#//Oh jesus here comes the dead jokes
whimsyfinny · 6 days
He’s a Winchester
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: It's been a long time since (Y/n) and Dean's paths have crossed. Last time they saw each other it was ‘98 and they were young and living in the moment. Nine years down the Line, their paths cross again, but (Y/n)s longest kept secret is about to become Deans reality.
Slow burn (ish), mom!reader, eventual smut
Warnings: language, mention of drugs
Chapter Word Count: 2330
A/N: wooooop new series! I'm trying something new with this one! As a mom myself I loooove reading mom!reader fics, so I wanted to write my own. It's a slightly shorter first chapter, but the following ones should be longer. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, reading your comments makes my day ❤️ and of course, this is proofread only by myself so pls pls let me know of any errors! I really hope you enjoy it. I also didn’t write this at 2am for once so brownie points to me hahaha
Photos from Pinterest
Chapter 1
“Come on, (Y/n)! You have to tell me all about it! What was he like? Did you kiss? Hold hands? Where did he take you?”
I couldn’t help but smile at the rapidfire questions spewing from Kats mouth. Kat, the stunner sat opposite me with perfect dark skin and the inability to have a bad hair day, was my closest friend. We lived on the same street, drank at the same bar and both hated this small, slightly judgemental town equally. We bonded over the similarities in our lives - like both of us having fallen pregnant at a young age and being dealt the hand of having to raise our kids as single parents. Life was fucking hard sometimes (well, nearly all the time), but my son, Levi, and Kat, made this life worth living.
“Jesus Christ, ok! The date was ok.”
“Uh oh. ‘Ok’? That means it was awful, right?” she raised an eyebrow.
I took a gulp of my coffee.
“The date was ok. But he was…. Seriously not my type. He was too…perfect?” I winced as the words left my mouth, fully aware of how utterly ridiculous that sounded.
“Girl, ‘too perfect’? What the fuck kind of excuse is that?” Kat snorted slightly into her latte.
“I know, I know. But he reminded me of a Ken doll, ya’know? With his white jeans and his Armani sweater over his shoulders - that’s not really… me. The dude gets more manicures than I do. Plus he drives a Fiat Panda. Levi wouldn’t be caught dead getting in and out of one of those.”
“You can’t use your sons taste in cars to dictate the men in your life. That’s a low blow and you know it.”
“Ok then, you go out with Robert and tell me about all the kale facts that you never wanted to learn.” I leant back on the couch, clutching my coffee with both hands to bring some warmth to my fingertips. Kat did the same opposite me, leaning back in the plush armchair as we both took a second to glance out of the large café windows. This was our happy place, right here. It was the place we would come to when we first met and the boys were still in diapers. It was our happy place for the last nine years, and we would come here for every situation: be it a breakup, a catch-up, to discuss terrible sexual encounters or dire situations that need insane back-up plans. But we mostly came here to people-watch. Being the young, single moms that we were, we were constantly under the scrutiny of the small town, having every decision judged by the perfect Jeep-driving soccer moms and the old ladies from church. When we came here, to sit by this window in these comfy-as-fuck couches, it was our turn to do a little judging.
“Vicki Priestley isn't fooling anyone with those sunglasses,” I said, taking another sip of coffee as I watched the thin peroxide blonde across the street repeatedly wipe her nose with the back of her hand.
“Right? We get shunned for…well… fuck all, yet that Paris wannabe can snort coke on a Tuesday school run and everyone turns a blind eye? What a joke.”
“Amen to that,” we watched her for a few more seconds as she climbed behind the wheel of some monstrous four by four and sped off down the road.
“Did you hear that Mrs. Harris caught Mr. Harris with a young mistress? Apparently she works at the bank.”
“Oh my GOD yes I heard!” Kat exclaimed, leaning forward, “and as revenge she put Nair in his shampoo - he's completely hairless, even his eyebrows are gone.”
We both snickered as we raised our mugs.
“To Mrs. H for taking no shit.”
Conversation flowed as topics ranged from the new dessert parlour that opened last week down the road to the extortionate price of kids' Motocross gear.
“I mean the bikes are so tiny, why do they have to cost that much?”
“You're preaching to the choir babes, Toby just outgrew his boots for the third time this year,” Kat grimaced at the thought of how much money she'd spent already.
“Ouch, they're like what? Eighty bucks a pair?”
“Yeah well, I had to get Levi a new helmet after that little dickhead from the tournament last month crashed into the side of him. That boy was more upset about the stickers he lost than the bruises he got,” I shook my head with a smile on my lips. Kat did the same.
“That's a tough kid you've got there.”
I sighed.
“Yeah I know. Despite never having met him, he's so much like his dad. It's a little concerning actually,” I laughed nervously, instantly regretting bringing up Levi’s father in front of Kat. I glanced up at her, taking a sip of my coffee in an attempt to hide behind the mug. The wiggling of her eyebrows being an indicator of her impending wrath.
“That man is the reason why you’re never satisfied with your dates. He set that bar waaaay too high.”
I scoffed. “He did not. We were young and he just swept me off my feet a bit, that’s all; with that ‘give ‘em Hell’ attitude and handsome face. Plus he had a great car.”
“Last time you said his face was ‘gorgeous’,” Kat cupped her face and fluttered her eyelashes, puckering her lips. I threw a sugar packet at her which she batted right back at me.
There was a moment of quiet as we both looked out the window again, my mind unable to stop itself from racing through old memories.
“Do you think he’ll ever come calling?” Kat asked, some sincerity to her tone. I sighed and slumped back further on the couch.
“I highly doubt it. He doesn’t even know that Levi exists. I tried calling him a few years back but some guy John W. had that number instead. I gave up after that. Plus, he had this kinda dangerous job, and normally if he showed up it was because something was going to go down,” I paused, looking into the dark liquid in my cup, “It’s probably a good thing that he hasn’t just shown up.”
“You say that, but you still have that photo you took together on your vanity.”
I shot her a look, pursing my lips and pinching my brows as she laughed, knowing she'd stumped me there. I quickly downed my coffee and checked my watch before standing and grabbing my bag.
“Come on, let's stop interrogating me and go pick up the boys before all Hell breaks loose at the track.”
“Mom it wasn't my fault, I swear.”
I slammed the car door closed and turned to the boy who stood close enough to be my shadow.
I turned around to face him with a stern expression, “so you did do it? After I called that boys mom a liar? LEVI.”
Levi, my son, looked close to tears, his bottom lip trembling.
“Mom, I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again!”
I narrowed my eyes at him before sighing, already exasperated, throwing the car keys into my bag.
“Did you at least stick to the golden rule?”
His answer was a vigorous nod, the tremble in his lip disappearing.
“‘Never throw the first punch; throw the second and finish the fight,’” he recited the words like a prayer.
“‘Always claim self defence.’”
I smiled and ruffled his soft brown hair.
“Good boy. What started the fight anyway?” I asked, guiding him to walk through the parking lot towards that new dessert parlour.
“He said I was weird for not having a dad.”
I looked down at him, eyes softening and I lifted a hand to rub his shoulder. It wasn't the first time he'd had this argument, and it likely won't be the last. Kids can be assholes. “And then he hit me when I said ‘at least my mom's boobs are real.’”
“Levi!” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, mortified. I didn't even know where to start with that one. “Where-”
“Jamie from math class told me what ‘implants’ were… and he said that Brad's mom had them.”
He looked up at me innocently, and I knew then that he didn't fully grasp what he'd said to Brad - the kid he'd just punched between the eyes. I sighed for the umpteenth time and started walking again.
“Whatever, just… don't say that to anyone again, ok? You're gonna make me look like a terrible parent.”
“Ok mo- whoa! Look at that car!” It was Levi's turn to stop dead in his tracks as he stood in awe of the sleek black car parked by the sidewalk.
A black Chevy Impala.
“Oh wow,” my words came out slightly breathless, my mind suddenly racing to him and the conversation I'd had with Kat earlier that afternoon.
“So cool!” Levi gushed, walking up close to it but not close enough to touch.
“Yes, very cool. Now let's go inside before they run out of ice cream,” I ushered him to the door, reflexively looking over my shoulder, not knowing if I even wanted to see who could possibly be in the area.
The bell jingled as we walked in and Levi ran up to the counter, pressing his forehead to the glass. My eyes scanned the menu and I was pleasantly surprised to see they served coffee.
“What do you fancy kiddo?” I ruffled his hair again and waited for him to decide, and it wasn't long before he'd made up his mind. After ordering, we headed towards a small table-for-two at the edge of the room, and as Levi slumped down in his chair something familiar caught my attention.
A voice.
My heart quickly became erratic in my chest and my palms grew sweaty. I looked in the direction the voice had come from and was met with a slap in the face from memory lane.
There he was; the same wicked grin and mischievous eyes that had burned themselves into my memory. He dressed the same as he did nine years ago - right down to the necklace and leather jacket. He was engrossed in a conversation with another man, who looked slightly younger than himself, all whilst digging into a stack of waffles.
The sound of Levi's voice snapped me out of the stunned fog I was caught up in and I quickly sat down, trying my best to focus on my son and not the man who was sitting only a few feet behind him. Levi looked like he was about to ask another question when a giant chocolate sundae and a coffee appeared at the table. I heard the waitress challenge Levi to finish the whole thing, but it was like I was listening to the world through water. My mind wouldn't stop racing. He's here. Do I talk to him? Will he remember me? Do I tell him about Levi? I hurriedly pulled my phone from my bag and sent her a hasty message before turning back to the boy in front of me, convincing a smile to appear on my lips.
“If you have room in that black-hole stomach of yours then you definitely could've finished your veggies earlier at dinner.”
He smirked slightly, like he always did when he knew he was getting away with murder, and it almost took my breath away. I saw the same smirk grace the lips of the man in the booth behind him. The mans gaze shifted to the side and when his eyes met mine - the same vibrant twists of green and gold that I have tattooed on my memory - I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart leaping in my chest as I tore my eyes away. I clutched my coffee cup, staring intently at the dark swirling liquid, praying to anyone or anything that I'd find the answers to my troubles in the bottom of this mug. The prickling on my skin was unshakable, like his eyes were on me and I was trapped under his intense observation, unable to breath. Minutes felt like hours, and eventually he and his companion stood before heading to the door. The moment they were gone with the bell signalling their departure, the air gushed from my lungs as I dropped my head into my hands, earning myself a confused look from my son. I offered him a reassuring smile which he accepted before returning to shovelling ice-cream into his face.
Just when I thought I was safe, I looked up and locked eyes with him. Our eyes locked through the window just as he opened the car door, leaning on it. It was like time froze, and for a few moments, despite my earlier urgency to not make eye contact, I was now unable to look away. My breath caught in my throat as a smirk pulled at his lips before he ducked down into the driver's seat, slamming the car door closed. I found myself chewing on my bottom lip as he tore out of the parking lol, that familiar rumble of the engine practically rattling the windows and, despite the noise, it was a comforting sound.
Once they were out of sight and the impala could no longer be heard, I sighed, pushing my hair off my face and running my hands through my hair. As Levi polished off the last of his ice-cream, my phone buzzed on the table. Opening it and reading the message, a small wave of relief washed over me as Kat confirmed that Toby would be at his dad's for once so she could come over to drink wine and discuss very important topics. She hasn't got a clue what I need to vent about yet, but I feel like tonight is going to be a very long night.
Next Chapter: Chapter 2
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @megara0224 @libby99hb @roseblue373 @hobby27 @calibootsgirl @lyarr24 @autistic-gothic @wattpaduser200 @spndeanwinchesterlvr @mxtansy @magssteenkamp @redmaro86 @slut-for-evans-stan @spookyysinsanity @localjisung @king-of-milf-lovers @xshortputax @jerksbitch @multifandoms-saidwhat @deans-baby-momma @writersxxx
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365granitegirlx · 1 month
⋆˚₊ show me what you are ⋆˚₊
enemies with benefits vessel x f!reader
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summary: you despise your friend of a friend vessel, and he despises you. but you quickly learn you have more in common that you ever thought.
7.4k words
tags, head's up, etc: SMUT, soft sub!vessel, soft domme!reader, lots of antagonizing one another, enemies to lovers, established enemies, casual arrangement, making out, idiots in lust, sexting, masturbation (m + f), praise, dirty talk, pet names (puppy, mommy), cockwarming, cowgirl, pronebone, squirting
a/n: I'm nervous about this one. I've been working on this before I started feeling depressed and I just want it out on the world. Also, in the (paraphrased) words of @rat-that-writes "he could never hate me. I'm too hot."
You’re minding your business at a cafe when he comes in. You lock eyes like you normally do when you happen upon each other. Blank, dead eyes. Face so flat it’s not even a scowl. Sighs. Vessel. A friend of a friend of a roommate of a friend. And a thorn in your side. Ok yes he’s very smart…and witty…and talented…but it doesn’t make him any less arrogant and annoying to be around. You two run in the same circles but that doesn’t mean you hang out. You just exist, for better or for worse, in the same space. No one could understand why you and him didn’t get along. You two weren’t so similar that it was grating, but you also weren’t so different that you were unable to find common ground. But there was something in the way of you two connecting. Of feeling anything other than hate. 
You look back down at your book until you hear the chair across from you scrap across the floor and someone slump into it. 
“I need you.”
You take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of your nose. You look up at Vessel and notice he’s staring at you expectantly. 
“Say something,” he says somewhere between a plea and a demand. 
“What are you talking about…you ‘need’ me?”
He looks down. “Uhm, well, you see…”
“Ves…spit it out.” You’re trying to keep your voice down as more people come into the cafe. Why couldn’t you have had this conversation at the party you both attended the night before? 
“I…fuck. I have…needs and…”
“Oh Jesus Christ.” You roll your eyes and crack your neck. “It’s 10 am…”
“No, let me…finish. God. I…have needs and I don’t really…want to look far. To get them met. Do you understand? Uhm…I..”
Is he asking for…?
“Use your words.”
He doubles back a little and licks his lips. Why do his eyes look watery? “Yeah. Yeah I'll use my words. Uhm. I was wondering if you’d be interested in exploring something sort of…loose with me. No strings.”
You laugh out loud from shock. “Is this a sick joke?”
Oh his little heart breaks when you laugh. You can see it. His sweet face drops. “No…no oh my god. I would never joke about this. Look. Hear me out. I…hun I am desperate. I need to just…” he puts his hand to his forehead… “I need the companionship…and the release…but I don’t have it in me to look for a relationship. Not right now and perhaps never.”
This is the first time you’ve seen him vulnerable and quite frankly you could get used to it. There was something about his voice that was different. Calm. Normal. Sincere. But you still feel that pull towards aggression. Instigation. “And someone you actively despise and harrass is your top pick for a fuck buddy?”
“I know we argue a lot!” he barks back. You shift uncomfortably as a couple at a nearby table glare at you both. Vessel clears his throat and lowers his voice. “We don’t get along. And what I’m asking for is a bit much…maybe we just…pretend for a bit? Every once in a while?” He gulps and shakes his head. “I’m genuinely pathetic, I’m…I’m so sorry. I’m being a fucking knob.”
You cross your arms and consider what he’s saying. “So you’re asking to have some kind of…situationship with me…without ever trying to be nice to me first?”
He wipes his hand down his face and groans. “I…fuck it. Yeah I am. I am here groveling and asking you to sleep with me every so often so that maybe I don’t do my own head in. And, also, I just thought maybe…since you’re…pent up and shitty like me. Maybe you’d like to have some fun every once in a while? It would be mutually beneficial. Our mouths would be busy, eyes closed. Maybe we wouldn’t even know it was the other.”
You scoff. “What is that supposed to mean? Pent up…” you straighten in your seat. But you knew exactly what he meant. You were high strung a lot, and Vessel made an excellent target for your frustrations. How could two shit stirrers find any kind of solace with each other? But…you didn’t have any other prospects banging down the door (or you). You put your hands up in surrender. “Ok. Ok. I’ll bite. Yeah…fun would be nice…”
“Right…yeah, yeah. Because I get the impression it’s been a minute for you and…”
“Dude, come on!” You interrupt. 
“Look,” he shakes his head and looks away, “you’re a nice girl when you want to be. And maybe if this arrangement is with you…someone I don’t really see often or whatever…” he finally looks you in the eyes.
That next Friday you’re in his flat for the first time. You sit on the couch awkwardly as he brings you some water and plops beside you. Ves bites the inside of his cheek. No one has really made any moves but first times are always awkward right? No matter what was going to happen tonight, it would be a first of some sort. The first time you’re nice to each other. The first time you really touch each other. “You look pretty.” He says sheepishly. 
You look down at your baggy band tee and short yoga shorts. “Don’t lie to me.”
“My god just take the compliment. We’re here just trying to have a good time and…”
“Ok ok. Thank you…Ves…that’s sweet of you to say.”
He turns a bit more towards you, searching your face. His eyes trace your body head to toe as he tries to stifle a small smile. This was his idea and yet he still doesn’t want to show you how much he likes looking at you. Being around your pretty self. You suddenly start to feel nervous as he scoots closer to you. He curls his long legs up underneath him and gently touches your arm. You study his fingers like they’re some harmless little bugs before bringing your gaze back up to his face. He’s not ugly. No. You just never think about his looks because he’s so annoying to you. But here you both are, looking at each other in quiet fascination. Your breath hitches.
“Why me, Ves?”
“Why not you?” Vessel rolls his eyes and moves a little closer and puts his hand out tentatively near your thigh. You gulp, pulling his hand to rest on your smooth skin. His hand rubs gentle strokes against you and his breath deepens. “You feel so good. God.”
He bites his lip and looks at you so dreamily. You chuckle. The world stops for what feels like the hundredth time since you’ve gotten here. You feel your head spin a little as he looks at you with what you want to call “desire,” but how could you two ever feel anything other than disdain? Vessel clears his throat slightly. “You can back out…before everything changes…”
“Everything’s changed already, Ves.”
His hand moves up your thigh and squeezes, kneading your soft flesh. He hums contently when you move closer, nearly on his lap. You were wrong when you said everything had already changed. It actually changed the moment you two instinctively moved closer. Not a kiss, but a hug. At first it was tense. Like siblings being told to hug it out. But soon the awkwardness wasn’t the most distracting thing. It was how he felt to you. Sure he was lanky and toned, but he had a softness. A gentleness in how his arms pulled you close and enveloped you. It made you feel like the tiniest thing. And you could tell he enjoyed it and wanted to relax. As he loosened up, he held you closer. He breathed you in. You swear you could fall asleep until he drags cheek and nose up your neck…it reminded you of an animal scenting something. Or maybe he wanted your essence on him. He starts to speak in a barely there whisper and then clears his throat.
“May I, please, start kissing you?”
You gulp. The hug alone aroused you, and the thought of kissing him made you feel completely brainless. “Yeah,” you whisper thickly. 
Vessel places small, gentle kisses in the crook of your neck, taking his time and breathing deeply between each peck. His lips are naturally pouty and feel so soft on your skin. He lets his lower lip drag up to your jaw before placing a delicate kiss right by your earlobe. You would say you don’t know what to do with your hands but they move on instinct. One gently squeezes his waist as the other traces lazy patterns on the back of his neck. 
“I love how your nails feel on me,” he whispers. He sounds like a different person. He’s actually lost in you…and you would know because you’re lost in him. You let your hand drift up to his hairline where you begin to scratch his scalp. His head falls back; his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. You chuckle softly and move both hands to his hair. Eventually you’re in his lap but you’re hesitantly to really relax. “I’ve got you. Have a seat, love.”
You start to feel nervous and the nasty voice in your head that says you’re not worthy and perfect for this kind of situation gets louder. “Is it because I’m easy? Do you think I’m easy?” You blurt out. So many times you’ve been taken advantage of and it wouldn’t even surprise you if this was one of those times where you were in the right place and desperate. 
Vessel’s eyes open, and he looks at you completely lost. He leans forward and helps you cross your legs around his waist. “You… darling…are one of the most difficult people I’ve ever encountered. It must really mean something if you’re here…in my flat…nestled on my lap. And I’m grateful. Thank you.” He begins kissing your neck again but with more fervor this time. More need. Your back arches as his kisses become wetter and his hands knead your plush thighs and ass. It’s no use. You give in to instinct and gently move his face to yours but you both stop. Your noses touch but the realization starts to set in. As quickly as you came together, you’re pulling apart.
“This isn’t the move, is it?” You ask, getting off his lap and smoothing your hair back.
Vessel inhales and rubs his face, groaning. “No. It was a mistake. Besides, you gave me that look.”
“What look?!”
“Oh don’t play dumb. You know the look. The one where you watch me flounder when you could help me.”
You scoff and stand up. “Wow you’re catching on. That’s how I always look at you.” You start to walk towards the door when you turn back to him. He hasn’t left his seat on the couch and doesn’t seem to care to do so. You’re not quite sure what you’re feeling. Arousal, but also annoyance at how quickly the mood changed. Certainly it was Vessel that ruined it, right? You feel that familiar stirring. To project. To rile him up and tear him down. 
He stares back at you. “You’re as pathetic as me. Don’t forget that. You wanted this too. You probably still do.”
Him being both right and cruel about it ignites a white hot rage inside you. You want to scream at him
ask what you did to deserve this from him. To ask him why he makes himself so easy to hate. But instead, you leave. 
A week later you’ve kept your weird interaction with Vessel in the back of your head but until then, you couldn’t give two dicks. It was the weekend. And it wasn’t like you to be at a bar like this. Metalheads. The hottest, tiniest goth girlfriends you’d ever seen. You felt out of place but your friends said “noooo we should go! It’s something different to do.” So you put on little black dress and Dr Martens and said “fuck it.” And you were glad you did because a new environment also meant new guys…and to your surprise you actually got some positive attention. 
You found yourself chatting with a guy at the bar as you waited for your drink. He was friendly and handsome enough; you had the ugly thought that maybe he was one of those metalheads who had never actually spoken to a girl, but that was quickly forgotten when you started a thoughtful conversation about a series you both like. And it wasn’t one of those conversations where a nerdy guy dominates and info dumps and corrects you like a jackass. It’s just…enjoyable. He finally starts warming up to you a little and lets his hand graze yours, laughing at your reaction when a sludgier song comes on. You bite your lip and giggle a little, flirting with him saying, “maybe I need someone to help me appreciate metal a little more.” Your hands briefly touch again, and he leans a little closer…letting his free hand lightly touch your waist. You play coy and back up a little. It looks like he’s about to get his phone out before his eyes trail up and behind you. You’re wondering what he’s looking at until you feel a looming presence and a wide hand rub against your back and shoulder.
“There you are, gorgeous. I thought you’d forgotten about me.”
Your jaw clenches into a tight, fake smile. That accent. You look up at your uninvited guest.
“Hello, Ves. I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.”
The cute guy you were talking to looks confused and maybe a little sad. Fuck! You facepalm and groan as Vessel waves to him nonchalantly. “Heya…alright, mate?” His voice is dripping in sarcasm. 
Your brain scrambles. “He just means I’d been up here for so long I forgot about the friend group” you say trying to save face. “Not just him. Definitely not.” Vessel squeezes your hip in feigned affection which makes the guy tsk, roll his eyes, and walk away. “Wait, I’m serious,” but he’s already gone. You scoff, ready to pummel Vessel who was easily a head taller than you and more than capable of overpowering you if you tried. You actually liked that guy and thought something was there.
“What the fuck was that?” You ask, eyes shooting daggers into Ves. 
He snorts and shrugs. This is no big deal to him. “That guy was a loser.”
“So?! What do you care?”
“Oh come now, babes. You would have annoyed that bastard to death…he could have never kept up with you.” That shit eating grin. God you could just slap it right off of him. You know that he would leave you alone if you just…didn’t respond. Ignored him. But something kept telling you to egg him on. To react.
“You’re such a dick,” you say, rolling your eyes and walking away. You make it halfway across the bar when he grabs your arm. 
“HEY! I came over to talk to you. Don’t walk away from me.”
“Wow, and how inviting you seem right now! Sabotaging my night and grabbing me. Is this the only way you can get girls near you?”
His brows knit together and he stands closer to you…so much so you’re looking straight up. “Sabotage? Did you like him that much? If you really, really wanted to go home with him tonight then why are you here with me? Also…” he leans down to whisper, “I didn’t have to do much pulling and prodding to get to you mine last week.”
“What the fuck do you want” you sneer. But you find yourself wanting to stay put. The warmth radiating from his tall form. His cologne. The intensity of his gaze. Your attempt at a makeout session last week suddenly replayed in your head very loudly. You snap back to reality when Vessel huffs with a terse laugh and looks away. 
“I hate to say it but…I wanted to ask you something. Ask you…for something…again.” You search his face for understanding. He can’t even look you in the eye but you can tell he’s humiliated. Tail-between-the-legs humiliated. Little-boy-caught-by-mommy humiliated. The pause is heavy. The ambient noise in the bar fades away when he looks at you. He tries to find words but they aren’t coming. “Fuck. Never…never mind, it's stupid. Have a nice night” He lets go of your arm and storms away. 
You’re left there with your jaw on the floor. Usually this tall arrogant nerd wouldn’t shut up giving you a hard time. Now he’s running away. Without thinking, you follow him outside the bar and call out. 
“Ves, what the hell was that?” You hate to say it but you actually feel concerned. Like you have to finally put down your senseless grudge and actually talk to him. “Are you ok?” 
He looks out down the street. It’s a busy Friday night. Folks bar hopping, getting Ubers, whatever people who like each other do downtown, but it feels like it’s just you two. Your eyes bore into him, and he finally looks down at you. Blankly, but at least he’s looking at you. “I know how we can make the…‘situation’ work. 
“Oh? Other than bothering someone else?”
“Do you know what? This is your problem. You’re mouthy and always antagonizing to try to keep some hold over me…and I want all of it. I need you to keep being that way with me. Please.” His voice has dropped to a gravely murmur as his hands shake in clenched fists at his side. 
You two stare at each other for a moment too long. It’s uncomfortably intimate. You’re having a conversation without speaking and it eats at you. You should not want this. Not again. Not him. “What do you mean?”
He fidgets. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Are you kidding? You’re really going to stand here and ask me for something again without defining any terms? Without playing your part in whatever this sick little thing is?”
“If it’s so sick then why are you blushing? You blushed like that when I kissed your neck in my flat. You’re like me. Come on.”
You cock an eyebrow, realizing slowly what he means. “You like this…don’t you? Being put in your place?”
“You haven’t actually done it yet, but…if you did…we’d all feel better. Even if for a brief moment. An hour. An evening. Just…please,” he takes on that same pleading…groveling tone again. He means it. “I can’t…for lack of a better word and I know it’s stupid but…I can’t ‘show up’ and turn my brain off if we’re…equals or something.. So please…where do I belong? Tell me.”
The idea that this…dummy who antagonizes you wants to submit to you breaks your brain. But wait. 
“How did you even know to ask me about this, hm? Did you ask around…maybe even try to snoop on my socials?” Your voice isn’t harsh, but it isn’t gentle. Strict. Probing. 
The way he looks down and rubs the back of his neck, which suddenly looks biteable, is adorable. He gulps. “I uhm…I’m sorry…but I..”
You bite your lip and chuckle as he shifts from one foot to another. A couple walks past and gives you both a once over, which makes you stand closer to him. If he wants to feel claimed, you can try. Being in his personal space where everyone can see.
“I uhm…I heard you talking not too long ago…about…” he lowers his voice “about subby guys and…well..”
“Wooooow….so… been eavesdropping, eh, bub?”
He opens his mouth and only a little whimper comes out. “I’m so sorry.” He keeps looking down, but you reach up and guide his chin so he looks at you. 
“What a resourceful boy…” you say in a sticky sweet voice. “You were just dying to find something out to the point that you decided to sneak around? Was it fun? Little puppy sniffing around for clues…hm?”
Oh the blush that covers his face. The way his eyes sparkle. You know exactly when he overheard you wax poetic about submissive men to your friends at that party…because you knew he was there. You wanted him to hear…because you had your suspicions too. “Answer my question. Dig up your bones for me…did you have fun with your little secret mission?” 
He breaths shakily and bites his lip. Finally he nods…and gives you a big cheeky grin. “Yes ma’am.”
“Eh don’t call me ‘ma’am.’ Makes me sound old.”
“Oh sorry sorry uhhh I don’t mean to…”
“Ves…my goodness…it’s ok. You didn’t know.” You chuckle softly and feel like you’re looking at him for the first time. “Don’t be hard on yourself. And that’s my first order for you.” 
His back straightens a little and his pouty lips curl into a shy smile. “I can do that.”
“Good boy.” You can see his pupils dilate…his breath catch…his heart swell. Oh to be your good boy even though you despise him. 
Something inside you has snapped. Suddenly this insane “mutually beneficial” arrangement excites you. Having casual sex with someone you don’t like in the name of “some fun” was ok, but seeing now that he was naturally submissive made your head spin. This you could work with. 
“I will take a crumb. Honestly. Anything you’ll give me…even if this is the last time we talk about it and it falls through again…”
You put your hand up to stop him. “Stop that.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He winces when the word leaves his mouth. 
You smirk and brush his hair back a bit. Your nails lightly scratching his forehead. He wants to purr. To roll his eyes back and feel your nails all over him. 
“Look at you,” you whisper, letting your nails trail over his cheek. “Such a big baby. Aren’t you?”
“Let me take you home…please. Please…”
“No. Hmm. No, I don't think so. Not tonight.” 
He pouts a little bit but nods. “Yeah…yeah ok.”
“Mhm…be patient for me. Can you do that?”
He nods and bites his lip. You can tell he’s excited. “When we’re not like…playing or whatever…you don’t have to treat me any differently. It can be our secret. As we were, yeah?”
You take your time with this. You two rarely see each other as it is and like hell you’d mess with him in front of others. So things develop over texting and the occasional late night phone call…but usually texting. Talking on the phone leads to tone policing. Arguments. It’s best to just keep things borderline anonymous. 
Ves: are you too busy for me?
It was 10 pm. You were drinking wine in your underwear watching Scream. Technically, yes, you were busy. But you knew why he was texting and maybe it would be fun to indulge. 
You: I guess not. What do you need?
The response is instant. He was waiting for you.
Ves: nothing really. 
Ves: just wondering about you 
You: what about me?
Ves: what you’re doing. what you’re wearing. if I’ll ever actually get to be your good boy. feels like you want me at arms length all the time. Is that part of the fun for you?
What seemed like a fun flirty conversation has now turned somewhat emotional. You sigh, desperate to get things back on track. As you try to formulate a response, you get…oh.
The video’s thumbnail is dark, but you open it anyways. You hear blankets rustling and music being turned down as it becomes clear what he’s sent you. He’s laying on his back in bed; the blanket is pushed down to right below his belly button. You’ve never seen him shirtless…and now that’s all you want to see. Yeah he works out but he looks soft. Kissable. You can imagine how fun it would be to kiss down his neck to his tummy, telling him how pretty he is…making him feel small and fuckable. He starts talking…you can tell he’s nervous.
“Maybe this is too needy…too pathetic…I don’t know” he strokes his free hand mindlessly up and down his stomach, “but you like this. Maybe you want me to act out. Just tell me…please… Do you want me like this? Desperate…completely stupid…” As his voice trails off, he moves his hand down to his blanket-covered waist and palms…
“Oh shit,” you whisper as the outline of his cock comes into view and he speaks again. 
“I want you to want this…please…can I be needy for you?” The video ends just as he lets out a soft, breathy whimper. 
You compose yourself…or try to…and respond. 
You: look at you. Are you comfy in that big bed?
Again, the response is instant. 
Ves: yeah but I’m lonelllyyyyy. 
You: just pretend it’s me, sweetheart.
Ten minutes pass. Wait. Why are you sad he didn’t respond? Why do you care? Why…*ding ding*
Ves: ok, I did it. did I do good?🥺
Another text. A picture. What. A. Sight.
His hand concealed his now flaccid cock… but fully on show was his cum covered tummy. You choke back a moan and grasp your blankets. At this point you’ve forgotten who you’re texting and quite frankly you don’t care. 
You: such a good boy 🐶 you’re a hot mess, aren’t you? 
Crickets. Fucking. Crickets. You don’t hear from him for three days. You keep telling yourself it’s ok and not worth thinking about because you hate each other. It’s just mindless fun. Nothing personal. But then…it dawns on you. You’re technically in charge. 
You: come over  Ves: why? You: why do you think? be here at 8. don’t be a brat  Ves: 🧎‍♂️🐶 see you at 8
Right on the dot, he’s there. You’re hoping this doesn’t end the way it did last time. Necking in his lap before you came to your senses. But the energy is different. He stands close to and studies your face.
“What should I call you? When we’re…you know?”
“What feels natural? Other than ma’am…” you chuckle. Aw. An inside joke. 
He bites his lip and blushes. Why is he doing sweater paws with his hoodie? Such a slut. 
“I can think of one but…” he stammers, “not quite brave enough yet to use it.”
“That’s ok.” Your hands drift up to his chest, where you start to play with drawstrings of his hoodie. “Let me get you some water…do you need a snack before we get started?” 
He considers for a bit but shakes his head. “I can wait until you’re done with me”
You suppress a whimper. He’s in his subspace for you. Get it together. Also, easily entertained much? 
All he said implied was that he’d need sustenance after whatever you do to him because you’ll use him for all he’s worth. Very normal! Not worth whimpering over! “Let me show you my bedroom.” 
You gently pull let the hoodie’s drawstrings bounce as you let go of them. When you step inside your room he chuckles a little.
“Squishmallows eh?”
You give him a playful sneer, although any other time you would have laid into him. “Better get comfy with them if you want to do this.”
He’s already on the bed, shoes kicked off. He grabs one that looks like a shark and holds it to his chest. “Genuinely…your bedroom is really cozy. Thanks for having me over.” He says this as if it was any other conversation, but then he licks his lips a little. “I’m just going to lay here until you need or want me to do something. Is that ok?”
Well. You’re already straddling him before he can finish. “What have you been doing the past three days…hm?”
“I uh…” he stammers and looks up at you with watery puppy eyes. “Working. But…there were some things I didn’t do…”
“Yeah like talk to me.”
“Tsk. Stop. Just because we’re doing this doesn’t mean I’ve become a complete nympho. Honestly.” He rolls his eyes and looks away. “I was going to text you tomorrow anyways. I haven’t touched myself since that night we texted…haven’t…” he shifts under your weight and you feel a slight throb.
“Oh…is three days a long time for you? Hmm?”
He chuckles a little and squeezes the shark. “It’s…” he snorts when he laughs and hides his face. You move his hands and he chuckles a little more. What a beautiful sound. You realize you could recognize it anywhere and be better for it. “Yeah yeah yeah. It's been a long time for me. It’s usually everyday. Twice.”
“You gave up…six orgasms…for me? Of your own free will?”
“I wanted to do eight, gorgeous. I really did. But you texted and…”
“Well who said you were cumming tonight?”
He takes a deep breath and his eyes roll back a little. “My mistake.”
“No no no.” You lean down and kiss his forehead. “You did the right thing. Saving yourself up for me.” Your kisses trail down to his jaw. Fuck his soft and smooth. You gently nip at his earlobe and chuckle softly as he whines with pleasure. “You know what you are?”
“Hmm?” He lets out hazily. 
“A good boy. A good puppy. Coming when called. Obeying.” Your nose trails against his and you think for a second that this will be a repeat. You two will snap out of it. But he squirms again and pouts.
“I can be so good…please…”
“I’m not even doing anything to you yet…”
He groans as you slide off him and start palming his crotch. 
“Do you know how many times I got off thinking about that video you sent me?”
His cock bobs against your touch as he groans pathetically. “N-no…no idea. It wasn’t much…” 
You start to stroke him. Oh he’s needed this. His hips buck up into hand as he white knuckles the stuffed shark. Mumbled pleas fall from his pretty lips as you ask him what he’s hiding in his sweats. Your fingers slide under his waistband. His moans are whiny and whimpering. 
“Such a puppy.”
You slide his sweats and underwear slowly…just enough to free his cock. You gasp aloud. “Oh my goodness…Ves…look at you. Look. HEY.” You snap a bit to get his attention. His head is lolling back and you haven’t even touched his uncovered cock yet. “I said to look.”
He looks down and groans again as your manicured hands stroke him. You bite your lip and think about how exquisite it’ll feel inside you. The shark squishmallow is put to the side, and he comes up on his elbows. “Mmm..mm…your hands are so pretty. S’soft. Fuuuuck.” Your strokes are gentle and steady. His hips buck to control the pace but you gently flick his tummy. 
“Good boys don’t take.”
He pouts and settles into your bed. He seems to be enjoying himself. His legs twitching, his moans coming more often than not. But you wanted to play. You wanted his brain off. For now he was yours. You stop stroking. “Ves. Look at me.”
He whimpers when you stop and raises his head. The whimper turns into a strangled sob as the long string of spit from your lips coats the head. Your slow, teasing, wet strokes make his face contort like he’s sobbing. “Fffffff….uuuuCK! M-m-mmmm…mommy please.” You freeze and look up at him. 
“What was that?”
His face is all panic. “Oh my god oh my god no I’m sorry. It just slipped out…I’ll…fuck…no I’m so sorry.”
You lean forward and shut him up with a tender kiss on the lips. You allow his hands to trail over your ass and breasts, letting his touch linger a bit too long over your nipples. When you pull away, he’s blushing like crazy with hazy, dreamy eyes. “You’re such a good boy,” you whisper.
“T-thank you…mommy.” 
You slip out of your clothes and relish in his gaze. For the first time you don’t feel like he’s here to be your biggest critic…and you don’t need to mouth off to him. He looks at you with a dopey little grin. “Are you going to use me?”
You chuckle softly as you straddle him again. “You could say that. Make you my little boy toy. Would you like that?”
His whimpering keeps him from answering, probably because you’re teasing the head of his cock with your already wet pussy. “God…please use me. Please…it’s what I’m good for…I’ll make you so happy mommy I promise…please!!”
You blush and forget yourself for a bit when he brings one of his hands to his face. He looks adorable. He needs to be held. He needs kisses. “Give me a hand, puppy. Hold yourself still.”
He reaches down and holds his cock as you slide down. He hisses in pleasure and whines as you moan from the stretch. You grasp his chest as his cock disappears into your pretty pussy, your head thrown back and mouth wide open. Vessel’s breath is coming hard and fast as he touches you. He’s bottomed out inside you and he doesn’t dare move. You haven’t told him to. He needs to be good. The past three days won’t have been worth it if he fucks this up. 
You reach back and pat his thigh. “Bend your legs, puppy.”
“Yeah…yeah ok…” he groans out as he obeys. One hand holds his waist while the other trails under his hoodie. He whimpers and bites his lip as you toy with his nipple. 
“Lift your hoodie.” He lifts it only to expose his stomach but stops there. You tsk and pull it up so his chest is uncovered…mmm. “Look at my pretty boy…” you whisper as you kiss across his chest. You take in the warmth and natural scent of his skin…how he tastes under your little licks across his nipples…the texture of his skin between your teeth. A delicious chain reaction occurs when his cock throbs hard against you after leaving teeth marks on one of his pecs. “You’re being so good. I didn’t even have to tell you what to do.”
He looks at you hazily. You’ve only been cockwarming him, and he’s already empty headed. He nods dumbly but then yelps when your pussy clenched around him. 
“Tell me what you thought about that night…when you made the video.”
He gulps and holds you close to his chest. His cock is buried in your tight pussy but he doesn’t dare move.
“I..heh…I thought about being your seat. Your human mattress.”
You kiss and suck on his neck, admiring the red marks already decorating him. “Oh? You like being squished?”
“I thought about something like this. But you’re…you’re fucking me. You lay on my dead weight and then…” his cock throbs inside you and he whimpers.
“Shh I know,” you kiss his temple and nuzzle his face gently. “It feels so fucking good, huh? You like being under me like this?”
“Mhmmm…so safe…mm soft…fuck!” He holds on to you like he did with the shark plushie, his fingers pressing into your flesh desperately. He grits his teeth as he throbs inside you and whines. “Y-y-you’re so…tight. What the fuuuuuck.”
All this time you’ve been covering his face with kisses, grabbing his chin every time he tried to hide from your affection. His heels dig into your bed as he tries to keep himself from squirming and fucking you.
“Can you be still? Hm?”
“Ye…yeah. Yeah sorry…you just…aahhhh fuck…”
“Use your words, Vessy.” 
His eyes roll back and his back arches slightly. “Don’t call me that…makes me feel little…”
“I do have you pinned down…don’t I? You’re the one squirming.”
His eyes are glassy as he pouts. “Are you enjoying this? I…I…don’t feel like you are…”
You consider this for a second. 
“I don’t want to keep going if you’re not…” His eyes are desperate. “You need this too…fuck…please tell me you need this. You want this right? Please I’ll make you feel so good…if you just bounce on it a little. Please please…I’ll be such a good boy. You can lay on me and…and…I’ll just be a toy. I can take it…let me show you.” 
You don’t even realize you’ve started fucking him. Your hips roll gently, and he lets out an almost pained moan. His hips meet yours and your eyes roll back.
“Fuck…puppy…” your head and vision go a bit fuzzy as he bucks into you and…oh dear.
“Shit shit shit…I’m…I’m sorry…I’m cumming…baby…baby…” he bites his lip and looks up for reassurance as his hands mash you down further on his cock. He hates that he came so fast, it’s clear, but fuck it feels good. 
“It’s ok…cum for me…” you whisper. 
He lays back and catches his breath. You don’t move…his spent cock still trembling in your pussy. He whimpers pathetically.
“What’s wrong?” You ask. He’s clearly not just coming off his high. 
“Fuck I just….” He closes his eyes. “That’s so embarrassing. We barely did anything and I just…came like a fucking virgin. Go ahead.” He covers his eyes with his arm, “make fun of me. Tell me how pathetic I am.” Wow. He already wants to go back to normal.
“No. I don’t think I will.” 
You’re still on top of him. Cockwarming him. You gently move his arm and look at him softly. His lips twitch. Not to kiss you, but to try and smile. 
“You feel nice on me,” he whispers. “I really like your body. Even…even before we started this. Thought you were pretty.”
You chuckle a little and rest your chin in your hand. “Not sure why.”
He rolls his eyes. “Do you know why I hate you?”
You shake your head and let out a little laugh. 
“It’s because you’ve made me realize I don’t have to be miserable. That I could be someone to someone else. But that requires…change. Taking care of my…stupid self. Being better. I can’t have you. You don’t want me as I am. Honestly. I’m a wreck. It’s better for you to hate me and only see me as a plaything.”
His hands trace lazy patterns on your back. How strange it is to have this conversation while he’s inside…but that doesn’t bother you as much as his confession does. 
“Vessel. Jesus. I…Ves…I can’t stand you because you’ve never been nice to me. And now you’re saying it’s because you like me too much, yet not enough to get over yourself?”
He winces and sniffs. “It would be easier, getting over myself, rather than trying to not feel something for you.”
You move his face so he’s looking at you again. “Do you want to leave,” you ask. “You don’t have to stay longer than you want.”
Ves cups your face and tries to steady his breathing. “No. No, I don't want to leave. I want to stay and pretend I’m not me for just a little while. Is that ok?” You stare at each other…your breathing syncs…your eyes search other’s face. He strokes your face and purrs softly as his cock begins to stiffen again. Each time it throbs, you whimper, which in turn makes him chuckle softly. His hand slides down to your ass. “I need you. You’re the only one I want to…be with like this.”
“You don’t want this with someone you love.”
His eyes bore through you. He huffs and bites his lip, leaving an indention you swear would break skin. “May I please…may I please fuck you again? Properly. The way you deserve.”
You gasp softly and nod. “Would you like to be on top, puppy?”
His inhale is shuddering and sharp as he nods dumbly. You slide off him and lay beside him on your stomach. Ves seems confused.
“A-a-are you sure? From behind?”
You nod and beckon him closer. He slides off his sweats but you tell him to keep the hoodie on. “How hard are you for me?”
Leaning against you between your legs, he lightly taps his cock on your ass. It’s heavy and feels warm against your curves. He kneads your plush ass and whines a little. “So lucky…I am such..a…lucky…fucking…boy….fuuucckkkk.” He presses into your gushy pussy with a long, pathetic moan. You press against him, and his grip on your hips becomes shaky. “GOD you’re so hot….fuuccckkkkkk.”
You chuckle and moan as he thrusts gently…just trying to create some friction without completely losing his mind. He leans down and you feel the draw strings of his hood tickle your back. You reach behind you.
“What is it?”
“Come here, puppy,” you whisper softly. When he does you’re able to grab the drawstrings…anything to keep him in place. Leash him. Your fingers grip the collar of his hoodie now, and he collapses into you. “You going to be good? Stay right here for me, hm?”
He can’t even speak…he just lets out whimpers and moans that sound like sobs. You can only gasp with each thrust as he blubbers about it feeling “so..so..so..fucking good.” He whines into your shoulder as you pull him closer but the hoodie. “Please…let me…let me touch…please…”
“Mhm…” you let out weakly as he ruts into you. His hand trails down and under you towards your clit. You buck back into him as his nimble fingers find your clit. Cumming on your tummy never came easy, but with an eager lover, you think now it could happen. No matter who’s fingers it was rubbing your puffy clit between his fingers. 
“Mm…baby…baby let me bad. Please I know…i know…i know… I’m good boy but please let me bad…”
You grip your pillow and groan as your pussy quakes around his long cock. He takes this and your slutty, high pitched moan as consent. He takes your wrists in one hand and grips them roughly. You would be concerned about bruises if you weren’t seeing stars from the way his cock’s head rubs against your g-spot. He lets out something like a growl as he fucks you faster and harder. You’re mashed into the bed and cumming for the second time as he grabs you tight and bites your shoulder. You yelp and moan pathetically.
“Ves you’re so bad….you’re so…fucking naughty….” You’re cumming again as you lift your ass like you want him to mount you even deeper. He takes a break just to feel your orgasm squeeze him and to catch his breath. You let go of his hoodie, and he quickly rips it off. A sharp spank lands on your ass…he hisses with pleasure as he watches the skin of your ass cheek pinken before he lands another on you. 
“May…may I roll you over…please” he asks as he pulls out of you and rolls you over. It’s almost adorable how he toes the line between the asshole you know and a precious submissive boy. He spreads your legs, putting one up against his chest as he presses his cock back into you. One hand grasps your tummy and the other holds your ankle for leverage. “You’ve ruined me…” he moans as your name falls from his lips. Over. And over. And…over. He nibbles and kisses your ankle as he presses hard on your squishy lower tummy. His gasps come hard as it’s quite clear he’s reaching his limit.
“Ves…you’re gonna make me…fuck…I’m…”
“That’s it. Please…I want to see it…I need it…you’re so …ffffucking gorgeous….” he grabs you harder and rams into you with a powerful groan, his eyes wild as he exhales and bites his lip. “You’re…you’re going to cum…so….FUCKING hard on me…you won’t be able to cum again without thinking about me…Fffffuuuhhh”
His face contorts as his second orgasm ripples through his entire body. The thrusts become short, hurried bumps against your pussy as your back arches. You begin to rub your clit in rough, hurried circles as he fucks his cum hard into you. His eyes are misty as he mumbles about what a pretty angel you are…how good you’re taking his dick when…oh god…
A few moments later, he’s pulled out of you, looking down at the mess you made. You had never…ever squirted. And this…well…Vessel did that. You had no energy to hate. To be mean. Everything was different now. “I…wow…”
“Ever done that before?”
You lay back and catch your breath, wiping your watering eyes, shaking your head. “No…so…thanks I guess.”
He rubs your thighs and chuckles. “You’re amazing. Do you know that?”
You smile up at him and chuckle.
“Christ, what?”
“You’ve ruined it.”
“Oh…fuck off..ruined what?” He laughs and runs his fingers through his hair.
“My plans to die alone and hate you forever…thanks a lot.”
“Likewise, sweetheart.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Chloe Kelly x Reader
Summary: It's a tradition
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It was becoming a bit of a habit.
You wrote it off as a joke the first time it happened. You came into England camp with a smile and a flirty wave to the camera.
You turned to the corner to see Chloe on one knee with a singular tulip in her hand.
"For you," She said in a dramatic joking tone," My lady!"
You laughed and took it from her, curtsey deeply to play along. You knew the cameras were eating up the interaction so you caught Chloe's hand and pressed a kiss to it.
She laughed and jumped to her feet, tucking you under her arm as she winked and pointed at the camera. "And that's how you get a girlfriend!"
"Is that what I am?" You said back with an eye roll before looking back at the camera. "Don't listen to her, everyone, she's too cocky to think she's done anything wrong ever."
"Come on!" Chloe complained," Don't tell me you weren't wooed for a second there!"
You held up your index finger and thumb, squashing them against each other. "The tiniest of seconds," You said before walking off to go to your room," You have to try better than that, Chloe!"
"I'll get you!"
The next time Chloe surprised you with flowers was on a pitch inspection for the Euros. You were completely exhausted from having spent most of your night up talking to Tooney and binging on the food you had snuck in.
"My love," Chloe said dramatically as she dropped to her knees in front of you and pulled out a fairly crushed tulip," Take this as a token of my undying love!"
"I'm pretty sure that flower is dead," You replied dryly.
"Shit," Chloe muttered before clearing her throat and offering it to you again," Take this as a token of my affection!"
"The dying flower? Gee, Chlo, why don't you just stomp on my heart now?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'll be back! You'll fall for my charms!"
"Bye, Chloe!"
It became a bit of a tradition and soon the fans were being updated every week of the Euros campaign about Chloe's attempts to woo you.
"Hey! Wait!"
You tried to back out of the door when you saw her but with Millie and Rachel behind you, you couldn't escape.
"Jesus, Chloe," You breathed out as you looked at the tulip in her hand," Where are you getting all of these flowers from? Surely, you're going broke?"
"Love has no price tag!" She declared dramatically as she assumed the position on her knees and cleared her throat. With her other hand, she unfolded a long sheet of paper.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding," You laughed in disbelief as Chloe recited poetry that she had obviously written herself from the way she was trying to rhyme your name with various household objects. "Are you nearly done?"
She gave you a deadpan look. "Excuse me," She said in faux offense," But I'm trying to declare my love for you and I'm only halfway through the rooms of your house. I would like silence and cooperation for this part, please."
You jerked your thumb over your shoulder to Millie and Rachel. "And the bodyguards are here, why?"
"To make sure you can't escape."
"Oh, so this is a hostage situation. Thanks for letting me know."
She waved a hand dismissively. "Can I get back to this now? Please and thank you."
The further you got into the tournament, the more public Chloe's jokes got.
After the semifinals and the celebration on the pitch after you won, Chloe threw you over her shoulder and carted you around on the lap the team took.
As she went by, she collected the tulips that she clearly had convinced the fans to bring with them before trapping you between her and the stands.
She cleared her throat. "My love-"
"No!" You pointed," No sappy nicknames! Start again!"
She looked pointedly at the crowd before starting again. "My love of you is as endless as these flowers! They just keep coming and coming!"
You opened your mouth to complain about how she was only holding five flowers when more rained down from above you.
It shocked a laugh out of you.
"Nine out of ten delivery!" You said, still laughing," Could use some work!"
"Oh, come on! That has to be a ten out of ten!"
It all comes to a head at the finals.
The rush of adrenaline felt like nothing you had ever experienced before.
"Hey, match winner," You said as you collided with Chloe.
"Hey!" She yelled over the triumph of the crowd. She produced a singular tulip and raised it into your view. "Are we doing this or what?"
You took it.
Then, she kissed you.
486 notes · View notes
clumsybriar · 3 months
Ghost X Fem! Reader — Savior To The Neighbor
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*Minors do not interact! I repeat do not interact if you are a minor!*
Ghost x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 16,687
Warnings/Notes: sexual themes at the end, smut, (y/n) is used, reader can be clumsy or needs saved often, she’s ghosts neighbor. Minors do not interact. (Re-read but not closely so mistakes could still be in the writing!)
What was it like being a neighbor to a 6’4 SAS Soldier? (Y/n) would describe it in three different words, ‘thankful’, ‘terrifying’, ‘embarrassing’. All three words she deemed as the correct response for being a neighbor to the War ridden soldier named Simon Ghost Riley.
Just like now, as he grumbled about having to kill a spider on her bathroom wall while it was all steamed up from her hot shower. Not only that but he had the distraction of the woman in nothing but a towel.
(Y/n)…was embarrassed. Dispising that he had heard her squeal like a little girl, and embarrassed that she had been caught in only a towel.
If he would have let her handle the situation though, the house would have been on fire as she kept ahold of her towel and the torch she had rushed off to get.
“Jesus, give me that.” He grabbed that from her hand as she nodded her head unsure whether arguing spiders deserved to be roasted with the SAS soldier was a good idea. “Torch your house and I won’t save you from that.” He grumbled. Oh but he would.
He was always grumpy, in her eyes, hence the word ‘terrifying’.
“Got a death wish?”
“No sir.” She uttered quickly.
“Good, then don’t grab the torch.” He told her raising a brow at her ridiculous idea. His skull balaclava hiding the rest of his facial features, she was sure she didn’t want to see them knowing his expression would be a sign he was judging her.
“But…spiders are from hell.” She uttered softly.
“They eat bugs, not you.” He looked her up and down as she flushed red.
Well, how did he know that? He didn’t know that? She was a very well informed person about spiders. The info wasn’t right, but he didn’t need to know that. Right? Right.
She was petrified of spiders and her in form was fear based off of her own fears.
“It wanted to kill me,” she said quickly. “It was looking at me with those beady eyes.”
“Did it slobber?” Simon asked.
“I’m sure it did…”
“No it didn’t, you're too big to be its meal.” He grumbled. “It’s more afraid of you then you are of it.”
“That’s a very under-thought statement.” (Y/n) said softly.
“Your right,” Simon corrected himself. “The spider is almost just as afraid of you as you are of it.”
“That’s probably pretty true.” She took a deep breath as he started to walk out of the bathroom with the dead spider in a tissue.
She got frantic following him. Who wouldn’t, her father used to tease her and act like he was throwing it at her, or joking that it’s under her pillow.
“You're throwing it away right? It’s dead right? What if it comes back to life? It’s a spawn of Satan, it might come back from the dead.” (Y/n) were panicking and he knew it.
“It’s dead, if it comes back to life, call a priest.” He uttered. “I’m leaving, have friends over, don’t scream unless you want a stranger to come bursting over here.” Simon warned her. “Always have a hard time telling Johnny to sit his ass down when you need…rescuing.” That was a judgment, he just judged her. Rescuing was not the word he wanted to use, she knew that. But he used a politer word than what he wanted to use.
She didn’t realize she was standing in her window that faced his backyard where Johnny was standing smiling at her.
“Oi, little lady,” Johnny waved. She screeched and stared at Johnny embarrassed. How much worse could this day get.
“Stop staring in her window,” Simon walked past the open window slapping Johnny’s head.
“Oh but Ghost, a Bonnie lass like that needs a good man to worship her.” Johnny said walking away with Ghost as (y/n) was left staring at the trash can.
She trotted back to her shower where she sat in the warm steaming water thinking about her embarrassing moment with her grumpy neighbor.
She knew it wasn’t the first time and it wasn’t the last time she would be saved by him.
After that save, she was in need of help three days later. she had a mouse scurrying in her house as she screeched.
Simon—with his sixth sense of whenever she was in some weird situation where she needed help—had already been halfway across his yard heading into hers when he heard her shrill screech.
“The lassie in trouble?” Johnny asked as he sat his cooler of beer on the porch.
“Yes,” Simon said as he walked into (y/n)’s house as if he was a resident there too.
“Oh, they're on a new level of no knocking now, just barging in.” Kyle hummed as he looked at Johnny. “He’s such a hero.”
“I think he’s in love.” Johnny hummed.
“How so, he seemed to lack enthusiasm.” Kyle asked, cocking his head to the side.
Johnny knew his best friend, that man had a sixth sense for the ‘young hot neighbor’ (soaps words). Simon—a man who would not go out if his way to help his last neighbor who was also a young and pretty woman—was helping (y/n), a new young and pretty woman. Maybe it was because she was a foreigner. Truly it could have been anything really. Johnny though had seen how Simon held his body, having puffed his chest out more and making sure he looked strong and attractive as if he was a peacock showing off his colorful feathers. Plus Johnny knew the last girl screamed and screamed more about things than what (y/n) did and he never came running over to help. Never ever puffed his chest out and looked bigger and more attractive.
Johnny knew there was attraction there.
“What are ya’ bloody screaming’ about?” Simon asked as (y/n) jumped, turning around and running into his arms. It was quick and there was no thought. She just ran and clung to him like her life depended on it.
“A mouse, Simon, a mouse!” She clung to him. Her eyes darted around as she looked for the little mammal that had made its home in her kitchen. “There is a mouse in my kitchen!”
“Alright mama,” he said carefully as he sat her on the kitchen counter. Her legs were pulled up as if she thought the mouse could jump that high and get her. Her eyes darted around as she squirmed a bit.
He left her there where she grew a bit frantic. She was nervous and wondering where he was going. Was he just leaving her here? She hoped not, she was so frantic and worried.
She didn’t hate mice, she just didn’t like them in her home. They were cute and all, just not cute scurrying across her floor.
Simon walked across his yard as Johnny and Kyle watched with a beer in their hands as he crossed back over with a live trap for the mouse. He had peanut butter on the trap as he walked back into her house.
“A mouse,” Kyle hummed.
“A mouse,” Johnny agreed.
Her eyes met his as he sat the trap in a location where the mouse would be able to get to.
“Alright, we’ll catch him this way.” Simon hummed. As he sat the trap down. She watched him. One thing was for sure his muscles didn’t go unnoticed as he was wearing a tank top. It was a hot day, if she had her way she’d be in something much cooler than what she was wearing. Everything felt suffocating in this muggy weather, and don’t forget the daily rain that would only make it muggier.
“Thank you.” (Y/n) said softly as she looked at the man who had grown to be a decent neighbor to her. There were many reasons for that statement, and one was because he saved her from a million spiders at this point, and bats in her home. Now she could add mice to the mix of animals he’s saved her from.
“Ya’ ya’,” he waved it off with his grumpy demeanor. “Let me know if the mouse takes the bait.” He said as he walked back out to his friends as they got everything set up for their almost daily poker game.
Almost daily because if they could play it everyday they would.
“Ye’ got a crush, mate?” Johnny asked as he looked at Simon.
“No,” he hummed as he cracked open a beer taking a large sip. “Why?” He asked so calmly. He eyed the two men up as they sat under the cabana Ghost had put up. It was mainly for at night time when they could zip up the sides and keep the mosquitos away while playing into the wee hours of the morning.
“Cause ya’ run over there when she’s in dire need of some help.” Kyle added.
“Ghost’s in love?” Price asked as he lit his cigar trailing his cooler of his own beer behind him.
“No,” Simon shook his head. “Far from it, I don't need love in my life to distract me from my work.”
“I don’t know, mate, ye’ seem to be fallin’.” Johnny laughed as he started to set up the cards.
“Shut up,” Simon grumbled at them.
Needless to say four hours later in the middle of the game she rushed out onto the porch shouting from her yard to his. “Simon!”
“Yes love?” He asked, unzipping the cabana cause the mosquitos were out. They had candles around them to keep the bloodsuckers away too.
“You caught something!” She said leaning over her porch.
“Get away from the edge like that.” He chided her. “You’ll fall off.”
“But…” she paused and backed away like he said.
“You're clumsy, you dimwit.” Simon grumbled out. Johnny could be heard chuckling at a comment Price made.
“Expressed his careingness in such a friendly manner.”
Simon would remember to make the captain regret those words.
“Mmm,” she brushed it off as she padded behind him into her own home.
Surely enough it was a little mouse that had been feeding off her little crumbs she had been dripping and trying to clean up as best as she could. It was like anyone’s kitchen, it wasn't going to be a hundred percent clean, it would still have crumbs that would need to be swept up, and swept up again until the person sweeping said forget it.
“It’s so cute.” She smiled as she looked at it kneeling down in front of the box.
“You screamed four hours ago ‘cause it was scampering across ya’ kitchen floor.” He uttered lost at her change of temper for it.
“Don’t want it in my house, it can live outside.” She smiled up at him.
That smile, oh god, that smile. Simon could feel his legs go weak. It was so cute, so pretty, so gorgeous.
“Ya’ ya’.” He uttered as he scooped the live trap up and went to release the animal in the very backs of their yards. She trailed behind him like a lost puppy. His chest was puffed out as she followed behind him asking questions. He would answer calmly but he was masking it with his grumpy attitude to make sure the guys didn��t get any wrong ideas. When she trailed behind him coming back the boys watched finding it funny how he had his chest puffed out showing off and she was oblivious, but it seemed to be working as she rambled on.
“He feels like a pretty bird puffin’ his chest out ta’ attract the little lassie as his mate.” Johnny giggled to Kyle who giggled some more.
“You two keep blabbering your mouths and we’ll all three be killed.” Price tried to keep them shut.
“Sorry Captain.” The two said in unison as Simon ignored the three of them
“Thank you Simon, I appreciate it.” (Y/n) said softly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek for the first time. She had never had this type of confidence before. Simon was frozen as a glare was etched onto his face. She was so embarrassed and upset at herself for making such a slip up like that.
What she wasn’t hearing was Simon’s friends, specifically Johnny laughing about him. That’s why the glare was etched into his face.
“He’s so in love, so is she, the two just have this connection.” Johnny giggled.
Simon wanted to strangle the ever living hell out of him, but it would have to wait.
“Anyways, thanks again.” She walked away quickly as she bolted into the house she had made a home about a year ago.
Simon stood still as he turned around slowly making his way back to the poker game.
“Got choked up there mate.” Johnny teased.
“I’m going to choke the ev’ah livin’ ‘ell outta you.” Simon grumbled as his accent got thick. Meanwhile Johnny giggled.
“Also forgot ta’ puff your chest to get the pretty mate.”
Oh Johnny was gonna be buried in his backyard tonight,
Days had passed and you had been avoiding Simon like he was a live wire about to catch you in fire. You were so embarrassed for kissing his cheek.
“A simple thanks would have been enough dummy!” (Y/n) huffed as she got out of her car grabbing her reusable grocery bags. She walked into the grocery store oblivious at the moment of the harsh world they lived in. She grabbed a basket and shopped around for a bit.
“What’s the difference,” she uttered to herself. She sat the one product down and went with the one that looked better in her mind.
She froze though, froze as soon as she heard a gun ring out. She ducked as she looked around seeing if anyone was close to her. Screaming came from the cash register area. And then the intercoms went on.
Everything was moving so fast.
“Everyone get down, we’ll shoot you if you try to escape or run, we’re not leaving until we have all the money from the cash registers and from the back.” A man shouted at the surround sound.
She almost screeched though when a man picked her up and covered her mouth as he took her to a secure area in the back of the grocery store where they stored delivery truck packages.
“Just me mama,” She felt a breath of fresh air having recognized the voice.
“Simon,” her voice was muffled as his mouth was over her lips clamping down on it tightly to keep her quiet. Almost as if this wasn’t the first time he had to drag someone who could possibly be screaming away.
“You’re safe.” He said as he took her to the exit of the building in the back where the gunmen had made a grave mistake and didn’t have anyone guarding the exit in the back. It was clear to Simon they were an armature crew.
“Listen to me,” Simon whispered. “You get out of here and walk half a block down, and call 999. Think ya’ can do that for me, (y/n)?” He asked softly.
She paused as she nodded but then looked back at him. “I mean yeah, but what about you?” She clung to his forearm.
He paused as he shook his head, “don’t worry about me.” He urged her to go out the door. “Don’t worry about me, I got to go help some people.”
“But it’s not safe,” she tried to tug him with her.
“I’m a trained SAS soldier, darlin’ I have a duty, I’m gonna go do my duty.” He pushed her out the door and latched it. She tried to yank on it to get him to open it up.
“Simon,” she hissed through the door. “Simon.” She gulped as she grabbed her phone and ran down the blocks like he told her to do. Her heart was beating and her mind was fuzzy and she was panicking a bit. Mainly about the people and Simon, hoping he was okay and safe and away from harm.
“Simon,” she whimpered as she made it to a shop bolting in looking frantic. “I don’t have service but someone needs to call 999!” She looked around seeing it was a metaphysical shop. The smell was one to instantly soothe and calm her mind just a hair. It smelled like incense and sage and things she remembered growing up with at her grandma's house. It was a sense of comfort in such a stressful and scary situation. “Please, the market, um…” she tried to remember the name. “The family run market, uh… Tillie's Market, men with guns and hostages. Please, many people are in danger.”
The shop keeper didn’t wait, she called 999 and quickly reached a responder who had cops and people at the scene quickly. (Y/n) had taken a look around as she waited unsure of what to do whether she should go back for Simon or if she should stay.
“I need to go back.” She uttered.
She didn’t wait for the old woman to call out to her. She left the metaphysical shop and rushed to the door she had escaped from.
The lungs in her air felt heavy, and the time seemed to be slow even if she was running faster than when she had escaped. She darted down the alleyway seeing a crying mother and her baby in her arms as she didn’t know where to go. (Y/n) could hear the sirens as it caused the baby to stir, she knew if Simon was right here at the moment he’d tell her to take them to safety.
The police were still a distance away.
“You're safe,” (y/n) cooed. “Please let’s get you to safety.” Her words came out in a rush. “Simon, got you two out safely, I assume.” She guided them down to the metaphysical shop.
And that’s what (y/n) did with the wayfinders who found their way to the back of the shop with Simon exiting and guiding them to safety.
She had caught Simon’s eyes on her a few times as he looked at her. He would grumble at her and urge her to stay at the shop where it was after but she refused. Continuing to do her duty if he was doing his.
“They figured out what he was doing.” A man was frantic. “They figured out he was sneaking people to safety. They didn’t even know he was there until they had caught him.”
“Simon,” (y/n)’s eyes widened. By now the police had set up caution tape and were negotiating with the criminals to let go of civilians. (Y/n) stayed put at the metaphysical shop biting her fingers now as a crowd of people sat nervously.
“Simon,” (y/n) uttered as the old woman urged her to sit behind the counter with her as others sat watching the tv thankful for Simon’s bravery.
“He’ll be fine, honey.” The older woman said softly. “I have no fear.”
“I hope so.” She took in the scent of the intense and natural drying herbs that hung from the old wooden ceiling.
The old woman wasn’t wrong, he was safe and the first thing he did was come searching for you. He rushed down the sidewalk looking everywhere shouting your name.
(Y/n) could hear him shouting. She stirred from her hazy daydream that was laden with fear and rushed out from behind the counter and stumbled out the door as she saw him there panting and breathing heavily. He had a bit of blood from getting hit in the head from the butt of one of the men’s guns but for the most part he was sound and safe.
“Simon.” She felt her eyes water as she looked at him.
“You’re okay?” He asked quickly.
“I’m okay.” She nodded as she rushed into his arms. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
“I’m okay,” he nodded as he held her tightly. He wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.
But she knew at some point the high of them finding each other would dwindle down and she would get a lecture, especially when she was doing something so dangerous and that was constantly sneaking down that alleyway and helping those to safety.
“Don’t you ever do that again.” Simon pulled away and grabbed her firmly by the shoulders. She squeaked out in a bit of surprise. “Do you understand me?”
“Simon?” She looked up at him.
“No, do you understand me? That was dangerous.” He said his tone was stern and she felt like she was a puppy who just made a mess in the house. She felt horrible, now she knew how the puppy felt. “I don’t ever want to see you do something reckless like that again!”
“But—“ she uttered.
“No buts, you’ll never do that again. It’s too dangerous!” He seethed at her.
“Yes sir,” she said quickly, averting her eyes.
He was panting as he slowly started to calm down. “It was dangerous and reckless, yet very brave of you to help all those people.” He said softly. “I worry, that’s all.”
“I know.” She looked down at her hands as she messed with her rings she always wore. “You scared me, that one man said they had found that you were smuggling people out.” She said softly as her eyes met back up with his.
“You're not gonna lecture me, no, no.” He tried to turn this around, looking down at (y/n). He had a slight frown on his lips and she could see it.
“It was also dangerous.” (Y/n) added nodding her head.
“Oh no, no,” Simon shook his head. “You're not lecturing me mama.” He looked at her cupping her face. He brushed her hair from her face as he saw her watery eyes.
“I was so worried.” She sniffled.
“I know mama.” He cooed softly. “I know.” He hugged her tighter to his chest. She clung to him crying as he tried to soothe her.
It had done this weird pattern of worry for one and another and calm one and another, to receive a lecture, back to calm and worry about one and another.
“Are you sure you're okay?” She asked softly.
“I’ll be just fine, something I can patch up on my own.” He told her softly.
(Y/n) knew she wasn’t going to let Simon do that by himself, no way! She could help, she was going to help. No ands, ifs, or buts.
That’s where the two ended up, in Simon’s home, cleaning up his cut as Johnny tried to help.
“Take off the mask,” Johnny's deep Scottish accent made (y/n) jump as she cracked her head on the cabinet below the sink.
“Johnny,” Simon grumbled. “Scared her.”
“I’m so sorry, lassie.” Johnny apologized quickly.
“It’s okay Johnny.” (Y/n) wiggled back out of the cabinet. “Not in there.” She said softly to Simon.
“Ah fuck.” He huffed as he rubbed his temple but hissed. “Give me a second mama, let me think.”
“Need a first aid kit.” Johnny hummed. “Brought the one from my jeep.” He held it up.
“Perfect.” (Y/n) giggled as she stood beside Johnny looking at the contents fluttering around and pulling things out.
“Just got a bad headache mama, don’t need nothing’.”
“LT, you took a hit to the head.” Johnny hummed looking at the man.
“Take your mask off and I can look at it.” (Y/n) cooed. He didn’t move for a few seconds as he leaned forward and breathed slowly as if he was trying to calm down something. A minute had passed and he didn’t move, Johnny had an idea of what was going on but (y/n) was fretting.
“You okay, Simon?” She asked softly. Her eyes remained on him as he let out a deep breath.
“Feeling a bit queasy mama, give me a minute.” He said softly. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Concussion.” Johnny hummed softly. He flipped the switch off putting the three of them in the dark.
“Should I take him to the doctor?” She asked as she looked up at Johnny.
“Nah, he should be okay in a few days, we get concussions all the time.” Johnny smiled. “Let’s just patch him up and get him tucked in bed like a wee’ baby.”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) quietly agreed as she rubbed Simon’s back.
An hour later they had Simon tucked in bed as Johnny got ready to leave.
“I’m gonna head out, don’t fret about him, he’ll be fine.” Johnny said as she nodded her head.
“Yes Johnny,” she said softly. She shut the door as she quickly and quietly walked up to his bedroom where he laid with a pillow over his head.
“Mama, what’s up?” He lifted the pillow off his head and looked at her.
“I was just gonna lock the doors and leave for the night, if you need anything let me know okay.” She said softly rocking in her feet.
“Could you do something for me?” He asked softly as she lit up, happy to help him in any way. She nodded her head and smiled at him softly. “Come rub my belly.” She nodded her head as she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his belly.
“Believe it or not, my mum used to sit and do this for me when I had an upset stomach.” Simon said softly as she rubbed her hands on his belly.
“Did it soothe your stomach?” She asked softly.
He chuckled as he nodded his head and licked his lips. She looked away flushed and red from embarrassment and from finding such a display of actions attractive.
“Yeah, when m’mum would rub my stomach it would go away and as soon as she would pull her hand away it would come back.” He hummed softly.
“Simon…” she stopped as she looked away embarrassed. She couldn’t express the feelings she was feeling right now, there was no way he would reciprocate her feelings for him. She was just some woman, who wasn’t probably good enough for the strong soldier.
“Yeah, mama.” He said softly.
She gulped quickly and thought of something to say because she had such a weak display of actions. “Um…I’ve gotten some really scary messages from my abusive ex.” She said softly as she continued to rub his stomach softly. “He’s been threatening to come and get me and drag me back to my country with him.” She said softly.
“You can stay over here mama,” he said softly.
She felt her heart swarm with love. She was grateful he would let her stay but she also knew he had no idea where she lived.
“That’s okay, I appreciate it, but he doesn’t know where I live.” She said softly. “I was just hoping maybe you could help me hook up cameras.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can get you some good ones and get them hooked up.” He hummed softly.
“Thank you.” She nodded, smiling as she bit the inside of her cheek as she looked away. She was feeling disappointed in herself for not saying what she truly wanted to get off her chest, but she also knew there was no way he would feel the same way.
Ever since the grocery store, (y/n) had been too afraid to go shopping alone. Especially without Simon nearby. So Simon had suggested they go together, and that’s what they did.
She stuck close to him as he pushed the cart for the two of them, it was easier just to split the cart and split the bill.
They went around the store crossing things off their list as they went laughing at silly things.
Simon was no longer her grumpy terrifying neighbor. She had grown over the last few months to stop being terrified of him. She rather enjoyed the moments she got to spend with him where he would often rescue her from something going array.
(Y/n) was stretched reaching for something as Simon’s phone buzzed. He didn’t care to look at it thinking it was Johnny.
“My mother used to buy these when I was a little kid.” (Y/n) tossed the snack into the cart that had so many memories and so many happy moments associated with them. “I didn’t think they would have them here.”
“Sure it’s gonna taste the same as when you were a kid?” Simon asked as he chuckled lightly.
“Oh god no,” (y/n) giggled with him. “They have had to change the recipe since I was a little girl. But it’s just the nostalgia of eating them for me, whether it tastes the same or not.” She nodded. “Did you have anything like that?” She asked softly.
“My mother used to make me an apple dumplin’, had a apple tree growin’ in the backyard.” He hummed as he pushed the cart while she listened intently. “And every year she’d pick the ripest apple and bake Tommy and I a damn good apple dumplin’.”
“Mmm,” she smiled. “My papa used to make apple dumplings.” (Y/n) said softly. “Of course I didn’t appreciate them until it was about three years before he passed, so I missed out on a lot.” She rocked on her feet as they stopped to grab something he needed. “Damn where they are good and damn do I miss those apple dumplings. I’d do anything to get an apple dumpling made by him again.” She smiled sadly.
“Sounds like we need to try and make some apple dumplin’s, mama.” He said softly,
“Sounds like we should.” She giggled. “Oh, I forgot to let you know, Johnny said he was stopping by with his sisters later on in the week and wanted me to let you know. He had stopped by when you weren’t home and came over to me to relay the message.”
“Oh dear god,” Simon took a deep sigh and used it to express his emotions. “You room the Mactavish’s.”
“M-me!” She pointed to herself. “Oh no, no, no!” She shook her head quickly. “Johnny is beyond enough for me, last time he stepped foot into my house he broke my vase that was full of flowers.” She giggled softly. “My house would be falling in.”
Her words were so sweet it made Simon melt a bit. His cold heart was thawing more and more everyday.
He knew as soon as he came running out of that grocery store that day, he was going to hightail it to (y/n) because he had to know she was okay. Yeah he had a tiny lecture, but he wanted to make sure she was safe and sound and the only way he could trust it was if he saw her and god was she a sight to behold rushing out of that metaphysical store crying for him.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I just put that new addition on.” He looked at her smiling underneath his mask.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I’ll have to move back to my country.” She giggled. “You wouldn’t have anyone to save constantly.”
She wasn’t wrong, he would be lonely then, lonely and stuck with a neighbor he didn’t care for like the last one who was always trying to impress him and wear skimpy clothing outside to get his attention.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll stick to keepin’ the MacTavish family at my home then.” He snickered.
The two walked to his jeep as they continued to giggle and chuckle about things off and on. It was a flourishing friendship at the moment, that was one thing that was for certain. Though it was quite obvious the two had a crush on one and another.
“I can get my groceries Simon, don’t worry about it, you have a lot to put away too.” She hummed as she fought to keep his hands off of her bags laughing as he would win and start tugging a bag into her home. She would chase behind him and open the door for him smiling as he carried a heavy load.
He would then start unpacking groceries with (y/n), wanting to be closer to her in the moment, especially since in his eyes she was so pretty doing such candid things.
“Simon, seriously, you don’t have to get my grocers unpacked for me either.” (Y/n) snorted. “Johnny just pulled in over at your house I can get this.” She giggled softly.
“Oh alright mama,” he hummed softly. She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
It made Simon pause as he looked down at her smiling, but she couldn’t see with the mask on his face.
“Thank you Simon for talking me shopping and helping me unpack.” She hummed.
“Anytime mama,” he smiled at her and paused looking back at her. She looked at him smiling seeing as he paused almost wanting something.
“Is something the matter, Simon?” She asked softly as her eyes looked deep into his. Simon’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly made his way back to her. They were lost in each other's gaze while Simon’s arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands rested on his thick muscles as she felt the butterflies swirl in her stomach, she was so excited, was he going to kiss her.
“Simon!” Johnny jolted the two out of their moment as they both backed away and looked embarrassed. “I should go.” Simon said softly before he left through the back door.
“Yeah,” she said, a bit disappointed. “I should uh, put these away.” She paused and knocked her hand on her granite countertop. “Not that this open space needs to know, maybe a ghost that lives in my home.” She hummed softly. “I should just stop talking.” She nodded her head and went to work.
Simon came to his jeep as he started to unpack the back as Johnny rushed out of his house.
“I was lookin’ everywhere fer’ ya’, mate.” Johnny patted him in the back. “We’re ya’ with the lassie?” He chuckled as Simon turned and glared at him. “Oh.” Johnny paused as he knew that look. “I interrupted somethin’, didn’t I?”
“Ya’, ya’did.” Simon nodded.
Johnny paused as he chuckled lightly. “Oh me’ were ye’ two kissin’!” Johnny howled with a bit of laughter. It was deep from his chest and sounded not like a chortle.
“I was gonna’ kiss ‘er, until ya’ yelled my name.” Simon huffed grumpily that his moment didn’t come forth with his girl.
“Sorry, LT.” Johnny snickered as he followed the man close behind up his steps into his home which the Scottish man frequented. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe next time.” Simon uttered.
“Hey who knows m—“ Johnny was interrupted when the phone went off and Simon grabbed his phone quickly.
“Eek—“ he could hear (y/n) scream as he flung the phone away and rushed out of the house. Johnny didn’t have time to think, but he sprung to action just like his LT knowing it came from (y/n)’s home and LT wasn’t pissing around.
“(Y/n)!” Simon rushed into the kitchen seeing that she had obviously put up a struggle. As she had knocked over her groceries and a mess was made down the hallway leading up to her stairs.
“I’ll make sure it’s clear down here.” Johnny said as he started to inspect the bottom floor. Ghost didn’t hesitate as he rushed up the stairs slowly peeking into rooms deeming them clear and safe.
“Let me go, you bastard!” (Y/n) shouted as a man grunted and grumbled at her to shut up.
Simon felt like he was ready to fight and rip this man apart whoever it was.
“Mama,” Simon rushed into the room tackling the man who was your ex.
“Get off of me you idiot!” The man growled.
Simon got a good look of the man as he memorized his face, one thing was for sure no one fucks with his baby. No one. And Simon was going to protect her for as long as he was allowed to and he hoped that was for an eternity.
Simon could feel his heart beating in his ear as (y/n) was quickly on the other side of the bedroom watching the two men brawl. It wasn’t before long Simon was sitting on top having won the brawl of dominance as he shouted for Johnny.
“Bring me some Zipties Johnny, got the bastard!”
What was this, Florida men capturing a crocodile? No it was just Soap and Ghost doing what they knew best, beating the bad guys (in the simplest of terms).
It wasn’t long before Johnny appeared with zip ties as the two men began to restrain (y/n)’s shitty abuseive ex.
It wasn’t long before Simon’s focus was on her again as he looked at her.
“Ya’okay, mama?” Simon asked as Johnny held the man in place by sitting on him while also calling 999. It was a weird sight to see, but at the moment they were both heroes.
God bless their teamwork, it really made the dream work.
“Why the fuck is this bastard calling you mama? Are you pregnant with his kid?” (Y/n)’s ex snarled at her as the young woman jumped back a bit. She was terrified of the man, terrified of what he had done to her and what he would do to her, that’s why she ran. Now she was wondering who gave up her location. Was it her mama who had too sweet of a heart and was also afraid of the man? Wasit her papa who slipped up and made a mistake while he was arguing with the bastard? Was it her shitty ex friend who found out and then told him? Oh god, it was making her head swirl and her stomach heave.
She didn’t want to think about it, off the mind, off the body, and off the soul.
“If she was it wouldn’t fuckin’ matter to you mate.” Simon snapped. “Mama, let’s get you in another room.” Simon cooed softly as he guided her to the spare bedroom. “You’re not stayin’ alone no more.” Simon said softly. “Either I stay with you some nights or your stayin’ with me.” He was stern.
“Yes Simon.” She bit her lip as she looked at the man nervously.
“Don’t look at him mama, he’s not a threat to you.” Simon brushed her hair away. “Come one sweet girl, hide yourself away from his sight. I’ve got ya.” She curled into his arms hiding away from the man who was her ex and had caused her a lot of caution in all her relationships. Something that Simon was tearing down piece by piece.
Things soon turned into a big long fiasco. Police questioning (y/n), Simon after, and then Johnny at the very end. Asking them what had happened, maybe what his motives were. It was questioning her sanity. That was a fact. She was ready to go see if a bear really did shit in the woods.
“Come on mama, you're safe.” Simon cooed softly as she had a meltdown. Good thing the meltdown occurred in his arms after being questioned. “You're okay.”
Her mind was buzzing all night long. Thinking about the what if’s, the why’s, the maybe’s, and the not so much’s. Simon knew she needed to change her mind right now before she lost any sleep in this. So as he was corralling her into his room—after a very long night of fretting for her safety—he kissed her passionately on the lips.
She didn’t know how to react, didn’t know what to say. But it was very obvious how she felt when she kissed him right back.
They had finally shared their first kiss. One that was needed a lot sooner than when it had arrived.
(Y/n) felt like she was floating, maybe it was a bit too much with the day she had, but she didn’t care, she liked it. Liked his lips on hers as he kissed her so tenderly, so passionately.
He loved it, he loved how she melted against his embrace as his lips merged with hers.
The two were currently feeling things out, like is this what he wanted, is this what she wanted? Was she into it as much as he was into it?
Answer: yes!
Weeks had passed and the two would sleep off and on at one and another’s house. When they were sleeping in hers, they were at his. And when they weren’t at his, they were at hers. It was back and forth making sure she was safe and she was okay, she didn’t mind as it kept her close to Simon, and she liked to be close to the man. He was her big strong hero and she wanted to keep it like that.
We’re playin’ poker, mamas,” Simon said softly as he looked back at her. “Wanna play?”
“Never played before.” She came down the stairs looking at him confused. There was another woman standing in his home. It wasn’t Moria and Kaitlyn, Johnny’s sisters who would visit often. She seemed more put together unlike the fun Scottish sisters (y/n) enjoyed hanging with. “I can teach ya, mama.” Simon said softly his eyes twinkling as he wanted her to be seated right beside him.
“Is Moria and Kaitlyn here?” She asked softly.
“Oh lassie, their comin’ tomorrow.” Johnny added as he started to introduce the woman. “Has Simon introduced you two?”
“No,” (y/n) said slowly, always unsure about people in the beginning.
Simon had learned that when she had met Moria and Kaitlyn, she was fearful of people and it had to do with her ex who created that fear. Simon had learned real quick that he would feed her lies and fears so she would stick close to him and never leave like mother gospel did to Rapunzel.
“This is Farah, mamas,” Simon said softly. “She is the commander of the Urzikstan liberation force.”
Simon knew she had been on edge since her boyfriend and tried to force in a position she didn’t like. Her fear and constant needing to be on edge was her body keeping her alert and ready to run if she needed to. The thing was, she had nothing to fear when Simon was right here, he wasn’t going to let anything hurt her.
“She’s good friends with the 141.” Soap added as he smiled.
“Nice to finally meet you, they all say good things about you,” Farah smiled softly as she reached her hand out.
“Nice to meet you too.” (Y/n) said softly as she shook her hand looking back at Ghost, he had on his balaclava like always. “Can I watch?” She asked softly, sticking close to his side. Johnny and Farah left the house with a beer in their hands as they giggled and joked about something. Simon rested his large palm on (y/n)’s hip as he leaned forward and nuzzled his face onto her head.
“Good girl.” He said softly. She tensed up subtly liking the way he called her a good girl. It wasn’t something she ever thought she’d get to hear from him, but then again she wasn’t so sure why she thought she wouldn’t ever hear this, he was so sweet to her. “Gonna be my good luck charm, pretty girl?” He asked as she wasn’t so sure what to even say.
“Maybe I could bring you good luck,” she smiled as she spoke softly following him out to the usual place they played poker in the middle of summer.
The two were seated so close to one and other it didn’t go unnoticed by the guests residing at the Riley residence. Soap who always sits beside Ghost was now sandwiching (y/n) in between the two large SAS soldiers.
(Y/n) had her leg lifted up and over Simon’s where he had tugged it as his large palm rested on her thigh rubbing her skin in a soothing manner. He wanted her calm and wanted her as relaxed as he could get her.
“Keep Johnny from cheatin’ and lookin’ at my cards, mama.” Simon hummed softly as she giggled nodding her head fighting Johnny off at times.
The night couldn’t go any better, it actually took a turn for the worse. All because of a simple slip up from Johnny and his terrible ways of phrasing things.
“(Y/n), lassie,” she looked at the Scottish man curious as to what he was going to say. “You got the LT running after you constantly saving your clumsy arse from things. When are ya gonna learn from him and care for yourself lassie?” (Y/n) froze up as she laughed nervously.
“Yeah, guess I do rely on him too much.” She fiddled with her lip.
‘Embarrassing, relying on Simon all the time. Embrassing and probably a hindrance.’ She thought in her head as Johnny continued to tease her. He wasn’t meaning to make her feel like shit, he was just play-teasing her. It wasn’t supposed to be taken in such a way where he was ridiculing her. She just panicked because she already felt like a problem. Simon was always rescuing her it had to be annoying.
‘Knew I was annoying.’ Her eyes got a bit glossy. She blinked a few times hiding them.
“Can’t have a big guy saving you all the time!” Johnny was a bit tipsy, he really didn’t mean anything ill about it. “Be a big girl and go take on the world a bit without Simon’s help, ya’, it’s not too scary.”
“Yeah.” She frowned slightly. “I-I’m sorry,” she looked up at Simon. “I-I’m gonna go to bed. Not feeling so good right now.”
“Lovie, don’t listen to him,” Simon said quickly. “He’s just drunk Dovie. You’re not a problem.” Simon nodded his head as he sat the cards down. “He’s a terrible joker when he’s drunk and doesn’t understand what he’s saying.”
“It’s okay, I’ve been a problem enough.” (Y/n) shut the cabana leaving the crew to hide in her house.
“Jesus Johnny!” Simon snarled conveying his anger at Soap.
“I’m sorry, mate, it was a joke.” Johnny uttered.
“Not a harmless one, now mamas is upset.” He was so protective of her. So madly in love with her.
So much so that when he found out she had locked him out of her house he tossed and turned all night not able to sleep. Worried she would need his help, he opened his windows and shut the AC off and listened Incase she called for him.
Meanwhile she was beating herself up for being so…immature. In her eyes she felt immature, felt so kiddish always needing rescued by some SAS soldier who was her neighbor.
“She won’t even come out and talk to me Johnny.” Simon snarled as he spoke to Johnny in his kitchen three days later. “What the fuck were ya’ thinkin’?”
“LT, it was a playful joke, everyone knows she’s a fully capable woman.” Johnny said softly.
“Yeah, well, now she avoids me like the fuckin’ plague.” Simon slammed the dishrag on the counter. He was having withdrawals, withdrawals from the most addicting drug he’s ever had in his life, (y/n). “What the fuck!”
“Let me go talk to her,” Johnny said calmly. “I’ll right my wrongs and things will go back to normal.”
Meanwhile she was in her head sitting on her bed trying to read a romance novel, but just not able to get into it.
‘He hates me, resents me, he can’t even have a relationship because I ruin it. Constantly needing his help. When was the last time he went on a date, pretty sure he went on them all the time before. I’m ruining his life.’ It went on and on in her head like this until a knock made it pause and she could hear Johnny calling for her at the front door.
“Lassie, m’sorry for what I said, I was trying joke in a playful manner but I made a hurtful joke.” Johnny was apologizing. “Open the door and we’ll talk. I owe you an apology in person.”
‘Don’t, he’ll make fun of you again, and Simon will be there and he’ll agree.’ Her mind shut her off as she hauled herself more into the bed. If she was quiet they wouldn’t know she was here…right? She hadn’t left her house the last three days, just got a shower are food and made sure nothing went wrong. When nothing went wrong it kept Simon away, and he could then find a social hour again and maybe find a woman he likes. Not some girl who screams and can’t take care of stuff on her own. Like killing a spider, the one from the shower. She was working herself up to killing it, just hasn’t been able to yet…it’s a work in progress…maybe.
She just kept her eyes on it and pleaded to any god that would listen not to let that bastard move while she was showing.
“Please let me see ya’, Simon’s about to break down this door and do a wellness check.” Johnny knocked louder.
“Johnny get the fuck out of the way!”
“No LT, she’s maybe coming downstairs, don’t kick it in!”
“Or maybe she fell down the stairs and has a broken limb…please not a broken neck, mama, I’m coming!” That was like his battle cry as Simon kicked down the door. He was like a new parent who locked his beloved kid in the car. He was in frantic mode.
(Y/n) could hear the crashing of the door biting off the wall. She jolted forward on the bed, she didn’t think he’d actually break it down. For god sakes she was just in boyshort underwear and a sports bra.
“Mamas!” His cries for her were getting loud as he stomped on the stairs and walked right into her bedroom like he owned the place. She stared confused, really not sure what else she should be feeling.
Her eyes met his brown ones as he let out a breath of relief.
Soap wasn’t too far behind as he fought his breath. “I’m so sorry lassie, I tried, I really tried.” Soap said as he was hunched over catching his breath from the hike up her steps. “We’ll fix your front door, we swear.”
Needless to say, that night her toes were curled while his toes were digging into his mattress to get better traction while he made her lose her mind.
That’s what (y/n) gets for making Simon worry like that for three damn days. He was claiming his stakes and his were her.
And when Simon was all done making her scream and cry, he rested beside her brushing her hair from her pretty sweat coated, tear stained face.
He had just gotten her all cleaned up while he looked at her proudly.
‘That’s my girl,’ repeated on his head while he smiled content.
“He’s right, you know.” (Y/n) broke the silence. “Drunk or not he was right, I need to learn to take care of myself.”
“The fuck you do,” Simon snarled as he nipped at her neck making her squeak in suspense. “Mama, I’m taking care of you from now on, that’s my god given duty.” He said while he kissed behind her ear. “Let me do my one and only duty I actually care about.”
“Okay,” she gasped out squirming a bit. “But let me learn to do some things, si.” She had never called him that before and his head shot up and he got the wild look in his eyes. He liked feeling her naked body below his squirming just like it had been a few minutes ago. He also really liked the fact that she called him Si, it made some gears churn in his head and he could feel his body buzzing and hearing up.
“I’ll let you try, but I’m gonna take care of ya’ at the end of the day.” He said sternly. “Like right now, lay down and call for me mama.” Simon trailed kisses up her neck,
“Simon,” she squeaked out in surprise but was quickly shut up as soon as her mind went blank from the rearing pleasure he was giving her. At this rate he was most likely going to break his own bed, but she wasn’t going to complain, not when she was on the receiving end.
On top of that, she was gonna be lucky if she could even walk tomorrow.
After a few days of trying to get Simon to back off a bit and let her learn how to handle some simple scenarios—not the spider in her bathroom that one was gladly done by Ghost. She was able to make it so Ghost wasn’t saving her twenty-four-seven.
He wasn’t being pulled away from poker games and things such as that.
She thought she had everything under control, until her faucet had fallen off in her sink as the water spewed everywhere. How she had no idea, it just popped off and chaos ensued.
She turned the water on and turned her back to grab her veggies she needed to wash and next thing she slowly processed that she was getting rained on and not from a leak in her ceiling. She went into instant panic as she turned around trying to shut the water off but it kept spewing.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She cursed as she slipped on the puddle forming on her laminated flooring. She groaned and quickly shuffled to the cabinets pulling them open as she tried to shut the water off down there but she knocked something and it spewed in her face.
Well at least it wasn’t raining…now it was just gushing in her face. She squirmed back but the water quickly stopped. She was confused, but then her ears picked up on Simon’s loud steps coming from the basement. He shut all the water off to her house.
She crawled on her hands and knees away from the sink as she stood up. She was sipping wet and entirely embarrassed by the fact that she had made it worse and didn’t think of shutting the water off from the start.
Ghost stopped behind her glad his mask was on. He quickly averted his eyes for her respect trying not to turn his head again to look at her pretty black lace panties. Made something in his stomach churn in a good way, gave him butterflies. Though it was game over when she turned around, he couldn’t not gawk, a white shirt and water didn’t go well, especially when one wasn’t wearing a bra.
A sight to behold. Now in this moment, he’d be smacking Johnny and telling him to not look but he himself couldn’t look away.
It didn’t matter if (y/n) and Simon had already done the deed. He still tried to be respectful, especially since they weren’t dating yet and surely as hell weren’t married yet. It would be different in those scenarios.
“Thanks Simon,” (y/n) brushed her hair back as his eyes remained on her chest. Not the makeup she was wearing running down her face looking horrible but somehow still making her so pretty.
“Didn’t expect to get wet today, I see.” He couldn’t help but utter out. He wanted to slap himself and see his mouth shut. What an idiot, what an absolute idiot. He still couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Not company also, it seems.”
She paused and took a minute to try and understand what he was saying.
“Yeah,” she snorted softly. “Not expecting any company, and not expressing to get w—“ she froze as she remembered she was wearing just her black lace panties and a white shirt that belonged to her ex who dumped her. It was a weird rock band shirt she had never heard of, but kept it because she could swim in it and liked to wear it on hot summer days—like today—and stay cool without having to wear a bra. “Don’t look!” Her screech was shrill and loud as she threw a towel at him. Simon had winxed as he quickly looked away.
“I’m an Idiot.” She uttered as she tried to walk past him to get a change of clothes. Ones that didn’t show her perky breasts when it got wet.
“Mamas,” Simon said softly with a bashful look in his brown, honeyed eyes. “I need you right now.” He said softly. “I’ll fix your leaking tubes, after…” she paused as she looked at Simon.
He what?
“What?” She asked embarrassed and flustered.
“Mama, don’t make me say it again.” He was also flustered.
“Say it.” She said softly. Her eyes lingered on his for a second.
“Mama, let me have you, please.” He looked at her. She could see his arousal not only in the physical action of his member but in his eyes. How they lingered in her body how they looked deep into her eyes showing his want and need for her.
He slowly walked up to her while staring at her back, he then put a hand on her hip and moved closer to her.
“Yeah, I want you…” he said in a low and gruff voice. His body was just behind her now. He then leaned down and put his face close to her ear. “Real bad.”
“Simon,” she was flustered as she felt his thumb rub her hips. She was red and embarrassed but she felt her own need pooling in her abdomen. It was a warm and tingly sensation, one he always pulled out of her.
He loved how her body reacted to his touch. Her breath hitched as she spoke his name. His large hand was still planted on her hip while his other hand came forward and put a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. “Say you want me too.” he whispered in her ear.
Her breath hitched as she gasped slightly, feeling his hands trail across her abdomen.
Her hands slowly found his hands as her fingers weaved into his large fingers. He breathed in her scent as he felt her small hands weaved through his much larger ones. He moved his lips up to her neck and gave it a light kiss.
“Tell me you want me…” he said again while his tongue traced her neck lightly.
She gasped as she felt his tongue glide across her skin. “Simon.” She gulped. She felt her mouth go dry as she tried to formulate a sentence.
He chuckled in her ear then gave her neck another light kiss. “Come on, baby girl, I know you want me too.” Ghost left a trail of light kisses up the side of her neck. He then grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him.
She could feel him pressed up against her, her eyes fluttered closed as small moans left her lips. She couldn’t think straight and she wanted to tell him, but she couldn’t find the words.
He let out a soft growl as he heard the little moans escape her lips. He couldn’t get enough and his lips left a trail of kisses on the back of her neck. “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
He pulled her hips back into him more. His body was now completely pressed against hers and she could feel the heat and want come off of him.
“Yes.” She said softly gasping as his large hands trailed her abdomen and slightly under her panties. Her hand was still grasping onto his as he held her sturdy against him slowly grinding against her.
He loved how her body reacted to his. Her soft little gasps and moans drove him wild and her body moving against his was driving him to the edge.
“You like that, sweetheart?” He murmured in her ear as his hand crept further into her panties. “You like how I’m touching you?”
Oh yes, yes she did. He was a god to her when he toyed with her like this.
“Please Simon, I-I…” she trailed off having always been bashful, but she knew Simon was a gentle lover as this wasn’t the first time the two had acted out of instinct. “I-I, want you t-too.” She gasped being at his mercy. “It feels good.” She whined.
He smiled against her neck as he felt his hand reach her most sensitive parts. Her body arching against him and her breath hitching as he made contact. He let out a soft growl as she told him that she wanted him too. The sounds she was making were driving him crazy. “Yeah?” He asked while he slowly started to apply pressure to her. “How bad do you want me mamas?”
She for this hips grind against her ass as she was being hit with so many pleasurable things. She almost felt dizzy and delighted all at the same time. “I-I…” she stuttered.
He bit down on her neck as she ground her hips back into him. He had to take a second to recover from the sudden movement before he started speaking again. His fingers started to circle her most sensitive part. “Mmm… you’re being so good for me, mamas… tell me how bad you want me.”
The man had skill, god did he have skill.
She arched as she tried to focus but his hands distracted her. She gasped and moaned as she couldn’t focus. She whined slightly as his hips still grinded against her.
Simon moved his lips from her neck to gently brush against her ear. “C’mon sweetheart….” he coaxed her again. “I need to hear you say how bad you want me.” He continued to move his fingers against her, slowly increasing the pressure as he heard her sounds getting more needy and desperate. His hips kept grinding against her, his grip on her waist keeping her against him.
“C-can’t think straight,” she uttered, feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed. Her head rested on his chest as her head was thrown back in ecstasy.
Simon chuckled softly and he heard the sound of her head falling back on his chest. Seeing her all flustered and a mess was such a turn on for him. He could hear how hard she was breathing and he could feel just how much her body was shaking. He continued to circle his fingers against her while his hips continued their slow but rhythmic motion against her. “I know you want me, mamas. I can feel how much you’re enjoying my fingers.”
“S-Simon, slow down.” You squeaked out. “C-can’t think—“ a deep moan interrupted her. “Bad.” She groaned out loudly. “So bad, Simon!”
Simon smiled as she had no choice but to surrender to him. He was having so much fun watching her struggle to form a sentence. It looked like the only words that came out of her pretty little mouth were his name and how bad she wanted him. “Mmm that’s it sweetheart, tell me just how bad you want me.” He could feel that she was starting to get close as she started squeezing around his fingers.
“So bad.” She pulled her hands away from his as her hand trailed up to her breast.
“That’s it sweetheart…” he could see her reaching up and he almost thought she was going to take his hand away, but as it moved higher he realized what she was doing. He was now breathing heavily as he watched her hand reach up to her chest. He slowly his grip on her waist, wanting to see how far her hand went on her own.
“Just like that.” She uttered as she bit her lip, eyes closing in euphoria. She started to lift her one leg up holding it there for Simon so he could feel her better. Her hand worked on her chest.
He grunted as he saw her leg go up. He grabbed her thigh and pushed against her more. He could feel her shaking in his grip and he could see how her body was losing all control. “F-fuck… mamas,” he mumbled in her ear while his fingers kept their steady movements against her. He pressed his lips to her neck again and started leaving a trail of kisses. “You’re so good, you feel so good.”
She could feel his fingers delve into her core.
She gasped and whined, her back arched as her head was thrown back. He leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
He pressed his lips firmly against hers and let out another low growl as he felt her arching against him. She looked so beautiful like this. In his arms, completely coming undone. He increased his pressure on her and continued his slow but firm circles around her core. He wasn’t surprised when she let out a needy moan against his lips.
“Simon!” she cried out. “Simon, I-i love you.” She gasped as the sensations were getting too strong for her to handle. She gasped when she realized she said she loved him, neither of them had said anything like this to the other before.
She almost felt embarrassed and could feel the pleasure dwindling down because she felt like she fucked up.
Simon froze as he heard her whimper out that she loved him. Never in their time being together had either of them said those words to the other. He was still holding her thigh up and his fingers were still touching her most sensitive parts, but he slowly removed his lips from hers and started to pull his hand away.
“What’d you just say…?” He asked gruffly as he looked at her.
Now she felt like she fucked up, she looked away bitting her lips. Tears welled in her eyes. Now she was being a big cry baby, how embarrassing.
She held them off as she tried to find the words to say. Did she say it was a mistake? Should she say she didn’t mean it when she really did mean every word she said. Did she come out and say she loved him again? It was all confusing.
Simon was completely taken off guard by her saying that. He knew they didn’t have any labels but what they had was more than just some casual fling.
He let go of her thigh and moved his hand to her chin. He grabbed her firmly and turned her head back to him so she’d look at him. He then reached up and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “Say it again, sweetheart…” he said softly as he looked into her eyes.
“I-I love you…” she said quietly.
“Again…” he said with more demand now. He needed to hear her say it again. He wanted to hear that she loved him over and over again. He moved his hand from her chin to cup her cheek and gently brush his thumb across it.
“Say it again, baby girl…” he repeated once more.
“I love you Simon,” she said with a bit more confidence.
A big and stupid smile appeared on Simon’s face as he heard her say it again. He leaned down and gave her a quick and soft kiss.
He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against him. “F-fuck…you...” His voice was barely above a whisper as he held her tight against him. He was obviously having a hard time finding the right words.
“I love you too, mamas.”
She felt her heart beat pick up at Simon’s words and also at the sight of Simon undressing.
Her eyes lingered in his body as she bit her lip. Her hands clung to her wet white shirt as she rang out the edges gently out of nerves and excitement.
Simon shrugged out of his shirt. The man’s physique was insane. A perfect mix of muscle and scar tissue. His eyes never left hers while she watched him and she could see the heat and need in them.
Simon looked at her and noticed that she was holding onto the edges of her shirt, he tilted his head slightly. “What’re you doing with that shirt, baby girl?” He asked curiously.
She looked down nervously at it, not sure what she should be doing seeing him stripped down into nothing.
He walked over to her and stood right behind her. He looked down at her. The shirt was practically see through but he was still disappointed there was anything blocking him from seeing her body. He pressed up against her. His chest against her back as she was once again very firmly pressed against him. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his finger up and down her arms. “Why aren’t you taking this off, sweetheart?” Simon asked quietly.
“T-take it off?” She asked softly, embarrassed.
He chuckled at her response. He was almost surprised she was so shy all of a sudden. Seeing her so embarrassed was a new but exciting feeling for him.
He leaned down in her ear and spoke with a low and gruff voice. “Yeah… I want you to take it off, mama. I want to see your body… all of it.”
She nodded as she slowly lifted the white shirt off, but it left her in her black lace panties.
As the shirt made its way over her head and her hair fell back he could finally see her. And god was she a sight to see. “Damn…” he growled quietly as he took in the view of her body. The way her curves were shaped, the way the lace hugged her body, everything. He took a moment to recover before he spoke again. “Turn around.” He commanded.
She did that, slowly turning around for him.
Once she finished turning around he just took a second to look at her. He had an almost wild look in his eyes as he looked her up and down.
He was practically salivating at the sight of her so he took a step closer to her. “You’re so damn beautiful, you know that?” He ran his hands up and down her arms. “Look at you. So good for me.”
“S-Simon.” She was so shy right now.
He smiled as she said his name and he saw how shy he was making her. It wasn’t often she was shy like this and he loved it. “You’re so damn cute when you’re all flustered and shy, baby girl.” Simon said with his gruff voice as he continued to run his hands up and down her arms. “And you’re so good for me,” he continued to murmur as he moved his hands down her sides.
She felt her breath hitch. If she wasn’t wet from the water, she would be soaked from his words.
He smiled as he could see she was really starting to get worked up based on the way her chest was heaving and he could hear her breathing getting heavier.
“Lay down for me, baby girl,” he said in a low voice. “Right here on the floor and I’ll take real good care of you.”
She felt the cold water touch her skin as she did as told.
He stood over her and stared down at her. Seeing her laying on the floor, her body now completely visible to him, was a stunning sight. He knelt down, his knee on either side of her legs, and positioned himself right above her. He didn’t move, he was just staring at her body. “God. You’re perfect,” he mumbled.
If it wasn’t for Simon and her nipples already being hard, the cold water would have done it as she gasped at the feeling.
Simon let his eyes take in her entire body as he knelt over her. Hearing her gasp when the cold water hit her skin was an absolute treat. “S-so damn cute…” he mumbled again as his hands slowly ran down her sides and came to rest on her thighs. He gave her a little squeeze before he continued his hands’ journey over her body.
He grabbed his shirt and bunched it up underneath her head as a pillow as he leaned down against her grinding his bare body against her clothed core.
Simon grunted as he felt his hips press against her. He continued the slow grind back and forth as he leaned down and kissed her, both of them still damp from the raining tap water that had spewed from her faucet about fifteen minutes ago. He could feel how warm and wet his body felt against hers. He continued to press his chest against hers and his hips continued to rub against her core. Both of their breathing was heavy at this point.
He then stopped as his fingers looped under her panties.
His fingers were looped around her panties and he was slowly pulling them down while she was still laying down beneath him. He leaned down to her ear and started to talk in a soft and low voice. “Lift your hips for me, baby girl…”
“Simon.” She gasped as she did as told.
He chuckled as he heard her gasp as she did what he told her to do. She was being so good for him right now. “That’s it…” he mumbled as he started to slide her panties down her legs. “God look at you. You’re so good for me, baby girl. So damn good.”
She felt his hands lift her thighs up some as he spread her legs taking a look at her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt embarrassed.
He looked down at her, taking in the view of her now completely exposed body. He had been anticipating this sight and it didn’t disappoint.
“Don’t close your eyes, sweetheart, open them for me…” he said in a gentle and soft voice. “I want to look at you.”
If she wasn’t throbbing before—trust me she was—she was surely throbbing now.
“Simon, you can’t say stuff like that.” She arched off the ground. As her hands reached for something of his.
Her arching her back had his chest pressed even closer against her and her hands reaching for him, searching for something on him, only turned him on even more. He chuckled, amused that he was making her so shy and embarrassed. But there was just something about it that made it more exciting. He slowly ran his hands back and forth along her thighs as he spoke to her. “Why not? I want to look at you, baby girl. You’re so damn Beautiful. I want to see all of you.”
She could tell this was a much more emotional and deeply bonding intimate moment then the time he had sex with her the night he broke her door down when she was hiding from him embarrassed at soaps drunk words about how she needed to learn to take care of herself.
This time around the two souls were bounding to one and another as he showed her sweet love. The love he wanted and could provide to her.
This time had been different than that night. It was a more emotional and intimate moment between them. They both knew how they felt about one another now.
Simon gently stroked her thighs, his hands moving slowly up and down her skin. He was completely captivated by her. He was captivated by the way her body reacted to his every touch. He moved his hands closer and closer to her inner thighs before running his thumbs across her core. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
He started gently kissing and biting his way up her body, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her skin. When he finally got to her neck he spent extra time there before moving up and kissing the corners of her mouth before finally capturing her lips with his.
He slowly and gently started kissing her, his tongue gently tracing her lips, seeking entry. His hands were resting at the base of her head, his fingers playing with her hair.
“You really think so?” She asked as her hands rested on his waist.
“Yeah, I do think so.” He replied as he hovered over her, staring down at her as he replied. “You’re so goddamn beautiful, mammas. Every inch of you.”
“Simon,” she got so lucky having him. “I love you.” She said softly.
The way she said his name, he loved the way it sounded coming from her mouth. Every time she said it, he felt a sudden rush of feeling. Feeling he’d never felt before he met her.
He looked into her eyes, hearing the three simple words come out of her mouth again. Those three simple words were everything to him and he couldn’t hear them enough. “I love you, sweetheart, more than you’ll ever know.” he mumbled as he looked into her eyes.
She smiled as he sat up looking down at her core.
He was big and the two both knew it. She had gotten pretty good at adapting to him. But it still took her a bit to get used to his fit. He knew he needed to be gentle.
His finger ran up her core making sure she was slick enough, and she was. He didn’t have to worry there.
He leaned down and kissed her core before cooing at it.
He leaned down on her and let his lips touch her most sensitive area. He gave it a gentle kiss before he looked up at her. “So damn beautiful…” he muttered. “So sensitive for me, huh?”
“Only for you.” She nodded.
He chuckled as she responded to him. “Damn right it’s only for me.” He grumbled before he took another moment to admire the view. “God,” He groaned. “Every part of you is so perfect, but this…” he mumbled as he looked down at her core. “This is my favorite part.”
His lips touched it one more time. As she giggled at his words. “And here I thought your favorite part was my lips.” She teased softly.
His lips caressed her one last time before he lifted his head and looked at her. He chuckled a little as she teased him about his favorite part.
“You’re pretty cheeky today,” he said with a small smile on his face. “Looks good on you. But don’t kid yourself, sweetheart. I love a lot of parts of your body—your lips included.”
She giggled some more as his head rested on her thigh. He looked at her softly smiling. “You like the way she clings to you.” She said softly.
The sound of her giggling caused his smile to deepen. He could probably listen to it all day.
He chuckled softly and ran his hands along her thighs. “Mmm, I love the way she clings to me. It’s like she's begging me to never stop.”
“Don’t blame her, she knows what she likes.” She hummed as she arched her back feeling Simon leave a hickey on her thigh.
Simon didn’t look away from her thighs as he continued kissing and sucking the skin of her thighs before he left a big hickey on them.
He chuckled as he looked up at her and saw her arch her back. “Mmm, she’s a smart one, ain’t she?” He said in his gruff voice. “She knows I’m all about giving her what she likes.”
“Simon,” (y/n) gasped as her hands touched her chest.
Hearing her gasp his name and her hands coming up to touch his chest was enough to have him aching for her. He didn’t wait for another moment.
He moved out from between her legs and came to hover above her. He had a wild and lustful look in his eyes as he looked down at her. “Say my name again…” he said hoarsely.
“Simon,” she chanted like a prayer as her head lulled back and forth. She felt his member poke at her.
The way she said his name, each time she said it was like she was chanting it, praying to it. It had his body on fire, the need for her was almost painful.
He leaned down and positioned himself right between her legs, his member rubbing her core, teasing her. It was a grinding motion and it was enough to make her squirm underneath him. “Again…” he growled softly.
“Simon.” She gasped out, eyes opening up to look at him as her head was thrown back and she arched.
As she said his name again, her eyes opening and looking up at him, the arching of her back, the gasping as she was on the edge, it was all driving him crazy.
He placed a hand underneath the small of her back and slowly started to press forward. “Again…” he said huskily. “Say. My name.”
“Simon,” it was more blissed out than before. She was gonna reach ecstasy if he kept teasing her like this.
The way she said his name this time, it sounded like she was completely lost in the bliss of the moment. It only drove him wilder.
He held his hips in place, continuing to tease her but not fully giving her what she wanted. “Just say it one more time, baby girl and you’ll get what you want.”
“Simon Riley.” She sighed, cupping his face as she brought his lips closer to hers kissing his lips and then trailing down his jaw. “Please, I need you.”
Hearing her say his name as she took his face in her hands and trailed kisses down his jaw, hearing the need in her voice as she said she needed him, finally pushed him over the edge.
He grunted, his body stilling for a moment before he moved, finally giving her what she was begging for. “I got you, baby girl. I got you right here…” he muttered before his lips met hers.
She felt the pressure as she arched her back. She moaned. Her eyes rolled back in her head.
“Ah, fuck, Simon.” She groaned out.
The noise she made when he entered her made his body ache with need for her. He had never heard anything so good.
He grunted as he felt her arch her back and felt her tighten around him. “Fuck—baby girl.” He gasped. “You’re so damn good for me, so good…” he muttered. “Mamas, that’s it. Take it, atta girl.” He gasped as her pussy fit him so well as he moved at a slow pace. “She’s just eager to greet me, eager to take me. Atta girl, mamas. Spread those legs.” She did as asked. “Mamas pretty girl is just sucking me in.” Ghost groaned.
He cooed to her more as he talked her through the pleasure and pain making her heart swell with love at his actions.
He started moving his hips, slowly and softly at first. He wanted her to get used to the feeling.
He leaned down and placed his arms next to her head so that he was hovering over her. “Shhh—just breathe, baby girl, I got you… you feel so damn good, so damn good.”
She could tell she was losing him to pleasure. She tried to ground him, but her core tightened on him when he hit a certain depth.
When she tightened around him he let out another low moan. He was getting completely lost in the feel of her.
He grunted as his movements started to get quicker and more sloppy. “W-wait baby girl… slow down…” he muttered as he was still trying to ground himself.
“Simon, you’re the one moving.” She mewled and arched.
He grunted when she said his name and she started to wither underneath him.
He realized she was right, he was the one moving. He slowed his movement down, trying to make them more softer and more controlled.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you just feel so damn good…It’s hard for me not to lose control.” He paused for her as she clung to him. His one arm lifted her thigh above his shoulder.
When he finally got completely buried inside her he had to stop himself again. He needed a moment. Being completely inside her felt that good. He grunted and his head hung down for a moment, trying to control his breathing. “Oh fuck!” he mumbled before he picked up his head and looked deep in her eyes.
He looked down at her and saw her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Even just the expression on her face was enough to bring him pleasure. He grunted and started moving his hips again. Starting off with a slow and controlled rhythm.
“You like that, baby girl?” He asked her in a low voice.
Her toes curled and her body pulsed and buzzed with heat. That should have been a good enough answer.
“Yeah,” her eyes rolled back in her head as she arched. “Right there Si!” She begged.
When she said his name again and arched back and begged for him to keep going, it only made him pick up the pace. He needed to hear her say his name again and again. “I got you baby girl. I’m gonna take real good care of you…” he mumbled and he started to thrust faster, making sure to hit the spot that made her say his name louder.
“Simon,” she gasped. “Oh god, so good.” She kissed his jaw with hit open mouthed kisses leaving a hickey here and there.
He panted as he continued to move his hips, each of her gasps and every whine and moan that escaped her lips only pushing him forward. He couldn’t even think, all he wanted was to hear her moan his name more.
“That’s right baby, keep saying my name.” He groaned, his head tilted back, exposing his neck more of her kisses.
Her hands dug into his biceps as she closed her eyes panting, “Simon, can’t think right.” She gasped.
The ecstasy was getting to both of them as they both had blissed out looks in their faces and their eyes couldn’t pull away from one and another.
He groaned and grunted as he felt her fingers digging into his arms. He couldn’t think straight either, all he could focus on was the way she was making him feel.
“Don’t think, baby girl,just let go.” He gave her a sloppy kiss. “Feel me inside you…hmm? Feels so good, right?” he mumbled through his moans.
She wasn’t sure if she could even find the words at the moment as she felt his hands grip the back of her head as his face rested against hers. He was being so sweet to her like usual.
He was completely lost in her. The way she felt around him, the way she gasped and moaned his name, the way she dug her fingertips into his arms. Everything about her drove him crazy. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted to show her how she made him feel. She was so damn perfect.
He grunted into her ear as he held her head up to him, their faces were pressed against each other as he continued to move inside her. “You feel so damn good, mamas. I need you so bad—only you.”
She gasped at that.
“How do you do it?” She uttered as her lips touched his as she spoke against them.
He kept his face pressed against hers, his voice was gruff as he spoke. “Do what?” he muttered as he continued to move his hips forward. He had a feeling he knew what she was going to answer, but he needed to hear her say it. “How do I do what, baby girl?”
She took a minute as she groaned and gasped feeling the intense pleasure.
He grunted as she gasped and their lips touched. Even a soft touch from her lips to his was enough to break his heart and heal it all at once.
He continued to thrust into her, a little faster this time, getting closer to his release. His body was on fire for her.
“How do I do what?” he breathed out, panting as he spoke to her. A few strands of his hair were sticking to his damp forehead.
“H-how—oh god—how do you make it feel so good?” She uttered. “How do you know all the best places to touch me and…” she groaned, trailing off as her body shook from ecstasy.
He chuckled a bit when she began to speak, then cut herself off with a moan. The way her body shook when he hit that right spot was one of his favorite things.
“Do you really think there’s a place on your body where I haven’t kissed or touched, baby girl?” he responded to her. He grunted as he continued to roll his hips. “I do it because I know you like it, I need to touch you. I need to hear you moan so bad.”
She was falling apart in his arms and it was driving him crazy. Seeing her struggling to speak because of the pleasure made him grunt when her body shook, the tightness around him making his body react to her.
“Simon,” she arched. The puddle they were laying in made things slippery still, but not enough to deter Simon.
When she arched her body he let out a moan and grunted loudly.
How was she even real? How did he ever manage to get her into bed with him?
The sound of her core as he moved inside her was like music to him. It was perfect. She was perfect.
Hearing her say his name again, caused his pace to quicken. “Say it again,” he panted out to her. “Say my name, sweetheart.”
“Simon,” she rocked with him gaining some friction. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him tighter to her.
Her could feel her perky nipples brush against his stimulating the two of them more.
Simon grunted as her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her body.
He was completely surrounded by her. Her scent, her voice, her touch, her taste. It was all driving him crazy.
“God,” he grunted as his eyes looked down at her while his hips rolled. Her flushed face was Divine, her parted lips made him want to devour her mouth, and her breathy words and moans made him feral. “You feel so good, baby girl. So damn good.” He mumbled against her skin before he pulled his head back and looked her in the eyes, continuing to pant as he spoke. “Look at me.” His words were hushed and breathy as he was feeling the heat of everything.
Her eyes met his as she gasped and panted squirming a bit underneath him as he kept hitting that specific spot with his hips rolling. She knew that he knew that was her G-spot.
Watching her react as he kept hitting that sweet spot with his hips made him smile. How was she so perfect?
He loved making her gasp and moan his name. It was addictive.
He grunted as his hips moved into hers a little harder. “You know I love it when you look at me, sweetheart. I could never get tired of seeing those beautiful eyes.”
“Having a man as highly addicting as you, telling me that—“ her head was thrown back as immense pleasure rolled over her body. “It just does something to me.” She whined scratching down his chest as his biceps now caged in her head.
The way her head was thrown back and the loud whine that she made caused goosebumps to rise on his skin. It was so damn good watching her fall apart because of him. He grunted and panted as her fingernails scratched down his chest. She left behind little red lines.
Looking down at her, seeing all her perfect features, how did he get so damn lucky with her?
“Does it, now? What does it do to you, baby girl?” he asked her through his grunts and pants.
“It makes my body feel on fire.” Her cunt tightened.
The feeling of her pussy tightening around him was something he knew he would never get tired of. He grunted and groaned as the feeling combined with her words, making him move faster.
“I’m on fire for you too, baby girl.” He grunted out to her. “I’m on fire for you all the time. You drive me crazy.”
“Yeah?” She cupped his face brushing the sweat away.
He leaned into her hand as she cupped his face. Even just a little touch like that had him aching for her. He let out a soft moan and nodded his head before he looked into her eyes. “Yeah,” he mumbled, panting and grunting. “I’m crazy for you, mamas. All the damn time, you don’t even know. I’m just trying to control myself from losing it for you all the time.”
Her hand touched her chest as her other hand touched his swirling around his nipples. It sent him into a tizzy.
When her hand touched his chest and her hand went to his nipple, he let out a loud moan. It was sensitive for him as well. He arched his back a little bit and let out a shaky gasp. “God, fuck! You’re gonna break me, baby girl. You know how sensitive I am there,” he grunted.
“Sorry.” She didn’t stop though, she kept rubbing and flicking with both hands now. So, his thumb found her clitoris and rubbed it in smooth circles.
He chuckled when she said she was sorry, but didn’t stop. It felt too good for either of them to stop.
He let out a low moan as his breath was shaky.
Her rubbing the sensitive skin of his nipple and running his thumb over her clitoris had them both whimpering. They were both really sensitive to each other’s touch.
His face hung down as he let out a loud groan. “Don’t be sorry, baby. I love it.” He hummed. “You’re just driving me crazy though.” He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, his own eyes looking very dark with desire.
“Simon,” she cooed softly. He didn’t think it was possible but her legs spread even more.
When she spread her legs more, taking him deeper, it got a loud moan out of him, and he buried his face in her neck. “Fuck, mamas, fuck,” he panted out against her skin. “You’re going to be the end of me if you keep this up. Can’t think straight when I’m with you like this. I’m addicted to you, maybe I’m obsessed with you.” He nipped at her neck.
“That feels good for you Simon.” She cooed softly as her back arched. “Feel so good, hmm?” She brushed a hand through his hair.
He groaned into her neck as her words. “It feels so damn good, mamas. Never felt like this with anyone.” Those words made her feel like she was soaring. “I need you, mamas. Always. All the damn time.” He growled out as his hips rolled into her faster. “No one else. ” he mumbled against her skin. He panted and grunted, continuing to move his hips. “Need you so damn bad. I’ve never wanted or needed anyone so damn much as I need you, baby.”
His words could push her over the edge, but add the sex itself and she was driven mad by the end of it.
She felt her abdomen tighten as her release was coming. She clung to him as her moans and breath got faster and louder. She couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t even see straight. Her eyes focused on Simon as she called out his name like a prayer to some god who she had devoted her whole life to. Simon was her god and she would devote her life to him if he asked.
There it was. His favorite sound.
He loved it when she said his name. He never could tire of hearing it, especially when she said it like that.
He panted and grunted as she panted and called out to him. Her body was clenching around him tightly, her walls squeezing him as her release approached.
He could feel her body reacting to him, how tight she was getting… and it made his mind go blank. Nothing else mattered to him. It was the end for him. He couldn’t keep it together anymore. Hearing her call out his name and feeling her squeeze him was too addicting.
“Oh god mamas.” He kissed her lips. “I’m close…
so damn close.” Every moan and every gasp she let out as he kept moving his hips was like music to his ears. He was addicted to the sound of her voice and saying his name was like a drug. His most addictive drug.
Then the bough broke. She could feel the flood gates release and her whole body was in euphoria. Was that a god before her? A god that made love to her in no ways a mere mortal could.
When she came, her body arching underneath him, it was all he needed. Feeling her squeezing him, listening to her moan his name, all of it sent him over the edge.
The curve in her back as she arched against him chanting and praising him through a prayer of his name.
He let out a loud and shaky moan as his body tensed, his release overtaking him. He buried his face in her neck.
“Oh god!” He growled as his thrusts were uneven just trying to ride though his own orgasm and hers. “Oh fuck mamas, that’s all you baby, that’s all you! Fuck!” he growled into her skin.
He continued to twitch as his body tried to ride through his release. He was gasping for air, his face still buried in her neck. She wasn’t in any better shape.
“God, mamas, never felt anything like that before.” he mumbled in between breaths, his body still shaking.
She let out a wail of a moan as she stopped twitching herself.
The sound of her moan made him shiver, he could have sworn she could have him coming again with a sound like that.
“Bloody hell,.” He muttered as his body went a little weak on top of her. “You’re gonna be the death of me, baby girl, I swear to god.” He chuckled.
He looked down at her smiling face and gave a weary smile back at her. He was so tired but seeing her smile just made his heart melt.
He started to kiss her face softly, peppering her forehead, cheeks and nose with gentle kisses. He was praising her. His perfect and beautiful baby girl.
“Okay, mamas, let’s get you cleaned up.” Simon picked her up softly carrying her up the stairs knowing she would need to relax. Aftercare was important to him and he was going to run her a nice warm bath while he fixed the faucet. He returned after about an hour.
“Such a good mamas.” He cooed softly as he found her sleeping in the tub. “Faucets all fixed mamas.” He cooed as he kissed her forehead watching her stir awake.
“Thanks, Si.” She smiled. “Let’s call takeout.”
“Good idea, mamas.”
Needless to say, if you asked her what it was like being neighbors to the 6’4 SAS soldier she would have three words to describe it.
‘Pleasurable’, ‘greatful’, and ‘hers’.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes Nine✦
(Sexual Implication) Ghost, trying to be sexy by whispering: Gaggin’ for it, aren’t ya, love? Soap: Nope. Ghost: No? Soap: I don’t gag on anything. Ghost: *404 Error* Soap: …Ghost? Si? Simon, are you alright?
-- Y/N: Let’s play a word association game! Ghost: Why? Y/N: Because I saved your ass last mission and I’m bored, so you owe me. Ghost: *sigh* Fine. Y/N: P e r f e c t . Gaz: ?? Y/N: Cold. Ghost: Winter. Y/N: Spring. Ghost: Mattress. Y/N: Soft. Ghost: Comfortable. Y/N: Pleasant. Ghost: Sunset. Y/N, With a shit eating grin: Beautiful. Ghost, unconsciously: Johnny- Y/N: YES Gaz: OHHHHHH Ghost: Soap: *gasp* Simon!~ Ghost: I’m going to go crash in a heli. Y/N: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT-
-- Alex: Bitch do you want me to jump across this table? Because I don’t have all day for this. Norris: You feeling froggy? Leap. Alex: Okay, well here I come- Farah: Alex no, no- hOLD OFF
-- (NSFW Joke) Y/N: Oh sorry. I almost drank out of your cup. Soap: Wh-Just go ahead, it won’t matter! Y/N: Well I- Yeah no, you’re right. I’ve drank out of your cups dozens of times. Soap: We’ve sucked the same dick- Y/N: That’s a good point! Ghost: ….*sigh*
-- Gaz: What kind of girl do you like? Soap: My wife. Gaz: And you? Ghost: Johnny’s wife. Gaz: OH- Price, knowing they recently started a poly situation: Pfft-
-- (Use of the word pussy because haha) Gaz, filming: Pffft- Soap: Shhshh- Y/N in the hallway: FORTY THREE FUCKING CENTS! AHHHHH Soap: *wheeze* Y/N: I NEED A SUGAR DADDY!! Gaz: PFFFT- Soap: I can’t breathe- Y/N: At this rate I’m ready to plaster my fuckin’ pussy on the sidewalk for some sPARE CHANGE! Gaz & Soap: *doing that silent cackle thing and smack each other in the arm* Ghost, leaning into the room: What the f- Y/N: SPAARE CHANGE, SPARE CHANGE! ANYONE GOT ANY SPARE CHAAANGE?! Gaz: *coughing* Soap: Steamin’ Jesus I’m fucking crying- Y/N, passing by the room: 🎵Walkin’ in a winter wonderlaaaand🎶
-- Y/N: Would you love me? Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Would I love you if…? Y/N: nO ThAt wAs tHE QuesTiOn-
-- Y/N: Pretty boy! With me I said! Rudy: Rudy: Rudy: Oh I’m pretty boy! Y/N: Yes! Oo that came out a bit quick- (Also works with Soap & Gaz, honestly)
-- (THIS IS A CONCEPT IM TOO WHIMPY TO WRITE, SO HAVE IT HERE! THIS COULD WORK WITH SO MANY CHARACTERS Also, NSFW warning) Ghost: I don’t miss. Y/N, on his ear piece: Never? Even with distractions? Ghost: *turns his scope* Not ever. *just about to take a shot* Y/N: Hmm…what if I went… Mm Simon~ Ghost: *misses* Y/N: Ya missed. Ghost: Cheeky bitch…
-- Gaz: Alright, so, since we’re now in America and we have some time to kill, I went and I got you something. Y/N: Aww Gaz, you really didn’t have to- Gaz: *puts down their Whataburger order* Y/N: OH MY GOD Price: Really? Gaz: *shrug* Soap: *snickering as Y/N Fucking demolishes some fries* Y/N, having the time of their life: Garrick you ever need your dick sucked, a dead body buried, a beer or whatever, you call me. I got’chu Gaz: BAHA- Soap: *wheeze* Ghost: Are you fucking crying? Y/N with their mouth full: I missed it so much.
-- (Team bonding exercises) Soap: You’re a football player, it’s in ya blood! Gaz: That’s racist. Soap: Your soul? Gaz: That’s racist! Soap: …your eyes? Gaz: That’s gay- Soap: That’s homophobic. Gaz: That’s black. Soap: That’s racist!! Gaz: Damn- (this one is extra funny since Gaz is now confirmed LGBT)
-- Gaz: You overrated little twink! Soap: Hey I am a TWUNK, alright?! That is a combination, twink, and HUNK, get it?? Hunk-
-- Soap: Hey~ Fem!Y/N: You’re Gay. Soap: …oh yeah. Soap: *looks at Ghost* Soap: Hey.~ Ghost: *sigh*
-- Soap: I’m gonna have to meet men lying down. Y/N: …I thought’cha did?? Soap: OI!
-- Soap: Everyone says what a giving person I am! Y/N: He’s talking about when you’re in an upright position.
-- Graves: What if there’s a connection? Y/N: I think there’s a connection between your brain and wallpaper paste.
-- Shepard: Now you’re always ornery, rude, unpleasant, and sometimes downright mean. That’s part of your charm. Y/N: Thank you, you colluding-county-hopping-idiotic-relic. Price: *pride*
-- Alex: Oh my god, how are you such a good driver? Soap: Because there’s illegal shit in here. Alex: Soap: Because if I don’t use my turn signal, we’re both gonna do fifteen. Because I am going to lie and say yours. Alex: ….. Soap: Put your seatbelt on, sweetheart. Alex: *clicks it in places* Soap: You are not safe!
-- (Sucking dick joke) Kidnapper: You’re gonna do as I say or I will make you regret ever being born. Y/N: Oh please, I’ve sucked dicks more intimidating than you. Soap: Oh this is why Simon was the way he was after we rescued you both last time.
-- Soap, shoving marshmallows in his mouth: This isn’t very ha-*chokes* MILF!Y/N, across the fucking base: ….*mom instinct* Price: ??? Ghost: Uh- Y/N: Something just happened. Kyle: PFFT-
-- MILF!Y/N: *letting Soap & Gaz lean on her while Price and Ghost stand close behind* Untrue. I’m a mother now. It’s really changed my perspective. Graves: And do you find it hard juggling life and a career? Y/N: You can juggle these nuts.
-- Soap: *rambling* Soap: Agh, sorry, I’m just goin’ on and on- Ghost: Oi, keep talking before I kick your ass. Soap: ….. Gaz: See? This is exactly what I m-where the fuck are these flower petals coming from?? ARE THOSE SPARKLES??
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cherrrydragon · 3 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ The three C's (carnival, chaos, and cuddle pollen). Jon lets you drag him away, looking back to see Damian squinting at him through the mask. Making your way out of the venue you catch onto Ivy’s parting words. "In a world of violence and chaos, my cuddle pollen offers a moment of peace, a false but blissful reprieve. It's almost poetic, isn't it?" Fuck. Your. Life. pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: mentions of having sex (as a joke/none is actually had), cuddle pollen (kind of non-con cuddling and kissing, but reader really doesn't mind) wc: 4.4k
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Nari wakes you up by screeching in your ear. You groan and roll over, snatching him up and gently throwing him off the bed. You sit in bed and contemplate if you really have to get up and function as a normal person, but alas, you do. Grabbing your phone, your eyes widen a tad. Jesus, you slept till ten? Good thing it’s the weekend.
You have the day off from work, so it’s up to you to find something to do. You feed Nari, making sure to give him a bunch of apologetic kisses. Maybe you’ll swing by the Den today. It won’t hurt to work some more on the badassium.
You groan and stretch, doing some warm-up exercises. Nari perches on your back as you do push ups. He weighs nothing, but it’s the thought that counts. Karen pipes up from your laptop.
“I’ve done you the liberty of adding Victoria’s contact info on your phone.”
You release a fond sigh. “Bit of a meddler, are you?”
“I am simply saving us time.” You snort. You grab your phone, changing Victoria’s name and shoot her a text.
sugar mommy
whats good how we doing
i dont need anything just wanted to say hi
also its [name] btw
Her response comes a minute later.
How did you get my number?
karen did
shes kind of my guy in the chair
does all the super cool behind the scenes stuff yknow how it is
I thought I was your ‘guy in the chair’
fym ur my sugar mommy
Her only response is a money bag emoji, making you chuckle. She’s got personality and it makes you smile. A knock at the door catches your attention. Probably May coming to make sure you’re not dead. She’s gotten used to leaving early now. The lock clicks as you open the door.
Oh, it’s not May. It’s Jon .
“Jon!” you say, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles, a friendly one. “Hi, [Name]. I was just visiting Dami, but he seems to be in a mood… so I was wondering if we could hang out?” he asks, hopeful. “If that’s okay with you?”
You coo internally. You’ll never get over how sweet he is. “Yeah, of course. Just text me next time, yeah?”
He nods, stepping inside as you open the door for him. Nari trots over to him and rubs against his ankles. “What time did you get up? I don’t think Metropolis is that close to GC.” You feel a little evil, putting him on the spot because you know he flew here.
He pauses, thinking of an appropriate answer. “Uh, I don’t know. Six, maybe?” he winces, hoping that answer makes sense. You don’t have it in you to do the mental calculations so early in the morning, so you nod. You wouldn’t actually out him like that, anyway.
“Got any ideas are we just gonna have hot sex the whole day?”
Jon, to his credit, only lightly blushes. He’s long gotten used to your sense of humor. “There’s that carnival that just opened.”
“Mmm, maybe later. Carnivals always look better when it’s dark.”
“Then…” he thinks, “...let’s just go for a walk. See what we find.”
You grab your keychain with far too many charms on it and your other essentials, hooking your arm in Jon's. “Lead the way.”
May doesn’t have any outward reaction save for a knowing look as you exit the building. You squint your eyes at her in response. The noise of the city greets you as you walk out. People around you go on with their days, each living their own complex life.
It’s silent for a moment as the two of you walk. You take the moment to just think for a moment. You thought life was crazy when you found out you had crazy spider powers, but then you turned it around and made it into something good. You thought life was crazy when you got asked to officially join the avengers, but then you found a family in them. You thought life was crazy when you found out about the ‘spider verse’, but from that you realized you weren’t alone. You should’ve known better than to think it couldn’t get any crazier than that, but here you are. Very far from home.
You just wonder what will come out of this .
“You’re quiet,” Jon notes, voice barely a murmur.
“Just thinking.”
“That’s not good,” he jokes. You scoff and consider flicking him, but it would probably hurt.
“Just thinking how hard it’ll be for Damian to look me in the eye the next time I see him.”
Jon raises a brow. “What… happened between you and Damian? Is that why he was in a mood?”
“So crazy story, he walked in on me making out with my kind-of bully.” Jon’s eyes widen incredibly. His pace stutters and he chokes on air. You grin as you watch his flail. “Making out might be generous, but it was pretty passionate.”
You continue, “God, you should’ve seen the look on his face. He genuinely stopped functioning for a sec! He’s a bigger virgin than I thought. Or maybe it was just that it was with Tori of all people. It’s okay though, she’s not all that she seems.”
Jon stops walking altogether, accidentally yanking you to a stop as well. You blink at him.
“Ok…” he starts, “first of all, you kissed your bully?” he asks incredulously.
“Well, like I said, she's not all that she seems,” you shrug. He nods, still looking at you in disbelief.
“So… what? Are you guys… dating?” he hesitates to say the word.
You scratch your nose, looking down. “Nah… we talked it out, she uh…” you trail off, “...it was a spur of the moment thing, we’re just friends. Now, anyway.” You feel bad saying you rejected the girl who was in love with you, but you also can’t say everything that went down.
You look at Jon, seeing him also looking down in thought. His brows are furrowed, you wonder how strange it is to Damian if it’s so strange to Jon. He nods after a bit, continuing his walk. His arm holds yours a bit tighter.
“You’re the strangest person I’ve ever met,” he laughs disbelievingly.
Probably because this isn’t your universe. “Probably because I’m so awesome all kinds of people want a piece of me.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Too late,” you grin.
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For as drab as Gotham City is, at least this carnival provides a little bit of color. The vibrant lights provide an enchanting atmosphere. You can’t help but grin. Jon watches you with a smile.
“What do you want to do first?”
“Pie eating contest.”
He blinks. “Okay?” He’s a little confused by your quick and confident reply. Now don’t be alarmed, you usually eat three meals a day. The meals are just… well, some might argue if they’re actually meals or not. Tony estimated that you should be eating five proper meals a day to combat your increased metabolism. You’re not starving or anything as you are now, but if you ever get injured your increased healing won’t help.
“I wanna eat,” is your only explanation as you drag him to the stand.
Jon chuckles as you drag him along, his smile widening at your enthusiasm. “Alright, I’ll join you,” he smiles, matching your energy. The two of you approach the stand where a small crowd has gathered around a makeshift stage. A lively carnival barker stands at the front, rallying contestants and spectators alike.
“Step right up, folks! Who’s got what it takes to be the pie-eating champion of Gotham tonight?” the man announces enthusiastically, his voice carrying over the excited chatter of the crowd.
You and Jon sign up eagerly, taking your places at the contestant table. The rules are simple: eat as much pie as you can within a set time limit. The pies, piled high with whipped cream and fruity filling, look delectable under the carnival lights.
The contest begins, and you and Jon dig in with gusto. The pies are delicious, each bite bringing a burst of sweet flavor. The crowd cheers and laughs as you both devour your way through the pies, alternating between bites and glances at each other, each trying to outpace the other.
Jon manages to finish his first pie just as you’re halfway through yours. He wipes his mouth with a napkin, grinning at you challengingly. “You’re pretty good at this,” he remarks between bites.
You flash him a competitive smirk, determined not to be outdone. “I eat a lot,” you quip back, mouth full of pie.
The contest continues, the pace quickening as the time ticks down. Cheers and encouragement from the crowd spur you on, adding to the thrill of the competition. Despite the messiness and the rapidly filling sensation in your stomach, you keep going, driven by the desire to win and the sheer enjoyment of the moment.
Finally, the timer buzzes, signaling the end of the contest. You and Jon set down your forks, breathing heavily but grinning broadly at each other. The man approaches to determine the winner.
“And the winner is…” he declares dramatically, waiting. After a tense moment, he announces, “It’s a tie!”
You and Jon exchange a look of surprise and then burst into laughter, both of your mouths covered in pie and thoroughly satisfied. The crowd applauds, appreciating the spirited effort you both put into the contest. You fancy yourself smug, seeing as you kept up with a kryptonian.
Jon wipes his hands and face with a napkin, chuckling as he looks at you. "I can't believe we tied," he says, shaking his head in amusement.
You nod, still grinning widely. "Yeah, I can’t believe you kept up with me.” He chuckles, shaking his head.
The man hands each of you a small prize—a colorful ribbon that declares you both "Pie Eating Champions of Gotham City Carnival". You both accept the ribbons with good humor, pinning them onto your shirts proudly.
As you step away from the contest table, Jon nudges you playfully. "So, what's next on our carnival adventure?"
You glance around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling carnival. The vibrant lights of the rides beckon in the distance, and the aroma of cotton candy and popcorn fills the air. "Let's hit the Ferris wheel," you suggest, pointing towards the towering structure adorned with sparkling lights.
Jon nods eagerly. "Sounds good to me. Let's go," he says, grabbing your hand as you make your way towards the Ferris wheel.
The line isn’t too long. The worker wishes you a good ride as the two of you step into the brightly colored gondola, slowly ascending to the sky.
As the ride reaches its peak, you both fall silent for a moment, taking in the view. The city skyline looms in the distance, a stark contrast to the colorful and carefree world of the carnival. For a brief moment, you feel a sense of peace and contentment, grateful for this simple yet memorable night with Jon. 
"This is nice," Jon remarks, leaning back comfortably in his seat. You nod in agreement, admiring the view.
Jon looks at you, thinking. There are a million things he wants to say, wants to admit to you. He wonders how you would react to each and every one of them. With only positivity, he’s sure. You’re the type to go with the flow, whatever happens, happens. He’s certain he could trust you with his life, eventually.
He takes a deep breath, unsure what’s about to come out of his mouth. “[Name]–”
The Ferris wheel rocks violently for a heart stopping moment. For the other riders, mostly. You and Jon immediately stiffen to attention, because Ferris wheels aren’t supposed to do that. Jon crosses over to you, locking you in his embrace as he looks over the edge. You try to look as well, but a simple tense of his arms prevents you.
A threatening green is making headway across the carnival grounds, sending people running. Vines bloom, crawling over stands and attractions. Poison Ivy, looking as prickly as ever, strides in gracefully.
"This carnival is a blight on this land," Ivy declares, her voice carrying over the chaos. "You trample on nature for your own amusement, but no longer. Tonight, the Earth fights back."
Oh, great. You can’t do anything because you’re stuck in the air with Jon. Jon can’t do anything because he’s stuck in the air with you. You sigh, leaning back against him.
With a wave of her hand, flowers bloom amidst the destruction, a stark contrast to the panic around her. Ivy's plants begin to dismantle the carnival, reclaiming the area for nature. Her message is clear: the environment will no longer be taken for granted, and anyone who harms it will face her wrath. Vines crawl up the Ferris wheel, wrapping around the gondolas in a nightmarish display.
“Um. Any bright ideas?” you ask Jon.
He says pulling out his phone, he pulls it out of your view and begins to type furiously. You bet a hundred bucks it’s Damian and Jon is furiously texting him to haul ass and get here now .
A vine thrusts itself into the box, making Jon yank you both to the floor in the middle. It spreads slowly, hauntingly, slowly encompassing the gondola. Flowers bloom… ah shit—
Jon shifts the two of you, blocking you from the flowers. Also putting himself directly in front of them. “Jon don’t–” you warn, because regardless of his heritage, it can still affect him. Even more so since he’s only half. He presses your face into his chest right as the flower coughs, releasing the spores right in his face.
“Don’t breathe them in,” he growls. Thanks, you weren’t planning on it anyway. You hold your breath, anyway.
He’s getting antsy. “[Name],” he mutters gravely. “Please. Close your eyes and trust me.”
You internally sigh, preparing how you’re going to act like the most aloof fool after this. You nod and close your eyes. Jon picks you up, arms under your knees and around your back. You wind your arms around his neck and rest against his chest.
Jon, to his credit, doesn’t just fly down the ride. You feel him jump down the bars of the Ferris wheel, making sure to keep you secure in his arms. His landings are precise and calculated, avoiding the chaos below. You hear the gasps and shouts from the people around you as Jon navigates through the mess of vines.
Finally, you feel the solid ground beneath you as Jon gently sets you down. “Okay, you can open your eyes now,” he says softly.
You open your eyes and find yourself standing amidst the carnage, the Ferris wheel towering above you. Vines continue to spread, and the air is filled with the panicked cries of carnival-goers trying to escape. Jon stands protectively beside you, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of Ivy.
“We have to stop her,” you blurt. He looks at you incredulously. You ignore it and look around, trying to find a way to do this without Spinnerette. Eyes narrowing, you spot something in the distance.
“There.” You point at a nearby water tower. “If we flood the area, it might disrupt her control over the plants.”
“Good plan. You should leave it to the professionals.”
You blink, turning around. It’s Robin who spoke, arms crossed and looking at you. However, it’s the sight of the 6’2 emo bitch dressed in a bat fursuit that makes you stiffen.
“Robin! You came!” Jon brightens, before coughing into his fist. “I mean. Of course you came, you’re Robin.” The urge to roll your eyes at his silliness is strong, but you resist.
Batman doesn’t react, though you’re sure he just sighed on the inside. “You should get to safety with the rest of the civilians,” he grumbles out in his Batman™ voice.
You nod rapidly. “Yup yup. Yessir Mr Batman.” You grip Jon’s wrist and drag him away. Fuck that, majorly. If he says leave it up to him, you’re perfectly fine with that. You’re pretty sure he’s gonna take what you said and connect some dots, and you don’t wanna be around when that happens. He can take his theories and shove it up his ass.
Jon lets you drag him away, looking back to see Damian squinting at him through the mask. Making your way out of the venue you catch onto Ivy’s parting words.
"In a world of violence and chaos, my cuddle pollen offers a moment of peace, a false but blissful reprieve. It's almost poetic, isn't it?"
Fuck. Your. Life.
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Jon is looking just a tad bit worse for wear (you’re lying, he looks haggard) when you arrive at your apartment. May, thank god, wasn’t at the desk, so you managed to get by without having to deal with that. You  shove Jon onto the couch, wincing with a small apology. Frantically typing, you google how to deal with cuddle pollen.
The number one suggestion is to visit Gotham General Hospital, but given Jon’s less than human nature, that's a no go. Other results suggest drinking lots of water and sweating it out to dilute its affects.
You throw your phone somewhere and quickly fetch some water for Jon. Nari meows at Jon, sensing something is wrong. When you make your way back you see that Jon has trapped Nari in his arms, cooing unintelligibly at him.
“Drink,” you tell him urgently, lifting his chin. He leans into your touch, obeying. You make sure he drinks every last drop. When he finishes you turn around to get some more water, only to be yanked back. You crash into Jon’s arms, watching as Nari trots away, happy to be free. You wish you were Nari right now.
Jon nuzzles into you, humming contently.
“Jon…” you warn.
“Yeah, baby?” he hums. Jesus.
“You’re under the effects of cuddle pollen. Your mind is scrambled. Just let me get you some water–”
He hugs you tighter at the mention of you leaving, standing up with you in his arms. You try to get free, holding your own for a bit. But alas, he wins. Stupid kryptonian biology. He carries you to the bedroom, setting you down on the bed.
You blink. “Okay, hang on–”
Jon belly flops right on top of you, earning an ‘oof’ from you. He wraps his arms around you, snuggling into your collarbone. He sighs in content as he relaxes on you. There’s no hope for you to escape, is there?
“Jon, come on. Let’s… do jumping jacks or something. Sweat it out of your system. You can even hold my hand!”
Jon grumbles, burying his face in your neck. “I know something else we can do to get sweaty.”
You blink. Then snort. Damn, is that the cuddle pollen talking or is your influence taking effect? You feel Jon smile against your neck.
Sighing, you acknowledge that you’re not getting out of this situation. You hesitantly rest your arms around him. You feel his grin get wider, and then he surprises you even further by laying a goddamn kiss against your neck. You grumble and mutter, “I am going to make fun of you so hard after this.”
Laying there, you think. If you didn’t just compromise yourself to Batman, then hopefully you won’t be approached when you next patrol. Or worse, when you're just being a regular civilian. 
You blink, deciding you’re gonna be a little shit.
“Jon,” you say, “give me your phone.”
Jon reaches into his pocket, unlocking his phone and handing it to you. It’s got a couple cracks in it, and his wallpaper features a photo of a sunset over a vast farm. You scroll through his contacts, clicking the one that says ‘damian !! (stinkin loser)’. You click the call button, hoping he’s done superheroing and has time to answer.
He answers on the third ring. “Jon, you fool, what were you–”
“Damian,” you interrupt before he says something you’re not supposed to know. The line goes quiet on the other end. “I’ll keep it brief. Jon got absolutely fucked over with a face-full of cuddle pollen and he won’t let me go. We’re at my apartment, so if you can pull some rich people strings and get an antidote or something I would very much appreciate it.”
“...He won’t let go of you?”
You roll your eyes and snap a picture of Jon wrapped around you. “Help,” is all you say after you send it.
You hear him sigh. “I’ll be there in fifteen,” is all you hear before the call cuts. Jon yanks the phone away from you, throwing it somewhere in the room as he flips the two of you over. You lay on his chest now, feeling his chin rest on your head and his hands come up to rest on your waist, fingertips creeping up under your shirt.
Your phone is in the other room and you didn’t see where Jon threw his, so you’re left to stew in his arms until Damian comes. You begin to hum a song, for your own peace of mind, ignoring the way Jon’s hands rub your skin in a back-and-forth motion. Jon removes one of his hands and places it on the back of your head, pushing you into his neck. The bastard lays another kiss on your head, muttering comforting words.
Damn, you think you’re starting to fall asleep. Sue you for feeling safe in his arms, he’s literally Superboy. It doesn’t help that you're lying in bed and he's rubbing your back so softly you feel like he’s your boyfriend comforting you after a long day.
You hear your door kick open, and the only reason your fight response doesn’t kick in is because you’re still stuck in Jon’s arms, and because you know it’s Damian. Jon on the other hand, immediately sits up, glaring hard at your hallway. When Damian shows up in your doorway, bag in hand, he relaxes. He lies back down in the bed, snuggling in to you.
“Hi,” you say awkwardly.
He ignores your weak greeting, digging into his bag and pulling out a syringe filled with what can only be the antidote. You pointedly make a note to definitely not mention how the needle is green.
“Just be careful he doesn’t grab you. He’s… really strong,” you mutter.
He grabs Jon’s head, pushing it aside to bare his neck. You’re surprised Jon lets him, but cuddle pollen does leave people without inhibition. Damian sticks the needle in, making Jon groan. You watch the fluid disappear, feeling peaceful knowing that this will soon be over. Damian finishes administering the antidote and takes a seat on the bed.
“Thanks for… coming through,” you say. You don’t know what else you can really talk about right now.
Damian just looks at you. “What were you even doing there?”
He means the carnival. You furrow your brows. “Hanging out? Sorry we didn’t predict that Poison Ivy was gonna be there. Maybe you should talk to Batman about that.”
“You could have been hurt. Jon did get hurt.”
“It’s just cuddle pollen, Dami,” you reassure, placing a hand on his arm. He grasps it tightly. “You gave him the antidote, he’s not hurt.”
Damian’s grip on your arm is firm, his eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re lucky it was just that. It could have been worse.”
You nod, understanding his concern, but feeling a bit annoyed at the same time. “I know, I know. But we’re fine now. Jon’s going to be okay.”
Damian's expression softens slightly at your reassurance, though his concern is still evident. He looks at Jon, who seems to be coming out of the pollen's effects, his grip on you loosening. Damian then turns his attention back to you, his gaze intense.
"You shouldn't take unnecessary risks," he says, his voice low but firm. "Especially not with someone like Jon."
You raise an eyebrow at the implication in his tone. "Are you implying something about Jon?"
“Jon is… brave, but restless. Just be more cautious.”
You give him a playful smirk. "Are you worried about me, Damian Wayne? That's almost sweet."
He scowls slightly, clearly not amused by your teasing. "I'm serious, [Name]. This city is dangerous enough without getting caught up in avoidable situations."
“I promise to be more careful in the future,” you say, eyes earnest. It seems to settle Damian, for now.
Jon groans under you. He sits up, taking you with him. You fall to his lap as you look at him. He blinks for a moment, taking in his surroundings. You hear his heartbeat slowing, calming. He looks at Damian, looks at you. Stares at you, whom his arms are around, in his lap.
He freaks, shoving you out of his embrace and scrambling back. Damian catches you, growling, “You fool, Jon, careful!”
“I’m so sorry!” he cries. “I was… oh my god, I’m so sorry–”
You hold out your hands to placate him. “Jon, it’s okay! I’m fine, I don’t care. You weren’t in control. You didn’t do anything.”
“I should have left when I got hit,” he growls to himself.
You sigh, looking at Damian for help. “What’s done is done. No use in whining about it now,” he huffs, shifting you to sit up.
Jon purses his lips, looking like he wants to cry. You open your arms, “Come on.”
He hesitates, so you grab him and haul him into your embrace. He stiffens, before wrapping his arms around you. He melts into your embrace.
Damian clears his throat, making Jon pull back with a sheepish expression. “I should really get home before my parents worry.”
You nod, patting his arm. “Of course.”
He thanks Damian as well on his way out. You don’t hear the door open, so you figure he just got antsy and couldn’t stay in the room longer. You don’t blame him. You sigh when you see he left his phone, grabbing it and handing it to Damian.
“Thank you,” you mutter. You look into his eyes, he looks back. In a moment of weakness, you place a hand on his cheek and lean in, pressing your lips to his other one. The kiss is chaste, barely lasting for a second before you pull back. “You’re paying for my door.”
Damian says nothing in response, simply watching you. He raises his hand, clasping yours and gently bringing it down. He nods.
“It was nothing.” And then he and Jon are out the door. You sigh, laying down in your bed that smells like Jon now. No patrol tonight, again.
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notes: jon was about to risk it all on that ferris wheel just saying
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drjholtzmann · 5 months
this is dreamling more than dead boy detectives but it's been in my head since reading issue #25 after s1 of sandman. so, now feels like a good time to release it into the world. i just want them all to get in each others way
(season of mists spoilers)
It’s not often that Hob smokes. It’s an expensive habit, and secondhand smoke and all that. But it’s hardly going to kill him, so he’s usually got an ancient pack on hand somewhere. Handy, especially in situations like this. Not that there’s ever been a situation like this before but, well. You live long enough. 
He slips out into the beer garden of the pub, lighting up almost absent mindedly, the action still muscle memory. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, rubbing his thumb along his lower lip, “what the fuck. Dream, if you have bloody anything to do with this, I swear to god, Morpheus. What the fucking fuck.” He closes his eyes, lets his head fall back against the brickwork. Despite it all he huffs an exhausted laugh. Because sure. Of course. Yeah, why not. Of course this would happen. “Jesus Christ, Morpheus. Even if this isn’t you, bloody… fucking wish I could just ask.” It’s all said barely above a whisper. Just in case. Always just in case. He blindly ashes his cigarette and heaves out a heavy breath, “Lord above,” he scoffs, raising the cigarette to his lips again. 
Hob startles, eyes snapping open, head knocking back sharply against the brick. “Fuck – ow – Dream?” He raises his free hand to rub the back of his head, wincing slightly. “That, uh… that worked better than expected.” 
“You were calling for me?”
“Yeah… sorta. I didn’t… think it worked like that. Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You did not. I had thought briefly of you.” 
“Oh, yeah?” Hob grins. “How come? You miss me already?”
Morpheus sends him a withering look. 
“I, um… dreamt of you. While ago. Was that – real?”
“It was.”
He nods, thumb nervously tapping the filter of his cigarette. “Uh huh. Figured. With the wine, and…” he trails off. The hollow feeling of that dream, or rather, of that waking coming back to him in full force. “You said some ominous shit. Then I said some ominous shit. Was that real, too?”
Morpheus nods solemnly. 
“Right. Don’t suppose you’ll explain that?” Morpheus remains silent. “Right. Course not. Things okay, though? Now? I mean,” he gestures to his friend, “you’re here. That must be good, yeah?”
“Yes. And no.”
“Great. Fab.”
“What I thought I was facing has… changed.”
“...’kay. Well, can I ask you a question?”
Morpheus pauses but, after a moment, nods.
“S’it got anything to do with the dead kids hanging out in my pub?”
“Yeah, couple of boys who look like they should definitely be in school – about, oh, fifty years ago. At least.”
Morpheus’ eyes don’t actually widen in alarm, but there is something to that effect happening… not quite in his expression, but in his aura, perhaps. Hob gets the feeling that if he were a cat the fur along his spine would be standing on end. 
“So… it is related?” 
“Definitely, then.” Hob takes a short puff of his cigarette. 
“Show me?” 
“Uh… I don’t know if they know that people can see them. I don’t know if people who aren’t me can see them, actually. So just, um…” the caution dies in his throat as he realises who it is he’s talking to. Morpheus will do what he will, Hob’s advice be damned. 
Dream draws close, peering in through the windowpane of the door back into the pub. “How do you know?”
“You get pretty good at feeling when things are off once you’ve been around the block six hundred years or so. Also, they walked in through the closed front door. As in, passed right through the solid wood and glass.”
“I see.”
“Why are they here?” 
“To sample your fine selection of craft beer, perhaps?”
“Oh, he’s joking,” Hob has joined his side in peering not-so-surreptitiously through the door. “‘Mortal plane’ here, not here-here.”
“Death must have been busy… It is not like her to leave a job unfinished without good reason.”
“Must’ve…? What the fuck could be so horrific that Death is being kept busy?”
Morpheus, beside him, is silent. Deadly still. And it tells Hob all he needs to know. 
“Dream,” he hisses, “what the fuck is this? What’s going on?”
There is a long pause. “I ought not to tell you.” Dream murmurs, still facing the glass panel of the door.
“And I ought not have two dead teenagers in my pub. All things relative.” 
“They are causing no harm.”
“I don’t doubt that. It’s you I’m worried about now.”
“Your concern is of no use. What I mean is that they are no poltergeists, not aggressive, there seems to be nothing demonic about them.”
“Which means… there are poltergeists and demons running about at the mo?”
“I told you, I ought not say. There are diplomatic proceedings to take place.”
“You get that that makes even less sense, yeah?”
Dream seems to, at last, with an almighty eye roll, give in. “Hell is closed,” he hisses, turning to face Hob directly. 
“Hell is closed.” Hob repeats back, dumbfounded. “And that means… The devils are all here?”
“But the boys… aren’t devils?”
“They are not.”
“Okay. That’s good news. And the devils?”
Dream shrugs, sharp and languid. “Anywhere. Everywhere.”
“Great. Okay. Less good. Very much less good. So, uh. What… do I do? Am I supposed to exorcise them? Because, I have to be honest – would really rather not do that.” 
“You are under no obligations.”
“They could not be here without Death’s knowledge or her say-so. She will come for them in time.”
“Oh.” Inexplicably, Hob’s heart sinks a little.
“They are not alive, Hob.” Dream says, looking him in the eye. “They cannot live forever as the dead.” 
“Hm. Yeah. S’pose.” He looks through the windowpane at the two boys, chatting animatedly at a corner table out of the way. “They’re just kids, though. Barely got a normal life.”
“You cannot save them, Hob.”
“Why not?”
“You cannot. They may not be destined for Hell, but that doesn’t mean they can stay amongst the living.” 
“Says who?”
“The universe. Death, herself.”
Hob smirks, tilting his head down a fraction to look up at Dream from under a quirked brow. “You know what I think of Death.”
And Hob catches the tension at the corner of Dream’s mouth that he knows, whatever he might say to the contrary, is a suppressed smile. 
“C’mon, what if I just help ‘em live a little? While they’re here?”
“What?! Can’t a guy be nice?”
“I have meetings to attend to.”
“That’s not a no.” 
“I think it a poor choice to flaunt immortality in front of two who have died so young. I would caution against it.”
“Okay. Fuck, fair point. But they don’t have to know about me. They wouldn’t somehow know, right?”
“I would caution against it, Hob Gadling.”
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fruityindividual · 2 months
sash's *bangs gavel* divorce!! recs
lil collection of some faves + tbr's for anyone keen for fics of the sickeningly fond wolfstar exes variety <3
hurling crowbirds at mockingbars @wrapped-up
jesus where 2 begin. the 'then' vs 'now' of it all GAH.. it's sweet and funny and angsty and beautifully written. the characterisations n lil details n the Jealousy.. laurv when rj lupin is w someone else cos we're all like 'hm. sure.' n sirius is all 'sure well. for now.' massive ty 2 @whorerific for reccing this one!!
dreaming of after @del-stars
perusing the r/s + divorce search tab as one does, this one caught me off guard i was NOT PREPARED 2 luv it as much as i did.. sirius my LUV. the angst the miscommunication the lovely ending. well i sure did enjoy this one. the most divorced un-divorced couple 2 ever never divorce undivorceably
rolling in the deep @kaaaaaaarf
present 4 me!!! karfster, whilsttt ur hatefuck r/s saga has my heart, this is delish!! SAUR hot angry n unhinged n i'm v glad u shared this w us. ur writing is..mhm it's just so. like so very. x
orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long) -raggedypond
lads. lads this fic bangs. miscommuncation? No communication!! giggled kicked my feet they should never communicate ever actually. they should exclusively use smoke signals at night or whtevr they should always b this frustrating n wonderful.. luv this lil thing v v much
fault lines @greyeyedmonster-18
think abt this one all. the. time. they're so sickeningly fond of each other.. the depth of their relationship is just. well i don't cry when reading but i rlly wanted 2 w this one. r/s separate n raise harry n well. this is a 4evr fave.. heartbreaking n soso heartwarming n beautiful
bound (series) -shiftylinguini
will always n 4evr rec this series. exes 2 luvrs bby the girls they r fighting!!! angry sirius eeeek.. smiling just thinkin abt when i read this for the first time.. sirius comes back from the veil n his ex-husband has married his cousin n absolutely no one is having a nice time. well. well that's not- [major moon emoji]
here we are again -dykesiriusblack
this was the first r/s muggle au i read so don't remember it teww well but. sexually charged wine tasting ('i tell u wht folks that is really nice. that is- that is bloody loveleh') .. the memories, the banter, the lovely awkwardness of 'hi it's me. n u. well here we fucking are again' ....whimpering
a grave mistake @soloorganaas
PA-LEEK !! another sirius is back from the dead au n rj lupin (chronic loserboygenius extraordinaire) has married his ex-husband's cousin (swotting his nose w a newspaper).. oh they're so messy n flawed n wonderful. (also. well. this fic is rlly hot. mhm.) HEARTBREAKING n LOVELY fic
of memories and milk thievery @mayescapade
if u haven't read this i assume u live under a v hard, soundproof rock. deserves every single bit of love .. it Bangs. silly ex-husbands steal each other's groceries n veg n it's all soso fun n beautiful.. luv it so bad, they should divorce again i think
what's in the tbr....
penciled in -nordicsun
think i'll be leaving sum big fat comments on this. it's this feeling i have.
through the gaps of sunlight @pancakehouse & art by @belleandsaintsebastian
victorian exes2luvrs r/s. r u JOKING. wht the heck this looks gorgeous
right back where we started from @soloorganaas
magic + divorce ..HIHELLOHOWRUUU. cannot believe i haven't begun this yet
you can have this heart to break @anouri
yas, u can deffo have my heart 2 break, this looks delish
labyrinth @mayescapade
'he wasn't you.' .....biting my lip.
read the tags, leave the authors love, etc.. kay bye <3
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ichorai · 1 year
reset me ; wade wilson.
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track twelve of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; wade wilson (deadpool) x mutant!reader (gender-neutral)
synopsis ; charles sends you to recruit deadpool into the x-men. expectedly, the bastard tries to weasel away from you—and when that doesn’t work, he resorts to his most lethal method: flirtation. that, and taping a kick me sign on your back.
words ; 1.3k
themes ; comedy, mild fluff and action, mutant au
warnings / includes ; mild injury/violence, sexual jokes and foul language, a lil bit of banter/terrible flirting, reader has the mutant ability to harness energy into ropes, wade steals blind al's crocs, reader's implied previous romantic relationship with wolverine, mentions of the rest of the x-men :)
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Wade’s place smelled like greasy pizza, put-out cigarettes, and old socks. The door wasn’t locked—in fact, it was slightly ajar, and you could clearly hear Wade and Al bickering about missing Crocs.
“I swear I put them right here!” she vehemently exclaimed, gesturing to a potted plant. 
Wade rolled his eyes. “Right—because you always hang your Crocs on our leafy greens.” 
Al shuffled somewhere into the back of the house, complaining loudly to herself. 
You took that as your cue to silently step in, standing just behind Wade, noting with mild amusement that he was wearing a pair of white Crocs. The very ones Al was searching for, you presumed.
In the blink of an eye, Wade whirled about on the heel of his squeaky, rubbery footwear and brandished a knife. Its strangely warm blade slotted against your throat just as you defensively raised your hands.
“Watch it, Wade,” you warned, though you were not at all worried. His knife lowered and flipped back into the depths of his fluffy bathrobe when he realized who you were. 
“Oh. It’s you,” he said. The discolored flesh of his face twitched with a grin. “Did Mr. Metal Dick send you? The bullwhip substitute to watch over the class?” He snickered at his own joke, recalling your mutant ability to harness energy into the form of ropes.
“Piotr is off on vacation with Kitty,” you replied, propping your hands up on your hips.
Wade tipped his head back and guffawed. “Do you think he stays that way under the sheets?”
With a grimace, you pinched the space between your brows and sighed loudly. “Jesus, Wade—I don’t fucking know. Why don’t you ask him next time you see him?”
“Good idea.” He shuffled off to shuck open a box of day-old pizza on the table. “You want?”
“No thanks.”
“You sure? It’s pepperoni. You know how expensive it is to get pepperoni nowadays, in this economy? I’m offering you gold flakes on bread, here.”
“Mhm, I’ll pass.” After a considerable silence, only filled with Wade’s loud munching, you tested the waters by saying, “Charles actually sent me.”
Wade gestured at a chair and nudged for you to take a seat. “McAvoy or Stewart?” 
“What? Charles Xavier, who’s McAvoy and Stewart?” You sank down onto the creaky wooden chair, frowning at the baby powder rimming the backboard. It was probably Al’s. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Wade, though.
Ignoring your question, Wade tilted his head and asked, “How’s Yukio? And her emo-face Megasonic Nuclear Bomb-Head girlfriend?”
You smiled slightly, remembering how they were pestering Logan, who’d been working on fixing a motorcycle back at the mansion when you left. 
“They’re fine. Wolvie, too.”
“No way!” exclaimed Wade. “Logie’s there, too? Jesus—whole damn gang’s there.”
“Except you,” you pointedly said.
Wade paused mid-chew. “Oh. Oh-ho-ho, I know what you’re doing here. Charles wants me to join his rag-tag team of circus freaks.”
“The answer is no.”
“Come on—”
“And he wants me to be around all those kids? In a school? Has he met me?”
“Believe me, I don’t know what he’s thinking, either,” you told him, scoffing. “You’re the last person I’d expect to be on the team but… I trust Charles. If he wants you in, there must be a reason why.”
Holding his hands out, Wade shook his head. “Listen, I’m flattered, really, but Deadpool works solo. Except for that one time I formed the X-Force. But that was a team of people I hand-picked! The X-Men just doesn’t sound up my alley, y’know?”
You blew out a breath and fixed him with a serious expression. “Some day you’re gonna have to pull your head out of your ass and realize that there are people out there who are willing to be your friends. Your family. Don’t throw it away, Wade.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked as he studied you. 
“You’re really bad with rejection, aren’t you?” he finally asked, quirking up a brow—or, at least where his eyebrow used to be—and crossed his arms. The Crocs he’d stolen from Al squeaked as he stood up and gestured to the door. “I’m surprised you didn’t go running back to Charles the moment I said no. I’m beginning to think you have a crush on me, or something. Not that I blame you. My face may be fucked but my dick works better than ever. Just ask Al. She’s blind as a bat, but she hears everything in this damn house.”
Immediately, you grimaced. “Ugh. Don’t be crass.”
“What? I thought you were into broken men. Like to pick up their pieces, don’cha? You and Wolvie had that fling once, no? He told me all about it.” 
In truth, Logan had told him little to nothing about his brief relationship with you, but Wade had ruthlessly pestered him anyway. 
You stiffened at his words, glowering. “You’re exasperating.”
“And you’re looking awfully lovely today. That frown really accentuates your eyes. Makes you look about a decade older.” Wade leaned his weight onto the table, leering over you, patting your back twice. “I find it very attractive.”
With a flick of your hand, a crimson coil of your harnessed energy shot out and thwacked him in his side, and he hissed out a string of curses, backing away from you. You’d burned right through his fluffy white robe, to his simultaneous dismay and astonishment.
“Jesus!” Wade glanced incredulously from you to the slight, shallow gash that formed by his ribs, already starting to heal itself. “That’s actually—that was so fucking cool. Do it again!”
Clearing your throat, you pushed yourself away and stood up. “Final time I’m asking. Yes or no?”
Wade pretended to give it a long, hard think. “Mmh…” He wrinkled his nose. “No.”
“Fine,” you said, rolling your eyes up to the ceiling. “When Piotr comes back from vacation, he’s going to find you and he’s not gonna go as easy on you as I have.”
“Ooh, ouch. Hope he brings some lube with him.” Wade grinned wolfishly.
Completely fed up with him, you ripped out a wad of paper and a pen from your jacket’s pocket, scribbling down your phone number. You folded it in half before shoving it against his chest.
“I’m not giving up on you. I’m a competitive person, Wade. If Piotr was the one to convince you to join, I just wouldn’t be able to bear it.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re literally obsessed with me, I get it,” he remarked, sparing you a lopsided beam. He made a show of pocketing your number on the side of his robe that wasn’t burnt. “You little minx, you.”
With a final flick of your hand, you lashed out another coil around his foot, and made your way to the door just as he fell back onto the couch with a muffled oomf! 
Just as you left, you heard Wade cackling to himself through the door you left partially ajar, just as it was when you came in. You chalked it up to him finding it funny that you managed to trip him over with your powers, and strode away from the shoddy house with your lips twitching upwards. 
Wade, however, was laughing because he’d successfully pulled off taping a kick me sign onto your back without you noticing. A low and childish blow, but would certainly make for some fun banter whenever he saw you again—which, he suspected, would be pretty soon.
Plus, Wade thought you were pretty cute when you were riled up.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
monty x reader where the reader is apart of the dead boy detectives (ghost from maybe the 50s or 60s?) and he flirts with them instead of edwin and it’s the whole “what do you mean he was flirting with me?? he was just really really nice???”
ooo yeah sure!! ; I also decided to make the ghost time period accurate as much as I could so 🙏🙏🙏 ; but omg thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy
MONTY FINCH ; he's just really nice
summary ; youre completely oblivious to montys flirting
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; z/s = zodiac sign
word count ; 488
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"Oh, hey, Y/n!" Monty smiles, standing up from the bench he sat on. He'd spotted you with your friends, Crystal, Niko, Charles, and Edwin, as you were coming back from another detective-y mission.
"Hey!" You grin, picking up your pace to reach him quicker.
"I got you that reading." He hands you a book, inside is a paper, a circle in the middle, with lots of writing and colored lines. "Like the outfit"
"Oh, thank you!" You smile, looking down at your dark blue bell bottom jeans and orange sweater. "I keep it time accurate here." You joke, a hand over your chest, resting dramatically as you hold your head high.
Your friends stand behind Monty, waiting for you to come along at the end of the block.
"I don't even know where to start. There's a lot going on here, dude." You awkwardly chuckle, looking to him for an explanation to his diagram.
"Okay, uh, let me explain"
The four awkwardly wait for you, now realizing that you were clearly going to be here for a minute. They weren't going to leave you alone on the street, though, knowing a witch and that damn Cat King were running around wreaking havoc.
"This is kind of..."
Crystal lightly slaps Edwin. "Shush."
Edwin rolls his eyes. "This is wasting our valuable time. May we leave now?"
"Nope" Charles replies, muttering, eyes stuck on you two. "Look"
The other three look over at you and Monty, listening in as they silence themselves.
"You're really attractive, I mean, that's obviously a/n z/s thing, clearly," He awkwardly smiles.
You feel your face warm up a bit as you cross your arms. "Thanks"
That look.
Jesus Christ, Edwin would die over and over again to have Charles look at him like that.
Monty looked at you with full adoration, like he'd never met anyone so beautiful, inside and out. He looked at you like angels sang on your shoulders, like you were an altar to God.
The girls turn back to the boys.
"They're so in love with each other," Niko grins.
Crystal nods beside her.
"We need to get them to just" Charles squeezes his hands. "Kiss already"
"We'll devise a plan, then" Edwin replies. "They're quiet oblivious already, I doubt they're actually thinking he's flirting with them"
"We could force them to be alone together?" Crystal suggests. "Lock them in a room, or make them sit down with each other and get the romantic tension flowing?"
"That's brills"
"Nothing cushy"
You catch up to your friends, having said goodbye to Monty, as he had places to be. "Sorry, I'm back! What're you talking about?"
"Oh, nothing," Crystal swiftly replies
"You realize he was flirting with you, yes?" Edwin asks
"He was flirting with you. Monty"
"What do you mean he was flirting with me? He's just really nice" you shrug
Edwin sighs. "I told you"
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Warnings are for the WHOLE SERIES | SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, enemies to lovers, mentions of weapons, knives, guns, gunfire, KNIFE PLAY, blood, injuries, wounds, arguing, some physical fighting, mentions of drugs, smoking weed, mentions of car accident, fbi!reader, reader being restrained, kissing, biting, hair pulling, scratching, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (m rec), violence and filth
Word Count: 3.4k | not edited
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
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Over the last three days, you haven’t seen Jake, but you knew he’d be around sooner or later.
Every now and then, at least once or twice a day, Sam, Colby, or Johnnie would pop in to check on you. You still couldn’t get any information out of them, each time you asked a question that was too much, that’s when they would say they needed to head out.
You knew why you haven’t seen Jake, he was too busy taking out and planning to take out names on the list.
You felt sick in your stomach, almost like you could puke. You glanced over at the clock on your nightstand, sighing as it reads two thirty two A.M,
“Can’t sleep?”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You jump, laying a hand on your chest, “You need a fucking bell.”
Jake chuckles, “I think you’ve said that before.” He walks over, sitting next to you on the bed, “When do you go back to work?”
“Hoping Monday.” You turn your head slightly, “Are you here to give me the name of the man that wants my brother dead?”
Just as Jake was getting ready to answer, there’s a knock on your door. You furrow your brows, checking your phone to see if anyone messaged you, but nothing expect for Cody just checking in.
“Do you know who it is?” Jake asks as he stands up, holding out his hand to help you up, but you ignore it, standing up and walking towards the door, “It’s either Cody or another officer.”
“Yeah but why would- it’s almost three.” Jake scoffs, “If it’s anyone you don’t know, I’m taking over.”
You roll your eyes, walking down the hall, “Just.. stay back. Please.” You look from Jake to the door and walk over, “Oh my god.”
“Who is it?”
“It’s my brother.”
With your words, Jake disappears as you open the door, “What the fuck? What are you doing here?” Ben walks in, wrapping his arms around you, “You didn’t think I’d come see how you were doing? I heard about the accident, are you doing okay?”
You close the door after pulling his suitcase in, “I mean, I’m still aching but I’m definitely a lot better than two days ago.” You shake your head, “They won’t let me come back until Monday, so.”
“They’re still keeping you updated right?” Ben asks and you nod, “I get a check in after each shift.”
“Good. I called in yesterday and they still don’t have any kind of lead on who hit you and or why. They’re probably just going to chalk it up as a drunken hit and run.” Ben takes a deep breath, “This is dangerous shit you’re in. You know that right?”
“I wouldn’t be itching to go back to work if I didn’t think I could handle it, Ben. You know that.” You motion to him, “I’m sure you’re tired. You’re still recovering from a gun shot wound. You came all the way from, where was it again?”
“They had me on the west coast. When I finally got word about you, I didn’t really give them a choice on whether or not I could leave.” Ben laugh slightly, “So the officers who run that aren’t very happy with me right now.”
“If they had a kick ass little sister I’m sure they would understand.” You joke, running a hand through your hair, “You see Cody?”
He shakes his head, “Not yet. I’ll go in tomorrow.”
You nod, chewing on your lip as you decide on whether or not you want to ask about his situation, but you don’t, “Well, the couch and guest room are free so take your pick.”
“I’ll take the guest room. It’ll be nice to not sleep on a twin sized mattress for once.”
You laugh slightly, nodding, “Yeah, I’m sure.” Your heart starts to race as Ben walks towards the hall, “Last door on the right, right?”
“Right.” You laugh, “Yes.”
You follow him back, watching as he opens the door and pushes his suitcase in, “I’m just glad you’re okay, but I’ve been flying all night and I’m ready to knock out for a while.”
“You’re fine. I’m going to try and sleep myself.” You walk into your room and as you go to close the door, Ben catches your attention, “Hey.”
You look up and he tilts his head against the door, “I’m really glad you’re okay. It could have been a lot worse than it was.”
It really is a lot worse than it was, “Yeah. I’m glad I’m okay.” You smile and close the door, looking over when you feel Jake’s presence move closer.
His voice is low, “I didn’t know he was coming.”
“Neither did I.” You mumble as you walk over to your bed. You sit down and stare at the floor, “I can’t do this, Jake.”
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart..” Jake bends down, squatting between your knees, “But you don’t have a choice anymore, you’re in this.”
“Can you just go so I can try and sleep, please?”
He nods, “Anything you need.”
He stands up slightly and presses a gentle kiss to your head, “I’ll be around.” You don’t say anything, you just watch as he walks over to your door, “Don’t. He mi-“
“Don’t worry about me, babe. I can handle my own.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about.”
“I beg to differ.” Jake walks back over, “I think you care about me.”
“The only people I really care about anymore is me and my brother. Okay? I want the name of the man who wants him dead, that’s why I’m letting you control me like this.” You look at Jake and he shakes his head as he chuckles, “Oh sweetheart.”
“I’m not controlling you in any way. You have full ability to walk into that station on Monday and tell them that Me, Sam, Colby, and Johnnie are the Killionaires.”
“But you got that list from me.”
“I got that list from you.” He nods, “You’re right.”
“So I’m fucked no matter what way I look at it.” You lay your hand on your forehead and Jake laughs, “I mean, if you want to get technical, you’re not fucked right now..”
You spread your fingers and look at him through them, “Get out.”
“What? Come on. I was just.. joking..”
“Offering. You mean you were offering.”
“I mean..” he shrugs, “I wasn’t look- okay, yeah. Yeah I was.”
You shake your head, “I can’t do that.”
“But you want to. Right?” Jake smirks and you lay your hands in your lap, “Get out.”
“I will if you admit that you do in fact think about me like that.” Jake raises his brows and you sigh, “No. goodnight.” You get into bed, bringing the covers up to your neck and Jake leans down, his necklace resting against your head, “You’ll come around.. one day. Just when you see how charming I can be.”
You hear him stand up and you give it few seconds before you look up, and you’re alone.
“How does he do that so effortlessly?” You whisper to yourself as you reach out for the remote to turn your tv on.
As you’re clicking through the options, your mind starts to race, about everything.
Why is Ben really here?
Who wants him dead?
Why do they want him dead?
Am I in danger? No, no, Jake said- Jake is also a killer.
You shake your head, brushing away the thoughts as you finally settle on a show you’ve been working on watching.
You walk out of your room after finally getting maybe two hours of sleep. You hear stuff sizzling in the kitchen and when you walk out, you see Ben making breakfast, “Morning sleepy head.”
“Two officers stopped in to check on you. I told them that I just let you sleep because I woke you up in the middle of the night. They were shocked to see me.”
You laugh as you pour coffee into your mug, “I mean, I was shocked to see you, so I’m sure they were, too.” You take a sip, “Who was it?”
“McAndrews and Cody.”
You nod, giving Ben a weird look as he keeps staring at you, “What?”
He smirks, turning to take the pan off the stove, “You and… Cody…” He glances back at you, “You two still.. a thing?”
You shrug, shaking your head, “I don’t know what we are.”
He nods, “Yeah I mean, I just thought that with him being my best friend and me getting shot and then you getting into that accident with him, you two would make it official.”
“I’m an agent, Ben. I don’t..” you groan as you stretch, “I don’t have time for a relationship like that.”
“Alright. Alright. Sorry.”
“No, I just didn’t sleep good last night. My shoulder started hurting again.” You lie, “I’ll come with you to the station.”
“Are you sure?” Ben asks and you nod, “Yeah. I need out of the house. Plus I want to talk to the Chief about calling off the twenty four seven watch.”
You were silent on the way to the station.
Thoughts and worries were circling around your brain once again.
“Hey.” Ben catches your attention, “What’s up?”
You shake your head looking from the window to him, “Nothing I just.. want these assholes caught. There’s four more men that have been murdered and I just-“
“I get it. Your job isn’t easy by any means. I may be just a cop, but I still kind get what you mean. The workload can be.. a lot.” Ben sighs, “You’re doing a great job. Okay?”
“I don’t feel like it.”
You really didn’t. You were betraying the feds. Betraying the honor that you have built for yourself, your reputation as one of the best agents out there.
And it can all go to hell within seconds.
You trusted Jake, but only when he was with you, so you can read him and predict his moments, but even then, he was a tough shell to crack.
You were nervous that he would turn, writing out your name, clear as day for your people to turn on you and lock you up.
“You hear me?”
“Huh?” You shake your head, “Sorry. Maybe I should have stayed home.”
“Well, we’re here, but I can-“
“No.” You cut Ben off, “It’s fine. Come on.” You open the door and get out, glancing over at Ben before you walk up the steps and through the doors.
“Well look at what the cat drug in.” Cody jokes as he gets up from the desk, walking around to hug you, “Glad to see you back in the building.”
You lean back, nodding, “Yeah, I just couldn’t stay home any longer. Three, four days is enough. I’m just going to-“ you point to the door, “Catch up with the chief.”
You walk away, saying hi and letting everyone know you’re good as you walk through. You get to the Chief’s door and knock.
“Come in.”
You push the door open, giving him a smirk as he chuckles, “Well look who it is. How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
“Doing better than I was. I was hoping there was an update on the cases. Nat stopped by this morning but I was still asleep. Ben didn’t-“
“Ben is here?” The Chief stands up, “Where is he?”
“Out front with Cody.” You motion and he shakes his head, “I haven’t seen him in weeks, how’s he doing?”
You take a deep breath, “Good, I guess. He hasn’t really said much about it.”
He nods, “Right, well McAndrews is in the room, they’ve been non stop working on a way to close this case once and for all.”
You nod, turning to find the conference room, “Whatcha got?”
“Didn’t expect to see you here. Who brought you in?” Nat asks and you motion to Ben as he walks through the door, “This thing woke me up at two this morning.”
“How are you feeling?” Nat walks over, giving Ben a hug, and the other officers in the room follow.
“Hey, y/n.” Cody walks up, nudging your elbow, “Are you busy tonight?”
That depends on if Jake stops by, “I don’t think so. What’s up?”
“I figured you’d want to go over everything in detail, so I was thinking dinner? Tonight. If you want?” Cody keeps his stare on you and you tilt your head, “Only if I get to pick the restaurant.”
If Jake wasn’t going to tell you anything, then you’ll have to be smart, figure it out yourself - just like he said.
“Sounds good. I’ll pick you up at six? That okay?”
You nod, “That’s perfect.”
“Thought you didn’t know how you felt about him?” Ben teases as you get in the car, “This date sounds like it could be se-“
“Don’t. Don’t do that.” You shake your head, “Don’t make it.. weird.”
He laughs, “Alright, alright.”
“Do you have any plans for today?” You ask, hoping he says yes, but then again, Jake is also smart, so you really didn’t have to worry.
You just couldn’t help it.
“Um, later on. Nat and I are going out for drinks, so.”
“Oooohh. You back on the Nat streak again, I see.” You tease and Ben laughs nervously, “Yeah, yeah. Well, we were kinda seeing each other before and then I got shot and whisked off into protective custody so things kinda.. got cut short. You know?”
You nod, “Totally get what you mean.” You laugh slightly, “I always knew there was something up with you two.”
Ben laughs, “Is it that obvious?”
“The way she leaped into your arms wasn’t enough proof?” You scoff, “Please.”
“Im going to go take a shower.” You say as you unlock your door, which is shocking that it’s even locked.
“Okay. I can get lunch started?” Ben offers and you nod, “Fine with me.” You walk back to your room, freezing when you see that your clothes from your basket have been folded.
“Before you call any attention.” Jake says quietly as he steps out from behind your door. You turn around closing it, “You can’t be here.”
“I can be anywhere I want.” He argues, a smirk resting over his lips, “I wanted to wish you luck on your date tonight.”
“H-how do-“
“I told you.” Jake leans in, his lips inches from yours, “I know everything about you. And I also know..” he leans back, walking around to grab a pair of your lace panties that are bunched up on the bed, “You have excellent taste.”
“Oh.. my god.. you…” you lean over the bed, snatching the fabric from his hands, “You are ridiculous.”
He chuckles quietly, “Nah, I also know that you’re actually using your head for once. Using someone close to you for more information.”
“Wonder who I learned that from.” You mumble as you toss the underwear back on the bed.
“Oh no, couldn’t have been me. We aren’t close. I haven’t even seen you naked yet.”
You roll your eyes at his words, “You stalked me. I’m sure you have.”
“I may be a, killer, as you say, but I do have some decency left. I always turn away when you would drop the towel, or even..” he bites his lip and shakes his head, “Nevermind.”
“No, what?” You tilt your head, “You obviously have something to say. So say it.”
Jake leans down, holding his weight up with his hands on the bed. He tilts his head, “Or even when you’d invite that fuck buddy super trooper of yours inside after his shift.”
You really didn’t know what to say, you knew that’s where he was going with it, but you didn’t think of you needing to respond, “Well.. I-uh.. you know what?”
“Tell me. I love to hear you talk.” He smiles and you roll your eyes, pointing to the door.
“Oh no. Cody got your tongue?”
“You sound.. so jealous right now.” You cross your arms, “You know that?”
“Please. You and I both know that if I wanted you, I’d have you. I just have more important things to think about right now than getting my dick wet.” Jake walks towards the door, both of you freezing when there’s a knock on your door, “Y/n? I thought you were going for a shower?”
You grab the remote to your tv and move over to the door, your hand that isn’t holding the remote going over Jake’s mouth, “Yeah, I’m just trying to find a t-shirt. All of my stuff is dirty.”
“Oh, alright. I thought I heard someone talking.”
You click on a tv show and it starts playing, “You probably just heard my tv playing, I’m also sucked into this show right now.” You look up at Jake and you can tell he’s smirking.
You roll your eyes, closing them as you shake your head as Ben answers, “Okay. Sorry. You can just never be too sure.”
“I understand, Ben.”
You hear his footsteps depart and you let out a sigh, dropping your hand from Jake’s mouth, “Out. Now.”
“But isn’t this just so much fun?” He teases and you scoff, “Not for my blood pressure.”
“Funny girl.” Jake purses his lips, “I also wanted to give you a heads up, your boy toy might get called out of dinner early. I have plans for Mr. Rikart tonight.”
“I didn’t need to know that.” You go to step back but Jake grabs your arms, pulling you back into him, “I really am sorry this is how things have to be.”
“Are you though?”
Jake nods, leaning in to press a very gentle kiss to your lips, “Yeah. Yeah I am.”
You stand there stunned for a second, unsure of what to do or say.
You knew what you wanted to do, but you weren’t going down that road, not yet anyway.
“Um, okay. Yeah. So I think… I think that’s-“
Jake cuts you off, “I’ll see you later.”
“After my date you mean?”
He nods, “If that’s what you even want to call that. I’m sure you could get some pretty usual information.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“We’ll talk later. I gotta go. Plans are in motion, baby. Gotta keep up.” Jake winks and opens your door, quickly crossing over to the spare and disappearing out of the open window.
You walk out to the kitchen, “I think I’m going to take one of my pain meds. My neck and shoulder are acting up. Probably from digging in my basket.”
“You should go get checked out again.” Ben suggests and you shoot that down, “They’ll only keep me out of work longer and I already feel like I’m missing out on a lot.”
“Your health and safety comes first, y/n. You know that’s what mom always said.”
“Don’t use mom against me.” You roll your eyes, “Just.. don’t do that.”
“No you’re right, I’m sorry.” He moves the food onto your plate, “Can you at least eat something when you take that?”
You sit down at the counter and slide the plate over, “Fine.” You try to hide your laugh but fail, “I’ve missed having you around. I’m glad you’re back, even if it is for a few days.”
“About that..” Ben chuckles nervously, “I’m going to talk to the chief about coming back.”
You get a chill down your spine, “Do you, uh. Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“My shooter is behind bars, y/n. And you know those officers, they will do anything to protect those who are apart of that family.”
“If you think that’s best, I can’t make that choice for you. Just.. be safe about it. That’s what mom would have said.” You smirk and sigh, “I miss her sometimes.”
“It’s normal. You just need to let your grudge go and accept what happened.” Ben walks around, gently laying his arm over your good shoulder, “Sorry you had such a shitty childhood.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” You lean into him, “alright, I’m going to eat this.” You lean up, take some meds, get a shower and then I’m going to try and take a nap.”
“You sound nervous. You think Cody might actually be-“
“We’ll have to wait and see.”
Again, for the love of Jake Webber, please tell me how you like it! I love you all so much, thank you for being so patient and thank you for reading! See you in the next part (which I am working on as you read this)
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
For day five of @steddie-week for the prompt ‘established relationship’ / 715 words of Eddie goofing off at bedtime / rated G or T
After I wrote this, I thought it could be fun as part of a 5+1 established relationship kind of thing where either one or both of them are annoying/bratty/goofy but ran out of time, so here’s this one for now! Maybe one day I’ll do some more and compile them
“Okay, time for bed.” Steve stands, stretching his arms above his head, spine popping.
Eddie mourns his warmth, resenting the cold space beside him on the couch. But, still he says, “Ugh, no.”
“You can stay up if you want.”
“Noooo.” Eddie slumps over, face-first into the couch cushions. They’re still warm from Steve, but it’s a poor substitute. “I’m too tired to go to bed.”
There’s a great sigh from above Eddie and Steve says, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“I don’t want to move.”
“Fine, see you in the morning then.”
“You’re not going to just leave me! I thought you were a gentleman.” Eddie turns his head to look up at Steve. He’s got his hands on his hips, his shirt is riding up revealing a very appealing strip of stomach, and his hair is all mussed. “Carry me,” Eddie adds.
“Carry yourself.”
Eddie makes an unhappy noise and rolls off the couch, flopping onto the floor and holding out one hand.
“Oh my god,” Steve says, “you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that.” He grabs Eddie’s hand, tugging, but Eddie doesn’t stand. “Do you want me to carry you or drag you?”
“Jesus Christ.” Steve huffs and tugs again, dragging Eddie a few inches. “You’re gonna get rug burn.” He stoops down, hooking his arms under Eddie’s—“That tickles” “Shut up”—and then he groans and says, “Nope, I’m too old for this,” dropping his grip on Eddie and turning away.
But Eddie says, “Okay, okay, I’ll get up,” and Steve turns back. He raises a brow at Eddie’s outstretched hand, but he takes it, shaking his head with a small smile when Eddie lets himself be pulled to his feet.
Eddie immediately leans forward, draping himself over Steve, almost dead weight.
“Dude,” Steve says, even as he wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist, breathing in deeply. “I had an easier time getting the neighbors’ kids to bed when we looked after them that time.”
“You promised to tuck them in and tell them a bedtime story.”
“Is that what I need to do with you?”
“Well,” Eddie says, “it wouldn’t hurt,” gently biting Steve’s jaw.
“Okay, if you’re a good boy and stop messing around, I’ll tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story.” Steve bumps their noses together. “Deal?”
“Throw in a piggyback?”
“Fine.” Steve turns in Eddie’s arms, grunting as he hoists Eddie up onto his back. “We’d get to bed a lot quicker if you walked.”
“This is more fun.”
“Speak for yourself,” Steve says, but there’s fond amusement beneath his griping. When they get to the bedroom, Steve turns and deposits Eddie on the bed, groaning when Eddie pulls him down with him. He rolls off of Eddie and lies beside him. “Okay,” he says, “I’m going to brush my teeth.”
“Not yet.” Eddie hooks his leg over Steve’s, stopping him from getting up.
“Come on.”
“Kiss me first,” Eddie says, moving over Steve and pressing kisses all over his face.
Steve squirms, but he’s smiling, and he kisses Eddie back, which only encourages Eddie, until Steve pushes a hand in Eddie’s face and says, “Oh, you definitely need to brush your teeth.”
“Hey, my breath is like a spring breeze!”
“Yeah, downwind from a dump.” Steve grins, tongue between his teeth.
Eddie frowns, pulling back to check his breath. “Smells fine to me.” He pokes Steve in the side. “And your breath doesn’t exactly smell like a rose garden right now.”
“Whatever. I’m just saying, oral hygiene is important, okay?”
“That might be the dorkiest thing you’ve ever said. Like, it’s so dorky I can’t even make any of the obvious jokes.”
“I literally don’t care.” Steve wriggles out from under Eddie. “And brush your teeth, or don’t, but when they fall out, don’t come crying to me.” He starts to move away but Eddie grabs him again. “What now?”
“I promise I’ll brush my teeth if you cuddle with me first.”
“We can cuddle after.”
“C’mon,” Eddie says, “just five minutes.”
Steve’s lips twitch. “Just five minutes,” he says, lying down again, “but you’ve forfeited the bedtime story.”
“You know what,” Eddie says, pulling Steve close, and wrapping his arm around his waist, “I think I can live without it.”
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hucowboyification · 5 days
Poolverine and 10 please?
10- "We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?"
It'd been an easy job. Get in, stab, claw, and shoot all the fuckers in the warehouse to death, get out. No one was left alive; not even the cleaning crew.
Making a quick getaway wasnt strictly necessary; given how blood-soaked they both were, it probably would've made them more suspicious. But the surrounding area had been terrorized by that group for so long that everyone turned a blind eye to the two mutants booking it down shaded alleyways, and the adrenaline made for great foreplay, so they ran anyways.
Logan pulled Wade down an alleyway, around a corner, and then into a dead end, where a brick building towered over everything.
Deep scratch marks in sets of threes littered the face of the building; hundreds, if not thousands of sets, some clearly much older than the several months Logan had been living in this universe.
"Climb," Logan instructed, lacking anything in the way of real urgency. It was made even less urgent by Logan tugging Wade's mask off and pressing him briefly to the brick wall for a deep, but surprisingly gentle kiss.
Once he was released, Wade did as he was asked. Fortunately, Logan had the forethought to make sure that people with normal hands could get to the roof, though just barely; it was a tough climb, even for Wade, and he had to question if it was really the only way up onto the roof, or if Logan just wanted to watch his ass as he made his way up tedious hand-and-foot-holds.
"Used to love coming up here," Logan sighed once they'd both reached the roof, leaning shoulder-to-shoulder against a boarded-up maintenance entrance. "Quiet. Good views. Hard to climb for most people. Back... back where I'm from, it got torn down years ago."
Wade, using the little good sense he had, didn't pry or crack a joke. He didn't particularly feel like regenerating any limbs tonight, thank you very much.
"But, anyways," Logan continued, giving Wade a sharp-toothed grin. "Thought it'd be a good place to bring you to catch our breath after a job. Be nice to spend an evening together without worrying about waking anyone up."
"Wait, do you mean-" he leaned in close, exaggeratedly whisper-shouting in Logan's ear- "S-E-X?"
"Yes, you goddamn loser, I mean fucking." Logan snorted, bumping his forehead against Wade's shoulder. "Up here, alone, under the stars."
"Aww, Wolvie, that's so romantic! We're really going to fuck here?" Wade gasped in mock surprise, bringing his hands to his face. "What if someone sees us?"
The twitching of Logan's lips gave away his attempts so suppress a laugh. "Who the fuck would see us, moron? It's the middle of the night, this is an abandoned building, and we'd see if anyone came on a nearby roof." Then he grinned. "Besides, what do you care? I always thought you'd be an exhibitionist."
"Oh, I am an exhibitionist, peanut, but you never know. There are cameras everywhere these days.
With a brief, disparaging "Jesus Christ, Wade", Logan dropped to his knees, nuzzling gently at Wade's already hard cock under his suit.
Then, the claws came out, moving towards the fabric of Wade's pants, and-
"Hey, no, no, no! Soft paws!" Wade shouted, swatting Logan's hands away and getting his fingers quite scratched up in the process. "I'm not sewing this up again! God, the knife hands are hot, but can you use your fingers to unzip me like a normal fucking person for once?"
Reluctantly, Logan did as ordered, sheathing his claws and unzipping his pants without ripping them (and Wade's skin, though that was of less concern) to shreds.
If there were cameras around (and of course there were- whatever the dicks at the TVA said, he's the main character here), they'd be getting quite a show.
Send me an ask with a number and a ship!
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honeybeesources · 8 months
BO  BURNHAM:  INSIDE  SENTENCE  STARTERS! (Change  as needed.  NSFW  and  triggering  content  ahead.)
CONTENT "Interesting,  now  leave  me  alone." "Sorry  that  I  look  like  a  mess." "I  booked  a  haircut,  but  it  got  rescheduled." "Might  not  help,  but  still,  it  couldn't  hurt." "I'm  sorry  I  was  gone." "It's  a  beautiful  day  to  stay  inside."
COMEDY "What  the  fuck  is  going  on?" "It's  like  everything  happened  all  at  once." "Um,  what  the  fuck  is  going  on?" "The  more  I  look,  the  more  I  see  nothing  to  joke  about." "Should  I  leave  you  alone?" "Should  I  be  joking  at  a  time  like  this?" "The  world  is  so...  fucked  up." "Don't  panic." "Call  me  and  I'll  tell  you  a  joke." "I  swore  I'd  never  be  back,  but  now  I'm  back  on  my  feet."
FACETIME  WITH  MY  MOM  (TONIGHT) "Pour  me  a  drink  and  clear  my  schedule." "Oh,  look  who's  here." "How  you  doing,  bud?" "I'm  not  so  bad." "That's  the  deepest  talk  we've  ever  had."
HOW  THE  WORLD  WORKS "The  world  that's  around  us  is  pretty  amazing." "But  how  does  it  work?" "It  must  be  complicated." "Everything  works  together." "That  is  how  the  world  works." "That's  how  it  works." "Hey,  everyone." "Look  who  stopped  by  to  say  hello.  It's  [muse  name]!" "Where've  you  been,  [muse  name]?" "Not  quite  dead,  not  quite  alive." "It's  similar  to  a  constant  state  of  sleep  paralysis." "Boy,  that  sounds  complicated." "How  about  you  give  it  a  try?" "Don't  you  know  the  world  is  built  with  blood?" "That's  pretty  intense." "No  shit." "Read  a  book  or  something,  I  don't  know." "Just  don't  burden  me  with  the  responsibility  of  educating  you." "It's  incredibly  exhausting." "I  was  just  trying  to  become  a  better  person." "Wait,  wait,  wait,  no,  please!" "I  don't  want  to  go  back.  Please." "I  can't  go,  I  can't  go  back." "Are  you  gonna  behave  yourself?" "Yes,  what?" "Yes,  sir." "I  hope  you  learned  your  lesson."
WHITE  WOMAN'S  INSTAGRAM "Is  this  heaven?" "I  can't  believe  it." "It's  been  a  decade  since  you've  been  gone." "I  miss  you." "It's  got  a  little  better,  but  it's  still  hard." "Still  figuring  out  how  to  keep  living  with  you." "I  got  a  job  I  love  and  my  own  apartment." "I  got  a  boyfriend  and  I'm  crazy  about  him." "I'm  crazy  about  him."
UNPAID  INTERN "Who  needs  a  coffee?" "I'm  writing  down  the  orders  now  for  everyone." "The  coffee  is  free,  just  like  me." "I'm  an  unpaid  intern." "You  work  all  day,  go  back  to  your  dorm."
BEZOS  I/II "Come  on,  [muse  name],  you  can  do  it." "Pave  the  way,  put  your  back  into  it." "Tell  us  why." "Show  us  how." "Look  at  where  you  came  from." "Look  at  you  now." "Amateurs  can  fucking  suck  it." "You  did  it!" "Congratulations!"
SEXTING "It  isn't  sex,  it's  the  next  best  thing." "I'm  in  bed." "I'm  ready  to  go  with  you." "Tonight,  I'm  thinking  of  taking  it  slow." "That's  pretty  abstract." "Crisis  averted.  Thank  God." "Are  you  naked?" "I'm  getting  hot  at  just  the  thought  of  what  I'd  do  to  you." "I  love  you,  baby." "Send  a  picture  of  your  tits,  please." "Jesus  fucking  Christ,  I  guess  I  never  learn." "I  sent  my  titties,  that's  not  fair." "Another  night  on  my  own."
LOOK  WHO'S  INSIDE  AGAIN "There  isn't  much  more  to  say  about  it." "You'll  do  any  old  shit  to  get  out  of  it." "Try  telling  jokes." "Look  who's  inside  again." "Went  out  to  look  for  a  reason  to  hide  again." "Come  out  with  your  hands  up." "We've  got  you  surrounded."
PROBLEMATIC "Please  forgive  me." "I  did  not  realize  what  I  did." "Are  you  gonna  hold  me  accountable?" "Isn't  anybody  gonna  hold  me  accountable?" "I  wanna  show  you  how  I'm  growing  as  a  person." "I  tried  to  hide  behind  my  childhood,  and  that's  not  okay." "My  actions  are  my  own,  I  won't  explain  them  away." "I've  done  a  lot  of  self-reflecting." "I  was  totally  wrong  when  I  said  it." "My  bed  is  empty  and  I'm  getting  cold." "What  should  I  do  with  it?" "I've  been  totally  awful." "I'm  really  fucking  sorry."
30 "I  used  to  run  for  miles." "I  used  to  ride  my  bike." "I  used  to  wake  up  with  a  smile." "I'm  turning  thirty." "God  damn  it!" "Now,  my  stupid  friends  are  having  stupid  children." "I'll  be  forty  and  I'll  kill  myself  then."
DON'T  WANNA  KNOW "How  are  you  feeling?" "Do  you  like  the  show?" "Are  you  tired  of  it?" "Never  mind,  I  don't  wanna  know." "Are  you  finding  it  boring?" "Do  I  have  your  attention?" "Yes,  or  no?" "Are  you  on  your  phone?" "Is  there  anyone  out  there?" "Am  I  all  alone?" "It  wouldn't  make  a  difference." "I  thought  it'd  be  over  by  now."
SHIT "How  we  feeling  out  there  tonight?" "I  am  not  feeling  good." "Feeling  like  a  bag  of  shit." "All  my  clothes  are  dirty,  so  I'm  smelling  like  a  bag  of  shit." "OMG,  that  is  just  my  luck." "What's  up,  you  useless  fuck?" "Are  you  feeling  what  I'm  feeling?" "I  haven't  had  a  shower  in  the  last  nine  days." "Staring  at  the  ceiling  and  waiting  for  this  feeling  go  away." "It  won't  go  away." "I'm  not  really  feeling  like  I  wanna  get  lit." "Tell  us  how  you're  feeling." "Well,  I  feel  like  shit." "Feeling  like  a  saggy,  massive  sack  of  shit." "Big  ol'  motherfucking  duffle  bag  of  shit." "Are  you  feeling  like  shit?" "Tell  me,  are  you  feeling  like  shit?"
ALL  TIME  LOW "My  current  mental  health  is  rapidly  approaching  an  ATL.  Which  is,  um,  that's  an  all-time  low." "You  know,  I  feel  OK  when  I'm  asleep." "Like,  when  I'm  asleep,  I  feel  all  right." "It's  basically  from  the  moment  I  wake  up,  I  just  get  this  feeling  in  my  body,  way  down  deep  inside  me." "I  try  not  to  fight  it." "My  heart,  it  gets  to  tappin',  and  I  think  I'm  gonna  die." "Um,  yeah,  not  doing  great."
WELCOME  TO  THE  INTERNET "Have  a  look  around." "If  none  of  it's  of  interest  to  you,  you'd  be  the  first." "Come  and  take  a  seat." "There's  no  need  to  panic,  this  isn't  a  test." "Just  nod  or  shake  your  head  and  we'll  do  the  rest." "Be  happy,  be  horny,  be  bursting  with  rage." "Don't  act  surprised." "Could  I  interest  you  in  everything  all  of  the  time?" "Apathy's  a  tragedy  and  boredom  is  a  crime." "You  know?  It  wasn't  always  like  this." "We  set  our  sights  and  spent  our  nights  waiting  for  you." "Now,  look  at  you.  Look  at  you." "If  we  stick  together,  who  knows  what  we'll  do?"
THAT  FUNNY  FEELING "I  can't  really  play  the  guitar  very  well,  or  sing." "Apologies." "The  backlash  to  the  backlash  to  the  thing  that's  just  begun." "There  it  is  again,  that  funny  feeling." "The  whole  world  at  your  fingertips,  the  ocean  at  your  door." "Full  agoraphobic,  losing  focus,  cover  blown." "The  quiet  comprehending  of  the  ending  of  it  all." "Hey,  what  can  you  say?  We  were  overdue." "It'll  be  over  soon,  you  wait."
ALL  EYES  ON  ME "Get  your  fuckin'  hands  up." "Get  on  out  of  your  seats." "All  eyes  on  me,  all  eyes  on  me." "Are  you  feeling  nervous?" "Are  you  having  fun?" "It's  almost  over." "It's  just  begun." "Don't  overthink  this,  look  in  my  eye." "Don't  be  scared,  don't  be  shy." "Come  on  in,  the  water's  fine." "Heads  down,  pray  for  me." "You  wanna  hear  a  funny  story?" "I've  been  hiding  from  the  world,  and  I  need  to  re-enter." "You  say  the  ocean's  rising  like  I  give  a  shit." "You  say  the  whole  world's  ending.  Honey,  it  already  did." "Get  inside."
GOODBYE "So  long." "Goodbye." "I'll  see  you  when  I  see  you." "You  can  pick  the  street." "I'll  meet  you  on  the  other  side." "Do  I  really  have  to  finish?" "Did  I  say  that  right?" "So,  this  is  how  it  ends." "I  promise  to  never  go  outside  again." "I'm  slowly  losing  power." "Has  it  only  been  an  hour?" "No,  that  can't  be  right." "Hey,  here's  a  fun  idea!" "Am  I  going  crazy?" "Am  I  right  back  where  I  started?" "I'll  panic." "Call  me  up  and  tell  me  a  joke." "You're  really  joking  at  a  time  like  this?"
ANY  DAY  NOW "It  will  stop  any  day  now." "Any  day  now."
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There's Such a Sad Love (Deep in Your Eyes) - Chap 3
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Eddie’s gonna kill him.
Not even exaggerating, he’s gonna kill Steve dead.
How hard is it to wake the fuck up? His dumb flat phone has been ringing for the last three hours!
…Okay, fine.. Eddie doesn’t know exactly how long it’s been ringing, but when you’re used to head-achingly constant quiet, any interruption becomes a nuisance immediately.
“Fucking finally.” Eddie grumbles when Steve finally stirs enough to answer the phone.
“I’m sorry?” Steve says to the person on the other end of the line.
“I forgive you.” he grouses.
“No, no, I got that, but you were supposed to be here tomorrow, not today!” he struggles off the sagging air mattress and into his jeans, not even bothering to button them.
“Shit, shit, okay, yep, I’ll be here, I’ll—” His voice gets louder “Yes! Deliver! I’ll be here! Alright, bye.” 
He tosses the phone onto the sagging mattress and scrubs his face with his palms, mumbling “Stupid fucking phone signal..”
Eddie follows Steve out the bedroom door and down the stairs into the kitchen.
He smiles to himself when Steve stops in the doorway; He’d worked all night to get the damn cabinets open again.
“Good morning, Mr. Ghost… Ms. Ghost? Ghost Friend.” is what he finally lands on, unfreezing from the doorway and grabbing a can of something from the fridge.
Eddie breezes past him a bit too close, just barely brushing against him. Steve shudders against the chill. “I’m not sure if that’s a ‘Hello’ or a ‘Get the fuck out of here’.”
In response, Eddie pushes the sleep-mussed fringe of his bangs back off his forehead.
Steve smiles. “Hello...” Then he seems to remember something, “Oh, hey, the delivery guys are coming with my stuff soon.” He pauses a moment, “I’m guessing you’re gonna try something, but can you please not cause any injuries at least? I don’t want any more ghost-y roommates.”
“Aw man, but I do!” Eddie groans.
Steve tilts his head to listen to the quiet of the house for a few seconds, then calls out again. “Can you make some sort of noise so I know you aren’t gonna kill anyone?”
Eddie rolls his nonexistent eyes, “Sure, handsome, anything for you,” and knocks his knuckles on the open cabinet door beside Steve’s head.
Steve startles at the noise, “Jesus fuck! I’d also like to not die today, thanks.” he says, adding on a grumbled “Give me a damn heart attack, why don’tcha..” as he starts back toward the front of the house.
A laugh escapes him and Steve falters, stopping a couple steps away and turning back toward the kitchen.
If his word meant anything, he’d swear that Steve looks right at him.
His laughter stutters to a stop, and Steve shakes his head minutely as if to shake off a thought.
‘Did he hear me laughing?’
“....No, he couldn’t have, it’s way too early..” Eddie answers himself.
He watches until Steve’s out of sight, then floats through the hallway wall and into the closet under the stairs.
It’s one of Eddie’s favorite places in the house; small and quiet, and the place he feels most..solid (the most real?)..no matter what time of year it is. It gives him time to breathe, ironically, and no matter how untethered he might feel after Halloween, he feels like himself again here.
He’s done some long, complicated ciphering about why over the years, and he thinks the stairs and closet are positioned right over where his bedroom used to be in his and Wayne's trailer. He can get his thoughts together here, can think the clearest.
There's some commotion from outside his closet, so Eddie pops his head through the door to watch Steve and the moving company travel back and forth between the front door and the rest of the house.
Looks like he was in the closet longer than he thought (There’s definitely a gay joke here somewhere, Eddie thinks to himself), the hired team of movers are here and already carting in boxes and pieces of furniture.
Steve is helping the movers for some reason, carrying boxes further into the house, and Eddie finds his way back to the man’s side without even thinking about it.
Suddenly, Steve yells, “Nope! I have to do some work on the place, so everything but the bedframe and mattress can go in here!” in response to some question Eddie hadn’t heard. “The master is up the stairs, last door on the right. That one big dresser with the mirror can go there, too.”
“Hope you have some help lined up after they leave, pretty boy. You know I can’t help you.”
“I think I do, actually. Some kids already asked to help with the house anyway, so.”
“What?” one of the movers echoes.
Steve sets down the box he was carrying (‘clothes’ according to the large marker letters on one side) and turns back to the mover, confused. “I’ll have help to move it all again after I’m done with the remodels.”
“That’s..great man, good for you.” he says, equally confused.
Eddie’s frozen. “Okay, what the fuck.”
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Steve can’t help but help the movers; he carries in some of the unimportant boxes, and grabs up the important ones he’d labeled when he packed up everything. Which was also something he couldn’t help but do even though the company he hired would pack and unpack his things as part of the cost anyway.
One of the five man team asks him about putting his furniture in their respective rooms, at least.
“Nope! I have to do some work on the place, so everything but the bedframe and mattress can go in here!” he calls back, carrying the couple of boxes of clothes in his arms into the foyer to the right of the front door, “The master is up the stairs, last door on the right. That one big dresser with the mirror can go there, too.” he calls over his shoulder
“Hope you have some help lined up after they leave, pretty boy. You know I can’t hel...”
Steve huffs in irritation, why are they trying to talk to him while walking away? “I think I do, actually. Some kids already asked to help with the house anyway, so.” he calls back to where the voice seemed to be retreating to.
“What?” the mover asks, sounding closer again.
Steve sets down the box of clothes he carried in, and turns back to the man who’s looking at him like he’s grown another head. “I’ll have help to move it all again after I’m done with the remodels.”
“That’s..great man, good for you.”
“You’re the one who asked..” Steve grumbles to himself when the guy walks back out to the truck.
There’s not much in the moving truck, so while the team is bringing in the larger pieces, he borrows one of them to help him empty his little trailer so he can take it back that afternoon.
The crew is done within the hour, and Steve sees them off, following them down the drive and turning to head into town. He stops in at the deli across from Melvald’s for lunch, and heads into the one internet provider’s office in town to set up his services (which was as easy as flipping the proverbial switch to turn them on, very nice), then heads to the hardware store because of course there wasn’t already a washer and dryer in the house.
Getting delivery scheduled for his new washer and dryer ends up taking forever, and it’s already late afternoon by time he’s done, so Steve heads back out to the big box store for groceries, heads home to eat Joyce's leftovers, showers, puts some sheets on his bed, then (finally) calls Robin..
“Finally got interwebs hooked up?” her forehead says in lieu of a ‘Hello?’ (that’s the only thing he can see on his screen at the moment).
“Yep, didn’t take too long, luckily, and good news for me: apparently the people who built this place decided to put in fiber cords? Which is really good I guess?” he says, flopping down onto his mattress on his stomach.
“Uh, yeah, that’s real good Dingus; Fiber is still one of the better things for internet connections, so congrats! You lucked out.”
“Then the guy at the hardware store took forever to schedule my laundry shit to be delivered, so I’m out a washer and dryer until next week. Yay.” he deadpans to her forehead (still the only thing he can see).
“But you’re settled in better now, right? At least now you can get started on that DIY board you’ve been hoarding onto since you first saw the place.”
“That's true, that’s true,” he concedes, swapping his video call app out for the one that holds all his inspiration boards, “This place is going to be amazing once I’m done with it.”
“I thought you already thought it was amazing.”
“No, no, it is..it’s just..” he pauses, scrolling down the hundreds of ideas he’d saved for just this moment…all of them not quite right. Even the simplest color palettes he’d liked look drab and boring when he thinks about actually using any of them on the house.
“None of it fits anymore, does it.”
Steve snorts out a laugh, “None! How is that even possible? What the hell am I supposed to do now?”
“What indeed..how in the world are you supposed to start changing things if you don’t even know what color paint your ghost roomie likes? What if they start haunting you even more after you paint the dining room sage instead of mustard??”
“Right?! He likes metal music for fucks sake, I can’t paint my whole house red and black or whatever just so he doesn’t haunt the fuck outta me!”
Robin’s silent for a moment, then “Wait, backup. One, how do you know he likes metal music, and two, ‘he’? How do you know it’s a ‘he’?”
“Oh my god! So much has happened, listen,” Steve explains everything to her, shifting onto his back as he does.
He tells her about the kids (“You better take them up on the offer, Dingus, that’s a lot of help.”), the girl Max who said “He likes metal music.”, the way his speaker turned down on its own when he asked ‘Jeeves’ to, the damn acknowledging knock he’d heard when Steve asked the entity not to hurt any of the movers as they brought in all his stuff.. All of it.
“I even heard a laugh, Robin. A goddamn laugh! It’s definitely a ghost.”
“Okay. Yep. That’s it, I’m never coming to visit. Mm-mph. Nope. No way.”
“Oh yeah, and the Hawkins Chief of Police said it might be a murderer!”
“Ah! What?! Steve. Steven. Steeb. You need to move. Pack up all your shit and get the fuck back here.”
He only partially heard her; Now he’s focusing on trying to look up any murders here in Hawkins over the years.
“Are you listening to me, Dingus?”
“Huh–yeah, yeah of course I am.”
“No you’re not, I can see you thinking.” Steve hears her type something into her phone. “The Creel murders, a death by rabid dog, death to cancer…”
“Are you reading the same things I am?”
“Uh huh, sure–ah ha! Listen, listen, listen,” Steve exclaims, sitting up and crossing his legs in the middle of his bed. “‘Hawkins High cheerleader, 18, found deceased at Forest Hills trailer park. Authorities say she was found by a resident of the park along with another body late on the night of the 31st. There is no further information at this time.’.”
“....Holy shit..holy shit..Ah! Okay, I found some more, Halloween, 1986... Uh….” she trails off, mumbling along as she reads. “This one says it’s called the ‘Forest Hills Murder’, and that there was, quote, ‘one suspect, two bodies, and conviction for one count of second degree murder.’.”
“Second degree?”
“Means that it wasn’t planned beforehand.”
Steve hums in understanding, continuing to scroll. “Why are there no names! I want to know who my ghost is, dammit!”
“Maybe…you should go to the library? Does Hawkins have a library? Maybe they’ll have old papers or something.”
“Yeah, it’s basically smack dab in the center of town....Do you think I should go to the library?”
“I think you should go to the library.”
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That night, Steve once again dreams of that vast black place. He opens his eyes to it, and instead of being scared like last time, he’s somehow…comforted by it. 
The loud splash of water that comes from his right, however, makes him jump.
“Hi!” the girl with the ponytail says, bouncing to a stop in front of him.
“Uh, hi? I saw you last time, I think…Who are you?”
“I’m Chrissy!” she grins, her smile bright yet slightly crooked.
“Hi Chrissy, I’m Steve, uhm…what the hell is going on? Why are you in my dream?”
“I assume it’s because I died at Forest Hills.” She shrugs, as if it was the most benign news in the world.
Steve blinks at her in the darkness, takes in her uniform– “Oh my god, you’re the cheerleader who died! Are you–are you my ghost?” It’d be a surprise if Chrissy was a metal fan, but who’s he to judge? Maybe Max got the ghosts’ pronouns wrong? 
Chrissy waves him off with a laugh, “Oh, no, I’m not,”
“Wait, are they the one who killed you? I better not be living with a murderer ghost..”
She looks appalled at that, “Absolutely not! Where on earth did you even get that idea?”
“I’ve only read a little bit about the–your case so far, and all it said was that there were two bodies.” Steve scratches at the back of his neck nervously. What kind of protocol is there for talking to a dead girl about her death? “Rumor has it that the second one was the person who killed you. That your boyfriend killed him right after…?”
The cheerleader is silent, gazing at him sadly. 
“His name is Eddie.”
There’s a pull in Steve’s gut at the name. 
“Who’s name, your murderer? Your boyfriend?” She’s fading into the darkness that surrounds them, and Steve knows he must be waking up. “Please, tell me!”
Chrissy’s mouth moves, but Steve’s already falling out of his dream.
Groggily, he reaches for his phone, 6:04am. 
He huffs as he flops back against his pillows, but freezes in the next moment.
Out the door to his bedroom from where he’s laying, he can see part way down the hall and the last half of the staircase where it comes up to the second floor.
And what he sees glide up the steps onto the landing out of sight is what freezes him to his spot.
It was barely there, but there nonetheless. A shadow, just dark enough to be seen in the low light of the morning, the dark of it standing out against the pale cream of the wall next to the steps.
His heart hammers in his chest, his brain screaming ‘Holy shit, holy shit, he IS real, oh my god there’s a real life ghost in my house.’ at him (Wait, duh. You already knew this?? You heard the speaker lower on its own, you felt that cold breeze, heard that laugh?? He thinks, his thoughts rambling on without him.) when the shadow reappears, drifting into view in his doorway and it itself freezing under Steve’s gaze.
The shadow is still only just barely visible; not freakishly tall, Steve figures it’s about his own height, actually, and the edges of it flicker and move.
Heart still pounding, Steve speaks, his voice coming out in barely a whisper. “Eddie?”
As soon as the name is out of his mouth, the shadow disappears, looking both like it was swept away by an invisible breeze, and as if it dropped straight into the floor.
“Holy shit!”
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After throwing together a whole two pieces of toast for breakfast, and leaving the strips of color he thought to pick up while at the hardware store out for his roommate with a note, Steve takes himself and the name Eddie with him to Hawkins Public Library.
His hopes of scouring old newspapers and records seem at least ten times more likely when he steps over the threshold and immediately feels like sneezing at the smell of the dusty old books around him.
He steps up to the front counter, “Good morning Mrs….” Steve leans in closer to read her name tag; ‘Claudia Henderson - she/her!’ is printed onto the plastic tag in permanent marker and punctuated with a fading yellow smiley face sticker “…Henderson—Henderson? Why does that sound familiar?”
“I’m not sure, hon–”
They both startle at the sudden yell, turning towards the noise; Dustin, that kid with the cap that had harassed him on his driveway yesterday, is running towards the front counter. 
‘Ah. Henderson.’
Mrs. Henderson tsks at her son, “Dustybuns, this is a library! Use your inside voice.” 
“Where’s th–Steve!”
Steve smiles at the kid, “Hey bud,”
“What’re you doing here?” he questions, then his face brightens exponentially. “Are you looking for stuff about ghosts?”
“Dusty, you know better than to ask that,” she chides, “What people are looking for at the library is no one’s business but their own.”
Dustin, however, chooses to ignore this. “It’s ghosts, isn’t it? Hang on, I know of a couple books that might help you!” 
Both Steve and Claudia attempt to stop him, “Dusty, wait—!”, “No, I’m oka—”, but Dustin’s already disappearing between two tall shelves.
“Damn, he’s quick.”
Claudia sighs, “I’m sorry about him, hon, he just gets super excited about whatever thing he’s fixated on at the moment.”
“It’s alright, Ms. Henderson, I know he means well.” Steve says with a smile.
“Well, let’s get you settled then, you need a library card, I assume?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She gets him set up with a card (‘Harrington? Oh, you must be Patty’s grandson! Oh, I’ve heard so much about you; your gran and I were in the same knitting club, you know.”), then points out an empty table by one of the front windows he can use if he’d like. Where each section is, what their return policy is and about the book reserve program, then finishes with a warm “Let me know if you need any help, Steve dear.”
“Actually, can you tell me where you keep your newspapers?”
She hmms thoughtfully for a moment, “Well, that depends on if you want the actual papers, or if you would like to scroll through them on the microfilm…what are you looking for, exactly?”
“I’m looking for information on the house I just bought? I’ve been told there was a death on the property previously and I wanted to look into it if I could. Library seemed like the best bet.”
“Oh, that’s just terrible! Sure, hon, let's get you set up at one of our machines and you can scroll through whatever year you’re looking for,” she beckons him to follow to another long row of desks. There are a couple other people with name tags like Claudia’s sitting at the computers behind it. “Do you have a timeframe?”
“Mid-80s I think?”
“Let me see what I can find for you,” Claudia nods, sitting down at a large white machine.
She shows him how to operate the clunky device, then disappears through a ‘Staff Only’ door.
Steve’s alone at the machine for five whole seconds before Dustin finds him.
“There you are! Okay, here, these are my favorites on the subject,” he hands him a small stack of books with mostly dark covers, one even has a lenticular image of a fanged skull, “These are a couple that are more fanatical,” two more are added to the pile, “and these two are more scientific in nature.”
He keeps ahold of the last two, stepping to the side to reach for and slide a chair from another machine next to Steve’s. “Are they a poltergeist too?  Are you trying to get rid of them? If so, I’ll need to pull some material on exorcisms too. Do you know why they would be sticking around? We need to figure out what their unfinished business might b—”
“Dustin! Dude!” Steve cuts him off with a laugh, “What happened to “Hey Steve.”, “Didja get unpacked already?”, “How’re your projects coming along, Steve?”...I just got here, my guy, lemme breathe for a second.”
Dustin rolls his eyes, “Did you figure out what colors your ghost likes?”
Steve rolls his eyes, “No, not yet. I put some out for him, so we’ll see if he decides to get rid of any.”
Claudia returns then, “Okay, here you are, sweetheart—Dusty! What’d I tell you about bothering Steve!”
“I’m not bothering him!” Dustin complains at the same time Steve says, “It’s been non-stop.”
The kid shoves at Steve’s shoulder, “Dude, shut up!”
He mimes nearly falling off his chair, “Do you see this, Ms. Henderson? I am being harassed in a public library.” he manages to say before breaking out into a grin.
“Shut up, asshole!” Dustin laughs.
“You shut up, buttface.”
“Okay, okay, settle down you two, Now Steve, do you have anywhere we can start? A date?” Claudia asks, loading up the first film in her small stack.
“I have one,” Steve nods, giving Dustin a final playful shove and reaching into his back pocket. “This article I found about the trailer park that used to be there?” He shows her his phone, open to the article from last night.
She scans it, then nods, scrolling on through the first film. “I say we check obituaries first, see if anyone sticks out? Then we can try birth announcements.”
“Would they have had an announcement printed if he was a murderer though?”
She looks at her son curiously.
“Dustin is convinced there is a ghost on the property from the death there,” Steve explains as if he doesn’t already believe it himself, “And apparently the stories of the place include a possible murderer.”
“That’s why we need to figure out who it was so we can get him outta Steve’s house!”
“Well…” she gives them both another odd look, “Everybody has someone; this person’s someone may have had them printed as well.”
The first film ends up being the one they needed, for Chrissy at least.
“Here’s your cheerleader, Steve.” Claudia gestures to the machine’s screen. Half the front page of the Hawkins Post from November 1st, 1986 is dedicated to her. 
The crooked smile, the bangs, the ponytail. “That’s her alright. It’s gotta be.”
Dustin squished in from Steve’s left to read the tiny text. “‘Chrissy Cunningham, 18, was found dead early this morning by local 440 chapter president Wayne Munson at his home in the Forest Hills mobile home park.”
“‘Wayne Munson.’, Who’s Wayne Munson?”
“Not sure, but he’s involved somehow. Write that down.”
“‘Police say they have one of two suspects in custody, the other was found dead alongside Ms. Cunningham.’.”
“That’s gotta be the ones, remember? She died and the boyfriend found the guy right after!”
From there, it’s easy to find the information for one Jason Carver.
“Is he the guy?” Dustin squints closer at the small yearbook picture. “Wait, if he’s the boyfriend, then he’s the murderer! Then who’s this other guy…?”
“What about Eddie, is there anything about anyone with that name?” Both Hendersons give Steve curious looks, “I was given that name from…a reliable source.” Very reliable. 
“Why don’t we go back to that Wayne fella,” Claudia says, standing from the machine to move behind a computer nearby. “If it was his trailer she was found in, maybe the other person has something to do with him?”
She clicks into her computer and starts to type at an alarming rate.
Steve glances over to Dustin, who’s wearing a bewildered look. He turns around in his chair, “Thanks for helping with this, Ms. Henderson.”
“Yeah mom, I didn’t know you would be this interested in something like this.”
“Oh pshh,” she scoffs, “Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Now, read off that last name again?”
“Munson, M-U-N-S-O-N.”
“Let’s see…says here that Wayne was President of our Local 440 branch until…oh, 1986.”
“What’s that?” Steve and Dustin ask in tandem.
“The 440 is the local union! Some of those guys come through here twice a month for their book club.”
Steve takes the name to his phone, typing in ‘wayne munson + indiana’. “‘New UA President Elected!’, obituary, oh! There’s a birth here…and it has a paywall.”
Claudia rolls her eyes and mutters a low “Of course,” then louder, “Let's find it here then, what’s the date?”
He gives her the date, a Friday in mid June 1966, and she sets up the corresponding microfilm roll, scrolling into the birth announcements.
“Ah, here it is: ‘Beloved former Miss Indiana and Hawkins native Elizabeth Munson (ne’ Johnson) and husband Albert Munson welcomed a bouncing baby boy to the world this past Saturday. ‘I am just plumb overjoyed,’ Wayne Munson, Al’s older brother and well-known face of Hawkins’ local branch of UA 440 said Saturday evening. Both mother and little Theodore Munson are happy and healthy after their short hospital stay.’. That’s just lovely, I didn’t know Hawkins had a Miss Indiana!” 
“But that’s Theodore though, not Eddie. Did she have any other kids?”
“Uhhh..” Steve draws out, typing ‘elizabeth munson miss indiana’ into his phone. “No, just the one son apparently..” He reads further, “Says she died in 1974 due to ovarian cancer.”
“Poor Teddy..”
“Well sure, short for Theodore?” Claudia tsks sympathetically, “He was so young when she died..”
“Poor kid, I can’t imagine.”
“Wait! Teddy, Eddie!”
“I dunno, maybe that’s your connection? Theodore to Teddy to Eddie. Maybe Wayne’s nephew is your Eddie?”
It took some more searching, but Dustin was right on the money; Steve finds the first mention of both names in a 1982 Hawkins High yearbook under a black and white picture of five teens in the book’s club section.
“‘Theodore “Eddie” Munson (far left), leader of Hawkins High’s newest club, Hellfire, with fellow sophomores Ronnie Ecker, Jeff Monroe, Frank Zuiwiski, and freshman Gareth Emerson.’.” Steve reads off. “‘The tabletop, pen-and-paper game Dungeons and Dragons (“D&D?” Dustin yells, attempting to pull the book from his hands, making Steve twist around in his chair to avoid him.) is the club’s main focus and is largely math based.’.”
Dustin pulls the yearbook from Steve’s hands as soon as he’s finished reading. “How did I not know Hawkins had a D&D club?!”
“Oh my god, my ghost is a nerd.”
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“What the fuck?? What the fuck??”
Eddie had not expected Steve to be awake when he drifted upstairs that morning. Nor did he have any inkling that the man would whisper out a trembling “Eddie?” when he arrived at his door.
It’s only March, how in the hell can Steve even see him?
He sounded so scared too… damn it!  He only just got here and now Eddie’s gone and ruined everything.
Instead of bright sparkling happiness or burning hot rage, a deadening, sinking, cold melancholy seeps into his core. The dreadful feeling sinks him further down into the house, all the way to, and into, the floor of his closet under the stairs.
Eddie stays hidden away while Steve shuffles around that morning and for two mornings after that. He’s aware of the living man’s movements through the creaks of the floorboards and hinges as he goes about his day each day, unpacking boxes and accidentally cutting his finger, shocking himself when he sets up his fancy-ass TV in the master bedroom, listens when he sings along to the Spoofy he’s been playing for Eddie and some of his own modern-sounding songs.
But Eddie doesn't make an appearance.
For three days, he wallows, alone.
Late into the night of the second day, well, early in the morning on the third, technically, the Moon reaches to him, asks him what is wrong.
It’s still dark outside, the sky just beginning to lighten, when he leaves his confines and breezes out onto the back balcony.
He notices belatedly that were are boxes and dropcloths littered around the great room as he passed through it; seems like Steve had been busy.
Again, the moon reaches softly to him, What are you afraid of? her soft hold on him asks, the encouragement bleeding through her glow over him evident.
“My heart may be dead and gone, but that doesn’t mean I want it broken.”
He regrets his words immediately, her amusement at his slip up skitters all along the planks of Steve’s balcony.
“Nononono no, not like that, he doesn’t–I don’t–He just…” why is he trying to lie to her? “Okay, so what if I have a big fat crush on him? ‘Ooh everyone look the lovesick dead guy’,” he mocks. “It’s not like jack shit can happen, so what if I do? It’s only a stupid crush anyway.”
Eddie listens to the sounds of the night as the sky lightens a couple shades more, the Moon’s continued amusement apparent to none but him.
Her jovial mood dies off after a shade or so more, then turns questioning once again, though tired, apparent from her low seat in the sky.
Eddie’s gut twists, “He could see me…Why can he see me already?”
The confusion persists, a new drop of encouragement comes and goes.
“I’m sure I scared him with the…” he gestures to the wispy all of him, “I don’t want to freak him out more…”
She grows exasperated with him; Eddie can picture his late Uncle’s good-natured eye roll and practically hear the fond tongue-click behind her new irritation.
“What? What’d I say?”
The Moon all but bowls him over with one more blast of encouragement before she disappears behind the trees and under her sister’s glow.
Eddie huffs out a sigh. Message received…
Eventually, later in the morning, the stairs above him creak with Steve’s weight, and Eddie listens to him hum as he passes outside his door toward the kitchen.
He’s there for a little bit, probably eating something? Then the sound of Dio filters down the hall to him. 
Steve started the Spoofy for him again.
Soon after, the door into the garage opens and closes, and only after the garage door itself shudders to a stop, does Eddie leave his spot.
He wanders the house, taking in everything Steve had moved, or even torn off in his absence (“That wallpaper really was horrible, good on ya Steve.”), but eventually ends up back in the kitchen, thinking this time he’ll open a couple drawers for Steve instead of his usual cupboard fuckery, show him he’s back in action in a “Didja miss me?” type way, but stops short when he notices something laid out on the counter beside the speaker.
Color swatches. 
There’s a couple shades of green, some blues, a deep red, and even a bright sunshine yellow laid out with a slip of lined paper.
Eddie eases forward, clipping into the countertop as he does, to read the note.
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He stares dumbly at it for what feels like weeks.
Steve wants to know what he thinks? What Eddie would pick? Why? This is Steve’s house, why does his opinion matter?
‘It’s because he likes you.’ his not-actually-there brain tells him
“No the fuck he doesn’t, I’m dead. A ghost. I’m a nuisance at best.”
‘He knew your name.’
That happy sparking feeling returns, shooting through where his heart would be.
“He knew my name.”
Bright yellow flashes in his chest briefly. 
How did Steve figure that one out?
‘He said your name.’ he thinks to himself, then the sound of Steve saying his name starts to cycle across his thoughts.
“Eddie?”, “Eddie?”, “Eddie?”, “Eddie?”....over and over again until it stops sounding like a real word.
“Eddie.” Steve says, his tone no longer questioning, but welcoming.
“Eddie.” Steve’s smiling this time.
“Eddie..” Steve’s happy to see him.
It takes him a handful of minutes each time, but he manages to flip over about half of the colors Steve had laid out.
“I must be outta my mind,” Eddie grumbles, glowing bright in the middle of the kitchen.
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It took three days for Eddie to tell Steve what colors he doesn’t like. 
He left the swatches alone until something was done to them but eventually, on the morning of the third day since he’d put them out (after more decisions about where he’d use each if they weren’t vetoed, deciding which room he’d tackle first (the kitchen), and getting the rest of his furniture and TV situated in his room), Steve comes downstairs to find three of the blue shades and one each of the green, red, and grays flipped over on the countertop.
He smiles down at them as he eats his bowl of cereal; he’s not sure where his ghostly roommate is right now, so he sets down his bowl, fishes a pen out of his junk drawer, and adds a line to his note
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i can't believe i didn't do this on the first part, but tagging everyone who was interested in reading the whole fic from my first post w this concept!! (i think some of you already found pt 1 though!!): @gothwifehotchner @puppy-steve @babydollbaron @a-bun-danceoflove @after-the-end-times @mightbeasleep @shapeofaperson @val-from-lawrence @madigoround @steviebats @nburkhardt @scoops-stevie @kas-eddie-munson @i-less-than-threee-you @milf-harrington @khalesprix @matchingbatbites
and also tagging those interested on the last part <3: @little-birch-boy
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my reactions to episode 6 of season 2 of criminal minds evolution
spoilers under the cut!
the alarms blaring and dead people everywhere just reminds me of the way "Saturday" begins
Okay I thought this was real until I saw Luke shot and half dead on the floor. Yay for Tara being so concerned though, TarVez besties canon!!
Okay when they said we'd hear prentiss singing, this is NOT what i had in mind
JESUS christ wtf is this
Aww I love seeing Penelope take care of her friends
Luke and Penelope being beside each other in a frame 🥰 getting my garvez crumbs where i can
Tara Lewis you are SO pretty
Penelope knowing her dad is at the end of his rope and being SO patient with him 😂😂 (also, luke, i see you staring at her)
Is Rossi about to have a fucking breakdown in the middle of the BAU?? I can't handle that
Luke following Penelope into her office YESSSSS
Oops i guess not. that's jj.
Penelope there is one person on this team i can understand you struggling to look at... JJ isn't them. what's going on?
"It's between beige and bad kissing" well penelope i feel like if you got with a certain someone you'd never have to deal with that again
JJ reading her besties to shit. I love my OG BAU girls
tyler's ex is so pretty tho
Luke wipe that smirk off your face 😂
"Even more awkward than you working with Tyler is him working with me" Luke do you HEAR yourself??? You are outing yourself and your feelings even more. You are ADMITTING your jealousy
"Luke we need you in here" not even TWO SECONDS LATER i knew it was coming but it's still funny
Penelope's "oh" upon finding out who teresa is. this is just a group of exes up in here
Tara 🤝 Emily wives calling Dave out for not going to therapy
Soft Tara and Dave!! I love them.
JJ sneaking a cheeto 😂 i'm glad there are SOME consistencies in this show
High Emily is just Paget
Emily is so right about salt and vinegar chips. They're the BEST.
Does a picture of sergio in the background count for my sergio square on my bingo card?
Tara and Emily having the same middle name canon
"I didn't know super hot latina was your type" Well, Penelope, now you have something in common
TYLER setting boundaries i love to see it.
Mutual airing of exes... now i wonder if she brought Luke up or hid that particular detail
Wait shit I was half joking in my fic when I said tyler was still in love with teresa, but if he fr is i will be so happy and rooting for them
luke having to ask the ex of the ex of the love of his life what the story is with her and said ex
luke's heart eyes watching penelope's presentation
oh she's calling tyler OUTTTTTT
"81% of stalking victims are stalked by someone they know." Two things. 1. Love Luke getting his Spencer Reid moments and getting to be smart. 2. THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABOUT ALEXEI STANOVICH AT SOME POINT
"sticky chemistry that is in the room between us all" means Penelope is acknowledging the her and luke stuff as well
LESS awkward to do boys with boys and girls with girls??? Penelope are you KIDDING???
"that's the less awkward option?" tyler i feel you
Luke's face is like "babe are you KIDDING i just told you me working with him is so awkward"
"For me and Teresa it is" icon
Tyler HAS to know that there is something Garvezy happening, because he and Luke seem to be the only people grasping the true awkwardness of this situation
oh so this is NOT emily's first time high. Temily writers i would like fics about them getting high together please and thank you
"I'm quitting" fucking LIES you won't leave them like that
"now being around him i know he's over me because i don't feel it anymore" i know penelope's ensuing awkwardness is supposed to be because she DOES still feel it with tyler or whatever, but i'm choosing to believe it actually has her thinking about Luke
"a list of everyone you've ever made angry" luke babes you are going to be at the TOP of that list
okay i have been WAITING for this tyler/luke fight
oh tyler did NOT use luke being a ranger against him
wtaf is this conversation. i'm living for it but it's WEIRD
HAHA voit's rossi impression
Bailey mention!!
Hate to see Rossi struggling. But I have to admit Voit's manipulation of him is so well done
Morgan AND Hotch mention. When's the last time we got a Morgan mention???
So they're finally talking about BAU-gate... and they're high. lovely.
The way Luke says "Penelope Garcia" and cannot even stop himself from smiling
omg luke finally speaking spanish!! (@lklvz how're you coping?)
Luke's grandmother mention!!
ugh they're so gonna try to make luke and teresa a thing. aren't they.
Also, Luke, wdym Penelope knows??? Bc i ASSURE you she does not
"it was a hard pass for both of us" LIES
noooooooooooooooooooo how did we go from something SO GARVEZ to teresa essentially asking him out? Lady he just said he's in love with someone else this will not go well for you
what is this video game conversation
maybe i'm just tired but i do NOT get what voit is alluding to with north star and stuart house
Tyler this feels kinda stupid
if i had a nickle for every time luke saved tyler's life, i'd have two nickles. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
Luke and Tyler friendship arc???
okay. Jemilys, how are y'all doing? I might not get you, I might not be one of you, but I know you're losing it
If Teresa asks Luke out in front of Penelope i will SCREAM
So Penelope definitely thinks Luke/Teresa is a thing but I'm pretty sure that howl was her telling Luke to be brave and tell Penelope he loves her
oh THIS is where Jill comes in. I keep forgetting about her.
ahhh this was so good
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