mupfinsmiley · 9 months
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
Monday, yeah.
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
03/01/2024 - Log/ Day 3/100 Days of Productivity
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Date: 03.01.2024 Weather: 7C, Rainy, Bouts of Sunshine Location: Germany
I am slowly getting more into work. I slept in again today. I am still in the process of fixing my sleep schedule and having another person here is both very helpful and not at all.
I have been kind of tense all day. I think it has to do with my bed and the way I laid down. But I have some very gifted hands by my side to massage me.
I finally did some more Kanji practice today. I am making slow progress but progress none the less. It is so weird to me how I have no trouble learning certain Kanji when in a sentence but once they appear on my flashcards I am completely lost.
As of now I haven done my temperature blanket square yet. I'll either do that now or do two tomorrow. I don't want to get into the habit of pushing things but my tension is causing a headache which makes it hard to focus.
I had a meeting at 3 which went really well. But it also took a lot out of me. Social interaction does that to a person.
And I finished some documents for work. Technically ex-work, since I'll be leaving for Japan soon. I want to leave the others with a good idea of what I did and how they can deal when encountering certain situations. I've gotten so used to these things, that they have become like second nature to me.
The boyfriend and I watched "X" today (following Pearl yesterday) and he liked it. But not as much as pearl. No front to Mia Goth, but the crocodile steals the show every time ;) I think next year I am going as Pearl, so that I can be the STAR at any party.
I'll wind down now. Write in my journal, read something, maybe crochet that square, who knows.
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
02/01/2024 - Log/Day 2/100 Days of Productivity
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Date: January 2nd Weather: 8C, Rainy, Sunshine inbetween Location: Germany
I did a lot more today! I still slept horribly so my energy levels were down ... I only fell asleep at 5 AM and slept in ...
So once I got up I took some time to wash my face and do my skincare routine - things I have been neglecting recently and got to cleaning up!
I scrubbed my kitchen and finally unpacked all my luggage from Christmas.
At 2PM my boyfriend arrived so I had plenty of time to rest after. We spent some quality time together, I cooked some good Japchae Noodles and we watched Pearl. He's not usually one for Horror Films but I've told him that Pearl doesn't really watch like a horror film. It's more an ode to cinema, a dreamy, whimsical escape from the dreary brown muck of modern day film.
And he enjoyed it!
So after that i journaled a little. I got a writing prompt. I had attempted journaling in all forms before and I always stopped after a while ... but I want to push myself to writing more so this time I'll try to steer clear of the whole designing, drawing, making the fanciest bujo you'd have ever seen kind of thing ... i usually get lost in setting up my bullet journals and that is distracting as well as exhausting.
So my entry for the 2nd of January was "A memory of the ocean". I think it's fairly well written so maybe one day I'll share it ... Or not, we'll see.
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
Reading Goals for 2024
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Damn, I haven't read in a long while ... I mean I do read everyday. I read for uni and papers and essays but I rarely read for myself. It's a tragedy, really.
I used to read so much as a child. Under the blankets, hidden away from the world. But now I don't anymore. I don't have time. Or I am tired. Chose your fighter, I guess.
So I recently picked up the Hunger Games Books. I had never read them as a young girl. I was too busy not being like other girls. So when I talked to a friend in Italian class about hobbies and reading and our struggles with staying engaged readers as adults, we also got talking about our reading habits as children. And she told me about how she loved to read those books. Funnily enough I had fallen into a Hunger Games Video Essay Rabbit Hole just days before so it felt like fate.
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Long story short: i have devoured The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and am now on Mockingjay. One could say I have cought fire. And I want to keep that fire going in the new year.
First off: I made a goodreads (yay! So many years late) so if you want to check that out, follow this link: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/173488149?ref=nav_profile_l There's not a lot on there so far. Really. I need to fill in the profile. But I am mainly doing this to keep up with what I've read and books that seem interesting to me.
Goodreads is also ... a lot. It's very hard to navigate so right now I am focussing on setting up my profile. If you have tips on how to connect to people on goodreads please let me know!
I've set a goal of reading 20 books this year. That's not a lot. But I need to overcome the idea that I need to feel guilty about that. It's a small and achievable goal which is exactly why I have set it this low.
Goal-Setting can become very overwhelming to me. If I set what I want to achieve too high, I cannot bear the load and I will give up halfway through. So I am learning how to enjoy an old hobby again and I think this is a good way.
So if you want to connect with me over books, let me know! I am taking recommendations. But I got to say I am just now figuring out what I still like again so I may not follow those recommendations.
So for now I am finishing two books:
Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins) - ca. 10% done Nothing But Blackened Teeth (Cassandra Khaw) - Halfway Through I ordered the latter in the last year and started reading. It's not long and I like the descriptions of the house and the hauntings but apart from that there's not a lot going on. I can share a full review once I am through.
And I am listening to an audiobook of The Vampire Lestat (Anne Rice) which will obviously take me some time to finish. But it is a nice thing to listen to while I study or work.
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
January 1st, 2024 - Log/100 Days of Productivity
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Damn, I have not been on tumblr in a long time. But the urge to jump back on here has been growing stronger recently. So here I am, blogging once more.
I remember doing regular 100 Days of Productivity Challenges on here. I think I should pick that back up. I've been in a slump for a while and reconnecting with a community could help.
So here's my first log for Januar 1st 2024.
Not much has happened today. I am still feeling a little hungover and foggy from New Years Eve. I did not celebrate. I am not big on that holiday in particularly. I remember when I was younger I used to really enjoy it but now it seems so unnecessary. Just a day before a day and a day.
I honestly do not like how people celebrate here either. Fireworks are widely available and are being bought up by idiots to then be as noisy as possible. To make the air unbreathable. Pregnant with the pungent smell of smoke and sulfur. As if they were trying too hard to make themselves noticeable. This one day they think, is their day. The one were they let lose ...
Unless... That is obviously not true. People look for any way and any excuse to "let lose". To not feel responsible for their actions.
And honestly I can see why. Sometimes I wish I were the kind of person who could just let go and see where that leads me.
I can't say that i have set any New Year's resolutions ... Honestly, I don't believe in them. I'd like to think that you can improve your life any day. But I don't judge those who do. You do you. I guess I want to write more. Take care of myself more. Do things I love more. Be more active. But those are barely New Years resolutions. Just things I have not done in a long time.
So what did I actually do today? Not a lot. I cleaned a bit, unpacked my suitcase. Took a shower way to late in the day. I tried to get up early but failed. That bothers me. It seemed a lot easier a longer time ago. I tried to sleep early, too, yet the fireworks kept me up. I guess I can add better sleep to the list of Non New Years resolutions.
I edited some videos for work and I crocheted my first square for my temperature blanket. I made a post where I shared that. And I think I'll share a more general post on what that is and what I'll do with mine.
But that's pretty much it. Still a lot of drowsy procrastination. But I guess, we all start somewhere.
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mupfinsmiley · 9 months
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Create a Temperature Blanket with me - Day 1
Location: Germany January 1st, 2024 Weather: 6C, Rainy Squares: 1
Today was my first day of creating my temperature blanket. It is an idea I had been introduced to last year. I decided to make on for my semester abroad in Japan. This way I'd have something to remember it by.
Each square would represent a day. Each colour would represent a certain area on the temperature spectrum. I decided to also add some embroidery to signify the weather. Since today was a rainy day, I added little raindrops in the contrast colour. Sundays will also have a different pattern than the weekdays. Sadly I am still in Germany but I will leave for Japan on the 16th. Since I did not want to start the blanket halfway through a month I decided to start today.
I think I will make a post to show off my colours, link to the squares I'm using and all that but today I just want to share my square.
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
In Case anybody ist interested in my March bujo setup 🙈
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
Heres my January Bujo Setup inspired by the 1927 film Metropolis. It would be an honour to share my process with you. Simply watch the video ;) 
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
January 2022 - Journal with me
January 2022 – Journal with me
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
2022 Bujo Setup - 1920s Theme
2022 Bujo Setup – 1920s Theme
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
Hello everyone. The year is almost over. Come join me on my new Bujo setup
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
Colourpop Animal Crossing Review Video and Chit Chat
Colourpop Animal Crossing Review Video and Chit Chat
Here’s the video version of my Colourpop X Animal Crossing review. It’s honestly not just a makeup-review it also features me just waffling on about life ^^. More Videos you might like Painting my first OOAK Doll Crafting Vlog Making A Bungou Stray Dogs inspired face mask More Posts you might like Animal Crossing Written Review Portrait of a Lady on Fire Follow…
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mupfinsmiley · 3 years
Review - Colourpop X Animal Crossing Makeup Collection [ad]
Review – Colourpop X Animal Crossing Makeup Collection [ad]
Hey, hey, hey! Its’s me your geeky gal pal, finally back with a new entry to this blog. To be honest it has been way too long. I may come back to that and tell you about a couple of the things that have been happening … Spoiler Alert: It’s mainly depression and COVID-19 related. But: I have to start somewhen and somewhere and so I’ve decided to pick this little hobby of mine back up and start…
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mupfinsmiley · 4 years
Me after seeing the tall lady in RE: Village
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mupfinsmiley · 4 years
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mupfinsmiley · 4 years
Can’t stop thinking abt what happens to salmon when they get horny
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