quillswriting · 10 days
All good ideas for several different spots for my novels. A great compilation lol.
We don’t talk enough about how fanfiction writers love to give character large amounts of non-specific paperwork they hate doing
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quillswriting · 12 days
Last Line WIP Wednesday Tag
I saw @jev-urisk's post from a few hours ago, so I wanted to show the last line from my work yesterday! It's the end of Chapter 3 of my main WIP, project.ties.
This is Aiden's reaction to her sister, Hilda, ordering her to walk the gardens together to speak about her return to La Lune as their Enforcer.
Aiden sighed, rubbing the back of her neck with one hand while the other nestled into her jacket pocket. “This is going to get ugly,” flitted through her head, heavy footfalls crunching on the loose path.
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quillswriting · 13 days
I wrote 2,593 words in my first draft AND finished Chapter 3 after not writing forrrrrr....
What, just about 2.5 months???
I'm so happy, I cried a little bit. I also passed 7K words in my first draft. I'm at 7,413 now, so close to 7.5K.
I'm exhausted, I stayed up wayyy too late tonight lol - but I couldn't stop the momentum!
Today, Tuesday 9/10/24, I have finally started writing more of my first draft. I'm trying to stop being so picky and just get words out so I have something to go back and read/edit later. I love this world and I love the two series of novels that will take place in this world.
I refuse to let my dream of publishing this novel and the ones to follow die because of my perfectionist brain.
Words now, clean up later.
This is your sign to open up whatever WIP you've been working hard on and make some progress, even if it's just a brainstorm or adding 5 words. Some progess is better than none.
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quillswriting · 13 days
I think I'm gonna do a new writer intro since I've changed some of my project list and priorities because of getting slammed with work and school going into this new semester. I also wanna update/redo some of my project overviews to reflect these changes.
Lemme know if you want to be tagged in any particular project or to follow characters as I update and get back to posting more often! Talk to yall soon!
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quillswriting · 13 days
Yes, me, all the time lmao. Or I open a million different brainstorming/worldbuilidng docs on various things in my series of novels, take a couple of notes in various tabs, close everything, decide it was a productive writing session, then close everything.
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quillswriting · 13 days
Today, Tuesday 9/10/24, I have finally started writing more of my first draft. I'm trying to stop being so picky and just get words out so I have something to go back and read/edit later. I love this world and I love the two series of novels that will take place in this world.
I refuse to let my dream of publishing this novel and the ones to follow die because of my perfectionist brain.
Words now, clean up later.
This is your sign to open up whatever WIP you've been working hard on and make some progress, even if it's just a brainstorm or adding 5 words. Some progess is better than none.
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quillswriting · 14 days
Hey all, I'm finally back! University started at the end of August and I've been swamped getting into a new groove between that and my work changing again 😅
I'm hoping to be back to posting more frequently again and catching back up on my tag games and backlogged posts, lol.
I also got inspo for getting through a difficult section of my project.ties novel - so I hope to update about that more coming soon. Also to showcase some of the new spreads for my planner.
Talk soon! My DMs are always open, even if it may take a bit for me to respond!
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quillswriting · 14 days
My main villain for the first few books in a series of novels is Torbjørn Baldurson. He's a 1,000 year old vampire that was made against his will after he pretty much died in vain to protect his family who were slaughtered after his defeat and his petty kingdom burned to the ground around him. He hates the woman that turned him due to his belief that he will now never be able to reunite with his deceased family.
He's cold, traditional, and unyielding - a force of nature himself just like the story's main character and older sister Aiden Dahl. He's tied tightly to their parent's root nature's of being a witch and the dying breed of lycans. He may be a vampire, but he resists much of the culture of vampires in both the old and new worlds. Unlike his older sisters, Aiden and Hilda Dahl, he stayed in Europe and Asia and never ventured to the New World.
I wanna make an appreciation post for everyone's villain OCs. Please please please tell me about the most nasty, vicious, evil little bastard from your brain.
I promise I'll be perfectly normal about them and not make them my blorbo <3
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quillswriting · 25 days
I'm struggling real hard rn with my main WIP project.ties while I'm trudging through it. I'm in the third chapter and now the MC, Aiden, is gonna be reuniting with family she hasn't seen in over a decade and a half. It's a mixed bag of emotions on all sides.
My biggest issue is how to write Aiden going into this. I know who she was in her history and in a historical setting. I know how she'll be in the future and into the second set of novels. I just don't know how to write her now 😭😭.
Historically, she's a warrior, a queen, cold and stern, but there's warmth for those of her little pack/clan. Think old school raiding Scandinavian warrior but mostly reserved. She's been described by other characters as war incarnate. In the future, she's mostly the same, but more regal and better about being warm to those in her close circle.
The issue is in the middle during her novels. She's supposed to be a fairly different person at the beginning of the novels compared to her historical self, but I'm struggling with actually getting the dichotomy across on the page for who she was and who she currently is. Think of it more like she's struggling to be a new and "better" person and suppressing urges that come with a thousand years of muscle memory of being pretty much a warlord.
Writers UNblock
Ask me a question or vent to me about where you're stuck in your WIP, I wanna help yall its getting real boring in here
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quillswriting · 1 month
I'm otw to creating inventory box props for all of my D&D players, which is sitting at a total of seven players and one major DM played character. With several boxes for some of the characters, I'm looking at like 14 prop boxes to make between inventories and spell book boxes.
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quillswriting · 1 month
Anyone else ever wanna write fanfic of your own stories that don’t even have a first draft done or am I the only one with that particular strand of brain worms
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quillswriting · 2 months
Having chapter names is one of my favorite things, so here are some of mine from my WIP project.ties - most of them will probably get more witty and more as something my MC would actually say, but these are my top ones so far.
A Market of Oddities
Two Wrongs
Raining Hellfire
I also thought of doing like, little quotes from various characters at the beginning of each chapter about the MC, Aiden, and continuing that trend throughout each of the books in both series. Does anyone else like that idea??
Let’s go back to naming our chapters!
Here are some examples of chapters names I’ve come up with!
- Break you out of your shell
- A plot to make the girl happy again
- Yesterday is a memory we can't all forget
- Regret is something we get over by doing
Lets hear some more unique chapter names!
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quillswriting · 2 months
I know! I watched some of the Shadow and Bones show from Netflix. When I read some reviews on it, everything was compared to one and only one past or present country and dismissed any other inspirations. I actually enjoyed watching it and seeing everything, though it was easy to tell what the factions were inspired by.
The best worldbuilding with creative liberties I've ever seen has got to be Avatar the Last Airbender. If you haven't read about it or watched it, I highly recommend it.
nothing pisses me off more than when someone is reviewing a fantasy story and goes like “so this is fantasy china and this is fantasy Rome and this is fantasy Britain-“ SHUT UP. THIS IS WHY WRITERS ARE SCARED TO MAKE CREATIVE LIBERTIES WITH THEIR WORLDBUILDING.
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quillswriting · 2 months
I'm the forever DM with occasional DM breaks to play one-shots or mini adventures. On those I've been a druid, a heavily modified fighter, and a multiclassed warlock/sorcerer. I love being the DM though, so I'm totally fine with it - I get to be a hundred different characters and classes from a hundred different backgrounds, lol.
An upcoming one-shot from my sister will see me being a My Hero Academia OC of hers in a horror/thriller game lol.
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quillswriting · 2 months
Character Intro: Aiden Dahl 🔥
Aiden is a warrior at heart that has spent a majority of her life fighting for one reason or another. She was raised a raider, became a warrior under her previous husband Cyneric, and is now an Enforcer for the North American Covenant of Vampires under Lord Greed.
She might be rough around the edges, but she truly cares for those in her inner circles. Nothing would stop her from protecting those she cares about.
Though she tries to maintain as much of her old life as she can, she's slowly begun to adapt to a modern life with modern technology. She believes in tradition and prayer to various old gods of the old world and heavily against change in any way she can resist.
Aiden is a thousand year old vampire that spent her mortal life as a norwegian raider in the mid-to-late 800s. Her parents, a lycan and a witch, ruled a petty kingdom and a pack in the southern tip of Norway during her mortal life. Raised a warrior by her lycan father and grandfather, Aiden used her strength to protect her younger siblings and her family’s kingdom. Even after being banned from marriage and childrearing, as a young woman she had a single daughter that passed young due to an illness that none of them could do anything about.
After that horrifying experience, her mother transformed her into what she would later know as a vampire - a secret originator of a lineage. Most of her immortal vampire life was spent married to Cyneric Kaiser, a man she knew little of even after several centuries of marriage. She assisted him in conquering and uniting Norway under one rule before they absconded to travel all of Eurasia, settling for a few years in various areas before moving again. Throughout this time, Cyneric and Aiden repeatedly attempted to conceive children but none of Aiden’s few pregnancies lasted due to various health and magical issues.
While in London in the 1800s, Aiden finds a bundle in a basket on her doorstep. Aiden and Cyneric adopt the baby girl, baby Heather Kaiser, who is an orphan from a nearby werewolf pack. Aiden raised Heather with all the love she could give and more. After some time, Lydia, Cyneric’s closest and only friend, burned the house down with Aiden and Heather in it - causing Aiden to take her adult daughter and her sister Hilda and run from Lydia and Cyneric.
Aiden and her family moved around a lot to keep under Cyneric and Lydia's radar, and in doing so picked up the orphaned Paloma in Spain. Soon after, their family moved to North America and eventually settled in La Lune, Louisiana during the early 1920s.
There, her sister fell in love and eventually birthed twin girls - Ingrid and Toril Dahl. With their father absent, Aiden stepped up to assist her sister in raising the twins. When they were toddlers Aiden and Hilda argued on how to raised the girls. Traditional vs Modern. The sisters had a blow out fight resulting in Aiden packing up and leaving La Lune and her family.
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quillswriting · 2 months
🕯 OC Most Likely Tag 🕯
I got tagged back to back by two cool people on here, so I'm gonna do the two posts together!
Answer with which of your OCs would be the most likely to do the following statement, then give new statements for the next person.
My Statements
Part One
Most likely to arrive ridiculously early.
Most likely to be in a relationship less than a week.
Most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone.
Part Two
Most likely to burn something while cooking.
Most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place.
Most likely to not tell people they're sick until they really need the help.
Your Statements
Most likely to bury a crush and ignore their feelings, but in a super obvious way.
Most likely to enable someone's bad habits and who they would enable if possible.
Most likely to bring home strays - whether it's stray humans, cats, dogs, etc.
🕯 Part One, from @paeliae-occasionally
Ft. My project.ties characters
1) Most likely to arrive ridiculously early.
Dr. Hilda Dahl hates tardiness with a burning passion and is compulsively early to everything regardless of the circumstances. She takes the phrase "if you're not early, you're late" and kicks it up to the next level.
2) Most likely to be in a relationship less than a week.
Fey-Lin Morgenstern is a mix of commitment issues and being a straight up ass to everyone he meets. Very few have actually even been in a relationship with him by his standards and even fewer he actually liked as more than a play thing. His favorite (in the future) is his relationship with Aiden Dahl, before children are in the mix.
3) Most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone.
Heather Kaiser is a brilliant woman and very academically oriented, also horrible with most music and art expect for pianos though she keeps it to herself. The only ones that know how well she can play the piano are Hilda, who taught her, and the twins Ingrid and Toril, who always listen to her play on the occasion she does.
🕯 Part Two, from @the-golden-comet
Ft. My project.survival characters
1) Most likely to burn something while cooking.
Folke Odjura can't cook to save his life since he was raised with servants doing all of the cooking and cleaning throughout the palace. He would certainly still try to, especially if it's for his younger sister Frida.
2) Most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place.
Demos Kattat has a very strong moral compass and is very confident in his skill set, even if he realistically can't accomplish what he wants to. He usually gets himself in over his head and has to be bailed out by various family members.
3) Most likely to not tell people they're sick until they really need the help.
Ikiri Linjal is fiercely independent and will refuse any kind of assistance even if she's bleeding out. She doesn't want to be thought of as weak, especially as an 'exiled' royal.
Gentle tags: @illarian-rambling, @finickyfelix, @jev-urisk, @wyked-ao3, @xenascribbles, @darkangel319 + an open tag!
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quillswriting · 2 months
Hello! Welcome to the community and I hope we can be friends! I hope you find plenty of other writer friends too 😊
Hey writeblr!! ❤️ I'm a writer with zeros WIPS at the moment and I'm mainly looking for people to bounce ideas off of 💡
Hi I'm Paige, I am just a collage student living off of TV dinners and hoping I can get a book written because I'm on an idea blockage rn.
If you want to be writer friends cool! 🧡 maybe message me or reblog this post 📫 if not totally chill I have zero WIPS to talk about.
But seriously writeblr I need a community
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