#// i was shocked to see how similar my muse is to your's ! they seem like they'd get along!
running-with-kn1ves · 3 months
A/N: I wrote something very similar to this with the Belsire previously but I couldn't help myself 🙏
Belsire: male equivalent to the Beldam (Coraline)
CW: kidnapping, manipulation, sewing needles
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A beautiful lullaby hummed against your ear, fog-like breath both chilly and thick caressed against its shell.
You never imagined that he could sew; sure, he was keen to cook you extravagant dinners, you never saw him clean despite the crooked house always spotless, and the clothes that were put in your drawers were consistently washed-- but such delicate needlework? You didn't think the creature had it in him. His fingers seemed made for it though, long and spindly and black at the tips, they held the needle at a fine point, without having to lick the end of the thread before putting it through the eye.
"Stab the needle through the eye....wrap two knots around the tongue, and pull it out the mouth."
His low, rasped voice was unlike anything you've heard from the men in the "real" world. Its croaky demure made sound as if his vocal chords were on the brink of snapping. It was very few and far between that his voice resounded throughout the house in a thunder-like boom.
Tonight, was not one of those nights. Not unless you made an effort to wrangle out of between his stick-like forearms in the wooden chair and began yelling ungrateful spiels whilst staying in HIS house. He said it was yours-- your "other home," but since the gateway tunnel back to your original 1-bedroom apartment became nothing but sturdy drywall with a key hole, its been his. It was always his, you were just too blind to see past the beautiful illusions built for you.
"Just like that... mending is simple work."
You feel his left hand, the one once holding your torn cardigan steady, reach up to lay a cold finger beneath your chin. It rubs back and forth, relishing in the warmth of your throat, the soft flesh between your jaw and jugular.
The Belsire seemed to enjoy running his smooth, icy digits along your naked skin, brushing from side to side, up and down to dip against your collar bone. He relished your warm-bloodedness from how often he took advantage of it. It was a wild contrast to his ever-frozen, rigid body draped in fine blacks and bruised shadows.
"C-can you show me again?" You plead, hoping the end of this activity wouldn't be the finale before your demise. Each time you have one of these "bonding" sessions the Belsire encourages you to entertain him with, you anticipate it being your last.
Each day you wait and wait... wondering if he's hungry again, if it'll hurt, if you'll make one more frustrated comment away that'll make him snap and pick your bones clean.
"Again..?" He tapped thrice on your neck, a twitching habit that sent cold shocks through you. "Why don't you try it yourself this time, dear?"
The sweet, affectionate name oozing from his lips was unnatural-- and yet, perfectly normal for the creature of love seduction. How many had fallen for that same adoring title, only to find themselves now locked in his stomach?
You couldn't tell anymore what was genuine adoration, or a disturbing method at getting you to put your guard down. When he was angry with you, for hiding or attempting another escapade to get back home,  'dear' transformed to spits of "insolent one" and "maddening human", at the very least. On his worst days you were a bewitching, dimwitted little creature too stupid to be let free- better off in his hands if not crunched between his teeth.
"I'm not too sure, I might..accidentally stab myself with the needle, you know?"
You shrug in feigned helplessness, hoping your lack of enthusiasm wouldn't tick him closer to the dark side.
"If you do, then I'll lick your wound and we can start again. Give it a try, won't you? I've seen your work on my coats," he mumbles lowly at the rest of his comments, "and that damned quilt you seem keen to keep."
He muses at the mention of your skilled handiwork you sneak to do when he's gone away at "none of your concern" events. However he knew of your activities in this prison cell while he was out didn't surprise you; the house had eyes, in places you'd rather not think of.
You took the needle from within his delicate grasp, mahogany red thread swinging loose and ready to be tightly wound in your wine colored cardigan.
You copy the movements he had done a million times, though you really weren't watching when he had. It was hard to concentrate with your body shivering, waiting for a sharp dagger or set of teeth to find it's way buried in your back.
The Belsire seems to ease up as you begin to complete the torn cardigan hole, placing two abnormally long hands upon the sides of your shoulders.
"Don't move," he grumbles, almost annoyed at the idea. "Smooth and quite warm... I never understood the pleasure of keeping food around longer than it's due date. But you, little button... why, you're almost opening a soft spot inside of me.."
You didn't like the sound of that. A soft spot within him would certainly be something he sought to squash.
"Are you sure you want a soft spot? I'm not even sure where that would be."
You almost laugh at your own joke, imagining his crisp limbs deflated. If you were making a soft spot, you best keep at making it grow.
"It seems you force it in me, whether I like it or not. I enjoy having you to myself, to come home to... even if the idea that you're taking part of me, is... infuriating."
The Belsire leans deeper into you, pressing the inside of his thighs against yours, craning his neck downward.
"The unfortunate part is, I think I may fall apart if you disappear."
You see the looks he gives from the corner of your eye; dark, empty buttons staring into you, awaiting your reaction. Was this another attempt to swoon you?
"Then I guess that means you can't eat me."
You sigh, hoping he'd agree. And oddly enough, he cracks a grin.
"I guess not. Though, don't hold your breath. I can't make any promises as to what my temper will lead to." The bridge of his nose is uncharacteristically pressed against your cheek, black dots boring holes into you. "On the topic, I'd be less inclined to eat you if you accepted my present..."
You round off the last bit of stitching, only to see an all too familiar velvet box on your left. It was open, music box playing a soft melody as a range of colors and sizes in buttons were available to view.
"I... I still can't, give you an answer." You go back to tying an end to the thread, praying for the Belsire's eerily calm mood to stay uninterrupted.
He goes quiet, habitually running a thumb down the shell of your ear. The chill was almost welcoming, soft flesh touching your heated one. It felt... genuine, a form of physical affection that was done for his pleasure more than your own. It would be comforting, if you weren't waiting for him to explode.
"I expected as much," he calmly huffs, shutting the box with a single finger. Its harsh snap made you drop the thread. "But you can't expect me to wait forever; you aren't going home. You will remain here, either as my slave, or my spouse. The difference is whether I have to force these buttons on you, or you take them willingly."
"I.. I just need a little more time. I haven't-- I'm not-- done adjusting. I'm not used to this world, like you."
You've given up pleading; for all you knew, there was no way back home that either of you could conjure. This was your fate.
Like a doll he dressed and cleaned and made a perfect dollhouse for, you were to sit here and provide him the comfort he could not create on his own. Like a god, creating his creatures of free will, he relished in the uniqueness you offered without him having to fabricate it first, the obedience you gave from fear in your own desire rather than a direct command.
A long silence left the air hanging stagnant, your patchwork sitting in front of you, finished and yet not quite the same as it once was. Why couldn't you go to the store and buy a new one, spend frivolous money and speak to the miserable cashier that reminded you humanity was still alive?
"...Fine. But not much longer, my sweet button...this-- mortal flesh still tying you to your world, has kept me at a distance I do not wish to stand at." A soft kiss, from creased, inexperienced lips touched the top of your cheekbone. "I want you for myself... I don't like not getting the things I want. And, I want you far more desperately than I imagined."
His voice was stoic, gentle and logical despite the romantic lines that were fed to you. Spindly fingers pulled back pieces of your hair, caressing the skin on your face with soft strokes. Like a human would do to an animal, running his knuckles against your cheek and his fingertips along your jaw.
Just a simple touch and turn of your chin was all it took to make you look at him.
"Don't make me wait. I will have you, and I want it to be because you will it. Please, don't make me do what neither of us want."
His tongue was warmer than his touch, somehow. Maybe it led to his even warmer heart, but you doubted it. Even with the way both his large, balmy palms were gripping beside your ears, pulling your face to touch his in a dance of lips and stolen breath, you wondered if this was just another web of lies spun to create your damnation.
But the desperation in how he swallowed you whole, pulling your hands away from the touchy needlework he was once keen on making you finish-- there was something human about it all, something touchy and irritable and obsessive. If he wanted you desperately then, you could only imagine how horribly ridden he was now, feeling your warmth as he made you colder with his hands and wrists, him never changing.
You peeked an eye open, wondering if those buttons stayed all-seeing, all watching, even when you kissed.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
hiii, im from brazilll
you can write something like swiftie!yn going to the first show of the eras tour with harry and he is all in love looking at her all emotional and have fun
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"If I don't have red lipstick all over me by the end of the night, I'll be very surprised," Harry mused, trailing behind you as you pulled him along.
You turned back to look at him, sparkly red cowboy hat catching the light. "Is that what you want?"
"It's what I expect," he clarified. "You get rather affectionate when you're in a particularly good mood."
"I've never heard you complain about that," you said, letting Harry drape an arm around your shoulders so you could walk together.
"And I never will. Why do you think I work so hard to make you happy?"
Rolling your eyes, you tipped your head back. Your hand found his chin, pulling him down for a kiss. Grinning, you said, "Well, this lipstick claims to be one hundred percent transfer proof, so no lipstick stains tonight."
To your surprise, Harry frowned. "How is anyone supposed to know I'm yours?"
"I'll look for my lipgloss when we get to our seats."
"You better."
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Harry knew this was a special night for you, so he tried to let you enjoy it without being all over you. He wanted to let you dance and scream song lyrics at the top of your lungs without him getting in the way. It ended up working out for him, though. His view from behind as he watched you watch your favorite artist was more captivating to him than the concert he was currently attending.
Your white go-go boots with pink hearts on them and matching mini skirt elongated your legs, plush tan skin on display and making Harry's heart skip a beat. He was aware of course that there were people all around, so he tried his best not to stare so openly, but it wasn't easy, especially when you began dancing.
Harry half expected for you to completely ignore him the entire concert. He didn't mind, obviously. Taylor Swift was your favorite artist of all time and you were at the first night of the Eras Tour. Harry was there to enjoy a good concert, but he knew it was so much more for you.
But he was prepared. He had tissues in his pockets for when you cried, makeup wipes for when you returned to the car and eventually wanted to wipe all the glitter off your face, your comfiest pair of slippers waiting in the car, and one of his hoodies for you to slip into on the drive home.
Color him shocked when you held his hand almost the whole show. There were moments where you had too much excitement for your favorite songs, but a lot of the time you were tucked into Harry's side, singing along quietly with your eyes glued to the stage. Harry watched the show too, but he found himself watching you more. It was so cute to see you so lost in the moment, so enamored by music. Harry had seen something similar when he spotted you from onstage at his own shows, but this was different. You loved Harry's music, he knew that, but every track, every lyric, every melody that Taylor Swift had released was everything to you.
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"Why didn't you wear the outfit from the music video?" Harry whispered in your ear when "You Belong With Me" came to a close. He was joking, but of course you had a serious answer.
"I'm saving it for another date. Thought I would be more dressed up for the first night." Looking over at him, you grinned before kissing his cheek. "Don't worry. I already have your outfit planned out."
Harry shook his head, exasperated but not at all surprised. "Can't wait."
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During "Enchanted," you took Harry by surprise and turned to face him and rested your cheek on his chest. In your boots, you were tall enough to speak quietly in his ear despite all the noise.
"I loved this song when it first came out."
"You did?"
You nodded, one hand finding his and threading your fingers together. "I used to wonder if anyone could really feel that strongly for anyone. So...giddy and enchanted and completely and totally in love. It seemed so out of reach at the time, like an actual fairytale written as a song."
Harry bent his head down so he could look you in the eye. Yours were closed, enjoying the moment, the song being performed onstage. "Did you ever figure it out?"
"I met you." That was all you needed to say, really.
A smile spread across Harry's face as he rested his forehead against yours. His heart beat rapidly in his chest at her small confession. He knew exactly what you meant. Harry wasn't sure if you knew it, if you were even aware of it, but you'd changed his life completely. He'd been in love maybe once or twice before, but it was nothing compared to the feelings he had for you. It was...he supposed you were right, it really was something like magic.
"I love you," he said, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke each word.
You kissed his cheek a couple times before pressing your lips to his. Harry was sure you were trying your best to make good on your promise and leave a mark, and he hoped it worked. The kiss didn't last long, seeing as you were both still aware enough of your surroundings that you knew better than to let things get too heated. But you smiled against his mouth and squeezed his hand appreciatively, happy to share one of the greatest nights of your life with the person you loved most in the world.
"I love you too," you said, then turned around, letting Harry's arm pull you close to his chest and keep you nice and snug there for the next couple songs.
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fan-goddess · 1 year
His pretty muse {2}
Pairing: Modern!Aegon Targaryen x reader
Summary: Aegon finds love looking through his camera lens while your in the other side. The issue is, you don’t know how much he truly admires your beauty
Warnings: Stalker!aegon, pervy!Aegon, low-key stalking, oblivious!reader
Story Taglist: @pearlstiare, @flrboyd, @chompchompluke, @teazlic,
Author Note: I tagged people who both asked and just showed an interest in their being a part two. If you wish to be added or removed then don’t hesitate to let me know!
Other Chapters: One, two,
Other links: My Pretty Muse Masterlist
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Sadly for Aegon it did not seem that the gods were on his side, as for the next few days he didn’t run into you. Instead, he merely was content with watching you throughout those days from his ledge through his camera lens.
The more pictures he seems to take, the more he wishes to talk to you. Today you seem to wear a green two piece, and the dragon inside of him roared in appreciation for it.
Some of the pictures Aegon takes could supposedly be claimed as being “stalker like”, though is he really being a stalker when he’s just photographing his pretty muse? It’s like you where made for his camera. For him to take pictures of you. When you bend over to pick up your towel at the end of the day, aegon didn’t even think before trailing the camera and flexing a finger to take a photo or ten.
When you’ve left the beach and Aegons arrived at home, he’s goes through his photos of the day and cannot help but groan in appreciation of the shots. The one of you bending to pick up your towel is easily his favourite one, though he can’t help but think of the one where your holding your sister and their face isn’t visible holds a special place in his heart. It makes him think of what your and his child would look like if he ever gets to be with you that is. And with his experience the gods could be cruel when they want to be…
The next day Aegon goes back to his spot on the cliff with the camera hanging on his shoulders and the sun blaring down. Usually you’d be sitting a couple meters down bellow under an obnoxiously bright umbrella to keep you cool. A thing he found grateful for when the lighting worked better for the camera.
Aegon usually sets up his camera around an hour before you take your usual spot. Though when that hour is long gone and some other family takes your spot, aegon cannot seem to stop his head from spinning. The family that stole your spot has a daughter around your age, she even seems to possess a similar face, yet when he tries to take a picture he cannot even bring himself to adjust the camera from its unfocused stage. The girl, whilst being pretty yes, did not hold an inch to your natural photogenic body and aura. It makes him too annoyed to even stay on the ledge anymore, causing him to pack up his equipment with clear frustration.
Aegon wanders the town with only one thing on his mind. Finding you.
He deposits the camera equipment at home, if it could even be really called home in the first place. He slings the camera round his neck, just in case he does truly see you today. Why waste the view if he can’t capture it?
His fingers begin to cramp with the way they are poised on the capture button. Though even when it begins to slowly turn painful, he doesn’t move them in pure fear he’ll miss you. His feet though begin to move on their own. As if subconsciously he knows where to find you.
It somehow, though even after that, shocks him when he meets with you face to face when you walk out of a shop. “Oh hi?” You say with a surprised smile and a furrowed brow on your face. His fingers finally manage to unclench now that he’s near you. Now that he no longer needs to be alert waiting for your presence.
“Hey pretty girl. Fancy seeing you in town!” You don’t need to know how he practically ran around the whole town to find you.
It almost makes pride beam in his chest when he spots a splash of blush covering your cheeks. If it wasn’t deemed improper, he probably would’ve taken a picture.
“Yeah fancy that…” You look awkward, and it makes his heart beat frantically even so. He sees movement from behind you and when he peaks he sees all the kids you usually are with at the beach.
“Sissy whose this? Is this your boyfriend…” One of them teases with a smile. Aegon cannot help but feel slightly disappointed when you deny it so quickly.
“No no no he’s just a guy I met when I got our food from the chippy a couple days ago.”
“Oh he’s that guy!” One of them chirps up. That guy? He’s that guy? What even does it mean by that guy? Does this mean you talk about him? Does this mean maybe you think of his as much as he thinks of you?!
Sadly he does not get to know exactly what you mean, as your parents or maybe even grandparents call you and whisk you away from him cause of some shitty experience thing.
You do turn to him before you leave, and say “I’m sorry for them. If you want we could always grab an ice cream of something tomorrow? My family insisted we do something together as a family. They’re always like that ya know?” He doesn’t know. The only thing he’s ever done together as a family was argue over anything and everything. But still, he just nods as if he understands and smiles. “Sounds good to me pretty girl. How about I pick you up where your staying so I can give the full tour of the town? Maybe around eleven?”
You don’t know how happy it makes him when you willingly tell him where your staying. He likes you, he really does. But don’t you know about the weirdos that live in this town? Anyone could sneak up at your house late at night?
Still, he’s glad your family calls you away. Since as you walk away he gets some pretty good shots of your behind in an absolutely gorgeous dress. Though even when the dress does well to fit into your curves, Aegon cannot help but wishfully think of what’ll look like when he’s ripped it to pieces and your forced to walk around naked.
That night though, he can’t sleep. He can’t dare to close his eyes without thinking of you in that dress. Thinking of you out of that dress. Thinking of you being there with him in his bed at that very moment looking at him with teary eyes and a pout…
He’s not necessarily proud of it, nor is he feeling particularly sorry for it either though, but he finds himself walking to your holiday home still in the clothes he attempted to sleep in with his camera in his hand.
When Aegon gets to the home he’s very appreciative to find its a bungalow. As at the moment of time he does not feel like climbing, falling and having to talk to you and explain why he was climbing your house I’m the middle of the night.
His fingers begin to cramp again, most likely since he had his fingers placed on the capture button ready for him to take a couple pictures of you and run for the entire near half hour walk. Who knows though, maybe he’ll find that you wear a silky lace nightgown and need to sort himself out?
He’s sort of disappointed when he eventually finds your room. He saw either your parents or grandparents room first and it was just a stereotypical holiday home room. There was no real decoration. No clothes hanging up he could see, no little nicknacks on the side table halfheartedly put there. The only thing he could really tell belonged to them was the fucking ugly beige suitcases.
He gets only a little more lucky in the next room he peeks into. The camera gets dropped quickly when he sees whose room it is and he’s thankful for the strap that keep the camera hanging on his neck. This room seems to be the younger kids room. There’s a lot more personality in this one the last. Toys are so half-hazardously thrown that Aegon can’t help but think that soon some kid or adult is gonna step on one and shout and scream about keeping tidy.
The next room is where he hits the mother fucking jackpot. He spots you sitting in your bed right away. Your not wearing a silk nightgown like he wished, but your wearing the next best thing. Shorts and a vest.
Most of the windows in the home are open, probably due to the heat earlier. Though now the night has come the temperature dropped as-well as a light breeze taking place. At first Aegon was annoyed at it, though when he zooms in his camera to properly get a good shot of you, he thinks the gods must be on his side, as he notices your nipples have hardened from the cold and now press against the fabric of your top.
Aegon is almost worried that the sound of the camera shutter will wake you up, but it seems the sound only makes you stir before moving in another sleeping position. It’s sort of like an asleep photo shoot in a way. One of the positions you do nearly makes him groan out loud with his fist in his mouth as he feels his loose shorts grow tighter.
You’ve pushed the cover off yourself slightly, your bare legs now on full display which Aegon takes full advantage of. It nearly makes him want to climb in and take some closer shots. Nearly all the ones he attempts to take look slightly out of focus and it irritates him to no end. Though he knows he can’t go in as much as he wants to. He’s not that insane, so he leaves while he still has the ability to.
The walk back to his house is surprisingly calm, if he ignores the raging hard on that demands attention nearly every so steps. When he gets home, he wastes no time in uploading the photos to a hard drive to view on a small shitty laptop. It’s no apple MacBook, but it’ll do. He views the most recent, adding it to a special folder he’s named after you.
A twitch goes off in his pants when his eyes skim that earlier photo. Your legs in the photo don’t look as good as they do in real life. They don’t hold the same look of softness and general beauty that the real view has. Still, it’ll just have to make due until Aegon can get ahold of the real thing. You.
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Can a request a yandere writer x reader ?
of course! time for this writer to shine! eheh also hey! it goes with my url lol
also sorry you caught me while im experimenting with how i stylize my posts-
🌻 yandere writer x gn reader!
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- a writer who’s been struggling to find motivation to write for ages! its not their fault that they cant find any inspiration! but really, they should try to find something or someone to cheer them on..
- thats where you come in, you caught them in the middle of writing a draft and you immediately caught their eye.. it was something about how you complimented their short story and how you wished them good luck.. seems like this is where your writer started their spiral into their obsession with you
- they finally found a reason to write, they finally found a muse.. thats you! they’ll write tens of love letters in a day, all dedicated to their savior! they would have given up without you! isn’t it nice to see all these dedicated letters for you? aren’t you so touched?
- their work was starting to be recognized but you always seemed to be their number one fan and they appreciated it so much! you had no idea that they were yours as well! ah.. isn’t this so romantic? you have a secret admirer who is the person you love! ..you do love then, right? haha- of course you do! they just know it! what a silly question!
- they were so delusional that they were surprised when you seemed so paranoid while venting to them about some “stalker” or whatever.. didn’t you like their writing? why were you so upset? you had so many poems and stories dedicated to you! did you not know it was them?!
- what to do.. what to do.. maybe they should come clean? they asked to meet you in private so they could finally confess! this seemed just out of one of their romance scenes! their heart was beating so fast.. isn’t yours beating just as much? they almost squealed like a super-fan when you showed up, and they handed you a very similar looking letter to all the ones they’d sent you before..
- even then, they couldn’t understand why you suddenly seemed to afraid of them.. what? why were you so scared? they were confessing to you in your favorite place to hang out and with yet another letter! isn’t this super romantic? why did you have that look on your face?! wait- don’t run away! come back!
- …you left… how could you?! nonono- this must be a misunderstanding! they snapped out of their shocked trance and tried to figure out what to do.. they decided to go back home.. and once again, they vented all their feelings onto paper, almost completely filling another journal. another journal filled with their deepest, darkest thoughts
- once their head was finally clear.. they wanted to see you.. they needed to explain that they weren’t creepy! this was.. this was true love, my dear! so of course, they went to your house for a personal visit. they knocked.. and knocked.. and yet again.. each time they grew more and more desperate. don’t ignore them! they just want to talk! please.. they can’t possibly bear to live without you anymore! please come out!
- they seemingly gave up… for that day. they’d come back tomorrow.. and the tomorrow after that, then the next tomorrow.. everyday until you finally open the door..
you were theirs and they were yours. you always were there for them, so its only natural they return the favor! so open the door, please? they still have so much love to give you!
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edenityy · 4 months
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( chapter five ! )
"It's wonderful that your mother allowed you to attend the ball!"
Standing close to the refreshments table are Leah and Elizabeth, the pair adorned in extravagant dresses for the occasion. After hours of begging, Leah proved it worth it when her mother finally caved in. Elizabeth herself followed a similar strategy, though Francis seems slightly more lenient at the idea than Vivienne.
The young Barrett is dressed in a powder blue dress made of some of the highest quality fabric, bringing out the color of her eyes. Numerous small details surround the skirt as the top half is accentuated perfectly by her corset, followed by a pearl neckpiece that compliments her skin tone. Many eyes attach to her, capturing her every move through the ballroom. Brown hair also falls across her shoulders, curled at the end, and put up in a half up-half down style.
Despite having previously been upset that her mother wasn't going to be debuting her this season, Leah now appears reluctant due to the attention she gathers, "Yes.. Amazing, isn't it?" she fights back a sigh, opting to pick up a glass and sip at the liquid she's unfamiliar with.
All Leah and Elizabeth are capable of hearing is the immense chatter that fills the room, nearly drowning out their voices if they don't speak loud enough. Not far from the teenage girls stand their mothers and surprisingly, Edward, conversing while chaperoning the pair through the night's endeavors.
"Just look at all the beautiful dresses!" Elizabeth sings, hands tightly clasped together as she observes the other women in the room. Carrying herself away from Leah, she darts around the ballroom to begin interacting.
Watching her friend practically disappear before her eyes, Leah fights back another sigh, "Wait up!" Discarding the drink in her hands, the brunette begins to chase after her friend, unable to hear Edward attempting to call her back.
"I was going to ask to her dance.." Edward says with a look of defeat.
"You'll find the chance." Vivienne smiles, taking a sip from her glass of lemonade as she watches her daughter run off.
Across the room is a different story, Ciel wears a pink and black dress to disguise himself, utterly regretting all of his decisions. Trudging through the ballroom with an eye out for Viscount Druitt, he can't shake his disdain for his current situation.
"I really do not want my fiancé to see me like this.." Ciel's mind flashes to a vision of Leah, already picturing how she would react to seeing him in such a way. The thought of the shock, then gossip surrounds his brain in a thick fog.
"That head-piece is so exquisite!"
Sebastian and Ciel turn their heads at the speed of lightning to the sound of an all too familiar voice, eyes immediately settling upon the blonde and brunette pair. In between the two women, Elizabeth compliments any lady she comes across while Leah attempts to keep her on a leash and drag her away.
Glancing ahead of her, Elizabeth's eyes light up at the sight of Sebastian trying to whisk Ciel away, "That dress that girl is wearing is so cute!" she yells, but her voice dies down when the Phantomhive can break the line of sight within the large crowd of people in the room.
"Hm? Where did she go?" Elizabeth asks while turning her head every which way.
"She must have seen something that caught her eye. Or wanted to get away from you. Most strangers don't appreciate being chased.. even if you have good intent." Leah folds her hands near her abdomen, subtly messing with the fabric of her gloves.
Ducked behind a table, Ciel and Sebastian are mere feet away from Leah and Elizabeth. There's a tall and extravagant cake between them, which unlikely catches the eye of his fiancé, "Why are they here?! Anyway, let's go to where the ladies are.."
"Oh Elizabeth, look at the cake! It's beautiful." Leah muses, admiring the intricate details that surround the dessert.
Shifting her attention from the task of trying to find the mysterious woman, Elizabeth is just as content at the sight of the cake before them, "It is! We must have a slice together when they cut it!" She nods.
"I— I couldn't.." Leah breathes out, placing a hand lightly above her stomach with knitted brows. Even though she's thin, she can never shake the insecurity she developed during childhood, learning she was bigger than other girls.
"How strange.." Sebastian whispers, "For your fiancé and cousin to be here, it is quite unexpected."
"Regardless of the disguise, if we meet.."
"You'll be found out."
Ciel's face fills with panic at their words, "If he discovers me, I won't be able to investigate!"
"Further, everyone here will find out that the young lady is you," Sebastian replies with a monotonous tone.
Sheer dread overcomes the Phantomhive, "If people find out I'm dressed like this, it'll be the ultimate humiliation for the Phantomhive family!" Ciel tries to hold his voice back from a shout, "If it comes to that, I'd rather die! Anyway, we cannot.." he trails off.
"Viscount Druitt is so handsome tonight!"
"His light golden hair is like gold thread!"
Viscount Druitt stands confidently a few meters away, conversing with guests. To no one's surprise, women speak of his looks from any corner of the room.
Reluctantly approaching the man, Ciel tries to keep his composure and act as he would a lady. As in copying how he sees Leah act. Unluckily for Ciel, he's barely able to get a word into the Viscount before the dreadful voice of Elizabeth emerges from behind him.
"Ah! Found you!" Elizabeth calls out, starting to approach excitedly.
Barely an inch behind her, Leah is tugging on the girl's arm and trying to pull her away, "Stop chasing people! Can't we get a snack or something?" she huffs.
Cursing under his breath, Ciel is quick to dart off and away from the pair, "I was so close too!"
"The girl in front! Please wait!" Begs Elizabeth, nearly unaffected by Leah's attempts to drag her back.
It's an annoying game of cat and mouse, with an extra player to intervene. Ahead of the girls, Sebastian leads Ciel through the people. But not far behind them, Leah rolls her eyes at Elizabeth who never seems to know when to give up.
Hand in the air, Sebastian waves over a butler, "Gentleman, please give a glass of lemonade to those ladies." he says while whisking Ciel away, pointing in the direction of the young Earl's fiancé and cousin.
Elizabeth holds initial confusion at the sudden offer of lemonade but Leah appears more than pleased, giving her a chance to catch her breath after the brisk walking to keep up with the blonde. Holding the glass between her gloved fingers, the Barrett girl hides her unstable breathing to take large gulps of the liquid while Elizabeth merrily chats away to more women around them.
Unfortunately for Leah, her break is short-lived when Edward quickly approaches her from behind. Gently grazing a hand past her shoulder, the older boy smiles widely, "May I have this dance?" he asks.
Fighting back a startled gasp when Edward suddenly appears behind her, Leah gives a lopsided, but soft smile, "You may."
Walking towards the dance floor, Leah gives one last look in Elizabeth's direction as they leave her behind, only praying she doesn't cause the unidentified lady any more trouble. But while distracted by her friend, she hardly notices that she brushes past Ciel who stands tightly next to Sebastian.
Guiding Leah to the dance floor, Edward takes her right hand in his left and places his free hand around her waist, leading the two of them in the dance. The dance is a classic waltz, one of the first dances that many learn. Following the music, their steps move in sync and Leah's dress skirt flows with her movements, her unlowered hems freely brushing across her ankles and calves.
"I'm glad I caught you in time. I thought you'd spend your entire evening chasing after Elizabeth," Edward chuckles, twirling the shorter girl in his arms.
Keeping her eyes trained on his, Leah smiles. "I was preparing to. Balls are a lot less fun than I thought they would be.." she complains.
The brunette's words earn a chuckle from Edward, both of whom barely notice Ciel and Sebastian just a few feet away from them. Somehow Elizabeth doesn't either, fixated on her cousin in the pretty dress yet is incapable of recognizing him. That could be explained by Ciel ducking his face out of their view whenever he can.
When the song ends and everyone returns to their original states, Leah lets go of Edward and returns to Elizabeth's side, brushing her shoulder past Ciel's and muttering a quick apology. Approaching her smaller friend, Leah's brows knit together when she realizes she is just staring off into the distance. Or more so, a particular boy in pink.
"Elizabeth?" Leah calls out, lowering her head to come between the blonde and the form her eyes are fixated on.
Blinking in surprise, Elizabeth looks up to meet the blue eyes that bore into her green ones, "Oh, Leah! How was the dance with Edward?" she asks.
"It was alright.." Leah shrugs, "What are you looking at?"
"The girl in that beautiful dress! I still haven't gotten to talk to her.." Elizabeth leans to look past Leah's shoulders, "But here's my chance!" The blonde announces, setting off with a pep to her step.
Leah sighs in irritation as Elizabeth begins to approach Ciel, currently in an uncomfortable conversation with Viscount Druitt. 'That girl never knows when to give up.'
Ciel himself is practically shaking in his shoes, knowing of the two familiar figures who are quickly closing the distance. In a quick matter of luck — aka, Sebastian — Ciel's initial worry of his life being over is somewhat reassured in a matter of seconds. Watching the butler wearing a masquerade mask slam down a cupboard between Ciel, Leah, and Elizabeth, he hides his surprise at the demon's sudden plan.
"The ball is at its peak, so at this time, may all the gentlemen and ladies watch this magic performance I shall do with this cupboard!" Sebastian announces. "That gentleman," he shifts his attention to Lau, "Can you assist me?"
Lau's signature smirk paints his face, "Me? Why of course."
Leah and Elizabeth both watch in amusement and wonder, eyes sparking with sudden interest.
"This is an ordinary cupboard. I will now enter it."
With the rest of the guests enamored by Sebastian's display, no one notices Viscount Druitt and Ciel sneaking off away from the party.
"After I go into the cupboard, tie it up tightly with these chains," Sebastian explains to Lau, handing the chains over to him. "And then these swords will be used to pierce this cupboard."
Drowning out the last of the explanation, Leah finally racks her brain to recognize a familiar face. "Is that Lau?" She questions, furrowing her brows before looking to her left to see Madame Red. 'I suppose Ciel didn't come after all?'
As much as the Barrett enjoys being in her thoughts, the train is quickly interrupted when she is brought back to hear Lau make exaggerated noises while impaling the box with Sebastian inside. The guests all look with utter shock and worry at multiple swords stabbed into the cupboard, a smiling Lau to accompany it.
"He suddenly went from the top?!"
"He really did it without restraint!"
Lau, who seems entirely proud of his work, sparkles, "Alright, let's see if he's alright?" he suggests.
Taking the swords out of the cupboard and undoing the chains, the door to the cupboard ominously begins to swing open. Everyone watches in silent worry before bursting into shouts of surprise when Sebastian steps out completely unscathed.
"A miracle!"
The room is filled with sounds of applause, replacing the previous silence that could be cut by a knife. Stepping away from Elizabeth, Leah slowly walks over to Lau and Sebastian who she can now see.
Clapping cheerily, Madame Red has the smile of a happy child, "That was quite impressive, Sebastian!"
"Sebastian? If everyone else is here, then where is Ciel?" Leah questions, tilting her head.
"You can never be too surprised with that boy! I'm sure you're glad to be here though? How was your first ball?" Angelina gives a smile to the young Barrett.
"Well it's not my first.. but honestly. Never again." Leah sighs. All the attention she received, even without having to interact with anyone, was enough for her. Then following such a hyper Elizabeth around all night? The brunette is more than glad her mother chose to not debut her this season.
— ౨ৎ —
"What's the meaning of this?!" Ciel shouts, slamming down the latest newspaper. "The Viscount didn't go anywhere last night!"
It is another day in Ciel's townhouse, but not a particularly welcome one with the latest news. Around the room, the aristocrats are stationed in different spots of the room, holding the newspapers to observe the headlines displayed in bold words.
"If the suspect could not carry out the murders.. it's an impersonator.. no, it's possible there were others from the beginning." Lau speaks, standing in front of a bookcase.
Madame Red furrows her brows, "Meaning the Viscount isn't involved?" she asks.
"I have to come up with something again.." Ciel sighs. "We have to narrow it down. Sebastian, organize the list." The blue-haired teen demands.
Sebastian places a hand on his chest, "Your humble servant understands."
Later that same night, thunder and lightning crash around the townhouse. Leah and Madame Red sit around a small table, Ciel in his lounge chair a slight distance away. The trio are all wearing their sleep attire, paired with simple robes wrapped around themselves.
"There are four and a half million people in London alone. During the season party period, there's be even more." Ciel groans, smacking the papers on his left with the back of his hand. "If we relax the requirements, the pool of people increases even more."
"You're still working?" Leah questions, tilting her head to which her untied hair follows.
"Leah. Madame Red."
"Sometimes you don't need to work so hard." Madame Red smiles, holding up a box with the design of a chess board on the front. "Want to relax a bit and play this?" she asks.
"International chess, huh? It brings back memories.." Ciel says.
"Is that so? Because Sebastian was coming, I got this out from the attic!" Madame Red muses. "Come! Take a break! Take a break!" Angelina chants, pushing some papers off of the table.
"Grell, please prepare some tea!"
"It's already late so I've prepared herb tea made from wild roses," Grell explains, placing a cup in front of each aristocrat before pouring them a cup.
Hesitantly picking up her porcelain, Leah sniffs at the liquid before bringing the cup to her cherry-tinted lips. Taking a small sip, she recoils in her chair at the salty taste, spitting it back into the cup and placing it back on its plate.
"That's repulsive.." Leah sighs, leaning back in her seat.
"This tastes bad!" Madame Red shouts, "Why is herbal tea salty?! And you call yourself a butler?! Do it again!" she demands.
Grell shakes in her shoes, looking at her master, "Even so, I'm still a butler!" she tries not to raise her voice in response.
The red-haired woman lets out a breath of irritation, not bothering to listen to Grell's continuous apologies. Turning in her seat to observe the butler clad in black, she leans a head on her hand, "That butler of yours, whether he's capable or just a workaholic.. that's not much?" she questions.
"This is nothing," Ciel states in response.
"Since he's so capable, you should just make him do the investigation on the Viscount instead." Madame Red suggests.
"That is my 'power' and 'hands and legs'." Ciel holds up a horse piece, "Sebastian is merely one of my chess pieces. It is not possible to move the chess pieces without me, the person behind it. If I won using a free moving piece, that would not be to my credit." Ciel says.
Placing his horse piece on the board, he snatched up one of Angelina's pieces. Madame Red seems to be slightly surprised that her nephew has managed to snag another, trying to think of a new strategy.
"The one who gives the order will always be the master. Without my command, he will—"
Poor Leah has begun to tune out the conversation, eyes flickering closed out of utter boredom. The sound of the rain doesn't make her feel any better, slowly lulling the teenager to sleep in her seat.
Minutes pass before anyone has noticed Leah fell asleep. The first to notice was Madame Red, checking on the girl in her odd silence after she made her turn on the board.
"She fell asleep?" Angelina questions, which prompts Anna to walk over.
Glancing down at the chair, the maid sighs as she observes the sleeping brunette. Hair slightly sprawled across her face, parted lips, and faint breathing is displayed, all while sitting in an uncomfortable position.
"I will have her moved," Anna bows, "Please enjoy the rest of your night."
Before Anna has to chance to attempt to lift her mistress out of the chair, Sebastian places his papers down to walk over, "Allow me." he leans down to pick up the young Barrett.
"My, she's lighter than I thought she would be.." Sebastian says in surprise, fighting the urge to begin throwing her around from how little effort it would take.
Anna glances up at the butler, "Yes, she has a habit of not eating. It's been more noticeable over the years." she says, now walking with Sebastian toward Leah's designated room in the townhouse.
Most of the walk is silent, a silence that can't seem to decide if it's a comfortable one or not. Anna's dull personality makes it hard for her to entertain conversation, rather than choosing to focus on getting Leah in bed. Thankfully the townhouse isn't as big as a mansion, making it easy to reach the room.
Moving ahead of Sebastian carrying the young lady in his arms, Anna opens the door for him and stands to the side as he shuffles inside. Adjusting the girl in his arms, Sebastian pulls back the blankets and lays her beneath, turning back to Anna.
"Goodnight.." Sebastian smiles, walking out the door.
Approaching the sleeping Leah, Anna hardly pays Sebastian any mind as she prepares her mistress's items for tomorrow. "Goodnight."
— ౨ৎ —
It's only a matter of months before a multitude of people are gathered in a chapel to attend the unexpected funeral of Madame Red, the air filled with sadness and tears. Leah stands close to the coffin, observing Angelina who now lacks color with a blank look.
However, underneath her tough exterior, the girl is fighting back the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. "I feel like you understood me in a way.. Even if we didn't speak much." her voice wavers, swallowing the lump in her throat.
Just as Leah lays the flower in her hand beside Angelina's head, the doors to the chapel swing open, prompting everyone to look back. Ciel stands front and center, Sebastian behind him to the side holding a hat to his abdomen with a solemn look.
"Ciel..!" Elizabeth exclaims, standing a few feet away from the coffin herself.
Releasing a breath through her nose, his fiancé watches as he walks closer with a crimson dress slung over his shoulder, "I knew you'd show up eventually." she gives a sad smile.
Leah steps back from the coffin, giving Ciel space to say goodbye to his aunt. Watching as the Phantomhive sits atop the podium holding the coffin up, she watches warily when Ciel swings the dress on his aunt and gently touches her face.
"You know white flowers and subdued clothes do not suit you. What suits you is passionate red. The color of licorice burning in the Earth." Ciel leans down to place his face closer to Angelina's, "Aunt Ann."
Just as Ciel finishes speaking, red flower petals begin to flood into the chapel. Everyone looks up and around in surprise, gasps filling the room while Sebastian stands outside with a carriage full of petals. Aiming her head up, a couple fall on Leah's head and face, causing her to release a small giggle.
Pulling away from his aunt's body, Ciel gives her one last look, "Good night, Madame Red."
Leah, Ciel, Sebastian, Lau, and Anna all stand by Angelina's grave. The young Barrett stares down at the touched dirt, solemnly holding her hands together to give silent remorse. Beside her, Anna keeps a hand on Leah's shoulder in comfort but makes no further moves.
"You did not inform the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity?" Lau asks.
"I did not think it necessary." Ciel replies, staring at the headstone, "After all, Jack the Ripper is no longer in London."
Looking up in confusion, Leah turns to Ciel with knitted brows, "Who was Jack the Ripper?" she questions.
Meeting his fiancé's eyes, Ciel feels the sorrow pouring from them. Unable to break the truth, he decides to leave her in ignorant bliss. At least for the time being.
"Do not worry about it.."
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full-moon-ships · 9 months
Ship: Soap/Ghost/Hound
Word count: 760
Summary: A flower shop owner takes an interest in two of his patrons
Notes: JanAUary day one!! If there's any spelling or grammar errors please lmk-
Taglist: @mashyaoi @legoes
For the past few months, two people had been coming into Simon's shop semi-regularly. They wouldn't come in at the same time or even the same day, but there was something about them that felt the same. One, tall and sporting a mohawk, would come and ask about what he should get for a specific occasion. He'd describe the plans he had, and request a bouquet that would go along with it. The other, shorter with more choppy hair, would come in less frequently, and ask what to get for whatever accomplishment his boyfriend had achieved. Sometimes it'd be as simple as finishing a new project, or other times more grandiose, like getting his art put up in a local gallery.
He'd grown to like them both in different ways. The first, who's name he learned was John, was loud and passionate about whatever he was talking about, and it warmed Simon's long-frozen heart. The second, who's name was Nico, was more quiet, but equally as passionate. And above all else they would sing the praises of their lovers. John would go on about how kind and attentive his boyfriend was, how he always payed attention and how he'd always say just the right things at the right time. Nico would sing his lover's praises from the roof if he could, proclaiming his expertise at art, how he'd mastered the craft and easily outshown Nico's own work.
Simon was happy for them, truly. They seemed to both be quite content in their partnerships. He could only dream of having that for himself, and dream he did. Oh, how he dreamed. He wished he could be given a chance with either of them, but seeing how happy they were in their own relationships only served to make him feel guilty about his desires. He did not wish the end of either of their relationships, but he could not help wanting more from his slowly blooming friendship with both the men.
After some time of not seeing either, Simon was shocked to see them both walk in together on a quiet autumn afternoon. They were laughing and practically hanging off each other, and that was what tipped Simon off. The reason they felt similar was because they were together. They walked up to the front counter and smiled up at Simon.
"I had no idea Nico was coming here too!" John exclaimed, beaming, "I mean, I just figured he went to a different flower shop but this is great!"
Simon hummed his agreement, mask thankfully sheilding his expression, mouth slightly downturned. He, of course, was happy for them, but he couldn't help feeling a little saddened at the sight of his crushes together. Crushes, he mused, what an nonsense word.
"I mean, when Nico was telling me about the tall and handsome bloke he was buying flowers from I'd thought it a coincidence, but hey! Turns out we had feelings for the same man!"
Simon froze, "What?"
John turned to Nico, "You didn't tell him? I thought that was the plan!"
Nico shrunk back, "I forgot..."
John sighed, "Sorry, Nico was supposed to tell you. Drop hints and all that. We're polyamorous."
"Oh. Oh okay."
John's smile dropped, "Shit, wait, did I read things wrong? Oh god you're not into me. Oh my god I'm going to jump out the window."
Simon's eyes widened, "Wait no! Yes, I'm interested. In both of you. I was just so sure that I wouldn't have a chance. You both seemed so happy together I just figured that's all you'd want."
The two laughed, "Yeah, no. We both find you VERY attractive and would like to ask you out," John said for the two of them.
The mask must not have covered the full surface of the blush, because Nico chuckled a bit. Simon coughed, "Sure. That'd be... fun. Yeah."
Nico beamed and John punched the air, "Yes! Alright, can we have your number? Just to chat and figure out when's best."
Nodding, Simon grabs a sticky note from behind the counter and scribbles down his phone number for the two. They chat some more and, finally, they leave, waving goodbye to Simon.
Once they're out of sigh he sits down behind the counter and has a quick freak out. He never thought they would be interested in him, let alone be polyamorous and want to date him. His phone buzzes and he smiles as he sees a simple message from two unknown numbers, reading ':3'. This was sure to be an experience if nothing else.
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rubbarband · 1 year
angelicflurry asked: @angelicflurry
Test Muse!
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A girl wearing thick red glasses sighed while she drew in her notebook, discreetly watching some of the students from class 1-A from a distance as she tried her best to capture each of their unique features on paper, she had completed a few portraits of some of the students and had placed the finished sketches on a pile beside her, one of them being of Desmond Baker. Although she was a General Studies student, it wasn't uncommon for her to see the students of the hero course walking around or studying together outdoors. She liked to draw them, especially in groups as she couldn't help but appreciate how close they all seem to be with each other despite their differences.
But... If she appreciated their companionship, why did she also feel sadness looking at them smiling and laughing together...?
She began absentmindedly tapping her mechanical pencil against the lined paper as she became lost in thought until a group of female students noticed her and the piles of paper next to her, one of them strode up to it before kicking the drawings into the air and causing them to all fly away, and snapping her out of her train of thought as she quickly got up and ran after her hard work, ignoring the girl and her friends as they snickered.
"Alright watch this triple spin kick backflip." Desmond performed for his other classmates, one kick to a spin, then another and a third he almost botched before landing on his feet.
"Hah nice one Des." A redhead woman clapped along with another boy, dark skinned similar to Desmond but larger clapped as well.
"You're getting better at that, using your tail. Can't wait to see you using your stretching more."
"I been trying...but it's like I can only stretch one limb at a time or something." Desmond frowned, stretching his arm out, straining before he returned it back. The three continued talking before Desmond heard a scuffle, turning his head towards a bunch of papers flying around. "I-I got them!" Desmond grabbed at as many papers as possible while Stone and Eliza his two friends confronted the bullies, people like that shouldn't be in hero school.
Desmond eventually got them all till he saw a picture of himself, he was overcome with a feeling of confusing, shock and bafflement. Someone drew him, with weirdly hyper detail, they even seemed to draw his scar exactly right and his earrings detailed too. Even the scratches on it. When the girl approached he gave it back to her. "Nice...art, I wish I could use the 'I missed you too line' but I don't know you at all.." Desmond handed it back to her.
"We reported those girls to the teachers." The redhead rejoined Desmond.
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"You're the best Eliza. I actually used my powers to help someone, this girl....uh sorry guess we got introductions to make. Name's Desmond Baker, this is my bestie Stone and my girlfriend Eliza; What can we call you?"
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Similar to last one but Mikhail punishing his water viper and tying him up and teasing him with ice and pulling on his hair.
[ tie ] — my muse ties up your muse
[ flat ] — your muse fucks my muse while they’re face-down and helpless
[ halt ] — your muse edges/denies my muse their orgasm
[ chill ] — your muse drags an ice cube across my muse’s body part (specify)
"You okay there love? I only started but your red already." Kiyoshi looks to Mikhail but smiled seeing him looking so precious wearing a little cute thing for him. His black hair was out this time but he lowers down just teasing him with his fingers and kisses to his chest.
"Kiyoshi...untie me..this isn't f..fair.." he said but the water viper smiled to sit up and lick his lips.
"Oh? It's fair. Seeing you all tied up like this is so much fun..you do the same for me won't you? Being able to see me all tied up, bent over and waiting for whatever punishment you have..but I made sure the ropes were strong." He said now stroking his cock hearing Mikhali hiss from the touch.
"Besides, you won't get out of it..so just enjoy it hmm?" he said to think but he looks to think of what do only for him to lower the toy. "Maybe I should just use what I can to play more...isn't that fun love?"
"I have a...a better idea.." Mikhail said to Kiyo blinking.
"And that is?" He asked about to kill him but that's when Mikhail was quiet to switch.
"How about me punishing you..." right away, the ropes froze and Mikhail shatters them. This made the other shock but he quickly got grabbed.
"You really think tying me up worked? You forgot who is the dom here?" he teased but Kiyoshi blushed.
"Maybe I did...what are you going to do love? Punish me?" He pouts but Mikhail smiled but he only shows that it was the god.
"You know I do."
That results in Kiyoshi being held down face first while he was moaning out gripping the sheets. He felt his black hair held in a grip as he moans out wanting him to be punished more. He was crying out wanting him to do more but he felt the ice around his wrists and a ice cock ring down there as he was twitching wanting more.
"Seems my goddess remembers his place don't he?" He asked smacking his ass even if Kiyoshi yelps.
"Y..Yes my ohhh fuck!!" he moans just taking the thrusts more.
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blue-pincushion · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @intolerablestrength woah thanks so much!!! O: TAGGING: oh shit here we go ! @team-phantom / @greendrums69 , @crimsonxblur , @1110-01111011 , @diamondintherouge / @wishesareeternal , @mercenaries-for-hire , @terminalvelocityau (pick your fave muse rn!) , @rothotnik , @fishing-purple-cat , @blunderbots , @birdboyofbabylon !
[ throwing this under a read more because it got long OOPS ]
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? SHORT. hes literally 3′3 he’s the size of a hecking toddler but that’s what you get for being a mobian hedgehog lmfao. by mobian standards i’d say he’s probably average i guess? some mobians are way bigger and some are smaller than him it kinda varies from species to species. by mobian hedgehog standards i’d say he’s probably still average, maybe a little bit taller than the average hedgehog but yeah lmao
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? it doesn’t really bother him that much until he’s forced to be compared to humans tbh like, especially when it comes to height restrictions for certain human contraptions such as a roller coaster designed for humans that he’s too small to ride honestly that shit ticks him off so much LET HIM RIDE IT DAMN IT
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? long, pointy, and blue. LOL no but for real his fur texture is short and soft, a little fuzzy in some places, although where it nears his back his hair becomes very tough and pointy and it’s hard to see where his fur ends and his quills begin since the color makes them blend together so much. if you look closely you can see all the individual quills he’s got, they kinda just grow a certain way that makes them clump together in those spikes you see on his head and back. they can still be styled though although it’s not the most comfortable experience
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? the most grooming sonic does is a quick shower, scrub down with some soap, and maybe brush some knots out of his fur if it’s bugging him. he’s absolutely the worst with remembering to groom his quills though and Tails has had to pluck loose ones out of Sonic many times before because it was driving the hedgehog nuts
sonic doesn’t really style his quills, they just are naturally spiked that way
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? not really! he’s confident in his looks so he doesn’t really worry much, although admittedly he’s a lil insecure about the very thin patch of fur on his tummy where you see that tan circle because he’s got OTHER male hedgehog friends who’ve got floof. how come he didn’t inherent his dad’s floof?? :c not cool
does he care about what others think about his appearance? nope he gets constant validation all the time from adoring fans who consider him to be a dream boat so honestly he’s not worried. he’s got his own style and is comfortable with it
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? 
outdoors absolutely. this is sonic the freakin hedgehog come ON man. there’s no room to run inside! there’s no fresh air! no open space! where’s he gonna get his adventure fix if he’s just stuck inside all day? booooo!
▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?   both! while sonic very much enjoys the sun and finding a warm patch of sunlight to nap in, rain is also one of his favorite types of weather too. while he may be afraid of deep water, any other forms of experiencing water is lovely and the rain is really refreshing to run and splash in ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   okay sonic admittedly loves the beach and grew up with one literally a 2 minute walk away from his house but since there’s not much really to do besides look at how pretty the beach is he’ll have to go with forests. more stuff to explore and what not tbh. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems for sure. he’s had a lot of fun playing with precious gems 👀 ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? Oh for sure flowers, Sonic’s a huge flower and nature enthusiast and he enjoys the natural floral scents that they produce, plus they’re very pretty! ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   Personality hands down. if the person just LOOKS nice but has no personality then whats the point ??  ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?   it kinda depends. sonic doesn’t mind being in the presence of a lot of people but he’d prefer if he didn’t have all their attention and wasn’t lost in the throng of it. he’d rather be off to the side where he can do his own thing but still enjoy the presence of others. he’s a weird extrovert like that LOL ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   While he understands that order is important and it’s good for people to have moral structure in their lives, sometimes he just can’t do with the rules set in stone. sonic may be a good guy but in his mind sometimes being the good guy means you gotta break the rules  ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  It... depends, honestly. is the painful truth about him or someone/something else? is he the one lying or is he the one being lied to?
sonic has a really bad habit with compulsively lying about his own well being so that others don’t worry about him, but when others lie to him about something (if it’s a really important something, not like minor stuff--- minor stuff he can let slide) then he Can’t Stand That. Which makes him a pretty huge hypocrite for hating white lies from other people but in his mind’s eye he puts other people first before him because he’s so darn selfless so it’s not really a big deal he’s sacrificing his well being for other’s right? he’s saving lives and making people happy right ?
anyway as far as the painful truth goes, as long as it doesn’t revolve around his personal feelings then he can manage it. i guess he prefers the painful truth in that sense, considering he’s carefully optimistic 
▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   ....eh. honestly he’s seen it all. at this point sonic just kinda  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever man i can turn golden and super powerful with these magical rocks?? i can fight literal time gods with the rest of time space & reality crumbling around me and then re-set an entire timeline?? my brother can build a machine that can pinpoint my vital signature when i’m stuck in some weird void dimension??? aight. sounds fair. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?   Peace tbh, although after a while it does get a little boring if there’s no conflict for him to resolve--- being the hero he is. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  
Either’s fine tbh, he doesn’t really have a preference. although sometimes night makes him feel a little on edge thanks to sonic unleashed ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ? 
he’s kinda indifferent about either, and isn’t really a fan of paying attention to the sun’s movements around these times of the day anyway bc it brings back unpleasant memories. thanks sonic unleashed
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD  ? 
warmth pls he has short fur and was born on a tropical island, being cold sucks
both ? sonic has a few close friends and many acquaintances tbh.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  
PLAYING A GAME ABSOLUTELY. reading just doesn’t cut it for this hedgehog’s overactive brain he needs something he can physically engage in somehow and while he may enjoy a good story he has to be receiving it in a way that keeps his attention and if he’s just stuck sitting there and staring at a page he will lose focus pretty quick.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? -lying (about his well being) and hiding when he is hurt emotionally/physically -letting his selfless nature take control to the point where it’s damaging his own health -isolating himself with his problems so other people don’t have to deal with it -running away from situations when he can’t understand his feelings -making impulsive decisions that he doesn’t always think through  
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? sonic’s first experience with losing a loved one was his own father, who unfortunately died saving sonic’s life from drowning in a tsunami. it was what  really kick started a lot of what you see in the blue hedgehog today, tbh. his drive to help and save others, his resolve over accepting that bad things happen and you can’t always control that no matter what you do... you can thank his mom for that btw. she helped sway him away from completely internalizing this event and taught him some very important life lessons.
since then Sonic has been no stranger to loss but he’s gotten good at handling it over the years, seeing as he’s had to say goodbye to many people in his life. it still hurts, though. he will do everything in his power to not lose those people who hold that place in his heart
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
flying in his grandpa’s plane for the first time, it was the coolest thing he’d ever experienced in his life at the time. 
another time would be soaring above the city tops of grand metropolis with his teammates (in sonic heroes), like honestly traveling as that trio for a while was such a thrill and he sometimes misses those days
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? ....not really, no. sonic really doesn’t like killing and will do just about anything to avoid doing it unless it really, really comes down to the only option he has. and let me tell you, sonic takes no pride in being responsible for the death of someone else, no matter who that person is.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
oh boy.
sonic’s breakdowns are honestly really subtle, and that’s because they’re a slow process that consists of him cracking and crumbling and then trying to hold it together and build himself back up because he can’t afford to break down and then cracking and crumbling again but never really allowing himself to have that moment where he actually snaps and falls apart.
the signs you’ll want to look out for will be him avoiding people way more often than usual, becoming irritable and his temper flaring up, exhaustion from lack of getting amounts proper sleep, he pretty much starts to self destruct a little bit and it’s not a pretty sight. it’s why he especially tries to avoid people when he gets like this because he doesn’t want them to see whats actually going on.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? there’s lots of people he’d trust with his life tbh
▸      WHAT��S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
,,,, man.
ok, sonic is such a huge sap and he hates it LOL. he’ll suddenly catch himself thinking all wistfully about the person he’s in love with and will be like “really?? right in front of my salad??” LMAO it’s just in his nature to be cheesy and sappy and do sweet things for the person of his affections because that’s exactly how his dad was but at the same time he’ll mentally take a second to point out how lame it is and he embarrasses himself over it ashdfkd
besides that, though, sonic is a real big sweet heart, and he’ll really want to try to express to that person how much he loves them but he’d also fear this whole romantic side of him coming out will interfere with his love of adventure. the idea of committing himself to one specific person in a way that makes them feel like his whole world to him is a bit scary to sonic, because he knows that he can’t really afford that when he’s out here saving lives and going on adventures. how could he possibly have the time for that, anyway? can this person keep up with him? would he be willing to slow down for that person? it just begs so many different questions and forces sonic to face possible changes to his entire way of living and it freaks him out a little bit.
which is why he tends to avoid romantic topics in general, and also why when he gets a crush on someone he goes straight into panic mode LOL. he’d honestly rather stay friends with the person and quietly adore them in his own time, maybe by sending them gifts or dropping by their place on occasion, DEFINITELY, AT LEAST making an effort to spend a little bit more time with that person than anyone else. 
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gaitwae · 2 years
Your Stupid Face || Sherlock Holmes x F!Reader
Summary: Sherlock is too proud to admit to anybody he likes you, but John knows.
Warnings: A bit of an open ending, Y/N isn't really present until the very end, it's in John's perspective. Inspired by Kaden McKay's song, "Your Stupid Face."
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John sipped his coffee and walked slowly with Sherlock as they braved the rain of the early morning. Their feet clapped against the wet concrete, making the rest of the noisy city sound like a song that probably would have put the doctor to sleep years ago. He was having the time of his life watching people — he had always loved to observe the odd behaviors of his best friend, obviously, but he also liked to see what the city of London was up to. It was always the same, and yet always so different. London had a sound. It had a similar hum every day. John found comfort in that, unlike Sherlock. But similarly to Sherlock, he was always excited to see if the sound ever changed. 
Currently, it was seeming like another one of those droll days where a case just couldn’t come fast enough. John didn’t mind being bored every once in a while, but in truth, he really did enjoy cases just like Sherlock did. He liked the danger. He liked the mystery. There was one thing, however, that he enjoyed far more than Sherlock — he enjoyed meeting the new people that came with freelance crime-solving. 
“You could talk to her, you know. Tell her how you feel about her,” he mused to his friend as he took another sip of his coffee. He peeked at the taller man. “Or stop talking to her, if it annoys you so much.”
“She’s a plain, horrifically boring person, John, with no knowledge of how to shut her chatterbox.” He crooked the collar of his coat up. “It’s not me talking to her.” He flexed his jaw. John understood the implications of this, of course — Sherlock was saying Y/N L/N, a reporter who had somehow entered their social circle, was the one who started every conversation.
John knew better than that, of course. He knew Sherlock liked to show off.
Especially to her. 
“Yeah,” he drawled. “Right. What time are we meeting her at the diner?”
“Ten o’clock,” he answered automatically. “She said she wanted to talk about the girl with the hacksaw.”
“You mean ‘The Cutting Edge’?” The doctor smirked to himself as he recalled the name he had chosen for this particular case they had just wrapped up. He remembered when they had confronted the killer, Y/N and Sherlock practically jumped for joy together. 
“Yes, that one. She wanted us to recount the case from our points of view.”
“‘Ours,’ Sherlock? Or yours? Because she might have been making the moves on you,” he said knowingly. He finished the last sip of his coffee and turned on the next corner as the detective did. He was usually running these days to catch up, but Sherlock was kind enough to slow down and share the umbrella today. Shocking, considering how he was teasing his friend. “Trust me, I was married; I had loads of girlfriends. I know what a date sounds like.”
“Don’t be preposterous!” he scoffed. His ears went pink. “I find her repulsive.”
“Like bloody hell you do! You paid extra attention to your cheekbones after she said your trim was cute.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes, stopping for the light before them. “I don’t pay attention to my cheekbones.” He practically spat out the word pay. 
“Yes, you do. I live with you, mate, and I know your habits probably better than you do.” John couldn’t help but grin. “Do you like her back, or are you being serious about the whole repulsive thing?” He found a public bin and tossed his coffee cup in it as they waited for the light to turn. 
“I have no idea what you’re possibly implying,” his friend said, clearly trying to ignore what he had just asked. It was amusing — Sherlock wasn’t the type to have crushes, and he certainly didn’t like when people knew he did. John had started noticing the subtle clues over the years, and he could always manage to whittle down the possibilities of the detective’s interest.
No one would have been able to tell he liked those women, anyway.
Nobody except him and Mycroft. 
When they had first met Y/N, Sherlock had a funny little twisted look on his face. He stared at her with his mouth tight, his eyes twitching. The memory always made John smile.
She had walked up to him, making sure to keep your stance serious even though he had just said something most people would disregard, but she had found it humorous. She had stuck her hand out, Sherlock stared at it, and they stared at each other for so long John thought there might have been something wrong with her. His eyes practically bugged out of his skull.
“Hello, Mr. Holmes,” she had said, offering a polite smile. “I’m Y/N L/N. It’s an honor to finally have the opportunity to cover one of your cases. I think you’re a solid genius; it’ll be a real treat to cover for you.” 
A beat passed, and Y/N’s smile fell from her face as Sherlock kept staring at her as if she had a blemish on her face. John knew not to interfere in one of these situations. 
“Miss L/N,” Sherlock said lowly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” His gaze had swept her up and down, as if he didn’t know what to make of her. That was the first time John had seen that look, save Irene Adler.
That was the first clue he had picked up on. 
The second clue was a little harder to see — he would have had to see Sherlock’s phone if he hadn’t just admitted it himself.
 It started with a gun.
The shot rang through the flat loudly, making the baby cry. John bolted out of bed in a rage, holding his crying toddler to his chest as he stomped down the stairs. “Sherlock?” he called out, hoping there wasn’t some kind of dangerous crook in their home. He kept his senses on red alert. He was a soldier and a doctor — he knew how to throw a deadly punch at the least. “Sherlock, what’s going on?”
There was nobody but his flatmate, his teeth bared in fury. His eyes had gone wild, his gun pointed straight at the wall once more. 
“Sherlock!” he cried, seeing red instantly. “What the bloody hell has gotten into you?!”
“Y/N,” he snarled. “She won’t stop blowing up my phone!” He clicked the hammer back once again, seething. “I can’t think when every ten minutes there’s something new!”
“Put the gun down!” he roared, which only made Rosie cry harder. Sherlock sobered up as soon as he noticed the baby, which John was thankful for. “It’s two in the morning, Sherlock! Y/N can’t possibly be up, now! Besides, what is she texting you that’s annoying you so much?”
“Her new boyfriend!” he snapped, quickly setting the gun on safety and tossing it lightly onto the sofa. “He’s an absolute fool and she can do better.”
He dropped his jaw. “You’re shooting the wall… over Y/N’s new boyfriend?”
“You say that as if it’s ridiculous,” Sherlock scoffed. After that, he just disappeared into his room once he apologized and soothed Rosie.
The third clue was the most unmistakable, especially since Sherlock had left his phone open and abandoned for more than a minute or two. 
It was simply Y/N’s contact, with a small red heart next to her name. 
“I’m implying that maybe you should divorce your work and ask Y/N out to dinner yourself before you end up shooting another bullet into our wall,” John said smoothly. “You know, since the only thing that’s keeping you from making a move on her is the fact that you’re married to it.”
“You mustn’t say silly things,” Sherlock sighed. 
“You’re the one in love with her, you dunce.”
Sherlock just shook his head. “Love is a chemical reaction in the brain that—”
“Save the speech, mate. You’re in love with her, clear as day. Ask her out.”
There was a brief pause, and his ears went pink. It would have been funny if John hadn’t been dealing with this nonsense for so long. “…You owe me ten quid if she says no.”
“If it’ll get a smile on your stupid face?” John said. “I’ll pay you thirty quid if she says yes.”
Sherlock said nothing. They turned into the diner in the blink of an eye. Sure enough, inside was Y/N, grinning at the brunet as he swaggered into her presence.
“Sherlock! John!” she called gleefully. “How are you doing?”
“Good,” John said.
“Oh, absolutely wonderful, darling.” He moved to take her hands. “May I talk with you in private for a moment?”
Y/N binked. “Oh, sure, I suppose,” she said, letting the detective lead her away.
It was hilarious, watching from a distance. John could practically see the moment Sherlock asked her to dinner — directly after, she kissed him square on the mouth. The look on his face was worth losing thirty quid.
For once, his friend was actually smiling like a lovesick fool. 
And John wasn’t going to hear the end of it. 
Tags: @make-me-imagine @bwemph @myraaaa17@wolfish-trickster @lucywrites02 @mostly-marvel-musings @winterfrostsarmy @superheroesandstardust @geekns @naterson @cozy-the-overlord @megthemewlingquim @whatafuckingdumbass @thebookbakery @wrenhyperfixates @itscomplicatedx @sophlubbwriting @darkacademicfrom2021 @lilyofthesword @xlehukax @electroma89 @joucebox @high-functioning-lokipath @lokislittlesigyn @funsized-mimi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @kingix-the-confused-earthling @moonchildmp3 @mayday-dinluke @moumouton4 @marvelouslovely-barnes @thewindandthewolves @theaudacitytowrite @lostgreekgod @lokistoriesblog @cosplayingwitch @myriad501st @wolfsmom1 @lowkis @queenjosielaufeyson @lokiprompts @vbecker10 @itstrulybrilliant
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Hi Storm!! Can I get A = Aromatic with Barbatos as a fluff piece.
Congrats on 1K!
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A  》  Aromatic
A pleasant and/or distinctive smell.
1k event Masterlist
Genre: Fluff, Drabble
Written for GN!Mc (you/yours)
WC: ~700
CW: Mc is written as meek and nervous, Barbatos confesses
“Ah, Mc.” Barbatos welcomed you into the castle, bowing slightly as you walked into the foyer. “I’m delighted that you could make it on such short notice for a sampling of my new herbal blend.” 
You smile, feeling your stomach churn with nervous butterflies. “It’s no big deal, really. I had nothing else going on today...and besides, I...I like spending time with you.” 
Barbatos grinned, offering his arm for you to take. You link arms and walk through the winding halls in silence, taking in the artwork along the walls. It seemed as if every time you visited the castle, the artwork changed, providing new stimuli to peak your interest each time you visited. 
You approach the familiar French doors to the castle gardens to where you both usually held your tea dates, but they looked slightly different. Usually, the curtains were drawn back to let some of the silver moonlight into the ballroom, and allowing voyers to gaze out into the beautiful flora that littered the grounds of the castle. Barbatos stops you before you can grab the handle, holding your hand gently in his. He studies you for a moment as you nervously look at your feet, wondering why he had suddenly started acting so strange. 
“Is...is this not where we’re going?” You ask, taking a quick glance up to see him still staring at you before returning your vision to the ground. 
“Yes, it is...but I wanted to take a moment to tell you something.” Barbatos let your hand fall gently to your side before straightening his vest. “Today is very special to me, as it marks the anniversary of the first day I took on the task of serving the young master.” 
“Oh..?” You meet his eyes, curious as ever. “Really?”
Barbatos smiles. “Indeed. As such, the young master has given me the day to myself to do whatever it is that I desire...and what I desire most is to be with you.” 
Your eyes widen in shock. “I...what?” 
A blush spreads across Barbatos’ cheeks. “I am merely saying is that I value your time and affection. So in inviting you here, I wanted to make it special- given that it is theoretically a gift to myself...so...” Barbatos suddenly turns to the doors, and opens them up, exposing the brilliant black, teal, and gold flowers that had replaced the typical flora of the gardens. 
Your jaw drops in how they seem to sparkle in the light of the moon, almost looking like they had been sprinkled with glitter. Petals dance in the light breeze that rolls through the garden, along with it an intense scent that made you feel almost light headed. Your vision blurred slightly at the smell as you tried to remain focused, turning your attention back to Barbatos. 
“I know it’s overwhelming at first, but please stay calm. You’ll adjust to the strong scent of the flowers.” Barbatos steadied you at your waist, guiding you to the small table and chairs near the fountain. After ensuring you were situated, he poured a glass of tea, the scent similar to that of the flowers around you. It smelled strongly of mint and bergamot, with a hint of lime passing through your nostrils as well. The taste was equally as strong, and you finally found your senses adjusting to the strength of the stimuli. 
“I know this may seem cliché” Barbatos mused, blush deepening across his face and ears. “But my purpose for this time today was to replicate my feelings for you, and show you how I feel. You consume my being, Mc. Every time I’m near you...it feels as if I am here- in this place.” 
You lock eyes with him for a moment, searching for sincerity. When he reaches across the table to grab your hand, you feel the butterflies return. His thumb strokes your knuckles gently, telling you he meant every word. You smile warmly at him, leaning across the table to kiss him on the cheek. 
Something about the intensity of the moment made the space in your heart for the loyal butler expand further, accepting him snuggly into place with open arms. The tea date in the garden would continue weakly until the flowers withered, but there were two that always remained stationary against all odds- and you would hesitate to ask if that was intentional as part of the metaphor, or if it was truly fate.
Perhaps it was both. 
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Hopes and Dreams Part I
.I have this idea in my head since I saw the first trailer of Resident Evil 8, which was in March? This will be multichaptered and english isn’t my first language, so if anyone of you likes the story enough and is willing to be my beta, I would greatly appreciate it. *** About the story: Reader was Alcinas first lover and got reincarnated over the centuries. Alcina lost her everytime and after the fifth, she just gave up on ever finding reader again, because she couldn’t take losing her anymore times. But as fate would have it, the reader will find her.... Chapter One
Five. Five times Alcina has seen you reincarnated and crossing her way, and yet, fate always found a way to take you from her. The last one was particularly grueling. She remembered the day she lost you, as if it happened yesterday and considering her immortality, it may have been. You looked so happy and excited when you said your goodbyes, and Alcina could understand that. The titanic was a big thing then, even more so after the tragedy that unfolded. You were one of the many victims of the sheer stupidity of men, at least in her opinion and she hasn’t been the same since. Every single one of your deaths was devastating, but the last one was the one that broke her. Bela was there to take care of her, but something died within Alcina when she heard that fate had taken you away from her yet again.
When Cassandra and Daniela came into her life, it certainly helped, but she still grieved for you to this day. Usually, she would search to the ends of the world for you, but she couldn’t stand to lose you, if she ever found you again. She couldn’t do that to either you or herself.
She straightened her dress when she got to her feet again, gently stroking a hand over your grave. Well, the first you, anyway. The only one where any remains were found to be buried. You loved the lake near the castle, no matter in which life. Some asked about the tombstone, but she would just smile and say that it was someone she cherished when she was young, never revealing the whole truth. The first you lived the longest and happiest, before Alcina was turned. Centuries before Mother Miranda found out about her and the other lords.
Her musing was disrupted when she heard distant howling. It seemed like Heisenberg’s Lycans had found another victim, and they were oh so messy in their killing. She harrumphed and started her trek back to the castle, ignoring the ever-closer growing howling. That was until she heard rustling and a figure, cursing like a sailor rushed out from the bushes. Your eyes met and time seemed to stop for both of you.
You were furious with yourself for letting your guard down. You have been hiding away in this remote village for two years now, so far avoiding any supernatural beings. But it seems your luck had run out. You were checking your traps in the forest, never noticing them sneaking up on you. Which was a feat in and on itself, normally you could smell them miles away. During your travels you had to fight of many supernatural beings, a pack of Lycans shouldn’t be a problem, but the forest was dense in these parts and you knew when you were at a disadvantage. So, you ran, hoping to distract them with the chase long enough to form a plan.
Meeting her wasn’t part of the plan. You have never seen the lady of the castle, but you heard enough to know exactly who you were looking at, her height being one dead giveaway. Yet something about her made you stop dead in your tracks, the pack of Lycans chasing after you completely forgotten. Her honey-colored eyes stirred something in you, some feeling of familiarity you couldn’t quite place. Your heart clenched, not entirely in an uncomfortable way, because she was just so stunning. If you weren’t gay before you sure as hell were now. What intrigued you even more was the look of utter shock in her eyes, mixed with other emotions you could have named, if it weren’t for the Lycan crashing into you and propelling you down the small cliff you hadn’t noticed before.
“Motherfucking mutt!” you hissed and pulled the knife from your boot. You skillfully spin the Lycan underneath you, stabbing the knife into the Lycans chest to soften your fall. But another four already jumped right after you and you were still distracted by the lady, who apparently decided that watching you would be a nice way to kill some time. With a sickening crunch from the dead Lycan you landed on the edge of the lake. The others where circling you, growling menacingly. With another sickening crunch you pulled your knife free and took a defensive post. You kept most of your concentration on the Lycans, but the woman was still distracting you somewhat.
‘Might as well try to impress her’ you thought and grinned up at her, which was your second mistake that day. You felt sharp claws digging into your left leg and hissed in annoyance.
“Not cool, man!” you huffed and kicked him in the throat. The desire to impress equally impressive tall, beautiful women left your mind and you made quick process of the remaining Lycans standing in your way. You kicked the corpse of the one that got you for good measure, cursing under your breath. When you turned around you noticed that the lady had made your way to you, still staring you down as if you were the weirdest thing around here.
“I would help you, but it seems you have the situation under control,” she said, and a shiver ran down your spine. Her voice was like liquid honey and your heart clenched again. You absentmindedly rubbed your chest and said “Well, they are not the first supernatural being I have encountered, and they aren’t the most dangerous ones.”
She seemed impressed with your answer if the slight smirk was anything to go by. Her gaze wandered down to your leg and something in her eyes changed. Some far away voice in your head screamed for you to run from her, but you felt weirdly safe around her.
“Believe me when I say that I taste quite awful,” you said and grinned. That seemed to pull her out of her daze, and she stepped closer to you. You gulped a bit when the realization of how tall she truly was hit you, but you wouldn’t back down either. Craning your neck to keep looking at her face you stood still and waited. You should be scared shitless and still you felt as if no danger was coming your way. Yet.
“You should take care of that, before you attract more of them” she simply said and turned around. Sheer stupidity, paired with a malfunctioning brain to mouth barrier made you utter your next words “Well, shouldn’t you be the one to help me out, considering that I only got hurt, trying to impress you?”
She turned around so fast that you just knew she popped something. She was upon you in seconds and hissed “Excuse me?”
“I- I didn’t mean to say that out loud,” you stuttered and felt a blush creeping up your face. All her beauty and your weird feeling aside, she was still someone infinitely more dangerous than 200 Lycans combined. What exactly had you gotten yourself into? 
Seeing you tumble out of the woods came as a shock to her system. No matter how many times you got reborn, she would always recognize you, though you certainly looked more different than ever before. Not that Alcina had much time to look at you, when just a few seconds after your eyes met a Lycan barreled into you. Her feet moved on her own, ignoring the other Lycans tumbling down the small cliff, when she rushed to the ledge of the small cliff just in time to see you landing on the dead Lycan.
You were certainly feisty and skilled this time around and the grin you threw her way made her feel things she thought long buried. Until one Lycan got to you and she saw red, but when she came down, she only saw you kicking a dead Lycan before he turned into dust. Alcina was rather impressed when you made that off-hand comment about encountering other beings before. Which would explain why you didn’t react to her like normal people do.
No matter how many times you two met in the course of history, there were certain things that never changed: you always looked similar to your you before, and your smell. Looking at you now, she realized that this time, a lot has changed. The most obvious being your smell. You still smelled like you, but something was underneath all that, that made you somehow all the more alluring to her. Something in your blood sang to her and it confused her a great deal.
You were always kind of shy and timid around her when you first met, but the confidence you oozed made you all the more attractive and Alcina felt as if she was betraying your past lives with that thought. Hearing that you encountered supernatural beings before made her stop dead in her tracks. What was your life like until you met? What happened to you to change you so fundamentally? But your next words shocked you more than she would ever admit
“Well, shouldn’t you be the one to help me out, considering that I only got hurt, trying to impress you?” you said with such an insufferable grin that Alicna had the impulse to strangle you for the first time in her long life.
“Excuse me?” she hissed and clenched her hands. Not that you would notice. But apparently you didn’t mean to say that, if your blush was anything to go by. Still, Alcina was fuming at the blatant rudeness, but also shocked at your bluntness. Your new personality was… still somehow endearing and interesting. She couldn’t fit your current you into the picture she had of you which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
“What is your name?” Alcina asked and took a few steps back to get a better look at you. The smile you gave her was apologetic when you said “Excuse my poor manners, I really don’t know what has gotten into me today. My name is y/n.”
“I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, but you will call me Lady Dimitrescu or my lady. You would do good to remember your manners, little one.” She said and offered her hand to you. You gave her another stunning smile as you took her hand and bowed to give kiss to her knuckles that did ABSOLUTELY not fluster her, before you purred, “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.”
You would be the certain death of her this time around. She was certain of that. She should keep her distance from you, it wouldn’t do to become to attached to your, your attitude would get you killed rather sooner than later. But what she said was: “Come now. The castle isn’t that far, and night is almost upon us. It wouldn’t do to stay out here, with you being injured.”
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Hi can you do a greed/envey (lust?) shlatt or technoblade deamon who uses their sin either on the dream team (if deamons can do that to each other) or on y/n to try and steal them away from the dream team. please and thank you
a little different than the request but plot point ooh
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“And just what are you?” You jumped at the voice, spinning around and nearly jumping again when you found an unfamiliar demon. It was clear that was what he was- he wore an immaculate suit similar to Dream’s, but he wore it with a white collared shirt and a red tie, and his goat-like horns curled around the backs of his ears, the sharp looking tips pointing directly at you. He scowled down his nose at you in inexplicable disgust.
“Uh- excuse me?”
“You most certainly are not,” he scoffed. Every word he spoke oozed his distaste for you as he walked a lazy circle around you, eyeing you up and down. “I mean, really,” he huffed, “what’s so special about you?”
You scoffed- you didn’t care if he was a demon, you’d met three now and they were all a delight. No, you cared that he was on your property uninvited and had the gall to insult you. “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, you’ll be begging soon enough, don’t you worry,” he mused seemingly to himself with a little chuckle. He suddenly took your face in his hand, fingers and thumb squishing your cheeks. “I really do not see what Dream must see in you.”
You faltered in your struggle at that. “You know Dream?”
He laughed, squeezing your face tighter and shaking your head side to side. “Do I know Dream,” he mocked with a scoff. “More than you do, little girl, I assure you that. Frankly I’m shocked he even gave you his name- you certainly don’t seem deserving of it.”
“Hey,” you growled around your squished cheeks. “Of course Dream gave me his name, he made a contract with me-”
“Are you really that utterly foolish?” He cackled. “What, you think demons go around giving their name to anyone who asks nicely? Maybe Dream’s keeping you around for entertainment,” he mused, turning your head to study you. “Like a bird watching the worm struggle.”
You huffed, bringing your foot up and getting a few harsh kicks at his torso before he growled and lifted you off the ground. He simply shook his head as you scrambled for a hold on his arm holding you- it felt like your head would stay in his hand as your body tumbled to the ground. “Definitely foolish,” he decided, letting go of you and letting you fall to the ground.
“Who the hell do you think you are,” you coughed out, gently touching the purple bruises he left on your jaw from his iron grip.
“Me? Doll, I’m the one who’s waiting for Dream to finish this stupid little contract of yours so he can work again!”
“...What are you talking about?”
He growled, running a hand through his unruly hair as he started pacing. “That bastard always pissed me off with his stupid ‘one contract at a time’ rule, but he always got the job done quickly so I couldn’t complain. Then you came along.” You flinched as he turned his glare to you. “Do you know how many souls he could’ve gotten me in the time he wasted on you?”
“Um, I don’t-”
“Neither do I! A lot!” He started pacing again. “But noooo. ‘This one’s different, Schlatt.’ ‘I want to take my time with this one, Schlatt.’ Well y’know what I say to that, I say-”
“So your name is Schlatt?”
You instantly knew that was a mistake by the way he froze, slowly turning back to face you. “...well, Hell,” he growled. He plucked you up by the back of your collar, ignoring your shriek of shock as he held you in front of his face so he could glare at you properly. “You’re a troublesome little thing,” he informed you. “I don’t see why Dream hasn’t completed his contract and done you in already-”
“Done me in?!”
“Wow, you really are stupid,” Schlatt chuckled, a shrewd grin spreading across his lips. “Part of a contract is that when you die your little pet demon gets your soul. ‘At the end of your natural life,’ is how they put it. So your contracted demon can’t kill you directly, but see we don’t exactly have a reputation for being patient, doll. We’ve been known to speed up the process, if you will.” He clearly delighted in your shocked look, tilting his head at you. “Dream prefers to play with his food, but maybe I can help him out and get him back to work…”
Remember, little one, I’m yours. That means whenever you call for me I’ll be there.
“Dream’s not here to help you, little-” He let go of your collar as Dream’s thick fingers wrapped around his neck. “Dream, old buddy, old pal-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Dream growled. He put himself between you and the other demon, stretching his wings out to hide you. You couldn’t hear whatever he hissed to Schlatt over the blood rushing in your ears but when he turned around Schlatt was gone. “Are you alright, sweetheart,” he murmured, kneeling next to you and cupping your cheek. You nodded but it didn’t matter- he lightly traced your new bruise with a wince. “Come on, little doll, let’s get you inside.” He froze as you flinched away from his hand when he reached to pick you up. “...baby?”
I don’t see why he hasn’t done you in already
We’ve been known to speed up the process
“...Let’s go inside,” you agreed quietly, standing up and walking ahead of him.
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New Duties
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, cheating, fuck machine, toys, tied up.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Bucky’s wife is never around as much as the maid.
Based on these drabble requests:
Bucky Barnes + “If you think I feel bad for you, you’re more pathetic than I thought.” + Maid AU + Bucky is rich and married too, but his wife is never in the house so he decide have fun with the naive maid. 
Bucky Barnes + “You really think this is over?” + Fuck machine + honestly just the reader being tied up and left with a fuck machine and some overstimulation.
Both requested by anons.
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The large house was often empty when you went there. You had a key on a tag and the alarm code written on it. You showed up in your black pants and matching shirt and let yourself in as you always did. You tied on your apron and looked around as you went over the work in your head. 
It was hard not to be envious of the grandiose abode. Hard not to feel bitter at all the money spent on the place and yet it seemed the resident never enjoyed it. They hired a maid, you, to clean the table they never ate at and make the bed which was the only lived-in part of the place.
You started on the lower floor as usual. Living room, dining room, kitchen, the office, the foyer, and the parlor dedicated to a carved pool table and shelves of expensive sculptures. You climbed the stairs and set off down the hall of unused rooms. There wasn’t much more to do than dust and check that the sheets didn’t smell musty.
As you approached the master bedroom, you stopped short as the door opened and you were met by one of the elusive owners of the mansion. You saw Bucky Barnes more than his wife but your run-ins were still rare. And you’d never seen him like this. You were embarrassed and off-centre as you were surprised to find him there.
He wore only a pair of silky pajama bottoms and his hair was amess, sticking out at all angles. His muscles moved under his skin as he rubbed his eyes and smiled at you. His voice was thick with drowsiness and he cleared his throat.
“Hey,” he said, “thought I heard someone.”
“I didn’t know you were here, sir,” you glanced around. It was late for him to be sleeping still.
“I took the red-eye home,” he shrugged, “don’t worry about me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, you didn’t,” you chuckled nervously, “I can come back when--”
“You sure?” he batted away the last of his tiredness with his lashes and leaned on the doorframe, “you almost jumped out of your shoes.”
“Uh, yeah,” you assured him and started to turn back.
“It’s fine, I’m up now,” he stopped you, “I’m gonna have a coffee…” he caught up to you and brushed by you, facing you as he blocked your path, “bedroom is all yours.”
You fidgeted as his eyes flicked away from your face for just and instant but you didn’t think much of it as the apron hid made your figure lumpy and vague. You nodded and gave another yes, sir. He watched you until you spun back and headed for the bedroom. You felt his gaze until you slipped inside and let out your breath at the rumpled blankets. 
You heard him descend the stairs and set down your bucket of supplies. You went to the bed and fixed his side of it. You could smell his sweat on the sheets still. Then you began to wipe down the edges of the tables and inspected for any inch of imperfection.
“Looks good in here,” his voice spooked you again. Bucky stepped inside and set his tall coffee mug on the polished table beside the door. “I’m glad I caught you, I did have a special request.”
“Oh?” you stilled the cloth and twisted it in your grip. You watched his metal arm as he he rubbed his middle finger with his thumb.
“Here,” he crossed the room and waved you over, “it’s a bit of a secret but… I haven’t had the time to take care of it myself.”
You watched as he went to the bookshelf on the far wall and he reached behind the gilded globe. He spun it slightly but you could see what exactly he was doing. There was a shift and the shelf lurched forward. He carefully pushed it over until the edge met the corner and a small doorway appeared.
Your eyes rounded in confusion and he chuckled as he looked over his shoulder, “our little secret,” he said, “I figured since you’re here…”
“I… yes, sir,” you neared as he waited, his hand on the shelf, and as you stepped by him, he quickly followed, so close you could feel his body heat.
You stopped short as he flipped on the light. A red haze cast over the hidden room. You were shocked, almost laughing in disbelief as your brain spun to process what you were seeing; leather cuffs hung from the wall on one side and a leather bench sat center with similar bounds, there was even a sex swing dangling from the ceiling. You never expected that but really, you tried not to think about your clients intimate habits.
The shelf shifted behind you and the room grew dimmer, only the scarlet shadows of the tinted bulb remained. You turned back to Bucky.
“My stuff,” you pointed to the wall behind him. There was no visible mechanism and that made you nervous.
“Oh, well, you see, I haven’t had a chance to use any of this,” he shrugged and stepped closer. You inch backwards and dropped the cloth as his hands settled on your upper arms, “Ilona’s never here, I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
“Mr. Barnes,” you winced as his vibranium hand squeezed, “I should get back to my--”
“The house is spotless. I only pay you because my wife can’t be bothered to lift a finger herself or even be around,” he said.
“Please, I should go,” you gulped, “I think you, uh, you…”
“Fine, go,” he moved out of your way and smirked at the wall, “if you want to, go.”
You looked between him and the smooth wall. You neared it and shoved on it. It didn’t move. You felt all along it, searching for anything that might trigger a response. There was nothing there.
“Can you--” you began to ask but stopped as he pressed himself to your back.
He tugged at the knot of your apron and it fell loose. His hands crawled up your back and he lifted the strap over your head. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face him.
“Thought you were going,” he taunted.
“Let me out,” you tremored.
“I said go, so…” he gestured to the wall.
“I can’t--”
He snickered and pulled you with him as he walked backwards. “It’s just a little fun,” he purred, “for both of us.”
“No, I-- you’re married--”
“My wife, if you can call her that, hasn’t touched me in a year, probably more,” he pulled at the hem of your shirt, “so this is as much her decision as mine.”
“No, Mr. Barnes, I--”
“Listen,” he grabbed your jaw and loomed over you, “you can be a good little maid and do what you’re told or I can report you to the agency for stealing.”
“What, I never--”
“Maybe a few of Ilona’s necklaces go missing or a few bills out of my wallet,” he growled, “we’ll see who they believe.”
“It’s time you start earning that tip,” he turned and thrust you towards the low bench, “now get undressed and lay down on your stomach.”
“I have a gag. I have several if you want to choose,” he warned, “even if I’d rather hear that sweet voice calling my name.”
“Why are you--”
“I won’t tell you again,” he barked as he crossed his arms and paced. 
You noticed how the front of his pants tented and you slowly neared the bench. It was all so jarring, you didn’t know what else to do but obey. You couldn’t leave and you were certain if you tried, he would lose all patience. You peeked over as his metal fist tightened and a chill went through you.
You pulled off your shirt and kept your eyes down. You rolled down your pants and took your time untying your sneakers. You hesitated to strip off your underwear but a gristly breath made you wince and you added them to the pile of clothes. 
You were cold but your flesh burned as you sensed his close attention to your every move. You got down on the bench, the leather icy against your chest, and stared at the floor. Bucky walked around behind you and framed your ass with his hands as he stood over you. He pushed your thighs apart until your legs bent over the side of the bench and the cool air tickled your cunt.
“Hmmm,” he mused as he flicked his finger along your folds, “I can’t decide what I want first.”
An overwhelming wave of panic shook you and you tried to push yourself up. His hand slapped down on the middle of your back and he held you down. He tutted and reached down to slip your wrist into a leather cuff and tightened it until you whined. He ignored your struggles as he did the same to your other arm and your ankles. You straddled the bench as he pushed himself up and groped your ass again.
“Why are you making this hard?” he asked, “you’re already spread for me.”
He sighed and you heard his bare feet on the floor as he marched away from you. He came back around you and knelt to force the ball gag into your mouth and buckled it behind your head. Your eyes glistened as you watched him desperately and breathed heavy through your nose.
“We have a lot to do,” he touched your chin, “you need the proper training.”
You tried to talk past the gag but it only came out as muffled gibberish and your saliva soaked the gag. 
“If you think I feel bad for you, you’re more pathetic than I thought,” he chuckled and stood, rubbing the front of his pants, “guess you’ll have to wait for it.”
He left your eye line again, even as you craned your neck around. He was quick to huff and stomp back to your. He took the collar that hung from the front of the bench and secured it around your neck so you could stare at your impossible escape.
You heard something rolling behind you and metal fasteners being loosened then tightened. His fingers scared you as he touched your cunt and felt around for your clit. He teased you until you tilted your pelvis in response. You moaned around the gag as your thighs quivered. Despite your fear, it felt wonderful.
He played with you until you were wet and then you heard the same wheels. You felt a prod at your entrance, a hard silicone tip slowly slid into you until you were full. You gasped and choked as he pulled away his hand entirely. You heard a soft click then a whir and the dildo began to move, your cunt sucking at it loudly as you grew wet around it. He reached under you and a new buzz began as he placed a vibrator against your bud.
He rounded you again, his pants were gone and his hand glied up and down his dick. He watched you with fiery eyes as you tried to hold back. The flames licked from your core and crawled along your thighs and back. You shuddered and your eyes rolled back as your voice droned sloppily as the gag made you drool.
You came in defeat and hung your head. You gasped and gulped for air and your entire body tensed and released, but he didn’t stop it. The vibe kept buzzing on your clit and he only turned the machine up so that it fucked you harder and faster. You wined and rolled your head back and forth.
Another orgasm strangled you and your muscles ached from the tension as it snapped again. You lost count as the red light glared through your eyelids and a sheen of sweat coated your body. Breathless and battered, you could only twitched as you were rocked by climax after climax.
And then it all stopped. The machine shut off and the dildo was slid out of you, your thighs sticky and sore. The vibrator stilled and slipped from under you and you groaned. There was a moment of peace as your heart slowed and then a slap across your ass made you yipe.
“You really think this is over?” Bucky asked as he got behind you and bent over you. His tip pressed against your entrance and his hot breath bristled against your scalp, “I’ve only just begun.”
Please reblog and leave some feedback if you enjoyed.
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ellitx · 3 years
A question if you don't mind answering: Would Venti find his lover being jealous cute or would it make him feel bad that she's gotten jealous. She gets jealous of the time he spends with Lumine.
It’s both!
He does find it cute seeing his darling jealous and it shows that you truly care for him! But after that, he’ll feel guilty that you felt like you’re being ignored by him when he was with Lumine.
He’ll make it up to you and clear things up that she was only helping him out with his classes. Venti will kiss your temple and ask if you need anything. Do you want him to sing for you? A hug? Wanna go out and see Dvalin? He’ll do anything that you ask and pampers you all day~
But imagine this, after getting a glimpse of your lover was with the traveler, you feel so blue about it. You decided to go to the tavern and have a chat with the other patrons to pass time.
Diluc notices your presence when you enter and begins to prepare your drink. Perceiving how quiet you are not even taking a single sip, it came to him you’re oddly quiet. You aren’t even with the bard but he didn’t press on that matter since it’s not his business after all.
“Hey, Master Diluc?” You started, taking off his attention to the glass he was cleaning. The man hummed and looked at you with his usual aloof gaze.
Fiddling your thumbs together out of nervousness from his long and fixed stare, you suddenly become timid if it’s alright to ask him. It wouldn’t hurt, right? It’s just his opinion so you want to know what he thinks about it.
“Would you say that I’m... a common chest? Or a precious chest...?”
The nobleman’s baffled expression has made you regret your choice of asking him something so odd and unusual, especially that it’s coming from you nonetheless.
Diluc heaved a sigh and placed the glass back in its rightful place before looking at you indifferently— or so you thought it was.
Crossing his arms over his chest and placing all his weight on one foot, he threw you a question. “And why do you see yourself similar among those two?”
You puffed your cheeks and pressed your brows together. “I just wanna know your opinion.” Your delicate fingers traced the rim of the glass out of habit whilst looking at him with your own fierce gaze.
A sudden sharp pain runs through your system. You rubbed your temple and stared at him in utter shock and confusion; he just flicked your forehead as if he was scolding you.
“Well knowing my opinion won’t matter at all in your case.” He stated. Seems like Master Diluc won’t cooperate with you even if you try to pry him to answer your question.
“So you see me as a common chest because I’m a commoner, huh?” You mumbled under your breath and finally gulped down every drop of your beverage. Sighing at the familiar taste you love so much, you slumped your head on the counter and closed your eyes to drift off.
The red-head merely rolled his eyes and shook his head in disappointment like a mother before taking your glass to clean it.
“If it’s because that bard isn’t with you today, I can accompany you if that’s what you wish.”
A big smile of excitement donned your face as your round orbs glimmered at his invitation. “Eh? Really?! Do you really mean that Master Diluc?!”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Chuckling, you placed one hand over your lips and looked at him mockingly.
“Oho? Then how about we continue our game of chess? I want to see what other strategies you’ll try to use to defeat me.”
You were sure you saw his brows twitched and boy did that just make your lips pulled even wider than before.
“Is that a challenge?”
You playfully shrugged your shoulders and giggled at him. The two of you prepared to go to Dawn Winery while you continuously teased him and thought of carrying on the battle of chess against Diluc.
While Lumine and Venti were talking to Timaeus to check the progress of his homework, the bard caught the sight of your figure walking in the town square. He was about to greet you but that backfired when he saw the familiar red-headed man walking next to you side by side.
He almost ripped the paper in half when he watched you laugh from afar at whatever Diluc was saying and sure he did not like the feeling of the sullen danger of anger running through him.
“Professor Venti?” Timaeus asked in concern, garnering his attention back to him.
“Oh! My apologies. I almost forgot we were here to check your homework.”
The emergency ration gave him a dirty look as usual with her small hands settled on her hips. “Seriously? And you even tagged us along to help you with it just for you to forget we’re supposed to be collecting everyone’s poems?”
Venti simply ignored her words. His mind can only think of you and Diluc being with each other— that you’re going to spend your Windblume with the nobleman instead of him, your own lover.
So by the time when you come back to the plaza to meet up with him, he’s in a really sour mood. Forced smiles to whoever greets him, the winds were cold and a bit sharp for your own liking; and when you said hi to him, his fingers were already wrapped around your wrist and pulled you somewhere secluded with fewer people.
Venti pushed you against the wall and connected his lips with yours bringing you into a deep kiss while his knees are in between your legs and both arms are on the side of your face, preventing you from escaping.
Your hands were on his chest, pushing him away at his sudden kiss but he won’t budge at all. He further deepens the kiss, desperate in tasting your lips and feeling your warmth against his own body.
Pulling away to take a breather, your lover rested his head against yours and looked at you in absolute despair and misery.
“[Name], love, I may not be rich, but please know my love for you is always eternal and as caring as the gentle breeze! Please don’t leave me... I can’t bring myself thinking my muse will leave me for another man...”
You could only stand still and blink owlishly at him in pure confusion while being a mess after that short but passionate intimate session he has started.
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rubbarband · 1 year
Test Muse!
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A girl wearing thick red glasses sighed while she drew in her notebook, discreetly watching some of the students from class 1-A from a distance as she tried her best to capture each of their unique features on paper, she had completed a few portraits of some of the students and had placed the finished sketches on a pile beside her, one of them being of Desmond Baker. Although she was a General Studies student, it wasn't uncommon for her to see the students of the hero course walking around or studying together outdoors. She liked to draw them, especially in groups as she couldn't help but appreciate how close they all seem to be with each other despite their differences.
But... If she appreciated their companionship, why did she also feel sadness looking at them smiling and laughing together...?
She began absentmindedly tapping her mechanical pencil against the lined paper as she became lost in thought until a group of female students noticed her and the piles of paper next to her, one of them strode up to it before kicking the drawings into the air and causing them to all fly away, and snapping her out of her train of thought as she quickly got up and ran after her hard work, ignoring the girl and her friends as they snickered.
"Alright watch this triple spin kick backflip." Desmond performed for his other classmates, one kick to a spin, then another and a third he almost botched before landing on his feet.
"Hah nice one Des." A redhead woman clapped along with another boy, dark skinned similar to Desmond but larger clapped as well.
"You're getting better at that, using your tail. Can't wait to see you using your stretching more."
"I been trying...but it's like I can only stretch one limb at a time or something." Desmond frowned, stretching his arm out, straining before he returned it back. The three continued talking before Desmond heard a scuffle, turning his head towards a bunch of papers flying around. "I-I got them!" Desmond grabbed at as many papers as possible while Stone and Eliza both confronted the bullies, people like that shouldn't be in hero school.
Desmond eventually got them all till he saw a picture of himself, he was overcome with a feeling of confusing, shock and bafflement. Someone drew him, with weirdly hyper detail, they even seemed to draw his scar exactly right and his earrings detailed too. Even the scratches on it. When the girl approached he gave it back to her. "Nice...art, I wish I could use the 'I missed you too line' but I don't know you at all.." Desmond handed it back to her.
"We reported those girls to the teachers." The two rejoined Desmond.
"Man some people shouldn't be at this school...hope they didn't ruin your art."
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"You're the best Eliza. I actually used my powers to help someone, this girl....uh sorry guess we got introductions to make. Name's Desmond Baker, this are my besties Stone and Eliza. We're classmates in 1-C, you new? Haven't seen you around before."
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