#& wants cis kids to not be able to humanize trans people as people in their community & instead only view trans people as an Other or Issue
drbased · 3 months
Time for another major take-down
This is a Big One. I'm going to analyse I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.
Part 1
Let's get into it. Firstly, the note at the start: I hate how it's become commonplace to write something online - a literal public space, accessible to anyone - and then when criticised immediately back-track and call it 'private' and 'a diary entry'. This applies to radfems on tumblr, or anyone tbh. If you want something to remain private, write it privately.
Correlation, meet causation.
Yeah, there's a reason the phrase 'correlation does not equal cause causation' exists. But this is the primary tool of human narrative-making and exactly why it is so easy for trans-identified people to discover past 'evidence' of their gender. Occam's razor is thrown out because the dull reality feels much less significant than the constructed narrative.
Ever the magical thinker, I tell myself that if I wish out loud one thousand times, I will wake up with long hair in cute pajamas with a different name — and maybe freckles.
One might consider it a minor nitpick, but here lies the primary issue: the gender essentialism that people internalise as children is not discarded as sexist nonsense, but instead the sunk-cost fallacy works its magic. Of course, the author might be using some flowery language to merely evoke the image of 'girl' in the reader's mind - but the mere fact that someone in this culture is able to communicate the exact concept of biological sex by referencing sexed roles/expectations shows just how ingrained these beliefs are in our society.
The next part, at eight years old, is especially sad. Causation and correlation definitely have a rocky relationship here. He describes getting on with mostly women. Something as basic as being friends with and admiring the females in his life is seen as 'proof' of his female identity. But of course, you're a transwoman in the closet. How many of these 'women' you like and admire, are actually women? You say you think divorced, tattooed, Catie's mum is cool - what if that person is actually a man? Or if that feels like a cheap argument, do you think that all these women especially like you, above all other 'boys' your age? Do you think they can tell?
When I ask to sleep over at my friends’ houses, I am told I am not allowed. Boys are not allowed. My friend Caitie’s mother argues about this on the phone with my mother. I realize my mother is not on my side.
No sarcasm here - I don't really get this bit. Did you mean to write that girls are not allowed? Because historically, parents are fine with boys having sleepovers together - it's typically cross-sex sleepovers that parents find an issue with, for all sorts of reasons. Not allowing sleepvers with other boys would be a concern of your mum specifically; nothing to do with gender. And speaking of your mum, your takeaway is that she's not on your side? What a strangely powerful conclusion to come to from one minor thing. Parents give their kids all sorts of weird and stupid rules. She might have her own reasons to not let you go to sleepovers - have you, say, asked her?
I love everything my sister loves, but I will not admit it. I know she and her friends will make fun of me. I know my parents will chastise me and correct me. I am learning the rules, and I am learning that boys liking girl things is a very high stakes issue. I am learning that adults react the same way to my interest in makeup as they do to my interest in matches and lighters.
Oh, you're learning the rules, are you? Did you ever want to un-learn them, maybe question them a bit, at least wonder for a second why the rules are that way? I once asked a trans person in DMs if they'd wondered why certain gendered expectations exist, and they responded 'to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it'. Remember, trans people are supposed to know more about gender than cis people. I've known trans people IRL to obsess over the details of their passing with zero questioning of the status quo. The fact that we're supposed to consider this rhetoric to be truly radical is telling.
As if maybe, by being what I am, I might burn down something very important to them. Something that makes their life more comfortable and easy.
The reason that following gender expectations makes life comfortable and easy for 'cis women' is exactly the same as it is for you: because it means that they don't have to feel angry at the world, that they can accept that everything they learned during childhood is natural and healthy and they don't have to hate their parents, peers and other adults for demanding certain things of them, and now as adults they retain certain 'perks' for conforming. You're only fractionally better because you're rejecting one set of expectations in favour of another - but in another way you're a whole lot worse because you're literally a member of the oppressor class wearing the costume of the oppressed class and thinking that makes you privy to their experiences. You're the one with a privilege so important to you that women's freedom and liberation would burn it down.
I am jealous of my sister’s clothing. One day, home alone after school, I sneak into her room and pull on her Tinkerbell Halloween costume. I slip the elastic straps over my shoulders, then the tights along my legs. It fits.
Ah, the classic. The charitable version of me acknowledges that many trans people have been perfectly willing to admit (especially pre 2016) that they're dysphoric over sex and will accept these surface-level associations purely to help them relieve dysphoria. And I understand that. But this man claimed at the start that correlation = causation, here. And you cannot tell me that everyone who has read this will be thinking as deeply as I am - many people are fully happy to admit that this has nothing to do with sex and entirely to do with gender i.e. gendered roles and expectations. To many people, that Tinkerbell costume is synonymous with 'female'. It makes you wonder why we decided to say that vaginas are female sex organs at all, if gender can be summed up with long hair and cute pyjamas.
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HI bestie happy pride !!!!!!! one quastion do you have any lgbt hcs for tpn that you're particularly fond of? whether they were hard hcs from the beginning or picked up from others,, give me yuor thoughts <3
My favorite hard headcanons that will come as a surprise to no one who has spent some time browsing this blog are endgame Norrayemma/REN/NER and Gildayshe, the former of which I'm very fortunate with when it comes to finding art and fic, and the latter not so much because I've never seen it anywhere besides this site. </3 (Thanks for prompting me to finally put together my past!Gildemma → endgame!Gildemma ramble I mentioned months ago. 🧡💚💛) Special shoutout to @frozentothetouch whose art converted me back in 2021 before I made this blog.
I don't have hard gender or sexuality headcanons for the trio for reasons @hanz-xd perfectly articulated here:
i think they'd have a hard time understanding the human world's perception of relationships and their hyper focus on labels. it's not like they really had those things at grace field, or at least, it wasn't important enough for them to care about. no one really called themselves straight, gay, bi, etc. so it's a little confusing for them in the real world. not the concept of these identities, just the need for labels in the first place. emma is kinda like "well i love every body?? why do i need to label that??" i think emma also struggles to understand the pressure of monogamy because again, her heart is so big and so full, she can't possibly imagine containing that love to one single person. especially when she thinks about ray and norman. she doesn't love one of them more than the other, she loves both of them so much. why would she want to force herself to choose when she could just love both of them? [...] but yeah, to summarize, the three of them would be together, but they'd never put labels on their identities, aside from calling each other their boyfriend/girlfriend. that's all it needs to be for them. the most they’ll do is confirm with a simple “yeah i guess” when people ask if they’re polyamorous. like yeah, they are by definition, but they don’t really care about labels. they just love each other in a way that feels right and authentic to them
The trio of my heart 🤍🧡🖤 though if I had to pick some, I'd default to the ones @officersnickers uses in this piece.
Likewise I don't have firm gender headcanons for Gildayshe, but I'm very big on lesbian Gilda, once again thanks to Rain and also to @just-like-playing-tag. I would also say I'm 95% committed to lesbian Ayshe, with the last 5% being my soft spot for Rayshe, though even then she's wlw + Ray doesn't necessarily have to be cis for it to work.
I'm ever so slightly less big on Yuucas but still big on it and a firm believer in the bunkerdads. 🖤❤️ Like many people in the fandom, I also champion gay Lucas and bi Yuugo, though ngl I'm half convinced Shirai included Dina as an afterthought at the suggestion of higher-ups so people wouldn't suspect either was a mlm or "funny" with the kids given how inconsequential Yuuna is to the story. Do love a bi skunk king though. 💖💜💙👑🦨✨
I also love the idea of bi Nat with him leaning toward guys thanks to @puff-poff. Don is pan with a preference toward girls (though you have shown me the light of trans gay Don. 🙏💙💖🤍) I love the thought of him firmly believing in the idea of "finding a cute girl to date" like he talks about in episode 1, only to one day be hit with the mental equivalent of a sack of bricks upon falling hard for a guy. Not in like an angsty way because this is years down the line and he's able to handle his insecurities better, plus he has the support of a large family filled with members of the community and I'd like to think after another world war the human world as a whole is more accepting of this, so there's no shame attached to it. It's more like having it happen and then going in the group chat with something akin to "remember when I said I was a ladies' kind of guy?"
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No one in the Goldy Pond crew or Lambda gang claims cishet, but my favorites for each:
Trans lesbian Violet. I cannot pass up Shirai canonically making her favorite food pickles (noted in the mystic code book). It writes itself.
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Love the thought of Violet taking Gilda under her wing during their search for the Seven Walls when she finds out she had a crush on Emma. (something Violet can relate to lol)
Trans girl Gillian. Feel like this one is less common than trans Violet, but regardless, she's pan and Nigel's bi.
Vincent is gay. M'guy dapper af.
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(Chapter 137)
Cislo is a mlm, though Snickers has kind of converted me to him being aroace.
Barbara is a lesbian. While I'm definitely not opposed to Cherry Bomb, I've recently taken a liking to her and Sonya being a couple. (Sonyara? Is this a thing that I've missed or am I the only potential shipper? I like the idea of Sonya approaching things in a more calm and levelheaded fashion and how that sometimes conflicts with Barbara's more chaotic one, but instead of it resulting in ire, they take it as a playful challenge. Plus I like how Sonya's blues pop next to Barbara's pinks and reds.)
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(Bad mesh of their color pics in the art world book but I work with what I have. </3)
This is already hella long but there was definitely something between Leuvis and Bayon Sr. Also Geelan is a mlm.
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adrinoir · 1 year
Headcanon: Adrien Agreste is Trans? (Part 5)
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Part 5 let’s gooooo!
Wow, so, as I’m going through my own trans journey, I was inspired by some to write another part of this headcanon. I was somehow able to connect Adrien’s character to parts of my own journey. It’s pretty cool!
Here are the other parts of this headcanon if you’d like to read those: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Usual disclaimer: this is just for fun! Obviously cis boys can have these same qualities and traits. Don’t take it too seriously. These are all just things I’ve noticed. Also please keep in mind I haven't watched anything beyond Migration as I’m writing this (I’m using the material I have so far).
CW: mentions of transphobia and abuse
The struggle to envision his future
Trans people can struggle to envision their life in the future due to not having older trans people to look up to. Or they feel so depressed from gender dysphoria or judgement for being trans that it makes it hard for them to see what their future will be like.
We see in Wishmaker, Adrien doesn’t have much of an idea as to what he wants for his future. He told Luka and Marinette that his head feels empty. And, additionally, he said to Ladybug he never had any childhood dreams.
When he’s hit by Wishmaker, he turns into who he is now. I mentioned in part 2 of this headcanon that there’s trauma behind that, and Adrien is trying to be this perfect young man for his parents. However, I want to look at it from a different perspective-
Consider, he turns into himself now - not even an older version of himself with no differences whatsoever, meaning he possibly might not see anything beyond the person he is now. Or (TW here) he didn’t see (or could barely see) a future for himself as a kid because he was so depressed and dysphoric. It’s not uncommon for trans kids to feel like they won’t live to transition. Especially with Adrien, if he is trans, I can only imagine how terrifying it would be for him trying to come out to his parents.
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Or, if he was at first confused by his dysphoria and trying to figure out his identity as a child, that confusion could’ve clouded his vision for his future. He couldn’t completely understand who he is and why he was feeling the way that he was.
Not fully understanding yourself and who you are - even within your gender identity - can cloud how you see yourself now and in your future.
The “I just want to be a son!” line
The line Adrien said in Risk: “I just want to be a son!” stands out to me a lot.
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I know he mainly meant it in a way of saying that he wants to be treated like a regular kid by his own father, not like a model. But, - listen, I’ll take whatever crumbs I can get - there’s a strong emphasis on this line and making sure he specifies “son.”
Having this strong desire to no longer model (which is in fact one of my other signs I listed in part 4 of my headcanon) and saying he wants to be a son just gives me vibes that he’s so dehumanized by his own father. His father barely treats him like he’s his kid and uses him as marketing for his designs. And referring to another part of this headcanon (part 1), him and his father have this unexplainable disconnect, even though Adrien is such a good son. I had mentioned maybe it’s because Adrien is trans and his father barely accepts this.
So, if it is true that this disconnect is caused (or at least partially caused) by Adrien being trans, he wants to make it clear he’s at least his son, not his daughter.
The dehumanization
Speaking of that unexplainable disconnect and dehumanization I had just mentioned, I want to get into more detail about that.
Gabriel continues to care so little about his own son, and at this point in the series, we see he’s barely even treated like a human anymore. Gabriel’s behavior has worsened. Gabriel had the audacity to free Adrien of his modeling career by creating a fake AI version of him.
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That is absolutely dehumanizing. Like, is it good that Adrien is no longer a model? Yes. But is it good that there’s a duplicate of him saying things and making expressions that aren’t real? Things he never said and did himself?
It’s incredibly slimy behavior to see your son as a marketing tool and way to reach your own stingy goals. And that begs the question: why does Gabriel see his son as just these things? How could a father treat his son with such little love and apathy?
This reminds me a lot of transphobic people because they don’t think of trans people as real people. They say and treat them as if they aren’t humans. They’re willing to threaten them, spit on them, possibly unalive them, insult the daylights out of them, etc as if they don’t have human emotions and lives. And, these transphobes are typically hateful, evil people, just like Mr. Gabriel Agreste.
One could argue that Gabriel has just gone absolutely insane and he showed some compassion for Adrien in earlier parts of the series. But, I don’t feel this is true. Referring to Wishmaker (again lol), it’s shown his parents have had expectations of him his whole life. Their love for him was conditional starting from his early childhood, and we’re not given reason as to why this is - it’s just been suspected to be abuse.
And, if we knock out my first section about Adrien not realizing his future, maybe he did know since childhood that he’s trans. And perhaps he defied his parents (like he did when he ran away to the school) and started taking steps to transition (as many steps as he could before needing his parents to weigh in and be somewhat accepting). That’s why Gabriel neglects Adrien and dehumanizes him, and him just going crazy showed more of his true colors - colors that have existed within him all along.
The relationship & physical affection discomfort
In Adrien’s first relationship, he was so uncomfortable with Kagami despite how long they were friends prior to. Understandably, this was his first relationship, Kagami made a lot of assumptions about him as a person, and came on really strong. But, despite liking her, he was still so uncomfortable and never really got over that.
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You’d think he would’ve been okay with kissing her and more physical touch since he seemingly had a bit of a crush on her for quite some time. But he hardly was. And he showed a bit of disappointment when she made wrong assumptions about who he really is.
If Adrien has gender dysphoria, he’s not going to feel very comfortable with physical affection, especially with someone who has the wrong idea of him as a person; someone who doesn’t know he’s trans (at least not yet). Notice how he also backs away at times when Ladybug actually tries to be physically affectionate with him (particularly the Fake Ladybug in Puppeteer 2).
Adrien only seems okay with physical affection if he initiates it. If someone else tries to initiate that first move when he’s not completely comfortable with them, he gets uncomfortable. It has to be by his terms. This could be him having to gain that bit of trust since he’s used to that dismissive attachment style from his father who neglects him - it reflects itself in romantic relationships. But it could also be bodily gender dysphoria and the fact that no one would know he’s trans (aside from his own family).
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stal3bread · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: this is about MY experience of transness, and in particular trans manhood/masculinity. Your experience of transness may not be the same as mine, and neither of us is more 'valid' than the other.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really trans. Like, I managed to hyperfeminise myself for maybe a year, back when I was a 14-15 year old and I was desperate to be liked. Sure, I felt like shit, like I was wearing a costume of womanhood, but I kept it up. And I liked feminine stuff as a kid, and I've never been sporty. There were signs of me being trans as a kid, like me packing when I was four, or me getting a 'boy haircut' when I was 10 and it being the first time I ever really saw myself, but I wasn't really a stereotypical trans kid.
I sort of figured out I was trans when I was 12, I even told my mom after she asked me if I wanted to be a boy, but I guess I was too scared to actually be myself. Some boys at school asked me if I was trans, as if it was some disgusting, sick joke, and it was terrifying. That day, I decided I wasn't trans, couldn't be trans. And I sometimes wonder if the fact that I was able to survive three years pretending to be cis after that means I'm not 'really trans', whatever the hell that means. Of course, those three years were some of the worst of my life and I only barely survived, but I survived, didn't I?
But then I put on a binder or a packer, and it just feels like... me. It feels like this was the body I was meant to have. I think about going on T or getting top surgery and I just feel totally paralysed and stuck because I have no idea when I'll be able to transition medically. I feel like I'm living halfway, not able to live as a real person. I'm just waiting for when my life can truly start, when I can be a full human being with a full life. I wait with bated breath when I talk to a stranger, praying I'll get a 'sir', or just not a 'ma'am', because a 'ma'am' signifies shame to me. It's a shame that my secret has been discovered, the secret of my 'true' gender.
I don't hate being trans, but it's made my life a hell of a lot harder. Sometimes I wish I was cis, so I wouldn't have to deal with all of this shit. Mostly I wish the world was kinder to trans people, didn't treat us like a political talking point rather than a group of real people. I wish I could just... exist.
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yourbookcouldbegayer · 11 months
I’m writing a book that has robot and cyborg characters and they’re sorta a allegory (is that the right word?) for queer people. The story follows two robots, a cyborg, and a human as they manage accepting themselves and each other, dealing with trauma, and fighting for freedom against a system that hates robots.
Originally this book was just for me, but now I’m part way through and I kind of want to publish it, so I have some questions about how I’m handling the queer symbolism.
Firstly, in this story, all children are made in labs. In this world, this is how it’s always been done/this is just straight up how kids are made. Also, the labs are kinda a third party to society at large. But anyway, the point is robot, cyborg, and human children are all made the way they are on purpose (#born that way). But some humans argue robots are wholly unnatural and that cyborgs should ignore those parts of themselves and try to hide them. Does this symbolism come across? Can you tell just from that description that robots are stand ins for people who’s entire identity is queer (like say their trans aro and pan or something), cyborgs are like people who have only one or two queer identities and humans are cis het allo and all that.
Also. Should I let human characters also be gay and trans? Since it’s only meant to a representation for how queer people are treated and not supposed to be a one to one thing. I’ll leaning towards yes, let them be gay and trans and ace and aro and all that, but I’m just not sure.
Should I just not publish this at all? I feel like it’ll come across as problematic. Originally, it was a kind of like a way to vent and express my own experiences, but then I thought that others could enjoy it. But there’s a good chance that it’ll won’t come across right or be weird/too confusing.
Just from reading this my view of it isn't that it's a 100% allegory for queer identities as a whole. To me it reads more like an allegory for gender with focus on nonbinary, trans, and other identities which fall under those umbrellas. That's not to say that to others the general queer allegory won't come across because I definitely think it will as what you've explained here certainly is able to be read that way. I'd leave this open to followers for their opinion on how they view this and I'd say it can't hurt for you to seek out other perspectives on that aspect in particular
I think that it wouldn't really harm anything to have characters be gay, trans, or other queer identities. Your focus seems to be more on the discrimination of robots so I'm not certain if there's a need to directly state anyone's gender or sexuality but hinting at it could work. As well as maybe the identities being considered non-traditional/non-society norm, might allow you to explore your allegory more if human characters are possible sympathizers or stand up on behalf/in support of the robots and cyborgs
As for publishing this, that's entirely up to you. I can't say whether you're work might get misinterpreted, all works run that risk. Truly as long as you do a read-through or a few, of your work which you will have to do for editing purposes, you'll catch things, be able to expand on things that might make the allegory clear.
All in all, it is your world, so you have the freedom to play around with it
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mcalhenwrites · 2 months
A bit of a rant.
My dad is abusive and misogynistic. He claims every bad driver is a woman. He has treated my mom as an object and a house servant, all while berating her because she couldn't do everything he wanted of her. It was hard to watch. My dad mistreated his kids. He isolated my mom from her friends after they married. He tried to isolate his children as much as possible. I have begged my mom to try to get away from him almost my entire fucking life. I have gotten mistreated because I stood up against my dad to defend her, and he would tell me it was none of my business - even in my adult life. I'm so mad for her, and mad at myself for not being able-bodied and successful enough to make an income that supports me, much less affords my brother and my mom. (And I would admittedly choose my brother first, he's disabled as well and didn't sign up to be in my family either.) Now I am a trans man and have been out for 20 years. I was out before I even knew what the fuck BL was. I am pro-abortion and so many other things. Like, I do not even care what your reason is for terminating a pregnancy, that's your business. I'm upset by unequal pay. I do not like that we have a culture of men dominating households. Been there, done that, do not recommend. And I still have to live my life straddling this strange space where everyone only wants to see me as a woman, even though I'm just unable to afford top surgery and wasn't exactly in a safe place to do it either. And even if I never get it, that doesn't matter: I shouldn't be misgendered. So hearing the young ones say that I'm upholding patriarchy, that all men are bad (and deciding this changes between cis/trans so that you know you're never actually a man if you're trans!), that writing BL makes me a misogynist... I'm sorry, but some of you have no fucking clue. And it really shouldn't take my years of trauma to explain to people who aren't going to listen anyway that I'm not interested in IRL misogyny. Also, I have written women together! I have Seth and Bertina, Lydia and Alexia, Adelaide and Cora (but I'm sure they don't count in a lot of people's minds), Andy and Lucinda, Daphne and Eloise, and more as far as OCs go. I also have Wendy and Ruth and many others who aren't in relationships yet, and I have another ship in a new untitled story. I also have trans characters and some of them are also in relationships! Robin (she/her), Beau (he/him), Ambrose (he/him but I think he'd like neo-pronouns if he thought about it), Todd (he/him), Mish (they/them), my dragons are canonically gender apathetic and don't really care about pronouns as much as humans do, Mir (they/them)... honestly Seasons has a lot of trans characters. So yeah, I'm... tired. Very tired. Glad to know I'm sooooo on my abusive shitty dad's side of things because I like to write BL, which I'm sure he's not weird about at all, considering he got mad that my mom watches gay movies on Netflix.
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aikoiya · 4 months
Every time I see one of those trans cultists in the main zelda tags with his/her shitty lgbt pushing headcanons I'm tempted to "kindly" remind them that they're talking about a kid's game series
Well, I typically don't mind the reg trans individuals. As far as I can see, they're just tryin' to live their lives. Do I think it's weird? Yeah, but we're all a little weird. So long as they ain't hurtin' nobody or walkin' around half-naked in public where kids can see them, then who am I to judge how they live? Like, go off ya'll. You do you.
But the activists that legit will not shut up about it?
The ones that insist on calling me "cis" despite me telling them "no, I did not agree to this. A pedo sympathizer thought that shit up & I want nothing to do with it."
While in the same breath demanding that I call them every dumb combo of pronoun & neopronoun under the sun or they call me transphobic? Yet, being utterly blind to the inherent hypocrisy there?
The activists who say that I can't be called bio-identifying woman or bio-woman despite them also refusing to just call me a woman, "because it excludes trans people" as if that isn't the entire dang point of lables & just every human language in existence. Like, when you say "fire," that naturally excludes "water," & it doesn't make you hydrophobic. It just means that you're able to correctly identify different visuals & are able to lable them appropriately.
The ones who forget that the term 'trans' inherently excludes bio-identifying individuals, thus once more being hypocritical.
Yeah, I really don't effing like those assholes.
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artificialcaracal · 1 year
In light of the new Tennesee anti-drag bill being passed, it’s important to note in the midst of all the (rightful) clowning on it to remember that laws like this are never enforced equally.  It is highly unlikely that someone’s gonna have the clown hired to perform at a child’s birthday party arrested for being in front of kids.
This law is about punishing people for appearing gender non-conforming in public, plain and simple.  This is about driving diverse expressions of gender out of the public eye and demonizing LGBTQ+ people as being law breaking deviants.  This bill is meant to make it essentially illegal to exist as a trans, gnc, or nonbinary person.  That might not be how it’s specifically worded but that is  how it will be enforced. 
How do I know this?  Because this strategy has been done before.  It’s incredibly old.  It’s older than Nixon.  It’s older than Jim Crow.  It’s even older than anti-crossdressing laws.  As long as there have been racial and social underclasses in the United States there have been laws like this meant to keep them in place.  Prior to Reconstruction there were slave codes that stated that African slaves were considered neither human, nor citizens.  After Reconstruction many southern states would enact Black Codes that were explicitly made for the purposes of punishing African Americans and forcing them into slave-like labor contracts to work of debt from fines.  These “crimes”  included and were not the least bit limited to breaking a labor contract (quitting your job), vagrancy (being unemployed), holding an assembly with other black people without police permission, serving in office, carrying a weapon (which could range from anything considered ammunition to a knife) without license from a (invariably white) judge, and miscegenation (having sexual relations with a white person).
These laws were passed not just to squeeze more free labor out of free black people, but to drive them out of public spaces (where white people wanted to be without having to deal with all those pesky minorities spending their free time not existing in perpetual servitude) and reinforce the belief that blacks were more inclined to criminal behavior and needed to be kept in line via hard labor and corporal punishment.  They aren’t human beings being “sold into slavery” they’re “criminal vagrants” being “leased out” to companies to “work off their debt”.
And this anti-drag law is the same deal.  It’s a legal foundation being set to brutalize LGBT+ and GNC people.  The people passing this bill do not care about the specific legal wording.  They want it to be broad and vague so that just about anyone can fall under it, so that just about anyone they don’t like can be labeled a criminal, so that just about anyone they want to hurt can suddenly be stripped of their humanity and their rights.  If you don’t want to capitulate to rigid, regressive conservative ideas about gender and present in the ways they say is okay for you to present, this is their grounds for driving you to the margins of society.
You don’t wanna dress in the ways a bunch of cis white dudes say you should?  Fine, but you can’t exist in public then, and you can’t be around minors lest they get it in their heads that it’s okay to play with gender norms and expectations. you can’t express yourself at a pride march without the risk of getting arrested and being being brutalized by police.  You can’t so much as dress up however you want to go to a gay bar because in order to travel there you’d have to go out in public first.  Wanna go to the park?  Fuck you.  Wanna pick up your kid from school?  Fuck you.  Do you want to be a teacher?  Do you want to be able to work at all?  Fuck you.  Do you want to express yourself and participate in any community event with minors?  Fuck you.  Fuck you.  Fuck you.  Fuck you because you’re not a person anymore.  You’re a “gender criminal” and a "danger to children” now, and that means you’re no longer entitled to your constitutional right to exist.
This bill is stupid.  Everyone is right to call it stupid, but don’t think for a second that it isn’t dangerous.  That it isn’t going to be the basis for further institutional violence.  That it can’t and won’t be used to put a stranglehold queer expression.  That it doesn’t set a dangerous precedent for further anti-LGBT+ legislation.  Conservatives and their bigoted bedfellows did not push this bill out of incompetence and they will not stop here.
I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom here, I’m just straight up incredibly pissed y’know, because this shit sucks. BUT It’s not the end of the world.  There are still reasons to keep going and keep fighting for our right to exist, and that’s because bigots don’t want us to.  All of this trying to legislate people out of existence is because we simply don’t fit into their worldview.  It’s why there’s no reason to debate fascists, or homophobes, or transphobes, or racists, or any other bigots of any kind.  Whatever ideology they’re subscribed to simply doesn’t have have room for us.  We can’t exist in it, but we do exist don’t we?  You exist.  I exist.  That’s an undeniable fact.  You can’t be proven to not exist, and you have all the proof to say that you do, just by continuing to be.  All you have to do is keep going, to keep on living.  There’s no argument.  There’s no refutation.  There’s no debate.  To even engage with their ideas requires you to accept the premise that you don’t exist, and that just isn’t reality.  You’ve got no reason to bother with their flirtations with violence disguised as intellectual play.  Keep yourself safe, help your friends stay safe, and most importantly remember that you’re real, and that nobody can take that from you.
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
Hi there! I’m a cis dude who might get to play a super-fluid nb changeling in my next campaign, and I wanted to thank you for posting your thoughts about that dichotomy vis a vis Quay Seelie. Part of my reason for wanting to was to explore what you talked about (and fun mechanical interactions), and hearing your earlier comments about changelings being a fantasy for non cis people really solidified giving it a try. If you have any more thoughts on the subject would you care to share?
Oh I could wax about the inherent nb factor to changelings all day! I love them. My changeling grew up raised by a group of them who shared personas between them. So out of the six, any one of them could take on the "mom" persona and the "dad" persona and each was as valid as the other. To literally become that persona is so much more than just changing a face. It's a life with history and a way of looking at the world. I also had a third gender parent because why wouldn't they? So these five changelings grew up as friends and they're essentially in a poly relationship with relationships within that. If it hurts your brain to try and suss out, then you're on the right track. There's no DNA to worry about when you can alter your own, there's just the community looking out for its own and the power imbalances that could come from like, a kid playing at being an adult etc. So my character nyx grew up with a brother that was also technically a cousin and they were two of four kids of their main communal group. The changeling who took on the role of Mom for nine months was different three of four times but the Mom persona was essentially the same person. Like I said, if it sounds like it almost makes sense but doesn't, you've got it.
That's the kind of stuff I love to play with. That's the fluidity afforded by a race and character that can not only look like anyone but spend time becoming them. Personas as legacies, as stories passed through generations. So much of the lore around changelings emphasizes how untrustworthy people find them, but my DM runs their world in good faith and let me tell you, things are so much more fun when you can experience being a changeling freely. Maybe there are individual people a little freaked that you can look like them, but without a systemic prejudice and mistrust there's no element of hiding yourself that you HAVE to carry (as a trans person) into the role. Maybe as a cis person you'll enjoy the sense of needing to hide, of having a secret if your DM rules that there's a prejudice against your kind. It's not necessarily what I want in a game of escapism. (and I'm aware you could be different in other ways that relate to masking or hiding too, but as gender and presentation go it's so inherent to changelings!)
I hope you have a blast playing them. I hope the ability to change as easily as breathing informs something great about your character and provides a great conduit for discovering and playing out facets of your own identity and values. I think you'll have a great time with them.
It's also very fun to get into the technicalities of changing into someone when you have to guess what's under their clothes lmao. I mean with a lifetime of experience you get the shape right without even having to try but what if there's a birthmark on their butt you've never seen? What's their dick gonna look like if you've only ever seen them clothed? What are the implications of being able to adjust your own voice box such that you can perfectly pass as a kenku because when you mimic the sound of water or rocks falling it is flawless? Do you want a tail? Rules as written say you have to have roughly the same humanoid configuration but my DM says since humans have a vestigial tail it's okay for my forms to have them so long as I don't try to break the game with it. Good faith playing opens up so many doors.
I hope you have the best time with them!
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I want peace, for us all to just live!!
I just felt the need to say the LGBTQIA+ community don’t demand attention and create identities to be special or because we are ill. 
I wouldn’t say I understand the concepts of gender nor does my sexual identity find me in a neat box. And I personally speaking for myself don’t think those labels make me special nor do I feel the need for a box. But I am proud to say I am a Biromantic Lesbian who is Agender. Or to use any of my many labels. Not because I think we are better or more cool but because I belong in this world and by using a label, one that people who don’t hate you and thinks of you as a person use rather than those who discriminate against me. We are discriminated against even though we are people for something beyond our control and in our nature and joining forces makes us strong, able to find safety and feel we deserve human rights. 
It connects me to a history of people who fought for rights too and who were also discriminated against.
Trans people do exist, I don’t live a binary trans life but I know that their identity is valid, because even if genders a construct the majority of the world enjoy their labels, hate being told they are the opposite of those binary genders. I know kids who almost lost their lives because they couldn’t be affirmed. Binary trans kids have brains more similar to those of the opposite sex often and they want things and act in a way society doesn’t allow. Some people want the body or gendered words or clothes of the opposite gender and that makes them a woman or a man if that is who they live as(or intend to live as if they could). If cis people are one thing or the other, trans people can be to. Especially if you argue that gender isn’t real there is only sex. Trans people don’t change their sex but their gender- and that is what counts because sex isn’t binary anyway and we work with gender and perceived sex. There are variations in everything. If you feel like a woman and you commit to being a woman and it makes you distressed not to be treated as a woman then you are a woman. 
If you don’t hurt others, which trans people will do at the same rate as cis people because people can be evil, and you respect others feelings about their own gender. Why would it matter!!
Bathrooms can and are invaded by cis men and women who wish the opposite gender harm, it  is awful but true. Prosecute and imprison in the case of assault and abuse. Perform justice correctly and trans people using the bathroom provides no legal issue.
i recommend mini toilets with a washbasin and a door and roof on a corridor that anybody can use -but I am not blaming you for fearing and you may have a better idea. 
I love you and everybody.
I believe in love and kindness.
 I don’t want to be treated badly because I hate my name because it doesn’t suit me and i don’t care about pronouns- that is just who i feel and how I am. I don’t want my friends to be assaulted and beaten up, potentially killed. And I don’t want cis people or straight people to live in fear. We are people and we mean you know harm. We all know fear and suffering but we want to be your friends and support you as much as any of your other friends
I hope you know your suffering is not your fault, all you have to do is breathe in and out and try your best and I think you deserve love and respect. 
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iamyelling · 1 year
on the kids/parenthood question
i still very much feel on the fence. i finally found a community for people questioning parenthood , on reddit it's called fencesitters. currently lurking, maybe will post someday.
i am .. afraid of what the people in there will say if i write a post. it feels so complicated and i don't know if i'm able to articulate the complexities and nuance.
i. i feel .. i refuse to give up on the world. and i refuse to believe that just because the world sucks and things are very bad, that one should not have a child. i do not see how it is inherently a selfish thing, it seems to be a natural thing. i realize i used to see it as a selfish thing but i don't anymore. i dont really know what changed. i guess learning about reproductive justice, that people should have a right to have children if they want, and to be supported in doing so. i feel.. barred from it. i feel .. left out, for lack of a better word. i feel my choice is taken away and i am not allowed this human experience.
i also fear that i am not Capable of it. the vast majority of my concern is regarding executive function and all the chores and tasks. the next biggest concern is support network, friends, socializing, all the social obligations (this is connected to executive function). the third biggest concern is my own mental health and emotional stability. i am concerned that i am.. going to be This Way forever. or that there is nothing i can do. that i do not deserve to be a parent, or deserve friends or human connection. that i will be evil and toxic and horrible to everyone around me and thus will never have these experiences. that i will just be excluded and barred for life. i am afraid that i am doomed to be trapped and repeat these things..
i am of course afraid of childbirth and to a lesser degree, pregnancy. the tearing and health complications and injury.
i do believe that i would step up and be able to do it. (all the executive function and Task-ing that needs to be done as a parent). i feel i especially would if i had a bit of support. but.. then i become worried about annah's capacity for help and organization and i think about how she does not want kids and how it would require her to be fully excited and committed. i do not think there is anyone else i would want to raise a child with. she is my person.
i have more and more been finding that ... mainstream normie white het cis centrist liberal hegemonic whatever you wanna call it, culture around parenthood, is so not something i relate to or am interested in. and that is a big part of the reason i for a long time felt i did not want kids. the whole .. culture around it, the way the parents identify the way they engage with one another, the way they see themselves and their role in society, the aesthetics and just. so many things. but in pursuing leftist perspectives, and lesbian, and queer, and trans, and Black, and brown and indigenous and interracial, and poor, and immigrant perspectives, i see that it actually quite normal to have no taste for that shit and that disliking it does not mean one shouldn't be a parent or doesn't want kids. so seeing these other perspectives gives me images of what is possible. that i don't have to transform into some other person, i could still be myself.
and i do not believe that someone needs to fully have their life together to have a kid. i don't think you have to be rich and wealthy and all this fancy stuff. because like what, are poor families BAD for having kids?? that's ridiculous. of course not. people of color are not bad or selfish for having kids. and so on. it is normal to want and have kids, it is okay. humans are allowed to want and have kids. it is not some terrible sin to "bring another human into this world". I can understand that other people may feel that way about themselves but I think it becomes problematic when they apply that judgement to others. It can only be a judgement about their own life, it can't be applied to everyone else.
i am of course afraid that i would have a bad time of being a parent. that i would regret it or be depressed or burnt out or something else. dont worry, i read all the stories that i can.
it doesnt feel like a good idea to talk to either of our parents about this. and i have sort of talked to my friends about it but haven't been very supported in these feelings. well one of my friends we had a good talk a few months ago but otherwise yeah. idk.
and annah has asked that i do not discuss it with her for some time. and also that i ought not to be thinking about this when i am so unstable and our relationship is so rocky and we are financially in such a rough spot. so i can't work through these things with her either. and i can't articulate to her my position nor hear hers. since talking about it is off limits for at least a couple more months.
i just. i have to believe that i deserve to have a kid. and hearing annah say that she does believe we would be good parents was incredible. i hang on to it like a locket on my chest. i clutch it. sometimes i feel so strongly i believe so deeply that we would be good parents. and other times i am so afraid that we would be horrible and just continue the cycle. but i guess we all are everyone is and it never stopped our ancestors yknow. the world has never been awesome and great, life has never been easy, it's always been dangerous and scary and tough. why should i see it as different now. just because i know it shouldn't be so terrible? because i know what needs to be done to fix it? because these things shouldn't be happening?
i do desire to be a parent. to raise a person. teach them things, love them, care for them, show them things - places, art, music, life, adventure. i want to do that with annah. i want to make our family. i want to continue our families.
i do not want procreation to be a privilege of the rich and the cis and the straight and the white and the conservative. i do not want it to be reserved just for them. we deserve to have kids too. i want to have a kid.
and also i guess i am worried i just want a kid to prove (to myself? the world?) that i Am Capable of being a parent, of doing it. (not the procreation part, the taking care of them and having my shit together part) which certainly is a bad reason. so now i must dwell on this. do i want it just to be able to say "look i can do it" . as an achievement? i fear my question has so heavily morphed into "am i up to the task of being a parent?" that i have forgotten the focus should be on whether i want to be a parent whether i will enjoy it. i suppose i just worry so much about the tasks and chores involved that i fear i will become bad at it, struggle at it, not be up to the task, find it exhausting and hopeless and overwhelming and depressing and make me burned out. that the question of whether i will be any good at it simply takes precedence over desire.
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a-method-in-it · 1 year
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33 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
a thing that I've been thinking about a lot lately, partly in the wake of the Roe v. Wade repeal: We need to do more to ensure that gender inclusive medical language doesn't wind up filtering out people, especially AFAB people, who straight up do not know the terms for certain body parts.
I am a big fan of inclusive language around medical stuff (ex: "mammograms and cervical cancer screenings" instead of "cancer screenings for women"). It's more precise, and, for people who are reasonably well-educated about their own bodies, more informative. And also, obviously, more accurate.
But the trouble comes in when people aren't reasonably well-educated about their bodies.
I think a lot of college-educated, middle-class people would be frankly astounded by the number of AFAB people who were not taught anything --- literally anything --- about their bodies and what parts they have and how things work.
There are definitely extreme cases of this in hyper-religious environments; for example, I remember reading a memoir of a girl who grew up in the FLDS cult and was never told what sex entails and found out on her wedding night when her husband, a man fifty years older than her, wanted to have sex. But even beyond the outlier cases, there are also just a lot of kids who never get a decent sex talk or anything approaching comprehensive sex ed in school.
And it's especially a problem for AFAB people, whose bodies are often treated as inherently inappropriate to talk about, even in a lot of secular environments.
So yes, "Annual pap smears are recommended for anyone with a cervix" is the most accurate and precise way to describe cervical cancer screenings. But also, there are probably millions of cis women out there (and probably even some AFAB trans men and enbys) who would see that and think "Oh, good thing I don't have whatever a cervix is so I don't have to worry about that." Even though they do!
The thing that has me thinking about this is the fact that this is only going to get worse post-Dobbs decision. A lot of local clinics that are known to provide healthcare for AFAB people are going to wind up closing in red states as they are targeted by lawmakers. And so cis women who might have previously gone there because they knew it was a women's healthcare clinic and who therefore would have been directed to the care they needed, whether they knew the terms or not...in a post-Dobbs world, honestly, I don't know what's going to happen.
I don't really have a solution for this beyond the fact that we obviously need to do a better job of educating people about human anatomy. But it's not like the GOP is going to suddenly become cool with doing that.
It's just something I think about.
34 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
someday, someone who has not yet migrated off this cursed webbed site is going to write a hit netflix fantasy series where a prominent side character is B'lorbo of Mai Sho and absolutely none of us is going to be able to explain to anyone in our lives why we are on the floor scream laughing
36 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
In light of Roe v. Wade being struck down, I would like to give you one concrete thing you can do to help protect some of the people in your life that you might not ever think of:
Unionize your workplace.
After the opinion leaked, a bunch of unions started negotiating language in their contracts that mandates employee health insurance must cover all types of reproductive care, including abortion, and even language about covering travel expenses if someone needs to go out of state to access reproductive care.
This will not fix things, obviously. But it is a form of harm reduction that can be incredibly powerful.
It also puts the burden of dealing with the fallout from this decision where it belongs: On the corporate fuckers who have spent years donating to right-wing politicians for the tax breaks and didn't much care what else came of it.
Let them foot the bill for it, at the very least.
254 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I can't remember if I've plugged this here or not, but: The Federal Aviation Administration is currently taking comments about what the minimum size should be for airplane seats.
Over time, airline seats have declined from an average of 18 or 19 inches to about 17 inches. Average waiting room seats are 22 inches. This presents obvious problems for...well, for a lot of people.
The FAA is specifically concerned with safety for this regulation (that's what Congress directed them to do), and not with comfort, so if you do comment, try to gear it towards safety concerns. They are particularly interested in hearing from disabled people and people over 60, apparently.
And even though this isn't about comfort, it's still the first time the agency has regulated seat size for airlines, so it's exciting and you should comment if you can.
Comments can be submitted here until November 3, 2022.
578 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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Lmao i think its so funny when TERFS think that any agreement with a terf on anything, especially feminism, makes someone a terf who is 'blinded by trans ideology' and needs to be freed. Some of the shit I see on 'honorary terf posts' and stuff, it's really grasping at straws.
Like, seriously.
Me and ecofascists both care about the environment.
Me and radical racist vegans both think animals deserve better treatment.
Hell, me and GOP conservatives probably both think that the government having complete control over the people is a Bad Idea.
Agreeing with people on some things is not a 'gotcha' its literally being a human being with rational opinions. ANyone with critical thinking skills is going to coincide with those they despise on some points.
I have no problem going through life knowing me and some terf on the internet agree about women being able to have body hair without scrutiny, or the fact makeup is overnormalized for women, or that gender has caused a great deal of harm as a concept in society, or EVEN the fact that vaginas on women are cool, although unlike them I don't think they belong on women exclusively.
Where we DISAGREE is the whole part where terfs think trans people are a danger to women, to feminism, to 'the kids' and society at large, and don't deserve basic human respect.
Y'know. The actually important part.
If anyone out there is dangling on the precipice of TERF indoctrination because they're being fed the idea that caring about women's issues, or gynocological health issues, which are still a thing and CAN be a thing while also being inclusive, are somehow the exclusive property of bigots, let me coax you down from that ledge.
You can have nuanced opinions, but as long as you believe trans people deserve the same rights as cis people; the right to safety, privacy, dignity, and respect, you will NEVER be a terf. You're not "gender critical" or a "radfem" its all a packaged deal with commandeered language, and if you're even in for a penny, they will take that pound out of your flesh. On the basis of thought I actually stated alone, a basis of belief that doesn't even require LIKING trans or queer culture, or even understanding it, JUST THAT baseline respect, that actually means that to them you are in fact what they would consider a 'trans rights activist'. Something they spurn and scorn. Crazy right? Trust me. I'm a cis fem if that gives me any credit with a partially indoctrinated person: As long as you're picking the side of human dignity, you ain't a TERF. Scrape that grooming, warped, frustrated human old gum off your shoe and keep on truckin' like the badass feminist and egalitarian you are. Being frustrated or confused by identities you might find obnoxious or hard to understand is normal. That's what being part of a community is like. People will have perspectives that confuse you or maybe even make you feel threatened. Wanting them to stop existing, being convinced their real lives are a hoax, an illness, or cult that's killing the kids? That is fearmongering beholden to the fascist idea of "everyone has to be like me to make me safe" that is as old as the first neanderthal.
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needle-noggins · 17 days
For the fanfic ask, i was rereading Freaks of Nuture last night so! This part
The surgeon who is and isn't my brother pauses. My wormy intestines squirm in his slippery, blood-covered fingers in peristalsis. I wish they wouldn't.
"Yes, that's curious. I wonder if the parthenogenesis theory is correct--"
My bladder is moved aside and I feel the urge to go. Can't move, though, as I'm often reminded here. That's probably for the best.
If I could move, these people would probably be dead and I wouldn't mean it.
"Curious! I will admit - this is unusual. I've seen nothing like this in all my years of study. This will be an interesting addition to the literature. Better take samples - if there's viable genetic material to be had here, it may be possible to grow plants of our own."
There is a sharp pain. Several sharp pains. Knives drops pieces of me into several small jars of formalin, held out to him. Offerings to our terrible God.
And at once I become Tesla. I am my sister. I want to scream and scream but there is nothing to do to avoid this terrible fate. I will become changed by this, irradiated, mutilated, until my blood is overgrown with bacteria like mold on bread and my teeth fall out and my eyes cry blood.
My eyes already cry blood.
OH DEAR ANON, I just squealed with joy. Thank you SO much for sending me this part, I would LOVE to discuss it.
Vash is aware that he's hallucinating to a degree, but it doesn't stop it at all. He's in that shitty lucid space, you know how you get when you know you're in a dream but the dream still feels real? Also the "I wish they wouldn't" has a double meaning - not only does it feel grossnasty to feel your intestines moving, but if they wouldn't be moving if he were dead.
Parthenogenesis is the idea that offspring can be created without an egg being fertilized [see: Jurassic Park]. The existence of Independent plants is understandably a huge mystery, and this doctor has some theories. And maybe some plans to make more plants, if his theory is correct. I left this part intentionally vague, as Vash himself wouldn't necessarily know what he's got going on inside re: reproductive organs. I know a lot of people hc him as a cis or trans human as far as anatomy goes, and I enjoy reading both, but I personally like to take the weird alien route and then I have the freedom to do whatever I want. And, leaving it vague on purpose allows the reader to make their own conclusions, and that's where the fun is!
I also don't really know where I stand on the whole question of "can Vash reproduce and if so how / with humans or not?" and this fic does technically exist within the Bluebells universe for me (in which he and Meryl, ya know) and I'm like can they have kids???? I don't know and I'm too afraid to ask! I personally get squicked by repro stuff sometimes (yay christian pro-life trauma) so I don't want to dive too deep into it. Maybe one day I'll decide what to do with them.
As far as the medicine goes here, yeah, if you poke around on your bladder (or someone else does), you will feel like you need to pee. Try poking your bellybutton - you might feel the same effect. Weird fun fact. Also also, Formaldehyde isn't the uhhh best fixative for keeping genetic material intact? But I think this may be the only option this doctor has for keeping samples. At the very least, it's a good solution to keep tissue in for microscopic examination later. I didn't flesh out this doc's backstory too much (and I called him "Dr. Motherfucker" in my notes) but I imagine he has access to a pretty high-tech lab. Maybe he found one from an old SEEDS ship.
The doc saying "we might be able to make our own plants" immediately complicates Vash's situation. He's going to side with anything that helps human survival even if he has to sacrifice himself for it. This time quite literally. The "offerings to our terrible God" also calls to the other paragraph in this fic about Vash being the sacrificial golden calf. Knives is both the executor and the (self-appointed) god in this scenario, depending on how you look at it. Or maybe god is humanity - again, the doctor both is and isn't Knives. Tesla was the first sacrifice and Vash can't help but think of her, here in an extremely similar situation to hers. I could go on and on about the metaphors here but Trigun really plays every possible angle re: biblical allegory so it would get complicated fast.
The final line is just so... if the experimentation and medical abuse transforms you into something terrible, but you were already a terrible monster to begin with, what does it matter? How much are you actually changed?
Vash is not doing well in this fic :)
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pashterlengkap · 9 months
Cis woman womb transplant opens door for trans women birthing kids
A 34-year-old cis woman in England is the first recipient of a transplanted uterus in the United Kingdom. The operation brings the possibility of uterine transplantation and reproduction in trans women one step closer to reality. The cis woman received the reproductive organ during an operation lasting more than nine hours at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. --- Related Stories Doctor says soon trans men will be able to receive penis transplant surgery Doctors want to try a penis transplant operation on a transgender man for the first time. --- The procedure was carried out in February by Imperial College London professor James Smith and his colleague Isabel Quiroga from the Oxford Transplant Centre. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. Smith called the surgery a “massive success.” The recipient has stored embryos with the intention of undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) later this year. “It was incredible,” Smith said of the operation. “I think it was probably the most stressful week in my surgical career but also unbelievably positive. The donor and recipient are over the moon.” The donor was the recipient’s 40-year-old sister, who had previously given birth to two children. While the operation could one day help trans women give birth to children, Smith says surgeons would have to work out some issues with the procedure first. “My own sense is if there are transgender transplants that are going to take place, they are many years off,” Smith told inews.co.uk. “There are an awful lot of steps to go through. My suspicion is a minimum of 10 to 20 years.” There is currently no “technical feasibility” to perform a uterine transplant on trans women, Smith said. Differences in pelvic and vascular anatomy in trans women, including the shape of the pelvis and issues with the microbiome — the network of micro-organisms that live in the human body — present particular challenges, he explained. The first successful uterus transplant was performed at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden in 2014. Two years later, the procedure was carried out successfully in the United States. About 50 babies worldwide have been born following the operation. Uterine transplants are exceedingly rare and costly. The procedure is typically performed on women born without a uterus, giving them the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth. According to Dr. Narendra Kaushik — a surgeon based in New Dehli, India — uterine transplantation for trans women is a reality waiting to happen. “We cannot predict exactly when this will happen but it will happen soon,” Kaushik, who has 15 years of experience in gender-affirming surgeries, told The Mirror last year. “We have our plans and we are very optimistic.” Transplanting uteruses into trans women, Kaushik said, is “the future”. http://dlvr.it/SvFfYp
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chaussurre · 10 months
I find the whole argument that "Gay marriage/trans rights is an attack on traditionnal marriage" is sad on a level that's not talked enough.
The thing is, traditionnal marriage is under attack. Not by gay marriage or trans rights, mind you, that idea is so deeply stupid it's not even worth debunking, but by the current economic situation.
The way I define "traditionnal" marriage is: two parents, a man and a woman, with kids, where the man works and the woman takes care of the house. I want to make sure here that no judgement is given to this particular marriage setup; if that's what you and your partner want, I whish you the best of luck. If you're more of a trans catgirl polycule kind of person, or one of the many other possible configurations, I'm also wishing you the best of luck. This argument is not about the "value" of such marriage, because comparing what works for different people is asshole behaviour.
With that out of the way, why do I say it's under attack ? Because it's no longer affordable. The average person can't get away with supporting a family with a single salary anymore. That's a much more bigger threat than two dudes kissing. Nowadays a couple with two salaries and no kids can barely makes end's meet solely because of inflations/low salaries.
But of course, conservatives are expert at taking problems and blaming people absolutely unrelated, so instead they say "hey see that you can't seem to have a marriage that works for you ? You should blame that girl over there for being bisexual". And so many people are eating that up because the opposit argument is "No, everything is fine for you" which no it isn't. We shouldn't pretend that everything is fine for the cis/het and start to signal them where the problem lies: our society is run by people that don't even consider them, with only short term benefice in mind and have no interest in building a world with a stable way of life.
By the way being able to support your entire family simply because you work full time is a human right in the 1948 declaration. Crazy I know.
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