#//a little sensitive about this because I pour a little bit of heart into my art
ask-zerotrio · 1 year
Updated a couple of rules and things!
I’ve made a little rule page + updated my pinned post for this ask blog. Nothing too much to highlight beyond some.... small things about this ship I enjoy lol. (TLDR is to keep your thoughts about it being weird/discomforting to yourself please, just block me and my main art blog)
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perrywrites · 8 months
I really want a part 4 of "asking 'Can you… Can you hold my hand?' during your first time together" With Rin, Rensuke and Sae plsssss
Thank you!
OMG... YES... My hero hubby how could I ever forget about him 😭😭😭
Asking “Can you… Can you hold my hand?” during your first time together, part 4;
Part 1 (Isagi, Hiori, Bachira) and Part 2 (Barou, Shidou, Karasu) and part 3 (Reo, Chigiri, Nagi) and part 5 (Otoya, Oliver, Yukimiya) and part 6 (Kaiser, Ness, Kiyora)
Includes; Rin, Sae, Kunigami 
Rin: he hovers above you, his much larger form eclipsing your trembling body, his eyes as intense as ever as he soaks in your vulnerable position. You don’t know, do you, how long he’s been waiting for this? Not to fuck you, but to make love to you, like this? Have you beneath him like this, all vulnerable, an intimate sight, see you in a way no one else ever has and never will - he’ll make sure of it. Because, after all, Itoshi Rin doesn’t give away his heart easily, he never meant to give it away at all, but then you came along and turned him into a man that would fall apart if you decided you didn’t want him anymore. There was no way he was going to let you go now, his weakness and his only balm. So, he indulges in you, instead, pouring all of his passion into his kisses, he knows exactly how to make you weak, soaking in your whimpers as you weakly hold onto him. That’s right, he’s your anchor, rely on him, hold onto him, because he’s going to make you fall apart right now under him, and he’ll be the one to piece you back together, hold you in his arms. It’ll always be him. He’ll keep on proving it, his hands pulling your legs apart as he nestles inbetween them, his grip now firm on your doughy thighs. He suppresses a groan as your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling on it teasingly - don’t get cuter, dammit, do you want him to become even more impatient than he already is? With a low growl, he grabs onto one of your hands, pinning your wrist down - and you whimper at this, shyly avoiding his eyes as you make that cute little request of him. His pretty eyes widen just the tiniest bit, heart stuttering in his chest, and a profound longing for you fills him even though you’re right there. And he wonders, if you knew, just exactly how crazy you make him? More than anything else? He scoffs, but it’s weak, and he reaches his hand out to yours, his grasp gentle but firm as he interlocks your fingers together. “... You’re such an idiot.” But his words lack any bite as he leans his head back in towards you to capture your lips. You don’t know how desperate you make him, do you? How badly he yearns for you? He needs you, dammit, but hell would freeze over before he’d ever admit that. For now, he’ll just take you to heaven and back, make you cry out his name, and have you keep looking up at him with those dazed starry eyes. He can only ever be satisfied if he makes you as crazy for him as he is for you, because that might be the only way he can ensure you don’t leave him for someone else. Please, don’t leave, please. He’ll fall apart. You don’t understand how much you mean to him. 
Sae: he has you pinned beneath him, ready to be defiled by him, as he looks on at your form with a seemingly impassive gaze, but you can tell his eyes are softer - and definitely teasing. You can tell he’s amused by you - and he is, he so is. He finds the way you tremble beneath him, the flush of your body deepening, the dewiness of your eyes, all of it to be so fascinating. He adores the sweet sounds he can elicit from your lips with ease, smirking lightly at how sensitive he has you over his touch. You’re all nervous and shy, like a bunny, and something about that both melts his heart (though he would rather die than admit that) and strokes a very depraved flame within his psyche. Seeing you like this, all shy, large doe-eyes, so pure and innocent, all of it makes him want to absolutely ruin you on his cock. Make you cry, sob, and then beg for him as he fucks you up. Something about the idea that taking your first time will make you belong to him in a way no man can ever overwrite heats him up in a way he just can’t explain to you - or to anyone else, really. It’s when he positions himself over you with his darkened eyes that you blurt out something that momentarily catches Sae off guard. He raises an eyebrow, and then he chuckles softly, in that low hoarse voice of his, before he leans in to press a chaste kiss against your cheek. “... You’re such a brat,” he mumbles against your skin, dragging his lips over to nibble on your ear. The pride, and hunger, in his chest grows at your sweet whine, and he slowly interlaces your fingers together, giving you what you want with fond exasperation. You’re his responsibility after all, so he’ll take care of you then, make you full on his cock and teach you there’s no man out there better for you than he is. After all, you’ve already tainted him with your colour, so it’s only fair if he gets to taint you in return, right? 
Kunigami: he’s so careful with you, ever the gentleman, treating you like you’re delicate, a flower, or porcelain, or something even more fragile. But, you’re not a flower, or porcelain, you’re a person, with warm soft flesh, and each time he touches you, you shiver and react - whining for him, whining for more. He’s so troubled, each sweet sound that leaves you makes his mind hazy, makes his eyes darken. His rough hands ghost over your body, and squeeze firmly but oh so gently, he’s so careful, so please, for the love of dear god stop being so tempting. Because - because he can feel his self-restraint slipping in the way he grips your hips a little too hard, eager to revel in and satisfy himself through you, and that’s no good. He presses a slightly rough kiss against your lips, drinking in your sounds and muffling them as much as he can. It’s no good, dammit. Don’t be so sweet-sounding, please, don’t look up at him all adoringly, lashline wet as you call out his name like that. You don’t know half the filth in his mind, how badly he wants to defile you and corrupt you, he’s embarrassed by it, honestly. He can feel his head grow fuzzy, cock twitching painfully. The longer he delays this, the less confident he becomes about his self-control, so he hoarsely asks you if you’re ready before positioning himself. And then he freezes when you shyly ask him to hold your hand. How are you this adorable, fuck? He smiles at you reassuringly, pressing sweet kisses all over your face as he reaches out for your hand. How is someone so sweet like you letting him take your first time? He’s so in love with you, fuck. He’s so glad you trust him this much, that you’re letting him be the man in your life. He’ll be so gentle with you, fuck, no matter how badly he wants to pound into you, he’ll treat you right, so right. He’ll make sure you never regret him or your first time, ever, after all this night is about both you and him. Defiling you be damned, he’ll love you, and he’ll love you so right, dammit. You’re the love of his life, don’t worry, he promises to keep you safe and cherish you forever.
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
gone too long
Pairing: Steven Grant x F!Reader
Prompt: Masturbation
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, some angst (im sorry), masturbation, pillow humping, panty sniffing, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 3.2k
A/N: probably too long and emotional for kinktober but its my first time so bear with me please
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You’ve been away for almost a week now. Steven tried to be good, he tried but it’s been so hard without you. He goes to bed alone, hard, surrounded by your scent and wakes up the same way.
He spends hours in the night writhing around in bed. He can’t sleep anymore, you always used to get him off after he came home from work and again before bed to help him sleep but now he just spends his time missing you, squeezing his throbbing cock, and crying for you as he palms himself to the edge of orgasm, unallowed to get himself over the edge.
He wakes up in more pain than when he went to sleep. His dreams are all about you, some sexual, some domestic, but they all make him hard. He cries for you some more before starting a painfully cold shower and setting off for the day. 
 If you were coming home tomorrow it’d be a different story. Steven would’ve stayed good, he would’ve waited for you, but he’s had a particularly hard day today, and amid all the commotion he forgot that you wouldn’t be there to comfort him. He’s thinking about you the entire bus ride home but it never clicks. He thinks about how he’ll stop you from cooking and order takeout, he’ll ask you to ride him as you guys wait, he’ll make sure you take it slow, savoring the way you guys feel together, how your bodies mold into one another perfectly. 
He fattens up in his pants as he unlocks the front door, he swears he can hear the TV on inside. He thinks about how you’ll tell him all about whatever new show you’ve found while he undresses you. 
He’s met with the most hollow feeling when he opens his door and reality stabs straight into his heart. 
Tears well in his eyes as he takes deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He keeps breathing slowly as he takes his shoes off, and as he puts his coat up. He starts breathing out through his mouth when the hollow feeling doesn’t leave, he keeps it up as he unpacks his bag, setting everything back in its proper place for the weekend, and he starts up a pot of tea. It’s all futile though, because his tears come pouring out the moment he sits on the bed, your faint scent gets pushed out of the cushioning and the hollow feeling becomes part of his bones. 
He can’t even function for the rest of the night, he turns the stove off through his watery gaze and buries himself in the blankets. Surrounding himself in your scent as he cries himself to sleep. 
He’s soft and sensitive when he wakes up, a state you know how to handle perfectly. But you’re not home. He has his usual morning delirium as he reaches out for you, reality slapping him as he feels your cold side of the bed. 
He rolls over onto his stomach, burying his face in your pillow- the only thing on the bed that still smells like you. 
Three more days. 
His cock is already twitching against the mattress as he huffs your scent, he whines at the stimulation. He wants to be a good boy. You asked him to wait for you, you said he could touch himself but you wanted his balls full for you. But you must not have understood how hard this would be for him. His hips are already grinding into the mattress. 
She won’t find out. Can’t. She’s not here.
He reaches out blindly for your side dresser, knowing you keep spare underwear in there. He feels something a bit hard and his head raises quickly to see what it is. His cock spasms at the sight. 
His mind flashes back to two weeks ago. One night, you and Marc were a little too drunk and way too needy. He pulled your panties to the side, fucked you, and let you soak it in your juices as he came over your stomach. He was too tired to clean you up so Steven took over after Marc fell asleep. You were sleeping so in an attempt to cause less of a commotion he just threw your panties in this drawer. He must’ve forgotten to get rid of it. 
His hand is shaking as he brings it up to his face. There are dried white streaks of your arousal running all over the crotch, a small circle of it from where your pussy cried for him. He can’t help but moan at the sight and brings the fabric to his nose. It still smells like you, like her. His tongue is darting out to taste it before his brain has even finished processing your smell. His cock spurts out loads of pre-cum into his briefs as he starts to thrust against the bed again. He pushes your pillow down to his crotch with one hand as the other holds your old, dried panties to his face.
He feels so dirty as he does this, almost disgusted with himself but pleasure clouds his mind over as he feels the softness of your pillow on his pulsing dick. It’s comparable to how your pussy feels to him, not as warm and nowhere near as wet but just as soft.
He’s face first on the bed, your panties directly over his face the way your pussy would be, his tongue prodding at where your pretty little hole should be. He’s groaning out your name in half sobs, wishing you were here, wishing you were the one touching him because as good as this all feels… you still feel so much better. 
He feels the molten pleasure work its way up his spine, he feels his balls begin to throb with the load they’ve prepared. He feels it coming, he can feel how much there’ll be and a pang of guilt that he’s not saving it for you. He knows how much you love when he fills you up, how whiny you get when you’re packed full of his load, how you mutter his name on repeat, begging him to fill you up. 
But the thought just works him further to the edge, he can feel his muscles tighten as his dick starts to pulse, he feels relief just out of reach, and a small guilty smile spreads over his face at how good this is going to feel. His mind races through scenes of you, unable to choose one to cum to, your name rests on the tip of his tongue as his hips stutter into the pillow one last time before
nothing happens.
He can feel his orgasm at the tip of his cock, right there and he wants you. He forms scene after scene in his head of how many different ways you’ll touch him when you get back. He thinks about how many times you’ll make him cum, how you’ll coo over his overfilled, swollen balls, how you’ll apologize to him as you fuck him into oblivion but nothing gets close to how he feels when your hands are on him. He needs you.
The realization is accompanied by a teary whimper of your name into the pillow.
The teary whimper is followed by an angelic sound of “Steven?”
His head snaps up and he’s scrambling out of bed before he can rationalize the fact that you’re not supposed to be home for another four days. 
But you’re actually here. 
You’re smiling at him as you place your coat on the rack, your boots already off and eyebrows raised as you wait for him to make his way over to you. He’s standing in the doorway frozen. He thinks he’s lost it, that he was right, all these days without you did drive him insane. 
I told her this would happen. 
His eyes well with tears as he tries to will himself to see the truth. His fists are bunching at his sides, angry at the hope he felt when he thought he heard you calling his name, having already been riled up at his futile attempt at relief. 
You’re growing concerned under his indecipherable stare. “Steven?” He gasps and his eyes widen. You approach him slowly and cautiously, worried at this odd reaction. He takes a hesitant step toward you and gasps at the small amused smile that blooms on your lips. 
“Are you okay, Stevie? I wanted to surprise you but you seem-” You pause to look him up and down, finally taking him all in and noticing the bulge and wet patch in his pants. Your expression changes from shock to sultry disappointment. “You seem like you’ve been bad.”
His eyes are still wide and watery. “Are you really here?”
Your mask drops with a sad smile. “Of course I am, baby. Did you miss me that much?” He envelopes you in a hug, burying his face in your neck, inhaling your scent with a shaky groan. 
“I m-missed you so much. I’ve been good.” He’s already got that distant, airy, aroused tone as he speaks. “I didn’t cum. I- ” He’s started to grind against you already, his bulge pressing itself into your thigh over and over as he grips your shoulders. He’s moved to the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your conditioner. “I wanted to- I tried.” 
His voice breaks at the end and you can’t stand it anymore. You grab the hair on the back of his head and roughly work him to your lips, relishing in the loud moan that breaks from his throat as your lips meet his. He’s trying to lick into your mouth immediately and you let him, you’ve missed the way he tastes. Only, when his tongue presses into yours, he tastes different… something familiar but it’s not him. You pull away confused and Steven’s lips chase yours with a whine. You have to hold his face away from yours to get his attention. 
“Steven, what is that?” He’s too delirious to understand what you’re asking, he just tilts his head like a puppy. You try not to let your endearment show through, attempting to be stern. “What’s that taste?” You can see his recognition flash over his face as he realizes what you’re asking but he starts shaking his head slowly and pulling you back in. “It’s just you, darling.”
You let him kiss you as you process, his words paired with the vaguely familiar taste let it click. You’re moaning into his mouth and pressing your thigh back into his weeping cock, earning a grateful moan from him. 
You walk him back to the bedroom desperately. You’ve been yearning for him as much as he has for you. You spent nights rolling around in bed, clit pulsing for him, unsatisfied with your ministrations. You tried fingering yourself but your fingers were nowhere near as long or as thick as his, you couldn’t hit the same spots he could. You tried. You push him onto the bed with a grunt and notice a pair of undies where your pillow should be. Confusion flies over your face before you look back at Steven, noticing his red face.
‘I tried’ 
The memory of what Steven said earlier finally makes sense to you. It also explained his desperate, disheveled state, why he was leaking and yearning for you. 
Arousal shoots between your legs like a jolt of electricity as you picture the scene; Steven grinding against- your pillow it seems- as he sniffed and licked at your panties. 
That’s why my taste was on his tongue…
Steven’s face is still burning red, looking anywhere but at you, as his hips uncontrollably twitch up for you, it brings a fond smile to your face. You take off your pants, matching him in your bottoms, and place yourself on his clothed bulge with a moan. You meant to tease him but it was already affecting you more than you anticipated. His hips are already thrusting into yours, his hands on your hips to hold you- press you down into him. He’s moaning out for you, whining about how good you feel but still trying to hide his face in his shoulder.
You give in and swivel your hips against him, earning a whole new level of volume from Steven. His hands aren’t just resting on your hips, they’re running all over your body wildly, grabbing and groping anything he comes across. You lean down to his ear and begin your questioning.
“So what are m- shit. What are my panties d-doing over here, S-Steven?” His name accidentally comes out as a moan as he drags your clit right over the tip of his dick. He’s not even looking at you, his eyes are fixed on where he’s rubbing you against himself, the way his tip dips into your soft skin and leaves streaks of his pre all along the fabric. His jaw is dropped open and little pants make their way past his wet lips. 
You can see this feral look in his eyes that you’ve never witnessed. He’s told you drunkenly how badly he craves you but you’ve never actually seen it, you’ve never really believed him. Like this, though? You can see what he was talking about. You can tell that he’s zeroed in on how good you’re making him feel, you don’t think he even heard you, too entranced with how he’s moving you along his cock. 
Your pussy clenches at the thought and he can feel it. He falls back against the bed with a groan before propping himself up on his elbows to pull you both back against the headboard. He whimpers at the momentary loss of friction but smiles once he can collapse onto the board while still staring at you. His hands come back to grip your hips, upset that you’ve stopped moving your hips without his help but you stop him. You lean forward on him, pressing most of your weight on his tip, he gasps and grips your arms with a moan. “Please! Oh Gods-”
You silence him with a short kiss, pulling away before he’s satisfied. He starts to mumble pleas to you again but your finger is pressed into his lips, he licks them, tasting your finger in the process and moaning at the taste of your skin. “Stevie…” You pause and he sighs at the sound of his name on your lips. “Did you use my underwear to get off?”
His eyes widen and dart to where they lay, exposed on the bed. You feel his cock twitch under you and you have to bite your lip to hold in a whine at the way it rubbed over your clit. He’s embarrased but turned on at the fact that he thought you’d never find out but you still did. The way that he could never hide anything from you, the way you don’t seem upset at the fact you caught him.
“I needed you so b- bad an’ you- an’ everything smells like you. I- I’m sorry.” He drops his head onto your shoulder as his hips slowly grind into you. “ ‘M sorry, alrigh’?” His accent gets heavier as he grinds into you more deliberately. “I just- I jus’ -oh I needed you so b-bad.” He whimpers into your neck, trying to muffle himself in there. You’re lost in the feeling, in his words as he humps his cock into you. He’s kissing along your neck, sometimes just licking at your sweat and moaning at the taste. His hips were starting to twitch and stutter into yours, his moans pitched up and his hands began to bruise into your skin. “I’m-”
You lift off of him. “No- Wh-y? P-please.” You ignore his plea and pull your shirt and underwear off as he scrambles to do the same. “Are we gonna-?” You smile at him softly and prepare for your confession. 
“I couldn’t get off without you, Steven.” You shift your weight nervously as he just stares at you. “I- My fingers aren’t enough anymore.” You whine at him and his cock jumps, leaking onto the sheets as he reaches out for you. He pulls you into a kiss and fumbles to take your bra off. He lets you climb over him again and moans into your mouth as you line him up with your soaked hole. “Put it in. Put it in- shit. P- put- ” He’s cut off by both your moans as you sink onto him. 
“Fuck I can t-tell your- fuck.” He whines out as you as you squeeze around him. “Your little fingers aren’t enough t’properly stretch you f’me hm?” His eyes roll back and his eyebrows draw inward as you grind onto his cock. You try to keep a steady pace but his tip is slamming right into your G-Spot, pressing into it no matter what he does, no matter how you move. Your legs give out halfway through a thrust and your body slams down onto him. He groans your name and hugs your body close, planting his feet on the mattress and fucking into you slowly.
“S’it too much?” You moan his name into his ear and his cock jumps inside you. “Fuck I’m-mm” His words get drawn into a whine as his thrusts slowly lose rhythm. Your pussy begins to clench on him, arousal coiling in your stomach at the telltale signs that he’s gonna cum. Steven’s hand comes to cradle your head into his neck, stoking your hair softly and whispering soft assurances and begs for you to cum around him. 
“‘M right here. I’ll take care of ‘ye, keep you nice an’ safe. C’mon. Give it t-to me.” Your orgasm explodes inside you like a solar flare. It bursts in your stomach and ripples throughout your whole body, moans are shoved from your mouth, almost deafening Steven with their volume and pitch but they only push him over the edge. His cock twitches violently inside you before releasing a torrent of cum. He tries to stay semi-calm as his orgasm crashes over him, his stomach won’t stop tensing under you and his mouth can’t shut. He can’t hold any of his moans in as his balls empty themselves inside you. 
He feels like it’ll never end, he’s at his peak for what feels like years. He can hear you distantly whining about how full you feel, about how much he’s filling you up. His hips have a mind of their own as he ruts into you pathetically, doing anything he can to prolong his euphoric high. He feels tears spring to his eyes, unable to believe that you could make him feel so good. He feels your lips over his mouth that’s propped open on a silent moan. He’s panting out whines down your throat as you whisper praises to him.
“W- It won’t stop. It- f-feels so go-od” He’s gasping at you as he speaks, his entire body shaking as his cock spurts out more ropes into you. You’re leaking all over his thighs, unable to hold all the cum he’s pumping into you. He moans out your name one last time before his body goes limp, and his cock finally stops spitting into you. He’s incoherent for quite some time, fading in and out of consciousness. 
He always whines out for you when he wakes up, sniffing and huffing until some part of you comes in contact with him. Once it does he’s pulling you into a crushing hug and doesn’t let go for at least another hour.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works, and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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hyperbole-smut · 7 months
Just friends
We were best friends and had been for as long as we remembered. It was her birthday, and we had decided to celebrate it by going on a trip together.
But somehow, they had mistaken us for a couple, and upgraded us to a honeymoon suite for free before we had arrived because they needed our regular room for someone else.
"Just friends?" They asked, confused.
"Just friends." I confirmed.
It didn't really matter much to us though; we had shared a bed regularly even before she had come out as trans and there had never been any issues.
Even though she was a lesbian, and me maybe just a little bicurious, we had always been just that.
Just friends.
On this day we had arrived it was her actual birthday, and after a night of partying and a nice dinner he had returned to our room to hit the sack.
The room felt colder than I thought it would, so we cuddled up close together and put the TV on to wind down a bit before we fell asleep. Tired and cold as I was, I laid my head down to rest on her belly, enjoying her soft warmth to keep me comfortable. It didn't take long before the both of us had fallen asleep.
I woke up lightly, head still on her stomach though I had slid down just slightly. My eyes opened, and in this faint, night light I could just barely see how her dick was erect, tip just barely poking out of her panties, barely a centimeter from my mouth.
My heart started pounding, and feeling her musky but sweet and pleasant smell made me instinctively protrude my tongue towards it.
It twitched as my tongue hit it, making it poke against my lips and I felt her pre-cum cover my lips. One again instinctively I licked my lips, taking in the taste of her juice. It tasted nothing like any cum I had tasted before, like any man's cum, sweeter and more savory and I just took it all in.
My heart pounded even harder, and I just needed more. Slowly sliding down, I let the tip inside my mouth and could taste even more of her delicious pre-cum as I started suckling it as if I expected milk to come out of it.
I could hear her moan, and my natural response was to suckle even more. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head, caressing my face and pulling my hair out of my face.
Was she awake? Despite how scared I was that she was, I was just too into it to stop. I pulled up my hand, and slowly started to rub her perineum just where her pussy would have been.
Her moans told me I found the right spot, just like she had told me about her sensitive spot, and I kept rubbing carefully as I let my head slide down further on her dick, going past the head.
It twitched happily inside my mouth, making me gladly keep going, and I kept rubbing her sensitive spot as my tongue slowly massaged around her shaft as I suckled it, her now moaning constantly.
She let out a long, soft moan and I could feel her cock twitch and more of that sweet cum taste poured out as she came in my mouth. It wasn’t much, but enough to make me want even more.
I was sure she was awake by now, and there was no reason to hold back anymore.
With my middle- and ring finger held together, I started to carefully push them inside her hole while letting my thumb still rub against her sensitive spot.
My head moving further down, almost all the way down her shaft, I kept suckling it as I started fingering her simultaneously. Her hands grabbed my head, and she started moaning even more than before as she pushed my head down forcing me to take all of her into my mouth. The twitching against my tongue let me know I could expect even more of her heavenly juices.
I made sure to savor every single drop as she held my head pushed down until her orgasm eventually faded away.
Letting go of me I started to move up, horny enough to feel like coming any second, but as she also started to rise, I pushed her down while crawling up her body, seating down firmly on top of her face.
In a mere second her tongue was exploring my folds, and I was more than wet enough to easily slide up and down across her face as her tongue played with my pussy.
Never had I felt oral this good and came almost instantly as my juices squirted all over her face.
As my orgasm ended, I moved down slightly and caressed her face.
"Sorry, darling, I just had to cum. Fuck, you give good head."
She blushed and tried to get up again, but once again I pushed her down.
"No," I ordered, sliding down her belly. "This is your night. Let me just explore every inch of you."
My hands grabbed her breasts, and my mouth enveloped her nipple as I started to suck on it as I let my dripping pussy slide up and down across her cock.
Switching between my tongue playing around with her nipple, and suckling it like a pacifier, I could feel her twitch against my pussy as she moaned of pleasure.
Fuck, I could hold back no longer! I needed her dick inside of me.
I kept suckling her tit as I let her slide inside my pussy, grinding up and down on her. But soon, I heard the now familiar moans that told me she was about to cum again.
I rose, leaned backward and worked my pelvis fast and hard on her dick until I could feel her twitch and pulse inside of me, which in turn made me cum instantly in response.
I fell down on top of her, kept slowly sucking her breast with her dick still inside of me while we caught our breaths.
"Just friends?" she asked, cheekily.
"Just friends." I confirmed, smiling at her. "But friends who can have a little fun together. Happy birthday, darling, but we're not done yet."
I started moving my hips again, preparing to give her hours and hours of orgasms as a perfect birthday gift.
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thecuriousquest · 11 months
Can’t Live Without You
Yandere Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Tag List: @issamomma
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, threats of violence, violence, violent quirk use, abuse, mentions of past abuse, PTSD from abusive relationship, possessive behavior, controlling behavior
Summary: You’ve managed to escape Bakugou for four years. He finds you in a café while you’re in college.
Checkout my Master List here.
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You sit at the little café at school feeling incredibly independent. It’s your third year at university, meaning you’ve escaped Katsuki Bakugou for four years. You think about how it was his plan for you both to get married right after graduating from U.A, how you didn’t want to go along with it one bit but was too afraid to say anything.
You scoff. It was so hard getting away from the teenager who claimed he wanted to be a hero. Despite him bullying you for years, putting you through absolute misery, he wanted marry you. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. The thought of waking up next to him everyday makes you gag.
Your heart feels lighter now. You haven’t been able to manage a boyfriend because of all the PTSD. It’s just too hard to move on for you right now. You need to focus on your studies anyway. Once you get a career going, then maybe, you’ll be able to handle having a relationship.
Bringing the cup of coffee to your lips, you choke on it when you feel someone slip into the booth beside you. A man’s hand, a familiar hand, rests on your thigh.
“Scream and I’ll blow your fucking leg off. Got it?”
Your neck cranes ever so slowly to look at his face. He’s back like a goddamn cockroach.
“Katsuki…I- what are you doing here?” You can’t help how squeaky and high pitch your voice is.
He smirks at you. “I came to get my teddy bear. It seems she doesn’t know her place. College? Really? Stupid fucking bitch. No, you’re coming home with me.”
Shaking your head indignantly, you make sure your voice is a bit more steady this time. “No, I have the rest of this year and the next semester left. I’m not quitting. I’ve worked my ass off to get this far.”
Katsuki doesn’t seem to hear you, and if he does, he doesn’t care. He wraps his hand around your wrist and pulls you in close. You spill the coffee that was in your hand, watching it clatter and clang as it spills across the table.
You both watch as it pours over the other side, splashing all over the booth across from you. The workers there couldn’t give a shit.
Your ex chuckles lowly before looking back at you. “See? You can’t do anything right. You need me.”
“You made me drop it, asshole!”
“Quiet!” He grips your chin rather harshly, fingers squishing your cheeks. It’s been so long since he’s seen you up this close. His grip on you lessens but only by a little. He turns your face from left to right, analyzing you, trying to see if anything is different since you turned eighteen and left him. No, you still look the same. You still look perfect to him. You’ll always be perfect to him.
He whispers in your ear. “I missed you.” Bakugou nuzzles a sensitive spot on the side of your neck with his nose. You always had an involuntary reaction to when he does this. You moan ever so lightly, but he can hear it. He smiles knowing that still gets you going.
“Please…Katsuki…” You don’t know what it is you’re asking for. Your mind is fuzzy with confusion. He just showed up out of nowhere. You were scared. Now, you’re moaning in his grip. You could cry from agitation.
“What is it, Teddy Bear? What do you want?” He bites your ear tenderly.
Then, you remember. You remember the time he tried to give you a simple kiss on your neck. You had tried to push him away, and he retaliated by latching onto your ear with his sharp teeth. He drew blood that day, and you swore that was the last straw. It was. You’re so insecure about that one ear, the one with a giant knotted scar that will never heal.
You try to push him away from you, and you feel his hand heat up on your thigh. You hear faint sizzling, and you recognize the threat.
“Fucking calm down. Don’t make me hurt you.”
You know he will. He’s always true to his word. Shuddering under his heated touch, you sink your weight back as he pulls you from the booth. You struggle to get out of his grip as he pulls you out the door, and he makes good on his word by adding a small pop of an explosion to your wrist. It stings, the skin feeling as though it’s curling and crinkling around a burn. You force the tears down your throat, hating him even more for putting you in such a position.
There’s a driver opening a door for you. The car is large and black, and bile rises in your esophagus as you’re ushered into the car. You get in on the other side, trying to open the door. You clamber with the lock.
Katsuki watches you struggle with it. He reaches over and smacks your thigh, jolting you out of whatever escape plan you conjured up the minute you saw the unguarded door. Forcing you to look into his vermilion eyes, he gives you a ferocious glare. “Child locks, idiot. You really made it to your third year in college?”
Of course. How could you be so stupid. For safety reasons, only the driver can unlock the door, and without Katsuki’s permission, you doubt he will if you asked him to.
Bakugou grabs your hand, his gaze somewhat softening, but not by a lot. He’s still pissed off, but the hero seems to have calmed down slightly.
“When we get home, I’m beating your ass. Just wanted to make that clear.”
Your lip wobbles slightly, but you can’t let him see you in such a vulnerable state. You can’t let him see how he’s getting to you. You’re terrified of whatever punishment he’s going to give you. The man can be creative.
You shake your head and look out the window. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Let’s hope after all these years you can still take an ass kicking.” His tone is dangerous, warning you to be quiet.
You watch the driver pull away from the school. You’re going to miss your three o’clock lecture, you’re going to miss your 4:30 class. You’re going to miss the rest of what could have been as you watch your school grow farther away with the distance.
Goodbye friendships. Goodbye college. Goodbye career. Goodbye to what you wanted your life to be.
Say hello to what Katsuki wants instead.
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headcanons with Fenrys. How would he be when you are on your period. Something fluffy
Considering mine is coming up soon I'll let myself indulge in this. To all my girls on their periods you are rocking!
Code red
Fenrys knows about it at least a week prior. And not just because of the shifting hormones that twist your usual scent. It's all the little things that catch his attention. How you rub your back more often. How you dunk your bread in the leftover sauce on his plate. How you wriggle just a tag more before falling asleep. Not to mention you shoving his hand away from your chest - a usual practice Fenrys liked to indulge in after a long day - because your breasts are sore.
He knows the number one rules - never bring it up and never ask about it clearly, so Fenry's preparation for your cycle is most undercover. He dips into the town after one of his meetings. Stopping at your favorite sweets shop and making sure to get a good mix of all the things that you liked. Then stop by the bakery that makes your favorite bread rolls dipped in cheese. Not without a warning point to everyone that if they even as much as looked at the food that Fenrys brought back he wouldn't hesitate and let you snap their necks.
He finds you in your shared room sitting in the bathtub. You do stretch out your leg in a seductive manner making Fenrys roll his eyes at you. Yet your eyes go big the moment your mate pulls a huge bouquet from behind his back. The stems are all different lengths suggesting that... "Did you...", you lean closer to the side of the tub, Fenrys only nod, "Pick them myself? Yeah. I know that you don't like all of those perfectly wrapped...", but he doesn't get to finish the sentence as you lean forward catching a grip of his shirt and pulling Fenrys closer to you.
By the evening your mood would dip completely. If he got to hear your giggles and moans a couple of hours ago, now it's all covered up by a tight smile. Fenrys offers to bring you a plate upstairs if you don't feel like going to the dining room but you shrug him off, saying that it's not a big deal. Not to mention that you barely swallow a bite or two. Mostly just pushing the food around the plate. But Fenrys doesn't push you to eat, nor does he comment on it. He attempts to playfully feed you some of the food from his plate but that only grants him a couple of bites more from you until you simply shake your head.
When everyone settles in the living room, Fenrys is quick to pull you onto his lap. He lets you find a comfortable position and presses his palm to your stomach, letting the heat from his skin creep through the material of your dress. You let out a low-pitched sigh as the tightness eases up a bit, moving to place a loving kiss onto Febry's neck as you mutter a quick thank you.
The smell of blood the next morning startles Fenrys slightly but then his mind catches up with was doomed to happen and so the white wolf only snuggles closer to your body, pouring all the body heat your way.
You would attempt to push him away with, "Fen, I feel disgusting don't touch me", but the male would only shake his head carelessly, "Look just as beautiful as ever to me", and that would make you roll your eyes but at the same time, your heart would skip a beat knowing that you truly have the most perfect mate.
And let's talk about a true code red scenario. You two end up drifting back to sleep, just your period this time around is way more heavy than before, causing you to leak. Not to mention the amount of pain you're in. You wake up with a twisting pain, clenching your lower stomach as another cramp shoots through your body. Fenrys stirs shortly after. He catches the sight of you trying to get up but the back pain is making it hard.
So he jumps out of the bed, only to see that his pants are stained from your blood. Now man has to think twice as hard because he knows how sensitive all of this can be and the last thing he wants is to make you more upset, so Fenrys quickly pulls his pants off before walking closer to your side.
Just you clock on faster than he thought you would and once your eyes shine up with tears, Fenrys knees in front of you, "It's normal, hey. How about I help you clean up?", rubbing your thighs gently Fenrys, helps you up. Constantly reassuring you that this was okay, that he didn't mind it, and that you had nothing to be sorry about. He doesn't fully take over you are on your period not incapable of cleaning yourself. Yet he still warms up a damp cloth for you and grabs you a fresh pair of underwear, and one of his large shirts to throw over your body. Even offers to braid your hair so that once the flashes of heat hit your body, the sweaty hair wouldn't feel even more disgusting against your skin.
There's just so much patience. So much love and care in everything that he does. You don't get to walk back to the bed because Fenrys carries you there. The bad also is now lined with fresh covers. With a gentle kiss on your forehead, Fenrys rushes down to the kitchen to get you one of those flow teas that the rest of the females around the house drink, grabbing the bag of sweets as well, just in case.
He finds you curled into a ball with a frown on your face and it kills him, it always does become besides being caring he can't truly do anything. So he quickly shifts into his wolf form, nudging your arm with his snout, urging you to move slightly because in this form he can't lift you. Your open your eyes lazily, "You don't have to do this", you mutter, causing the wolf in front of you to roll his eyes. Fenrys nudges you once more and you finally manage to lift yourself slightly so Fenrys could settle behind you and wrap you up within his furry body so you would be in this cocoon of warmth at all times. The warmth feels sweeter than any chocolate and a satisfactory moan leaves your lips, Fenrys tilts his head slightly. You run your fingers over the bridge of his nose, before leaning in to kiss it softly.
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gurugirl · 2 years
just found out I have covid (again!) so I’m here to ask for some stepdad!H to get me through my isolation week, if not I completely understand and am sending my love always!
Of course anon! I'm sorry about you getting covid (again) (;′⌒`) I hope you feel better soon!!
This one is based off this anon request: Can I have soft sex with stepdad harry? Please? Pretty please ? I'm begging you. Im a Sucker for your stepdad au and I want some a sweet and soft harry. PLEASE ?🥺😭 3k words
Warning: Smut, inappropriate relationship between a stepdad and a stepdaughter (DON'T READ IF YOU'RE NOT INTO IT), cheating
stepdad!harry masterlist
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You were feeling a bit sad. Your period was due any minute, you were very bloated and sensitive emotionally, and now putting your bra on was a pain - a literal pain. Your breasts were a bit swollen and it was uncomfortable putting your bra on. It was frustrating. You were just sad and frustrated and emotional and puffy.
Then to top it off your mom had invited a friend over for dinner so you felt like going without a bra just wasn’t an option, even if it would have felt so much better. A guest also meant being sort of social and of all days, today you were not at your best and thinking of what to talk about and having to answer questions about yourself (everyone your mom's age always seemed to ask you a million questions about college and what your future plans are).
You slid your dress on over your head. At least the dress was comfortable and was one of your favorites. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and talked yourself up then sighed, here we go.
In the living room Harry and your mom were sat on the couch and your mom’s friend Cheryl was on the loveseat. They were laughing about something and you forced a smile as you joined them, sitting on the end of the couch.
Conversation went just as expected. Cheryl asked about your major and then what your plans were for when you graduate. Then she asked the one question that should be banned from all casual discussions; if you have a boyfriend.
You stayed polite and answered the questions but were relieved when Harry interrupted you before you could answer the boyfriend question. He changed the subject entirely and moved the spotlight off of you. You were definitely giving him heart eye after that. He could tell you were not feeling very well.
Dinner was actually very good. You were hungry and your mom and Harry made a really good meal that made the whole boyfriend interaction with Cheryl worth it.
But once you put the plates away you waved at your mom and Harry and said you were tired and so you were just gonna turn in for the night. You said goodbye to Cheryl and the moment your foot hit the stairs to head to your room and everyone was out of sight, you pulled your dress off over your head and then immediately plucked at the back of your bra and popped it off with a sigh of relief.
In your room with your door closed you put a t-shirt on and then laid onto your back on your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
You were woken up to a knock at your door, “Yes?” you spoke in a groggy voice.
“Hey, Cheryl and I are going out for some drinks and to have girl chat. You okay? You seemed a little sad at dinner,” your mom moved into the room and sat at the edge of your bed.
“I’m okay. Just PMS a little. Tired and grumpy,” you said as you turned your head to watch your mom as you stayed on your back.
“Awww, well, I have some Pamprin if you need it. It’s in the master bathroom, second drawer by the wall. Okay? Do you need anything else before I head out?”
You shook your head and your mom leaned down to give you a kiss to your forehead before leaving you alone in your room.
The moment she closed the door you began to cry. Because it was so overwhelming to have her being sweet to you when you were worth nothing more than the dirt on the bottom of her shoes. You were scum. Worse than scum.
You rolled to your side and let your tears pour out. You needed a good cry. Not only were you emotional because your period was coming, but you truly felt deep guilt for the things you were doing with Harry behind your mom’s back.
Not long after your mom had left the house grew quiet at her absence. And just like you knew it would happen, Harry came into your room.
“Not tonight, Harry,” you croaked as you wiped your face and tried to hide that you were crying.
He didn’t respond but you felt the bed dip behind you when he sat down, “Hey, are you okay?”
You sniffed and opened your eyes to see the dark sky and moonlight shining into your window, illuminating your bedroom.
“I just feel so off. I think my period is going to start soon and I’m pretty sensitive today. I just need to sleep.”
It was quiet for a moment but you knew Harry was still there because the bed hadn’t shifted under his movement to get up. That’s when you felt his palm on your back, slowly rubbing up and down your spine.
“That’s okay. I can be here for you too, you know. If you want. Maybe I can just hold you until you fall asleep?” Harry’s voice was soft.
You turned your body to finally get a look at him in the dark on your bed, “Yeah. Okay,” you nodded.
Harry moved deeper onto the bed and laid next to you before pushing one of his arms under you and then pulled you into his chest so your face was against his shirt and you could smell his cologne.
It was comforting and warm. Harry’s slow breaths in and out, the shallow rise and fall of his chest had you lulling off to sleep quickly.
When you woke up you were still in Harry’s arms, pressed against his body. It was a feeling that you adored. You hated that you liked it so much, but you couldn’t help it.
It seemed that Harry was asleep. His breaths were light and his limbs were heavy. You tilted your head back to look up toward him, not that you’d be able to see much in the dark but you certainly would try. You wiggled an arm upward and put a hand on his face, slowly running your fingers over his scruff.
“Hmmm…” Harry groaned sleepily.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered.
“How do you feel?” Harry’s eyes finally opened as he spoke.
"A little better right now," and you were telling the truth. It really did feel good to be in Harry's arms. You rarely got to lie with him like this.
Harry shifted a bit and you felt his palm move over your thigh. He pulled your leg up over his hip and continued smoothing his hand on your skin. It felt nice to be like this with him; quiet and slow.
You still had your hands in between his body and yours and you were rubbing them over his shirt covered chest. You loved having your hands on his chest, feeling the muscles he worked hard for under his skin, so you lowered your hands to underneath his shirt and brought your flat hands upwards on his warm skin.
"Y'like touching my chest don't you, baby? I like when you touch me," he spoke softly.
"I do. Wish I could whenever I wanted," you let your fingertips lightly graze over his nipples and kept your eyes on his.
Harry's arm underneath your body was trapped but the hand he had smoothing over the skin on your bare thigh slowly dragged upward to your hip and then under your t-shirt. He rubbed your back gently and slowly.
Having his hands on your skin was doing things to you. Before you'd fallen asleep you weren't in the mood at all, but now you certainly were. You wiggled your hips and adjusted yourself so your center was pushed into Harry's. He was still wearing his pants. So you moved a hand downward toward his button and you kept your eyes on his.
Harry let out a soft laugh, "Want my pants off?"
You nodded, "Yeah."
Harry removed himself from you and sat up so he could undo his pants and he pulled them off his legs. You sat up and placed your hands on the tops of his thighs and moved them upward to the bottom hem of his boxer-briefs and Harry grasped your wrists, "What are you doing? I thought you just wanted rest?"
You furrowed your brow and opened your mouth to speak but couldn't find what you wanted to say. You were still frustrated and you knew that you wanted him inside of you but it felt like a lot to ask in that moment. You huffed and pouted.
"Is this what you want?" Harry spoke as he moved one of your hands upward over his crotch where you could feel him thickening underneath. His other hand he slide up your thigh and to the edge of your panties where he dragged his thumb along the elastic but not touching your warm center like you hoped.
You nodded and licked your lips, "Please."
Harry smiled and cocked his head to the side as he brought his hands up to your panties waistband to pull them down your hips and off your legs.
He gently nudged at you to lie down and he spread your legs, all in silence. When you noticed he was about to put his mouth onto your pussy you sat up, "Wait! I'm about to start my period, Harry. What if I'm bleeding a little?" You bit your lip.
Harry shook his head, "Do you really think that would stop me?" He put a finger through your labia and you were already slick for him. He rubbed over your clit and you keened when he hit that spot that worked so well for you.
"Look at that... you're already soaked and you're all swollen too, honey. Bet it's achy huh?"
You nodded, "But just... I want you inside of me. I need to feel really full right now and..." your breaths picked up when Harry didn't let up with his gesture over you clit, "... please."
Harry wouldn't say no, but he really did want to eat you out. He leaned over you and put his hands at the bottom of your t-shirt and lifted the material over your head. His warm palms massaged your tender breasts and you sucked in a sharp breath when you felt him squeeze.
"So tender. Poor baby. I'll be gentle," He spoke as he watched you and leaned in wrap his mouth around your left tit. Your nipples were already hard and his tongue darted around your pebbled skin and then he sucked at you. Moving to your right breast he palmed over your wetted one and rolled your nipple softly between his fingers as he sucked on the one in his mouth.
You moaned loud and bucked upward. You felt a storm of lust and need building in your tummy. You lifted your hips upward again and Harry released your nipple from his mouth with a laugh.
"Need Daddy's cock right now little one? Need me to make you feel good?" Harry pulled his briefs down his legs and then quickly put his hands back on your sore breasts.
You nodded, "Yes!"
"How do you want it? What feels best for you right now?" He was serious. He wanted to make sure you got whatever you wanted. Normally he'd take you how he wanted but right now you were sensitive and achy and needed special attention.
You laid back onto the soft bed and spread yourself, "Just like this. But slow, and soft. And deep inside of me so I feel you all the way up here," you slid your hand up your tummy to your belly button.
Harry groaned and put himself in between your legs and his cock was rock hard already. He loved feeling you around him. He'd never get tired of it. He'd never not want you.
With his eyes on yours and one hand holding his shaft, he nudged his tip to your entrance and slowly began penetrating your sensitive hole. You both moaned and gasped when he got past your tight opening. The initial plunge inward was always so tight but once his wide head was past your entry it was easier to glide into and out.
Your knees were bent, feet flat on the mattress, thighs spread wide as Harry worked himself into you slowly, in and out, and back in until he was pushed as deep as he could possibly go.
He kept a nice slow, languid pace, but he did pull back all the way so his tip was nearly out and then he'd slowly push back into you repeatedly. The way his thick cock traveled inside of you and stretched you when he pushed in, his tip grazing your g-spot each time he pulled out and pressed back in, you were moaning constantly from the pleasure he'd built in you.
"You need Daddy's cock so bad don't you?" Harry cooed at you as you whimpered at the slow, divine pace. You nodded and mumbled nonsense in response.
"I know, baby. I know. Gonna make you come on me and it'll help relieve that ache in your tummy, okay? Just let me take care of my girl," Harry spoke quietly and breathily. His own needs were being met as well. With you. Not just your pussy around him, slippery and tight, but with your coos and your eye contact. Your presence, your hands on him. He needed all of you.
The slow thrusts upward and his pelvis pressing into your clit had you quivering in lust. He felt so good inside of you, on top of you. His breathy moans meant something to you too. You loved that you made him feel good. You could tell he needed it too.
You grew wetter and wetter the more minutes that went on. With Harry's gently rocking into you it would take longer to orgasm, but you knew when you did, it would be explosive. Your bottom was wet with your arousal and Harry's long cock dipping into and out of your creamy cunt was hitting everything right.
Your bed barely moved under you, Harry's languid thrusts were so slow, but the noise of your wetness being fucked into and heavy breaths falling from your mouths filled your bedroom.
"Daddy!" You yelped when Harry thrusted in a little harder. He hadn't meant to do it but he was feeling so good and his orgasm was just around the corner so his motions became a little more irratic.
"Sorry baby. You just feel so fucking good. Gonna come on daddy's cock baby?" Harry gritted his teeth and grunted his words.
You smiled and nodded and Harry's slow thrusts became slightly faster, dipping in a little harder and deeper. The bed began to creak now as you both rounded the edge of your eventual highs.
"Such a good girl for Daddy. Taking his big cock with a smile. Baby I love you..." Harry paused his motions and he lifted himself a few inches and you saw the look on his face. He hadn't meant to say that.
Your own mouth dropped open and you smiled at him as you gasped your response, "Daddy I love you too!"
Harry panted and then dipped down to kiss your mouth and he picked up his cadence again, making the bed squeak and the springs bounce a little now.
He kept his mouth over yours and he grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers as he continued fucking into you.
You opened your mouth for his tongue and you felt your heart swell and your pussy began to flutter around his large dick. Your orgasm was blinding. You gasped and moaned into Harry's mouth when you started to come and Harry finally felt that was his permission to really fuck into you faster, harder.
With the slick sounds of your hole being penetrated repeatedly and the bed squeaking under you Harry finally released into your tender and puffy pussy, allowing himself to completely fill you up. He pushed into you deeply and with his final pump of come of he stilled his hips and his breath was heavy, deep.
He backed away from the kiss and looked down at your face. He could feel how you'd soaked his entire groin area. His pubic hair, his balls, drenched.
With his hands still holding yours he brought one up and kissed the back of your knuckles, "I mean it. I love you. Was that okay?"
You watched him kiss over your knuckles and with a sigh and your heart hammering in your chest you responded, "Yes. And I meant it too. I love you. I love you, Harry."
As much as you both wanted to lie together and fall asleep wrapped up in one another, you couldn't. You understood why he couldn't stay in your room. You drifted off to sleep with smile on your face and relief in your body.
Tell me your thoughts!
Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate any support you can give! Whether a comment, reblog, or buying me a coffee - it’s all appreciated.
Main Masterlist
Tags: @victoria-styles @michellekstyles @ssaama @angelqueen99 @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @dancinsunflowerkiwi @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @ky-harlow-bieber @angel-akxo @flowerfeastrry @anothermannharry
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34saveme34 · 3 months
Unedited ass Bath for SMG3 fic moment
I literally didn't proof read this, read w caution <3
it's not really an entire story, just me thinking about a fun scenario bit so read w that in mind
bath for SMG3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I said I was sorry, okay??!” one could be heard yelling.
“I don’t care! GO! AWAY!” the other yelled back.
“Please! Let… let me help you”
SMG3, sighed. He knew, SMG4 had good intentions, he offered his help honestly. He knew this.
“I’ve had enough of that”
“Wh-! WHAT??” 
“I mean, your ‘help’ got my cafe infested with snails”
“Just more of a reason for me to help you!”
“What for?”
“Because we’re-”
“Friends? Oh… friends… Yeah, friends” 3 rolled his eyes “I’ve had enough of your friendship for a while now”
4 heartbroken, not knowing how to answer, took his leave. He couldn’t deal with this.
3 cleaned the cafe on his own, though it’s not like it was getting much traffic at this point. He was… once again stuck in the shadows.
He decided to close early, not like anyone would want to come in anyways. He went to his room, pondering to himself… What should he do now? What else is there for him? Or… will he be once again stuck in the shadows? Well… welcome back, shadows. At least you always take him back. Unconditionally
A few days have passed. 4 was still pissed but… He still could not look away. He didn’t see 3 leave his cafe for days. He didn’t see him open at all. He didn’t see him stream at all. He didn’t reply to the awesome memes he sent him on Discord. He didn’t even come to ask for useless shit that he would do sometimes for some reason. It was almost like he vanished. Nowhere to be found.
“No… no… I should stay calm” he talked to himself “It’s- It’s not like I already saw he was on the brink of breaking nooo! A little mental breakdown wouldn’t bring him down like that! Right… Right? SMG3 is built different… yea” he stared before himself before noticing Tari in the door way.
“Does this bloke always talk to himself?” Clench spoke, as he learned of the name of the hand a few days ago. It was… weird but not the weirdest thing in their universe. Tari glared at him before looking at 4, concern in her eyes.
“Hey… Want to check on SMG3 together? I can see you’re worried about him”
4 eyed the floor intensely. He didn’t realise how sensitive this situation made him. He wanted to cry.
“Yeah… we should…”
He got up, trying to collect himself together as they went to the cafe.
As they opened the door, 4 noted the cafe was as empty as it was their last fight. Their last fight… Why… Why… Why can’t he just help 3? Without causing him trouble. He couldn’t help it as he looked around. The tears felt comforting against his face, emotions pouring out. He missed when this place was filled.
“Hey, 4…” Tari put a hand on his shoulder “I get it but… you have to be strong… for 3”
4 took a deep breath. He really wanted to be strong for him. And do him right at least once, even if that’s the last thing he ever does. 
“For 3” 4 smiled at Tari, trying to show that he still had courage. He cared too much not to.
They went to the bookshelf at the back. At this point 4 knew exactly how to get 3 by heart. You couldn’t waste time when you wanted someone’s opinions on your meme afterall. He smiled lightly at the memory as both him and Tari stepped into the elevator. He just couldn’t let go of something so great. 
The elevator door opened, revealing the room as dark, only being illuminated by the elevator’s light. 3 didn’t seem to be anywhere.
“S..MG3?” Tari called out, though nervously “We.. want to help!... Whether you like it or not!” her threatening wasn’t too intimidating but at least she got her message across.
But 4 already where he was, eying his bed. He walked up to his bed, lightly putting his hand down on the shape he presumed as 3. The shape seemed to stir lightly at his touch, confirming that there’s one sad man underneath.
“I-... we’re worried about you, 3…” 4 spoke, trying to once again hold back tears. God damn it.
But there was no answer. Tari walked up beside 4.
“Please… 3… uh” Tari started to panic, not sure what else she could say that they didn’t say already “We’re… sorry if we… treated you badly… We do want to help”
“I… I know you hate when I say it” 4 chuckled, thinking about all the times 3 refused to give his pride up “But you said it once that… that we’re friends. You’re not escaping this easily… I know I’m not… always the best for you… which I should be but… I want to make up for it”
4 could see one tired eye peak out, unsure if it’s only red because of 3’s eyes being red, or if the possible exhaustion was adding to it.
“Get.. out”
“No” 4 said, firm. 
“Yeah! What he said!” Tari stood with 4 “We ARE your friends”
“I don’t want friends” 3 spoke weakly.
4 was feeling fed up, he was REALLY about to not have it.
“Well, too bad, dipshit! We’re here whether you like it or not!”
Tari wasn’t sure how to add to it. But Clench had ideas, although Tari told him not to butt in for this.
“Rotting in bed won’t fix your life”
Wow. Those words stung. 3 could feel it all too well, as if daggers were stabbed into his soul from every direction. 
“Well” he sat up angry “Maybe I don’t want to fix my life! Maybe I’ll rather rot, I’ll rather” he teared up “I rather stay in the shadows”
4 reached his boiling point. Without a word, he grabbed 3 by his collar and dragged him to his bathroom.
“ASSHOLE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???!!” 3 screamed at him but 4 didn’t reply, just dragged him until he could throw him into the bathtub.
“It’s time for a bath” 4 growled. Tari was scared but she followed behind. Clench, while being a hand, still managed to look flabbergasted.
3 squirmed, so 4 got in the bath tub with him, holding him down. It was a bit awkward but whatever, 4 wasn’t thinking about that right now. 
“Those need a wash as well anyways” 4 gave 3 that stern look. 3 would usually fight back more but there was something about the way that 4 looked at him that made him hesitate.
“I didn’t want to say but… the smell was pretty bad when we came in” Tari commented “I’m not judging though! Eheh,, it’s just… bad either way you know?”
3 sighed, with his arms folded as 4 started to soak him with the showerhead he had. The warmth of it was weirdly comforting, although just as weird, considering he was fully clothed. 4’s look while not looking any less stern, at least he started looking a little less intimidating. While awkward, Tari found it quite interesting to watch the 2. She knew stuff was intense between them but she didn’t think it got this bad.
She looked at Clench, who seemingly also looked at her, Tari smiling as she thought of doing something. Clench went for 3’s head lightly.
4 looked at him confused. Tari gave him a thumbs up with her free hand.
“What SMG3 is thinking: Maybe this isn’t so bad… hey what is that about how you want to-” suddenly 3 swatted away Clench.
“That’s private”
“Sheesh, dude…”
“What is it?” Tari questioned Clench. 4 also looked curiously. He wondered what 3 wanted to do.
“It’s about how he wants to-”
3 grabbed Clench, not so gently at that.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow- That hurts”
“Shut your yapper then”
Tari looked at him sad. Clench also gestured sadly but then slowly leaned towards Tari and whispered something to her that made her less sad.
4 was too busy to notice them interacting further as he now focused back on cleaning up 3, although with how it was going, he was getting soaked himself. He didn’t really care though. The times his eyes would meet 3’s, while they didn’t last long… It all felt very intimate. He didn’t exactly get why he was doing this but… He had enough. He reached for shampoo as well, going for 3’s hair, massaging his head.
3 seemed to calm down. 4 was the perfect mix of gentle and firm. He felt a little less gross… A little less angry… A little more inclined to… No. Not that. He couldn’t think of 4 like that.
Regardless he enjoyed it and it was sort of obvious. Especially with how he kind of leaned into it. 4 actually found it kind of sweet in a way. It was obvious enough that Tari saw it too. It was always so special when these 2 were in peace with each other. It always made her wonder what these 2 could be like if they weren’t ever enemies. It’s just part of her fantasies where she imagines a perfect world where they’re perfectly all friends with no problems… She really only thinks about it in hard times… Hard times that could’ve been better if they were to just not argue and get along… And these 2 were pretty much the epitome of that. 
4 rinsed off 3’s hair. 3 was practically motionless with how relaxed he got. Or maybe he just realised that fighting back wasn’t an option at this point. Or perhaps it was both.
Tari threw a towel to 4, who then used it to dry 3’s hair. 3 paid such attention to the way 4 was doing that… once again, a perfect blend of firm and gentle… with such seemingly calculated moves, holding him in place. He found himself looking at 4, and 4 looking at him. His face also read peace. He could get lost forever in those eyes… Their connection was like no one else’s… and 3 hated it so much, how true it was.
Tari coughed, catching both of their attention as they stopped staring at each other so intensely. Tari wasn’t ready to third wheel that hard. Though she wondered what would’ve happened if she didn’t alert them. 
4 got out of the tub, although at this point he was very much soaked himself too. It was like bathing an overly excited dog. Except it was a grown ass, stinky man who heavily refused at first. 
It seemed Tari thought of something as she left the room to do something else. Which left the 2 with each other. After 4 got up from holding 3 down, 3 got up too and took off his overalls, seemingly not really caring that 4 is there. Although he grew flustered when he noticed how 4 was staring at him. 4 realised how that must have looked to 3, now he was feeling embarrassed as well. Now we had 2 men, too embarrassed to look each other in the eyes. 4 thought for a bit, then decided to turn away from facing 3, even covering his face. Though it was interesting how it didn’t occur for him to leave. And that it didn’t occur for 3 to ask him to leave either. Instead, with how intense the air felt, 3 decided it was best to change fast. He was kind of glad now he kept some of his clothes in his bathroom, considering how he had been feeling too lazy to put away a lot of stuff, considering his state. He dressed up, feeling kind of renewed. 
“You can turn around, idiot” 3 chuckled.
4 looked. 3 had a simple white shirt and purplee shorts on. A different look, kind of a little too boring for someone like 3 but hey? Who cares, at least he didn’t need to look at him naked.
“What are you calling me an idiot for?”
“Force of habit”
4 thought for a bit.
“Fair enough”
The 2 left the bathroom, the air still felt a little weird with it only being the 2 of them there. They saw that Tari seemed to take out and 3’s bedding. She came back right then.
“Oh hey! I took your blanket and pillows out as they uhm… they need it I think” she scratched her neck.
“Oh! Thanks.. I guess” 3 still wasn’t sure how to feel. 
“You’re welcome, 3” Tari smiled warmly. It was weird. 3 felt weird. It was kind of forceful, but both of them were being so kind to him.
“And you’re not gonna thank me?” 4 looked at him, and then pointed at his own clothes, which were still very much soaked.
“What, you want me to give you clothes or something?”
4 stared at him, unsure what to reply.
“You can, if you want, 4” 3 looked away, seemingly blushing. 
“Oh- Uh, thanks! I’ll take the offer” 4 awkwardly went back to the bathroom, closing the door after himself. 
“Soooo…” Tari got close to him, with Clench speaking, she only had a grin on her face, knowing what he was about to say “You like him, don’t you?”
3 punched Clench into a different shape.
“No manners these days” Clench sobbed. 3 didn’t react further. 
“You’re being so mean, 3…” Tari sobbed, holding her hand. 
“Whatever” he grumbled.
4 came out of the bathroom after a bit, his outfit sort of mimicking 3’s with a black tee and purple shorts.
“So sorry, I think I’ll need to leave now, I have a Smash score to settle soon, I need to warm up!” Tari said as she went for the elevator. Now it was only 3 and 4. 
4 thought for a bit.
“Don’t say anything” 3 didn’t look at him.
“But- 3…” 
“No, I… I think I already gave you enough”
“You, really? I think I helped you more”
“That’s..” 3 facepalmed “That’s not what I meant…”
“I’ve let you in… I was letting you stay… I think you should go… I have to… think about stuff”
“Oh, well…”
3 folded his arms, looking away from 4.
“I see don’t want me to stay… just… one more thing?”
“What?” 3 looked back at him, a bit annoyed, only to be pulled into a hug.
“Don’t make me do this again… It’s not fun worrying this much for you, alright?”
3 wasn’t sure how to react for a bit. It made him crazy. He hugged back. He didn’t remember having such prolonged physical contact for a while now, besides their guardian training sessions. 
4 let go of him, looking at him with a small hopeful smile.
“Can you promise me that?” his voice was sweet and small. 3 was going crazy. So so crazy.
“I’ll try, I guess… but only so you don’t do that again…” 3 looked away, not wanting to look so weak. 4 pat him on his shoulder. 
“Thanks, man… I hope to see you around. Take your time”
The 2 exchanged one more look, the sort of look that seemed to carry things that couldn’t be mentioned at this point. 
4 finally left. Now it was only 3 and his room and oh boy… his head was loud.
He laid down on his bare bed, with nothing on it then. It still managed to be comfortable. He laid on his back, staring at the ceiling.
It was worth it to see 4 look at him like that… Maybe he’ll let 4 do that more… Though he was unsure if 4 would be happy about that.
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blake-1030 · 2 months
Male reader x mountain ghoul
Reader in first heat
Reader referred to as Y/N, uses he him pronouns for reader, refers to readers private parts as dick, reader is a water ghoul.
NSFW warning
Y/N was sprawled out on his bed, it was early morning after all. He couldn’t seem to get back to sleep, he was so warm. Too warm, actually. So he just lay, starfished out on his bed, no covers over him.
A couple hours pass before Y/N decides to get up, he shoves on a tank top and pyjama shorts-wait. Or he would have put pyjama bottoms on if he wasn’t hard.
Y/N sighs and makes his way to the bathroom, sighing as he jacks off. That’s weird? He’s not normally this sensitive. He came almost right away. Oh well, at least he’s not hard anymore-nope wait, he’s still hard. He slides on his pyjama bottoms anyway.
‘Fuck it’ Y/N thinks to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen. He turns on the kettle to make a cup of tea and sits at the bar stool as he waits for the kettle to boil.
After about two minutes the kettle pops. Y/N pours his tea, with a little more milk than he normally uses. He’s too warm to drink it really hot right now.
He sits down on the bar stool and looks over at the clock on the oven. 08:56AM. The rest of the ghouls will be up soon. Probably Cumulus first, she was an early bird, and probably Dew last, he always slept in.
To Y/N’s surprise it’s not Cumulus who wakes up first, it’s Mountain. His tall figure slightly hunched over, as it looked like he had just woken up.
“Hey, doll. Sleep well?”
Mountain was being innocent, asking how he slept. Why did Y/N’s heart flutter? Mountain always called him Doll, mountain called everyone that. How come it was affecting him now?
“I-uh-I slept f-fine, you?”
“I slept great, thanks”
there’s a brief silence as mountain reaches for a mug after he turns on the coffee machine. Mountain breaks the silence
“Are you okay? You look warm, you stuttered, and I can smell you from here”
Mountain quickly adds this on.
“Not a bad smell, just A smell”
Y/N look up at mountain, why was he blushing, why was Y/N blushing, why was Mountain blushing. Or was that Y/N’s eyes playing tricks on him.
“I’m fine, Mount. Just-just uhh..tired. Yeah. Just tired”
“I can tell that you’re lying, and I don’t appreciate it. So come on, please tell me, doll?”
There’s a brief pause, before Y/N sighs.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been to warm to sleep and-well…I’m a bit… ‘excited’, if you catch my drift”
This time Y/N is sure that mountain is blushing. Mountain thinks for a moment before looking at him curiously.
“Are you finding it hard to keep your composure? Like you could burst at any second?”
“…I guess so? I-I can hold back, it’s just…a little difficult”
“You’re in heat, Doll”
Y/N looks at him for a moment before tilting his head.
“Heat? What’s that?”
Mountain sighs and tries his best to explain it.
“Well, heat is a thing that happens once every two months. Your body gets really warm and, I’m not sugar coating this to make you feel better, you get really horny. We lock Dew in his room sometimes. It’s completely natural, I promise. Every ghoul goes through this. And there are two ways to ways to get rid of it. One, wait until it’s over, which normally takes about five to seven days. Or two, have every ghoul…let every ghoul have some ‘quality’ time with you”
Y/N knew what he meant by quality time, which only caused him to blush more, the tent in his pants more prominent.
“So I’m gonna feel like this once every two months? But I can still keep my composure, that means it’s gonna be not very strong, right?”
“Yes, once every two months. And not necessarily. Heats normally fully start at around midday, so you’ll figure out how strong your heats gonna be around 12:00-ish”
Y/N nods and sips his tea, mountain pours his coffee.
“Out of the two ways I can… ‘end’ my heat, which is better?” Y/N asks
“I think that the second options is better, because it gets rid of it faster. But it’s harder to endure”
“Okay… are you sure the other ghouls would, y’know, help me?”
“Sometimes you only need one ghoul, sometimes you get a craving for a ghoul, and when they fuck you, it’s like bliss”
Mountain smiles softly as he looks at Y/N’s flushed face.
“W-well, I think I’m gonna wait in my room a bit, to see if…y’know” says Y/N
“Okay, love you, doll”
Y/N’s heart flutters, a heat forming in his stomach, the heat instantly making its way to his already throbbing dick. Y/N let’s a small moan escape his lips. It was quiet, but Mountain still heard it.
“I-umm-love-too” Y/N stutters out.
“See you later, doll”
Mountain says with a smirk as Y/N practically runs out the room.
~ 12:37
Y/N was still laying in bed, still warm. He had jacked off at least four times. Normally he’d be spent after cumming four times, but now, it wasn’t enough. It was no where near enough.
“I already hate this” Y/N mutters to himself.
He stand up to go to the bathroom, when oh fuck, his heart begins to race.
“What the-“
He almost falls over, it’s too much now. Everything is changing too fast. He stumbles but grounds himself.
Oh, Y/N’s heat was gonna be a ride (literally).
Y/N sneaks out off his room. It wasn’t like he wasn’t aloud out, he just didn’t want to be seen by anyone. Anyone except Him.
He sneaks down the ghoul den, before knocking on the desired ghouls door.
“Come in!” Calls the ghoul.
Y/N practically swings the door open, he slams it shut and locks it.
“Oh, Mountain. I need you~ I need you~”
Y/N craved Mountain, and Mountain just stared in shock for a moment, before patting his lap.
“Come here, Doll” says the gentle giant.
Y/N was quick to oblige. Quickly making his way over and sitting on the Earth ghouls lap.
“Mountain, please~” Y/N slurred as he rubs his crotch on mountains stomach.
“Now now, little ghoul. You need to take it slow”
Mountains words elicit a whine from Y/N.
“I know you don’t want to, I know you want to rush into it. But you’ll get hurt. We don’t want that, do we?”
Y/N shakes his head.
“Good boy, now, let’s begin”
Mountain removes Y/N’s clothes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers, before mountain strips himself of his clothes.
Mountain pulls Y/N onto his lap and presses his lips onto Y/N’s. The kiss starts out tender and loving, but quickly turns into a desperate sloppy kiss. Mountain and Y/N’s tongues dancing with each other as mountain firmly grabs onto Y/N’s crotch. Eliciting a moan from the smaller ghoul.
“Mountain, please~”
“Please what?”
Y/N groans and looks up at him through his eyelashes.
“Fuck. Me” Growls the Water ghoul.
“Good boy, using his words. But don’t be so demanding”
Mountain strips Y/N of his boxers and lays him down on the bed, slowly sliding one finger into his entrance, Y/N’s dick practically a waterfall already.
“More~” Moans Y/N.
Mountain slides a second, then a third finger in. Quickly finding his prostate. When he rubs over Y/N’s prostate he cums instantly, and loudly.
“Did that feel good?” Mountain didn’t even need to ask, he knew it did.
“F-fuck~ yeEeEees~”
Mountain chuckles and slides his fingers out, Y/N’s hole clenches around nothing. Mountain lines his cock up with Y/N’s entrance.
“Can I go in?”
Y/N nods and replies desperately.
“If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m gonna explode”
Mountain chuckles, slowly sliding in and letting him adjust to the size. Mountain knew he was big. The earth ghoul started a slow pace, slow but deep, the smaller ghoul letting out moans and growls and whines of all kinds.
“Faster~” says Y/N
“What’s the magic word?”
Y/N whines.
“Please, f-fuck me faster~!!” Y/N says with a begging tone. Mountain speeds up his pace.
Soon after Y/N is whimper and practically yells:
“Gonna cum~!!!”
Mountain is sure the whole ministry could hear him, but mountain speeds up more and lets Y/N spill over his bets sheets. He cums loudly and mountain cums soon after.
“Again.” Says Y/N bluntly
They had gone so many times that mountain had lost count, but eventually Y/N gets tired and weak, passing out on top of Mountain.
Mountain lets him sleep and provides great after care the next day.
(This is my first writing piece so criticism is very needed and welcome)
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smokersbaby · 11 months
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Fourth submitted request for the July Event, enjoy! 💕 SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MAIN POST)
Request text: Hi Bea! How are you? It's my first time sending you an ask ❤️ I'm so glad you have your request open for this month. If I may join, I'd love to request Ace with a female reader NSFW with prompt #3 (telling dirty fantasy). For the kinks, maybe body worship and praise kink. For the details, Ace and the reader are best friends and they do it in car (on the backseat) at night while the rain is pouring heavily adbdjahsks 😭😭 thank you so much and have a nice day! 🥰 Written for: @downforsanji Character: Ace Reader: female reader  Prompts:  NSFW: #3 - telling you a dirty fantasy + praising kink + body worshipping TW prompt #3 NSFW: oral sex (receiving), penetrative sex, praising Total word count: +1,1k  Author's note: Thank you so much for giving me this idea to write for, it was my first time writing a fanfic with Ace and I was so involved in the dynamics of it that I finished this in a few hours! I hope you enjoy it! (I'm fine btw, thank you for asking!) 💕 -Every reblog is highly appreciated!-
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The rain was coming down hard, making the roads slick and hazardous. As Ace was driving cautiously, you were sitting in the passenger seat looking out of the car's window as the rumbling thunders were striking in the dark sky at night.
The two of you had known each other for years, just friends at the beginning and slowly becoming besties. Ace was the kind of guy who loved joking around with you and being flirty, but since you knew it was his way of being friendly, you never paid attention to his behaviour, so you never suspected that he may have a crush on you.
But tonight felt different. Maybe it was the late hour or the way the rain seemed to add a bit of magic to the world outside. Whatever it was, a spark seemed to ignite between the two of you, and Ace felt the urge to say something, anything, that would break the tension he felt between you two.
Ace stopped the car aside on an isolated country street, the rain wasn't giving any sign of stopping soon.
"You know," he began, his voice low, almost afraid of being heard over the sound of the heavy drops on the car's roof, "I've always wondered what your lips taste like." You chuckled hearing that from him, just as it was another flirty joke of his, but as soon as you turned towards him, you saw his dark eyes fixed on you, not a hint of playfulness in them.
As you realized that he was being serious, you felt your heart leap into your throat as you looked over at Ace. There was no denying the attraction that buzzed between you, the way the air seemed to crackle with electricity. But what about your friendship? What if that kiss would have ruined everything? "You may lose your best friend" a little voice echoed in your head, trying to find a way to deny what you were feeling for him.
"Fuck it" you whispered to yourself, driving out the rational side of you and leaning closer to him pressing your lips onto his. His lips were so warm, almost burning. Was that because he was the fire himself or because he waited so long for that kiss that he couldn't take it anymore and burning from desire?
His hands went immediately to your waist, pulling you closer as his mouth devoured yours, he felt like a starved man craving your lips. As he was wrapping your body, you felt the handbrake and other car accessories between your bodies and realized that the backseats were probably more comfortable than the front ones.
In less than a minute you were laying down in his backseat with Ace's body above yours, his lips not leaving yours for even a single second. "They are soft Y/N… just as I imagined" he whispered as Ace trailed kisses down your jaw and on your neck, making you feel butterflies in your stomach for the warm feeling against that sensitive part of you.
As the rain continued to pour, his hands started roaming your body hesitantly, making sure you were okay with him touching you. The way your body reacted to his touch through soft moans made Ace realize that you were eager to feel his touch on your skin. "Y/N, you know… I always had this little fantasy of mine, I want to try it with you.".
Ace worked his way down your stomach reaching the end of your dress and lifting it revealing your black laced panties. He started kissing your tummy slowly going down your inner tights, biting them softly but enough to let soft bite marks on both of them. Ace's hands wouldn't stop caressing them, as if he was obsessed with that part of your body.
"I want to know what you taste like, Y/N" Ace murmured as his face was so close to your already drenched panties, pulling them away to expose yourself to his touch. Ace didn't waste any time and went straight to the point, his tongue lapping your cunt to savour you and then lingering on your clit, making you whimper at every movement of his lips against your pussy.
"God, you taste so good Y/N, I can't get enough of you," Ace said as he was still eating you up, his tongue whirling around your sensitive spot and going down to lap your cunt to not neglect a single spot of your needy pussy. The rumble of the thunders outside the car and the heavy drops falling hard on the roof of it made Ace dive deeper into your cunt with his tongue, to make you moan louder so that he could hear your voice over the sounds of the rain and thunders.
Your fingers slid through Ace's hair as he continued his work of art making you a total mess, his hands still on your tights to keep them spread for him and gripping them as if he was obsessed with that part of your body. "Your body drives me crazy Y/N" Ace murmured lifting his head from your pussy, leaving it with a needy feeling of taking him inside and clenching around nothing as if you were starving for him.
You didn't need to tell him though, even if you were in almost total darkness, Ace could feel your heavy breath and your body asking for more. His boxers were pulled down by him immediately after, crawling over you in the little space of his backseats. Ace's kisses were needy and intense, his tongue entangling with yours before pulling away and looking down at you to meet your gaze.
"What are you doing to me? I can't resist you" he said just before stretching your throbbing pussy with his hard and veiny cock, making you whine his name as he buried himself deep inside of you. The way your cunt started to clench around his shaft due to the feeling of fullness he was giving you, made Ace groan more than he was already doing, praising words slipping out of his mouth.
"You feel incredible Y/N, please let's not just be best friends, I want you to be mine…". His thrusts were becoming faster and deeper, your hands holding onto his back to feel him pressed against you as Ace was fucking you so deliciously in the backseats of his car during that stormy night.
No way you could return as just best friends from that night on.
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m-jelly · 1 year
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@ladycheesington presented this idea to me on discord and we chatted backwards and forwards for a bit and I wanted to make this idea of hers come to life.
To love Levi
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Fluff, romance, love, cute, doting on Levi, showering Levi in love.
Concept: Levi feels a little insecure so you shower him with affection.
Note: There are mentions of male private parts, but only one line. The rest of this is SFW
Tag list: @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @levisbrat25 @li-anne @nbinairyn @strawberrybunny123 @nyxiieluna @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6
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His soft hand lay flat as loving fingers traced the different scars and lines. Soft lips connected with sensitive skin before a playful bite caused a deep chuckle. Loving eyes locked onto grey-blue ones. A gentle hand caressed a strong jawline to feel slight stubble. Plump lips chased soft ones, but they were turned away. Eyes became downcast and a heart filled with worry as the air grew cold.
You gently cradled your boyfriend’s face as worry consumed you. “Something wrong?”
His steel blue eyes avoided your own as a shadow came over him. “I’m fine.”
You gasped as those two words rang in your head. “I know those two words very well.” You shifted closer to him on the soft clean sofa as your blanket dragged off your body. “They mean you are not well. Talk to me.”
His perfect pearly white gnawed on the inside of his cheek as emotions bubbled inside of him from shame and embarrassment to sadness. “I’ve been feeling a little insecure lately.”
You sat back on your legs making your thighs look plumper to the man who adored biting them. “Do you want to talk about it? Is it something specific?”
He let out a long sigh. “It’s my body, looks and me as a person. Also, my height…” He whined a little. “I just don’t think I’m good enough for you. People at work were looking through magazines at different famous men and I am shorter than most. I also look scary.” He gulped hard as he felt like fish scales were stuck and wouldn’t go down. “I look like I don’t sleep at all. I look mean. My tone is always harsh. I swear a bit. My humour is dirty.” He fought tears as his heart felt like it was going to snap. “I’m not sociable. I’m terrible.”
You felt like you were going to cry at Levi pouring his heart out. You could see his internal fight going on as he resisted the call to sob. You moved towards him and straddled the man you loved. You nestled comfortably on his lap and locked eyes with the man you loved as his heart raced. He closed his eyes as your hands ran over his cheeks and lovingly caressed him. You pressed your lips against his forehead and hummed as you did. You hoped that your love and adoration would come through.
You raised his head so his gaze locked onto yours. You smiled sweetly and placed Levi at ease. “I don’t agree with anything you’ve said. However! I know saying that won’t change the switch in your head.” You held his hands and smiled. “Levi, it’s completely normal to feel this way sometimes. Everyone feels self-conscious sometimes about things they dislike about themselves or don’t think something is good enough. I feel this way often.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “What? Really? No! You’re wonderful and perfect.”
You hummed a laugh as his face pressed against your breasts and wrapped his head in a loving hold. “You’re not alone, my love.” You played with his soft raven hair and let your boyfriend nuzzle. “Would you like to hear what I think about you?”
He raised his head and shyly nodded as he began to worry about what you might say. “Yes, but please be honest with me.” His thin brows furrowed. “Just promise me that you won’t blow smoke up my ass just because you love me.”
You let out a sweet musical giggle. “I promise.” You released a sigh as you processed your thoughts. “Well, I think I’ll start with your looks.”
He whimpered a little. “All right, I’m ready.”
You gripped his shoulders and massaged the thick muscles. “About your height.”
He groaned and expected something bad. “Go ahead.”
You placed a delicate kiss on his lips. “I adore your height. You’re the ideal height for me. I can easily kiss and cuddle you. I have easy access to all your wonderful parts and I can’t imagine you any different.”
His cheeks flushed a delicate pink. “You do like grabbing me and kissing me.”
“I do.” You hummed a gentle laugh before massaging your fingers in Levi’s hair. “I love your hair. It’s so thick and silky. I really love playing with it so much and it just calms me. It’s just so perfect and smells incredible.” You leaned closer and inhaled the delicate coconut and mango smell. “Mm, delicious.”
Levi blushed hard as you played with his hair. He felt comfort from small actions like this. You would play with his hair for hours on end and it’d make him sleepy. He’d nuzzle your chest or lap and just enjoy your loving touches.
You released his hair and ran your fingers over his eyebrows. “You have incredible eyebrows. They are so elegant and pretty. I know so many women who have commented to me that they wish they had your brows.” You hummed a sweet laugh as memories fluttered in your head. “Hell, there extra pretty when you frown.”
Levi thought about how he’d frowned a lot recently and felt a little embarrassed because most didn’t get upset with him. He also remembered how he frowned a little at you when you first met. He felt a little humiliated now as he remembered, but you seemed so taken with him and as he thought about being with you, you were making the moves.
You ran your fingers under his eyes. “You have these hypnotic almond-shaped eyes with the most stunning blue-grey colour to them. I’ve never seen more beautiful eyes in my life. These wonderful eyes are complimented by your raven hair and light skin. You’re like the god Hades. Darkly handsome.”
Levi pressed under his eyes as the bad thoughts dug their claws into his head. “What about them being baggy or hooded? I’ve been told that I always look tired or bored. I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. Plus, I hate how I get dark circles so easily.”
You frowned at his words. You felt irritated that people would say such mean comments about Levi’s eyes. “That’s not true! You have such a thoughtful, intelligent and piercing look in your eyes. You can easily pin me with a simple look and make me your loving worshipper. Just one look and I know I can never hide a single thing from you, it’s magical.” You smiled and traced under his eyes. “Plus, the dark circles are sexy. You have this dark and mysterious look about you without putting any effort in.” You shivered in delight. “It’s so fucking sexy.”
Levi’s cheeks burned as he thought about being naturally sexy. “O-Oh, r-really?”
You nodded. “Yes!” You gasped in delight and pressed the end of his nose. “Don’t get me started on this adorable button nose that I want to kiss so much.” You purred and rubbed his cheeks. “Your high cheekbones and soft cheeks are so cute! I just wanna nibble on your puffy cheeks. They’re cute and pink with the best kind of plumpness. You get this natural pout making you model-like. It’s incredible. You’re so youthful looking and you’ll be a stud of a silver fox one day.”
Levi chuckled as you kissed his cheek over and over before lightly nipping on them. “Hey, no more biting.”
You pulled back and giggled. “Sorry. Now, your voice.” You moaned. “So sexy and deep. Whenever you speak against my ear, talk to me or call me on the phone I get so damn flustered.”
Levi growled a little before softly kissing your ear. “Well, I’m happy to whisper against your ear more often.”
You covered his mouth with your hands. “Tone it down for a bit. I have more to say.”
He smiled against your hands. “Yes, my love.”
You rubbed his thick neck and hummed as you watched your fingers press a little into his soft skin. You sighed and shifted on his lap before leaning closer and kissing his neck. “My god you have a wonderful thick neck. It’s so strong and kissable.” You ran your hands down to his shoulder and squeezed the muscle. “So strong.” You ran your hands down his arms and moaned. “These strong arms that hold me make me feel safe and protected. I adore being wrapped up in them.”
Levi hugged you tightly making you giggle in delight. “Well, I am more than happy to cuddle you as often as possible. You know how much I love holding you.” He blushed a little. “I love hugging you.”
“You know, I kind of noticed that because you hug me at every possible opportunity. I love it.” You pulled back and smiled. “Don’t ever stop hugging me, okay?”
He nodded. “Promise.”
You took his hands and lifted them up to your lips. You softly kissed them and moaned against them. “I love your hands so much. They’re so warm, pretty and elegant, even your nails are nice. Whether you’re gentle with your touch, you always make me feel good with them.” You winked at him making his cheeks become crimson, he knew exactly what you were hinting at. “I mean, come on Levi,” you placed one hand on your neck “how many times do I get you to hold my neck?”
He squeezed a little making you moan. “Kinky.”
You hummed a laugh. “Exactly.” You lowered his hand and released a long sigh as your hands roamed all over his chest and tummy. “I will love you no matter what body or physique you have, but my fucking god this body is so impressive. You put in so much work into it and it’s incredible how hard-working and dedicated you are.” You flicked your eyes down to his lap. “Same goes for your strong thick thighs and bubble butt. I feel myself drooling at the thought of both and I want to bite.”
Levi grabbed your chin. “No biting it, not again. Your bites on my bum feel like a dog chewing on a chew toy.”
You grinned. “Cause it’s yummy.”
You winked at him. “You ready for the last part?”
He gulped hard when he realised what you were going to refer to. “Go ahead.”
You almost purred at Levi as you felt excitement burn through you. “Your cock is the most perfect cock I have ever seen and had. It’s the perfect size and shape. You’re not too long and nice and thick. It looks so pretty and I just wanna touch and suck on it all the time.” You moaned a little and squeezed your thighs. “You know exactly how to use it and get me cumming hard every single fucking time we make love.”
Levi’s cheeks burned bright. “Th-thank you.”
You sighed and shook your head as you looked him up and down. “You are just gorgeous from top to bottom and you don’t even realise it. You turn so many heads when you go places and I often have to hold onto your arm and glare at people to get them to back off so they know you’re taken. You get so many appreciative looks. I know you’ll never leave me, but I worry about my own looks and how I look with you so I cling to you.” You smiled. “Well, that’s how I feel about how you look.”
Levi blushed harder than he had before in his life. He turned his head and looked out at the room as his heart thumped against his chest. He loved you so much and you were his everything. He couldn’t believe how incredible he looked in your eyes. He felt so handsome and lovable.
You cupped his face. “Levi? Look at me.” You smiled as he did as you asked. “You know, your looks aren’t the only thing that’s attractive.”
His eyes widened in awe that there was more to him to love. “Really?”
You nodded as you released his face now you had his attention. “I love how smart and observant you are, not a single thing gets past you. Your stoic personality has people swooning over you left and right!”
He has trouble processing your confession because he’d heard contradictions to your declarations. “I don’t know about that. I mean, I’m so aware of my personality. I’ve been told I’m boring, low energy, frigid and that I have a stick up my arse.”
You pouted and huffed. “That’s bullshit! How dare they! Give me a list of names and I’ll attack!”
Levi hugged you against him. “No! No attacking.”
You narrowed your eyes and whispered. “I will break them.”
“Darling, don’t.”
You pulled back and pouted. “Fine, but they’re wrong. You might be sparing with your words, but you’re so damn witty and on-point when you say things! Oh! And don’t get me started on your dry humour. I’m always laughing hard when you joke around. You are blunt, but it’s fair and I like that. You get straight to the point instead of fucking around.” You sighed and let out the anger and relaxed on Levi. “You’re really kind and caring to people and you just show that in subtle ways instead of showing off all the time and those who show off are annoying. I like this subtle kindness.”
He pulled a little face as he brought you into his negative thoughts about himself. “But, I’m a boring partner. I don’t know how to be romantic. I don’t know how to say romantic things. You deserve some sweet caring man that showers you with romance and love.”
You smiled lovingly and gently which made Levi feel relaxed again and the voices go. “Levi, you are the perfect partner - you’re attentive and caring, so considerate and generous, and you always put me first, and you give me so many loving actions to make me feel special. Just because you don’t speak like a poet, or do sappy over the top gestures, it doesn’t mean you aren’t romantic. So, don’t force yourself to say or do things that don’t come naturally to you. I love the subtle and sincere you. Like, you get me a cup of tea and a snack without asking me. You’ll wrap me in a blanket when I’m starting to feel cold. Levi, you have this natural instinct with me and take care of me right away.”
Levi nibbled his lips as your words floated around in his head. His cheeks were pink like candy floss as his heart raced in his chest. He kept his gaze downcast as he really took in your words. His loving hands ran up your back slowly before tugging you close and allowing Levi to press his face into your breasts. He whined a little and settled there for a while. He released a sigh as his body relaxed for a while and he felt comforted by your words and touch.
He hummed a little before speaking to you. “Are you really happy with me the way I am? Are you sure you won’t prefer someone more handsome? Taller? Someone who is better at expressing himself?”
You held him against your breasts and played with his soft hair. “No, I love everything about you. I only want you.”
He lifted his head a little and looked at you with wide eyes. “Even though I’m a clean freak and a weirdo?”
You giggled at his question. “I love all of your quirks and wouldn’t change anything about you.”
He went quiet again before mumbling against your chest. “Okay…” Levi whimpered when you tried to pull back. “No.” He wrapped his arms tighter around you and pressed his face against you more.
You smiled at his reaction and stayed sitting on his lap. You played with his hair and kissed the top of his head now and then. You tried your best to push your love through your kisses into his head. You knew it wouldn’t heal him, but you wanted to think that each kiss would a little. You felt your heart swell when he sniffled a bit. You didn’t say anything though because you knew that he probably wouldn’t want attention drawn to it. You knew he needed a moment to process everything and you were happy to let him. When Levi got emotional, he needed to face those emotions alone for a moment so he can understand himself.
Levi pulled from your breasts and looked up at you as he felt much better. “Kiss.”
You hummed a laugh and pressed your lips against his. You nipped his lip and pushed your tongue into his mouth. You moaned as you both share a passionate and loving kiss. You pulled back and smiled a little. “I love you.”
“I love you so fucking much.” He lightly kissed your lips before slipping you off his lap and wrapping you up tightly in your blanket. “All right, I’ll put the kettle on!”
You giggled as you watched Levi skip off to the kitchen with a cute smile on his face. “What a cutie.”
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 2 years
Shy and Tradition
Izou x F!Reader
A/N: I hope this is good
"Where am I and where is my sister!"
It was the ship's lazy day, so you had no idea why there was the sound of a young boy screaming on the ship. You let out a long yawn as you walked up the stairs, grumbling curses. You were happily sleeping in your nice cold room, until a loud bang woken you up. A crew member had woken you up and told you that they needed your assistance with Izou. For some odd reason.
Izou, your commander, your biggest crush, and undoubtedly one of the most handsomest and beautiful man ever. Calm and collected, a cross dresser as he followed his tradition. He grew up groaning to be a geisha, a very strict tradition for Wano. So it wasn't surprising when he was strict with his looks, clothes, and his scent. So many smells would always flood the ship floor from his room. A very independent man that is filled with pride.
So why the hell did they need your help with him? He never really even knew you, he just knew you were a girl. Well, you found out when you walked into the kitchen.
"You better tell me right now before I hurt you!"
There, in the middle of the kitchen, was a small young boy with long black hair, holding a very big and sharp cutting knife. A pink and purple kimono swallowed his frame.
At the sound of your steps, the child turned and pointed the knife at you. His face had make-up on it, the same make-up that Izou always wears. This child, it just wasn't a young boy, this was Izou. Izou was now younger, he was now a child. Now it all made since.
Your commander was hit by a devil fruit.
"C'mon, it's okay, just calm down and relax," you huffed as you scrubbed little Izou's scalp.
"You're scrubbing too hard!" He yelled.
"Alright alright. Here, is that better?" You asked, being softer than before. You weren't even scratching that hard, he must of had a very sensitive head when he was younger.
"I guess," he huffed.
It took a bit before Izou would listen and trust you. He was very angry and he was very confused on where he was. So when you had to explain to Little Izou where he was and what was happening. It was very hard for him to believe that he left Wano along with his little sister. But after a little bit, aka about two hours, he listened to you, and stayed by you.
Most likely because everyone else was tall and them hovering him. It scared you too when you first joined, so you weren't surprised when he clung to you.
But everyone else seemed very offended by this.
"There, now can you lean your head back for me?" You softly asked. Little Izou responded by huffing but listened, closing his eyes as he waited for the water. Grabbing the cup and getting some nice clean warm water, guarding his eyes with your hand and poured the water on the edge of his hairline.
Doing this a few more times and waving his hair to get it all out and ran your fingers through his hair. It was so soft and thick, especially when you put conditioner on the end of his hair. You learned that if you put conditioner on your scalp it ruins your hair, so it's better to do it from the neck down.
You let little Izou clean his own body, and once he was done you got all the conditioner out. Once it was all done you wrapped a towel around him and dried him off.
"Hey Y/N, here are some clothes, we're pretty sure they'll fit him," one of the nurses said, setting down some clothing. Most likely a small robe for him, no one was ever seen Izou wearing anything but kimonos.
"Mk, thank you very much," you thanked, grabbing the clothes and handed them to him. You turned around and let him dress yourself.
Once he was done and you hanged the wet towel up to dry and nicely hung his infamous kimono up. Izou clung to you as you did this, giving any crew member that passed a look of disgust and anger. Pushing himself flush against your leg, it made your heart beat like crazy.
The commander you knew never acted like this, well, he got turned back into a child, but still. With how Izou acts as a grown man, his pride and strict rules never made you think that he would ever act like this. But, it made you happy, to know that your commander looked at you for safety while he's in a moment like this.
"Hey, Y/N, hey little Izou~~," Thatch made a kissy fish lips face. Izou hid behind you as his face scrunched up, "dinners done if you both want to come up and eat. It's special tonight."
"Thank you Thatch, we'll be up in a minute," you hummed giving him a smile.
"Uh-huh, see you later little guy~" Thatch got very close to Izou.
"Thatch, maybe you shouldn't do th-"
Izou punched Thatch in the testicles, the cooks face sent white as his body tensed, tears left his eyes as he fell over, curling up and holding onto his groin.
You stopped eating your fried chicken and checked on the little cross dresser beside you as he happily ate the food. He demanded ramen from Thatch, who was still in pain from the punch. But it seemed Izou was too cute so Thatch could do nothing but listen.
The rest of the crew watched in awe at him, even Whitebeard, he hasn't even touched his sake! Everyone was watching him and never even touched their food, not even fucking Ace!
Everyone was so amazed by little Izou and how cute he was when he was younger. He froze when he saw everyone staring at him, and almost immediately, he jumped into your lap to try and hide himself.
You finished your dinner and then excused yourself from the room. Telling everyone that it was too late and little Izou was getting tired. Almost everyone almost died from that sentence of cuteness of child Izou's tired face as he clung to you. He clung to your shirt all the way down to the 16th floor.
"Night Izou," you hummed as you opened the bedroom door.
"Wait, L/N-san. Can you stay, please," Izou said, he probably didn't want to admit it, but he was scared with how many tall people there was.
Especially Pops, there were a lot of tall people in the crew, and almost every doorway was large and tall. All that you knew about Izou's past is that he and his little sister almost died from starvation, father was arrested. It was just him and his little sister trying to get any food they could find.
Not only that but with the light off, you could count at least five or six things that a child's imagination could make them look like a spooky shadow.
"Uhm, sure, I guess I can stay," you closed the door and walked back over to the bed.
You got underneath the covers, Izou was very tense, it was like this was his very first time asking for something like this. You could only imagine the things he's seen as a child, Wano wasn't exactly a very nice country.
You softly hummed a lullaby to try and calm him down. Not moving towards, letting him choose if he wanted to move closer or not. Sooner or later little Izou did fall asleep. You followed soon after.
A sharp pain in your head quickly woke you as you heard fumbling. you quickly got up, your eyes were heavy as you saw a grown up flushed face Izou. Shit, you didn't know when the devil fruit wear off. And apparently it only lasted for a day, this wasn't good, it wasn't good in any sort of way.
"What the hell are doing in my room!? Why the hell am I naked and why the fuck were in doing the my bed!?" He sounded very, very, VERY angry. This wasn't good, his eyes were filled with rage and he scowled at you.
You could feel his eyes judging you as he scoffed at you. It was like he was calling you ugly and wondering if he slept with you and why.
"W-Wait, let me explain! You we-" he threw a pillow at you.
"Get the fuck out! Now!"
Swinging the door open and then closing it shut, running down the hall to your room. Once at your door you threw yourself in and fell onto the floor, panting. Damn, now he thought of you as some creep or a whore.
"Ah, Izou I see the devil fruit has worn off," Thatch greeted him, but towards the end his words went quite and we're a bit dragged out. Izou's face had a stronger frown than usual, angrier than usual as he stomped to Pops.
"I want Y/N out of my division!" He said loudly, huffing loudly as he stood tall. Everyone in the room froze, Izou wanted to do what!?
Pops raised a brow before they both furrowed.
"Why? I thought you would be greatly for all the stuff she did for you yesterday," he grumbled, very much interested in his reason.
"I want her out because she- wait, what do you mean what she did for me yesterday?" Izou's face shifted from stiff and angry to confusion.
"You mean you don't remember? Well I guess that would make sense because you didn't even remember us when you were hit," Marco hummed, setting his cup of strong black coffee down.
"What happened yesterday?" Izou asked, very confused and wanting answers.
"When we were in town and that lady in the bar got angry at you and she must of hit you with her devil fruit. When we got off the ship and started to sail away you suddenly got turned into a child," Marco explained, setting the newspaper down, "you were yelling at everyone, pointing a knife at us and was demanding where you were and where Kiku was. Y/N was the only person you didn't really threaten, you actually hid from us by hiding behind her."
It felt like memories started to flood his mind.
"It was so adorable with how shy you were. But you punched me in the genitals, I'm mad about that," Thatch huffed, "and Y/N let you snuggle up to her chest without any problems. You're one lucky person, with someone so beautiful."
Izou stood there, rethinking all of their words. If what they said was really true, they most likely were from the blurry memories he had at the moment. Then he pushed you out of bed for no reason, he yelled at you for no reason. He judged you and thought of you as disgusting, judging you hardcore. God he felt stupid, he was so flustered in the moment.
"So, why do you want Y/N out of your division?" Pops asked.
"No reason," you quietly said. Walking out of the kitchen back towards the stairs to the floors. Leaving everyone dumbfounded.
You sat on your bed, thinking about how you ruined your relationship with Izou. You ruined the possibility of actually making friends with him. Maybe you should of left the room when he fell asleep, then your morning wouldn't start off so shitty.
"Dammit," you huffed, rubbing the tiredness from you eyes.
A sudden knocking entered your room, making you raise a brow but it quickly fell.
"Tell Thatch I'll be up in about 15 minutes maximum!" You yelled.
But it didn't do any good, the person opened the door and entered.
Great. You morning is going to get even worse. Fuck.
You greeted him with silence, ready for his lecture and telling you to move to another division.
"If it was any other time I would take your silence rude, but I guess there's a good reason for it," he huffed, "I came here to apologize. I reacted and didn't think first, it wasn't until Marco and Thatch explained what happened yesterday that made it all clear. I can only imagine the brattiness that you had to deal with, or the stubbornness."
You softly turned your head and your body followed after to face him. Not only his voice, but his dark chocolate eyes also told you that he was telling the truth.
"Is there anything you want that I could possibly give you as a thanks for what you did?" He asked, a brow raised.
Damn, who knew Izou could be so kind all of a sudden.
"Uhm," you quietly hummed, thinking about something. Then it hit you, you always saw Izou drinking some kind of green drink. He mixed it with a bamboo stick and he seemed to really enjoy it, "I guess, I would like to try that green drink that you like."
He nodded at your request and left your room, leaving you alone in your room. You were so confused on why he was so soft all of a sudden. Was it possibly that he knows how sensitive he was, or maybe they told him about how shy he was. But for whatever reason, you were relieved that he was no longer mad at you. Or you hoped he wasn't as mad as you.
A couple of months passed since the morning, you and Izou have became close. Sharing things about his little sister because of your question about her. It was hard to believe that a man with a usual frown could have such a sweet sounding little sister.
But that didn't change, Izou was still Izou by questioning your choice of clothes. He even redid your makeup for you because he didn't like how you did it. But there was a problem, your crush on your commander, and spending time with him made it worse. There was no way you could possibly confess to him. Especially when you learned that geishas weren't allowed to have lovers, if they were to get lovers then they were to be banned. You knew how much being a geisha was to Izou, it was the last remaining tradition he had from Wano.
It especially showed today from the island, it was a island somewhat to Wano and they seemed to welcome Izou. Happy they had a fully trained geisha on the island, watching in amazement as he danced with such power with his fans. And to celebrate it there was a party, music was playing as people made food and danced. Izou was fully dressed like a geisha, face with the red make-up, hair fully pulled together with some pins. Kimono fully closed with his stash perfectly holding it together.
He looked happy, they welcomed him with such opened arms. He looked very comfortable and happy in the environment. Or that was what you saw, you didn't bother him, leaving him be with the towns folk.
But in reality, he was uncomfortable, it didn't feel right to be dressed like this. To wear the makeup or have his hair up like this. Especially being expected to dance for everyone or play the biwa. He knew why too, the crew has been teasing him about. You weren't here with him, you looked so beautiful in a kimono. It hurt him because of his tradition, he wanted to give you gifts, wanted to look at your face up close when putting make-up on.
"You seem very distressed."
He quickly turned to the elder and she walked over to him. Giving him wisteria tea as she stood next to him.
This was an elder, if she were to know then it would be over.
"No such thing, how could I be distressed in something that makes me feel to accepted," Izou said calmly, a hint of fake happiness in his voice.
"You dare lie to and elder, you should be ashamed of yourself," she whacked his back with her staff. Shock spread across his face, "I know that look, the look of sadness about a love. There's a woman isn't there, why not go for her?"
Damn, she easily saw through him. He let out a deep sigh.
"I can't," he simply said.
"And why not?"
"It's against geishas tradition, I would be a outcast to every geisha for leaving it for a lover," his usual deep frow returned.
"That's kind of stupid, if oirans can sleep with men and be able to do things like a geisha. Then they should be able to love, and there's nothing wrong with abounding a tradition if it's something that may only happen once," Izou looked into the purple like tea, he could almost see his own reflection, "now go."
The elder woman painfully poked him with her cane. Izou hissed as he quickly stood up.
"And give this to her, you need some kind of gift," she handed him a hair pin and the pushed him towards the direction away from the town party. Poking her with her cane again until he started walking.
The sounds of laughter and music slowly became quite as he walked away, following the stone path. Sandals clanking against the stones, he fought the urge to grab the first layer of the kimono and lift it on one side as he walked. Stopping at a set of stairs, using his haki to sense if you were up there, and you were. As Izou made his way up the stairs, the sight of a buddhist temple coming into view. The sound of water filled the air along with sind chimes.
Once at the top of the stairs he saw the back of your kimono as you stared at the temple and the area around it. Taking in a deep breath before he walked to you. The clanking if the sandals alerted you of someone's presence, turning to see Izou walking towards you.
"Izou, not to be rude, but shouldn't you be at the town dancing?" You asked.
"I would be, if I was still into geisha like style," he hummed standing next to you. You looked up at him in confusion.
"Isn't that like your tradition or something that you grew up with? You were also super passionate about it," you said, looked down at the stone ground.
"It was, but, maybe staying in the same tradition isn't a good thing. Especially when it could hold back one of biggest treasures."
You looked at him with confusion in your eyes, greatest treasures? Izou turned his head to look down at you, turning his body to fully face you. You watched as he lifted his hand, a long pin with a purple flower charm hanging off the bigger end. You stared in awe as he out it in your hair, shifting it around until it stayed. A soft smile on his face.
"Y/N, you are the first person other than Kiku and Oden to know about my how shy I can be. Not only that but you haven't teased me about it, thank you for that," he bowed. You stood there in shock, no words could fall from your mouth, "I gifted you the hair pen, as a courting gift. If you'll expect it."
Your face turned hot.
"But, won't you be hated or not he accepted by your culture," you worriedly said.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take."
"Then how can I say no when you've given me something so beautiful," you smiled up at him. Izou has never felt such a strong emotion if happiness wash over him.
He opened his mouth to say something but his eyes cought onto a wrinkle in your kimono.
"You wrinkled the kimono, do you know how hard it can be to get wrinkles out!?"
It was going to be a rollercoaster with this relationship
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haven-is-happy · 7 months
How Battle Changes: Don't Eat That!
Chapter 7
Pairing: Dogma x Jedi!reader, platonic Wolfpack,
Chapter description: A politician's dinner is rarely without consequences
Warnings: !!!unhealthy eating habits!!!, reader has very little mental health stability, angst, reader is at their breaking point
Wordcount: 2,3 k
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Somewhere along the line, your statements went from “mildly controversial” to “assassination worthy”.
You’re not sure when exactly that happened. You don’t care. It just means you are focusing on the right thing, pissing off the people who should be exposed the most. 
The thought should be frightening.
Key word: should.
“It’s times like these that I think about my parents. My birth parents, not the parental figures of the caretakers and creche masters at the Jedi Temple. Are they still alive? Was I welcome in their family? Did they wait with bated breath until a child came, tears of joy when I first screamed my lungs out to signal I am breathing and healthy and then reluctantly given with tears to the Jedi? Or was I an intrusion, an accident, an inconvenience they gave away with a sigh of relief?” 
Another scripted speech. You poured your heart out during the nights between senate meetings, because the tears that filled your eyes when you allowed yourself to ask these questions are unbecoming of a public representative.
You basically threatened your way into the senate as a representative of the clones and jedi who wish to leave the rigidity of the places they were raised in. Threatened, not elected.
You bought your presence in the chamber by keeping silent about the carnage Krell was allowed to go on, even before Umbara, keeping silent about the Senate's knowledge about the Malevolence, long before it was discovered by your former master Plo.
No tears. No weaknesses. They will tear you apart.
And so the speech continues as you swallow the most likely answer. It burns on the way down. It might burn on the way back up after you permit yourself to throw it up from stress in the “comfort” of your home.
You’ve researched. You know the sector where you most likely came from, now deep in Separatist territory, being the place of several battles at the start of the War.
“I may never know, as the Jedi Master who brought me to the temple is dead. She died on Geonosis and took dozens of secret parentages of padawans, knights and younglings to her grave. At her pyre I cried for the small child not yet outside their cradle that might never know if those that bore them love them.”
You take a steadying breath. Those wonders have long since passed.
“Perhaps it is better not knowing.”
The Senate is deadly silent to your face, but you know there are mute conversations happening in hand signals across the expansive chamber. Their auras betray even the slightest change of emotions. The colours shift and bleed into another as information is passed.
Seems like they have forgotten you can read them better than an open book.
“I know how many of you feel,” you keep a second-too-long break between the words with an emphasis, “about the Order’s practices around recruiting. The truth is the parents get a choice, having both options explained clearly as day. Give the child away so it may prosper as a part of the Order, with the promise that one day the child will be given a way to contact them, or keep the child and face the difficulties of a force-sensitive toddler reigning chaos.”
Expertly, the diplomatic skill taught at the temple made you slot a joke after threatening your audience in not-so-subtle ways. The clueless laugh. The knowing shudder.
You do not want to be seen as cruel. 
But if you aren’t, it leaves room for argument.
Next to you, Dogma checks his comm. 
The several months of being your guard didn’t change his face one bit. The v-shaped pattern fits well on his face, accentuated by the widow's peak he keeps his hair in. His eyes scan each individual senate-pod in his field of vision, then flick over to you. You have to remind yourself you’re in the force-damned Senate chamber in front of thousands of influential people to stop yourself from lovingly brushing a hand over his cheek.
His armour has been repainted in vibrant colours. The helmet is forgone entirely to show him being proud of being a clone. Jesse next to him is an even more stark reminder, with the republic cog tattooed onto his face.
The tactic is genius. You’ll have to thank Fives for coming up with that.
“The truth is, the vague feeling of my birth parents is no longer even a memory. Can one miss a vague shape in the back of your mind? When you can’t articulate yourself in childhood, maybe, but as an adult, it is but a shape you will gradually forget with age.”
“Clones, however, never had that shape. Many of us have a warm feeling as the first memory of our parents. Being held, coddled and even loved. But the clones didn’t get that luxury. Forgive me for being a cynic, but if you have a problem with the Order’s practices of child-kidnapping - as I heard many put it - why are you not fighting for the clones to have an equal privilege to childhood?”
Your voice rings powerful and accusatory through the full auditorium. You sweep your eyes over the people at your eye level and below, before solidly locking them where Bail Organa stands in his senator-pod. He sends a nod.
Dogma next to you makes a very quiet sound, pitched low just enough for you and only you to hear. He clicks his tongue once, then pauses, and then clicks again.
A signal for news from the Wolfpack. Thank the Force your speech and time at the proverbial stand is coming to an end.
The entire interaction takes no more than three seconds. An uncomfortable silence to marinate most careless Senators in the implications you’ve made.
“My childhood was cut short after the hostilities on Naboo. I had to undergo more rigorous saber training, even as an empath, someone attuned to the living Force around us. A shadow warrior - a Sith of a lineage long-lost - stole any ability to live as a simple aura reader diplomat.”
“And yet that’s not even a fraction of the cruelty and hardship an average clone trooper goes through in a third of the time. As soon as they walk, they are taught combat. They rapidly age, Corellian Hells, THE OLDEST CLONES ARE THIRTEEN YEARS OLD!”
Your frustration poured out into the air around you. This is the closest you have gotten to yelling and losing your cool since you walked out of the Court Chamber at Dogma’s trial. You have no doubt that at least some of the senators or their aides must have a fraction of force sensitivity, at least enough to glimpse the carefully-masked rage you don’t let the average person see.
You lock eyes with the Chancellor on his high seat, the senator-pod that hovers in the centre of the chamber.
You stare at him with intensity unknown to an individual outside of the Jedi Order. Memories flick through your vision, a slideshow of your frustrations at the Senate, frustration shared by the Jedi Council, by your father Plo, by the Clones that have welcomed you into their dysfunctional humongous family.
The Chancellor smiles.
The dinner after resembles a blur of colours too bright to be real.
You barely eat. The worry of poison and backstabbing are ever present, loom over your figure like a mountain. You prod at the force to give you readings of everyone around you, even if they are in your eyesight for a fraction of a second. 
The auras are overwhelming. Despite diplomats being taught to never let emotion show on their face, the different hues bleed into their body language.
One can only hide their true nature for so long, you suppose.
You’re sitting at the head of the table for dinner, the centre of attention as usual. As the minutes tick by, it’s become more and more likely that this will not end well. The jabs and replies thrown at one another have a sickly-sweet tone, with oleander-filled honey dripping as they fly at their target. 
 Dogma and Jesse stand behind you, each on one side as your guards. No matter how many times you try to convince them to eat with you, they insist.
“The life of a senator isn’t for me, but I still want to keep you safe” has been the reply from Jesse each time. Fives is just glad you never asked him, letting him instead stay at your apartment for these drab meetings disguised as dinners.
And your sweet Dogma would follow you to the ends of the Galaxy.
“I suppose if the children had more contact with their parents after getting accepted into the order, they would be able to form healthy attachments, as opposed to having no attachments altogether,” you say to a Nautolan representative sitting half across the table. 
She narrows her eyes and nods, pausing to eat a bite out of her meal. “A friend of mine lost her son to the Jedi three decades ago. She still wonders why he never contacted her.”
Dogma searches in his memory. The only nautolan jedi he has heard of is Kit Fisto. It would perhaps fit the description of a son lost thirty years ago. He stores it as something to ask you about.
A mikkian senator sitting to your left looks over at your plate. The longer the supper goes on, the more apparent it is that you are not touching your food. The senator, some generation or two older than you, looks you over a bit before lowering his voice, so that only you and (unintentionally) Dogma can make out his words.
“Deary, you have not touched your meal. I sure do hope this affair has not sullied your appetite.” He adds a smile at the end of his statement, as if to deepen the few wrinkles his face has to make himself the caring older relative.
Your attention snaps to his face briefly, enough to not notice one of his head-tendrils outside your field of vision to twitch in the general direction of your plate. Had Dogma not been inadvertently alerted to his figure, he wouldn’t have noticed the tiny amount of clear, water-like liquid that flew off the tip of his head-tendril and landed at the edge of your plate.
He reacts before his brain catches up to his eyes.
“Don’t eat that!”
His yell makes the entire table stop whatever they are doing to look at him. 
“The food is poisoned!”
His aura flashes red with swirls of white. The mix of danger.
Jesse sweeps the room over in less than a millisecond and directs his gaze at your food. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, but he trusts his brother with your safety above all. He takes a half-step closer towards the table.
You strategically stand up slowly and turn to Dogma. “How do you know?”
“The mikkian senator flicked some liquid into it with his head-tendril.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the whole room shift. Colours turn muted and tinged with yellow, orange and black.
The aura of the person in question turns a stark black. Fear.
“Impossible! I have done no such thing, clone!” he barks out and gets to his feet abruptly, nearly throwing his chair back.
Jesse, who has so far been stone-cold, willing to not react unless necessary, calmly looks him boldly in his eyes, an act that would have had consequences if he was in the GAR.
“You should know that ambassador (Y/N) can tell if you’re lying,” his tone is even and calculated.
“Of course I know that! That’s because I’m not lying.”
The old man is adamant, even if his eyes widen a fraction.
Your eyes flick over the room and land on a tray in the corner, on a table reserved for decorational flowers.
The tray floats over as the uncomfortable silence settles over the room. Some of the dinner’s participants notice it and gasp, making the others stare in horror as the tray lands in front of you.
You vaguely feel the presence of three Coruscant Guards running down the hall. By the time you land a metal food cover over the plate, they slam the door of the dining room open. 
Jesse and Dogma exchange a nod and Dogma nods. Jesse walks out to meet one of the troopers to exchange words.  You barely hear the words they whisper, but “poison” and “food” must be at least a part of the conversation. Dogma stays right behind you with a hand on his blaster. You don’t even have to turn to feel his anxiousness.
On instinct, you reach out with the hand that isn’t holding the tray in the air to grip the senator by the wrist with the Force. You press harder and hear something drop to the floor, an item no longer held in an iron grip he had on it. The noises of protests fall upon your deaf ears.
A guard moves in to handcuff the old man, only to notice a blaster on the floor and feel resistance while he moves one of the wrists into the cuffs. The item he dropped.
Jesse, now returning to you, plucks the tray out of the air to bring it back to one of the clones.
You let go of the Force and feel a massive weight of exhaustion hit you. Tilting your hand back just a couple of centimetres is enough for Dogma to grip it tightly with the palm not on his weapon.
You look at the Coruscant Guard talking to Jesse. His aura is full of baby blue and camo green. Confusion and worry.
“Please, take the food with the plate for analysis. Don’t touch it or take it out of the cover unless you are in safe distance. I don’t know what it is,” you say slowly. The words coming out of you feel foreign and you have to push them out, too exhausted to expend any emotions into the tone.
Dogma squeezes your hand three times. An “I love you” for when you can’t speak.
When you leave the dinner behind and get into your personal speeder, you pass out from exhaustion.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
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viatagrinner · 1 year
Gilbert von Obsidian. Chapter 7
MC recalls words about how Clavis warned her to be careful of geniuses.
Gilbert brings the girl to her room and places her on the bed.
Gilbert: Yeah. Here we are.
Habit is a terrible thing.
At first she was uncomfortable, but then, maybe because few people saw them, she got used to it.
She reflects on the party. Why did he invite her? To get more people to see them together, to isolate her?
Suddenly the prince calls out to her. His face is too close.
Gilbert: I was right in front of you, but you didn't seem to be in the mood.
MC: You're too close.
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Gilbert: I think it's a good chance to admire a pretty face, don't you?
(Oh, I know.)
Gilbert: If you get too cheeky, I'll want to tease you.
Sensing something wrong, the girl turned her face away.
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Gilbert: Okay, I'm going home. You can kiss me goodnight if you want.
The heroine doesn't want to kiss him, but she offers him a drink of water. He is out of breath.
The prince smiles.
МС: A smile won't fool me.
She could hear his hoarse breathing.
(Carrying me from garden to room is an impossible burden, if I think about it?)
Gilbert: ....Huh, I couldn't hide it.
He sits down on the bed in relief.
Gilbert: Miss Bunny was lighter than I thought, so I hoped I could do it, but...
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Gilbert: I have a little bit of... endurance issues.
MC: ...That's suprising.
Gilbert: I usually hide it well. It's my It's my only weakness.
She realizes then at the Baron's, he was deliberately avoiding the strain.
MC: But can you talk that much about yourself?
Gilbert: If we're together all the time, you'll find out sooner or later, right?
Only a few people in his homeland know about his weakness.
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Gilbert: I have a soft spot in my heart for Miss Bunny. I wonder what you'll do to me, I'm scared!
No, it's the heroine who is scared, she knows the main weakness of the one everyone is afraid of.
Pouring water into a glass, she handed it to Gilbert. He vigorously began to drink.
Gilbert, pulling the girl's skirt up to her knee, reveals that he knows about her sore leg.
Gilbert: If you hid your wounds from me, then someone must have done this to you, right?
Gilbert: I'm tempted to kill the person for being so rude to my prey.
She tries to think of something, but it doesn't work on Gil, who grew up, in a country where you can't survive if you're not sensitive to lies.
The prince says that if nothing is done, she will continue to be mocked like this.
MC: If I beg, will you listen to me?
Gilbert: It depends on my mood.
The girl tells the prince that she feels like he's worried about her.
For him, excitement is disgusting. He just doesn't like uncontrollable events.
MC thinks about the fact that there is always something behind his kindness. But immediately she blames herself for not being able to thank him.
Gilbert, looking at the heroine, calls her kind. Why? Because she feels guilty about the villain.
MC: ....Are you feeling sick?
Gilbert: Me? Not at all.
Gilbert: It's a fact that my good intentions and bad intentions are one and the same.
MC: It's painful.
(The pain may increase every time I spend more time with Prince Gilbert.)
Even if Gilbert were a truly good prince, he couldn't open his heart.
Such is the relationship between the prince of the enemy country and "Belle."
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Gilbert: ....."He's" right, you are a little dangerous.
He stood up. His breathing was normal.
Gilbert: I just didn't like that about you.
MC: You hated me from the beginning, didn't you?
Gilbert is surprised. Why would the girl think that?
In her opinion, if he was interested in her, he wouldn't go near her.
His kindness is a deadly poison.
A moment later, lively laughter erupted in the room.
Gilbert: Hahaha... You're right. Maybe I don't like everything about you.
(...Like you just figured that out.)
Gilbert: I don't like you, so I'll be nicer to you from now on.
His cold fingertips parted the girl's bangs, and then Gilbert touched his lips to her forehead.
His act was incredibly gentle, awkwardly sweet, but the suffocating feeling didn't go through her heart.
A few hours later, after Gilbert left her room. She knocked on Chevalier's bedroom door.
Standing next to Chevalier was a long-haired man. This man, judging by his uniform, was from an elite unit of the Royal Guard.
But the business with the guardsman was over, and the guardsman walked silently out of the room.
She noticed that he had a badge of honor on his chest with a white tiger on it.
Chevalier carelessly remarked that it was a spy who was watching Gil.
Judging by the way he greeted her as if it were quite natural, perhaps he expected the heroine to arrive with a "50/50 probability."
The scene where Chevalier calmly puts the sword away in its scabbard after killing the assassin is still on her mind.
She asks if Gilbert had anything to do with it.
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Chevalier: I can't say it's right or wrong. But it is definitely an omen of trouble.
Chavalier: The Eyepatch is credited with making a significant contribution to Obsidian's territorial expansion in the previous decade.
Chavalier: I know of seven countries that have been absorbed and merged into one.
According to the prince, there have been no major wars other than the battle ten years ago. The borders have many military clashes, but there have been no major military campaigns.
MC: ...Even though there has been no war, has the country expanded its territory?
Chevalier: By "trampling"/"conquering" is meant not only subjugation by force.
She recalls a meeting with domestic bureaucrats.
MC: Domestic bureaucrats say he rules by force.
Chevalier points out that this was the case 10 years ago.
MC: ....It's different now.
Chevalier: Yes. It looks like he's leading an independent army.
Chevalier: What he is initially good at is mind control, a beast that manipulates people and makes them give up the country of their own free will.
Chevalier: I have heard that seven recently absorbed nations have surrendered to Obsidian.
Chevalier: It's possible, that's why he's called the "World Disaster".
Chevalier: We also know that the absorbed nations have something in common.
Chevalier: And even Rhodolite could see signs of trouble to come.
MC: Is that what happened today?
Chevalier sighed wearily.
Chevalier: No, it was anti-royalist.
MC: Anti-royalist groups have also been involved in previous riots in the Orphanage.
Chevalier: Perhaps this is the reason for the increased activity. The disaster begins with a split in national opinion.
Chevalier: It is a clash between the so-called monarchy and anti-monarchy organizations. The Eyepatch takes advantage of that breakdown.
Chevalier does not know how Gilbert controls the kings of other countries.
MC thinks there are people everywhere who are dissatisfied with power, but she didn't know there were such people in Rhodolite. But that may be because she lives in a confined world.
Chevalier continues the conversation: After the war between Obsidian and Rhodolite, the number of anti-royalist organizations grew.
The previous king must have had problems with diplomacy.
They had to "sacrifice" many people to repel the attack on Rodolite.
MC, remembering the events of the day in the garden, chose not to specify what Chevalier meant.
Chevalier: Today's incident is a continuation of that one. No, perhaps the situation is worse than I thought it would be.
MC: Does this have something to do with Prince Gilbert's visit to Roadlight?
Chevalier: There is no doubt about that. But the anti-royalist faction is not monolithic either. So far they have managed to get away without purging.
But she hears no further words.
(Leon is a prince who values the idea of closeness to people as much as he cares for the private orphanage....)
But Chevalier is different; he will make sacrifices to preserve the state.
But which position is right and which is wrong, she cannot say.
The prince knows that she is going to his "stupid younger brother's" party.
MC: What does Mr. Clavis' evening have to do with anti-royalists?
But Prince didn't answer. The miss understood it to mean, "You go there, you'll find out for yourself."
Gilbert, Luke, and MC arrived at Clavis' estate. Getting to the party was a real challenge.
Gilbert: Luke, there's a trap three steps ahead, so be careful.
Luke, carrying MC on his shoulder, took a long leap.
The younger of the princes is indignant, why are there so many traps in Clavis' estate?
Gilbert unmistakably tells where this or that trap is.
Luke manages to jump and dodge.
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Gilbert: Nice, Luke. We would have been prey if a physical monster like you hadn't taken the lead.
Luke: You're... It's kind of cool.
(Luke, who keeps dodging traps thanks to his natural motility, is also awesome.)
(Prince Gilbert, who sees all the cleverly placed traps, is also amazing.)
Clavis' estate seemed sinister to the heroine at first sight.
There were no people or horse-drawn carriages anywhere.
MC wants Luke to let her go, but he refuses.
Luke: It is my responsibility to hold you in my arms today.
MC: ...Somehow, I kind of feel bad/I feel kind of guilty.
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Luke: What apology. I'm doing what I want to do, so don't worry about it.
Luke: Well, if Rio finds out, he'll come back and bite me/Well, if Rio knew about it, he'd bite me.
MC: Speaking of which, Rio seems busy lately, except for mornings and nights...
Gilbert: Oh, that's because Silvio works a lot, isn't it?
Gilbert: I think he was actually trying to make you the hostess... The butler-boy noticed this and reacted furiously, so he works for you not to be touched.
MC didn't know about it.
The girl is sad that she didn't know what her friend was doing because she was busy with her own problems.
Gilbert asks her not to worry about Rio.
Luke: You're the one who put your hand around Rio's neck to keep him away, aren't you?
Gil laughs.
Suddenly his trunk drowned out the sound of breaking glass. Someone screamed.
Gilbert: Hmm... People are so ugly.
Gilbert's Masterlist
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softpine · 10 months
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thank you guys for indulging me, you literally changed my whole mood 💖
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@morrigan-sims mac absolutely counts :P i forget how long it's been since you guys have seen him, because he's always running around in the background being a nuisance while i'm trying to set up scenes fjskjds but anyway, thank you sooo much for sharing!! the supernatural elements are definitely my favorite too, i try to keep them balanced because i know they're not for everyone, but i find them so interesting to explore.
steviiiie my girl stevie. i don't pick favorites but she does have a special place in my heart (unfortunately for her, that means i pass a lot of my own issues onto her lmao but what else is writing for?) to answer your question: the dream she had as a kid was just a regular "wishful thinking" type dream, nothing prophetic! but if stevie got the chance, she absolutely would go comfort her younger self. she needed the hug :(
ahh i remember that anon about coco, that's so cool that you guessed that!!
thank you so much for this message, for always giving the best feedback, for being soooo awesome, all that great stuff :') 💖💗
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@titoro woahhh i know exactly what post you're talking about and that's so long ago, thank you for being here 🥺💖💖💖 i'm so thankful that you would go out of your way to keep reading, and i hope YOU know how appreciated you are 💗
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omg same, i have to rein myself in otherwise i would give you 293293029 alternate universe finns 😭 and that's awesome, my favorite thing is giving characters enough depth where you can be angry at them and also understand them and wish things were different! thank you so much for reading 💖💖
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@rebouks WHAT i had no idea you read frozen pines before you joined, that's so cool 🥺 you inspire me constantly so you have no idea how much it means that i inspired you a little bit too. and i'm so happy that's the message you took away; i used to get embarrassed over how much i cared about my silly little NOT LITTLE sim story, but there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed over anything they care about and have put so much love into creating. i have a lot of pride in what i've created and i hope you do too 💖 thank you so much for sharing, this made me so happy to hear 💗
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godddd this is so sweet, thank you so so much for taking the time to share this with me (it's not too much, it's juuust right haha) 💖 these are some of my favorite scenes i've ever worked on, so i'm really glad you like them!! it's rare that i ever look at one of my own posts and wouldn't change anything, but that's how i feel about jada & alisa's confrontation, like it literally jumped out of my brain and onto the screen exactly how i pictured it. it makes me crazyyy 🥴 i just recently re-read the stevie + truck driver story and the funny thing is, i have no memory of whatever "daddy issues tiktok trend" i was angry about, but i'm glad i wrote it. you're not alone in it being a little too relatable lol. NYC griffin!!! i miss him :( he was probably the happiest version of finn we've seen yet. at the very least, he was the version with the most freedom. "i will love you in every life" literallyyy 😭 and he WAS the catalyst for asa and finn's real kiss omg. asa would've taken way longer to confess his feelings were it not for NYC griffin. pour one out for him!! sjksjd thank you soooo much for this lovely message 💖💖
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ahhh that's a huge compliment, thank you 🥺💖
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@bitchyybabyy400 omg if i was an outsider and casper/talon's kiss was the first thing i saw, i'd back out soooo fast (i'm really sensitive to second-hand embarrassment fjksjds) so i applaud you for sticking around :') and an IDEA BOOK that's so cool !!!! i'm legit honored, thank you so so much 💗💗 huge congrats on testing out of that class!!
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@moonfromearth ooh this is super interesting, i'm always curious to know which posts "hooked" new readers!! it's amazing to hear that each characters' personality comes through even though you don't know who they are. and you even read the short story!! that's so cool, thank you!! 💖
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awww yes selvadorada!! i need to speed things up so we can get back there faster lmao. this is so sweet, thank you 💗
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@kanakomimura ohh man yeah, the labor scene made me emotional too ;-; and of course the breakup scene, i'm still pleased i was able to shock people with something we all knew was coming. thank you so much for sharing, this means a lot 💖
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@hedgehogs-and-songbirds thank you!! i ended up building a compost bin which took me all afternoon, but was pretty fun sjfksjd and i miss that era sooo much, it's why i'm always doing flashbacks and remaking their teen sims because i miss them 🥺 but it's been fun to try new things too! i'm so happy you're still around 💖💖
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Ada finally meets Jack and his mysterious wife.  PART ONE
Jack Nelson x OC/Reader (Carmen Nelson) x Ada Thorne
SUMMARY: You and Jack Nelson married when you were 21, it was marriage of convince and safety. You, a queer woman, needed a beard and he needed a wife who he could trust and understood that he’d never be monogamous. Things get complicated when you both taken on Ada Thorne as a lover.
A/N: Yeeeeee I finally updated this fic. I hope you enjoy.  
- 1915 - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"We should get married!"
"Jack, are you serious?" you whispered into the phone, "I'm at work right now. I don't have time for one of your games."
"It's not a game," he pleaded, "I'll swing by and pick you up after work and explain everything."
"Okay," you agreed and a few hours later he was standing outside the home, leaning against his new Ford. Jack drove you to his apartment so that you could talk privately about the suggested proposal. Nestled into his purple velvet couch with a whiskey in both your hands, the discussion began.
You watched as he talked, leaning your head against the sofa, tired from a long day at work. 
"Carmen, look, you've been my best friend since were seven years old. No one on this planet knows me better than you." He spoke with sincerity, something you hadn't heard from him in years. It was like you were talking to the little boy Jack once was. The boy who taught you how to throw a proper right hook when you were eight and how to shoot a gun when you were thirteen. He made sure you knew how to defend yourself, and in turn, you watched your back. "I want you to have a happy life. Hell, I want that for the both of us." You nodded along and took your hand in his.
"Car. I want to keep you safe and give you a happy life. You understand me, you know that I won't give up my other women. What's that saying your brothers have? Una en la casa, una en las calles. one in the house, one in the streets. Yo tengo tres en las calles. I have three in the streets. " Growing up around your family, Jack had picked up some Spanish phrases. It always made you smile whenever he used them. 
"So you want to marry me because know you'll whore around?" you laughed at the idea. 
"In theory, I want to marry you because together we can both be free to be who we are. In application, whore around is accurate." 
"Okay, MAYBE this isn't a bad idea." 
Jack's accomplished cocky grin spread across his face. You were almost agreeing to marry him, or at the very least taking his proposal a bit more seriously. He finished his glass of whiskey, a preemptive celebration, and stood up to pour himself another glass. 
"Who knows, maybe a spark of love will blossom between us," he winked and you rolled your eyes. 
"You read one poetry book and all of sudden you're all 'we should get married' this and 'blossoming love' that."
"I happen to be a sensitive man with lots of passion in my heart."
"I wouldn't say that's where you keep your passion." you glanced down at his cock, then back up at his eyes, and took a big sip of whiskey. 
"You better watch what you say about my passion. You'll have to pop out a few Nelson babies to please our parents."
"Jesus, that's horrifying. Let me rescind my acceptance." 
Eight Years Later, 1924. 
Carmen Nelson was your name now, eight years had gone by since the proposal and wedding. Jack's empire had expanded further than either of you thought possible. He showered you and your kids with gifts and love, your marriage was working out as well as Jack had hoped. You gave Jack two kids...both after nights when you were drunk and horny. Grasping at each other's bodies trying to find a spark to ignite the sexual fire. If there was such a spark between you two, you weren't able to find it on those nights. 
You each had a list of lovers, Jack's was longer than yours considering that he liked to fuck at least once a day. They had their list of rules: No lovers around the children, No lovers in the family home, and No lovers around at family events. It was simple but it kept your personal and sexual lives separate. It was agreed that you had you could find more than sexual relief from the women you slept with, but had yet to test that. You were busy helping Jack expand his empire, the workforce alliance between the Mexicans and the Irish immigrants was as unbreakable as you two. 
Just about every night you two come home to each other. You talk, you laugh, and you go to sleep. Sometimes in separate beds, sometimes in the same bed. Wrapped up in strong arms, you felt safe and loved. It was different from how falling asleep with your mistresses, then where you were being held fleeting feelings of pleasure. You wondered if you'd ever find a girl you wanted a relationship with. You and Jack had talked briefly about the future possibility of adding another woman into the relationship, one that could live at the house and really be a part of their daily lives. As you closed your eyes and welcomed a deep sleep, you wondered if such a woman was out there. If she was, you asked God to bring her to you. 
A week later, you meet her. Her name is Ada Thorne, she was a potential new business partner for Jack who had just come over from England to invest in real estate and expand her family company into the Americas. He burst through the front door, elated with a wide smile that you wish you saw more of. He used to smile so much but the stress of life was getting to him. You greeted him with a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"There's a new woman in town and I'd like you to meet her." He said to you as he picked up your youngest kid, Georgie Nelson. You looked at him, brow raised, confused he had never wanted you to meet a woman he knew before. Sure wives and sisters of business partners, but that was different. That was always a dejected ask, knowing that you would hate the small talk. Right now, Jack was glowing. He went on to explain her business in the states. 
"Did you sleep with her?" was the only thing you could think of to ask. A worried feeling stirred inside you, had he found someone that he liked more than you? Was there finally a woman who could give him everything you couldn't. Had he fallen in love? 
As your words hit his ears Jack's demeanor changed, a look sympathetic look in his eyes as put your son down and pulled him in for a hug."No. I want to, but I want you there too." He let go of you and sat back down, "You should have seen her in this meeting." That glow about him returned as he recounted all things she said and did in the meeting. How she handled every hardball question with ease and called him out on his lowball offer. Slowly, a smile crept into your face too. This Ada Throne didn't seem too bad, in fact, she seemed a lot like you. She called Jack out on his bullshit with wit and without hesitation. You agreed to meet her. There was a meeting set up for tomorrow night at The Fantasy, a club that he owned. 
Ada Thorne wouldn't leave your mind, for the whole next day you couldn't help but try to imagine everything you could about her. She was already so intoxicating and you hadn't even met her. As the sun lowered in the sky, you began to get ready for the rendezvous. Failed outfits littered the bed, dresses, and skirts weren't going to cut it tonight. Plus you hated wearing them most of the time, they were fine on nights where you were playing the part of Mrs. Nelson the perfect wife, but tonight you wanted to present wholly and entirely yourself. You knew what you wanted to wear, the question was, were you bold enough to walk into The Fantasy a woman in a suit. 
"Carmen?" Jack called out, his deep voice echoing through the hallways of your large Boston apartment. "Are you ready to go?"  His quickened footsteps rattled the floor, your husband was nervous. 
"Yes, sweetheart," you cooed as if you were talking to a small child. The footsteps stopped and you smiled, knowing that in the other room he had his arms crossed like a pouting child. You laughed to yourself. "I'm just putting in my earrings and then we can leave." The clasp locked into place, and you rose from your chair and walked into the hallway. "So...what do you think?" You spun in a slow circle, showing off the tailored blue suit that matched his. 
"When did you get this made?" he smiled down at you, proud of how powerful you looked by yourself and next to him. A matching pair. God, Ada Thorne was going to quake in her shoes at the sight of you two. 
Even in America, trouble seemed to follow Ada Thorne. She supposed that was a consequence of every contact she had been related to her brothers, or maybe it was because she and her husband were registered communists, or maybe it was all due to the Shelby blood that followed through her veins. Her people were never quiet or ignored, they were the center of mischief and innovation. Even when she met a man of her own accord, a property manager in Boston, he seemed to be just as much trouble as she was...perhaps even more. 
Jack Nelson. She couldn't get him out of her mind, the way he smoked cigars and drank whiskey neat. A smokey earthy aroma filled the air of the meeting. He felt so familiar, yet so foreign. Mr. Nelson didn't talk down to her or doubt her credentials, like so many other people she met. He listen to her, treated her as an equal, and invited her out to a club he owned. She of course had to say yes, one couldn't say no to the first invitation out. 
"Tomorrow is a Friday night, the best night at The Fantasy by far. You have to come out, there are a bunch of people that I'd like to introduce you to." Jack was promising an eventful night for both her professional and social life. The latter feeling more important to her at the moment, Ada had just moved across the world with her son. Between being a mother and running the American expansion, she had little time for friends. "I'll send a car to get you."
Trying to fit in with the East Coast fashion, Ada selected a modern style of dress. A light pink dress with beaded straps which she picked up in London before her move. She applied a light layer of makeup to head to the club. As Jack promised a driver was waiting for her in the lobby of her apartment building. 
At the club, Ada pushed her way through the crowd of people and up to the bar, wanting to secure a drink before attempting to Mr. Nelson. "Whiskey on the rocks," she told the bartender. A woman in a white blouse and trousers turned to Ada and said, "Good choice." It was Mrs. Carmen Nelson, she was drinking the same thing. "Please top me off, William." She instructed the bartender who quickly refilled her drink after making Ada's. Carmen smiled, Ada Thorne really was just as beautiful as Jack promised. The Brit welcomed the company of this new woman, wondering if they had any more in common than just their drink preference. 
As the night went on, Ada and Carmen talked about everything the sun while Jack watched from his usual corner booth. She was so engrossed in conversation with Carmen that she hadn't even bothered to scan the room for Mr. Nelson. She reasoned that he'd be able to find her if wanted to say hello. Joy raided from Mrs. Thorne as she spoke, finally, there was someone who understood her. She didn't feel alone anymore. 
You were having a wonderful night, everything was going according to plan. Your faux casual introduction to Ada went smoothly, all you had to do was wait for a British woman to order whiskey at the bar. The conversation went on smoothly, there was hardly ever silence. Anything was fair game to talk about, except for Jack and the kids, but you knew how to talk around those subjects. 
Eventually, you wanted a bit more than pleasant conversation, you wanted to test the waters.  You let your hand swing down and rest against her knee atop the beaded fabric of her dress. A warm smile appeared on both of your faces as neither of you pulled away. You leaned in to kiss her, heart racing as you did so, one hand brought up to cup her soft curls when -- BAM. A drunk patron pushed his way between you two, rudely calling out for the bartender's attention. A wave of quick hot anger rose from inside you, not only had he knocked over your drinks but he had ruined this carefully crafted moment of intimacy between you and Ada. 
"Hey!" you rose to your feet and challenged the man, hoping for his sake that he'd apologize and get out of your way. 
The stranger didn't back down, "Calm down, lady. I'm just trying to get a drink for me and my friend." He waved over another man and Ada mouth 'GREAT' to you. This other friend immediately noticed that you and she were without men at your sides and made it his personal mission to keep you two company. 
"Nico, be nice to these women. Buy them some drinks."
"We're fine," you replied, a sour look on your face. 
"Oh come one, two ladies as fine as yourselves alone at the bar. You look like you could use the company. I'm Steven."
"Really, we're good," Ada spoke up and you recognized the fire in her eyes. She wouldn't back down either. These guys were going to have to take a few hits to their ego, or bodies before they back down. Steven made the mistake of putting his arms around both of you and saying, "we'll get you some drinks. They'll cool you down, make you more agreeable."
Everything next happened so quickly. Ada stomped on his foot and you punched him in the face. As your fist hit his face, security descended on the scene and pulled the two men back. Seemingly out of nowhere, Jack appeared behind you. He had been watching the scene unfold from his booth in the corner. The presence of your husband and several of the security staff had been enough to make Steven and Nico shrink into themselves. Around you, the party continued on but in this five-foot radius, things were tense. 
"Get them out here," Jack's voice boomed. He looked each of the men in the eyes and told them they were never allowed back in. Ada looked at Jack, wondering how he fits into all of this. Why had he appeared just now? Then the answer was given to her when one of the staff holding back the men that been harassing you two said, 
"We're sorry about this, Mrs. Nelson. It won't happen again."
"Just get them out of her." You waved them away and placed a hand on Jack's arm, silently telling him to calm down and that everything was okay. That you and Ada were just fine. 
"Mrs. Nelson?" Ada mumbled, seeing now how clearly they fit together. Carmen had ditched her suit jacket hours ago, now wearing a blouse and tailored pinstripe suit pants cut from the same material as Jack's. Two people and their outfits were cut from the same cloth. 
Jack turned to Ada, his vicious stare now replaced by his usual cocky smile. "Mrs. Thorne, I see you've met my wife." 
The question was now, what did they want with Ada Thorne.
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