#& also look at alice oseman's other works
esther-jester · 9 months
i finally watched all of heartstopper, it's 5 am, i haven't slept & don't plan to, this show is going to make me scream in joy & wake everyone up istg. i'm so excited for season 3!!!!
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sbd-laytall · 2 years
Petition for all of Alice Oseman's works to be put onto television.
I want to see Frances and Aled save each other through their love for each other.
I want to see Angel and Jimmy meet and drive the catalyst for the arcs.
I want to see Georgia have her love story with Rooney, Pip, Jason, and Sunil.
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goodomenshq · 10 months
📚The Good Omens graphic novel Kickstarter mega post 📚
As we enter the last hours of the Good Omens graphic novel Kickstarter, here’s a recap of ALL the items you can get and how to get them. We’ll also answer some of the main questions you’ve had.
Get yours here!
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THE HUMAN TIER (£25 GBP) includes one copy of the Good Omens graphic novel. All of the stretch goal embellishments (foiling, ribbon, foreword, afterword, extra pages, etc) cover every level (including early bird). Every backer also gets a bookmark. This also includes the foreword and afterword by Michael Sheen, David Tennant, and Jon Hamm.
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THE SERPENT TIER (£40 GBP) includes one copy of the Good Omens graphic novel, a dust jacket* featuring an alt cover by Frank Quitely and Loot Pack #1*, which is full of goodies. *Stretch goals have added to these items, full info below.
The alt cover dust jacket is now reversible, with the other side featuring this by Rachael Stott in b&w.
✔️Serpent gets the dust jacket for your graphic novel.
✖ It does not have a print of this image. The colour version is available as an add on.
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Loot Pack #1 originally featured 2 x Colleen Doran prints (including a brand new piece), a postcard and bookmark. Fans have unlocked additional Colleen prints, some colouring pages, as well as *many* prints from other artists… You have unlocked prints from Rachael Stott (different to the alt cover image), Sarah Graley, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Paul Kidby, Alice Oseman and Anna Morozova, as well as the Frank Quitely cover as a print.
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We’ve been asked a lot about Alice Oseman's prints, so to clarify: if you back the Serpent Tier or above, you will get Alice's print featuring Aziraphale, as well as the newly commissioned Crowley to complete the pair.
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THE HELLHOUND TIER (£120 GBP) includes the prior tiers + Loot Pack #2, ft. Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, stickers, and a pack of the Good Omens trading cards. These will be playable. Tier backers can also get rare cards in their order at random.
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THE WITCHFINDER TIER (£200 GBP) has all of this, plus an exquisite map by Julien Labit. Dimensions will be approximately 594 x 841 mm.
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THE DEMON TIER (£320 GBP) is a creative punch from head to toe, with five additional enamel pins (including Dog), some snazzy socks, and two creator themed notebooks, one for your inner Pratchett, the other for your inner Gaiman.
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THE HORSEMEN TIER (£500 GBP) is the Demon Tier + A3 Giclee print from the graphic novel, signed by Colleen Doran, plus the exclusive Beelzebub enamel pin, and Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set.
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THE OBSIDIAN TIER (£3k) builds on the Horsemen Tier with copies of the new, limited Obsidian editions (GO illustrated edition, graphic novel & William the Antichrist), signed by Neil Gaiman & artists, and a one-of-a-kind trading card by Colleen Doran.
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For booksellers, we have two options: The Small Bookshop Tier (10 copies) and The Bookshop Tier (20 copies), both of which offer a 50% trade discount. There are also add ons of 10 and 20 copies for shops looking to order more.
The campaign itself ends at 11.59pm UK time on 31 August, so there’s still time to get your pledges in. Let’s move onto the add ons via Kickstarter...
How do you add more to your pledge? This link on Kickstarter should help. You effectively re-select the tier you’ve chosen, and then it will take you to the add on section. This works even if your tier is sold out, or was time sensitive (Nightingale).
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Unlike tiers, you are not limited to one choice with add ons. You can get additional copies of the graphic novel, mugs, slipcases, the graphic novel oversized edition, and more. Rachael Stott's Eternal Encounter print is available also.
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A.Z. FELL & CO ADD ONS. Includes: Bookmark, mug, socks, tote bag. The bookmark is different / higher end than those included with every copy of the graphic novel.
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TRADING CARDS. You can get a trading card booster pack. These will have at least six cards. The Hellhound Tier is where to get the larger, playable base pack. Base packs will be available down the road via the new merch store, but cheapest via the Kickstarter.
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ENAMEL PIN ADD ONS We have two pairs of Aziraphale and Crowley pins (£10 per set). We also have mystery packs of three available (£12). You can see the full pin information and designs so far at http://goodomenshq.com.
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While pins #005 onwards will be part of the mystery packs, they may pop up at events or in flash sales of specific items. We will give fans as much notice as possible when these exciting events will happen.
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BOOKSHOP ADD ONS. Bookshops who have backed either of the retail tiers will be able to add packs of 10 or 20 additional books onto their pledge. These tiers must be delivered to a bookshop address. These are also at 50% trade discount.
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OBSIDIAN ADD ONS. While the Obsidian Tier collects all three books, you can add the Obsidian Edition of the Good Omens illustrated edition, the Good Omens graphic novel, or William the Antichrist - signed by Neil - to pledges at any level.
Add ons are available for every tier level. Add ons will also be available after the Kickstarter, however will be cheapest via the campaign. We know a lot of people have been asking, so if 31 August is too short notice, worry not!
Q: Will the graphic novel be available after the Kickstarter finishes? A: Yes. It will be available via PledgeManager, and subsequently on goodomenshq.com when that becomes the wider merch store.
Q: Will tiers be available after the Kickstarter finishes? A: Yes. Some will be available for an additional time on PledgeManager to allow those who couldn’t access the Kickstarter for a variety of reasons. This will go live at some point after the project finishes.
Q: Will the add ons be available after the Kickstarter finishes? A: Yes. Though Kickstarter will be the cheapest way to get the add ons, these will be made more widely available at a slight price increase after the campaign ends.
Q: I couldn’t back the Kickstarter due to payment issues. Can I use Paypal / other methods? A: We believe PledgeManager will be able to integrate the wider payment methods, including Paypal, for those who couldn’t back with a card. This is TBC. Longer term, this will be an option on goodomenshq.com when it opens as the official merch store.
Q: Shipping is charged after. Why do we not have the final numbers yet? A: We’ve been working across the campaign to bring estimates down further; the page will have new numbers as we have them pre-31 Aug, however we will be working over the coming months to get the best price for backers worldwide once the weights are locked in. Our goal is to get the best value for supporters and not overcharge by locking in this early.
Q: If it will all be available later, what difference is there in backing the Kickstarter? A: All backers get an individual discount code for the Good Omens HQ merch store when it opens in the future, so you can get money off further items. We’ve got some fun things that we’re planning to do via backer updates post-campaign too. More on that… later. You’ll still get plenty of ineffable joy either way though!
Q: Is there anywhere I can sign up for updates? A: Yes! Good Omens HQ will have a mailing list. You can sign up here.
Get yours here!
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ep1-darkblue · 2 months
the other day someone asked me why i love the osemanverce so much and what makes it so special to me
i really didn't know how to explain my love for this in a way someone who didn't really knew it would undersad
but i've thought about it a lot and so i'll explain it to you all
first of all maybe it isn't this way for other people but the amound of openly queer people in heartstopper isn't really realistic compared to my school and the people i know irl but that's already one thing i love so much about it, heartstopper makes it look realistic and makes people believe that it one day can be like that, i believe all the alice oseman books and heartstopper help people trough their comming out progress and other hard times in their lives
also the cast of heartstopper and all of alice's books are so suppotive and the representation of so many diffrend kinds of people makes everyone feel so seen and understood
and the osemanverce ofcourse brings people all over the world together trough social media and heartstopper events, you meet new people and learn new things because of the osemanverce and all the heartstopper fans out there
it's also beautiful how kind and understanding the osemanverse characters are and i truly believe real osemanverse fans all strive to be as sweet and understanding as those characters, maybe it even makes us osemanverse fans better persons when we stop juging people so fast and stop commenting on peoples clotes and we start sieng the beauty in every human we see because we know osemanverce characters would do that as well, i think that's something i miss in my other friends that don't know or really like alice's work they still say that what people wear is "ugly" when it's something they wouldn't wear or something that doesn't fit the fasion standarts and they still judge people by thier looks, sexuality or gender somethimes
what brings us to another reason for me to love the osemanverce i just want the kind of friendship the osemanverce characters have, and it makes me happy to see that many people online all believe friendships like those from the paris squad still exist, friendships without judging or hating and all that stuff that is "normal" in nowdays friendships
also it's just written really beautiful and alice oseman and all the other people working on everything that has something to do with the osemanverce are beautiful human biengs
haha thank you if your still reading and i hope you understand what i mean, have a great day or night xx
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bethaven · 6 months
#22 Heartstopper
Plot: Nick and Charlie get placed together at form in school and immediately - sparks. Charlie's unsure if Nick likes him back, or even if he's non-straight. Nick on the other hand, get very confused about these new feelings. Meeting, falling in love and being out turns out to be more complicated than they could've ever imagined. But it's the love story of the century and together with supportive friends and family they can overcome anything. We also get to follow their friends and family in their own endeavours, like the relationships between Tao and Elle and Tara and Darcy as well as Isaac's ace-journey.
Years: 2022-
Seasons: 2 (season three arriving in 2024)
My story: There's so much to say here, but I'll try to keep it short. I discovered Heartstopper shortly after the first season had arrived to Netflix. It fast became one of my favourites and led to a few rewatches over the first year. But I didn't move further into the fandom just yet. When season 2 dropped I'd been longing for it all summer. I'd had a rough year with chaos at work combined with both my grandfathers passing away within two months. I'd been keeping myself distracted with travelling all summer, but then suddenly there were no distractions left. My mental health spiraled. The only thing that kept me afloat was Heartstopper. I watched all episodes everyday for about two months. I read the comics over and over. I went deep into the Osemanverse and I read books, which I normally never do. I got into tumblr. All of it kind of became my saving. And I owe it all to Alice Oseman.
Teachable moments: For me Heartstopper teaches us primarily about how love is always just love, in whichever form it comes in. Wheither it's platonic, romantic or other types of love, wheither it's the love you feel for your partner or the love you feel for friends and family - they're all valid and important.
Best character: Even though I love them all, I've always had a soft spot for Charlie. There's so many layers of him and I am really looking forward to how the rest of his journey will be portrayed on screen. He has the biggest heart and is so much stronger than he thinks.
Best episode: "Boyfriend" (S1E8). I love how this episode start at the deep end and ends on a high note. Nick's speach and their kiss in the corridor together with the beach trip just makes this perfect. A big runner up is "Truth/Dare" (S2E6), not the least for Tara and Darcy's story and growth.
Best quote: "I think there's this idea that when you're not straight you have to tell all your friends and family immediately, like you owe it to them. But you don't." (Charlie to Nick) This line has really helped me in my own journey about sexuality/attractions.
Fun fact: It'd be hard to find a fun fact that the Heartstopper fandom didn't already know (even though it might be true for all the series in this calendar). But for the not so initiated it'd be fun to know that Joe Locke, who plays Charlie, got the role through an open audition and this is his first time acting professionally. In 2024 he'll be both in a new Marvel series (which, in a parallel universe is quite funny since Charlie doesn't like Marvel) and do his Broadway debut in Sweeny Todd.
If you like this you might also like: Young Royals, Skins, Tales of the City, Skam and Atypical.
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(Heartstopper is the adaptation of Alice Oseman's webcomic and books. Volume 5 was just released and volume 6 will be the last one. The webcomic is normally released three times a month, but will now be on a hiatus for about six months, until Alice have some volume 6 stuff to share. Also check out the novellas Nick and Charlie and This winter as well as Alice's novels Solitaire (where the story about Nick and Charlie started), Radio Silence, I was born for this and Loveless. She has also written and created the Netflix series.)
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pieandpaperbacks · 6 months
Top 10 books of 2023
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My favourite books of 2023, in no particular order:
A House With Good Bones - T. Kingfisher I was so disappointed when this didn’t win the goodreads choice awards for horror of the year. It’s so creepy and unsettling but in a uniquely T. Kingfisher way that somehow manages to still be funny and kind of cozy.
Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett Of all the Discworld books I read this year, this one was definitely my favourite. I feel like Pratchett started to find his stride in this one, which I noticed more reading chronologically. Also it’s a spoof of Macbeth, and I’m a sucker for anything with Macbeth jokes.
The Bone Season (10th Anniversary Revised Edition) - Samantha Shannon I’ve loved the Bone Season series ever since I binged it in 2021, but the first book always fell a little flat for me. This revised edition fixed all the problems I had with the original. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a really unique fantasy/dystopia.
A Day of Fallen Night - Samantha Shannon I love Priory of the Orange Tree, so I was a little hesitant about a prequel, but ADOFN somehow managed to surpass Priory. It’s a  perfect high fantasy that spans many countries and characters, and features multiple sapphic characters, as well as bisexual, asexual, and other queer folks. This was my absolute favourite book of the year.
Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg One of the most important queer novels of the last 50 years. So glad I read this.
Tell Me I'm An Artist - Chelsea Martin This book found me at just the right time. It asks what it means to be an artist, and explores the intersections between the art world and privilege, and looks at the age old question; what is art?
Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir I am so late to the Locked Tomb hype, and I can’t believe it took me this long to pick up Gideon the Ninth! The Locked Tomb is quickly becoming one of my favourite fantasy series.
Heartstopper Volume 5 - Alice Oseman I waited all year for this instalment of the Heartstopper series to come out, and I devoured it in one day. Alice Oseman's work is always beautiful and heartfelt, and Volume 5 of Heartstopper is no exception.
The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson I dipped my toes into Sanderson's work for the first time this year, and I started with the Mistborn series. While the prose is not the most complex, the characters and setting are what truly drew me in. So far, The Well of Ascension is my favourite of the trilogy.
Nettle and Bone - T. Kingfisher I read six T. Kingfisher books this year, with the first one being Nettle and Bone, and it's still one of my favourites. A weird dark fairytale with goblin markets, a quest to kill a prince, grave witches, an evil puppet, and a chicken possessed by a demon. What else could you want?
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retrieve-the-kraken · 10 months
Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
It can’t be over! It can’t be! How long will it be before my next dose of serotonin? Although rewatching helps, absolutely, but my god, that cliffhanger! Those last moments of the episode just leave you yearning for more. More Paris Squad, more in-depth looks into their individual stories, more Nick & Charlie, more more MORE!
I’m glad that Alice Oseman is already hard at work on the season 3 script. I hope they’re as inspired as ever.
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- Baby Queen’s “Colours of you” makes an appearance/comeback. I don’t know, but I feel like a lot of people said that it was about how Nick makes Charlie feel, how his world is black and white until Nick comes into his life (I don’t know if maybe Baby Queen said that), but to me it was always more the other way around: that Nick’s life was very black and white until he met Charlie, because not only did he realize he liked Charlie, but he also realized this whole other part of himself, in the form of the colors of the rainbow (queer pride).
- Comments to Nick’s post coming out as bi are a a mix of joyful and shocked but a few awful people just taking up space too.
- Charlie saying that his life is perfect right now and that everything’s perfect, whilst Nick knows it’s not, because Charlie still has an eating disorder, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
- “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” “Is that a serious question?” Love them.
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- Tara and Sahar, I hope you’ve learned your lesson: never ever take part in an organization committee.
- I was weirded out by the fact that they included prom in the show, since I thought there was no high school prom in the UK. It just seems like such an American/gringo thing (we have prom in my country, but it’s nothing like the gringo prom… mine was so weird and lame). But it turns out that they do have it in the UK now, likely made popular by all the classic teen dramas and rom coms that take place in high schools from the United States. But since it wasn’t in the comic either, I still thought it was a strange addition at first. However, the whole group dynamic made it work.
- Coach Singh coaxing Mr Ajayi to text Mr Farouk… that whole interaction was so precious…
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- People just openly coming up to Nick and Charlie to ask if it’s true that they’re dating. Children, it’s none of your business, you don’t even know them…
- The conversation between Tao and Nick, Tao’s face as Nick mentions that Charlie is still affected by the bullying… poor Tao, he really didn’t mean for that to happen, that’s why he’s so protective of Charlie. And Nick’s face when Tao mentions his dad dying, like he’s really surprised that Tao is opening up to him. “Didn’t know about your dad…” “Don’t be weird about it.” “I’ll try.” “Good.”
- And their faces when they both realize that neither knows how bad the bullying was, because Charlie hasn’t opened up to either of them completely about it.
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- And Nick and Charlie both looking so handsome in their suits, and being so gaga for each other. “I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend…” “You look… sooo… goooood! YOU LOOK SOOOO GOOD!” My favorite thing about this new season is that I’ve lost count of how many times Nick can’t resist the urge to pick up Charlie. I’m making a montage.
- “And a big public appearance as a couple… that’s definitely what we want?” Nick knows how much the attention might overwhelm Charlie. But Charlie’s not thinking about that, he’s trying to focus on the good part, the fact that he has an amazing boyfriend, that they can be together without hiding now.
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- Darcy watching sourly as a mother picks up and comforts her small child, indicating that her bad relationship with her mother is not a new thing, her mother has never been nurturing or comforting or loving. And of course, how is Darcy supposed to know how to love someone if she has never been shown love in her entire life?
- Best scene ever: Elle’s dad being a ten feet tall burly man, pretending to be intimidating but then laughing it off. Will Gao’s awkward nervous laugh sends me.
- His reaction to Elle’s whole look. “You look… you… you’re so… Hello…” He’s so smitten.
- Seriously, Tao and Elle being the hottest, most stylish couple at the prom. Tara’s dress, though, is my absolute favorite.
- Tao and Elle being silly and cute for photos, and the four original friends taking a cheesy studio photo together. Love them.
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- “I can’t believe Nick’s showing off his boyfriend, but none of you managed to bring a girl!” How does Harry manage to say something ‘nice’ and still make it sound like bullying? AAAND you didn’t bring a girl either, Harry, so what’s your deal??? He’s just loudly seeking attention. Where’s Tao when you need him to shut Harry down with a snarky comeback??
- The boys teasing Nick about being the first one in a relationship, like it’s no big deal. But my favorite was Christian going “I could get a girlfriend, how about Tara Jones?” Awww, has he genuinely liked Tara this whole time, or was she the first one that came to his mind? (I think he genuinely didn’t remember she’s a lesbian).
- Tara’s “How do you talk to someone about something they don’t want to talk about?” And Nick realizing that that’s what’s happening with Charlie. “Maybe you just have to try, even if it doesn’t work”. They both have to go for it. I love their friendship.
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- Baby Queen‼!
- The dance routine, Elle and Tao living their best movie sequence.
- The little neon butterflies as Elle tells Tao she wants to go to Lambert, and he tells her that he knows. Yes he knows, and he knows that it will make him happy to see Elle happy, even if that means letting her go. He has to overcome his fear of abandonment. He’s not being abandoned, they’re just growing up.
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- THE ACE BOOK. Give it to mee‼! Isaac is looking for an identity. And I love that it cuts to James enjoying himself too, and Tori being content by herself at a table. I hope we get more of Tori’s story in future Heartstopper seasons (and the comic too).
- And the teachers are going on an actual date!
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- I don’t know what that meant, Imogen getting sort of misty-eyed looking up at Sahar playing. Maybe she’s realizing that she might have feelings for her, but my interpretation is that, since Imogen claimed that she needed to focus on herself, and since the whole season she has seemed pretty lonely, and we find out that she and Sahar used to be friends until Imogen got a boyfriend and they stopped talking to each other (regardless of who stopped first), and because Sahar revealed that she was bi and Imogen got caught unawares and thought maybe she should have known that, that Imogen’s reaction was more of a wanting to rekindle that friendship. As we saw with Tao and Charlie, and maybe now even Nick and Tao, friendships and platonic relationships are given the same importance in Heartstopper as romantic ones. Not all stares mean romance. And Imogen is looking for friends right now. (Although if it does lead to romance, I wouldn’t be mad about it… and who can deny the Lesbian Lighting??? Maybe Imogen IS into girls after all…) “Youuu, soft and lonely…”
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- Isaac getting his heartstopper moment when he holds the book to his chest. YES ISAAC!
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- Charlie asserting himself and asking Nick if they can leave, because he’s tired and uncomfortable of people staring and pointing. Everyone’s been so nice to their face about them coming out as a couple, but that doesn’t mean that Charlie’s not going to be worried about someone saying something nasty to either him or Nick, and it doesn’t mean that he’s not possibly going to have horrible flashbacks to being bullied. And Nick once again realizing that he doesn’t care about parties, he just wants to be with Charlie.
- Seriously, Sarah needs to adopt Darcy, replace David.
- Why would Darcy’s mum see Tara in her dress and think “oh no, a door-to-door salesperson?” She clearly doesn’t want to deal with anyone, but maybe even worse, she just wants to quickly get rid of a black girl standing at her doorstep.
- “She had another one of her tantrums last night.” Like this is typical and so it’s not a big deal that she has no idea where her daughter is…
- Group hug to heal my soul.
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- “I wanted to be that person for you…” My heart. Tara and Darcy finally talking. “You’ve only seen half of my life.” “And now i’ve seen the other half, and I still love you.” “Are you sure? Because I’m a literal disaster.” “Oh I know.” That is so sweet. And Darcy practicing saying I love you until it feels normal and natural. So joyful.
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- By the way, only Heartstopper can get me to listen to Taylor Swift. No offense to all the Swifties (including Patrick Watson), I love your love for Taylor, but I really don’t get it, her music just doesn’t get to me. Admittedly that song was nice for this moment. But that’s about it. But anyway… don’t come at me. I just prefer Baby Queen and Orla Gartland and beabadobee and Carly Rae Jepsen and Gabrielle Aplin and Wolf Alice and Carmody and girl in red much more in this soundtrack. AND THAT WASIA PROJECT SONG‼ Weeping‼
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- I love how warm and sweet everyone in the group is to each other. Look at Tao and Nick hugging! Look at how Nick and Tara and Darcy are as much a part of the group as if they had been there for as long as the other four have been tight. Everyone deserves a friend group like that.
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- I love that they included that bit from the little comic answering fan questions, where Nick realizes that maybe he’s had a crush on a boy before.
- “Now your turn”. Nick really wants Charlie to be able to open up to him, about anything. Charlie deflects, as always, and says that they don’t need to talk about it because everything’s fine, but the truth is he doesn’t want to talk about it, he doesn’t want to deal with those feelings. But if he never does, he’s just never going to move past that. And Nick wants to help him, even if it’s hard, even if it’s painful, he wants to understand. “You don’t have to be perfect with me.” Charlie just shrinking into himself…
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- That whole conversation, it was an impeccable performance from Joe and Kit, and I’m crying again… Nick can’t even fathom that anyone would call this beautiful boy disgusting, and he can’t even fathom the pain that would cause Charlie to hurt himself, he doesn’t even know what to do… but he’s there, he’ll be there, and he wants Charlie to know how much he cares about him. It’s so soft, the hugs, the soft voices, the kiss on the forehead, the tearful kiss, and telling him how much he loves everything about him…
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- Serial hoodie thief.
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- That deep sigh… that terrified look…
- Spoiler alert: Charlie doesn’t send the text… of course not… he quickly realizes that he wouldn’t just say that for the first time over text… he wants to really mean it.
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This episode is brought to you by TIPTOE KISSES™.
Looking forward to next season:
- Sara and Nick’s talk at the beach in Menorca. It will destroy me, but it will be worth it.
- The ‘I love you’ shower scene, and subsequent street chase.
- The beach, and Nick and Charlie both blushing when Charlie’s putting sunscreen on Nick’s back.
- More from The Teachers™ ‼
- I’m not ready for Charlie writing the note to read to his parents… I’ll never be ready… I’ll weep until I’m out of tears…
- Charlie possibly speaking Spanish… listen Joe, Kit had to learn French, Spanish is NOTHING compared to that, you’ll be fine.
- In the comic, after Charlie faints, there’s that funny moment when Nick says “Charlie, I’m not gonna start acting like I’m your doctor and you’re my patient… *seductive smirk* *eyebrow wiggle* unless you’re into that…” “SHUT UP!” I need this moment, I need it so bad…
- More about Elle’s family, please. I already love her parents. More about all the families, really.
- More Tori, hopefully.
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read-and-write- · 5 months
Get to know me, double edition
Two tag games running around at the same time so I'm copying some people and doing both at the same time, and for the people who tagged me in one, this is your tag for the other.
Thanks to @myheartalivewrites @happiness-of-the-pursuit @littlemisskittentoes @heybuddy-drabbles @suseagull04 @14carrotghoul for tagging me in this! I finally did it!
There's two versions of this so this is a double tag game, reduce, reuse, recycle and all that, answers under the cut
First Set
Last song: María La Curandera - Natalia Lafourcade
Last film: I can't remember which basically tells you everything you need to know about how many movies I actually watch
Currently reading: Gideon the Ninth bt Tamsyn Muir, and I'm rereading Loveless by Alice Oseman because I want to anotate the physical book that i got half a year ago
Currently watching: Interview with the Vampire, I'm in episode 6 and seriously considering just putting all my tbr aside to read the novel
Currently consuming: Chocolate Ice Cream and a cheese sandwich (✨girl dinner✨)
Currently craving: This specific fries with pulled pork and cream cheese and BBQ sauce from this specific place that are bomb every single time.
Next Set
1. Were you named after anyone?
My great-grandfather, Manuel
2. When was the last time you cried?
On friday my cat needed to get surgery done, needless to say I cried more than once during that day.
3. Do you have kids?
i am just a baby (no)
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did Artistic Roller Skating for a long time, branched out to Figure Skating for like two months but tropical country couldn't keep up and went back to my roots until around two years ago when I started having Adult Schedules for Work. I have also done Gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, and also suffer the "everything I say sounds serious" sindrome
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Hair generally, if we are speaking in Spanish, accent.
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown that leans to black.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I am a coward and proud.
9. Any talents?
I am very good at knowing things, I am a fun fact girlie, if you have a random question ask me because 8 times out of 10 I have the answer, if I don't just give me 2 minutes and I'll have it.
And I also sing.
10. Where were you born?
Medellín ✨en la playa con la oriental✨ if this means something to you seamos amiguitos
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, singing, spending my money in silly little gadgets, walking around a mall just looking (o lolear, my mom would call it)
12. Do you have any pets?
My soulmate, best friend and child, a cat named Iglesia.
13. How tall are you?
1,56m or for my american friends 5'1
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Spanish, Art and Philosohpy, long ago the four nations lived together in harmony-
I was indeed a humanities nerd.
15. Dream job?
Right now? mantenida, now if I had to chose and ignore if it's possible or not I'd love to work in the production crew of Doctor Who or any other big fiction TV Show, turning your hyperfixations into profit and all that.
OKAY now tagging some people, no pressure y'all, if you have already done it I apologize @raysletters @ssmtskw @rmd-writes @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @firenati0n @anincompletelist
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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inmyarmswrappedin · 11 months
Some thoughts on Heartstopper s2:
Overall, I liked Tara and Darcy's arc, but I wish it had been set up better. I got the impression in s1 that Tara and Darcy have been dating forever, maybe even since they were like 13-14, and I just can't believe that the ilu issue hadn't come up yet. Particularly on a show like this when even platonic friends will say ilu to each other all the time. I think a better way to set up the sl would've been:
show Tara saying ilu to Darcy without expecting reciprocation, portrayed like it's something she does all the time.
show Tara longingly watching Nick and Charlie saying ilu to each other.
have Tara say ilu to Darcy now with the hope/expectation that Darcy will say it back.
everything else takes place exactly as it did on the show.
Similarly, I loved Tao and Elle's arc. I was really looking forward to their getting together after s1, and throughout the season I was 😍😍😍😍. I just didn't connect with Elle's mood after the movie date. I guess I myself would've been disappointed, but not to that extent, and so that part didn't work for me.
While I'm glad that Imogen will be wlw (more in a sec), a part of me wishes she hadn't been just to compare the way people reacted to her character in s1 vs s2. Because really, Imogen acted exactly the same in both seasons (it was the way the dude treated her that changed), but I can't imagine people would have the same reactions towards her with Nick vs towards her with Ben.
I do hope Imogen will be a lesbian, mostly because of the lesbian lighting. That being said, I wish it was Sahar who got the self-discovery arc. In the end though, I want a wlw to get the Heartstopper self-discovery arc, and I look forward to whatever happens with Imogen (and Sahar!).
I was also looking forward to Isaac's arc and it didn't disappoint. I think Isaac is the first explicitly ace character (maybe also aro?) with a self-discovery arc I've watched, and I was really interested in how it was going to be portrayed. I love Isaac's actor's smile, I think he's so cute.
Olivia Colman put her whole pussy into that family dinner scene, whew! Nick's mom's role wasn't that large, but she stole the show with her facial expressions and her whole "I just don't know wtf is wrong with this man!" attitude.
I feel sorry for Ben despite his whole evil Mark Owen thing, but I also like that Alice Oseman chose not to redeem him. I am mighty tired of bullies and abusers getting half baked redemption arcs (hi Druck s7 and s8), and it's plausible for Ben to just not be there yet. I think Heartstopper as a comic and show has people being lovely more often than not. So I think it's a brave choice not to redeem Ben, and let us give him a happier ending in our mind if we so wish.
And on that note I really appreciate that Heartstopper allows its characters to call out bullies, abusers, bad parents, and tells its audiences they don't have to forgive bad treatment if they don't want to. For a show that's been so criticized for being wholesome (i.e. sexless) and, for that reason, not ~challenging~ enough, I think allowing its characters not to forgive is actually a subtly subversive choice. I think just about any other teen show would've made Charlie allow his former bullies into the party because the ringleader had been a bit nicer in the Eiffel Tower. Imo it's details like that that show an actually queer person is behind the show, compared to the shows produced, written or directed by straight people.
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lesbian-lady-bird · 9 months
I wanted to share some things that I’ve learned and some advice for my fellow allosexual people who are dating asexual people. I haven’t seen anything from this perspective before, and I hope it can helps someone! It’s all based on my personal opinions and experiences. CW for mentions of sex (nothing explicit).
1. Communication is essential! Communication matters in every relationship, but especially when you don’t have the same orientation as your partner. You can’t assume anything about a person’s boundaries based on the asexual label. It’s a spectrum and everyone has their own preferences. Some aces like sex, others are indifferent, and others are repulsed by it. It’s very important to talk to each other about what your likes, dislikes, and boundaries are and to never pressure them into doing something they don’t want to do. If you’re confused about something, just ask them.
2. You don’t owe anybody information about your relationship. If your partner is openly ace, people might ask you intrusive questions about your relationship, how it “works,” and whether you and your partner have sex. You don’t have to explain anything! If you feel uncomfortable talking about it, just say that you’re uncomfortable and that it’s between you and your partner. People can just be creeps sometimes and it has nothing to do with you. If they’re genuinely curious, Google is free.
3. Learn about the different types of intimacy. If you and your partner both like physical touch but they’re not into sex, there are so many other ways to be physically intimate. Cuddling, kissing, hugging, giving each other massages, holding hands, there are so many possibilities! You can separately write “yes/no/maybe” lists about different activities and then compare them. Intimacy can also be an emotional connection that doesn’t involve physical contact. Deep conversations and spending quality time together can build emotional intimacy.
4. Fuck social norms!! As long as you and your partner are both happy, other people’s opinions don’t matter. Not caring about what other people think is much easier said than done, but you’ll be unhappy if you let cultural ideas about how relationships and sex “should be” get to your head.
5. Do your own research. Look up YouTube videos about asexuality, follow ace educators on social media, read about ace people. I like Yasmin Benoit, Rowan Ellis, and Ace Dad Advice. I’ve also heard good things about the nonfiction book Ace by Angela Chen but I haven’t read it yet. Loveless by Alice Oseman is a good novel about an aroace character written by an aroace author.
6. Reassure them that they are enough. Some, not all, ace people are insecure about their orientation. If your partner is insecure, remind them that you love and accept them exactly as they are!
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the-forest-library · 1 year
December 2022 Reads
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Two Wrongs Make a Right - Chloe Liese
Never Rescue a Rogue - Virginia Heath
The Wedding Season - Katy Birchall
Twice in a Lifetime - Melissa Baron
Well Traveled - Jen Deluca
In the Event of Love - Courtney Kae
Duke, Actually - Jenny Holiday
So This Is Christmas - Jenny Holiday
The Gentleman’s Book of Vices - Jess Everlee
The Belle of Belgrave Square - Mimi Matthews
Golden Boys - Phil Stamper
Seasparrow - Kristin Cashore
Paladin of Souls - Lois McMaster Bujold
Hogfather - Terry Pratchett
The Future of Work - Martha Wells
The Heartstopper Yearbook - Alice Oseman
Unfamiliar - Haley Newsome
Poetry for Kids: Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson
The Cat Who Came in from Off the Roof - Annie M.G. Schmidt
Know My Name - Chanel Miller
Still Just a Geek - Wil Wheaton
The Myth of Normal - Gabor Mate
The World Record Book of Racist Stories - Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar
Inciting Joy - Ross Gay
Stay True - Hua Hsu
The Comfort Book - Matt Haig
How to Decide - Annie Duke
Smitten Kitchen Keeper - Deb Perelman
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
I was absolutely blown away by Know My Name and wish I had made time to get to is sooner. Enraging, but also spirit filling. 
Paladin of Souls was my first Lois McMaster Bujold book, but I’ll be looking into more of her books in the future. If you want a middle-aged female protagonist going on a fantasy adventure, this could be the book for you.
Goodreads Goal: 404/400 (I am stunned by this number. As I said before, I’m hoping to have the energy to do something other than listen to audiobooks in 2023 and will be happy to see this number not as high at the end of the year.)
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads |
2022 Reads
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burningdarkfire · 4 months
books i read in feb 2024
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[these are all short + casual reviews - feel free to ask about individual ones if u want my full thoughts or ask for my goodreads!!] 
great pace for february! i'm in the complete opposite of a reading slump where i'm loving everything that i read, which is so enjoyable 🤗
mammoths at the gates - nghi vo ★★★★★ (fantasy novella)
a tender, thoughtful exploration of grief with great clarity of vision. i've loved every single instalment in this series!
heartstopper vol. 5 - alice oseman ★★★★★ (YA romance graphic novel)
lovely reread! i definitely enjoyed the volume over reading them online. i love how cute and charming and fun the whole comic is while still tackling serious topics with considerable weight
[REREAD] the song of achilles - madeline miller ★★★★★ (mythology retelling)
the audiobook makes such a tremendous difference in elevating this book! i gave it 3* as a paper read years ago and would probably still stand by that, but frazer douglas is working miracles
bride - ali hazelwood ★★★★☆ (contemporary romantasy)
super fun if you're into basic vampire-werewolf type of shit, and i am extremely into basic vampire-werewolf type of shit, so!
last night at the telegraph club - malinda lo ★★★★☆ (historical romance)
sometimes a book just tickles your personal fancy, and i think this is one of those. the writing was bold at parts and tastefully understated in others. it's delightful in its immigrant chinese-ness and touching in its queerness
seven ways we lie - riley redgate ★★★★☆ (YA contemporary)
solid look into the types of isolation we experience as teenagers in high school. it's pitched as gimmicky but easily transcends that into something surprisingly thoughtful
patron saints of nothing - randy ribay ★★★★☆ (YA contemporary)
idk if this is a "good" book about the sociopolitical issue at its heart, but it tackles with a lot of grace a very teenage reaction to a sense of powerlessness. it's also a hilariously cathartic book about a guy getting drastically humbled on every other page
greywaren - maggie stiefvater ★★★★☆ (fantasy)
i didn't reread the series before this finale so it's hard to judge it fairly, but it felt like a clumsy landing. i liked parts of it, but i found other parts of it totally forgettable or overwrought to no effect
balzac and the little chinese seamstress - dai sijie ★★★★☆ (historical)
reads almost pastoral, with its small scale and everyday concerns. a neat glimpse into a life under the cultural revolution, but nothing particularly unique or stirring
[DNF] a magic steeped in poison - judy i. lin ★★★☆☆ (YA fantasy)
giving up on this book after three tries. it's a completely standard YA fantasy and i think people who have an appetite for stories like this would enjoy it, but it's not for me
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queerauntie · 1 year
An Alice Oseman Celebration
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They're iconic, they're exponentially blowing up, and they have an adorable tv show based on their comic book series, people of tumblr we gotta talk about Alice Oseman!
Alice Oseman is an impeccable writer and a beautiful artist. I have followed Alice as an author for some years now, my best friend had me read Radio Silence years ago, maybe 2016, so I have always known about Oseman's works and supported them from a distance. Now that books are calling my name, it only felt right to finally read their collection!
A major reason why I got through so many books in October was that I had accepted a full-time job with a huge commute. So at 2x speed. I was getting through hours of stories a day. Another reason why I read so much was because of the level of stress this job provided, my brain was desperate for distraction and to focus on anything other than what I was facing. Oseman was truly a safe space to get away from all of those stressors and root for these adorable protagonists.
So as I mentioned, I had read Radio Silence years ago, but because of ADHD memory, I couldn't remember any of it. So jumping in was like deja vu but without any of the spoilers, it was awesome! I fell in love with Frances all over again, the friendship between her and Aled was so magical. Finding your bestie just when you need them is such a gift. We don't see enough romances like this, falling in love with your bestie and being able to experience that intimacy free of judgment and cishet norms. Radio Silence really was that book. I love my nerd babies!!
This Winter was so precious, Nick and Charlie are angels and I knew them well at this point. I haven't included Heartstopper on my books read mostly because I can't remember when I read it, but also because I did see the show before I read the comic. But when I saw this in Libby and available now instead of a huge hold, I was so excited for a whole novel on Nick and Charlie! Well, that's what I get for not checking the length because I was not prepared for a short story. I started it on the way home and the timing couldn't have been funnier, the audible credits started going as soon as I pulled into the driveway. I thought surely it was an error that skipped forward but nope, it was a teasing little taste and that is all. It was very adorable though, and I love how Nick and Charlie get to be spread out throughout Oseman's works.
Loveless!!! I don't know how one picks a favorite Oseman book, but Loveless might win for mine. It's a beautiful story of a young woman off at university, who begins to struggle with the idea of relationships and the definition of "Love". Like many people who've attended college or uni, her story is one we can all relate to. Being in a new environment where even the familiar feel strange, and being forced to navigate a million new variables all at once. It's a scary time and Alice Oseman does a great job sharing those emotions through their characters and their respective journeys. This book helped me figure out some things about myself even, looking back on it now. Anyone looking to feel a little less lost in the chaos of the world, I recommend this book!
Solitaire! Oh, how it gave me muscle aches in my eyebrows from all my concern for Tori. It was kind of perfect, reading this book as a late twenty-something, a decade away from my teenage experience. I was able to read the story from a true third party and not feel caught up in Tori's spirals, but have empathy and hold space for that part of me that felt just as helpless, just as unlovable, just as stupid. The story is really fun, there's a big mystery and a really kind boy who simply won't let her push him away. Persistent love is exactly what Tori needs in her life, and this story is her journey to figuring out that she deserves it. I really enjoyed this book, but mostly, I just really really love Tori Spring.
The timing of when I read these books in October could not have been better because "I Was Born For This" came out in the US right at the end of October! This was not a book I could wait for through the library either, so luckily I still had credits from an earlier audible subscription I forgot to cancel! The day it came out was the day I started it and it only took a couple days to finish, it was amazing. At it's core, it's a perfect Oseman book. The characters are beautifully thought out, the conflict is masterfully constructed, and the stakes are just perfectly measured. I absolutely loved this story and I can't imagine a more relevant story for the times. With parasocial relationships on the rise, a story like this is really important for young people and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a taught text someday. I would certainly recommend it to any young person I know!
That wraps up my Alice Oseman appreciation post! I know I didn't mention a couple books, but that's because I haven't read them yet! So if you're a fan of "Heartstoppers" or "Nick and Charlie" keep an eye out because I'll definitely be getting back around to them this year!
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rainbow-universe · 2 years
This is random but do you have any favorite aro characters in media? Or characters who give you aro vibes?
No pressure!!
Ack! Oooooh good question!
Ok so idk many canon aro characters (which is sad there needs to be more and i am finding more but alas we have not met yet) but i do know some!! as for headcanoning, honestly i need to headcanon more characters as aro lol. disclaimer,, i went around looking at other peoples headcanons and agreed with them and now i share them with you :)) but also like for these characters i just have vibes and no explanation, solely going off what headcanons i saw that made me go “oooh yes” with no solid reasoning
Jughead Jones from the Archie Comics: an iconic aroace
Yelena Belova from the Marvel Comics: is canonically aroace afaik so go her, she’s fantastic
Georgia Warr from Loveless (Alice Oseman): is aroace!! 😭😭 her story devastated me in its relatability but it’s fantastic and i love her
Gwen from An Accident of Stars (Foz Meadows): an alloaro in a polyamorous relationship and has a kid. It’s canonically mentioned offhandedly but it’s NOT Her Entire Personality™️ !! Plus she’s a kickass character (And the whole book is filled with polyamory!!) i love Gwen, she’s a really cool character
Garfield: i saw it. i liked it. fuck yah
Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia: yes. why not. yes. i saw the headcanon and just,, agreed with i.
Saiki K: haven’t watched the anime or read the manga but it’s on my list and therefore so is he. why not
Elatsoe from Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger): canonically ace, not stated that she’s aro BUT THERE WAS A MOMENT WHEN A FRIEND OF HERS WAS LIKE “you can bring a friend or a zucchini” or something AND I SQUEED BC QPR’S FOR THE WIN !! that little mention made me really happy. anyways yah she could totally be arospec
Bruce Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: i mean,,, the fact that im pretty sure he’d never give up being Batman for anyone, like sure he’ll have relationships and w/e but like,, idk it makes sense to me
Damian Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: yes. aro or arospec Damian just makes sense for some reason. i would also go as far as saying arospec Jason Todd as well ….
Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia: aspec Bakugou just,, i love aspec Bakugou. it just makes sense to me. and i love it.
Todoroki Shouto from My Hero Academia: yes. he just has them aro/arospec vibes tbh
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Natasha Romanoff from the MCU: ive heard this before and i agree w aro or arospec Natasha. just yes.
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Bruce Banner from the MCU: yes. not to mention the Hulk is green 👀 we love aro colours (and his purple shirts?? aroACE vibes !! 👀)
Loki from the MCU: absolutely. have y’all seen the amount of green he wears? and just his vibes. yes.
Tony Stark from the MCU: ya know now that im thinking about it, he’s got aro vibes.
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The Doctor from Doctor Who: yes. never watched Doctor Who but i did read that one tumblr post about aro characters being passionate about their interests and i loved the headcanons from it so The Doctor makes the list
Enjorlas from Les Misérables: from that same post so yes
Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim: again the same post, and yes i see it (kaiju!!)
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Sherlock Holmes: as much as i love Johlock as a ship, aro or arospec Sherlock just Makes Sense™️ (and can still work with Johnlock heh)
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Elsa from Frozen: aroace or wlw (or both 👀)
Merida from Brave: yes. totally aro. i love her.
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Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire: from that one post lol. (and like,,, yes. yes.)
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty: aroace icon. (we love villainous aroace’s lol /just as genuine as sarcastic) all that green and purple?? yessssssssss
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Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6: (i need to rewatch this movie lol) i saw headcanons for it and immediately agreed. i love aroace Hiro. it makes sense to me
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Castiel and Dean Winchester from Supernatural: ya know, arospec Cas and arospec Dean just seem to make sense to me. idk why couldn’t tell ya but it does
Luke Skywalker & Rey from Star Wars: they just have aro vibes. even if Rey’s in a polycule w Finn and Poe, she’s still aro or arospec imo
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That one tumblr post in question:
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spideyswebhead · 9 months
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! Tagged by both the lovely @cordeliachasedefense and @theglitterymess, I know you both fairly well but idc. I love tag games lol
Favourite colour: royal blue! always a favorite. Or olive green.
Last song: Look At Us Now (Honeycomb) by Daisy Jones & The Six
Currently reading: Just started Solitaire by Alice Oseman! I'm also reading the first Lord of the Rings book. Others are House of Hades by Rick Riordan and Some Girls Do by Jennifer Dugan.
Last movie: I think it was Howls Moving Castle? I could be wrong.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I switch between sweet and savory!
Currently working on: Some one-shots for my ocxcanon. I'm also outlining a fic for Emmaline and Arthur to write for nanowrimo! While also planning my daily October drawing challenge!
Tagging : @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @bloomstruck @thesinnamonscroll @lucys-chen @stevenhairrington @vxntxque @dancewyou (I can't think of 2 other people lol so anyone who see's, go ahead!)
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