#&&. Lion king 2 and 1/2 comes to mind
storybounded · 5 months
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I have said it before and I will say it again. For a sequel, Bambi 2 had such a GORGEOUS animation style. Sometimes sequels are such a hit or miss with animation designs, but this is one of the better ones.
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oraclemoontarot · 21 days
why people are jealous of you 𓂃⊹ pac tarot reading
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from left to right, top to bottom -> pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, pile 4
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pile 1 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: six of pentacles, five of swords, seven of wands, fool, nine of pentacles. oracles: snow leopard: self-reliance, polar bear: mystic, swan: grace, unicorn: infinite possibilities, days of winter, winter besom, devotional, Brigid's doll
For my pile one's, people are jealous of your giving nature. There is this kindness and grace to you, this lack of hatred and this purity. You may have gone through conflicts and hardship, but it has made you stronger and didn't keep you away from your goals. You are hardworking yet fun and full of adventure. People are jealous of your ability to have fun, to explore - this curiosity and acceptance of your inner child is what people wish they had the strength to accept within themselves.
You are also someone who appreciates life. You are grateful for all that you have, never wanting more. People may be jealous of you, but that word doesn't exist in your vocabulary and that may make them furious lmao. Pile one's you are such a sweet, warm, and kind person. It is hard to find someone like you in this world.
With the animal oracle cards, you are independent and probably enjoy your own company. Where everyone else may get bored staying home all day, especially on their own, you thrive in such an environment. Maybe your hobbies involve things such as art, reading, writing, playing video games, or something musical, where staying home or within your own company is where you're able to have the most fun.
Challenges are what make you incredibly strong, you are a dreamer and someone who has a strong potential to become a tarot reader too! There is something incredibly mystical and graceful to you. You see things most people may not even understand. You get people on deeper levels, but also yourself. There is so much wisdom and goodness within you, so much elegance, beauty and love. People who are jealous of you don't understand that. I feel like, only people who have so much negativity and hate would be jealous of you. They wouldn't appreciate your inner world and your good nature.
Extra messages + why people would be jealous:
'I must seek to befriend the hidden parts of self, the darkness that embraces the whole of who I am'
you completely understand yourself, you accept yourself for who you are, both the good and the bad. You are content with who you are and that is so, so beautiful.
'Sweep away ill intent while creating boundaries weaved with protection. A witch respects passages of safety'
because you have accepted yourself, you also respect who you are. Therefore, you don't let people with bad intentions close, your boundaries are clear.
'There's something so intimate when letters reflect the tongue, in times of introspection when I am at my most vulnerable and revealing all the lives in me'
doubles down on you understanding yourself, especially your inner world, and enjoying your own company.
'Thread by thread I weave my desires, working as one with the source of creative power'
you are so strong Pile one. Whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve. You have the knight of pentacles energy, the ability to take your time, moving with a steady pace towards your dreams.
pile 2 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: hermit, three of wands, ten of cups, emperor, king of cups | Lynx: keeper of secrets, lion: higher calling, squirrel: always prepared, sea turtle: protection, snowdrops, winter woodlands, milk moon witch, dark days of winter
People are jealous of your ability to look within and come out stronger. You enjoy your own company and solitude, able to find the deeper meaning or purpose within your life. At the point you are reading this pac, you may be levelling up within your career or life, or you are constantly achieving. People are jealous of your successful nature, feeling closer towards envy. You may even have a good relationship with your family, especially your father, and feel content surrounded by those you care about - you may thrive in such an environment.
You are someone who creates your own future through your efforts, beliefs, and preparedness. You are someone who is able to work just as hard as you have fun. There is this playful and cheerful nature to you that is so contagious, just like the courage in your heart. The Lynx card is just like the hermit, 'in silence and solitude, you will find your strength'. There is so much confidence in your self, in your ability to make the right choices. You are also great at keeping secrets and seeing things in other people - either deception or their true selves. You work hard, yet you also have the ability to go with flow. There are so many layers to you and yet you are an incredibly balanced individual. You create your own path, your own rhythm and flow in life. And this is what people are jealous as sometimes they feel stuck on the path they were given, or clueless on the direction they wish to pursue yet, with you, you draw your own line on the map and follow it with so much perseverance and strength. You're unwavering, like a turtle which swims along the current of the ocean.
Extra messages + why people would be jealous:
'when all seems to stem from the unknown, hold firm in knowing all will be as it should'
you have this understanding and trust in your abilities, unwavering and strong in the path that you follow. People are jealous of you being someone unable to give up no matter what challenge presents itself.
'Take time to honour what you feel. Self-compassion is the healing balm you desire'
you accept your feelings, you love and trust yourself when most don't, and you truly understand who you are as a person. There is a sense of respect towards yourself that others wish they felt towards themselves.
'Watch as the tides turn in your favour, weaving the waters within and conjuring unspoken desire'
whatever wish, goal, or dream you have, you're able to achieve and fulfil. It's as though both luck and your skills are what lead you through the path of greatness, and this feels more like that of envy than jealousy of your life and achievements.
'I must seek to befriend the hidden parts of self, the darkness that embraces the whole of who I am'
Again, just like the hermit, you are able to accept both the good and bad traits within you, admitting that they are what make you, you. These shadow selves show that you are human, that you have flaws just like everyone else and you aren't ashamed of them. This confidence and love for yourself is what people feel jealous of.
pile 3 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: ace of swords, page of swords, three of cups, two of pentacles, ace of pentacles, nine of pentacles, five of swords, lovers, seven of swords | fox: clever, tiger: fire, penguin: authentic, dog: friend, black bear, horned owl, casserole, cinnamon rolls
There seems to be a lot of jealous energy around you pile 3. This could be from people who you are around often, or those who you had cut off. You may have had conflict with a friend group of 3 or more people, and these friends may be the jealous ones, which their jealousy could have been the reason for conflict, tension, or the falling apart of this friendship.
The reason as to why people may be jealous of you is because of your communication skills. You are someone who is able to express their thoughts and feelings clearly, articulately, and may even be witty. There is likely this intelligence to you, especially a social and verbal intelligence. You may be incredibly good at forming connections and networking. The way you communicate brings forth opportunities that may lead to wealth. You are goal-oriented and always look towards the future and towards a new adventure. There is this humbleness to you, this gratitude, and people are jealous of what you have achieved and what you have. They're jealous because they see you as having more than them, about having the life they wish they had. This could also be skills of yours that they're jealous of.
You are also good at balancing your relationships with your life and work, you have so much love, warmth, and kindness to you. If you are in a relationship, they are jealous of that as well, as they see it as an ideal connection. Even with conflict, you are warm, understanding, and still value the people who you are tense with. It frustrates them. I keep getting this negative energy. This frustrated, irritated, and jealous person/people that don't seem to have an ounce of good intentions towards you. If they are ex friends and you were the one to end the relationship, I am so, so proud of you. You did well, even if it were hard, you deserve only good things and people to surround you, especially as you seem like such a lovely character with so much love around you.
With the oracle cards, they're jealous of your mind, of your intelligence. You always find a solution to problems that arise, you have a strong instinct and have a lovely heart. You have this fire within you, this drive and determination. You have so much passion and are unmoving from your path - bold and brave. You are also unafraid to be your authentic self, and people are jealous because they put on an act, lacking in confidence and bravery. You value relationships, family and all close connections, loving your uniqueness and constantly surprise others in a pleasant way. You may be loved by most people, simply because you are you. You are yourself and no one can change that. You are a true friend and a true companion. You are loyal, a protector, a happy and positive person, as well as having a lot of energy and enthusiasm to you. People really do want to be like you, they want to see the world and themselves the way you do. To have such drive, determination, and enthusiasm.
Extra messages + why people would be jealous:
'your existence is the resistance. All you must do is accept the power waiting you arrival' This relates back to you being your authentic self. You don't let anyone tell you who you are or who you should be. You being yourself is resisting against cultural norms and societal expectations. Could even be the expectations of your friends, family, and environment. You know your own strength and power.
'become the shadow that watches, keeping quiet while moving intentionally'
this could be focused more so on the people who are jealous - to be aware of those around you. To watch, to observe, to make note of possible red flags. Be careful of who you trust and who you let into your life. It is important that you protect yourself as these people are like shadows that you may not notice. They are quiet but their intentions are there.
'trust in the flavours that led you here, an unexpected alignment. Let it move you in ways that capture your soul'
People are jealous of your experiences, the way they shaped you into the person that you are now. You have so many things to talk about, so much to share, so much you have lived through and will continue to experience. There is so much depth, strength, and resilience to you.
'warm my heart; all-deserving comfort readies my heart'
You really are a warm, welcoming, loving, and kind soul. You wear your heart on your sleeve, a comforting presence open to love and connections. It is important that you know and appreciate that side to you as well as it is so, so beautiful. So precious and sweet.
pile 4 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: two of cups, emperor, two of swords, knight of cups, magician, ace of swords, five of pentacles, fool, eight of cups | black jaguar: old soul, butterfly: rebirth, swan: grace, lion: higher calling, arts and crafts, Angelica, river rocks, bathing ritual
People are jealous of your ability to create meaningful and lasting connections/relationships. You have this ability to be like the emperor and the knight of cups, there are two very different sides to you that creates a sense of balance. The emperor is one of authority, confidence, strength, and a protector. They are like that of a pillar within relationships and are great caretakers too, you don't bend or break for any or anything, and you even communicate in such a way - as well as communicating with clarity and intelligence, having such an intricate way of words. The other side to you is one of romance, innocence, gentleness, and this sense of childlike wonder. There is this purity to you and this excitement, adventure, and energy. It's as though you are like an old and new soul in one. You know your purpose, you have a strong value of people and relationships, but you also have a creative, romantic, dreamer side too, with so much emotion and sensitivity.
Even when you feel alone/lonely, or if you're struggling financially, you have this optimism to you, and this drive to get out of such feelings and situations. You don't let the negativity of your life or surroundings bring you down, you don't dwell or stay at a standstill, you find ways to leave it all behind in search for something great.
You really are that of an old soul with the black jaguar oracle. You move through life with this confidence and grace, you know what you want and you don't lose sight of it, turning your dreams into reality. You are constantly changing, growing, transforming, and reinventing yourself. You are open to change and the good that would come out of it. You love and appreciate the journey and, once you arrive at the end of it, you have so much gratitude and are humble of your achievements. There is also this beauty, wisdom, and elegance to you, like the swan, you grab others attention and respect/appreciation of you. You have this dignity, like royalty, you carry yourself well. You have courage to face hardships, you don't live in the past, able to let go of things that no longer serve you because you know your worth. You really do value relationships, finding contentment and strength in them.
Extra messages + why people would be jealous:
'nothing exists without the essence of spirit. May it be whispers or chants, your energy is what brings life to all that you create'
you may be an artist or creative, someone who has such a strong energy and puts a lot of effort, character, and life into whatever you do. There is passion, authenticity, and something deep and real to you.
'the bells have rung far and near. Underneath feathered wings, my dear, you have nothing to fear'
You protect your health, heart, and mind well, as well as those around you. You are a protector to people you care about and yourself. You are a pillar, a source of strength, and you don't let others worry or fear things.
'go with the current, dear one; find peace in letting go. Let life wash over your soul and welcome your becoming'
You are likely someone who goes with the flow, you don't let things hurt you or people to not treat you right. You leave situations and relationships that do not serve you, you let go when it is necessary so to protect your peace and yourself. This is what lets you to grow into a strong character.
'with you, water spirit, I wash away what no longer serves me and drink in spells that call for healing'
Similar to the one above, you are good at healing yourself, about not letting past hurts affect the you today. You cleanse your heart and mind of pain and troubles, and you let yourself feel only what you know you deserve - happiness, positivity, love and light. And that is truly beautiful and what others who may be struggling or have negativity in their hearts would be jealous of.
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Bound by Fate - part 3
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Summary - Kaylee's life has been filled with training. But as her mate is left with no choice but to distance himself, it allows another connection to form.
Warning - none really? At least I don't think so? There's fire at the end?
A/n- you know that one song from lion king? Reflections of Mufasa? All I can hear at a certain point in this part is that dramatic build and crescendo that starts around 3:55 mins into the song. Hopefully the writing shows that.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
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Kaylee was panting, her hands on her knees, and sweat dripping from every inch of skin. Despite the two-piece cropped tank top and leggings Cassian had her training in, she was still so hot. 
He handed her water his own sweat making his muscled forearm glitter in the sunlight. "You're doing great, Kaylee. The perfect little partner for me to spar with right now." She looked at his beaming smile, a brow raised, before sticking out her tongue and making the male laugh. "We're done for today, but Rhys and Amren will be coming to work on magic with you." Kaylee looked at Cassian, her brows raised, waiting for the information she secretly knew was coming. 
Cassian sighed before continuing. "Azriel is still holed up with Nesta and Elain at the House of Wind. He's the only one Elain will respond to. I'm sorry, Kaylee. I understand your frustration." She knew Cassian did just based on the distant look in his eyes. 
It had been two weeks since they discovered Elain would only speak or allow Azriel near her. It drove the new feral part of Kaylee's mind and soul to madness when he'd come to bed, reeking of Elain's soft floral scent. He would comfort Kaylee however he could those first few days, but at the start of the second week, a switch had flipped. Az stopped sleeping with Kaylee. He stopped eating lunch with her at the Riverhouse. He stopped sending his shadows to spend time with her.
Kaylee had never been a jealous person before this. She had never once questioned her self worth or value, but this had her wondering why her mate wouldn't spend time with her, why he actively avoided her, when she stopped being enough for him. 
A hand on her shoulder ripped her from the void she was allowing herself to fall into. "Stop doing that to yourself," a soft voice said. "He misses you too. She just-" Rhysand paused to turn Kaylee to look at him. "Elain only eats when Azriel is there, and therefore Nesta will eat. I know it hurts, little bee. I am sorry." Cassian muttered an inaudible phrase before kissing Kaylee's forehead and moving inside. "Take a bath and a nap, Cass. It's an order." Cassian lifted a single finger over his shoulder as he moved inside. 
Rhysand crossed his arms over the black t-shirt he was wearing. He was dressed casually today, indicating to Kaylee they were heading into the forest. "Once she is stable, Kaylee. He will be comfortable coming home." He offered her his arm. "Amren is already in the clearing we will be using." She took his arm, closing her eyes tightly as he winnowed her away.
They had left Kaylee in the center of the clearing meditating. She was acutely aware of every sound around her. From the rushing water in the creek, to every soft scurry of small rodents around her, Kaylee heard it all. 
Even with her eyes closed, she felt as though she was seeing clearly. She was watching the forest move past her slowly from higher than she had ever stood. Strong legs carried what felt like her body. A stable mind moved her without thinking about it's path. She watched as hooved feet moved into a crystal blue lake, enjoying the feeling of the cool water on warm legs.
Two heart beats became one as Kaylee tapped further into that feeling. She focused solely on that rhythm beating into her own chest until it overtook every sense she had left.
And then, to Rhysand and Amren's shock and horror, Kaylee disappeared.
Rhysand ran the clearing, searching in the air for any signs of her, before landing and looked at Amren. "Did she just shatter the shield we had in place?"
Amren smirked, her voice light and airy. "She did. I told you she would. You didn't listen. Idiot."
Rhys immediately called for Cassian and Azriel, cursing himself loudly as Amren smirked and began to walk along the forest line, watching for any indication of the young sister.
While Rhys was too lost in panic causing him to only look for obvious signs, Amren had predicted this day's ago when Kaylee's power first tried to tap into her own being, and then Rhysand's beast form, only to have both of them turn her away. And this was confirmation to one clear thing to Amren, their beasts only turned them away because sweet Kaylee was not strong enough, yet.
Her silver eyes locked on several butterflies and bees, dancing together, twirling together, and flying into the same direction deep into the trees.
Azriel appeared first, his face exhausted from lack of sleep. "What happened?" 
Cassian landed at the same with a loud thud, a brow raised at Rhysand. "It happened, didn't it?"
The High Lord nodded slowly before turning to Azriel to explain. "Amren and I have been working with Kaylee to distract her. She started almost tapping into the essence of an animal in the forest after she unknowingly attempted to tap into my beast form." 
Rhysand held his hand to Azriel as the shadowsinger immediately began to try to speak. The sun had begun to set, and finding Kaylee was going to be impossible in the dark.  "It was almost as if her powers made it so she and this animal could become one being, one mind, one body, one soul."
Rhysand paused. "Yesterday things came to a head. She almost tapped into it fully, but she could not sync something. She became frustrated and we could not figure out why, and she could not express why. Armen suggested quiet meditation today instead of us guiding her, and we learned today what it was. She needed to sync their hearts. As soon as she did, she disappeared. I could not tell what she was linking with before it happened, though."
Azriel felt anger setting in slowly and his shadows immediately left him to search for his mate. "So my mate with powers we do not understand is somewhere in the forest with Gods knows what? Why did no one tell me this was starting? I should have been here! I should have been with her! If you had not ordered me to take care of Elain, I could have been here."
Rhysand wanted to answer but he was interrupted as Amren whistled and pointed up and then to the ground. "The creatures are all heading the same direction." The ancient being began to slowly follow their path. "Are you idiots coming or are you just going to stand there with each other's dicks in your hands?"
They trekked for what Azriel's heart felt like was hours. Every snap of a twig, rustle of leaves, and song of a bird had him on edge. 
His Kaylee, his sweet defenseless Kaylee, was somewhere in this forest, a forest he, Cassian, and Rhysand rarely even entered because of the dangers that lay in it. Not even the trees themselves in this forest could be trusted. They almost moved with minds of their own at times, trapping fae within the hallowed ground that these woods have become. It was filled with wildlife that had a taste for blood, lower fae that enjoyed harming others, and countless predators. This was not a safe place for his mate who had hardly begun to use her magic and hardly knew how to fight. Azriel had already made up his mind. If anything happened to Kaylee while she was alone out here, he'd kill Rhysand, and based off the look his brother had just shot him, the High Lord knew that.
Amren was far ahead of them. Watching closely as each bird flew further and further into the heavy bush. She had no choice but to believe they would lead her to the High Lady's youngest sister. After another few miles, she finally paused, stopping them on the edge of another clearing that surrounded a quiet lake. 
They were all surrounded by countless animals who seemed to be watching with anxiety and anticipation. Rhysand moved to step closer for the ancient being to turn and growl slightly. "Not a single step closer, boy," her voice was hushed and tight.
There centered in the lake, her long blonde hair completely loose from the tie she previously had it in and blowing gently in the breeze was Kaylee. 
She was waist deep into the blue waters, the sunshine was kissing every inch of her skin in golden light. It was as if she was radiating, as if she was almost glittering in her power. It was intoxicating for all of them. Seeing her like this had a small smirk forming on Cassian's face, it had Rhysand's breath hitched in his throat as worry and pride set in, it had Amren feeling her own soul almost buzzing, and something primal and deep in Azriel began to stir, something he hadn't even realized was there until now.
The sight was beautiful, but it was what stood before Kaylee that had Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys on edge. A great  creature stood in front of her. It's head lifted in pride and dignity as it looked down at her form. 
It towered before her on long sturdy legs lean with muscle, its dark red coat shone with health. It was at least triple her size and could easily harm her if it had wanted to. she barely reached its cream underbelly. The beast released a loud call, making the other animals all seem to flutter with joy. Itss antlers were twisted and numerous. Had they been in Autumn, this would have been a prized buck hunted for sport and hung above a mantle. Here, in its domain, though, it was clear this beast was the King of this forest, and on his head did not sit horns, but a crown.
It commanded respect, and clearly was testing Kaylee to see if she would offer it. Kaylee's right hand slowly raised, and she held it in the air, waiting for the red stag to welcome her touch, allowing it to make a choice. She would not force the being to her, but instead let it decide.
Not a single word came from the fae or animals as the King studied her, evaluating if Kaylee was indeed worthy for him in all of her glowing power. Azriel almost laughed as Amren's hand gripped Rhysand's wrist almost anxiously until Cassian's hand found his, gripping it tightly as well in support and worry.
In minutes that felt like hours, the great antlered animal began to move its head lower to Kaylee, and his decision was made as he put his long nose to Kaylee's palm. 
Unknowingly to the four of them, the beast sent Kaylee a single message in the bond that was beginning to form between them. You are enough, little one.
Light came between the two as her skin made contact with his fur. It was white and almost blinding screaming of innocence, of untapped potential. It was warm, welcoming, but fierce in its own right. 
"Beast tamer," Amren finally said slowly. "Kaylee is the Cauldron and Mother's beast tamer."
The two beings began to nuzzle each other closer, and Kaylee's forehead came to rest on the King's. 
Azriel would have given the world to frame this moment. His mate shining as her powers were finally acknowledged and known. The happiness radiating from her soul. The tranquility between her and this monstrous animal was almost deafening.
His Kaylee, his honeybee, blessed with the powers long lost to the Cauldron. 
And in turn, his Kaylee, his mate, cursed by the Mother with powers so ancient they had not been seen  since the Gods of old roamed the lands.
Kaylee felt warm wet tears streaming down her face as the stag released another loud call, causing the other animals around them to begin to cry and call in celebration. 
It is time to step into your power and responsibility. A deep voice rang into her soul. I am glad to be your first companion on this journey, Kaylee. Now go to your mate. He is terrified.
Kaylee turned around, seeing Amren and Rhysand smirking behind her. Cassian was wearing a beaming smile as he smacked a hand to a stunned Azriel's shoulder.  The Little beings of the forest moved, creating a pathway. "Az, I made a new friend."
Azriel moved forward. Stepping into the water and getting close to her. "I can see that, my heart." He moved closer again slowly. "Am I allowed to come get you?"
The king, in response, pushed gently on Kaylee's back, throwing her into Azriel's arms. I will be in the clearing you normally train in tomorrow. He moved with another call, causing the animals to return to their normal lives. 
Azriel held Kaylee tightly as they flew back home. Amren had opted to fly with Rhysand ahead of them, looking back at the two of them and Cassian. 
Once they landed at the Riverhouse, Azriel did not give Rhysand and Amren a chance to ambush his mate and carried her up the stairs to her room. 
He slept in her bed that night, his arms locked tight around her, wings cocooning them in. He fell into a deep sleep, accompanied by dreams of them living in a cabin near that clearing with three small children and countless animals.
Meanwhile, Kaylee's dream was filled with darkness, the only light source coming from the lit torch she was holding. Her footsteps were the only thing she could hear aside from deep, heavy breaths and her own humming.
A huge creature with scaled skin was suddenly looking at Kaylee with one of its black eyes. It roared loudly, teeth bared to her before turning its large head and neck up. Fire erupted along the ceiling, allowing Kaylee to finally see its gargantuan body, rows of jagged sharp teeth, and massive wings. Kaylee woke up screaming in terror for Azriel. Her heart raced as she sat in silence, hand clutched to her chest, breath coming out in uneven shakes.
Azriel was immediately up, comforting his mate as Rhys ran into the room, his eyes wide in disbelief and locked on Kaylee. The high lord and shadowsinger held eye contact. "Kaylee," Rhysand began slowly. "Did you feel a call before you ended up in that cave? Did it feel similar to the buck?" She nodded, trying to calm her racing heart. "Kaylee, look at me. I need you to make sure you do not sync with what you just saw until we have a better understanding of your powers and more control. Bond with it in your dreams, speak with it, but you do NOT sync with it. Am I understood?"
The young sister just nodded. Azriel looked between his brother and his mate before gently touching Kaylee's cheek and moving her head to face him. "Baby, what did you see?"
Kaylee's eyes met Azriel's, they were filled with fear and tears causing his heart to clench. "A dragon." Kaylee took another still deep breath. "I saw a dragon."
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Bound by Fate taglist:
@impossibelle @luvmoo @wallacewillow0773638 @nightless @cat-or-kitten @knmendiola
@holb32 @mis-lil-red
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A Tyrell in the Lion's Den (Part 2)
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Part 1 Part 3
Word count: 4.4k
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x Tyrell!reader
Summary: Y/n Tyrell carefully navigates the dangerous political landscape of King's Landing, balancing loyalty to Tywin Lannister while grappling with the growing uncertainty and peril that comes with playing the game of thrones.
My requests are open
In the weeks that followed, my relationship with Tywin became the most exhilarating secret of my life. Every glance, every whispered word exchanged in the corridors of the Red Keep, only served to heighten the thrill. But as much as I relished our clandestine encounters, a part of me couldn’t shake the unease that settled deep in my chest. Tywin Lannister was a man of power and calculation, and I knew that being involved with him meant treading a precarious path.
Our meetings grew more frequent, though always shrouded in secrecy. He would send a servant to deliver a note—a simple piece of parchment with a time and a place. Sometimes it would be his chambers, where we would talk late into the night about everything and nothing, the weight of our responsibilities momentarily forgotten. Other times, it was the godswood, where we would walk together in silence, the cool breeze carrying our unspoken thoughts.
And then there were the nights when we didn’t talk at all.
It was on one such night, as I lay beside him in the dim light of his chambers, that I allowed myself to wonder what it all meant. Tywin wasn’t the kind of man to indulge in frivolities; he was too focused, too driven. So why was he indulging in me? Was I truly more to him than a distraction, as he claimed? Or was I just another pawn in his grand game, destined to be discarded when I had served my purpose?
I turned to look at him, his face softened by sleep, the stern lines of his features relaxed in a way they never were during the day. For a moment, I was struck by how vulnerable he looked, and I felt a pang of something I couldn’t quite name. It wasn’t love—not yet, at least—but it was something close. Whatever it was, it terrified me.
The next morning, as we dressed in silence, I couldn’t stop myself from asking the question that had been gnawing at me.
“Tywin,” I began hesitantly, fastening the clasps of my dress. “What is this to you?”
He paused, turning to look at me with that unreadable expression I was beginning to dread. “What do you mean?”
“This,” I said, gesturing between us. “Us. What does it mean to you?”
Tywin’s gaze didn’t waver, but I could see the wheels turning in his mind, calculating, measuring. Finally, he sighed and walked over to me, taking my hand in his.
“This… is something I did not expect,” he admitted quietly, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. “But it is something I find myself unwilling to give up.”
His words were a balm to my anxiety, but they also left me with more questions. “And what happens when this becomes… inconvenient?”
Tywin’s grip on my hand tightened slightly. “It won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
I wanted to believe him, wanted to trust that this formidable man who had orchestrated so many intricate plots could somehow keep our relationship safe from the treacherous waters of court politics. But a part of me knew that no matter how careful we were, nothing stayed hidden in King’s Landing forever.
My thoughts must have shown on my face because Tywin’s expression softened in a way I rarely saw. “I care for you,” he said, his voice low but firm. “And I will do whatever is necessary to protect you.”
Before I could respond, there was a knock at the door. Tywin’s demeanor shifted instantly, the warmth in his eyes replaced by the cold calculation that so many feared. He released my hand and moved to open the door, his mask firmly in place.
It was a servant, delivering a message from the Small Council. Tywin took it without a word and dismissed the man, but I could see the change in him. The moment of vulnerability was gone, replaced by the Lord of Casterly Rock, the Hand of the King, the man who held the fate of the Seven Kingdoms in his hands.
“I should go,” I said, not wanting to overstay my welcome. “I’ll see you later.”
Tywin nodded, his attention already shifting to the message in his hand. I left his chambers, feeling a strange mixture of satisfaction and unease.
As I made my way back to my own rooms, I couldn’t help but think about what Olenna and Margaery had said. My grandmother’s warning about playing with fire echoed in my mind, and I wondered if I was indeed getting too close to the flames. But then I thought of Tywin’s words, his promise to protect me, and I felt a spark of hope. Maybe this wasn’t just a game. Maybe it was something more.
But even as I tried to reassure myself, a new fear crept into my heart. What if I was falling for Tywin Lannister? And what would that mean for me, for my family, for the future we had so carefully planned?
Days turned into weeks, and the tension in the capital continued to rise as Margaery’s wedding drew nearer. The city buzzed with preparations, the streets filled with merchants and nobles from all corners of the realm. It was a grand event, one that would cement the alliance between House Tyrell and House Lannister, and everyone was on edge.
Margaery, ever the consummate bride, handled it all with grace and poise, though I could see the strain in her eyes. We spent hours together, going over the final details of the ceremony, the feast, and the countless other events that surrounded the wedding. But even in the midst of all the chaos, she never missed a chance to tease me about my “distraction.”
“You’ve been awfully quiet about a certain someone lately,” she remarked one afternoon as we tried on our dresses for the wedding. “Has the lion finally lost his roar?”
I shot her a look, though I couldn’t help but smile. “Hardly. He’s just… busy.”
Margaery arched an eyebrow. “Too busy for you? I find that hard to believe.”
“He has a realm to run, sister,” I said, adjusting the delicate lace on my sleeve. “I’m hardly his top priority.”
“Perhaps not,” Margaery agreed, her tone thoughtful. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t matter to him.”
Her words made me pause. Did I matter to Tywin? Or was I just another complication in his already complicated life?
Before I could dwell on it too much, Olenna swept into the room, her sharp eyes taking in every detail of our attire. “Well, don’t you both look lovely,” she said, her tone approving. “It’s a wonder the entire court isn’t tripping over themselves to catch a glimpse of you.”
“Not all of us need to be the center of attention, Grandmother,” I said, earning a chuckle from her.
“True, true,” Olenna conceded. “But a little attention never hurt anyone. And speaking of attention, I trust you’re still keeping our dear Lord Tywin on his toes?”
I rolled my eyes, though I couldn’t suppress the warmth that spread through me at the thought of him. “I suppose you could say that.”
Olenna’s expression softened. “Just remember, my dear, that men like Tywin Lannister are not easily swayed. If you’ve captured his interest, it’s because you’ve shown him something he’s not used to seeing.”
“And what’s that?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“Someone who isn’t afraid of him,” Olenna said with a knowing smile. “Someone who doesn’t cower in his presence or seek to curry his favor. That, my dear, is a rare thing indeed.”
I thought about her words long after we had finished our fittings and returned to our rooms. Was that why Tywin was drawn to me? Because I treated him like a man, not a monster? And if so, what did that mean for us?
The night before Margaery’s wedding, there was a grand feast in the Great Hall. The room was filled with the finest lords and ladies of the realm, all dressed in their most opulent attire, the air thick with the scent of roasted meats and spiced wine. Music filled the hall, and laughter echoed off the walls, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to change.
Tywin was seated at the head table, his expression as inscrutable as ever. I caught his eye a few times throughout the evening, and each time, I felt a jolt of electricity run through me. But we were careful to keep our interactions to a minimum, knowing that the court’s eyes were always watching.
As the night wore on and the wine flowed more freely, I found myself slipping out of the hall, needing a moment of respite from the noise and the crowd. I made my way to the gardens, the cool night air a welcome relief from the stifling heat of the feast.
I wasn’t alone for long. A few minutes later, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me, and I turned to see Tywin approaching, his expression unreadable.
“Couldn’t stand the festivities any longer?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
I smiled. “Something like that. And you? Surely the Hand of the King has more pressing matters to attend to.”
Tywin shook his head, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Not tonight.”
We stood there in silence for a moment, the tension between us palpable. Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer.
“Tywin,” I began, my voice trembling slightly. “What happens after the wedding? What happens to us?”
He looked at me, his gaze intense. “We continue as we have,” he said simply. “Unless… you want something more.”
I hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest. “And if I do?”
Tywin’s expression softened, and for the first time, I saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. “Then we will find a way.”
The wedding of Margaery and Joffrey was a spectacle unmatched by any in recent memory. The Great Sept of Baelor was adorned with garlands of flowers, the air thick with the scent of incense and the murmurs of the gathered nobility. As the High Septon pronounced the young couple husband and wife, the cheers from the crowd were deafening. Yet amidst the celebration, I felt a chill, as if the gods themselves were watching with bated breath.
The feast that followed was equally grand, with tables groaning under the weight of lavish dishes and endless goblets of wine. Joffrey, in his typical fashion, reveled in the attention, making crude jokes and ordering the musicians to play increasingly raucous tunes. Margaery played her part perfectly, smiling and laughing at her husband’s antics, though I could see the strain in her eyes. This was not the life she had dreamed of, but it was the one she had chosen—or rather, the one that had been chosen for her.
As the evening wore on, the atmosphere in the hall began to shift. The laughter became more forced, the smiles more brittle. Something was wrong, though I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I scanned the room, searching for the source of my unease, and my gaze landed on Tywin. He was watching Joffrey with an expression I couldn’t decipher—something between disdain and calculation.
And then it happened.
Joffrey, in the middle of a cruel jest, suddenly began to choke. At first, the guests thought it was part of the act, laughing along with the king’s apparent discomfort. But when he fell to the floor, gasping for breath, the laughter turned to screams. Chaos erupted as everyone scrambled to understand what was happening. Margaery knelt beside her husband, her face a mask of horror, while Cersei screamed for the maesters.
I stood frozen, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding before me. Joffrey’s face turned purple as he clawed at his throat, his eyes bulging with terror. It was a gruesome sight, and yet I couldn’t look away. I could hardly breathe myself, the shock of the moment pressing down on me like a weight.
Tywin remained seated, his expression unreadable, though I could see the tension in his posture. He was watching everything, taking it all in, and I realized that he must have known something like this could happen. Perhaps he had even expected it.
In the midst of the chaos, a thought struck me like a blow: this wasn’t just an accident. Someone had poisoned the king. And if Tywin had anticipated it, then he was either involved or already planning how to use this to his advantage.
The realization sent a shiver down my spine. If Tywin had a hand in this, then he was far more dangerous than I had ever imagined. But before I could dwell on it, Joffrey gave one final, convulsive gasp, and then he was still. The hall fell into a stunned silence, the only sound the ragged breathing of those closest to the king.
Cersei’s wail of grief shattered the silence, and she rounded on Tyrion, who had been holding the goblet Joffrey had drunk from. “He did this!” she screamed, pointing a trembling finger at her brother. “He poisoned my son!”
Chaos erupted once more as the guards seized Tyrion, and I felt a surge of panic. Tyrion couldn’t have done this—he wasn’t capable of such a thing. But as I looked at Tywin, still calm amidst the storm, I realized that the truth didn’t matter. What mattered was how this tragedy could be used, how the pieces of the game would move in response.
I needed to leave the hall. I needed to think, to understand what was happening and what it meant for my family, for Tywin, for the realm. But as I turned to go, I felt a hand on my arm. I looked up to see Margaery, her face pale and drawn.
“Stay with me,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Please, don’t leave me alone.”
I nodded, squeezing her hand in reassurance. Whatever was happening, we would face it together. We had no choice.
As the night wore on, the Great Hall became a place of mourning and fear. Joffrey’s body was taken away, and the guests were ushered out, leaving only the closest members of the royal family and their allies behind. Margaery and I sat together, our hands clasped tightly, while Olenna hovered nearby, her sharp eyes taking in every detail.
Tywin approached us, his face set in a grim mask. “Margaery,” he said softly, “you should rest. The day has been a long one.”
Margaery shook her head. “I can’t. Not until I know who did this.”
“We will find the culprit,” Tywin assured her, his tone as cold as ice. “But for now, you must take care of yourself. You are the queen now, and the realm will look to you for strength.”
The queen. The words hung in the air like a curse. Margaery had wanted to be queen, but not like this. Not with the blood of her husband still fresh in the minds of all who had witnessed his death.
Reluctantly, Margaery allowed herself to be led away, and I followed close behind, my mind racing. Tywin’s words had been carefully chosen, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. He had a plan, of that I was certain, but what it was, I couldn’t yet fathom.
Back in our chambers, Margaery collapsed onto the bed, her composure finally breaking. “What do we do now?” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. “What will happen to us?”
I knelt beside her, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “We do what we must,” I said, though the words felt hollow. “We survive.”
Margaery nodded, though I could see the fear in her eyes. She was strong, but even she wasn’t prepared for the storm that was coming.
As I sat with her, trying to offer what little comfort I could, my thoughts kept drifting back to Tywin. What role had he played in this tragedy? And more importantly, what did he plan to do next? I had aligned myself with a man of immense power, but that power came with a price—a price I wasn’t sure I was willing to pay.
The days that followed were a blur of tension and uncertainty. Joffrey’s death had plunged the court into chaos, and the search for his killer consumed everyone’s thoughts. Tyrion was imprisoned, accused of regicide, though I knew in my heart that he was innocent. But proving that was another matter entirely.
Tywin took control of the situation with his usual ruthless efficiency, organizing the investigation and ensuring that the realm remained stable. But his actions only deepened my suspicions. He was too calm, too prepared. It was as if he had been expecting this all along.
One evening, as I made my way back to my chambers, I found myself face to face with Tywin. He was waiting for me, his expression as inscrutable as ever.
“We need to talk,” he said, his voice low.
I nodded, following him into a nearby room where we could speak in private. Once the door was closed, I turned to him, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Did you know this was going to happen?” I asked, unable to keep the accusation out of my voice.
Tywin regarded me with a cool, measured gaze. “I suspected that something was afoot,” he admitted. “But I didn’t know the specifics.”
His words did little to ease my fears. “And you just let it happen? You let Joffrey die?”
Tywin’s expression hardened. “Joffrey was a liability,” he said bluntly. “His death, while unfortunate, opens up new opportunities for the realm. Tommen will be a better king—a more pliable one. The realm needs stability, and this is the way to achieve it.”
I stared at him, shocked by his callousness. “And what about Margaery? What about our family? Do we mean nothing to you?”
Tywin stepped closer, his gaze intense. “You mean more to me than you realize,” he said, his voice softening slightly. “But you must understand that this is the game we play. Power requires sacrifices—sometimes even those we care about.”
His words chilled me to the bone. I had known Tywin was a ruthless man, but this… this was something else entirely. He was willing to sacrifice anyone, anything, to maintain his grip on power. And I was beginning to wonder if I had made a terrible mistake by aligning myself with him.
But even as I questioned my choices, a part of me was drawn to his strength, to his unwavering resolve. Tywin Lannister was a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and in a world as dangerous as this, perhaps that was exactly what I needed.
“Where does this leave us?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Tywin reached out, taking my hand in his. “It leaves us exactly where we were before,” he said. “You are still important to me, and I will protect you. But you must trust me, even when things seem uncertain.”
Trust. It was a dangerous word, especially in the world we lived in. But as I looked into Tywin’s eyes, I realized that I didn’t have a choice. If I wanted to survive, I had to trust him.
I nodded, though the doubt still lingered in my heart. “I understand,” I said quietly.
“Good,” Tywin replied, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. “We have much to do, and the game is far from over.”
The days following Joffrey’s death were consumed by a whirlwind of activity. The court was in a state of upheaval, with every noble and servant whispering about the poisoning and the ensuing chaos. The trial of Tyrion Lannister loomed large on the horizon, casting a shadow over everything. Cersei was relentless in her accusations, demanding justice for her son with a fury that brooked no dissent.
Margaery was a picture of stoic grief, playing the role of the mourning widow with impeccable grace. Yet behind closed doors, she was deeply troubled. The death of her husband, even one as detestable as Joffrey, had left her vulnerable, and she knew it. The power she had been so close to securing was slipping through her fingers, and there was little she could do to stop it.
One evening, as we sat together in her chambers, Margaery voiced her fears. “What will become of me now?” she asked, her voice trembling. “Joffrey is dead, and Tommen is just a boy. Cersei will do everything she can to keep me away from him.”
I took her hand, squeezing it gently. “Tommen is kind-hearted and easily influenced. With time, you can win him over. And remember, you have grandmother by your side. She is a formidable ally.”
Margaery nodded, though the uncertainty in her eyes remained. “But what if Cersei succeeds in keeping me away from Tommen? What if I’m cast aside like Sansa was?”
I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. The truth was that Margaery’s fears were not unfounded. Cersei was ruthless and would stop at nothing to protect her remaining son. But I couldn’t let Margaery lose hope. “You are the Queen, Margaery. You have the support of the Tyrells and the goodwill of the people. Cersei may be powerful, but she is not invincible.”
She gave me a small, sad smile. “Sometimes I wonder if I was ever truly meant to be queen. Joffrey’s death feels like a sign that I’m cursed.”
“Nonsense,” I replied firmly. “You have the strength and the intelligence to navigate this storm. And you have me. We will face whatever comes together.”
Margaery’s smile grew a little stronger, and she leaned her head against my shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
As we sat there in silence, I couldn’t help but wonder what Tywin’s next move would be. He had assured me that everything was under control, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there were more twists and turns ahead. I needed to be vigilant, to protect both Margaery and myself from the dangers that lurked in the shadows of the Red Keep.
A few days later, I received a summons to meet with Tywin. I wasn’t surprised—he had been unusually distant since our last conversation, and I knew that something was brewing. When I arrived at his chambers, he was seated at his desk, a map of Westeros spread out before him.
“Sit,” he said, not looking up as I entered. I obeyed, taking a seat across from him. For a moment, there was only the sound of the crackling fire, and then Tywin finally looked at me.
“The situation is more complicated than I anticipated,” he began, his voice as cold and calculated as ever. “Tyrion’s trial will be a spectacle, and Cersei will stop at nothing to see him executed. However, there are those who believe in his innocence—people who could prove troublesome if they were to act on their convictions.”
I nodded, understanding the implications of his words. “You want me to keep an eye on them?”
“Precisely,” Tywin said, leaning back in his chair. “You have a unique position within the court. You’re close to Margaery and the Tyrells, and people tend to underestimate you. Use that to your advantage. Find out who is sympathetic to Tyrion, and report back to me.”
It was a dangerous task he was asking of me, but I knew better than to refuse. “And what of Margaery?” I asked carefully. “She’s worried about her position now that Joffrey is dead.”
Tywin’s expression softened slightly, though his eyes remained calculating. “Margaery will be fine, as long as she remains useful to us. Tommen will need a queen, and Margaery is well-suited to that role. But she must not overstep her bounds. Cersei will be watching her closely.”
I swallowed, knowing that Margaery’s future depended on a delicate balance of power. “I’ll do what I can,” I promised.
Tywin nodded, his gaze piercing. “Good. Remember, loyalty to the Lannisters will be rewarded. Betrayal will not be tolerated.”
With that, he dismissed me, leaving me with the weight of his expectations on my shoulders. As I left his chambers, I couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread. The game of thrones was becoming more dangerous by the day, and I was walking a very thin line.
Over the next few weeks, I began to carry out Tywin’s orders, subtly gathering information from those around me. I listened carefully to the conversations in the court, noting who spoke in favor of Tyrion and who remained silent. It was a delicate dance, one that required me to be both discreet and cunning.
Margaery, meanwhile, was doing her best to maintain her position. She spent more time with Tommen, charming him with her kindness and winning over the young king’s trust. But Cersei was never far away, her presence a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded us.
One evening, as I was returning to my chambers, I was approached by a figure I hadn’t expected to see—Varys, the spymaster. He moved silently, his expression unreadable as he blocked my path.
“A word, if you please,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
I hesitated, glancing around to ensure we were alone. “What do you want?” I asked warily.
Varys smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been very active lately, gathering information for Lord Tywin. But I wonder, do you truly understand the game you’re playing?”
“I understand enough,” I replied, though my heart was pounding in my chest.
“Do you?” Varys’s tone was almost pitying. “Tywin Lannister is a powerful man, but his power is built on fear and manipulation. You are valuable to him now, but what happens when you’re no longer useful? The Lannisters are not known for their mercy.”
His words struck a nerve, and I felt a surge of anger. “What are you trying to say?”
Varys sighed, as if disappointed by my response. “I’m saying that you should be careful where you place your loyalties. The winds of change are coming, and when they do, those who are too close to the Lannisters may find themselves swept away.”
With that cryptic warning, Varys turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving me with more questions than answers. His words lingered in my mind, fueling the doubts that had been growing since Joffrey’s death.
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jgroffdaily · 2 months
A few things we learned about Jonathan during the promotion of ‘Merrily We Roll Along’:
1. He’s in therapy. He told Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez during a Tonys Instagram takeover that he had therapy that morning, and was feeling “very processed”. Video below.
2. In the ‘Out’ Magazine interview Jonathan said he wants to buy the first bar where Barbra Streisand reportedly first sang publicly, which is now an occupied restaurant.
The actor wants to one day buy a Village restaurant called & Son Steakeasy, which used to be the site of the Lion, a gay bar where Streisand first sang publicly during a singing contest (according to a plaque there, at least). His goal is “turning it back into a gay bar and calling it BARbra.” A neon “BARbra” sign even hangs in his Merrily dressing room as a reminder of this dream.
3. In the same interview, he says he's happy to remain single or be in a relationship:
“I’ve been single now for a couple of years and I’m feeling…ready and open for anything. If that’s continuing with that, if that’s a relationship, I’m cool with that.”
4. At the Out Magazine Pride Cover Party he said:
“I’m single. I’m feeling full of pride. And PrEP.”
Bonus quote from the Buzzfeed puppies interview:
"I’m clearly the single one of the three of because the puppies know. I need love.”
5. In the New Yorker interview, he discussed moving to New York at 19:
The first month that I was here, feeling so lost and confused, I pulled the Bible that my Mennonite grandmother gave me off the bookshelf. She gave me that Bible before I left town. I was alone in the apartment thinking, What the fuck am I doing in New York? Or not even “what the fuck”—I didn’t swear until “Spring Awakening,” and when I would sing “Totally Fucked” I would get beet red. And I remember putting the Bible down and thinking, This is not the answer. This is not making me feel good. And then running to Central Park and standing in front of the Bethesda Fountain. I was nineteen, and I was, like, This feels better—but, like, What? Who am I? What am I doing here? I know I want to act, but I’m so scared. And gay. But it was something—some voice, some passion, some inspiration. Some something brought me here.
6. He's very competitive: asked how ambitious he was on a scale from 1 to 10 he says a 10 (to Broadwaycom at the Tonys junket).
7. He says he's “not really a dog person” in the Buzzfeed interview.
8. He talked more about his relationship with Gavin Creel in interviews with Out and Interview than he has previously, including this quote to Interview:
GROFF: I froze. I hadn’t even thought about coming out as a public person. She [interviewer] was like, “Oh my god, never mind. I’m so sorry.” And then she moved along. And I really remember this moment of looking over to the right and seeing Gavin. He had also just recently come out a year or two before, and seeing him with a bullhorn corralling the people, god, I was so in love with him. I was like, “Oh my god, I am coming out. I’m coming out. I’m coming out.” So I went back over to her and I was like, “Hi, please excuse my hesitation, I’m gay.” And that was how I came out publicly at the March on Washington for Marriage Equality.
9. His 30th birthday alone was a happy birthday (in the New Yorker):
I remember it vividly. We were at the Public Theatre. There was a fire in the East Village, and the show was cancelled that night. I got a cupcake at the deli around the corner from my apartment, on Sixteenth Street, and ate it by myself. I can be a bit of a loner, so that was a happy birthday for me.
10. He said in the Buzzfeed interview the best present he has received from a fan was a signature of King George III, and he hung it in his apartment.
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sykestarot · 11 months
what's holding you back? how should you move forward?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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I do not own any of these images
Hi guys I felt this was the message that needed be heard this week and some of it got very specific. Lmk what you think! Thanks for stopping by ily!!
Pile 1
“it consumes my mind, it consumes my soul, it wants my life, it wants complete control” (8 of cups (rx); 8 of wands (rx; The Emperor; The Hermit; king of wands; The Star) This pile might struggle with mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. When channeling your energy pile one I had a heavy chest and a hard time breathing. You could be pushing yourself too hard and not taking a break. Or avoiding taking a break because then you’ll see how much pain you’re in. Either way I feel very heavy energies with you. I see you feel stagnant in your life, but this is because you refuse to make changes because you feel comfortable in the routine or cycle you’re in. I’m also seeing for some of you, that you went through something hard recently and you’re keeping yourself hidden due to fears of it happening again. This situation led you to forget how much power you hold and how truly beautiful you are. I think you might expect life to happen for you, even though you’re not really leaving your house. Sometimes we have to make things happen for ourselves, although I do understand not wanting to because of the fear of the unknown. The advice that the cards give you is to remember how you sparkle. I feel like your current energy is the song I channeled but the energy you need to embody is bejeweled by Taylor Swift lol. Two very different energies. Spirit is telling you to lean on them and let go of the past, because holding onto that is only going to make your journey to the top slower. I’m also not sure if this situation involved a betrayal but spirit is also letting you know that two people’s perspectives that may differ on the same situation can both be true at the same time. I also see in this advice that this is a journey you have to go on alone. I understand how daunting this may feel but I promise you have the strength and the resilience to get through this. I keep hearing “I wish you could see the way you shine”. Signs: August; the number 8; 8 mile; Eminem?; blue sapphire; stardust the movie; Aquarius; girl in red?; insomnia; overthinking; stripped socks; dark room lit up by tv; “remember who you are” - lion king
Pile 2
"Je te laisserai des mots" (2 of swords (rx); 3 of swords; The High Priestess; The Empress (rx); Justice (rx); 8 of wands (rx)) Hi Pile 2! I feel like for you guys you recently went through a breakup, possibly with your first love, or someone you thought was your forever. Maybe you guys were on and off for a while and you really believe this person will come back. I see that in terms of what’s holding you back is that you don’t believe that you can live without this person and that’s not true. I see that you would’ve given this person the world. I hear that quote where one person says “you were a wonderful experience” and then the other person says, “you, you were everything.” And I feel like you’re the one saying that the other person was everything. Perhaps you're an artist and this person was your  muse and without them you feel like you can’t make your art anymore. I genuinely feel empty channeling your energy. I see that what’s holding you back is the idea that this person was the only reason you were successful, which couldn’t be further from the truth pile 2. You are worth so much more than what you create. I also feel that you only value yourself by how much you create or do and that you punish yourself for not meeting a certain quota. But because of the loss you’re going through right now you’re not meeting quotas because you’re hurt not because you are an unproductive being. If you leave this reading with one thing I hope that it is that you are worth so much more than just what you create. As far as advice goes for you I see that you need to place trust in the mysteries of life. Most times you don’t know what life has in store for you even if you think you do. Place trust in your heart and your gut feelings. Rest when you feel you need to and create when you feel the need to. I also see that your inner monologue could be hurting you, the pessimism in your mind could be keeping you in a cycle of self hatred and unproductivity and they're working hand in hand to keep you stagnant. Try to think more positively and be gentler with yourself and you’ll see progress almost immediately. I’m also seeing that when you step back and see the bigger picture you’ll find that everything happens for a reason, and almost every ending leads to a new beginning. I believe in you pile 2 you can do it!! Signs: 222’; piano; marble; fine arts; french?; museums; pine scent; guitar; the color blue; long distance; wishing on stars; turn back time; Romeo and Juliet; “it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” ; paintings; indie
Pile 3
“keeping me from who I need to be, distracting me from what I need to do” Pile 3 I feel like for you what’s holding you back is your inability to admit that you are wrong about something. For you I see you continuing to try to do something that isn’t working and probably hasn’t worked for you either ever or for a long time. I see that for you your destiny holds much more than what you are doing. I see that you are going down a path that is filled with obstacles and you believe that it’s because it’ll give you a better success story when these obstacles are not even obstacles there more like road blocks. I see this pile is more of a career pile. I also feel like I can hear you while reading this immediately going, “pfft this isn’t for me”. If you thought this at all then this pile is exactly for you. I don’t know if someone told you that you wouldn’t make it in the line of work you’re in but I do see that you took that and made it the fire that lit you up. For most of you though this is a job that you can make it in but it won’t fulfill you in the way you think it will because at the end of the day I believe you don’t actually enjoy this job. SO if you feel like your life is stagnant or staying in the same place it’s because this career isn’t meant for you. I feel like you also know what career is meant for you and you’re being super stubborn. I also feel like when you talk to people you’re close to about your job issues they immediately bring up your other option of what you could be doing. Like if you’re a lawyer and it’s draining you and you tell your friend and they immediately go “oh what about the art you used to make you know you were great at that!” I also feel that this irritates you lol. I feel like you know and are aware of it at the very least. The universe has been sending you signs about this for what I believe could be years. But you do what you feel is right for you. As far as advice goes for you pile three I see it’s time to heal. Perhaps the reason you're staying in this job is because you feel the need to get recognition to stick it to the person who told you you couldn’t. That’s not necessarily the healthiest behavior for ourselves. I also see that you need to start thinking of laying something solid down for the rest of your life, so maybe this job is also not letting you provide for yourself or others and on top of all of that you don’t enjoy it? I think spirit wants you to think in long term goals and does this job or cycle let you pursue those? Spirit would also like you to know that you aren’t alone. I really heavily feel that given the opportunity your friends would love to support you in any endeavor and are probably rooting for you to leave this situation. So go ahead and reach out when you’re ready to leave!! Many people love you and only want the best for you, remember that. :)  Signs: October 6th; October; June; pumpkins; hammers; carpentry; wood?; post malone; trinkets; working with hands; toxic positivity; hard helmets; hammers; beer; heinekens
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dyannawynnedayne · 5 months
Which character parallel do you like the best?
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Quentyn and Jon: are by wodania
Catelyn: art by cosmiart (1, 2)
Propaganda is encouraged!
Quentyn and Jon
Both are hungry to make their fathers proud
When Jon had been Bran's age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father's life. Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. Even then he had known it was only a child's folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father's sword.
His father's disappointment would be more than Quentyn could bear, and the scorn of the Sand Snakes would be withering. Doran Martell had put the fate of Dorne into his hands, he could not fail him, not whilst life remained.
ADWD, The Merchant's Man
Catelyn and Olenna
Oft ignored advisors to their sons
"And now my oaf son is doing the same, only he's riding a lion instead of a palfrey. It is easy to mount a lion and not so easy to get off, I warned him, but he only chuckles. Should you ever have a son, Sansa, beat him frequently so he learns to mind you. I only had the one boy and I hardly beat him at all, so now he pays more heed to Butterbumps than he does to me. A lion is not a lap cat, I told him, and he gives me a 'tut-tut-Mother.' There is entirely too much tut-tutting in this realm, if you ask me. All these kings would do a deal better if they would put down their swords and listen to their mothers."
ASOS, Sansa I
"Who better to treat with Balon Greyjoy than his son?" "Jason Mallister," offered Catelyn. "Tytos Blackwood. Stevron Frey. Anyone . . . but not Theon." Her son squatted beside Grey Wind, ruffling the wolf's fur and incidentally avoiding her eyes. "Theon's fought bravely for us. I told you how he saved Bran from those wildlings in the wolfswood. If the Lannisters won't make peace, I'll have need of Lord Greyjoy's longships." [...] "Robb—" "I'm sending Theon. Good day, Mother. Grey Wind, come." Robb walked off briskly, the direwolf padding beside him. Catelyn could only watch him go. Her son and now her king. How queer that felt. Command, she had told him back in Moat Cailin. And so he did.
ACOK, Catelyn I
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thesensteawitch · 6 months
Pick A Pile Reading
🌑(Left To Right- Pile 1, Pile 2 and Pile 3)🌑
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Hello, Senstea Souls!
I am back after a long time! Hufff! Missed me?🥹Anyway, I hope you're all doing well and are happy. Today's reading will reveal an important message from your shadow side.
I am also offering ‘integrate your shadow’ reading only at $9.
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Pile 1
Cards- King of Swords, death, the high priestess, the emperor, ace of Wands, 10 of Swords, 9 of Wands, 8 of swords
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. I hope you're doing well.
Are you going through something enormously difficult? I hear “I don't want to fight and I don't want to sleep in the dark.” This is what you feel towards your own shadows pile 1. You're tired of trying to figure out what's wrong with you and your life. Lion and Owl are coming up strongly. Which means with courage by your side you'll find your answers. You're underconfident about your own judgements. I know you can't see yet but you will. Though you're destined to go through this transformation finding the light is still in your hands. Your mind has your hands chained which is of course an illusion. Your shadow wants to tell you that you've tied your own hands. Your life can be in your control. Your shadow is saying that you're ignoring your intuition. You want everything backed up by facts but that's not how life works. Strawberries and cigarettes all taste the same to you which means you're losing the appetite for life. All because you can't see clearly only because you think too much. Your shadow pushes you to overthink and makes you believe that thinking will give you answers but it won't. Because thinking has never solved any problem completely. You can only perceive and think based on the memories stored in your system but intuition is raw. Intuition can tell you things that you've never known and where thinking can never reach. You're halfway in your journey of realising your potential. You're halfway in the dark tunnel. Your mind can only take you so far now beyond this you need to allow your intuition to take the lead sometimes. You're about to have a spiritual awakening pile 1 don't strangle your spirit and give so much importance to the mind and the memory. Sit still. Let stillness take you in. Stop giving excuses. Just let life happen to you and choose grace. Things are not as difficult as you think. You don't need to overburden yourself with the constant need to find all the answers right away. Life isn't about finding the answers but finding yourself. Your shadow wants you to first accept that it's there. Only then you can accept all parts of yourself. To understand your shadow better book a “integrate your shadow” reading with me. DM to book your reading!
Pile 2
Cards- Ace of Cups, king of Wands, 5 of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, 4 of Pentacles, knight of swords, knight of Pentacles, justice, 2 of swords, 5 of Cups, 5 of Wands
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. I hope you're doing well.
You're not happy with what you have in pile 2. Your shadow side is saying that you live with a lack of mindset. Sparks of inspiration and motivation come to you but they also disappear as soon as they arrive. You are not able to live up to the ideal dream life that you have in your mind. There's a need for you to heal yourself emotionally. You really need to cry it all out. You've also compared yourself with the outer world. I hear, “I have got my eye on you!” What is that you want, pile 2? What is it that you think someone has and you don't? I see that you feel that everyone is making progress except you. All of their journeys are unique and different. I sense that there are people involved in your life or around you who you think are doing better than you. This is heartbreaking to see that you're deciding your worth based on others' life. Don't you see how hard you've worked and for how long you've been trying to build your dream life? You don't see it happening but that doesn't mean nothing's changing. There so much happening for you behind the scenes. Your whole spirit team is so happy with your efforts and wants to give you a tight hug! You'll also see results pile 2. Be patient. Open your heart and express. Release the pain because good things are coming. I know you're trying to get over all this pain but that's the point stop trying. Surender the fruits of your labour on God. He'll take care of your rewards and will give you when the time is right. Focus on taking care of your garden. If you just see your future self right now you wouldn't even believe that it's you! There's something you need to release and your shadow wants you to release that as it's creating obstacles on your path. Let go of what's not serving you anymore. Now is the time. Justice will befall you and the scales will be balanced again. Make space in your life to receive the blessings. To understand yourself better book a “integrate your shadow” reading with me. DM to book your reading.
Pile 3
Cards- Page of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, King of Wands, Queen of Cups, Knight of Swords, Justice, Page of Swords
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. I hope you're doing well.
Is someone from your past showing up again? If you're dealing with someone but don't know if to trust this person or not then you're asked by your shadow side not to trust this person. Don't let your past hold you back! I also see that you have options. You have got the urge to choose the one who you know deep down isn't right for you. You need to release one connection. And if there's only one person who is from the past then let go of this person because the universe is soon going to bless you with a new person. Either way, you're asked to choose someone stable and reliable. Don't fall for someone's appearance or their words. Look at their actions! This other person or new person will do justice to you and will treat you right. The past connection will only bring more confusion and won't let you be free. There's something irresistible about you due to which this person is drawn to you. Reject this person's offer because if you're in no contact then they will soon be contacting you. This person perhaps was good to you in the past and that's why you can't digest that they can even be something from what you have imagined of them. You're unable to accept the reality and I also feel that this person who you already know had some past life connection with you and now you're supposed to break this cycle. Someone has to! Because it's karmic. This old connection is not where you're supposed to be. Things with this person have always been short-lived because it was a karmic connection. Your shadow side wants you to realise who you are and don't make yourself small for this person. I hear, “I don't wanna tip toe, but I don't wanna hide. But don't wanna feed this monstrous fire just wanna let this story die. And I'll be alright. We can't be friends. But I would like to just pretend. You cling to your papers and pens. Wait until you like me again.” These are the thoughts of your shadow and it's asking you to not feed them. Because no pile 3 you're not supposed to wait for them to love you. Love yourself! This person dims your light because I can see that you're someone else when you're not around them. They somehow want to control you. This new person/the second person is with whom you're destined to be in this lifetime. A new life awaits for you. As you release this karmic connection you'll be forging towards your destiny. Expect powerful changes. Here the energy is quite confusing as I do see three people involved. Choose wisely and do not forget that you need to love yourself first. Sometimes we tend to choose people just so that we feel worthy of love. To understand yourself better book a “integrate your shadow” reading with me. DM to book your reading.
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fangirltothefullest · 9 months
fascinating can you do janus since you talked about him?
*cracks knuckles* Absolutely!
Janus is deception, deceit in it's finest- a smooth-talking person who keeps everything close to his chest. In canon his outfit hides everything but his face- which are covered in scales, making it easy to overlook everything else when that's distracting enough. BUT! He's also way kinder than people give him credit for and his goals align with wanting to protect and keep them all safe and happy too.
Janus gives me SO many fun vibes, but to me it boils down to "immaculate presentation hiding frustrated only-sort-of-reformed-villain that wants you to treat yourself to extravagant things because you deserve it". He wants to be a good guy but it feels like it's his nature to be a manipulative shit. He is a femme fatale, a bond villain, a sassy aunt who talks shit about everyone, strange caregiver, and aesthetically he is a diva.
Inspiration 1: That video of the guy who is a good guy talking like a villain
His outfit in the series screams villain but he's CONSTANTLY trying to make good reasonable points so this has to be a good place to think about it first.
Inspiration 2: Femme Fatale
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Classy and refined, Femme Fatales use their looks and words and charms to get what they want, often at the cost of other people. Janus ultimately is a femme fatale in that he is trying to get what he wants and he tends to be smooth about it (this breaks sometimes but for the most part).
When thinking about Janus, seductive is a word that works well for him. He leans into that enticing seduction. Don't you want this? Don't you want to be like this or do this? Wouldn't it be so nice to be convinced~? While Roman is an effeminate romantic side, Janus is the one not afraid to wear the dresses and be the diva. Honestly he and Roman would be so good together flaunting dramatic diva takes if they could get past their bullshit.
Inspiration 3: Spy movies and heist movies
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Janus dresses in a hat and gloves like he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Spy movies have such a mysterious and enticing feel to them. To me deception isn't just about lying, it's about convincing people that lies are true for the purpose of achieving something. Obtaining something, changing something, doesn't matter which, spies and Janus go hand in hand in my brain. Likewise, heist movies are all about precision and timing and the perfect culmination of a plan coming together. Ultimately this is what Janus WANTS to emulate. What I think he would WANT to be. Convincing and suave and charming about it. Does he come across this way? Not 100% but it's a good place to look.
Inspiration 4: Lion King
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(bottom image source: FantaTara )
Back again with Lion King, but you can't think about Thomas's sides without thinking about Disney. One Disney Villain comes to mind when I think about Janus, and surprisingly it's not Jafar, it is instead Scar. A lion who didn't get the recognition he craved, a lion whose plotting and scheming got him very far. Mark on his face? Check! Smooth-talking? Check! He is more about wits and words than strength and Janus is just like that.
So we have a person who is suave and cunning, talks a big talk, villain-coded, selfish, scheming and wants to help but uses dirty tactics to do so if he has to, all while wearing a very put together outfit.
Inspiration 5: Decadent parties and backroom poker
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If Janus has a vice it is partying in excess and living his best life without a care for the consequences other people experience. Old fashioned cocktail parties, wine and booze, illicit backroom poker games and rigged playing cards, gossiping while he drinks his 16th cocktail and yet hiding himself behind a facade of totally having it together.
Inspiration 6: Chess
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Janus is always playing a game, and it's a game of wits for everyone he is around. Every word he says and everything he does feels like a plotted out game and everyone else is a player.
Inspiration 8: Biblical stuff
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Can't get rid of the biblical iconography with the snake man, but I chose less to look at the snake as "bad evil horrible sinful" and chose instead to look for images I could use to inspire me the opposite way.... angelic figures tending to or being kind with snakes because ultimately a snake granting knowledge isn't necessarily a bad thing to every belief system, so perhaps that vice-chasing isn't so much evil as selfishness is also not evil. A dichotomy that reflects in his scales- they continue down his entire body on that half. They should always be a prominent feature highlighted by the under eye redness. He is not fully human and that should be shown.
Things that became a must for me:
Keeping him fully clothes most of the time. This also gives into the "snakes are cold" vibes.
Must remain sleek and elegant
If he must show skin, the scales have to be shown off
Adding extra features to his outfit- splashes of yellow that remain refined and potentially softer things thrown in to look less threatening under all the outer presentation layers. Even AUs should do this.
Jewelry or accessories must be sleek and minimalist to be less distracting, but overall can be expensive. Hats are allowed to be big but will always slant and will not be too decorated.
Janus must have expressions of suave mystery, enticing allure, or like he's judging your outfit choice.
Hair is not as fluffy or as wavy- simpler and less distracting and cover his human eye because it's not as important.
Often depict him without his hat when trying to make him more approachable- the hat feels like him hiding more. Likewise do the opposite- often depict him cut off in some way to highlight the snake aesthetic and make him seem more mysterious.
So I ended up with this:
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kuroneko1815 · 2 months
Master list of my VADD works and posts
Head canons, silly scenarios, and quotes, some that I've reblogged and added to and a lot more that I've posted on my own...
Calliope during the pregnancy
Marianne asks Penelope for baby names
Reynold finds out
Cedric remembers the loops
Callisto orders everyone to dye their hair
Callisto channels Lion King
How Callisto flirts
Rock, Paper, Scissors siblings edition
Pregnancy announcement
Dragon’s hoard
Meet the Lykaios
What if they ran away in magic and dragon
Penelope does therapy on Callisto
The maze scene but make it silly
Fanfic List with links (some to AO3, some to tumblr posts, and some that I've cowritten; there are also quite a lot of previews here for fics I've had in my mind but haven't written yet)
Baby Dragon
Time and Regret
Time and the Hidden Dragon
The Amulet preview
Time and change preview
Time of the Maid preview
Time and Despair snippet preview
Time and the future that must never be
This Poisoned Cup
The maid’s revenge
Lady of Ghosts
Of Book and Flowers
Paperwork Pileup
Imperial Domesticity
Expectant Father
Conversations at bath time
Unexpected surprise
Provocation and Conciliation
Mistletoe kisses
New Year’s festivities
Childhood friends and first loves
Winter Days
Lock of Hair
Touch-starved kisses and insomnia
Twenty Years On
Of poison and dragons snippet preview
Of Magic and Dragon blood
The blue dress
The mages of Heylon preview
The case of the time travelling prince
Non-linear series preview
Wet Shirts and Surprise Babies: Marianne and Cedric's love story
In this world of darkness and crime
Things too late to take back
Wandering days
Love and Relationships
Storytime at the palace: 1, 2, 3
Coming of age talks
The nymph and the golden dragon
The handkerchief
Choose your sacrifice
Tyranny of a lost love
Boy and the Dragon (parts 1&3 are written by @saneijeijei): 1, 2, 3, 4
Monsters and Treasures in Dungeons Deep
Shatter me with a kiss or spare me my heart
A love twice lived
These roads led me home to you
Wanton touch
Redemption of a Forgotten Love preview
How to be the favorite uncle as told by Reynold Eckhart
A trip through time
The best surprise in the world
Reciprocated comfort but not without tears
These hardy few
A lot of these fics may be unfinished so proceed with caution. Also, if the story is posted as a full-fledged fic then I'll edit the links to be the ones for AO3 rather than the preview. Some of the fics are tumblr only and some are cross-posted with AO3 but some of the links would direct them to the tumblr posts instead. Will be updated whenever I post something or have the time.
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thecolourpurple123 · 3 months
Fourier Lugunica ramble (with excerpts from Ex 1)
Fourier is, much like all the members of the Lugunican royal family, somewhat airheaded but charming in nature. The Lugunican royals are all genuine and good people, but not particularly skilled stewards―which is pretty much the exact description the LN uses across all the side content I've read recently including Ex 1, 2, and 3.
In his normal state, he's prone to being incredibly impulsive and needy. He rolls up to the Karsten estate at random to bother them with whatever he's fixated on at any given moment and is very good-natured about the teasing he is subject to―not being particularly aware of the depths of Ferris's wit, but always rolling with whatever punches he does see. Fourier's obviously a bit pampered considering how he whines about the cold to the degree that he never goes anywhere without his fancy red coat, but he's not totally adverse to hardship or pain seeing how readily and regularly he challenges Crusch to duels for years of their youth despite never really standing a chance.
Generally, he does not concern himself with his own status, and readily waves it off in pursuit of whatever he's fixated on because he's just that kinda silly goofy guy. At the same time though, he's keenly aware of his status as the fourth prince, and while he does know the kind of effect he can have on people―as seen in how he stalls for time when Crusch is fighting the rabbits by distracting the people at her party with improvised songs and sword demonstrations―Fourier is not one to care for the fact that he's royalty in any ambitious or grand sense. However, as seen in Ferris's unusual appointment as a royal knight, he does know when it can be used to get what he wants/thinks is right and necessary.
Further, Fourier is very much one for bravado and putting on a brave face. He wants to be strong and look cool, especially for Crusch, and in all matters Fourier is one to throw himself headfirst into situations with a high degree of overconfidence. It's actually noted as being part of his charm, the fact that he so readily pretends that he's better than he is and is princely, while also not really caring for being seen as princely and competent, which ends up making those times where he's princely and competent all the more impactful to the people he interacts with.
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(here we see Fourier and Ferris discussing after the duel with Crusch to make her wear a dress, for a more relaxed example of Fourier being both overconfident and not caring for how he appears which Ferris takes advantage of to tease him)
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(this one is of Crusch talking to Fourier about Ferris's family history that he pretends to already know about and lies to Crusch about blatantly to save face, only to prove himself unknowingly in her eyes in the next breath)
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(and this one is Julius talking to him later in Ex 1 for a more serious example of how Fourier views other's views of him)
Ultimately, Fourier is a bit of a walking contradiction. He's oh! so jolly yet still respectable and competent when the need arises. He doesn't care for status yet walks around with overconfidence. He's keenly aware of social dynamics at times when it counts, yet often blunders his way through conversations in a way that's disarmingly absent-minded.
It's a contradiction explained by the fact that Fourier is one of a rare few of his family to be a "master of the blood" as Miklotov puts it, or the Lion King's Blessing as the fandom has come to call it. He's able to just… intuit things, a lot of the time. He knows what moves to play to win at games, knows answers to obscure questions his tutor asks without knowing why, is able to only ever show up to the Karsten estate when Crusch and Ferris aren't too busy to see and hang out with him, and of course is able to coordinate several royal knights to rescue Crusch from Ferris's dad while also setting Reinhard as insurance for stopping Miles (a spy he doesn't know exists, just has a hunch exists based on pretty much no evidence at all) from escaping back to Vollachia all without ever knowing the full scope of his own machinations.
I think the most iconic moment of Fourier is this:
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In one move, Fourier pushes Crusch to accept her dual roles of being a Lady and being the martial heir to house Karsten, thrusts Ferris into knightship in a way that doesn't leave him insecure or gives him any room for doubt, and saves Crusch's dad's life from the rabbits―only to after Crusch and Ferris leave, tell a servant Crusch tied up that he has no idea what's going on and that they should probably figure that out.
Fourier is effortlessly foundational to Crusch and Ferris's entire worldviews, and he doesn't even know how or why he just follows his instincts and garners their total respect and admiration. He's humble in an unspoken way that leaves his dramatic overconfidence as endearing instead of irritating. He's a royal with once in a generation blood, yet all he cares for is to see the buds in the garden that are those he holds dear in his life bloom into their own.
The only time he ever really cares for his station, is because Crusch is a little obsessed with the legacy of the Lion King, and Fourier wants that attention on himself (all the while not knowing that he already has it). He makes giving his everything feel like nothing yet still everything―which is all the more tragic, all the more foundational for Crusch going forward, because that very essence of Fourier is exemplified in his death where his very memory is but a footnote in a wider chapter of the nation's history. Everything to Crusch and Ferris, but nothing to a nation in mourning.
This is why, after finishing Ex 1, I have gained an appreciation for Crusch who I'd thought as a very boring character having only experienced her presence in the main series. For years now, I've always looked down upon that short-sighted selfish goal of hers to break the covenant with the dragon, just because she can't get over Fourier's death. But it's deeply understandable if you come to know Fourier, and see it from Crusch's perspective.
Crusch started with this chip on her shoulder regarding needing to be worthy of inheriting this mantle of the lion, and then by the end of the novel she inherits this impossible dream of Fourier's too―where he pictures this future together with Ferris and Crusch as he dies in her arms, not even able to finish telling her that he loves her before he goes.
Fourier was her Lion King, he always was, and in his absence, given this singular opportunity through her candidacy and in the context of the seemingly callous attitude of the Sage Council and the gathered nobles… to me, it just feels so earned that she would despise the Dragon, whose mere promise of protection overshadows the deaths of so many royals who were amazing in their own rights. Ultimately, Crusch's ire does come from misplaced grief, but it's one I can't help but respect now. The path Ferris and Crusch walk is not one that is kind to either of them, but it is one that is quite fitting. One that is lonely by necessity, because even though Fourier told Ferris to rely on his friend Julius, he was unable to finish telling Crusch his full feelings for her, leaving Crusch with an impossible dream and shoes she can't fill even with Ferris at her side.
So basically, all of this is to say that my favorite ferret man Ferrier Lugunica haunts the narrative and after reading Ex 1 he lives in my head as rent free as he does in Crusch and Ferris's.
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disney-is-mylife · 8 days
My criteria:
this list is ONLY pre-2000 films, and ONLY the Walt Disney Animation Studios line-up. So no Pixar, sequels, A Goofy Movie, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc
this is a list of Disney animated films that I now love EQUALLY as much (if not MORE so) as I did as a child. Basically, these are the films that I give the most passionate "commentary" for when watching with loved ones lmao (lots of "LOOK AT THAT SHOT LOOK AT THAT ANIMATION" and "MY BABIES" etc etc)
Y'all don't understand. Disney is embedded in my mind, heart, and soul, and ranking them is a herculean task because I LOVE SO MANY OF THEM YOU HAVE NO IDEA 😭😭😭 The vast majority of them fall into this nebulous middle region with me clutching them and crying DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE and constantly changing my mind on their rankings.
Case in point, the Top 3 are basically a three-way-tie lmao
Here are my honorable mentions that I seriously considered adding to the poll:
Hercules (1997): PLEASE DON'T @ ME, THIS HURT MORE THAN YOU KNOW 😭😭😭 It was this or The Lion King.... ultimately I chose TLK because it low-key feels wrong NOT to lmao, but also because while Hercules is a fun romp, TLK is a Cinematic Masterpiece that STILL makes me cry. That said, Hercules's songs motherfucking SLAP and Hercules/Megara are in my Top 10 Fave Disney Couples list for good reason.
Oliver & Company (1988): This one is a bit of wild card cuz I don't generally give it a knee-jerk "top 10" reaction. BUT GODS, I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND IT IS SO UNDERRATED KHBBJGHMBJJHK 😭😭😭
The Three Caballeros (1945): This is an absolute madhouse and I unironically adore every second of it lmao. My siblings and I would always quote it and act out scenes. It is as near and dear to my heart as any other title in the poll.
Alice in Wonderland (1951): To date, my fave adaptation of one of my fave books. It's solidly in my Top 15 Disney films of ALL TIME, regardless of date release.
Fantasia 2000 (1999/2000): This one toes the line due to the release date, but like COME ON. Epic flying whales?? Rhapsody in Blue??? FIREBIRD SUITE???? Idk what purists are talking about when they act like it's not good; it's fucking ART. The ONLY reason why it's not on the "same level" as the original Fantasia for me is cuz the OG is embedded in my brain lol
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
24 years old
Autistic - OCD - Anxiety
Age Regressor - Permakid - Age Locked
Proship - Self Ship - Fudanshi
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
Edit Tag: Emile's Edits
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog where I post about ships I like, Self Ship as loudly as possible, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
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Full F/O list under the cut (Very Long)
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Mashirao Ojiro + Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) + Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) + Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia
All For One - My Hero Academia
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mako - Fairy Tail
Jackpot - Fairy Tail/OC
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Kyube - Madoka Magica
Ginko - Mushishi
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kometani Chushaku + Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Gonzaburo Taishiro - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes in like a Lion
Otsu + Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth + Peridot + Lapis - Steven Universe
Eda Clawthorn + Raine Whispers - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Good Billions + Bad Billions - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Tad Mullholand - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Ruby Gloom + Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Lynn Angel + Nick Hoult - All Saints Street
Teddy - Bob's Burgers
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Zack Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Allhands - Drawga
Gyorik Rogdul + Grendan Highforge + Rosé - Drawtectives
James - Pokemon Anime
N - Pokemon Black/White
Lillie - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Jacq + Saguaro + Salvatore + Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Kieran + Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Hydreigon - Pokemon Black/White2
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Inteleon - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Heracross - Monster Mind
Smeargle + Kecleon - Monster Mind
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Isabelle + Tom Nook + Redd + Brewster - Animal Crossing
Papyrus - Undertale
Vulkin - Undertale
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Sheilds - Ace Attorney
Phineas Flilch - Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada + Celestia Ludenburgh - Danganronpa 1
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2
Toko Fukawa + Genocide Jack - Danganronpa UDG
Ryoma Hoshi + Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Monokuma - Danganronpa series
Shirokuma - Danganronpa series
Kyle Klim (K) + Luna - Virtue's Last Reward
GTM-CM-G-OLM - Virtue's Last Reward
Kazuaki Nanaki + Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend
The King - Hatoful Boyfriend
Zenyatta - Overwatch
Ramattra - Overwatch
B.O.B. + Bars - Overwatch
Maximillien - Overwatch
Lynx17 - Overwatch
Iggy - Overwatch
Toy Freddy + Funtime Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's AU
Nightmare Fredbear - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Sun - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach
Leshy - Inscryption
Magnificus - Inscryption
Theodore DaCabe (The New Prince) - Chzo Mythos
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Neclord - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Andras - Hell's Library
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children
Reed + Leigh - Middlegame
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom - Queerplatonic
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Peridot - Steven Universe - Queerplatonic
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Bowser - Super Mario - Queerplatonic
Cobb - Animal Crossing - Queerplatonic
Genocider Syo (Genocide Jack/Jill) - Danganronpa UDG - Queerplatonic
Winston - Overwatch - Queerplatonic
Goobert - Inscryption - Queerplatonic
Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia - Metamours
Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate - Metamour
Minegishi - Manly Appetites - Metamour
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Metamour
Nick Hoult - All Saints Street - Metamour
Brassius - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Metamour
Princess Peach + Princess Daisy + Prince Peasely - Super Mario - Metamours
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend - Metamour
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Friends with Benefits
Abra - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Grovyle - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Buizel - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Rhydon - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Sandslash - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Lucario - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Trainer
Wilkstrom - Pokemon X/Y - Trainer
Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Trainer
Shiintonic - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Stoutland (Rusty) - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Mincinno (Nezu) - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Partner
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet - Partner
Ogerpon (Clementine) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Weavile - Pokemon - Partner
Heatran + Entei - Pokemon - Parents
Marlo + Dora - Animal Crossing - Parents
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi - Parents
Tony Mario - Mario Movie - Father
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Father
William Afton - FNaF Series - Father
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Father
Bumi - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Father
Frank Columbo - Columbo - Father
Opal - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Mother
Briar - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mother
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mother
Toriel - Undertale - Mother
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica - Mother
Alder - Pokemon Black/White - Parental Figure
Toadsworth - Super Mario - Parental Figure
Mondatta - Overwatch - Parental Figure
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Parental Figure
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Grandfather
Rizzo - Animal Crossing - Grandfather
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandfather
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test - Grandmother
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Uncle
Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Uncle
Petri - Animal Crossing - Aunt
Elizabeth Afton - FNaF Series - Big Sister
Mitsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Big Sister
Sekijiro Kan - My Hero Academia - Big Brother
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Big Brother
Micheal Afton - FNaF Series - Big Brother
Molayne - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Big Brother
Jelonzo - Splatoon - Big Brother
James Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Big Brother
Peter Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Little Brother
Victini - Pokemon Black/White - Little Brother
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Little Brother
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) - My Hero Academia - Twin Brother
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Found Sibling
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Found Sibling
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Ramattra - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Found Sibling
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario - Cousins
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon Black/White - Cousins
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Cousins
Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Cousin
Samson - Animal Crossing - Cousin
Ira Blood - All Saints Street - Cousin
Cosmog (Nebby) - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Daughter
Amy Rose - Sonic Series - Daughter
Berdly - Deltarune - Daughter
Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket - Daughter
Julie - Jobless Reincarnation - Daughter
Jack + Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Daughters
Bede + Allister - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Sons
Pecharunt (Momotaro) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Son
Rabbid Luigi (Louis) - Mario + Rabbids - Son
Espio - Sonic Series - Son
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia - Son
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia - Son
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story - Son
Black Hat - Villainous - Son
The Collector - The Owl House - Son
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow - Son
Sam - Trick R' Treat - Child
Luz + King + Hunter - Kids
Bowser Jr. + Koopalings - Super Mario - Kids
The Lab Kids - Animal Crossing - Kids
Boss Salmonids - Splatoon 3 - Kids
Warriors of Hope - Danganronpa UDG - Kids
The Monokubs - Danganronpa V3 - Kids
Rosalina - Super Mario - Niece
Sonic + Tails - Sonic Series - Nephews
Jelfonzo - Splatoon - Nephew
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Nephew
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 - Nephew
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Grandson
505 - Villainous - Grandson
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation - Student
The Squidbeak Splatoon - Splatoon - Family
The Rising Volt Tacklers - Family
Danganronpa V3 Cast - Danganronpa UDG - Family
The Fairy Tail Guild - Fairy Tail - Family
Class 3-E - Assassination Classroom - Family
Fatfam - My Hero Academia - Family
League of Villains - My Hero Academia - Family
The Sohmas - Fruits Basket - Family
The Evil Slasher Orphanage - Various - Family
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Shoko Kirishima - Baka and Test
Irina Jelavic + Tadaomi Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
UA Teachers - My Hero Academia
Lucy's Celestial Spirits - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Yuuko Ichihara + Kimihiro Watanuki + Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
The Host Club - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Ritsu Sohma - Fruits Basket
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Miyano Yoshikazu + Sasaki Shuumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Hanazawa Masato - Sasaki and Miyano
Kuei - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Entrapta + Hordak - She-Ra
Grime + Sasha - Amphibia
Iris + Misery + Frank and Len - Ruby Gloom
The Joxter - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon Anime
Cheren + Bianca - Pokemon Black/White
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Dendra + Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Team Star - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Leauge Club - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Grimer - Monster Mind
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Super Mario AU
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Super Mario AU
Pearl + Marina - Splatoon
Spyke - Splatoon
The Mad Scientist Team - Animal Crossing
Chara - Undertale
Kris - Deltarune
Chihiro Fujisaki + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Mondo Owada - Danganronpa 1
Kazuichi Soda - Danganropa 2
Ultimate Imposter + Ryoma Mitarai - Danganronpa 3
Hiroko Hagakura + Yuta Asahina + Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa UDG
The Nightmare Animatronics - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Bonbon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Sister Location
Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach
Helpi - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach RUIN
Huggy Wuggy + Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime
Jamison Fawks (Junkrat) + Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Younster Squad (All heroes in their early 20's) - Overwatch
Team Talon - Overwatch
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus Windmier + Sierra Mikain - Suikoden 2
Claire + Brevity + Hero + Ramiel - Hell's Library
Thankyou very much for Reading
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Crush List - Fictonal Foe List - Agere List - Ship Lists - Kin List - Koro-Sensei's F/O List
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Cool questions!
1: when playing, does the duo re-act stuff from movies? Like anakin vs obi wan or when Shrek is escaping from the dragon?
2: what’s one thing that one does shocks the other? Like Chris disliking bananas on pancakes? (Read that from an earlier post of yours)
3: for the superfamily, what’s one story you would write for them?
4: what’s one story you would write for Chris for his own book?
5: same as Jake?
Phew! Took me a good while but I finally was able to get to answering this one @pin-crusher2000 . Thanks for the ask
1) Oh most definitely Chris and Jake would reenact so many Star Wars duels, especially Obi Wan vs Anakin as they can float around which make doing those fancy acrobatics all the easier. Bonus points if they utilize those cardboard tubes and paint them to their lightsaber colors and Jake using his speaker’s speakers to play the music in the background
Otherwise, they certainly would also do the Dragon Escape but most tellingly if Meredith was watching them, reenact kaiju battles
2) Oh, Jake putting Milk Before Cereal which horrifies not just Chris but also Mar’i and Dick
Also, Chris not minding the dumb fun of the Bayformers films as much as Jake does
3) I think I can have Clark, Lois, Kara, Conner, Chris and Jon get blasted across space and time, across multiple time periods, alternate histories or possible futures of Metropolis during a big battle against the Time Trapper. For example, Lois winds up in Metropolis in 1889 during the height of the Gilded Age, her mini adventure being to expose a corrupt all powerful banker while Conner is sent into a Metropolis that’s controlled by Germany in a scenario should they had won the Second World War. The finale for the arc would see the Superman Family reunite at the End of Time itself coming face to face with the Trapper, but it won’t be just the family as many of their new friends they met all across their little adventures assemble to help as well.
4) Less of an entire story and more a one to two issue arc involving Nightwing Phantom taking on a cosmic being in a game of wits and intelligence rather than fisticuffs, all for the sake of saving reality itself. Think this being akin to say A 4th Dimension Imp like Mr Mxyzptlk or more overtly the Celestial Toymaker from Doctor Who. The real meat though is whatever thoughts and emotions are transpiring inside of Chris’ mind space as I place this after he has his reaffirmation from Dad Clark of him belonging to Earth in light of Zod’s invasion. He thinks about this planet he’s trying to truly accept as his home in spite of his origins and how much he must defend it from this entity while also trying to reaffirm himself that he belongs with his real family the Kents despite Zod’s words permeating his thinking space.
5) Here, I take some inspiration from the Batman TAS episode “The Underdwellers” in which like in that episode, Jake would be investigating some recent pickpocketing going on across the Bludhaven streets, all of them being committed by street urchins and runaways, a lot of them around his age range doing such under the tyrannical rule of a supposed caretaker who treats them rather horribly. After running into one of the urchins and rescuing them from an incoming subway train, Jake and the kid become friendly with each other to where the kid can lead our hero to the whereabouts of his comrades. Coming along for the ride is one of Jake’s rouges, long time best frenemy Cody Cunningham aka Lion Master, who also had caught wind of the pickpocketing so he comes along with Skybird in this investigation, forming something of an alliance between them. This proves handy as like the Sewer King in “The Underdwellers”, the villain has vicious sewer gators that serve him which Cody’s lions are able to fend off while Skybird persues and eventually captures the villain. With that, the orphans are finally freed from his reign, taken in by the Services and able to see the light outside once again. Throughout this story, we not only can get glimpses into Jake’s head as this in a way is deja vu with his history of failing to save street orphans from a supervillain once before but also once Lion Master enters the picture, the two can have talks about each other’s deal and how Lion Master in many ways just wants a place to call a home after surviving in the streets for so long and his sympathies for Jake’s situation in light of this case.
As the two were successful working together and Cody realizes he feels much better doing some actual good rather than remaining a small time thief with a gimmick, he finally takes up Jake’s offer to renounce his old life as a rouge, first turning himself in to the authorities and spending some time in Juvie to make up for his robberies (his lions we’re thankfully tamed enough for the authorities to keep in that meantime) then once he gets out of his sentence for good behavior, moves into the Grayson Apartment complex with a place of his own. A new fresh start for him, especially when his new landlord, Dick Grayson, drops by and hearing of his skills as a lion tamer offers him and his feline companions a job at Haly Circus.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 3
Previous Chapters [1, 2,]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby settlement. Warnings: Nothing really, just the briefest vague flash of concern about r*pe but of course nothing happens, just reader scared for a mere moment. Taglist (let me know if you wish to be added): @captainchrisstan​
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It all happened so quickly. You and your father were allowed only the briefest of goodbyes in the hallway before you were torn apart. He tried to beg and reason, to change your mind, but nothing would shift you. He needed to go home and you would be fine, you did your best to tell him, though you knew you would likely never see him again, unless you found a way to escape...
Could they not even spare you a proper minute in exchange for forever? Can this king be so coldhearted that a daughter could not kiss her father goodbye?
You were assured by a guard that he would be taken to the entrance of the forest and deposited safely. He would make it home and he would have to warn the rest of your people not to venture into these woods. Not to come near these halls. You weren’t sure if you truly believed a word these elves said even though most of them sounded sincere enough but you didn’t have much of a choice other than to just accept what was being said and what was happening.
You were dumped rather unceremoniously in a cell. The red haired she-elf who locked the door gave you a slightly sad look before she turned and left you alone. It appeared you were the only prisoner which actually surprised you. You had expected the cells to be overflowing with poor innocents that the Elvenking had locked up for no reason other than his own amusement.
Time passed far too slowly. You almost wished you were still lost in the forest somewhere, or that they had let that spider kill you. Though you reasoned that, then, your father would still be trapped here. Rather you than him and you stood by that. You lay down on the floor and stared at the high ceiling, going out of your mind. God, you wished you had a book or something. You didn’t dare consider asking someone for one. As if that would be allowed.
Some time must have gone by because you were suddenly opening your eyes, being gently shaken awake. You’d fallen asleep. Groaning, you stirred, forgetting where you were for a brief moment until your eyes met those of an elf guard and it all came rushing back. At least you’d had a brief respite in your dreams, you supposed.
You were led back to the throne room. When you realised where you were going, your steps faltered, but you were pushed gently through the doors and up the walkway. Coming to a stop in front of the throne, you kept your gaze locked on thin air in front of you, not daring to look up into the eyes of the king. You didn’t want to be anywhere near him, let alone look at him or speak to him.
“You have traded your freedom for your father’s.” His smooth voice echoed around the room. You didn’t respond. It wasn’t a question. “Some would call you noble, even brave.” You lifted your eyes at that, finally looking at him. “I would call you foolish.” He continued icily, reaching the bottom of the steps, and your gaze flickered away again.
With surprising speed, he crossed the space between you and his throne, finger beneath your chin tilting your head up to look at him. “Your manners are lacking, little human.”
“I...” You frowned deeply, unsure what it is that you had done wrong but you felt like any misstep would make his disdain for you grow. Make him lock you in the deepest, darkest cell for the rest of your miserable days never to see the light, fed the bare minimum if you were lucky.
He straightened up, looming over you. “You will look me in the eye when I address you.” Your heart jumped wildly around in your chest. He moved, pacing around you like before, like a lion on the hunt. “You will live out your days here, in my kingdom. You will refer to me as my king, not your majesty, for that is what I am now. Your king. You are my prisoner and subject by default, by your own admission.”
“What... what will you do with me?” You somehow ventured, not sure where you even found the courage to speak to him. He was so intimidating and the ghost of a smirk on his face seemed almost evil in your eyes. What kind of creature locked people up over misunderstandings and refused to listen to reason? What kind of king was he?! Not much of one in your estimation. “Am I to rot away in your dungeons or would one such as yourself prefer a slave?”
A flash crossed his expression and before you could figure out what it meant, he was inches from your face. “Hold your tongue, girl.”
Your chin lifted marginally, defiantly, as you found yourself staring him down. His eyes sparkled just slightly with surprise.
The silence was deafening as he stared down at you and you stared back up at him. Where this flash of courage had come from you had no idea but you simply found yourself so angry at your situation, and at him, that you couldn’t control it.
No words were spoken but with a simple flick of his wrist, you were taken gently by the upper arm by a guard and steered back out of the room and back towards your cold, lonely cell.
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You didn’t know how much time had passed this time but you were being woken again, a gentle voice rousing you from slumber. Your eyes open slowly and you meet the gaze of an elf with blonde hair and kind eyes. Frowning, you jolt upright, wondering where you know him from. It hits you suddenly - this was one of the elves from the forest. The one who said to take you to the king.
“Forgive me.” He said, offering the softest smile. “I did not mean to startle you.” His tone and his words confuse you as you watch him straighten up to full height. “I’ve come to show you to your room.”
You blink at him.
“My... my room?” You ask, incredulous as you stare at him. There is a twinkle in his eye - amusement? You can’t tell.
“Yes. Your room. Please, come.” He gestures for you to follow him and, still frowning deeply, you stand and hesitantly begin to follow him out of the cell and up the nearby staircase. Your attention was captured completely as you followed him through the winding corridors and across walkways, up stairs, until you eventually came to a door which he pushed open and gestured for you to enter.
Suspiciously you eyed him before you took a gentle step past the door and looked around. You were faced with the most beautiful room you had ever seen, intricate carvings and beautiful wall coverings, muted colours. “I...” You found yourself speechless, turning to look at the elf now leaning in the doorway. “I don’t understand.”
He was smiling at you, arms crossed over his chest. You couldn’t figure out what was happening, why he had brought you here. A room. A bed. Suddenly, you felt a cold fear creep up the back of your neck and your expression changed as you took a stumbling step backwards away from him, your knees hitting the edge of the bed and nearly causing you to fall. You wondered if there was something close enough to grab to fight him off.
He immediately stepped forward and held out his hands. “No... no.” He seemed to catch up quickly, reading your thoughts in your expression. “Oh, I am so sorry.” Of course you might jump to such conclusions. You had been held here against your will, what on earth was he thinking? “I am not going to hurt you.” The elf lifted his hand, placing it over his heart and dipping his head slightly as he gave you such a sincere look that you began to believe him. He stayed where he was, not moving any closer. “Forgive me. I did not think.” Humans had such things to fear, he knew this, and it unsettled him to no end. Forcing such a thing upon another? He could not comprehend it.
“My name is Legolas.” He continued. “Prince Legolas. I mean you no harm, really. I simply wish you to be comfortable. Here, in this room... on your own.” He nodded carefully and you could feel yourself relaxing more, the thumping of your heart calming as you looked back into his eyes, nodding slightly.
“I... I should not have assumed...” You managed, swallowing thickly as you took another glance around the room. “It’s lovely...”
He shrugged. “It was all I could set you up with on such short notice.” Legolas sounded apologetic and you turned to shoot him a curious look. This was the prettiest room you had ever seen, what was there to be sorry for?
“It’s beautiful, really.” You told him, before frowning again. “I just... I do not understand. The King...” His father, right? He’d said he was the prince.... your head was starting to swim with all this information, trying to keep up. You looked into this man’s eyes and didn’t see the cruelty you had seen in the eyes of the king. “You are his son?” You inquired and he nodded. “Did...” Another frown crossed your expression as you thought back to what he had said when your father had been brought from the cells. “Did my father hurt you?”
Legolas sighed, glancing down at his feet, and then looking back up at you. “It’s complicated. He wasn’t in his right mind when he reached us... I believe he touched the water.”
“The water?”
Legolas explained that there was an enchanted river but he didn’t go into too much detail and you didn’t think you would understand much of it if he had. This was all too much. Your whole life had been nothing but farming and reading and simplicity. You knew magic existed and other races were out there but you had never seen any, you had never travelled out of your village, though you dreamed of it. You dreamed of adventure but you had never had the heart to leave your father, and where would you go?
“I will leave you to get settled.” Legolas said, offering you another soft smile. “Someone will check on you in a while to see if you are in need of anything.”
Then he left, closing the door behind him, leaving you in confusion as you took in your new, unexpected surroundings.
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 month
So, I was thinking - it seems unfair that I just keep all info on my projects to myself up until release day, right ?
But also I can’t exactly start posting about all of them. That would be chaos
So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m gonna make a poll - where y’all can vote on which project I talk about first, or most
If there are any specific topics from my projects you would like to see info on, my inbox is open - plus, you can comment it below this post
And for those who don’t know, these are my projects -
1) Crimson Redux - a fully original story about a world where supernatural forces, dictated by the influences of three godlike (and mostly unknown) entities - Alexithymia, Dysthymia and Dysphoria. Follow James Barker, the son of a serial killer, as he tries his best to navigate his way through this world, dealing with love, loss and action as he does
2) Lion’s Mane (WIP title) - This is just a retelling of the story of Alexander the Great and his lover Hephaestion
3) Take My Heart - A modern AU, and supremely angsty Patrochilles fanfic where Achilles is the heir to a massive corporation dissatisfied with his life, and Patroclus is the indie musical artist whose videos he comes across one day
This is actually an excerpt from it
4) Tearing Tides - The story of Anaklusmos, an ancient prince of Sparta, blessed with immortality by the Gods, following him through the years as he meets with ancient historical figures and fellow demigods alike, until he makes his way to modern day. Technically a PJO fanfic
5) Avatar Crew - An AU of The Magnus Archives where Slaughter Avatar Melanie King, Spiral Avatar Michael Distortion, Desolation Avatar Tim Stoker, Eye Avatar Jonathan Sims, and Web Avatar Annabelle Cane all get together to form the one big Avatar family, each member helping the others to feed, with occasional intercessions from a similarly symbiotic Hunt Avatar Daisy Tonner and Flesh Avatar Jared Hopworth.
At least, right up until Jon has a change of heart and leaves the Crew for less bloodstained pastures, rooming with Lonely Avatar Martin Blackwood
6) Sunlit Prince (WIP title) - A VERY barebones project, but basically a retelling of the Iliad and the stories preceding it from the perspective of Hector of Troy
7) Vine-wrapped Gold (WIP title) - equally barebones project, but basically a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh
8) Silver-sheen Traitor (WIP title) - perhaps the most barebones out of them all, but a slightly modernized (and very gay) retelling of the Bible from Judas’ perspective
Now, I can’t in good faith offer to post about the last three projects (mostly because I’m still trying to figure out what to do with them, and if I should even try) so please don’t comment about them
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