#& I honestly welcome interactions related to it XD
teecupangel · 10 months
How do you think they'd all respond to a pagan/wiccan?
This reminds me of my question of how Ubisoft is gonna fuck up AC Hexe when they revealed Codename Hexe last year XD
Anyway, let’s start...
I could make a “what is this sorcery” joke but that would be too easy. If he sees a pagan or a wiccan, he wouldn’t really care. This man was raised in one of the most religious sect of the Brotherhood and turned out to be an atheist so, in all honesty, he couldn't care less who or what someone worships. What matters to him is the way someone worships must not endanger the innocent or get in the way of his mission. The most he’d do is interact with the pagan or the wiccan in a more intellectual way, gain more knowledge and information and then… just go his way.
This man was raised as a catholic in Renaissance Italy but he’s also someone who punch the living out of the pope so it really depends on when he would meet a pagan or a wiccan. Before the Auditore execution? Definitely feel awkward around them but wouldn’t insult them. During AC2? Vengeance is more important to him and he’d ally with anyone who would help him. Brotherhood? Dude is pretty much at war with the Church AND the Followers of Romulus, he has no beef with pagans or wiccans as long as they don’t side with his enemies. Revelations? This man has seen and experienced too much that he’s just chill with everything. They want to be allies? Sure. They just want to get on with their lives? That’s okay too.
Ratonhnhaké:ton was raised to respect the beliefs of others and he’s definitely more open-minded than a lot of people (even Haytham). He would try to respect their beliefs the best he could and would ask if he doesn’t know anything. He won’t necessarily be a practitioner himself but he’d definitely know more than normal.
He has no problem with any pagan or wiccan. If it was a pirate though, he’d definitely take any of their superstitions because better safe than sorry, after all.
France actually has a… ‘severe’ history with witch-hunts (around 1000 execution during the 14th to 17th century) so Arno would probably stay clear of any pagan or wiccan if he knows them but he wouldn’t turn a blind eye if they were being harassed (or worse). The most he’d do is help them escape and give them a chance of finding peace elsewhere.
If a wiccan or a pagan wants to be a Rook, Jacob will welcome them with open arms. He doesn’t necessarily believe them but he wouldn’t be rude to them. The most he’d do is light teasing but he’d stop as soon as he notices they’re feeling awkward or annoyed. To him, it doesn’t matter who they are. If they want to be a Rook and can follow the rules, they’re Jacob’s Rooks.
She’s look at it from an intellectual standpoint and would be a bit wary considering the danger of being close to a wiccan or a pagan their time has. She won’t stop Jacob from making them their Rooks and she won’t try to bully them or push them around. She’d be a bit distant but it won’t really matter all that much since she’s not close to any of the Rooks anyway. She’d research about them though on the off-chance that they have any interest or information about any POE or Isu related things.
… I mean… he’s a Medjay from Ancient Egypt. He wouldn’t bat an eye if someone worships a specific god as he knows a ‘few’ people who do that. He also wouldn’t bat an eye on any ritual practices or spells they might do as long as it doesn’t endanger anyone. As far as Bayek is concerned, as long as no one is getting hurt, people should be free to worship as they please.
Dude would definitely try wicca. This man has been denied of so many things growing up that he’d try anything at least once… as long as it’s not too dangerous. If you’re looking to convert anyone, Desmond’s your guy.
She’d be cool about it. Honestly, Layla looks like the type to have pagan or wiccan friends, maybe even someone who tried it when she was in college XD
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Blog Announcement
Hi there my lovelies! It is a rare guest, Ria here :D
I put on an Oblivion Let's Play to hold my blood pressure low while formulating this announcement, so you better settle down with me xD
I would like to announce here how I will deal with my main blog and all my side blogs on tumblr from now on.
As most of you know, I am working a full time job in retail, so my nervous costume tends to be a tiny bit thin after around 9,5hrs of shift. I am happy to announce to you all that my time as a worker in retail is finally a finite one. If everything works out right, I won't just be able to start a homeoffice job by next year, but also live at a completely different place and city. Sadly there is still a good while of wait ahead of me until then and a lot of things are unsure as of yet. But I will do my best to get to that destination, because right now everything is pretty much murdering me.
What does that mean for my blogs? I have been on Hiatus for a long while, on and off, over years. And yet I have always returned here, more or less satisfied or happy with my performance or the RPC.
From this day on I will treat myself better about being able to come here and also, I will not spread myself thin anymore. I will transform Mariku into an Ask- and Art-Blog. Interactions are always welcome, on and off Anon, as well as dash commentary or writing pieces and updates of myself. You can tag Mariku and me in everything, the followed tags will stay the same, I will just update a few things on my BIO in the next days etc. [maybe I'll finally force myself to make a card, should the mobile pages not work anymore].
Things that will for the close future not be done on my blogs:
RP-Threads: no matter if long, short, or anything. I am torturing myself, because I cannot say no to new thread ideas and the moment I really get invested into plots, threads, ideas or anything alike, my partners tend to just leave and let me drop like a hot potato and I honestly neither need nor want that hate in my life anymore.
Anon-Hate: Will NOT be displayed on this channel. I will keep my Inbox with anonymous messages on, but every piece of disgusting hate will be immediately plucked out of the screen and burned in a bonfire. You will not get a stage here and you can be assured, that I will piss and shit on your disgusting hatred and then laugh about it for the coming week, because you are the most pathetic thing that I had the displeasure of even having to lay a momentary glance on <3
RPC/personal Drama: I will ignore drama and strictly remove myself from it. I will not be part or target of any hatred, impulsive meanness and/or random bouts of radical opinions. If you don't feel seen/represented in my opinions, turn around and find a place you fit into, but leave me and my muses alone.
Things that will be done on this blog (and partly my side blogs):
Ask-Memes: Of any kind. Ask-Plots, random asks, symbol ask memes, color memes, background memes, AU-memes and YES, also art related asks.
Open Commissions: I will open art commissions again after I had a bit more training on my tablet, for everybody, who wants to commission art. They will likely be limited and they may also for training reasons only be for free for training, thus included in art memes, but I will open paid commissions eventually again, definitely this year. I cannot tell you details, yet, but keep your eyes peeled ;)
IMs and Mun related things: You are definitely allowed to write IMs and ask me questions!! I am here to have fun as all of us are, so if your fun includes coming into my IMs and leaving a cat meme each day or send me weird asks, I am all here for it!! All of this might sound very dickish of me, but I just feel like I get too emotionally hurt and immersed and I want to protect me from bad feelings and you from my wrath xDDD
Thank you for reading all of this and I hope all of us can stick to those ground rules (for now) - we will get on peachy! If the fact that I am not RPing (for now) on here is breaking you beyond compare, I do own a Discord and I am usually willing to share it. Please contact me on here before adding me, so I know who exactly is adding me on there, otherwise, I might not accept your request. Discord: sangnoire
I will warn you though, that I will be very selective with accepting RPs and partners on there still and that any unwillingness to accept that will be met with... a uno-reverse card reaction x'D
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amiplural · 1 year
Hi! Recently I’ve been questioning whether I’m plural, (as you might’ve guessed, since I’m sending an ask to this blog, lol) but I’m scared that I’m subconsciously like, internalizing/being influenced by what systems mention about their experiences somehow? (Not sure if internalizing would be the right word, sorry lol)
Anyway, I dissociate a lot— especially recently (I’m a bit stressed form a play that I’m in and that seems to influence it, but that’s not what I’m meant to talking to you about). I’ve jokingly referred to it as going into a ‘video game character mode’, since it feels as if I’m not exactly controlling/experiencing being in my body— like a video game or movie.
The thing about it is, I’m always vaguely aware of what’s happening, it’s just like being numb. The closest I can compare it to is if you suddenly were experiencing the effect of laughing gas? If that makes any sense?
I change my preferred name and pronouns a lot, too, because my personality almost feels like it changes? But it’s still me, I think?
I don’t know, it confuses me a lot and I’m unsure. If you need more information about my experiences to help me with that more, I’ll happily provide it!
—🪷 lotus (just in case)
So, first of all I'd like to reassure you of two things!
One, there is actually an origin term for forming based on being around lots of other systems. Imo, this would be likely to happen due to things like autistic mirroring or "copycat" behaviors that can be caused by any number of types of neurodivergence.
Assimulogenic: An origin of plurality that involves gaining plurality due to assimilation or becoming plural because you are surrounded by plurals, very close with a plural, look up to a plural, or for any other reason one's subconscious would begin to assimilate. This is not a willogenic origin, meaning you do not chose to become plural, but it can be related to a common feeling of whistfulness in *wishing* you were plural or you were like the system that you are close with
However, what's even more common is realizing existing plurality as you start to interact with other systems. This is actually how we initially realized. We met ONE other system and our whole egg carton cracked like it was dropped on the floor xD
What you describe as "video game character mode" does sound like it could be someone switching in while you maintain awareness of the front. Looking into types of plural consciousness, like monoconsciousness, polyconsciousness, and more complicated types may help, though we are EXTREMELY BAD at explaining them (we're sorry! TT).
But yeah, that all makes sense and sounds like pretty classic dissociation. The changing names and pronouns while still feeling like you may be related to where you fall on the median to multiple scale (so, how separated and distinct you are from your headmates) or may have to do with your consciousness type, blendiness, or confronting... but honestly even in extremely multiple systems of any type I feel like this is pretty common. In a sense, you're all you (system) but not necessarily all the same you (individual), if that makes sense?
Anyway, you are welcome to share more experiences if you would like. The policy of this blog is to never tell anyone they are a system (no "I diagnose you with system!" xD) but it's very specifically because we are here to offer guidance but at the end of the day, you know your experiences better than we can.
However, if what you're looking for is just affirmation that you can identify as plural/a system: Yes. If you feel like you are a system, you can. If you're unsure, too, trying the label can help determine if it fits! You often can't tell if clothing fits just by looking at it, and the same goes for labels. You're not hurting anyone or taking any resources by exploring yourself/selves. If it turns out not to fit, no harm has been done, and you've had self-discovery you wouldn't have had without it.
But if it does, you will have found out specifically by trying it, and that's great! Not to throw a platitude at you, but you can do whatever you want forever with these labels. xD
I hope this helps, and want to make sure that this is a safe space. If any other potential headmates of yours want to share their own thoughts or experiences here, they are also welcome to.
It boils down to though, we trust your/y'all's judgment. Take the time you need to explore and figure out and feel secure in your identity. Whether you decide you're plural, or just an ally, we will welcome you here nonetheless <2
PS the name lotus is gorgeous!!
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sirserpentine · 6 months
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knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier !
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♡ NAME: Lune / Luna
♡  SEXUALITY: Bisexual (Preference for ladies. Maybe I'm actually a lesbian... but then some fictional man always gets me so bad... needs further studies....)
♡  TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single and kinda sad about it. =(
♡ My professional degree is a "Sign Language/Communication Instructor."
♡ My favourite hobby is theatre and I do everything related to it!!! Acting, writing, costuming, makeup, props, directing, it's my PASSION
♡ I have ranidaphobia, which means the fear of frogs. I know it sounds silly, but I was surprised by a huge toad when I was like 3 and never got over it. xD Pictures and videos don't trigger me though, I just can't stand seeing them irl!
♡   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Over ten, I'd say.
♡   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: deviantart when I was like,,, 12, facebook, windows live messenger, SKYPE (LMAOO), Kik, discord, tumblr. NOW I FEEL VERY OLD.
♡   BEST EXPERIENCE: Two instances come to mind, the first was an amazing world and lore me and my friends created after escaping the most boring and limited roleplay server, we were just bursting with ideas. I drew pics for it every day and we had audio dramas and everything. It's been many years by now and I don't even talk much with most of those friends anymore, but that story was just one of the greatest things I've had a hand in creating. The other instance would be what's going on right here on this dash. This has been the warmest welcome to any rpc ever, and I feel like nobody is looking down on my portrayal for embracing the silliness. I really like it here, you guys are great!! Thank you for being so nice. ;;
♡   FEMALE OR MALE: I'd say male probably on the account that most of the muses I remember interacting with are males. I wonder why that is, honestly???
tagged by . @spiderslvts thank you so much!!
tagging As I actually deleted a lot of questions I have recently answered to, I think this might be a bit wonky to tag with... but if you want to fill this, absolutely do so!
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artfennec · 1 year
Who is your favorite welcome to dreamworld bot out of the main 9 and why?
Ooo they are all so interesting and cool in their own ways
I have to say it’s RibbonDancer
He’s fun and chaotic (and I love chaotic characters) but he also has some interesting backstory and lore
And Eric with Carley interactions is just 🥹✨ so wholesome <33
(He also gets an extra point for being fun to RP and draw <3)
The Changelings would be my second favorites <3
If I were to choose a specific one I would say Masquerade
And honestly the only reason for picking him out of all the changelings is just because of RP related headcannons and that I like his design XD
Thank you so may for asking me this <3
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any asks It’s nice to finally get another :3
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leesakuweek · 2 years
Ahhh I'm a lil shy about this but I'm really excited for this event 😭 I don't know why but out of all the ships I really fell in love with leesaku!!! They have a lot of parallels that could be expanded upon (flower symbolism, coming from non-clans, hard work/admiration, healing, weaknesses and strengths, affects of bullying, breaking out of their shells, etc) which imo would've been very beneficial for both characters in their development and could've (honestly) been one of the deepest and most influential relationships in shounen anime. I tbh thought they'd end up together simply from how their character designs complimented each other and just from their interactions (seriously, "I will protect you till death do us part". Come on 💀) and how he pretty much catalysed the growth of sakura in that blooms episode. I also adore the dork/hot-headed and injury-prone/medic dynamic sjsjsj. Not that I mind sasusaku since it's interesting in its own way too but this would've been a more healthier alternative imo!!
I've read a bunch of fanfiction about them cuz I couldnt resist tbh lol 😭 a few of my favourites has to be your Human Weakness fanfic, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4488264/0/ , https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3375107/1/27 and https://archiveofourown.org/works/15850365
Sorry for the long ask!!!! 😭 haven't talked to another leesaku fan so I went all out lmaoaoao
Ahhhhh their parallels is something I love about them too and you listed every single one that I adore! I can't help but think about how much they could relate to each other and bond over these similarities they have, especially in regards to their childhood bullying and struggles to find strength as shinobi. (Billboard-brow and Bushy-brows? C'mon. A match made in heaven.) I too wish it could have been explored and I think you're right that if they did they could have ended up being an iconic bond across shonen. Ah, it hurts to imagine what could have been. </3
As a kid I was also convinced they were end game because of how well their color schemes worked together and how significant their bond was during the Chunin Exams. xD I imagine you were just as confused as me when Lee faded into the background right after and you also sat around waiting for Lee and Sakura to interact meaningfully again lol.
I am also totally a sucker for the healer/injury-prone dynamic, and specifically how they have a 'he promises to protect her from danger' while 'she uses her hot-headedness to protect him from being bullied (because he's too polite for his own good)' dynamic.
Thank you for the fic recommendations! (And for listing my fic as a favorite of yours. :') It means a lot!) For anyone else stumbling across this post - try and spread the love by giving the fics a chance and leave a comment to make the creators' day! :) I know I definitely will.
Here are the hyperlinks to make it easier for those on mobile:
Something from Nothing by BlackRaspberryDaydream -> [FFN LINK]
Snow by Guardian Arrow -> [FFN LINK]
Kickin' and Screamin' by Yappano -> [AO3 LINK]
(Human Weakness by @valkyriav (me) -> [AO3 LINK] )
I really appreciate you sending in an ask and I love the length and detail you went into it. It was delightful to read through. Thank you so much for sharing and if you ever want to send an ask or a message to this blog or to me to chat about LeeSaku you are welcome to at any time! <3
Send us an ask about LeeSaku!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
REACTIONS TO EPISODE 3 - ONE'S JUSTICE (... like the game?!)
That is a joke, folks. If I get "This chapter came before the game" or some other stupid reply I'm deleting it and blocking you. It is a JOKE.
Still salty from... nevermind...
You all know the drill, my reactions are genuine and played for laughs! Don't take them too seriously. Some of you need to be told this for anything, honestly.
Before we get into the episode, folks!
Look, I am aware that because of what happened some people hate Hawks and love Twice, and vice versa. Personally, I'm pretty neutral on the situation for the fact that it can be interpreted in many different ways so therefore I'm 🤷🏿‍♀️. I don't hate either character.
With that, it's been MONTHS since I got any message in my inbox of any hero or villain slander and I would love to keep it that way.
I already made a post about how I think it's very stupid that people have to choose sides because others insist they do. If you like Hawks, you like Hawks. If you like Twice, you like Twice. Let it be.
Harassing people over who their favorite character is because you hate the character is by far one of the stupidest, most pathetic thing you can do in this fandom and in other fandoms. Just don't interact with that person and call it a day!
I won't lie, I wasn't expecting a recap again but I'm glad they replayed that scene when Eraser Head tripped the Doctor.
Intro a banger as always!
When Re-Destro stressed out! 🤣 Man's went from 🙂 to 😠 and the delivery was *chef's kiss*. HILARIOUS!
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Edgeshot coming in with the killer move. "Move, you die. Try me, bitch." Okay, he didn't say that. Still though! I love Edgeshot.
"It's called Electrification?" What if Kaminari called it something else?! Huh?! Like Wattz?!
I forgot how acrobatic Midnight is... GO, QUEEN!! THAT FLIP!
If Curious hadn't died, I'm sure an interview between her and Midnight would be a fun one.
"Stay still and have a nice nap." Again, GO, QUEEN! Second, Midnight really out here "Take your ass to sleep" on people when you think about it! XD
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For anyone new, yes, I love 1B just as much as I love 1A.
*Shows Twice and Hawks* Hello Darkness my old friend...
Skeptic grinding his teeth was funny to me. He's like so irritated. Drop your hair care routine, my guy.
Twice was so scared and Hawks looks like an absolute menace! *shivers*
You know what, I love Twice, I do. But Hawks had a point about his quirk. If the cards were played right in the villains' hands sooner, Japan could have already be in absolute chaos. Luckily, Twice's clones are actually easy to wipe out with large attacks and well, Twice is Twice. Seriously, how can you hate the guy?
Just saying, even though Hawks looks downright scary... that shot of him staring out through the darkness has meme potential.
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I cried a little when Twice started to break down. HE CARES FOR HIS FRIENDS! HE CARES!! He blames himself for the Overhaul deal, and not once have I recalled the others in the LOV actually blame him which is so heartwarming and heartbreaking.
He thought it would be too sad had he not been welcoming to Hawks.
"You were just unlucky." Well, DAMN!
That's the thing with these characters. No character is really too good or too bad. Some of the villains show "heroic" traits. Some of the heroes show "villainous" traits. That's why I say we shouldn't have to choose which side we're on because it's not all black and white.
"You're a good person." Oooh, and there goes my feels. 😭😭😭
Okay, thanks to the Hawks and Twice scene, I had whiplash when it went to the other heroes because uh... what the hell is that??
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"So cool! Say it again!" "Leave me alone!" Oh, Suneater!... relatable...
FATAXI! I love how Tokoyami is just sitting there. Tiny little guy. Like even compared to his classmates, he's short.
"I'll become an even stronger hero." Yes. I believe in you, my goth bird son!
Oh! Twice got a half time cut title card! First villain, too, for this season! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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Oooh... nope, nope, nope. I refuse to cry. I refuse... and the tears are coming... 😭😭😭
"Twice, you did nothing wrong." See? Dabi cares!!!
Okay, the whole Dabi & Twice vs Hawks scene, still in my feels! So intense! That blue is BEAUTIFUL!
BUT! How did Dabi know his name... probably did his own research, I don't recall. Maybe Skeptic with his nosy ass.
As sad as that scene is... that poo line got a chuckle out of me. I forgot about that line!
Toga's reaction is just... I just got up. I need to lay back down.
WOW!! They made basically a tribute to Twice in the ending song! Anybody else notice?!
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As much as people complain about BONES, same energy should go into at least complimenting the creative team. Like Twice's VA, Daichi Endou, fabulous performance! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Excited to see what more goes down in the next episode!! "INHERITANCE" LET'S GOOOO!!!
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horizonspurple · 1 year
Okay, soooo, it's me again, your sleepy anon🤭. I got very excited when you said you're working on more things. And also just a reminder you don't always have to be perfect:) Tho, that is coming from a fellow perfectionist hehe, so I guess I should follow my own advice first.
I also got very excited about your relationship update. I like how you're flirty with each other on here, it's very cute (but of course your thing, not ours).
I guess this ask is mostly just to wish you a great day again. You seem like someone I would want to be friends with. Also your nails in all the pictures are sooo pretty. Do you do them yourself or get them done?
I wish you an amazing day!
-your sleepy anon
Hii welcome back!
That is so nice to hear 🥺 And also very relatable, I always reassure people that not everything has to be perfect, but for myself? No, perfection is needed xD
Thank you for being sweet and supportive ☺ We were both superexcited to take this next step and also share it with you all 🤭
Aahhh you're making me blushh! 🙈 And I really don't mind getting these messages honestly, even if it's just rambles, it's fun to read and interact with Hihi, thank youu I do them myself! Just regular nailpolish xD Although you wouldn't wanna see them close up, painting your nails late at night in the dark is not the smartest idea 🤭
Thank you and I hope you do too! :)
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levi-supreme · 2 years
I'm here for the fanfic emoji ask! I might be back for more lol.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Hi Eliza!!! Aww, thank you so much for sending me something!! You're always welcomed to send me more <3 I'm answering below the cut because, as usual, I talk too much XD
Fanfic writer emoji ask!
🥺 - Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Hmm!! I think I really enjoy writing about eye contact and touches between reader and Levi 🥺💖 I don't think it's really that noticeable, but in my writing, there's always some kind of physical touch between reader and Levi!!
Also, reader and Levi's relationship in my writing will always be established, whether or not they're a couple, or they're married. I cannot write Levi being in casual relationships and having flings, and I don't think I will ever write Levi as someone like that.
🤡 - What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
LOL honestly there can only be one answer to this question, and it is this crack post (a little suggestive) right over here!!! I honestly don't know what was I thinking when I posted this, and I was equally surprised to see people liking it hahaha. In the end, your girl right here did write a drabble (a little suggestive) out of that crack post LOL so. I like to think that this was the funniest thing I wrote XD
✨ - Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it.
I like to think that fluff and writing about romance really is my niche, and my ideas for all my events that I've done are honestly pretty unique and fun too :-) from my 200 follower event: the best date to my 600 follower event: date-a-boyfriend, and even two consecutive years of organising happy birthday Levi, I think fluffy things and happy relationships really are my favourite thing to write, and also my 'selling point' as a writer here. I don't think I've seen anyone do the things I've done, and I hope my readers also agree with this point!
🧐 - Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Hmm... honestly it depends! If I'm writing about something that I'm not very familiar with, then I'll do a lot on research about that topic before planning out my fic outlines, plots, and what I want to include!
But, it depends on the genre too lol. If I'm writing smut, I tend to write what I'm already familiar with (so my smut fics are always so vanilla and boring HAHAHA) and I rarely want to research on topics like dark content etc because it's not something I foresee myself writing. Sometimes I just use my imagination LOL and pray hard that it works hahaha.
There are also topics that I already have prior knowledge on, but I want to know more too! So likewise, I'll do my research even though I already know what I'm going to write.
For example! In Levi's Valentine, majority of the things I wrote about (Japanese setting, school traditions, celebrations etc) are all like second nature to me. But for my readers who are not familiar with Japanese traditions, settings, food etc, I compiled a list of terms and their meanings so that more of my readers and understand what I'm trying to talk about in that fic, and also understand and relate to my fic better.
In majority of my upcoming WIPs and future works, research was done before I could write them, so I hope people will enjoy my WIPs once I post them eventually in the future!!!!!
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tenebriiis-archived · 3 years
{ 🙗 }
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tinyproprodigy · 3 years
"it's always you getting hurt, idiot..."
The Arcana Group Snippet
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POV : You usually get random scars and stuff and you don't really know where they come from to begin with (you're just clumsy like that I guess XD)
And one day you walk in and casually sit down next to your RO and do what you usually do (be it reading/start sketching/zone out/ect..) but the issue is, you're hurt and you either don't notice or don't give a damn. Hurt like a god damn stab wound and you still don't mind it somehow. Don't ask, ion know.
||Note: you will be addressed as "you" the whole time without mention of any gender specifications.||
|| Reblogs are welcome! ||
Special lines
Asra - "that's cuz it's bad!"
Portia - "it's you dummy! How'd you get hurt so bad!?"
Lucio - "LOOK AT MINE"-
Julian - "I'll be taking a look at scar number 947 for this year- and yes I had been keeping tally, love"
Muriel - "you got hurt again..."
Nadia - "And would that by any chance be anything medical-related?"
Valdemar - "...you honestly are foolish."
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Asra snippet
First thought would be about you ATM. The normality would still be there though as living together in the magic shop wasn't simple to begin with. Both of you have memorized each other's mannerisms at this point but this does not mean Asra is any less worried.
'Where?' Faust whispered to the magician as she poked and prodded at asra for an answer. One he did not have.
"I'm not sure." He admitted, sending looks at the door every few minutes. Faust's uneasiness was making him uneasy too...
He could go out to look for you but you both have had a conversation about how you could handle yourself and didn't need him babying you.
And he was going to respect that.
The shops bell began to ring. The one right above the door that signaled a customer has entered. Glancing once at the door, he started to calm down only to do a double take at your appearance.
"That's- are you alright?" He asked, eyes dead set on how your shirt's shade was getting darker around your midsection.
"Huh? Oh this?" You nonchalantly asked, raising your clothing up a bit to see it better for yourself. Something you haven't thought of doing. "Ah, that. Pftt, it looks bad right?"-
"that's cuz it is bad!"
Portia snippet
I would like to think Portia is the type to recognize stuff like self care and when it's needed only when it applies to others like the one where I wrote this lil babe. She's used to having things resulting from hard work as a normal thing but when it comes to a little scar on someone she cares for- mhm. You guessed it.
Taking a seat in your usual chair, you proceeded to loosen up, zoning out as your gaze lingered on the ceiling.
Was that small crack near the left corner of the room always there?
A sharp gasp earned your attention instantly as you hastily scanned the area before spotting Portia's concerned watch, making you concerned in return.
"Woah, are you alright?" You questioned as you checked for any clues of injury on the ginger before getting a flick across your forehead. "It's you, dummy! How'd you get hurt so bad?" She'd worriedly scold you as she moved to patch you up.
Lucio's snippet
Honestly been mentally laughing at this while writing the other two cuz I know damn well-
The sound of footsteps drew closer to Lucio as he sat with his two dogs, Mercedes and Melchior, messing around with them for a bit.
You took a seat somewhat near them as you pulled out a chocolate bar, minding your own business as you watched the two dogs interact as usual.
Sensing your presence, the blond had peered over, taking note of the fresh scar on your upper arm.
"you had a fight ey? Nice scar there" He casually asked before stars began forming in his eyes as he launched to exhibit his scars too with a sudden burst of excitement "LOOK AT MINE"-
Julian's snippet
I'd imagine him as being used to seeing scars and stuff and as much as he worries (which will be a LOT) he'll almost probably always be ready XD
Slipping through the door, you yawned as you began stretching before wincing. One peek at your stomach was enough to know the cause of the pain.
'....Anyways' you shrugged it off as you began to walk towards the kitchen to rummage through the fridge only to be lightly yanked back by your color.
"Let's take a quick seat right here" he began as he steered you towards a spot next to the table where the first aid kit sat as he continued "and I'll be taking a look at scar number 947 for this year- and yes I had been keeping tally, love"
The notebook waved Infront of your vision was enough proof to solidify that last statement.
Muriel's snippet
Please don't even do this to Muriel, he's too precious for this ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
When I say he would be concerned. Seeing people hurt isn't his fortae to begin with because of his experience from his past but someone he loves? He'd almost have a heart attack.
Waltzing into the cabin where Inanna had been laying, you found an empty spot on the couch and plopped down, a sigh escaping you as you made eye contact with the adorable wolf. You smiled at her and gave her a light wave but instead of trotting towards you like she often did, she had bolted out of the room after a prolonged staredown.
Not bothering to linger on it for too long, you shifted your focus to the anklet Muriel had gifted you a while back. It was simple enough for it to be nongender specified and still looked elegant on your skin even though it wasn't expensive and was handmade.
You still recalled how he had flushed profusely the first week he had shown it to you as you would not shut up about it. Mostly intentionally. He was pretty amusing to mess with.
A sudden burst of footsteps had you alert as you watched the door spurt open and Muriel come speeding in, Inanna right behind him.
"you got hurt again..." This was a statement more than an answer as he took note of your forehead, his face scrunched as his usual uneasy pout began to form as he scrambled to help as much as he could.
Inanna seemed to have ratted you out.
Nadia's snippet
Nadia would- in my imagination- be that one civil yet mom-like individual in the group lol. She'd be concerned shitless but she'd still be able to keep a clear head even if you were... As dululu as not noticing a huge and painful gash >:(
Nadia sighed in relief as she walked into your shared private courters. Dealing with so many different duties was still difficult no matter how many years she was putting up with it. She often had you as a support recharger as your presence alone had made her ecstatic enough. So yay for that.
Speaking of you, where had you been the whole evening? She had wondered where you had been. You'd often run off but always appeared just before eight and it was way past that.
Settling at the edge of her bed, she had looked out the balcony windows at the dark sky. She hoped you were okay.
As if on cue you had clumsily Stumbled into the room. Full grin directed at the beautiful woman as you lightly apologized before gesturing at the bag of food in your hand "I got The Good Stuff"
"The... Good stuff..." She began, ignoring the delicious aroma coming from the packaging and focusing on the wound on your thigh. "And would that by any chance be anything medical-related?"
This seemed to make you laugh as you raised a perplexed eyebrow at her "why would I buy medicine. I'm not sick."
"if..." She began, soon losing hope of trying to reason. She learned off how you were and she was still surprised at how you seemed to baffle her nonetheless. Shaking her head as she attempted- and failed miserably- to hold back her fond smile, Nadia began tapping at the spot next to her, signaling for you to take the spot. "Have a seat here and I'll take a look at it myself."
Valdemar's snippet
Yes. Valdemar. Fight me XD
This is quite a tricky one. I'd guess Valdemar would have to get used to you really well in order to have strong feelings towards you. Strong feelings such as heavy concern, enough to overpower their scientific urge to experiment with anything.
Tapping their tool on the freshly deceased palm-sized creature, Valdemar would sigh in frustration as they pushed the whole tray away altogether.
What was going on? This was strangely unusual for them. All the sadistic enthusiasm for experimenting with an interesting subject gone just with one thought overpowering them.
Where exactly were you? Last they heard was how you bragged about learning of a place that grew Kodama's. A specific and rare soul tree they lacked for a side venture and how you would be able to get it, even if the danger was cessation × a billion.
They had hoped that you had been jesting as the ticking clock detracted them. A reminder of how many seconds had passed since they last saw you.
A click on the door had prompted Valdemar to swerve around and see who walked into their private courters and low and behold, it was you with your adorable grin again.
"guess who found your kokoma'ams~" you slurred the sentence out unnecessarily while you dangled the packaged plant as you neared closer.
It was only when you came close enough that you took note of Valdemar facepalming.
"...you honestly are foolish." They began, ignoring the strange pace in their heart as you walked closer. You always made them feel a particular way and they could not recognize why or what it was, to begin with.
It didn't take long for them to notice the slash at your neck and another near your wrist.
"foolish?" You feigned shock as you set the package on the table and leaning on it for light support before continuing "i'm quite smart if you must know"
Rolling their eyes at your retort, they had begun to move you towards a chair, hauling their medical equipment with them. Sending a short questioning look at you, a smile began to creep up their lips as they whispered to no one in particular "How in the world did you manage to stay alive for this long?"
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
I love your blog;;; your writing is amazing! Could I ask for Ushijima, Oikawa, Hinata and Kenma with an SO who, despite being around their age is already playing on a professional volleyball team and one day they take their SO to meet their high school team? Idk just seems like a fun idea to me XD
Ahhhhh thank you! This is such a cool idea, thank for sharing it with me and I hope I did it justice. :) Apologies for the wait!
Warnings: None
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Kozume Kenma:
• This Setter is impressed when you tell him that you’re under 19 representative for Japan for the Youth World Championship, viewing you as the equivalent to the Boss Level of a game.
• Regardless of your position he’ll ask for pointers that he can recommend to Nekoma because he wants to see his friends succeed.
• Once he utilises your suggestions with them they are suspicious, asking him what he’s secretly being doing in his spare time and his shameless answer is:
“(L/n) (Y/n).” They were joking, falling silent when Kenma gave them a legitimate reply.
“Wait. WAIT. Kenma has an s/o???”
• Now they want to meet you, and Kenma cannot be asked with the constant whining so he brings you in so casually it’s like whiplash to your reputation.
“Meet my s/o, (Y/n). This is Nekoma, good luck.” And suddenly you’re the center of attention whilst Kenma stands besides you with a sigh.
“You mean, basically Pro (L/n)?” - Yaku
“Under 19 Japan Representative (L/n).” - Kai
“The amazing Volleyball player (L/n)!” - Yamamoto
“Yeah. That’s what I said.” A deadpan answer from your boyfriend.
• Kuroo is undoubtedly honoured, asking for any pointers and just basking in how Volleyball has connected you all - especially Kenma and yourself and is honestly beaming whenever the two of you interact.
• Then there’s Lev...
“They’re famous! They’re in all of the sports magazines alongside Ushijima.”
“...Kenmas partner.”
“Ohh! You mean (Y/n)?”
Cue unanimous face palms.
• You’re officially invited to drop by practice whenever you like, Kenma seems more motivated whenever you’re around. Plus he has a soft smile on his face whenever you’re not looking....
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Hinata Shōyo:
• Volleyball is a big passion so it’s one of the first things he asks about - he did not expect for you to rank so highly in the sport. You’re coveted by many V-League Teams once old enough.
• He’s eager to see you in action, in fact this qualifies as a date to Shōyo as he loves training with you so much, you empower his motivation for the sport even more which was thought impossible.
• The team know - they don’t believe him - but they know. Hinata was bragging about you the second you accepted his confession, so he wants to bring you to Karasuno ASAP.
“My s/o is here!”
“Hah, cut the crap Hinata there’s no way (L/n) (Y/ - oh it’s (L/n) (Y/n)...”
• You’re greeted so warmly, the third years especially helpful in scolding an admiring Tanaka and Nishinoya who Hinata was simping alongside tbh.
“So amazing!”
“I know, I love them...” Hinata says this so dreamily, it’s adorable.
“So gorgeous and talented!”
“Yeah I know right?”
• You get involved in their practice and they’re awestruck when you completely thrash the opposing mini team. Hinata eagerly tackles you, Kageyama muttering shy compliments and how you’re too good for shorty (just to wind him up).
• Shōyo is so grateful for you, even just coming to his practice added to his sunshine attitude +10 and he can’t wait to attend your games and vice versa.
• They tried to absorbed as much as possible from you, their skills and techniques amplified by your presence so Hinata is instantly granted permission from both Ukai and Karasuno to drag you along whenever possible. You can even wear his jersey.
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Oikawa Tōru:
• This enthusiast knows who you are, you don’t need to even breathe it and he manages to subdue his gushing to at least the second date.
• If you ask him to Set for you, he’ll melt honestly. Oikawa is honoured to be training at your level and uses your style to better improve his own skills so it’s a win win.
• Seijoh has heard about you, the way the Captains eyes shine whenever you’re mentioned is clear indication of his admiration, so obviously he wants you to meet them and presents you like a deity.
• Aobajohsai want to play a practice game of course and after one victorious set on your part - Rules. Are. Issued.
“That’s it, Oikawa you can’t team with (L/n) anymore - they’re ours!” Makki proudly confirmed, politely pulling you over to his and Hajimes side.
“Fine, I’ll still win, come Iwa-chan let’s-“
“I have (Y/n) now, I’m loyal.”
Cue pouting Tōru with Mattsun and the underclassmen trying to hold in their laughter despite the oncoming loss.
• You serve together and it’s terrifying, Tōru always seems to have honed his technique a little more after training with you so they all cover the back of their heads when he goes for it.
“Cover guys! He saw (Y/n) yesterday!”
“Wha- owww?!”
“Off aim... but my power has increased!”
“Damn you Captain!”
• Seijoh love you, almost as much as Oikawa does and always try to involve you in pranks on their Captain and also rely on you to pep talk him if he ever overworks or gets down. Oikawa will try to attend your games whenever he can Seijoh always wanna tag along too lol.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi:
• You probably met as under 19 representatives for Japan for the Youth World Championship, both being highflying professionals made for great common ground.
• Ushijima admires you so much, you have talent and encouraged you to hone it by his side so you can bring out the best in each other. Will attend each other’s games and try to learn from play styles.
• Did some say Ultimate Power Couple?
Yeah, Tendou and the rest of Shiratorizawa did.
• They know the two of you are dating, it’s a popular area of gossip on sport related social media so they have to pester him into bringing you along to practice one day.
“How’s Wakatoshis’ incredible partner? Welcome to our humble little school~”
“Hey again Satori I’m good, how’s Ushiwakas’ lovely best friend?”
• Obviously you know Satori, and the underclassmen are dumbfounded by the informality as they’d be terrified to refer to you so casually. Goshiki practically bows the second you’re in a 5ft radius and asking you to check out his skill.
• You offer to serve and their happiness is shattered by your partner.
“I wouldn’t, you’re unlikely to withstand the precision of (Y/n)s serves.”
But Hah! They’re gonna try anyway - until the ball shoots past them like an arrow and they’re staring at you like you’re superhuman.
“May-maybe Ushijima-Senpai was right...”
• But, they’re more than eager when you and Toshi propose a practice match - softly smiling with a quick kiss before parting ways to opposite sides which surprised the team further. You train together a lot, but competing against each other? It’s sparked a fire under both of you.
• Barely you graze a win, Shiratorizawa remaining impressed and swarming you for game tips much to Ushijimas amusement and it’s clear they’ve lowkey adopted you as a role model.
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dee--eer · 3 years
I've reached chapter 1018 of Detective Conan!
Okay so, I've only been back to the fandom since a few weeks ago. I haven't read the manga since 2018 at least, but I usually have a KID relapse(?)ーalong with brief kaishin obsession, usuallyーevery few months or so. When that happen I usually just binged old fanfic/dj or only look for his chapter, so that's what I did. Well apparently this time my DC obsession decided to come back full force so I finally started to pick up the manga again lol. My country released official translation tho and that's how I usually keep up with the manga. Anyway, I purchased vol. 96 yesterday and I reached this chapter!! Since I like it a lot I'm gonna make a post about it because I need to ramble somewhere ahahah
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Right away, the main reason why I like it; it's a KID chapter!! Hahahah apparently I somehow skipped this one during my KID binge and jumped straight into the one with Vermouth posing as KID, so this is a nice surprise. I'll never turn down any KID chapter 💙
Also, uh.... Conan, you really didn't try at all noawadays, huh. Well, after 20 years going unnoticed I suppose it's a given lol. That's why Sera keeps breathing down your neck lmao X'D
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Next; this one panel! First time reading it I nearly choked on my drink, because that's a M3 reference, right??? Well, unless I somehow missed another manga chapter with him prancing on another tower lol. Kazuha did say rumours tho, but my country's version didn't translate the rumour part so I was a bit taken aback while searching for ENG chapter to put on this post. I crosschecked with the RAW tho and she did say 「噂」 (rumour) so I guess the ENG one is more accurate, but this kind of easter eggs still make me happy bcs I'm one of the "movie is canon" group hahah
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And then this one!!!! I immediately checked with the RAW and he really said 「高校生探偵2人に」 so no doubt here!!! It's nice to have little confirmation of things like this in canon. I mean, with how Kaito operate as KID he'll obviously do reserach on everyone who stand on his way and with his intelligence, it's a given that he's gonna figure out about Conan's identity but an actual confirmation is always welcomed ;) and couple this with the fact that Conan already partly figured out KID's MO!! Ahhhh this make me so happy ❤
Still hoping that if one day Gosho continued MK he'll have Conan showing up as cameo and maybe we can see his deduction process lol it'll be fun
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And then, my absolute favorite part; the Conan-KID interaction! His unimpressed stare to KID's disguise is just so hilarious ahzjjsjakak I love it so much
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And we end the heist with Kaito being his usual cocky-but-a-sweetheart self 💙
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And now... to the plot stuff! This is my official first meeting with this police gang. Since my return to this fandom I've seen a lot of people talk about this group and I honestly have no idea who the hell they are ajzjkakak. I obviously know Zero, since I already caught up to the fact that he's Bourbon and so I already skimmed his wiki when I first got back, and I remember Matsuda because that case was one of my favorite. I have no idea who the hell the others are tho, but now that I've finally meet them and caught up with the whole Rye-Bourbon-Scotch conflict I finally have context for all the hype ahahah XD
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Also this is quite a big reveal, huh. Gosho really love make everyone related in some way or another and tbh I still don't know how to feel about that ajzjzkak but this one is more plot related so this one's good. Also since I finally started to understand the appeal of this police group, guess I'm gonna be kinda hyped for M25 after all!
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ren-c-leyn · 3 years
Happy WBW and WWYW! @writingonesdreams
For Worldbuidling Wedsday, what do you find the hardest on creating high fantasy worlds? What do you find the most fun?
For WWYM, I love your wips, the detail of your settings, the welcoming and cozy atmosphere of your blog, your writing is phenomenal from what I have seen, it's like finding a professional writer on writeblr and being able to watch the process of creation and interact. Very fun and inspiring^^
And a happy wbw and wwyw to you as well! =D Always a pleasure to see you in my askbox.
The hardest part of my high fantasy world building, aside from names (naming the things I create will never not be a challenge), is probably setting up the political environments. It's a pretty big-scale thing with a lot of moving parts and things to consider, which is why I usually go with a base working knowledge instead of a deep delve into my systems, unless it's necessary. So, I know what kind of governments are running the regions, and broadly what their agendas and relations are like, but I probably didn't name them and I have probably gone no deeper than I had to.
I think The Plight of a Sparrow is where I did the deepest dive into the politcal end of it, because you can't have a world war style event without it affecting the politics and people, and I go into rationing and over taxing to pay for the armies, and the racism and hate that comes with the divides, as well as the tension between the allied countries thanks to the human king being an asshole. Which, honestly, deeper than I had planned and wanted to get, but I did it XD
The funnest part for me is monster/creature building. I love creating weird critters, which is why I love My Ancestor, My Enemy so much. It let just open that huge drawer of weird 'what if' creatures I had been slowly building since I was like 12 and pit them against an angry elf woman with a giant sword and no fucks to give. I love re-imagining classic monsters like werewolves and vampires as well as creating new ones, and I don't get to use them as much as I'd like T-T Which my characters are probably grateful for lol.
And thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to say. <3 I'm happy to hear you're enjoying my writing as well as my blog. I'm even happier to hear that you're finding inspiration from my randomness. ^^
Thank you for dropping in, I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening. <3
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avettabendrot · 3 years
Things I like RP partners to know
Copied from @sundered-souls and @scholarlostintime :p
I like to be called: Nova ( with any pronouns ) or A'vett since I feel very close to him x'D
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Several things you should know about me:
I always like to say that english isn't my native language first. Which makes it had for me to get FF specific things right sometimes ^^; I hate to admit it but it took me months after I created this blog to find out about the "Scions of the seventh dawn" :'D
I dunno if this is a thing but I honestly only finished one (1) RP so far ^^; With finished I mean like...where both sides say "this is the end" and they may meet again one time. I would love to finish more T.T So please forgive me if I'm sorta hyped in it to keep on going. ( Maybe this is what dooms me always and ppl leave :'D )
One thing you should know about my muse(s):
His fear about the tailless thing? I mean this is nothing he likes to show but I think it should be mentioned x'D I mean there are a few things but those are mostly like a normal interaction so I won't mention them here ^^; I really like to keep every RP sorta unique. Means I normally don't effect other chars interactions ( ok expect Fennie as teacher cause this is way too perfect X'D )
One thing might be something....I have young and adult A'vett if you don't know XD I normally RP with adult A'vett who studied and works at his fathers bakery and his hobbies are magic,alchemy and stuff. Young A'vett ( as he looks in the picture at the header) is deeply in love with Haurchefant and is normally part of my story only XD I don't mind going as him but there we have a timeline where Haurchi lives and still leads camp dragonhead :3
First language: German
Age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+
Am I okay with NSFW? yes | no | some nsfw ( some f things are ok but nothing bloody)
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs | violence | slice of life | performances ( Ok for all of these things I have some HC about A'vett. Happy, dark and akward :'D )
Canon character friendly: yes | no | depends
Yes please~ I mean Ishgardians are always welcome hehe Other Miqo'te too ( * coughs Kee-Satt ) Well, A'vett is really friendly to mostly everyone. So I normally forget the bad taste I have personally against the NPC and play it as A'vetts feels about them :'D ( yh I won't burn G'raha or Estinien lol )
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
Well sometimes yes. But even there I try to keep it A'vett related XD My mainblog is @thedangerv and there goes mostl of my OOC shitposts :'D
Tagged by: None but will count the two mentioned above for it XD
Tagging: @confusedtia @nyarumi-nyan @roguestly @hiraethwyl @mathemagiks @istolin @ynuloh-nunh @tavard-ffxiv @ffxivvalentinnoix @micaryn-tia @talitiaskauffxiv @ayoaibori @lady-isedaire
yeah sorry XD Went through my following list and found all these awesome ppl here haha
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Gravity falls for the send a fandom meme thingy
Send me a fandom !
Character I first fell in love with: Mabel. She isn’t my favourite character, but she’s definitely the one I instantly liked. She isn’t strictly the sort of character I dig a lot (because I’m more attracted to dark characters than to solar one), but I was looking for good vibes when I watched Gravity Falls and she gave me an injections of those right away and it was a real delight. Moreover, she’s a more complex character than some people believe and finding that out as I kept watching the show definitely strengthened my love for her.
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Wendy. I mean, she looked like a pretty neat character since the start, but she turned out to be more fun and badass that I had expected and it was a very welcome surprise. We need more strong, relatable female characters!
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Uh, I’m not sure about this one? Pacifica, perhaps? They gave her decent character arc, but she still feels kinda stereotyped and I also got the impression that they were trying to move her from being the bully her to becoming Dipper’s love interest (which didn’t really happen, thankfully) and that’s the kind of vibe that kills my interest for said character.
Character I love but everyone else hates: I can’t think of anyone who fits this description.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Candy and Grenda, kinda? Like, they made a good trio with Mabel and all, but it grew old real quick for me xD There were much more interesting things that stole my focus away.
Character I would kiss: Purely platonically, Mabel (and I’d give Dipper a hug ‘cause the kid deserves one). Any kind of kiss, Wendy and Bill.
Character I want to slap: both Stan and Ford (maybe Ford a bit more) because that mess that happened with Weirdmaggeddon? It all on them being two stubborn, emotionally constipated old men. ...They are still my favourite characters after Bill, though.
A pairing I love: I have two OTPs for this fandom, but my number one ship are definitely Stan & Ford (as you probably know if you’re following my blog). I could say plenty about them, but I’ll spare you all the endless rambling and I just say that they have a wonderful, deliciously angsty chemistry and a shit ton of unresolved issues and tension.
A pairing I hate: Maybe hate it’s too much of a strong word but, as sort of implied before, I definitely dislike Dipper & Pacifica as couple. I can grasp where the thing comes from, but I honestly don’t see it at all (I won’t go into details with this either, but I don’t feel them clicking together, especially since before that one ep they hardly even cared about each other’s existence and most of Pacifica’s interactions were with Mabel).
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