#!! thank you so much for this!
abby118 · 2 months
what’s your favorite and least favorite 2011-2013 loki outfits?
which of loki’s outfits would you most like to wear?
I don't think I could possibly pick a least favourite, but I will talk about the details in his costume design I love the most.
And before I get to the tangential rant, to answer your question- I think my favourite is the TDW one and I'd wear his prison outfit (it looks so comfortable!).
Now, let's talk about the details:
I think one of my most favourite is the overall symbolism we see in his outfits.
-I'm sure you already know about this one, but the inspiration behind the shape of his collar being the faux calla lily is a great example. (X) (concept art by Charlie Wen)
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-the triquetras! There are so many triquetras seen on Asgard and Loki's got them too. (X)
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-the helmet: Apart from the fact Loki and Thor's helmet designs, when combined, make up Odin's helmet design (X), I love the difference between the horns in Thor 1 and The Avengers and how well it goes with the theme of the story.
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-then there's the Jörmungandr & Fenrir symbolism in his armour seen in The Avengers (and the overall complexity of it!)
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-I really like the layers / the "serpentine like design":
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-I find the colour scheme of his costume very fitting (and they're my favourite colours)
-the golden piece on his chestplate is just such a good recurring motif
-and what I find interesting is the amount of gold we see in each movie and its meaning:
His Thor 1 armour is very sleek and elegant. Almost appearing untouched.
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In The Avengers, it's much darker and worn. The gold we do see is mostly an illusion.
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And in TDW, the gold is the most damaged. He still looks just as powerful, but you can tell he's been through something.
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-I haven't even touched on the Midgardian outfits yet, but I think they reflect his elegance really well (tumblr only allows 30 images per post sooo X, X).
-about Loki's prison outfit: I would say, this is him at his most vulnerable and the choice of clothing does convey that. I also really like the reference of his sleeve design. (X)
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
👀 + jace/helaena + new baby?
Send me Eyes, a pairing, and a word/words for a short drabble!
Baelon's cries were so tiny, a mewling of a kitten, the cry of a kitling, warbling and helpless as he fussed in his cradle. The moon was half full, the light of it cutting through the softly fluttering curtains.
"I've got him," Jace muttered into Helaena's hair, his wife stirring with the cries. She murmured some reply as he rolled away, spitting out her silver hair from his mouth, a large hand palming his sleep filled eyes as he shuffled to the end of the bed where the carved cradle stood. His mother had tried to insist on letting the babe sleep with the maid at night, but the suggestion had agitated Helaena to near hysterics, murmurs of blood and whatever dreams clung to her cutting the conversation short.
His son had not yet gone to full blown sobs just yet, as if he knew his insistent fussing would be enough to rouse his parents of a week. Jace lifted the boy carefully, nosing against the soft down of his dark curls and settling him into his arms. Helaena was already settling up against the pillows to feed him, but Jace took the moment to look down into Baelon's face, his screwed up little features that were gently easing at the feel of his father's warm skin.
The cradle egg, a beautiful thing of blues and greens and bronze swirls, was warm at the foot of the bed, not yet hatched, but occasionally it shifted, a scraping sound from inside before settling.
Soon, he knew, pressing another kiss to his son's forehead. Soon, he knew, passing the boy into his mother's waiting arms, and the sleepy smile on her face as she began to croon at him.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
SNAILL OMG i can't waitt for the next chapter of sapsorrow, the chemistry between them is just... 🤯
And then i have this thought that i just need to get out of my head, ABOUT THEM DOING TANGO IN FRONT OF THE GUEST,especially that "por una cabeza" tango. and then the sensual aura, the longing between them, thatt chemistry... And my mind justt explode *boom* mad blushingg.
Anyway i just love your fic and how detailed and good your writing is. Oh oh and can you put me in the taglist ?? So i wont miss out your update. THANK YOU. I know all of thiss just me rambling, so thank you for your time 😆 i hope you have a good dayyy 🥰
Oh. My. Goodness.
Another Mihawk tango? Don't mind if I do!
Are we thinking something akin to this? I would adore writing a flirtation like this.
I have already written Mihawk two other tangos, however!
He really does scream: "I know how to do this, so let me do this," doesn't he?
El Tango de Mihawk - his stand alone tango fic with a thief!reader at an upper-class gala.
Sway - the second part to a throuple relationship fic (Swing, Sway, Shag, Shimmy) between Mihawk, an acrobat!reader and her captain, Buggy. This occurs at a regular Buggy-Pirate dance night.
He needs to do some more work at wooing his betrothed as himself, less alter-ego - although I adore them both breaking down their defences and getting to know each other that way.
I would love to add you to the tag list! Thank you so much for bringing my attention to this beautiful tango. I adore a heavy violin tango! How spectacular the Por Una Cabeza would be for them to dance together. My heart is fluttering at the thought.
Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement. I hope I can do this justice for you! You are always welcome to ramble away here! (I know I do!!)
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the-fandom-abyss · 11 months
"(Y/N).." you heard her through your closet, she's here. You didn't know that she was coming so soon, it didn't take much time for you to hide anywhere else less obvious so you hid in your closet.
for the first sentence prompt (´ ω `♡)
“Y/N” you heard through your closet, she’s here. You didn’t know that she was coming so soon, it didn’t take much time for you to hide anywhere else less obvious so you hid in your closet. Heavy breaths bounced off the closed door, warming the space around you. The thumps of your heart, loud enough to alert the other presence to your whereabouts.
“Where has my little lamb gone?” Her voice was laced with faux innocence, the heels of her boots clacked against the floor. The sound grew louder as she approached, almost mocking you. “Come out, come out, wherever you are”
For a moment there was silence, only the sound of your heavy breaths filled the air. The anticipation was terrifying, urging you to close your eyes and hope for the best. The closet doors open with such force, revealing blackened fingertips, glowing crimson eyes and the darkest grin gracing the woman’s lips.
“Wanda” Her name slipped off your tongue. You had heard the warnings but never truly listened. Now you were wishing that you had escaped when you had the chance.
“Found you” her clawed hand reached for you, with a tight grip on your clothes. She pulled you out of the closet causing you to slide across the floor. “All mine” she growled, advancing on your frightened state.
First Sentence Prompt
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itsticklishme23 · 4 months
🛍️ 🪣🔋?
First of all hi!! I hope you’re well!! It’s good to see you on here 😁 and thank you for this ask 💕
🛍: You go shopping with a lee/ler prior to your session. What do you buy to make it more interesting?
Hmmm… I think a cute lil outfit that my ler would wanna see me in is always sooo fun to put on and tease with!! Like a cute dress or crop top or bikini, ahem 👀 but item wise… if my ler buys a giant pack of feathers I would have no choice but to melt away and evaporate.
🪣: Name one thing that's on your tickling bucket list
I really want to travel with a ler!! Like the excitement of getting on a plane together or even road tripping together and being able to plop my feet in his lap at any time, and going to experience new places together, then coming back to the hotel room at night and getting tied up and teased for all the times I’ve teased him throughout the day 🥰
🔋: How long would your ideal session last?
Hahah I love this question because honestly, with the right ler, an ideal session would last nearly a whole weekend with food/movie/sunshine/sleeping breaks in between 🥲
I’ve definitely had a ler tie me up and play with me all night (with breaks of course) until sunrise then we cuddled and slept for the morning, and it was so much fun 🥹 10/10 would do again lol
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zorlok-if · 6 months
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Holy shit!! This is incredible! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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chessalein · 9 months
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*runs in and slams this into your face*
Its wonderful and perfect! I knew his cute belly would look even cute in this!!!
I love it so much *cries*
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im like in love w your blog and your headcannons/analysis’ and ive been scrolling for like 15 minutes reading these like holy moly bro you got some good points!!! its so fun to read the stuff u write and it definitely keeps me busy LMFAO, but i enjoy ur hobie stuff too i’ve been wondering why so many fanfics aren’t written the way u described them. like there aren’t any good x readers that are really just… hobie 😭 you changed my perspective a lot thank u pookie pie
making myself heart anon btw bc i dont wanna reveal myself but i want to send u asks
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I think Hobie is like the best person to write relationships about cause he's SO emotionally intelligent that it's unbelievable - like really the show of great writers.
Like - I love the idea of him and polyamory, and it doesn't have to be a harm way (that works too), but just being open and loose about terms and it NOT being a drama thing, like that's just how they are and their other partners may chime in occassionally
I've seen SOOOO Many sonas that have amazing QPRs with him too, and that explore the a-spec side of relationships
Plus it's like--- I feel like he's a weirdo, in a good way.
I feel like Hobie is the type to have odd habits and weird quirks. Like finding sleeping upsidedown actually really comfortable especially for the muscles and joints (he's lanky as hell) or buying his S/O boxes of a dozen chicken nuggets rather than a dozen roses because chicken nuggets are infinitely more useful and also delicious.
OR PLAYFUL HOBIE don't get me started on him.
I've started writing for Miguel lately (writing as in - in my head it's all in my head) and I WILL say he's a lot harder to get that Non-Conventional Angle in - but HOBIE
BONUS: With Hobie you can pair him with as man sonas as you want - i gave him two, three if you count his deadpool gothpool (they arent together but...milo counts himself so)
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
An idea struck me in a frenzy but have you ever done the “Fly me to the moon and let me kick its fucking ass, let me show it what I learned in my moon jiujitsu class” Tweet and the “wow this post blew up. Wish the moon would” response?
Cuz I think that would work for Harrow and/or Ammit 👀😜
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(This is such a cool idea! I hope I've done it justice)
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princesslocket · 1 year
Oooooh if you feel like drawing them, can I request Aphrodi x Saginuma? :D (Also I would just like mention that that RikaTou art you did last year still lives rent free in my head :3)
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Ooooo they are the pairing ever!!!
A bunch of party music inspired this art tbh! And you know, I can totally see them dancing together at banquets and stuff well into the future ;w;/// ((Also... THAT'S SO SWEET!!! I'm so glad you still like it! And who knows, there might be some more RikaTou art coming in the next few days uwo))
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changeling-fae · 4 months
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you're quite the exquisite creature, valentine
Omg, this is beautiful! Thank you. 😭💖💐
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H for the prompt ask game because my name starts with an H... Preferably some Jason and Bruce fluff.
H-That's the stupidest hat I have ever seen.
Jason was on his best behavior but was still only a child. Bruce understood that. But the adorable sound of Jason smacking and murmuring in his sleep was too much for even Batman to take. “The International League-.” Jason curled up in Bruce’s lap and pulled Bruce’s cape over himself like a blanket. Bruce struggled to keep a straight face around the founding members as he kept a stabilizing arm around the sleeping child. 
It wasn’t Jason’s fault. He’d recently recovered from a cold, midterms at his junior high school, and patrol. Of course, Jason was exhausted. Not to mention, the League meetings were enough to force a yawn out of Bruce. Not that he’d admit it. “I’ve scheduled the International League for a visit two weeks from now,” Bruce announced, “During this visit, the International League needs evaluation based on their efficiency, ability to handle press and media, and the state of their headquarters. Does anyone want to volunteer to do this mission? Or should we randomly pick a founding member-?” 
Jason held on to Bruce’s gloved fingers in his sleep, forcing a laugh from Clark. 
“I’m sorry,” Clark apologized as he politely covered his mouth. As soon as Clark finished apologizing, Diana let out a giggle. Then Arthur snickered, and before they knew it, all the Founders laughed. 
Bruce cracked a smile, and they all fell silent. “Robin… Robin,” Bruce whispered. Jason didn’t stir. “Excuse me a moment.” Bruce stood up and carried Jason to a separate chair, detaching his cape and wrapping Jason in it. “Okay… Where were we?” 
Hal laughed. “I’m sorry. Do you want me to get him a soda from the vending machine?” Hal questioned. 
Bruce nodded. “No coffee… It’ll stunt his growth,” Bruce commanded. 
Hal scooped Jason up with a bed construct. Barry ran a hand over his face and laughed. “Lantern,” Bruce warned. 
“I’ve got him… Honest,” Hal replied as he left the room with Jason. 
“The International League’s evaluation,” Bruce reminded everyone. Clark raised a hand. 
“I’ll do it,” Clark replied. Bruce wrote it down on the chart. 
“He’s usually alert,” Bruce mumbled. 
Jason’s giggles flooded the hallway, and Bruce excused himself. He followed the laughs to another room where Jason and Hal played around with outfits the League wore for undercover missions. Hal noticed Bruce before Jason did, and he turned Jason to face Bruce, pointing toward the serious-looking, capeless Bat. “Oh lookit,” Hal whispered, “He’s all yours, Bats.” Hal waved at Jason and left the room. 
Jason had a fake mustache on, and Bruce crossed his arms. “Sorry that I fell asleep,” Jason apologized as he wrung his hands together. 
“It’s alright… Nice mustache,” Bruce joked. 
“Close your eyes,” Jason whispered. Bruce smiled and shut his eyes. He didn’t have the heart to tell Jason the meeting was ongoing. Besides, Jason would only be that small once. 
He felt Jason fit something snuggly around Bruce’s mask. The small boy giggled as he slipped on a disguise of his own. Jason skittered across the room, and the pitter-patter of fairy boots drew a laugh from Bruce. “Robin, can I open my eyes?” Bruce asked. 
“Almost… I don’t want you to ruin the surprise,” Jason whispered.  Bruce waited thirty seconds longer, but before he could ask Jason again, Jason told him to open his eyes. Bruce looked in the mirror and saw himself in a fish hat. Jason wore a tiny gladiator outfit over his costume. 
“How do we look?” Bruce chuckled.
“That’s the stupidest hat I’ve ever seen,” Jason laughed, “When would somebody need to wear that?” Bruce pulled Jason into an embrace, and they took a picture. “Now, let’s take a serious one.” Jason knit his brows together, half-smiling in disbelief. 
“Hey, Batman? I didn’t mean to embarrass you at the League meeting-.” 
“I’m not embarrassed… At least you didn’t throw up during a League meeting like the older Robin,” Bruce whispered. 
“He didn’t-.”
“He did,” Bruce replied as he messed up Jason’s hair. “Do you wanna wear the fish hat?” 
“I wanna wear the fish hat,” Jason giggled. Bruce placed the hat on Jason’s head and took another photo. 
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
You have multiple trademarks!!
Fix-it™️ you can take canon bits and craft them into something that feels authentic, earned and truer to character than the original pieces had been! You elevate the source material without disregarding it’s flaws
Tangible™️ something about your articulation makes the world you’re writing for feel physically real and touch-ably close
Roy-voice™️ I said this in a comment before but I’ll say it again: I don’t think your expression of Roy and how he speaks/thinks could be better if he was a character you’d created from scratch
Earthquake-emotions™️ because your writing always makes me feel RIDICULOUS levels of various emotions that require something similar to the richter-scale for me to even start to measure
(that I have reread the normal amount of times)
The fixing thing is particularly important to me. I've mentioned before, I honestly have a hard time doing fix-its that are like 'and then I changed this One Thing I didn't like.' It's a challenge to myself that one day I'll do that but it's a struggle. Seismic changes or re-contextualizing the entire story are somehow easier to me.
Tangible and Earthquake-emotions are THE GOAL I love reading those things and so that is always what I am aiming for and I'm so happy you think I do those well enough to be a trademark thank yooooou
Roy-voice™️is honestly such a fun term. Thank you for coining this. I don't know if I necessarily write Roy well on the first drafts, but I certainly think I have an ear for what he sounds like when I read it back! He's just.... very important to me. For a character with so much depth, he's got such an obvious front that I think it's very easy for fandom interpretations to fall back on his surface-level traits (especially his anger and his struggles with expressing himself). Once I started writing him, I couldn't really stop- I'm just constantly tripping over new facets.
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amethysttribble · 11 months
Im sorry if this bothers you, but i was thinking about Jae and Alys parenting today, mostly in terms of saera and viserra, so what's your take on Feanors reaction to that whole thing in Everlasting Song. Like does he agree with their tactics (probably not...) or what? I really enjoyed your work and routinely rotate it in my head pretty much every single day.
AND NOW I have been rotating this question in my mind since you sent to me yesterday, thinking... considering... what a really great question, this isn't a bother AT ALL! It is my absolute pleasure to try and give an answer.
Feanor's take on Jaeherys and Alysanne's parenting, WHAT a thought. Now that I've cracked open the question of Feanor's historiographical takes, I'm tempted to have something like 'A History of House Targaryen, a Commentary by Ser Feanor Blackfyre' or something such floating around, the idea amuses me so much. You know Gyldayn hates it, if it exists.
But, okay, okay, let's think on this. Feanor would have grown up with a very traditionalist kind of education about the Targaryen monarchs. In text, basically everyone admires and thinks well of Jaehaerys and I believe Feanor would have been taught to admire him as well. And then Summerhall and Jaehaerys II.
I think his uncle being Jaehaerys the Second contributes a lot to Feanor's thought processes in regards to his historical evaluations, as he starts to read the histories more deeply. The comparison is natural.
I think he first goes, 'wait' when reading about the marriages Jaehaerys I and (and to and extent Alysanne) forced on his daughters and connects the dots to Rhaella and Aerys, neither of whom wanted to marry the other and got married really, really young, something Feanor is perfectly capable of realizing even at like twelve has been extremely bad for the both of them. I think every time he reads about one of Aerys's daughters, he thinks of Rhaella- Rhaella who isn't 'headstrong' like J&A's 'troublesome' daughters (who are almost described as evil by Gyldayn, it's so uncomfortable, not sure I agree with that writing choice), but suffers just as much, even as she does everything right
And Feanor, during JII's reign, is also feeling trapped and controlled and /unloved/ by someone who should love him, no, I bet he feels a great deal of sympathy for Viserra and Saera. Like, I'm sorry my life and my living of it makes you uncomfortable; I'm sorry it's inconvenient; sorry I'm here at all.
So, yeah, I don't think Feanor is primed to admire Jaeherys once he gets to the Citadel and then all bets are off.
I think once he starts studying, he notices what many people noticed while reading Fire and Blood, which is that most of J's good deeds are really Alysanne and Barth's good deeds that he signed off on. His respect for Jaehaerys dips lower. That being said, I don't think he's particularly in love with Alysanne's parenting style either.
Feanor grew up in an environment where, well, as Barristan says "all of King Aegon's children married for love." And the text makes clear that Aegon and Betha being permissive, loving parents causes serious problems for the realm, but Feanor's not likely to acknowledge that if even recognizes it. I think he believes that Alysanne prioritizing marrying her young daughters to 'safe' older men from her pool of friends to be selfish and short-sighted, at best.
I think in all things, when evaluating other people as parents, he compares them to his parents, who he /idolizes/ until the day he dies. And Alysanne and Jaehaerys come up wanting. Jaehaerys doesn't come off looking like a particularly great king either.
And those are my preliminary thoughts! This sent me down a rabbit hole, though, I can't help thinking- what did Feanor think of Aemon the Dragonknight? And what did that make him think of himself
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
(@queen--kenobi) 👀 Abrogon sea/sea side
"No!" Abby screamed, her legs kicking and her hands scrabbling against his lower back. Aegon had her thrown over his shoulder, a strong arm banded across her thighs. He laughed at her protests, smacking the curve of her ass playfully as he marched towards the foaming shore of the island. Sunfyre was off a distance away, sunning himself languidly.
"I thought you said you wanted to swim?" He asked her innocently, sloshing his way into the waves licking against the sandy shore. His laughter cut abruptly in a yell as a larger wave broke over them, sending them both crashing into the water.
Send me a pairing meme
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
fairest stars is giving me Big Fear that Curufin's lies are gonna put Maedhros in a position to make good on his promise to die before he lets the Oath turn him against Fingon. And then where will they be. In a bigger mess than they could possibly imagine. this is all to say, I love it
My friend your BRAIN I had not considered this before but I am now ROTATING it thank you!! It’s been a while since I killed someone and I’m going to have an opportunity to do so soon (soon as in, maybe 4 parts? There’s a lot of stuff we need to get through) and I can’t. decide. whom. Because I know it should be one of the Main Three but I don’t want to kill any of them and aaah! Is it going to be one of the disposable sons of Fëanor instead? Or have I managed to wrest the silm away from being a tragedy so that I can get away with nobody important dying? Is Finrod thematically involved in this?! Can’t I just get rid of Curufin???
But on Maedhros: plenty of other angsty consequences of Curufin’s lies are coming up next part anyway! But I have a new idea now so thank you very much 😊
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