relatable-writings 4 months
And I think the worst part of growing up, is starting to hate the ones you used to love. And you sit there staring at the wall, and you try to love them but they hate you too, and you try to hate them but they love you too.
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relatable-writings 6 months
It's embarrassing sometimes, when the wanting shows. How I need someone's hands on mine. How I just want a soft voice to call me out of sleep, somebody to drink coffee with while the sun wakes up. I'm so good at being alone until I remember what it's like to be loved and then I'm aching all over again, then I'm calling you up in the middle of the day and asking for something impossible [ couldn't you come over ? ]. Couldn't you pretend like I'm not altogether too much, just for this one afternoon ?
A.Y. [there is nothing more humiliating to me than my own desires.]
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relatable-writings 6 months
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" Nothing is more beautiful than you, and nothing is happier than me when I'm with you. "
A.Y. 鈾撅笍
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relatable-writings 1 year
"I knew from the way her eyes slightly dropped聽from not enough sleep the night before because she聽was excited to see me that I was in love with her. I聽knew from the way her fingers softly intertwined聽with mine that I was in love with her. I knew from聽the way her laugh made a pitch black room聽suddenly fill with colour that I was in love with her.聽I knew from the fact that friends and family聽noticed me being happier lately that I was in love聽with her. I knew from the way she danced around聽the room like no one was watching I was in love聽with her. I knew from the moment we slow danced聽and she started crying on my shoulder because she聽felt so safe that I was in love with her. I knew that聽from the excitement that filled her and I when we first saw each other that I was in love with her. I knew from the way her intelligence reached unknown heights that challenged mine that I was in love with her. I knew from the happiness she gave me that I was in love with her. I knew that from the way she wanted "one more kiss" before I left that I knew I was in love with her. Since I met her I was in love with her. She resonates deep within me, each day a little farther in. She makes a home out of me, and I hold her softly each times she does. I couldn't ever not be in love with her.
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relatable-writings 2 years
Ask not of the night of separation; it came, and it passed away, My heart found a way to please itself again; Life found a way to get back on track again.
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relatable-writings 2 years
I used to think i couldn't go a day without your smile. Without telling you things and hearing your voice back. Then, that day arrived and it was so damn hard but the next was much harder. And i knew with a sinking heart it was going to get worse and i wasn't going to be okay for a long time. Because losing someone isn't an occasion or event. It dosen't happen once. It happens over and over again. I lose you every single day that we don't speak and in all of the moments in between, in all the hours of silence that go by where i do nothing but think of you, i lose you when i watch certain films, listen to certain songs, and go to certain places that are tainted with certain parts of you and how you make me feel.鈥↖ lose you every time i think of kissing you, holding you or wanting you. I go to bed at night and lose you, when i wish i could tell you about my day. And in the morning with a heavy heart i begin to lose you all over again.
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relatable-writings 2 years
If you ever get the chance to love someone. Then by all means,聽love them. Show them how much you care. With action and not聽just words. Appreciate them. Make them feel needed. Wanted.聽Missed. Loved. Welcome them to be a part of your life. Genuinely.聽Openly. Be vulnerable with them when you must. Don't be afraid聽of letting them know how you feel. Of exposing your heart. If you聽ever get the chance to love someone. Then. Please. By all means.聽Love them. Deeply.Softly. Gently. Love them. But really love聽them. Really give them your all. And be there for them. make it聽work when work is needed. listen to them when they need聽someone to talk to. Don't let things die down. Especially if you get聽the chance to be with them for a lifetime. Give them your best聽parts. Your best moments. Your best memories.
A.Y. [ i love you with all my heart, i miss you more than i could ever express]
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relatable-writings 2 years
My darling, if a million loved you, I am one of them, and if one loved you, it was me, if no one loved you then know that I am dead.
A.Y (my letters to you)
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relatable-writings 3 years
I love the way you write. And I do relate to most of them...
Really glad to hear this.
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relatable-writings 3 years
Thank you for writing these dear!
I'm glad, thanks to you.
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relatable-writings 3 years
de donde eres ? :3 cual es tu edad ? nos quisieras contar esa historia de amor que termino mal y le dedicaste varios escritos ? , lo se son muchas preguntas, pero me da intriga saber de ti , tu forma de escribir
I would just like to say that, I love her very much and I will continue to do so, I'll wait for her forever. The words which I use come directly from my heart, whatever I felt when she was with me or whatever I feel now when she is not here beside me, I write that down. Writing about her makes me think she'll always stay with me. It helps, thinking about her helps. After all I can do nothing, but remember her. Thank You, I hope you got all your answers. I really loved the way you asked your question, it tempted me to answer.
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relatable-writings 3 years
Sometimes聽I turn over memories in my聽head, and聽I think,聽I should have kissed聽you then, and聽I should have touched you then, and聽I should have held you more tightly then. But mostly聽I turn over just one memory in my head, and I think you shouldn't have left me then.
A.Y. [ no one has ever caught my heart in quite the same way ]
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relatable-writings 3 years
The sad part is, that聽I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than聽I loved you when聽I knew you. Some people might find that strange. But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a聽person is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.
A.Y. [ please don鈥檛 fall in love with someone else ]
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relatable-writings 3 years
She's the kind of girl you never see coming. It starts off simple and two months later you're saying I love you, you are my world. She told me 'I want a kiss' and I knew I was in trouble. I want to spend every night tucked up in the mystery that is her mind. What is she thinking? What does she want? Is this enough for her? Am I enough for her? Some people you can read; she's a novel written in another language. Love is never easily understood. Our love was unexpected, the kind you only read about. One second I was flying on a plane, the next聽we were falling in love. It gives me hope that the world is a good place. She gives me hope聽that聽I am good. I look into her聽eyes and I'm in her soul,聽completely聽transfixed. She wraps her arms around me and I swear no one has聽ever felt聽safer in this world. Fingers intertwined with mine and I'm sure we can take on the world. Lying next to her I feel her magic, the kind you can only find聽in a girl who finds聽humour in聽everything. She kisses me and I sprout wings聽that take me to a place where we're together forever. Sometimes she laughs and I聽swear it's the cure for any disease. It healed me. She feels like home. No better than聽that; she feels like where聽I belong, where聽I was always suppposed to be.聽I wasn't looking for anyone; she showed me my forever. She's聽the kind of girl that can do that, steal your heart and change your life.
A.Y. [Love was when, one look at her and I became a lunatic.]
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relatable-writings 3 years
I love you, I need you , I want you, I go to sleep thinking about you and wake up with your voice winding through my head, I look at you and I can't focus, the whole world shimmers, I'm ashamed, I'm angry, I'm in love, I'm mad, I'm happy, I'm dead, I'm alive, I'm stupid, I'm tongue-tied, I'm writing you letters, I'm tearing them up, I'm writing you letters again, I'm idealising you, I'm humiliating you, I'm undressing you, I'm looking into your eyes, I'm kissing your eyes, I'm pressing you against a wall, you're pushing back, your body wants mine, you kiss my mouth, you bite my lip, you draw blood, you're on fire, your eyes are flame, your hair is flame, the whole world shimmers and I burn and I burn with love - - the whole world shimmers - and the night - and the sky - and your voice shimmers - I've no wit, I've no mind, I've no brake, I've no self-control, I've no shame, I've no authority over myself, I can wait hours for just one glimpse of you then not speak to you at all, how can I speak, how can I speak to you, I can't speak, I can't stop speaking, I can't stop looking, I can't look, I make you an object, I desire you, I write to you, I write for you, I tear up everthing I have ever written for you or about you, I burn myself alive for you, I worship you, I strip you, I clothe you, I do up the tiniest buttons at your sleeves, I embrace your wrist, I embrace your neck, I kiss the back of your neck, I embrace your wrist, I'm speechless, speechlees, all I can is I want - I want - I want - there is no poetry - there is no structure that can make any sense of this - only I want - I want - I want - I want you, my love. - A.Y. ( grief is just love with no place to go )
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relatable-writings 3 years
There's聽something daring about holding eye contact聽because it's no longer a "my eyes fell on you by accident", but rather something else.
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relatable-writings 3 years
Not every artist is trying to聽romanticize pain. The聽things is, pain slides on paper聽very easily, it's a way of聽letting it聽out. And when people聽look at your art and relate to the pain,聽it feels a less alone, and that's聽a bonus, both for you and them.
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