#// - [ Music ] bops to CHALLENGE GOD too.
bloodbruise · 2 months
wednesday snippet
thank you for the tags lovely mar @messymoony and chris @godsofwoes !!! writing has been a challenge this week, but i dug through my drafts to give u guys some random rosekiller mush <33
He's glancing over at Evan, and this, he thinks, this is the moment. The stage light bathes half his face, casting his skin a pretty lilac hue. And god. Evan's bopping his head to the music, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He's not even doing anything particularly special. Still, Barty can’t help but feel bested. Played at his own game. His heart has turned to mush, slipping down, down, down before he could even realize it. Too distracted looking the other way, and by the time he does—realize, that is—it's too far out of his reach. His heart has gone and attached itself to Evan. Parasitic, he thinks. Heart parasitic and feeding off Evan’s bright and his mirth his good. Evan can’t fix his problems, Barty knows that. It’s chemical, he briefly hears echoes of doctors discussing something about receptors and dysfunctional neurotransmitters. Which—fitting, for Barty. That not even the fucking chemicals in his brain could work properly. But he can’t help but think it would be nice—to have Evan. For him to be there when Barty is too listless to get out of bed. To have him be the first tinglings of feeling once the depression-induced, full-body novocaine shot starts to wear off. His stomach feels funny, like all his insides were scooped out and replaced with Sprite. Bubbling, sparking, and—yeah, maybe it’s not the most romantic metaphor, but he thinks it fits. It fits them. 
np tags: @fromagony @bellaxisworld @ecstarry
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the-au-collector · 4 months
Epic: The Musical and Linked Universe
So I’m sure someone else noticed this already but Epic: The Musical gives off Linked Universe vibes. So I’m honor of the Circe Saga releasing next week, I thought I’d put in my 2 cents about what songs I associate with each Link (+some non-canon LU Links). There’s a bit of another LU-Links-reunite AU building up in my head but there’s no real direction yet so have this brain vomit instead:
- The Horse and The Infant - Warriors. So this goes into my headcanon that Warriors is the hero of 10,000 years ago. No I have no foundation for that theory. It just IS. Anyways he’s fighting the Yiga with an army of Gerudo and Hylians. He has to kill the Yiga leader’s son, who’s the new incarnation of Ganondorf. The kid is an infant. I don’t think I need to explain more but yeah.
- Just A Man - Hyrule. This song is the ultimate Hyrule song for me. It explains his character in my Relinked AU too. It’s just… it’s Hyrule’s song. As for the story based off of Epic: The Musical itself, I think he’s running from some sort of war in his Hyrule (either a civil war or a war with Calatia). The details aren’t that clear yet, other than he kills someone and feels bad about it.
- Full Speed Ahead - Wind. Need I say more?
- Warrior of the Mind - our first non-canon Link: First! I Imagine First and Hylia kicking ass together during this song
- Polyphemus - Okay, we’re getting into true AU territory with this one, but this is Twilight’s song. He’s trying to piece together the Mirror of Twilight again and accidentally angers a Hinox or other large monster. With him is Dusk, Rusl (or maybe Colin), and Dusk is stabbed at the end. That’s all I’ve got for this one.
- Survive - Time. And this one has a Story. Ganondorf attacks Time’s castle town with an army of Gerudo and monsters. Time and the Sages fight him off but at the last second he breaks free and slaughters everyone, including Time. However, just as the song ends (the point where Polyphemus falls asleep), Zelda rewinds time and sacrifices herself to seal Ganondorf into the Mirror of Twilight. This is the moment the Downfall Timeline is created too.
- Remember Me - Our second non-canon Link, Shadow! He, Four, Dot, and others are fighting this monster. The Four Sword shatters, Shadow takes charge but in the end wants to do the noble thing. Oh and he gives his name as “Link” and not Shadow (or Shade, as Four’s beginning to call him in my headcanon)
- My Goodbye - Legend and Fable have a falling out. Legend’s sick of feeling used because he’s the hero, so he decides he’s had enough.
- Storm - Our third non-canon Link, Age! Basically a Tears of the Kingdom scenario except Age and his Zelda (Fauna) never went down below the castle. He never loses his arm and Fauna never goes to the past, but they have to evacuate Hyrule to the sky with the help of the Light Dragon who clears the way.
- Luck Runs Out - Sky and Groose. Idk what went down in Sky’s Hyrule but they’re having a disagreement about how Sky’s handling it.
- Keep Your Friends Close - Our last non-canon Link, Spirit! This one also has some story behind it to make the song fit. Idk why, but he and his Zelda (Phantom) have gone to speak to their Wind God, Zephos (the same from Wind Waker) who gives them a challenge. They fail and Spirit gets separated from the group. I imagine it might have something to do with Ganondorf who’s still stuck under the receding Great Sea.
- Ruthlessness - This absolute bop goes to Four. It’s also a follow-up to Remember Me, so that means the monster Shadow refused to kill is Special. Related in some way to Fierce Deity special. So the story here is after the encounter with the monster, Four, Shadow, and others (I’m debating giving Vaati a redemption arc?) decide to try to get help from the god Fierce Deity. Except Deity is pissed because he thinks Four is a weakling when it was actually Shadow who took the blame for what happened to the monster. Fierce slaughters all of Four and Shadow’s men, Four seals himself into the Four Sword to distract/hurt Fierce, and Shadow escapes but feels really guilty.
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll add the Circe Saga when it comes out.
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harrrrrryyyy · 2 years
The Bartender’s Kinda Hot h.s. (Part 3)
Warning: smut, swearing
Word Count: 1,843
Part One
Part Two
Part Four
I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I quickly get out of bed and throw on Harry’s shirt from the night before. I walk down the steps to see Harry standing in front of the stove, making food. 
“Whatcha making me?” I ask as I sit down on one of the stools by his counter.
He hands me a plate with waffles and bacon, “hope you’re hungry.”
“Always,” I commented before digging in.
“So tell me about yourself?” he says sitting down next to me.
“What do you wanna know?” I ask.
“Anything and everything,” he replies.
I finish chewing on the piece of bacon, “my name’s y/n l/n, I’m an editor at a small publishing company up town, I don’t normally do these kinds of things.”
His eyes bore into me, “Harry Styles, I’m a bartender, as you know, I moved here from Holmes Chapel to pursue my dream of music, and I, too, don’t normally do these kinds of things.”
Once we finished up our food and getting to know each other, I learned that Harry has a sister named Gemma. He moved from England a little under three years ago to pursue his music career, but ended up bartending at the club to help his friend, Louis out. 
He shows me where his shower is, and I quickly remove his shirt over my head and hop into the hot water. 
“Do you need anything else?” he asks.
“No, I should be good, thank you, Harold.” he laughs at my remark and closes the bathroom door. While I’m in the middle of rubbing conditioner in my hair, I hear the shower door open and turn around to see Harry naked in front of me. His eyes rake my body up and down with his eyes before stepping closer to me to get under the water. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he states. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I joke.
He laughs, “oh yeah? Is that right?” he grabs ahold of me suddenly and places his lips on mine. I smile against his lips as I kiss him back.
His hand makes its way down my body and in between my legs. I gasp as his finger makes contact with my still extremely sensitive center.
“Harr-” I start.
“What? You can’t handle it?” He challenges me.
I pull away from him and look him dead in the eye before taking his hardening length in my hand. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I say as I get down on my knees and take him in my mouth. I hollow my cheeks around him and bop my head up and down.
“Dear God,” he says aloud.
I release him from my mouth with a pop, “not God, just me.” 
“You’re an asshole,” he laughs, he quickly lifts me up by my thighs and inserts himself inside of me, starting off with a vigorous pace.
“This is mine,” he groans into my ear as he pins me up against the shower wall. 
“All yours,” I moan as I tug on his hair.
His pace quickens as I connect our lips together. He has me completely pinned and unable to move, so I just sit there and take it. 
“Right there,” I moan as he hits that special spot inside of me. 
“Right there, baby?” he growls as he hits it repeatedly. 
“Fuck, fuck,” I yell out when I feel myself come closer and closer to the peak. 
“Gonna cum for me?” he asks.
I nod uncontrollably, causing him to pick up the pace even more.
“Good girl,” he says, tipping me over the edge. When he feels me tighten around him, he goes in even deeper than before, spilling himself inside of me. He sets me down and we finish up showering. 
“I could never get used to that,” I tell him.
“Trust me, I know how you feel.” he smiles and places one last kiss on my lips before exiting the bathroom. 
I finish getting dressed and exit the bathroom myself, and throw my shoes on.
“Text me when you get home,” Harry says before planting another kiss on my lips.
I nod and exit his apartment. As soon as I hop on the elevator, I click on Allie’s contact name and give her a call.
“Hello?” she answers.
“I’m fucked,” I tell her.
“Why?” she asks, “Harry?”
I sigh, “Al, I’m so into him, it’s ridiculous.”
“Bitch!” she exclaims, “yes, I love that for you. Are you with him now?”
“No, I just left, wanna meet me for lunch? I’ll tell you all about it,” I tell her.
She agrees and we hang up the phone.
“I’m sorry, I’m not seeing the issue here,” she points out, “Harry’s a super hot guy who’s made it super obvious that he’s into you. Why the hell are you freaking out?” 
I roll my eyes, “a lot of guys are super into you at first. Besides, I don’t do the whole relationship thing, not since Jake.” 
“Fuck Jake. Harry’s not ‘a lot of other guys’,” she says. 
I shrug, “I don’t know, Al.” 
Before she can respond, I feel my phone vibrate. I look at the caller ID and see that it’s Harry. 
“Is that Harry?” she asks, peeking over my shoulder, “bitch don’t just sit there and stare, answer it!” 
She quickly grabs my phone from my hand and hits the “accept” button. 
“Hello, Harry!” she answers. 
“y/n? You mean the one who’s super into you, y/n?” she asks. 
My eyes go wide and I try to grab my phone back from her grasp. She swats my hand away. 
“Oh, no, she’d love to go on a date with you, Harry!” she says to him, “yep, yep, alright, she’ll be there! Okay, bye!” 
She hangs up and hands me back my phone, “you have a date with Harry tomorrow night. He said to dress nicely.” 
“What the fuck was that?” I ask. 
“Take initiative, y/n, you want the hot British guy, go get the hot British guy!” she says.
I groan as I try on the fifth dress of the night. 
“I don’t know, Al, I look like shit, maybe I should just reschedule,” I told her over Facetime. 
“Bitch, if you cancel, we will no longer be on speaking terms,” she jokes, “stop worrying so much, you look hot in all of them!” 
I look at her on my phone screen, “I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous, the guy’s already been in your guts how many times?” she laughs.
I chuckle, “you’re right, but him asking me on a date makes it feel almost real.” 
“Listen, you’re beautiful. Harry thinks you’re beautiful, so just go on this date with him and be yourself. He’s already seriously into you,” she encourages, “and wear the red dress, he won’t be able to keep his hands off of you!” 
My eyes quickly land on the red dress that’s currently hung up in my closet. I walk over and grab it, “you’re absolutely right.” 
I put the dress over my body and admire how it looks in the mirror.
“Yes bitch!” Allie says excitedly, “you’re gonna get some dick tonight.” 
I finish up with my hair and make up and check myself over in the mirror one more time.
“Chef’s kiss,” Allie exclaims. 
“Couldn’t have done it without ya,” I tell her as there’s a knock on the door, “he’s here.” 
“Go have fun, get some good dick, tell me all about it tomorrow!” I quickly hang up and walk over to the door, calming myself down before answering it. 
I open the door up to see Harry looking absolutely breathtaking. 
“You look stunning,” he comments, holding his arm out for me. 
“So do you,” I say, taking his arm.
Harry takes me to one of the fanciest restaurants I’ve ever been to in my life.
“Holy shit,” I exclaim as we wait to be seated.
“Never been here before?” he asks.
I laugh, “the fanciest restaurant I’ve been to is Red Lobster, so what does that tell you?” 
He laughs at my response, “well this definitely is no Red Lobster.” 
We’re quickly seated in one of the VIP booths.
“Who’s dick did you have to suck to get this?” I ask, half-joking.
He chuckles, “the managers, and I didn’t have to suck anything, I gave him a quick handy in the bathroom.” 
I laugh out loud, “whatever works.” 
“So what kind of music do you like?” he asks.
I laugh nervously, “I like a lot of different stuff. Tom Petty is one of my all time favorites.”
“Oh a woman with taste, I like that,” he states looking deep into my eyes, “I love Tom Petty too. I’m a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac, too. My dream is to one day play right beside Stevie Nicks.”
I smile, “that’d be amazing. You should play something for me sometime.” 
His eyes light up at the mention of it, “absolutely.” 
Our food finally arrives and I quickly dig into my steak.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he exclaims. 
I look up at him as I chew on the medium rare steak I currently have shoved in my mouth. The gleam in his eyes as he watches me makes me feel even more nervous. 
“I’d bend you over this table right now if there weren’t people here,” he states. 
I swallow my food, “give them a show.” 
“Jesus fuck, where have you been all my life?” he growls slowly so only I can hear him.
“Thank you, I had a really great time,” I tell Harry as he walks me back to my apartment.
“So did I, babe.” he smiled at me and intertwined our fingers. I quickly unlock my door and pull Harry inside with me, placing my lips on his. He slams the door shut and I start unbuttoning his shirt. I rip it off his body and he helps me take off my dress.
“Dress looks so much fucking better on the floor,” he says as his eyes look over my body before placing his lips back on mine. I lead him over to the couch and push him down onto it before straddling him. I smash my lips against his again as I grind myself down on his bulge. 
We’re interrupted by his phone ringing. He pulls away and answers his phone, “hello?”
“What?!” he yells. 
I take that as my queue to climb off of him. He argues with whoever is on the phone before quickly hanging up. 
“Is everything okay?” I ask.
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” he says.
“I-uh-okay,” I say blankly. 
He throws his shirt back on, “I’m sorry, I’ll text you.” He kisses my cheek before exiting my apartment. 
I quickly sigh and walk to my room to change into pajamas. I can’t help but wonder who was on the other line. Whoever it was, must’ve really said something to really set him off. I lay down in bed and drift off to sleep.
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writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town As Songs I Shamelessly Loop
What it says! I've been feeling way more inspired after my week-long trip away. I dove back into my playlists and came up with this idea. Thanks for anyone who's still stuck around after my sorta hiatus. I'm gonna be updating more often again!
Enjoy my absolutely shambolic music taste and look out for more content soon 🧡
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Vision of Love - Mariah Carey
'You treated me kind, sweet destiny! And I'll be eternally grateful, Holding you so close to me.'
Something about this song just screams 'Robaire' to me. The mix of slow jam sensuality and jaw-dropping vocals is so on brand for him.
This song is a classic and I could definitely imagine Robaire singing this either before fame in a talent contest or as a solo artist later down the road. Let's face it, if anyone can rival Mariah's whistle tones, it's Robaire.
Whatsername - Green Day
'I made a point to burn all of the photographs. She went away, and then I took a different path.'
So, I personally hc Jesse as being an ex member of the alternative rock scene. He went through many phases, but his grunge/punk time was one for the books. And like any good punk rocker, he still loves Green Day.
The chilled, mellowness of this song is reminds me of him, too. That and the lyricism, the theme of leaving a romantic interest in the past. I feel like he'd have related to this song with the mom of his kids. He'd definitely have had some long drives blasting this song, screaming out the lyrics as the melody builds.
Aaron T;
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing - Stevie Wonder
'Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama. 'Cause I'll be standing on the side When you check it out.'
My God, this song is T to a T. The Latin American flavour, the garbled Spanish in the intro, the upbeat playfulness. It's all him.
Plus, we know T is a supportive friend and S/O. He has a positive outlook on life, and he definitely passes that on to his loved ones. Bolstering them up to take on life's challenges while waiting in the wings to support them through it all.
Aaron Z;
Lavender Haze - Taylor Swift
'Staring at the ceiling with you, Oh, you don't ever say too much. And you don't really read into my melancholia.'
I won't lie, this song gave me inspiration to do this post in the first place. Something about it reminds me of Z. Maybe it's the purple aesthetic, the sombre beats, the whole vibe of giving no f*cks. I don't know, it's all just very Z.
Plus, I feel like he's a night owl. Finding peace in that time of the night when everyone else is asleep and he can let his imagination run wild. Part of him comes alive at that magical midnight hour, and that's what this song is all about to me.
✨Bonus ✨; In the modern AU, I hc Z as having a fat secret crush on Ms Swift. T's definitely planning an embarrassing encounter between them at some point.
Tae Young;
Intro; Persona - BTS
'Persona, who the hell am I? I just wanna go, I just wanna fly. I just wanna give you all the voices till I die. I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry.'
I know, I know- picking a K-pop song for Tae-
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Buuuuut, I genuinely feel like this song is so Tae. It's all about discovering yourself through supporting those you love most. As I hc Tae as bisexual, and we all know he's the youngest, he's still growing into himself. But he has so much love to give, and the members and 4 Townies see that.
Also, this song is super rogue but honestly such a bop. It's catchy and a lil feisty, and we know that Tae isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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sparkiekong · 29 days
Day 20 - 200 Word Challenge
The next day they met up at the office again, Serena was already in the office and happily bopping to some music she had in her earbuds as she looked over the reports that came in overnight.
Smiling, he snuck up and slid his arms around her making her jump, “God, you startled me!”
He chuckled, “Did you even go home last night? You look like you haven’t slept.”
“I didn’t. I was too hyped up. The audio specialist said there could be something there that protects the children. We’re so close!” She turned around in his arms and returned his hug. “Once we understand how it’s being transmitted we can counter it with another sound… then it’s up to the police to figure out who’s terrorizing people. Half the work is done!”
 “What about the food intake? Anything different there than here?” He asked.
She turned and pointed to the report on his desk, “Yep. A bit, but it’s not how we thought. The water from the five towns all comes from the same source, but the different school water supplies are sourced by distinct locations from one another and from the towns. So, the water supply could be another source. There’s one more town that’s been unaffected.”
“Could it be both? Oh, that’s great! we’d have to send the drones to the last town and test their soundwaves.” His mind raced with possibilities on finding the actual source, but there was no sign of a cure in sight. Finding the source should be the first step in finding a cure, he reasoned.
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ann-planet · 2 years
Let's talk about Indigo
I absolutely loved Indigo by Kim Namjoon a.k.a RM-- the poet who speaks of dreams and personalities and philosophies that I never hear of until it comes from him.
Bear in mind, this will absolutely be long and full of unbridled love for Namjoon.
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Track no 1-- Yun
This feels like Namjoon's thoughts on being an artist that comes at the crossroads of being purely artist with no obligations to humanity, and an artist that is flawed-- yet does not let go of humanity. A sleek, slow rap song with the gorgeous vocals of Erykah Badu's chorus that breathes spirituality into the lyrics. A song of beige visuals-- a color that is meek in presentation, but bare in its beliefs.
Track no 2-- Still Life.
First of all, the MV is a refreshing feat. The use of Liminal spaces without too many tacky or glittery decorations, gives more breathing space to the groove of this song. It's a song where Namjoon screams to the screen that one thing he'll never be is a passive person. A canvas can't contain, his own reflection cannot contain his actions-- he hops along and dances and vibes. The song has the potential to be a party song, or a hang-out song-- it's a song that makes you and your friends feel invincible. Anderson Paak's vocals give a lighter contrast to Namjoon's deep voice, and helps adding onto what Namjoon is trying to say. Oh Namjoon, you sure know how to pick 'em.
Track no 3-- All day
Namjoon and Tablo speak on two parallel enemies here-- but largely it's the bad faith media. According to doolsetbangtan, "They show cool people dancing in cool clothes, when in real life there are more people with two left feet" is a translation of one of the lines in Namjoon's verse. To Namjoon, misrepresentation annoys him. To Tablo, the subjugation to what is popularised annoys him. Both are valid reasons why they are annoyed with the media.From Namjoon's words and work being misrepresented on the media, to Tablo facing the massive hate train due to online haters because they felt he was lying about his education. The electric song however, stays strong above from getting too angry. Namjoon and Tablo realises that they see things through, and as a result, they must keep their heads above the water from muddling their music. And just like that, we get a bop ya'll.
Track no 4- Forg_tful
This might be a bit of a TMI (I'm honestly so embarrassed even saying this out loud just in case no one actually reads this)-- but sometimes my anxiety and my depressive thoughts do make me forget a lot of things. This song feels a representation of that. It's a song that asks for forgiveness because the speaker is trying-- they are trying so hard but demons still persist. Memory is a frighteningly becoming a privilege. First thing Namjoon does is re-affirm his age-- he's still young, and yet he feels so guilty. The simple acoustic of the song can make it sound light and not as memorable as its previous tracks, but it's a moment for Namjoon to acknowledge certain aspects of his life. And by god, I cannot tell enough how validated I feel by this track.
Track no 5-- Closer
Visual representation of this track-- fingers clawing at sheets with yearning. The smooth track sounds sensuous but it's also the speaker getting frustrated. They are at wit's end on how to get closer to their lover. How in hell can they show how much love overflows in them? Mahalia and Paul Blanco work as great collaborators on this as they help Namjoon weave an atmosphere to this story. It's a slight cheeky song at times, but underneath it all, is the simmering coals on the speaker's desire to feel the overflow of love from their lover too.
Track no 6-- Change pt 2
A sardonic hyper-pop track. Namjoon hates being boxed. He's not the same person he was a while ago, and he hates that nobody lets him change. Towards the end of the song, there's a slight indication of him condemning another person-- basically challenging them that they would have to live a life knowing that they never would love someone like how Namjoon does. Again TMI, but this sort of reminds me of my friendship with someone during my teenager years The friendship wasn't on basis of mutual respect, and became toxic. Once I left, and I changed for the better, my ex-best friend, even though she got the friends she always wanted, loved to remind me how different I was when I was with her. It was a sarcastic and bitter jab. I of course, can't assume the nature of the relationship between Namjoon and the person he is addressing, but I love how I understood this song from a personal angle.
Track no 7-- Lonely
This song was written in Vegas this year, when Namjoon felt lonely in his hotel. I love the neon-lights this song emanates. It's full of clicks and whistles-- the sound of someone just making sounds for the sake of making sounds cuz they can't stand the silence. I can almost hear Namjoon fidgeting just for the sake of passing the time. The line-- "and now I hate the cities I don't belong"-- makes me feel the speaker used to enjoy visiting cities purely as a tourist, but now, he feels the lack of belonging even more and abhors it.
Track no 8- Hectic
This sort of feels like a shout out to his previous song from mono-- Seoul. Namjoon claims his busy life isn't romantic, but the city pop rhythm of the song confuses the listeners into thinking he's singing something magical-- a trap he leaves to show much of a victim we could be to the idea that life of a busybody is more fun than a life of someone who's quiet. This song reminds of late night drives through the busiest parts of the city, where you are stuck in traffic and can't help but observe the people around you who are impatient to get where time dictates them to go.
Track no 9- Wildflower
this song is an allegory to a certain kind of life that Namjoon wants to live as for years. He's explosive in his exhales here, and those exhales get pumped up more thanks to the power vocals of Youjeen who belts into the mic the need to scatter into the sky. The song having the same intro and outdo signifies a full circle that rests as a crown on Namjoon's vision and plans for himself. The song makes me feel emotional (almost every single track from this album does tbh), but this one is the cathartic track. It's Namjoon finally leaving behind the guilt and pursuing for a better health of his mind, his career, and his self.
Track no 10- No 2
Funny thing, but this song sounds like a lullaby being sung by two parents sshvhsdvh. It's a slow acoustic again, but unlike forg_tful, it has a lot more strobe. After wildflower, it's the calmer end, a wistful end. "My felony" rhyming with "melody". This is a song where Namjoon tells to himself that yeah you are regretful of your interviews, of the boxes you have been caged in, of all the commitments you may have forgotten, but you have survived. You maybe cringing or embarrassed by your younger self, but that was because the young you was just trying to survive. It's best to no look back, and just acknowledge that those were the steps that you needed to take to get where you are today.
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In all, Indigo feels like a very fully realised album made with care and discretion. I love the sound of it, the colors it exudes, the exciting new artists it introduced me to-- everything. Namjoon bared his soul for this, and yet, does not look back. I don't think anyone will read this extra long ramble piece, I am after all still new to Tumblr, but hey! No looking back, remember?
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itsdelicate · 1 year
aw thats so cute omg and a vv good cause <3
noo i loved music i just never knew what artist to start w lol and there never seemed to be enough time. why thank you for that honour i do really love fearless ajshjbd. omg really? yk what that is so valid. its not my fav but i really love the ironic satire of it all njcvnjf. cardigan is my fav mv!! its so prettyyy and the colours are just so ahhh. willow is a close second. what ab u? YES YES EXACTLY OMG im so desperate for at least a cruel summer mv i dont think there is a single thing bad ab that song. it is SO GOOD!!!! ikr like he was def a catalyst to my swiftie era and i love him for that <3 lmao yea its perfection and i def would not mind 5 more mins of it jndkm.
AWW and LMAOFJEWIF it is so valid to be singing mamma mia all day its so good like the second i hear those opening piano notes i will scream. OMG that is so very iconic tho i love that!!! teachers shouldve been proud u had such good taste so young <3 omg yes do it cause i think the radio overplaying me! made me unable to really appreciate it. like the second ur a bit eh w it, change it to smth elsee
yea it doesss!! oh thats fair but i really could not live without them lol. bUT i do love happy songs too
omg i have not watched most of the mcu movies just like some of the latest ones and i honestly am not into them really. and we're actually gonna watch the avatar movie!! i havent even watched the first one lol. there IS a lot and i dont have the patience or the interest to actually watch ALL of them lmaoo. okay cool cause i really do talk a lot adjomfm
when's ur weekend trip? if its this weekend, have fun!!
xxx ur secret santa
yee i love him so much <3
ahdjf i get that i find it hard to get into new artists cause there’s so much!! and idk how to start!! ahdjfj i think it was her whole look in the mv 🫣 same omg willow is my fav followed by cardigan! i love how they’re connected <3 she literally put drugs in cruel summer istg the first time i heard he looks up grinning like a devil changed me 😮‍💨 do you still go to lessons with him? no you’re so right @/taylor make all ur songs 10 mins long challenge xx
exactly!! i really want to take my mum to see abba voyage next year she loves their songs so valid 😌 ahdjf tbh it took me years till i got a bit older to realise why they were laughing i thought they were laughing at me cause i was bad at singing or something and i was so self conscious about it for years later until it clicked 💀 yeah omg the moment it gets to that point where it’s like “hm not this again” i Have switch it or i’ll never be able to listen to that song ever again lmao
okay tbf i think it depends on the music for me cause if it’s a sad song but still a bop i love it but if it’s sad and slow i’m 🥲
shdjf i don’t think i’m ever going to watch any of them honestly 😭 oooh did you like avatar? i never saw the first one either LOL
oh it was last weekend when i got the tat!! but it was lovely thank you 🥰 any weekend plans for you? it’s the 25th tomorrow god december’s flown by!
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bronanlynch · 7 months
managed to keep most of the categories fairly concise this week, please clap (this is partially bc I was busy and not doing as much ~media consumption as usual but shhh)
listening (podcast): as usual I am keeping up with Palisade, which really does just keep being So Much. you would think things might calm down after disarming every single sun-destroying bomb and assassinating a god-emperor but no things have not calmed down and it's great
also continuing to make my way through the Great Gundam Project episodes on 0079, which is making me miss those characters and especially Sayla :( I miss my girl :(
listening (music): did a lot of driving this past weekend which means listening to car CDs which means no new music. shout out to classic staples like Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace and All Signs Point to Lauderdale by A Day to Remember, which is a genuinely good song but also the first line is literally "I hate this town" so adjust your opinion of my music taste accordingly
reading: once again reading The Death I Gave Him (sci-fi Hamlet retelling by Em X. Liu) which continues to fucking rule. I'm enjoying that the Ophelia figure is getting a little bit of a Laertes arc, which is fun, love it when Ophelia gets to be a bit vengeful as a treat
also, I've started reading The Imperial Uncle, a court intrigue danmei novel by Da Feng Gua Guo (published in English by the same people who published/translated Golden Terrace/Golden Stage, which is how I found out about it). I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, I'm always a fan of political intrigue, especially political intrigue that is also a family drama, and the premise of it is that the main character has a reputation as scheming & untrustworthy that he's leaning into in order to prevent a coup that his friends are planning, all of which is catnip to me personally. also I enjoy that not only is the main character married, as someone in his position in this context would have been expected to be, but he's also textually slept with people who aren't the love interest. I think that's fun! I like when characters have histories and exist in contexts! and also I sometimes get bored when the main couple have never had a single relationship other than each other sorry
watching: still keeping up with Bakeoff. I'm sad that Rowan & Nicky are gone because I really liked both of them, even if I think it was fair that they're the ones who left two weeks ago. I was a bit surprised that is was Dana this past week though, like I get why she was in the running to leave but I didn't think she did that badly, y'know? anyway, absolutely loved the theme. as a guy who loves desserts that aren't too sweet and also floral flavors, I enjoyed that they were doing botanicals. although I think more of them could've afforded to be a little more daring tbh like come on, hibiscus is a flavor that plenty of them already use in other challenges, get weirder with it. I don't blame people for shying away from rose because the judges are always talking about how they hate it when someone puts "too much" rose in something, but I love rose flavor so I think they're all cowards
we have also been watching more ZZ Gundam. we've gotten to the new opening, and I've gotta say, the first one was a lot more of a bop, but alas. I don't have a whole lot that's new to say because it's mostly like, I'm having fun, I like Judau and his friends, I miss Kamille and Char, I wish there weren't so much weird misogyny sometimes, I love to see Haman, etc. actually the main new thing I have to say is that the set of episodes where they're lost in the desert is like, it feels like they're trying to make a point about how it's bad that these people trying to live their lives have gotten caught up in the fighting between two imperial powers neither of whom care about the collateral damage because they're too busy trying to kill each other in giant death machines, but the show doesn't let the characters or the audience sit with that or allow much interiority for the people living in the village (other than the woman who was in love with one of the soldiers and wants to die while vindicating his choice to also pilot a giant death machine which. we don't have time to unpack all that) so Imo it falls flat as a critique and ends up wrapping back around to being kinda orientalist
also saw a play that was a comedy retelling of Dracula which was. well. overall it was mostly fun, it was campy, the costuming was delightful, I mostly had a good time despite a couple of pretty odd adaptational choices. however. there were parts of it that I did not enjoy and those parts were the transmisogyny. I wish I could say I was surprised that something that was billed as "gender-bending" and "for the gays and the theys" had some pretty uhhh blatant transmisogyny in it but. unfortunately here we are, and unfortunately marketing yourself as queer-friendly doesn't prevent you from having a running "joke" about how a female character played by a man is ugly & unlovable. it's uncomfortable and bad and kinda soured me on the play as a whole which is a shame because it could have been so good otherwise. what if we as a society decided to tell jokes that are actually funny instead of relying on transmisogynistic caricatures. what if.
playing: still on Ace Attorney 5, and now that Pearl is back it really feels like the people making this game were not confident that people would be invested in the new characters so they have to keep bringing back the old ones. I like Pearl! but we've had multiple games with Pearl already and Trucy has barely been in AA5 at all, so why can't we have Trucy as the assistant for the rest of this case? tbh I think this case especially would be stronger if the points of view you got were Athena and Apollo like, you can investigate as Apollo, Trucy tags along and then gives information to Athena even though he doesn't want her to, and then you play as Athena for the trial with Phoenix there for moral support. please Capcom. please I love Phoenix but it doesn't really feel like they're doing much with him here so I would rather focus on the new characters who haven't gotten as a much screentime instead
making: we've gotten to back to assembling Miorine. she has two eyebrows and a torso now (picture taken before we did the torso)
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alas, poor Mi-Yorick
drinking: according to the internet some recipes for an aviation leave out the creme de violette which I think is a crime. that's the whole point. anyway. had a very good aviation which did in fact include the violette and it fucked. shout out to gin drinks that don't include tonic water
writing: worked on a fic for a zine check-in, got rejected from a different zine that I was really interested in. the epic highs and lows of trying to get your writing read by more people than your roommate and maybe a mutual or two
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tinx-methinks · 10 months
Songs ask: 5, 14, 29, 30
Ooo very fun. As an added challenge I tried to pick songs I haven't talked to you about. So if I've mentioned any of these to you before I apologize (I forgor).
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Difficult question because so many songs just benefit from loudness
Because of my own rules I didn't think I could pick any of my usual answers to this question (Dragula, Highway to the Dangerzone, Mr. Brightside, Take on Me, or even Rock Me Gently)
So I'm going with another song that is specifically a bop. An Unskinny Bop to be precise. I don't always listen to Poison but when I do it's this song on repeat for an hour.
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
An unfair question as you know I'm planning a wedding and have given this a lot of thought recently. I have a lot of songs I'd like to play at my wedding. Many of which are not going to be played for various reasons (Inappropriate, Too much Rick Astley, Gregory hates Country music etc.) But really many songs I'm looking forward to having played are going to be played (True, How Deep is your Love, 8 Days a Week, SO MUCH RICK) so I don't feel like I'm missing out on much except there is one whimsical pick on my current tracklist that probably wont make the final cut.
Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees
As I don't really love the song, but I love the way Gregory has always sung it even before we were together. I doubt he'd do that at a gathering of so many people tho... So Probably not.
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
I think this one was hard because I've def played you most of the real big ones. (Love Fire, Lorelei, Sebastian the Crab Originals etc) but I don't think I've mentioned the one everyone knows I hate from my youth. My sister and I would listen to one of the music channels on our TV and there was one song that would come on there that to this day would make me simmer with rage.
Patio Lanterns by Kim Mitchell
Don't ask me why. I don't know. I still hate the song tho.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
This was difficult without my go tos available. (Simply Irresistible, Free, and Little Bird) Then I thought of Crushin' It which I've been relating to a little too hard lately but I think we explicitly talked about it so I can't use that one. (Minus the beer culture obvi) STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB by The Narcissist Cookbook has a similar problem except you introduced me to the artist. Older by Autoheart too.
And I was in quite a pickle for a minute there. But then I realized I was just goin too negative in my vibes.
The song I'm picking is Put you in a Song by Keith Urban
Which I often think is just the highest tier of affection. If I love you odds are good I've thought to myself that I wish I could sing about it. And I know we haven't talked about Keith Urban cause god what a basic ass pick he is. Cowboy would be ashamed of me. But god don't I think that all the time.
I want to put you in a melody. I gotta set you to a groove.
But it's such a fun song and you should listen to it 9 times in a row.
Thank youuuuu for asking and giving me a chance to think of some fun ones. Here's a bonus song just for you my dear friend: Leo Sawyer's You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is an appropriate answer for every question above.
Ask me music questions here
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alchemthief-moved · 2 years
Artificial Heart - Johnathan Coulton // Arc III Songs
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“They gave me a test to make me the best that I could be They knew all along that there was something wrong with me We picked out a spot and made a hole Wire and glass and stainless steel Now I can imagine how I'd feel”
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“You're happy again I nod and pretend to think it through I don't need to think at all if I don't care for you It's not an emergency for me I look at the walls and they go clear I cover my eyes and disappear”
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dancing with the sinclairs.
+ general dancing headcanons
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sinclair brothers (separate) x gn!reader | headcanons
word count: 1,258 (~400 per section)
contains: some suggestive scenarios. crackfic elements, especially lester's section, it's a mess. white boy dancing. if you're looking for actual serious headcanons, proceed with caution lmao
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He's not the best at it, but whatever Bo lacks in skill, he makes up for in confidence and charm.
If anyone knows that vine of the guy dancing and singing in his dorm room "bop it tchchch twist it, nYEHH, pull it doOO" (here), that's exactly what I imagine Bo looks like.
Like sure, he looks like a white suburban dad after a couple too many gin and tonics, but you can't deny that dancing with him is pretty fun.
I can totally see Bo being a complete boomer when it comes to modern pop music, but I also love the idea of him secretly jamming out to Top 40 Hits.
Like sometimes late at night in the garage, when he's certain that neither you or his brothers are around, he just does the Intense Neck Jerk dance to hips don't lie
He's like "ugh pop music these days smh" aight, tell me why you know all these lyrics off by heart then, hm? Do tell.
I can't tell if Bo would've loved or despised hotel room service by pitbull
Back on topic, Bo is a busy man who also likes to desperately cling onto his one and only scrap of dignity, so getting him to dance can be a bit of a challenge.
You could definitely persuade him into a romantic, late night slow dancing session, though.
When you and him have the house to yourselves for the night, he'd be happy to pass the time by swaying in each other's arms, soft music playing on the radio or the old record player, all while he's whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
He can be a prick at times, but oh man, he certainly knows how to make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
On a less innocent note, dirty dancing with Bo would be so much fun, holy shit (if you're comfortable with that). He'd totally egg you on as you start dancing on him.
"Ya know exactly what y're doin' to me, don't you, darlin'?" He purrs, eyes darkening as he grabs your hips. Yes tf I do bbyyy 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
I'm desperately suppressing the Bo Liker tendencies right now. Get me outta this shit, I have a reputation to uphold.
Maybe you can convince him to take you to a bar the next town over and show everyone who the hottest (and most fun) couple is.
~ ♡ ~
I love him with all my heart, but I'm so sorry, Vincent cannot dance.
He absolutely has the potential to be great, but until you teach him and help him loosen up, he just can't. Even if you get a couple drinks in him, he's still rigid as hell.
I'm sure he can do a backflip torpedo kick combo while he's out on the hunt, but if you're ever like "ayy hottie give me a little twirl"... lol no, prepare to witness the most stiff twirl you'll ever see in your life.
Not even a proper twirl, it's just Vince slowly rotating on the spot. You swore to god you could hear like, his bones creaking like old machinery. Tin Man headass.
However, Vincent is also a quick learner. I've seen someone mention here before that Vincent would make a great ballet dancer, and you know what, I agree (once you get him to relax for once in his life, poor guy).
I say start off with slowdancing. It's easy to learn, perform, and you both have an excuse to hold each other close and sway back n' forth. Ugh, especially when everything's candlelit and there's soft opera crackling in the background, while you two are just lost in your own world.
I also just like the thought of Vincent listening to his sad classical music while working on his art, and just moving to the rhythm a little bit. Maybe quietly humming to himself too? That'd be really sweet. I refuse to believe that Vincent is stoic and serious.
Bo and Vincent are similar in a lot of ways, but when it comes to dirty dancing with their partners? COMPLETELY different reactions.
Feel up on Bo and he'll happily return the favour, but with Vincent? Nah he's like:
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He'll be fine, just ease him into it first lol
I think Vincent would be more into observing you than joining you, when it comes to dancing. He'd be more than happy to just stand back and watch you beam and dance around the room. You could literally be throwing your back out to brutal death metal and he'd still have the heart eyes for you.
Please get him into metal (if he isn't already) and watch him headbang the house down. Especially with all that hair of his.
But if you held out a hand to him, his heart would melt. Even if he feels a little awkward, he'll always appreciate being included.
~ ♡ ~
LESTERRRRR(imagine me rolling the r)RRRRRR
Maybe a hot take, but Lester is the best dancer of the trio.
He doesn't quite have the confidence at first, but once he feels comfortable around you (or has had a lot to drink), it's like you unlocked a whole new side of him.
Lester loves having fun and goofing off with you, so dancing together is always welcome.
Twirling you around, performing some impressive footwork, all with a bright grin sprawled across his face -- man, now he's just showing off (I say lovingly).
You know what, I'm gonna go all the way and say Lester can do a backflip. Who's gonna stop me? He has never seen a flower. He burnt down a hospital. He doesn't believe in gravity.
Behold, the power of fictional character headcanons.
Normal/No-Murder AU where the brothers go clubbing together and Lester puts the others to shame by shredding on the dancefloor.
Imagine it: he's spinning on his head, Bo's throwing his hat down on the ground in defeat, Vincent's lying face down on the ground, motionless, the crowd's going nuts, the president is there.
Alright but, I can see him bopping his head and singing along to whatever's on the radio while driving about. I get the sense that he's pretty openminded about music genres, so as long as it has a good rhythm to follow, he'll be happy to groove to it.
Maybe this is just me projecting, but Lester could possibly use dancing (and music, in general) to help him stim. Drumming his fingers on the wheel, humming, etc. Silence is a common, but reluctant guest of his, and he'll hop on any opportunity to fill it.
Oh, and of course Lester would make an excellent slow dance partner. As much as he loves swinging himself around with you, calm intimate moments like these make him swoon. Gazing into your eyes, pupils dilated, with that adorable smile of his. Gah, what a cutie.
If you try to dance on him, he'll just "aH"
His soul left his body for a split second when you began getting all up on him, before his face went beet red and he started giggling.
He would not be turned off by it, but it's certainly unfamiliar territory for him. I doubt he's ever danced with someone like that before... I can be the first *fuckboy emoji face*
All in all, please, please, please hold his hand and swing him around, let him have fun, hold him close and move to the sound of your favourite song, show him lots of love, he deserves it.
omg could you imagine these guys playing Just Dance together? vincent is suffocating bo with a pillow because bo was like "man you suck at this game", meanwhile lester's tearing up, trying so hard to get 5 stars on istanbul (not constantinople) goddammit
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 3: I like girls that dance
summary: It’s your first night out and your first real introduction to Westheath. Rafe is quick to find his way on your radar.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 4.6k
a/n: the way I’m imagining Jack Harlow as I write Liam 😩✋also, im pulling these chapter titles out of my ass - but actually tho, go listen to Girls That Dance by Masego 
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Part 1 Part 2
Despite your doubts, you put on the sheer top and the black mini skirt Millie and Olivia had insisted you wear. Your favorite pregame playlist plays as you do your makeup in the mirror. You move as quickly as you can, in desperate need of a shot to calm your nerves before your flat fills with people. You’re also nervous about seeing Rafe after that encounter in the kitchen you just had. 
As you run your fingers through your hair and put on your earrings, all you can see is his stupid (and annoyingly attractive) face, staring down at you with that dumb backwards cap, telling you that you guys should watch Game of Thrones together. Every time your mind starts to think if that means something, you quickly shut down the thought. Of course it doesn’t mean anything. Just because a boy wants to watch a show with you does not automatically mean he wants you or that this was going to turn into some kind of Netflix and chill situation. Or was this gonna be a Netflix and chill situation? I mean it was Rafe Cameron after all, the boy certainly had a reputation. But then again, hadn’t he just showed you that he’s different from what you had expected? Oh god this was all too much to think about right now, you needed a shot. Stat. 
“Y/N!” Olivia shouts, swinging the door to your room open right on cue. “Oh. My. God. You look so hot!” she exclaims. “Here, this is for you,” she extends a shot glass toward you with a devilish grin. 
“Oh god what is it,” you grimace. Shots always seemed like a better idea in theory than in practice. 
“Try it and find out,” she smirks. You sigh and send the liquid to the back of your throat, immediately cringing at the sting of raspberry vodka, Olivia bringing a cup of cranberry juice to your mouth to chase. 
“Don’t worry love, a few more and you won’t even taste it. Now come on,” she laughs, dragging you with her to the kitchen. The rest of your flatmates are already there, Millie bopping along to the music, giggling at whatever Topper is saying, Rafe standing close by sipping his drink. 
“Y/n you hottie!” Millie cheers, looking up as you make your way into the kitchen. You pray to god your cheeks aren’t turning pink. You don’t dare turn your head, but you know Rafe is staring at you. If you looked at him now you’d be crimson for sure. 
“Alright everybodyyy,” Olivia begins, pouring the same raspberry vodka into the five shot glasses she has lined up on the table. You can’t help but laugh at her infectious energy, this girl is nothing if not the life of the party. 
“Cheers to our first night out as flat mates! Wooo!!!” she exclaims, as everyone grabs a shot glass from the table, Rafe instinctively passing you one, hands briefly touching during the exchange and again as you all clink your glasses. You down the contents, unsure if the heat forming in your chest is from the vodka or the feeling of Rafe’s passing touch. 
Pretty soon people start to arrive, Olivia and Millie making sure to introduce everyone. The flat becomes a blur of bodies drinking, dancing, and mingling about, and somehow, despite it all, Rafe Cameron is the person you find yourself standing with. There was something magnetic about him that you couldn’t quite understand, but it kept drawing you near. 
“What are you drinking tonight Cameron,” you nod at the cup in his hand.
“Jack and coke. Of course,” he scoffs with subtle sarcasm, which you instantly pick up on. 
“Not straight whiskey? Wow. That’s not very Figure 8 of you,” you admonish playfully.
“Straight whiskey? L/n who do you think I am?” he twists his face in mock disbelief. “But I’m game to do a shot if you are,” he adds.
“Hmm that does-“ you begin, but you’re quickly cutoff. 
“Y/n, babe, if I had known you’d be here I would’ve came sooner,” Liam greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky smile. 
“Now how on earth do you two know each other,” Millie asks, walking in line with the boy.
“Umm,” you chuckle nervously. You could not have possibly felt more awkward at the conversation unfolding in front of you, Rafe standing by as witness to it all. “He’s that boy I went to the bar with the other night,” you explain sheepishly.
“That was Liam!? Chrissake. Well I apologize on his behalf for anything he said or did.”
“Hey I’ll have you know I’m a proper gentleman!” he defends, throwing you a wink as Millie rolls her eyes. Just at that moment, another group of people walk in through the door, conveniently coming to Rafe’s rescue.
“Rafe!” a girl calls and he clears his throat excusing himself, Millie following suit to greet the latest batch of guests. You watch as he leans in for a hug with the girl who’s just called his name. She’s twirling her hair and batting her eyes, confident, flirty, gorgeous - just his type. A sick feeling pools in your stomach, you don’t even realize you’re staring. 
“Lily Colts, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Liam informs you as he takes the now empty spot next to you.
“Oh, um no, I was just uh-“
“It’s okay Y/n, I get it. So flatmate huh” he laughs, unbothered.
“No no it’s not like that at all I uh-”
“Alright. Y/n,” he says, jumping up to sit on the counter behind him, cracking open the can in his hand. “You know I think you’re hot and you know I like messing with you-”
“Actually I know neither of those things,” you reply indignantly. 
“Yes you do, you’re not dim,” he bulldozes right on, “I can read people pretty well, and there was a vibe there.”
“A vibe?”
“Yeah. Between you and what’s-his-face. You should’ve seen the way he tensed up when I came up to you,” he snickers in amusement.
“Shut up. His name is Rafe, by the way, and there was no ‘vibe.’ Also why are you even telling me this?” you ask, growing frustrated with the cocky brunette.
“Y/n please,” he scoffs. “I told you I can read people, so let me read you. You’re out here in London right, far away from home, keen for a fresh start. You’ve never been one for meaningless flings, but fuck it, if everyone else can do it, why not you? Or so you try to convince yourself, but you know that’s not you. See, you crave that emotional connection, and when you find even a hint of it, you’re a goner. Which is why you’d never actually hook up with me and it’s why you’re staring at that boy from home even though you swear you don’t care, but you do - you feel something there.”
You’re dumbfounded by his ability to know things about you that even you yourself can’t recognize. “I liked it better when you were just flirting with me,” you grumble.  
“No worries darling, I’ll definitely still do that. I’ll even dance on you in the club if you ask nicely, might make pretty boy over there jealous,” he motions with his eyes toward Rafe, at which you give his shoulder a shove.
“You’re an idiot you know, Millie was right on the money with that,” you quip, as the two of you head over to her, Liv, and the boys.
“Please, Millie wishes she could be right on something else,” he says as you shoot him a glare, trying your best to suppress a laugh. Liam was starting to become a pain in your ass, too smart for his own good, but at least he was a funny one.
Your first night clubbing was going great. The place was packed, the music was good, and you were having a blast dancing with Liv, Millie, and their friends. You couldn’t help looking around the club though, eyes scanning for Rafe in the crowd. He’d been hanging out all night with Topper and some of the guys from their new soccer team. You longed to be near him somehow, to interact with him again. All your conversations with him earlier today had left you with an excited buzz - you didn’t know what it was about this version of Rafe Cameron in London, but you were actually enjoying his company.
You try to push him out of your mind and just enjoy the moment. It’s not like there was anything between you and Rafe, you had just barely began to form a semblance of a potential friendship today, let’s not get carried away. Besides, you live with the boy, accidentally running into him wasn’t going to be much of a challenge. 
“Anyone want anything from the bar?” you shout over the music to your friends.
“Vodka soda with lime please!” Olivia shouts back and you nod, turning to make your way to the counter a few feet away. You place your order and mindlessly tap your fingers on the bar as a figure appears beside you.
“Hey, Y/n right? Flatmates with Olivia, Mills, and the boys?” the girl asks, and you turn, now face to face with Lily. 
“Uh yeah, hey,” you feign a smile back. 
“I’m Lily, nice to meet you,” she smiles genuinely. “I’m friends with all the Westheath bozos you’ve probably been meeting tonight,” she laughs, “Callum and Henry over there are my best mates. They’re on the football team with Rafe and Topper, we were showing them around earlier. My god you guys have been hoarding some cute ones over there in America.”
You chuckle, “glad that Kildare’s presence can at least be of some benefit.” 
“So, girl to girl here, what can you tell me about Rafe Cameron? He’s such a hottie isn’t he? Would love to get a taste of that,” she smirks, licking her lips.
“Umm I don’t really have much to tell,” you say, unsure of how to navigate this conversation. You could tell her what you thought you knew of Outer Banks Rafe - he’s a rich, party-boy player. But after today, that no longer felt right. You didn’t want to say or presume anything about him at all actually, it felt wrong to talk about him like that. God, what the hell was wrong with you? You spend a few hours with the boy and you already have a soft spot for him? You needed to get a grip. “Our families know each other but we don’t really hang out at home. He’s uh- he’s cool though,” you decide as a sufficient response.
“Any girl friend?” she asks, sliding cash over to the bartender as she orders a shot.
“Rafe’s not really the ‘girlfriend-type’,” you answer, bartender sliding you the drinks you ordered and Lily her’s. 
“Well then cheers to that,” she grins, clinking her shot glass to your drink before she downs it, waving a quick goodbye. You watch as she makes her way back to Rafe and their group, adorning a flirty smile. You feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to hate her, you did. But you couldn’t. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just confident, outgoing, and not afraid to go after what she wanted. There was nothing for you to be angry about, who was stopping you from doing the same?
 But in the back of your mind you decided you could never go after Rafe like that. He would never be interested in you in that way, you were sure of it. You had a hard time believing your friends when they hyped you up, so you definitely weren’t going to believe for a single second that a boy you thought was cool could possibly look at you in the same way. Besides, the mere idea of being rejected by Rafe Cameron, and then having to continue living with him and eventually go back to the Outer Banks for everyone to find out you had been rejected by the kook prince, was so mortifying that the very thought made you want to crawl into a hole. So you promise yourself, right then and there, that you won’t let yourself get hurt like that. You could hang out with Rafe, get to know him, become friends even, but under no circumstances could you be caught wearing your heart on your sleeve. You couldn’t disarm yourself like that and give him the upper hand. You needed to look out for yourself first and foremost, preserving the little bit of control you still had over your life. 
You walk back over to your friends, slipping Liv her drink as her and Jake dance together. Your new friends are all tipsy and in a world of their own, getting lost in the music and their movements.
“Dance with me,” you turn to Liam who’s right beside you.
“I said if you ask nicely,” he admonishes sarcastically, to which you roll your eyes.
“I’m not gonna beg Liam. You wanna dance or not?”
“Sheesh, Lily Colts got your panties in a twist like that?”
“Not. At. All.” You confidently stare into his eyes, sipping your drink. It’s no use, Liam knows you all too well by now, and you curse yourself for the way in which this boy is able to see right through all the walls you put up. You may think these walls are made of brick, but to Liam they’re glass.
He just laughs at you, shaking his head in amusement. He grabs your free hand and pulls you closer to him, your bodies now pressed together. He takes your hand and rests it on the back of his neck, his finding their way to your hips. He plants his leg in between yours and soon you guys are lost in the rhythm. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second. He spins you around and you lightly grind your ass against him.
“Damn Y/n, I didn’t know you move like that,” he jokes, as you face forward again. He leans in, his hand on the small of your back, and you feel his breath right against your ear, “he’s looking by the way.” Your breath hitches, but you know better than to turn around. Liam is already one step ahead of you, instinctively twirling you again so you can quickly catch a glimpse of Rafe’s eyes on yours without it being obvious. “Told you he’d be jealous,” he smirks down at you triumphantly.
“Shut up,” you reply, the slightest smile tugging at your lips as your sweaty bodies continue to move to the music.
“Aw flatmate bonding you guysss,” Olivia gushes, as you all sit together at a booth. She had forced you all out of your beds this morning to get breakfast together. Despite being hungover and groggy, you all reluctantly agreed. “Mimosas anyone?” she jokes.
“If I so much as smell any alcohol I think I’ll vomit,” Topper groans.
“Aw, what’s the matter, can’t handle your liquor Tops?” Millie asks, quirking her head to the side.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Could ask you the same question. My room is right next to the bathroom, don’t think I didn’t hear your retching last night,” he snaps back, to which Millie turns bright red and soon you’re all hunched over in laughter.
“I think a mimosa would make me yak right now too, to be fair. Coffees all around!” Olivia asserts.
You’re seated across from Rafe as you both scan your menus, your eyes immediately fixing in on the pancakes. The waiter comes by to take all your orders and you can’t help but blush a little when Rafe orders pancakes and you have to follow with a “same for me.” Such a silly, meaningless thing, I mean everyone likes pancakes. But being the only one to have the same exact order as Rafe leaves you feeling embarrassed, for no good reason all the same. You all begin to scarf down your food as soon as it arrives, thankful to have something to soak up the alcohol in your stomachs, as you share stories and laugh about last night’s drunken antics. 
“So how is it that we’re all flatmates and yet I only have Topper’s contact. Come on, add ‘em in,” Rafe says, sliding his unlocked phone to the middle of the table.
“Wait I want snapchats too. Oooh! And instagram!” Olivia pipes, whipping out her phone as well.
“I expect no booty calls Cameron. This is strictly business,” Millie jokes, typing in her and Olivia’s numbers before passing his phone to you. 
“Am I allowed a booty call?” Topper smirks, extending his phone as well.
“I wouldn’t push your luck Thornton,” she smirks back and he pouts in response. You finish typing your name and number into Rafe’s phone and hand it back to him, skin briefly making contact once again. Even though you had known Rafe all your life, somehow you two never had a reason to exchange numbers, only following each other on Instagram which he never posted on anyways.
“Alright everyone, pull up your snapchat codes, I wanna make a group,” Olivia says and everyone obliges, arms crossing every which way as you all add each other. “What should we name our group chat? Ooo can we do a ship name of our schools - like Kilheath or Westare?” 
“I like Kilheath,” Topper chimes in.
“Yeah I bet you do you psychopath. Sounds like the name of a bad horror movie,” Rafe laughs.
“Oooo there’s five of us, we could be the Spice Girls,” Millie beams.
“No.” Topper immediately shuts her down. 
“What about ‘American Boys and Spice Girls.’ You know, like the Kanye West song,” you add.
“Ehh, we’re getting closer, but not quite there,” Rafe teases you and you playfully kick him under the table. “I’m hearing a lot of opinions and not a lot of contributions,” you cross your arms and raise your brows.
“Hey hey hey, I’m a critic, not a chef L/n,” he lifts his hands in surrender.
“Ooo I got it! We can call it the ‘Royal fam,’ like the royal family,” Olivia suggests, finally getting approval from the whole group. Breakfast is soon over and you all return to your rooms, eager to nap away the remainder of your hangovers. You lay in your bed and stare at the newly formed snapchat group on your phone. Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 appears on top and you scroll down, looking at Rafe’s username and bitmoji on your screen. You laugh at the fact that even his bitmoji wears a backwards cap. It was weird, having him in your phone like this. You had known this boy your whole life, but you two had always operated in separate spheres. And here he was, in your Snapchat, a glimpse into the life of Rafe, of which you only ever got a birds eye view of back home. It almost felt like you were trespassing somewhere you didn’t belong, having access to him like this. You sigh and lock your phone. Rafe Cameron really isn’t all that bad.
The next few days fly by fast as you become acclimated to Westheath. You and the rest of the Kildare kids attend an orientation with Westheath’s exchange advisor, spending the whole time with your little trio: you, Rafe, and Topper. When you had first arrived abroad, you were deadset on forging your own path in London and steering clear of everyone else from OBX. But hanging out with Rafe and Topper made you all but forget. It was fun and easy hanging out with them, in fact, counterintuitively, they were helping you forget all about the Outer Banks, just as you had hoped to do. Your conversations centered around your interests, your new lives, on random jokes and made up bits. It was almost as if there was a mutual unspoken agreement between you, them also trying to escape and forget their lives in OBX.
Pretty soon classes began, and you were learning a new schedule and adapting to British schooling. Your evenings were spent singing and dancing in the kitchen as you, Liv, and Millie simultaneously cooked your dinners, getting pints at the pub around the corner with your Westheath friends, and playing card games at the kitchen table with Rafe and Topper, the smack talk between you three flowing strong. There’d be short moments where you’d find yourself alone with Rafe - he’d explain to you whatever Premier League team was playing that day, you’d show him how the coffee machine works, and the occasional passing comments of “so when are we finally starting Game of Thrones, Cameron?” “I’m ready whenever you are, L/n.”
It was a Wednesday night, and you were curled up in your fluffy gray blanket watching Gilmore Girls in bed. You found the show comforting and familiar, the small town of Stars Hallow reminding you of what you wished your life in the Outer Banks could be like. Instead it was more like the cold and pretentious atmosphere of Chilton and the older Gilmores’ Hartford life. Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up lazily to check, suddenly freezing at the notification on your screen.
Snapchat: Rafe Cameron
You had opened a few snapchats from the boy over the past few days, but they were always random ones he would send to the group chat. This one was just for you. You gulp and put your phone down, not wanting to open it too fast. A few minutes go by and you realize you haven’t paid an ounce of attention to the show on your screen, even though you’re staring right at it. Fuck it. You open your phone and tap on the unread snap.
When are we watching Game of Thrones L/n the snapchat says, a picture of his laptop on his bed and the HBO Max home page open, the series featured in the corner of the screen.
You snap back a picture of your blanket and the laptop playing Gilmore Girls in front of you: ready whenever you are Cameron.
Almost immediately you get a response back.
Rafe Cameron: wait are you home rn? His message is accompanied by a random picture of his room, a view you let your eyes linger on until the message expires. Another peak into Rafe Cameron’s world.
Y/n: Yep! You send a blurry selfie of you wrapped in your blanket.
Rafe Cameron: be over in 5
You leave that last message on open and your heart starts to race. Just breathe Y/n, breathe, you keep telling yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it out to be. It’s just a show. Just a show. And besides, you guys are friends now, right? You sit up in your bed and grab your pillow, shifting over to sit horizontally on your mattress. That seems more casual to you, more ‘just a couple friends watching a show together at a comfortable distance’ and less ‘sitting right on top of each other Netflix and chill’. You gulp down some water to ease your dry throat when you hear a gentle knock.
“Come in!” you call out, and now Rafe Cameron is in your room, eyes absorbing all the details that are so you. The posters on one wall, film camera photos on another. The string lights which wrap around your room and give it a warm glow. The plants, the subtle scent of vanilla. The bag you always carried with you, hanging off the side of your chair. He almost felt like he was intruding, like he was getting an intimate glimpse of something that was for your eyes only. 
“Whats up,” he says, holding his laptop and closing the door behind him. 
“Ready to finally start the show,” you laugh, “it’s about damn time.”
“Hey, I’ve been ready, it’s you who’s been taking your sweet time.”
“Is that so?” you ask sarcastically and a smile forms on his face.
“What are you doing over there? Who sits like that on their bed?” he asks, now coming over and taking a seat on your mattress facing vertically, propping your other pillow behind his back. “Can’t even stretch out your legs or anything,” he continues, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“I don’t know, I think it’s comfy,” you lie as you crawl over to him, your first line of defense already shot down. 
“Weirdo,” he chuckles to which you nudge him in the side with your elbow. “If Topper’s wrong about this I’m gonna give him so much shit,” he says.
“Topper does have a lot of questionable opinions,” you laugh, “but I have a good feeling about this one.
One episode turned into two turned into three, you and Rafe instantly hooked. The nerves you had felt earlier at sitting so close next to this boy in your bed had all but dissipated, you quickly acclimating to the space he took up next to you. Even though by now all your previous misconceptions about Rafe had disappeared, replaced with the boy you had come to know over the past week, there was a small part of you that was still waiting to see if he’d try to pull something on you, like the Rafe you imagined back home surely would. Of course he didn’t, watching and discussing the show with you, making you feel as comfortable as if you two had been friends for years. You almost felt bad for having had doubted him in the first place.
When the third episode ended and you two got into a long post-episode discussion, you hardly noticed when the conversation began to digress. You both started to sink lower and lower down into your pillows, until you were both laying on your backs, staring at the ceiling and lost in exchanges of words and thoughts. The conversation was different this time, more candid and open, as if the shadow of the night was inviting you to divulge thoughts you wouldn’t have shared in the day. He spoke of his strained relationship with his father and you shared the silly drama that had caused a riff between you and your former friends back home. He showed you pictures of his dog and you showed him the video you had been working on all summer long in OBX, not having anyone to hang out with before you left for London. He talked about how he felt so disconnected from almost everyone on that island, and you nodded, understanding all too well. The conversation continued to ebb and flow, the occasional funny video or meme pulling you two into fits of laughter before seamlessly delving into another vulnerable train of thought. You both had your Spotify accounts open now, taking turns sharing your favorite songs. You put on a playlist you had made over the summer, full of songs that made you feel at peace. 
“This puts you at ease huh,” he says.
You turn your head to look at him, “how could you tell?”
“I don’t know. I guess just the way your whole body relaxed the second you pressed play,” he replies.
“Yeah,” you say turning your head back toward the ceiling. “I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like these songs are speaking to my soul or something,” you whisper.
“Yeah I get that… I have those too,” he whispers back. Neither of you realize it’s already 5 am and neither of you notice as your eyes both get heavy and sleep washes over you, playlist in the background like a lullaby. And at some point during your deep sleep, Rafe’s arm has found itself unconsciously wrapped around you.
Part 4
a/n: lemme know what you think!(:
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sweeterthansammy · 3 years
If you need help knowing why you should write for billy this is why (if you mean stranger things) Y/n and max can be besties (ofc💅) He is hot (sorry not sorry) IT WILL BE A GOOD RELATION SHIP The smut would be Chefs kiss if (you did smut) And yes that’s all bestie 👄
A/N: AH FUCK OKAY I screamed when I saw this
For the sake of the scenario, I’m gonna age up Max and the reader so that they’re near the same age group; Billy’s a high school graduate - 18 going on 19 - and the reader has already turned 18. It's also on the lengthy side. It's a bit fluffy. Billy and the reader have somewhat of a FWB relationship but it doesn't go into much depth. There's no smut, sorry to disappoint 😔 not BETA'd so all mistakes are mine!
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"Max, Lucas has been going ballistic. I hang out with the guys every day and he doesn't shut up about you! Would you just date him already!?"
"No, it's unfair! Besides, Billy would kill me if he knew that I was dating Lucas."
"Damn right I would," Billy chimed in, popping a cigarette into his mouth. "Nice panties, Y/L/N."
Y/N shot him a sly wink, slumping both legs over the edge of Max's bed as she attempted to pull her restricting skirt further down her thighs. The deep rumble of a chuckle from Billy's chest filled her ears, creating that familiar stammer in her chest.
"Get out of my room, Billy," Max huffed, soon copying Y/N's actions before getting up to force her stepbrother out of the room.
"Actually, it's near curfew. I should take her home now."
It seemed as if he were challenging Maxine, hands tucked into his fitted jeans as he blew the smoke from his cigarette off to the side.
"It's 8-" Max looked over at the little clock on her nightstand, eyebrows furrowing as she whined aloud. "...45. Shit!"
Max looked over at Billy, a knowing smile on her face.
"C'mon, I'll...do your chores for a week. Anything. Whatever you want."
"It's a school night, you know she can't stay over."
"Max, I have to."
He'd finally removed his cigarette from in between his lips, his eyes leaving Max's momentarily as Y/N slung her bookbag over her shoulder. There was an undeniable spark between the pair the night Max had first introduced them to one another. They were still new to the town and Max was dying to introduce Billy to her newly found friend.
It was the summer of '84, teens flooded every crevice of Hawkins' community pool.
"Billy, I've been meaning to introduce y-"
"Max, I thought I told you that you can't be here."
"I'm here with my friend, relax," she sassed, stepping aside.
And that's when he saw her right behind Max. She was seventeen at the time and Billy was ready to pounce on her then.
"This is Y/N. Y/N, that's Billy."
Billy felt as if his eyes were bulging out of their sockets, however, only his eyebrow shot up, his whistle hardly tucked between his lips.
Holy shit. That's Y/N?
"Hi," she spoke up, eyes narrowing to block out the sunlight as she looked up at Billy.
He simply nodded his head, his infamous smirk tweaking at the corners of his mouth. Though she was able to mask the fact that she wasn't like every other girl in Hawkins that just fell at his feet, she could slowly feel herself melting inside.
Oh god...what the hell did I just get myself into?
And after that, it was a long, long period of torturing for the pair until they were caught alone at a New Year's party. Y/N didn't want to be that friend that ended up with her best friend's brother, but things were set up that way after they both gave in to their urges. He was just a year older than them but she fought every tempting urge to kiss the Apollo-like man in front of Maxine.
She had grown a particular hatred for spending summers with Max, though it had only been two summers so far. It wasn't that she disliked the company, she just hated the fact that she had to be around her best friend's shirtless stepbrother almost every day. She wanted to scream into a pillow especially when they went to the pool and he sat above everyone, sweat-slicked chest glowing, little red bottoms that seemed way too little to suppress his bulge.
His flirtatious persona died down a bit. The older girls grew jealous at how much attention Billy paid to Y/N at the pool when she came around. They'd tried their best to outdo one another, putting their hair up so it wouldn't get wet, legs gleaming under loads of sunblock, and a bathing suit too expensive to swim in, but none could beat Y/N.
She was surprised that no one caught onto the fact that they were sneaking around. She made up any excuse to leave Max for just fifteen, saying that she left something at the pool or she just remembered she had to pick up something from the store for her mom.
"Bye, Mrs. Hargrove," Y/N spoke quickly, hugging Max's mom.
"Oh, you're leaving so-"
"It's a school night, Susan. Max wanted her to stay the night but I didn't want to frighten her mother with how long she'd been gone for."
The sudden preppiness in his tone made Y/N looked back, eyebrows scrunched as she took in his posture - shoulders squared with a polite smile and his hands clasped behind his back.
"Wow, that's very sweet of you, Billy. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
Even Max's mother couldn't process the random posh outburst.
She followed Billy out to his Camaro, Susan watching from the doorway as they disappeared in the distance.
Wait, it's only 7:30...
She looked up from her watch, Billy gently bopping his head to the music on the radio.
"Billy, it's 7:30. I don't have to be home for another half an hour."
She could feel a sudden barrage of panic rising within her.
"Heard you the first time, sweetheart."
There it was. That way he nonchalantly gave her a fucking nickname. He knew damn well what it did to her and he did it audaciously.
"Where are we going?" she asked, watching as his foot pressed down onto the gas pedal even more as they drove past her home street.
"I'm taking you on a date," he said casually, shrugging his shoulders.
She scoffed as if it were no big deal.
"You're fucking with me, right?"
"I've done that plenty of times, and I'd love to fuck you after, but I'm pretty sure you'll miss curfew so unfortunately, we'll have to save that for next time."
Next time!?
He chuckled at the way her eyes widened, her teeth nipping at her bottom lip.
"Yes, next time, Y/N."
She suddenly felt bold, invisible strings tugging at the corners of her lips.
"What makes you so sure that there'll be a second time?"
He chuckled again, sounding more like a groan. God that sound was music to her ears.
"I'm tired of playing this cat and mouse game. I know you want me as much as I want you so cut the crap and just confirm that you want to be my girlfriend."
She shook her head, not being able to resist the toothy smile that broke onto her face.
"But Max-"
"I don't care. I'm giving her a chance to call you her sister-in-law."
She was going crazy inside, her stomach doing summersaults as she looked at him.
"I thought you don't chase women, Hargrove."
"Doesn't count. The cat and the mouse are making an alliance right now."
She giggled, allowing her head to fall back onto the headrest.
"'Fine' what?"
"I'll be your girlfriend, Billy."
He'd been dying to hear those words fall from her lips and finally, finally, it was happening.
Taglist: @ronbrokemyheart @quxxnxfhxll @eunoia-kth @siriuslyslyslytherin @dracomalfoys-wh0re @rudypankowisdaddy @tenaciousperfectionunknown @i-love-scott-mccall // let me know if you'd like to be removed - join here!
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bluewhale52 · 3 years
The House by the River
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Summary: You, your husband and his brothers are back in the In The Soop house. But what happens when you forget the one thing you have to do during the pandemic?
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: idol!au, established relationship, fluff
Rating: R - there’s a bit of a talk about sex but nothing NSFW
WC: 2.3k
Warning: setting during the pandemic, a breach of safety protocol, Yoongi and OC sleep naked, talk of sex, pregnancy talk ~Part of the Domestic Yoongi Series~
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It is a great idea, you have to admit. When your husband found out that he had two straight days of no schedules and no work, he immediately suggested going back to the house by the river, where he and his brothers had gone to for work and also for a time of healing and relaxation. 
You were so excited at the getaway idea, and although his six brothers invited themselves for the trip, you did not mind. Your daughter adores them, moreover you would have six very eager babysitters at your disposal. 
So that’s how you find yourself, on a beautiful autumn day, on a hammock and reading a book Namjoon has lent you. You hear Jimin and Taehyung back at the ping pong table, and Hoseok screaming gleefully at his toy aeroplane he has built himself. Sweet musical notes drift from the house; Namjoon and Jungkook must have gotten inspiration in nature and are creating a song together.
You hear the familiar giggles coming from the dock, and you close your book. Leaving the hammock, you head to the boathouse to meet the owners of those giggles.
Your little girl is smiling ear to ear, and shrieking in delight at Seokjin, who is carrying a bucket and two fishing rods- well, one fishing rod and a toy one. He has been regaling your daughter with stories of fishing, it was not difficult at all to get her all excited to be his fishing buddy.
“Hey baby,” you kneel as your daughter barel into your arms. “Did you catch a lot of fish?”
“Four!” She happily exclaims, wriggling out of your arms to pull Seokjin closer to you. “Look, Eomma!”
“She’s my good luck charm. Not Yoongi, not my painting, Min Soojin was all I needed to show these fish who’s boss!” He ruffles her hair. She beams at him proudly.
“Wow! Are we having sashimi tonight?” You turn to find Hoseok right behind you, peering into the bucket. He turns to your daughter, innocently asking her, “you’re going to help Uncle Jin and Uncle Kook cut the fish?”
Soojin’s face immediately turns serious, her smile all gone. “Cut? Eomma?” She turns to you. “We cut fishies?”
“Well, that’s how we get sashimi, baby.”
Her face crumples at your answer, tears start pooling in her eyes. “No, I don’t want to hurt fishies.”
The two men immediately bend down and soothe her. “No, no, we won’t cut the fishies. Uncle Hoseok is just joking, right?” Seokjin gives Hoseok a stare.
“Yes, I was only joking, Soojin-ah.” Hoseok cuddles her. “Hey, do you want to see the plane I made?”
Soojin shakes her head. “No, I want to take fishies home so you don’t cut her.”
Hoseok resigns to his fate. He knows now your four year old daughter will see him as an evil villain, out to cut all the fish in the world.
“Baby,” you coo at Soojin. “Why don’t you, Uncle Jin and Uncle Hobi return the fish to the river?”
Seokjin glares at you. You know how challenging it was for him to catch even a single fish on his last trip here, and on the day he caught FOUR, he can’t even enjoy one as a sashimi.
Hoseok on the other hand, jumps at his chance of redemption. “Yes, that’s a great idea! Let’s do that, Soojin. Let’s free the fish!”
Soojin looks at Hoseok doubtfully. He grabs the bucket from Seokjin and offers his hand to your daughter. She gingerly puts her hand in his, and her other hand reaches for Seokjin’s.
Over your daughter’s head, Seokjin whispers sharply at Hoseok. “YOU put the fish back.”
You watch them squat by the dock, laughing along with Seokjin and Soojin as Hoseok squeals in disgust as he picks a fish out of the bucket and throws it inelegantly into the river. After the fourth fish is back in the water, Soojin is satisfied and her mood is back to her cheery self.
You look at your watch. 5pm. It’s time to get your husband out of his makeshift studio. “Soojin, want to see Appa?” You call out.
“No! Plane!” She points at Hoseok who is winding his toy plane again.
“Go get Yoongi. We’ll look after her.” Seokjin offers, and you give him a grateful smile. It IS nice to have your husband’s band mates around.
You walk up towards the campervan by the upper house. Your husband specifically made the request for the van to be there. You knock on the door, and you open it only after you hear his gruff response from inside.
“Hey babe,” you greet him from the door. “It’s just past five.”
Yoongi stretches behind the laptop and all his equipments. Rubbing his face, he mumbles, “Already?”
You open the door wider, letting more sun inside the dark campervan. “Did you manage to get all your work done?”
Yoongi gestures for you to come inside. You step in, and sit next to him. “Wanna hear?” He offers.
“Of course.” You take the headphones from his hands. You love how he always shares his rough drafts with you, even before he shares them with his members. It doesn’t matter that you know zilch about music, he loves watching you reacting to his creations.
He presses play, and your eyes widen at the sounds filling your ears. You turn to smile at him, pride on your face. He returns your smile with his own gummy one.
You love this kind of moment with Yoongi. You don’t need dates at fancy restaurants or expensive gifts like big diamond necklaces. Just time with him, alone like this, is enough. He watches you bopping along to his music, and burst out laughing in embarrassment as you scrunch your face at his attempt at a high note.
When the song ends, you take off the headphone and kiss him. “Well, Min PD-nim, I think you have another hit there.”
“You say that to all my songs.” He brushes away your compliment as he starts packing up his things.
“Well, it’s true. I’m not just saying that because you’re my husband.” You stand and move to the door to give him more space in the cramped sitting area of the campervan. You report to him about Soojin’s fishing experience earlier while Yoongi is putting his equipments in the bags.
“So Hobi actually held the fish?” Yoongi chuckles.
You nod. “I regret not capturing it on video. It was so funny.” You open the door and you both walk towards the upper house. “OH MY GOD!”
You exclaim as you see the state of the kitchen. Yoongi curses next to you.
All the foods you have bought for the stay are scattered all over the counter and the floor. Packages ripped open, vegetables and fruits half eaten.
“Oh no, did an animal- or a pack of them- get in?” You lift a bag of bitten and nibbled onions. “They like onions it seems.”
Your husband sighs. “Guess we’ll have to go out for dinner then. There’s no way we can salvage any of this.”
You agree with him and start cleaning up. Shortly after, the kitchen is clean and free of scraps, and you both return to the main house to break the news. The members don’t seem to mind going out, Taehyung even suggests going to the burger joint he visited with Hoseok before. Seokjin and Yoongi decide they could stop by a supermarket on the way back to get enough food for breakfast and lunch for the next day.
And so off the nine of you go to the town for a burger dinner. Arriving at the small restaurant, you are shocked at how crowded it is. “Wow, the burgers here must be really good.” You comment to Taehyung.
He nods, licking his lips. “One of the best, Noona. You’ll love it.”
You smile at his enthusiasm, and also when he picks up Soojin to show her the menu board.
Then you realize something.
Your heart drops when you realise that no one, not a single person is wearing a mask. The staff, the patrons, and even you, your husband and his brothers, and your daughter, none of you is masked up.
You start to panic. Reaching for Yoongi, you tug his hand. “Babe, we’re not wearing our masks!”
“Relax, baby, we’re fine. No one recognizes us here.”
“No! Yoongi, not to hide your faces. The pandemic isn’t over yet and we’re not wearing masks!” You shout at him.
To your shock, no one seems to hear you, or even care that everyone in this burger joint is ignoring the most important safety protocol. You panic even further, and while making your way to Taehyung to take Soojin back, you feel something tugging the back for your cardigan.
You turn to chide Yoongi, thinking it is him who is pulling your clothes. You gasp when you find no one behind you. Not Yoongi, not Namjoon, not anyone you came to the place with. In fact, the whole place has become empty, but for a little boy standing in front of you.
He has feline eyes, much like Yoongi’s, and his complexion is as milky white as your husband’s too. He looks up at you with such innocence, and you kneel down to meet him at eye level.
“Hi,” you greet him. “Are you okay? Where are your parents?”
The boy continues to look at you silently, then he fishes something out of his packet. It is a folded K94 mask. He offers it to you.
“For you, Eomma.” He says shyly.
You sit up, gasping out loud. You immediately reach for your face, feeling for a mask around your mouth and nose. Your fingers touch bare skin directly, which sends you into a panic.
You start to look around for a mask frantically, only to find yourself... in your bedroom in Seoul? And your husband is stirring awake next to you. You reach for the baby monitor, and relief floods over you as you see on the screen that your daughter Soojin is sleeping peacefully in her room.
“Babe,” Yoongi sits up next to you, voice still thick with sleep. “You okay?”
You place a hand on your bare chest. Your heart is still beating fast. “I just had the craziest dream.”
Yoongi reaches for you and pull you down to lie with him. Rubbing your back, he asks you to tell him your dream.
“We were back in the house, that In the Soop house,” you begin. “We were having such a good time, Soojin was laughing, the boys were all there too.”
You try to focus but bits and pieces of the dream are already forgotten in your mind. “And somehow we all went out for dinner, and no one was wearing masks, Yoongs, including us and I panicked I think?”
Your husbands hands are soothing you. “And that’s when you woke up?”
“No...There’s something else.” You struggle to remember. “There’s a boy I think, and I thought he was lost, but he gave me a face mask.”
Yoongi stops rubbing you. “The boy gave you a mask?” He sounds tickled.
“It’s a dream, it doesn’t have to make sense.” You playfully swat his chest.
He nuzzles your hair. “You dream of the weirdest things.”
You giggle in his embrace. Your naked bodies pressed closer as sleepiness starts to disappear, slowly replaced by something more carnal.
You suddenly remember something. “Oh my god, Yoons!” You push Yoongi away. He leans back, confused.
“What if that was a conception dream? The boy called me Eomma.”
Your husband looks at you as if you have grown two heads. “A conception dream?”
“Well, we may have conceived a child tonight, considering... you know, how many times you came in me.”
“Only twice but thanks for the ego boost.”
“I’m serious!” You give him a stern look. “What if we conceived a baby tonight, and that was my conception dream? Oh my god, how could my conception dream be of a boy giving me a K94 mask?”
Yoongi starts laughing. “And what do you think that would mean? We’re gonna have a son who’d become a doctor? That wouldn’t be so bad, right?”
You pout. “Now you’re just teasing me.”
He cradles you back in his arms. You have talked with your husband before about giving Soojin a sibling. Your hand unconsciously moves down to your tummy. You and Yoongi have foregone all birth controls tonight, and you hope one of his swimmers has made it.
Yoongi strokes your hair gently. “You know, since you have the conception dream already, why don’t we make sure it doesn’t go to waste?”
His hands are moving down your body, sending sparks all over.
“I agree, Min Yoongi. You better give me a baby tonight. Just in case the first two times weren’t quite successful.”
Laughing, he rolls over to be on top of you, determined to get you all nice and pregnant by the time morning comes.
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A/N: I actually had the dream OC had - minus the boy with the K94 mask. The fact that Miss Rona actually invaded my dream, that was just so crazy I had to write it down! And eventually it became this little piece of a fic 😄 Please remember to wear your mask, social distance and stay safe! 💜
Published 08022021
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pokesplendor · 3 years
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rosa’s team from sword as gijinka! info about them beneath the cut.
Ella - Cinderace - she/her - lesbian Black - cis woman - age 21
Ella is full of joy and life, she’s smiles and cheer, she’s happy to be here! A young soccer pro drafted into League battling for her fiery passion and clear leadership potential. She has a natural charisma about her that brings people together and execute plans correctly, as evidenced by her time on the field. She stayed briefly in the Champion’s guard, where she met Graves as a Sobble, and the two became friends, despite being from different walks of life. That’s Ella for you, making friends wherever she goes, and that is a pervasive fact through her journey for the league. Of course, she never expected to have to face down a God like Eternatus, but she didn’t let that stop her.
Besides soccer, she’s passionate about cooking and loves to fire up the stove with curry! She’s all about that curry! She’s also always down for some pre-dinner stretching, some pre-dinner fighting, just a little brawling here or there. She never thought she’d be so into competitive battle, but there’s something intoxicating about it she can’t resist. She feels like she can make friends through an exchange of fists!
Ella just loves making friends, exchanging numbers, becoming pen pals, it’s all so fun! She didn’t expect to find those she considers her family through her journey but here she is! Thomasin is her best pal, she might even consider her a sister! And where would she be without Connie, she’s been there the longest. Sometimes she steals Connie’s hand to hold, and other times, she steals her lips.
Connie - Sandaconda - they/she - queer Mexican-Japanese - nonbinary woman - age 30
Connie is a sleepy individual. They’re always in a bit of a haze, like they just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe they got too much sleep and they can’t snap out of it. They just love naps! Is that such a problem? Their manager certainly seemed to think so. Connie is an accomplished model who would often sneak off to the wilderness to camp for a few days at a time to get away from the busy city. This is how they met Ella and were swept into a gym challenge. They didn’t expect to like it, but you know, if you have to be awake, they don't mind giving a deserving individual a good bop. Their striking gaze sent shivers down the enemies spine, assisting a great deal in a tough spot.
As stated, Connie is a model, and being a model means you have a lot of responsibilities that you can completely ignore and run off at the drop of a hat to do whatever you please. Their manager is not too fond of them, but they can’t find it in their heart to care. They do care about the fashion they have to wear, it’s been their dream job since they were little to wear the fanciest clothes you can. They’re good at their job, they’re good at looking pretty in nice clothes, and that’s how they keep it.
They love the friends they’ve made along the way, Thomasin is always stubbornly trying to knock them off balance and prove herself superior, but it’s all good fun. And they quite enjoys Sybil’s attempts at music. And Minerva and Ella’s combined efforts to produce excellent cooking! Oh, Ella, she’s a darling, isn’t she. Connie is smitten with her, that’s for sure.
Matilda - Hatterene - she/they - lesbian Japanese - nonbinary - age 27
Matilda is a witch from the swampy areas in the Glimmwood Tangle. She would happily live there for the rest of her life and not interact with other people if necessary, but she unfortunately happened to leave the safety of her bog for family reasons (if she had a choice she never would have, but ugh, relatives), and during that time, ran into Ella and the gang, who excitedly recruited her to their great quest across the land. At first, she only intended to be along for the ride back to the Glimmwood Tangle, but for reasons she’d never admit to, she stuck around.
She is a calm, collected individual, keeping her emotions in check constantly and disgusted by those who freely express themselves for the world to be known. Little known to others, her emotions bubble beneath the surface, and if pushed too far, they boil over and she gets extremely overwhelmed and unable to control herself. Not that she lets that happen ever (often). She mostly deals in potions of various uses, and magics that stir nature in a pot to boil much like her emotions.
Matilda isn’t looking for anyone to date, she isn’t looking for friends, she isn’t looking for anyone at all. Especially men. Stereotypical mean man-hating lesbian right here. She’d never admit she has feelings for Ella (the feeling is friendship) and wishes Sybil will just leave her alone (she gets flustered.)
Sybil - Toxicitry - she/her - bi White - trans woman - age 20
Look out, here’s team baby! And she’s loud, she’s proud, she’s here to rock and roll! And, oh, that didn’t rhyme, did it? She’s working on that, she swears. From a family of successful doctors and midwives, she had big dreams to get out of babysitting newborns, and get out there and get her voice heard! She wants to rock people’s faces off with her awesome guitar solos! Granted, she’s not that good at guitar, she’s better on base, and she’s not the best at singing, but she swears she has sick lyrics. When Ella’s group stopped at her family’s nursery, she could tell there was greatness on its way up, and she figured she could ride it to success!
Sybil can be very explosive about her interests, launching into long spirals of talking, one topic to the next, she can’t control herself. She’s autistic and she just wants you to know! Things she likes! That’s not bad, right? She never stops to ask if they want her to stop, she really can let it get away from her. It’s fine though, her new group of friends are so supportive! More than her family had been, she’d even venture to call this new group more family than she’d known.
She gets along real well with Ella, the two can be seen playing ball or sparring at any given time, gotta keep up with them gains! And when running into Graves’ group, she’s in talks with Thrasher to start a band together! And then there’s Matilda, she once witnessed her emotions boil over and it was so cute she just has to see it again. Sybil can be a little menace.
Minerva - Appletun - she/they - lesbian White - trans woman - age 45
Minerva certainly isn’t old enough to be considered a grandma, but she is, actually, a grandma. She’s got a few kids from back in the day before she transitioned, and those kids had a few more kids, and here she is, grandmother at a young age. What this means to say is she’s definitely team mom when it comes to Ella’s group. She’s surrounded by children nearly the age of her own, and someone’s got to mother them! She ran into the group when they were visiting the nursery with her newest grandchild, and what was a small agreement to help with the upcoming gym turned into an adventure she didn’t expect! She never traveled when she was younger and found she loved it.
She also loved the kids that came along with it. She loved feeding them especially. Ella was a little prodigy with food, and Minerva just wanted to feed that flame and love of food. Minerva loves food, she’s a cook by trade and she loves filling a meal with love. Other than that, she collects old books, out of print editions, and keeps them in her sturdy little home up by Circhester. She was content being alone for so long, long distant contact with her children, she didn’t expect to need company.
But that company she definitely had. She found an old soul resonating with her in Iosefka, the two oldest of the group, the old Frosmoth always seemed to have just the right ingredients for her stews. Something stewed between the two of them, there’s for sure. She also enjoyed running into Graves’ group and meeting Grevious, a fellow designated mom.
Iosefka - Frosmoth - she/her - lesbian Black - cis woman - age 48
Iosefka was but a simple traveling merchant. She’d seen all shades of Galar over the years, seeing it’s darkest underbelly, to its brightest sun shining peaks, and she loves her home region with all her heart despite knowing there’s some people that it would be better without. But she’s not one to comment on that, not unless asked, after all, she’s just an unassuming merchant here to stock you up for the road and not give her opinion, heavens no! So wasn’t it so surprising that she was absolutely swept up from her solitary traveling live into Ella’s little group, something about the little girl was just so charming, she wanted to see where her journey took her.
She loves collecting the rarest of the rare, the sweetest of delicacies, there’s nothing better than traveling to a little unknown spot to get the hardest to find ingredients growing where you might not expect them, and roll into town and being overwhelmed with the local restaurants vying for her samples. She’s not opposed to finding shiny things as well, but something about food, it entices her. She loves providing for a good meal. She’s a bit of a shit cook though.
Iosefka isn’t exactly guarded with her feelings, but she’s not open either; it comes with being a merchant, she gets her feelings across in a sly sort of way. But she’s found a family with Ella’s group, a place she doesn’t have to hide her blunt rudeness. And in traveling, found new love with Minerva. The two are quite a pair of old gays.
Thomasin - Dubwool - she/her - lesbian Black - cis woman - age 23
The first to be recruited to the great quest across Galar in hopes of taking the Championship title, Thomasin is exactly what you’d expect of the league battler. She trained for years hoping to get picked up by someone in the circuit and show off her skills. She’s always down to fight and dominate in the field, and prove her worth. Not that her worth needed to be proven to Ella, who was happy to accept someone so eager. Even happier to call her a friend! Thomasin felt kinship with her right away and the two set off with pure confidence. She didn’t shy away from a League fight, and she certainly didn’t show fear when facing down a god.
Outside of battling, she (secretly) is a dedicated poet and songstress. She can’t sing, but she loves writing music and ballads, about grand adventures of pirates, and heaty thrists between ever gallant knights and fair princesses in the midst of complicated politics. She’s been working on her magnum opus for quite some time, an epic combining all her favorite things to write about… in that it’s still a work in progress. She’s got the characters, the world, she just doesn’t know how they fit together!
Thomasin and Ella are nearly inseparable, they’re always running around, full of energy and love and they can tumble down in the grass covered in stains and laughing without a problem. She lets Sybil in on their love, the three youngest getting along swell. And she won’t lie, she is slightly interested in Maverick from Graves’ team. (She just might have a thing for knights.)
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migilini · 3 years
What The Heart Wants - Charlie Gillespie
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Request: The reader is madly in love with Charlie who is her best friend but he’s dating and in love with her sister yk? Make it angst and sadcharlie
a/n: Sorry it took me so long! I’m so stressed with school atm so i bearly had time to write at all. I still hope you like it and that I went into the right direction. Don’t know how angsty it is.
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: a little angst
As a teenager you spent a lot of your free time watching pretty much every rom-com that was out there, the thought of true love ignited a spark of hope in your heart. You loved the way that the characters on screen always were meant to be together, the way their love just seemed to be or else life isn't worth living.
Maybe your image of love was flawed and unrealistic. Maybe you always fell in love with the idea of a person rather than the person itself. Maybe your standards were too high and maybe that's why all your previous relationships didn't seem to work out.
And then you met him. Kinda ironic really, love, at first sight, was always your least favourite trope. But there he was, sitting alone at the table in the otherwise crowded cafeteria. His brown hair fell into his eyes while he played with the mashed potatoes on his plate, he was bopping his head to something. You took a big breath, collected all your courage that you didn't use growing up and sat down across from him.
The stranger looked up with furrowed eyebrows "S-sorry there isn't another free table." you stuttered and sent him a small, flustered smile. The boy took out an earbud "Sorry?" you started to blush, your eyes wide "Oh I- sorry I- was uhm... is it okay if I sit here?"
"Yeah yeah sure." the stranger answered and shot you a smile and gosh was that smile beautiful. If this was your way to die then so be it. "I'm Asher by the way."
"Y/N. Nice to meet you." you waved with three fingers.
After that Asher took you under his wings, introduced you to all his friends, took you to parties and most importantly helped to grow your self-confidence. You always knew who you were but with him, it was the first time where you could actually show off the real you, there wasn't a part of you that you had to hide to fit in.
Nevertheless, he wasn't your best friend. You two spent a lot of time together yes, but you didn't share a lot of secrets, your topics always being superficial. Yet, the crush on him only grew. The two of you were picture book perfect. Asher threw you into the water at the beach, screamed to lyrics in the car with you or even went shopping with you.
"Just this one party I promise," he whined one day, shoving more dresses in your chest. You huffed "Is this why you agreed to come thrifting with me? To get on my good side?" Asher smiled cheekily "Guilty. I know you don't know the people there but I really want you to go." he tried to persuade.
You looked up at him through your eyelashes, trying to hide the smirk on your lips. You liked to see him throw a little tantrum. "Fine. But you'll pay for my dress."
The host of the party seemed nice enough and you hoped to god that the guests were the same. LED Lights illuminated the living room in a dark purple. The music blaring so loud, that you could feel the beat in your heart. "Y/N this is my good buddy Charlie. Charlie this is Y/N one of the baddest people I know." Asher screamed over the music, one of his arms draped over your figure. The party just getting started as more people walked through the front door.
You gave Charlie a hug and smiled up at him. "Hi!"
"Hello." he smiled back and your breath got stuck in your throat for a good second. Suddenly Asher had competition for the prettiest smile in the world. The boy with the mischievous spark in his eye really challenged your rankings.
You didn't intend to spend the night practically glued to Charlies hip. Asher was nowhere to be found, probably smoking somewhere with his buddies and the two of you were just naturally drawn to each other. He goes to get a new drink and a minute later, without discussing it beforehand, you do the exact same thing. Or you go on the small balcony to get some fresh air and Charlie joins you a couple of minutes later, casually leaning against the railing next to you.
"I figured that I would find you out here." he nearly whispered into the night. "Yeah it seems like you've been stalking me the whole night." you teased with raised eyebrows, a slight smirk playing on your lips. Charlie's hand immediately covered his heart. "I would never! And there I was, thinking I had the honour of you stalking me."
"Alright, Teds. If it makes you happy yes of course I was chasing after your pretty ass." you winked and he let out a heartful laugh.
"Teds?" he asked.
You shrugged your shoulders and slid down the railing, your front, facing the glass doors. The party inside was raging, with people dancing, kissing, talking and laughing. Only the faint noise of the newest pop song carried its way out to you.
"You're wearing a shirt with many teddy bears on it. It only made sense."
You and Charlie spent the rest of the night outside, the conversation flowing naturally and if there was a quick silence it wasn't awkward at all. Lucky for you, the party was in the middle of the summer so you didn't mind that much that you forgot to bring a jacket outside.
After the party you and Charlie spent a lot of time together, going to museums, road trips, camping or even just hanging out in one of your apartments. Inert weeks he was your best friend and over the years of friendship, you started to develop feelings for the Canadian.
He had helped you calm down right before your first date with Asher, who finally had the guts to ask you out and picked up the pieces after you got broken up with. Asher's last words before he left, never leaving your mind: "Truthfully I think you're in love with someone else Y/N. You just haven't figured it out yet but I know. I look at you the way you look at them."
Several months later, on a trip with your family and Charlie, you realised that Asher was indeed telling you the truth and you had been slowly falling for someone else.
It was late evening, the stars started to creep up on the sky, while the sun sank lower and lower behind the trees, illuminating the world in a pretty blend of oranges and pinks. The group sat around a small fire that cracked every now and then, filling the air with warmth. Everybody was exhausted from the big hike. Trees rustled somewhere in the background. A soft melody caught you off guard, completely ripping you out of your own thoughts.
Charlie sat a couple of feet away from you, across from your sister and mother. He was playing his guitar with no special song in mind. He settled on a melody that you didn't seem to recognize but you didn't care. Charlie looked beautiful.
Over the last year, he grew out his hair, which was now in a loose bun in the crook of his neck, some stray hairs falling in his face. The warm light from the fire highlighted his features in the exact right way. His eyes sparkled with joy. Before he started to sing the song, he looked over at you and smiled. It was the same smile that haunted you since then. The one that made your heart beat faster, the one that still took your breath away, the thing you couldn't shake off and also the one thing you couldn't live without.
While you stared at Charlie during the duration of the song, your heart swelling at the sight of him. He did the same to your sister. His eyes memorising every crook of her face from her arched eyebrows down to the roundness of her lips.
It didn't surprise you at all. Growing up everybody either wanted to be her or be with her. She was naturally gorgeous with long, luscious hair and an amazing body. She had decent grades and was always nice to everybody. The embodiment of the girl next door. It was hard to build a reputation that wasn't ‘Sam’s little sister’.
Looking back, that was probably why you liked Asher's attention so much. It was the first time someone saw you for yourself.
But what did shock you was that eventually, the two became a couple. Looks-wise they fit perfectly together that much was true but you couldn't wrap your head around them when it came to personality. From your romcoms, you knew that opposites attract yet Sam and Charlie are more than opposites. Not to say that you didn't love your sister, you really did, that was the main reason why the news shocked you so much. He liked to travel the world, not to be tied to one place for a long time. He was spontaneous and carefree, always down for a new adventure or a new adrenaline kick. Sam on the other hand wanted to take over dad's business in her hometown where she already went to school and college. Ever since she was little, she dreamed of a big family that was gonna grow up in the house she grew up in. Sam didn't like leaving her little bubble, her days always planned down to the second.
Neither of them noticed your heart breaking a little more every time they kissed right in front of you or the longing looks you gave Charlie. Both tried to include you in their adventures, taking you to the cinema with them, to IKEA and Disneyland. Still, you couldn't shake the feeling that they weren't quite meant for each other. However, you kept your mouth shut just, always smiling their way, not mentioning that Charlie never went on Road Trips anymore or that Sam seemed to smile less.
“I think I want to marry her.”
You nearly spat out your drink, the fist in front of your mouth only holding back a little. The water dripped down your arm and onto the couch.
“What now?” you coughed and turned to the other person chilling at your apartment.
“You heard me right. My acting career is taking off and all the travelling made me realise that she is the one.” he smiled with a lopsided grin.
You furrowed your eyebrows, desperately trying to hide the hurt that flashed in your eyes. After trying, again and again, to get over Charlie you lost all hope. No other man even slightly compared to him, you tried to forget about him you really did. However, your heart believes that he was the man for you.
“Don’t the two of you want completely different things?” you switched into the best-friend mode, locking the jealous side away.
Now it was Charlie's turn to be confused, “What do you mean? We’ve been together for nearly two years now.”
“I just mean that she never expressed the desire to travel the world. She wants to have a big family and be a mom. Is she gonna travel to your jobs with you? Are you giving up your career to be at home with her? I just think there are so many things the two of you need to discuss before you take this step.” you expressed your concern while playing with the hem of the blanket covering you.
He stared at you for moments. Neither of you was speaking, the gears in his brain working in overload.
“Look I’m not saying that you shouldn't ask her to marry you. If that's what makes you happy, be happy. It's what I care about. I’m just saying you have a completely different view of the world.” you rambled, your eyes not meeting his anymore.
Was he mad? He normally spoke his thoughts out loud.
He lets out a sigh as he rubbed his hands over his face “Yes I know that you're right...but my gut is telling me that she's the one...” your heart cracked “and I couldn't forgive myself if I didn't ask, even if it ends up not working and you were right with your concerns. But knowing us, we will make it work. Compromise a lot, build a worldview together as a married couple.”
He smiled at you and your heartbeat quickened “I also kinda need your blessing.” he sheepishly said, slightly biting his lip.
You tried to keep your thoughts clear. “My blessing?”
Charlie nodded excitedly “Yes! I figured since you’re my best friend and she's also your sister I would ask you if you would be okay with that… I know we never asked if you're comfortable with us dating in the first place.”
“Oh, Teds," you whined, using the old nickname you had for him. "No need to ask me! As I said your happiness is my priority.” you smiled so wide that it hurt your cheeks, blinking rapidly to dissolve the tears that formed in your eyes.
He tackled you in a bone-crushing hug, placing wet and sloppy kisses all over your forehead. “Thank you. thank you. thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!”
Growing up, watching the Notebook, About Time, 10 things to hate about you, PS: I love you and many others, love always seemed inevitable, somehow it would work out. You would've never thought that you would be jealous of your sister's engagement. Who would have predicted that both sisters were gonna fall for the same guy, that one sister was happy while the other hated herself for yearning for him as well?
The 25-year-old version of you despised the 15-year-old version for loving these goddamn rooms, for believing in a soulmate, one true love, love for everyone but mostly for believing in an own happy ending.
Taglist: @alluringworld
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