showing up yet , maybe your over consuming posts here and there doing different methods like sats , void , visualizing etc. and forgot about the pink print of law of assumption ( ill be posting abt this next ).
LAW OF ASSUMPTION is just assuming things into reality! you don't need to affirm every minute to get what you want just assume and know that your desire is yours already and accept it as a hard fact. The law cannot fail you and so is the god.
you don't need methods and manifestation coaches to manifest unless you assume so! but they can help you tho, but these are the only things you need to manifest you , faith , knowing and persistence the source is you! because you're god and thats a hard fact! its not bad to affirm, visualise do different methods and have a manifestation coach do what makes you feel good nothing is wrong with that but don't forget that you are the source of your manifestations you are god!
identify what you want , assume its already yours cause it is, accept your desire as a fact know it is done have faith and persist. You can do methods if you like to , if intrusive thoughts come just say " it is done , im in the end " or say your affirmations. And remind yourself that you are god, you can have and do everything you want.
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I can't help but wonder, since when did it become such a thing in the witch communities, for more and more "experienced" witches to insist, demand even, that "you MUST do this thing and that thing for your witchcraft OR ELSE"?
Since when did it become the thing to do to fearmonger and make beginner witches so afraid, that they almost become paralyzed with fear every time they take one step out of their comfort zones, and can't seem to do even one small thing to advance their practices without looking over their shoulders?
Do you know how many things I have done for my craft without any form of protection, any ward, any circle, any shield?
Do you know how many times I have messed up, and all it took was a shrug and an "oh well" before I simply moved on with my day?
Since when did gods and spirits ALL become potential sources of harm? Since when did even ancestors become scary?
Not cool, is what I have to say about this.
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I want to say this to all beginner witches: you can just be a witch.
You don't have to be any type of witch. You don't have to be Wiccan, Pagan, or of any religion. You don't need deities, spirits, ancestors. You don't need astrology, divination, crystals, sigils.
You can just be a witch.
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☾ moon phases meanings ☽
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new moon
✦ new beginnings
it’s time for a clean slate, start to gather your thoughts and plan.
waxing crescent moon
✦ set intentions
send your hopes and desires into the world.
first quarter moon
✦ take action
when you face obstacles, do not waver. it’s a time for pushing forward.
waxing gibbous moon
✦ refine and hone
observe and align your hopes with the universe. momentum is building.
full moon
✦ harvest endeavours
a time to harvest the intentions and wishes of past moons.
waning gibbous moon
✦ introspect
turn inwards, think about your goals, and be grateful.
third quarter moon
✦ release and let go
let go of the habits that bind you and do you harm.
waning crescent moon
✦ surrender
recuperate and rest. it is okay to feel empty sometimes.
new moon
✦ new beginnings
it’s time for a clean slate, start to gather your thoughts and plan.
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(what really is the difference?)
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Banishing is far more specific and direct than warding.
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Banishing is used to get rid of a particulur energy, spirit, or person. Think carefully before banishing, as it's a strong form of defensive magic.
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burn a slip of paper with your target's name on it
throw a leaf with your target's name on it into a running river/stream
burn corresponding herbs and pass the smoke through your space
anoint your candle with corresponding herbs and oils, then burn it
when the candle has burnt out. the banishing is complete
make your own banishing sigil find one that resonates with you
place it in the space or on the item you are banishing energy from
use herbal smoke to force energy out of a space or object
make a spray or herbal tineture to sprinkle around your home
use the method that calls to you
never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven't researched thoroughly
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Warding is a gentler form of defensive magic that is used in a more general sense.
Warding is used to protect and guard from negative energies of any kind - it redirects energy away from you or your space.
use your intention and energy to visualize a powerful barrier of protecting light around yourself or your space for more info on ENERGETIC PROTECTION click HERE
create a guardian to guard your home or space from negative energies
use a small object, enchant it with your intention,and keep it in a safe, permanent place
corresponding crystals can be worn as jewelry to protect against negative energy
placing erystals in a room or around you house will create a protective barrier
black salt can be ured in banishing rituals or used alone
sprinkle salt around your door and windows or make protection jars
burn protective herbs and pass the smoke through your space or tools
sprinkle herbal oils and tinctures on yourself and your space for protective barriers
use the method that calls to you
never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven't researched thoroughly
I really hope this post was informative and helps some of you! If you have any questions please feel free to message me!🥰💕 merry meet- B
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February 6th, 2022 - 9:54, Mercury Time
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The hierophant upright:. spiritual wisdom; religious beliefs; conformity; tradition; institutions;
Duchess Astaroth: the upright mode for this sigil suggests teamwork and collaboration are the hallmarks for the day. you are building new relationships with the view to securing your future.
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Mf can walk on water, let's go with him!
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Morning draw, February 4th 2022, Jupiter time - 11:21 AM
∆Duke bathin
this sigil brings with it signs of travel there is also an indication that you will receive some kind of inheritance.
∆Earl Raum
This sigil suggests you have hit hard times. you may be feeling isolated and alone. it is a good time to save money and to reach out to others for help
∆President Amy
Sigil suggests you have experienced loss, grief or disappointment of some kind. remember these things are initiators to growth and change and positive things come from loss.
∆The empress upright: femininity Beauty nature nurturing abundance
∆The high priestess upright: intuition sacred knowledge divine feminine subconscious mind
∆The magician upright: manifestation resourcefulness power inspired action
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Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE
BE HUMBLE. I actually love this song because the lyrics actually hold some spiritual significance and help remind me to stay humble XD on that note blessings and love to all my witchy spirit fam ❤ 💜 ♥ 💕 💖 🙏 🧿🙏
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“But somehow the only thing that eases the hurt just caused by this man is this man.”
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Words from my vocabulary app that I liked!
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