#//  he'll fight for as long as he has to. for as long as he has a reason to or a cause. and he also won't back down if he's defending
Thinking about bf!art who’s so obsessed with you that it borders unhealthy…
You’re the first thing on his mind in the morning; what do you want for breakfast, is that position you’re sleeping in comfortable, are you going to kiss him good morning or just say the words— all questions he sifts through. He doesn’t even have time to wipe the sleep out of his eyes before you consume his thoughts.
Most of the time, he sits on his side of the bed and gazes at your serene figure glowing softly in the early morning light. He hates to disturb you, knowing how upset you usually are when he does, but seeing you like that never fails to awaken an almost desperate need for you within him. He’ll fight it off for as long as possible, but as you release a deep sigh and shift your head his way, showcasing that pretty fucking face, he just can’t help it. So, in the blink of an eye, he’s pressed his body against you, one arm underneath your torso and the other on top of it, caging you in his warmth. He’ll lay there like that with you, matching your rhymic breathing like it were the beat to his favorite song, until you wake for the day, ready and willing to give him all your love.
And boy is he demanding of your love.
Art's like a battery of sorts when it comes to affection. When you've given him enough, charged him with your kisses, affirmations, or whatever else you were willing to give, he's at his best and brightest, going through the world with a big, lopsided grin and tingles in his chest. This is where he likes to be--- full of your love. However, if he feels as if he hasn't gotten his fair share, and starts feeling a little neglected or ignored, be prepared for a completely different boyfriend.
He'll show his discontent in small ways at first-- way more touching, little whines and grumbles when you're focused on something else, pointless reminiscing just to get you to talk-- all ways of him trying to scratch his itch for your attention. But if all that fails, and you're still not giving him what he wants, he gets more and more demanding. You were working on an important work project? Guess who just shut your computer! You were in the middle of a phone call? Guess who has the overwhelming urge to kiss you now! You were on the way to meet up with a friend? Guess who's not letting you out of the house (at least without a fight)? He just can't help it. When it comes to you and your love, he needs all of it and then some.
But, he's also incredibly aware of how smothering he can be sometimes. It's one of the things he's most insecure about in your relationship, actually.
To him, his want for you never runs dry. He could sit in an empty room, with nothing but you to entertain him, and he'd feel as if he'd just sailed the seven seas. So why don't you feel the same? Why do you constantly seem to push for space? Why don't you want all the love he has for you?
He'll rarely ever bring that insecurity up, though. To him, it's pointless-- you can't make yourself want more of what you already have. Instead, he'll just try to find new ways to present it to you.
Naturally, he likes to show his love through his money and his time.
In the beginning, you had to get used to his on-a-whim, thousand-dollar restaurant dates or his random weekend vacations for the two of you. You had to learn how to accept the designer clothes he bought you, or the big bouquets of roses he sent to your house and your job. You had to learn to lean into having a man who was willing to drop any plans he had the second you called him.
And it was a lot.
Sometimes too much, and Art started to pick up on that.
So he adjusted.
Instead of buying you lavish gifts and taking you fancy places all the time, he started to cut back to maybe once or twice a month (still insane but he's trying). He planned smaller, quieter dates for the two of you, like cooking dinner or baking together, or trying new desert shops around the city, and can you tell this boy really likes to feed you? He began to focus his efforts on being more helpful to you, as well. Need him to pick up some dry cleaning? Done. Sick of washing dishes? He's got it covered. Forgot to order groceries for the week? He's already made a list. Any and everything he could do to make life stress-free for you, he'd do.
And then don't even get me started on the sex.
Art is absolutely drunk on you. Your body, your scent, your voice-- all of it.
Before you two were together, Art was ashamed of the way he lusted after you. It made him feel perverted and dirty sometimes, the way he’d be practically drooling at the slightest glimpse of your shape. He was always the first to view your Instagram stories, (because he had your page notifications on) and at first he told himself that he was just eager to see your cute little selfies or your adorable little fit checks. The amount of cleavage you displayed was just a plus! But soon after, he found himself fiendish over the detail pictures you’d post, showcasing your tight-fitting shirts, or the necklaces that dangled just above your tits, or the low-waisted jeans that curved artfully around your ass. The way you presented yourself was just so enticing to him. A little at a time, just a glimpse per picture. Enough to let his imagination run wild, but not enough to fulfill his fantasies.
So you can imagine that from the time Art got his first fill of you and then on, he was in heaven. You were better than every fantasy, dream, thought- everything he’d ever dreamt up. The second you pulled off his shirt and told him to lay back, that you’d give him what he needed, he was a lovesick puppy under your care, and he loved that. He swore with every command you gave or moan you drew from him, he was falling deeper into you.
However, this also ignited a new passion in him. He had to be the best, just as he felt you were. Had to be good for you, or else what was his purpose?
So, he spent hours and hours studying the porn you watched, trying so desperately to mimic the strokes and moans of the men you got off to. He studied the positions you liked and even did a little research on his own to know which ones would feel the best for you. He wanted to make you throw your head back in bliss, moan uncontrollably, and glow from how good you felt, time and time again, and he was determined to do what it took to make that happen. He'd do it all and then some, and all he needed to hear was you saying his name.
Oh, and speaking of saying his name, that's one of his biggest turn-ons. He likes to say there's a certain tone you use, intentionally or not, that mimics the sultriness of a siren, and he can't stop himself from getting hard every time he hears it. Maybe it's the tone itself, or the fact that you're calling him in the first place, but he can't help the way his mind gets all fuzzy from it, only focusing on your voice and the way your lips move to say the syllable.
There’s nobody else on the planet that has ever, or will ever make Art feel the way you do. You make his body feel ways it never has, make his heart light up with feelings he didn’t know existed. In such a short span of time, you’ve become his everything, and that’s why he’s determined to keep you as his for as long as he can.
As long as he can. As long as you let him. Because he’ll be only yours for forever and ever.
Your sweet, lovesick bf!art.
A/N: this was just a massive brain dump for art since he’s been on my mind since i watched the movie LOL. want him SO BADDDDD
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Dating Bucky Barnes Headcanons
Dating Bucky is easy and difficult at the same time.
Bucky isn't the one who makes it difficult. In fact, he takes utmost care of you and tries his best to make sure that you're always comfortable and happy.
What troubles you and him is his past.
For a long time in the beginning, he refused to sleep beside you. Plagued by nightmares every night, he did not want to scare you, or worse, do something to you in the influence of the terrors.
It hurt you when he outright refused, but soon you knew the real reason.
It had taken a lot of persuasion, convincing, bargaining, and even threatening for you to sleep in the same room as him. You knew that sleeping with someone who had night terrors was difficult, but you did not complain and accepted them like you accepted Bucky.
Soon, Bucky allowed you to sleep beside him. And in a few days, he grew so attached to you that he couldn't fall asleep without holding you in his arms.
Bucky loves spending time with you. He doesn't have a lot of money to spare, but whatever he has, he tries his best to spoil you and get you what you want.
His love language is physical touch. Whenever the two of you are in the same room, he'll always be touching you in some way. It's not always sexual. He just wants to be reassured that you're there for him and that you're his.
An arm around you, his hand in yours, or a tender stroking of your ankles, his hands curling through your hair, small things like these matter a lot to him. He loves it when you reciprocate the gestures.
Sometimes, he fears that you might be afraid of him. For what he did, for he was the Winter Soldier. And to be honest, at the beginning of your relationship, you were afraid of him.
But soon, you realise that James Buchanan Barnes is not the Winter Soldier anymore, he's just Bucky. And Bucky's the kindest, sweetest and the most loving man for you.
He's old fashioned, but not shy like Steve. He's the best of both worlds, being a man who opens car doors for you and pulls out chairs for you, and also the one who can start a fight to defend you.
He's ashamed of his vibranium arm, and keeps it covered up most of the time, thinking that it is ruining your image and making you two look weird. But you feel nothing like that.
So once, you kissed his vibranium arm all the way from his palm to shoulder, leaving him blushing and with a reassurance that you love the way he is.
You love it when he reads to you. His voice is soft and smooth, having a sexy rumble you love.
But to be honest, he loves it more when you read to him. Your voice is like a melody to his ears, and he'll always listen to it despite whatever you're saying.
He loves giving you piggyback rides. In fact, whenever you don't wanna walk or cannot walk, he'll lift you up on his back, no questions asked.
Bucky is not very vocal when it comes to feelings. He believes in showing instead of telling. Like I said, old fashioned.
It's not just Bucky defending you, you're ready to jump in to defend him shall the need ever arise.
Bucky tells you a lot of stories of himself and Steve from back in the day. You love hearing them, mostly because you want to know more about your boyfriend, but also because Bucky looks relaxed, happier and calmer whenever he talks about the good old days.
You're his soulmate, and he's yours. Both of you just want a quiet life, away from the conflict and relaxing in each others' arms.
He's the scary Winter Soldier to the world, but to you, he's just your Bucky.
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starrclown · 2 days
Exept it's easy to tell who my favorite is.
Pure silly addition! No angst here!
It's pride month yall so it's gay monkie time.
Showing his BF a new crayon color:
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Wukong doesn't like thunderstorms. They scare the monkies and the unpredictably and sound make him uncomfortable. He's also not that big of a fan of water. Macaque doesn't mind storms, he doesn't like how loud they are but he's fine with them. Macaque uses his hearing to let Wukong know when thunder is coming so he can cover his ears.
Wukong hides most parts about him using glamors. He hides his eyes, his head scar, his height, and other things he sees as imperfections. Macaque would kill to see Wukong's features again cause he always loved those parts about him and he doesn't want Wukong to hide them.
Macaque just stays in Wukongs house. Like he just lives there and let's himself be know sometimes.
They have drawing sessions together.
Macaque HATES having his hair long. It's inconvenient, it gets stuck in his shadows, it makes him hotter because it warms his neck along with his scarf. If it gets even a INCH past his neck he has Wukong cut it immediately.
Wukong is a little spoon. Sometimes he's a big spoon but Macaque likes to hold him in his sleep so he just stays the little spoon.
They do that thing where one of them has one headphone in their ear and the other headphone is in the others ear. They love listening to music together.
They buy each other presents all the time. Wukong makes homemade presents with his art skills while Macaque steals from stores and malls to get Wukong expensive presents.
Macaque knows the basics of cooking and could make a decent meal but he pretends to be stupid so Wukong will make him his cooking.
Macaque has SO many pet names for Wukong while Wukong has like two. (Refrencing my art don't worry about that.)
Macaque loves the cold while Wukong can't STAND it.
Wukong is really good with kids and is a amazing babysitter. Macaque isn't bad with kids but when he tries to play with them he ends up scaring them.
If Macaque makes Wukong mad Wukong forces him to sleep on the couch.
Wukong hates scary movies because of the jump scares and the stupid decisions the characters make. Macaque LOVES scary movies but won't watch them if Wukong is in the room.
Macaque is super clingy and has at least one hand on Wukong at all times. It started as a nervous habit but then Macaque started doing it more when he started taking being Wukongs warrior seriously.
Their favorite shared food is fruit salad. They make them together alot.
Wukong has a walk in closet filled with clothes that he has either been gifted or he bought or made himself. Macaque owns like 4 shirts and 2 pairs of pants.
Macaque has a very dead tone so it sounds like he's being serious when he's joking. Wukong used to think Macaque didn't like him because he would say things in such a depressing tone it made Wukong think he was dead serious.
Macaque bought a blender specifically to make Wukong peach smoothies.
Wukong really likes to wear gold so Macaque will wear silver to match him.
Wukong has two pairs of moon earrings. A blue pair for Chang'e and a purple pair for Macaque.
Macaque hates his naturally white hair because he thinks it makes him look less scary. Wukong lives it cause it reminds him of clouds and snow.
Macaque loves when Wukong is blonde cause it means he's super happy.
Macaque has counted the freckles on Wukong's face so many time he can tell you the exact number he has.
Wukong steals Macaques scarf when it gets too cold out. He often forgets to give it back resulting in Macaque having tos each hours for it.
Wukong has A BUNCH of pillows and random covers. Macaque has to FIGHT to find a cheap space on their bed because of how many pillows and blankets their is.
Macaque loves grooming and running his hands through Wukongs hair cause he loves the cloud like texture.
Macaque doesn't like doing his makeup but if Wukong wants him to match with him he'll try his best to do it and make it look good.
Macaque intentionally makes himself look more unapproching and scary when he's out in public with Wukong so that people won't want to talk to him or Wukong.
They aren't legally married but Macaque gave Wukong a ring so long ago and he always wears it so he just calls Macaque his husband.
It is 1 am where I am and I should really stop defying sleep (I will be defying sleep).
Feel free to drop your SILLY headcannons cause I cannot be dealing with angst headcannons right now. Only sillyness.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 days
The first planet that Tim and his life partners conquered, the planet that became the seed of the empire, was an accident.
The planet was ruled by a terrible tyrant, they were petty and cruel just for the sake of being cruel. They also liked to hold mock battles and gladiator fights that frequently ended with the winners getting eaten by half starved predator creatures. And the tyrant liked to also fight in the arena themselves. They would even hold their crown as the ultimate prize. They always cheated though and so they always won.
When the C4 came to the planet, it was an accident and they ended up as gladiators in the arena. Tim, as one of the smaller ones in the group, got picked to fight the tyrant.
Unfortunately for the tyrant, Tim is also a cheating cheater who cheats. And Tim was a better cheater than the tyrant.
The tyrant lost. They survived but their crown was now placed upon the head of the little bird who beat him and there were more than enough who were sick of his rule and willing to take advantage of his weakness that they would support this little baby ruler, at least long enough to figure out a real ruler.
But then it turned out that the baby was good at the job? And the baby's companions? consorts? were really freakin' strong.
Another tyrant on a different planet found out about the first tyrant's failure and laughed and decided to take down this little baby on this planet that they thought was weakened and that they would take the planet under their control and begin an empire.
Things...did not play out that way. Tim goaded the second tyrant into another trial by combat with the respective planets up as collateral. Tim won. Tim now had two shiny hats and two planets who needed serious overhaul to support its inhabitants rather than be centralized on now imprisoned tyrants. (Tim absolutely cheated but only his team could catch how he did it)
The third planet that came under Tim's control did so because they were being bullied by a different planet and their own ruling class had been wiped out and could they pretty please join for their own safety? And Tim said yes.
The bully was neutralized with some blackmail. And then there was a rebellion and the formerly bully planet joined the empire.
Then two planets caught up in a genocidal war ended up essentially being put in time out by C4 who were trying to set up some trade routes and the war was getting in the way of things.
And so on and so forth until Emperor Obi Wan Kenobi now had an empire of over a dozen different planets, an empire that is still growing.
I like that there's now background lore for how Tim acquires his first few planets! This does sound like the chaos and unfortunate situations that Tim ends up in as well as the ridiculous (but somehow works out) solutions he comes across.
I'm also vibing with C4 acquiring the two planets by putting them in timeout. I'm just imagining Emperor Tim going up the planets, saying "quit it," and then the leadership of these two planets is just thrusted onto him. He did not ask, but he'll make do.
I'm also curious if he has an informational packet, announcement, powerpoint, or otherwise for new planets that join.
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pumpkiiin-spice · 2 days
Imagine having sad sex with Seonghwa.
Yes, I know I said I don't do smut, but bear with me for a second.
(Btw, idk how you guys see sad sex, so don't attack me)
Imagine coming home one day after having a fight with your family. You cried and cried until the tears stopped flowing. Seonghwa knew this would happen because he knows how it'll go. He knows that you'll end up depressed and feeling like shit, and he hates that you're going through this.
You arrive home, and he's waiting for you on the bed you two share. He sees your eyes starting to get swollen and red, the tears stained over your cheeks, and your nose is also red. He can hear your heavy breaths as you start taking off your clothes to put something more comfortable on. It was rough this time.
He doesn't explicitly ask you for sex. Heavens, no. He guides you slowly and with your consent. He sits you down beside him and you can see how he has a cup of cold water ready for you. "You need to hydrate" is what he says, and you let him help you.
Next is the soft touches. Not sexual touches, or any that imply any sexual intercourse. He touches your face and arms with the intention to soothe you down. He wants you to remember he's by your side now and that he'll help you. He'll always be here for you.
You feel empty, so empty. It sucks. Your boyfriend is doing all these things for you, yet you feel... empty.
Seonghwa knows how you feel. He doesn't understand it, but he knows. You both want to forget what happened. You want it to disappear, even if for a brief moment.
That's when things truly start.
He's more soft when you're intimate like this. You're vulnerable right now. You're not having sex because you'll find pleasure in it. You'll have sex because it reminds you that he's here for you and you're loved. It's a weird way to demonstrate it, but you get it. And you love how caring he is.
Seonghwa likes to praise, but you don't need to hear praises right now. You need reassurance. "Things will get better," "You're not a monster," "You're doing your best," "It's not your fault." All of this while he's kissing your neck and chest, and soft moans escape from your lips along with a few tears.
In moments like this, he likes to have you in missionary so he can see your face better and that you can just lay down and relax. Let him do the work. Let him take care of you. He holds your face and kisses you in the softest way possible. It's so soft that you feel it's unfair how good he is to you. "You're with me now," he whispers when he thrusts inside of you, and you know you are. It's you and him, no one else. Your only focus is him right now.
He starts slow and gentle. Normally, you'll ask him to speed up, but right now, you're hugging his neck and breathing the perfume on his neck that you ask him to wear to sleep. You love that perfume. Every time you smell it, it calms you down. It's a reminder of Seonghwa. And today, you needed to breathe it in like a drug.
It's not until he sees that you're completely focused on him that Seonghwa speeds up. He wants, needs you to forget the nasty thoughts your family put in your head. They're no good for you, so he'll wash them away. And you so happily let him help you.
The reassurances don't stop as he thrusts into you, and you're closer to your orgasm. At this point, your family is no longer in your mind. It's all Seonghwa, and he's glad it worked.
Your orgasm arrives, and he kisses you with a burning passion. It screams, "We're together," and you're reminded once again that things will be ok as long as you're together.
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neverevan · 9 hours
so we know buck likes to do flowers/hot air balloon/etc...
but curious what tommy's love language/how he'll be romantic is. Like, he def likes the flirty teasing to show affection, but do you think he likes giving gifts or cooking dinners... idk, Buck is more the romantic speech giver, tommy prob prefers action.
idk, just wanna know how tommy romances bc so far he's wooed buck by being a) muscly b)Cool and c) a dork
mm actually... i think Buck is into the actions and big gestures, though he is getting better at talking about his feelings, not just letting them take the reigns and see where he ends up with them lmao
on the other hand, Tommy is very measured. he doesn't seem to say anything without intention, even his silly little quips and dark jokes are all there as a stress response — plus he listened to Buck ramble on and on, before realising he had a shot and shutting him up with a kiss lmao
based on what Lou told us about what he imagines Tommy's background to be like and what we saw in canon in season 2 and season 7... Tommy's childhood traumas seem to be pretty similar at the core as Buck's; abandonment issues, feeling alone and lonely, looking for love and family, people to belong to and a place to call home — the difference is that Buck had Maddie (on and off, but mostly on) and then the 118 and Bobby, while Tommy had no one.
for most of his adult life, Buck has been surrounded by people who he could come out to without an overwhelming fear that he'd lose the relationships, so much so that he went for it after having one kiss and a botched date with a guy.
Tommy had a homophobic boss/father figure of sorts, and a bunch of guys who followed Gerrard's lead; even if he had a months- or even years long relationship with a man, I don't think he would've ever risked coming out at all.
Tommy learned what his needs and wants are, and how to recognise his feelings, what's the appropriate way to express them and how to be true to himself, probably through a lot of self-reflection and therapy. (and now he clearly has a lot of friends and is easy to make friends with — however deep those relationships run, we'll just have to see if they'll show us more of that in s8)
all this to say; Tommy recognises Buck's needs and wants because he has been there and is probably still there.
so the way i see it; Tommy would already know how he feels, but would wait for Buck to say 'I love you' first, allowing him to set the pace and show his comfort levels in the the relationship.
but after that? he would say it to Buck every day, he'd tell him how important he is to Tommy, he would make time for just the two of them, but would also include Buck in group activities with his friends, he would never stop checking in on him, even when he's kinda sure that Buck really is just tired and he would know when something is important to Buck even when he waves it off as 'nevermind' and if they ever had a fight, he'd let Buck walk it off, cool down and when he was back, they would sit down and talk and they wouldn't get up until they talked everything through and reached a peaceful middle ground
and when Buck would show up with the bouquets and the fancy tickets to monster truck derbys and packed lunch for their couple's hikes, Tommy would tell him in every which way possible with his words and his touch just how much he truly appreciates Buck's presence in his life.
TLDR: Tommy's love language is communication and reassurance.
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What would get the gang mad? (Friendship and relationships wise)
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Summary: What would get the gang mad
Author's Note: none
Pony is a little more lax about stuff like this but being loud in places where you're supposed to be quiet is one of his pet peeves
He also hates when his girl messes around with other guys to make him "jealous", he just finds it odd and annoying
He will not tolerate hate to his family and the gang, those are the people he's been through thick and thin, to him its bros before hoe's
If you make fun of people less fortunate than you, he knows what it feels like to be broke and lonely and he can't stand that
Johnny hates, just like Ponyboy, when people are loud when they're supposed to be quiet, not only is it because he likes quiet but also because he has a tinge of social anxiety
He hates people who get into fights with people who are too weak or too strong, don't pick on people you can't handle and people who can't defend themselves
Johnny also hates when you make fun of his eating habits, it's not every day he gets to eat, let him enjoy it.
Lastly, Johnny hates when his girl puts herself down to garner attention, he's just so over the "self-loathing" shit
Soda dislikes when you hurt his ego, he's spent years building it up and had to really do some self care after his parents died, having you put him down is really tough
Soda cannot stand when you put down his gang and especially Steve and Pony, his gang is his ride or die.
Sodapop doesn't like when you make fun of greasers clothes and hair, not everyone has enough money for that
Lastly he hates when his girl gets overprotective and jealous too easily, lots of girls come up to him because of his looks don't give him hell because of it
Steve has very few things he gets mad at one thing is if you have no respect for his parents and the Curtis's parents
If you make fun of dead people, what the hell, he was really hurt when the Curtis parents died, it's just too much for him
Something he'd find mildly annoying is If you use those nicknames where you add a y to the end of their name, i.e. "stevey". He's not a kid
If you annoy him while he eats he's gonna get so mad at you, just let the man eat for God's sake.
Starting off strong, Two CANNOT stand hate to his sister. That's his goddamn family
And if you don't laugh at his jokes he's going to get mildly upset, he put his heart and soul into that
He won't listen to any sort of mickey mouse hate either, you either watch it with him or get out
Please do not make fun of him for his greaser life, he tries his best to give his sister a life where she's happy but it's so rough on him
Don't you EVER make fun of his parents, NEVER. He's gonna kick you out right away, you'll never be welcomed back
Be kind to Pony and Soda, don't teach them bad things, he's spent so long trying to raise them good
Don't tell him he would've been better off not dropping out or anything thing like that, it's too harsh because he misses school sometimes
Be gentle with him too, his feelings are often disregarded and he's putting other first, make him feel special
Don't get too clingy and don't expect him to treat you good, he'll get pissed if you act like he's supposed to be the best boyfriend
Don't make fun of his childhood, he went through a lot and he isn't ready to face it all, instead he bottles it up
Don't get protective and jealous all the time, he hates feeling like he's in a cage, especially in relationships
Don't try and pick a fight with him either, he's always going to win and with each fight he likes you a little less.
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estellan0vella · 3 days
Little Miss Jailbird Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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You sit in the cold, hard chair of the police station, arms crossed defiantly over your chest. The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glow, making the sterile white walls seem even more unwelcoming. You're fuming, trying to ignore the glares from the officers and the few other people in the holding area. This is not how you imagined your evening going.
It had all started so innocently. A trip to the convenience store for some late-night snacks ended up with you punching a creep who thought it was okay to grab you. You didn't even hesitate; your fist flew and connected with his face before you could think. Unfortunately, the police didn't find your self-defence as justified as you did.
"Miss, you need to calm down," an officer tells you for the tenth time, his tone a mix of irritation and condescension. You glare at him, ready to argue again.
"You don't understand, I need my medication," you insist, raising your voice at the officer for what feels like the hundredth time.
"Look, miss, you'll get your chance to explain everything," the officer replies, his tone dripping with condescension. "Just sit tight."
"I can't just sit tight! I have epilepsy! I need my meds!" you retort, feeling your patience wearing thin.
"You had your phone call," the officer says, trying to placate you. "Just sit tight."
You can't help but smirk at the thought of Sukuna storming in here. You know he's going to find this whole situation amusing. The man has a twisted sense of humour, and you're sure he'll milk this for all it's worth.
Your phone call to him had been brief and to the point. "Kuna, I need you to come get me. I'm at the police station."
His reaction was instant. "What the fuck did you do?"
"I punched a guy who grabbed me."
You could almost hear the grin in his voice. "Atta girl. I'll be there soon."
You lean back in your chair, trying to appear nonchalant. The officer is giving you a wary look as if you might spring up and start another fight at any moment. You're tempted to roll your eyes at him.
Finally, the door to the holding area opens, and there he is. Ryomen Sukuna, your boyfriend and protector. He's as imposing as ever, his presence filling the room. His crimson eyes sweep over the scene, landing on you, and his lips curl into that familiar smirk.
"Well, well, well," he drawls, striding over to you. "If it isn't little miss jailbird."
You can't help but laugh, despite the situation. "Kuna, don't start."
He chuckles, shaking his head. "Too late for that, baby." 
"Kuna," you sigh, both in relief and exasperation. "Can you please tell them I need my medication?"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, still clearly entertained by the whole situation. "You punched a guy, babe. I think you can handle a little waiting."
"He grabbed me!" you protest, but Sukuna's smirk only widens.
"And you clocked him good. I'm proud of you," he replies, glancing at the officer. "But she does need her medication. She has epilepsy."
The officer doesn't look amused. "Sir, we need to go over a few things first."
"Sure, sure," Sukuna waves him off, his attention back on you. "You okay?"
"I have a headache," You murmur.
He nods, his demeanour turning serious for a moment. "How long is this going to take? I'd rather not have my girl seizing on your watch. The lawsuit heading your way wouldn't be very nice"
The officer clears his throat, looking between the two of you. "We have to go through the paperwork. She's being charged with assault."
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. "Assault? She was defending herself."
"The man she hit is pressing charges," the officer replies, looking bored with the whole ordeal.
"Of course he is," Sukuna mutters, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
You're led to a small office where Sukuna takes a seat beside you. He's lounging casually as if he's done this a hundred times before. You have to admire his calm. Your own nerves are still frayed, and you're tapping your foot impatiently.
"Name?" the officer asks, starting to fill out a form.
"Ryomen Sukuna," he answers smoothly.
"And you're her legal guardian?"
Sukuna snorts. "No, I'm her boyfriend. Her legal guardian, huh? Sounds kinky."
You stifle a laugh, knowing this isn't the time or place for his humour. The officer gives him a stern look but continues with the questions. After what feels like an eternity, the paperwork is done, and you're finally allowed to leave.
As you step out into the cool night air, you breathe a sigh of relief. Sukuna wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Come on, little miss jailbird, let's get you home."
"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" you ask, leaning into him.
"Not a chance," he replies with a grin. "But first, let's get your meds inside you"
You nod, grateful for his concern despite his teasing. The ride home is quiet, the tension slowly ebbing away. You lean your head against the window, watching the city lights blur past. Sukuna's hand rests on your thigh, a comforting presence.
When you finally get home, Yuji is waiting for you. His eyes widen when he sees you. "(Y/N/N)! What happened?"
You give him a tired smile. "Just a little misunderstanding, Yuji. Nothing to worry about."
Sukuna ruffles his younger brother's hair. "Y/N/N here decided to play street fighter."
Yuji looks between the two of you, confused. "Did you punch someone?"
You nod, trying not to laugh at his expression. "Yeah, something like that."
"Wow," he says, clearly impressed. "You're so cool, (Y/N/N)."
Sukuna chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, she's a real badass. Now, go to bed, kid. It's late."
Yuji pouts but doesn't argue, heading off to his room. You and Sukuna head to the bedroom, and you finally take your medication. Sukuna watches you, his expression softer now.
"Feeling better?" he asks, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You nod, leaning into his touch. "Yeah. Thanks for coming to get me."
"Anytime, babe," he murmurs, pulling you into a hug. "Next time, try not to get arrested though, okay?"
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. "I'll do my best."
He kisses the top of your head, holding you close. "Good. Now, let's get some sleep. You've had a long night."
As you curl up in bed beside him, you feel safe and loved, despite the chaos of the evening. Sukuna's steady presence is a comfort, and you know that no matter what happens, he'll always be there for you. Even if it means bailing you out of jail.
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The next morning, the sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. You wake up to find Sukuna already awake, his eyes on you. He smirks when he sees you stirring.
"Morning, little miss jailbird," he teases.
You groan, burying your face in the pillow. "Kuna, please. Not first thing in the morning."
He laughs, pulling you close. "Okay, okay. I'll give you a break. For now."
You smile against his chest, feeling his heartbeat under your cheek. "Thank you."
He strokes your hair, his touch gentle. "You know, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. But next time, just call me. I'll handle it."
"I can handle myself," you protest, looking up at him.
He grins, that mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know you can. But I like being your hero."
You roll your eyes, but you're smiling. "Fine. Next time, I'll call you."
"Good girl," he says, kissing your forehead. "Now, how about we make some breakfast?"
As you get out of bed and head to the kitchen, you feel a sense of normalcy returning. The events of the previous night already seem like a distant memory, and you're ready to move on. With Sukuna by your side, you know you can handle anything.
Even if it means dealing with his relentless teasing.
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mickstart · 1 day
I know we have a lot of content about Ratio being protective of Aventurine (good!) but that comic you reblogged from me has me thinking about Aventurine being worried about Ratio... Aventurine, who has lost everyone he loved in horrible and violent ways throughout most of his life, being in a situation where he almost loses Ratio... _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
I am literally never not thinking about this. I think one of the main barriers to them Making It Official IS this paranoia aventurine HAS to carry - after having it drilled into him again and again - that he loses everyone he even slightly cares about at some point. He definitely feels like both he and ratio are safer if he tells himself / the world he doesn't care about ratio.
And tbh I don't know if, faced with that scenario, Aventurine would shut down or just get so completely *dangerous* in a way he often isn't. If the man who beat people to death with his own chains to survive comes out. If Ratio is so important to him that his apathy gets superceded by his intense ability to Survive and Fight because surviving now means having Ratio at his side.
I think prior to penacony he might shut down because like. He's so traumatised and resigned to the pain of it that he would just sit there and take one more tragedy and bitterly wonder why it's never HIM that gets to die.... But AFTER penacony, where ratio is literally partially responsible for giving him a reason to live, it's the second option for sure. Aventurine clutched on to life for so long and then drifted, looking for death, without a reason to keep going. Now you're going to put his new motivation in danger? Get ALL OR NOTHING-ed.
Maybe it's even more vicious a response than when he was fighting for survival. Because Ratio doesn't just represent surviving actually, he stands for LIVING, for Aventurine actually enjoying and partaking in life rather than just tolerating it. And if aventurine can beat a man to death with chains for survival, imagine what he'll do for life.
(and then imagine aventurine forcing ratio to stay awake by being as annoying as possible with a forced smile even if his voice is shaking, asking him what to do, following his instructions dutifully, getting him back to safety, refusing to leave his side, silently asking his family to look after him if the worst happens. Ratio wakes up and Aventurine is like: Dark circles wild eyes messy hair visibly hasn't bathed or slept in a few days. And the first thing drugged up ratio does is reach over and boop him on the nose and mutter "pretty")
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eclecticmiasma · 2 days
Yandere Chilchuck?????? Please????????????
Y'all I was supposed to be normal about this show for once!! Don't indulge me like this..............................anyway here are some more headcanons based on the Yandere MBTI indicator conceptualized by the lovely ddarker-dreams! Please send them love.
[Warnings: general yandere scariness, manipulation]
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Chilchuck uses biting sarcasm, criticism, and emotional punishment as a front to cover deep, deep insecurities festering within him. As blunt and belittling he can be to his friends, he turns it almost ten-fold on his darling. They can't do a damn thing right- can't fight without getting injured, can't listen to his orders correctly when navigating traps, can't hold a knife to cut onions for whatever abomination Senshi has boiling for dinner. Chilchuck will use what he's deemed as shortcomings as an excuse to keep darling dependent on him by butting into everything they do and finishing it off himself.
If darling is put off by his behavior, he'll find a way to show them just how necessary he is for their survival. Chilchuck would let darling die in the dungeon a million times over if it will bring them to the realization that they're helpless without his guidance.
Chilchuck is, on a surface level, aware of his behavior. He knows that he treats darling more harshly than the others. However, he doesn't have the emotional intelligence to know why he feels so compelled to snatch the hairbrush out of darling's hand when they're brushing it "the wrong way" or why he feels on edge whenever darling is off out of his sight. He certainly can't understand why the way Laios looks at darling while they speak makes his blood boil. Chilchuck doesn't realize that deep-down he's terrified of loss. He can't bear to lose his friends to their mad quest, to have his darling up and realize they're better off without him. Gone with his daughters without so much as even a goodbye. Not again.
Never again.
This ties to the nature of why Chilchuck has become so obsessive and cagey about his darling. He manipulates them in the multitude of ways above to make themselves doubt their own abilities, but he also manipulates the rest of the party to see the situation between them differently.
"I told them a thousand fucking times that I saw a crack in the floor that looked tampered with!" He seethes as Marcille works to revive darling, impaled through the femoral artery by a nasty spike shot up from the stones below. Darling isn't there to speak for themselves, to argue that Chilchuck had told them the exact opposite. After they wake, for a split second they'll remember it exactly as it happened, only to have the memory wiped away by Chilchuck's insistence that they were just too stupid to understand him correctly. When Laios pulls Chilchuck aside one night and asks him in hushed words if he thought bringing darling along was a mistake, the half-foot knows he's won.
It isn't long before Chilchuck's giving orders. He details exactly how long darling is allowed to be off bathing alone for their own safety, or that the only thing they're allowed to do in battle is cast spells from afar as they will surely be a danger to themselves and the others if they try to join the frontlines. The reward for listening is a softer side of Chilchuck. He might sew darling's ripped jacket or let something slip about his past. He might even fuss over darling after being killed rather than berate them. Punishment for failing to listen to him is an incrementally tighter leash pulled on what darling is and isn't allowed to get into, distancing when appropriate to leave darling floundering and looking more incompetent than before, or insisting they have to read Laios's dungeon guidebook ramblings to prepare themselves better.
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*do not post elsewhere without explicit permission. please consider reblogging, as Tumblr tends to hide darker content!
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thebearme · 1 day
heres my human classic freddy band
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I just made them this week, so I don't have much but... Heres some ideas I have for this band:
The Freddy crew is a concept/brand made by Willy & Henry, so the performers for each restaurant is different. But these are the most popular ones, because they were from the first diner that opened.
Henry, just like his home life, is kinda neglectful on the business. That means William is more on the management of everything. But when Willy isn't checking on things, then Freddy's actor is in charge.
The performer that plays Freddy seems like a very scary guy by looks (like a mob boss) but he cares ALOT. About the kids, the business and his band members. He's the ONLY one willing to talk up to William. He keeps the band's spirit up and put that bad Foxy in his place when he's going too far with his bully. In return, Foxy reminds him that the reason his top hat is so big is that he's insecure of how short he is. Freddy's actor name is George, and he is 55 y/o
The performer that plays Bonnie is a woman. She doesn't talk, to not break the emersion of Bonnie the Bunny being a guy, but that and the name combine leads kids to this day to think Bonnie was the first character to get a female variant. Bonnie's actor name is Janice, and she is 27 y/o. Her quiet act also converts to an everyday thing, which lets her find out about any work drama. A lot of the time, Janice tries and get mentoring from Willy to be the best Bonnie she could be; It doesn't really work. But as long as Bonnie is this his goofy self like the old fredbear show days, she'll be just fine.
The performer that plays Chica name is Shirley, and she is 34 y/o. She's a damn great back up singer and is good with a tambourine and trumpet. Shirley would love to be on stage more if Willy wasn't rushing her to get back to the kitchen to make the next batch of pizza. Because of the last cook quitting in short notice and the business being low on cash from fighting some recent lawsuits, Shirley, once the head chef, is now the ONLY chef. She has a pet dog, because of her work hours she decided to keep her dog in the back where storage is. One day her dog escaped to the front but was stuck in a little cupcake prop, after that incident, Henry heard of it. Though, it was so funny and interesting that he made her dog apart from the performance.
The performer that plays Foxy is an angry, functional drunk SCOT man. His name if Francis, he's 41 y/o and he'll talk to anyone the way he wants to because to him, he only speaks the truth. Foxy and Bonnie hate each others ... but the actors are cool with each other tho (as long they don't say something offhand that's not on script). He's a snuggling actor who FINALLY got his big break at this diner. He friends with the rats in the back of storage which helps Shirley alot.
^ my friend helped me on the foxy one cuz i had nothin on him.
Not a human au exclusive but the band plays songs like Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, the good swing jazz.
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stars-o · 1 day
mmm your yandere cove opened my eyes, smth abt yan!cove is so delicious 🙌🙌🙌
i must know how yandere cove would react/be when he has kids w the reader (especially if they're pregnant) i think he'd relax a bit, just a bit!!!!, knowing he's "made his mark" on you and that even when hes not there everyone can tell you're his.
ooo he'd definitely puff up whenever people fawn over what a cute family you are and how lucky mc is to have such a lovely man for a husband and father <333
As for Cove's response to having children with the reader, yes, he would relax just slightly since the reader is practically his and vice versa, but he'll up his protectiveness by 100%. He has a deep fear that he is determined to not let it happen; his relationship with you ending up like his parents. But really, there's no way in HELL Cove will ever let that happen. He does not want to split from you. He loves his parents, he really does, but watching them constantly fight when he was younger is not what he wants his child to grow up. Cove doesn't want them to wonder if it was their fault you and Cove separated.
BUT if he is assured that your relationship won't end up like his parents, then he'll cool down his yandere tendencies a bit, but it's still there. If you're pregnant, he must be touching your belly at all times. He'll be at your beck and call. Experiencing some back pain? Don't worry he message you as long as you want. Have any cravings at 2AM? He's already slipping on his shoes as soon you wake him up. Especially when you're both in public. He likes to show off you're married to HIM and creating a family with HIM. If someone were to congratulate both of you, Cove will get all flushed in the face and shyly thank the person.
When the baby arrives, his yandere side starts coming back hard and strong. He wants to protect you and your child from anything. Luckily for him, his child, blood or not, start experiencing some of his yandere tendencies but towards you. Congrats, now you have two people who will do anything for you: your husband and your child. Which can be both good and bad for Cove. Why? For starters, he won't have to worry about people flirting with you when you're out and about. He can't be by your side 24/7, even if he really wants to. Some people are dicks and never seem to notice the ring on your finger, but they do notice your kid looking at them with a haunting stare. That's what his kid is for. Ruining any chances this... person thinks they have with you.
The bad side is fighting for your affection. Whenever Cove wants to cuddle with you or craves for your attention, his child always beats him to his spot. But other than the small rivalry between Cove and his kid, Cove is an amazing father who wants his child to flourish in life. He makes all husbands jealous when they see their wives looking at Cove with heart eyes whenever he picks up your child from school. Of course, Cove will never make you jealous on purpose, instead he just flashes his ring and gives you a hard kiss if you were available to pick up your kid with Cove.
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How would Yan Miggy feel when his S/O has successfully escaped from him and is moved to another country, she also has a child who is five years old and looks like a carbon copy of him.
So one day the kid decided to write Miguel a letter with their address on it and in the letter the kid talks about how reader never mentions him or talks about him, and also wondering if he's the Child's real father. And so the kid invites him to his/her’s birthday. (plus also having an attached photo of the house that they are living in, in the letter).
Reader is now shocked and immediately pulling her child away from him, and angrily asks Miguel how he got their address.
I love your work💕
THANK YOU <3 also i like this ask lol
Miguel sat in his car, anxiety and happiness causing his stomach to tie in knots. The picture applied to the handwritten note and the house he parked in front of were identical. He saw a children's park and a school on the way here, not too far away. It's also the city you've always wanted to move to to raise a family. This has to be the place.
Dear Daddy,
I miss you alot. Mommy tells me that you were mean to her alot so she left to be happy. I am glad she is happy but i miss being with you. My birthday is on xxxxxxxx and i would be very very happy if you came to selebrate with us!! This is what my house looks like. And i can tell you where we live. PLease coem. i miss you.
Every time Miguel read over the note, the more he felt connected to his little girl, and it pained him it had to come to this. So, he'll make sure that his return in her life is more of a meaningful one. Not one full of lies, excuses and useless arguments that led to nothing but more problems. A year is a long time and Miguel is a changed man. He can make this right.
When he shows up at your door, he takes note of all of the beautiful and small garden growing in the front yard, wondering if the two of you worked on that together.
Your car looks pretty nice as well. Did you buy that on your own? Or did someone else help you? It's pretty difficult to find a house, let alone afford living, in a place as nice as this. Maybe that's why you took money out of his account so often. If you wanted to move, you should've just told him so. Well, it's too late for that now.
As soon as he knocks on the door, it flies open, and there's his little girl he hasn't seen in forever. She gives him that big smile he's always loved and remembered, screaming his name. "Daddy!!" He picks her up and holds her close in his arms.
"Oh! My little ball of sunshine! My favorite girl, it's been too long since I've last seen you, how have you been? How's my birthday girl??"
She laughs when he tickles her lightly and puts her on the ground. "I'm really good now that you're here! Wait, let me tell Mommy-"
She takes his hand to bring him inside, but you appeared out of nowhere, breaking the hand-holding and roughly shoving him by the chest out of the front door entrance. You hold your little girl behind you, your face almost unrecognizable from a mix of fear and anger on display.
"What the hell are you doing here?? How did you find us?" Miguel's face drops at your tone and holds out his arms in the most non-threatening way possible. Yet, his voice showed his true colors. So nervous and....almost scared.
"Hi, Y/n," A crooked smile shows on his face, "Mi amor, it's very nice to see you-"
"I'm gonna call the cops if you don't leave." You scramble to try and pick up your daughter, who fights against it. You aren't in the mind to understand that as you continue to try and back away from who once was your captor.
"No, wait, it's not like that. It's D/n birthday today and......I just wanted to come see my baby." He takes a step inside your abode. Slowly, as if trying to not make things worse. "Please."
You thought you did everything right. You didn't leave any traces. You gained his trust in leaving you to the house all for yourself, which took years and years to do. And when things finally clear and you finally found a normal life to live again, he comes to your doorstep. Was he stalking you this entire time?? Why was he being so nice? So open? You definitely couldn't trust whatever he had up his sleeve, and your daughter....
"I told him where we live!!" She tugged on your arm as hard as she could to get your attention. Your head snaps down to her direction. When she saw your face, she hesitated for a moment but kept talking. "I just wanted to see daddy again.......I-....all of my friends at school have their dads, and i really missed mine. If i wasn't ever gonna see him again, then i just wanted to see him one last time."
[I can't color code anymore😭]
You were in disbelief. As mad as you wanted to be at your daughter for doing something so life changing and unbelievable, you couldn't for the life of you put any of those feelings onto her. She deserved the world. And in all honesty, you took most of it from her. Miguel was a great father despite his many flaws, and all you wanted for her was to experience that perfect family.
And you couldn't give it to her. The rest of the puzzle she needed was right here. You didn't know if you were ready to give Miguel a chance again. But did you really have a choice?
Miguel frowned and dropped his hands.
You promise yourself to deal with it for now. The quicker he celebrates, the faster you find a way to get him out again. You bend down to whisper to your daughter. "Go tell daddy where your bedroom is so I can finish with the decorations, okay?"
Her face begins to beam and, without a second thought, nods her head and rushes off to keep Miguel busy. Miguel doesn't have a chance to see your face, as you already got back into the kitchen to deal with the food, and he lets his lips turn upwards at the corner.
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jessicaloons · 13 hours
Chapter 46:
You play stupid Games, You win stupid Prizes
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
"Did you read that?" Charles asked and I looked at his phone.
"He's still gambling? He should just take that Williams seat and this whole mess is over... but no, he and his father are still talking about my goddamn seat like it's vacant!" I rolled my eyes and Charles chuckled a little.
"I can't wait for you to step out in your race suit, Doetterer 2027 on your back, right in his face that your seat is taken for the next 3 years." he sat down on the edge of the bed, and I sat up.
"I honestly don't care about him or his father... I just want to have a good weekend, perform well here at home. I want to make Germany proud. It's been a long time since a German driver won the German GP..." I sighed a little.
"Was Seb the last winner?"
"No, that was Nico in 2014. 10 years ago. Seb wasn't that lucky with Ferrari at the German grand prixs..."
"Oh yeah, true... but this year a German driver from a German team will win." Charles sounded determined and I smiled at him "I have a feeling."
"Yeah? Then let's hope you're feeling is right." I kissed his cheek and got up "And now let's go. I'm hungry." I put on Charles hoodie and we went downstairs, a loud hustling and bustling already awaiting us. Mum, Pascale and Sissy made breakfast, while Dad, Arthur and Daniel, sat at the table talking away. Benji and Liam sat on the floor playing with Arlo.
"Good morning sleeping beauty 1 and sleeping beauty 2."
Daniel was the first noticing us, right as Arlo turned around, over excitedly wagging his tail.
"Morning." I bent down, ruffling Liam and Benji's hair before I scratched Arlos head
"Sit down, sit down, breakfast will be ready any minute." Mum said from the kitchen and I plopped down next to Arthur.
"I guess you've seen the latest chapter in the never-ending Sainz to Audi saga?" Dad asked and I sighed a little.
"This weekend it will be over. He can watch Lizzie walk out in her race suit, announcing her contract renewal, Audi will put out the statement and he has to say yes to Williams, if he doesn't want to be seatless next season." Charles said and Dad nodded.
"I honestly don't get what Carlos problem was with you, Lizzie? Like seriously? He was a funny bloke, one of the guys? Nice one. But you and him? That just didn't work out." Daniel said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"He didn't like that Lizzie was better than him." Charles stated simply but I shook my head
"No, I think it all started when I was speaking out against Ferrari, mostly Mattia's way of handling you guys. And that I openly said that you are the better driver and fight for the championship and your team should fully support you. I think that was what made him furious... and from then on... well we all saw what happened."
"Yeah but everything you said was true!" Arthur said and Daniel nodded slightly.
"He's playing a dangerous game though, publicly talking about the Audi seat, not even mentioning the interest of the other teams? Basically saying he only waits for the right offer from Audi? He'll end up with no seat for next year."
"Is it a dangerous game or just a stupid game?" Charles shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess we'll see..."
"Nervous?" Elijah asked and I hesitated for a moment.
"I honestly don't know. I mean, it's Hockenheim, I know this track better than any other track. I raced there so often, I tested for Audi there so many hours, that would fill 10 full races. I raced here in F3, F2. The WSeries. Not to mention all the times I tested various cars there... but this time I race here in Formula 1? My dream comes to life... so yeah, sure I'm kinda nervous because I want to win this race and put myself under a lot of pressure. But I'm also super excited, because it's my home race that I race in freaking Formula 1." I replied, watching Dad joke with Charles, Daniel and Lorenzo.
"And today you're kicking off the race week with a nice family barbecue?"
"Yeah kinda, it's been a long time that we've all been here together. And now we added Daniel to the family, which means it's getting even louder around here." I joked right when said driver joined us at the table.
"I heard my name from my little sister?" he wiggled his eyebrows, pinching my side and I rolled my eyes laughing.
"I just said the neighbours will complain now that we added you to the family and our little backyard hangouts will be way louder than before." I chuckled and he nodded.
"Big possibility, not gonna lie."
"They survived all of you screaming and shouting after the world cup final 2014... I guess they can handle Daniel." Mum laughed and put down a salad bowl.
"Oh come on! We just won the title! Of course we freaked out a little bit!" Dad said from the barbecue and I nodded.
"A little bit? You and Hervé had fireworks! Fireworks! In July! In Germany!" Mum said and I laughed, thinking back to that day.
"It was an amazing evening! Come on!" Charles threw in, as he sat down next to me.
"Two semi-drunk men handling firework, they probably purchased illegally, in a backyard full of people and flammable things?" Pascale looked at him pointedly.
"We were careful!" Dad stated.
"Oh yeah? You two lit up one of these stick things and then, while it was already burning you read on it that you're not supposed to hold it in your hands but stick it in the ground!"
"Well... that was unfortunate. But nothing happened! We just shot these sparkly fireballs at each other." Dad shrugged.
"Seems like you guys had some good times together in the past?" Elijah smiled and I nodded.
"The best! Dad and Hervé always came up with the craziest, most random things out of the blue." I laughed and squeezed Charles hand under the table.
"They said they were brothers from another mother." he said and Pascale nodded.
"Yeah. Both grown ups with the mind of two little boys sometimes."
"Not gonna argue with that." Dad mumbled and we laughed.
"Good old times." Lorenzo said and I nodded.
"Yeah. Good old times indeed."
The moment we arrived at the Hockenheimring my mind was blown. A sea of German flags were waved everywhere. For the first time ever there where more fans waiting for me than for Charles. I was overwhelmed with the amount of people chanting my name.
"Look how they love you." Charles said, opening the door and I got out of the car.
"This is crazy!" I mumbled.
"No, its not. It's what you deserve! You deserve to be here, now and forever. This is your home. These are your people.
And look at how much they love you." he took my hand and pulled me towards the fence "Come on. They're all waiting for you, cara mia!"
I didn't know where to start, who to look at first, the amount of people cheering me on was overwhelming. I took more selfies than at all races combined before as it felt, signed team kits, flags, poster, caps and what not. My wrists were full of new bracelets, hands full of gifts.
"Thank you so much!" I hugged the girl who handed me a scratch book, after explaining to me that’s it’s a book with fan letters from girls around the world, thanking me for being their role model and writing how me being in F1 changed their life’s "This means so much to me! What’s your insta name! I want to post it and tag you! I mean if that’s okay for you?"
"Yes! Of course! I made it together with my best friend, she can’t be here unfortunately." the girl replied, typing down her Instagram name in my phone "We both hope that you’re winning this weekend! And if not you, then Charles!"
"I will try my very best!" I chuckled and took back my phone, when Charles tapped my shoulder "Thanks again for the book!"
I waved one last time to the crowd and then followed Charles to the gates, the book pressed tightly to my chest.
"Cara mia." Charles nodded towards a little girl, covered in Audi merch, hiding behind her father's legs.
I handed Charles the book and several other gifts and slowly walked towards the father daughter duo.
"Hi." I smiled at her and she gripped her dad's leg tighter.
"Maddie, come on, say hi to Lizzie." he cooed and the little girl, Maddie, carefully stepped around his legs. I immediately kneeled down, smiling at her.
"Hi Maddie, my name is Lizzie." I said, stretching out my hand and she hesitantly shook it.
"I know who you are." she said quietly "I'm a huge fan."
"Thank you, that really means a lot." I smiled.
"Maddie started karting 2 years ago after she saw you debut in F1." her dad said, and I looked up at him "She said if you can make it into F1 with only men, she can start karting with the boys."
"And you are absolutely right! Just because you're the only girl doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it! When I started karting, I also was the only girl, for a really long time actually, but it never stopped me."
"And now you're in Formula 1." she said.
"And now I'm in Formula 1."
"I think you will win this weekend, or at least I hope so."
"I will try my very best." I smiled and Maddie poked her dad's leg.
"Oh yeah, umm- can I take a picture of you two?" he asked and I nodded
"Of course." I smiled waving the girl over.
"Can you sign my cap as well?" she asked as soon as her dad gave us the thumbs up.
"Sure." I took the sharpie from her dad's hand and signed the cap "Here, all done."
"Thank you! And good luck this weekend!" she smiled and I nodded.
"Can I get a good luck hug?" I asked and she nodded excitedly and hugged me "Thank you." I got up and waved her and her dad goodbye when Charles lead me away, towards the hospitalities.
"You're so loved here, I honestly wished it was like this everywhere..." he said and I nodded a little.
"Yeah, it's really a total new feeling."
"You deserve it." he kissed my cheek and we stopped in front of the Audi hospitality "See you later? I'll pick you up and we can go together to the press conference."
"Alright." I took my gifts from him and kissed him goodbye, then walked inside where Julie was waiting for me.
"The crowd loves you!" she smiled and I put down the gifts.
"They really do, I have a feeling that this weekend we'll shoot something special." Elijah said and I flinched a little.
"I completely forgot about you." I mumbled and he laughed.
"We stayed behind, just filmed you without you even knowing we were there."
"Can you do that the whole weekend like that?" I asked and Julie laughed.
"That’s our plan. You’ll not even know that we’re here." he said and I sighed a little.
"Well, yeah, let's hope so."
"Welcome to round 13 here at Hockenheim, home gp of two of our drivers and teams. Today we're having hometown hero's Lizzie Doetterer, Audi and Nico Hülkenberg, Haas, with us, as well as Charles Leclerc, Scuderia Ferrari, Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing and Daniel Ricciardo, Racing Bulls. I start with you Lizzie. First time racing in F1 on home turf, how are you feeling?" Tom Clarkson started the press conference, and I took the microphone.
"I'm excited, nervous, overwhelmed, yeah too much to put into words. When I was younger I watched some of the best drivers race this track and dreamed that one day I would be one of them and here I am." I answered and Charles next to me smiled.
"How does it feel, seeing all those German flags being waved, all those people in Audi merch?"
"It's just amazing. I never felt this much support ever before and it makes me more than excited to finally race here."
"You always said that Hockenheim is the track you know the best, the track you race better than any other track. Do you think it gives you a little advantage, that you know this track so well, raced here more often then most other drivers on the grid?"
"It's no disadvantage, that's for sure, but honestly, on other tracks I only raced once before I had to do it in F1, on others I've never raced before. It's like this in F1 sometimes. And nowadays with the simulators you can race as often as you want on every track, so yeah."
"Alright, let's continue with you Nico, another hometown hero." Clarkson looked at Nico and began his interview with him, then continued with Max, Daniel and lastly Charles.
"Charles, you said that Lizzie will make a big step forwards this weekend and will be one of the main threats."
"I've seen her progress over the last races, she was always close to the win, collected podium after podium, and now we're here at Hockenheim, the track she can race blindly... which she did, by the way, and Audi brought a new set of updates? Yeah, she definitely will be one of the main threats this weekend."
"You raced here with a blindfold?" Max asked me and I laughed.
"No! It was only in the simulator, a couple of years ago!" I replied and he laughed.
"And? Did you make it?"
"She did, she was only 3 seconds slower than me." Charles answered and Max looked impressed.
"Not bad."
"Alright. Let's open this up to questions from the floor. As always, please state your name and publication first." Clarkson looked into the crowd of reporters and picked the first question.
Most of the first ones were for Nico and me, how we felt about finally racing back in Germany. If Hockenheim should be permanently on the race calendar. Then the questions switched to Max and Charles and their close battle for the championship.
"Question for Lizzie. You brought a whole set of updates, how do you think they will be working?"
"Well the weather got a bit in our way to fully say how they will work out with heavy rains on the forecast for the whole weekend. So we will have to wait what we can do under this rough conditions." I say honestly.
"But you're usually really good in the rain and love a rough track?" he countered and I laughed.
"Well, yeah, but I’m usually liking it not that rough." I answered.
"News to me." Charles mumbled, not directly into his microphone, but still loud enough to get caught and the silence was loud in the room.
I looked at him with wide eyes and he sat there, petrified. The shock what he just had said evident on his face.
"So a freak in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Lucky you, Charles" Daniel laughed and I blushed.
The whole room erupted in laughter and Charles just facepalmed and mouthed a 'sorry' to me. I silently prayed for Clarkson to end the press conference and when he did I was the first one to leave, taking a deep breath as soon as I was outside.
"I’m so, so sorry, cara mia! I swear I didn’t expect the microphone to catch that." Charles followed me and held me by the waist, looking at me "It was more a joke to myself and… god I’m so sorry."
"You‘re not… you‘re grinning!" I pushed him off and he chuckled.
"Because it was kinda funny! Freaking embarrassing, but funny!" Charles pouted a little and I rolled my eyes.
"Everyone laughed and had a blast, come on mate." Max laughed, appearing right behind Charles and I glared at him "Okay. Sorry. I’m scared of your girl…" he then whispered to Charles.
"Kids, kids! Come on. It was a joke, we all laughed. Nothing bad happened." Daniel said and Charles nudged my shoulder a little "Well, nothing bad happened yet… if I’d be you, Charlie boy, I’d be scared to walk back to the paddock, where Pops will wait…"
"What?" Charles stopped grinning in an instant and swallowed hard.
"What you said? About his perfect, little girl? His princess? I wouldn’t want to be in your skin." Daniel walked off with a satisfied smile on his lips and Charles looked at me.
"Pops will laugh about it, right? He knows it was a joke?"
"I don’t know… not so sure…" now I chuckled and grabbed his hand "Come on, let’s see."
"Lizzie!" he whined and I laughed even louder.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke, you said it yourself…" I pulled him with me and as soon as we spotted Dad sitting outside the Audi hospitality, playing with Arlo, Charles slowed down.
"Look who’s there!" Dad unbuckled the leash from Arlo’s harness and he bolted off, straight into us and I bent down, scratching his ears.
"Hello my good boy. Did you play with Pops a little?" I cooed and followed him back to where Dad was sitting, Charles staying a little behind.
"So, how is it being here?" Dad asked me and I sat down, shrugging my shoulders.
"It’s normal, I guess?" I said, watching Charles take a tentative step towards us, still looking at Dad.
"Pete is confident that the upgrades will work out."
"Yeah, they all are, I guess we have to wait and see, no?" I picked up Arlo, sitting him down in my lap, when Dad turned to Charles.
"And what about you?"
"Me?" Charles asked nervously.
"Yeah, your car was lacking straight line speed in Silverstone? Did you fix that problem?"
"Oh… umm yeah, yeah, the team is confident that they fixed this issue." he sounded slightly relieved, letting out a deep breath, sitting down next to me, still a little fidgety.
"You okay there, Charles? Rough night?" Dad asked and Charles eyes widened.
"It was a joke! A stupid joke! I’m so, so sorry!" he blurted out and Dad bursted out laughing.
"Boy, I never saw you sweating like that." he shook his head, still laughing.
"I’m really sorry." Charles mumbled and Dad got up, patting his shoulder.
"It’s alright, Charlie boy." he said and walked inside.
"Why do I feel like he’s secretly planning something?" Charles mumbled and I shrugged.
"Because he probably is…"
"Very comforting, thank you."
Another day, another sea of German flags, Audi shirts and caps and poster of me were greeting us when we stepped out of the car and I couldn't stop the big grin forming on my lips. I zipped my jacket close and put the hood on, trying to stay dry.
"Excited?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"I think I was never this excited for FP1 ever before.. " I laughed and he pulled me to his side, kissing my temple.
"Same, same." he chuckled, dropping me off at my hospitality "Have a good session."
"You too." I smiled, climbing up the stairs.
"Lizzie?" Julie held the door open for me and I walked inside, the whole team standing around a table and I followed her inside.
"What's going on?" I asked when Pete and Valtteri stepped aside, revealing a cake.
In big red letters DOETTERER 2027 carefully piped on.
"Congrats on your contract renewal!" Valtteri said and I hugged him.
"Thank you, Valtteri! But where are you going? I mean... with Nico coming?" I whispered.
"It's all good, little one. I talked to Felix the moment I got a new offer, that’s when he contacted Nico…" he said and I looked at him "I’m going back to Mercedes, for one year and then it’s time to retire."
"Wait… what?"
"Toto called me as soon as Lewis told him. With Kimi Antonelli Mercedes has a good driver for the future, but he needs more experience, 2025 is too early for him, so I’ll take over for one year."
"But why retire? You still have some good years ahead of you!"
"Because it’s time. One day, you just feel it." he nudged my shoulder a little and smiled "And now come on… let’s have a piece of cake and then go into the car!"
"Okay…" I nodded slowly and stepped closer to the table.
"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Matt and some of my mechanics began to chant and I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Okay, okay, okay! Honestly I don’t have much to say, just that I’m grateful for every single one of you! You are the best team I could’ve ever ended up in. You always believe in me and have my back, support me no matter what. Today we celebrate us, this team. Thank you guys!" I said, smiling at my team and Felix pulled me close to his side.
"Alright everyone! Let’s have some cake!" he said and then turned to me "And then get out there and have some fun."
I sat on the sofa, mindlessly scratching Arlo’s head in my lap, not listening to the conversations around me.
"Cara mia?" Charles squeezed my thigh and I looked up from my lap "Come on, eat something."
"I’m not hungry." I mumbled, looking back down.
"Hey, look at me." he scooted closer, gently grabbing my chin, turning my head "It wasn’t your fault… you couldn’t do anything. You were amazing in FP1, okay? We all saw how good you were! And what happened in FP2? It was out of your hands, until the crash you were the fastest on mediums! No one could match your pace, not even on softs!"
"Yeah but I crashed out, Charles!" I groaned and he sighed.
"No you didn’t! Logan crashed out and took you out as well an-…"
"I could’ve reacted quicker! Go around him, just do something to avoid the crash!" I interrupted him.
"No, no you could not, okay? Stop bashing yourself. It’s not your fault, end of the story." Charles looked at me pointedly and after a moment I sighed and nodded a little "Now, would you please eat something?"
"Yeah…" I sat Arlo down next to me and grabbed my fork.
"Thank you." Charles kissed my cheek and I took a bite of my salad.
"Tomorrow’s a new day, don’t beat yourself up too much." Dad said and I nodded again.
"I just wanted this to be the perfect weekend, you know? No mistakes. Good results. So that when the contract renewal is announced on Sunday no one doubts it…" I sighed.
"And you still can do it! Today was unfortunate, but it wasn’t your fault! Tomorrow you’ll come back stronger." Charles looked at me determined.
"I hope you’re right…"
"I am. You’ll see…"
Pole position. Freaking pole position. I cheered into the radio. Not understanding what Pete said for the first few seconds.
"You did it, little one! P fucking 1! Wooohooo! We’re all so proud of you!" his voice rang in my ears and I laughed.
"Let’s fucking go, guys! The car was on fire!"
"It really was!"
"Where’s Charles? Valtteri?" I asked, hoping to hear some good results.
"P2 and P4. Amazing job from you guys!"
I parked my car in the P1 spot and jumped out, running towards my team, celebrating our first pole in a while.
"Amazing job, little one!" Pete patted my back.
"What a lap!" Felix shouted.
"Thanks guys!" I high fived everyone when a pair of arms engulfed me from behind.
"What an amazing lap, cara mia!" Charles muffled voice behind me.
I turned around and opened my visor, his eyes already on mine. He pulled me towards the tables and I took my helmet off, followed by my balaclava, wiping my face.
"POLE SITTER!" Daniel yelled, storming our way, hugging me tight "Good job, Lizzie!"
"Thanks Danny." I smiled, seeing Pierre making his way to us.
"You so going to win tomorrow!" his first words as soon as he pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Don't jinx it!" I laughed and slapped his arm.
"I don't! It's just an honest opinion!" he chuckled and walked off.
"Lizzie?" an F1 official smiled at me and I nodded, taking the microphone from him.
"Lizzie! Congratulations on your pole! What an amazing qualifying session! Talk us through your pole lap." Nico Rosberg smiled his 10.000 mega watt smile at me and I took a deep breath, seeing all the Germany flags being waved behind him in the grandstand.
"Honestly, I just pushed, pushed, pushed. I knew that the rain would come any minute back and thought to myself that I just have to go full throttle. And it worked out perfectly."
"That it did. What do you think is possible in the race, can you win tomorrow, as the first German driver in a long time?"
"You mean as the first German driver after your last win here?" I chuckled and he nodded laughing "I think if we can maximise our race pace, have a good and clean start, a lot is possible."
"You're driving with a special livery this weekend, and I noticed a very interesting detail on your car and helmet..." Nico pointed at the hood of my car and I smiled, looking at the large 7.
"I wanted to pay tribute to not just this amazing track, because it's a shame that we don't have this track in the race calendar every season, but also go a little deeper. Germany and F1 belong together, and that's because of the amazing German F1 driver's of the past, but also the present. After waiting for this race for so long, I wanted to have every single German F1 driver with me, so yeah. I wanted to pay tribute to the guys who represented Germany so well in Formula 1, so yeah there's you, Seb, Timo, Nico but also some less known names, but still important. And of course, the Schumachers. Ralf and Michael, who was my hero growing up and I'm sure of so many others as well, he gave so much to this sport, he’s a legend, and also Mick, who should be driving on this track with me tomorrow, he didn’t get the chance he deserved back in Haas and I hope that changes in the future." I said proudly and Nico nodded.
"What a beautiful gesture. I think I speak for everyone who's on your car and helmet, when I say thank you so much, it means a lot." his voice was wavering a little and I squeezed his arm.
"I hope you like the photo of you that I chose." I laughed, to brighten the mood again and he smiled.
"I have to check it out, but honestly, every photo would be great, just because of the gesture. For now, I wish you all the best and good luck for tomorrow."
"Thanks, Nico." I handed my microphone to Charles who smiled brightly at me, then walked off to Julie, who was already waiting for me.
"Good job, Lizzie." she smiled and I followed her to the media pen "I need to take some pictures of you in your new race suit for tomorrow."
"Okay..." I sighed and she chuckled.
"Just a few quick shots, that's all I need."
"Okay.." I repeated and she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Thank you! And now smile, your on pole for your home race!"
"Yep, that I am." a big smile on my face again, when I read the text from Seb.
I woke up earlier than usually. Got up and took a quick shower, getting ready for the day. Then I waited for Charles to wake up. Breakfast went by in a blur and the drive to the track was even faster. All the fans around cheering for me, wishing me good luck, telling me that I would win, made me smile. I was getting more and more excited and when I walked inside my drivers room and looked at the race suit, the excitement bubbled up even more. The German flag in stripes down the arms and legs, my name on the back as well coloured in the German flag, paired with the 2027. All black. It looked dangerous. Our designer team really did an amazing job.
"Come on, fireproofs on and then let me braid your hair…" Mum smiled at me and I nodded, going on with my usual race day routine "We’re all so proud of you, Lizzie. So incredibly proud! Pole position, new contract, high chances of a win. And that all here at Hockenheim…"
"Oh Mum stop! Don’t cry!" I chuckled and she wiped away a tear, smoothing down my hair, combing through it "It’s a weekend like any other!"
"But it’s not! I’ve never seen so many people supporting you! Screaming your name! Finally you get the recognition you deserve." a soft smile on her lips "It just makes me so happy to see you happy."
"Oh Mum…" I turned around and hugged her.
"Okay, come on now. Silly me. Let’s get you ready and then present that beautiful race suit!" she wiped her tears away and braided my hair.
I checked as always that they weren’t too tight, moved my head around and gave her the thumbs up.
"Alright. I’ll wait outside for you." she kissed my cheek and left.
I turned around, grabbing the suit from the hanger and put it on, leaving the top unzipped pooling around my waist.
"Liz? You decent?" JK knocked at the door and I opened up "Ready for a little warm-up?"
He walked inside, a big grin on his lips, looking at my race suit.
"I'm so freaking excited to see Sainz' face." he laughed, and I chuckled a little.
"I just have to deliver as well... then it's a lethal punch in the guts." I shrugged my shoulders a little and he nodded.
"You'll do great, and now come on, let me get you ready." he clapped his hands, and got up "Okay, first your back and then some agility."
We started the warm-up routine and JK watched me carefully, every little hiss or frown was noted, and the exercise immediately adjusted. After 30 minutes I got up from the mat on the floor and took a big sip from my water bottle.
"I think I can win this today…" I said after a while and JK nodded.
"I think so too. You worked so hard the last weeks. You’ll start from pole. This is your win today." he smiled "And now let’s go, it’s time to show the world who‘s driving for Audi the next 3 seasons to come."
"Who‘s that? Oh right… ME!" I laughed and he chuckled.
"Come on now."
"Aye, aye captain." I saluted and he rolled his eyes, pushing me away gently.
I looked outside, the sky grey, light rain falling.
"Lizzie? It’s time." Pete looked at me and I took a deep breath.
"Alright, let's do this." I took one last sip of water and then turned to Julie, a big smile on her face.
"We'll let you walk out, stand with Nico in front of the entire grid, everyone will see the 2027 and right then I will post the official announcement." she said and I nodded, pulling my race suit up.
"How does it look?" I asked her and she gave me the thumbs up.
"Freaking amazing." Charles said behind me and I turned around "You look gorgeous."
"Oh stop. I'm just wearing a race suit..." I chuckled and he grabbed me by the waist pulling me into him.
"Yeah, I can see that, but it's your smile that's so captivating..." he kissed me, and I heard some of my mechanics hollering "Ready to kick some asses and let some jaws drop to the floor?"
"Hell yes!" I said and he smiled, taking my hand, leading me outside.
The first moments nothing much happened, but with every step I took further down the grid, a murmuring was going around. I saw the cameras filming us, Charles grinned, and some mechanics from other teams pointing at my back. And then I looked up at the big screen, showing my back, flashing the message out for everyone to see and the crowd cheered even louder.
"Seems like the crowd likes it..." Charles nudged me gently and I nodded, looking up at the screen again, where I looked in my face, a big smile on my lips.
"Urgh...stop filming my face." I chuckled and turned slightly, looking for the camera man.
"Stop whining, this is your moment!" Charles whispered and pushed me towards Nico, who already waited for me.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded, walking in front of the rest of the grid to stand on the marked spot for us.
"It’s so weird… I’m used to stand somewhere behind… not in the middle with all eyes on me, or us…" I mumbled and he chuckled.
"It’s just for the anthem, you will survive." he said, then grinned "Oh, and congrats, team mate." he nudged my shoulder and I chuckled a little.
As soon as we both stood on our designated spots and Nico took off his cap the German national anthem started playing and we both sang along. For the first time today I felt the nervousness overcoming me, felt the tingling in my hands. This was it. This was it. The day I dreamed of for so many years. I would race in Formula 1 at Hockenheim. I saw the marching band preparing for the anthem and closed my eyes, for a moment, soaked it all in. With the beginning of the anthem I opened my eyes, starting to sing along. I never felt this pride in my life and the atmosphere was buzzing.
The next moments all happened in a blur. I walked back to my garage, did some last stretches, looked over the data once more, then it was time. Mum, Dad, Sissy, Liam, Marcus and Benji looked at me. All smiling. All looking proud.
"My sweet girl, we're all so, so proud of you!" Mum hugged me and I smiled
"We had that already today, Mum." I chuckled and she pulled awa, sniffling lightly.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry!" she whispered and managed to smile a little.
"Come here, my little owl." Dad pulled me in another bear hug "Kick their asses, Lizzie. Show them how good you really are." he whispered and I nodded.
"I'll try my best." I whispered back, then he pulled me away and next Sissy, then Marcus hugged me.
"We're proud of you."
"You'll win this."
"Only if my two little lads hug me!" I smiled at my nephews and both hugged me in an instant.
"Good luck, Lizzie!" Benji chirped.
"I know that you'll win!" Liam smiled brightly.
"Thank you guys so much!" I kissed their heads and then waved one last time.
Then I turned around, following JK out on the grid.
"Lizzie! Lizzie!" Martin Brundle caught up to us and I smiled at him "Woman of the hour. Pole setter, contract renewal, maybe race winner?"
"I will try my very best to achieve it." I replied and he smiled.
"3 more years with Audi, what a way to announce it, here, in front of your home crowd."
"They don't say for nothing there's no place like home, you know."
"Very well said. And I'm being honest with you, I'm rooting for you today. No better way to celebrate your contract renewal than with a home race win. Good luck out there!"
"Thanks, Martin!" he squeezed my shoulder and then hurried off, right when we arrived at my car.
"This is it. The moment you've been waiting for." JK smiled and I looked up at the sky for a moment. Watched the clouds brighten up a little.
"This is it. Indeed." I smiled and saw Charles coming over.
"Ready for it?" he smiled.
"Baby, let the race begin."
Charles chuckled and then hugged me one last time, kissing my temple.
"You can do it. We all believe in you. You'll win this race today!" he whispered and I nodded.
"I see you next to me then?"
"Oh hell yes." he nudged my chin gently and then walked back to his car, getting ready himself.
I turned around, taking my balaclava first and then my helmet from JK, putting both on. Then I climbed in the car, got buckled and strapped in, put my gloves on and waited lastly for my steering wheel. A sense of calmness was washing over me and I felt myself smiling. This was my home. This was my win.
"Ready?" Matt signaled me and I gave him the thumbs up.
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I never felt this at one with my car. It was almost like the car and my brain were connected and whatever I thought, the car reacted immediately. I was like in a tunnel, my whole surroundings faded away and it was only me, my car and the track. It felt like I heard Pete for the first time in hours when he told me that I should bring it home.
"Last lap?" I asked, almost flabbergasted.
"Last lap, Lizzie." he radioed back and I couldn't believe it.
"Already.. you were flying." he chuckled.
I breezed past Sachs, into turn 13 and 14, next into turn 15 and lastly into the Südkurve, watching the grandstand, a sea of black, red and yellow. I spotted the checkered flag and it was done. I won. Hockenheim.
"I won..." my voice barely a whisper.
"Yes you did! You won!"
"We're all so proud of you, little one! Amazing race!"
"Thank you guys so much! This is our win. All the hard work every single one poured into this made us win today!"
"It was you, who won today!" Felix radioed "You drove brilliantly, Lizzie."
"Thanks Felix, for everything."
"We're so proud of you, little one."
"Where's Valtteri?"
"P4. We earned a big chunk of points today. Well done!" I was overwhelmed. I won. Hockenheim. My mind went into autopilot. I parked the car in the middle spot. Unbuckled my seatbelt and headrest. Unclipped my steering wheel and climbed out. The crowd chanting. My name. Unbelievable. On shaky legs I jumped into my team. Celebrated our victory.
Watched my family celebrating my win.
"YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! YOU WON!" Liam and Benji chirped and I hugged them both, jumping up and down.
"We're so proud of you. You were amazing!" Dad patted my helmet and I saw Mum wiping away some tears.
"Mum! Enough tears, come on!" I chuckled and she nodded.
"Go! Celebrate!" she smiled, looking behind me and without even turning around I knew who she was looking at.
I pulled my helmet off and turned around, Charles. Helmet already off. Wearing his biggest, most adorable smile. His eyes sparkling, looking at me. I pulled my balaclava off and sprinted towards him, not caring for a single moment what people would say, and jumped into his arms.
"You won, cara mia! I'm so proud of you!" he whispered, hugging me tight and the moment he pulled away slightly, I captured his lips in a searing kiss.
The world faded to nothing. Only Charles and I. And after what felt like ages my head started to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen and I slowly pulled away.
"I love you." I breathed out and Charles smile made my heart go faster.
"In front of everyone? What's gotten into you?" he chuckled and I smiled sheepishly.
"I don't give a fuck anymore. I have a seat for the next 3 years in the best team. I won my home race. I have the best family and friends. And I have you. Why would I care about anyone else anymore?"
"I love you, my crazy girl." he whispered against my lips and kissed me again, right when someone cleared their throat, making us pull away.
"I really don't want to interrupt..."
"No, its fine..." I laughed, taking the microphone.
"Lizzie! Congrats on your win here today! What a race. At no time your win was in danger. How do you feel, after winning your home race?" Nico Rosberg asked and I took a deep breath, looking up at the crowd, the sea of German flags, the people chanting my name.
"I'm speechless. Seriously. I'm overwhelmed with it all... I was the whole race like in a tunnel. Just kept doing my thing. I think I never spoke this little with Pete during a race."
"You were genuinely surprised when your race engineer told you that it was the last lap?"
"Yeah, because I was so freaking focused. I swear I don't even know anymore when I pitted! It was all one big blur." I chuckled a little.
"You did amazing. Congratulations. You made all of Germany proud today, am I right?" Nico turned to the crowd and the chanting got even louder "Congratulations again, Lizzie, what an unbelievable race!"
"Thanks Nico." I smiled, handing Charles the microphone and followed the F1 official to the cool down room.
I put my helmet down, grabbed a bottle of water and sat down, closing my eyes. All the emotions almost bubbling over. I still couldn't believe it. I won Hockenheim.
"There she is, my race winner." Charles walked in and I smiled "How does it feel? Winning your home race?"
"Umm... freaking amazing? Overwhelming? Fucking awesome?" I laughed and he nodded "You kept Max behind you then?" I looked at him, when a replay of the race start was shown.
"Yeah, wasn't easy though." he shrugged, right when Max walked in.
"There she is. Home GP winner." he smiled and hugged me "What a race. I think I saw you at the start the only time the whole race."
"Our pace was out of this world today." I nodded when I watched another replay on the screen. Sainz going wide off track. I couldn't stop the grin from forming.
"Come on now, lets get your trophy!" Charles pulled me out of my chair, then he grabbed something out of his helmet and threw it around my shoulders, I looked down. A German flag.
"It's your home race! Let's go, don't let your crowd wait." he pushed me towards the door and I braced myself one last time, then stepped outside.
I climbed up the highest step, the sun breaking through the cloudy sky, the crowd chanting my name. I did it. I really did it. I watched Michael, one of our head strategists walk outside, hugging me again, taking his place on the right. Next came Charles, then Max. I took off my cap and looked up in the sky as the German anthem played. Charles smiled up at me proudly and I couldn’t contain the smile on my own face. The crowd singing along our anthem. Dad, Pete and Felix all together screaming it from the top of their lungs. Liam and Benji waving and clapping. I felt invincible. The moment the anthem stopped I prepared myself to lift up the most important trophy of my life so far. I held the German flag together, taking the trophy from Stefano Domenicali, who congratulated me and stepped aside. The moment I lifted the trophy over my head the crowd erupted. It was almost deafening. I sat my trophy down, waving at Liam and Benji when Les Toreadors started playing and I felt myself getting soaked in champagne from 3 sides. I managed to grab my bottle and spray a little champagne myself before we toasted our bottles together.
"Cheers to Lizzie!" Charles smiled at me and I took a swig of champagne, immediately scrunching up my nose.
We all huddled together to take the photos and I felt like I would never stop smiling. All the way down the podium, back to the garage where every single one of my team hugged me, to my family doing the same. The smile on my face only getting bigger and bigger. I even enjoyed the interviews and the press conference for once, even joked around.
"Go back to your team now, and later on, we’re going to celebrate!" Charles kissed me one last time and I cocked an eyebrow.
"Where are we going?"
"You’ll see. And now go!" he pushed me up the stairs of the Audi hospitality, laughing when I turned around and stocked out my tongue "GO!"
I shook my head and walked inside, the team already celebrating.
"I heard that Charles planned a party?" Felix looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I have no idea. Honestly."
"There is still one last race before the summer break next week…" I could see how he was fighting off a big smile and made my best puppy eyes.
"Only a ittle partying? Pretty please?" I pouted and Felix laughed.
"Just a little!" he said and I cheered.
"Let’s fucking gooo!"
It was like I was floating on cloud 9 the next days. After a big hangover for the half of Monday, the big smile on my face returned immediately back. I won Hockenheim. My home race. One more race and it was summer break. Life couldn’t be better. Only the weather didn’t pass the vibe check. Still heavy rains. Still grey skies. Spa would be another battle in the rain.
"Lizzie, how do you feel? After winning your home gp, seeing how good the updates worked?" Lawrence Barretto asked.
"Honestly, it still feels a little unreal. I mean it was an incredible, unbelievable feeling. The atmosphere was great, the fans were amazing. It was overall one of my best weekends in F1 so far for me." I replied with a big smile.
"Spa is, after Hockenheim of course, one of your favourite tracks, do you think the updates will work on this track as well?"
"I’m confident that the car will do great here as well, yes."
"There has been a lot of… different opinions about your contract renewal, what do you say to the people, thinking you don’t deserve a seat in F1?"
"I did the talking on track. I won a race, three in total in my third season in a midfield to slightly top team. While others in top teams won their first race in their sixth season. That’s all I have to say."
"Thank you Lizzie and good luck this weekend."
"Thanks." I smiled and walked off,
"Subtle." Julie chuckled and I shrugged.
"He could’ve just shut the f up and not comment on it. I just won my home race and instead of saying that he’s happy for me. Or just laugh and say good for her. No he had to say that it leaves him worried for Sainz, because he hoped that he would get my seat to make him stay in F1… he can fuck right off." I said, raising my voice at the end when I spotted the very person of my rage.
"Yeah, he should’ve just kept quiet. But you know him…" Julie sighed and we walked towards the exit.
"Yeah. Doesn’t make it better."
"I know. Let’s go. Ignore him." she lead me outside and for a brief moment Norris looked up, his eyes on mine, but I looked away and kept walking.
"I guess I have to do the talking on track again this weekend." I mumbled, and Julie nodded.
"That you do! And you show everyone that you deserve this seat more than Sainz does. Period."
"Oh 100 %."
"Hey Mr. Pole sitter." I smiled at Charles when he unlocked the car, ushering me inside "Not gonna lie. That lap was sexy."
"Oh come one, silly girl." he laughed, starting the engine.
"What? Max had all purples and was this close setting a new lap record and then you chimed in with all purples beating his time, even closer to a new lap record and then just casually top your won times with again all purples and really set a new record?" I looked at him and he shook his head "That was sexy. So. Damn. Sexy."
"Okay, okay!" he chuckled and I smiled "It was a good quali, I’m just sorry for you."
"The rules are the rules. He set the time first, so he’s in front of me." I shrugged my shoulders a little and Charles sighed.
"I know, it still sucks. You’ll be in a Lando and Carlos sandwich at the start."
"Ewww, don’t you dare ever saying that again!" I punched his arm and he laughed.
"Sorry. But seriously. Be careful."
"I will be, don’t worry." I said, looking out the window, watching how the rain kept pouring down.
"Let’s just hope for better weather tomorrow. Spa and that rain? That’s a red flag fest." Charles said and I nodded.
"Yeah, let’s really hope for better weather."
But all hopes and prayers were for nothing. It was still raining cats and dogs and when we arrived at the track, we were soaked down to our bones.
"I’ll see you later, cara mia." Charles kissed me and left.
I walked inside, taking my rain coat off, watching a few team members sit huddled together in the corner.
"That’s just sad. Both cars? I mean, better than the whole Australia incident, giving the driver who crashed out the other one’s car… but still…" Matt said and shook his head.
"What happened?" I asked and they turned around, greeting me.
"Williams won’t start the race. With both cars. They had to withdraw. Chassis and PU problems. They didn’t get ready in time because the spare parts were missing." Matt said and I looked at him with big eyes "Yeah, it’s sad…"
"Fucking hell, both cars? Damn." I mumbled, taking my phone out to read the official F1 article.
I finished reading when Charles texted me, saying he overheard the biggest news. When I asked him what it was he replied to wait and enjoy. I groaned and JK looked at me questioningly.
"You good?"
"Charles said A but not B…"
"Sorry, what? Is that a weird sex code?"
"What the fuck? No! He hinted at something but then didn’t tell me what it was about and I want to know!" I looked at him with big eyes.
"Oh, okay. So you mean if you are at the ball, you must dance. The saying goes who says A must say B in German?" JK asked.
"Better than if you’re at the ball, you must dance? That’s weird? And so long!" I defended and he held his hands up.
"I forgot, German efficiency."
"Exactly. German efficiency."
"Will you tell me now what you heard?" I asked Charles when we got ready after the anthem and he chuckled, grabbing my hand "Charles!"
"Patience, cara mia, patience!" he pulled me with him, looking around, searching for something.
"What are you looking for?"
He shook his head and then spotted Sainz, pulling me towards him.
"Carlos. Hey. I overheard the big news earlier, congrats on your new team. Looks like they all can’t wait for you to come, in fact, they were this excited that they completely forgot to get their car’s ready for the race." Charles said and I looked at him with big eyes "Let’s go, cara mia."
"What the…" I began, looking at him.
"He signed with Williams. I heard him, his father and cousin and Sylvia talk about it. The way they want to announce it." he chuckled and then turned around, grinning at Sainz who looked our way.
"You’re evil." I whispered, following his look.
"I know… but you love it, no?"
"Not gonna lie, it’s hot. Scary, but hot." I chuckled and he laughed.
"What is scary but hot?" Andrea asked and JK just shook his head.
"Do we even want to know." he rolled his eyes and I laughed.
"We were just talking about our good friend Sainz."
"What about him?" Andrea asked and Charles wiggled his eyebrows.
"He has a new team… sadly that team has no car on the grid…"
"He sighed with Williams?" JK asked, his head snapping around, watching Sainz "On the weekend where both cars have a DNS?"
"Williams. One of the worst team on the grid…"
"You know, like a really famous poet once said: You play stupid games, You win stupid prizes." I shrugged and all 3 looked at me for a moment.
"Taylor Swift." they said in unison and I laughed.
"I’m proud of you, my fellow Swiftie."
"Let’s get you guys in the car." JK rolled his eyes playfully and I pushed him away.
"Good luck, cara mia. Be careful. They both are ruthless at the start! I want you on that podium with me." Charles pulled me close, then kissed me gently "Drive safe. These conditions allow zero mistakes. I love you."
"I love you too, go and win this race." I smiled and he nodded, pecking my lips again, before he walked off with Andrea.
"Alright. Let’s get you in the car, come on." JK said and I nodded, turning around and preparing for the race.
When I sat in the car, everything was checked and ready, I took a deep breath. Looking to my left, spotting Norris who looked my way. I had to fight off Tweedledee and Tweedledum right at the start. Great. One last radio check and the formation started, the spray from Max making my vision practically non existent. As soon as we were back in our grid boxes I focused on the lights and accelerated the moment they went out, gaining massive momentum, almost instantly overtaking Norris. I inwardly cheered a little, pushing the throttle full through, focusing on what was happening in front, while trying to stay ahead of Norris and Sainz.
"Red Flag. Red Flag." Pete radioed and I cursed.
"What happened?"
"Daniel, Pierre, Ocon, Stroll and Alonso had a little something."
"Everyone okay?"
"Yeah, looks like Ocon and Alonso won’t be able to continue."
"Safety car."
The track was clear surprisingly fast and we all left the pits again, following the safety car.
"Standing start, Lizzie, back in P4."
"Of course." I mumbled hoping for another good start like the one minutes ago and was pleasantly surprised when I breezed past Norris for the second time today.
The rain was slightly getting lighter, the sight was still bad though and the first laps I had to focus more on seeing something than on driving fast. But that soon changed and I saw Sainz coming closer and closer.
"What lap are we in? I can’t read it."
27 more to go. I could do it. I could stay ahead.
"Weather update." I radioed after another 3 laps.
"No change for the next 6-8 laps."
"And then?"
"Heavier rain."
"Okay." I sighed.
The track was slippery and I felt my car slide from left to right, right to left in every turn I took. Charles and Max in front were having the same issues, fighting each other hard. I slipped and hit a kerb hard, feeling how I was losing the rear, but managed to keep the car on track, giving Sainz the opportunity to come even closer.
"Check the floor."
"On it."
I waited anxiously for Pete’s reply, while trying my best to stay ahead of Sainz.
"No significant damage."
The next 4 laps Sainz caught up to me, trying to overtake me and I had to fight him off more than I liked. The rain was slightly getting heavier, my sight was getting worse. 20 more laps to go. And Sainz was now closer than ever.
"I don’t think I can fight him off much longer." I radioed.
"Lizzie, let him pass… you can catch up to him again. But with your tyres now, it’s too dangerous."
I didn’t answer. Giving up my position wasn’t what I wanted. Especially not to him. But destroying my tyres by fighting him off, having no grip in these conditions was indeed dangerous.
I clenched my jaw and drove to the left, making space for Sainz to overtake me, which he did immediately. I had a bad feeling when I saw him breeze past me and as if on cue his car was wavering, losing grip, his left rear tyre, touching my front tyre and I felt my car sliding to the left, trying my best to keep it on track but it was already too late. I lost all control, losing the rear entirely, spinning out, the wet track didn’t slow me down and by the time I reached the gravel my car was already spinning to fast and I prepared myself for the impact. The moment I hit the wall, pain erupted in my back and I screamed out. Panting heavily.
"Are you okay?" Pete radioed and I tried my best to calm down my breathing "Lizzie?"
"I- I ca-…" my voice broke, breathing staggered.
"Lizzie? Hey! LIZZIE! Can you hear me? Are you okay!" Pete shouted in my ear.
"I’m okay." I pressed out, hearing my blood rushing in my ears.
I was heaving. Hands shaking. A pain raging through my back like a wild fire. The pain in my neck and shoulders, mind numbing. I looked ahead, saw what was left of my car stuck in the wall, front tyres, hood, all gone.
"Stay put. The medical car and marshall’s are on their way."
"Yeah, little one?"
"I can’t feel my legs."
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Chapter 46 - winning a home GP is something special and making Lizzie win hers was one of my favourite things in this whole fic, as a German myself I miss having a German GP and most importantly a German driver in a big team who can actually fight for wins (sorry Nico 🙈) … what else happened? Oh, yeah… Belgium… 😬 I guess I’ll leave you hanging for a bit…
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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obsessedwrhys · 21 hours
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo and Donnie, separately, fall in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, no angst, bunch of goofiness, fem reader!!
When he met you, he thought you were just a simple human April had introduced to him and his brothers.
So when you suddenly transformed into a giant white snake to help the brothers fight against the foot clan, it threw him off guard.
He was completely drawn towards your snake form. The head was adorned with intricate patterns and your eyes glistened like twin emeralds. He could feel himself being lured into a hypnosis everytime he stares into them.
Of course that doesn't mean he likes your human form any less.
Once he finally got to know you properly, he couldn't help but fall for you HARD.
You were naturally quiet but the moment you talk to someone you were comfortable with or trusted very much, you would just beam with this beautiful glow as you talked about your favourite topic.
That's what Leo finds so fascinating about you.
After learning some of your interests or hobbies, he would always purposely ask you about a certain thing related to it just to see that joy on you. Your smile was infectious that he would sometimes fail to notice himself smiling while listening to you talk.
He also realised you would hiss whenever you were frustrated or felt threatened, you say that it's a hard habit to let go even when you were in your human form. It was just your instincts.
He doesn't mind much about it but he can't help but find it adorable when you'd hiss at someone just because they wanted one piece of the potato chips you were enjoying.
Since you curl up everytime you sleep, you'd constantly be found sleeping on one of the sofas curled up like a snake would. Leo once stumbled upon you in that state and was concern on whether or not if your back hurts sleeping like that for such a long time.
That's why the next time you went to your usual spot to nap, you'd find it filled with blankets and pillows for you to snuggle with. You didn't know who it was but seeing the familiarity of the pillows, you knew immediately it was Leo.
All these little moments shared between you both, Leo would storm up ideas of the right way to confess his feelings to you.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that he wouldn't dare miss!!
That is why he decided to ask you out to Run of the Mill Pizza. The first reason being that he'll feel most confident if he has his buddy Hueso there to provide some support and the second reason being him wanting to treat you to some good pizza.
The night went on just fine, you were laughing and enjoying yourself. After dinner was over, he had insisted to take you to a good spot to enjoy the city view. To your surprise the rooftop of the building was decorated with flowers.
As you examined the flowers clearly planted by the owner of the place, you failed to notice Leo who had a bouquet in his hand. It was when you turn around that you finally see it, the roses being the same shade as the blush on his face.
"Oh Leo... you didn't have to"
"Well it's worth it if I get to see that killer smile of yours. Besides, I know I'm probably not the most romantic guy, but I'd like to try" He said and you raise an eyebrow at him, a bit taken back.
"What are you trying to say here?"
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've captured the heart of a charming, witty, and incredibly handsome man like myself. Is it too much to ask for yours?"
He'd look at you with a smirk to try to cover up his anxiousness, you couldn't help but laugh as you accept his confession. You can imagine how overjoyed he was when he picked you up and swung you around in his arms.
Which is why you'll have to get use to his terrible dad jokes about your snake abilities. It comes with the love.
"Hey hey (Y/N), what do you call a snake that can't make up its mind?"
"I don’t know, what is it?"
"A hesssssitate!"
Insert him laughing to himself as he slaps his knee.
He's a flirty boy. Not to mention very cheesy at it, he chose to nickname you 'Sapphire' because of your eyes. Just imagine him going around being "Oh my Sapphire" or "My sweet Sapphire" whenever he's talking to you. It drives his brothers insane.
Nonetheless, he thinks that you are the most venomfully gorgeous girl he has ever seen. His words, not mine.
When April had introduced you to the group, he was fascinated with your whitish hair. He was curious whether or not if it was genetics.
The second you had transformed into a giant white snake to save the brothers out of a messy fight. He was completely blown away.
Your scales shimmered like a thousand tiny diamonds and your movements were both fluid and swift. Watching you fight was mesmerising like a scene out of a fantasy movie.
Naturally, after the fight was over and that you've all returned to the lair. He was the first to ask you about your snake form, just imagine the gleam in his eyes as he scribbles down all the information you provided him with.
Just when he thought he has studied everything Yokai, the world ceases to surprise him.
He'd definitely be very analytical once he has your consent to study your snake abilities. But soon his simple idea of coming up with a hypothesis would turn into him getting to know you better.
Despite being cold-blooded, you were the most kindest person he has ever met. You were the type of person to stop whatever it is that you were doing just to help an injured bird. It was a trait he liked about you.
Now back to the hair, when you had finally told him it was genetics due to your snake form, he was amazed by it. It just looked so good on you you know. That's why whenever you're talking to him, you'd always catch his eyes trailing up to your hair to admire the way it moves and looks.
Seeing how you were unbelievably captivating like a myth, he found himself falling deeply in love with you.
Using any excuses he could to spend time with you. His brothers could sense his eagerness to be around you so obviously they would sometimes tease him about his little crush on you, that is surprisingly something you still had no idea about.
You would offer to be in your snake form for him to examine every detail about it. He had to admit, he was afraid to approach you the first time but after some getting use to, he felt more comfortable to touch the scales on your body. It was hard as expected but your belly? It was EXTREMELY SOFT!! You once giggled from how ticklish it felt and he couldn't help but swoon.
Which brings the reason why he is so devoted to make you laugh. It's like music to his ears!!
That's why every now and then you guys would exchange funny memes and videos you'd find online. He prefers to do it in person so he could see your reaction. The way your expression changes as your lips start to curve upwards is what satisfies him the most.
SO WORTH IT!!! He'd always tell himself.
After what seemed to be days, he finally convinced himself to confess his feelings towards you. The problem however is that he struggles with his words, which is ironic considering he's the smartest out of his brothers.
That's why he came up with an idea. He IS smart.
It was a normal day, you were in your apartment simply scrolling through your laptop until a virtual mail with a heart shaped wax seal popped up from the corner of the screen.
At first you were afraid it was a stupid virus you accidentally installed until you see the words 'From Donnie' displayed next to it. Feeling assured, you clicked on it.
Thats when your screen was covered by confetti, you chuckled as you see hearts also floating around the opened mail. You then began to read what was written.
"Hey (Y/N), do you know how sometimes you see a picture of a fluffy kitten, and your heart just melts? Or how you hum along to a song even though you have no idea what the words mean? That's kind of how I feel around you. Just… happy. Feeling of belong... to put it short, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm kind of falling for you. But no pressure of course!! No expectations!! Just wanted to get that off my chest!! But it wouldn't hurt to ask if you felt the same. Do you feel the same??"
Your heart practically melt by his confession and right below contained two boxes. One writes 'Yes' and the other 'No'.
After a quick minute of consideration and freaking out, you pressed yes. You laugh when a white snake began to slither out and blow you a kiss.
At the other side of the city, the moment Donnie received the answer back from his computer, he almost fell out of his seat from pure shock. YOU SAID YESS?? YOU DIDN'T MISS CLICK RIGHT???
Once the relationship became official, he'd definitely be more affectionate towards you, but he gets easily flustered when it's you who initiate it.
So get use to being showered with gifts because this man expresses his love better with his actions 😚
To put it simply, he worships you and gives you the appreciation you long deserve, from head to toe 'til the end of time.
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stevie-petey · 1 day
Hi m! I had a short blurb idea for you. Could we see Jonathan's pov after his fight with Nancy, and what drove him to go to bugs house? Also his POV throughout their car ride together? Thank you! ❤️
finally had time to get to this one and YES i can <333
enjoy !
"well then i guess we just dont understand each other anymore."
the pain in nancys voice hasnt left jonathans mind since he dropped her off at home hours ago.
he lays in his bed, sheets cold as the night creeps upon him. do they really not understand each other anymore? jonathan knows he understands nancys frustration, how painful it is to be overlooked, but how can he explain to her that hes unable to understand the feeling of security?
hes never had that before in his life. ever since he was a boy, his life has been defined by instability and insecurity.
it was meeting you that brought some sense of security into jonathans life. youre the only thing jonathan considers a constant in his life; he trusts that youll always be a part of him.
he isnt like nancy. he doesnt have a mom who attends to his needs. a house in a cul de sac with freshly painted shutters. jonathan doesnt have the privilege of being a kid, not when hes been helping to pay for his familys rent ever since he was fourteen and legally able to work. he isnt able to lose a job that can pay for his college like nancy can.
security is a foreign concept to jonathan that he cant understand, yet he understands that the burn within him is his love for nancy. and he understands that he cant lose her.
sighing, jonathan gets out of bed and towards the phone in the kitchen. he has to hear your voice, soothe his nerves, maybe even cry. right now, jonathan needs his best friend.
youll know what to do. you always do.
when he calls you and you sound just as exhausted as he feels, he knows that tonight will be one of your driving nights. a few years ago, when your only worries were exams and parental issues, you and jonathan would drive around hawkins late at night and pretend you were the only two people to exist.
as you got older, the need to drive became few and far between, but tonight jonathans chest is heavy and your voice sounds frail.
hes at your house in ten minutes, and within fifteen he has you in his passenger seat with an old mix tape playing as julys cool night seeps through the car. and, within thrity minutes, youve unwoven all of the intricate strings of fear and uncertainty within jonathan.
he loves you for how easily you put him at ease.
you simultaneously support jonathans side while also vehemently defend nancys. you console him, yet you also gently pry his head out of his ass.
"it frustrates me how you always manage to say the right thing." i love how you love me.
"youve known me for years now, its your fault for not getting used to it." ive grown up learning how to love you.
its easy. its as easy as breathing when it comes to you, and jonathan inhales as much of you as he can. for as long as he can, for as much as hes able to.
and then you break jonathans heart with six words.
"im terrified he'll be another 'almost'."
its as easy as breathing, and jonathan wishes that he could exhale for you. he hasnt forgotten the lines that were once almost his to cross. how he had you, all of you, and now youre steves and hes nancys.
in the end it was all for the best, but jonathan hates the scars he left behind. he hadnt meant to, they will always mar your body, and he will never forgive himself for it.
"im sorry, bug." he shouldve apologized earlier. he knows this.
he wishes that there was more he could do, more he could say. but hes never been good with words and hes scared he'll overstep somehow. say the wrong thing, hurt you even more. so instead jonathan holds your hands, kisses away your tears, and silently prays that steve doesnt make the same mistake that he did.
youre steves now, anyone can see that. you love him so deeply and freely that jonathan cant help but admire how beautiful it is. he can see it in steve, too. how much he loves you.
that boy adores you.
jonathan understands the feeling. he always will.
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