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I believe in myself,
Yes.. I am not what i wanted to be.
Yes, I failed.
But I will get up and suceed,
Because I believe in myself.
You pulled me back,
And chained me.
But I will break this chain and be free,
Because I believe in myself.
Yes.. I am not where I wanted to be,
Not where I deserve to be.
But I will not cry,
Because I believe in myself.
He made this happen,
He planned it all
And I will accept his decision,
Because I believe in him.
Because I believe in myself.
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Hello guys, It has finally come! I posted the prologue of my first ever fiction book on Wattpad.
Please do come and support me there and also put in comments for me to improve!
Here's the link
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Don't take this step,
Give this world a chance.
I was standing there on the top,
the cool breezy air brushing past my face.
I looked down at the vast expanse of blue sea,
never imagining that I would be here, even in my wildest fantasy.
This selfish world pushed me to take this step,
After which I will peacefully rest.
As I closed my eyes and was ready to take this plunge,
I heard a voice coming from somewhere unknown.
I listened to it because it was relaxing and soothing
It said:
Don't take this step,
Give this world a chance.
As I open my eyes,
I begin to realize,
We live only once,
So, I should give this world a second chance.
(P.S. Guys, Always remember that suicide will give you rest but immense pain to your loved ones, so listen to that voice and give the world a second chance)
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Hey People,
Hope you all are keeping safe. We have to stand together in these tiring and distressing times. I have been keeping busy these past few weeks, due to a large amount of studies. So I have not been able to be consistent with my blogs. Hope you guys understand and wait for me to be back.
Thank you for supporting me!!
Also do suggest some specific topic you want me to write or speak about, either a poem or some story or a drawing, anything. Feel free to suggest.
See ya, bye!
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It has come,
It has finally arrived.
The day we had all been waiting for,
whether the rich or the poor,
the kid or the old man,
me or you,
Celebration cutting across all lines and borders.
Common day, common celebration,
different people, different ways,
but the feeling, the same
the excitement, the same.
Last year created havoc, took people away from us,
but the hope is still alive.
People with gleaming eyes,
looking forward to a memorable year ahead,
probably different and better than the previous.
Let us all be united in our diversity,
And celebrate this year with unity,
while taking precautions and following the rules.
Taking resolutions to be better and to love each other.
Humanity is one, so is this special day,
Lets leave our differences aside and love each other today,
Because today is the day we had all been waiting for,
Because today is New Year, 2022
Because today is New Year, 2022
HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2022!!!!
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They are preventing me from achieving success,
Ignoring my talent and hard work.
They are saying I cannot handle it,
It is a high- pressure job
They are saying I am weak,
Because I am emotional
They are saying I am different.
Not like them.
They say that I am a woman and not a man!
Does that make me any inferior to them?
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Do you know what self- love is? Do you know how to practice it?
Check this video out for all the information.
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Guys, give me suggestions for my next post.
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I was There,
Sitting under the night sky,
after the experiences of the day made me wry.
Looking at those bright stars,
Reminded me of my many scars,
The moon which was glimmering,
while the cold wind was whispering.
I sat there with my folded arms, shivering,
away from all that bickering and differing.
As I sat there looking at the darkness,
I felt the wryness fading away slowly.
Probably the darkness engulfing the darkness inside me.
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Fear makes you strong because then you find out your weaknesses.
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When I am really happy, I feel like sketching. So here is a little something I drew a few days back.
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I posted 14 times in 2021
14 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 85 tags in 2021
#my poem - 10 posts
#poetsandwriters - 10 posts
#art - 10 posts
#poetic - 10 posts
#original poem - 10 posts
#poetry - 10 posts
#poets - 8 posts
#poets on tumblr - 8 posts
#poem - 5 posts
#love poem - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 24 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
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Second Chances are rare,
Never leave them.
You have fallen,
So rise again,
Without a care.
Life seems difficult,
Interact with someone more disadvantaged than you.
Feel like giving up,
Remember the happiness upon your result.
Want to cry,
Then cry,
Cry till the tears no longer fall.
Want to shout,
Then shout,
Shout till your throat starts hurting.
Whatever is inside,
Just let it out.
But always remember to keep moving on.
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 18:46:16 GMT
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I Am Lost,
Can I find my way?
Lost in the darkness of my soul,
Engulfing me whole.
Lost in the crowded path for success,
with chances of achieving it extremely less.
Lost in the dark thoughts that govern my mind,
Trying to find,
a way out.
Lost in the midst of this unknown feeling,
which will either lead to my destruction or my healing.
I Am Lost,
Can I find my way?
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 18:16:22 GMT
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Be Selfless, In this selfish world,
where people run behind materialistic things,
ignoring the harm it brings.
where people befriend you, not for how you are,
but for who you are.
where time doesn't run around you,
you run around time.
where 'passing life' replaces 'living life.'
where being rich replaces being content.
where 'we' becomes 'I' and 'us' becomes 'me'
but helping others will give you the pleasure that being rich also does not,
and it is said that one blessing is more powerful than a hundred curses.
Be Selfless, In this Selfish world
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 18:59:52 GMT
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Trust No One,
They don't deserve it.
They will hurt you,
Without caring about the pain it ensues.
They break you from the inside,
And you forget if you ever smiled,
They leave you alone, vulnerable,
The wounds unbearable,
constantly reminding you of the trust that was broken,
Some feelings which were unspoken.
The life you live now is filled with sadness,
Slowly and gradually leading you to madness.
So, Remember always,
Trust no one,
They don't deserve it.
6 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 13:56:55 GMT
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Life Is Brief
So, enjoy it to its fullest.
Dance in that shower of rain,
Jump in that puddle of mud,
Sing at the highest pitch,
Let the whole world hear it.
Eat that extra piece of sweet if you want to,
Paint like you are an artist,
Impart knowledge like you are a scholar,
Teach others like you know everything.
Laugh like you will never cry,
Forgetting the pain you feel.
Listen to your heart over your mind,
Let it guide you.
Do whatever you want to do.
Life Is Brief,
So, enjoy it to its fullest.
7 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 17:09:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Trust No One,
They don't deserve it.
They will hurt you,
Without caring about the pain it ensues.
They break you from the inside,
And you forget if you ever smiled,
They leave you alone, vulnerable,
The wounds unbearable,
constantly reminding you of the trust that was broken,
Some feelings which were unspoken.
The life you live now is filled with sadness,
Slowly and gradually leading you to madness.
So, Remember always,
Trust no one,
They don't deserve it.
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Hi Guys,
I know I have been missing from quite some time and I am sorry for that.
I had a realization yesterday. Some very disturbing circumstances led to that realization. I realized that people are really selfish in this world, all they care about is themselves. It doesn't matter how kind you are to them or how good you treat them, they just don't care. But unfortunately I cannot change my nature and stop helping people and i will probably end up hurting myself even more than I am already hurt.
I hope you guys understand and be cautious and don't end up getting hurt like me.
Thank you for supporting me!
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Second Chances are rare,
Never leave them.
You have fallen,
So rise again,
Without a care.
Life seems difficult,
Interact with someone more disadvantaged than you.
Feel like giving up,
Remember the happiness upon your result.
Want to cry,
Then cry,
Cry till the tears no longer fall.
Want to shout,
Then shout,
Shout till your throat starts hurting.
Whatever is inside,
Just let it out.
But always remember to keep moving on.
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Forgive Others,
Even if you cannot Forget what they did.
Even If they hurt you so bad,
which left you utterly vulnerable and sad.
Even if they broke your heart,
shattered it into tiny small parts.
Even if they wavered your trust in them,
and made no attempt to win it back again.
Even if they had been with you for their personal gain,
And by apologizing they are probably walking down the same lane.
Give them another chance,
Rid yourself from the clutches of anger and be free.
Forgive Others,
Even if you cannot Forget what they did.
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I Am Lost,
Can I find my way?
Lost in the darkness of my soul,
Engulfing me whole.
Lost in the crowded path for success,
with chances of achieving it extremely less.
Lost in the dark thoughts that govern my mind,
Trying to find,
a way out.
Lost in the midst of this unknown feeling,
which will either lead to my destruction or my healing.
I Am Lost,
Can I find my way?
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