#// it's just
siravalondulac · 10 months
the thing i loved so much about the tbosas book that the movie didn't manage to get across is that snow had so many chances to become a decent human being. at every point in his life there was a person who loved him and who wanted him to be good and who showed him how to be good. and snow always refuses. he always dismisses them. tigris, sejanus, the bar owner, lucy gray. they all showed him the good of humanity. and he turned his back on all of them and chose to be evil instead. the book showed perfectly that being evil is a choice a person has to make. that some people aren't "born" evil and some people are "born" good. we are all good at our core.
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Thinking about Ratio opening up to Aventurine about how he hasn't been recognized by Nous yet, only for Aventurine to look horrified at the prospect that he might one day be and to beg him not to keep on seeking the blessing of a divinity, all because he cares so much about Ratio and doesn't want him to suffer like he has.
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celexdraw · 11 months
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Part 10! Luffy getting absolutely flogged by an enemy in front of a crewmember is my favorite thing
Other parts: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
I love these two sets being right next to each other in the WxS rotation, WxS tonal wiplash my beloved
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kurumeuruki · 1 year
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musette22 · 2 years
I know this has been said so many times in so many different ways, and I have nothing new to add, really. But I am going to say it anyway, because I am just so ridiculously grateful for fanfiction writers. There are innumerable fanfics out there - incredible, mind-blowing stories that are all shared with us for free. Written out of a pure, profound love for existing stories and characters, a need to know them better, explore them, add to them, do something with them the source material never dared. To make ourselves and others feel better, sometimes worse, but mostly just to make us feel.
And don't get me started on the quality of so much of the fanfiction out there. I know talent is an debatable term, but for want of a better one: the sheer talent and dedication of so many of these authors, most of whom have actual, real life jobs and families and other responsibilities, is just astounding. So many ideas, so many beautiful words, so much creativity. As a fanfiction writer myself, I know that it can sometimes be challenging to be creative, to find time and energy to write, when life is just. So much. And yet the love I have for these characters just leaves me desperately wanting to make time and energy to tell the stories I want to tell. Writing fanfiction is a hobby, yes, but for many people, it's also more than a hobby. It's a passion, a deeply rooted desire, even a community.
As a reader, too, I know how incredibly valuable and important these stories can be. I've spent the past few days doing nothing but devouring fic because I've been feeling too crummy to do anything else, and it's been an absolute blessing. Every fic I read was more amazing than the last. They all made me cry, laugh, think, yearn, and just feel so much better. So, I know this has been said many times before, but I just had to tell you again how much I love you, fanfiction writers. Love you with my whole entire, sappy, zero-chill heart.
Thank you for everything you do, all the hours, the blood, sweat and tears, the love you put into your stories, and thank you for sharing them. For just handing them over and releasing them into our custody once they're done, for all of us to read and enjoy, expecting nothing in return but some kudos and comments. That's incredible, ok? You're all incredible, whether your stories are 'popular' or not. So many people would be utterly bereft without you and your efforts, and I just needed to tell you again how appreciated you are ♥️
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22mzk03 · 1 year
I cant believe I had to wait almost 200 episodes, but oh well.
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They are so cute plisssss
Enyone here even know Ranma ½?
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 5 months
It's interesting that the member of Bells Hells most vocally sympathetic to Liliana last episode wasn't Imogen, but Laudna. Imogen of course loves her mother and wants to believe the best of her, but her repeat experiences of reaching out to her and getting nothing but cult rhetoric and vague reassurances have left her jaded to the idea that her mother could ever truly change even if she helps them
But Laudna extends sympathy to Liliana, saying she understands what it's like to be a person designed by a force outside oneself and at the mercy of their designs and whims. And I do think Laudna understands what that feels like! It's a pretty apt description of her relationship with Delilah as she perceives it. But I'm doubtful of how accurately it describes Liliana and the other Ruidusborn's relationship with Predathos, especially since we know from Imogen's role in the story that they can resist, they can fight back, and they can choose not to follow the siren's song of Ruidus. But I think Laudna sees enough of her own story in Liliana, and is lacking enough in emotional maturity, that she's drawing a one-to-one comparison where it doesn't really exist
What makes this especially interesting/odd is that there are characters in all this that do have a fairly equivalent experience to Laudna: Derrig and Will. The people killed for convenience as part of a larger plot that they were in no way involved in; murdered as a simple means to an end. But it's a woman that's part of the group that perpetrated that violence that Laudna chooses to relate to
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ophanim-vesper · 2 years
hey does anyone have that drawing Dana made on a stream where Belos is eating a McRib and Hunter is looking at him concerned. I just rlly need to see it again so yeah thx
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I'm in love with this picture
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championdaigo · 11 months
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steven's hypothetical ancestor, a wandering stone collector who is very normal about rayquaza 🥰
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sunandmoonseisai · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about wander and Sylvia's friendship in the context of wander's immortality. No matter how strong their bond is, it only represent an Tiny fraction of wander's lifespan, if even that.
Imagine wander watching Sylvia grow old. I think he would keep her company even if she can't travel with him anymore. She would protest but he doesn't care. What is a couple of decades in his eternal life anyway? One drop lost in the ocean to accompany his precious friend in her last moments.
Imagine if Sylvia slowly turn senile and doesn't recognize wander anymore. Imagine wander having to once again confront the fragility of those precious to him.
And lastly... Imagine all that from Sylvia's perspective. Even if the show brush it off, wander make no secret of his immortality. How can he possibly fool her that they'll grow old together just by putting on a beard? Sylvia isn't naive.
Wander is her family. Her everything. But what is she to wander? From her perspective, she might as well have dedicated her life to someone only to become one drop in a bucket, one insignificant person between an infinite number.
Of course wander doesn't see it that way. Wander rerember the friends he met thousand years ago like it was yesterday. Wander will fondly rerember Sylvia until the universe explose. And that's the promise he can give her.
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paint-it-red-and-black · 10 months
WDYM “Max praises Leclerc”
WDYM “Lestappen bromance”
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s-lycopersicum · 2 months
Every time I reblog that Pas comic, I have to skirt around the fact that the light-haired girl got reduced to just That Smug Anime Girl on the internet at large.
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joeythefrog · 4 months
newsies is basically just boys kissing and wanting to kiss, all versions, west endsies, 92sies, livesies, anything you can think of. There's thirst in their eyes universally
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rufwooff · 7 months
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