#ignore grammar or spelling mistakes
notsofunsenpai · 4 months
Small Fight
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"Sampo Koski! How fucking dare you!" You shouted at him,clearly angered by him as tears threatened to spill from your eyes as his eyes widened with realization.
"Baby,Darling!-" the male begins to say,trying to be quick and trying to grab your hand, which you quickly moved it away from him.
You quickly get up from the seat that you were sitting on,walking out of the cafe pissed. You wanted to cry but also frustrated at yourself,sure you haven't been taking care of yourself weight wise but the way your lover said it or how he said it fucking upset you.
'It's fine love,it's not like you're gonna lose weight anytime soon.' Was his words as you were eating some Snapper Jam Appetizer with a side of Cosmic fried rice as you brought up the conversation of wanting to start a diet or wanting to go on mission to get more exercise and to spend time with him.
Ignoring your phone as you felt it going off along with vibrating like crazy from the calls and texts messages that you won't bother to look at. You decided to visit a friend,staying with them for a few days because you didn't want to come face to face with your lover,nor hear his pleads. You needed some space to calm down and collect yourself as you hide out at your friends place. You had turned your phone off because you got tired of hearing it. You had your knees tucked to your chest as your arms wrapped around them,resting your head on your knees,looking out the window,watching people going by. Sometimes you thought in moments like this it was unfair how life goes on without the care in the world,nor does time stop for anything. Closing your eyes for a moment, listening to whatever comes to your ears first,it felt peaceful. Calming your nerves some,as the sound becomes fainter and fainter as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Sampo fucking curses to himself,"Good one Sampo.." he mutters,he had called your phone about fifty times and had sent you over twenty messages.
Baby? :(
I'm sorry,I apologize from the bottom of my heart for causing you such pain.
Please let's talk this out,I didn't mean it!:(
My cinnamon roll.
I swear that I will be a better person and will never hurt you again from now on.
I need you
Honey Bunny, I'm so sorry if I brought tears to your eyes; it was not my purpose. Please accept my apologies..
Sorry for acting like a fool; that was not my intention. I'm hoping you'll be able to forgive me and allow me to love you once more.
Please,answer me. I wanna make things right!
Please message me as soon as possible.
I love you, baby♡
He frowns as you weren't answering him,he's worried he fucked this up so bad that it can't be fixed,he feels like something in him had died.he ran his fingers through his now unkept hair,pacing back and forth,"Sampo,you idiot..i have to fix this... i NEED to fix this." He grits his teeth,putting his phone back into his pocket as he as he starts walking hoping he'll find you. He already tried going to your place,you weren't there and he knew you loved your home but he checked else where like your favorite restaurant,he went to see Serval because you love to gossip with her. He went to your favorite park because nearby is an ice cream place,they had your favorite flavor there that no one else serves or sells. He asked some people if they had seen you which they all had said no,he was losing his mind. He sits at a nearby bench,staring at the ground as his eyes were dull and lack any life to them,he clearly wasn't happy.
What happens if he never sees you again?
What if you ended up hating him?
What if you decided to leave town without him knowing?
What would he even do?
You were the only thing that brought joy to him,his sunlight and energy source. He hold his hands together in front of him,clenching or trying to hold himself back from any negative thoughts,he knows its not working but he doesn't want to end up burning this whole city down to find you.
Because he will.
He stared at the ground for a long while,he doesn't know how long but when he comes back to reality it was near night time,maybe doing some jobs will get his mind off if things.
He stands up and finds random tasks at hand,nothing too crazy it was just delivering messages and looking for said things. He usually tries to scam - I mean, help them depending on the situation, but he wasn't really feeling like it, so he actually did the small taks. He did about maybe three to six before stopping,going to a small food stand nearby, and getting something to snack from the running from point A to point B.
He ate quietly to himself,as he tried messaging and calling you once more to only get your voice mail,"Great..she turned her phone off." He curses,finishing his food quickly,tossing it away.
"Baby.. please forgive me." He frowns,head hanging as some of his dark blue hair covers his eyes as his quivering lips turn into a scowl. He finally gives up for the night,heading back to his place,turning on the lights as he enters the room,and flopping down onto the couch,staring out into nothingness.
It was gonna be a long night for him,he could already tell.
You woke up,your body cracked as you moved,groaning in the process as you noted you didn't fall asleep on the bed. You got up,nearly falling on your face as your legs give out but managed to not fall somehow,you went to the bed,getting underneath the covers along with noticing or taking note that it was still dark outside,probably about maybe five in the morning. The bed felt empty and unusually cold,probably because you're usually cuddling your lover,enjoying his warmth or either fighting with him over the blankets. You missed him,but you still were pissed at him,you also didn't bother looking at your phone knowing there's a shit ton of messages. You shuffled alittle in the bed to get comfy,resting your eyes once more,as you went back to sleep until like nine or ten in the morning.
Sampo barely slept,if he did it was probably a power nap? He wasn't sure if he slept but around six he finally got up,his body felt heavy,he felt like he was dead,he trudge to his kitchen to get some caffeine in his system along with eating something sugary to help with his energy levels and not want to die. Getting his phone as he ate breakfast, he sent you a good morning text.
He knew his princess wasn't a morning person but he still wanted to send you a text then a voice-mail,saying how much he loved you. He then goes to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth,drying himself once done and changing into something more comfortable. He didn't wanna go out today but he didn't want to do anything,so he just kinda did alot of cleaning around the house even if he hated it,he just need to distract himself. He swept and vacuum the floors,did the dishes,mopped the floors,dusts around the house,made the bed,did the laundry along with drying and folding the clothes,he organized his bookshelves or whatever needed to be organized. He eventually ran out of things to clean,dust,or organize and immediately went back to his phone to send few more messages to you,hoping at least one text or that you looked at it at least,but all this poor man got was nothing.
He sighs,setting his phone down.
"Y/N..I missed you so much." He frowns grows.
You woked up a few hours later,sitting up and yawning it the process,rubbing the sleepies out of your eyes as the sun hits your face,feeling the warmth on your skin. You stepped out of bed,fixing your hair into a messy bun and going to the bathroom to do your business then went into the kitchen where your best friend had already had breakfast on the table. The two of you ate together,chatting about random things about that one tv show that was airing or about what your plans were today.
"Hey Y/N,I know you're mad at your partner at what he said,I get it I really do.Well Sampo seems like a nice guy,we all know how he is. He tends to talk before thinking sometimes but I generally think he didn't mean to hurt you,he loves you to much to hurt you. Maybe try to give him another chance,after all we aren't perfect and we all gotta fuck up here and there." Your friend said watching you finish your breakfast. You gived it a thought,letting out a sigh you decided to get up and get your phone,turning it on,immediately got blasted with tons of messages. You waited for like three minutes for them to finally stop,you didn't read them but had an idea of what they were about because you already saw few of the messages that popped up,you would rather call him then go through the messages at this minutes. You dialed his number,putting your to your ear,waiting for him to answer.
"Hello! Baby,I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt or say anything mean to you! I wasn't thinking!" You heard him say,he sounded frantic and worried which was unlike his cool and calm personality.
It almost broke your heart to hear him like this,"My little Blueberry,calm down I'm not going anywhere I promise. Let's meet up at our favorite place."
"Okaay,I'll see you there pumkin pie! Be there soon! I love you." You heard him before he quickly hangs up to meet you there.
You get up,fixing your hair to make it look more presentable and put on new comfy clothes that your friend let you wear. You put your shoes on along with grabbing your keys and the things you need,walking out the door to meet up Sampo.
You guys met outside the ice cream place,the one at the park or near the park,Sampo immediately hugs you tightly.
"I'm sorry,so very sorry." He mutters as his grip doesn't let up.
"Sampo,you're suffocating me!" You squeaked,trying to push him away.
"Please let me make it up to you! I'll buy you a million ice creams! I'll spoil you even more than usual!"
"Sampo." You called out to him.
"I'll steal from people for you!"
"Don't do that."
"Okay.. we'll have date nights everynight!" He smiles,whatever his gal wants she gets,he'd make sure he'll follow your request.
You managed to break free from his grip,grabbing his hand and kissing it,making small circles into his palm,"I appreciate the thought but you don't gotta do all of that... I may forgive you to easily and way to quick,it could be the dumbest mistake I can make,but love is all about making mistakes and forgiving right? We are people,we are bound to make mistakes rather its everyday or not we still make them."
The dark blue haired male smiles,bringing you into a kiss,"Let's make all the mistakes then." He kisses you once more as small giggles escape your lips. He deepens the kiss,slipping his tongue into your mouth,exploring every inch of you.
You felt dizzy but in a good way,feeling your knees become jelly, but lucky for you,you had an amazing, strong, and handsome boyfriend to hold you. You felt like time had stopped for just a moment until you heard some random person clearing their throats.
Sampo breaks the kiss with a grin while your face was flustered from the kiss and from the embarrassment,you apologized to the citizen,feeling Sampo taking hold of your hand, whispering into ear,"I know of another way I can make it up to you my queen." Hints of lust was in his voice as your face turn darker in front of the citizen,Sampo quickly drags you to his place.
He wasted no time getting you naked,in between your legs kissing and bitting your inner thigh,"Mhh such beautiful thighs you have baby." He squeezes your chubby thighs,admiring them,loving them. You looked away shyly as he complements you,"Ah,Ah,Ah,look at me, baby." He calls you which you immediately obey.
"That's my gal." He smiles.
He gets close to your pussy,you could feel his warm breath,he gives you a kiss down there before licking all over your pussy. Your hands went to his hair,trying to remain eye contact with him as he eats you out.
You felt weak.
Weak to your knees.
He then went back to placing kisses,sloppy ones,messy ones,long and short ones,and my God the tip of his tongue puts pressure on your sensitive clit,you bite your lip as you rolled your eyes slightly.
"Sam..po.." you moan.
You begin moving your hips,grinding yourself on his tongue.
Sampo gets closer if even possible,his strong hands his on both of your thighs,gripping them like he's never gonna feel them again,sucking and biting your clit till it's swollen. He gently kisses it,loving the noises you made for him as he enters his tongue in you one more and fucks you with his tongue,making out with your walls as the best as he could.
Your eyes rolled back again,your wall clenching around his tongue,grinding faster or as fast as you could,"Sampo.. please..please..." you plead to him,feeling tears in your eyes as your fingers grabbed harder onto his hair which he moan from that. You felt his tongue touch a certain part,a sensitive part,"Ah!" You cried,feeling light headed,you would of fallen by now if Sampo wasn't holding you.
You were close,you could feel your climax coming quickly.
He took his mouth off of you..
You wanted to cry.
Hearing him undoing his belt,"Baby,let's finish this on the bed,I said I'll make it up to you,plan on doing it in different ways. Going to spoil you tonight. " His eyes gleamed in mischief.
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You know what I'm curious about… how does Billy have any sense of time??? When I was a child (I still kinda am) I had no idea what time meant. You could have told me that I would need to wake up at 5:30am tomorrow and I would be awake till 2:00am. I can't imagine what it's like for a homeless kid who has no one keeping him accountable and no routine.
So because of this I think Captain Marvel is sporadic when showing up, none of his villains have any idea when he's going on patrol. They probably think he doesn't sleep at all, he just disappears into a different dimension and then reappears whenever. He'll only start to keep track of time when he joins the justice league so he's not late to meetings or monitor duty.
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letswonderspirit · 9 months
I made a uquiz! what Kind of spirit are you? 👻https://uquiz.com/gGB9B7
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daeneryseastar · 2 months
there’s genuinely no point in taking certain fans of That character seriously because they’ll be the first to purposefully misunderstand the story in order to uplift their own useless fav + any other female character with the slightest bit of autonomy is reduced to a girlboss caricature.
it’s basically the ‘masculine’ vs ‘feminine’ women trope and how all of these women suffer from the same system but some have fought their way towards having basic bodily sovereignty and others have assailed themselves within their circumstances, “you desire not to be free but to make a window in the wall of your prison,” and either perpetuate the abuse they deal with OR sit back and take it like a ‘good’ woman, hence the lack of culpability the stans of said character allow her to be responsible for. the mentality at play here is ‘she is a victim but she cannot possibly ALSO be a victimizer’ but both *can* be true at the same time.
rhaenyra is fighting to be the first ruling queen of westeros, a position that has been set in place before (aerea/rhaenys), but never come to fruition. her heirship has been contested since day one simply on account of her womanhood, not her political prowess or the dubious parentage of her first three sons. this is a fact, and the consequences surrounding her ascension have facilitated a civil war all in the name of the status quo. one side is attempting to honor the wishes of a deceased king, the other wants power, and uses the patriarchal standards already in place to further that goal. this leads to the death of rhaenyra, all but two of her biological children (to her only one survived), her former good mother, her husband, and the assured extinction of dragons.
rhaenyra is looked down upon by a certain portion of this fandom because the concept of protofeminism doesn’t exist to them. the idea that a woman being allowed to take a position of power during the medieval ages might lead to greater precedents involving women’s rights, which is exactly on par with westeros relying on the precedence of male preference primogeniture and the ruling made by the great council of 101ac. rhaenyra, obviously, didn’t make significant changes to women’s positions in westeros because she only ruled for a six month period in king’s landing and was beset by betrayal and treachery consistently during this period.
she was involved in a war that annihilated almost her entire family for the baby step progress of ‘daughters can inherit over sons,’ there was no time to help others when she was losing allies left and right to this very war. cases like the rosby and stokeworth situation are used to back up this take, dispite it being agreed upon rhaenyra verbatim chose to pass over them for fear of losing even more allies AND to protect the girls from being sold to violent misogynistic rapists as war prizes, not just because she believed herself to be the exception to the rule (corlys, in fact, is the one to state this). we also have no definitive proof showwise, either, that she truly believes in the system of men come before women -always- when the only thing said in regard to this is a throwaway line of jacaerys and baela’s sons inheriting the iron throne followed by her stating lucerys and rhaena’s children will inherit the driftwood throne, which is most likely a poor writing choice behind the scenes rather than any concrete proof to the latter.
brave baela, named after her grandsire baelon ‘the brave’ TARGARYEN, daughter of daemon TARGARYEN and laena velaryon, who had TARGARYEN ancestry, granddaughter of rhaenys TARGARYEN ‘the queen who never was,’ rider of the dragon moondancer, identifies completely with her targaryen ancestry and it is an integral part to understanding her character. she is of blood and fire, not salt and sea, and believes driftmark should pass accordingly to someone who corlys would value much more than her, the little girl he’s constantly overlooked on account of her gender.
baela is fighting to put rhaenyra on the throne and in turn jace and herself as the future king/queen. it’s not just for herself or for her stepmother, but for those who have now fallen as well. “i grieve my grandmother who loved me, but i carry her on with me. i will see rhaenyra ascend the iron throne, as rhaenys wished. as rhaenys HERSELF should have.” this cause is bigger than baela, bigger than rhaenyra herself, and baela knows this. yet somehow she’s ‘boring’ and ‘cringe’ in her dialogue or ‘nothing but a cheerleader,’ because she does not carry hatred in her heart for her kin over things they themselves cannot control.
what they have in common is their will, their wants, their ambitions; something that can’t be said for the other character because the writers want her to be a lead but don’t know what to do with her. she’s been relegated to nothing more than her hypocrisy, her self righteousness, her victimhood. she sleeps with a man whilst not married, she takes abortive teas against her religion, she abandons her children in their need for comfort, she’s spat on by the men around her and her own sons when seeking to place herself back into a familiar position of power. this isn’t the first time she’s experienced misogyny, but it is the first time she’s feeling the full ramifications of ridiculing and conspiring against the female claimant redirected at her, on account of the same reasons she took advantage of to propagate herself and her eldest son.
in the grand scheme of things rhaenyra and baela wouldn’t even typically be considered ‘masculine’ women, they’re just outspoken, assertive, and proactive; prone to not taking every bad thing that happens to them without at least some type of their own get back, and it doesn’t revolve around abusing other women to uplift themselves and the men they surround themselves with. which isn’t to say that the ‘feminine’ women’s strifes don’t matter, but to certain stans if they aren’t sitting back and being a pretty passive victim their struggles as a woman don’t count, for whatever reason.
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marvelnatswhore · 2 years
eyes on mommy
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Lady dimitrescu X reader ~smut
Warnings: mommy kink, praise, masturbation, voyeurism, humiliation ?, oral, light pussy spanking, fingering, really wet panties, & sub/dom roles.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: let's pretend i didn't write this just to procrastinate from writing every other fic i promised 
i know this is bad i just wanted to post something)
“Dear, today I have something.. different in mind for your punishment.”
Your eyes must have shown your confusion and Alcina smiled. She had you seated on the couch rather than the bed; you wondered why but ignored it as your eyes flicked over to your clothes, discarded in an unity pile on the floor.
She was on you the moment you reached the privacy of your bedroom. Wasting no time tearing the fabric from your body and kissing you with an alcoholic desire, groping you everywhere she could, promising to take proper care of you, while leaving you panting and bare, while she finished her work.
The time went by agonisingly slowly and your mind wandered possibly too far when you found your legs pressing together in search of something, rubbing slightly and reminding you of the fabric between them. 
Unlike your other abandoned garments, Alcina left your panties on you. Something she often liked to do. You discovered she got off on seeing how wet she could make you before you were pleading for her to touch you. She knew it drove you feral for her too and sometimes she just wanted to see that innocent look in your eyes turn to filthy desire.
You snapped suddenly back to the present moment as Alcina entered the room. She grinned, seeing you sitting patiently for her on the sofa and she closed the doors behind her as she came to stand above you. 
Her large figure swamped your own and you felt your cheeks flush, Alcina's hand moved to stroke your hair and admire you sitting pretty below her, “I think you’ll enjoy your punishment tonight, dearest.” She smiled softly at you and there was something predatory in her eyes that sent a shiver to your core.
 “Although, I will miss having you over my thigh.” 
Your throat goes dry as the thought of your usual punishment plagues your mind, not to mention other places. You wonder what she has planned for you when her hand leaves your hair and she steps back, reaching up to her chest to unbutton her dress. 
You watch intently with a growing heat in your chest. She let the soft fabric pool to the floor at her heels and you pull in a breath at the sight. She’s naked and standing above you with a pleased grin across her face. 
“Like what you see?” She asks, putting her hands on her lower thighs and bending down to meet your face, giving full view of her breasts. You’d never get tired of seeing them-
“Do you want to touch mommy?” She chuckles, knowing something you clearly don’t.
You nod at her question with oblivious eyes and she cups your jaw with a large, soft hand. 
“That’s too bad, pet.”
You frown as she pulls away, already missing the contact. She moves over to the bed and you can’t keep your eyes off her. You wonder for a moment if she was purposely swaying her hips at you.
Alcina turns to you as she sits. You hadn’t noticed the new placement of the couch you were on as you walked in and Alcina sat you on it, but now it made sense.
“All you have to do is watch. You can't touch Mommy or yourself. Understand?” 
You nod your head obediently, and she grins, “Good girl.” 
You tried to ignore the title she gave herself and the small wet patch that you felt form on your panites from it.
She leaned back against the bedding. Propping herself against the silk pillows and letting her hand drop down to her bare sex. Even from where you were sat you could tell how wet she was and the sight was making your head spin. 
She let out a low moan. Guiding her fingers over her heat, stopping to stroke her clit and bask in the pleasure. You could feel your own arousal spreading between your thighs watching her and it was almost uncomfortable. 
Her hand moved lower quickly, she’d been thinking of you all day and she could barely control herself. Sliding through her folds and moaning as she brushed her entrance, she looked over at you, you assumed to make sure you were still watching, (not that you could take your eyes off her) and she pushed two fingers into her pussy, beginning to pump them at a quick pace. Your breath was caught in your throat and you wanted her so badly it hurt. Alcina’s head fell back and she moaned, gasping between unsteady breaths and reaching to palm her breasts with her spare hand. 
“Mommy-” You whimpered softly, feeling your thighs squeeze together, and the thin fabric over your pussy starting to rub against your skin. The friction drew a soft groan from you and you knew she heard you, Alcina moaned and you realised she was watching you again, fucking herself to you. 
Her eyes were brighter than usual and she looked ravenous. You knew she wanted you too. 
“Pet-” Her voice was breathy and it drew out the worst in you. You could feel your hips grinding against the seating under you, It was subtle and you hoped Alcina wouldn’t notice but the aching between your thighs was becoming insatiable. 
Even from across the room she had complete control over you, that familiar warmth quickly enveloped you and you could almost feel tears forming in your eyes and you didn’t know what to do. You needed mommy to tell you. 
Her pace became quicker and the sound of her fucking herself seemed to fill the room along with your own short breaths You watched her mesmerised, trying to ignore the throbbing under you as you sucked your bottom lip. Alcina moaned your name, adding another finger to her cunt and rubbing her clit. 
Her voice was becoming short gasps and you knew she was close. “Oh-” her breath hitched, dragging it out into a moan, “Mommy’s gonna come!” she cries, pumping harder, your legs are squeezing together, grinding against the bedding below you and you can’t stop yourself from moaning.
“fuck!” She yells, gasping as she comes in a long moan, riding out her high before finally slowing. Your panties are beyond ruined, and you can feel tears in your eyes. 
Alcina groans deeply, slowing her movements as she pulls out her fingers, dripping with her cum. She seems to admire them for a brief moment before turning her attention back to you. Her eyes drift down to your legs crossed tightly together, and you can feel her grin on you.
“Darling..come here.” Alcina orders gently, you don’t waste a moment to scramble over to her, and place yourself up between her legs.  
“Eager little thing, aren't you?” She chuckles, tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear. She takes a moment to swallow in your appearance and brush her thumb over your lips.
 “Clean mommy up sweetheart.” 
The bedding is softer than the couch and you’re somewhat thankful for it as Alcina’s hand guides you down to her sex with a gente tug on your jaw.
The next thing you knew your lips are pressed against her slit, and you instinctively draw a long line down with your tongue. You moan instantly at her taste, and sink your tongue further, lapping at her hole and the cum smeared over her heat. 
She moans softly, weaving her hands through your hair and pushing you closer to her core. 
“Good-girl.. just like that-” Her praise doesn't make it easy to ignore the throbbing between your legs or how desperately you want her to touch you. Her hand guides you to her hardened clit and you don't need instructions to start sucking it. 
Alcina groans at the sensation muttering something guttural you couldn’t comprehend as you lapped at her cunt, your head felt like it was spinning and you were drunk off her. 
She pushed you flush against her moaning, as you dipped your tongue into her. You felt your thighs rub together secretly hoping she would notice. You stop licking briefly to suck on her sensitive clit and the grip she has on your hair tightens. It didn’t take long for the pleasure to reach her again and her hips are grinding against your face desperately as you felt her walls closing and she came shuddering against your lips.
You lapped at her cunt until she was pushing you away, breathing heavily and coming back to the present moment. 
You’re panting softly as she pulls your head away from her heat and you can't help but be somewhat disappointed to leave it; she guides you up against her chest and leans in to kiss your wet lips tenderly, wanting to move deeper but deciding to withhold for now. 
“You pleasure mommy so well dear.” Her hand came to stroke your hair and you felt that familiar warmth spread through your body. You flinch as Alcina slides her hand down the curve of your back, softly grabbing your ass and enticing a gasp from you, “let mommy touch you now darling.” 
You nearly yelled as her hand cups your pussy through the soaking fabric and you hear her sigh into a moan. Her index finger rubs over your clit and you can’t stop yourself from moaning at the sensation. 
“Such a filthy thing.” 
Her fingers trace gently across the wet patch on your lace covered pussy until she seems to want more and you gasp as she starts pulling your panties down your hips. No less at an agonising pace. 
You felt your cheeks burning red as she reached your cunt. You knew how soaked you were for her and your panites were more than proof. She slipped the thin fabric further down your thighs and you whined softly.
“You’ve clearly been enjoying yourself, Honey..” Her fingers brushed your folds and she pushed a single digit through your slit. You gasped instantly. Pressing your face into her breasts to muffle yourself as you shivered and moaned against her. 
‘so fucking wet-’ She groans pushing her fingers through your slick a few more times as you whimpered. You felt a sudden, sharp smack against your cunt. You flinch and the sudden sting quickly melts into wet pleasure. 
“darling, I did say this was a punishment didn’t I?”
You knew better than to answer her.
“Take it like a good pet.”
Her hand came down again, grazing your clit lightly and you moaned as your breath caught in your throat. 
With each smack you were panting for air and tears formed in your eyes. “Mommy-” Your voice softened into a low whimper and you felt yourself clenching around nothing.
Her hand came down again, lighter this time and it lingered on you, cupping your throbbing pussy and rubbing between your folds with her fingers. 
“We can’t leave such a cute pussy so desperate can we?” You shake your head feeling arousal quickly building in your gut.
“Lay back pet. Mommy’s gonna take care of you..”
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ollies-moving-castle · 11 months
Bernard headbutts Tim usually in the shoulder or lightly headbutt his forehead 
He knows why he does it he knows why he only does it to very certain people 
he does it because someone used to do it to him
How when ever she was happy or laughing at his dumb jokes she’d headbutt him in the shoulder. How when she knew he was sad or saw he had a few new bruises she’d gently headbutt him in the back while carding her hand through his hair one arm around his chest. How she did it when she wanted to show she cared but knew he didn’t want to be hugged. How when he was overstimulated but needed physical comfort she’d take his hand and gently headbutt it to remind him she was there and he wasn’t alone. How if they randomly saw each other in the hallway she would smash her head into his chest just because she could. How’d she’d headbutt him when she needed a hug and he’d always wrap his arms around her while they held onto what ever jacket he had stole from Tim that day like her life depended on it. How she gently tapped their heads together tears running down her face the first time Bernard ever told her why he had a bruises more times than he didn’t. how she’d headbutt him in the back on his way to his car then demand he go buy her a milkshake at the diner down the block because “duh Bernie they have the best milkshakes in Gotham I won’t settle for any less”. how the only thing that made her smile after she got turned down by the crush she had for most of the year the crush she had spent almost everyday with (the crush that was now Bernard’s boyfriend) was Bernard head butting her in the back while he brushed through her hair to calm her down as she had done countless times to him. how the last time she had ever head butted him was weakly in the chest as she bleed out in his arms.
he knows she’d headbutt him in the chest so hard he’d lose his breath and call him a big loser if she ever found out he does it to Tim now
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spongek-squidge · 30 days
You know what, I’ve done some character development, I’ve finished the current character arc, so here’s an updated version of…
My feelings on Demetrius (as a Maru lover)
Let’s begin with the basics: Demetrius to me feels like a nerdy, socially constipated dad who doesn’t know how to talk to people. Is this partially down to his almost definite autism? Most porbably, but I also feel he generally prefers to stay indoors with his science experiments which has led to an additional lack of social understanding on top of the initial struggle that typically comes with being autistic regarding understanding social stuff. Ultimately he comes off as a lovable nerd and I get what Robin sees in him.
Speaking of Robin let’s have her have a bit of a say in this, after all she is married to the man! Despite a lot of cutscenes confusing both of them having them bickering, I do think that this is only in cutscenes for a reason: it’s not a common event. Sure, they conflict during misunderstandings and a lack of intimate knowledge about each others interests (simply due to the fact they both are quite content simply doing their own thing most the time) but during their regular routines they spend an awful amount of time together quite contently! Every time I head up to the mountains in game the pair tend to be standing side by side looking over the valley. It doesn’t seem like they’re saying much but they’re still peacefully hanging around each other. It is clear from this that both of their love languages are quality time, hence why most their interactions are literally just them being around each other rather than any intimidate discussions. All of this is basically just to say that I don’t think Demetrius is a bad husband and he and Robin are a very good pairing, which is nice to see amongst all the other parents in the valley! (Looking at you Pierre and Caroline 👀)
Now let’s get to his relationship with his daughter, Maru. He loves his daughter, plain and simple, he wants what’s best for her and to protect her. However, he does go to far with it a lot and as consequence pushes her away and blocks her from social opportunities. Both her friends in the valley being Penny, the local sweet school teacher, and Harvey, the town doctor who wouldn’t hurt a fly? Highly suspicious, especially given her personality matches very well with people like Sam, the local skater boy. And let’s not forget the Maru 2 heart event, the farmer has basically only just met Maru and is only just getting to know her, yet Demetrius practically threatens them and warns them not to touch his daughter? He could at least wait until they start dating… But, he does it from a place of care. This isn’t to say he’s justified in trying to push away Maru’s new friends, just that his reasoning is not outlandish, in fact it’s rather common (sadly so). He still sees Maru as his baby and wants to protect her a tall costs, though this means that he forgets she’s a grown woman now and is capable of looking after herself, like in her 10 heart event when he tries to catch the farmer in the act of canoodling with his baby girl (even though they are officially dating it’s to be expected). All this to say he does still have a rather good relationship with Maru, they share interests and hobbies and he wants her to thrive in the scientific and engineering routes she so clearly excels at. This makes it easy for him to talk to and bond with Maru, which makes their relationship rather strong. Ultimately, he is a brilliant father to maru in all aspects of her life EXCEPT social.
Now I hear you all saying from the corners of the internet ‘what about Sebastian?’ Well he definitely fucked up in that department. The pair clearly don’t get on well at all, Demetrius never quite respecting Sebastian for who he is and considering him a bad influence on Maru. I imagine this all began when he first started dating Robin, after all explaining why his daddy had left and there was this new stranger in the house would’ve been difficult to explain, especially to a child that was still learning his abcs. In this department both Demetrius and Robin probably fucked up, with clearly neither of them doing a very good job at explaining the prospect of a step-dad to the young Sebastian at a time in his life he probably wouldn’t be very receptive of the concept, purely due to not being able to fully understand what was happening. This would’ve been amplified by the birth of Maru and Demetrius doting on her more and Sebastian feeling abandoned and tossed aside for the new baby due to all the attention she would of gotten, especially from his supposed step-dad Demetrius. While Robin would’ve definitely kept giving Sebastian as much attention as she could, a baby is a handful so she would’ve had to divide her attention up which would’ve fueled the abandonment Sebastian felt at the time. This would be a feeling that continued throughout his entire adolescence, with Maru shining bright as the golden child while Sebastian was deemed a delinquent in the eyes of his step-dad, being over looked in preference of his half-sister. This favouritism by Demetrius has had a massive impact on both Sebastian and Maru. Sebastian was impacted for the reasons previously stated, feeling neglected and abandoned by the only father figure in his life at this point and Maru for creating a rift between her and her brother, someone who she has expressed a deep desire to close the gap with and have a proper relationship between them. While Sebastian would’ve spent most his life pushing Demetrius away, Demetrius did not help that at all, and is ultimately the one mainly at fault for their rocky relationship. He may have tried at some point, given the ‘first time step-dad’ book in his room, but he gave up on Sebastian too soon, leaving Sebastian with one proper parent.
Now how about the farmer? How does he interact with them? Well, he isn’t a bad friend to the farmer at all, giving them the fruit/mushroom cave for free and generally just being his nerdy self during conversations with them. There are times where I get annoyed with him after him being overly protective of neglectful regarding his kids then he goes on a rant about trees or something and it endears me to him. His relationship with the farmer seems mostly to be someone who he can talk to and just info dump whatever scientific information he’s currently focused on to.
Ultimately Demetrius is a significantly flawed character and has bridges to build and people he needs to apologise profusely to, but that doesn’t make him a bad person. Feel free to hold a grudge on him for his attitude towards Sebastian, for his over protectiveness over Maru, for his arguments with his wife, but don’t let that overshadow the rest of the character, as, once again, his flaws don’t make him a bad person. They just make him a shitty step-dad!
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Before I start the rest of this post, I just want to ask you to read it in full. Don't get to a specific line, decide you already know the whole thing and scroll on, but actually read every sentence.
Some of you are probably going to get exactly what you expect at the end, but if I'm right this will have new information for a lot of you. Please don't take a risk and assume you're a part of the former category.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about the 2025 Project. If you're reading this I'm assuming you've at least heard of it and you are somewhat familiar with its contents. Normally I wouldn't post about this kind of thing, but recently I've seen sentiments of "The 2025 Project is just saying what the Republican party has done for years, it's not surprising/not a thing to vote blue over" going around which is what prompted me to make this post.
The above statements assume that the 2025 Project is simply a manifesto. A "We want this!" kind of document akin to campaign trail promises.
This is not what the 2025 Project is.
What it actually is, without any hint of exaggeration, is a step by step action plan to effectively take control of every government agency and undermine Congress' ability to do anything about it, then how to use that level of control to do literally anything and everything the far right wants to do. As in they are already taking steps to enact legislation the second a far right politician takes the presidency. They are preemptively coming up with lists of candidates to replace federal staff members and they intend to immediately dissolve any governmental department that they don't like no matter how important it is.
Part of the plan is to get rid of hurricane tracking. Hurricane tracking. Something that can literally only save lives, simply because recording that data "makes people more worried about climate change".
If you don't believe me and you have the time, this video made by John Oliver goes into (An introductory level of) detail about it:
This is legitimately an outline for a fascist take over. Other Republicans are saying that this is horrific and can only lead to disaster, and the end goal actually gives them things they've wanted for decades. If a Republican is saying "This is too fascist for me" about other Republicans, you know it's much worse than you initially thought.
This is usually the part of the post where one begs for you to suck it up and vote for Biden in November. I am not going to be doing that.
If you follow my blog (Or more likely the people I reblog from) and have already decided not to vote for Biden, I know why. It's because of his handling of Palestine and his undying support for Israel. It's because he keeps sending them billions of dollars to murder civilians and there is seemingly no line they can cross that will make him stop. He said Rafah was a red line, Israel crossed it, and yet he still proceeded to use his "humanitarian aide dock" to help Israel massacre more than 200 Gazans through war crimes which was promptly covered up with "They saved 4 hostages!" (While quietly covering up they got three more killed). This is one of a seemingly unending list of things I can cite for this paragraph.
Biden absolutely deserves your hatred and trust me he has mine.
If you have had family members killed in Gaza or you know someone who was killed in Gaza or you genuinely wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you voted for Biden, then nothing I say is going to convince you to vote for him. So I'm not going to do that. What I will ask of you is that you don't vote for Trump.
For most people reading this post, that much is obvious. But I know for a fact that there are some people out there that view Trump and Biden as equally bad and plan to vote for Trump just to teach Biden a lesson. Don't do that. They are not equally bad, one of them has bog standard to bad domestic policy and awful foreign policy, the other has fascist domestic policy and somehow even worse foriegn policy (Trump's view on Palestine is that Israel should "finish the job". There's a reason Netanyahu wants him to win, as spineless as Biden is Trump would offer public enthusiastic support which is far worse. With him in charge they'd probably start plowing through the West Bank even faster than they are now).
All that getting Trump elected would do is hurt more people on a wider scale than before, and that is not worth it to simply send a message to the Democratic party.
Please do not vote for Trump. If anything in this post pushes you over the fence to vote for Biden, well I don't really have anything to tell you. I can't tell you not to vote because you can't solve politics by refusing to engage with it, but at the same time Biden is terrible and he's kind of the only alternative to Trump right now. So speaking from a pure logistical stand point, yeah Biden would be the one to vote for, no matter how scummy it is.
This election is going to be a situation where anyone who cares about Palestine is going to lose. There's nothing that's going to change that unless both Trump and Biden die before November.
The best we can do in this situation is try to keep things from getting worse. And do not fool yourself into thinking things can't be worse, because if we've learned anything since the beginning of this wave of the genocide it is that things can always get worse.
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newspecies · 1 year
HI this is my thousand word ramble about Rocky and his relationship with other characters and my thoughts in general. I'm normal about Lackadaisy I promise.
Calvin and Rocky are cousins that grew up together, with Rocky being 5 years older. The mini comics all make it seem like he spent most of his time there and later he says “it was home more than home was.” (Lackadaisy Breakdown). The cousins wrote to each other while Rocky was traveling around and Calvin kept them all inside a box instead of throwing them away. Aunt Nina tells Rocky "[Calvin]'s the only one in all o’ creation who'd follow you" (Lackadaisy Somersault) so they're clearly extremely close. Calvin lies to his mother several times to keep Rocky out of trouble, even when it's about something illegal. Despite his moral compass and the fact that he almost went into law enforcement, he's working with Lackadaisy and regularly shooting at people presumably just because Rocky wants him to (and because Ivy's there... but in the beginning it was for Rocky). They strike me as having more of a sibling relationship than a cousin one due to growing up so close.
Aunt Nina
Nina does not have a very high opinion of Rocky and she makes this very clear. She trusts him not to get Calvin into too much trouble but she doesn't let him stick around when he stops by. He’s under no illusions that he’s welcome at her house (Lackadaisy Somersault) and he tells Ivy that “[his face]’s only abided in small doses” at Nina’s house. He starts telling Ivy there was a small family tragedy and "it had an author... and with already ink-stained hands, i signed my name on it" which means that something bad happened and he either was to blame or took the blame and that is the reason he left Missouri, "so time could dull my fresh reminder face." (Lackadaisy Breakdown). My guess is that this family tragedy had something to do with his mother because his father was alive at least a little bit after he left because he was sending letters and stopped (Lackadaisy Correspondence) his mother is only mentioned once, in Lackadaisy Breakdown, described as “chasing Red Death” Red Death is not a real sickness and its instead from Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. This could mean that his mother had some sort of bloody sickness. My guess is tuberculosis. It was one of the biggest causes of death in the early 1900’s and one of its most well known symptoms is coughing up blood. Sorry this is supposed to be about Nina and I kind of went off the rails there. Anyway I don’t think Nina hates Rocky at all; she still does his laundry and lets him visit and lets him drag Calvin around. But she doesn’t trust him and makes sure he knows that.
Some people seem to think Rocky has a crush on Mitzi, and him threatening Wick certainly gives the impression but I heavily disagree and I think he sees her more as a mother figure. He clearly looks up to her and seeks her approval constantly; he goes out while extremely injured and hiding that injury from her (Lackadaisy Deliria) presumably because he realizes that the pig farmers' attack on Lackadaisy was his fault and he really wants to fix it. His behavior towards Wick strikes me more as a child really not wanting a step parent. As the audience, I know that Wick is basically incapable of evil (he has killed once and it was a duck and it still haunts him) and Mitzi is the one taking advantage of their relationship, but from Rocky's perspective Mitzi is just an innocent widow looking for companionship and Wick is a weird rich sleazeball. I honestly don't think Rocky is aware of Mitzi's own sleaziness, and if he is he’s ignoring it to the best of his ability. but Mitzi likes having Rocky around. Every time she's upset over something and Rocky starts joking around she immediately starts smiling more (Lackadaisy Proposition, Lackadaisy Haggersnash). She’s undeniably fond of him, despite his many shenanigans.
Okay this one is a little bit more out there. “But Rotten!” You may argue, “Rocky doesn’t actually know Mordecai! They only interact like once outside the mini comics!” Yes dear reader but consider this: they have so many parallels. They are opposites on the surface; Rocky is silly, Mordecai is serious. But looking closer they have a few things in common. Mainly: TRAINS!!!!!!!!! They both have recurring train motifs and it makes me insane. For Mordecai he met Atlas on a train (Lackadaisy Thaumaturgy), and for Rocky he has a drawing of one on one of the letters he sent to Calvin (Lackadaisy Correspondence) and he said his father worked on the railroad (Lackadaisy Breakdown). In relation to the trains, they both left home at a young age and wrote letters home. They also both seem to have a habit of gaining enemies; when Atlas met Mordecai he was running from people (Lackadaisy Bookkeeper) and Rocky’s… everything makes making enemies extremely easy for him. These two have PARALLELS and I need everyone to know!!!!!
This last section is about Rocky himself! First off, to state the obvious: Rocky is extremely impulsive, he doesn’t seem to think about the consequences of his actions whatsoever and it gets him into all sorts of trouble all the time. He’s not oblivious though; in Lackadaisy Posterity he immediately jumps to the conclusion that he ruined something, he just didn’t remember it. Rocky puts on a show of being confident and sure of himself but the moment his walls are torn down in the Posterity and Breakdown pages he’s calling himself a horrible person. He is extremely aware of how other people feel about him; even though his exclamation of “they tolerate me” in Lackadaisy Palaver is framed as a joke, it feels pretty real. A lot of people don’t like Rocky and he knows this. I don’t remember where I was going with this. Just know that I’m obsessed with Rocky and I’m thinking about him always.
In conclusion
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I still like Luke from PJO; I don’t think he’s a villain. Imagine you spend your childhood not knowing who your dad is and being left with a crazy woman who’s also your mother and can’t even recognize you, not to mention the psychotic episodes. Then you decide to run away with a GOLF CLUB for defense and find 2 other lonely kids on the street that you practically adopt and THEN you finally make it to a spot you were suppposed to be safe at only to be ambushed my a monster that kills your best friend who gets turned into a tree. Then you get shoved into a cabin with 50 other kids and never get sent on a quest even though you’ve been there the longest and was a permanent member and newbies are getting sent out despite your experience. And THEN your dead beat father finally sends you on a quest only for you to gain a scar across your eye and to almost die and then come back to camp realizing you still have to sleep in the same place with 50 other random kids. Bro that be traumatizing enough for anyone. Not to mention he’s only 19 and was 14 when he adopted two other kids. Bro just felt angsty for a second and then some dude comes along like “I’ll make everything better, I swear. I’m powerful enough”. ANYONE would take that offer. Then, his is (practically) little sister betrays him and the “good guy” from earlier ends up controlling his mind and possessing his body, making him betray everyone he’s ever loved.
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
some andrew & renee thoughts
andrew likes renee because she’s not afraid to confront him, contradict him or say no to him. she’s not afraid of him at all.
renee is easily more dangerous and andrew knows and respects that. renee has a grasp on how to use knives better than andrew could ever imagine (before neil, at least) and it leaves him more than slightly in awe.
the whole sparring thing came about because when andrew pushed her one practice early on, she pushed back harder and they started fighting
she definitely hurts his feelings once or twice and he lies awake at night thinking about it. what bugs andrew that what she’s said is right. comments that are just observational in nature about his behaviour or character but they cut because he trusts her opinion on things.
one time, she just calls him out on something he thought she’d support him on - some stupid opinion - and he’s offended and irritated. and renee never says I told you so, so she just shrugs and moves on.
renee calls andrew out on being a misogynist. andrew is initially confused but renee bullies him into being a feminist. that’s how their friendship works. most of this takes place on the roof. before that was andrew and neil’s place (and even after), it was andrew and renee’s. but renee has no interest in smoking, so she joins him by bringing tiny bottles of bubbles and punctuating her sentences by blowing them. the one time andrew calls her a bitch, she just responds with ‘don’t🫧be🫧a🫧misogynist🫧’. weirdly, it works.
andrew likes renee because she’s all sharp edges and imperfections. andrew’s had more than enough of the horrors that lie behind the perfect facade.
when you get close to renee, you learn she’s got crooked teeth and a honky laugh. when she dyes her hair, it’s because of sheer boredom but she has a list of her next ten hair colours in her notes on her phone. andrew knows these things, and knows that knowing them is a privilege. he keeps this to himself.
renee can be spiteful and rude. renee can be snappy and unkind. but she acknowledges these things and takes accountability in a way that’s totally revolutionary for andrew.
she rarely apologises. one time, early on, a remark she makes at his expense is far too cutting and he’s not mad about it but clearly it’s impacted her. she apologises later on, carefully and sincerely, and it’s the first apology andrew has ever fully believed, even if he doesn’t think it’s required. he shrugs her off and she knows exactly what it means.
andrew never admits it aloud, but what he deep down loves about renee is how she can make him a better person.
she gently nudges him and his rigid thinking along the path of self development and it’s something he would never thank her for but he is endlessly grateful for.
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pockykierra · 7 months
Sneak Peek for Saying The Quiet Part Aloud Chapter Four
Thank you all for your patience while I write this chapter! I've had a lot of Stuff™ happening recently - nothing bad, just a lot of life taking up my writing time! I do have a good portion of the chapter written, but it still might be just a bit before it is released.
In the meantime, I do have a one-shot I should be posting soon, and I also have this small little sneak peek under the cut! I hope you all enjoy!
“She is,” Crowley said, a hint of pride creating an upward inflection in his tone. 
Almost as beautiful as you.
Aziraphale blushed, turning quickly from Crowley and nervously smoothing at his clothes. How incredibly hard it still was for Aziraphale to believe it was him who Crowley thought about. A man as handsome, wealthy, and well connected as him surely had equally handsome, wealthy, and well connected people to surround himself with. Entrepreneurs, business owners, models, royalty, for Heaven's sake - the elite of the elite.
And yet-
It was Aziraphale who Crowley thought about. Aziraphale who lived comfortably but was by no stretch of the imagination wealthy. Aziraphale who wore button-up pants, outdated waistcoats, and occasionally sweaters if he was feeling particularly adventurous. Aziraphale who abhorred meeting new people.
Aziraphale who was plain. 
Aziraphale who did nothing exciting - nothing, ever - because he was scared. 
But still, Crowley thought of Aziraphale. Not just thought of, but fantasized about - he imagined doing things that stirred desires seated deep within Aziraphale, ones he would have never thought himself to have. The scenes he envisioned made Aziraphale’s legs shake and his cock twitch with needy, pathetic interest. They were fiction, not reality - but they were about Aziraphale. And that made it all the better (or perhaps, all the worst).
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Imagine if Damien paid Billy to tell him all the justice league drama! It's a mutually beneficial relationship where Damien has an inside spy in the league and Billy doesn't have to worry about having enough money for food. Billy tells him about who was late to meetings (flash), what missions they're going on, all the bets happening, and just regular coworker gossip. Damien has to pay EXTRA money for anything about Batman. The best part is Damien gets to freak out Bruce with all his information.
Bruce: How do you know this????
Damien: I have my sources.
Billy eating a burger hundreds of miles away: 🍔 ૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა
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karimationkat · 8 months
Sandcastle - AVM Drabble
Idk if this counts as a drabble, it's a small one shot about KO/MT (called Orange here)
Headcanon territory again XP
The heck, 1004 words?
Two juice boxes, a banana, a large pack of chocolate chip cookies and a neon yellow coloured wallet shaped like cartoon bee or a lemon. Orange counted them as small hands were trying to stuff those things in a just as small backpack with heroes from various popular kids shows printed on them. No matter how often the child changed the order in which they put the things in, there was always a few things or the large pack of the chocolate chip cookies lying next to the backpack. Only then the child turned towards the adult.
"Dada, you carry this too, please"
Orange chuckled as he watched Gold cramp the pack of chocolate chip cookies into the basket with fruits, snacks and drinks. It was his day-off and he had pinky-promised Gold that they would picnic at the playground, so that they could play there the entire day. Impatiently Gold stormed off to door after they had finally gotten everything sorted in with the loud noises from the small bright coloured plastic tools in the small bright coloured plastic bucket that they had been carrying. Orange picked up the basket and went after them.
It was a sunny and warm late summer day, the rays of the hit his face gently as Orange settled down the lawn that was half covered by shadow of a tree. Gold had ran off to the sandbox already, leaving their backpack for Orange to guard. Despite the nice weather, there weren't many people at the playground. Their neighbourhood didn't have many children. So the child sitting all alone on a bench near the sandbox Gold was playing at immediately caught his attention.
That child was a little older then Gold and watched Gold shoveling the sand in the bright yellow bucket with the purple handle. Orange was sitting quite far away and couldn't hear what Gold was saying but the other child didn't reply nor react in any way. They just continued to watch Gold. Orange did the same. While reading his book, he glanced after every paragraph at sandbox.
A sandcastle was slowly started form itself and Gold continued to talk to the young stranger. At some point Orange saw how Gold waved to him enthusiastically with both armes. Orange put his book to the side and as he stood up he saw how the other child was no longer sitting there. But was standing infront of Gold. The sandcastle was gone.
When Orange hurried over, the child already ran off. Gold was sitting silently looking at the pile of sand.
"Sunshine, are you okay? What happened?"
He kneeled down next to Gold.
"I asked them if they want to build with me."
Their voice was choking in tears and sobs.
Orange gentle scooped Gold into his lap and rubbed their shoulder.
"There there, my sun. Do you want to drink something? Or a little snack? We can build a new one together and I'll make sure no one does anything to that one, okay?"
Gold shook their head.
"I wanna go home."
Orange nodded and started to collect all the plastic tools into the bucked and carried both it and Gold to the basket. He helped Gold to put on their backpack and they silently made their way home.
"Mr. Orange?"
Like a jump into an iced pool Orange immediately came back to his senses. He looked over from the sandbox of the old playground to Purple. They're currently talking a stroll around the neighbourhood.
"Is everything alright?"
They asked very carefully and worried.
"I'm fine. Remembered something..."
The older one reassured them. Purple didn't seem to be fully relieved but they took the answer anyway. He sighed.
"Say, Purple, do you want to build a sandcastle?"
This caught the other completely off guard. They visibly started to contemplate whether this was a test or something in that kind. But after an awkward silence they hesitantly nodded. They looked like they wanted to ask something however nothing came over the lips.
Making a sandcastle was like a harder job then it seemed, orange had to admit to himself. Or maybe it was because they didn't have a bucket and the tools. While Orange was working on the Towers, Purple built the walls that connected the towers.
"This looks awful..."
Orange chuckled under his breath keeping his eyes on the left tower that he was working at. Grains of sand slippered down. It was hard to keep them at the top.
"I could have done it better in Minecraft..."
Purple muttered slightly infuriated. They're walls looked like dams and they were trying to make them less rounder.
"So could have I, but isn't it more fun to do like this?"
Purple just shrugged. They stood up and seated themselves on the edge of the sandbox to see how the sandcastle looked like. They would have covered their eyes with their hands in shame of the monstrosity they created if their hands weren't already covered in sand.
"Are all sandcastle supposed to look like that?"
Oranges smiled as he watched the youngling glare at the sandcastle as if it insulted their mother. The autumn wind gently rattled the leaves on the branches of the trees to fill the silence of the two adults sitting in the sandbox while admiring or more frowning on the castle.
"It seems like you had a lot of fun."
It was a comment on Orange's smile. He shrugged aswell and turned to the other.
"How about you? Did you have fun?"
Purple's face softened. With a smile what they tried to suppress they stood up and swept the sand of their hands and clothes.
"Yeah... This was fun... I never did build a sandcastle before."
Their voice had a sad undertone as they spoke. When Orange opened his mouth to say something but it seemed like Purple knew what it was. They smirked and said.
"Let's build one some time again. A better one."
And with a kick the sandcastle was gone.
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1t-wasnt-m3 · 1 year
Thinking about The Flags talking about there childhood stuffies (like there names/species/if they still have them) and chuuyas just sitting there like “wtf are you guys talking about” (because he went from torturous lab to street gang, I don’t think he had time for stuffed animals) so the very next day, he comes in and gets smacked in the head by a bunny plushie
He still has it. The tag is still hanging off its ear, with it’s smudged hand-written message: “Sir Snuffles Head the 29th, treat him well”. It sits on his nightstand, a reminder of the good days, a thing to ground him through the bad ones. It’s fur is slightly matted, a little dirty (slightly bloody, but thats on almost everything he owns), and it’s one of the one good things in his life. It’s one of the things that will never leave, along with there memory.
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alyakihaku · 2 months
Kept Walking - Furiosa/Praetorian Jack
She wonders if she would have kept walking if she knew then what going with him would become. He had said 'no questions asked' and while she had lowered the gun, she hadn't believed him. At that point in her life, promises or words of assurances didn't hold any weight; or at least the ones made or said after Ma didn't. Dementus, in the cacophony that was his very being, never seemed to not talk. To not make promises he didn't know how to keep and say assurances he didn't know the meaning of. It was his actions you had to believe in, and those never left her feeling at ease. Even the History Man with his own version of abundance didn't offer much stability in character. The last time she took a chance, as calculated as she could make it, had been answering Immortan Joe honestly. As she watched Dementus walk away she heard someone's voice, a voice her soul told her she should know, say in the back of her head 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't'. It wasn't until she walked into The Vault did she really understand what the voice was saying. Dementus had been her tormentor but at least she had known him; known his chaos and how to weather it. Now she had a new Devil to learn.
It didn't take her long to realize that Immortan Joe's control over Rictus only went so far, and while he had initially reminded her of Smeg with his child-like mind that's where the similarities started and stopped. Smeg, despite being Dementus' favorite pet, had never made Furiosa fearful. Rictus, on the other hand, had made the hair on the nape of her neck stand on end every time she saw him. And he saw her. At first, she had wondered if it was fascination with seeing a girl as young as her for the first time. At seeing someone embody the dolls he seemed so fond of. It wasn't until Kindred gave birth that Furiosa decided his attention laid firmly past just fascination with a new toy. She had been right of course, and during that first night of hiding she had allowed herself the satisfaction of it. The vindication of knowing that her gut had been right, her instincts hadn't lied, and she had managed to once again keep herself alive and whole.
She found it surprising how easy it was to keep her head down. Being in The Vault hadn't allowed her much freedom to learn how The Citadel worked, but it was simplistic in its efficiency and cruelty. So many of them were sick and dying that a scrawny mute didn't pique anyone's interest past her ability to do the job. She had already spent years in silence beside Dementus, she could easily spend more by herself. Being a Full Life afforded her more opportunities for advancement, whether she wanted to or not, and soon she found herself being assigned to The War Rig. She had been working on the main fleet for some time now, repairing the diesels that made it back from The Fury Road and salvaging the ones that didn't. It wasn't until Scrotus and Rictus showed up in the War Bay talking about building something Historic did Furiosa feel something she hadn't felt in years. Hope.
Of course, the Wasteland couldn't allow such a thing. The Octoboss attacked, Furiosa lost her transport, and The Praetorian Jack shoved her out of The War Rig. She had just resigned herself to once again figure out a way to survive when she heard his voice. He had said 'no questions asked' and while she had lowered the gun, she didn't believe him. She didn't believe him when he bribed the Organic Mechanic to declare her barren. She didn't believe him when he told Immortan Joe that The War Rig would be lost without her. She didn't believe him when he got her better and more rations. She didn't believe him when he moved her modest amount of things to the bed roll next to his. She didn't believe him when he carefully pulled her boot off to look at the ankle she had sprained when she hit the road. She didn't believe him when he got between her and Praetorian Flux before the knife could touch skin. She didn't believe him when he taught her where all the weapons were hidden in the cab. She didn't believe him. She didn't believe him. She didn't believe him.
She didn't believe him until she did.
'He looks so tired'. The thought had initially startled her before she realized how true it was. The run had been hard; the hardest they'd had in months. They hadn't lost the entire crew, but Furiosa had learned early on that any loss was too many for Jack. Their second engine had given up the ghost 30 miles from The Citadel, leaving them at a speed nearly perfect for the Buzzards to target her and Jack specifically. She had quickly lost track of how many times she'd kept him from serious injury, or him her, but she did keep track of what did make it through their defenses. The two of them had an unspoken agreement of dislike for the Organic Mechanic, so she knew they wouldn't be seeing him, but she also knew that neither of them could remain unattended. With her mind made up before realizing it, she had a firm grip on Jack's arm and was leading him up into The Citadel. Jack, nearly asleep on his feet, didn't protest as he followed behind her as fast as he could. He had said 'no questions asked' and sometimes he managed to surprise her with his commitment to that. His commitment remained even when he shimmied through the too-small crevice and ducked under the wedged boulder to stand before her oasis.
"So, this is where you disappear to", he had stated once his shock wore off.
"Sometimes", she'd told him, moving about the limited space to pull out the few medical supplies she managed to stow away.
Jack had shuffled closer to the pool, his eyes on the water running down the rockface from above, trying to track the origin of the precious commodity. "Crack in an aquifer pipe."
"Most likely."
"I can't-" he had stopped himself with a short scoff. "No, I can believe that you found this place. Of course you did. I just don't…"
Furiosa had taken her usual spot beside the water, situated the supplies before working on pulling her boots off. She knew that he wanted to ask her how she found it. Ask her what circumstances had led her to even go the route they had taken to get there. She knew he wanted to ask but she also knew that he wouldn't. "I wandered a lot when I was smaller. Before I was a Dogman. Before I was anything. I found a lot of hiding places, but this is the only one like it."
"I always thought you were blackmailing Organic out of his aqua cola rations," he had teased as he joined her at the water's edge, still following her lead as he worked his own boots off. "Vanishing and reappearing looking like you'd never seen sand before. Mind-boggling."
She had allowed a small smile. "No. I blackmail him out of his soap," she corrected, gesturing to the off-white block next to her needle and thread.
Jack had blinked before a genuine laugh escaped him, the sound surprising both of them.
She wonders if she would have kept walking if she knew then what going with him would become. He had said 'no questions asked' and while she had lowered the gun, she hadn't believed him. She hadn't believed him until she did and then kept believing him and believing him and believing him. Believing him as he handed her a shotgun and told her that she was done. Believing him as Dementus looked her in the eye and didn't recognize her. Believing him as he pulled a knife from her shoulder. Believing him as he stitched the wound closed. Believing him as he-
"This place at the end of your map of secrets. Where is it?"
Her eyes had watered as she pulled her arm from his always gentle grasp.
He hadn't looked surprised by her response, giving a small nod as he let his eyes drift past her. He was quiet for a moment longer before: "My mother and father were soldiers. Even as the world fell, they yearned to be warriors for a virtuous cause. For them, it never happened."
Furiosa felt herself settle as they locked eyes again.
"I wanna help you find this place. Wherever it may be."
Believing him as he believed her. Not once had she stopped to consider whether he believed her or not. Not once had she stopped to consider his motives when he knew next to nothing about her or her map of secrets. Not once had she stopped to consider how much him believing her had mattered. For both of them.
She found it shockingly easy to remove the pit from its hiding place. To show him the small sliver of physical proof of her Green Place. To offer up the only thing she had managed to truly keep safe.
"Come with me."
The fingers she had expected to take cradled instead in the same way Ma's had, and in that moment, she couldn't remember why she hadn't asked him before. Of course, Jack belonged in the Green Place. With that realization she allowed herself further indulgence in secret telling. In a move she thought for sure would startle him, she grasped the back of his neck and brought him forward, Praetorian grease meeting as she pressed their foreheads together. A small thrill ran through her when he offered no resistance to the touch, falling into it like he had been waiting for the invitation. An always gentle hand rose to mirror hers and the breath she had been holding let loose when she felt his fingers thread through her hair.
She wonders if she would have kept walking if she knew then what going with him would become.
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