#// if interested feel free to follow! because i will also be moving any and all interactions with them to there
aayakashii · 2 days
Excuse me, tumblr user aayakashii, but if I could ask for a morsel of content? I made a post about king jin x court jester reader and mentioned how it would be an interesting yandere dynamic. Your name got mentioned, and then I also saw you had liked it, so if you had any thoughts? That? Would be cool?
But absolutely no pressure! I was just curious about what a yandere dynamic would look like when jin is obsessed with someone who does fit the servant role.
Sorry for the rambling! Thank you for reading my request, and I hope it finds you well! And please feel free to go as dark as you want with it if the mood strikes you
-@lucky-lucky-duck☆ (user name change ^^")
Of course tumblr user @lucky-lucky-duck 🫡
Okay I had to think looooong and haaaaard about this one because it's an interesting concept, but, as you said, it can turn dark very quickly. I'm not sure if I analyzed it properly tbh, but I hope this gives you a nice idea of how I think the dynamic would go.
First, Jin as a yandere in his usual setting would probably be an extremely controlling man. He'd demand MC to be at his beck and call at any given moment and would probably tell them what they can or cannot do, what to wear, what to say, basically how exist as "his property".
I've had someone say that it's a bit upsetting that the boys as yanderes see MC as an object to possess, but that's just how most yanderes act; they might love their darling, but most of all, they're obsessed – they want to possess them. It's the nature of a yandere character, so I'd have to say Jin would be the blueprint for that.
Now, in that king x court jester dynamic, things would escalate A LOT MORE.
I researched the accurate definition of what a jester used to do, and they used to be "a member of the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain guests during royal court."
Okay, well. Forget about entertaining other people. You'd be Jin's personal plaything, and no one else would be allowed to watch your lovely acts. And of course, that would allow him to demand more intimate ways of entertainment too...
You'd have to be ready to be his pillow; to light his cigarettes; to smother him in kisses and sweet words whenever he got stressed; to follow him around wherever he went like a loyal puppy; and, just like one, he'd expect you to never complain.
You're the king's favorite, how dare you complain about not being free? You have privileges no other jester could ever have!
And what if the king had a queen? Well, that would not matter at all. You'd still be tied to him, even if he was married to someone. The king's consort would sit beside him, but you'd be perched on his lap, petting his hair and being entirely open to his touches.
You're just a jester after all, and he's the king. No one bats an eye, even as he holds you so possessively.
Jin would be quicker to ditch his consort than let go of you, but he would rather not admit it.
If anyone wants to marry him, they have to understand that he's just too attached to his little pet. See, they're so cute, so entertaining, so welcoming to his touches. How could he ever let them go?
Basically, being the king's jester would be akin to having a collar and a leash on your neck forever. The most powerful man would be able to move mountains just to have you under his constant watch. You'd have no freedom, and his obsession would be overlooked. You'd have no one to save you and nowhere to run.
But that's what you wanted, right?
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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// also hi, this is a more proper post to promo my new sideblog @hellwrought where i've decided to move all my side muses / npcs relevant to my lore that you might have seen me mention on this blog in the past.
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senblades · 6 months
I've had a realisation,
So, we all like to dunk on Akechi for having a stupid plan- which, well, yeah; but I think that a lot of people (whether they like Akechi's character or not) tend to miss the point:
That being, that the holes we all poke in his plan; "Why didn't he just kill Shido at the start?" "There's no way he'd live/be free after that," "His plan to ruin Shido's reputation would never work," are actually far more revealing as to Akechi's priorities, than they are of him just being 'stupid'.
For starters, "there's no way he'd live/be free after that." -as a fandom I think we've all already come to the conclusion that Akechi's regard for his own life is spotty at best. I wouldn't necessarily say that he wants to die by the time of the third semester, which really just adds to the tragedy of the whole situation, but I digress. Point is, the kid needs therapy, moving on.
"His plan to ruin Shido's reputation would never work," Ah, now this is where I think some cultural differences start to come in to play- I won't say much, since I'm relatively uninformed, but by the sounds of it, revealing that Shido has an illegitemate child is actually the kind of thing that would make a lot of people raise their eyebrows. And, more importantly, the kind of thing that would really throw his "easy election win" into some serious jeapordy. (AND, it's never exactly stated that "revealing himself as an illegitemate child" was Akechi's tactic to ruin Shido- more of a "hey, Shido, guess who it was that ruined you, you piece of shit?"- which, well, more on that mindset later)
Next, "Why didn't he just kill Shido from the start?" This is where I think a lot of people get tripped up. To my memory, there is not a single point in the engine room where Akechi says that killing Shido is the cornerstone of his plan (localisation differences notwithstanding. I'm sure someone will come yell at me (/lh) if this is the case). Now, to be fair, Akechi in the engine room is really just him giving a very desperate powerpoint while he sharpens his sword- so I don't doubt that he's skimming over a couple points. But, you'd think that Akechi would remember to mention that if that really was his main goal.
Okay, so Akechi doesn't want to kill Shido. Cool, follow-up question, "Why didn't he just give Shido a pshychotic breakdown from the start?" That's the kind of thing that would have ruined Shido's reputation, too, right? And, it would have been before he would have had the means to try and cover it up. Well, finally, I can get to my point:
Akechi needs Shido's disgrace to be loud, because he needs everyone else to care, too. Akechi's revenge isnt just against the man who left him and his mother for dead, but also against the society that continued to leave him for dead, again and again; the society that only lauded him as something special if he slapped some pretty wallpaper over the past he had absolutely no control over.
Looking at it like this does a lot of things:
First, it really amps up the whole "the PT's justice and Akechi's justice foil each other". Akechi's revenge is also a vehichle for revolution, since it is, in essence: "Look! Look at the man who you lauded as a saviour! Look at me, the man who brought him down. Aren't we both disgusting, in your eyes? Take a look at yourselves. Aren't we all the same?"
That leads pretty nicely into Akechi as a pawn for Yaldabaoth, too. Akechi wants to make sure he and Shido go out with a bang, and leave a shitshow in their wake. That's prime God of Control real estate! It's also prime "metaphor for Ruin" real estate; you get the point.
And, finally, an interesting point comes from all of this. That being, that, well- the only reason that Akechi's plan wasn't going to work, is that he placed too much stock in the idea that Shido has any concept of loyalty or gratitude. Shido, as we all know, is an absolute piece of shit- and still, Akechi had believed that maybe, just maybe, his father would feel bad for being terrible to his son.
(I'm not going to go on too big of a tangent, but that is an interesting insight into Akechi's idea of Justice, and into what his personas might represent. Contradiction, as ever, is the name of the game, and Akechi simultaneously believes that there's no way to get anywhere in life without force and violence, and that there is also a fundemantal truth of what is good and fair within human hearts)
The message of this, I'm pretty sure, is not: "Akechi failed because of that lingering belief in humanity" (wouldn't that be one hell of a heel-turn lmao), but rather: "Akechi, with his distorted (ha) priorities, was never going to be happy in any quest for vengeance, even if his plan succeeded entirely"
tl;dr, Akechi needs therapy. Wait- Maruki, no! Not that kind of therapy!
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h2llish · 4 months
i've been following your blog for a while and absolutely adore your writing!
if its okay i'd love to see something with either leona or jamil (up to you!) and a reader who falls asleep on their shoulder during some sort of nrc road trip.. i'm not sure if nrc would have buses per say considering all the magic and stuff but the concept of an nrc school trip seems super interesting to me so if you're up for the request by all means just have fun with it!! i do notice that your requests are semi open so feel free to decline ofc !
— ☁️
notes ─── hi anon! i’m so happy you like my writing! i don't think they'd have buses at nrc because of the mirror, but crowley would probably spring a sudden road trip on them which would just confuse the students, because why? (i also imagine their bus would probably be a bit fancier? idk how to explain it but nothing like the busses i'm used to.)
LEONA KINGSCHOLAR ─── a wave of drowsiness leads you to find comfort on his shoulder ♡ fluff, gender neutral, can be read platonic or romantic, not proofread
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transportation for students at nrc was not hard, all they had to do was enter the dark mirror and then they found themselves safely at their destination. so if it was that easy, why in the world was the headmage so adamant that they boarded this bus like they were kids back in middle school? ─ a road trip was his very (might many students say stupid) answer.
the only person who seemed to not have a problem with this sudden turn of events, was the magicless prefect from ramshackle. you didn't give any complaints or groan about using the easy way to get to the destination. you just nodded when the headmage announced the decision.
students were chosen at random, names drawn from a hat (a method the headmage seemed to rely on often).  and as the prefect, and the designated scapegoat for everything crowley did, you were of course among that group, with your dire beast other half. 
“i don't get it,” grim frowned, sitting on your shoulder as you approached the bus, where many familiar faces waited to board. “why can't we just use the mirror?”
ace was walking alongside you, being one of the people drawn to join the group. he had decided to met you at ramshackle, knowing you would inevitably have to board the bus as well. “i think the headmage called it some sort of bonding experience. don't know how a hours-long road will be a bonding experience.”
grim grumbled, turning his head to look at your face. you have yet to say anything to add to the conversation. “whaddya’ think, [name]?”
“what?” you blinked, sending a glance to the dire beast before looking ahead of you once more. “what do i think about what?”
“were you even listening to anything we just said?” ace sighed. 
you hummed, “i’ve learned to tune you guys out the moment you start speaking.” ─ and then you were wincing as the two of them shouted, leaning your head away from the monster as he and ace expressed how offended they were.
you sighed, this was going to be a long ride.
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and right you were. 
things were okay (as okay as a group of irritable teenage boys with magic on a bus could be) during the first hour. but as the first hour turned to half, and you found yourself growing drowsy, you attempted to doze off, at least for a good twenty minutes. you were unsuccessful, as the moment you closed your eyes, you were quickly opening them to glance at a yelling grim.
epel and sebek, also being among the names drawn, were sitting next to you. epel and grim looked ready to pounce on an unnamed student who seemed to have picked a fight with them. ace didn't do much to stop the argument, in fact, he was actively encouraging it. and sebek, while he made an attempt to hold back a seething grim, was not of much help either. 
you sighed, but made no move to stop it ─ you expected something to happen eventually, and you weren't all that up to being the “reasonable” one of the group. you aren't sure what the argument was about, but neither did you care. if grim got in trouble for attacking a student, it would come back to bite you, but that was something for future you to worry about.
you glanced around the bus, before your attention landed on the savanaclaw housewarden sitting alone. ─ your friends continued to argue with the random guy, and you were sure they had no intention of ending the argument anytime soon. and you would rather sleep off some time on the road rather than listen to your friends go back and forth with someone you didn't even know the name of. you stood from your seat, uncaring of whether or not it was okay to do so as you approached the empty seat. 
leona had his head down, probably napping, the same thing you wanted to do. when you sat down beside him his ears twitched and he lifted his head to look at you, probably intending to scowl and scare off whoever had been stupid enough to sit beside him, until he realized it was you.
“what are you doing?” he frowned at you, but you went unfazed.
“sitting next to you, obviously.”
leona rolled his eyes, “why?”
instead of giving a verbal answer, you pointed at your friends, where sebek now had a grip on the scruff of grim’s neck, keeping him from jumping at the student. ace was laughing, offering no help to the half-fae. epel was no better than grim, with sebek’s arm held out in front of him, keeping him from doing anything.
"so you came to bother me instead?" he asked, and you looked at him straight-faced.
leona sighed, but he didn't tell you to scram (not like you would if he did). he didn't say anything else, only close his eyes again and turning away, likely to try and nap. you weren't offended by his lack of reply, leaning your head back against the seat and trailing your eyes over the bus and your peers.
the longer you sat in somewhat silence ─ save for the incoherent yelling from your friends, you had for the most part zoned out, and the chatter of those on board ─ you found yourself falling to the drowsiness that have been interrupted before. you closed your eyes and let the movement of the bus guide you to sleep.
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leona was awake, annoyed by the bus and those on the bus. his ears twitched when he heard your breathing slow beside him and he lifted his head, just as your head lolled to the side and you leaned against his shoulder.
he sighed, but made no move to push you off, glancing around you at the rest of the students of nrc, who were all either sleeping themselves, or chatting with friends. he leaned his head back, eyeing you as you shifted for a moment before relaxing again.
"where'd [name] go?" leona could hear your friends ask, no longer distracted by the argument that they were having with the random student.
he looked back at them, just in time to catch ace's eye, who was the first to see you sleeping against leona. he looked ready to say something, but leona narrowed his eyes on the first year. ace immediately shut his mouth, grinning awkwardly as he turned back to his friends.
leona huffed, looking back down at you to make sure you didn't stir. he adjusted in more comfortable position, an arm resting behind you on the seat, allowing you to lean closer, and hopefully, be more comfortable than leaning against his shoulder the way you had. and then he closed his eyes and joined you in a nap for the rest of the ride. (at least until they stopped for a break.)
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this wasn't proofread so there will be probably be mistakes, i'll try to come back to edit later!
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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plutosunshine · 1 year
What leads you in life?
Our Ascendant is the lens we look through, our direction and navigation. The ruler of Ascendant can show what leads us in life.
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The ruler of Ascendant in the 1st house
Basically, your identity is what leads you in life. Life gives you situations when you need to realize that you are number 1 on your path. You learn to lean on yourself and trust your gut. You will gradually build a strong sense of self and become self-reliant, strong, and dedicated. The universe wants you to realize how special and unique you are and that you can count on yourself. Trust your instincts and don’t allow others to manipulate and mislead you. You know what you want and need, so if you trust yourself, you will win this life.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 2nd house
Your values are leading you in life. You are meant to build strong and solid self-esteem and become your own source of energy and inspiration. Your values are this strong solid foundation you lean on. This gives you self-confidence and direction in life. You have your system of values and worldview which allows you to feel stable and secure going throughout life. You are dedicated and have great stamina, which helps you to reach your goals in life. You know that you can count on this side of your personality and that’s why you can move forward towards any goal that’s in your mind.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 3rd house
Your desire to learn and get new experiences leads you in life. You are curious and like everything new and unusual and that allows you to experience different kinds of moments in life. Your curiosity and intellect lead you toward great opportunities. You always want to refresh your system of values and judgments, and your attitude toward life goals is flexible. Your desire to get knowledge and experiences will lead you toward the most incredible opportunities and moments. So it is important not to ignore this great desire inside you!
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The ruler of Ascendant in the 4th house
The exploration of your true self and inner needs is what leads you in life. Unconsciously you desire to dig deep into your soul and find all the treasures and dark sides you have. Investigation of your roots or even previous life may be interesting for you as a tool of exploration yourself. Also, you need to work through your suppressed emotions to get the opportunity to set yourself free from heavy emotional baggage. Spirituality, psychology, esoteric, and other techniques may be good tools for self-exploration. Your connection to the people you love is very important for you and you find your authentic self through the soul connections.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 5th house
Creation is what leads you in life. It is not necessarily art or something creative but it is anything connected to creating something new. Whether it be new life or a new project, maybe even starting a new life with no strings attached. Self-expression is one of the most important themes of this placement. You need to explore your talents and express all you have inside through them. One of the things I would like to mention is your attitude toward life. The universe wants you to not take life so seriously. The 5th house is all about lightness, playfulness, and positivity, so you will discover the best opportunities in life only by following this approach to things.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 6th house
Self-improvement is what leads you in life. You are extremely hard-working in terms of self-exploration and your detailed and persistent approach to things helps you not only know yourself but also help others with that. You are a great helper and advise-giver because of how much knowledge you have. You know that information is what opens the best opportunities for you and don’t stop receiving new knowledge. Being in service to others gives you the energy for reaching your own goals. And you have so much to tell others about life!
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The ruler of Ascendant in the 7th house
The desire to live in harmony and balance is what leads you in life. Life can be stressful and exhausting but the universe creates the situations when you need to set peace in your mind. It is not easy and requires a lot of hard work on yourself, however, inner balance is what brings you the best opportunities in life. This harmony relates to all your one-to-one relationships as well. You need to find balance, when you give and take equally. Only that type of relationship will bring you happiness and satisfaction.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 8th house
Transformation and epiphany moment is what lead you in life. What I mean is that you are going through transformations all the time and you get so many insights about life, so much wisdom and epiphany moments that you could even become a spiritual teacher. The universe will try to open your intuitive abilities so that you could dig deep into your soul and souls of the others. You cannot be fooled easily, you see what people hide beneath. And it comes from your own dark and transformative experience. You are meant to help others on their spiritual healing journey because you have so much wisdom inside. And it comes from a place where you had to explore your fears and unhealed wounds.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 9th house
Expansion of the horizons is what leads you in life. The 9th house is all about expansion, open-mindedness, exploration, teaching, spirituality, and intellect. You desire to get new experiences to share them with others later. A positive attitude is what brings you the best opportunities in life. The universe will create spontaneous and unpredictable situations for you to get new unforgettable experiences and realize the meaning of life from a different angle. If the 8th house explores the dark sides of life, the 9th house is meant to explore the brightest. In the best expression, this placement gives you a lot of luck and unexpected opportunities.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 10th house
The desire to be the most respected and recognized in your field is what leads you in life. Also, I would say that a big goal leads you. Because the 10th house is a very strong house and it needs attention, recognition, respect, and success. But also, it needs patience and persistence because as we all know Saturnian influence slows everything down. The native slowly but surely reaches one goal after another to build the biggest empire. It all sounds very big but it doesn’t necessarily have to be something huge. The 10th house just needs the direction where to navigate all its forces.
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The ruler of Ascendant in the 11th house
Dreams and hope are what lead you in life. Even if you have been through a lot in life, you still have that little sparkle of hope. You have dreams and you have everything you need to achieve them because the 11th house is ruled by a fixed sign. Connection to some group of people may bring a lot of success into your life because the energy you get from others fires your dreams up and allows you to continue. Even in the hardest times, this placement suggests you direct all your forces to a bright future.
The ruler of Ascendant in the 12th house
Healing is what leads you in life. You are meant to dig deep into your traumas and the traumas of your family. Even if you are not doing it consciously, something leads you on that path. You may be into spirituality, meditation, psychology, or esoteric, and even music may be your tool of exploration. You are meant to help others on their journey with all compassion and wisdom you have. Also, art and any creative field may be very good for you and others may say that it is healing and calming.
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solarrsims · 8 months
greek mythology legacy challenge
hi loves. i’ve spent so much time trying to find a legacy challenge that interests me, and i stumbled upon this one on the forums. however, i decided to put my own spin on this theme, and create my own goals and rules. use the hashtag #greek mythology legacy so i can see your gameplays!!
also, feel free to bend the rules to your liking. if you don’t have a pack i mention, you can bend that rule, or you do have a pack that i don’t have that you think would fit, you can add that in however you’d like.
gens/rules down below or in this doc
edits because of @nom-de-plumbob her ideas were so much better than my og ones!
overall rules:
- you may only use free real estate cheats when you first start
- you can only move onto the next generation when you’ve completed all of the goals
- i recommend setting your life span to normal or long
- you can use any gender for any generation!
- you don’t have to actually name them the god’s name if you don’t want to. be creative!
- try to use their assigned colors in some way (clothes, hair, skin, house, etc!)
god of the sky, king of the gods - white
you have had a rough childhood. your father was abusive towards you and your mother, which resulted in your mother taking you and fleeing town. the two of you settled down the snowy mountains in mt. komebri. she became very over protective of you, rarely letting you out and about in case your father ever found you.
traits: non-committal, ambitious, charismatic
aspiration: successful lineage
career: politician (politician branch)
have a weather machine
max out career
marry and have two biological kids with partner
have many affairs
have 3 other kids with different partners
live in mt. komebri
god of water, the ocean - blue
you grew up in a very competitive household. your father was a well-known and very competitive politician whom had many different affairs. you eventually grew restless of the competitive life and decided to move for a simpler life—sulani.
traits: child of the ocean, loves outdoors, erratic
aspiration: beach life
career: marine biologist
move to sulani when turn young adult
become a mermaid
discover rare underwater treasures
try to keep sulani clean
advocate for marine conservation
marry someone you meet on the island
have at least one kid with partner
goddess of marriage, women - purple
this sim grew up living a very calm and collected life by the beach. as a child, they loved watching movies and love, which grew into a passion for acting. so, you fled the beachy town and went to del sol valley to achieve your dreams.
traits: ambitious, romantic, jealous
aspiration: world-renowned actor
career: actor
become a famous actor
marry a celebrity
get jealous and become a controlling spouse
live in del sol valley
have more than one kid
you should favor your other children over the youngest, whom will be the next heir
god of the underworld - black
you’ve always despised their mother as a child. your mother favored your sibling(s) your whole life, and always saw you as a disappointment and not being able to live up to your older siblings. because of this, you decided to go on your own, and live up to being a criminal.
traits: loner, materialistic, gloomy
aspiration: criminal mastermind
career: criminal
max out aspiration
reach level 10 in mischief skill
become enemies with 5 people
have only one child, and don’t be close with them
god of war - red
this sim grew up in a rocky household. you’ve always had a strong sense of patriotism and bravery, and you’ve always dreamt of going into the military. despite not wanting to follow in your father’s footsteps, you still have.
traits: athletic, hot-headed, ambitious
aspirations: athlete
career: military (officer branch)
achieve level 10 in the fitness skill.
start at least 5 fights with different sims
reach level 10 in the officer branch
have at least 2 children
the goddess of wisdom - silver
you grew up in a very competitive household. you were definitely the outcast child, as you prefer to read books or play chess instead of working out. you move out when you become a young adult with little funds.
traits: genius, bookworm, perfectionist
aspiration: nerd brain
career: scientist
achieve level 10 in three different skills.
complete the nerd brain aspiration.
reach level 10 of scientist career
eventually travel to alien world with wormhole generator
if you have discover university: get physics degree
the god of sun, light - orange
you grew up in a very close and loving family. growing up in an environment that fostered creativity and intellect, your mother always encouraged you with your talent: music. your mother’s guidance not only nurtured your musical talent but also instilled a thrust of knowledge and an understanding of music.
traits: art lover, outgoing, music lover
aspiration: musical genius
career: entertainer (singer or musician)
start playing instruments as a kid
listen to music often as a toddler
achieve level 10 in the singing/one instrument, and level 5 in the other instruments
complete musical genius aspiration
play on the street or at bars for money
if you have discover university: get the fine arts degree
become a famous singer or musician by writing songs and licensing them
marry someone who has the music lover or art lover trait
the goddess of beauty, love - pink
from a young age, you found yourself entangled in the intricate dance of romance, captivated by the myriad emotions that love invoked. however, your journey was not without heartbreak. you, in pursuit of love’s beauty, experienced the shattering pain of a broken heart multiple times. yet, with each fracture, you discovered an unparalleled strength to mend.
traits: romantic, high maintenance, party animal
aspiration: serial romantic
career: fashion influencer (stylist branch) or social media influencer (internet personality)
have at least 10 romantic relationships in your life, starting as a teen
reach level 10 in charisma
as a teen, get the party animal trait
go to parties often as a teen/university student
reach level 10 in either career branch
achieve serial romantic aspiration
have children only from one night stands or blind dates
god of trade, travel - brown
your mother never really paid much attention to you and your siblings growing up. you lacked the guidance you needed, leaving you and your siblings to fend for themselves. your nasty habit of kleptomania started as a teen, from stealing your mom’s stuff to stealing items from public places.
traits: active, kleptomaniac, you pick
aspiration: friend of the world
career: astronaut (interstellar smuggler branch)
live in at least 5 different worlds throughout your life once you become a young adult
reach level 10 of astronaut career (interstellar smuggler branch)
attempt to swipe at least one item per day (or every other day)
befriend at least 15 sims from various ages
marry a co-worker
have only one child
goddess of hunt - yellow
your days as a child were spent in the outdoors whilst your parents worked, and you have lived in multiple different towns. once you moved out, you decided to built a house on an empty lot with a small farm. your farm began to flourish, and you hound solace in the tranquil landscapes, surrounded by your family and your animal companions.
traits: loner, family-oriented, animal enthusiast
aspiration: friend of the animals
career: veterinarian
own your own vet clinic
as a child, befriend at least 5 animal
have at least 3 pets!
achieve level 10 in the dog training
you may never marry. either adopt or have a science baby only once.
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andvys · 1 year
Wicked Game E.M.
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Warnings: 18+, minors don't interact! angst, slightly mean!Eddie, enemies to lovers, smut, Eddie calls reader names, choking, Eddie spits in reader's mouth, masturbation, unprotected sex, jealous Eddie, jealous reader, Eddie calling himself freak, hurt/comfort, Eddie calls reader ‘bee’, it’s a nickname he gave her
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Your best friend Steve and his new friend bring someone into your life that you just can't stand, Eddie Munson. He teases you, he says mean things to you and as foolish as you are, you still desire him- just like he desires you.
Word count: 12.5k+
Note: @take-everything-you-can , thank you for this amazing request. I hope you're gonna like this one, I loved writing it!
stranger things masterlist
Tagging some people who might be interested 🥰 @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @aftermidnightwriting @bimbobaggins69
You and your best friend come as a package deal, wherever one goes, the other follows. There is not a single day you spend without each other, you do lunch breaks together, he comes over to hang out even when you’re busy studying or doing homework, you help him get ready for dates and he helps you pick out outfits for parties, when he’s sick, you take care of him and vice versa. You adore him. You are pretty sure that you will move in together if neither of you find a partner till then. 
You grew up together and always stuck to each other’s side. 
When your best friend found a second best friend, you were scared that you would lose him but luckily, that wasn’t the case, he didn’t leave, he didn’t abandon you like others would do after making new friends. You would always be his number one and he made that very clear and she became your best friend as well. Robin is amazing, you adore her just as much as you adore Steve. She is funny and sweet and you love spending time with her but you can’t stand her ‘forever’ best friend, Eddie Munson. 
That man had it out for you ever since he laid eyes on you, you don’t know what it is about you that makes him so mad but he never fails to make you feel irritated and angry. Eddie is not malicious in any way, he is no bully. He just makes his dislike for you very known. He teases you, makes sly and snarky comments, glares at you before you even turn to look at him. 
That was before your best friend became his best friend. 
Now it’s so much worse because not only do you have to tolerate him at school, you also have to tolerate him in your free time. 
While Robin is always sweet and supportive of you. 
Eddie is grumpy, mean and annoyed with you. 
You don’t know where it had all started, you can’t even remember if you ever even talked to him before he chose to hate you, all you remember is the cold shoulder he only ever gave you. 
You do wonder why he dislikes you so much, is it because you come from the popular crowd? Maybe. But Steve used to be the most popular guy in school and Eddie still gets along with him and likes him. Is it because you have wealthy parents? Because you live in a big house, wear fancy clothes and have a nice car? Possible. But Steve has it all too and he never gets shit from Eddie. Or are you just an unlikable person to him? Now, that would make you sad because that would mean that he would just hate you for the person you are, he would hate you for your personality, for being you. 
But then things take a small turn after a party at Steve’s place. You see a little deeper into his mind. 
“What’s with the scowl on your face, bee?” Eddie asks as he gets so close to your face that you can smell the disgusting beer and cigarettes. 
“Ew, get off,” you scowl as you push him away, “and stop calling me that, nerd.” 
Eddie hasn’t strayed away from that nickname ever since you had been stung by one when you were all out at the lake, you kept swatting away the bee that continuously made it’s way back to you, you called it annoying and hissed in pain when it had stung you. Eddie laughed at your demise, ‘you’re a bee too, annoying and ready to attack’.
He smirks, flicking your hair, he moves back and plops down on the bench beside you, he follows your gaze, he can’t even help but scoff when he sees what you’re looking at. 
Steve is talking to the girl that stood him up a week ago, calling off the date because of her upset stomach but then you and Robin ran into her at the store, she was with a different guy, he hugged her from behind and kissed her neck while she was picking out snacks, not looking sick at all. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, “jealous huh?” 
You scrunch your face up, tearing your eyes away from Steve, you turn to look at Eddie, “why would I be jealous?” 
He shrugs, leaning back, he blows smoke into your face and smirks when you begin to cough. 
“Because you’re in love with Steve.” 
A loud laugh falls from your lips, earning a few looks from the other partygoers who spend the night out in the garden rather than the crowded house. 
“I’m not in love with Steve,” you snort, shaking your head as your eyes flicker with amusement. 
It’s not the first time that someone assumed that you are in love with him or that he is in love with you. You get mistaken for a couple, all the time, sometimes you play along just for the fun of it but you and Steve are not into each other, at all. It has always been purely platonic between you two, there’s no feelings on his part and neither on yours. You are best friends, platonic soulmates. 
“Yes, you are,” Eddie says. 
Rolling your eyes, you sigh, “what makes you say that?” 
“Because you’re super close and you are fiercely protective of him, like in a way where you can just tell that you’re in love with him.”
“That’s such nonsense,” you scoff, “I’m protective, yes.” 
He nods, shrugging. 
“Because he is my best friend! One who got hurt by a girl he used to love, he got his heart broken, twice! I don’t want it to happen again, he deserves better.” 
Eddie thinks about your words, searching for something in your eyes, for a moment, you think that he believes you but then he shakes his head. 
“Yeah, you’re still in love with him.” 
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back, “okay well, then you’re in love with Robin.” 
Eddie laughs loudly, throwing his head back. You glare at him, growing irritated by his presence. 
“You’re funny, bee.” 
“Why am I funny? I mean, you’re just as close as Steve and I are,” you shrug. 
His brown eyes twinkle with amusement, he leans in closer. You ignore the way his cologne makes your head spin or the way his eyes flicker down to your lips or the way he– ‘Stop!’ you tell yourself. 
“Robin doesn’t swing that way, remember?” 
A breathy laugh leaves your lips and you smirk at him, “yeah but you do, right?” You ask, raising your eyebrows, “just because she isn’t into you or into men in general, doesn’t mean that you can’t have feelings for her. Unrequited love is a thing, you know that right?” 
His eyes darken, smirk falling from his lips, his expression hardens, he eyes your face slowly, nodding after a moment of silence, “yeah, it’s a thing. I know that,” he mumbles under his breath, bitterly. He clenches his jaw and looks away. 
You furrow your brows as you stare at his side profile. There’s something deeper behind his words, you know that but you choose to ignore it. 
“So, you are in love with her, huh?” You ask, smirking in satisfaction when you realize that you have successfully used his own teasing against him. 
He scoffs, putting his cigarette between his lips, he stretches his arm out behind you and looks up at the sky, “no, I’m not in love with her.” 
“Am I supposed to believe that?” 
“Okay,” you nod, shrugging, “well, then you gotta believe me that I’m not in love with Steve.” 
He snorts at you, “right, okay.” 
Placing your palms on the bench, you take a moment to look at him. It’s a hot summer night, the heat forced him to leave his beloved leather jacket at home or probably in the van. He wears a muscle shirt, some band logo you don’t recognize on the front. You let your eyes roam, eying his belt, you wonder if he had bought it that way or if he added the cuffs himself– wherever he got them from, either way, it looks good. He plays with the loose strings on his dark jeans, you notice a new ring on his middle finger, you look up, your eyes land on his pale neck. Squeezing your thighs together, you lick your lips and blink, pulling yourself out of your thoughts, your eyes meet his– he caught you staring. 
A smirk pulls at his lips, he eyes your flustered face, whether you realize it or not, you’re biting your bottom lip and squeezing your thighs together– oh, it seems like he found something new to tease you about. 
“Are you checking me out?” 
For the first time, you have nothing to say, nothing to fight back with, no snarky remarks or comments left for you to give. Instead of saying something, you scoff and roll your eyes at him before you jump up and walk away, leaving a satisfied Eddie behind. 
The next time Eddie sees you, you barely even look at him or acknowledge his presence and it pisses him off. It’s no secret that you don’t like him, you let him know any chance you get. You roll your eyes at him, you snap at him and refuse to sit next to him, even when it’s the only free seat left. Eddie takes it as a rejection, he thinks you are repulsed by him and by anything he does. 
A part of him assumes that you think he is gross, after all, that’s what the girls at school say about him. They assume that he is unhygienic, that he doesn’t look after himself, that he doesn’t shower or washes his clothes and that’s why you refuse to sit next to him. 
Eddie was always an observer, a very good one, except when it comes to you. You refuse to sit next to him because his cologne makes you dizzy, in a way it shouldn’t because Eddie hates you, you shouldn’t like anything about him, you shouldn't have any positive feelings for him. 
Eddie thinks you laugh and giggle at the jokes people make about him, not knowing that you always defend him even when he still hates you. 
“Eddie,” Robin hisses, nudging his shoulder. 
“What?” He grumbles, still staring– glaring at you and your stupid smile as you look through the polaroid pictures you have taken with Robin earlier when you went out to a big flower field to take pretty pictures. 
“Stop looking at her like you’re trying to make her disappear.” 
“Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do,” Eddie shrugs as he reaches for the bag of M&M’s, opening the bag and putting the candy into the bowl that Steve had put out on the counter. 
Robin rolls her eyes, groaning in annoyance, “you know, if you just tried to get along with her, things could be so much easier.” 
Eddie hates the way his heart skips a beat when you throw your head back in laughter after Steve had whispered something in your ear. Jealousy rushes through him when Steve comes up behind you and lays his chin on your shoulder, looking at the pictures with you. 
Robin knows her best friend very well. She knows that he doesn’t hate you or dislike you in any way, he is intimidated by you, by the feelings he could have if he just let them in. Eddie had crushes before but they were all lighthearted ones, he, himself didn’t even take them seriously, he just admired that person and then moved on a few days later but you? He always had a thing for you, even before Robin befriended Steve, and you and Eddie were forced into each other’s lives. He always looked at you differently but compared to his other crushes, he never let you become one or at least, that’s what he made himself believe. You are more than just a crush. 
“Why me? She’s the one who’s being a bitch.” 
Robin scoffs, laughing at her best friend, “you’re not serious right now, are you?” 
Eddie’s brown eyes flash with annoyance, “I am serious.” 
Robin runs her fingers through her short hair, “you’re such an idiot, Munson.” 
He scrunches his face up, tearing his eyes away from you and Steve, he turns towards his best friend, “why am I an idiot?” 
“Because you’re the one who’s always being mean towards her for no reason, you act like a damn child who can’t deal with the crush he has on that one girl,” she says in a hushed whisper, glancing at you to see if you or Steve are looking, “you’re my best friend and I love you dude but grow up, you’re 20 for fucks sake!” 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at her, he’s not even hurt, just amused and surprised. 
“Oh and if you haven’t realized it yet, the thing you’re feeling whenever you look at her and Steve, it’s called jealousy,” she smirks as she grabs a few of the snacks they have prepared, “Steve is truly just a best friend, they’re purely platonic, with a capital P, like you and I,” she says, pointing between them, “but when she actually starts dating someone, imagine how you’ll feel then. So, you better get that stick out of your ass and start treating her the way you actually want to treat her.” 
She leaves him standing in the kitchen, smirking to herself when she notices the flustered look on his face. She knows that he likes you, just like Steve knows that you like Eddie. You’re both too stubborn to realize it. 
“Are we ready for movie night, or what?” Robin asks as she places the snacks on the table. 
“Yes!” You say, clapping your hands together, you start collecting the polaroid pictures. 
“What are we starting with?” Steve asks as he gets up to put the tape in, “the shining or the evil dead?” 
“Both are gross,” you shudder. 
“Aw, does the princess need protection?” Eddie asks as he walks into the living room. 
Steve chuckles, smirking at Eddie while you roll your eyes. You get up and walk past him with the pictures in your hand, you put them back in your little backpack, not noticing that you have left one on the floor. Eddie’s eyes fall on the picture, putting the bowl of M&M’s on the table, he bends down to pick it up, it’s a picture of you, it’s a little blurry but still sharp enough for him to see all your beauty. Your smile is bright, your eyes are squinted, the sun is shining down on you, making your skin glow. You’re wearing the same little sundress you’re wearing right now, flowers are tucked into your hair. Eddie can’t even help but smile, his heart beats a little faster. 
You are so beautiful. 
“Alright, let’s watch the movie!” Steve says, startling Eddie, who quickly puts the picture into the backpocket of his jeans, looking around to see if anyone has noticed anything but no one did. Steve settles on the couch, Robin plops down next to him, giving him a knowing smirk. Steve nudges her shoulder as he reaches for the bowl of popcorn. 
Eddie shakes his head, sighing. They are plotting something, he knows, they are. 
Sitting down on the other end of the couch, he leaves the spot next to Robin for you, already expecting you to complain about sitting next to him. To his surprise, you sit down next to him without a single complaint. 
Eddie is a little surprised. 
“Do you want cuddles, bee?” Eddie smirks. 
You roll your eyes as you look at him, “from you? No thanks.” 
He chuckles, “aw, come on, I’ll keep you safe.” 
“I’m not even scared.” 
As much as you love horror movies, some of them just scare you. You flinch at every jump scare, hide your face behind your hands and use every possible excuse to leave the room, whether it is to get snacks or having to use the bathroom and as though the darkness in Steve’s big house isn’t bad enough, it also starts storming outside. The winds are heavy and the thunder is loud, it begins to rain harder and harder. 
Your knees are pulled to your chest and you opt to look out the window instead of the TV screen, just as one of the characters starts screaming, Eddie pokes your waist, startling you. 
“Eddie!” You shriek, slapping his arm, you glare at him as he starts laughing at your reaction. 
“Eddie!” He mimics, pouting at you. 
You roll your eyes, clenching your jaw. 
“Leave her alone, Munson,” Steve chuckles as he throws some popcorn at him, some of it landing in your hair as well and your cleavage. 
Eddie snorts, looking down at his chest, he picks up some of the popcorn and pops it in his mouth, “thanks, I was just about to get some popcorn.” 
You shake your head when Steve throws more at him, ducking out of the way, you pick out the ones in your hair. Eddie snatches them out of your hand, “give them to me.” 
You furrow your brows, watching him eat them. 
“You want this one too?” You joke as you reach for the one that got stuck in your cleavage. 
His eyes widen, a smirk tugging at his lips, he looks into your eyes and you can already see the mischief, the kind of smile that tells that he is up to no good. He leans closer, instead of taking it with his fingers, he opens his mouth, waiting for you to place it on his tongue. 
You swallow nervously, your hand moves out of instinct, placing the sweet treat on his tongue, you gasp a little when he wraps his lips around your finger. 
What the fuck?
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks and once again, Eddie forces you to squeeze your thighs together. His lips feel hot against your skin and he looks into your eyes as he licks your finger, you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to feel his lips on other parts of your body, to feel his tongue on your clit and his ringed fingers inside of you as he looks up at you the way he does right now. 
Eddie smirks, he knows what he has done to you. He pulls away, feeling satisfied enough, for now. He leans back against the soft cushions and places his hand on his chest, looking back at the screen, he acts like nothing even happened, while you are left a blushing mess. 
You blink and stare at him in disbelief, goosebumps litter your skin and your heart beats fastly in your chest. As you come back to reality, you suddenly grow incredibly embarrassed, knowing that Steve and Robin most likely watched it all happen but when you turn to glance at them, you notice that Robin is fast asleep and Steve’s eyes are glued to the TV, though the smirk on his face tells you that he saw it all. 
For the rest of the night, you sit there with a flustered look on your face, waiting for it to be over.
The following weeks, Eddie continues to act the same way, mostly. 
He is still mean, snappy and annoying but on top of that, he added his teasing. You know it’s only to humiliate you, knowing that he can make you blush, that he can make you feel something other than anger towards him, he can see the way you react to his subtle touches and suggestive comments. A part of you thought that he would be less rude after realizing that he can get a different kind of rise out of you but you thought wrong, if anything, he becomes meaner and meaner and it all takes an unexpected turn at Tina’s annual Halloween Party. 
Eddie only came reluctantly, he never liked parties and only ever came to make money or to accompany his friends. Steve and Robin are on the dance floor, throwing back drinks, laughing at their own jokes and dancing with a group of drunk and giggling girls. 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he looks around, recognizing some jocks from school with their cheerleader girlfriends who give him nasty looks. He clutches the can of beer tightly against his chest, he tries to entertain himself by looking at all the different costumes but not even that will distract him from the awful music, the annoying people or you. 
You are wearing a fairy costume, a really exposing one. Clad in a short sage green dress, a tight corset, wings that are littered with rhinestones and glitter, heeled boots and a tiara, you look more beautiful than ever, magical. 
Eddie’s heart fluttered in his chest when he saw you as him and Robin waited for you and Steve. He was actually frozen in place and awestruck and so was the guy, you are heavily flirting with right now. 
Your back is pressed against the wall, you’re giggling and smiling at the guy in front of you, his hand is placed against the wall next to your head, he ducks down a little, leaning closer to you so he can hear you better over the loud music. 
Eddie clenches his jaw, anger flooding through his veins the longer he watches you flirt with the jock he can’t remember the name of. 
He puts his other hand on your waist and leans in to whisper something into your ear, you bite your lip and nod causing more anger to rush through Eddie. He can’t stand this, the sight of some asshole touching you, playing with your hair and making you giggle. 
Eddie grips his drink tighter, enough to almost crush it. He watches you with darkened eyes. 
The guy takes your hand and begins to pull you away, the blush on your face is deep and you fight the smile off your face, you don’t even acknowledge Eddie’s presence as you walk past him, hand in hand with the other man who leads you towards the stairs. 
Eddie feels incredibly angry. 
It’s the kind of anger he had never felt before. 
He knows exactly what will happen once the jock has you all to himself and Eddie can’t stand the thought of it. The fire inside of him becomes unbearable, he can’t let it happen. He slams the can of beer on a nearby table and follows you, stomping after you angrily. He pushes some drunk guy out of his way who stumbles back, slurring some curse word at Eddie who doesn’t even bother to look at him. Before you can even take a step further, Eddie reaches for your hand and pulls you back. Your hand slips from the other’s man’s grip and you stumble back into Eddie’s chest, yelping. 
Your confused face meets his, your lips part when you see the anger in his eyes. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, sounding like a man, possessed. 
You furrow your brows, “w-what?” 
Your new friend turns around, looking between you and Eddie. 
“Get lost,” Eddie snaps at him, glaring at the jock, not bothering to look back, he just pulls you along with him, rolling his eyes at your protests. 
“Eddie!” You slap his arm, “let me go!” 
He only shakes his head, walking towards the entrance with a determined look on his face, he opens the door and pulls you out with him. Shutting it behind you and standing it front it so you won’t be able to get back in. 
“What the hell is your problem!”
“What were you doing with that guy?” He asks, completely ignoring your question or the angry look on your face. 
He irritates you in the worst ways possible.
“That’s none of your business, Munson!” You yell, “why do you even care?” 
Eddie avoids eye contact, he looks down at the ground instead and sighs. 
“You do know that he just wants to fuck you, right?” He mumbles. 
“Yeah, you do know that maybe I wanted just that?” You retort, throwing your hands up, “if you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have a boyfriend, oh and might I add that it’s probably your fault?” 
To hear that you wanted to hook up with some random guy, some jock, makes him feel sick but to hear you saying that you don’t have a boyfriend because of him makes him smirk, he can’t even fight it off, not even when he looks up at you and feigns annoyance, “why me?” 
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, you can’t even feel the breeze on your exposed skin, you are too angry to notice anything. 
“Every time a guy even looks my way, you’re there, scaring them away! And god forbid someone even comes close to me or touches me in any way!” 
You are fed up with him and his stupid actions. 
You know why he is doing it, he wants to see you miserable and you are miserable, he knows that. He can see the longing looks in your eyes whenever you see a cute couple out on the streets, the sad smiles that pull at your lips whenever you see a guy getting his girlfriend flowers, taking her out on dates or even something as simple as opening the door for her and placing his hand on the small of her back. 
You crave intimacy, you crave having someone to call your own, being someone's favorite person. Yeah, you might be Steve’s favorite person, his girl but you won’t be forever, someday he is gonna meet that one girl that he will drop anyone and anything for, even you and when that happens, you won’t have anyone. 
You aren’t lucky in the dating department, at all. If it isn’t Eddie scaring the guys away, then it’s you, doing it for him. 
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You ask, “I know you hate me but god, when I hate someone, I stay away from them, why can’t you do the same for me?” 
Eddie frowns at your words, his eyes flash with guilt when he sees the tears in your eyes, you aren’t just angry this time, you’re also hurt. 
“Maybe I was just protecting you,” he shrugs. 
You scoff at his words, shaking your head, you pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes for a moment, “protect me,” you mumble, “right, am I supposed to believe that?” You ask as you look back into his eyes. You struggle to read him. Eddie’s walls are so high up, you can’t even sneak a peek. 
He nods, “yes, the guy is a jock, bee.” 
“He would just hurt you!” He says angrily, taking a step forward, “he would get his dick wet and leave you with nothing, then he would brag about it to his friends and I can assure you, that guy doesn’t even know how to make a girl cum, I did you a favor.” 
You raise your eyebrows, tilting your head, “do you?” 
He blinks. 
“Do you know how to make a girl cum?” 
He blushes at your words, drawing back a little, he straightens up and chuckles, “of course.” 
You lick your lips, looking him up and down. Eddie must be one of the only ones without a costume, you wonder why he isn’t wearing one, that guy is in love with his fantasy game, there is no way that he is no fan of Halloween and costumes. 
“Right,” you snort. 
“You don’t believe me?” He asks as he steps even closer to you. 
You shrug, “nope, I don’t believe you.” 
One moment, he was standing feets away from you and suddenly, he is right in front of you. Dangerously close. You have to tilt your head to meet his eyes and when you do, your heart skips a beat. His eyes are dark, pupils blown as he sneaks a look at your lips. 
You can smell his cologne, his aftershave, him. You would never tell him that but he drives you crazy, he makes your stomach flutter, he stays on your mind for too long, sneaking his way into your thoughts when you touch yourself at night. 
Eddie reaches his hand out to touch your face, he cups your cheek and lets his thumb rest on your bottom lip. Just like the night at Steve’s place, your breath hitches in your throat and you grow incredibly flustered. 
“Do you want me to show you?” He whispers. 
Your eyes widen, a small gasp falls from your lips. 
No way, did he just ask you that? 
He is playing with you, isn’t he? 
By now he knows the effect he has on you. He knows that you blush when he is around, he knows that you feel something when he touches you, he knows that you can’t get him off your mind. He knows it all and he decides to use it against you, he knows that he can humiliate you, he knows that he can hurt you and it brings him enjoyment. 
The smirk on his face and the amusement in his eyes tells you all that. Internally, he is making fun of you, he is satisfied that he ruined your night and as though that isn’t enough, he now uses your attraction towards him as a weapon, to laugh about you later on and make fun of you with his band buddies.
You slap his hand away, your brows draw together and your nervous stare turns into an angry frown, “don’t touch me, asshole.” 
Though he is a little surprised, he still chuckles. 
You shake your head and step away from him, turning around, you don’t even bother going back inside to let your friends know that you’re leaving or to get your jacket, you just want to be away from him. 
It’s late and it’s cold, you are scared to walk through the empty streets alone but you are too stubborn to back around. 
You roll your eyes at him and continue to walk. 
“Where are you going?” 
You don’t bother to answer, you hug yourself tighter to shield yourself from the cold, blinking away the angry tears. The streets are empty, aside from the many cars on the side of the streets, you walk past Steve’s car, suddenly regretting the decision to walk away and choosing to walk home alone, on Halloween night.
You hear his footsteps though and as much as you hate to admit it, you do feel at ease knowing that he comes after you. 
Eddie rolls his eyes at your silence but he admires the view in front of him. Your dress is a thin and flowy one, it swats from one side to the other with each step that you take, the wind causes it to lift up a bit, exposing your naked skin. Eddie almost growls at the side of it. 
“Stop calling me that, you dick!” 
Eddie snorts at you, your insults never hurt him, if anything, they amuse him. When you look at him with anger in your eyes and snap back at him, you look cuter than ever. He picks up the pace and just as you pass his van, he grabs your arm and pulls you back, smirking at your little yelp, he slams you against his van and steps in front of you, caging you against it. 
It’s dark and yet he can see the nervous and shy look in your eyes, he can see the way you tense up and press yourself against the van as though it will make you feel him any less against you. 
“Will you stop running away from me?” 
He places his hands on your waist, touching you in such a gentle way that it makes your knees buckle, almost. You look into his dark eyes, growing more and more irritated. Why can’t he just let you go? Why can’t he just stay out of your goddamn way? Why does he have to make things so hard for you? 
You hate him. 
“Will you stop sticking your nose into my business?” You ask angrily as you place your hand on his chest to push him away, as though you will find the strength to, “will you stop following me around just to piss me off? Seriously, what do you get out of this, huh?” 
Eddie shrugs, the smirk remains on his lips, he eyes the scowl on your face, the flash with irritation in your eyes, he looks down at your chest, watching the way it rises up and down heavily. 
“It’s fun to see you like this.” 
You clench your jaw and scoff. 
“It’s fun to ruin my life?” 
Now it’s his turn to scoff, he rolls his eyes at your words, “you’re so dramatic.” 
"Oh, am I?" You mumble. 
He nods, his grip tightens on your waist, butterflies flutter in your stomach and you despise it. You despise the emotions he causes you to feel. 
“Yeah, I ruined your life because you didn’t get to fuck that jock?” He snorts, narrowing his eyes at you, “you are dramatic, bee.” 
You close your eyes and lower your head, shaking it as you take deep breaths. 
“You are so annoying.” 
“Hmm, what was that?” Eddie whispers, placing his finger under your chin, he tilts your head up, “say that again.” 
You swallow nervously, not opening your eyes just yet, you lick your lips, “you are annoying.”
“Why?” You laugh in disbelief as you open your eyes to look at him. He is staring at you with curiosity on his face, tilting his head as he waits for your explanation. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you scoff, pulling your hand away from his chest, you wrap it around his wrist instead and force his hand away from your face, “is that actually a serious question?” 
He purses his lips and nods, “yep.” 
“You’re an asshole, Eddie!” 
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, you said that before.” 
“Yeah and you don’t believe me! You treat me like shit–”
“No, I don’t!” 
“Yes, you do, Eddie!” You exclaim, “you say mean shit all the time, you make dumb comments and tease me and then act like nothing ever happened!” 
“Tease you how?” He smirks, completely ignoring the rest of your words. 
You squint your eyes, huffing angrily. Is he actually clueless or does he just want to see you so angry and embarrassed? Either way, he always gets what he wants. 
“You sucked on my finger and then you acted like nothing happened!”
Your angry pout makes his heart soar. 
“That’s what you’re so upset about?” He chuckles. 
His smirk causes the outburst of anger, you finally push him away from you. There is absolutely nothing amusing about this situation, at least not to you. 
“Wipe that smirk off your goddamn face, Munson! I can’t stand when you do that!” 
“Did you want me to do more than that?” He asks. 
“You wish,” you scoff, “you think I want you?” 
If you didn’t know any better, you would say that hurt flashed in his eyes but that can’t be, right? Why would he be hurt by anything you say? 
He chuckles bitterly and nods to himself. 
“No,” he mumbles, “I know you don’t want me. A fancy little princess like you wants someone like that jock, you want someone who will buy you shit, someone who will spoil you, take you on dates to Enzo’s or whatever, someone you can take home to your rich parents, someone you won’t feel embarrassed to be with, someone you can be seen with, someone you will have that ‘perfect’ future with.” 
Confused, you stare at him with a frown on your face. 
Eddie’s anger comes out of nowhere the way it always does. 
“But sweetheart, none of them can give you what you need.”
“W-What do I need?” You ask, waiting for him to continue. He watches the way your eyes flicker down to his lips before they meet his eyes again.   
“They can’t touch you like you crave to be touched, they can’t kiss you like you wanna be kissed, they can’t fuck you like you wanna be fucked, they can’t treat you like you deserve to be treated.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat, your lips part in surprise, your heart begins to pound against your ribcage. 
Eddie somehow made his way into your personal space again. He is close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin. 
“You need someone to put you in your place, you need someone to be rough with you, someone who can treat you like the little slut that you are,” he says, gripping your face in his large hand, “I see the way you look at me when you think that I’m not paying attention, I can see the way you squeeze your thighs together when you look at my hands, I bet you wonder what it would feel like if I touched you, huh? I bet you touch yourself and think about me, about my hands, about my fingers in your tight little pussy.” 
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks, you are too overwhelmed to keep your eyes locked with his, so you look down. 
Eddie smirks but it’s a dark smirk, a bitter one. 
“Bet you are disgusted by yourself, huh?” He spits as he grips you tighter, “thinking about fucking the dirty town freak, I bet you hate yourself for wanting to ride my dick, that’s why you’re always such a bitch to me, right?” He asks angrily, “you take your anger out on me because you can’t stand yourself for wanting to fuck me?” 
You shake your head. He is wrong, so wrong. He is no dirty freak in your eyes and you are not disgusted by him, you are disgusted by yourself for wanting someone who hates your guts so much, not for who he is. Eddie is amazing to his friends but unfortunately, you aren’t one of them. 
You never hated Eddie, at least not until he forced you to hate him. 
“No?” He murmurs as he leans even closer to you, “you don’t think about me?” 
You shift, looking up at him with a shy expression, you don’t bother answering, your silence gives it away. 
You do think about him. He knows it. 
You hate the way he looks so sure of his words, the way he thinks that he has you all figured out, the way he thinks he knows everything about you. 
“Get away from me, Eddie,” you say with a shaky voice and an unsure voice, you both know that you don’t want it, you don’t want him to get away. 
He licks his lips as he stares down at you. The look in his eyes makes you cower back a little, it makes you feel nervous but also flustered. Eddie raises his hand up to your face, he tucks your hair behind your ear and leans down, surprising you by pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. 
Your lips part and you hold your breath. 
“Why?” He whispers as he kisses you again, higher this time, “scared that you will fall for the town freak?” His fingers play with the thin material of your dress, pushing it a little aside so he has more access to your shoulder, he presses his plump lips back against your shoulder, kissing you again and again, “scared that you will hate yourself for it?” 
You can’t even utter a single word, too many emotions rush through you. You are confused about this, you are angry about his words but you are also aroused and yes, you do hate yourself for it but not for the reason he thinks. 
His hand grips your waist, he pulls you flush against him and you gasp when you feel his bulge pressing against your stomach. Eddie attaches his lips to your neck, “scared that no one else will wanna touch you after the freak fucked you? What would they think if they already knew that you are fantasizing about it? I bet they would think you’re disgusting–” 
“God, shut the fuck up!” 
You push him away from you with force, your breathing is heavy, just like his. Eddie looks a little surprised by your sudden outburst, rejection crosses his features, his brows drag together and he opens his mouth to speak, probably to say something hurtful after you just pushed him away like that, he wants the upper hand but you won’t let him have it, not this time. 
“Just shut up,” you repeat. 
He presses his lips together in a straight line, he is tense, his eyes hold a combination of hurt and anger. The tension between the two of you is thick. Nothing else but you both exist in this moment. You don’t hear the faint music from the ongoing party, you don’t feel the cold wind on your exposed skin, you don’t hear the rustling of the leaves but you hear his heavy breathing, you hear the pounding of your heart, you feel the pull towards him. 
Eddie waits for you to say something, to do something. A part of him expects you to slap him for kissing you without permission, the other part expects you to hurt him with cruel words but neither of those things happen. 
You stare at him for what feels like forever. Your eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes, your stomach flutters and your knees feel weak, you’re angry but you also long for him. 
Fuck it. 
You take a step forward and look into his awaiting eyes. 
Fuck it, y/n.
You grab his face and pull him down, you close your eyes and slam your lips against his. Eddie’s eyes widen, he stares at you in shock and confusion. You are kissing him. You are kissing him! And your lips feel as soft as he always imagined them to feel like. His heart begins to race. 
Kiss her, idiot! He tells himself. He cups your cheeks and pulls you closer, closing his eyes, he finally kisses you back and if this isn’t the best feeling in the world then he doesn’t know what is. 
You slide your hands down to his neck, holding him tightly as you deepen the kiss. Eddie parts his lips, allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He moans at the feeling, his skin and his lips tingle, he already feels addicted to your touch. 
The kiss is nothing but passionate, it’s soft and gentle but you want more, you want to feel him closer and closer, you slide your hand down his stomach and wrap your arm around his waist, pressing him tighter against you. He moans at the feeling, his heart flutters. 
Eddie walks you back and slams you against his van, earning a whimper from you. You kiss each other until you are both short of oxygen and gasping for air but even as he pulls away, his lips keep touching yours. You breathe into each other’s mouths, keeping each other close as your eyes lock again. 
He wants you, you can see it in his eyes. 
This time it’s him who initiates the kiss, he slams his lips roughly against yours causing you to let out a loud and needy whimper, you can feel him smirking against your lips. 
This kiss is rough and angry. Your lips smack loudly against each other, your teeth clash but neither of you care, you pull his hair and make him growl. He digs his ringed fingers into your waist as he pushes his knee in between your thighs. 
“Eddie,” you gasp as he starts kissing his way down to your neck. 
“I know you hate me,” you whisper as you close your eyes and put your hand in his hair, holding onto his curl as he begins to suck on your sweet spot. 
No, he doesn’t hate you. How could he? Instead of telling you this, he keeps quiet, choosing to continue kissing you. 
“Show me.” 
“Show you what?” 
“Show me how much you hate me,” you whisper, “please.” 
Eddie opens his eyes and he pulls away from your neck to look at you. He can see the look in your eyes, the intrigued and needy one. 
You want him just like he wants you. 
“Are you sure?” 
For a split second, you see a different side of him, a soft one, a caring one. 
You nod. 
He grabs your jaw, tilting your head up so you are forced to look at him, “I need words, sweetheart.” 
You nod again, “yes, I’m sure.” 
Without wasting another second, Eddie unlocks his van and pushes you into the back, closing the door behind him. He fumbles around in the dark for a moment until he finds the switch that turns on the little light.
Looking around, you raise your brows, feeling a little impressed by the lack of the mess you expected. A few pillows are laying around, blankets, even a few comics. You know that he and Robin used to go to the drive-in movie theaters a lot but you can’t help but wonder if he ever brings other girls in here. If he brought the pillows and blankets here just for them so they can feel comfortable. You wonder how he treats them, does he tease them like he teases you? Does he kiss them like he just kissed you? Is he mean to them? Or is he sweet to them? Does he treat them better than he treats you? 
Suddenly, you feel yourself frowning and growing insecure and unsure. Do you really want to fuck the guy that hates you with a passion? 
But you never answer your own question. Eddie grabs your face and pulls you back in for a heated kiss. You kiss back without a moment of hesitation. 
His scent, his taste, his touch, you are addicted already and you feel the hatred for yourself growing. You don't know that he feels the same about you, that he loves the way you taste, that he loves the way you smell so sweet, you don't know that he just loves you.
You push his jacket off his shoulders while he fumbles with the wings on your costume, surprising you by taking them off carefully so he doesn’t break them. Something about the way he parts from the kiss, to put the wings down gently, makes your heart flutter. 
You blink, forcing yourself to look away from him. You take the tiara off your head and place it on the ground as well, reaching for the zipper on your dress– “stop, let me.” Eddie mumbles as he reaches around you to undo it. You stare at him, admiring the way his brown eyes shine so beautifully beneath the dim light. He pushes your dress down to your stomach, his eyes flickering with something you cannot read. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles as he eyes your lacy bra, your boobs, your soft skin, “you’re so sexy,” he breathes, forgetting about the hate he is supposed to show to you, “so beautiful, shit..” 
Eddie doesn’t notice the emotions in your eyes, the lingering sadness and the insecurity. You distract yourself by kissing him again and again, reaching for the hem of his shirt, you take it off of him. He throws it behind him on the floor. 
You place your hands on his pale chest, taking in the sight of his tattoos, you feel the urge to kiss every single one of them. 
Eddie admires the way you look at him, the way your lips part and your eyes flash with emotions. He touches your cheeks, moving your hair out of your face. You look up at him with big eyes, “touch me.” 
He smirks, “don’t have to ask me twice.” 
He pushes you down carefully, making sure that you lie your head on the pillows, your back meets the soft cushions and you sigh as you feel his cold hands on your stomach, you’re almost too shy to look up at him but when you do, your heart stops. 
Eddie stares down at you in awe, he bunches your dress up on your waist and eyes you up and down, from your pretty face to your chest, your stomach and your clothed pussy. He pushes your legs apart and settles in between them, putting your legs over his, he spreads you open and stares at the wet spot on your pink panties. 
“Fuck,” he growls, all his blood rushes to his dick, as though he wasn’t hard already, he feels himself growing harder, “I’m gonna ruin your pussy, baby.” 
Your cunt clenches around nothing, you take in a sharp breath as his eyes meet yours, “take your bra off,” he orders. 
You bite your lip, pushing yourself up on your elbows, you do as he said, pushing the straps of your bra down first, you watch the way his eyes darken when you reach behind you to unclasp it. You blush, feeling yourself getting shy under his gaze. 
“Show me your tits, pretty girl.” 
You hate him, you hate him so much.
You throw your bra to the side and lie back against the pillows.
He grips your thighs tightly, eyes flashing with hunger, “perfect fucking tits,” he murmurs as he slides one hand up to touch your boobs. 
“Eddie,” you whimper. 
He adjusts your legs, wrapping them around his waist, his clothed dick brushes against your pussy, making you both moan in pleasure. He leans down to kiss your chest, taking one nipple in his mouth, he begins to suck on it. 
“Oh.. Eddie,” you moan as you throw your hand in his hair, “i-is that how you treat people you hate?” 
He chuckles against you, pulling away from you, he gives you a suggestive look as he sits back up, he shakes his head at you, “just you, baby,” he says. 
“Touch yourself.” 
You blink. 
He looks down, bringing his hand to your aching pussy, he touches you over your panties, rubbing your clit teasingly, smirking at your little whine. 
“Touch yourself or I won’t fuck you.” 
You swallow nervously, slipping your hand down your stomach, you close your eyes and touch yourself over your panties, spreading your legs wider, you start rubbing your clit. 
“Open your eyes,” he demands, catching you off guard by smacking your ass. You gasp and open your eyes, seeing the dark look in his eyes makes you even wetter, “look at me when you touch yourself.” 
You nod. 
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re all alone, baby. Tell me what you think about.” 
A shiver runs down your spine. You always thought about this, about him. It’s hot to see him so rough and dominating but a part of you hates that he gets to have all the control. You push yourself up a little and bring your hand up to his lips, looking into his curious eyes, you smirk, “spit on them.” 
He raises his brows, eyes flashing with surprise. He does it without questioning you. Spitting onto your fingers.
“Thanks,” you mumble. You push your panties to the side and touch yourself with your spit covered fingers, letting out a loud moan as you run your fingers through your wet folds before you begin to rub your aching clit. 
Eddie’s dick twitches in his pants as he watches you. 
“Such a pretty pussy, fuck,” he grunts, fighting the urge to bury his face in your cunt. 
“You wanna know what I think about when I touch myself?” 
“Yes.. fuck, yes. I wanna know.” 
You smirk at him. You won’t give him what he wants, you won’t let him hear what he wants to hear. Why should you? He is gonna treat you even worse when this is over, why should you give him the truth? 
“I-I think about Steve,” you moan as you push a finger inside of you, “I think about my best friend fucking me with his big fat cock.” Lies. You think about him fucking you, you think about him splitting you open, you think about him eating you out, fingering you with his rings on, making you his slut. 
Eddie’s smirk falls from his face, his eyes darken. 
You add a second finger and push it in and out of your wet pussy, moaning at the feeling, “I think about him making me cry as he takes me from behind, as he– fuck.. as he slaps my ass and does whatever he wants.” 
You are lying, he knows you’re lying. The look on your face tells him that but he still grows angry and jealous. 
You fuck yourself on your fingers, throwing your head back in pleasure as you move them in and out, “I think about riding his dick, about how he would cum inside of me and fill me up until I’m–” 
“Shut the fuck up, you little whore,” Eddie growls, grabbing your wrist, he slams it against the floor and replaces your fingers with his, pushing his long and thick fingers into your hole. 
You gasp loudly, squeezing your eyes shut as you finally feel his fingers inside you, finally getting to feel what you always dreamed about.
His other hand grabs your cheeks, squishing them together roughly, “I told you to look at me!” 
Your stomach clenches as does your cunt, your mouth waters at the feeling of him spreading you open. 
“Open your eyes, brat.” 
You open your eyes to look at his angry ones. You have never seen him this angry before. You should be scared, you know that. But instead you feel yourself getting more needy, more wet, more aroused. You moan even louder than before and grind back against his fingers. 
“Now tell me the truth,” he says through gritted teeth as he starts to fuck you with his fingers, “who do you think about?” 
You push yourself up on your elbows to watch him, to see how they move in and out of you. 
He slaps your cheek lightly causing you to whimper. 
“Liar,” he grunts, he leans over you, wrapping his hand around your neck, he slams you back down and looks into your needy eyes as he continues to slam his fingers in and out of you. 
“Eddie,” you whimper.
“That’s right,” he grunts, “say my name.” 
He adds a third finger, thrusting them in and out of you. His fingers reach deeper than yours, they reach the spot that you can’t, his rings and the coldness of them just bring more pleasure to your body. You lose yourself in the feeling, you close your eyes despite him telling you not to, your lips part and you chant his name like a prayer. You arch your back in pleasure, tears well up in your eyes. 
Eddie stares at you, he watches the way your chest rises up and down, the way you flinch a little when his hand leaves your neck to touch your boob, to play with your nipple. Your stomach tenses up, your pussy clenches around his fingers, you are so wet, he can feel your juices dripping down his fingers, the squelching noises and your moans just make it all even more erotic. 
You whimper his name so beautifully. 
“Eddie, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“I wanna cum,” you please, “please let me cum.” 
A devilish smirk appears on his face, “oh, you’re gonna cum, baby.” 
His words should intimidate you, they should leave you feeling nervous but instead they make you crave him even more. 
Eddie leans down and as you feel him shifting, you open your eyes to look at him. He picks up the pace, fucking you harder and faster on his fingers as he presses his tongue against your sensitive clit. 
“Oh fuck! Eddie!” 
“Mhmm,” he hums against you, looking up at you as he licks your clit, “taste so sweet.” 
You spread your legs wider for him and push your hand in his hair, tugging at his dark curls. 
“I can feel you clenching around my fingers, baby,” he murmurs against you, “you wanna cum for me? Do it.” 
It doesn’t take long for you to reach your high, you cum around his fingers just as he tells you too, you moan loudly, gasping for air but Eddie doesn’t stop there, he pulls his fingers out. He throws your legs over his shoulders and before you can even react, he buries his face in your pussy, slipping his tongue into you, he moans loudly. 
“Eddie,” you whine as you watch him through blurry eyes, his rough hands dig into your thighs as he holds them wide open, his eyes are closed as he eats you out, “oh my god.” 
Eddie loves the way you taste, the way you sound, the way you feel, the way you beg for him. 
“Feels so good…” 
He loves knowing that he is the one making you feel so good. 
He opens his eyes to look at you, you’re staring at him already, barely able to keep your eyes open, you hold onto his hair so tightly. A single tear slips down your hot cheek. 
“You taste so good, sweetheart,” he breathes, smirking at you when he spits on your clit before he places his thumb against it. 
Your eyes roll back and you throw your head against the pillows, you try closing your legs but Eddie is stronger than you. 
“P-Please..” You sob, pulling at his hair even harder causing him to growl in response. He flicks his tongue inside of you and presses harder against your clit and before you know it, you cum again. 
Tears run down your cheeks, you are so sensitive already. 
“No more,” you whimper as he continues to lick your pussy, “please.. I just want your cock.” 
Eddie smirks at you, pulling away, he sits back up. 
Your heart flutters as you look at him. His cheeks are flushed, his curls are messy, his chin is glistening from your juices, saliva dripping down his chest. 
You look so fucked out already, sweat coats your forehead, your breathing is heavy and you push your thighs together as you look up at him. Eddie unbuckles his belt, pushing his jeans and boxers down just below his ass, his dick slaps against his stomach.
You push yourself up on your elbows, biting your lip as you stare at him, “do you want me to suck your dick?” You ask as you reach your hand out to wrap your fingers around his thick cock, you lick your lips, pre cum is rolling down his length and it takes everything in you not to take him into your mouth. 
Eddie hisses at your touch, his eyelashes flutter. 
“Do you want to fuck my face?” You ask, innocently. 
He growls, eyes darkening, he shakes his head, “next time, baby. I need to be inside of you,” he says. 
“Condom?” You ask. 
He closes his eyes, cursing at himself, “I don’t have any.” 
You raise your brows, “what do you mean, you don’t have any?” 
“It means I don’t have any!” He snaps at you. 
“Don’t you use condoms when you fuck?” 
A loud laugh falls from his lips, he opens his eyes, shaking his head, “when I fuck? Sweetheart, I don’t get laid very often. I have a whole unopened box of condoms at home,” he snorts. 
“You don’t fuck girls in your van?” 
“Y/n, the last time I fucked someone, I stole a condom from Jeff and no, I don’t fuck girls in my van.”
Relief floods through you, here you thought that he was fucking girls in his van and getting laid every weekend.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pull him down against you, catching him by surprise. He presses his hands against the floor and looks down at you. 
“And I’m not really into fucking random girls,” he adds. 
Your eyes widen a little, “am I not a random girl?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. 
You could never be a random girl. 
“No, you’re my enemy,” he says before he slams his lips against yours. 
You whine against him and kiss him roughly, digging your feet into his ass, you pull him even closer until you feel his cock rubbing against your pussy. He moans in pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. 
“Fuck me, please. I don’t care about the condom, just fuck me,” you murmur against his lips, holding his neck tightly, “please.” 
“Are you sure?” He asks, eying your expression, slowly. 
You nod, “very sure.” 
Eddie pecks your lip softly. For someone who wanted to fuck you, he sure is a little soft with you. 
He leans back, staring down at you in awe, he grabs your waist, licking his lips. You watch him, looking at the way he wraps his ringed fingers around his cock, he slides it through your wet folds, teasing your clit with the tip. 
“Shit,” he shudders, “you’re so wet. All for me, right?” 
You bite your lip, furrowing your brows as you gulp, nodding. 
“Say it’s all for me,” he demands. 
“It’s for you,” you whine, “all for you, asshole!” 
He chuckles darkly, shaking his head at you. You open your mouth again but before you can say anything, Eddie grabs you tighter and in one motion, he thrusts into you, earning a loud gasp from you. 
He whimpers at the feeling of your tight walls, leaning down, he buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Fuck…” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him, “Eddie.” You clench around his cock and hold him tightly. 
“You’re so tight and wet,” he grunts against your shoulder, “‘m not gonna last long if you keep clenching around me like this.” 
“I told you to show me how much you hate me, Eddie,” you breathe, digging your nails into his back, “so far you’re not doing a good job.” 
Something inside of him snaps, he pulls back, placing one hand around your neck, he puts the other one on the pillow next to you. He glares at you. 
“You’re a brat, you know that, right?” He growls as he begins to thrust into you. 
You gasp at the feeling, taking a deep breath. 
“Always getting on my goddamn nerves,” he grunts as he tightens his hold on your neck, he pulls out and pushes back inside of you, roughly. “You have no idea how many times I wanted to do this.” He thrusts deeper, rougher, faster. “How many times I wanted to fuck your needy little pussy and watch you cry for more.” 
You look down, watching the way he fucks you roughly on his cock. He moves his hands down to grab your hips with both hands. 
“Look at me, baby,” he moans as he starts to pound your pussy, “look at the way you’re taking my cock.. Your pussy was made for me, you were made for me.” 
The knot in your stomach tightens, the fire inside of you burns. You feel him in your stomach. You wrap your legs tighter around him and throw your hand back to wrap it around his wrist, “fuck me harder!” You beg, despite the overwhelming sensation in your bones. 
“Harder?” He chuckles, “I’ll give you harder, you little brat.” 
He enjoys the way you squirm under his body, the way you struggle to take his big cock and yet ask for more. For a moment, he just watches you, he watches the way his cock disappears in your body, the way your juices drip down on the blanket beneath you, the way you throw your head back in pleasure and cry for him, the way your boobs bounce as he ruts into you. You are struggling, your moans are getting high pitched, tears are streaming down your face as you move your head to the side. 
“Feels so good, Eddie,” you whimper. 
His mouth waters, his stomach clenches as your pussy flutters around his dick. He moans desperately, closing his eyes for a second as he feels himself getting closer. He leans down, grabbing your face, “look at me,” he whispers, “open your eyes and look at me.” 
You grip his wrist tighter and open your eyes to look at him, your breathing stutters as you see the way he looks at you, there is something in his eyes you haven’t seen before but you decide to ignore it. 
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” 
Your eyes widen but you do as he says, opening it, you stick it out for him and maintain eye contact. 
He grabs your chin, smirking at you before he spits in your mouth. 
Now, if anyone else had done that to you, you would spit it right out and slap them across the face but something about him doing it to you makes you clench even harder around him, the moans you get from him make you shiver. 
“Fuck, you like that huh?” He mumbles as you swallow it, he pats your cheek, “you filthy little slut.” 
“Mhmm, I like it,” you smirk and pull him down for a kiss. 
You can feel his dick twitching inside of you, his thrusts are getting sloppier and his moans are getting louder and more desperate. You kiss each other roughly and hold each other tight. His chest is pressed against yours, he pulls his wrist out of your grip to hold your hand instead. 
You jolt as you feel his fingertips on your clit. 
“Cum for me,” he mumbles against your lips, “cum on my dick.”
You moan loudly as you cum around him, you scratch his back as you dig your nails into his skin causing him to groan loudly. You clench hard around him and pull him even closer. 
“Baby.. fuck.. fuck,” he whimpers against you, “I’m gonna cum,” he warns, unsure of where you want him. 
“Cum inside me… ‘wanna feel you, Eddie.” 
His heart flutters and his eyes widen as he looks down at you, “you sure?” 
“Mhmm, please…” 
“Fuck… okay.. shit, baby,” he whimpers as he picks up the pace again, “you want me to breed you, huh? You want me to fill you up with my cum, shit.. I will. I’m gonna leave you dripping for days.. I’m gonna make you mine.” 
“No one’s ever touching you again,” he moans, “gonna– oh fuck…” He grunts as he places his fingers back against your clit. 
“Eddie!” You sob, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel an even stronger sensation in your lower belly. He drills in and out of you in such a rough way, you can’t even feel your legs anymore or the tears that stream down your cheeks all you feel is him. 
“I know you got one more in you, baby,” he grunts, kissing your lips, “cum with me.. one more time.” 
“I can’t!” You sob. 
“Yes, you can, I can feel it, you’re getting tighter around me, just let go for me.” 
You can’t even help it, you bite his shoulder and cage him in against you with your legs. He grunts in pain and whimpers in pleasure, he thrusts into you once, twice– “cum with me!” 
You let go and cum around him as he releases inside of you, filling you up with his seed. 
He whimpers into your neck, holding you tightly as he moans at the feeling. His hips stutter and he finally falls against you. You’re drooling on his shoulder, whimpering at the feeling of his twitching cock inside your pussy. Eddie breathes heavily, not pulling out just yet, he slumps against you and presses lazy kisses on your shoulder. 
“Fuck,” he sighs with a grin on his face that you can’t see. 
You’re barely able to keep your eyes open, letting go of him, you drop your arms to your sides and close your eyes. 
“I can’t feel my legs,” you whisper. 
Eddie smirks, “guess I fucked you good, huh?”
You roll your eyes but can’t help but smile, “guess so…”
“What do you mean ‘guess so’?” He scoffs as he pulls himself up a little to look at you, “you came four times, you brat.” 
“Should’ve made that five times,” you shrug. 
Eddie shakes his head at you, though he can’t help but smirk, you’re a mess. Your hair is disheveled, your cheeks are wet from the tears, your body is hot and shaking from all the orgasms he just pulled out of you. 
Grabbing your cheeks, he turns your face towards him, “does that mean I get to make you cum again?” He smirks. 
You lick your lips, staring at the spot on his shoulder that you dug your teeth in, you reach out to touch it, “if you want to,” you shrug, acting like it means nothing to you. 
“If I want to?” He asks, “what about you, do you want to?” 
You are too scared to show him that you do but right now, he isn’t scared to show you how vulnerable he can be. His eyes that usually only ever hold anger for you, hold nothing but hope, it confuses you a little. 
You furrow your brows, “I-I don’t know,” you whisper, unable to look into his eyes any longer, you push him back, “get off, please.” 
He shakes his head and cups your cheeks, “no, look at me,” he demands, softly. 
You blink, swallowing nervously as you look back into his eyes, “you got what you wanted, Eddie.” 
“What do you mean?” He frowns. 
“You fucked me, put me in my place or whatever, now you can move on to someone else.” 
He scoffs, “is that what you think of me?” 
You shrug, looking at him with uncertainty in your eyes, “can you blame me?” You whisper, “you treat me like shit.” 
His eyes flash with guilt, he nods to himself. Without another word, he pulls away from you, pulling out with a hiss, he puts your panties back in place and puts his boxers and jeans back on. 
He fucked up, he knows it. Eddie always struggled with the feelings he had for you. Robin was right when she called him immature for treating you like this– the girl that he secretly loves. He hoped that this would change something but he thought wrong, if anything, he had made things worse for himself, knowing that he got to have you this once and probably never again, breaks his heart. 
Eddie hates himself at this moment. 
You glance at him as you put your dress back on, not bothering with your bra. Eddie’s hair is a mess, his cheeks are still red, his shoulder and neck littered with bite marks from you. He blinks fastly, as though he tries to blink tears away, it makes your heart clench in your chest. You want to pull him back into your arms and kiss him. Is it a good idea though? Probably not. 
You fix your hair and smooth out your dress. Eddie puts his shirt back on, sniffling quietly. 
Tears well up in your eyes as you remember all the times that he made you feel bad, all the times he pissed you off and made you angry, all the times he made you feel insecure, yet nothing, absolutely nothing made you feel worse than this. 
You leave. You get out of the van on shaky legs, placing your feet on the concrete floor, you blink the tears away as you step away from the van and from him. Now you feel the cold wind and the lonely feeling inside of you. You don’t wanna go, not after you had a taste of what it could be like if he just loved you. 
You halt in your tracks, closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. 
You can’t walk away, not from him. 
You turn back around and just as you take a step forward, Eddie suddenly jumps out of the van with a panicked look on his face and tears in his eyes. Surprised by your presence in front of him, he stares at you for a moment before he reaches out to grab your waist, you let him pull you closer, “please don’t go,” he whispers, “give me a chance, sweetheart. I'll fix things between us, I will, I promise, I will."
He pleads with his eyes and holds you tightly against him, afraid that you will disappear any moment. 
Your heart stutters and your knees almost buckle. 
“I-I know I fucked up but please–”
You kiss him for the hundredth time tonight and wrap your arms around him. He responds instantly, kissing you back softly and pressing your back against his van just like before, only this time, the kiss is sweet and filled with longing. 
“I’m crazy about you too,” you admit. 
“You are?” He asks. A smile tugs at his lips, happiness crosses his features. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. Placing your palms against his chest, you peck his lips again, “and I never think about Steve,” you mumble, cringing at the words that you have given him before, “he is my best friend and I never ever wanted him and he doesn’t want me either, Eddie.” 
He believes you. 
“I always just wanted you,” you whisper. 
His heart soars at your words, his gaze softens, he could melt right there and then, “do you still want me?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, “do you want me?” 
You look shy and uncertain of your words, you’re about to look down and break eye contact but he stops you from doing so, tilting your head up, he kisses your lips, “more than anything, sweetheart.” 
Robin smirks at Steve who holds your jacket in his hand. 
“I think you owe me 50 bucks.” 
Steve rolls his eyes as he watches you and Eddie making out against his van, “no, I don’t. We don’t know who made the first move.” 
Robin laughs, crossing her arms over her chest, “I’m saying she did, so..” 
Steve shakes his head, “no, Eddie was the one who made moves on her all this time, it was definitely him.” 
“You know what?” Robin tears his eyes away from you and Eddie and looks back at Steve, “I bet they’re gonna keep this a secret.” 
Steve smirks, shaking his head when he sees Eddie picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, taking you back to his van. 
“Yeah and they’re definitely gonna slip up in the next two weeks.” 
Robin shakes her head, “no, y/n can keep a secret, I’m giving them three.” 
“Let’s bet on that then.” 
“Okay,” Robin nods, “let’s make it 100 bucks.” 
Steve sighs, “alright then, say goodbye to your money, Buckley.” 
“You wish.” 
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starsjulia · 28 days
perfect just the way you are // leah williamson
leah williamson x neurodivergent reader
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a/n : i’m literally editing and uploading all my drafts because im on a writing grind, please feel free to send requests! also this is not an accurate representation of neuroscience, this is just one of the ways i experience it!!
warnings : none really! just comfort
Leah Williamson had always been known for her steady presence, the kind of calm that could anchor an entire team even in the most intense moments. She was the one you could rely on to keep a cool head, to make the right decisions under pressure, and to maintain a certain level of detachment that kept her focused on the game. But when it came to Y/N, all of that went out the window.
Y/N was different. She wasn’t the kind of person who faded into the background or followed the crowd. Her mind was a kaleidoscope of interests and ideas, always buzzing with energy. It wasn’t uncommon for her to launch into a discussion about the migration patterns of monarch butterflies in the middle of dinner or to suddenly start wondering aloud about the physics of time travel while walking through a park. Y/N’s quirks made her endearing to those who knew her well, but they could also make her stand out in ways that weren’t always easy.
One evening, the Arsenal girls were out celebrating a hard-fought win at a cozy restaurant in town. Leah had invited Y/N along, as she always did, eager to have her by her side during the rare moments of relaxation they all shared. Y/N had been excited, rambling on about a new documentary she’d watched on ancient civilizations as they made their way to the restaurant.
The team had gathered around a long table, laughter and chatter filling the room. Y/N was seated next to Leah, as always, with Katie McCabe and Alessia Russo across from them. Y/N was her usual vibrant self, animatedly discussing the concept of time in different cultures with Alessia, who was doing her best to keep up.
“So, in ancient Egypt,” Y/N began, her hands moving as she spoke, “time was seen as this cyclical thing, not linear like we think of it today. They believed that everything was part of this ongoing cycle, which is why their rituals were so important—”
Alessia, though genuinely interested, was starting to get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information. She was about to respond when Beth Mead, who was seated a few spots down, cut in with a lighthearted, but careless comment.
“Y/N, do you ever talk about anything normal?” Beth said, her tone teasing, tough Y/N sometimes had difficulty differentiating tones.
The words hung in the air for a moment, and the table went quiet. Y/N’s face fell, the light in her eyes dimming as she processed what had been said. She tried to hide it, but Leah saw the hurt flash across her features.
Leah’s expression hardened almost immediately. She knew Beth hadn’t meant any harm—Beth was like that sometimes, saying things without thinking—but that didn’t make it any less painful for Y/N. Leah felt a surge of protectiveness rise up within her, a need to shield Y/N from any hurt, intentional or not.
“Beth,” Leah’s voice was calm, but there was a steely edge to it that made everyone at the table look up. “That wasn’t necessary.”
Beth blinked, realizing too late that her comment had hit a nerve. “Oh, Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that,” she said quickly, her tone apologetic. “I just—”
But Y/N was already pulling back into herself, her earlier enthusiasm snuffed out like a candle in the wind. She offered a small, strained smile, brushing it off. “No, it’s fine. I know I can be a bit… much sometimes.”
Leah felt her heart clench at the words. She hated hearing Y/N talk about herself like that, as though her passions and quirks were something to apologize for. Without a second thought, Leah slid her chair closer to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a comforting embrace.
“You’re not too much,” Leah whispered into her ear, her voice soft and reassuring. “You’re perfect, just the way you are.”
Y/N leaned into Leah’s side, the tension in her body slowly easing as she took comfort in Leah’s presence. “Really?” she asked, her voice small, filled with the vulnerability she so rarely let show.
“Really,” Leah confirmed, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “I love the way your mind works, the way you see the world. It’s one of the things I love most about you.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, though she quickly blinked them away, not wanting to make a scene. “I just… I never want to embarrass you.”
Leah’s expression softened, her hand gently cupping Y/N’s cheek as she turned her to face her. “You could never embarrass me. You’re the most incredible person I know, and I’m so proud of you—of everything that makes you who you are. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you need to change, least of all yourself.”
Y/N looked into Leah’s eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity and love reflected back at her. It was a balm to the wound that Beth’s accidental, careless words had opened, and she felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. Leah always knew how to make her feel seen, understood, and cherished in a way that no one else ever had.
Katie, who had been watching the exchange with a guilty look, leaned over and nudged Beth, who was still looking mortified. “Apologize properly,” Katie whispered, her tone gentle but firm.
Beth nodded, her earlier bravado replaced with genuine remorse. “Y/N, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just being a bit of an idiot.”
Y/N gave her a small, forgiving smile. “It’s okay, Beth. I know you didn’t mean it. I just… I get excited about things sometimes.”
Beth smiled back, relieved. “We all love that about you, Y/N. Keep being you, yeah?”
Y/N nodded, her spirits lifting slightly as the atmosphere around the table relaxed once more. Leah kept her arm around her, though, not letting go until she was sure Y/N was truly okay.
The rest of the evening passed without incident, the conversation flowing more naturally now that everyone was a bit more mindful. Leah stayed close to Y/N, making sure she felt supported and included, even as the topics shifted to more mundane matters.
Later, as they walked back to Leah’s place, Y/N was quieter than usual, her thoughts still lingering on what had happened. Leah noticed, of course—she always noticed.
“Hey,” Leah said softly, stopping in her tracks and turning to face Y/N. “You alright?”
Y/N shrugged, her eyes downcast. “I just… I don’t want people to think I’m weird, you know? I know I can be intense, and sometimes I worry that people just tolerate me because they have to.”
Leah’s heart ached at the vulnerability in Y/N’s voice. She took Y/N’s hands in hers, squeezing them gently. “You’re not weird, and people don’t just tolerate you. They care about you, Y/N. You bring something special to every room you walk into. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Y/N looked up at her, her eyes searching Leah’s for any sign of doubt. But all she saw was unwavering love and support, and it made her heart swell with emotion.
“You really think so?” Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper, uncertainty flickering in her gaze.
Leah nodded, her expression soft but resolute. “I do, Y/N. I think the world of you, and so do the others. Your mind, your heart, everything that makes you who you are—it’s all incredible to me.”
Y/N looked down at their joined hands, her thoughts swirling. “Sometimes it just feels like I’m too much. Like… people don’t really get me, and I’m just annoying them with the way I am.”
Leah’s grip on Y/N’s hands tightened, a surge of protectiveness washing over her. “I know it can feel like that sometimes, but I promise you, it’s not true. You’re not too much, Y/N. You’re exactly enough, exactly who you’re supposed to be. And anyone who doesn’t see that—well, they’re missing out on something amazing.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears again, but this time they were tears of relief, of gratitude. She felt the weight of her insecurities lifting, bit by bit, as Leah’s words sank in. “But what if… what if I’m too much for you?”
Leah’s heart broke at the vulnerability in Y/N’s voice. She reached up, gently cupping Y/N’s face in her hands, forcing her to meet her gaze. “You could never be too much for me, Y/N. I love every part of you. Your energy, your passion, the way you light up when you talk about something that excites you—I love all of it. You make my life brighter just by being in it.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, her hands trembling slightly as she absorbed Leah’s words. “I just… I don’t want to be a burden to you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to take care of me all the time.”
Leah shook her head, her thumbs brushing away the tears that had begun to fall. “You’re not a burden, not in the slightest. Being with you, caring for you, loving you—it’s the greatest privilege of my life. I want to be there for you, Y/N, in every way I can. Because that’s what love is. It’s about being there for each other, lifting each other up, and making sure we both feel safe and cherished.”
Y/N sniffled, a small, tentative smile starting to form on her lips. “You make me feel that way, Leah. You make me feel like I’m… enough.”
“You are more than enough,” Leah whispered, her voice thick with emotion. She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Y/N’s forehead, letting her lips linger there as she spoke. “You’re everything to me. And I’ll spend every day reminding you of that, if that’s what it takes.”
Y/N closed her eyes, letting the warmth of Leah’s words and touch envelop her. She felt the last of her doubts melting away, replaced by a deep sense of security and love. Leah had always been her rock, her safe place, and in moments like this, she knew there was nothing they couldn’t face together.
“I love you so much,” Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible, but filled with all the emotion she felt in her heart.
Leah pulled back just enough to look into Y/N’s eyes, her own gaze filled with tenderness. “And I love you, Y/N. More than you’ll ever know.”
For a moment, they just stood there, wrapped up in each other, the world around them fading into the background. There was nothing but the sound of their breathing, the feel of their hands intertwined, and the steady, comforting beat of their hearts.
Eventually, Leah broke the silence, her voice soft but firm. “You know what I think?”
Y/N tilted her head slightly, curiosity piqued. “What?”
Leah smiled, brushing a stray lock of hair behind Y/N’s ear. “I think you’re one of the most extraordinary people I’ve ever met. And I’m not just saying that because I love you. I’m saying it because it’s true. You see the world in ways most people can’t even begin to understand, and that’s a gift. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you need to dim that light.”
Y/N’s heart swelled with emotion, her earlier doubts fading into the background as Leah’s words wrapped around her like a warm blanket. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “Thank you for loving me like this.”
Leah’s smile widened, her eyes shining with affection. “I’m the one who’s thankful, Y/N. Thankful that I get to love you, that I get to be the person by your side. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
Y/N felt a deep sense of peace settle over her, the kind that came from knowing she was truly loved for who she was. With Leah by her side, she felt like she could face anything the world threw at her. Because Leah wasn’t just her partner—she was her safe place, her anchor, and the person who made her feel like she was perfect just the way she was.
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yeeterthek33per · 8 days
Meet You Maybe Never (Chapter 2)
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A/n Here we go, y'all. Enjoy 😘
Part 2 of this.
Content/Warning(s): Fluff. Also terribly translated German, feel free to telepathically forehead smack me if it's wrong. Time jumps a few times but I'm hoping it makes sense.
Early morning runs.
Specifically, Magda's early morning runs.
Despite Pernille's disgust at the woman's early morning energy levels, she'd gotten used to the ten years of waking up to an either empty bed or a very sweaty wake-up call from a freshly run-out Magda.
So, inevitably, when she woke up this morning, she suspected it was due to the front door shutting behind a returning girlfriend.
However, the loudness was more of a startle awake than her usual slow wake to hearing something shift in the room or her girlfriend kissing her awake.
The Swede wasn't one to slam doors, in fact, she usually would chastise anyone who had, a little too enthusiastically, slammed any doors in the house.
Pernille included.
"Pernille, I know you're asleep but you need to see this."
A soft grumble into the pillow.
"Not anymore."
"It happened again!"
Grunting, she sits up sleepily, although more alert than her previous state now.
"Magda wha-"
A phone shoved into her face the moment the Swede practically launches herself into the room and onto the bed, with much more enthusiasm than should be had at seven in the morning.
As if she hadn't gotten the hint already.
Squinting, like only a freshly woken dead person can, at the phone screen, she sees a photo of a newly painted mural come into view.
The dirty blonde woman huffs.
"Did you actually look at it?"
The Dane cracks an unimpressed brow but looks back at the phone now.
It's a familiar piece.
Or at least the work is.
It's a mural of Magda this time.
Brightly painted like it just came out of the can.
"I could have caught the Straßengänger, that's how fresh it is."
"We should check it out later, can I go back to sleep now?"
Pouting softly but returning to a standing position from where she now realises is her girlfriends lap, Magda moves towards the en suite doorway.
"Or you could get up and come save water?"
The Swede makes a come hither gesture, but the older woman just shakes her head, tucking herself happily back under the covers.
"Shower and then come cuddle and I might think about getting up in an hour."
A soft chuckle and then the door shutting is the last thing she hears before she's back to sleep, followed by a shuffle in the bedding and a now clean and dry body wrapping around her frame a little while later.
It was news, but it could wait.
At least, it could for her, but it was something playing on the Swede's mind as she attempted to relax into her partners sleeping form.
Life in Munich had thankfully been less hectic than when they'd first arrived.
Mostly in part due to Pernille's previous history with Germany.
That was one Magda would happily let her partner take credit for, despite stubbornly struggling with the language, she was grateful for the Dane and her heavily doting teammates.
Said doting teammates had thankfully shown her enough spots and routes around town for jogs, places to avoid during certain times of day, the whole lot.
That was something she'd listed as a must-do.
Her morning runs were crucial in her routine, despite her partners protests early on to stay in bed for a while longer.
They eventually settled for a cuddle session after showering upon return, although, it only took them a year of living together to finally come to that agreement in London.
The cool morning air in Munich felt especially crisp but better than the late winter mornings had been.
Spring was on the way and that made it all the better to be running.
That was her excuse, anyway.
She was more interested in keeping an eye out for more information or sightings of a certain street artist.
And she had nothing to worry about, because within a month and a half, another appeared, this time much more of an invigorating find.
She was first to the scene here, and nothing had been touched in terms of how fresh the paint looked.
She was almost certain if she had shown earlier, she would have met with the artist themself, again.
It seems she'd have to try a bit harder, though, because there was no sign of the masked individual that morning.
Though, that wasn't much of a surprise.
They'd been especially careful to not be caught after having been plastered over the Munich forums with a single photo of them catching onto the media within hours.
That'd been before they arrived though, and it's been months since then.
Still, they were becoming more and more intriguing the more the artist left behind murals.
It'd be less intriguing if they were just doing murals for the club, but it seems like they've taken a focus on two players and two players only.
Everything else she had come across had been entirely different, usually just simple landscapes and dig as she might, nothing else.
She hadn't been keen on getting in on the investigations to do with the Straßengänger, at least until she realised how invested she was becoming along with her partner.
As she scanned over the mural, smaller details appeared.
Only, this time, the words seemed to be a bit more targeted towards her, much like Pernille's mural was towards her.
And one more word in German that she has to translate.
After that, she steps back, takes a photo and practically sprints the rest of the way back to the apartment.
By the time she's in the door, shouting up the stairs at her most likely asleep girlfriend, she's winded herself enough to forget to even consider what half of the wording meant.
And not just on the level of it being who she is as a person.
These were on purpose.
To specifically draw their attention.
Or at least hers.
In fact it doesn't occur to her that it's anything but another mural.
At least not until she's doing warm downs later that day and it clicks in her head.
She'd spent so much time analysing the artist and asking questions, she didn't even think about the part where said artist might have connections locally that would spread word about her asking about them.
It takes less than a day to hear about a certain Swede's line of questioning about a certain Straßengänger.
A little bit of sleuthing yourself leads you to how much she actually knows.
It's amusing you if anything.
Hence why you left the mural the way you did.
Gave her an incentive, let her know you know.
Or that the Straßengänger knows.
Also because you had an itch, and it needed to be scratched.
You'd done Pernille enough justice, then Magda.
Only you had to come up with something because that itch was starting to come back.
Regardless, you'd let your latest piece catch it's traction first.
Inspire more of an audience, you inspire attention and support to the women's game.
That's why you're doing this in the first place.
Isn't it?
It's also why you're stuck in several back to back meetings with several media lackeys right now.
You love your job but damn, sometimes you hate it.
Not to be ungrateful, nor ignorant of the knowledge of what you signed up for.
It's just another part of life and you'd have to scratch whatever itches that come from outside of it, later.
At some point, in the umpteenth meeting for the day, you spot a certain pair wander by the window, chatting animatedly with someone you were certain would be coming in for a meeting with you now.
Then, it seems, they enter the room.
You weren't aware they were joining you but who were you to complain.
"Ah, apologies for the interruption, Director, but they were just finishing up the last of their training before they could come down."
"That's quite alright, you ladies are free to take the table whenever you wish. I'm not in any hurry, trust me."
The pair smile and enter the room, taking seats in the remaining spots at the table, while the attending media manager introduced their presence in the meeting.
"So, we have been working on this partnership for a while. I understand the nature of this kind of deal would normally be dealt with by the players' personal managers or themselves but with everything happening all at once.."
The manager then gestures to the women to speak.
It's the Swede who speaks up first.
"We were hoping for a project management approval so we could get this under way quicker and easier. Estée Lauder have contacted Pernille and myself through our managers, and would like to partner with us to get a Women's health initiative started."
The older woman nods, turning to you directly.
"Director, if we could ask for someone on your team, or perhaps if you can grant the time, since we've seen the work you do."
A small brow in question at the woman across from you.
"As in, we've seen the women's projects you've started, completed, supported. We'd love for you to be involved directly, if you were willing to spare the time of course, the women's side of the club could directly benefit from the media attention of course, but also for the club as a whole. Or perhaps, if you can't maybe someone you'd be willing to trust with working with us on this? I know it's a lot to ask as two players who have only recently joined but-"
"Yes. I will assist in this project."
"And I think- yes?"
Amused with the surprise on the pairs' faces, you hold a hand up, explaining yourself further.
"You don't need to convince me anymore, it's the perfect time actually, this could be a great, and mind the terrible wording here, kick off to our season's campaigning plan. I would love to help this initiative get started personally. Contact me directly when you want to get started."
The wide smiles on the pairs faces make the extra work worth it as they both shake your hand, thanking you.
"We appreciate this so much."
"Of course, when it's for the support of women in the world, I'd do it in a heartbeat."
Of course, it's completely true, this isn't just extra work to you.
It's a very important project that you'd take over and over if it meant the growth, support and visibility for women's health.
Smiling and nodding as they leave, you turn to your assistant, Liana.
"Liana, can you please put the Estée Lauder project on priority?"
"Of course, would you like me to put their numbers direct through to you as well?"
"Yes, thank you."
And true to your word and theirs, they call within a day, organising the information both sides will need.
"Alright, so we need to organise the time and place for you both to actually meet and settle an agreement for media duties, targeting audience, public viewership accessibility, etcetera."
"Magdalena and myself were both discussing possible days and times, with the upcoming international, we were hoping to do it before then, maybe in two weeks time?"
"Sounds good, I'll contact them on your behalf, if that's okay of course, and arrange a day between say, the twenty-second and the eighth?"
"Perfect, is there anything else we should prep before then?"
"Just your lovely selves, I'll have everything ready by then."
Nodding to the camera, you wave a small goodbye over the video call, hanging up after receiving confirmation, noting down everything they'd told you about the deal.
As you'd promised, within the following forty-eight hours, you call the representative that Pernille had supplied the number for, letting her know you were calling on behalf of the pair.
"Yes, hello, I am calling on behalf of Pernille Harder and Magdalena Eriksson. As their representative and representative of the organisation that employs them, I've been asked to organise a time and place for the negotiations of the upcoming project I've been made aware you and your organisation have been planning?"
It goes as smoothly as it could, surprising you if anything at how cordial the rep was being.
Normally you'd often have to go to bat for the players and any compensation they'd be advised to be given but they were generous and if anything, Pernille and Magda had themselves specified there was not much if anything that they wanted from this except to boost this project publicly.
They're an actively public persona and set of footballers, so really, the only thing to gain here is more support for the women's game.
The rep has zero qualms about compensating the players, but they both refuse, instead encouraging that the money be spent towards the project.
Donating their own time, and any possible pay prospects towards the future of Women's health.
If you weren't falling for the pair little by little already, now you definitely were.
And you had something to say about it.
Or rather.
Paint it.
It takes weeks until the launch of the progress, and videos are released. It's smooth as anything with them, like you expected.
You were constantly hearing from your crew about how easy it was to work with the pair for media days, so anything like this wasn't any different in your eyes.
They were confident, well respected, and self respected, level headed during proceedings and incredibly smart about any decisions they had to make.
In fact, you'd say you weren't even needed ninety percent of the time, the only time you really needed to speak on behalf of them to do with larger legal matters and anything to do with your place in this.
Everything else went through them.
Thus, you had time to plan your next move.
It was a set out large wall, freshly painted white and you'd managed to even get it in a larger area so you had plenty of space to work.
Your only challenge was doing it during the night.
Taking inspiration from the company involved, and from the footballers, using the colours of the Estée Lauder logo, a deep blue and whites, almost like black and white portraits, monochrome but with a deep navy instead, you painted both of their images up on the wall.
This time, using entirely words for the fill in and not just certain parts.
You knew this one would take a while, but it could be done.
After the very slow process of mapping out everything, you began going over it with a layer of black paint, slowly carving each shadow, crease line, jawline, pupil shine, each piece a small word of description.
This time, the words in each of their respective native languages.
Thankfully, you had a little help with that.
Not intentional of course, getting them to create media profiles, talking about themselves in languages their fans would understand from the national team, not just English and German.
Picking up bits and pieces, and a thankfully very helpful closed captioner sitting by your side who wrote and translated everything for the videos, and yourself, for Creative Director purposes, obviously.
Words like
"Protective" For Magda
"Phenomenal" For Pernille.
And everything in between that you can put in.
But mostly one word that's resonated with you since they first got announced as a part of your club.
That was the least you could describe them as.
As much you are an artist, you felt as close to a writer as you ever would be just creating this mural.
It was a lot of work for something that would surely stir up something amongst the community.
A new sense of endearment from the locals as they fall back in love with their home team again?
Well, it's not like they ever fell out of love with them, more just needed incentive to return regular appearances at games again.
If it took hold internationally, well that's just a bonus.
It sounds like a lot of optimism coming from someone who's essentially graffiti-ing every blank white wall in the city with the faces of some people who a lot of Munich society may not even recognise, but when you've been doing this as long as you have.
Every single time one of your murals make the internet, and if you have a bit of hope that this one will make it big?
That's nobodies business but yours.
By the time you're done with the first lot of paint, you're sweating. It's a big damn wall and you aren't the most fit person you know. Hell, nearly everyone you know are either office workers or athletes.
Sure, you scale buildings, walls and nearly impossible to climb scaffolding but you damn aren't an endurance athlete.
Your grip strength may be in the high numbers but fuck being able to hang on to the same pole for a solid two hours.
That being said, the mural just needs the final touch up paint layers, little things like reinstating white shines and some shadows into the portraits.
Both faces have smiling expressions, examples of pure happiness and joy as they celebrate another win.
The best bit about working in a club like this is getting to see the players in form, on the pitch and outside of it, too.
Every moment you've gotten to witness all of the players in.
It's all come back to inspiration for your work.
You do it all for the players, for the one's who've worked as hard, if not harder than you have to get to where they are.
That's inspiration.
That's why you do what you do.
To get to witness that inspiration come to life.
So painting that into a mural is nothing if not a mere chip away at what can be shared with the world about the pure elation at seeing all of your dreams and hard work come to life.
And doing it with some of the community's most loved players also helps.
The final touch up layers come in quite nicely, taking a small break to let the other half of the paint dry before trying to paint over it.
As an artist, you don't really get to see a reveal like other people do.
Instead, the end result isn't so much of a surprise as seeing it for the first time.
You know how you want it to turn out, it's just getting it there in the first place.
You add and change little bits here and there.
Sometimes, you don't even know how its going to turn out but you still start somewhere with a general idea of where it's going.
With murals like these, there's always a game plan.
It's just easier that way.
Setting out a trace line and then going over it with the style and paint you want is how you do it.
So seeing it complete doesn't amaze you necessarily.
However, taking a step back, clearing your head and gazing over this complete mural allows you to just breathe and take it in.
It's beautiful.
And you hope the subjects take it that way, too.
Hearing a few shuffles, you tuck your mask back in a bit better, hoping no one saw you, and shove everything back into your bag hastily.
A group of adults walking by chatting and laughing makes you jump around the corner.
They don't spot you, and in the pitch dark, they don't see the mural either, only chatting away with each other.
It's in the early hours of the day that you finally make it home, again.
On your walk home, you think you spot a familiar jogging blonde across the road but don't stick around or follow to find out.
By then, you'd switched out your mask for a cap and turned inside out jacket and hiding hands in your pockets for the little flecks of paint the gloves didn't catch.
There's always some.
Your apartment isn't much farther from where you saw the blonde jogging, so when it's confirmed when all of sudden, on your way out the door for work, you see her practically sprinting home, it doesn't surprise you.
What does is the pace she's keeping.
Did she see the mural?
You didn't get much sleep if any, so you think you must be a little delusional to think she'd have found it so quickly, and then having had sprinted the whole way back again?
She's an athlete and all, but come on.
That'd be some determination.
You knew she'd been keeping an eye on the Straßengänger's next moves, but to catch on that quickly, there was no way.
But then you thought about it.
She's always been vocal about keeping a tight schedule.
Maybe they live closer than you think, and she's just on a morning run.
If that's the case, you've hit closer to home than you expected to, but it doesn't bother you so much as it does surprise you.
You'd just have to be more careful or you risk being caught, again.
Maybe being caught wouldn't be so bad if it was them.
You'd have to find out.
Pernille's eyes catch yours across the table, watching you listen intently as her girlfriend beside her rattles off lists of things that need doing for the campaign.
She'd spent so much time talking herself, that it took a little nudge from the Swede with a small knowing smile to let her take over for a bit.
The Dane was nothing if not determined, so taking charge of the campaign was more accidental that intentional.
Hell, they'd both been captains, they were both leaders.
That's why they worked so well together.
They both knew when to step in and when to step back and let the other do what they needed to do.
But something about this made her want to step in constantly.
So instead of interrupting Magda with possible interjections until she was sure her girlfriend wasn't already getting to those, she distracted herself minorly with just listening and observing.
Something drew her to you, though.
It was the passion with which you worked, the easy going but fiery steadfastness of your work, your ability, your personality.
The focus in you, the ability to talk your way around legalities and make it such a smooth process as you had.
At the moment, there was tactics of media advertisement that were being thrown around, things like videos and conferences.
Things like possible logos and sponsorship for the youth women's teams.
Those were something you would be handling with the clubs people as well, setting up possible sponsorships for the academy players and up and coming new players in the area looking to get into the game.
As well as charity donations, supporting women's shelters, donating to children's hospitals.
Everything under the sun thrown on to the table as an option.
And you took it all in stride, listening and giving small feedback but affirmations and assurances that you'd look into the options, see what you can negotiate with the business and what you could give as an option of advertisement for Estée Lauder themselves.
And they trusted you would do everything you could available to make those things happen for it.
She had no idea why she trusted you so much.
Especially when you were a business person.
They'd spent so much time being burned and run around by business people.
Not everyone was bad, but it didn't help that they were approached by people just looking for boosts for their company without doing anything in return.
The pair were never after money but god forbid they give something to something they choose.
So to finally have a company they trust on their side, and to have someone in their corner fighting with them.
It's the best feeling.
Especially when that person knows how to get it.
But there's something about you in particular.
There's a look behind your eyes.
One of genuine idolisation and passion for those with genuine belief and want to help build a better community and world of football for those who can't or need a little help themselves.
But also something else she recognises, she can't quite figure it out, but it's familiar and she almost feels safer knowing it's there.
It was a slow recognition that came to her mind over the past weeks working with you.
You weren't with them every minute of the work day, obviously, but once every couple of days was enough for her to find that familiarity.
One thing she notices is how much you fidget with your hands while working, while thinking.
It's a nervous habit, she slowly realises.
Picking at the skin of your cuticles.
Then she sees a small fleck of something, marker or ink or something.
And then it flecks off as you pick at it.
Ink wouldn't do that.
Paint would, though.
Before she can question it much further than necessary, though, Magda nudges her softly.
"All good?"
She looks up, realising the Swede had long finished talking and she'd just zoned out watching you fidget.
"Of course, right, just zoning a bit."
She says it in a small joking tone, both of them knowing well that she doesn't so well sitting still for so long.
You hum softly.
"That's completely understandable, as much as I am an office worker, I don't sit still too well, myself. Shall we take a small break? It's been a couple hours as is."
Magda nods in agreement.
"C'mon, we can head down to the campus cafeteria for some coffee?"
"Sure, I just have to head to the bathroom, I'll meet you down there?"
Nodding, the swede watches as the Dane exits before gesturing to the door.
"Join us?"
You smile.
Taking the opportunity to stretch her muscles well, the both of you wander down to the coffee stand, Magda ordering for her and Pernille, and then gestures for you to order as well.
"I'll pay for my own, it's all good."
You try to wave away the Swede but she insists.
"We've been talking your ears off all morning, the least we could do is pay for your caffeine intake to deal with it."
It's meant as a joke, but you chuckle and interject with.
"Please, I'd rather listen to you both talk all day than the work I do on a daily basis anyway."
"Oh, really, what could possibly be less interesting than us talking your ears off then?"
She nudges you, shoulder to shoulder, watching you flush a little.
"Office work, sitting all day in meetings, phone calls and constant paperwork. I've always hated sitting around like that. But that's just the half of it. I usually spend the extra time I get making promotional material and organising events for the club. As much as I'd like to focus just on the women's side of things, the board wanted me for the whole club. Creative Director and all."
You snort at the last bit.
"Not a fan of the position?"
"It's where I want to be in terms of what I can do for the club and how much I get to influence the parts I've always dreamed of being a part of but it just comes with all the bits I've always hated, too, so yes and no."
Your coffees are made and ready and by the time you've found seats, Pernille makes her way into the room, sitting in the spot on either side of you.
"Ah, babe, here."
Magda nudges the coffee towards the lighter blonde, her girlfriend thanking her, taking a sip of the coffee with a grateful sigh.
"What about the good parts, what else do you get to do for the club, I know we've read a lot, but surely there's stuff that the rest of us aren't told, am I correct?"
Sipping your coffee, you set it down again, nodding.
"It's a lot of work behind the scenes more than anything. Despite watching over a lot of the media parts, I don't see much of it myself. Only being shown the results at the end and obviously, any major parts of plans and announcements. Major brand deals, sponsorships and I get asked to do a lot of the men's organisational parts of their promotional as well, apparently they couldn't get anybody else to do it one persons job. It's a lot. But it's what I do best."
"Tell us about your favourite parts."
Pernille's the one to speak up.
"Actually, working with you, the players is my favourite part, I don't get to do it a lot, but when I do, you guys are the best people I get to work with, most of the time because you guys act like you're all human, not like the others. Not saying they aren't or that I don't get on well with them, because I do, especially my assistant and anyone I work closely with but they're just too professional, like they don't have too much of their own input to put in. I know I'm their boss, but I like hearing people talk about their own passions."
Pausing for a moment, you scratch at the back of your hand, something Pernille notes immediately.
"Actually, you guys are probably the best I've worked with so far."
You hum, nodding.
"You are both passionate, easy to talk with, understand what's going on and how to navigate situations like this. Dealing with legalities ninety percent of the time is left up to me and me alone, which is fair enough, not everyone has the patience, time or want to deal with it, but it's refreshing seeing both of you be able to keep up with all of this. You're both incredibly intelligent, analytical and passionate and it's a relief to work with more than anything. That's why I was so eager to accept your proposal for the project."
They both grin.
"We're glad to have made this process smoother, then."
"More than anything, you guys have made my job easier than it's ever been."
Chuckling you clink your coffee with the others and take another sip in cheers.
"What about you both?"
They both look at you confused.
"Well, since we're getting our answers from the sources, I wanna know, what drives you both, why this? I've heard it through so many third parties, I want to know why you're both so involved."
"Well considering we've both loved football our entire lives, grew up playing it, found clubs we love. The whole nine yards."
"You make it sound like you haven't done what ninety-nine percent of others have never done themselves."
"That's exactly why we do what we do, to help others who can't but deserve it more than anything to do the same, achieve their dreams, show the world what they're made of."
"Yeah, Magda's pretty much said it all, there. We do what we do because we want other's to know how much they can achieve and also helping them get there. Women most of all. In more than half the world, women were banned for fifty years from playing, which I'm sure you know, and Women's Football needs the boost."
"I love that."
You take another sip of your coffee.
"It's amazing what you both have done in and out for women as a community and for growing stars in the game, not only that but everything you both do for World Crisis', support of the people suffering from war, hunger, major issues. Especially those who struggle with sexuality and not being able to be who they are."
"We just want to help, that's something we especially love hearing back about it all, is that people are finally comfortable in their own skin."
"You're doing a damn good job, then."
You continue talking like that for a good long while, letting them both talk about everything they've done over the years.
Eventually, it quietens, and you check the time.
Glancing down at your watch, you urge them back up to the conference office once again.
"Shall we get back to work, ladies?"
In all of a few hours, you manage to set up a gameplan for the next two weeks of work before they have to head off to internationals, leaving you with something to do in the meantime.
A few times throughout those couple of hours, you catch Pernille watching you fidget with your hands.
You aren't totally sure why for a few minutes but then you notice it's only when you start picking at the impossible to keep off you flecks of spray paint.
It seems luck was not on your side in that moment because the moment Magda steps out of the room to go to the bathroom, she points it out.
"Much of painter?"
Freezing, you look up at the woman from your notebook.
She points to where you're yet again scratching at your hand.
"Just the paint you're picking off, you paint a lot?"
"Ah, a little, just getting into it actually. It's just something I do in my free time but damn is it messy."
"Oh, you should show us some of the stuff you do sometime."
Nodding, you take a sip of the water beside you.
You know the paint will get you caught one day, but spray paint is the glitter of the paint world.
It's impossible to keep off places you don't want it to be.
Then Magda enters the room and the conversation is over.
Thankfully, it feels like she's backed off you a bit, but you aren't confident it won't come back to bite you later.
Towards the end of it, Magda is scrolling on her phone as you type out some of the final pieces of information, ready to be sent off to the project managers on the partners end.
Noting the way she suddenly zones in on one particular post, you see with a glance her way, her liking and sharing a post about your newest work.
She doesn't seem surprised to see it, though, like it isn't new to her, the way she doesn't attempt to show Pernille even.
She definitely already saw it, as to whether she'd caught it this morning was another question.
You don't bring it up, though.
Instead, you continue typing and eventually, finish it with some wording changes at the request of the girls, and send it off.
"Annnnd we're done for the day, is there anything else we want done before you both head off to internationals? If you do have something come up later on, you're both welcome to call or message me directly and I can put it down to be done?"
They both shake their heads.
"Excellent, then I'll let you both head off, I can't imagine you aren't both sick of sitting for so long, rest up, and we'll talk later when the rep gets back to us."
Shaking both of their hands, they thank you profusely again and exit together.
Taking the moment to breathe finally, you look down at your hands, still little bits and pieces of flecked white and black paint, you groan to yourself, head falling into your hands.
"That was too fucking close, L/n. Get it together."
Luckily, they wouldn't be around to catch you any time in the next couple of weeks, you'd have plenty of time to do other stuff.
They weren't the ones you worry about catching you though, in fact, if it weren't for the face to face implications of it, you'd almost want them to know, but you can't let that happen yet.
It's the media, who'd have a field day at finding out the club's leading Creative Director is secretly a graffiti artist and the cause of the city's whispers, that you're worried about most.
You can only keep a low profile.
You've been getting cocky the past few weeks.
Now's the time to lay low.
Maybe put out a few smaller, less football focused art pieces, too.
Draw the attention away.
As much as you'd praised the attention, bring in too much of it and all of it collapses in on you.
Maybe one more mural before they go, though.
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soaringwide · 5 months
PAC: What's next in your love life?
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Here is my love ahead spread, where we're going to look into what is coming for you in your love life, having singles or people in non-committed or early stages of the relationship in mind.
The reading doesn't contain any info on gender or orientation.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people, there are only 3 piles, so it might not apply 100% to you. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
I'm available for private readings and have a ko-fi. Free readings are currently closed at the time of writing this.
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Cards: 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, Judgement, the Tower, Knight of Wands, 8 of Swords, the Sun, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups
We'll start by looking at your current situation regarding your love life.
It seems something has been growing in your love life for a while now. I'm thinking the early stages of a relationship or a crush situation. Zooming out, the growth seems steady, but it's possible that it wasn't so smooth when you look at it on the day to day. Some days might have felt like take 2 steps backward, and the next day you would move forward again. As a result you might be loosing your patience a little, ignoring the fact that things are indeed moving forward, even though not as fast as you want them to, or not exactly the way you want them to. You're eagerly waiting for things to take up speed and finally reach some type of harvest that you've been craving for. I also see you as somewhat passive, waiting for something to happen on its own. You're not necessarily taking any decisive action, but rather going with the flow of things and observing your relationship build slowly. Overall you feel quite impatient.
With the 7 of Cups in the position of things going for you, I think you have a tendency to get lost in your daydreams and illusions, regarding love and love interests. However, you're fully aware of that and actively de-fogging the whole thing. I see you trying to remain realistic and not too much in your head. I think that's a process that you had to learn the hard way. You're learning to pick up on the truth and discard the lies, which is quite painful and not a growth that happens in a straight line. Inside all this mess, there are nuggets of wisdom you're determined to find. It's like, either it helps you clear the way for this specific relationship, or it just makes you a healthier human, which is a win win situation.
However for what's going against you, I think you still have a tendency to put the blame on others instead of understanding that the current situation is your doing. If you're unsatisfied with the pace of things, you have choices. You can either wait and find peace in that, or move on to pursue something else. Whatever it is, don't wallow in misery because you feel frustrated and let resentment boil within you against your person, yourself, or the situation. What I'm trying to say is that you're refusing to make the call and pick a path to follow with determination, and instead you keep going back and forth in your head and creating a terrible emotional state for yourself. If you keep waiting for a sign in a passive and hopeless way, things will not change.
For what to take in in this situation, I see the need for a big wake up call with the Tower. I know this card has a bad rep but I think here it's mostly an indication of the intensity of the shift you need to do. It is paired with the Knight of Wands which is a clear indication that you need to take the reign and pursue what you want, taking a risk that things might collapse as a result. Welcome illusions being stripped away, let go of lies and take the risk to reveal your true self.
I asked for a clarification and got the 8 of Swords, which shines light on this state you need to wake up from: the fact that you keep yourself in a state of powerlessness when you have the means to cut your bonds. Really, this state of stagnancy is your doing and you need to own up to the fact and get out of that hole. Whatever you decide to do, you need to shake things up drastically and take a more active part in your love life.
What you need to release with the Sun, I get the idea that you're a bit too childish and immature when it comes to love matters, or at least in this situation. The card shows a child on a horse, but unlike the knight of wands who is in full control of his mount, the sun-child is merely waving his arms around and not doing much. It looks quite comical and does not embody a serious partner one might want to pursue. So I'm getting again the idea of the need to be more serious and committed, and releasing this naive mindset that things are going to fall on your lap without you doing anything at all.
For the most probably outcome in this situation, with the Four of Wands I was drawn to look up the astrological correspondence of the card and I got Venus in Aries, which is quite funny since Venus is currently in Aries until April 29th 2024 (writing this on the 23rd). I don't necessarily think this means everyone will find an outcome within the next few days, however, it does point out at changes happening presently, or as a direct result of this Venus in Aries season. Which again puts the idea of acting and stop wasting time.
It's also fun because it points at a very fiery approach to love, much like what the Knight of Wands was suggesting. Instead of worrying whether they love you or not, whether you should move on or not, you're being advised to go and find out. With the 4 of Wands as this placement in the tarot, there is an idea of celebration and coming together. The characters on the card are inviting, as if to welcome you in their circle, or hinting at a festive event or a gathering. A positive outcome is definitely possible, and if not, it's the opportunity to move on from heartache and find a better future with your heart unburdened.
The underlying energy is presented by the Ace of Cups, which definitely speaks of an exciting time for romantic feelings, where feelings are being birthed and coming to light. There is opportunity for a renewal in this connection.
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Cards: The Devil, the Lovers, the Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords, 8 of Wands, 9 of Cups, the Fool 10 of Cups, 2 of Wands, 6 of Swords, 3 of Cups, 3 of Wands
We'll start by looking at your current situation regarding your love life.
With the Devil as you current situation, it is possible that you're crushing on someone or are in a non-committed relationship with someone that is loaded with sexual energy. However, it also points at an obsessive dynamic in the relationship which fosters an unhealthy atmosphere. It is clarified by the Lovers and the Queen of Swords, so I think there might be someone in this relationship hoping for love, and someone with their walls up, appearing cold and distant, even if there is physical intimacy at play here. It's also possible that the one interested in committed love doesn't respect their own boundaries and let themselves being stringed along.
As to what's going for you, I see you embracing clarity and the desire to cut through bullshit at this point. A part of you wants to reach the truth of this situation and is willing to think about it deeply. Get your sense of agency back by either communicating your needs and fears or by taking the time by yourself to work on that. It's clarified by the 8 of Wands so I see quick communication, heated arguments perhaps but it's for the best because you need to get to the core of the issue.
For what's going against you, I see you clinging onto the good aspects of this relationship, as in, it's not perfect but there's enough pleasurable aspects to it that you don't want to let go of that. You're protective of what you have and I also see you being a bit too carefree by pretending the negative aspects of this situation don't affect you that much, that everything is find and good, even though it isn't. You might be a bit of a hopeless romantic and you just don't want to see that this situation is not bringing you the true happiness that you seek but rather putting you in a unstable and potentially threatening situation. I don't know how to put it but with this + the Devil as significator for this relationship I get toxic vibes from this, but that you're too addicted to it to really snap out of it.
What you need to take in is shown by the 10 of Cups, and I think here it means that you need to find hope again that you're deserving of true and untainted happiness in matters of love. This card is about commitment and romantic, even familial fulfillment, and I think it's important to remember that if that's what you want then you can't settle for less because then you'll never get what your heart truly desires. This card is here to remind you of your dream, stop settling for less and suffocating your true wish.
You need to release your hope that the situation will solve itself without making a choice. I get the idea that you keep imagining how things could be, or would be if X or Y happened, but you're not taking the necessary step towards your wish.
All of this is highlighted by the general energy of the reading, which is all about going back to decision making after a time of hesitation. It's going to be your role to know which decision you need to make and how though, but you need to leave the harbor at some point.
For the outcome of this situation, I see you moving on to better days, letting go of this situation that doesn't fulfill you and going through a very social phase where you're going to either form new connections, or get back in touch with friends and celebrate your newfound freedom. It seems this decision of moving on will bring you a lot more happiness than sorrow. Yes it is painful to let go, but you have much to gain, and seeking different social interactions will help you feel better and get back on track. Perhaps it would help to find the humor in the situation and have fun gossiping about this relationship with your friends in order to vent and get another perspective.
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Cards: Wheel of Fortune, the Fool, 3 of Cups, 9 of Cups, Ace of Swords rx, 9 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Temperance, 10 of Swords, the High Priestess, 9 of Swords
First off, let's look at your current love life.
For this pile, I don't think there is anyone specific in the picture for you. I see two possible situations depending on the people. Some of you might have experienced a breakup and are now in your new chapter, having left behind that situation and being past that; for others, I see you waiting for a relationship to show up eventually like some big turn of events. In both cases, you have a very open and carefree attitude right now, enjoying the moment and I get the idea that you might be enjoying casual sex as well, for some of you at least. In any case, you are currently not bound to anyone.
For what's going for you, I see you being social, meeting new people or enjoying time with friends. You're just enjoying yourself and your freedom and it's what you feel called to do right now. It seems you really needed to go through that phase in order to feel happier with yourself and find your balance again.
For what's going against you, I see the idea of casual, or at least, superficial connections showing up once more. You might also not be super ready to get into a committed relationship at the moment because you still feel the need to enjoy your freedom and have either multiple partners, or you just want to enjoy your social life without having to compromise or divide the limited time you have in your hands for one person only. I also see that you lack clarity on what you want. Is a committed relationship really what you want, or do you want to keep what you have right now? And if a relationship is what you want, what would it look like? I think you need to take some time reflecting on what romantic happiness looks like to you to see if it aligns with what you're doing.
For what you need to welcome in, there is a message here of reminding yourself that love is not just about sex and intensity, but also about sweetness and complicity. Looking up to your partner because you find them incredible, because they make you feel like a giggly child you can be your true self with. I also see the need to value true and deep emotional connection. There is a need to be the guardian of your fulfillment, not in a warroir-like way, but rather, in a nurturing way. Be the gardener that takes care of their blooming plants with love and care, and by that I mean that you need to put in the energy of what you want to harvest in the future, not just what's easily available in the moment. You also need to be more independent and advocate for your needs.
It's is very important to make way before you can receive anything new. Which means that you need to get clear on what it is that you truly want and release what doesn't align with that. Perhaps you're also quite detached and would benefit from getting in touch with your deeper emotions again. I think you've somewhat been hiding your heavier emotions inside and ignoring them for a while now and that might be what needs to be released.
For outcome, I think there is a deep need for realizing the options you have to choose from regarding your love life, and really take a look at what you truly want. I think this very social phase will come to an end for now, that you will be more focused on yourself and your inner world. This may trigger intense negative feelings that you were ignoring up until now because you were distracting yourself from them. You may need to hit the bottom before you can rise again, but fear not because from there, the only way to go is up. Learn to look for answers within, I think this time has the opportunity to teach you a lot about yourself and help your grow as a person and to gain clarity on your life.
I also wanted to note that there is a striking lack of Wands in this reading, which to me indicates that the main point of work in your situation is not so much taking actions, but processing thoughts and emotions to get clear on what you want and how to get there. A time for self reflection and growth is coming up.
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hkthatgffan · 1 month
Hey! You seem like a huge *Gravity Falls* fan, so I was hoping you could answer some of my biggest questions about morality in the show. Since the release of *The Book of Bill* (which I’ve read), do you think Bill could ever be redeemed or seen sympathetically? Is there a possibility for him to get better and maybe even have a happy ending?
I ask this because I see a lot of fans saying, "He's awful," or "He deserves everything coming to him a thousandfold," and "Don't sympathize with him!" But then I watch the show, and I see characters like Gideon Gleeful and Robbie who were also problematic—they did terrible things but still got happy endings.
I know Gideon went to jail, but he broke out and ultimately had a positive resolution. Robbie, for example, tried to brainwash Wendy into a romantic relationship (which is super messed up!). Even though it didn’t work, and Wendy only dated him because she thought he wrote her that song, Robbie knew what the CD was supposed to do. But instead of facing real consequences, he just went through a breakup and still ended up with a happy ending, with friends and a new girlfriend.
As for Gideon, he tried to kill Dipper, manipulate Mabel, and invade the entire town’s privacy—basically doing some of the same things Bill did. Yet, after going to jail and making a last-minute turn toward good, he still got a happy ending.
So I’m super confused. What should I be feeling? Is there a correct way to view these characters? What do you think?
Bill at his core is the personification of denial. We see in the book that the harbours some regret and hatred for what he's done to the people around him but he refuses to try and take it to heart and use it as a point to grow from. I mean, look at what he did.
He killed his entire dimension and family and yet tries to deny it was anything bad and that in fact he liberated them. He manipulated and almost destroyed Ford and yet denies ruining the friendship they had. He tried to kill Dipper and Mabel and yet acts like it was nothing. Bill is unsympathetic. He's a narcissistic sociopath who doesn't wanna admit it.
The difference with Robbie and Gideon is that they changed and grew past their issues. Robbie tbh was more so being a literal teen drama story while Gideon was made that way through his exposure to Journal 2 and how that corrupted him. Once both found a new lease on life, they were able to grow and become better.
Bill is not that. He cannot accept that he's not fine and that he's the sole survivor of his kind and has pushed everyone he knew out of his life through his own actions. We've all probably dealt with people like Bill Cipher. Be it a person, co-worker, significant other, friend, family member, etc. We've all had that person who acts full of themselves and manipulatively but in reality is suffering. But because of how they act and their refusal to do anything, you start to lose any sympathy or interest in helping or being there and just let them go. Congrats...you just escaped a toxic relationship.
As someone who has dealt with Bill Ciphers in my life like many of us probably have, it's easy to feel sympathy for him. Bill make his case out as such that you wanna feel like he deserves better. But he's a trillion year old being that has been doing the same thing over and over again and refuses to make an effort to move on and let himself accept what he did to his dimension and to people around him like Ford.
Ford on the other hand realized that and cut Bill out of his life. He's doing better now because of that and has his family by his side. Ford is an example of how to move on from such toxic situations and people and find happiness in your life again after that. Bill is the example of what happens if you can't.
Life is short. We all will die one day. We all deserve to lead a life free of people like Bill Cipher in it. The best thing we can do is follow Ford and find the people in life that make us happy and let go of Bill.
So, to answer your question, NO!
I don't think Bill Cipher can be redeemed or seen in a sympathetic way. He tried to. But he's shown even in the Theraprism that he can't. He's doomed to live forever with the shit he's done. And it's his own fault.
Bill can say he's fine but in the end...he's not. And he never will be. There is no redemption for Bill Cipher.
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justyouraverage-simp · 5 months
she's in good hands// t.s, s.r
pairing: steve rogers x reader (romantic), tony tark x daughter!reader (platonic)
warnings: tony being a bit of a douche to steve, tooth rotting happy relationships
summary: tony was very protective of everyone he cared about but his daughter meant the most to him out of anyone so when he has to face the music that shes growing up he finds it hard to accept especially when it comes to boys but not just any boy captain america
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*gif not mine*
Y/N swore she could never love anyone as much as she loved her dad, he was the only man she needed in her life. The two were peas in a pod, they were best friends and after Y/N got her heart broken who was there to pick up the pieces? Her dad.
Everyone swore Tony wouldn't be a present father, that he would send his child off the first chance he got. Just like his parents did to him. But Tony used that to be better, he became the worlds best dad at least in Y/N's eyes and to him that's all that mattered.
When the avengers were formed they all was told to keep their hands to themselves when it came to Y/N. No one risked to see where the line was because Tony had never been so passionate about something in his life. His little girl (although she is now 24, she will always be the little girl he used to play tea parties with and dress up with her like princesses) was his world, she saved him when he lost his parents, she gave him a reason to keep going and he will always protect her.
What Tony wasn't prepared for was her getting to the age where she was interested in boys and becoming more curious about them and her feelings. She didn't have a mother figure in life really other than Pepper then eventually Nat became an auntie/ older sister to her, so it was down to him to teach her everything and it was the first time Pepper had seen Tony unsure of himself.
Y/N went through her fair share of rough relationships, the worst being a three year relationship that ended with her being cheated on. Tony was furious seeing his girl crying over someone. She swore to him she was done with men, that he was the only man for her, the only one she needed. She was happy being single and free. That was until 2011 when she met Steve Rogers.
Y/N and Steve both agreed to keep the relationship a secret to start with so the two could find their footing without the whole world watching their every move. And also so they could work out how to tell Tony without putting him or Steve into an early grave.
"Hey, how would you feel about telling my dad about us?" Y/N said looking up at Steve who had his arm draped over her shoulder as they cuddled into the sofa.
"As long as you want to I'll do whatever you want sweetheart you know that" Steve says.
"I know I'm just nervous"
"I know you are but we love each other right?"
"So your dad will see that and how he hasn't noticed yet I don't know but we will show him that I'm not like the others" Steve says placing a kiss onto Y/N's forehead.
It was a few hours later and Jarvis had made Y/N and Steve aware Tony was back from his mission with Nat and Clint. Everyone meet in the living room to welcome the three back when Tony looked up at his daughter suspiciously.
"Why are you being weird?" Tony says bluntly.
"Wow nice to see you too dad"
"Honey you know what I mean, your quiet and your not as happy to see me" "I just need to talk to you when you get a minute"
"You can talk to me whenever you need, I'm your dad"
"In private please?"
Tony and Y/N walk to her bedroom, Steve following behind sneakily to be there for Y/N.
"What's going on kiddo"
"I'm just going to come out and say it" Y/N says running a finger through her hair "I'm dating Steve"
"As in Captain America?"
"No Steve from down the road, yes Captain America"
Steve takes this a time to walk through the door and wraps his hand over Y/N's.
"No" Tony says quickly
"No?" Steve says "What do you mean no?"
"I mean nope, not happening, over my dead body. How else do you want me to say it, I can say it in another language if that helps you Cap"
"Dad, I wasn't asking you if I can, I'm telling you because I don't want to hide him. I want to hold his hand or sit next to him on the sofa without having too worry someone will catch on. I want you to be able to accept that I'm not your little girl anymore I've grown up" Y/N says getting more annoyed at her dad.
Seeing how passionate his daughter is makes him realise she loves Steve, not in the same way she loves Tony but the way he loves Pepper. It made him realise he will always be the man who taught her what to expect from men, to not accept anything less than 100%. Steve however he showed her what 100% is, he showed her the meaning of true love. He chose her and he would risk everything to make sure she knew how much she loved him.
Tony looked between the two of them "Rogers promise me something?"
"Yeah Tony?" Steve says unsure of what he's signing up for.
"Promise me you'll look after my girl, she's my world and if you hurt her I will not be held responsible for what happens"
"I promise, I will always protect her and I will always do what's right by her" Steve says looking down at Y/N lovingly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
"Just because I know your together doesn't mean the PDA can come out thank you very much" Tony says as he leaves Y/N's bedroom shacking his head.
That evening Y/N is cuddled back up to Steve on the sofa dozing off slightly as the Avengers all have a movie night which was tradition when someone came back from a mission.
"Tony I'm surprised you haven't blasted Steve to another planet for touching Y/N" Nat says looking over at the two.
"Nope, she's in good hands and I'm okay with that" Tony says as he watches Steve admire his girl sleeping.
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Lee Know x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Lee Know become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (11,1k words)
Author's note: Happy reading and feel free to vent in my inbox after :)
Content warning: This is entirely a work of fiction and not affiliated with real Too Hot To Handle show.
MINHO: I'm a dancer. I sometimes model too. I have some moves [shows off dances] but I don't need any to get it on with someone. My face does all the work [smirks] I was born with it. Why? Are you jealous? [Lopsided grins]
Minho feels like hurling his pillow across the room when he hears that melodic chime.
"Good morning, everyone!"
He forces himself to wake up and sits on the bed, covering half of his face with the duvet. He doesn't want to look see you and gets reminded that you chose to sleep with someone else but it's hard when you're right there in front of him.
MINHO: If I didn't like her, I wouldn't be this upset.
"No one broke the rules last night, right?" Bryan asks, worrying so much about the money that he forgets about the lady sitting next to him.
Zara slumps down the bed and picks on her nails, she surely won't be answering him because nothing happened between them.
"I heard you guys," Agnes turns her head in your direction.
"Heard what?" You ask with an innocent smile.
Agnes flashes you a sly smile, "something was going on last night," she wildly guesses.
You scoff and break into a dry laugh, turning to Jack to make him answer it for you.
He clears his throat before calmly answering, "Nah, nothing happens."
Jack moves like a snake. It's only yesterday that he sneakily kissed two girls in one night, not afraid of going against two guys at once. One thing he learned is that a calm face of Jack could be a lie.
He can't listen to what Lana is saying when he's focused on seeing you playing with Jack's hair. He takes it that you're trying to make him jealous.
Well, if that's a game you want to play with him, just know that you're playing a tricky one.
MINHO: It would be a lie to say that I wouldn't be upset if she did break another rule with Jack. Am I going to tell her that? No.
Minho spends the morning doing his upper body workout with Jai. There's no gym equipment that he usually uses for his routine but he'll manage with some dumbbells.
"Who would have thought, huh?"
Was Minho too busy controlling his breathing to hear him talking or Jai just asked him something without giving him the context?
He drops the dumbbell and glances his way, "What were you saying?"
Jai also stops doing squats while holding a dumbbell between his legs, "Who would have thought that Jack is going to be our competitor?" He says as he's catching his breath.
Minho feels repulsed even at the mention of his name. He's not interested in giving an opinion on Jack but he only realized now that he's working out with another guy who went through the same thing with him.
"He's so slick," Jai says, then carefully puts down his dumbbell back in its place.
"Fucking dude got game," he adds.
That's what pissed him off too. He didn't expect that guy would ever dare to touch his ego but he did, Minho just won't admit it.
Minho picks a heavier dumbbell from the rack, "How are things with Agnes?"
Jai wipes the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, "I appreciated it that she was being honest to me about her feelings afterward but I—"
He catches his breath to continue talking, "I need to play it safe for now."
Minho nods and sits on the concrete to cool down with the help of the cool morning air blowing from the sea. Jai is following suit and takes off his top as his body is wet with sweat.
"What about last night though?" Jai asks back, leaning back with his hands propped behind him.
"It was tense, mate. Everyone was on the edge," he lightly chuckles while looking out at the beach.
To be honest, he shouldn't be asking this to him because it's you who chooses to sleep with someone else so Minho nonchalantly shrugs.
Jai scratches his chin, "Have you tried having another conversation with her?"
Minho shakes his head, "I need time," he concisely explains.
"You're not sure about her or... you're not sure about your feelings for her?"
That is such a profound question that Minho is frazzled, he doesn't know how to answer that. It's too early to say he has feelings but he does feel something.
"I miss her," Minho innocently admits.
He shakes the front of his sleeveless top to let the air in, "but the way she acts... I'm not okay with that."
Jai briefly looks at him and nods, "That's fair."
MINHO: I need time and see things through [shrugs]
Drops of water are dripping down his body as Minho walks back to the house after having a quick dip at the beach to wash the sweat from working out.
He doesn't expect to see you sitting by the pool with Jack swimming not far away from you, chatting.
"....the blue?" You ask.
"The color matches the sky," Jack says.
Minho believes he's complimenting the bikini you're wearing today, one piece with sky blue color and thin straps crisscrossing on the back.
"You too. You look good today," you compliment back.
"Oh, thank you," Jack answers, flashing a quick look at Minho as he walks past behind you.
His dislike grows more intense with the way Jack is toying with his ego and he hates it even more because you choose to be on his side.
Minho wishes that everyone just leave him alone but that is impossible because he's not the boss in this house. He puts on anything he packed with him, a black shirt and blue jeans.
The night hasn't started but it's worse already. When he walks into the bedroom, he sees you again with Jack on the bed, just talking with Agnes, Jai, and Luca from their beds.
Minho is about to turn on his feet and walk out until the cone in the middle of the room lights up and dings.
"Hello, everyone!"
"Yes, Lana!" Agnes lazily replies to her, dropping her head on Jai's shoulder.
"Please assemble in the cabana!"
Minho wastes no time but be the first to head there, telling Zara and Bryan whom he met on the way. It's certainly that time of the day when Lana is going to announce rule breaks.
Everyone takes a seat at the long sofa and Minho sits at the farthest end, away from you.
"Jack, did you dare some girls to kiss you today?" Luca jokes.
Jack only grins in response and Minho wishes he didn't care but God, his blood is boiling.
MINHO: If they did break a rule, then... there's nothing I can do anymore to save it.
Here comes the melodic chimes and Alia gasps next to him.
"I have some news," Lana announces.
Bryan takes a deep breath, then says, "Let's hear it!"
"Last night, there was an incident of sexual contact," Lana shares.
His eyes dart in your direction because the first thing that crosses his mind is that you did break a rule with Jack.
"Oh... who is it?" Alia quietly asks.
Everyone starts to assume that it's you as well since Agnes pointed it out this morning.
"We didn't rule break," you assure everyone.
Jack doesn't say anything but points at Lana, "You guys won't trust me anyway so I'll just let Lana speak," he coyly says.
Minho didn't do anything therefore he shouldn't be this anxious. However, Lana has been quiet for a moment, probably giving everyone a chance to confess anything.
He sees you taking a long, deep breath when Lana calls your name then Jack.
A part of him wishes he can get this thing over with so he can move on but another part of him wishes that it's not true. The latter part is bigger than the other, to be honest.
"They did..."
Minho silently holds his breath, nervous for what's to come. Starting over with someone new is not a bad thing but
"... not break any rules last night," Lana finally continues.
It's like he can finally breathe properly again and he glances your way, seeing you giving everyone the I-told-you-so smile.
MINHO: They didn't lose any money so yeah... [smiles] that's good.
"However," Lana suddenly adds.
"There was another incident that violated the rules."
Minho is still caught up on the previous announcement that he's unaware that someone else has broken the rules instead, not you.
"These things always come out so better fess up," Alia says, craning her neck to look around and scan for any guilty faces.
Minho catches Jai is quietly grinning and the last time he grinned, thousands of dollars lost from the prize fund.
"You're grinning," Minho points out.
"Jai..." Bryan calls him like a father who catches his children doing something bad.
"No, I'm good," Jai says with a crisp laugh and he may have covered his lie well.
Meanwhile, Agnes is uneasily rubbing her neck and sheepishly smiling at her lap.
"Agnes, you have something to say?" Zara asks.
Agnes can only keep her face straight for a second before it crumbles down, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeatedly apologizes.
Jai quickly does damage control, "It happened not long ago. In the shower. We got a bit carried," he butchered the sentences.
"Just tell us what you did!" Bryan impatiently says.
"I gave him a handy," Agnes shyly answers.
Minho can hear Alia groan next to him and everyone else mutters so many things at once but shows the same sheer disgust.
"This rule break has resulted in $8,000 being deducted from the prize fund."
What they did is selfish but Minho understands that Jai got that urge, he even shared with him earlier that his balls hurt so much that he needs a release.
An intrusive thought pops in his head and Minho's urge is to speak his intrusive thoughts out.
He looks at Jai and asks, "Did you finish though?"
"We were showering together and I just sort of touched it, then I realized that we shouldn't do it," Agnes answers for him.
"We lost money and you still have blue balls," Luca lays out the facts for everyone.
MINHO: That's the most expensive hand job I've ever heard and he didn't even climax [sniggers]
"The prize fund now stands at $150,000," Lana updates.
Bryan's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he heard it. He rubs his chin and inhales air through his nostrils.
"We spent $50,000 in three days," he says.
It's scarier when he says it with a blank expression, it's his big posture that adds suspense to his words. Minho is smart enough to know to never pick a fight with him.
"There has been a total of eight rule breaks. Jai and Agnes have been responsible for half of these breaches," Lana continues.
"Wow!" Zara exclaims on behalf of everyone.
"Jai and Agnes," Lana calls.
Their faces turn tense at the mention of their names.
"To show me you are committed to the process. I am putting you both to the ultimate test."
Agnes covers her eyes as if that would help her to escape reality, "Oh my God!" She mutters, so full of worries.
"In order to pass, you need to demonstrate self-control and show you can form a real connection without breaking my rules."
"Oh, no!" Jack groans as he reclines on the sofa.
"Therefore, you will spend the night alone in the private suite."
Opposite to Agnes's distressed expression, Jai just can't stop grinning, it seems like he's going to enjoy having a room just for themselves.
"There's no way!" Bryan is so quick to judge that they will fail the test.
MINHO: Well, I'm with Bryan on this one.
"If you refrain from breaking the rules, I'll put $20,000 back in the prize fund," Lana adds as a form of encouragement for them to not break any rules.
Everyone is cheering but Minho still doubts that they will make it through the night without touching each other. They broke rules with everyone in the room so what makes everyone think that they will not break any rules when it's just the two of them in the room together?
"One more reason to not spend money!" Luca says.
Bryan leans forward and looks at them, "Just don't do anything. That's it!" He warns them.
Minho looks around and it seems like he's not the only one thinking that they'll spend money tonight.
"Jai and Agnes, please make your way to the private suite!" Lana orders.
"We will not do anything," Jai promises to everyone before turning around to leave, not forgetting to flash his sly grin.
MINHO: No [shakes head] I don't trust that grin.
The night is still long but with Lana sending Jai and Agnes to the private suite and probably would cost everyone more money than giving them back, everyone is too restless to enjoy the rest of the night.
Minho is enjoying the quiet and the faint sounds of the waves crashing from afar when he feels someone else sitting down next to him on the small sofa.
He turns his head to the side to see you're smiling at him.
"Hi, how are you?" You ask, shifting your body to the side to face him.
Minho smiles back at you, "good," he replies.
You put your legs up and fold them together, "I get why you're upset and I'm sorry," you say with a sincere apology.
You grab his hand resting along the headrest of the sofa and put his hand in yours, "but now you know that I don't like Jack that way. He doesn't get me excited but you do."
You lean in close but keep a safe space between your face, "You turn me on, not Jack."
Minho can't help but feel flattered to hear it. People get flirty with him all the time but he likes how you're forthright and open.
"Duh!" You answer with a dramatic eye roll.
MINHO: I'm glad she understands why I was so upset and I don't see why we can't move on from this.
Minho snickers at you and you slyly smile at him, "You don't need more time, you need to get back on the bed with me," you tell him.
Last night was weird, to be honest, Minho knows that Alia has something for him but she's not exactly sharing the bed with him by choice.
You put your leg over his leg, rubbing your heeled feet against his thigh, "Come on, don't you miss cuddling with me?" You ask with your eyes sparkling and your eyebrows downturn, a combination that works well to make him can't say no to it.
Minho nods with a suppressed smile on his face.
Your smile grows wider, "Tonight?"
He verbally answers it this time, "Yes."
The next thing he knows, you throw yourself at him and kiss his neck. You pull away to look at him and mewl, "I want to kiss you so much."
And he wants the same thing.
You probably think he doesn't care but oftentimes, he can't help himself but look at you, especially with you dressed so impeccably in a skin-tight dress that enhances every curve of your body.
"Why not?" He asks you since you didn't hesitate to kiss him the first time you broke a rule.
You make eyes to the cone perched on top of the small table, silently watching everything in the corner.
"How about we put her into a box and send her to the open sea?" Minho suggests a wild idea, sending you bursts into laughter.
MINHO: She's so hot. I just want to kiss her.
It seems like you already told Jack about the bed situation. Minho would love to evict him out of the bed himself but alas, he's already tucked in with Alia.
He throws the extra cushions to the floor and puffs each pillow to make it comfortable to sleep on. He must admit that it feels good to claim his place back.
Minho is listening to everyone chatting about random things from their respective beds when the door swings open and he sees you coming. You squeal as you jump right onto the bed next to him.
It's so cute seeing you excited for a simple thing like this, he gets the impression that you do like him more than he thinks you are.
You spread his arm out to rest your head on it and snuggle to his side, "Isn't it nice, mmh?"
Without looking at you, he replies with a hum, "mmh."
The hand resting on his chest moves to his neck, and then you slip it into his hair, gently brushing it between your fingers.
"At first, I thought this is your real hair color," your warm breath tickles his ear as you speak.
"Orange suits you well," you compliment with a sweet kiss on the cheek, then place another kiss on a different spot.
Mischievous, he turns his head to the side and offers you his lips next. You giggle and turn his head away, but he keeps turning his head at you with puckering lips.
"No more spending!" Bryan reminds everyone the second the lights are turned off.
You face the other way, probably to stop yourself from being tempted to rule break.
Minho has another idea, frankly, he has a lot of ideas but they're all against the rules. First, he puts his hand on your waist and pulls you close until your body molds against him.
He puts his hand across your chest and slowly puts his hand around your neck, turning your head to the side so he can look at your face.
He teases you by rubbing his lips on your jaw and softly places a kiss on the skin behind your ear. He presses his mouth close to your neck and stays there, drinking in your heavenly scent.
You catch up fast on his intention and lowly laugh, "We can't break another rule," you tell him.
That only makes him drag his lips back on your jaw again, there's not much you can do when he can angle your head with his hand around your neck.
You stifle a breath as his lips are hovering dangerously close to your lips, you hurriedly move your head away.
"Technically speaking, I'm only one rule break away from Lana sending us to the private suite," you explain.
He smirks with his lips against the side of your face, "even better!"
MINHO: The things I want to do to her in the private suite [smirks] I think we'd leave the retreat with a huge debt.
Lana chimes the first thing in the morning.
"Good morning, everyone!" She greets.
Minho refuses to wake up and pulls the duvet to cover his face. The day has barely started but he feels tired already, he believes it's because his mental has been perpetually put in tests in this retreat.
"The breakfast menu today includes toast and freshly squeezed juice."
You delightfully hum in response, "Sounds yum!"
"Served with a side of celibacy. Enjoy!" Lana adds a snide remark at the end.
"She got a bit of lip on her today, eh?" Jack says.
Which reminds Minho to look to the side and see you. He can't lie but he likes waking up next to you again. You hold his face as you place a soft peck on his cheek before lifting yourself to sit with your back against the headboard of the bed.
Minho scoots to you and puts his head on your lap, letting you play with his tousled hair.
"Who else thinks that Jai and Agnes messed up?" Luca asks while roughly brushing his hair to the back with his fingers.
Minho looks around to see Maisie is the first to raise her hand next to Luca, then Zara and Bryan. He looks straight ahead and sees that Jack also votes the same but you, you're just sitting on the bed with a blank expression on and your hand brushing his hair.
"Ugh, sorry, no faith," Alia comments with a sneering smile.
MINHO: I just hope that when they come back, I don't see Jai grinning from ear to ear.
In contrast to having no faith in them, everyone is cheering once they see Jai and Agnes entering the bedroom.
"They seem to be happy," you mutter.
Minho agrees because when he looks at the most spending couple in the retreat so far, he notices the slightly wicked grin plastered on Jai's face.
MINHO: Oh no, I see the grin.
"Do we get the $20,000 back? Yes or no?" Bryan wastes no time to ask the most important question.
They both sit at the end of their bed and all the eyes are directed toward them.
Instead of answering, Agnes boasts about the private suite.
"Incredible! There were flowers, champagne, a massive bed, condoms, and stuff. We took a bath—"
Bryan slightly shakes his head and presses his lips together into a thin smile.
"We don't care," Luca cuts through their small talk and tries again, "We want to know if we get the $20,000 back!"
Minho watches as Jai and Agnes exchange a look between them, probably deciding which one of them should break the news. It's too early to worry about money but he can't help but get as nervous as everyone else.
Agnes stifles a breath and apologizes, "I'm so sorry, you guys."
Then a smile blooms on her face, "but we won the 20 grand back! Yay!"
Maisie and Zara start bouncing on their beds but Luca once again decides to be the one to slice through everyone's happiness.
"I won't believe a thing until Lana confirms it," Luca states.
Everyone is back in panic mode and waits until the cone lights up, signifying her appearance.
"Jai and Agnes," Lana begins.
"Last night, you were able to spend time away from the group to get to know each other on a deeper level."
Everyone gives them a round of applause thinking that that's just it.
"However," Lana continues.
MINHO: I started to hate that word. However [mimics Lana]
Minho closes his eyes to brace himself for the worst outcomes.
"You still broke the rules last night," Lana announces.
The atmosphere turns dark despite the sunny weather outside can be seen outside the windows.
"What did you do, Agnes, babe?" You ask, your voice goes higher at the end of the sentence.
She aggressively shakes her head, "I swear to God we didn't do anything!"
Jai nods, "Nah, we didn't even kiss," he defends Agnes's remarks.
Minho's eyes are swinging side to side to see who's lying.
MINHO: But Lana can't be lying, right?
"There were incidents of excessive grinding and self-touching," Lana pulls out the receipts right away.
Agnes lets herself collapse onto the bed and repeatedly chants, "Nah, nah, nah, nah..."
You stop playing with Minho's hair and turn to look at Agnes, "You didn't plan on riding anything so why did you rev up your engine?"
Minho can't tell if you're upset or amused hearing your question but it looks hot to him nonetheless.
"These breaches have resulted in a deduction of $10,000."
Instead of getting some money back, Jai and Agnes cost everyone more money. Everyone was right to not trust them.
Agnes hugs Jai from the back and whines, "So sorry, you guys."
The grin on Jai's face has been replaced with tensed jaws and a big sigh coming out of his parted mouth.
"We woke up happy and we didn't think that we would have lost more money, so truly sorry," Jai emphasizes every word to show how sincere he is with what he's saying.
Since everyone has expected this though, they can't say anything else but try to move on with the day.
MINHO: The day has only just begun but we already lost ten grand.
It's not getting any easier for Minho.
He finds it getting harder to resist and not when he sees you walking around, looking hot and slyly smiling at him. Sometimes the temptation comes when he least expected it, he steps into the bathroom and finds you bending down against the sink as you fix your make-up.
The black bikini you're wearing today doesn't help either, it's so tiny, covering just the important bits. It's so obvious that you notice him right away.
"You can see as much as you want but you can't touch, sir," you tell him while you move on to the other eye and carefully wipe the excess makeup with a Q-tip.
There's nothing that can stop him from ogling over you. If anything, he so badly wanted to feel those beautiful curves of your ass with his own hands.
He refrained though, but decides to use the towel he's holding and slaps your ass with it.
"Harder," you tell him.
Laughing, he slaps you harder with the towel.
"Harder, come on, don't be shy!" You dare him, also laughing along with him.
MINHO: It's getting hard, not only figuratively but like... literally.
Lana gathers everyone in the cabana when it's usually time to get ready for the night.
She's not wasting time on greeting everyone first, "To further aid your further growth, you must learn to resist your urges."
"I don't like this," you immediately remark even though Lana hasn't announced anything yet.
"So, I am putting some of you to the test."
You glance at Minho and pout, resting your head on his shoulder after.
"I have arranged two dates," Lana announces.
A few coo in wonder and also, feel a little suspicious that Lana suddenly sending people on dates.
MINHO: [Shrugs] There's always a catch.
"Both with new arrivals."
Minho grins because he's right, there's always a catch. He catches you notice him and scrunches your nose.
"The first new arrival is... Esme!"
He can't know the look of someone just from her name but it's exciting for everyone because there hasn't been a new face for a while now.
"I have allowed the new arrivals to select who they want to ask out on their date."
Minho can feel that you're getting tense next to him. It's easy to tell that you're afraid this new girl is going to choose him. Even Minho himself is not that confident, so what should you worry about?
"Esme has chosen... Jai."
Minho darts his eyes at Jai and there's the grin again, "Are you happy?"
His question puts Jai in a predicament but that's why Minho enjoys it.
Jai scratches the back of his head and coyly answers, "It is what it is."
Just as expected, Minho knows that Jai would be more than happy for the chance to get on a date with another girl. He's off to a bad start already with Agnes frowning next to him.
MINHO: They failed the ultimate test and now they're being tested again by the new girl. Lana, you're evil but I like you.
"And date number two will be with Noah," Lana continues.
The gasp you let out is unmissable, he can hear the slight excitement in it. He doesn't want to be affected by it but the thought that you may get picked to get on a date quite irritates him.
"He is also allowed to choose his partner for the date."
Minho chooses not to care whether you get picked or not. He's going to be cool about either way.
"He has chosen..."
You sit up straighter and lean forward as if that would help you hear better.
MINHO: Oh okay, that was thrilling.
"Jai and Zara, you may now leave for your dates."
Everyone is weakly cheering and you gently slap at Zara's butt as she walks past you.
"Be good," you mutter to her.
You let out a sigh as you rest your head on his shoulder, "Look at Bryan," you whisper.
Minho can see the panic on his face, gritting his teeth with his jaws clenched like that. He lowly chuckles, "It's going to be hard for him."
You shake your head, "No, it's going to be hard for Zara to not break the rules."
MINHO: Let the game begin!
"I didn't think you'd genuinely be this jealous," you say to Bryan who's sitting on the other sofa.
Minho has been watching him fidgeting in his seat and it's making him nervous too.
"I genuinely am," Bryan shortly replies.
"Now, it feels real, huh?" Minho says, pouring salt over his wound instead of trying to soothe it.
"I care about her," Bryan fussing like a toddler.
"Then you should have shown her that," you excuse yourself to get more drinks after.
Maybe you feel the need to tell him that because you're close to Zara and maybe she's telling you things about their relationship.
It's not his place to say anything about their relationship, but everyone can see the problem here, Bryan hasn't been treating his girl well, he puts her second after the money.
"But she's right though," Minho adds his opinion.
Bryan clicks his tongue and then scoffs, "I'm trying not to be selfish here," he defends himself.
He sips his drink before continuing to talk, "I know."
He gets quiet for a while and thinks of something to say to lighten up the mood, "I think my girl cuddles your girl more than you," he jokingly says.
Bryan is cackling in his seat, "Oh, I think my girl cuddles your girl more than you," he says back to him.
Minho feels a little offended by that.
MINHO: I'm not big on showing affection. It's just... I don't know, weird?
Jai and Zara are finally back from their dates and that's good because if they had taken another hour, Minho would have fallen asleep on the lounger.
Jai brings the new girl to introduce her around to the girls. He refills his drink to refresh him and walks out to join everyone.
Minho is the last to be introduced to the new girl, Esme, she's beautiful, with long dark hair and plush lips.
"What's your name?" She asks, holding his hand in hers.
"Minho," he replies.
"I'm Esme," she introduces, not letting his hand go yet.
She stares at him long enough that he feels the need to snap her out of it, "Nice to know you," he says.
"Yeah, very nice," she says with a flirty smile.
MINHO: Lana knows how to stir things up, huh?
Esme gets swept away by the other boys, they're all sexually frustrated and more than excited to get to know the new girl.
Minho can't say the same with the other one.
Noah is tall and blonde which are two things he doesn't have. He's not saying his jealous and not sure if that's your type as well. Even if he is, Minho doesn't feel intimidated at all.
From what he sees though, he doesn't need to worry your head is turned at this British guy. You're sitting next to Zara and chatting with drinks in your hands.
Minho takes a seat in the space next to you, taking your glass to have a sip.
"What do you think of the new girl, Minho?" Zara suddenly asks him.
He swallows his drink first before answering, "She's good-looking, has beautiful eyes, and yeah, beautiful."
Zara nods and asks again, "Is she your type?"
"She looks a lot like my ex-girlfriend actually," Minho adds.
Zara snorts with her mouth deep in the glass.
"Oh, yeah, I wish my ex looked like her too," you add with a fed-up tone and take your drink back from him.
MINHO: I don't see what's wrong. I was just being honest.
The new arrivals sleep together on the newly installed bed in the bedroom and no one changes their bed partner so that's a good thing.
Minho can't wait to end the day as well, feeling tired from doing nothing but worrying about money that is not his or not yet his.
You comfortably tucked under the cover, taking a sip of water before lying down next to him. Sighing once your head hits the pillow.
Minho doesn't get to talk to you much the entire night and he kind of wishes to play a little with you.
You turn over, laying on your stomach with your head facing the other way. The silk camisole you're wearing looks good on you, he can't stop himself from feeling the fabric and touching your exposed skin while at it.
You turn your head at him and mumble, "I'm tired."
"Stay up with me a little longer," he says, pulling at the strap of your camisole and snapping it against your skin.
You kiss his cheek and say, "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," he says back but you already turn your head away from him.
Why does it feel like he's done something wrong and it's your way of telling him to figure this out himself?
MINHO: I think with the new arrivals there's this change of dynamic and everyone is not ready for that.
Minho chooses to cool down with a quick dip in the swimming pool after working out today.
He has no swimming skill to show off whatsoever, he takes a few dives and lifts himself out of the water.
"Hey," Esme says, looking up at him with a smile.
He points at his towel, "You're sitting on my towel," he points out.
"Oh?" She gets up to pull it out under her and hands it to him.
"I hope you don't mind I'm keeping it warm for you."
Minho smiles at her and unfolds the towel to dry his body then his hair next.
"You have a nice body," Esme compliments.
"Thanks. You too," Minho compliments back out of courtesy but she seems to take that as some sort of his way to flirt with her.
"Do I?"
Well, Minho can't take back a compliment without hurting her feelings so he nods.
"Oh, wow, thank you!" She giggles in response.
Minho is about to leave when she asks him, "I heard you're a dancer. Is that right?"
He feels bad to always have to look down at her so he sits down, "I am."
"I am a dancer too," she says with eyes widening.
"Yeah?" Minho half-heartedly asks.
"I do ballroom dances," she further shares.
Living in the retreat and being locked out from the rest of the world reminds Minho of the things he's interested in besides dating.
Talking about something that he's so passionate about helps him to relive that excitement that he's not aware of how long he sits there talking with Esme.
"So... are your options still open or are you settled with your current partner?" Esme asks.
Of course, the talk will eventually lead to this and Minho is lucky because the talk has to be paused as all the girls get called for the workshop.
MINHO: Esme is great. She's nice and beautiful. I can't complain.
Something strange is happening.
Minho never felt this thing before because you're always there when he looks around. And now, not seeing you for most of the day feels doesn't right to him. You can't possibly out of the villa, you're just in a different part of this big place so there's no need for him to be this dramatic.
Jai catches Minho scoffing at himself, "What's that?"
"Nothing," Minho replies, shaking his head.
He decides to open a conversation with him to not let things get awkward, "How are things with Agnes?"
Jai scratches his nose before speaking, "She was mad jealous when I went on the date."
He wipes his wet hair to the back, "I usually jump ship whenever a new girl appears but I feel like I'm stuck with her," he explains.
"Stuck in a bad way or...?" Minho asks for a detailed answer.
Jai laughs and wipes the beads of water on his chest with a towel, "Like I can't like someone else but her."
Minho never feels that way with someone or maybe he hasn't found that someone, he's not that confident he'll ever find one. The sound of Agnes squealing surprises him as she jumps right onto Jai's lap, not caring that he's all wet from swimming.
Minho looks in the direction of the side gate to see if you have come back too. You walk back in behind Zara and he's sure you catch him looking at you, but instead of coming his way, you make a turn to the bedroom.
The day feels long but short at the same time.
Minho gets so confused about picking what he should wear for tonight that he raids Luca's locker to see if he can borrow something. The dressing room is packed because Lana is throwing a party to welcome the new arrivals even though it's a day late for that.
The girls are doing make-up while the boys are goofing around while trying on each other's clothes. He sees you quietly styling your hair at the far end of the vanity table.
"Oh, you're so flexible," Luca exclaims at someone.
Minho turns around to see Esme is showing everyone her grand battement.
"You do ballet too?" He asks her.
"Yeah, jazz," Esme answers as she fixes her dress.
"You're a dancer?" Bryan asks.
Esme nods as she picks up her shoes from the floor and in his peripheral vision, he sees you heading to the bathroom with your make-up bag. He follows you there, seeing you leaning in close to the mirror like you always do.
You don't say anything even though you see him walking into the bathroom and seeing him sitting on the edge of the tub, watching you putting on your contacts. The silence that hangs in the air is deafening and he needs to break it.
"Hey," he softly greets you.
You don't say anything for a moment but wash your hands under the running water.
"You still want to talk to me?" You finally talk after drying your hand with a towel.
"Didn't I just talk to you?" He says.
You turn to face him, leaning against the sink and crossing your arms together in front of you.
"I don't know maybe you prefer to talk to Esme," you tell him.
Oh, so this is all about. Minho gets it now why you've been so quiet and it's because you think something is going on between him and Esme.
"I only talked to her a little bit," Minho explains
"She's only been here for like what? A day? And you're giving her all of your attention," you tell him.
Perplexed, Minho jerks his head back and mutters, "What?"
You hold the edge of the sink and fiercely stare into his eyes, "I'm struggling to get you to make the same effort for me so yeah, I'm angry," you tell him.
One thing he learned is that overdoing things is always a disaster and Minho thinks he gives you just the right amount of attention.
"If you want to explore or keep your options open, that's fine, go ahead," you shove everything back into your pouch.
"But I can't do this," you say for the last time, then leave him in the bathroom.
MINHO: I don't know why I need to explain the reason why I talked to her when I am free to talk to anyone.
Minho isn't the only one getting confronted by his partner, Bryan got it worse with Zara putting an ultimatum on him.
"She wants me to break rule, man," Bryan grumbles and it's a funny thing to see him doing.
"It doesn't necessarily have to be something against the rules," Luca says.
Minho nods in agreement and he's surprised that Zara didn't drop him sooner. Bryan is too busy keeping everyone's hands in their pants and forgetting to treat his girl.
Bryan is so dense, refusing to admit that he's wrong for doing it because, for him, he's only doing the right thing.
"Damn! What did they do in the workshop?" Bryan loudly sighs.
It doesn't feel like a party when everyone is having mixed feelings about the night.
Once the music is blasting though, they throw their weariness away and start dancing. He sees that even you can't stop yourself from moving your body to the fast-paced song.
Just like always, Lana chimes in and abruptly stops the party from going wild.
Everyone is dragging themselves to the cabana, walking in heavy steps and mentally prepared for what she has to say.
"Unfortunately, I must inform you that..."
"Come on! Fess up!" Maisie says with an exhausted tone.
"What I'm observing is far from positive."
Zara groans then links her arm with yours, making Minho glance across the table to see you leaning on Jack's shoulder.
Everyone's eyes are aimed at Jai and Agnes, the biggest spending couple.
"I swear to you, I'm celibate," Jai convinces and with no grin on his face.
"So far, you have lost $60.000. You are taking this process for granted. It is clear I need to streamline the group."
MINHO: Lana, what have you done now? [Glares at camera]
"Two of you must leave the retreat tonight," Lana informs.
Minho automatically thinks of the things he's done wrong in the retreat and the possibility that he's one of the two is big. He looks at you and you slump down on the sofa with Jack putting his arm around you.
He wishes that he could hold you because this probably would be the last time he's able to.
"The first one to leave the retreat is... Alia."
Alia breaks into tears, looking so disappointed but she seems to have expected this. Agnes who's sitting next to her, hugs her for comfort.
MINHO: I think Alia isn't investing herself enough into the process and Lana sees that.
"The second person leaving is... Jack."
Everyone sees this one coming and that includes Jack. Minho can breathe now that he's still here and not being sent home tonight.
Jack has been treating this retreat like a playground but maybe that's because he's young, he doesn't think much about the repercussions of the things he did.
"It is now time for both of you to leave the retreat."
You kiss Jack on the cheek and hug him, Zara having no problems hugging both of you with her long arms.
Minho gets up to properly send them away with a friendly hug and a goodbye.
"I hope this is a lesson for the rest of you to take this process more seriously," Lana concludes.
MINHO: I'm very relieved to still be here. Guess I have to try a little bit harder.
Everyone wakes up still in loss of Jack and Alia, not expecting that their absence would leave the space this empty.
On the other hand, it makes Minho did a lot of thinking last night as he slept on the bed alone. He wants to do things right from now on but it's not easy to build connections, especially after you choose to sleep alone on the vacant bed.
Minho just wanted to be left alone for the day but that's impossible.
In the afternoon, Lana calls everyone to the cabana. The first thing everyone sees is the little gift boxes on the table.
"Are we getting gifts from Lana?" Maisie asks.
"It's about time we get some good news," Luca comments as he plops down the sofa next to her.
Jai squints his eyes as he stares at the box in front of him, "I don't know. Seems like a trap to me," he jokingly says.
There goes Lana's melodic chimes and everyone is collectively taking a breath to mentally prepare themselves for whatever she is going to share.
"Hello, everyone. I have a gift for each of you."
Minho hopes that whatever it is inside that box, he hopes it's something that encourages him to do good in the retreat.
MINHO: Some money would be good, Lana.
"The gift will serve as a reward to those couples who show me that they're taking the right steps towards deeper connections," Lana continues.
Couples. Minho gives up already because there's no way he can get any reward now that he doesn't have a partner in the retreat.
"They will be given the chance to take those connections further."
Jai gets impatient at the slightest mention that he can do some physical contact as a reward, "Can we open it, Lana?"
But everyone takes the gift without waiting for her answer and Minho takes his, opening it to find a smart watch inside.
"Oh, it's not a vibrator," you meekly say with a disappointed look on your face.
Minho smiles at your cute pout and quickly takes his watch out of the box to put it around his wrist, helping Bryan after as he has such a big wrist.
"When I observe two people forming a genuine connection, they will be given a green light like this..."
The watches chime and turn green at the same time. Agnes is cheering the loudest out of everyone.
"Where the rules do not apply for a limited amount of time," Lana further explains.
For a limited amount of time but at this point, Minho takes whatever he can get.
"I would like to remind you that those who do not receive a green light are not displaying enough process."
MINHO: Green light means you can fuck. No green light means you're fucked.
Minho is pessimistic that he'll get a green light.
For that to happen, he has to have a partner first. Even after he has a partner, there's no guarantee that he'll have that connection with that person.
The complications do not stop there, for a connection to form, he has to open up and share personal things with someone. He's been doing casual dating where he doesn't need to do all of that.
Lana wouldn't put that much money into a prize if it's easy to win it. Giving praises to each other wouldn't grant you a green light which is what Jai and Agnes are doing right now.
"Lana is a computer, she must have installed the latest high-tech BS detector," Minho tells them, sending them into waves of laughter.
MINHO: I have one person that I think I shared a connection with but she's... uh, I think she hates me now.
Minho watches as the couple grows and falls apart around him.
For tonight, another ship goes down as Zara switches Bryan with the new arrival, Noah.
He knows that it's only about time that Zara takes such a great measure to teach Bryan a thing or two.
However, Minho doesn't expect that he'll be collateral damage in all this.
Since Zara is sleeping with the new guy, leaving Esme bedless, and has to choose a different partner tonight.
The first option is Bryan but of course, she's not going to insert herself in the drama. The safest choice would be to share a bed with you but she senses that you're not that welcoming of her.
There's no way she's going to sleep on the sofa so Minho scoots to his usual side of the bed and lets her have the other side.
There's a big chance that you're going to think that he's happy to share a bed with Esme and that makes him stay awake the whole night thinking that you'll hate him more after tonight.
MINHO: Esme is a good bed partner but I don't think she's the one I can form a connection with.
It's not cocky.
Minho knows that he's attractive and girls like him, they get flirty with him. In conclusion, he knows when a girl is into him.
Esme has been too obvious. The first thing he saw this morning was the eyes and the smile she gave him.
Minho is sitting with half of his body soaked in the pool water when Esme jumps in and joins him.
"Hey," she sweetly greets.
Minho smiles and greets her back.
"So, how did you feel sharing a bed with me?" Her hands are floating around, making ripples on the water.
"It was nice," he answers.
She chuckles in response, "It'd be much nicer with some cuddles."
She fixes the straps of her bikini and continues talking, "How are things? Where's your head at the moment?"
Minho is a firm believer that honesty is the best policy but oftentimes, being honest leads him to hurt people rather than do them good.
At the same time, Minho shouldn't keep leading her on with false hope. He should be honest but do it gently.
"I was already with someone before you came and I know we're not on good terms right now..." he pauses as he has to filter his thoughts first before speaking them out.
"You're pretty and nice, but I owe it to her to try and see where this is going," he explains more.
Esme nods and her smile falters a little. It's not a thing that she can accept in a second. She needs time to process this.
"Yeah..." she meekly answers.
Minho takes this as a cue to give her the space, "I'll see you later?"
"Yes," she answers.
MINHO: Esme and I... I just don't see any chemistry there between us.
Lana starts the night early by throwing a party at the beach.
There's a bonfire, coolers full of bottled beers, and glasses of exotic-looking cocktails.
It helps Minho to relax after a nerve-wracking moment of rejecting a girl. It's a big deal because if he's out there, he wouldn't drop a beautiful girl like Esme like that.
Also, Minho knows best that when something good happens, he becomes suspicious that Lana will interrupt with a shocking announcement.
The only shocking this is the arrival of two new guests on a boat.
The music stops playing as the first guest walks down the stairs and jumps onto the water. A girl with long black hair and voluptuous body, and bright eyes that catches attention.
"Hi, hi," she greets everyone.
Jai looks too excited even though he's pretty much settled with Agnes, offering his hand to help her walk, "What's your name?"
"I'm Sofia," she says.
Luca elbows Minho on the side and foolishly grins, "She's hot," he quietly mutters.
Sofia proceeds to introduce herself to everyone with a quick hug and when it gets to his turn, Minho shakes her hand instead.
"Minho," he keeps his introduction short.
MINHO: The new girl is attractive. Very beautiful eyes.
The girls are cheering as the other guest jumps down the boat.
The new guy is tall and has abs that look like they were sculpted by God himself. He flashes everyone his bright, white smile and steps into the party.
"Hey, I'm Kane," he introduces, not wasting time eyeing the girls.
Minho catches that his eyes stay a second longer on you than on everyone else. He drains his bottle of beer empty and quickly grabs another.
They get comfortable as the party continues and questions get thrown around at them as the sun sinks lower into the horizon.
"So, what's your type?" Maisie asks the new guy.
"I'm getting a lot of eyes right now," he says with a sheepish smile.
Minho turns to look and you are one of the girls giving him the eyes right now, tugging a straw between your teeth and waiting in anticipation for his answer.
"I like a girl with a nice body and a beautiful smile," he says, sneaking a few glances at you as he speaks.
You turn to whisper at Agnes and he can read your lips saying, "He's cute."
He scoffs because it takes you one cute guy and barely an hour to change your mind.
MINHO: No. I don't feel intimidated at all. [Nonchalantly shrugs]
The problem with starting the night early is that it's going to be a long one.
Minho changes his clothes, styling his hair quickly and he doesn't feel like talking to anyone but Bryan drags him to accompany him talking to the new girl.
He's not sure that Bryan is making a good choice right now.
"We're just going to talk to her, nothing else," Bryan says.
Minho sighs and sits down on the sofa on the terrace, "Yeah but you're giving the impression that you don't care about Zara anymore," he bluntly tells him.
The smile vanishes in a second and Bryan trudges away to talk to the new girl by himself.
That's good because Minho feels like he wants to spend the rest of the night alone. Luca decides to break his serenity by sitting on the other sofa.
"You're not talking to the new girl?" He asks.
Minho reclines on the sofa and shakes his head.
There's a sound of laughter coming from the bedroom and from the window he sees you talking to the new guy. He doesn't want to care but... he cares.
Luca seems to pick it up right away, "I know you're trying to play it cool and act like it doesn't bother you," he says.
"But you have everything you need and the chance to make things better," Luca pauses to sip his drink.
"It's all up to you."
Minho is feeling so called out and the one who's doing it is Luca. He seems to be more mature than his actual age but he respects him for saying things that not many people would dare to say to him.
"Do you think she likes him?" Minho asks as he leers to see you laugh.
"Why don't you ask her?" Luca simply asks him back.
Minho doesn't know why he waits around for you when he's been the one acting so selfishly, talking to another girl like it's not going to affect you.
He gets it now, the taste of his own medicine.
MINHO: Yeah, okay, I get it now.
It's so hard to get some alone time with you, it's even harder with two new guests in the house.
He quietly watches you as you wipe your make-up clean in the dressing room and you'll eventually go to the bathroom to wash your face.
Minho changes into his comfortable clothes and goes to the bathroom half-naked, knowing that you'll be there.
"Having a good night?" He casually asks as he's using the other sink next to you.
You stay quiet as you wash your toothbrush under the running water, "Sofia is hot. Why don't you have a good night with her?"
Minho finds your passive-aggressive endearing instead of annoying. He quietly smiles as he takes his toiletry bag from the drawer.
"Do you like the new guy?" He asks.
You take a hairbrush from your toiletry bag, "I do like him."
"Yeah, he's cute," Minho half-heartedly comments.
He puts a dollop of toothpaste on his toothbrush and then shrugs, "I'm happy for you."
You burst into laughter and strongly accuse him, "No, you're lying!"
Minho starts brushing his teeth and skips on denying your accusation. He sees that you're still chuckling from the reflection in the mirror.
You put your hairbrush down and get in front of him, putting your arms around his waist.
"You should stop running away from me," you tell him while looking into his eyes.
"I started to get tired of chasing you," you mumble and rest your head on his chest.
Minho misses this. He stops brushing his teeth and wipes his mouth with a towel, hugging you back with his arms around you.
You look up to see his face and putting your hand on his cheek, tenderly caress it before placing a gentle kiss.
"Goodnight!" You softly whisper, then you break away from his hug and leave him again.
Minho is getting the same bitter feeling as you did it for the second time to him. He doesn't want it to happen for the third time, never again.
MINHO: [Shakes head] No, it's not over yet.
Everything feels off.
Not just himself but everyone in the room seemed to be feeling the same when they woke up this morning. Minho shared the bed with Esme again last night and Bryan proceeded to make the worst choice by sleeping with the new girl.
Worst of all, you're sleeping with the new guy and he keeps glaring at him even though he knows it wouldn't scare him off.
After last night, Minho gets hit by the realization that he is missing you and there's a slim chance he can fix everything. The problem is he doesn't know where to begin, he's not poetic nor soft-spoken, he's a man of actions. Other than that, he is running out of time.
When he thought that was the only problem, Lana assembles everyone in the bedroom except for the new guests.
"Hello, everyone. I have gathered you as I have some news."
MINHO: Let it be good news, Lana.
"Sofia and Kane have been given the opportunity to form more meaningful connections by choosing one person each to accompany them on private dates."
This is what Minho forgot to add Lana to the equation. He doesn't want to even think about it but he knows for certain that the new guy will choose you for the private date.
"Sofia has chosen to go on a date with Bryan."
It's so rare to see Bryan smile so brightly and as much as she wants everyone to believe she has moved on, Zara is not pleased with it.
"Kane has chosen to go on a date with..."
Minho doesn't wait to hear your name because it's an obvious one. He keeps his calm and his face straight but Luca is checking on him from across the room.
He slightly shrugs and raises an eyebrow in response to his thumb up.
"Please, go and get ready for your dates."
Minho watches as you get up from the bed and walk with Bryan to the dressing room.
MINHO: I felt fine about her going on this date but since she's left, I'm dwelling on everything.
Minho succeeds at pretending not to care and putting on a tough face.
Except that he can't stop himself from putting on an annoyed face as Jai and Agnes are canoodling on the next bed.
Initially, he thought Jai and Agnes wouldn't last this long but he's relieved to know that he's wrong. He's happy to see them happy but God, he's getting sick of them being lovey-dovey so close to him.
He looks to the other bed and sees Maisie hugging Luca from behind while talking about something. Ugh, it's like the universe is trying to punish him.
"I didn't sign up for this," Minho mumbles to anyone who hears him.
"Are you nervous?" Maisie asks.
He passes on answering and sits on the bed just waiting for the dates to end.
Agnes injects herself by saying, "He is nervous!"
Jai turns on the bed to look at him and laughs, "Hang in there, man!"
MINHO: Not nervous. Just a little... uneasy.
Everyone has claimed their bed but the ones that went to the dates haven't come back yet.
Thankfully, Esme understood right away when Minho kindly asked her to share the bed with the new guy. Like it or not, Minho is going to take you back to his bed tonight, he'll drag you if he had to.
Bryan has returned to the bedroom with a grin plastered on his face, it's kind of disturbing that he steals Jai's antic.
Not long after, the new guy is back by himself.
Minho doesn't want to assume anything yet but he takes it as a good sign. He stays on his bed for some time before going to the dressing room.
Instead of you, he finds the new girl doing her skincare routine.
He flashes a smile as he walks across the room to go through the next door that leads to the bathroom. The sound of water running tells him that you must be in the shower.
This is just perfect, Minho gets the privacy he needs.
MINHO: It's about time. I have to bring her back to me tonight. No matter what.
Minho looks through the glass door and sees you inside with water raining down on your body. He can stand there all day watching you showering but he reminds himself that he has something to do here. Something important.
He opens the shower door just enough to show himself to you and you immediately turn on your feet at the sound of him knocking on the glass door.
The sight of your naked wet body is so distracting that he forgets to talk.
After licking his lips, he finally says, "Hey."
You step away from the shower and wipe the beads of water from your eyes, "yes?"
It's so sudden and out of the blue but Minho knows that it's better late than never. He resists looking anywhere but your face or else he'll forget to speak again.
"You're sleeping me tonight," he confidently remarks with that half smirk of his.
"Why should I?" You ask, tipping your head to the side.
He takes a step forward and leans against the doorway, holding his hand out at you. He can see that you're hesitating but eventually take his hand.
There's no need for words when Minho can show you how much he misses you and wants you back by his side.
He's pulling you close until you stand right in front of him, gliding his hand up to the nape of your neck to tilt your head a little to the side and slowly, he leans in for a kiss.
The kiss is better than he remembered. Maybe it's you or maybe it's the longing that amplified it, either way, it's a one hell of a kiss.
Considering that he's spending money for it, he puts his other hand on your waist to draw you closer and deepens the kiss to make it worth every penny.
You let out a low moan as his tongue invades your mouth and keep your mouth open for him if not returning his kisses with the same eagerness.
He ignores the fact that your wet body dampens the top he's wearing and reluctantly pulls away when he knows you're running out of breath.
Minho smiles as he looks at your face and puts the hair stuck to your forehead to the side, "I'll keep the bed warm for you," he says.
A smile blooms on your face and you nod, "Okay."
MINHO: I'm not good with words but I'm good at something else [raises eyebrow]
You're like a five-year-old to him.
Minho is not saying that you're immature, it's just that your moods are rapidly changing. One minute you're happy, the next minute, you're fussing about something, next thing he knows, you're angry at him.
It can be such a headache sometimes but he likes it because you don't hold back, you're honest about your feelings and you're adorable to him, he wants to tease at any chance he gets.
The happiness is clearly drawn on your face as you're walking to his bed in giddiness and this time, he's ready to offer his arm for you to rest your head on.
Minho shivers as your hand makes contact with his bare chest, he already got rid of his damp top and is too lazy to go to the dressing room to get a new top.
You put your hand across his chest as you settled yourself next to him, nuzzling your nose to his neck, "Did you shower?"
"No," he lies with a sly smile on.
You plant your nose onto his neck to take a sniff and lowly sigh, "I like it," you tell him.
Now that you're by his side, Minho doesn't care about anything else. He doesn't care about the eyes looking at him whether in jealousy or curiosity as to why you got back to his bed again.
Minho wants to focus on you and make you never leave his side again.
MINHO: Okay, now Lana, I need you to close your eyes cause you're not going to like what you see.
Oh, how he misses your body!
Even in the dark, Minho knows what his hands are exploring, miles and miles of silky soft skin, warm and sensitive under his touch. He's only using his fingertips, he wonders what's going to happen if he's using his mouth so he places a long peck on your neck with his hand slipped under the cropped top you're wearing to bed.
"We're not going to sleep tonight," he whispers.
He can hear your smile even without looking and you slightly turn your head to look at him, looking at him as if he wouldn't dare to break rules.
In his opinion, everyone has been doing it wrong. If Minho wanted to break the rules, he wouldn't do a kiss today and another kiss tomorrow. If he's going to break rules, he'd break every rule there is and make it worth every single cent of it.
You curve your hand around his neck and look at his gleaming eyes in the dark, "What do you have in mind?"
Minho puts his hand around your neck and places a trail of fluttering kisses down your jaw.
He takes his hand from under your head so he can hover above you, carefully, putting his whole body on top of you.
A soft moan escapes your mouth as you wrap your legs around his waist and you quickly muffle yourself by pressing your lips together into a thin line.
Just feeling your body against him is enough to arouse him. He turns your head to the side and presses his mouth on your ear.
"We're going to spend a lot of money tonight," he whispers with his hot breath tickling your ear.
MINHO: Well, unless you're into it, you're welcome to watch, Lana.
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indecisive-capricorn · 5 months
Official || Jealous Tom Riddle x Reader
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, MATURE CONTENT, semi-public sex, cunnilungus, oral sex, overstimulation, master kink, a bit of praise kink, uses of "slut", mature language, shameless, possessive, jealousy, mentions of torture, suggestive talk, rough behaviour, cursing, blood, mentions of violence. Both reader and Tom are eighteen and in their last year of Hogwarts!
SUMMARY: Another wizard has taken an interest in you, but Tom will make sure that everyone knows you're his.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: HELLO! I spent more time on this than I should and the smut part is shorter than the rest of the story, but I hope you like it! The other imagines and headcanons will soon be published too. The schedule is a little hectic but don't worry, I'll still try to post as much as I can! :)
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)
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In the bustling halls of Hogwarts, where new faces arrive every year alongside familiar ones, it was hardly uncommon for some to remain unknown to each other. With the sheer size of the castle and the constant changes in one's appearance as they grew older, names and faces often slipped by unnoticed.
It allowed for the few students who barely interacted with anyone to be hidden in the shadows, their presence merely lingering in the corners of the castle. Yet, there were also those who commanded attention without even needing to utter a single word. These students were widely known throughout the castle, their names and faces forever planted into the memories of everyone who walked past them.
You weren't one to command attention effortlessly like those students did. However, you had a kind and friendly demeanor, always open to comfort those in need of a friend, even though you were a little bit shy and introverted.
Not everyone knew who you were, and those who did often dismissed your sweet nature because they understood why they had to avoid you.
And why is that? It was a question that appeared in the minds of those who cared enough to ask, especially after being warned to stay away from you. After all, you have always shown genuine kindness towards others, regardless of their blood status. However, that question was answered each time by the piercing, dark eyes that gave a pause to those who looked your way.
Due to your close friendship with Tom, who was known for his magical abilities as a powerful wizard and intelligence as the top student of his year, you often found yourself in the shadow of his fame. Despite this, you cherished your friendship with him above all else and if you were being quite honest, you would have disliked the attention as well. You wanted a genuine connection with others, not a parade of fans eager to follow your every command. However, many have tried to get closer to Tom through you, which led to moments of hurt and betrayal when their intentions were eventually revealed. Tom, who was quite protective of you, swiftly ensured those who caused you pain faced terrible consequences. Some of them vanished completely from your life, leaving no trace of their presence and no one around you dared to speak a word about them, even if you tried to ask them..
It wasn’t long until you stopped asking though. Tom always made sure you didn't dwell on their betrayal any longer than necessary.
“They were worthless creatures, why bother giving them any more of your time?” Tom would say whenever you asked him about the vanished students. Despite your curiosity, you chose not to pry any further, trusting Tom's judgment and understanding that some things were better left unspoken. And so afterwards, you focused on moving forward without dwelling on the past.
That was the reason why other students tended to avoid you. While you might have been friendly and approachable, the fear of crossing a line and having to face Tom's wrath lingered in the minds of your peers.
Most of the time, you were with Tom or a selected few friends. However, during moments when you were left alone, a sense of loneliness crept inside you as you thought of how none of the other students wanted to befriend you. While you appreciated the company of friends like Malfoy or Parkinson, you desired to have connections with a wider circle of people. And at times, despite not daring to say it out loud, it felt as if your friendship with them was forced, as if they were only following Tom's orders than genuinely befriending you because they like you. You could tell by the bored looks Parkinson tried to hide at times and the fake smiles he would muster whenever he interacted with you. Abraxas was a little more blunt with his feelings towards you and didn’t try to hide his disinterest. He probably tolerated you at the most, but would always interact with you whenever Tom was around.
One day, when you were deep in your thoughts, you found yourself questioning if there was something wrong with you to the point that it made you unapproachable. As these doubts plagued your self esteem, you finally accepted that perhaps there was a valid reason for others to seem hesitant to connect with you. It was a devastating realization, but perhaps you were just a freak after all.
Which was why you were taken aback by the unexpected request from a Hufflepuff boy whom you neither know nor was one of your friends.
“Excuse me?” You responded back with confusion, but the boy’s grin persisted. “I asked if you want to be partners.”
You stole a quick glance at Tom, wanting to see his reaction before giving the Hufflepuff boy an answer. However, Tom’s dark eyes were already fixed on the Hufflepuff boy whom he knew as McLaggen, since the moment he approached you. Potions was Tom’s forte and he had been your regular partner for it. When Tom was unavailable, Abraxas stepped in as your partner, being the second best student at Potions. Tom didn’t trust the boy, being fully aware of his terrible skills in Potions. However, before Tom could voice against it, Professor Slughorn was quick to usher him to Abraxas, ever so eager to see two of his top Potions students to work together.
Despite being aware of Tom's distrust toward McLaggen, you saw this as an opportunity to connect with more people. Besides, you still needed a partner, and Tom and Abraxas were already paired up. Here was someone wanting to work with you, so it wouldn’t hurt to be partners with McLaggen, right?
Shooting a smile back at McLaggen, you replied back, “I don’t see why not.”
McLaggen’s grin widened and helped you to prepare the materials for the potion, before starting on the potion together. Unbeknownst to you, Tom's eyes bore into you and McLaggen throughout the lesson, his expression dark and menacing, as if he could unleash his wrath upon McLaggen at any given moment if he did a single thing wrong. Tom’s intense scrutiny didn’t go unnoticed by Abraxas, who grew increasingly worried about Tom's dark gaze.
“My lord,” Abraxas murmured in a hushed tone to Tom, ensuring that he was the only one able to hear him. Sensing Tom’s volatile mood, Abraxas navigated carefully, knowing that any misstep could have terrible consequences for him. Tom's sharp gaze shifted to Abraxas briefly before returning to the potion at hand, his focus unwavering. Tom remained vigilant throughout the lesson, glancing towards McLaggen and you every once in a while, ensuring everything was proceeding as it should without McLaggen standing too close to you.
At the end of the Potions class, after Professor Slughorn praised his work again as usual, Tom made his way outside of class, before noticing your figure slipping out of class to reach him. He was quite pleased to see you smiling, as you excitedly recounted the success of your potion to him. “It went so well, Tom! Professor Slughorn said that other than yours and Abraxas’s work, it’s one of the best Draught of the Living Best he’s seen in a while—” you continued talking about the process of making your potion to him.
Whenever you began one of your lengthy rants with Tom, he remained mostly silent, leading you to wonder at times if he was truly listening or preoccupied with something else. However, any doubts were dispersed when he interjected with remarks or asked questions, showing that he was indeed listening all along. In your relationship, you were always the talkative one and Tom was the listener. The opposite could be said when interacting with others though, and Tom tended to take the lead in conversations.
Tom perceived your silence regarding the Hufflepuff boy as a positive sign. In fact, you didn't really talk about him at all, leading Tom to speculate that McLaggen's interest in partnering with you might have been only to secure a decent grade for once in the semester.
However, it would only get worse from there.
A few days later, during Charms lesson, McLaggen approached you and took a seat beside you, one that was usually reserved for Tom. Aware that Tom was in the restroom, you attempted to inform McLaggen that the seat was already taken, but he dismissed your information and settled into the seat anyway. When Tom returned and found McLaggen on his seat, his expression turned menacing.
“That seat was already taken,” Tom asserted, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“I didn’t see your name on it, Riddle,” McLaggen coolly replied back, showing little concern for Tom’s dark gaze.
You felt a wave of nervousness hit you at McLaggen’s reply, and you glanced towards Tom, silently urging him not to escalate the situation into a scene during Charms class. You sent him a pleading look as well that told him that the issue should be addressed later in a more appropriate place. Tom turned his piercing gaze towards McLaggen, his eyes casting a silent warning. Without another word, Tom moved away to take a seat beside Abraxas, leaving you and McLaggen behind.
Although you and Tom weren't officially in a romantic relationship, the unspoken tension between the two of you was undeniable. Despite both being aware of your feelings for each other, for some unknown reasons, neither of you have talked about them before. Tom didn’t find a purpose to since you two already acted like a couple and everyone at Hogwarts knew of your unofficial romantic relationship as well. So, why the hell would a pathetic boy from Hufflepuff try to put himself into your relationship with him?
Tom needed everyone to know that you're his and he knew just the thing to do it.
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"Master, ngh— please!" You sniffled, tears streaming down your cheeks, as Tom pulled another orgasm from you.
Looking up momentarily from your juice-covered pussy, Tom smirked when he saw how flustered you were. Cheeks turning red from the scandolous activity you and Tom were currently doing, and your chest heaving heavily with each breath, tempting him to rip your collared, white shirt out to play with your sensitive breasts.
You choked back a gasp when Tom circled his thumb around your clit, causing his smirk to widen. Tom loved how sensitive your pussy was, but after cumming a few times in the abandoned classroom thanks to Tom's tongue and even fingers, it seemed a single blow of air to your clit was enough to send pleasure down your spine.
"One more," Tom cooed to you, circling your clit with more pressure, as he heard students talking outside, including McLaggen who was asking the other students if they have seen you. "My little slut can take one more, can't you?"
You could barely focus on Tom's words and only nodded hazily. He turned his attention back to your pussy and kissed the hood of your clit, before he hungrily ravaged your pussy like a starved man who hasn't eaten in days, as if he hadn't just eaten your pussy a few minutes ago.
"Master—" you half-moaned and half-whimpered, clutching his dark hair from the overwhelming pleasure.
Tom removed his tongue from your heat, giving you a moment to catch your breath. You released your grip from his hair and sighed in relief for the break. However, it didn't take long for two fingers to thrust into your tight hole, causing you to let out a surprised moan.
It was only then you noticed the noises from the students outside and you weakly tried to close your legs, afraid for them to hear you, but Tom's free hand firmly gripped your inner thigh, preventing you from moving.
"You promised me one more, remember?" Tom wore a cruel grin on his face as his fingers hit into your most sensitive spots. You arched your back, feeling a familiar knot in your stomach. You desperately muffled your moans with your hand and gripped the wooden table you were on tightly.
Tom forced your hand away, but before you could protest, Tom kissed your lips roughly, continuing the pace of his fingers. That was enough for you to climax again, clear liquid gushing all over his fingers. You panted heavily, tiredly gazing into Tom's dark eyes.
As you went over to embrace in Tom's arms, you murmured tiredly, "Maybe I should start spending more time with McLaggen if it means you'll get jealous more often."
The next morning at breakfast, McLaggen noticed your limp and wondered how you had gotten it until he spotted Tom's arm around your waist, along with the cocky smile tugging his lips.
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dira333 · 6 months
Don't judge a man by his cover - Kiyoshi Teppei x Reader
requested by anon - I'd love to get to know you, you're so creative with your prompts
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The worst part of being an exemplary student? Getting picked for the job of babysitter.
No, you don’t want to show some freshman how to get around College. You’ve got assignments to finish and deadlines to catch and if you’re falling behind on your reading because you had to hold someone’s hand, who’s going to hold your hand? 
“Kiyoshi Teppei?” You ask, mouth turning dry the moment he gets up from his chair. He’s a giant. He’s going to crush you with one hand. 
You blink down at your paper, the bare minimum of information on your sheet. 
“You’re eighteen?” You ask, unable to keep the disbelief out of your voice.
“Sorry,” he smiles, “I know I look younger.” 
He doesn’t. He looks like he could be passing for thirty. He’s probably buying Soju for younger guys, pretending to be their father when the cops call.
“Well, follow me,” you croak out, knees turning into jelly when he smiles down on you like that.
Thirty minutes in you’re starting to believe less and less that he’s barely turned eighteen.
Kiyoshi walks like a grandpa, hands folded behind his back. 
He smiles up at the birds and down at the flowers and when a particularly rowdy freshman runs past you, he lets out a low whistle and calls the guy a “rascal” of all things.
“So, uh…” You look down at your notes, “What are you going to study?” 
“Sports education,” Kiyoshi explains with a smile. “It’s important to look out for the next generation, don’t you think?”
“Eh…” You start, but you don’t know what to say.
“What are you studying?” Kiyoshi asks, eyes crinkling at the corner as she smiles with his whole face.
“Medicine.” That’s an easy answer. “I’ve always wanted to go that direction, but I’m still a little undecided which direction to go into.”
“Well, there’s sports medicine, which I’m currently most interested in, but I also think veterinary medicine is important. I don’t think I could work with children. While it can give you a lot, if the cases are sad, they are very sad, you know?”
He nods. His smile is warm and inviting. Your lips move on their own.
“Hungry?” Kiyoshi points at the little bistro. You blink, check the time on your watch, and flinch back in shame. 
“I’m so sorry!” You rush out, “I didn’t mean to blabber this much. You barely saw anything yet! If we turn left now, we can still catch-”
“Or…” he interrupts you softly, “We can get something to eat first and discuss some of my questions. I’m sure you would prefer doing this introduction in a few short, separate times instead of all at once, right?”
“Well,” you start. Kiyoshi opens the door to the bistro for you, waves his large hand to invite you in. You don’t really have an argument against it. 
- - -
“Any more questions?” You ask, popping another fry in your mouth.
Kiyoshi’s leaning back in his chair, hands folded behind his head. He’s whistling something, eyes almost closed. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s falling asleep.
“Are you free on Saturday?” He asks and you blink, a little surprised.
“I am, why? Did I forget anything?”
“No, you went over everything in minute detail, I appreciate that. But I wanted to ask you out.”
You halt, another fry halfway to your mouth. 
“You’re asking me out?” You ask.
Kiyoshi smiles. “I am.”
“Why not?”
You cock your head to the side and muster him. He’s not one to make jokes about this kind of thing, at least that’s what you gathered from the five times you’ve met so far.
Kiyoshi’s good at listening, even better at asking the questions that make you start talking. He probably knows you better than you know him and you did think you got him figured out already.
“Why would I date you?” You ask, try to sound more confident than you feel.
His knee presses against yours. You doubt it’s a coincidence, not after sitting close like this for thirty minutes without ever touching. His smile is soft and warm, giving you the (wrong) impression that he’s slow on the uptake, on thinking this through.
You should have figured out sooner that he’s pretty sly if he wants to be. 
“I’ll buy you fries?” He poses it like a question. You press your knee against his and his smile turns mischievous, if only for a heartbeat.
Kiyoshi Teppei is not the fool he likes to pretend he is. There’s a depth to him that makes you want to know more.
You nod, pop the now cold fry into your mouth and grin.
“Fries and a milkshake, please.”
- - -
“Honey?” Teppei’s large frame swallows all the light and you blink, look up from the book you’d been reading in. He’s towering over your bed like the giant he is, a strawberry-themed Squishmallow in his gigantic hands.
“It’s time for bed.”
You blink again and check the clock. Okay, yes, it is pretty late. But you only have like, twenty pages in this chapter, and-
“If we go to bed now, we can still cuddle before you fall asleep…” Kiyoshi explains, voice slow and careful as if he’s just now pondering it. But he’s a sly one, your boyfriend, and you’re pretty sure that Squishmallow isn’t dancing in front of you because he just picked it up at random.
“I guess I could be convinced,” you start, squealing when he picks you up with ease. You don’t flail in his hold, not when he’s pulled you this close, your nose digging into his hair now, your chest probably smothering him. 
“Okay, okay, we can snuggle,” you agree, laughing now that you’re in his arms. “Jeez, you could have just asked.”
You sense the pinch before you feel it. You can’t help but giggle, slinging your arms around him as he puts you back down, pulling him with you as best as you can.
You can read more in the morning, cuddling Teppei is more important right now.
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
Please may I have a black butler headcanon of Sebastian with a S/O who is a literal cat magnet and cats pretty much always come to her for affection and love. Cats probably have a sensor raider when it comes to humans. Kinda Yandereish but just fluffy headcanons.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Cutest rq I ever received ngl, I was imagining reader playing with the cats and things like that and Sebastian looking at them with so much adoration in his eyes wjdwoldwls. I loved this, hope you like! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
* Warnings: Yandere content but its pure fluffy, really.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Cats seems to follow you anywhere. Why? How? You don't know but they always come to you wanting to be petted and to cuddle. They like to follow you around, they like when you play with them and if you tried to bathe them, they wouldn't even run away. Again, how and why do they like you so much? No idea, they just do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You like their company though, they're funny and chaotic sometimes. But you love them as much as they do. But you know someone who also love cats? Yes, him; Sebastian Michaelis. It's not uncommon to feel his eyes on you but are they really on you or on the cats that are following you here and there? You don't know.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The answer it's both. He's both watching you with great interest, seeing how you play with the kittens but also admiring all the cats that surround you, some cuddling your chest, others on your lap and your side, all of them purring and pretty much relaxing in your presence while you do your things.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He knows that if he gets closer the cats will move away, but he can't help but hold one of them on his lap while he plays with it, not caring about the feline's claws trying to hit him. He feels at peace holding it, soothing it gently, stroking behind its ears as he coos and makes small talk with you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are like a parent to all those cats so he co-parent with you, buying tons of toys and food for them, helping you clean and play with them when he has time. Aside from this, he also takes the opportunity to swept you off your feet, cooking dinner for you, helping you on your errands, even massaging your shoulders when you feel too tense. Small gestures to make him appear good looking in your eyes
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sebastian tries to understand why cats like you but he can't help being mesmerized by you as much as they are, wanting nothing more than to hold you and never let go. And if you lives nearby or works for Ciel, he do tries to sneak all your cats inside the manor.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him taking care together of any preggo mama cat, omg <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him name every single kitten that was born, some names are normal, some you two make up and he make it extra silly to make you laugh. He loves your laugh and smile, he isn't so subtle as he likes to think. You also can probably figure his feelings after awhile.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your cats love him and people do say that cats only trust in trustworthy people. Sebastian is trustworthy in your eyes, he does everything to make you feel loved and taken care of.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You beat him and ask to court him before he can, gifting him a ring that reassembles a cat. Sebastian normally doesn't wear any jewelry but your ring? He wears it on his finger all the time to show off and he takes such good care of it. He also likes to call your cats your kids. How scandalous, you two have so many kids even before marriage 🤭
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You don't know it but Sebastian train each and every cat you got to attack anyone who tries to talk to you, only exception being your relatives and close friends. Because of this and because people like to gossip, you're known as the cat magnet and that talking to you is inherently bad as anyone who tries ended up being bitten, scratched and chased by your cats and you are left wondering why they react like this. Nothing you do can possibly stop them so you resign yourself to spend your free time at home. And with Sebastian, of course.
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