#/ no proofreading we die like men
coochiekrab · 4 months
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Baby faced at the baby convention
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notsofunsenpai · 29 days
Small Fight
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"Sampo Koski! How fucking dare you!" You shouted at him,clearly angered by him as tears threatened to spill from your eyes as his eyes widened with realization.
"Baby,Darling!-" the male begins to say,trying to be quick and trying to grab your hand, which you quickly moved it away from him.
You quickly get up from the seat that you were sitting on,walking out of the cafe pissed. You wanted to cry but also frustrated at yourself,sure you haven't been taking care of yourself weight wise but the way your lover said it or how he said it fucking upset you.
'It's fine love,it's not like you're gonna lose weight anytime soon.' Was his words as you were eating some Snapper Jam Appetizer with a side of Cosmic fried rice as you brought up the conversation of wanting to start a diet or wanting to go on mission to get more exercise and to spend time with him.
Ignoring your phone as you felt it going off along with vibrating like crazy from the calls and texts messages that you won't bother to look at. You decided to visit a friend,staying with them for a few days because you didn't want to come face to face with your lover,nor hear his pleads. You needed some space to calm down and collect yourself as you hide out at your friends place. You had turned your phone off because you got tired of hearing it. You had your knees tucked to your chest as your arms wrapped around them,resting your head on your knees,looking out the window,watching people going by. Sometimes you thought in moments like this it was unfair how life goes on without the care in the world,nor does time stop for anything. Closing your eyes for a moment, listening to whatever comes to your ears first,it felt peaceful. Calming your nerves some,as the sound becomes fainter and fainter as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Sampo fucking curses to himself,"Good one Sampo.." he mutters,he had called your phone about fifty times and had sent you over twenty messages.
Baby? :(
I'm sorry,I apologize from the bottom of my heart for causing you such pain.
Please let's talk this out,I didn't mean it!:(
My cinnamon roll.
I swear that I will be a better person and will never hurt you again from now on.
I need you
Honey Bunny, I'm so sorry if I brought tears to your eyes; it was not my purpose. Please accept my apologies..
Sorry for acting like a fool; that was not my intention. I'm hoping you'll be able to forgive me and allow me to love you once more.
Please,answer me. I wanna make things right!
Please message me as soon as possible.
I love you, baby♡
He frowns as you weren't answering him,he's worried he fucked this up so bad that it can't be fixed,he feels like something in him had died.he ran his fingers through his now unkept hair,pacing back and forth,"Sampo,you idiot..i have to fix this... i NEED to fix this." He grits his teeth,putting his phone back into his pocket as he as he starts walking hoping he'll find you. He already tried going to your place,you weren't there and he knew you loved your home but he checked else where like your favorite restaurant,he went to see Serval because you love to gossip with her. He went to your favorite park because nearby is an ice cream place,they had your favorite flavor there that no one else serves or sells. He asked some people if they had seen you which they all had said no,he was losing his mind. He sits at a nearby bench,staring at the ground as his eyes were dull and lack any life to them,he clearly wasn't happy.
What happens if he never sees you again?
What if you ended up hating him?
What if you decided to leave town without him knowing?
What would he even do?
You were the only thing that brought joy to him,his sunlight and energy source. He hold his hands together in front of him,clenching or trying to hold himself back from any negative thoughts,he knows its not working but he doesn't want to end up burning this whole city down to find you.
Because he will.
He stared at the ground for a long while,he doesn't know how long but when he comes back to reality it was near night time,maybe doing some jobs will get his mind off if things.
He stands up and finds random tasks at hand,nothing too crazy it was just delivering messages and looking for said things. He usually tries to scam - I mean, help them depending on the situation, but he wasn't really feeling like it, so he actually did the small taks. He did about maybe three to six before stopping,going to a small food stand nearby, and getting something to snack from the running from point A to point B.
He ate quietly to himself,as he tried messaging and calling you once more to only get your voice mail,"Great..she turned her phone off." He curses,finishing his food quickly,tossing it away.
"Baby.. please forgive me." He frowns,head hanging as some of his dark blue hair covers his eyes as his quivering lips turn into a scowl. He finally gives up for the night,heading back to his place,turning on the lights as he enters the room,and flopping down onto the couch,staring out into nothingness.
It was gonna be a long night for him,he could already tell.
You woke up,your body cracked as you moved,groaning in the process as you noted you didn't fall asleep on the bed. You got up,nearly falling on your face as your legs give out but managed to not fall somehow,you went to the bed,getting underneath the covers along with noticing or taking note that it was still dark outside,probably about maybe five in the morning. The bed felt empty and unusually cold,probably because you're usually cuddling your lover,enjoying his warmth or either fighting with him over the blankets. You missed him,but you still were pissed at him,you also didn't bother looking at your phone knowing there's a shit ton of messages. You shuffled alittle in the bed to get comfy,resting your eyes once more,as you went back to sleep until like nine or ten in the morning.
Sampo barely slept,if he did it was probably a power nap? He wasn't sure if he slept but around six he finally got up,his body felt heavy,he felt like he was dead,he trudge to his kitchen to get some caffeine in his system along with eating something sugary to help with his energy levels and not want to die. Getting his phone as he ate breakfast, he sent you a good morning text.
He knew his princess wasn't a morning person but he still wanted to send you a text then a voice-mail,saying how much he loved you. He then goes to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth,drying himself once done and changing into something more comfortable. He didn't wanna go out today but he didn't want to do anything,so he just kinda did alot of cleaning around the house even if he hated it,he just need to distract himself. He swept and vacuum the floors,did the dishes,mopped the floors,dusts around the house,made the bed,did the laundry along with drying and folding the clothes,he organized his bookshelves or whatever needed to be organized. He eventually ran out of things to clean,dust,or organize and immediately went back to his phone to send few more messages to you,hoping at least one text or that you looked at it at least,but all this poor man got was nothing.
He sighs,setting his phone down.
"Y/N..I missed you so much." He frowns grows.
You woked up a few hours later,sitting up and yawning it the process,rubbing the sleepies out of your eyes as the sun hits your face,feeling the warmth on your skin. You stepped out of bed,fixing your hair into a messy bun and going to the bathroom to do your business then went into the kitchen where your best friend had already had breakfast on the table. The two of you ate together,chatting about random things about that one tv show that was airing or about what your plans were today.
"Hey Y/N,I know you're mad at your partner at what he said,I get it I really do.Well Sampo seems like a nice guy,we all know how he is. He tends to talk before thinking sometimes but I generally think he didn't mean to hurt you,he loves you to much to hurt you. Maybe try to give him another chance,after all we aren't perfect and we all gotta fuck up here and there." Your friend said watching you finish your breakfast. You gived it a thought,letting out a sigh you decided to get up and get your phone,turning it on,immediately got blasted with tons of messages. You waited for like three minutes for them to finally stop,you didn't read them but had an idea of what they were about because you already saw few of the messages that popped up,you would rather call him then go through the messages at this minutes. You dialed his number,putting your to your ear,waiting for him to answer.
"Hello! Baby,I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt or say anything mean to you! I wasn't thinking!" You heard him say,he sounded frantic and worried which was unlike his cool and calm personality.
It almost broke your heart to hear him like this,"My little Blueberry,calm down I'm not going anywhere I promise. Let's meet up at our favorite place."
"Okaay,I'll see you there pumkin pie! Be there soon! I love you." You heard him before he quickly hangs up to meet you there.
You get up,fixing your hair to make it look more presentable and put on new comfy clothes that your friend let you wear. You put your shoes on along with grabbing your keys and the things you need,walking out the door to meet up Sampo.
You guys met outside the ice cream place,the one at the park or near the park,Sampo immediately hugs you tightly.
"I'm sorry,so very sorry." He mutters as his grip doesn't let up.
"Sampo,you're suffocating me!" You squeaked,trying to push him away.
"Please let me make it up to you! I'll buy you a million ice creams! I'll spoil you even more than usual!"
"Sampo." You called out to him.
"I'll steal from people for you!"
"Don't do that."
"Okay.. we'll have date nights everynight!" He smiles,whatever his gal wants she gets,he'd make sure he'll follow your request.
You managed to break free from his grip,grabbing his hand and kissing it,making small circles into his palm,"I appreciate the thought but you don't gotta do all of that... I may forgive you to easily and way to quick,it could be the dumbest mistake I can make,but love is all about making mistakes and forgiving right? We are people,we are bound to make mistakes rather its everyday or not we still make them."
The dark blue haired male smiles,bringing you into a kiss,"Let's make all the mistakes then." He kisses you once more as small giggles escape your lips. He deepens the kiss,slipping his tongue into your mouth,exploring every inch of you.
You felt dizzy but in a good way,feeling your knees become jelly, but lucky for you,you had an amazing, strong, and handsome boyfriend to hold you. You felt like time had stopped for just a moment until you heard some random person clearing their throats.
Sampo breaks the kiss with a grin while your face was flustered from the kiss and from the embarrassment,you apologized to the citizen,feeling Sampo taking hold of your hand, whispering into ear,"I know of another way I can make it up to you my queen." Hints of lust was in his voice as your face turn darker in front of the citizen,Sampo quickly drags you to his place.
He wasted no time getting you naked,in between your legs kissing and bitting your inner thigh,"Mhh such beautiful thighs you have baby." He squeezes your chubby thighs,admiring them,loving them. You looked away shyly as he complements you,"Ah,Ah,Ah,look at me, baby." He calls you which you immediately obey.
"That's my gal." He smiles.
He gets close to your pussy,you could feel his warm breath,he gives you a kiss down there before licking all over your pussy. Your hands went to his hair,trying to remain eye contact with him as he eats you out.
You felt weak.
Weak to your knees.
He then went back to placing kisses,sloppy ones,messy ones,long and short ones,and my God the tip of his tongue puts pressure on your sensitive clit,you bite your lip as you rolled your eyes slightly.
"Sam..po.." you moan.
You begin moving your hips,grinding yourself on his tongue.
Sampo gets closer if even possible,his strong hands his on both of your thighs,gripping them like he's never gonna feel them again,sucking and biting your clit till it's swollen. He gently kisses it,loving the noises you made for him as he enters his tongue in you one more and fucks you with his tongue,making out with your walls as the best as he could.
Your eyes rolled back again,your wall clenching around his tongue,grinding faster or as fast as you could,"Sampo.. please..please..." you plead to him,feeling tears in your eyes as your fingers grabbed harder onto his hair which he moan from that. You felt his tongue touch a certain part,a sensitive part,"Ah!" You cried,feeling light headed,you would of fallen by now if Sampo wasn't holding you.
You were close,you could feel your climax coming quickly.
He took his mouth off of you..
You wanted to cry.
Hearing him undoing his belt,"Baby,let's finish this on the bed,I said I'll make it up to you,plan on doing it in different ways. Going to spoil you tonight. " His eyes gleamed in mischief.
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dreaamerwrites · 2 years
rating: PG couple: cho guesung x female reader request: "can i ask you to imagine cho gue sung if he gets jealous because of one of the other players?" tags: jealousy, cake, kangin shenanigans, making out in a hotel hallway lol note: reader has had a crush on guesung for a long time. she was starting to wonder if her feelings might be reciprocated while they were apart during the Qatar World Cup, but during a welcome back party for our KNT boys, guesung begins to act very, very strange. /
You realize something is wrong immediately.
You can’t quite put your finger on how you know. He’s standing on the other side of the room, several feet of carpet, appetizers, and rowdy footballers stretching out in the space between you two. Seungho is laughing at his side. Jinsu must’ve cracked a joke, because Guesung appears to be laughing too now. But…
But you can tell something is wrong.
Maybe it’s that tight set to his jaw. (You can see it clench and unclench, an unhappy habit you know he’s been trying to break for months now, per his dentist’s orders.) Or maybe it’s his arms, crossed over his chest. He’s standing broad; feet apart, shoulders squared. He looks half-ready to fight or bolt – and yet, still, he continues to laugh between Jinsu and Seungho. As if everything is fine, as if nothing’s wrong.
His eyes briefly flicker over. They meet yours. You frown at him, trying to ask and convey:
What’s wrong?
Guesung’s expression does not change as he looks away yet again.
“Noona, did you taste this yet?!”
Suddenly a fork comes in line with your vision.
You look to your left, startled. Kangin had been chatting animatedly by your side for the last few minutes but, with Guesung looking so off, you hadn’t been able to pay much attention to the boy. The Mallorca boy smiles down at you with a broad, earnest smile, all teeth and dimples, and you immediately soften.
“No, not yet,” you reply, leaning forward to take the bite of cake he offers to you. It tastes of blueberries and whipped cream. “Are you guys even allowed to eat stuff like this?”
“Of course,” Kangin’s grin grows even wider, a truly impossible feat. “It’s Day 1 of our vacation. I deserve this today. Isn’t it good?!”
The sweetness clings to you, both from the cake and the boy.
“Yes,” you laugh, shaking your head. “It’s very good.”
Pleased, Kangin moves to take another bite for himself now. He’s settled close to you, as he had been for the last hour…
(I’ve missed you, noona! he had exclaimed, as soon as he had found you waiting in the hotel suite, still adding the last finishing touches to the makeshift welcome party you and the rest of the Seoul-based staff had thrown together.
The day had been a hectic one – their flights delayed, the airport erupting into chaos, countless fans lining up outside the hotel where the team had intended to touch base before all going their separate ways. You had been a mess then, hair still up in a sloppy bun, a pile of knotted streamers in your hands. Kangin had nearly tackled you down with a hug regardless.
You should’ve come with us, he had whined, arms still tight around your waist. Qatar wasn’t the same without you!
Over his shoulder, at that moment, you had seen Guesung walk in, face gaunt, eyes tired. He had stopped briefly when he saw the spectacle before him – Kangin hugging you in a wild bear hug, walking you backwards and nearly knocking over a bowl of confetti in the process – before shaking his head and making his way immediately towards the bar cart.)
That had been one hour ago.
And now, Kangin is still pressed into your side, curled up beside you on one of the hotel suite loveseats – and Guesung…
Well, Guesung has still not even come to say hello.
You’re trying very hard not to take it personally. It isn't as if you have any claim on Guesung. He isn't even your boyfriend, after all. You're close of course. You're close with all of them really. But… but Guesung had been different. Had felt different.
Especially over the last few weeks, throughout the World Cup campaign. You two had been talking more than ever. Constant phone calls, constant texts. You had spoken to him more over the last few weeks while he was in Qatar than you had ever before.
(And when he’d fall asleep, mid-sentence, mumbling to you over the phone about just wanting to do well, to make everyone happy, to make you feel proud of him… well, was it wrong for your heart to have flipped at the promise? Was it wrong to start to wonder if, for the first time in years, that perhaps your feelings weren’t so one-sided after all?)
You did well, Guesung. I missed you. I’m proud of you, Guesung. I missed you.
You had had so many things to tell him in-person and yet, now, you can’t even find the courage to approach him from across this very hotel room.
Was it possible for someone to feel far away, even while in the same room? How had he managed to feel even closer, when he had been oceans away before?
“You wanna know a secret, noona?” Kangin suddenly asks.
He’s pressed to your side, radiating a comforting kind of heat that briefly distracts you from how strange Guesung has been all evening.
You force yourself into a brief, small smile before turning to look at Kangin again. He has a small smudge of whipped cream on his Cupid’s bow. He looks as soft, kind, and sweet as ever. A boy, enjoying his cake, just happy to be here at all.
“Sure,” you can’t help but laugh, reaching over to wipe the cream from his lips with your thumb, endeared. He blushes sheepishly at the action, licking at his lips afterwards. This time, you press your shoulder into his instead, laughing teasingly. “What’s the secret, kid?”
This gets him back on track.
Momentarily forgetting his sheepishness, Kangin straightens up, sitting broad in the loveseat with you, shoulder firm against yours. He gives you an owlish, knowing look.
“I’ve been conducting an experiment,” he says, very matter-of-factly.
You raise a brow, licking the icing off your thumb. Kangin doesn’t bat an eye.
“You see, when we were at the airport, some of the hyungs were all making fun of… someone,” he raises a brow right back at you, all swagger now, as if he wasn’t just caught with frosting on his lip. “They all knew you’d be here, waiting for us when we got back, ya’know.”
You’re not quite sure where this is going.
“They were making fun of him, saying that… that someone would probably be soOOOooOo happy to see you,” Kangin hums, clearly pleased with himself. “He tried to deny it the whole trip. Said it wasn’t a big deal. Said he just wanted to see you just like everyone else. Said it wasn’t like that.”
Wasn’t like that. Suddenly your heart is caught in your throat.
“Kangin,” your smile falters.
Kangin’s expression transforms from faux swagger to warm encouragement in a split second. He sets his cake down onto the coffee table and, hands free now, shifts even closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I needed to call bullshit,” he smiles warmly, no malice lacing his words whatsoever. Just pure kindness and laughter. He radiates so much softness that you can’t even admonish him for swearing. “I wanted to make them acknowledge that: nope, this is exactly like that.”
Kangin squeezes your shoulder firmly, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Noona, you deserve someone who will be honest about their feelings. You deserve someone who will be proud to have you in their life and who will fight to keep you always.”
(Just want you to be proud of me, Guesung had murmured sleepily on the fourth night.
His voice had sounded far away on the phone. You had pressed the receiver closer to your ear. You could catch what he said next just barely. It came so soft and sleep found him so quickly after that you wondered if you had dreamt it all.
Just want you to want me too, he had whispered. Just want you.)
“So I started wondering, ya’know. If this guy can’t even be brave enough to tell his friends that he likes you, then will he ever be brave enough to deserve you?” Kangin continues, this time more flippantly than before. His gaze flickers over to the side of your head but he holds you still, does not let you look away. “So I needed to run a little experiment.”
Suddenly Guesung is standing before you.
This time, Kangin lets you look up, look away. Lets you look up into Guesung’s face, to find his expression pinched and unhappy, his big hand brushing Kangin’s off of your shoulder with focused intent.
Guesung grabs your arm and lifts you up and off the couch.
“We’re going,” Guesung grits out. “Now.”
“Guess I know my answer now,” Kangin laughs loudly, a full-bodied laugh. You can see he has some whipped cream still left on his chin, too, that you hadn’t noticed before.
You glance between the young boy and Guesung in confusion – but Guesung doesn’t give you a chance to squeak out another question.
He leaves behind a laughing Kangin and pulls you further and further away, his hand firm on your arm, fingers pressing into your skin as he pulls you through the crowd of people, his steps so wide that you nearly trip over your own feet to keep up with him.
Heungmin is laughing now, just as loudly, and you can see Jinsu and Seungho doubled over in the corner.
Guesung does not spare anyone a second glance.
He does not even spare you a glance until you’re out, finally, standing in the hotel hallway, the suite room slamming closed behind you. Your back hits the wall.
“I’m – what – what’s going on – ” you sputter, Guesung’s hand still tight around your arm. “Guesung, you’re hurting me.”
He drops his hand immediately, as if burned. Still, he does not look at you. He stares down at his hand instead. His chest is heaving and his expression has morphed from frustrated anger to one of disbelief, as he stares down at his palm. He clenches it closed into a fist, his knuckles white.
Just want you to want me too.
“Sorry, I’m – I’m sorry,” Guesung is muttering now, voice low and gravelly. Thick with something uncomfortable. “I shouldn't have – sorry, I grabbed you. I shouldn’t have – ”
You can hear the party even through the thick hotel room door that separates you from the rowdy footballers. You can almost hear Kangin laughing, still.
Be brave, he’d probably tell you.
Be brave, he’d probably tell the both of you in this hallway.
Slowly, you raise your hand to cover Guesung’s closed fist. His hand is so big, compared to yours, that you can barely cover half of it. You raise your other as well. Cradling his fist in both of your hands, you smooth your thumbs over his clenched knuckles. You can feel him shiver at the touch and finally, finally… you buck up the courage to look up.
To look at him.
Guesung stares down at you, towering over you with his height. He blocks out the hotel light behind him, still breathing heavily, shoulders shaking, and, for once, all you can see is him. The hotel room, the laughter, the party: everything fades away. There is only you, and there is only him.
The silence is deafening.
His mouth is pressed into a thin line. His expression is still unreadable, guarded and unhappy, but the beauty mark just below his eye is so endearing that you can’t help but soften, despite yourself.
For the first time that evening, you think you may finally understand what was wrong all along.
I miss you, his eyes seem to scream. I missed you!
You let go of his hand to reach up to cradle his face carefully instead.
“It’s okay,” you whisper into the silence of the hotel hallway. “Don’t be sorry.”
Be brave!
“I missed you too,” you admit quietly.
The change in his expression comes so swiftly that you can barely register it before he crushes you against him. He presses your face into his broad chest and wraps his muscled arms around you tightly, desperately. He holds you so close that your own chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. His breath is warm and harsh against your ear, a faint whine of unhappiness rising up when you wiggle in his arms, trying to free your own arms so that you can wrap them around him. Only when your arms circle his waist does he finally let out a ragged, relieved sigh.
Still, he does not let you go.
“I hated it. All of it,” he mutters into your hair. “Everything in there. I'm sorry. I hated that Kangin was the first one you saw. I hated that he was with you all night. I hated that we didn’t speak and that you didn’t look at me and that you were looking at him and –”
He’s rambling now, all nonsense and tight breaths.
You smooth your hand down his back. Follow the curve and dip of his spine. Rub soothing circles into the base. He seems to melt into you at the touch, though he’s careful not to rest his weight onto you.
You don’t think you’d mind it, really. You tug him closer, still.
“I didn’t know,” you whisper back quietly. “I’m sorry too.”
This stops the rambling.
Guesung seems to go still in your arms. And then, unwillingly, reluctantly, he slowly pulls back. His hands are locked behind your back so neither of you can go very far, but he pulls back just enough to get a better look at your face. You’re not sure what you look like. Your hair feels like a mess, from being pressed up against him just now, and you’re sure you’re flushed as well – but…
But Guesung looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
And, damn, if he isn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen as well.
His mouth is red and his cheeks are flushed. He stares down at you with such intensity that you want to squirm under his gaze, but still he holds you in place. You swallow. His hair has come loose, the pomade softening, and a few strands fall into his forehead. You want to push them back. You want to hold him closer. You want him to…
“You didn’t know?” Guesung asks softly, breaking your train of thought.
You shake your head slowly. He licks his lips. Watches you watch him too.
“You didn’t know that I’ve missed you like hell for the last few months? You didn’t know that the first person I wanted to see after our Portugal match... was you?”
Guesung’s gaze never leaves yours.
This time, you do shiver.
“You wanted to see me first?” you reply shakily, a slight tremor in your voice.
Guesung sweeps one hand up from your waist to the side of your neck. Normally he runs cold, you know, but today he is warm, skin hot against yours. His thumb smooths over the slope of your jaw, the touch purposeful and tender.
“I always want to see you first,” he replies, just as shakily, his voice giving him away.
You cannot hear Kangin laughing anymore. You do not hear anything but the sound of Guesung’s soft voice and your own heart thumping loudly in your chest. It’s time to be brave now.
“Good,” you reply.
You tilt your face up to Guesung. And then, staring into his eyes, you lift yourself up onto your tippy toes, rest your hands on his shoulders, and lean up and into him.
When your lips find his, the first kiss is unbearably soft.
A barely there brush of your lips at first – but then there's a second, and then a third.
By the fourth, Guesung is hungry as he pushes you back further against the wall, one leg slotting between yours, his big hand cupping your cheek to tilt your mouth up and open for him even more.
“Missed you,” you murmur between kisses, his tongue catching your bottom lip. You shiver when his other hand stops at the small of your back, thumb sweeping across the stretch of skin there that appears as your shift lifts just slightly. “So proud of you. ‘M so proud of you. Wanted to tell you all night.”
He shakes in your arms at this, holding you closer, his thigh warm between your legs.
“Proud of me?” he mumbles back, pressing another kiss at the corner of your mouth, nose brushing against yours. “Missed me?”
You nod, dizzy now, breathless as he kisses you in earnest. Your hand finds its way into his hair and you give the strands a light tug, pulling him back slightly. When he tilts back, you can see him clearly now. Mouth wet, pink with your lip balm, his hair even more mussed than before. He’s heaving now, chest rising and falling with each desperate breath.
You can taste that cake still – blueberries and whipped cream clinging to the backs of your teeth – but you can taste Guesung too, you think. You lick your lips.
He seems to melt at the sight.
He sags against you, pressed firmly against you, wedging you between his thighs and the cool wall behind you.
“Did you really?” he leans closer, pressing his forehead to yours.
For someone who just kissed you as if their life depended on it, a flash of uncertainty shines in his eyes.
Oh, Guesung…
You decide to be brave enough for the both of you.
“I did. I’m so proud of you. And I missed you so much,” you answer steadily. Your hand in his hair is gentle. You brush the strands back slowly, carefully. Breathe in his cologne and let yourself get dizzy with it. “Wanted you. So much.”
Guesung looks dizzy himself.
He nudges his nose against yours. You’re sure the position must be uncomfortable for him, towering so high above you but leaning down so that he can reach you, like this. He does not seem to care. The uncertainty in his eyes seems to be fading now.
“Really? You wanted – want me?” he clears his throat. Presses himself closer to you, all heat between your legs, shuddering when your fingers card through his hair, nails grazing the nape of his neck. He tries to laugh shakily. “Even more than Kangin?”
The joke catches you so off guard that you let out a helpless, breathless laugh.
“Is that really a question?” you ask, looking down at the predicament you two are in briefly before looking back up at Guesung. Do you see this right now? is what you should really be asking. Instead, you decide to humor him. “Of course more than Kangin. More than anyone else. Always. I wouldn’t be out here kissing Kangin like this!”
This seems to appease him.
He crowds against you even closer, nuzzling your nose with his, sneaking a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Good,” he murmurs. “Only kiss me like this. Only want me. I know I only want you.”
You know there will be lengthy conversations after this. You know the two of you will need to discuss your feelings properly – will need to iron this out and speak like adults, rather than kiss-drunk kids who want only to be wrapped up in each other’s arms. You know that that will all come...
But for now, you let yourself have this.
Be brave.
“Only want you,” you promise, voice soft. Reassuring. Guesung is warm and solid in your arms.
He is everything you could ask for at that moment.
He is everything you could ask for always.
“I promise.”
Bonus cut:
Several minutes later, after a few more lengthy, hungry kisses:
Guesung fixes his hair, ruffling the strands between his fingers, as he gazes at you thoughtfully. You raise a brow at him, as you readjust your shirt, trying to tuck it back in from where he had pulled it loose.
“What is it?”
He purses his lips, a curious look in his eyes.
“You tasted like… blueberries. Do you always taste like berries?”
You pause.
And then, schooling your expression into the most neutral one you can manage, you sniff: “Did you get to try the cake we got for you guys? It’s blueberries and cream. …Kangin fed me some. Didn’t you see – ”
(Really, you both had tried to straighten yourselves out in vain. What was even the point of trying to straighten out your shirt again?)
You yelp when Guesung reels you back in, big hands immediately grabbing onto your hips as he pulls you closer, staring at your mouth with intent, chasing you for another kiss.
“I’ll kiss it away. Gonna kiss you til you taste like me instead,” he growls roughly, mouth open and wet against yours.
You can only laugh into the kiss in agreement.
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snakevsnis · 4 months
Dumb-fucking your dear Doctor
Dottore x top. male reader
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The second harbinger, the doctor, being known for his knowledge and power but also for the cruel experiments. What a joke. The man before you is none of that anymore, he’s just a needy, dumb whore.
“Pathetic” your voice was harsh, throwing another insult at him and crushing his pride even more, not like there was much left of it at this point. Dottore wanted to snarl at you, to insult you back but he just wasn’t able to think of anything, to dumb at the moment.
“You like that, don’t you? Being reduced to nothing?” A mocking laugh slips out of your throat, which gets you a whine from the harbinger beneath you, “of course you do, why do I even ask. You’re nothing more than some slut begging to get fucked.” Oh how your words hit him but oh how he wants to be degraded by you even more.
Dottores nails dig into the desk, whimpers coming out of his mouth as he was trying to form some words. “o-only for you-“, he manages to croak out, lips tugging into an dumb grin to which you just let out a half-hearted chuckle. Fingers digging harder into his hips.
You just felt so, so good, the way the tip of your cock kisses his prostate in all the right places, making him see stars. His brain can’t focus on anything expect for the pleasure you were making him feel.
Normally the doctor would have turned, whoever would even dare to think about him in such a way, into one of his subjects but you, oh you, he would close an eye this once and all the other times.
Noticing that your dear doctor seems to be in his own little world, you decided to grab his swollen cock. Giving it a squeeze and starting to rub it in the rhythm of your thrust, making him let out a loud moan. His eyes roll to the back of his head once again as he wraps his legs around your waist even tighter, his hole also clenching around you.
“Getting greedy?”, you ask him, but it sounded more of a fact than an actual question, not like he would notice it. Seeing that you won’t get a respond back, you clicking your tongue in annoyance and let go of his dick while pulling out until only your tip is still inside him.
Blinking in confusion, dottore slowly regains some of his mind back, tilting his head up to look and probably snarl at you for stopping, only to slam it right back and arch his back as you enter him once again, even harsher then before. His moans get louder and he starts to drool, as you once again start to fuck him. It doesn’t take long till he comes for the nth time with a loud moan of your name, you joining him shortly after, filling him even more with your warm sperm.
Finally slowing down, you give Dottore the chance to catch his breath, his stomach covered in his cum while some of your own was dripping out of his used, little hole and onto the floor. Letting out a chuckle, you lean forward, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead before leaning your own against his.
After a while, you both manage to catch your breath and you pull out of him, your cock now semi-hard as you help him sit up. The harbinger head hands low, with his gaze on the ground as he sits in silent. “You bastard.”
Seems like he is able think and speak again. Just for how long, until his, all knowing, mouth gets to annoying?
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I haven’t written anything for a while, so I hope it’s alright, and please inform me if there are any grammatical mistakes or if you have any tips for writing, it would be very appreciated.
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renx01 · 2 months
Too Sweet
Prompt: Inspired by the Hozier song Pairing: Harry Hart x (Kingsman!)Reader Fandom: Kingsman Tags/Warnings: age gap, mutual pining, angst Word count: 6495
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You’d joined Kingsman only five years ago, and over time you’ve become a well-respected agent, code-named Tristan. Merlin, who is your uncle, was the one who had proposed you as a candidate and helped you prepare for the role while you were still in your early twenties. The other candidates had been good, but you were nearly flawless, only taking calculated risks and never letting your emotions rule your decision making. Control over your emotions was something you always excelled in, and it tremendously helped you make strides as an agent during the initial few months and first year. This caused you to rise in rank quite quickly, making you go on more solo missions or accompanying Galahad or Percival whenever they needed assistance. Today, you’re helping your uncle instead, hacking into some cameras and security networks so he’ll be able to tell Lancelot and Galahad where to go next and what they should be looking out for. It’s something you do from time to time, mostly upon Merlin’s request when he finds the mission too complicated to oversee on his own.
‘The main control room should be south from where they are now.’ You pull up the map on the big screen which hangs in front of you and Merlin, pointing out where Galahad and Lancelot should be going next. As he’s relaying the information to the other men, you hack into the mainframe the criminal organisation and start going through the different files. ‘Any updates about the nuclear files?’ Galahad’s voice comes through the speakers and Merlin looks at you. ‘Working on it. Just focus on getting to that room.’ The screen in front of you shows Lancelot’s feed. He’s following Galahad through the many hallways and twists and turns they take, taking down guards whenever they come across them. Their moves are deliberate, quick and efficient. You turn back to your screen and after a few minutes you’re finally able to access the file Galahad had asked for. ‘I’m sending you the file now, Galahad.’ ‘Thanks Tristan.’ He replies. They have finally reached the door to the control room. Lancelot holds his watch against it and it opens. Silently, the two men enter the room. ‘Lancelot, I need you to connect us to the controls.’ Merlin states and the other man follows the order. Your screens fill with the necessary information and you start working on fully disarming and disabling  the system. ‘Galahad, please flip the green switch on your right.’ You request. Before he can really do so, a loud bang interrupts him, followed by the sound of shots. ‘Lancelot, you take those men while Galahad follows Tristan’s orders.’ Merlin’s Scottish accent seems thicker momentarily. You’ve noticed it only really happened when he was in more stressful situations; one time when you almost got kidnapped, it was so thick you could barely understand him despite having a mostly Scottish family. Calmly, you instruct Galahad what buttons to press and switches to flip. After a few minutes of him following your lead as you type away at your computer, you’re done. ‘Galahad. Lancelot. The system has fully been disabled and disarmed. Get back to the jet.’ They start running through the building and Merlin glances at you, giving you a small smile before going back to helping them follow the quickest route out of the building. 
‘You did well, Tristan.’ Merlin ruffles your hair and you smile at him. ‘Thanks. You didn’t do too badly yourself, old man.’ He laughs and lightly punches your arm. ‘I’m not that old, your mother is 10 years older than I am.’ You snort and teasingly say, ‘And you Merlin, are 12 years older than I am.’ After that comment, a comfortable silence settles between you. There were a few more tasks you had to complete before tomorrow, so you decided you would spend the evening and night at the mansion.  About an hour after the mission finished, Merlin leaves, leaving you alone in front of the large screen filled with documents. Quietly, you continue working for a few more hours before you call it a night. You’d finished your side of the report, only needing Galahad and Lancelot for the final few details. You’ll probably ask them about those during the debrief tomorrow afternoon. 
Once you’ve locked your computer and turned off all the lights, you silently walk to the kitchen, where you start making a pot of tea. The room is dark, as you only turned on the light above the stove. A sound from behind you catches your attention. Looking back, you see that your two colleagues have just returned from their mission. ‘Evening gentlemen.’ You greet them. ‘Tristan, good evening.’ Galahad walks up and stands next to you, just as the water starts boiling. ‘Would you like a cup?’ Your hands continue moving, putting in the tea egg to let the leaves steep. He hums in response as he grabs two more cups. ‘Chamomile?’ Galahad quietly asks and you nod. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you while Lancelot leaves the room momentarily to put some of their things away. Once the tea has sufficiently gained colour and flavour, you pour some into the three cups. Grabbing your own, you sit down next to the chair you’d draped your suit jacket over. Harry sits down across from you and puts down Lancelot’s cup next to him. You both quietly drink your tea, your eyes scanning that day’s paper. When you look up, you notice his eyes are trained on you, making you a bit nervous. Before you can say anything, though, Lancelot walks back in and starts talking about their flight back to England and the newest Royal scandal of the week. The other man’s attention shifts to his colleague who is talking excitedly. Your eyes scan Galahad’s features. He is handsome, smart, quick-witted, and a gentleman. A combination which has led you to, over time, develop a bit of a crush on your colleague. 
‘Tristan, what do you think?’
You turn your head to face the other man. ‘I think the situation escalated unnecessarily, had the royal family handled it properly, this would’ve never become public.’ He smiles and Galahad interjects. ‘I agree with Tristan, this situation could have easily been avoided.’ The two men continue talking and you sip your tea.  ‘Gentlemen, I’m heading off to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the debrief.’ You stand up and put your cup into the dishwasher. It was already 11 o’clock. ‘Tristan,’ Galahad stands up, ‘if you’ll allow me, I’ll walk you back to your room.’ Smiling, you nod. ‘Of course Galahad; thank you.’ He leaves the room with you and as you walk, he leans sideways in your direction and whispers. ‘Thanks Tristan. I was a bit tired of Lancelot talking. He’s been going without pause from the moment we got on the jet.’ It didn’t surprise you in the least. ‘Of course Galahad. Lancelot tends to talk quite a lot; I suspect his favourite sound may be his own voice.’ He snorts. ‘I suspect you might be correct.’ The hallways are silent except for your quiet footsteps and conversation. The distance between the two of you seems to become smaller as you continue walking and talking; until you stop in front of your door. ‘Galahad, thank you for accompanying me.’ You turn to face him and smile. ‘Of course Tristan, it was my pleasure.’ His voice was quiet. The silence between you is tense and Harry seems to slowly be leaning closer as he holds your eye contact. Moments, which feel like hours pass, but he doesn’t make a move. Your noses almost touch when he seems to snap out of a sort of trance and clears his throat, pulling back quickly. ‘Ah Tristan, I should get going. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ As he walks away, you stand frozen in your doorway.
The following morning you watch the sunrise outside, a hot cup of coffee in your hand. It seems no one else is up yet. You’ve left your suit jacket in your room and have your sleeves rolled up, the crisp air touching your form. Behind you, you hear your dog walking and sniffing around. ‘Ares.’ The Doberman walks to your side. ‘Want to go for a walk?’ He barks and you pet him behind his ears. ‘Let’s go.’ You smile and he runs into the field in front of you, with you following calmly. Upon your return, you’re greeted by Merlin, who looks to have woken up not too long ago. ‘Morning Tristan.’ Ares excitedly runs up to the Scot. ‘Morning to you too Ares.’ He puts down his coffee and pets the dog with both his hands. ‘You’ve got an awful lot of energy today, haven’t you?’ ‘He really does, he’s been running around for over an hour already.’ You laugh. ‘I’ll bring Albion to play with him later today.’ He takes a sip of his coffee. ‘I’ll be back momentarily, can you watch Ares for a second?’ He nods. ‘Thanks.’ you say and smile at him. You walk into the kitchen through the open doors. Putting down your cup, you start brewing another cup of coffee. The kitchen is still quiet, but you know that more of the agents that have stayed the night will probably start walking in soon, though it probably won’t be many. Lancelot and Galahad you knew for sure, others you weren’t too certain about. ‘Morning Lancelot.’ You say as you hear the man walk in. ‘Agent Tristan.’ He greets. ‘Want some coffee?’ ‘Yes please.’ The smell of another fresh coffee fills the air. You smile as you hand him a cup. ‘You feeling alright?’ ‘I will once I finish this.’He groans before the two of you clink your cups. ‘See you at the briefing in an hour.’ 
You spent that hour with Merlin and Ares, mostly in silence. The Doberman is as happy as can be, with the Scot and you taking turns throwing a ball into the field and having the dog return it. It was nice spending time with your uncle like this. Usually you have to be  quite serious around him, as you mostly speak to him here, at Kingsman. Now, you can, even if it’s just for a moment, relax and have the relationship you used to have when you were younger and neither of you were a part of the secret service. ‘Uncle Hamish, we should probably get ready for the briefing.’ You say as Ares runs into the distance. He has his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun. ‘Just five more minutes; Galahad will be late anyway, he seemed a bit off yesterday evening when I saw him.’ That last comment piques your interest, but you decide not to pry. The meeting room was still empty when you walked into it with your uncle. A few minutes pass before, you are joined by Lancelot, who is, once again, talking excitedly. While you don’t necessarily have the energy for him, you stay professional and listen with intent. He is still talking your ears off when Galahad finally arrives, about five minutes late. Despite Merlin having made a comment, it is still quite unusual for him to be late. 
‘Glad you could join us, Agent Galahad.’ Merlin calls out from the far end of the room as the other man enters. ‘Terribly sorry for my tardiness.’ Harry excuses himself. ‘Morning Galahad.’ Lancelot greets him, instead you just wave at the agent. Everyone sits in their usual spots, with Galahad across from you and Merlin to your left, though he almost immediately stands up, walking in front of the screen which shows the most vital information related to the mission. Most of the information isn’t new to you, as you’d helped your uncle prepare. Whenever Galahad or Lancelot give additional information, which you hadn’t been able to gain before the meeting, you write it down into the report. Your attention is fully focussed on what everyone is saying, that is until you notice that Galahad’s eyes seem to linger on you a bit longer than usual whenever you make a comment. Eventually, his eyes meet yours. He quickly looks away and focuses on Merlin, who is saying something about the risks which may occur in the future. Yesterday’s mission has likely only slowed down the organisation, meaning that you’d still have to find its core and try to eliminate it. Still, all the new information which has been gained is quite useful. Your gaze reverts back to your laptop screen as you continue typing away. 
‘Agent Tristan, could you please explain to these gentlemen what you did to fully disarm and disable the system?’ Merlin’s sudden attention to you surprises you, but you stand up confidently and walk to his side. Galahad’s eyes seem to burn into the back of your head as you do so. ‘So how we did it is -’ Everything goes smoothly as you explain the process thoroughly to the other agents. Hopefully, you’ll be able to join them in the field next time, rather than having to sit and watch from the sidelines to assist them from a distance. You aren’t sure that’ll actually happen however, as it really depends on what kind of mission it’ll be and what is needed of you.  After a few minutes, you’re able to sit back down. Neither Lancelot, nor Galahad had any questions, which you assume is probably a good sign. There are only a few more things you need to discuss, with most of them only requiring only a little of your input from time to time, so you silently drink some tea as Lancelot and Merlin talk. Galahad is remarkably silent, only asking a few questions or making comments when he deems it necessary. Usually, he’s more talkative and tends to lead the conversation, but today he seems to have chosen to leave that to Lancelot. As your uncle is saying something about the implications of such an organisation having access to nuclear weapons, you feel another foot hit yours. At first, you ignore it; but when it happens again, you look around. It couldn’t be Merlin or Lancelot, leaving Galahad as the only suspect. You quickly look at his face but he acts as if he’s innocent. When you feel a third tap, you let your eyes meet his. The lines around his eyes crinkle mischievously, while the rest of his face doesn’t seem to change. You tap him back, your oxfords hitting the side of his silently. This time, his eyes do not divert to Merlin or Lancelot, and it almost feels as if you’re the only person in this room with him. The feeling is short lived however, with his gaze shifting away when his name is mentioned by one of the other men. Still, his foot remains in place, connecting the two of you. Despite the intimate gesture, his feelings for you remain unclear.
The meeting comes to an end, you and Galahad act as if nothing happened when you stand up. Everyone leaves the room and as he passes you, he slips a small folded note into your hand. You do not get a chance to read it though, as Merlin immediately starts up a conversation with you as you walk the wing of the mansion where the individual kingsman offices are located. ‘Tristan, could you send me the report after lunch?’ You nod. ‘As long as we’re going on a walk with Ares and Albion after, you know he’s missed you lately, and this morning wasn’t enough to make up for that.’ He laughs. ‘Of course.’ Together, you walk into Merlin’s office, where you quickly discuss the last few details before you leave for your own. There, you work on the report for a bit longer, adding the finishing touches before sending it to Merlin. Ares lays in the corner of your office, playing with one of his toys quietly. The folded piece of paper sits next to your keyboard, still not read. Once you’ve finally finished the report, you grab and slowly unfold it. Galahad’s handwriting is neat, but not delicate.
Meet me in the library at 21:00 tonight. 
Yours faithfully,
‘I suppose I’ll go read in the library tonight, Ares.’ You whisper before you put the note into your drawer and motion your dog to follow you to the kitchens to have lunch. He walks at your side when you enter, and calmly waits as you brew tea and make lunch. Once it’s ready, you decide to eat it outside, as the weather is quite nice today and Ares will be able to run around before you go for the walk with Merlin.  Half an hour passes before you’re joined by your uncle, who has his dog, Albion, with him. She’s a border collie who is usually quite serious and focused, but gets very excited when she gets to play with Ares. The two of them are best friends, so you and Merlin try to have them meet up and go on a long walk at least once a week. This doesn’t always happen though, as duty calls whenever it does, resulting in having to cancel quite frequently, which happened the past few weeks. Today isn't such a day though, and once you both finish your lunch, the four of you start walking your usual round around the grounds. You and Merlin chat away about anything and everything while Ares and Albion run around together and fetch a tennis ball from time to time. It’s calm and you’re enjoying yourself. It’s always quite nice to spend your time like this. All nice things must come to an end though, and after forty-five minutes of walking, you have to return to work.  ‘See you later Tristan.’ Merlin says before walking to his office, taking Albion with him. ‘Later.’ You wave before walking in the opposite direction. Galahad hadn’t been there when you returned from your walk, so you assume he’s at the shop to get a few things in order. It’s probably for the better, as you aren’t sure what you would do if you were to cross him in the hallway right now. He’s constantly giving you mixed signals. Yesterday, he seemed to lean in to kiss you before pulling away suddenly. Today, he almost continuously avoided your gaze, yet wanted to stay connected in some way that wasn’t visible to others, and he wrote you a note telling you to meet him later.
You whisper to yourself. You’re falling for him, hard. You have been for a long time. You always told yourself it was merely a crush, but you’re unable to deny it any longer. This revelation isn’t your biggest problem though. Your biggest problem is whether he would even be interested, as he’s constantly giving those mixed signals. Tonight you’d decide whether you’ll ever act upon your feelings or not. You’d never particularly cared for the kingsman code which prohibits any relationships, though it hasn’t been necessary for you to break it either, as you hadn’t been interested in any relationships in the first place. Kingsman always comes first in your life. This means that you’ve never actually taken the time to think of finding a partner or date around. What you are worried about, is that Galahad is someone that always follows the rules and doesn’t even think about bending, let alone breaking, them. This may be an explanation for him being so hot and cold with you. Still, it’s confusing and worries you. ‘Good afternoon agent Tristan, is everything alright?’ Arthur greeting you pulls you out of your thoughts and you realise you’re standing in front of the door which leads into your office, your hand on the doorknob. You have probably been standing there for a couple of minutes now. Quickly you turn the knob and start walking in.  ‘Ah yes Arthur, I was just lost in thought. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to.’  You smile at him before swiftly closing the door once Ares has entered the room as well. 
The evening couldn’t come soon enough. Thinking of whatever Galahad could possibly tell you continued racing through your mind the entire afternoon, meaning that you were quite distracted for the most part. Merlin visited you shortly before dinner to discuss the report and what he altered before sending it off to Arthur. While he clearly noticed that you were distracted, he decided against saying anything about it and left. Shortly thereafter, you decided it’d be a good idea to go for another walk with Ares, as it’s a good way of distancing yourself from the setting in which you usually see Galahad. This time, though, the walk lasts for several hours, with the sun starting to set once you start heading back to HQ.  When you arrive back at HQ, it’s nearly nine, so you decide to bring the Doberman to your office before heading to the library. Galahad, or Harry which you rarely ever refer to him as, is already there, waiting for you. He turns to face you and smiles when you enter before greeting you. ‘I’m glad you could make it agent Tristan.’ You nod nervously but try to sound casual. ‘Of course, any time, Galahad.’ His eyes look over your form and you do the same. The tension between the two of you is palpable but you try to ignore it as best as you can. For a moment, nothing happens. The both of you stay still, frozen in place.  Suddenly Galahad moves again and walks up to you. In a moment of passion, he grabs your face and kisses you deeply. It’s so intense it feels as if he’s bruising your lips. When you don’t move, he starts pulling back. Quickly, you pull him to you once more and kiss back, one of your hands in his hair and the other pulling his tie. The two of you fight for dominance and he pushes you against one of the bookshelves, his left hand now resting on your hip.  Eventually, he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed. For minutes, the two of you stand like this, silently enjoying each other's presence and closeness. ‘Tristan.’ He whispers. ‘Yes Galahad?’ The man sighs and slowly leaves your embrace. ‘Shit.’ You hear him mutter under his breath. ‘Shit shit shit.’ He backs away, as if he’s only just realised what happened. ‘Galahad, what’s going on?’ ‘I cannot do this Tristan.’ His voice sounds almost desperate. ‘Galahad, what do you mean you cannot do this?’ He doesn’t reply and walks away, leaving you alone in the library.
You didn’t see Galahad the rest of that week and you threw yourself into work, only leaving your office to go out with Ares. If you hadn’t had him, you probably wouldn’t have left your office in the first place. That Friday morning, Merlin comes in unannounced and finds you sleeping with your head on your desk. He wakes you and you slowly sit up straight. Your suit jacket is discarded somewhere in a corner and you look a bit of a mess with your hair all dishevelled.  ‘Are you sure you’re feeling alright Tristan? You really shouldn’t be overworking yourself.’ Your uncle asks you, he sounds quite worried. ‘I’m fine Merlin, I promise.’ He sighs. ‘You do not look or act as if you’re fine. What’s going on?’ You just shake your head. ‘It’s nothing really, I’ve just had to catch up on some work. Please don’t fret it.’  ‘We both know that’s a lie, Tristan. You’re always ahead of everyone when it comes to paperwork.’ He stops for a moment. ‘Look, both you and Galahad have been acting off all week and we can’t have that. I don’t know if there’s anything going on between the two of you, but I want you to fix it, especially if it’s affecting you like this.’ His voice is stern. ‘You should go talk to Galahad then, I’m not the guilty one here.’ You stand up for the first time in what feels like years, your knees and back hurting with every move. ‘I don’t have the energy for all this, go talk to him if you want to know more.’ Silently, you usher him out of your office and shut the door behind him. While you love your uncle, you really couldn’t deal with this right now.
The scotch in the corner of your office had been a little too appealing. That combined with the very limited amount of food you’d had over the past few days, made it very easy for you to become drunk. You sit in your chair feeling very sorry for yourself, as you do in such situations. ‘You know Ares, I’ll go talk to that asshole. He kisses me like that and then he avoids me all week. I suppose that’s not very gentlemanly of him.’ Standing up, you feel dizzy and you have to grab a hold of your desk to keep standing. The world seems to be turning and Ares looks to have multiple heads. ‘Fuck.’ You hadn’t realised how badly the scotch had affected you. Still, that didn’t stop you, and you stumble through your office door. The hallway is empty when you enter it, as is usual at this time of night in HQ. Galahad’s office is only a few doors down and you try to walk there as normally as you can. Taking a deep breath, you knock multiple times. When there’s no immediate answer, you knock again, but more loudly. ‘Galahad, I know you’re in there.’ Your voice is loud enough for him to hear on the other side of the door, but not loud enough to wake any of the other kingsmen. Though they probably wouldn’t wake up unless you screamed loudly enough for it to reach the other side of the estate. Moments pass, but the door is eventually opened by the agent. ‘Tristan.’ He greets you solemnly. ‘I need to talk to you, you pretentious asshole.’ The words fall out of your mouth and there is no stopping them. ‘You are no gentleman. You invite someone to talk to them alone after MONTHS, LITERAL MONTHS, of looking at each other longingly and flirting, then kiss them in the way you did and JUST WALK AWAY LIKE THAT?????’ He finally looks up at you and realises the state that you’re in. ‘WHAT IN THE HELLS IS WRONG WITH YOU INCOMPETENT PRICK????’ You jab your finger into his chest. ‘Tristan, you are in no state to discuss this, please go to bed.’ He grabs your hand. ‘YES I AM, I AM A GROWN ADULT THAT CAN MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS. YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER.’ ‘Yes you are, but you’re currently incapable of making any good decisions. So, please quiet down before you wake up Mr. Pickle.’ Before you’re able to respond, he grabs you and surprisingly easily throws you over his shoulder. ‘Now, I’ll be escorting you to bed, as you don’t seem to be capable of doing that yourself.’ He completely ignores your protests, which continue for about five minutes before you realise there’s nothing you can do about this situation. He only puts you down when you’re in front of your bedroom door, as he needs you to open it. ‘I’m going to put you down, but please stay quiet. I don’t want you to wake everyone up.’ You nod and mutter to yourself as he puts you down. ‘Still an asshole though.’ He laughs to himself. When you finally have both your feet on the ground again, you’re stable momentarily before you start falling over again. Galahad notices and steadies you by grabbing your shoulders. ‘Careful now, sweetness.’ His lips touch the shell of your ear and you slowly feel yourself going red. You ignore it though, steadying yourself with his help before walking to your door and unlocking it. When you try to open it you almost fall into your own room and so Harry catches you, before the world around you slowly goes dark.
The following morning you wake up in your own bed, not remembering how you got there in the first place. Ares sits next to your bed, looking up at you as you wake. ‘Morning, my boy.’ Your voice sounds more like a groan than anything else. He nudges your arm and softly barks when you eventually sit up. The light hurts your eyes as you look around, so you close your eyes and lay back down. Once you finally open them again, you notice that there’s a glass of water and a pack of paracetamol next to your bed. ‘Who put that there?’ You look at Ares and pet him before taking one of the pills followed by a gulp of water. The headache you have is slowly driving you insane, so hopefully this’ll help. Still, it remains unclear who actually put it there after probably finding you in quite the state. Usually, you could easily hold your liquor, but apparently your body had other plans yesterday. You do realise that you’re still in your clothes from the day before. So, you decide to get out of them and put on something more comfortable before calling Merlin. ‘Morning Merlin.’ Your voice is quite hoarse. ‘Ah Tristan, I was wondering when you’d call.’ He sounds quite amused for some unknown reason. ‘What do you mean?’ The Scot laughs. ‘Well, I got a notification earlier this morning that you’d be out of the office today because you’re ill. Thing is, agent Galahad is the one who notified me, which is a bit odd to be honest.’ You groan. ‘Well he’s right about me not feeling well.’ Slowly, you lay back in your bed.  Merlin didn’t talk to you for much longer after that and he remained quite vague about what Galahad had told him about the night before. Despite you desperately wanting to know what had happened the night before, you decided that would be a problem for tomorrow before heading back to sleep.
That night, a knock wakes you from your slumber. You almost jump out of your bed at the sound, scaring Ares a bit. ‘One moment please.’ You shout at the person behind the door before calming your dog. ‘I should take you out for a walk in a few, shouldn’t I? I’m so sorry Ares.’ After whispering that, you stand up and walk to your door. Opening it slowly, you reveal Merlin’s form. ‘Good evening Tristan.’ He smiles. ‘Thought I’d bring you some dinner.’ The tray he’s holding has a plate with a baked potato, some carrots and broccoli, and some beef, accompanied by a large glass of water and a cup of your favourite tea. He walks in once you’ve further opened your door, putting the tray on the small table that stands in the corner of your room. ‘Do sit down.’ His voice is soft. You do so silently, Ares laying down next to you. ‘Thank you.’ Your voice is soft and you start eating your first meal of the day. Merlin sits down across from you. ‘I do hope this was a one time thing, Tristan.’ He sighs and takes off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose with his other hand. ‘It won’t happen again, sir.’ Your voice can barely be heard from across the table. ‘Look, you’ve been doing flawlessly so far, so getting drunk and insulting go Galahad isn’t something that’ll affect you or your career in any way. It can, however, have an effect on how well you’re able to work with him in the foreseeable future.’ Your eyes don’t meet his. ‘Now that I’ve scolded you for getting drunk and acting in the way you did, I would like to know why. Harry hasn’t wanted to tell me anything and I’m against just checking your glasses if I can ask you.’ Your plate is only half finished but you’re already full and you put down your cutlery. ‘I’m not sure you want to know.’ Leaning back, you make yourself more comfortable in your chair. ‘Galahad has really said nothing?’ He shakes his head. ‘Well then, I suppose I’ll tell you what’s going on; under the condition that this will strictly stay between the two of us. Not even Galahad can know.’  ‘Why are you being so secretive about this?’ He enquires. ‘You’ll understand once you hear the full story. Now do you promise?’ You hold out your hand with your pinky ready for him to intertwine with. And he does. ‘I promise.’ A smile creeps onto  your face. This is something you’d always done with him when it comes to promises, starting when you were just a little kid. ‘So, as you may have noticed the past few weeks, there’s been some tension between me and Galahad, or Harry.’  You start. ‘But this has been an underlying issue for years now -‘ 
That night Merlin listened as you talked about how the situation between you and Galahad had unfolded over the past few years and more in detail about the past week or two. Understandably, it was quite a bit for him to take in, and at first he wasn’t certain how to feel or respond. If you hadn’t been who you are to him, he would’ve been fine with it. But with the familial ties you have, and the fact that he and Galahad are best friends, made him hesitate. Yet, he promises to keep quiet and have you and the other man resolve it by yourselves. He would, however, urge his friend to do so if the issue isn’t resolved within a week, meaning that you’ll have to hurry up when it comes to talking things out. He did make clear that he isn’t against you having a relationship with the older man, his tone may have even been slightly supportive, which was somewhat unexpected.
The next time you finally see Harry it’s Sunday. Exactly three days since you’d last seen him and had had the drunken encounter. There you stood, in front of his apartment, your heart pounding in your throat. He’d been at the shop the past few days while you were at the mansion. Merlin was quite convinced that Galahad was, in fact, avoiding you, so he’d suggested you go visit him that evening. Well, suggested was quite a loose term in this case. It was more that Merlin just dropped you off here and told you to ‘Go ahead and talk it out’. Obviously, this was his way of forcing you to do so, as he is quite sick of having the two of you avoiding each other.
Finally, you ring the doorbell and you stand there waiting nervously for Galahad to answer. He does after a few minutes and the confusion is quite evident on his face. When he doesn’t say anything, you start talking. ‘Sorry to bother you Galahad, but Merlin’s dropped me off so we can talk things out.’ You smile sheepishly and he sighs before letting you in.  You have never been inside his home before, so you look around curiously as he leads you into his kitchen. He was wearing his usual attire, save for the glasses. Apparently, he had been cooking dinner when you rang his doorbell. As you look around the room, not moving, he clears his throat. ‘Would you like to join me for dinner Tristan?’ The question is logical, yet you aren’t certain whether he actually wants you to join or if he’s asking it out of obligation. You’re hoping it’s the former rather than the latter. ‘If you don’t mind. Otherwise we can talk and then I’ll leave, I don’t wish to intrude Galahad.’ He motions you to sit down. ‘I would love for you to join me, I’m almost finished cooking dinner anyway, so do feel free to have a seat.’ When you do so, he turns around to face the stove once again before finishing dinner. It is a simple yet delicious meal, and you appreciate the gesture of him inviting you to join him. It is mostly spent in silence, save for a few comments appreciating his skill, or talking about the goings on at the shop and HQ. 
After dinner, Harry offers you a cup of tea before pouring one for himself and sitting down across from you. It is silent for a few minutes before he finally speaks again. ‘I would like to apologise.’ His voice is soft. ‘I should’ve handled this situation differently and not have run away in the way I did.’ As he says this, his eyes divert. ‘It is just that I was, and still am, quite uncertain of how to go about this. I do not wish to hurt you, but in my attempt to do so I did the opposite of what I had intended. I thought you were too pure, too kind. You’re too sweet, too sweet for a bitter man like me. Yet here I am, madly in love with you and confessing my feelings.’ When he finishes talking he looks you in the eye once more. There’s emotion in them, seemingly a mix of sadness and regret. ‘Galahad, I don’t know what to say.’ You pause. ‘I understand why you may have hesitated to approach me in the way you did, however, I am quite confused as to why you ran away so suddenly. You are the one that made the initial move and I never approached you because you were likely to have reservations about breaking kingsman code, yet you gave me hope by inviting me to the library to talk. And for a moment, when you kissed me, I thought we could be together, even if it was just for a moment.’ Slowly, you stand up from your chair. Putting down your cup of tea in the process. ‘Then you went ahead and ripped my heart out by walking away like that. As if I mean nothing to you, as if you weren’t the one that made the first move.’ You raise your voice a bit, but try to stay calm. Following your example, he stands up as well and starts walking towards you. ‘I truly am sorry but it is up to you whether or not you forgive me.’ He looks down into your eyes. ‘What will happen if I forgive you, Harry?’ The two of you are almost touching each other, only a few centimetres between your faces. ‘I shall take you on a date and be your partner. That is, if you’ll have me.’ Rather than answering him with words, you pull his tie and kiss him passionately.
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my bohemian ass woke up at noon on a friday so I'm not firing on all cylinders yet, but there is this important distinction in the novel, The Phantom of the Opera, and the musical The Phantom of the Opera. I understand why a novel length distinction is cut for time and narrative tidiness for a medium that happens on stage, but I think people draw some very unfair, unflattering and incorrect conclusions from the stage that they port into their reading of the novel.
that is: Erik, the phantom of the opera, knows about Christine and Raoul's engagement and he's actually totally cool with Christine's plan. This is not incel behavior. This is not ~toxic masculinity~ or whatever contemporary bullshit you want to spew on the intentionally sympathetic monster in gothic literature. Raoul is supposed to leave on a naval expedition to the north pole. Christine's plan is to be engaged with him until he leaves. "This is a happiness that will hurt no one," she says. I don't have the exact quote for it but later on she relates how Erik knows and approves, at least of this intended to be limited engagement engagement. Why? Because he's the happiest of men with Christine, and he wants Raoul to experience that happiness. He does also expect Raoul to, you know, fucking leave when he's supposed to, but still. Christine and Raoul are romping around the Opera, kissing and crying together, and our ghost dude here is just like: good for them.
What sets him off is not the idea of a romantic rival. He does not, imo, feel "entitled" to Christine's love or whatever batshit nonsense the Erik-as-incel narrative huffs like paint fumes. What sets Erik off is how Christine has lied to him: not about the engagement, but about the degree of visceral disgust she feels for Erik specifically as a result of his deformity. She details, in graphic detail, how she closes her eyes instead of looking upon him, how she tells him that she only averts her eyes because she is in awe of his genius. She tells Raoul how horrible even physical proximity to Erik is, how grotesque his face is, how the horror of an animated corpse proclaiming his love to her is--well, horrible, and horrifying. Erik is on the floor, on his knees, kissing the hem of her dress, and Christine has her eyes closed the whole time.
I also think contemporary audiences can't handle that. They need Christine to be a pure and wholesome Good Girl (regressive bullshit), who is the victim of an evil evil man, and only the victim (also regressive bullshit). But also because she is a female character in the contemporary mind, she is allowed no flaws. She must reject Erik because he is a bad man. It would be ableist otherwise, yes? And the contemporary audience cannot handle lack of physical beauty being the reason. There can be no nuance to Christine's reactions. She is Good. Erik is Bad. That's all there is to it. The audience member is so sure that they themselves are above moral reproach, too. That's what is at stake here, also.
Never mind that Christine herself, repeatedly, notes that Erik is right when he says that if she thought he was handsome, she would stay. Never mind that when Raoul asks her if she would still love him if Erik were handsome, Christine declines to reply.
To be clear: this is not a Christine bashing post. I think her complexity here is fascinating. I hate a flat one note ingénue and that's not what she IS, and it pains me that fic authors write her that way, as if it's superior. No! Here she's human and she's magnificent! She's conflicted! Erik is alluring but also in ways that are no fault of his own, terrifying.
We gloss over the intended body horror of the novel. I know I do. I forget that he smells like rot and death, that he's cold and clammy to the touch, that he moans like a ghoul, that is supposed to have a gaping nose hole and eyes you can only see in the dark.
I don't think Christine is wrong to lie. But it's easy to understand, if you let yourself, how betrayed the monster might feel when he finds out about all this concealed disgust.
So, two points here
The rage upon being unmasked isn't just because he's unmasked and she broke a rule or whatever. It's the death of his whole gambit and his last hope, and Erik is, canonically, very smart. He knows this. He knows his face IS the issue. He knows it is THE issue. He reads Christine correctly in that the Angel of Music bit is ultimately forgivable in her eyes, and she likes that he brought down her favorite horse, she absolutely is there for their shared spiritual musical raptures. I want people to understand this: ERIK IS RIGHT about his own situation, a LOT of the time. He comes to some bad conclusions after, but in terms of understanding what's happening around him, he's accurate.
And so the rage and despair post Apollo's Lyre isn't "oh no, she loves Raoul," or even "how dare she, that SLUT," as some people make it out to be. It's the realization that he's been a monster to her this whole time. All this time he thought that she saw him as a man, and she has not. All the presumably good memories he has of her and her two weeks she lived with him are now revealed as lies. She's been enduring this whole time, not acclimating. She feels horror. She feels, again, disgust. She's shuddered at the touch of his hand in hers and put on a brave face and he's believed her up until this point, and he's having his physical inadequacies and his uncharacteristic naiveté described in excruciating detail to his romantic rival. He probably feels real fuckin stupid, on top of all else. He's been duped. He also feels disgusting and unlovable, because Christine has just repeatedly described him as disgusting and unlovable.
It is, of course, wildly incorrect to then decide to blow up an opera house about it.
But it's not entitled incel behavior and that's such a boring and contemporary narrative to shove a beautiful example of gothic literature into. Intellectually lazy and artistically myopic. I think most of us, if we're honest with ourselves, can think of a time we thought somebody liked us--maybe romantically or sexually but also maybe not, maybe just as a friend, as a bestie--and we turned out to be very wrong, because the person was just being polite or avoiding awkwardness or whatever. That is: they lied, in a very understandable and justifiable and socially expected way. And how did that feel, dear reader? Not great, right?
The point of the phantom of the opera is that it's a bunch of normal human experiences turned up to the max, dialed into a sublime hum that goes so hard it turns inhuman and terrible. It's that what makes a monster, what makes a man line, which is only interesting to walk if it's identifiably very human in parts. So Erik isn't just romantically rejected: he is rejected in just about EVERY way possible, besides his divinity of music. And this is supposed to the story of his entire life, over and over again, just most vividly and poignantly illustrated by his failure with Christine, when he most desperately wants to be just like everybody else.
And I think it's a shame to lose that very basic narrative and thematic point, but also a shame to lose the nuance of: Erik wants to share his happiness with Raoul. He loves Christine so, so much that he seems to find Raoul's lovesick desire very relatable. Of course, who wouldn't allow his fellow man a glimpse of heaven? And I just chose my words carefully there, if not the rest of the post. In his approval of Christine and Raoul's playful engagement, Erik is briefly engaging on a man-to-man level. He feels human about it. And when he feels human and accepted as human, instead of a walking horror show, he's immediately kind of gracious.
It's when he finds out that he's been a monster and not a man this whole time, in the eyes of his beloved and his rival, that he seems to go: I'll show you what a monster is.
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calholic · 11 months
HEY POOKIE BEAR i love ur writing sm ur acc one of my fav accounts 😋😋
anyways i was wondering if you wld write smth where the reader is the guitarist of a well known band (like tom knows who she is) and is kinda like a female ver of tom, like she has the same kind of personality and she’s known for being flirty and a bit of a player and tom has like a fat crush on her bc he thinks that’s so hot 😋 and then he meets her at some point and he’s kinda shocked by how confident she is like she’s not stuttering and shi like other girls he talks to 🤭 anyways then she plays hard to get for a while but it ends in them being together??
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★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you never gave your heart to anyways, not until you met a cocky guitarist
★ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of alcohol, swearing, cigarettes
★ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: omgee pookie thx xoxo 😘 anywayssss i had like 1 brain cell writing this and it’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks so yay i’m finally posting this.
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you loved the thrill of concerts and being on tour, new man in bed every night, lots of alcohol and dozens of phone numbers being passed around. you could never be contained and you were proud of that fact. being invited to parties was easy since you were in a band, even clubs would let you in with no ID. some would disapprove of your lifestyle but you didn’t care cuz fuck them right? you didn’t care for much, not boys, school, or a anything. you only cared for guitar, it was your passion, your dream. you loved being in a band too but would slack rehearsals sometimes, not without being scolded by lilli though.
“late again,” she said. “hungover, don’t talk,” you said walking past her. you went to a party yesterday and went a little too crazy on the drinks. “there are consequences to your actions ______, stop drinking so much,” said malik, the drummer. “whatever, mom,” you said picking up your guitar. you hated to admit it but you did have a drinking problem, you just couldn’t stop after one you know? you went to go stand by the bassist mery, she was your best friend and the only one that understood you. “anyways, let’s get started,” said lilli. you guys started rehearsal and it went pretty well. you guys all gathered at the end since lilli had some announcements. “we’re finally starting our europe tour!” she enthusiastically announced. “woohoo,” you said sarcastically. she rolled her eyes and turned to the others for questions. “where are we going in europe?” asked mery.
“i only remember the manager saying something about germany,” she said. “when are we starting?” you asked. “next month! we have little time to prepare so i expect you all to show up to rehearsals,” she said looking right at you. “anyways, i hear we’re popular in germany so you guys better put on a show!” said lilli. ignoring her comment, you walked outside and lit a cigarette waiting for the others to finish packing up.
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you lit a cigarette outside of the studio as you waited for the others to finish packing up. “ready to go?” asked malik. “yup. wanna go somewhere tonight?” you asked as you caught up with the others. “not sure, the club?” suggested mery as you guys buckled up in the van. “shots on me then,” said lilli. clubbing was your favorite thing to do, second to touring. this was how you met your hookups and one night stands. you loved with the others to minimize housing expenses, it sounded fun at first but now you barely tolerate it.
the fun part of it though is that you can always borrow clothes from lilli or mery. lilli had the cutest, sluttiest clothes ever. you tried on some of her clothes when you got home to plan your outfit. “hey,” lilli said as she walked in. “what’s up?” you asked. “nothing much, just a little tired,” she said, plopping on the bed. “hope i meet someone tonight,” she said. “me too,” you added. you liked the thought of boys but not the thought of dating them, you could never settle into a relationship so one night stands were your best friend.
you decided on a tank top with a mini skirt and you went to go get changed. soon enough it you all finished getting ready and left for the club. you went on like you usually would at a club; party hard, fuck boys, and drink lots. after the night of fun you sat down on the couch and looked up at the tv. it showed an interview of another band that you’ve never heard of. they looked like a bunch of loser teens in your mind but one caught your eye, the one with black hair. he wasn’t exactly your type but you loved his style.
you eventually forgot about that night one might later and you guys were on your way to germany to start the tour. you were excited to meet the fans and the boys. your first stop was the hotel to drop stuff off and get settled in before leaving to tour the venue and get used to the surroundings. you fell on the hotel bed and let out a sigh of relief. “i needed this,” you said to mery whom you shared a room with. “i heard there’s a hot all boy band that going to be at the venue,” she said. “said who?” you asked sitting up, amused by the keyword “hot.”
“i watch the news,” mery replied. “lame,” you said sitting back down. “apparently they’re very hot here, i hope we see them,” she said. “if they’re got then i hope we see them too,” you said yawning before lilli walked into the room. “we have to go soon,” she said. “shit i like garbage right now,” you said before getting up to get changed into something a little more appealing. you slipped into jeans and put on a sequined tanktop before grabbing your heels. “ready,” you said. you guys all got on the bus to the venue and you were anticipating meeting this band mery spoke of. when you got there, many other artists were there already, all waiting for a tour.
mery tapped your shoulder and pointed to a group of boys that looked oddly familiar. “that’s the hot band!” she exclaimed. you turned around and you immediately recognized them, it was the band from that tv interview at the club. “hey i know them, i saw them on tv,” you said to mery. “aren’t they so handsome?” she asked. “a little i guess, they look a bit young though,” you mentioned. “actually we’re about the same age as them,” mery said. “nerd,” you said before petting her head, messing up her hair.
you walked off to go stand in line for the tour with the other artists but you didn’t notice a certain someone noticing you. the line took hours since so many other artists were there but eventually the tour concluded. you realized your band and the other band that mery was talking about were the only bands there that would be performing. you ran back to the van hoping to get back to the hotel room quickly since you were tired, with the others following behind but someone interrupted you.
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he walked up to you and introduced himself. “hey, i’m tom,” he said. you were tired and not in the mood to talk to anyone but you tried to be polite since you didn’t want the tabloids to start drama. “nice to meet you, tom,” you said looking at the boy who was surprisingly attractive. “i’m a big fan of your band,” he said. you could tell he wanted to fuck by his expression, i mean what else could he want? “oh really? i’ve heard about you a little too,” you said. he was practically creaming his pants when you said that, you couldn’t help but laugh a little. “do you want to hang out on the tour bus?” he asked.
“thanks but no thanks, my bands a little busy. see you though i guess,” and with that you left. he looked confused at your rejection, like he couldn’t understand how a girl could reject a boy like him. you walked back to the van and mery was practically dying yo ask you questions. “did he just talk to you??” she asked. “yeah what about it?” you replied. “well i guess nothing but you’re not even gonna ask for his number or something? i thought you liked picking up boys especially since he’s exactly your type,” she said. “i’m just really tired right now,” you said yawning.
“oh,” said mery. the car ride back to the hotel room was silent and you almost fell asleep a little on the car. the next day you got ready to explore the city a little before heading to the venue to get ready to perform. you did sound checks and got changed into your stage outfit before meeting the others back stage. you messed around with your guitar a little before you heard backstage staff talking into their wally talkies. “alright tokio hotel is next, get them ready,” they said. malik signaled you guys to start walking on stage and as you did you saw thousands of fans and the venue was completely filled out.
you were so happy and your adrenaline started pumping as the first song started. you got really into it as you strummed your guitar and sang along, getting wild as you usually do. you walked downstairs into the crowd and did crowd surfs, blowing kisses at the audience and doing the “call me” hand signal as well. by the end of the concert your shirt was off and your hair was an mess with your makeup slightly smudged. you said said goodbye to the crowd, giving one last flirtatious smile before walking backstage.
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you saw that tokio hotel was already standing there waiting for their set to start. “you’re welcome for the free concert,” you said winking at them as you guys walked by. “leave them alone,” lilli said, laughing and rolling her eyes. you had a little energy left so you walked into the crowd hoping to get a hookup. you saw a guy around your age and walked up to him. “hey, what’s your name?” you asked. “joel,” he smirked. one thing led to another and you ended up making out with him in his truck, although it was dangerous you still enjoyed it. your cell rang and it was mery calling you back to meet with the others.
you left without saying anything to him but not before grabbing a few drinks. you saw mery and ran up to her, she was in the crowd. you offered her a drink which she happily accepted and by the end of tokio hotels set you were both drunk. you were half awake now and wanted to go back to the room. “lilli can we get back to the hotel? i’m tired,” you whined. “yeah sure let me go get malik he’s by the bathroom we’ll meet you by the van,” she said. you and mery walked back to the van and it started getting quiet the farther you got away from stage. you waited by the van for lilli and malik until a familiar face appeared, it was tokio hotel.
“hey, good job tonight guys,” one of the members said. it was the one with black hair, the one that caught your eye first. “oh thanks you guys did good too,” you said. “you were off with some dude half of it,” mery said laughing. you told her to shush as you laughed, their faces were priceless. tom, the one that tried to flirt with you looked jealous? you brushed it off once you saw lilli and malik. “oh we gotta go now,” you said. “wait, do you guys want to go somewhere?” tom asked. gosh this boy was restless you though. “go where?” asked lilli. “you guys can come to our room,” said the black haired one.
you all looked at each other, “why not?” malik said. “alright then uhm let me call our manager and tell her we’ll be gone then,” said lilli. so you guys all got into tokio hotels van and headed for their room. you got sat next to tom whom was still trying to flirt and you decided to entertain him a little. “your guitar playing is amazing,” he said. “you’re not too bad yourself,” you replied. you guys went back and forth like that before you reached their hotel. you immediately went out on the balcony for a cigarette and tom followed.
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“i’m surprised, usually girls stutter or get flustered when talking to me,” he said. you were confused as to why he brought that up but at the same time too drunk to care. “well i guess i’m not one of your fangirls,” you replied. it was silent for a bit before you said something. “you said you’ve seen my band around before right?” you asked. “yeah i really am a fan. i always thought you were hot, i was really excited to meet you,” he said. “well am i what you thought i’d be?” you asked. “not at all,” he replied. “you’re funny,” you said, winking at him. you headed inside first and introduced yourself to the others.
after introductions, you found out that the black haired one was bill, the singer, the drummer was gustav, and bassist was georg. you sat down next to mery and the room was silent until georg said something. “so you and tom huh?” he asked. “what about him?” you replied. “do you two like each other?” he asked. “i don’t ‘like’ boys, i fuck them,” you said. “she’s like the female version of tom,” bill said laughing. “what does that mean?” asked lilli. “tom’s just like her, flirty and sort of a player,” said gustav. “that makes sense, you finally found your match,” said malik.
the others laughed before tom walked in. “what’s so funny?” he asked. “nothing, we were just talking about how you and ______ were so similar,” said bill. he looked at you and smirked before taking a seat next to you. “want to take some shots?” asked bill reaching for a bottle of vodka. “sure but how’d you sneak alcohol in the hotel?” you asked. “don’t worry about it,” he said.
you guys took the shots and soon enough you were all drunk. but since you and mery had already gotten drinks the two of you blacked out. you don’t remember much except for someone carrying you to the bed and the lights turning off.
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you woke up the next day, not knowing where you were. you saw lilli and malik on the floor and mery sleeping next to gustav. tom was laying next to you with bill next to him while georg slept on the sofa. the bed was crammed so you got off to wake the others up. you walked over to lilli first. “lilli help me wake the others,” you said. “what time is it?” she asked. “it’s like eleven AM,” you said. “oh shit, we were supposed to meet our manager at nine,” she said.
she started panicking which led you to panic so you two were just freaking out which woke the others. “what’s wrong?” asked mery, waking up. “we were supposed to meet our manager at nine, it’s eleven,” she said shaking malik. you were fighting a massive hangover and lillie’s panic wasn’t helping. soon enough tokio hotel woke up and you guys were already at the door. “leaving already?” asked tom. “we’re late to meeting our manager,” you said. “shit,” said georg. “uh see you guys around i guess?” said mery as you guys ran out the door.
lilli had ten miss calls from the manager and dozens of angry texts. you guys got into a lot of trouble, which you took the blame for. you guys went back to the hotel room and you flung yourself on the bed. “ugh fuck this,” you said. “what’s wrong?” asked mery. “this hangover, i feel like i’m dying,” you replied. “i bet calling your boyfriend tom will make you feel better,” she said teasing you. the others started laughing while you just rolled your eyes. “seriously though you guys are perfect for each other,” added lilli. “whatever,” you said.
“speaking of them i happened to get gustavs number last night, maybe we should meet with them tonight~~,” said mery. “well i am bored, maybe the club?” malik suggested. “you read my mind, call him mery,” said lilli. you sat by the side pretending not to be interested because deep down you knew you were starting to find tom attractive and you knew where this would go. he would break your heart or you would breaks his and he would leave, just like the others.
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mery called the gustav anyways and it was settled, your band and tom’s band were going out tonight. your manager basically grounded you guys so obviously you couldn’t go out… which wasn’t going to stop you. i mean you guys never listen to your manager hence last night. you felt and looked like garbage so you quickly hoped in the shower before going shopping in town. you went by yourself since the others were too busy doing their own thing, but you didn’t mind since you liked your own company.
hours later you got a call from mery asking you to go back since everyone was getting ready. you meet them back in the room and get ready as well, putting on one the dresses you bought while in town. “did you buy that dress just for tom?” asked lilli in a teasing tone. “no i bought it for you dad,” you replied sticking your tongue at at her. malik and mery laughed as you put your heels on. thirty minutes later you guys all left and met with tokio hotel and there tom was, looking nonchalant but in a hot way as usual. you look away from him to scout out the boys in the club that could help take your mind off things.
you spotted a very cute boy with curly brown hair dancing by himself. you walked up to him, completely separating from the others. “hey i’m ______, what’s your name?” you asked him. “it’s skylar,” he said. “let’s dance,” you said as you started grinding against him. he was into and you even got your mind off tom before you walked over to the bathroom. you guys are out a few moments later, your hair messy and his shirt half buttoned. you blew him a kiss as you walked over to the others who were now sitting on a sofa.
“wow we’ve only just gotten here and you’ve already hooked up with a dude ______ that’s a new record,” said malik. “who keeps track anymore?” you asked him. you took a seat next to mery and tom, right in the middle. tom was visibly staring at you and you were confused until you realized you were wearing a very booby top. “perv,” you whispered over to him. he quickly looked away which made you laugh a little. mery left and decided to go on the dance floor with gustav and bill following while lilli and malik went to the bar to gets drinks leaving you and tom.
“so why don’t you date?” he asked. “same reason as you probably, i don’t believe in love after one night,” you said. “wow, we really are similar,” he said. “you think?” you said. “why don’t we date then?” he asked. “because i’ll break your heart,” you replied. “maybe i’ll break yours,” he said. “nobody breaks my heart,” you replied, chuckling. he gave you a dry laugh and looked away before malik and lilli came back with drinks. you and tom both got super intoxicated that night and one thing left to another and you two ended in a hotel room together. the two of you laid on the bed as you lit a cigarette. “do you hate me?” he asked. “what do you mean?” you were confused. “i mean, you’re not head over heels for me, you don’t stutter or fumble your words at all when we speak and you don’t want to date me, i don’t understand why you would act like that unless you hate me,” he explained. “i don’t hate you, in fact i think i’m in love with you,” you drunkenly admitted.
“you do?” he asked, shocked. “i think. i mean you’re exactly my type and we’re basically the same person so i guess i do,” you said. you were slightly conscious of what you had just confessed to tom and you had no regrets, holding it in was killing you slowly. tom reached for you cigarette and you guys shared it until you put it out. you fell asleep and the next morning you woke up in tom’s arms. he was completely wrapped around you and you had no memory of the night before.
“morning,” he said groggily with his morning voice. “did we…?” you asked, scrounging up as much of last night as you could. “yeah, and you also confessed you love for me,” he said laughing. “oh god, did i?” you asked. “don’t tell me you didn’t mean it,” he said. “unfortunately i did and you’re not going to let me live it down will you?” you asked. “of course not,” he said smiling. you reached over for your phone to missed calls and texts messages from lilli. “i guess we should get back to our hotels,” you said before getting up to put your clothes on. “not before i do this,” tom said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to bed before kissing you. “i hate you,” you said digging your face into his chest.
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yourheartonfire · 11 months
The battle ended not with a bang but a whimper; no glorious triumph or mad retreat but a long, slow dying as exhausted soldiers fell until the few still on their feet all were on the same side.
Not the protagonist's side.
Desperately they tried to will themselves back up to their feet, tried to force numb fingers to close around the sword that lay in the mud beside them. But their body was done, helpless as the tired enemy soldiers picked their way closer and closer, methodically stripping bodies of any small valuables and finishing off any wounded still alive.
The protagonist prayed frantically to any god they thought might hear them. The god of war. The god of peace. The god from any temple and roadside shrine they could ever remember visiting. They wracked their brain. Dead. They'd have to pretend to be dead. They could do that. They were half there already, just slow their breathing and don't catch anyone's...
They turned their head and saw the god of war looking straight at them.
Like everyone else on the battlefield the god was spattered with blood, from her cropped hair to her armored boots. She could have been any soldier from any nation - except for the terrible red joy in her eyes as she beheld the devastation wrought.
"Hello, little sacrifice," she said without moving her lips. She pointed, and as if puppeted, one of the enemy soldiers started to turn their head -
A clean boot crunched down next to the protagonist's head. Then another, stepping carefully over them to place themselves between the god and the protagonist. The protagonist looked up at a figure straight out of their childhood.
The god of war stopped.
"Are you serious?" she sneered.
The god of the protagonist's childhood village shrine shrugged, strumming his fingers thoughtfully over the lute in his hands. Unlike the murals, the statues, he was not dressed in fine court robes but in simple traveler clothes, his hair pulled back into a plain knot. But just as the protagonist remembered, he seemed impossibly tall. Impossibly beautiful.
"Spare this one," the god asked, stilling those long clever hands on the strings. "Please. This one is mine."
The god of war laughed. "You think you can challenge me, godling? Me? Here? At the height of my strength? Flee back to whatever muddy temple you escaped from and maybe I'll let you survive, you jumped up deity of bad chords and tasteless lyrics."
"Oh, I'm no god of anything so prevalent," the protagonist's god murmured humbly. "And I'm not here to challenge you, great one. Say rather, we're here to bargain. After all, this one has something that can benefit you."
The god shot the protagonist a look. The protagonist knew this line from the stories of their childhood.
"A song!" they blurted. "A - an epic about what happened here, about you, to make all who hear it shout and weep and... and honor your name."
The god of war... paused. Tilted their head.
"A fitting tribute to your potency," their god chimed in, the melody from their lute drifting into a martial fanfare. "From a god-touched bard. Surely that makes them worth more alive than dead."
A shout went up from the other side of the field. Someone was up and swords were swinging. The god of war waved an impatient hand, already disappearing towards the fight. "Fine. But I expect my song. I'll hold you responsible, godling. I don't forget!"
She was gone and the god of the protagonist's childhood turned to look down at them. "Well," he said, reaching out a hand to pull the protagonist up. "I hope you can actually write music."
"Seems like a priority to learn," the protagonist said fervently, and their god of trickery and bargains laughed and hauled them away.
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aestherians · 1 year
A wolf therian can have blue eyes
A wolf is not just a wolf. A wolf therian doesn't have to be any specific type of wolf to be valid.
Not just in the "you don't need to know your subspecies/eye color/life history to be valid" way, but also in the "if you know all these minute details about yourself and they don't match any real wolf, that doesn't mean you're not a wolf" way.
When I first learned about therianthropy, back in '13, I ended up in a group where this was unacceptable. Wolves can't have blue eyes, alpha theory is made up, winged wolves don't exist, wolf packs don't wage war, etc., etc. And it's true, "real wolves" aren't like that. But... who's to say every wolf therian is a "real wolf"?
Set aside all thoughts of reincarnation, psychology, archetypes, etc. Why are you a wolf? What makes you a wolf? Anyone can have a past life or weird psychology or an archetypal connection to wolves, but not everyone who does so is a wolf.
A wolf therian is someone who has dreams of being a wolf, the instincts of a wolf, who pictures a wolf when they try to picture themself. Regardless of their origins, they're a wolf because "being wolf" is what comes naturally to them.
And if 'unreal' wolf traits, like blue eyes, A/B/O, or wings, is part of what comes naturally to them, alongside "wolf," then that doesn't negate their wolfishness. They may not be the same kind of wolf as you, but their core is still "wolf."
You can explain it away with "maybe they're a fictional species of wolf, so really they're fictionkind" or "maybe they're from an alternate universe where wolves have wings" or "it's just psychology, anything is possible," but all those musings are still origin-focused, instead of experience-focused, and they're a distraction from what makes a wolf a wolf.
Therianthropy is messy. It's not bound by Earthly biology. Whether your theriotype can be described as a timber wolf, an ethnozoological archetypal wolf, a fairytale wolf, a fantasy wolf, a scifi wolf, or something else entirely doesn't matter.
If you're a wolf, you're a wolf. Even if your eyes are blue and you howl at the moon.
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nwheregirl · 10 months
Picture this exact scene: (John Wick x reader, reader is described to have a specific aesthetic, vibe and look, size and predator kink mentioned, brat taming mentioned, nsfw?, written in a moment of inspiration so not proof-read).
Your handsome, scary, tall and big John.
Your boyfriend, older boyfriend.
And You: a young, maybe a bit too crazy hit-woman who entered the business a few years ago. (Giving off a non-cringy Harley Quinn vibe, if you get what I mean)
Winston loves you, he treats you like a daughter. He thinks you are beautiful, and deadly.
They call you…Poison.
Sweet little thing, you are: short, petite. You always dress in hyper feminine, yet seductive clothes. Like this:
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You are cocky, flirty, scandalous almost. You talk back, you are strong and deadly. You love yourself, your skills, your power.
You’re such a brat.
But when you are alone with The Boogeyman? You’re such a good girl. He makes you weak on your knees, how could he not? Look at him!
He’s mean: biting, spitting, spanking. He adores you, his princess. He’s going to make you his wife soon. He loves how you take him, how you obey, how you like to be tied up and just…used for his pleasure.
One day, something changes: you decide you want to step the line. You want to have fun, to see how far your Babayaga could go.
And so, the dynamic changes into…well, this:
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“Sweetheart, why am I tied up?”
He asks, his russian accent evident. His tone of voice seems calm and collected, as if he knows he’s not in a dangerous situation.
You, by the other end, just giggle. You had gotten all dolled up for him: a tight cocktail dress hugged your body, paired with black stockings and heels. A nice red fur-coat left was on a chair, with your vintage Moschino heart shaped bag that John had gifted you on your birthday.
You bite your red tinted lips as you walk closer.
“You look beautiful, babygirl”
The hit-man compliments you, his chocolate brown eyes scanning your delicious body.
He was like a wolf, ready to chase and devour his rabbit.
“Thank you, daddy!” You exclaim, twirling for him. God, you were a dream coming true. A lustful dream.
“You still haven’t answered my question, doll”
“I wanted to have some fun”
“Some fun?” He lifts his brow up. “We have a lot of fun together already, don’t you think baby?”
Only then you sit on his lap, his big muscular thighs were feeling tense. He wasn’t used to something like this.
“You are the one who has all the fun, can I have some fun too?” You faked an innocent tone: John was always the dom in your relationship. You loved it, obviously, you just wanted to piss him off. You adored when he tried to tame you.
“Are you scared you might like being the submissive one, will it hurt your ego?” You obviously tease him, and only then you feel a hand wrapped around your throat.
He has little patience.
It happened in a matter of nanoseconds, literally. How the fuck is he able to do that?
He had freed himself from the knot that had him tied up to the chair since you entered the room.
Oh, shit.
You’re screwed.
He sounds angry, his rich baritone making you shiver.
“You really think you can play with me? Tying me to a chair like I’m some kind of rookie?”
A cruel laugh, his lips brushing against your ear.
“Start running, babygirl. You are going to fucking regret what you did tonight”.
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skjeinon · 1 year
captain doesn’t have to know - jeremy swayman
summary: you’re patrice bergerons little sister visiting him and his family during the holidays for christmas. one so you can go to the winter classic but also to see the family- the bergerons are hosting a small dinner for any of the team that wanted to show up on christmas eve. this is where you’re reunited for the time of the better with jeremy swayman..
warnings: smut 18+ , literally the longest one person fic i’ve ever written, jeremy swayman gets a little kinky in the end, porn with plot and lots of it, no proofread which is probably an awful idea, maybe wrong wag names sorry
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The environment that patty and his wife steph create for you when you visit is nothing you’ll ever take for granted, especially this year during christmas. when you arrived and got up to the guest room, you saw steph had lit candles and given you new sheets and silk pajamas for the two weeks. she had given you soaps and salts for baths and the bathroom connected to the bedroom was nothing but beautiful with amenities for you to enjoy while in their humble abode. the flight to boston had been nothing but stressful but you gave it some praise due to the fact that it had been worse two days before christmas in the past.
you knew tomorrow was their little get together so you relished in the fact that it was calmer in the house, as you turned on the lamps in your room and put on the silk pajamas that had been laid out for you. you unpacked and knew you could smell something being cooked downstairs as you saw coming in, when patrice had gone to pick you up, that steph was cooking dinner but also preparing for tomorrow night as well. you enjoyed it, knowing you’d get a nice home cooked meal. college has been kicking your ass, so home cooked meals are far and few between.
making your way downstairs, the kids were giggling as they played with toys, sitting on the floor with patrice. you walked past them, smiling at the fact that they were filled with blissful ignorance, knowing only that christmas was two days away and that tomorrow, they’d probably be brought gifts by the team to add to their collection of gifts under the tree.
seeing stephanie behind the counter, you made your way to sit on one of the stools, starting small talk with her before she asked “where are y’all’s parents for the holidays?” knowing you probably wouldn’t be in boston if it hadn’t been for some other reason.
“did patrice not tell you?” you questioned.
“he did, but i will be frank, i just don’t remember” she shrugged as she cut away at some vegetables going into a dish.
“ah, well they’re going to south america for a few days, they’re coming back up north to boston for the winter classic though” you said as you watched her hands move expertly. in the few seconds of silence, she got an idea and smiled “would you like to try some of this soup? it’s for tomorrow night but i need a good judge.” you smiled and nodded and she gave you a bowl, which sparked thoughts in your noggin.
“so who’s coming tomorrow? to the party” you said as you took a spoonful into your mouth, as you swallowed you gave her compliments on it and smiled. she smiled at your compliments before thinking on the question.
“oh well, brad, his wife and kids, mcavoy, jeremy and jake, taylor and linus and linus’ wife, nick and his kids and probably a few other kids or girlfriends or even players. i cook to feed an army so that everyone is well fed.” she shrugged, she began to clean up, wiping down the counters before pulling some plates out. it was time for dinner and after dinner maybe you’d go and take a bath after. but alas, right now you were about to chow down. “dinner time!!” steph shouted, the kids and patty walked into the kitchen ready to eat.
that night you found yourself in the bathroom, in the tub taking a warm bath while you looked through instagram, taking every name you remembered and searching them on instagram. it wasn’t as if you forgot names or faces but in reality you hadn’t been around the team enough in the last few years to remember them all perfectly, especially the older guys. you knew you liked jeremy, i mean you were following him on instagram and he followed you but honestly, even then you didn’t know him super well. you thought he was cute but you thought charlie was also cute.. even david- besides the point. you continued your adventure before you shaved and washed yourself down. you found yourself back in the silk pajamas and soon enough in bed. you had another long day ahead of you so you knew sleeping early would strongly be to your benefit.
the moment you laid down, you honestly knocked out, sleeping well into the morning, showing further how tired you were when you woke up to knocking on your door before the kids ran in to wake you up. “auntie!!” they chanted before attacking you in bed, shaking you before you sat up. smiling, you held them and shook them around before patrice came and got them. “cmon kids, aunt y/n needs her beauty sleep.” he smiled as they ran to him, gently closing your door before you got out of bed.
“i guess that was a good wake up call..” you mumbled as you looked at the clock, seeing as it said 9:56 am. you realized you slept in so late and almost cringed a little before you went and brushed your hair, teeth and washed your face. instead of remaining in your pajamas, you simply changed into some simple clothes for the day and made your way downstairs.
“morning sunshine” stephanie said as you walked into the kitchen, she was cleaning up from breakfast but pulled the plate with your food on it from the microwave. she sat it down as you sat down and offered you some coffee before she went back to doing what she was doing. her and patrice had been cleaning the house and cooking some more already, as they wanted to take the kids ice skating before the party tonight. to not only fire them out a little but to give them a nice skating experience on a nice day like christmas eve.
as you finished eating, everything for the day was set in motion and everyone finished getting ready to leave the house. you joined them in ice skating and the outing was a success. you all had fun but coming back home, you knew you’d probably be sore the next day. to relieve this, you took a warm shower before everyone planned to arrive, doing your makeup and hair as well. you picked out a dress to wear that night way before you had even packed to come to boston. it was a deep red, crushed velvet dress that held your hips while puffed out at the sleeves. you had white tights and black boots with it , and it was almost santa-ish when you looked in the mirror. looking at yourself, you felt cute and hoped to gain something from it. whether it was compliments from wives or the kids saying “you’re so pretty!” you hoped to gain something.
you walked down the stairs and saw the tree lit up with all the other gorgeous lights and christmas decorations lit up. you smiled and walked through the living room to see the dining room and eating area near the kitchen set with gorgeous dining areas and beautiful centerpieces. you walked into the kitchen, it being empty as steph was with the kids helping them get ready. patty walked in and was wearing a nice button up. “you look nice” you smiled to him and he nodded. “same to you. i hope you feel good about tonight. i know it may be weird for you to spend christmas eve with the boys and not mom and dad.” he said leaning into one of the chairs at the bar top. you shrugged.
“it’s fine. i think i’ll enjoy myself.” you smiled, before hearing the sound of a knock at the door. you hustled to the door with patrice following behind you. you answered the door with a smile, it was brad, sloane and the kids. he smiled seeing you- “Y/N Bergeron, who dragged you into town!”he smiled before offering you a hug as him and his family walked in. the rest of the night when letting people in, it was all very similar except for when jeremy saw you…
he was one of the last ones to show up, fashionably late with flowers for stephanie and some baked goods for desert. you were on door opening duty while stephanie and patrice hosted. opening the door, you saw his tall thin stature walk up to the door. “hi!” you smiled and he stared at you for a moment, silent before he realized he needed to speak. “h-hello! i didn’t realize you were coming into town-” he laughed, his cheeks turning pink. “it’s good to see you.” he smiled walking in. you closed the door behind him, offering to take the flowers from him. “it’s good to see you too..” you smiled up at him, but he simply was staring. you thought that maybe he was a little dumb but seeing him this shocked at your presence made your cheeks burn.
you walked with him into the area everyone else had made themselves home at. a few guys waved to him and charlie stared at you for a moment before staring back at him as you walked through the living room to the kitchen. charlie gave jeremy a thumbs up- against my own knowledge. standing in the kitchen, you showed steph the flowers that jeremy had brought her and ordered him to sit down the dish he brought with him. the rest of the girls who stood with steph talking complimented the flowers which just made jeremy’s cheeks burn brighter before he dismissed himself.
“hey y/n?” sloane said as you cut the ends of the flowers off to put them in a vase.
“yes?” you turned your head, looking at her as you placed the flowers into the vase. she noticed the way jeremy stared at you and was curious.
“do you and jeremy talk outside of when you come to boston?” she asked , you were a little confused but complied. “uh, no not really. sometimes we chat, like he’ll respond to a story i’ve posted. we’ve had a few long conversations before though” you shrugged and went back to looking at the flowers.
“hm, do y’all talk a lot when you come to town?” she said , thinking ab other events that you had attended with him present.
“yeah i’d say so. he’s probably the easiest to talk to. we’re pretty close in age and he’s super sweet.” you smiled to her, trying to figure out what she was getting at. you knew that the moment you finished in here, you’d go into the living room and sit next to him and you both would pick up a conversation like you didn’t have lapses in speaking.
“hm- okay!” she nodded her head and continued on before you interrupted her. “wait- why do you ask?”
“jeremy was red in the face the moment you walked him in here.. i just think he likes you.” sloane spoke with the utmost confidence while steph and janelle agreed. a small smile came to your face, because you knew you had fond thoughts of him but just never chose to say or do anything about it because it never seemed right. i mean he’s the goalie for your older brothers team. it’s not like jeremy is older than patty or anything but it just seems wrong. the whole team will be on his ass if he breaks your heart. that’s caps sister.
your heart ached a little before you walked back into the living room, seeing the empty seat next to him where you felt as if you had seen someone sitting in before but you ignored it as you came and sat next to him.
“so- how have you been?” he said, looking down at you with a smile. you turned to face him, his eyes shining with the christmas lights that decorated the room. “i’ve been good.. how about you?” you said, nudging him slightly. “it’s been good. being apart of a professional sports team isn’t the least physically demanding job yknow, but i get by.” he smiled, leaning back against the couch. you did the same, getting comfortable. “you started your senior year this year right?” he asked, watching as you turned to look at him.
“yeah it did, it’s going pretty good. senioritis hasn’t really hit me yet, i’m hoping it doesn’t. the faster i can get to boston to stay, the faster i’ll be glad college is nearing its end.” you spoke, your body a little closer to his as you turned to speak to him easier, your hands at your thighs, playing with the hem of your dress.
“oh- you’re coming to boston after college??” he said, trying to hide his excitement. “how come?”
“i was offered a job with the boston celtics once i graduate” you looked down, staring at your hands, hiding the joy on your face.
“seriously?? that’s awesome, y/n!!” he say up, placing his hand on your arm, almost overjoyed at the idea of you getting a successful job with someone so soon.
“i know right!!” you giggled, looking up at him. he had a beaming smile on his face and you were just a little stunned at how … cute.. he was. your cheeks were warm as you looked away, and before you knew it, dinner was called. the growing tension was broken as he pulled his hand away from your arm to stand up, but when he stood up, he noticed your heels and offered you his hand. “mlady..” he smiled as you took his hand, he kissed it gingerly, watching you stand up from your seat.
“why thank you, kind sir..” you smiled back, squeezing his hand before letting go, him following behind you as you went to get food. Filling your plates, everyone scattered to the different seating areas, you finding yourself in the dining room, one of the first to sit down. after a few minutes, jeremy walked into the dining room. “do you mind if i sit with you?” he asked, pointing to the seat next to you. you shook your head, he came by and joined in by sitting with you at the table. others came and sat down around the two of you, but a small bubble formed around the two of you as you both talked and giggled over stupid stuff that no one at the table would get like the two of you.
when you finished your food, you got out of your seat after speaking to him saying “are you done? i can take your plate..”. this resulted in him also getting up, he followed you to the kitchen and the two of you were standing alone in the kitchen while you cleaned off your plate and his. most people had migrated back to the living room if they weren’t still chatting at the table. everyone who had finished, respectfully had cleaned off their plates and you praised them silently for it.
jeremy walked around, picking from the ham left out. you turned around and snapped at him. “hey! knock it off” a laugh fell from your lips, grabbing a towel to dry off your hands.
“i’m sorry!” he stuffed a piece into his mouthc watching you throw away the paper towel. you walked over to him and stood against the countertop after having grabbed a small piece for yourself. he turned to watch you, placing his hand on one side of you to lean against the counter rather than standing on all his weight.
“you’re here for the winter classic right?” he said, staring down into your eyes, he was good at eye contact in conversations. you nodded, swallowing before giving an answer.
“i have to go home like the day after, but i definitely am.. why do you ask?”
“oh well.. uh i was wondering if you wanted to go out and get breakfast or lunch or coffee or something one day.. while you’re still here. you should even come to the game on saturday or something.. i won’t be here tuesday or wednesday..” he almost kicked himself when he said the last bit. of course you knew he wouldn’t be here, his captain is your brother.
“are you asking me out, jeremy?” you tilted your head over against your shoulder, giving him a devious little smile.
“yeah.. i think i am.” he said leaning in a little closer, arrogance washing over him a little. confidence came easy when girls gave into his flirtatious acts. “i should’ve done it a long time ago.” he said as he leaned closer to you. your cheeks burned a dark red as he got closer. you took a moment in your head to acknowledge what he was wearing.
it was a dark brown flannel, jeans and some boots that matched the rest of the outfit. his sleeves were rolled around his wrist and his hands that you thought were usually bare, had a nice little bracelet around his wrist. everything about him just screamed he was more than an athlete. he seemed so genuine and soft with what he wore. you knew he was outdoorsy and you thought that was super cute about him. his face was gentle, and facial hair always fit how he looked. you’d thought in passing about how it would feel to kiss him, but right now as he inched closer, you thought about it now more than you ever had in your time knowing him.
“yeah?..” you spoke in almost a whisper, allowing him to come closer, as he placed his other hand down next to you.
“mhm” he hummed, coming in closer. “is it too soon to kiss you?” he said, a short laugh falling through his words. you shook your head and he placed his lips against yours, pulling himself in closer, with his legs on either side of you, a hand coming to hold the side of your face as your lips fit almost perfectly to his.
his were soft despite the constant chill he finds himself in. he couldn’t stop thinking ab the strawberry taste on your lipgloss. he would kiss you forever if it meant he’d taste it over and over again. slowly, he pulled away with a smirky little look on his face before he let go of your cheek and stood up straight. “we’ve spent too long not talking to each other enough..” the two of you let out a gentle laugh at his words.
“i’ve always been fond of you.” you shrugged as you stood up on your feet, stepping out from under him. before walking away, to join people in the living room, you have him a quick kiss on the cheek. “i can’t wait for you to take me on a date, jer.” you spoke in his ear before joining everyone else.
you sat with him for the rest of the night, but honestly couldn’t stop thinking about how you managed to pull him in a simple few hours. you had always wanted him and how you finally had him.. life is on your side.
you also just couldn’t get his lips off your mind… ugh.
christmas came and went.. it was a lovely day but honestly you couldn’t get your mind off of jeremy. that night after he went home, the two of you chatted almost the entire night until you forced yourself to sleep, knowing the kids would just wake you up in the morning. they did. but in that night where you talked to jeremy, you had decided where you would go and you decided thursday after they had come home, you’d go and get dinner together.
dinner was intimate, but maybe not as intimate as breakfast. patrice still doesn’t know but as long as jeremy can keep it a secret, you’ll be flying smooth. on the two nights they were gone, you helped steph a lot, hanging out with her and getting deep into conversation with her as well. you folded and told her about jeremy, but only so she could help keep it a secret.
“me and jeremy are going to dinner when they come home tomorrow ..” you hummed to her, thinking about it, but also just needing to see if she could cover for you. “i don’t want to tell patrice.. do you have any idea of how to cover it?”
“aww that’s so cute.. did he ask you out at dinner?” she said, sitting down, handing you a warm cup of tea, thinking about a resolution to your problem.
“yeah he did..” you smiled, looking down at your mug, trying not to blush at the basic idea of it.
“well, do you have any friends here? any that you just like don’t keep much contact with?” steph asked
you shook your head.
“what if you just pretended to be going on a date” she shrugged. you honestly thought that was probably the best idea and nodded your head.
“oh yeah, that’s definitely a good idea- especially cause i’ll probably be dressed up. you’re brilliant!” you smiled, leaning back into the couch, taking a sip of your tea. the kids had been laid to bed a bit ago, but you and steph stayed up watching the hockey game. you had watched the game the night before when jeremy had played, later that night you talked to him until he forced himself to sleep- he was bummed about the overtime loss against the senators. tonight linus was playing. you didn’t know linus that well, you wish you did though. he seems very sweet and you know that him and jeremy were very close.
that night you slept in peace knowing that they’d be home in short time tomorrow, their game only having been in new jersey. you spoke to him a little after the game but you were just tired and maybe a little over excited about the dinner date to come. waking up the next day, it was probably the most peaceful day so far because somehow steph got the kids out of the house with her to run errands before you even woke up. when you woke up it was late morning and you had 1. a goodmorning text from jer, 2. a text explaining why steph and the kids were gone and 3. a text from patrice saying what time they’d land and be home, but it was to a group chat with you and steph in it. you thought it was a little silly, but carried on.
over the day, you drank a nice cup of coffee while staring out the window, the day being not totally gloomy but a few grey clouds in the sky. you then ate something for breakfast before going to your room to take a long bath. in the almost hour and a half you spend in the bath you end up shaving your legs, doing a face mask and washing your face, preparing to wash your hair and simply just thinking about that guy you were gonna see tonight.
after washing your hair and body, you got out and did the rest of your routine, hoping this late morning was shifting quickly into a late afternoon which it was. Patrice, Steph and the kids have come home at this point, which helps you gauge where jeremy is in his day, though you knew anyways as between everything you’ve chatted with him. he got home almost an hour ago… two hours ago… oh god you’re just behind on everything you need to get done.
he was getting you at 5 and after stalling in the bath, while also stalling between coffee and breakfast and breakfast and picking clothes and picking clothes and a bath- time slipped away from you, so now you had to get hair and makeup done in the time between now and five..
you hustled and hustled until you were satisfied, seeing that text from him saying “i’m on my way now” made it all worth it, as you kicked your shoes out of your way to sit down on the bed for a moment, taking a deep breath. you flailed your hands around your face, fanning it before you leaned over pulling your shoes on, they were boots, leaving you a few inches taller than you were with them off. you grabbed your things and made your way downstairs.
steph and the kids were sitting in the living room watching a movie, patrice was in the kitchen making dinner.
“wow!!” steph exclaimed, prompting you to give a small twirl while the kids stared in awe before exclaiming how pretty you looked. patrice walked over, observing how you looked. “where ya goin, pip?”
“i have a date with someone i met on a dating app” you shrugged with a small smile. he nodded quickly and turned around to go back into the kitchen.
“does he have a jacket you can wear? it’s chilly outside..” he said, referring to your dress. it wasn’t short but alas it was a dress, you’d be chilly no matter what.
“yeah i’m sure he does..” you felt your phone buzz in your hand, you looked down to see his text light up your phone. “oh goodness, he’s here! okay! bye!! love y’all!!” you said as you slipped out the front door, hustling so that the chances of patrice seeing his vehicle were low.
he unlocked the car and the moment you got in, his infectious smile grew. “hey..” he said, leaning over his center console. you gently kissed him on his lips. “hi..” you smile in response to his own.
“how was the fight?” you asked as you pulled the seatbelt over your lap, staring at him as he pulled his car into drive, his eyes stuck on the road.
“ah it was good.. little bumpy but it’s a cloudy day, i can’t complain..” he shrugged, one hand on the wheel, while another leaned into the center console. his hand was sickeningly close to yours, you held your breath hoping he’d move closer. “how has it been since christmas? anything new you haven’t told me about?”
“ah no.. but i convinced patrice i was going on a date with some guy i met online, tonight..” a giggle left your lips, seeing the slight part of his lips from shock.
“you devious little fuck” he laughed. the two of you acted like two teenagers who were forbidden to see each other in some world where your two families or something were at odds. it was fun to act that way, even though you being with jeremy maybe wasn’t as big of a deal as you both made it out to be.
the drive was filled with small laughs and conversations, talking about some tv show you both had watched in passing and favorite movies and actors. his hand slowly sat atop of yours before you got to the restaurant, somewhere in downtown boston you honestly had never been to. when arriving, he opened your door for you, helping you out and continuing to hold your hand as the two of you walked to the entrance. he was nothing but a gentleman.. it really shocked you how calm he was about everything, especially because of how he acted when he first saw you on that saturday night.
though you thought he was calm, in his head his thoughts were racing. he controlled his big smile and blushing face while just thinking about you. your dress was flattering and he tried his best to keep innocent eyes on you. he wanted everything right, so much lead up to this that he needed it to end right- he needed it to end with you.
sitting through dinner was nothing but pleasurable, especially when you shared desert with him, watching as whipped cream sat on his upper lip. “jer, lick your lips please” and as he did, he realized why you spoke your request. he was so.. silly and always had something funny to say. he was never super witty or rude, but was silly. he paid for dinner in whole, and you suppose maybe it was the fact that he was a hockey player and was rich or maybe that he was just a gentleman but you felt flattered by the gesture.
leaving, the two of you slowly walked back to his car.. slowly. you knew you didn’t want to leave him, he felt the same way. standing outside of his vehicle, the two of you stopped. he leaned over you and you stared into those mesmerizing eyes.. thinking about whatever he could possibly be thinking. in silence, he leaned closer to you, and before you knew it the two of you were kissing again.
his hand came to your cheek and pulled you just a little closer. while your hands were against his chest, slowly pushed their way up to his neck wrapping around the back of it. your kiss was deepened by the closer contact until you pulled away to take a breath.
“you should come back to my place..” he spoke quietly, barely above a whisper. the close contact made his silence so loud to you. you nodded and a smile spread across his cheeks. you kissed him once more, then again and again very quickly before the two of you let go of each other so that he could let you into his car so he could drive you back to his. when he got back in and began to drive, his hand ended back over on your side of the car, this time now on your thigh…
he lived in some nice apartments, and when standing in the elevator together, your hand brushed against his before you linked your pinky with his. he walked you down his hallway and as you got to his door, you stood there very patiently as he nervously fumbled with his keys. he got the two of you inside and you were almost in awe at how clean it was. he lived lavishly, not in an irresponsible way, but in a way that shows he spent a lot of time and money in making it his home.
he offered you to sit on his couch while he poured the two of you a glass of wine, but you turned down the offer, instead you asked if he had any sodas or .. whatever they called it in alaska. he nodded and asked
“is coke okay? i don’t drink it very often i just keep it mostly for guests.”
and you nodded as you sat down. “sorry i didn’t want a glass, i don’t wanna somehow end up in any situation where i’m hungover tomorrow” you claimed as he offered for you to pull your shoes off and you complied. you already had a drink or two already so you were satisfied anyways when he came over and handed you the can.
“glass or anything?” he asked, standing above you, watching you as you shook your head. he nodded and as he moved to sit down, you spontaneously grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to kiss you. he responded by quickly sitting down, deepening the kiss while placing his palm on your thigh, gently squeezing it as you pulled him closer.
“mhh” a soft sound left him before you pulled away.
“yes?” you asked quickly “is this not okay? i’m sorry if i got the wrong-“
“what? no! i was just trying to get a little more comfortable i’m sorry.” he said through a chuckle. your face flushed, a little embarrassed.
“how would you like me to sit for you?” you asked, trying to make both of you comfortable.
“you can sit in my lap?” he asked and you nodded, waiting for him to turn so you could sit in his lap, placing your legs on either side of his. the way he stared at you as you were just barley elevated above him made your stomach twist. his eyes glowed as he placed his hands on your sides, his palms cradling your hips while his fingers gently squeezed the sides of your belly.
you leaned over him and as he turned his head back to meet you, you kissed him. this time it was all more passionate than the last. your hands moved to his shoulders, one closer up his neck before it was holding his face. slow kisses turned into his tongue pressed against yours. his hands slowly moved around your body, down your thighs before taking a gentle squeeze. your dress began to ride up your thighs and helplessly, you allowed him to hold your bare legs, refusing to stop him as his palms held your ass.
your hands on the other hand, moved down, trying to pull at his jacket to get it off of him. breaking the kiss, you whispered “jer..” loud enough to make him stop so he could remove his blazer, while underneath having a dark button down on, something easy for you when you’re kissing him again.
he held you with one hand while the two of you worked together to get the jacket off, before throwing it somewhere else in the living room. the two of you were back to your stupid little tango of touching each other while messily making out, maybe too scared to go further until someone else makes a move.
as you two moved some more, you began to unbutton his shirt.. slowly getting further down to his belt that held his shirt between his skin and pants.
“jeremy..” you spoke softly, separating from him.
“yes, baby?” he said, staring at you, his hands pushing under your dress against your back. your cheeks burned at the word “baby.”
“i need these clothes gone.. yours and mine-” you were embarrassed at the words, you felt needy.. ugh.
“do you want to go to my bedroom instead of the couch?” he asked, his eyes bore into yours. he was mostly trying to ignore your chest in front of him, but was also just trying to seem as confident as possible.
“sure.” you smiled down at him, the question seeming so personal. he made sure he had a good grip around your ass as he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, leaning into his shoulder as he carried you to his room. your hands were linked around his neck as he opened the door, kissing your cheek before placing you down on his plush bed.
you took a moment to observe his room, with big window and gorgeous design, it matched the rest of the apartment. it was clean and his sheets smelled nice- thank god the boy respected himself this much.
“do you think i could take off your dress?” he said, pulling away as he sat you down to get a good look at you as he asked. you nodded and watched as he tried to contain a smile into a sly smirk as he took his hands and slowly pulled the soft material from above your hips up past your belly, chest and then over your head after saying “lift your arms” kindly.
as he threw the dress elsewhere, he observed what you wore underneath. it wasn’t matching on purpose, but definitely had that effect. your bra was a soft yellow while your panties were a lacy black. the bra had a clip in the front while the back had more lace connecting the bra together. “i um..” he blushed as he stared at you.
“sorry- it .. wasn’t super on purpose..” you laughed nervously but he shook his head.
“no, don’t apologize- it’s perfect” his eyes met yours, both of your cheeks burning before he leaned down over you to kiss you. as he did so, he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt and then push down his pants. his shirt remained buttoned as he slowly pushed you back farther onto the bed until you were fully laying down. your hands moved to his shirt and slowly unbuttoned it, until you were reaching down far enough to struggle. he pulled away, unbuttoning the shirt before pulling it off of him. you examined his thin but fit body before he leaned back over you and kissed you again.
he moved past your lips and was kissing at your neck, leaving soft kisses on your skin while he slowly moved down to the valley between your breasts. his hand slowly slid up the side of your ribcage, feeling very divot in your skin before taking your breast into his hand, as he began to kiss at the skin under your bra. he used his free hand to pull the fabric to the side as he kissed and sucked at your soft skin. eventually he switched everything, kissing at the other while holding the previously kissed. after much impatience, he fully sat up again-
“can i take it off?” he said, his hands placed against your ribs, cupping your bra. you nodded.. before speaking
“yeah you can.” you had a small smile on your face as he seemed satisfied with himself as you had said yes. he had you sit up a little and as you were nose to nose with him again, you pressed your lips to his as he unhooked your bra. as he did, he threw it to the side and laid you back down, moving back down between your breasts. as he sucked and kissed at the soft flesh, his knee was placed against your panties, allowing you to helplessly grind against his bare thigh as he sucked at your hardening nipples.
while your ground against his thigh, gentle and weak moans left your lips, until he pulled his thigh away, letting a soft apology leave his lips as he moved down your stomach in kisses, making his way down to your thighs. he asked quickly if he could pull off your panties, and as he did, he kissed at your thighs until he could fully have access to your cunt. it was dripping, and you knew it was as he let out a soft groan as he got a good look at you. he leaned in, a kiss pressing against your clit before his tongue gently licked over it. he replaced his tongue with his thumb momentarily, moving down so he could drag his tongue through your folds. tasting your slick cunt, he tries not to groan as he begins to eat you out, taking you like he was a starving man. his thumb rubbed at your clit, creating a steady rhythm. after a while he switched, beginning to finger you while licking at your clit. your legs began to shake as he flicked at your clit.
“j-jer..” his name fell from your lips as your hips began to buck into his face. “fuck.. jeremy..” you cried out, your head thrown back while your hands came to his hair, gently pulling at his soft curls. he began to work with more pressure, him fingering you a little faster, as he felt your legs shake and press his head between your thighs he knew you were at your edge- and as you cried out his name, your back coming off of the bed, he got the satisfaction of feeling your legs tighten around his head until you could finally come down from your high.
he slowly sat up, leaning over your to kiss you before he looked at your flushed face. your eyes were doughy as you stared at him.
“you okay?” he spoke softly, moving your hair out of your face. you nodded and he smiled. “you need some water?” and you nodded again. “do you have any words?”
“yeah.. i’m just saving them for later..” you teased, poking him in the belly before he rolled his eyes, getting out of the bed to go and get you a glass of water. as he walked back, you observed his body, seeing the trail of ginger hair that trailed down his midriff. you stared at his frame, he had so much muscle on his skinny frame, almost making you drool before you sat up to take the water. he handed it to you, sitting down next to you. you tilted your head back, downing almost the entire glass.
when you finished, he took the glass from you and placed it on the bedside table. the slender guy leaned over you and pressed a few kisses against your mouth. “you ready for a second round?” he moved your hair from your neck as he looked down at your body. “yeah i think so..” you smiled.
“would you maybe want to ride me? if not it’s okay..” and you looked up at him, nodding. you wanted to stare at him and just everything about him. “you sure?” he asked.
“yes i’m sure , jer.” you smiled softly as you sat up a little more, urging him to sit down so you could sit in his lap.
as the two of your switched around, he relaxed into the back of the bed frame, allowing you to sit on the lower halves of his thighs, looking down at how his boxers were low on his hips, doing nothing to hide that hardon he had in his boxers.
“can i take them off?” you asked, your hands around his hips. and as he gave you a “yeah” of confirmation, your fingers hooked in the elastic, pulling them from his legs. he pushed his head back, his cheeks a little red from embarrassment before you stared at him for a moment.. your mind was racing as you took your hand and gently wrapped it around his cock.
“nice..” you mumbled, feeling his veins against your soft palms. he was hard in your hand as your fingers barely met in a ring to your thumb. your slowly began to stroke him, observing his abdomen before he finally pushed his head back forward to look at you, watching as you sat there stroking his cock.
“fuck..” he groaned as you rubbed your thumb over the tip of his cock. his hair was a mess from you pulling at it, which only added to the effect of his heavy breaths, soft groans and flushed face. “fuck.. baby- i just.. please just ride me don’t do me like this…” he whined in his deep voice, forcing you to listen. he was so fucking hot.
“yeah okay..” you rolled your eyes, sitting up to place a kiss against his lips. your hand was placed on his chest to hold yourself up while your other hand held his cock, directing it to press against your cunt. his hands came up to your sides, as the tip pressed against entrance. “j-jer..” you whimpered. and again he realized that he had you in the palm of his hand while you began to sink yourself onto him,
“fuck..” you whined, your hands moving up to his neck, wrapping around the back of his neck. your head fell forward, trying to keep yourself composed. his hand moved to the back of your head, tangling into your soft hair, trying to comfort you.
“shhh.. babydoll..” he cooed while he himself tried to stay composed, having mumbled some curses while you took his cock. as you finally adjusted to him, while he fit perfectly inside of you, he helped you begin to fuck yourself on his cock. his hands were on your hips, helping raise them off of his cock. once your legs gained their strength back, he allowed you to hold yourself up on your knees.
“why don’t i fuck you baby..” he spoke softly his mouth close to your ear. he held your hips high as he thrusted his cock up into your cunt. you placed your face in the crook of his neck, your hot breath against his neck as he slowly thrusted into you. his breath was heavy, groans leaving him as you whimpered his name.
“f-fuck.. i’m sorry i-“ you whined, trying to apologize for not being able to ride him like he wanted.
“shh.. it’s okay baby- this is better anyways” he had a smirk on his face, thinking about how not only he was fucking the girl of his dreams, but he had her like putty in his hands. your moans came out in whines and moans as he began to thrust into you just a little harder.
“oh please. jeremy…” you cried, your breath sending goosebumps across his skin.
“yeah baby? tell me..” his hands gripped your hips, his hands on your ass as he thrusted into you.
“it feels.. so good..” your words were drawn out as you called out to him. your eyes rolled back , gasping as he pounded your guts in, increasing his pace and thrust as he fucked into you. your words soon became a slurred mess as he ruined your brain.
he could feel himself getting closer, as his muscles tightened. his grip on you became harder and as you neared the same fate, you struggled to hold yourself up on your knees.
“just a little longer baby.. just a little bit. i can tell you’re about to cum..” he said as he struggled through clenched teeth and holding back on cumming.
“please.. jeremy.. let me- jer please..” you strung together as your knees began to give out. “f-fuck!”
he finally gave in. “okay baby cum for me” he spoke softly, pulling you down on his dick. he held back. he needed to be able to ask if he could cum inside and he was just torturing himself to not let himself go. he let you sit there on his cock, your walls squeezing around him as you sat there with your hands gripping his shoulders while your face was pushed into his neck. you could barely think but as you came down from your high, you just realized he hadn’t cum.
“can i cum inside of you..” he was quiet about it, the room was quiet and it seemed a little awkward.
“oh i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you- yes jer you can.. i’m on something.” you smiled, kissing his neck affirming my before he suddenly picked you up and turned you over, laying you on your back before he was on top of you, pushing his dick inside of you. before you could say anything you were overcome by his cock deep inside of you again, pressing against that weak spot that caused you to whimper.
he took your leg, pushing it over his shoulder, leaning forward. “cmon baby.. do you think you can cum again..” he said as he began to not just thrust into you. he began to fuck you. his free hand was placed on your lower abdomen, reminding you and him of who your cunt belonged to now as he was gonna pump you full of his thick cum.
“oh my god.. baby..” he groaned , almost drowning out your own overstimulated cries. his thrusts were wild and lacked rhythm but probably felt better than anything else as he intended to make you cum as he filled you up.
“fuck im so close.. cum for me again baby.” you could feel it coming as he demanded for it again. “im gonna fill you up, i’m gonna fuck this cunt full..” he threw his head back, groaning deeply again. your body was shaking as he grabbed your other leg, pushing it over his shoulder. you could hear the slapping as he fucked you as hard as you’ve ever been fucked.
“god im gonna cum- baby i’m gonna cum inside of you” he finally said before his cock , which filled you entirely, was fully inside of you, pumping his thick cum all over your walls. he leaned over , pushing your legs with him, showing him how flexible you truly were as your third orgasm came with it. the feeling of his cum inside of you did nothing but send you over the edge, the both of y’all’s moans and groans mixing together to create the most annoying neighbors ever.
his name fell from your lips until you could finally think again. he was still buried deep inside of you as you came back from your high. he sat there, your legs still to your chest.
“you can stay inside of me all you want, but i would like to have legs that work tomorrow..” you said, running your hands through his hair. he nodded and said he sat up, he kissed you quickly before he moved back, letting your legs fall to his sides. he then thrusted into you one more time for good measure.. but mostly just to see your cute reaction to his big cock.
slowly, he began to pull out, staring as the cum became to seep out of your cunt.
“yeah.. i think this date was a success..” he teased as he got up, resisting the urge to lick your creamy pussy. he got up and found a clean pair of boxers before running off to his bathroom go get you a washcloth to get everything cleaned up.
“me too..” you responded as he came back. he got down between your legs and gently cleaned you up before placing a kiss against you clit. he gave you a clean pair of his boxers and a t-shirt to wear.
“you should spend the night..” he said as he handed you the clothes. you nodded in agreement while putting them on. you looked at yourself in the mirror, seeing smudged makeup and a very tired girl with a very cute guy in the background to the mirror. he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your ear and your cheek until you turned your head to kiss his lips. “you’re beautiful…” he said in the softest tone you’ve ever heard from him. “let’s lay down..”
you ended up staying the night and sleeping in late the next morning. the two or you slept, cuddled up like bears. the two of you knew that this secret relationship wouldn’t be a secret very long, especially with you being in boston for another week or so but however much time you could savor with jeremy was enough. you’d be moving back soon anyways but until then
captain doesn’t have to know..
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ambers-archive · 4 months
who am i, darling to you (ii)
surrender to the sound
The low hum of the engine came to life as you found your seat on the plane. 
"So, let's go over what we know. The unsub targets honeymooning couples, but the question is, how does he manage to catch them off guard?" Hotch asked
He was seated across from you, and you pretended not to notice his eyes occasionally drowning into yours. 
You flipped around your case file, while your other hand was clutching onto your favorite book.
You know it inside out: it was your grandmother's favorite, and apparently your mother's as well. 
Some of the pages still smell like the incense she used, and her hair oil. 
It’s a relic, or time capsule you think. One of bedtime stories, sleepless nights, and memories just out of reach.
"Given the lack of signs of struggle at the crime scenes, it's possible that the unsub is either surprising them or has some form of control that keeps them compliant." Reid chimed in sitting next to you.
You two got along really well, he was the first one to strike a conversation with you since joining the team. Few days into your reassignment to the team he approached your desk. 
You were reading: And then there were none. 
He complimented your taste and went on to analyze it himself. "You know, one of the most intriguing aspects of the book is how it delves into the psychology of guilt and remorse. Each character in the story is haunted by their past actions, and their guilt ultimately becomes their downfall." 
And just like that he became one of your best friends. 
Emily offered you and Spencer some coffee as she took the seat across from you. You smiled at her; all of them were like family to you. Emily and Penelope, the sisters you never had.
And JJ like to the mother always wanted.
Sometimes you look around and can’t believe you have people around you, who love you, and want to spend time with you. 
It was nice, everyone on the team was really welcoming.  
Even Hotch, well as welcoming as he can be. 
At first you would get a brief nod from him, and sometimes when you delivered a profile correctly, a slight raise of his eyebrows and some stolen glances which you kept close to your heart. 
Recently though you’ve been getting occasional smiles, few compliments, and brief moments of laughter. But quick as they come, quicker they disappear. 
Morgan leaned forward from his seat next to Hotch, "But how does he target his victims in the first place? I mean, we're talking about well-prepared honeymooners, not easy targets."
"He could be monitoring their activities before attacking. The unsub might be studying them, learning their routines, and finding the perfect moment without raising suspicion." You said, it felt almost scary to you, the way you're able to dissect their behaviors, putting yourself in the mind of a serial killer, profiling, and going over the most heartbreaking cases.
You hunt, just like they did. 
And the patterns he left on the women are still stuck in the back of your head. He hates women.
(That much is clear)
"This type of power play, especially if it were done post-mortem, suggests a level of sadism." You continued. "These women most likely represent a source of his resentment." 
“So we're dealing with an unsub who targets couples, targets the women specifically, and is able to go into their rooms undetected." Emily said, "Should be easy enough." 
“Emily and I can go to the resort, ask for their security footage. There’s gotta be something we can find out.” Morgan said. 
“Since you have experience with sexual assault cases you and Reid go see autopsy results. See if these marks were post-mortem." Hotch said, looking over at you and Reid.
You were relieved you weren't paired with him, you overthought every decision around him.
And you could barely look him in the eye, your words often died out at the tip of your throat: impossible to convey words of much intelligence. 
The air in the coroner's office was thick. 
Of course temperature wise it was cool, and airy. Detached and void of anything warm. the victims bodies told so many stories. 
"These markings: they're deep stab wounds. They were also done post-mortem," Dr. Fields stated. "They are precise, not hesitation wounds—he knew what he was doing from the beginning."
"He seems to be targeting their femininity. This stems from a deep hatred for women," Spencer muttered.
"Or a woman," You interjected.
"You think these victims are surrogates for someone else in his life?" 
"The time and effort it takes someone to inflict these wounds takes determination. This sort is indicative of someone affected by past trauma."
"What can we know about husbands?" Spencer asked, redirecting the focus to the examiner. 
"Whereas the women died from strangulation, the men were drowned, and it's assumed they were drowned in their hotel bathtub," Dr. Fields responded
"So he takes his time with the women, gets it over with with the men?" Spencer asked. 
"The time of death for the male victims was hours earlier than their wives. Maybe he wanted to eliminate the competition, wanted to enjoy his time alone with them?" You suggested. 
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
"Strauss wants a briefing on this case." Hotch announced walking into the makeshift briefing room. It was a tiny station in a small town in Florida. 
Emily snorted, "So she can question everything we have so far about the profile?" 
"I'm not sure, but it sounded urgent that she wants to talk to the whole team." Hotch replied by opening the laptop and starting the call to Quantico. 
"Hello agents." Strauss said as the call came to life, holding up the case files. "The director called, he wants to consider you going undercover. Due to the high popularity of this resort, and the timing in which these murders are being committed-"
"We might need to understand his patterns from within the environment he operates in." Hotch finished for her, 
A collective pause filled the room, and their words hung in the air, an uneasy silence passed through the team.
The team hadn't gone undercover in years. 
"Undercover?" Morgan broke the silence, "This team hasn't gone undercover for years, Hotch and I are the one of the only ones who's gone undercover, but never as a team."
"Going undercover as a honeymooning couple could give us an advantage. It might put us right where the unsub is likely to strike." Emily responded
"It could help us observe the surroundings, identify any potential patterns or anomalies that we might miss from an investigative standpoint." Reid said, agreeing with Emily. 
"This only calls for a couple since the unsub is targeting couples. We need two agents to pose as husband and wife." Strauss said
You sucked in a breath, the thought of going undercover sent shivers down your spine, you've done stimulations before, but the real thing? You push the feeling down as soon as it bubbles up.
You only joined a year ago surely they would want someone more experienced, someone who's shown themselves proved themselves to the team more. 
But before your mind could fall deeper into your thoughts the sound of Hotch's name coming from Strauss stopped you. "Based on your experience and being Unit Chief the director wants you at the forefront of it." Hotch nodded, looking at the rest of the team. 
"I would like to take Agent Prentiss since she has experience with Doyle-“
"Actually Agent, I believe it would be better if someone else went in with you."
 And suddenly you were the only one in the room, a pair of uneasy green eyes met yours, Hotch raising his eyebrows ever so slightly. 
And if you were crazy enough you would think he looked worried.
 "With all due respect Ma'am I don't think she had enough field experience for this." 
"I am concerned about that, however it has been brought to my attention that our unsub has a type and they all have a resemblance to-“
"To me" You finished for her. trying to sit up straighter and slow the beatings of your heart as you meet hotch's eyes. "If we can use my cover as bait, I would know what to say and how to be careful around him-" 
Hotch looked over at you, calling out your name. "This is very risky, and dangerous not to mention doing a covert mission like this won't be easy." 
“I understand Sir, but-"
“I don’t want any of my agents going in a bait, the profile isn’t complete yet. We don’t know what we’re looking for.” Hotch responded, eyes still boring into yours. 
“Agent Hotchner we can’t wait until there are more victims, I’m sorry but it's the director's orders.” Strauss said, “We’ll send over the alias needed and with the information you have now it should be a simple task." And with that Strauss signed off, leaving only you and the team looking uneasy. 
"This could work, Aaron,” Rossi said, sitting off to the side scribbling absentmindedly on his notepad.  “While you two are undercover we can gather more pieces to the profile with your insight." 
"Let's go over the victims, affluent couples honeymooning, madly in love, never leaving each other's sides."
You only caught snippets of the rest of the conversation. You were too busy wondering why for the first time Hotch was avoiding you, his eyes were glued to the board not sparing you a second glance.
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notsofunsenpai · 1 month
In my Sampo arc atm don't mind me c:
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Hours went by,it started out as a dinner date then it turned into some more,now here's you are breathing heavily your s/c arms wrapped tightly around Sampo while he thrusts in and out of you,you guys been at it for hours and you had tears in your eyes,from all of the overestimated.
You sniffed,"Sampoo,too much." Your eyes fluttered shut,whimpers escaping your lips.
"Just one more darling~ i promise." The male says with a lazy grin on his face that's cover in sweat as his fingers cups your ass,continuing to thrusts into you. Your breath hitched,you were covered head to toe in hickeys and love bites,you're going have to scold him for later for that.
"Always so good for your Amazing boyfriend Sampo.." he mutters in a deep low voice,letting out some groans before giving you a passionate kiss which you gladly accepted.
You digged your fingers into his back for the six time of the night as you feel him go deeper into you,his movements were becoming sloppier as the both of you felt like you were close.
"Close." Your lover says dryly,"come with me."
Nodding your head,reaching down to play with yourself as he thrusts into in a rhythm before the two of you came together.
"Ah!" You cried out as the two of you ride out your high,feeling the stickiness and the warmth of the mess you guys made. You collapse onto Sampo,trying to catch your breath, feeling tired and not waiting to move.
"Aw,we gotta get you cleaned up and get new sheets,as much as the lovely Sampo loves the mess it's going to be real cold tonight and I don't want to deal with frozen cum on me,if that's even possible. " he announced.
You groan in protest,nuzzling him,"No.." you weakly say.
He smiles at you,lifting you up and going to the bathroom to start the bath,adding vanilla scented bathsoap to the tub. He places you in there,telling you not to drown then goes back into the bedroom to change the sheets along with getting you a new pair of clothes. When he returns with the clothes,he places them on the counter and got in the bath with you. Your head was laying against his chest as his arms washes your body,making sure he doesn't miss any nook or crany. He whisper soft praises to you,while washing he places some gently kisses on your hickeys that he made himself from earlier.
"Better take responsibility,you idiot. "You said pouting at him which he returns with a small smirk.
"Of course,I wouldn't be Amazing if I didn't do such thing!"he replies
"You've done it before,remember when there was a lot of money involved last time?" You questioned.
"You would of too if you knew how much they were willing to give me!" He rebuttals.
"Well was it worth sleeping on that couch last week? Hm"
A small frown appear on his lips,"No.. it was cold,lonely,and I was starving from your lack of attention." He dramatically said,holding you close to him.
"I love youu."
"Love you too Sampo." You smiled.
"Promise not to put me on the sofa anymore when i do something dumb?♡" he hopefully asks,giving you his best smile,the one that you always love to see.
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
Hobie Brown x blackcat! reader
*tw blood, tw injury*
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No thoughts, head empty. Imagine Hobie finding you on a random balcony, bleeding and smoking. He hops next to you. Reading the room, he doesn't acknowledge that you're bleeding since you're uncharacteristically quiet. He notices that you don't want to talk, but since you didn't tell him to fuck off, he stays. Moments pass and you silently offer him a cigarette, he lifts up his mask a little to put the cigarette on his lips. The only lighter you have conveniently is not working, so you grab his neck to light his cigarette with yours still on your lips. You're so close he can smell the iron from your injury mixed with your familiar perfume. You hold eye contact. Imagine for the first time you render Spider-Punk speechless. 
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freyanistics · 8 months
Miles Morales x Black!Reader
Angst at first but fluff at the end.
This is based off the horror short ‘The Spider Within.’
So many spiders crawling all over his body. One the size of his hand even managed to crawl out of his mouth. It’s pointy legs pressing down on his tongue like pin pricks. Miles wanted to throw up so bad. Feeling disgusted that thing even crawled out. Why was there so many? Why were they crawling all over him? Why why why why
After waking up in a cold sweat in his bed with his heart through the roof he realized it was just a nightmare. He could hear the horror movie his father had originally wanted Miles to watch with him playing in the living room. Clutching his chest Miles closes his eyes trying to calm himself. He had to get some air. Throwing on some random clothes he quietly opens the window slipping out onto the balcony heading down the rickety staircase. He felt paranoid from his vivid nightmare as he kept glancing over his shoulders at any shadow of movement.
He didn’t know where he was headed, just letting his feet leading him down the dark streets of Brooklyn until he reached your apartment complex. You and Miles used to go to school together until he went to Visions Academy. Despite you two no longer in the same school you still were close friends and hung out. For some reason he sought out your presence in his time of need. He just hope you’d be awake.
He quickly scales the brick wall up to your bedroom window landing on the balcony with a soft thud. Your curtains was closed as he saw the familiar light blue shades that you’ve had in your room since first grade. Reaching a hand out he lightly taps on the glass sliding door before putting his hands in his pockets nervously. What if you wasn’t home? Or your parents open the door? What could he even say on why he was at your balcony door at ten pm at night?
Just as he was about to turn to leave the curtains pull back revealing your form. You was wearing a black bonnet to protect your braids. Your light yellow pjs clung loosely on your body as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Miles?” You say opening the balcony door allowing him into your room.
“Hey, I know it’s late I just…decided to stop by.” Miles says sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Looking around your room he noticed how it still looked the same. Figurines on your dressers, a few posters featuring your favorite bands or singers on the neutral colored walls. Your bed that was placed in the corner of the room with covers pulled back hinting you were in bed.
“Miles? Are you okay? You never came here this late before.” You ask him with hint of worry in your tone. You cared deeply for your friend and you could sense something was wrong by how he was behaving. You both have made a promise to one another that you will be open to each other no matter what.
Miles doesn’t meet your eyes opting to look at the carpet floor. Finally after a few minutes he meets your eyes and you could see bags under them.
“I just feel…stressed out. This new school my parents put me in is amazing don’t get me wrong but I don’t know anyone and just feel like a stranger. My parents want what’s best for me, to succeed in life and I want to make them proud it’s just…” he sighs rubbing his temples as you feel your heart drop.
“You feel overwhelmed.” You say softly and he nods. You understood him exactly as you have gotten overwhelmed with your own personal problems in life. In hindsight you felt a bit jealous that Miles was going to a top notch school while you stayed behind, your parents unable to afford such a school. You knew they were trying their best and couldn’t blame them but it didn’t stop you from thinking you weren’t good enough to get into that school.
Walking over you hug him making him freeze a bit before wrapping his arms around your waist. He had gotten so much taller over the year that you even joked he had to have hit puberty over night. Finally you pull away leading him to your bed as you sit down on the edge patting the spot beside you. Once he sat down you look him in the eyes.
“Miles you’re doing your best and that’s all that matters. I see it, your friends back at our school see it, and I’m sure as hell your parents see it. Things are going to get rough sometimes, believe me I know, but just know you have a good support team backing you in your corner.” You finish with a soft smile. Miles returns it looking away for a couple of minutes.
“Thank you. I really needed to hear that.” His heart was beating slowly as the memories of the dream was already dissipated from his mind. Smirking you punch his arm lightly.
“Think you can still beat me at Smash?” You ask him with a mischievous glint in your eyes. “If you have a few minutes we can play a few rounds.”
Miles look out your balcony door then back at you, a slow grin appearing on his mouth. “You’re on but I’m maining Mario.” He says as you start booting up your old wii. “You always use him, even as kids.” You say groaning playfully. Even though you two were going on two different paths you will always find each other in your time of need. And that all matters.
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renx01 · 1 month
Out of Sight - part 1
Summary: Moriarty is your boss. After he helped you out of a precarious situation when you were still a minor, you started working for him. Now, he has a new job for you. Get close to the Holmes brothers to keep an eye on them for him. Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Reader & Jim Moriarty/Reader Fandom: BBC Sherlock Word count: 1492
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Jim Moriarty is a tricky man to work for, yet you do. After meeting you while you were a seventeen year old that had gotten involved with the wrong crowd, he had seen potential in you. So, after some training from his right hand man, Sebastian Moran, you became one of his best. He even gave you a nickname, Spike, after your personality. When you initially started working for him, you were quite spunky and talked back whenever you felt like it. Now that you’re older and have worked in his organisation for a couple of years, you’ve mellowed out a bit when it comes to business and listening to Jim. Now, you’re a ruthless assassin that will do whatever you’re told to by a certain Irishman in the blink of an eye. Currently, you’re on your way to his estate out of town. The sleek car that picked you up is quite lavish, something you’d somewhat grown used to as he tends to enjoy showing off. You watch the trees flash by you as the car speeds up while music plays through your earbuds. It had been a while since you last were at the estate, as you’d been out of the country for business the past couple of months. The car eventually comes to a halt and you quietly get out.
‘My dearest Spike,’ Jim smiles when you step into his office, ‘it has been a while hasn’t it?’ ‘It has, sir.’ You smile back at him. ‘Business in Hong Kong has been settled without too much issue.’ You glance at Sebastian entering the room. ‘The target has been eliminated and you are now in control of the biggest criminal network.’ Moriarty’s smile turns into a grin. ‘That is wonderful to hear, I didn’t expect any less from you.’ His face suddenly becomes serious again and he turns to Moran. ‘Sebastian, do you have the files I requested?’ The other man only nods before putting the files onto the desk. ‘Good, good.’ He starts looking through before his eyes turn to you once again. ‘Spikey dear, come here. I want you to look through these documents and photographs today, I have a new assignment for you.’ You approach the table and file which is filled to the brim. There’s mostly pictures of and reports about consulting detective Sherlock Holmes. Jim walks around the desk and stands next to you on your right, while Sebastian is already on your left. ‘I want you to get close to Sherlock Holmes and his Brother, Mycroft.’ He points out a picture of the two of them. ‘Keep and eye on them for me. Gather as much information as you possibly can, I do not care how, as long as you don’t reveal your identity.’ Turning to him, you finally look the shorter man  in the eye. ‘Of course sir.’ Sebastian shoves another file into your hands before he starts talking. ‘We’ve arranged for a new identity so you’ll be able to fly under the radar. Name: Charlie Moore, age: 27, occupation: intelligence analyst at Scotland Yard. Any other information you may deem necessary can be found in this file. You’ll move into 221C Baker Street tomorrow morning. We’ve already arranged for you to be able to stay there.’  That night you spent looking through the files that were given to you. Sherlock and Mycroft both seem quite interesting in their own rights. Sherlock is a high functioning sociopath that seems to get a thrill out of showing off his intellect and skills to others. His skill is quite incredible, but nothing you hadn’t seen from Jim before. Besides, deduction is a skill a person is able to learn, quite easily in fact. You’d been taught by Sebastian when you first joined Moriarty’s organisation, though your skills have been sharpened over time, with some help from the Irishman himself when he thought you could do better. Now, you rival Sherlock’s speed and skill when it comes to deduction. Still, you understand why your boss is such a fan, that is what he calls it anyway. You think it’s more of an obsession. Contrary to his brother, Mycroft doesn’t seem to enjoy showing off as obviously as Sherlock does, yet he does enjoy flexing his power from time to time. The files you possess show how Sherlock’s newest acquaintance had been picked up by the man’s secretary multiple times and driven to an ominous location so he could talk to John. Supposedly, he offers money to those that get close to his brother, so you’d be keeping that in mind. It does become clear, however, that Mycroft didn’t just hold a minor position within the British government. Clearly he, like your boss, constantly keeps an eye on the consulting detective.
The following morning you arrive at Baker Street using a cab, so as to not have any suspicions arise. You have two suitcases, mostly holding clothes, books, and other essentials. Your larger weapons have already been delivered to and hidden in your new flat, so you don’t have to worry about those. After knocking on the door, you’re greeted by Mrs. Hudson, your new landlady. ‘Good morning dear, you must be the new tenant.’ She smiles brightly. ‘Yes, very nice to meet you Mrs Hudson.’ You smile back and stick out your hand for her to shake it. She does so before letting you in. Before she leaves you be in the flat, to which some basic furniture had already been delivered, courtesy of Jim, she warns you about your upstairs neighbours. ‘I do hope you’ve read the warning about the noise carefully dear. Sherlock can be quite a lot with his antics.’ Despite not being too worried about the noise, having had to deal with plenty of situations which were significantly worse than a single man could accomplish, you make sure to assure her you’ll be fine. ‘Yes, of course Mrs Hudson. Noise does not tend to bother me very much and I’ll be away for work during the day, so I suppose I should be fine.’ You smile at her again before closing your door and starting to unpack. It is Sunday morning, so you want to try and unpack most of your things before the start of the workweek, tomorrow is your first day at Scotland Yard after all. Before you start unpacking though, you put in your earbuds and put on Radiohead’s album In Rainbows.
The day went by without much issue, or noise from the upstairs neighbours. Probably because Sherlock was on a case, as your employer had let you know. During that time, you’d hidden the last of your weapons in places which aren't deductible and gotten your image in check. Your persona was quite a boring one to be fair, and while there’s always a hint of truth in them to make it believable, your own life has a lot more excitement and risk. Still, that is something you have to intentionally hide from the brothers and their acquaintances. Looking at your watch, you decide it’s time to go to the shops, as you’d be likely to arrive once Sherlock’s already back and you’d have a reason to introduce yourself. ‘Bye Mrs Hudson. I’ll be back in a few.’ You close the door behind you and head out. When you return with a bag of food, you’re met by two men standing at the door. You immediately recognise them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson. ‘Excuse me, could you please step aside so I can get to my flat?’ You deliberately make your voice softer and quieter than it usually is as to come across as somewhat shy. The doctor steps aside without much hesitation while the detective just turns around and starts trying to deduce you. ‘You must be the new tenant. Nice to meet you, I’m John Watson.’ The short man smiles at you. You shake his hand before introducing yourself and turning to the taller man, though he isn’t much taller than you. ‘Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective.’ He looks you over once again. ‘You’re in the police force but no officer, your nails are too clean for that. You’re dressed as if you have a new job despite it being a Sunday, you’ve only brought clothes you wear to work, which means you don’t go out much or meet people in your free time. You prefer listening to music and reading books to social interactions.’ You feign surprise but are glad, those were all the markers you’d set for him to read. He turns around and heads up the stairs to 221B. ‘I’ll see you at Scotland Yard tomorrow.’ John quickly turns to you and apologises for his friend’s behaviour before following him up the stairs. He’s certainly a character. Didn’t notice a thing though. -S
I told you so, and that’s why I wanted you to do this. -JM
I’ll keep you updated. -S
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