#//i went in; threw a cupcake at him that friend made; then threw a wedding cake at him while screaming incoherently
revvywevvy · 1 year
hey guys i-
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ma1dita · 9 months
it will pass
part two can be found here -> without a doubt
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words: little under 2k
summary: Without a doubt, James Potter loves you. But he’s not in love with you.
warnings: none! fem!reader; i would die for best friend!james, did not demonize lily; angst, unrequited love, lil childhood speech impediment, cheesy nicknames, sharing clothes, will they wont they (they wont im sorry)
a/n: guess who just rewatched fleabag szn 2! i chose pain today sorry— god i missed writing. i am a words of affirmation gorl pls affirm me
(posted 9/8/23)
There isn’t a single doubt that James Potter loves you.
You’ve been attached at the hip since training broomsticks and pinky swears in Godric’s Hollow. You accidentally call a boy ‘Jam’ once because of your childhood speech apraxia, and he swears you’re meant to be his best friend.
“Don’t worry, I can be loud enough for the both of us, peanut!”
Like peanut butter and jelly, you two were a perfect match– and even better partners in crime. When James puts his mind to something, he sees it through. So even if you were honestly unable to string the words together, who were you to say no?
Technically it’s somewhat official too, by whatever imaginary power was bestowed upon the Potter’s house elf for your very elaborate backyard fantasy wedding the two of you had when you were seven. All of your parents were in attendance, along with your cat and you all had blueberry cupcakes after your first and only kiss.
“Miss Mippy pronounces you huzbind and wife!”
Giggles are heard all around as the tiny elf tripped on her way off the stool, knocking both your heads together. James lost a front tooth that day, but he grinned for the pictures your mothers took anyway. Without a doubt, he loves you.
There wasn’t anyone at Hogwarts who would expect one of you to be present without the other following behind. You never had to hold back your smart mouth because James was always willing to finish your fights. The both of you were a package deal, with your number of protectors growing once Remus, Sirius, and Peter came along. It was not a routine you both consciously established, but rather second nature to be in each other’s lives. Like how you always made sure his glasses were clean before quidditch matches and he’d chuck his extra jersey at your face for you to wear.
“Stay warm during the game okay? I’ll see you later, love you!”
He skated around your waist, blowing a raspberry onto your cheek as he grabbed his glasses from your fingers.
“Don’t fall off your broom. Love you too, loser.” You’re already tugging his jersey over your head, inhaling his signature scent of broom polish, cinnamon, and Sleakeasy’s hair potion.
James smiled at you softly, before running to meet up with his team. After Gryffindor won again, he threw you over his shoulder and you laughed and yelled that he smelled like sweat. He always tucked you in his bed after parties, wrapping you in his arms once the lights go out. Without a doubt, he loves you.
Your friendship is stronger than most romantic relationships, and as your teenage years fly by, both of you realize how rare that is. He often took you to the kitchens to eat vanilla sundaes after boys broke your heart (and they got black eyes to match, courtesy of him and the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team) and you would listen to him, building him up and calming him down through years of pining over a certain Lily Evans. You were there for each other through everything, silly crushes, secret trysts, boring detentions, and highly esteemed accolades. If there ever were such a thing as soulmates, you knew it had to be him, even if it was platonic. Just being around someone as vibrant as James made you consider yourself lucky.
You once saw your best friend with his head in his hands on your way to a date—he was moping after a nasty prank on Snape went wrong; it ended in Lily crying and after defending her albeit quite boisterously in true James fashion, he still didn’t get the girl.
He gets up to see you walking down the corridor to meet him halfway, and before you even speak he rubs his eyes, posture shrinking as his towering frame melts into your embrace.
“Don’t know why I thought it’d be different this time,” he mumbles, and you gladly carry the weight of his heart.
“Let’s go swimming in the Black Lake, ” you say suddenly, rubbing his broad back in small circles.
“But peanut, you have a date in an hour! You’re all dolled up and pretty...”
“I’ll have more dates. You need me right now, jelly. I’ve got you.” His nickname makes you blush a little more than you should sometimes, so you only ever pull it out as a trick up your sleeve to make him feel better.
“Love you,” you whisper, brushing through the hair at the nape of his neck.
He breathes easily for the first time in hours, mouth curling up from its frown when he sees you walk straight into the lake water with your nicest clothes on, not even hesitating for a moment. Without a doubt, he loves you.
When James puts his mind to something, he sees it through. So years later, when your best friend asks you if you could go wedding ring shopping with him to propose to the love of his life, who were you to decline? I mean, who else would go with him?
“Come on, (Y/N). I need my best girl with me to make the biggest decision of my life.” he’s practically moaning, the man ever so dramatic as he’s sprawled across your couch.
“And why aren’t you dragging Sirius with you again?”
Your eyebrow is raised as you stand at his feet, lifting his burly legs for you to place yourself under and get comfortable.
“What does Sirius know about women? He’d tell me to get the shiniest one and leave!” James’ yells into your throw pillow, anguished at the thought. You pull it off his face, before he quietly admits, “I just want to get it right.”
“When are we going?” you answer, without missing a beat.
Later that week, the saleslady recommends a wide array of glimmering engagement bands, none of which are for you. But you let yourself fall into the fantasy of the what-ifs, flashing back to your flower crown and candy ring wedding, wondering if it could’ve been you getting proposed to by him in another life.
“Would you like to try a few on?” the saleslady asks, assuming you two are together.
“Show me and my girl your best. No price limit.” he grins.
And how dare she assume that, as he puts his head on your shoulder, whisking you around the store to look at stunning rings, fingers brushing, and the both of you being able to communicate clearly with no words spoken. James plays along with the saleslady, finally choosing a whimsical-looking diamond setting placed upon your left ring finger. You remind yourself it’s not yours. Your heart comes to a screeching halt and you can’t help but feel all of a sudden like he’s being mean.
After all, he’s not yours, not really.
There is a little bit of doubt now and a weird tightness in your chest that makes you think of the possibility that you’re in love with James Potter.
Like a good best friend, you help him plan his proposal. James’ love is loud, pulling all the stops, and preferring the grandest of gestures.
“James, you are not proposing to Lily with a flash mob.”
“But it would be so cool! After all, my heart dances every time I see her face.” he wiggles his eyebrows as he takes a sip of his butterbeer.
“Your heart might, but you, unfortunately, are the worst dancer I’ve ever seen.” You laugh, reaching over to tug the quill out of his hand, crossing it off his list. He pulls you into a headlock, kissing the side of your face teasingly.
“What would I ever do without you, peanut?”
You wipe James’ spit off your cheek, pushing his face away, blushing from his attention.
“Combust, probably.”
Your heart is dancing now too, and you realize that there isn’t a single doubt that you’re in love with your best friend.
You keep yourself busy in the month before his proposal. It hurt learning too many details, such as what flowers he wanted to order to bring out her eyes (pink and yellow tulips), and scouting out the perfect location on the beach he picked (next to the lighthouse you and him visited as kids), even down to how he’d convince Lily to wear white without being suspicious (honestly he just expected you to do him a favor for this one). But after seeing each other almost every day for more than half your life, he knew something was off when you became distant.
James shows up at your apartment, his key in hand, but he decides to knock anyway. The sound of the TV is muffled, lowering in volume until he hears your footsteps pad over to the door and it swings open. You’re in one of his old Quidditch sweaters and fluffy blue socks.
“Hey. Wasn’t expecting you to come by.” You smile timidly, as he leans against the doorframe peering down at you.
“Never used to have to tell you.”
“James...” you stutter, before awkwardly opening the door completely. He shuffles towards the couch, keeping his shoes on as he sits at the end, and there’s a certain tension in the air that frightens you. You’re not sure if you’ll come out of this one unscathed.
“Talk to me (Y/N). What’s been going on with you? You don’t answer my calls, you don’t write back, hell, I haven’t seen you in a month because you started deadbolting your door. Did I do something?”
Yes, James Potter. Ever so blunt and to the point, your favorite person in the world is sitting on your couch uncomfortable with the fact that you’re not comfortable around him anymore.
You fight back against your instincts to tell him what’s wrong, but the three words escape your mouth before you can even take a breath.
“I love you.”
It’s silent. The floor creaks as you shift your weight onto your other leg. You lock eyes with him for the first time that night, and so many things are going through your head that you hope he’s able to pick up on how you’ve been physically aching, carrying the weight of his love for Lily for years.
James looks like he’s about to shake his head, and you beat him to it. You don’t want pity, and he knows that, but he mutters a consolation into the air.
“It’ll pass.”
No, it won’t. Not this.
You think he knows that too. He smiles sadly, watching you turn shrinking into yourself. You never were good at thinking before you spoke. A tear drips down your cheek as you look at your socks again. Your love for him is too big and too loud for your chest cavity to handle. This love feels like dramatic choral music clashing and banging around in your ribs.
“Don’t apologize. This one’s on me,” you say, stopping him before he finishes speaking.
Without a doubt, James Potter loves you. But he’s not in love with you.
“What I was going to say...is that I’m going to have to ask you not to show up to the engagement party. It’ll be better for the both of us. We can start again from there if you want... Peanut...”
The term of endearment hangs in the air. Your dancing heart was a ticking time bomb after all. The fragments hit your insides, tearing you apart as it combusts, and you realize that nothing will be the same after this.
James stands abruptly, shoving his hands in his pockets. He hesitates before he kisses your temple, and for some reason, this feels like a goodbye. After all, when James sets his mind on something, he sees it through. He’s been set on Lily for years.
You’re his best friend, he swears. And there are no words you can think of to deny that.
The End
“I don’t know what to say,” he said.
“It’s okay,” she replied. “I know what
we are— and I know what we’re not.”
Lang Leav
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Ommmmgggggg i just read your lates story of steve rogers arrange marriage. And it was the most heartbreaking story evern written. It was really good although my heart got broken reading it😞I read you will take time in fulfilling request, so you can take a lot of time but I m making a small request🙃Like you have written lots of arranged marriage tropes but they all were angsty in the beginning, can you write something from your perspective on steve rogers arrange marriage which has no angst only lots and lots of fluff. like they are still in arranged marriage but there is no angst they are both trying for their marriage because after all the angst i guess a fluff treat would be nice☺only if you want to
A/N: Thank you so much lovely and the plot line is great. I loved writing about it and I made a few additions to the story. Hope you like it.
Perfect Life (S.R)
Steve Rogers Fan Fiction (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Steve and you get married and you decide to give your marriage a fair chance. You both soon fall in love and you are really happy together. You get pregnant and it is all perfect till the very end.
Warnings: Some mention of blood and angst but otherwise it is all fluff.
Steve and you were informed by Fury that there will be an arrange marriage. He didn’t give much explanation but simply stated that the government demanded it and you both simply had to oblige. When you were recruited by the Avengers, you were a super soldier just like Bucky under the influence of Hydra. It took a lot of work to get you back from the brain washed state and Steve played a big role in that. You both were partners in the field and best of friends. Many people thought that you both would oppose the idea but you didn’t. Sure, you were confused but you couldn’t fight it if the government ordered it. No one could so you thought you would give it a shot.
You simply asked for sometime to discuss it by yourselves and Fury reluctantly he agreed. He was prepared for a screaming match and being beaten to a pulp by the Captain and the super soldier. However, he was met with calm expressions and thoughtful gazes. It would be a lie if you said that you didn’t feel attracted to one another. So when he left the meeting room, Steve asked you out for dinner. Privacy was needed to discuss this matter and he wanted to do it outside of the compound.
“Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?” Steve knocked on your door at exact eight o’clock. Captain America never liked to be late.
“Yes, I am.” This was the first time he had seen you in a dress. It hugged your curves just right and the maroon dress contrasted beautifully with your skin. You simply looked like an angel. A devil disguised as an angel that it.
“Let’s go.” Steve took you to your favorite restaurant and you felt a little flutter in your heart when you realised that he took notice of the little things.
Clearing your throat, you started to come to the point of the dinner, “So what do you think about this marriage?”
“Um... I am okay with it, I guess. What about you?”
“Same here. I have actually liked you for sometime now and I would be willing to give this marriage a try.”
“I like you as well and same here.” You chuckled when you saw a light blush appear on your partner’s cheek. He found your confidence endearing and that was one of the things that he first noticed about you.
“Okay, good. I just want a simple ceremony with our friends present. Is that okay with you?” There was no point in beating around the bush and so you started the discussion of the wedding arrangements.
“I was thinking the same thing. Let me just text Fury that we are going ahead with the marriage and then we can discuss the rest.” You both enjoyed the dinner to the fullest whilst making small conversation. This was the first time that you actually had fun on a date after hydra and same goes for Steve. They couldn’t keep up a conversation with you when they didn’t know the things you go through on daily basis.
“Do you want to get ice cream? There is a really good ice cream parlor down the street.” Getting out of the restaurant, he helped you get in to your jacket.
You always had a sweet tooth and you were a sucker for ice creams. Steve and you were going to make a good couple because of your similar taste. “Yes, I would love that. So do you know anything about the mission tomorrow?”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y detected some illegal shipment coming from one of the abandoned hydra facilities. We think that it is being occupied and you and I are just going to go there and install some cameras for surveillance.” He ordered two scoops of butterscotch and you decided to take a walk while eating.
“What if we encounter some hydra bastards? Do we get to kill them?” You rubbed your hands together in excitement at the thought of ridding the world of hydra scum.
“No, we don’t. We can’t engage so don’t get too excited about it.”
You both reached the compound and all your friends were waiting for you in the lounge. They all pounced on you as Fury had already informed them about the marriage. Natasha had already planned out the bachelor party while Pepper had booked an appointment with the world’s known fashion designer. You kept laughing at all their thrilled expressions and you were feeling sure of your choice by the minute.
The night passed like it and before you know you were off to the mission. Steve was extra protective this time as he won’t let you move a step forward before double checking the hallways first. You just rolled your eyes but you still found it pretty darn cute. No one has ever cared for you like this. But what you didn’t realise was that there was a secret doorway in one of the halls that you passed and you were quickly ambushed by four hydra agents. You got into your super soldier mode and took on the two to your right while Steve went for the left ones.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)? Cap?” Tony’s voice filtered through the comms.
“We have been ambushed but we have it under control.” You talked while slicing the jugular of a blonde six foot man and kicking the other in the shin. Steve also had it under control as he deflected all the attacks with his shield and threw punches when he got an opening.
“Okay. I have agents on standby if you need them.”
“Copy that.” After about five minutes, you had dealt with all of them and got away with only a couple of cuts and bruises.
“Let’s go to the infirmary together.” Steve purposed the idea when you refused Tony’s order to go get checked by the doctors. He didn’t want you to feel like he was ordering you around but he cared about you a lot.
“Only if you insist and Cap, we are getting married at the end of this week.” Kissing him on the lips, you left for the infirmary while he stood there with his mouth agape.
The whole compound was a mess for the whole week and Tony had benched you and Steve because apparently, the bride and groom can not be injured on their wedding day. You were over the moon about this new chapter in your life and so was your fiancé. This was the best thing that has happened to you in a while and you were glad. The ceremony was over before you even knew it with you both reading out your own vows and kissing sweetly when the priest announced you as husband and wife. You loved every minute of it but you were glad when it was over.
“I just wanted to tell you that we can take it slow if you want to.” As soon as Steve entered the room, he tried to clear things up before they got uncomfortable.
“I don’t want to. I told you I had feelings for you and they have grown ever since.”
“I love you, (Y/N). I know it might be too early but-”
“I love you too. Now, kiss me.” You spent the night with your husband and it was perfect. He made you bed in breakfast the next morning and you just enjoyed the whole day with your husband. It was truly a blessing to have Captain America as your husband because he was truly an honest and a moral man.
The next few days for you were spent as a newly married wife and it was perfect. Your friends threw parties and took you both out for dinners; their treat. You didn’t go back to your job for a couple more days and safe to say, it was peaceful. The days were spent with your friends as you all lounged around in the theatre room. At night, it was just you and your husband and it was much more entertaining.
“(Y/N), I have to go on a classified mission with Buck. Are you going to be okay at home, all alone?” Steve kissed the top of your head as he placed the pancakes in front of you.
“I am not going to ask what it is about but I need guarantee that you are going to back to me in one piece.” You mumbled while shoving pancakes in to your mouth. A girl needs her food.
“I will, promise. Love you, babe.”
“Love you too.” There was a moment of silence before you contemplated about what to do with your day.
Entering the kitchen, Tony asked. “What are you doing?”
“Just resting.”
“I am in mood of some homemade cupcakes. Want to bake them with me, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I suppose. Have nothing else to do.” You were worried about Steve because it had been a long while since he had gone on a mission without you.
“Cap is going to be just fine and Bucky is with him. No one can win against that metal arm. My invention is state of the art.” Seeing you distracted, he tried to ease your worries. Pretty soon, you indulged into the whole baking thing and time passed you by.
“Hey, I am home.” Steve was shocked to see the whole kitchen filled with baked goods; counter, oven top, coffee table and chairs. Tony and you might have gone a little overboard with the whole baking thing. It was a good distraction so no one should blame you.
“Hi. You are alright.” A sigh of relief escaped you as you crushed him into a hug.
“I never back down from a promise, princess.” He tucked you under his left arm and picked up a muffin with his right. “What do you want to do today?”
“I was thinking we can go to the amusement park today.” You turned in his arms to give him your puppy dog eyes. He could never say no to you then.
“As you wish, princess.” You both quickly got ready with you wearing a sundress that reached your mid thigh and Steve in a simple black t shity and jeans.
The amusement park had been fun up until you decided that you wanted to go on the roller coaster. The moment it fell downwards from the sky, you looked pale and horrified. For someone who was reluctant to go on the ride, Steve was quite enjoying himself. When it stopped, you found the near trash can and hurled violently. Afterwards, you decided to stick to the slower rides. By the end of the day, you were on a ferris wheel with your husband by your side and your favorite ice cream in your hand. You kissed on top of the ferris wheel. Cliche but that was exactly what you were going for. This was all perfect and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
“I love you so much.” You whispered lazily as you laid in the bed with the blankets wrapped around you snugly. Today was wonderful but tiring.
“I love you too. (Y/N), have you thought about kids?” He asked reluctantly as he knew that it had only been a month in your marriage. It was a little too early but he just wanted to know.
“I know that they are in my future but I want to wait a year or two. I want to spend sometime with you alone.”
“This is the same thought that I had. Just wanted to get this out of the way.” Kissing you sweetly, he called it a night and dozed off to sleep.
Three years passed you by like they were nothing, Maybe it was because you were too happy. Of course there had been lows in your life like when you and Steve were on the verge of divorce because you were starting to drift apart. But you both worked through it and you were happier ever since. You almost died once in a mission and you weren’t able to get off the bed for three moths. It was painful and Steve was with you every step of the way.
However, there were too many good things that tipped the scale in your favor. Like when Steve brought a puppy as a gift for your first anniversary, Milo. Your love from him only grew afterwards and when you both found out that you were pregnant with your first child, you were over the moon. A tiny version of you and Steve was growing inside of you and it was the best feeling in the world. Labor was extensive but you got her as a reward. Rebecca Grant Rogers.
“Can you please go see her? I fed her about an hour ago.” You kicked your husband out of bed and he whined before getting up. Sleepless nights were finally getting to you both.
Gently cooing to the three months old, Steve picked her from the crib. “Hey bubs. What happened? Did you have a nightmare?”
“Mmmmm” Becca babbled on as she saw her favorite person in front of her. The four month was attached to his hip and you loved the bond between them.
“Let’s go to our room and try to sleep again.” You had drifted to sleep but you stirred awake when he came back to bed with your daughter in his arms.
“She is not going to sleep?”
“No, this little bug just wants to spend time with her parents.” A toothless grin adorned her face as she kept her icy blue eyes on her parents.
“Do you want me to make you laugh, huh, baby?” Tickling her, you got a smile on your face as she laughed out whole heartedly. She was the mini version of Steve but there were hints of you in her as well, like her chin or her smile.
Time passed by and soon it was 3 in the morning. “Let’s sleep now.”
“Yes. We have to go on a mission tomorrow and Nat and Wanda have said that they will babysit Becca for the day.”
“That’s nice.” Steve laid your little girl in the middle of the bed and you both put your arms around her. It was peaceful and you were content with your life.
“I love you.”
“Love you too, babe. Sweet dreams.” You thank Fury everyday for the decision of getting you two married. Your life was just perfect now and nothing could change that.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I loved writing about Steve and I am open to requests now. I will be working on my own drafts alongside it. You can send in requests but it will take some days for me to get to them:) Love you guys and do tell me if you want to be added to my taglist.
Tag list: @justile
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heartbreakgrill · 3 years
Birthday Girl; Luke Alvez
description: pining after a fellow team member adds a little bit of spice to your birthday celebrations
a/n: ahhhhh this is my first time writing for criminal minds and I’m so nervous to share. I want to write more for them, especially for the entire team because they make me happy 😚 enjoy, kids!
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“Tonight! Tonight! It all happens tonight!”
You spun your office chair around, facing the giddy glee that was Penelope Garcia. She had a party hat on, extra glitter upon her cheeks, and was singing incredibly off-key. Your eyes flickered to her hands as they moved towards you. Next thing you knew, you were wearing a sparkly, pink princess crown and a sash stating you were the birthday girl.
Your cheeks turned a bright red, but you stood nonetheless and enveloped Penelope in a hug. “Happy birthday, my dearest, most beautiful-est, wonderful, sweet little munchkin baby!”
You giggled into her shoulder, inhaling her sweet perfume and attitude. “Thank you, Pen.”
She squeezed you, rocking the two of you side to side. You wobbled on your heeled booties and took the liberty of pushing her off of you before she could knock you down.
“I swear to the sweet, sweet heavens above that if your birthday gets interrupted by some sick weirdo, I will be absolutely unhappy,” Penelope followed you to your desk as you sat back down. She leaned against it, eyes at the heavens and a fist raised, too.
You planted your elbows on the desk, “It’s okay, Pen. We can always celebrate when we get back, if we have a case. Which we won’t. Because you’re manifesting it.”
Penelope looked at you firmly, “You’re dang right I am. But don’t think I don’t know you’re thinking of ways to get out of it. I know you’re not a little social butterfly, but please, just let me have this one birthday.”
You had worked at the BAU for 5 years, but you were a quiet little thing. You went out for drinks and hung out with your little family often, but you didn’t like when all of the attention was on you. It was slightly unprofessional whenever you would stutter during profiles, but you tried your best.
However, this year, Penelope had managed to talk you into allowing her to throw you a birthday night you would never forget. You didn’t know the itenerary, but the get up she’d put on you was tell enough that it would be all eyes on you.
The rest of the team slowly trickled in as the day began, Penelope continuing to talk your ear off. You responded every once and awhile, sometimes barely able to get much in. Everyone had gotten there, but they came in small crowds, so they hadn’t really noticed you yet.
Spencer was the first to point out the tiara and sash. He was coming over with a cup of coffee and muffin he had bought for you at the cafe down the street. It was your birthday, after all, and he was celebrating with a kind gesture.
He set it down beside your folded hands with a smirk. “What’s this, Y/N?” He tugged at the points on the crown.
You blushed, glaring up at him. You nodded your head towards Penelope, who trailed off and met pretty boy’s eyes. “Don’t even, Reid. It is my baby’s birthday and I am finally allowed to celebrate it,” she warned him with a pointed finger.
The word birthday caught the attention of the rest of the team. Matt was especially drawn in because it was his first year with the team.
“I didn’t know it was your birthday, Y/N,” he spoke from across the aisle.
You spun in your chair, cheeks bright red and lips pursed. “Yes, it is.”
“Well, happy birthday, agent...or, I guess, princess.”
The team burst into laughter, Spencer setting a friendly hand on your shoulder. He leaned down and whispered, “Good luck.”
You turned back to your desk and began to fill out more files. Luckily, everybody found their seats and began their work for the day. The rest of the bullpen had gone up in action. A few minutes later, you looked up as a hastened Luke Alvez bounded through the doors. His desk was right next to yours, divided by the plastic overhangs. He sat down, muttering a good morning without even looking at you.
You were so thankful he didn’t notice the crown. It was enough that the entire team had pointed out the get out, and that tonight, they’d all have their entire attention on you. You didn’t need a hot, fit man teasing you about it, too.
But, eventually, when Luke stood up to get coffee, he saw. “You need a refill, Y/N...”
You knew as soon as he trailed off what was to come. You looked up at him timidly, already red in the face. “Yes, please.”
You held out your coffee cup, eyes not meeting his as he gently smiled at you. “Sure.”
He took the mug and left for the kitchen. Your brows furrowed slightly at the fact that he didn’t even say anything. When he came back, he set the mug down beside your half eaten muffin. His palm planted on your desk and he whispered in your ear, “Happy birthday, princess.”
You hung your head, hot all over the place. It was different when it came from Spence and Matt, who you saw as just friends. You had the biggest crush on Luke. And that just sent you over the edge. You bit down on your bottom lip, hard. Luke slumped into his seat with a cheeky smirk. His eyes glanced over at you occasionally. Oh, god. He knew.
You stood from your desk at lunch time before anybody else, quickly striding to Penelope’s office. You threw the door open and closed, loudly.
“Aw! I was going to bring you lunch to you desk, with this cute little unicorn cupcake I bought for you...you look like you just got flashed. Are you okay?” Penelope pulled you into her abandoned chair.
You let out a deep sigh of breath, tugging off your blazer. “I’m so, I’m so...I’m so ugh! He’s so hot, and he knows it. And I’m pretty sure he knows that I think he’s hot, and he’s just so smug, I can’t deal with it. Like, look at his stupid face, Penelope! It’s- UGH!”
Penelope giggled at your reaction. She grabbed your hands and squeezed on tight. “Listen, my love, deep breaths. Is it really so bad if he finds out you’ve been pining over him for a year?”
“Yes! Yes it would! He’s, like, a 20 outta 10. And I’m, like, at least just a 6,” You exclaimed.
Penelope stomped a foot, making you jump in your seat. “Excuse me! Don’t talk about my best friend like that. You are a 1,000. Hell, you are infinite out of 10. Plus, hes just a man. Since when were you so concerned with men and their opinions?”
“Since one made me feel like I was a 10th grade again...” you pouted up at your friend.
Penelope awed at your expression, dropping your hands and wobbling over to her purse. She brought out a purple unicorn cupcake, as promised. She cracked open the plastic covering and set it front of you.
“Eat away the feelings, love. I will be right back with some flower-cut finger sandwiches and homemade lemonade,” Penelope turned to leave, but you stood and tugged her into a hug.
“I’m sorry for being so grouchy about my birthday. I just hat-“
“The attention. I know. It’s alright,” she pulled back and tapped your nose, “I just want to celebrate my beautiful best friend. After today, I will leave you alone. Forever.”
You scoffed as she left, “Yeah, right.”
The day soon came to a close, though you felt like throwing up as each hour passed. Luke continued to make remarks, little, flirtatious ones that had you squirming in your seat. You bit back with quiet mhm’s and sarcastic one-liners. Each time you focused on your work, you felt his eyes watching you. You flipped him off at one point, only gaining a wolf whistle that made you look up and a cheeky wink with, “You make it so hard to love you.”
Penelope dragged you back to your car and into your apartment as quick as possible. She wouldn’t tell you what time things were happening, or what was happening at all. Just that the team would meet you all there. She tossed open the doors to your closet, tearing through the hangers like a wolf.
“You better be coming tomorrow morning to clean this all up,” you crossed your legs and leaned back in your bed. Your birthday had landed on a Friday, lucky enough.
“Oh, yeah, yeah. I’m just trying to find something that screams, ‘Luke Alvez, let me climb you like a tree, but also bend me over the desk because it is my birthday!’”
You gasped the loudest you had ever, pure shock overcoming you. “Penelope Garcia, that was the filthiest thing you have ever, ever said!”
Penelope was giggling inside your closet, but cut herself off with a gasp that matched your own. “I found it! I found it, I found it.”
She pulled out a black dress you had bought a while ago for JJ’s wedding. You never ended up wearing it because you felt it drew too much attention to your chest, and you were nervous for that. But Penelope threw it over your head and turned her focus to your curling iron.
“No if’s, and’s, or but’s, my love. You are wearing it. No questions! No complaints! Hurry!”
Eventually, you were ready to go, matching Penelope’s height in blush pink, open-toed heels. Penelope had taken off your everyday makeup and went completely nuts. She made you look incredibly hot in a way you couldn’t even describe. You felt attractive as you walked with Penelope to her car.
The first stop on the birthday celebration, after Penelope had argued with you to put back on the crown and sash (you had), was a really fancy restaurant. You and Penelope often admired it from afar, every time you walked this street to shop and get drinks with the girls. One time, you’d even walked in to see how much it would be and automatically turned around.
“Don’t even try to object, just get out of the car,” Penelope had ran around the car after throwing it in park, pulling open your door excitedly.
She grabbed your arm and tugged you from your seat. You stumbled onto your heels, balancing on the concrete of the sidewalk. You clutched your purse to your chest as the feelings of insecurity and nerves inhabited your body. Penelope threw her arm into your and set the pace. Inside, the hostess asked for the name and you weren’t surprised that it was under ‘Rossi.’
The entire team was sitting at a lengthy table in a private, little corner of the building. You slouched as you noticed them, stopping in your tracks. Penelope didn’t say much, just pushed back your shoulders, patted your cheek, and presented a wide grin. You felt slightly better and put on faux confidence as you made your way to the table.
“Hey! Look who finally arrived!” Dave held up his champagne glass, dressed in his same old two piece suit.
Spencer, Emily, and Matt twisted in their seats to look at you. Luke and Dave were across from them and your breath hitched when the former looked up from the menu in his hands. He smiled cheekily, eyes flickering up and down your body.
Everyone stood up, exchanged hugs as if you hadn’t just seen each other. Penelope sat across from Matt, next to Dave, leaving the only open seat at the head of the table, next to Spencer and Luke.
Luke hugged you last, large hands gently pressing against your hip and back. You shivered beneath his touch and he felt the tense slouch you gave. When he pulled back, he whispered in your ear, “You look beautiful.”
With bright red cheeks, you pulled in your chair and sat. Soon enough, Spencer was pouring you champagne, the waiter was collecting orders, and you were picking at a buttery roll. The team was exchanging conversation that you occasionally chimed in on. It was normal routine. You were surprised Penelope hadn’t thrown in the middle of a bowling alley or something along those lines. This was perfect.
The food came, finally, and the conversation slowed somewhat. Luke nudged you with his elbow and you looked up to meet his eyes.
“How’s your birthday going, princesa?” He bit off a piece of steak.
You swallowed, reaching for your champagne. “It’s really good, actually. I was worried Pen would go over the top. But this is good.”
“You’re not one for attention, I noticed,” he flicked his brows up.
You shook your head gently, “It makes me nervous.”
“Well, I apologize for toeing the line with my comments and stuff.”
“No, it’s...” your eyes flickered away from his, but came back, “it’s okay. I...like it.”
Luke grinned widely, eyes glinting, “Oh, really?”
You blushed and looked down, “Don’t push it, Alvez.”
Luke did push it, though, “Hey, it’s cute. You’re cute.”
You kicked him under the table and he went back to his food with a playful laugh.
Eventually, the food was finished. You handed your plate to the waiter before wiping off your hands and sighing. “Does anybody want dessert?”
The team glanced at you and then to Penelope. She shrugged, “No, I’m good.”
You tilted your head, “There’s somewhere else that we’re going, isn’t there?”
Penelope shrugged again, avoiding your eyes and caressing the mouth of her glass. “No, no there isn’t.”
“Okay, then you won’t mind if I just catch a cab home,” you stretched your arms above your head, yawning. “I’m awfully tired.”
Penelope shouted, “No! No, do not move. I will make Luke hold you down if I have to.”
“You always say so much, Pen, so much,” you bantered with a knowing smile.
She huffed, eyes rolling back, “And you always ruin it.”
Luke winked at you before nodding towards an approaching waiter. He held a giant cake in his hands, with lit sparklers and candles. The team broke out into song and you hid your face in your hands.
You felt warm hands on both of yours, pulling them from your space. Luke held your eyes on his, singing softly with the team. He managed to ground you, to make you feel more comfortable in this setting as the cake was put down in front of you. He tugged your hands back and forth in a little dance, drawing a grin to you face.
“Make a wish, princesa,” he pointed to the cake, holding onto one hand.
You shut your eyes, blowing hard and aiming for the candles. They went out, the sparkles fizzling to an end. Suddenly, your face went red hot and you squealed. Spencer took a big glob of frosting on his finger and smeared it all over your face.
You opened your eyes, squinting to avoid getting icing in your eyes. “Spence Reid! What the hell?!”
The team laughed, and you couldn’t help but join them. Luke’s fingers intertwined with yours, settling on your lap. He squeezed.
You took your own bit of frosting and reached across the table. Spencer tried to hide in Emily’s side, but she pushed him into your finger. He stuck his tongue out and licked a bit of frosting from his chin.
You tossed your head back, laughing the loudest you had ever. Emily called from her end of the table, “Well, now we know who our next unsub might be.”
Rossi replied, “And the victimology would be tall, skeletal, dorky men with unbrushed hair and the inability to shut up.”
“Oh, yes! Time to roast Spencer!” You closed your fist around a napkin, shaking it at the doctor. “Yes, yes, yes!”
You didn’t feel as insecure anymore- you finally felt comfortable. Luke’s hand stayed in yours as you began to wipe off your face.
JJ took her turn, “Hey, have some hope. Maybe she’ll only kidnap you.”
“How is that any better?” Spence exclaimed.
Penelope finished JJ’s thought, “Because you’ll bore her so much with your ‘actually’s’ that she’ll just drop you back off where she took you from.”
You wiped at the frosting on your house, probably just smearing it. Luke tapped your hand, holding his palm open. “Here, let me.”
You hesitantly handed him the napkin and he twisted a small section. He dipped it in a forgotten glass of water and using that part to wipe off the frosting.
“You know, I could just lick it off, like Reid, here,” Luke tapped your nose as he moved to the other side of your face.
You squeezed his hand, giggling, “In privacy.”
“Oh?” He retracted his hand, but you grabbed his wrist and pulled it back in place. “Oh, I see. I see. So I just have to get you alone.”
You swallowed, hard, a silence expanding between the two of you. His face fell slightly and he dropped his hand. You didn’t stop him.
“Are you being serious? Or is this just another banter of yours?” You muttered, hoping nobody was listening.
Luke sighed, pressing his elbow into the table and rubbing his forehead. His head hung low, but he looked up at you through his eyelashes. “You tell me.”
You squirmed under his gaze, redder than you’d ever been. Your mout hung agape and you tried to form a sentence. But, Penelope interrupted the moment. She came to your side with a butter knife and started cutting slices out of the cake for everyone.
“Here you go, my birthday queen!” Penelope set the first slice down in front of you.
You moved your hand and gaze from Luke, brandishing a fork. “Ah, I see I’ve moved up in ranks. It’s queen, now?”
“Red Queen could be your nickname, ya know, when the media flags you down for my murder,” Reid took a full plate from Penelope.
He cheekily smiled at you. “Oh, we’re still on this?”
He nodded, “We’re still on this.”
You and Spencer continued arguing about the possibility of his murder by your hand, the conversation soon turning into either of your opinions on the perfect way to actually murder someone. Sadly, the night was winding down.
But that didn’t mean Penelope didn’t have more plans. “Now, it is time for drinks and presents at Barb’s!”
The team pulled back on their coats, picking up the checks that were split and put on the table. You had just finished buttoning your jacket when you reached for your check that had been right next to your empty glass of champagne. You were surprised to see it missing. You felt around for it, but couldn’t seem to find it.
You caught up to the team, who were already paying. You grasped Penelope’s forearm and she grinned at you, “Yes, queen?”
You cracked a smile, though you were still confused. “Did you take my check?”
Penelope’s brows furrowed. “No. No I didn’t. Just see if you can get a new one.”
You sighed, then nodded. “Yeah, I guess that’ll work.”
You approached the register right after Penelope, the rest of the team lingering to the side to wait for you and Reid, who was behind you. “Hi, I was sitting with the rest of them and my check seems to have gone missing.”
“What did you order?” The hostess smiled kindly. You rattled off your order and she looked through the receipts.
“Oh, here it is,” she remarked, pulling it from the pile. “Uh, yes, it’s already been paid for.”
You leaned forward, attempting to see the receipt. She turned to towards you. “Who paid for it?” You asked.
She shrugged, “I can’t give out that information. Although, I could say that it’s your birthday, and you should just appreciate the kind effort.”
You thanked her and joined your friends. They were all in their own discussions, and the group began walking out when Spencer joined. You fell in stride beside Luke, accidentally.
You looked over at him and when he felt your stare, he returned your gaze. “What?” He let out a dry chuckle.
You cleared your throat, “Did you pay for my check?”
When he didn’t respond, you knew that he was answering your question.
“You didn’t have to do that,” your fingers felt from your pockets, noticing his were swinging between your hips. You let them find each other’s again.
Luke‘s stride ended, pulling you to a stop beside him. You turned your body to him as only the tips of your fingers touched. “What?”
Luke smiled at you, “You never told me.”
“Told you what?” You were far too nervous to give him the answer he craved to hear. One night of activities couldn’t calm your introverted behavior that much.
Luke groaned, tossing his head back. He pulled your hand into his all the way. “Come on, princesa. This is exhausting.”
You breathed steadily, trying to calm the hoards of butterflies flapping through your body. “I...I’m going to tell you that I want...”
You couldn’t word it properly, which was obvious, due to the wrinkled expression on your face. “I’m going to tell you that I want...god, Luke, help me out.”
Luke’s innocent little smile twisted into a cheeky smirk. His hand moved to your hip, pressing your stomach against his. He swept the hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek.
“What did you wish for, birthday girl?”
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italian-pastry · 4 years
Bnha Marriage Headcanons
- KiriBaku got married first no I will not change my mind
-Baku wanted to get it done right after they graduated so 1, they can be married before they really get into hero work and risk death and 2, they can focus on their work since they married already
-the thing is; they had no celebration
-they just went to a courthouse one day and signed the papers and boom they're done
-(jirou and shinsou were the witnesses since they can keep secrets)
-and no-one really said anything about it
-Bakugou just said to Kiri after a date (while they were still third-years) and was like
- "Let's get married"
-and Kiri was so shocked he was just like "oh ok sure"
-bakugou did not appreciate that
-they were married for 12+ years before they had a ceremony
-it was pretty epic ngl
-lots of red and gold and dragon-esque imagery because that stuff is rad
-wedding armour? I say yes
-bakugou threw the bouquet straight into Deku's face
-Eijirou and Katsuki hyphenated their last names (when they signed the papers after they graduated)
- Mr. And Mr. Bakugou-Kirishima
-Their kids got to be involved! It was great
-they actually waited a bit after they graduated and got their careers in order to get married (like responsible adults)
-they waited a year or two
-Izuku proposed (Shouto cried)
-the wedding was suprisingly extra for an anxious broccoli and bitchy peppermint
-lots of silver and stars
-Inko would've gotten into a fist-fight with Shouto if he didn't let her help pay for anything
-and said fight almost happened
-they ended up compromising and she helped pay for Izuku's suit
-All Might mostly happy-cried the entire time (he was Izuku's best man)
-endeavor? Whose he? We don't know him. He don't get to show. This is an Emdeavor-free zone
-Shouto started crying during the vows, and his best man (Bakugou) had to read them for him
-it was funny
-since the #1 pro hero was getting married, it was a huge deal for the media
-think the royal wedding levels of huge
-the wedding was just for family and friends tho
-so the paparazzi can suck it
-Shouto took Izuku's last name (because SCREW Endeavor)
- Tsu proposed a week or two after the TodoDeku wedding
-She'd been planning it for months her friends' wedding just so happen to have occured beforehand
-they were very efficient about planning the wedding tho so they were only engaged for like a few months (3-4)
-the wedding was magical
-nature Flowers FROGS
-you can bet your ass it was Princess and the Frog themed
-"they put chemicals in the water that turned the freaking frogs gay"
-they decided to not take each others' last names they just vibed with their own
-Urarake was DEFINITELY a bridezilla
-but like
-a badass bridezilla
-but she turned into a marshmallow during the actual ceremony
-she did better than Shouto tho
-she was able to actually say her vows
-the whole thing was super sweet
-the reception tho
-the reception was lit
-they totally had a preplanned first dance as wives
-and it was awesome
-Momo caught the bouquet
-Lesbian Luck if I may
-it was the ultimate Gal Pal ceremony
-it was an amazing mess from the beginning
-Sero proposed to his boyfs on their dating anneversary
-but it turns out
-Shinsou had the same exact idea
-(Kami hadn't really thought of it)
-so that was pretty fun for Kami, being proposed to by both of his boyfriends that day
-They got married before TodoDeku, but they weren't the first (not counting Kiribaku)
-Sero was just happy to be getting married, so he wasn't much help during planning
-Kaminari was the control-freak, surprisingly
-he just really wanted to have an amazing wedding don't judge this poor hopeless romantic
-shinsou just asked questions like "so when the priest guy says 'you may now kiss the grooms' how are we gonna kiss? There's three of us"
-Shinsou also almost forgot to get a suit
-he only got his suit like 2 weeks before the wedding date
-dont tell Kami, but the wedding was low-key kinda basic
-(oh except for the fireworks)
-but it was still amazing
-Eri was the flower girl and ring bearer
-I know she's like 11 at this point but hush she deserves this
-there were little pikachu cookies at the reception
-they were a hit
-since this is a poly wedding there were some complications
-there were 3 first dances as husbands
-3 sets of groomsmen (do they even have that many friends among the 3 of them?)
-there were some roadbumps
-but did they care?
-they all joined the Sero club and were just happy to be married
-they decided to be ~unique~ and they made an amalgamation of their last names
- Shin-ar-o (Shin from Hitoshi, Ar from Denki, O from Hanta)
-So they all have the last name Shinaro now
-their first kid was born 9 months after their honeymoon
-sooooo 👀
-Second to be married with a ceremony (Mina was almost disappointed)
-Mina proposed since Aoyama is mr. No balls
-he did buy her a ring that matched his engagement ring
-the wedding itself was very extra
-mina almost got cancelled because "her dress was sparklier than her husband"
-theme? No. Just sparkle
-Aoyama had really long vows that was generously seasoned with healthy doses of French
-Mina expected this and so her vows were pretty short
-Their reception was wild
-no children allowed
-it was an epic rave and they had a pretty fantastic time
-Mina and Aoyama actually spent a crap load of time planning the wedding
-they were fiances for almost 8 months
-since Aoyama is a low-key attention slut, the media was allowed to be involved
-(mostly everyone else with their weddings didn't really want the media to be involved)
-so they did a lot of interviews about the planning process and who they were hiring and who was involved and the whole shebang
-they legit had fun with it
-legally, Mina took Yuuga's last name, but everyone still uses Ashido (she wanted them to)
-Yuuga got drunk at the reception and proceeded to cry the rest of the night and ramble about how happy he was
-(Mina also got drunk but instead she danced on a table then proceed to pass out)
-they were the first to be married with a ceremony
-Ojirou proposed a few months after they graduated
-there were many botched proposal attempts before that
-but it worked out in the end
-Hagakure's dress made her look like a cupcake it was pretty fantastic
-Ojirou said 'Naw' to a black suit so he really rolled up in a baby blue suit
-slay king
-there was tons of cloud/sky imagery since that sounds super cute
-since Hagakure's dress was so poofy, she had a black swan moment during the reception and changed into a black dress more suited for dancing and general partying
-although they were the first wedding, they still had the biggest cake, to this day
-surprisingly, neither of them cried during the vows
-Ojirou did get pretty misty-eyed tho
-Hagakure will say she didn't cry but it's not like anyone can prove her wrong
-Tooru took Mashirao's last name
-Tooru Ojirou <3
-(Tooru was already pregnant when they got engaged but shhhhh don't tell nobody)
-they were one of the last to get married in the first group (like, there was a large group of people who all got engaged at once, and Momojirou was one of the last ones)
-Momo proposed but you know what that means
-the most extra engagement ring ever
-it was black and purple and amazing
-Jirou was a tad overwhelmed by it (but she still loves it)
-She has a plainer ring she wears out and about, she only wears the super fancy one during events
-it was also space themed and super pretty
-not nearly the most extra wedding, but certainly quite extra
-Jirou cried a lot
-Momo did a lot of pleased smiling
-it was real sweet
-their reception was elegant and amazing
-their first dance was AMAZING and heartwarming and just real sweet
-Momo just wanted to keep becoming more extra and more extra and even MORE extra
-Jirou had to reign her in a lot
-the venue and catering and all that stuff was lovely and expensive
-(which almost gave Jirou a stroke)
-Momo just wanted the best for her gal pal
-btw the gal pal joke was carried through the whole wedding
-it even said it on the invite
-"You have been formally invited to the Gal Pal wedding of Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyarozu"
-Jirou took on the Yaoyarozu last name because idk she felt like it
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soundofseventeen · 3 years
We Belong Together (Part Three)
Please be proud that I managed to turn a 369 word scene into this! I hope youre enjoying this as much as I did when i was writing it! If they’re too short please let me know: I have no problem throwing two things together and making it longer! Also Erin posted so....
Word count: 1352
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You peeked outside the curtain, wondering if anyone from your side of the invites came yet. Minhyuk had arrived first, the tuxedo in its dry cleaner plastic thing, parading around the halls, screaming about how he was the first one there, but you didn’t bother to leave your dressing room to greet him. You needed to be reassured your guests would be coming, though it’d also mean you’d have to deal with the guilt for them coming to the wrong wedding. 
You noticed Hyunwoo, Hyungwon, and even Hoseok show up before someone that wasn’t for Jooheon came for you….nope it was a mutual friend of yours. However, you didn’t know whether to feel relieved or worried when the first bridesmaid showed up by herself. 
She didn’t say anything other than, “Good morning,” and gave you a bright smile but you expected that since she wasn’t much of a speaker, especially so early in the morning. 
Park Ahnjong had been one of Pledis’s longtime backup dancers, and occasionally filled in for one of Pristin’s members when one of them couldn’t. Many a time when Seventeen were either in meetings, or kicked you out so they could record, (or even rarely when you got bored) you wandered through the buildings until you’d find her in one of the practice rooms, working on whatever routine she was asked to do. you clicked with her immediately,over your love of traveling and general inability to stay home. During the times you saw Seventeen live (backstage naturally), you’d go and talk with Ahnjong since she didn’t need to be up onstage at the same time as they did, and sometimes went out to breakfast with her. She became the closest thing to a friend you had, despite her initial shyness (and wariness) when it came to meeting strangers (and having 13 clingy boys who at different times wanted your attention), so when you broke the news you had to leave for a time, but to not tell anyone, she came to your old home and threw a secret farewell party, aka a final sleepover including pizza and all your favorite movies.
When you came back and eventually told her everything you did, and what happened, it had shocked her when you asked her to be in your wedding and it shocked you even more that she agreed. You expected her to say no and that what you were doing was wrong. She had seen the smiles on both your face and Jihoon’s too many times, whether you were dropping off food or coming to take his mind off the music, but she stayed quiet, since it wasn’t her business. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t bring another cup of coffee,” she apologized to you after a moment, “I thought there was gonna be more people in here.”
“It’s okay. I wouldn’t have been able to drink it. Um, we’re still waiting for the artists so help yourself to the snacks we put here, or you can start getting ready.”
“Do you want me to get you coffee?”
“I’m fine.”
“Why aren’t you in your dress yet Y/N?” She frowned at the fact you were still in your robe.
You didn’t have the heart to tell Ahnjong that you didn’t wanna restrict your airflow again and that you would’ve rather chucked it out the window so you wouldn’t see it ever again but you had fake the good mood around everyone today. “I don’t want to ruin it. You know, being a klutz and all.”
She chuckled at the comment, believing you. “Noted.” It made you wonder which particular incident(s) stood out for her and before you could ask, she spoke again. “I still remember the time you asked Ren and Mingyu to help you bring all those cupcakes for Nana’s birthday and somehow one of the boxes ended up splattered over the ceiling, and you guys tried to clean it up without anyone noticing.”
“And one of the cupcakes that was stuck on the ceiling fell on my hair when you came out to see why we were being so loud and we tried to act like nothing was wrong.” You remembered that day too well. Mingyu, being the tallest in the group, was recruited to mop the ceiling and complained when the mop water fell on him and in the midst of that, somehow bumped Mingi in the head and toppled over, spilling the water that was in the bucket, and you screamed when the water seeped into your shoes. 
Ahnjong had just come back from her lunch break when all that commotion was happening and no matter how hard you tried to convince her that nothing suspicious happened, a cupcake that the three of you missed unstuck from the ceiling, fell on your hair, and stained the white shirt you were wearing that day. You were eventually able to clean everything up, but your shoes made the sloshing noise every time you walked during Nana’s small gathering and Jihoon stepped out to get you a pair you left one time from the dorms when he was still living with some of the boys. 
You smiled at the memory, and immediately deflated when you remembered that you were no longer in the past and instead in the present, a couple hours walking away from walking down the aisle with Jooheon and starting your new life with him and his cats. Jihoon shouldn’t have been on your mind. He wasn’t in your life anymore.
You continued to keep watch through your window, everyone coming for Jooheon making you more anxious because it felt like it was everyone you invited got together sometime during the week and decided to blow you off because you weren’t marrying the right person and you didn’t deserve their presence.
Still on the topic of the dress and needing an excuse to keep your mind busy, you offered to show it to her. Not putting it on right away obviously, but unzipping the bag it came in so she could assess it.
“Pretty,” she said after she examined it front and back. “Has that much time really passed?”
“What do you mean by that?” You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion and if you allowed yourself to be honest, a bit bugged by her comment.
“Nothing, it’s just that...I never would’ve pictured you wearing something like this. Do you remember that time we went shopping and we passed by one of those salons?”
“Oh. Yeah.” Ahnjong did a point there. What you had now really wasn’t your style but again, you were only looking at the prices, blindly believing that the most expensive one would’ve made you feel something other than the culpability. (It did make you feel better knowing this was something you paid for yourself though, even if it meant maxing out one of your credit cards.) You looked for something to stay busy, flitting between the window and the door, hoping for a new face.
 “Y/N, I get you’re nervous, but please stop pacing. You’re making me nervous,” Ahnjong scolded you gently.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Here, I’ll sit down.” You walked to the nearby chair and plopped down, immediately crossing your ankles and shaking the bottom foot. You looked around nervously, not really sure what to talk about anymore. “An?”
“Why did you agree to be my bridesmaid?” You figured she would’ve at least talked to you about the abrupt change in your private life.
“I mean if you’re happy with your choices, then we should be supportive if you. Just promise you won’t run away from Jooheon. And if you plan to, at least warn him.” She walked over to you and placed her hand on your shoulders. “I’m sorry, I love you and all but you’re driving me crazy. I’m gonna grab you a coffee since no one else is here yet.” She looked around the room, searching for a clock. “I should be back before the artists but if any of the other bridesmaids show up, I guess they can get started.”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 141
Keith was tucked up in bed, saline IV drip in his arm. Lance had been jerking them off when Keith threw up across him. Orgasm, puke, panicked Keith. Moment ruined. Getting Keith up, showered, the bedding stripped and changed, his boyfriend was finally asleep. So much for coming back with a level head... Matt wasn’t Keith sitting ever again. Still, he was kind of cute when he was sleeping and sprouting nonsense. It wasn’t even funny nonsense. Their twins had been upgraded to cupcakes... so that was kind of funny, but Keith obviously not his limits both alcohol wise and mentally.
Heading into the living room, Rieva was back. He really wished they use the front door rather than balcony hoping
“How’s yours?”
“Had to put an IV line. Yours?”
“Tequila hit and he’d acquainting himself with the toilet”
“Did Matt say much?”
“Only that Keith was pretty much babbling by the third shot and obliterated by the 5th shot...”
“Surprised he made it that long... Am I... I did this, didn’t I?”
“Matt did. He wasn’t supposed to take Keith drinking while Keith was upset”
“Keith was upset because of me”
They’d got a lot done with Keith and Matt gone. He’d drafted his will, two copies, one in case Keith didn’t come back, which was now shredded, the other Rieva acted as his witness for. He didn’t have much, but if something happened he wanted Keith and the twins to be provided for. Everything but the coffee machine left to his boyfriend, which went to Pidge as a joke. Keith would decide how to split his assets and if there was something in particular their two best friends wanted Lance was confident Keith would let them take it. Shiro and Curtis to raise their twins if something happened. He hadn’t told Keith, because Keith didn’t want to think about things going wrong. He had a copy of his mother’s will, she’d tried to leave him things but he knew his siblings would contest it. The one thing he knew Luis would want would be Mami’s wedding and engagement ring set, to pass on. He’d slipped it off her finger before they flew back to America, then slid it back on at the service. Even if Luis wanted it, it was where it belonged. Where their Papi had slid it into place all those decades ago.
“Keith was upset because you’ve barely had time to talk about anything properly. Matt did mention you may wish to avoid the hotel lounge. Keith got a bit vocal about your sex life”
Lance groaned. Drunk Keith was a slut. Matt should have known better
“He’s lucky he doesn’t have alcohol poisoning... He’s also lucky Coran sent me back with extra medical supplies. Grab an IV bag if Matt needs one”
Rieva shrugged a shoulder
“He can suffer. I expected more maturity”
“I don’t know... Pidge turns to alcohol to solve all her problems”
“Yes, well. I only popped over to see how you were handling Keith. I can smell vomit in the air”
“Puked all over me. Gotta admit, as gross as it was, it was nice to not be the one throwing up all the time”
Not that Lance wanted to see Keith throwing up. He was pissed at Matt for letting Keith get into this state. Rieva was lucky he could see her and only smell Matt. His ego wanted to punch their friend in the face. Rieva screwed her nose up at his words
“At least mine made it to the bathroom. My plans for a swim are cancelled. Shall I pick you up something for dinner?”
“Yeah. That’d actually be great. Keith’s going to need food to soak up all the alcohol in his system. He still smells like a walking tequila bottle”
“He’ll be feeling it tomorrow. Alright, I’ll pop back soon. You should try rest too. You’re looking a little washed out”
“Try washing Keith when he’s crying, apologising, and groping me all at the same time”
“Nope. That’s a hard pass. I really am sorry for Matt’s actions”
“It’s fine. I totally owe you for today, so I’ll call it even”
“On the plus side, Coran’s fitting the drinks bill...”
He didn’t see that as a plus side. He’d have to pay something towards the room tab before they checked out. The rooms were something like $350 a night and he’d already been there twoish months... or was it three? He didn’t quite know where Keith got three months from. Maybe drunk Keith would tell him?
“... anyway, I’ll see you soon!”
Rieva was back out the window and across the next balcony before Lance could sigh. They were going to get busted for it. All it’d take was someone looking up and opening their big mouths over it. Just another reason why supernaturals shouldn’t be mixing with humans.
Heading back to Keith, his boyfriend was still in the same position Lance had left him in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he placed his hand on Keith’s hair, letting the soft locks flop over his fingers. He didn’t know what Keith was thinking. Him taking the bite? What kind of crap was that? Keith would probably die before turning. If he turned, he’d have none of the benefits that came with turning young. He was trying to sign up for a life he knew wasn’t as glamorous as Hollywood made believe. He wasn’t going to take Keith’s warmth from him. He wasn’t going to curse him to their weird life. He loved his breathing happy human boyfriend. The feel of his strong heartbeat. The softness of Keith’s warmth as if cocooned around him. His scent. His smile. His ability to function without coffee. Humans were fragile, but he wouldn’t let Keith take the bite. One lifetime with Human Keith was as good as a million with vampire Keith who risked insanity and the troubles of ego. The constant risk of blood borne infection. Their egos might not even get along. Keith’s might outright reject the parts of him he’d liked as a human, and Lance might never recover from the guilt he knew would come if he turned him.
Stroking Keith’s hair, he wished they’d stay like this. Together. He shouldn’t have kept things from Keith, but Keith severely miscalculated how low Lance was. He’d barely started recovering when Mami passed. Yeah, he knew Keith hadn’t had a fun time, but... yeah. He’d fucked things up. The pat on the head and the reassurance he craved came from Rieva. She’d gone to get herself a glass of water from the kitchenette, seeing all the injections and stuff Coran had him taking on top of fresh blood, that he now definitely assumed had been cut off thanks to Keith coming, though feeding from Keith was dangerous. A full feed would leave him weak, his body not able to keep up with his desires to feed Lance as much as he needed. He supposed vampires would simply call in pets to entertain other breeders, that wasn’t what he wanted at all. Love was worth more than blood. Could a human not love a vampire? Or was Keith struggling with the idea of mortality?
Then there was what he’d said. Marriage. Um. Lance wasn’t in a rush. He didn’t feel he had to be married to be with Keith. It went against his romantic heart, but he also didn’t want an engagement ring out of duty. Things like marriage should wait. They hadn’t been together a year, rushing to sign up for the rest of their lives without ironing out the teething problems asked for trouble. Werewolves were different with their concept of marriage. Vampires different again. Vampires generally didn’t marry humans. Humans were generally only ever pets. Keith was not his pet. Did Keith not see them as partners? Did he really see Lance as out of reach permanently if he didn’t take the bite? He hated the thought. The thought he’d drifted so far away from being human in his boyfriend’s eyes. Why couldn’t what they’d had and would have be enough?
Falling asleep against Keith, Rieva woke him gently. Matt hanging back, looking like shit
“I’ve brought dinner up if you’d like to join us”
It was food time already? His nap schedule ruined, and his body making it’s dislike known. He’d barely had anything to drink either. One day back with Keith and he acting like a kid
“Yeah... smells good”
“Chicken and rice. Extra for Keith”
“Thanks. I’ll give you the money...”
“We already decided we’re even. I know I told you to nap, yet, I can’t say you seem too rested”
“I got too caught up in taking care of him that I might have forgotten to eat”
Rieva took him by the arm, pulling Lance off Keith who whined in his sleep, patting around for him. Leaning back, Lance kissed Keith’s cheek, his boyfriend’s breath hideous, but trying to brush Keith’s teeth didn’t exactly work when his boyfriend wanted to suck on the toothbrush
“Babe, you awake?”
Nope. He needed sleep. The more sleep the better. He was going to be hung over as fuck
“You just sleep. I’ll be back soon”
“I know. You regret your life choices. It’s okay, just sleep it off”
“I love you, too”
The three of them left Keith sleeping, Matt throwing himself down on the sofa with such force Lance was worried it was about to break
“I’m amazed you speak drunken Keith. He stopped making sense to me”
Lance shook his head
“Thanks for that. I don’t, and I don’t appreciate you getting him drunk”
“Trust me, dude. No more tequila for him. no mas tequila”
Matt’s Spanish was like nails on a chalk board, making him cringe. He’d even thrown in a very bad Spanish accent trying to sell the three words
“Did he try hitting on you? He’s a slut when he’s drunk”
“No. That would have been easier to deal with. It was all “I love Lance!”. “Lance likes it when I hold hips down and fuck him!”. “Lance is perfection!”. “Lance is life!”. I want my cupcakes!””
Lance groaned. He’d never be able to face any of the hotel staff again
“You shouldn’t have taken him drinking...”
“I know! He just seemed like he needed to let loose”
There was any number of things Matt could have taken Keith off and done...
“Then take him for Karaoke. Give him like two shots and he’ll get up there... Do you have any idea what he’s been saying?”
“That he’s serious about being with you?”
“That the wants to be bitten”
“Ah. He’ll get over that”
Matt waved it off dismissively
“That doesn’t seem like something he’ll just get over, Matt”
Not when Keith had this idea of forever being unnaturally long
“He had something like 8 shots. He won’t remember”
“That’s beside the point because I remember. Couldn’t you have picked something else to talk about?”
“Trust me, I tried”
Rieva interrupted the pair of them
“Aaaaaanyway, Lance, you need to eat. One full blood bag and your food”
“I will”
“You’ll do it now or you’ll forget”
“I don’t forget. It’d be so much easier if I did”
“I don’t care for your excuses, eat, now”
He wasn’t trying to make excuses. He’d come out to eat with his... pack. He was just trying to learn about what Keith had said while drunk. Not putting off eating. This was why he had a hard time accepting the help of his friends because, despite wanting the best for him, he now felt slightly smothered.
Thanks to the feeling of being smothered, Lance was distant through dinner. Before he knew what happened he found his plate emptied. Matt and Rieva also having finished eating, with Matt looking too well after the greasy chicken
“If you’re going to puke, please try to make it to the bathroom”
The scent of Keith’s vomit was bad enough. He didn’t need Matt puking, he was liable to start vomiting at any moment as it was. The chicken looked good, tasted good, but the amount of oil coupled with the scent was definitely not good.
Matt nodded, chicken bone still his mouth
“I think I’m going to eat and run before you start sucking down that blood”
Matt shrugged
“He said to go if I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling sick, take care of meeee”
Eh. Close enough. He had Keith to nurse as it was
“I’m sorry, Lance. Matt’s banned from drinking until we get home”
Good luck with that one. Matt not drinking was like Keith not having coffee. If he wanted to drink, he would. That was just how Matt was
“What? Babe. Nooooo”
“You should have thought about that before you ruined our plans. You reap what you sow”
“Lance, please tell me we’re on the first plane out of here tomorrow”
He got it. He was interrupting their lives. Yep. He knew it. Rieva and Matt should be back in America. He’d lasted long enough on his own. He could manage
“You guys can go if you really want to, but I want to spend some more time here”
Rieva elbowed Matt
“Lance, we’re not leaving until you are ready”
Open wound. Pour in salt. Bam. Same feeling as what he felt at Rieva mothering him
“I’ll think about it some more. Thanks for the help earlier. It felt good to get things organised”
“You’re very welcome. Don’t stay up too late”
That meant no walk along the beach alone at night. Too bad for Rieva that he was going to. Lance supposed it was a bit weird, but to him it was like a treat for making it through the day. He could walk the beach, swim if he felt like it, breathe in the salt air and just let go
“Alright. Off you both go. I’ll take care of the clean up”
He’d said alright. Not that he’d promised to. It’d been far too long since he’d been swimming and he’d always loved the water. Going home meant returning to dry inland heat and not a pool in sight. Why couldn’t people just trust him to make the choices that made him happy and his head less busy? No one bothered him. He bothered no one. He always dressed warmly enough... He’d wake Keith up and let him know before he went. No one could be mad at him for that. This was why he’d been keeping so much to himself. Because he knew his mental health was being a little shit and his ego a flaring arsehole. He’d asked for time, not for love to be shoved down his throat at the first possible instance until it choked him.
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lilywoood · 4 years
Bubble Wednesday 2
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For my lovely @translucent-bisexual to whom I promised a second part and for all of you as an early V-day gift here is a second non expected part two of the Bubble serie ♥️
Also tagging : @cherishingstydia @felicitous-one @diazbuckleysworld @chrrlees @gxtop @impossiblealice @hardychick89
Word count : 1572
Song : Lover - Taylor Swift
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It was Saturday night, usually Saturday night rhymed with superheroes movies marathon, greasy snacks, candies and diet coke, it also rhymed with pillow forts and staying up late until 1 am, they loved Saturday night, they lived for it, it was a Diaz-Buckley family tradition, but ever since the engagement announcement Saturday night became wedding night planning, which meant that Chris was in bed earlier, which also meant that their home was invaded by three crazy bridemaidzillas (aka Maddie, Pepa and abuela), they were usually there from 7pm to 11pm, and even though at first they hadn’t mind the help, quite the opposite,but right now Buck couldn’t take it anymore and the more Saturday they spent tearing his ears off with wedding stuff the more he found himself losing patience and faking to enjoy their presence.
Yes he was unexperienced in everything that came close to wedding preparation, it wasn’t his fault though he’d never pictured himself getting married one day, always believing that he was too much of a disaster to be marriage material, it wasn’t until Eddie that he believed he could have his happily ever after too, still when he pictured what being married looked like he always imagined that it was something quaint, peaceful and quiet like Eddie and his relationship.
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Right now the bridemaidzillas were arguing about tablecloths color when he decided that enough was enough, he loved them, he truly loved them but each and every one had its own limits and for Buck those were tablecloths.
Plus he missed Eddie, missed their alone time , they needed a break, needed to find each other back, needed to take back their wedding.
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Eddie was patiently waiting the end of his shift playing candy crush when the message notification popped out signaling a new text from Buck, he chuckled as he read the two words he’d been dreaming of for weeks now, Buck was asking for ‘‘Bubble Wednesday’’ and Eddie was surprised that he’d stuck as long as he did with those three.
~ ‘‘That bad” he texted back waiting patiently for the three little dots to transform into a text, which he was sure would be entertaining.
~ “Maddie is asking Pepa if you can lift me like Patrick Swayze in dirty dancing” Buck replied adding lot of emoji’s to show him how desperate he was to get out of the usual Saturday wedding planning .
~”Cherry and strawberries” he sent back even though he was more entitled by vanilla candles and monoi soap with the day he had, his shift had been beyond difficult between three houses fires caused by people smoking inside and almost losing a kid because of the smoke inhalation he just wanted to come home and relax with his favorite scents.
~”Nah, vanilla and monoi this time” Buck replied, Eddie smiled at his phone a bit awed that Buck had knew right away what he needed, though after all this time he knew he shouldn’t be, even before they started dating Buck always seemed to read him perfectly.
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Buck found himself smiling while absent mildly caressing his locker screen, it was a picture of Chris, Eddie and him at their engagement party two months ago, it was the only thing that could make him feel calm and peaceful enough the past few days, and more so on Saturdays.
He remember how they had been unaware of Hen taking their picture until she had texting it to him, that pictures was his treasure, it was the embodiment of happiness for him, it was just him and his boys dressed in white and goofing around with cupcakes.
He remembered the engagement party, it had been simple, just them, their close friends and family, when Athena and Bobby had surprised them with it they had been so happy, so grateful, he remembered how he naively exclaimed that he wanted the same thing for their wedding totally ignoring that by saying this out loud chaos would ensue, immediately after his declaration Pepa, Maddie and abuela volunteered themselves to make that silly dream happen and now two months later he was stuck in his living-room suffering his bridemaidzillas bickering about tuxedos color, this was where the line had definitely been crossed as Eddie and him had already picked what the three of them were going to wear that day, he reminded himself that he loved those women but right now they needed to go.
-Eddie is on his way, he announced cutting short their quarrel before being interrupted by Pepa.
-Perfect, she smiled looking at her two stooges, that way Edmundo would tell us if he prefer a black and boring tuxedo or the blue one I picked for him, she babbled happily.
-Girls, Buck sighed pitching the bridge of his nose, he’s on his way and clearly not in the mood, he got a really rough shift and he wants to sleep it off, he half lied.
-Oh alright, Maddie smiled squeezing his hand in understanding, we’ll see ourselves out then, she added kissing his cheek, take care of him and see you next Saturday, she singsang followed by the two older women.
Buck closed the door sighing in relief after he made sure they were really gone, he then sent a quick text to Eddie telling him that the coast was clear, before he went on to prepare everything for their first ‘‘Bubble Wednesday’’ as an engaged pair.
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It was close to midnight when Eddie finally came home from his shift, saying he was tired would have been an understatement, he was beat but also hyped to see what kind of ‘‘Bubble Wednesday’’ Buck organized for him, the hype lasted for five seconds though as his parked his car he noticed that all the lights were off inside and wondered if it meant that Buck had to cancel their little rendezvous.
He trudged to the door bummed and sad at the perspective to come home to a silent house and sleeping Buck, almost forgetting how his fiancé loved surprise and even more surprising him, the bad mood and sadness quickly left him the minute he opened the door to find a trail of white and pink roses petal on the floor illuminated by the trembling light of his favorites vanilla candles.
He hastily threw his duffel on the sofa and followed the path in eager anticipation, he quickly made his way to their bathroom and had to repress a laugh at the sight of Buck already in the tub his chest covered in glittered shaped heart, a red roses between his teeth while he wiggled his brows seductively at him.
-Took you long enough, he stated suavely tending him the rose.
-Would you rather I’d come sooner leaving you no time to prepare everything, Eddie retorted taking the flower and bending to kiss his forehead.
-Once again you’re no fun, he pouted.
-Oh I’m no fun, he questioned stopping his undressing, I guess that I’ll shower alone then, he shrugged laughing when Buck started to growl.
-You better get your pretty ass in that tub or so god help me.
-There, there, he chuckled getting rid of his pant and joining him in the tub.
He let himself melt against Buck strong and glittered chest, the blond held him tightly against him brushing his hair with the tip of his nose, he then started to move his hand up and down his back, he felt something cold ,rubbed on it and instantly knew that Buck was using the oil he got them for V-day, he was making small circles with his thumbs, untangling the knot in his back, making moan in delight, he felt the pressure leave his body and for the first time in two months he felt himself relax, gone were the bridemaidzillas impromptu calls, gone was the extravagant wedding mess, it was just him and Buck, it was finally peaceful and quiet.
-God I missed this so much, he moaned feeling himself melt a bit more under Buck’s professional touch.
-What the back rub or me, he joked kissing his temple.
-Both, Eddie chuckled, past few months had been hectic, he groaned meeting the blond eyes, felt like we only crossed path, he added, I missed you.
-I know, I missed you too, Buck sighed, wedding stuff are getting a bit out of hand.
-That putting it nicely.
-You know what, Buck mused.
-No what, Eddie mumbled fearing where it was going
-We should elope, he declared matter of factly his eyes gleaming with excitement
-I think we should address your tendencies for naked proposition, Eddie joked biting his lips
-I’m being serious Edmundo, Buck pouted
-Yes, he breathed softly taking Eddie’s face in his hands, that wedding extravaganza it isn’t us at all, he croaked, we don’t need lilac tablecloth or some hipster band Maddie found god know where...
-Lilac tablecloth, Eddie interrupted
-Yes lilac, Buck gasped in fake horror, but seriously Ed what do you say?
-Just us and Chris, he demanded, gaining an eager nod from the younger man, and you’ll deal with the three musketeer’s wrath
-Yes, yes and yes, Buck giggled, as long as we get married in our own way and as long as become Evan Diaz faster then I’ll deal with everything, he beamed
-Evan Diaz, Eddie smiled softly, it have a nice ring, he breathed kissing him lovingly.
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Begin Again (Mortician!Steve and Baker!Bucky Modern “Moving On” AU)
Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. It all went by so quickly that Steve felt like he hadn't even blinked the tears from his eyes. Only, the tears had dried up in the last eight months.
A lot had changed in the last eight months.
Babysitting his nephews and niece more. Hanging out with Sam. Spending some much needed quality time with Natasha. Chaperoning Eddie and Daisy at a concert to a band that Steve had never heard of and probably wouldn't be looking up on his own. Accepting a few phone numbers. Even going on some dates that led no further than a polite, "It was nice to meet you," at the end.
Twisting his longer hair into a small bun at the nape of his neck, Steve went about his morning routine. Brushing his teeth, grooming his beard. The boring stuff that Steve's tired mind could do on autopilot. Which was exactly the way he preferred it.
"Ready to run?" Steve asked Vinnie, leading the way into the kitchen and retrieving one of the homemade mint dog treats from the glass jar. They weren't Vinnie's favorite, but he still gobbled it up in two impressive bites. Leaving his breath just a little fresher.
Shaking his head, Steve zipped Vinnie's jacket-harness onto his large frame and gratefully accepted the slobbery kiss from the Weimaraner. Smiling, Steve scratched Vinnie between his ears before standing and grabbing his own lightweight jacket.
"Ready?" Steve asked, with the fleece item zipped all the way up and clipping the leash to Vinnie.
The dog's tail wagged, and Steve took that as a, "Yes!"
Making sure that his keys were in his black joggers, Steve led the way out of the complex. Instantly starting to run as soon as they reached the sidewalk. Although it was February, Steve was glad that most of the snow had melted and salt wasn't needed due to not enough ice slicking the cement. It was extremely helpful when he didn't have to worry about Vinnie's poor paws.
Running their usual track to the park, through the park, and on their way home. Only, today Steve changed up their routine. Deciding that it would be nice to swing by for something sweet. After all, he had made some progress. Instead of just liking each other's social media posts, Steve had started commenting on some of Bucky's posts. So, really, Steve deserved a cupcake.
Breathing heavily, Steve tied Vinnie's leash to the bench across from What's the Batter With You. Figuring that it was a good thing that his breathing was labored from the run since it drew the attention away from his shaking hands. Which was greatly appreciated.
Since Steve had been taking his morning runs later in the morning due to the winter bite, he entered the shop no later than ten minutes of it being open. Internally, Steve mocked himself for seeming so eager. Especially after all this time later.
"Hi there," a thin, young black woman greeted from behind the counter.
"Hi," Steve breathlessly replied, stepping closer so he could get a better look. Looking over the red, white, and pink cupcakes in the display, Steve couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips. Directing his attention to the menu board, he was pleasantly surprised to see that there were three new cupcakes added. Although it wasn't Valentine's Day just yet, there were themed cupcakes ready to go.
As he read over the new editions: Rocky Road to Your Heart, Your Kiss Is On My List, and Hoping It's Not Too Late, Steve's heart stuttered over the fourth one. For a moment, Steve couldn't breathe at all. Feeling as though all the air ever had been removed entirely as he read: I Should've Said, "I Love You, Too".
Eyes roaming over the spicy dark chocolate cake with cinnamon and cayenne cream cheese frosting, Steve wanted to believe that it was for him. And while half of him was floating on cloud nine at even the possibility, the other half was desperately clinging to the ground to remain levelheaded.
"Steve?" That familiar voice broke through his thoughts, causing his attention to snap over to the kitchen door. His steel-blue eyes wide as he looked over Steve like he was a ghost. And hell, maybe he was. He sure felt like one in that moment: numb and transparent. Running his hand through his newly cut hair -- short, more akin to the way it was in high school, Steve had thought when he saw the picture on facebook -- Bucky asked, "What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here -- because I do, I'm just surprised is all. Considering how things… yeah… You look good."
"I, uh," Steve started, gesturing towards the front of the shop where Vinnie was tied up outside, "Was running."
"Right," Bucky nodded and offered, "Vinnie can come in. It's pretty chilly out there and I can't imagine he's happy being out there."
"Okay," Steve nodded, agreeing as he awkwardly crossed the shop to get the Weimaraner. Not quite understanding why he was so awkward. Bucky owned the cake shop, for crying out loud, of course, he was going to be there!
Still, Steve wasn't expecting to see him. Wasn't expecting his heart trying to escape his chest to Bucky either. It had been eight months, and really, Steve had expected to be over the attractive brunet by now. Or maybe, hoping, was a better term. After all, none of the dates had dissuaded his heart from beating for Bucky Barnes.
When Steve returned to the shop, he noted that the other employee wasn't there now. The part that wanted to be overjoyed in the moment wanted to believe that she had left to give them some alone time. However, Bucky explained, "Shuri is getting some fresh pupcakes."
"Oh, he'll love that," Steve deadpanned, petting Vinnie's head.
"So, um," Bucky started but stopped almost immediately. Worrying his lower lip with his teeth, he kept his gaze on the counter before asking, "Can I get you a cupcake?"
At the mention of cupcakes, Steve looked up at the menu again. Eyes lingering on that one specific cupcake that he hoped was his, in some way. In any way. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he approached the counter and looked over the display cupcakes. Bringing his gaze up to Bucky, he tried not to look away when their eyes locked and questioned, "What do you suggest?"
"Well," Bucky pressed his lips together as he thought and Steve briefly watched the movement. "Why don't I surprise you? You take a seat and I'll join you?"
"Okay," Steve readily agreed and headed over to one of the two seater tables. Hand still shaking as he pulled the chair out for himself.
Before Steve could even take his seat, Bucky was joining him. Setting one plate down in front of Steve and the other in front of himself, Bucky took his seat. Stealing glances of Steve as he did so.
"So, how've you been?" Bucky asked.
"Fine," Steve lamely answered. More interested in Bucky, "You?"
"Fine," Bucky repeated, fighting a smirk. Glancing down at the cupcake, Bucky confessed, "I broke up with Tony."
Steve wasn't sure what to say to that. He already knew that due to them being friends online. Not that Steve had been counting the days or anything. But it did take thirty-seven days after the night they kissed for Bucky to make a post updating everyone that the wedding was off and to change his relationship status to single.
"I know, I saw," Steve bashfully decided on, ears red as he focused on the cupcake in front of him. Chocolate cake with spicy cream cheese frosting.
"Yeah, I guess you would," Bucky good-naturedly scoffed at himself. Then, he chuckled and admitted, "I don't know why, but I kinda expected you to be more enthusiastic."
"Why's that?" Steve's brows furrowed as he studied the brunet in front of him.
Bucky ran his hand through his tousled hair while the grin grew on his face, "I mean, it should be obvious, shouldn't it?"
Steve's heart slammed against his ribs at that, and he softly pleaded, "Spell it out for me?"
"Starting over?" Eyes flickering around Steve's face, Bucky conceded, "You. Me. Mexican food. Maybe a movie. This Friday works for me."
"This Friday is Valentine's Day," Steve nearly gasped at the realization.
"I know," Bucky confirmed. Chewing on his lip, he confessed, "I don't want to miss my chance and mess this up."
Biting back his grin, Steve teased, "Bucky Barnes, are you asking me to be your Valentine?"
"Absolutely," Bucky readily answered, leaving Steve stunned just the slightest bit. "And I'm hoping since I made you your own cupcake, you'll agree."
"Which cupcake?" Steve wondered aloud, hoping that he was right.
It must have showed in his expression because Bucky threw a crumpled napkin as he confirmed, "You already know!"
"Wishful thinking?" Steve shrugged as he caught the napkin.
Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes as he feigned exasperation, "What am I going to do with you?"
Grinning at the brunet, Steve placed his arm on the table with his palm up. Hoping that Bucky would accept it. Hoping that this was the start they both wanted. Both needed. Both deserved. After everything that they had been through, Steve really didn't feel like beginning again. He desperately hoped that this would be his last beginning when it came to his heart.
As Bucky placed his hand in Steve's and laced their fingers together, Steve knew that it was.
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creambunnie · 4 years
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ONEWE - Kanghyun
you sighed and sighed as you rolled around your bed.
it was a Saturday and you were bored to death. your parents left earlier for their wedding anniversary trip. so you were alone at home for 3 whole days.
you didn't feel like going out but you were just sooooooo restless not doing anything. you tried reading some books but you were just not feeling it.
you decided to just make some food for yourseld but the whole cooking and eating process onky took like 45 minutes.
you still had a long day to go. you quickly sat up on your bed when you thought of an idea.you reached for your phone to text your childhood friend!Hyungu.
well, Hyungu was one of your close friends because he was actually your neighbour who lives right next to your house . cliche bla bla but it was true.
your rooms were right opposite of each other so you could see each other through your room windows. sometimes you would secretly peek into his room and giggle to yourself.
yes you had a tiny little crush on him. Hyungu was always reading a book or playing his guitar when he was in his room. you really admire Hyungu when he was focused.
To : ☆Kang Hyungu☆
-- heyyyyy , you there? im kind of bored :(( --
you hit send and waited for a few minutes. you frowned and sighed. Hyungu was the only person you could think of right now. but he wasn't replying to your text anytime soon.
you went to the window and tried throwing some balled papers to knock his window. this was normal, the two of you would sometimes knock on each other's window to talk.
yeah phones exist but face to face interactions were just more precious. and also, because your windows were quite far and your voices would always be drowned together with the street noises, you and Hyungu had telephone cups.
yes the thing where you connect 2 cups to communicate .
you could call and text each other like normal people but the two of you were just used to this as you started since you were children.
again, there was no response from Hyungu's side. you sighed and plopped down on your bed, disappointed. *maybe he is not at home*. you thought.
you decided to entertain yourself by rewatching Harry Potter ; Prisoner of Azkaban. that was your favourite movie out of all the movies. because Harry looked extra good there.
anyways, halfway into the movie, you finally got a message notification from Hyungu. you swore you've never sat up from your bed so quickly before.
From : ☆Kang Hyungu☆
-- oh my, sorry for the late reply! i was making something earlier. if you're still bored, you wanna come over ? --
before you could reply his text, Hyungu texted you again. his message warmed up your cheeks as you read it.
From : ☆Kang Hyungu☆
-- no actually, i want you to come over. --
you quickly went to the washroom to wash your face and freshen up a bit. you know it was just a normal hang out but you just wanted to look presentable to Hyungu today.
you wore your favourite red sweatshirt and patted down your hair before leaving your house and heading to Hyungu's .
"y/n! come in!". the door opened, revealing Hyungu who was wearing an apron, all dusted with flour.
you scanned his 'outfit' which earned you a little giggle from Hyungu.
"don't worry,i didn't set my kitchen on fire. Harin helped me bake some cupcakes earlier. he already left because he had other plans.". Hyungu explained with a cute grin.
you nodded in understandment and smiled widely. "soooo, you want me to taste the cupcakes?". you anticipated.
Hyungu chuckled and nodded his head as he told you to wait at the dining table while he took the cupcakes.
salted caramel cupcakes.
"your favourite!". Hyungu chimed as he nudged his head towards the sweet treats , allowing you to taste some.
your eyes widened in excitement as you quickly reached for one.
"mmmmmmmm!". you let out a satisfied sound as salty sweet caramel flowed into your mouth as you bite into the soft cupcake.
Hyungu grinned at your reaction. all those naggings from Harin were worth it. Hyungu was glad you loved the cupcakes he made.
"aren't you eating?". you asked as your cheeks were full with the fluffly dough.
Hyungu chuckled again and ruffled your head. he leaned down to your eye level and poked your cheeks.
"hey don't talk when you're eating. you could choke. i ate some already so you can have them all.".
you blinked at Hyungu's actions and the close distance between the two of you. you felt your face warmed up.
you quickly swallowed the food and looked away. "o--oh tha-thankss..". you stuttered.
after a few minutes, everything went back to normal as the two of you chose a game to play .
"Dead or Alive!". you exclaimed.
Hyungu sighed and nodded. "that's like the ONLY game you always want to play.".
you pouted and flicked his forehead.
"noo i do play the games that you choose too!". you defended yourself.
Hyungu scrunched up his nose and turned on the said game. "okay okay, i understand that you sometimes have to let out the violence in you,". Hyungu teased.
you rolled your eyes and hit his arm. "i can just let it out on you!". you replied as you stuck your tongue out at Hyungu.
Hyungu chuckled and ruffled your hair again as he sat next to you and started the game.
you and Hyungu played for hours and only stopped when your stomachs growled.
"you have anything ?". you asked Hyungu.
Hyungu tapped his chin as he thought of the stuffs he had at home.
"i guess we have some pasta. you wanna fix some for dinner?". Hyungu asked.
you nodded and went to the kitchen as Hyungu cleaned up the game station.
Hyungu was right, they had some pasta. there was also some seafood . since both your stomachs were growling like mad, you decided to just go with something simple and made some aglio olio. simple but delicious and filling.
Hyungu was currently living alone in his house. his parents had some business overseas so they had to stay out of country for a few months. hence the two of them didn't have to worry about finishing up all the food.
"ahhhh that was great! thanks for the food,". Hyungu thanked as he volunteered to wash the dishes since you cooked.
it was getting late, you thanked Hyungu for the day and was about to excuse yourself when he stopped you.
"wait wait, i made a cookie for you . eat them right when you reach home okay?". Hyungu said as he passed you a medium sized fortune cookie that he packed in a paper bag .
you were confused but nodded as you got ready to go home. the usual 5-second trip took 3 as you were excited to eat the cookie Hyungu made you.
you were curious why he told you to eat it right you reached home. you knew fortune cookie always had a note inside.
and something in you hoped it was something good. something that would make you smile widely.
you went into your bedroom and unpacked the bag before taking out the cookie.
~ dear y/n.
you might find this lame and all, but i really like you since middle school. i am not sure of what more to say but, will you be my girlfriend?
☆Hyungu☆ ~
the printed words on the paper read.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH". you squealed into your pillow.
you really didnt believe your eyes. your crush has a crush on you? this is like too good to be true.
you want to believe it was just a prank but knowing Hyungu, who rarely expresses his emotions, he wouldn't play about these things.
of course you hesitated for a bit. Hyungu was a good guy but do you really deserve him? probably not but it doesn't hurt to try, right?
you quickly went to your window and threw your balled paper to attract his attention.
a few seconds later, a shy Hyungu appeared at his window as he opened it. you threw over a cup for him to listen to the things you wanted to say.
"yes. over.". you said.
Hyungu blinked and quickly held the cup to his mouth.
"yo-you mean , yes ? you want to be my girlfriend? over.". he stuttered.
you chuckled and replied though the cup.
"yes Hyungu. i like you too and i would love to be your girlfriend. over.".
Hyungu smiled widely and could not help but chuckle happily.
"then can i come over ? it feels cold here after you left. over.". your boyfriend!Hyungu asked cutely.
you scrunched up your nose and chuckled.
"grr you clingy boy. it's night time already! come over tomorrow okay? i am kind of tired and i want to go sleep. over.". you answered.
you could see Hyungu's deep pout as he got his answer.
"alright then... goodnight! over.". Hyungu bid.
you smiled and nodded as you waved at him. he threw back the cup to you . you caught the cup and quickly gave him a flying kiss before closing your window and running back to your bed.
Hyungu chuckled at your actions and held his chest.
"damn, the things you do to my heart...". Hyungu mumbled as he too got ready for bed.
Hyungu have had feelings for you since middle school. he realised this when boys started asking you out. well, you were a pretty girl after all.
but he didn't like you just because you were pretty, he loved your personality. although the two of you often argue with each other, it just made you two closer than ever.
Hyungu realised he had to make his move when you started dating some boys during highschool. he knew you didn't really like those boys but you dated them just so you don't hurt their feelings.
now that you're both in college, Hyungu was really determined to make you his.
he decided to ask help from Harin to teach him how to bake. you really love sweet stuffs and he really wanted to make you something you love.
although Harin nagged and scolded him a lot, Hyungu thought it was all worth it. because at the end of the day, he made you smile. and of course, you became his girlfriend.
it was really the best day of his life.
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a/n : in case you can't imagine how the whole scene took place, here's a reference ! yeap , i was inspired by this anime called 'Tamako Market' .
hope you guys love it! stan ONEWE ! stan ONEUS! stan WEUS!
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bloodyfangedtiger · 4 years
Goodbye Jack, I'm Sorry
So yeah, another mpreg prompt but if you don't like it then shove off.
Rhys bit his lip as he looked at the results, his closest friends sitting right across from him in the privacy of his own home. "I-but how? I was on suppressants! I have an implant! How could this-?!" He bit off on a choked sob and his friend the accountant rushed over to his side to help him hide. "Hey, it's going to be okay Rhys. We'll figure something out."
Their other friend bit his lip and looked over at the PA with a look that screamed I'm sorry. "Judging by the growth, it seems that during the time of the attack on Helios is when it was conceived and that was during your heat correct?"
Rhys nodded.
"During the attack, Zarpedon set off an EMP that wiped out most electronics on the station. Which includes your implant and unlocked your womb. Rhys, you are currently four months pregnant."
The omega wailed and hugged his friend tighter while their doctor friend joined them in a group hug. "You should call him, if there's one thing Jack hates the most it's surprises."
Rhys held the man's hand "Thank you, Tim, for everything." He leaned into the doctor's embrace who looks almost exactly the same as the man he has been sleeping with for the past year and a half.
Brr brr brr
"Really not the best time, cupcake! These assholes have got a murder on!" Handsome Jack's voice rang from the echo while Rhys leaned against the doorframe of his bedroom with a hand around his stomach.
"Jack- I mean sir. I have something to tell you." The PA choked as the gravity of the situation hit him hard.
"It can wait till I get back, come get me you sons of bitches!"
The call cut off and Rhys dropped to his knees, he couldn't do this. It just-he and him-no they can't. Jack has a kid of his own, he's running his own company and he's also engaged so...there's no room for the two of them.
He knows what he has to do but it is going to be hell of a lot hard for him to do it.
He wipes the sweat off his brow after he finishes the manual he's created for his replacement, he picked a law student grad who knows how a company runs and has some daddy issues but is a Beta. The other choices were old men or women that couldn't tell their asses from their elbows.
He glances around the massive office once last time before he hands the receptionist his key card and pass codes and bids the place farewell. Tim and Vaughn pick him up from the office and bring him to the clinic for one last checkup. "Vitals are stable, hormone levels are adequate and...heh you've got three beautiful pups in ya. Looks like they're identical."
Vaughn snorted "Three mini Jacks running around the house, oh your life is going to be hell!" He chortled which earned him a slap on the back by Rhys robotic hand.
Tim gave him a years supply of prenatal vitamins and some other supplements to help with fetal growth before they all bid each other goodbye.
The doors to Jack's office burst open as the king himself walked in with the air of an egotistic hero. "Ahhhh it feels great to be home!"
All that happiness left in an instant when he heard his little girl sniffling and immediately runs to his daughter's side. "Angel! Angel baby are you okay? What's wrong?"
The fourteen year old looked up at him while she held a letter in her hands "Dad, Rhys left."
Jack bit his lip then threw on a smile "Maybe he's gone down to Pandora to get some ice cream? You know how much ice cream he eats." He tried to soothe his little girl.
The siren growled "He left for good!" She yelled, her arms glowing as her powers activated. "He said that he is sorry and that he hopes you're happy!" She shoved the letter into his chest and ran off to her room. Leaving the king like president dumb founded.
He looked down at the letter she had thrusted into his chest and could smell the distressed scent of his PA wafting off of it like he was standing right by him.
Jack. Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Handsome Jack sir, I apologize for the inconvenience my sudden.
(The whole top part of the letter had been scratched out.)
Jack, I'm sorry that this is sudden but I can't stay here under your employment anymore. I'm sorry but I can no longer be your quick fling nor your personal assistant.
I've made a manual for my replacement and have chosen a grad student Beta to take my place. Just give them the book and they'll know what to do.
Tell Angel that I'm sorry for not saying goodbye but I wish you both the happiness you both deserve.
Congratulations on your future wedding, may you have happy days.
Rhys Gallagher.
He should feel angry, furious, disappointed but none of that comes to mind. He should tear up the letter but he can't move. "Rhysie. Dammit, why? Why are you doing this?" He brought the letter close to his face and inhaled deeply the scent of his Omega. The quirky, lanky programmer of a PA who he hired on a whim and now doesn't regret a single thing. Until now.
He shoves the letter into his drawer and storms out of his office, past his receptionist and straight to security. He kicks the doors in and barks "I WANT EVERY JACKASS IN THIS ROOM TO TRACK DOWN WHERE MY P.A WENT!" he howled.
Yvette freezes in her chair and subtlety calls Rhys so that he can hear what is going on up on Helios.
"I want him found and I want him home yesterday!"
Rhys, on Pandora, bit his lip as he listened to the call. He didn't think Jack would care, he didn't think he meant much to the fucking King of Helios. He thought that he was just some code monkey fuck buddy to him. He shook his head and ended the call before looking over at his arm and then at the replacement Atlas had designed for him. "I'm sorry, Jack."
From then on, his days as an Atlas employee began and he disappeared from Jack's radar.
Fifteen years later*
A fifteen year old boy with auburn brown hair and green eyes grinned as he faced a bunch of psycho bandits. "C'mon, sweethearts, you really think you can take me on? Only in your sick dreams." His sharp chin and square jaw makes him look like the oppressive ruler of Hyperion but if you asked this kid he would say "That guy? No way are we related. 'Sides, I'm cooler than him by far."
He's wearing a navy blue sleeveless tunic and a pair of baggy trousers with some black swamper like boots that make him look like a pirate rather than a desert dweller of the dirt planet called Pandora.
A girl with brown eyes of similar age and dark brown hair rolled her eyes while she sat on top of a shanty house and watched the boy. "Mom is going to kill you."
The boy only grinned and began to slaughter all the psychos with the gauntlets around his hands which fire small rocket like bullets upon impact that decimate its target. Creating a bloody mess and no hopes of identification.
The girl rolled her eyes and adjusted the blades on the back of her arms as well as front. She recalibrated her weapons and flexed her arms till she was satisfied with the results and puts her tools away into the belt around her waist.
"Jackson, quit screwing around. We have to get ready for mom's party." She announced, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail with one long bang covering her left eye. She is wearing what looks like a tube top with two belt straps that connect her shirt to her shorts. Two more straps wind around her legs and snake down to her slip on shoes that have small decorative wings on the heels. On her back is a strange backpack that actually holds mechanical wings she can control with her back muscles and by moving her core.
"Harley, do you really have to be a buzz kill?" The boy known as Jackson with slicked back hair griped before wiping his face and body off with a towel to remove the blood. "This party is just going to be a drag, a bunch of fat ass aristocrats who either A.) Want to get into mom's pants or B.) In his pockets. Why the fuck should we go?" He rolled his eyes.
Harley took a deep breath before slowly exhaling "For support, it would mean a lot to him if we were there. We don't have to talk to anyone, just stay still and look pretty."
Her brother narrowed his eyes in what can only be described as disgust. "If I get groped again, there will be blood." He promised green orbs that promise murder.
Harley only smirked "Don't worry, we'll have your back. Les and I will make sure those gross aristocrats don't pinch your ass again."
Rhys stood in the ballroom wearing his usual black jacket and trousers with his platinum plated cybernetic arm outstretched to greet the on coming guests. Even though fifteen years have passed, Rhys doesn't look like he's aged a day probably because of his healthy diet of fruits and veggies.
Even if he did have gray hair and wrinkles, Jack would still see him as the most beautiful creature in the world. "Rhys." The name slips past his lips as he watches his Omega, his former PA and the man he is going to beat the shit out of soon.
"You look awesome mom!" A teenage girl with one green eye and one brown eye squealed as she hugged Rhys, wearing a gold colored sundress that gleams brightly like the sun itself. Her brunette and auburn colored hair tied back into a luxurious bun that sits atop her head like a crown.
Rhys petted her head and gave her a tight squeeze "Thank you, Les. You look adorable in that dress." He smiled before letting her go and then darting his eyes around the room looking for someone. He persed his lips and sighed. "Where are Jackson and Harley?"
Les or Lesley if you would, rocked back on her heels while scratching the back of her neck. "Jack is still getting ready and Harley is at the punch bowl."
The Omega pinched the bridge of his nose "What's the problem this time?"
Lord knows it takes forever to get his son ready, Jackson prefers a certain style for his attire and won't wear anything except that. This style is pirate theme or at least water themed and it can't be flashy or else he'll walk around shirtless.
"He says that he doesn't want to dress up and rather wear his own clothes." Les replied carefully.
Jack watched them interact from close by and there is no mistaking it, that is his daughter. 'Is that why he left? Because he was pregnant?' Jack thought anxiously, feeling his pride take a beating because his Omega couldn't tell him and had to hide the news.
He felt the ring box weigh heavily in his pocket, he picked it out specifically for him. It must have been what Rhys meant by "future wedding". He must have seen the receipt for it or maybe it was the chapel he booked that gave him the wrong idea.
His eyes narrowed and all he saw was red, there his beloved stands not two feet away and damn him will he let him go again. He hurriedly made his way through the crowds of people and grabbed Rhys by his flesh arm before pulling him flush to his chest. He buried his nose into those brown locks and inhaled his sweet scent. "Dammit, Rhys. You really like to make me work for you huh? I've been looking for you everyday for the past fifteen years." He felt a sob bubble in his throat from all the longing he felt for his former PA.
Rhys stood stock still as the Alpha he once loved held him so close with such a tight embrace he was afraid he might break. "Break it up before I barf." Jackson oh so eloquently requested.
Wearing a brown tunic and trousers plus his swampers, Harley stood next to him wearing a black dress with a sweetheart neck line and a slit up one side.
Rhys's jaw dropped "Harley Angela Gallagher what are you wearing?!"
The girl shrugged "Something to catch me a date, there's this hottie I've been wanting to wrap around my finger. She's got a sister too."
Rhys face palmed while Jackson rolled his eyes "Jack, these are your kids." He said with a groan and gestured to the triplets.
"Harley, the eldest, Jackson, the second eldest and Leslie the youngest."
Jack let go of Rhys but kept an arm around his waist, putting on his best smile. "I'm Handsome Jack Lawrence. Your dad and president of Hyperion."
Jackson didn't look amused and said nothing while Harley said hello and Leslie full on tackled him. "Daddy!" She cried out with joy which earned her a hug and being picked by the Hyperion pres himself. She nuzzled her head into his neck, breathing in his scent.
Jack held her tight and looked over at his kids, his beautiful wonderful children that he missed out watching them grow up. He let Les go and heaved Rhys over his shoulder "Sorry, kiddos. Mommy and Daddy need to have a little quality time and a long talk."
Jack took them to his hotel room with a protesting Omega wriggling around on his shoulder and smacking his back. "Jack! I have to give a speech soon!"
He was unceremoniously thrown onto the wide queen sized bed. "Oh you're going to give a speech alright." Jack chuckled in that 'I'm going to kill you and enjoy it' tone before caging Rhys in on the bed with his hands on either side of the Omega's hips. "Mind telling me what happened fifteen years ago?"
His former PA looked away "You hung up on me when I needed you. I was so scared that I didn't know what else to do. Then I remembered that letter I found, saying the date had been set for your wedding and a dress had been picked out for your bride."
Jack chuckled and gently took Rhys chin "Baby, if you talked to me we would have figured things out."
Rhys glared and took his head away "I can't be a good fuck for you while you're married, Jack. Pregnant with triplets and having to tiptoe around your wife and not being able to tell who the father is. I couldn't do it."
Jack leaned in and breathed in Rhys scent before whispering in his ear "That dress." He pressed a kiss to the Omega's bonding site, sending shivers down the other's spine. "That date." He moved till he was able to engulf the site fully into his mouth "It was all for you. I was going to propose after I got back." He began to suck on the sensitive skin, causing Rhys to grab the sheets and spread his legs to accommodate the Alpha between his legs. He bit his lip to stifle a moan when Jack pinched the skin between his teeth and pulled slightly.
"I wanted to make you mine, I picked out the most perfect dress, a perfect planet and top notch security to have our wedding." Jack murmured against his skin "But that is going to have to wait, because I need to punish my Omega." He purred into Rhys ear.
Rhys panted and whined as Jack held him in his lap and shallowly thrusted his fingers in his ass. Only rubbing just the edges of his prostate and not getting anywhere close to his womb. "Jack, please." He gripped onto the Alpha's lapels and tried to fuck himself on those rough padded digits only to have them ripped away. "Uhuh uh, kitten. This is a punishment after all. I'm going to keep this pace up till you're begging me for my cock." The Hyperion CEO smirked before he rubbed Rhys's entrance with the tip of his calloused finger.
The Omega male whined and whimpered as slick oozed from his teased hole. "Jaaaack!"
The Alpha growled and rubbed his erection against the Omega's oozing hole. "You want this, kitten? You want my cock in your tight hole?" The Hyperion CEO growled into the Atlas man's ear.
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jenomark · 5 years
YOUR WINWIN STUFF IS AMAZING. Can you do 127 wedding night? Love your work!!!!!
+ Thank you! 
Taeil: You both fell asleep on the actual wedding night, but woke up holding  each other. Taeil’s face was soft as he looked over at you, the morning sun lighting up the little hairs on his face. He leaned over to kiss you, calling you his wife before he set his lips on yours. You moved as one, hands grabbing at clothing, mouths wanting to taste everything. Your first time together as husband and wife was passionate and would be hard to forget. He breathed you in, moving inside of you like it was the only thing he wanted to do for the rest of his life. “I love you.” he said. “Thank you for loving me, too. “
Johnny: He carried you into the room, both of you still feeling celebratory. You were a little drunk and messy. Johnny threw you onto the hotel bed and climbed on top of you, leaving little kisses all over your face. You were in a fit of giggles, clutching onto his arms. You were so happy to marry your best friend and celebrate that love with the people closest to you. Nothing else seemed to matter. “What do we do now, Mrs. Seo?” Johnny asked. He rolled over and off of you, looking up at the ceiling, and then back to you. You pulled your party dress halfway up your body, wiggling around on the mattress. “I have a few ideas.” you said. Johnny helped you the rest of the way, letting the dress fall absentmindedly to the floor as he climbed back on top of you to get the night started. 
Taeyong: Taeyong’s hands were covering your eyes. You didn’t know what he was doing, but you played along. He walked you into your shared bedroom, his lips close to your ear. “Wife, open your eyes.”  he said. You opened them and looked around.  Everything looked the same. You looked around again to make sure you didn’t miss something the first time. “You don’t see the difference?” Taeyong asked, his smile bright. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking at. What’s different?” you asked. Taeyong moved around you and let his body fall back onto your bed. “I’m your husband now.” he said. The way he said it made his eyes tear up, so you went to him at once and brought his face up to meet yours. “Forever.” you said.
Yuta: You were jetting off to your honeymoon in the morning. Staying at a hotel for the night would be a strange experience. You wanted the comforts of home, but as long as you were with Yuta, everything would be okay. You were tired, but giddy, a dream-like haze taking over your brain. Yuta let you inside the hotel room first, watching as you looked around. A bunch of pretty candles lined the hotel window sill, and the bed had rose petals scattered over it. To anyone else, it might have been a cheesy display of affection, but to you, it was perfect. Before you could walk fully inside, you turned back around to Yuta and hugged him. “I would marry you every day of my life if I could.” you said. 
Doyoung: It was your wedding night, but both of you felt bone tried. There were a lot of expectations put on you and Doyoung that neither of you quite liked. Your sex life was normal and healthy. Doyoung was a complimentary lover, able to make you come in record time, and you knew every in and out of his body. You didn’t feel like you needed to seal the deal with sex on your wedding night. As soon as you were alone, Doyoung collapsed into a chair. “Weddings are hard work.” he said loosening his tie. You went over to him and curled up in his lap. He kissed the top of your head and brushed through your curls with his fingers. “I love you.” Doyoung whispered. Hearing him say I love you for the first time as your husband made the butterflies in your stomach active. 
Jaehyun: Jaehyun was clumsy trying to get you out of your ball gown of a wedding dress. The little silk covered buttons in the back slipped out of his fingers repeatedly, making his hands shake with nerves. “Don’t worry,” you said. “We have the rest of your lives for you to get this right.” Jaehyun laughed, easing up a little. You turned around and told him to sit down on the bed. He didn’t know what you were doing until you were on your knees, the dress billowing around you and making you look like a cupcake. You pressed your hands into his thighs and asked him if he could manage unbuttoning his own pants. “I think so.” he said. You ran your hand across his cock in his pants as he unbuttoned them. Feeling you touch him made Jaehyun lean back on his arms and look up, a moan already on his lips before his cock was in your mouth.
WinWin: When it was just the two of you, the world melted away. It was like that since the first time you met him, and nothing had changed since.  “I can’t believe we’re married.” Sicheng said, fluffing his bed pillows. He slid into bed, folding his hands across his lap. You hung in the doorway, watching him silently. He caught sight of the white lace lingerie you were wearing, and his face lit up. “I’m so happy. “ he said. You made your way to him and jumped on the bed at the last minute. Both of you were always a little bit like children when you were together, never taking much seriously, and always having a smile for everything. Sicheng’s excitement matched your own. He met your mouth eagerly, taking hold of your hand as he kissed you, his fingers moving over the ring he gave you on your finger. 
Jungwoo: It seemed like the night would never end. Your families were big and the celebrations were wild. By the end of the festivities, both you and Jungwoo were thankful for a little bit of time to yourselves. He drove the car back to your house, talking non-stop about how amazing the honeymoon would be. Looking over at his handsome face next to you, you realized how lucky you were that it was him, and no one else. You leaned over and sucked on his earlobe at a stop light, settling yourself back into your seat like you hadn’t done anything. “What do you think you’re doing?” Jungwoo asked, smiling from ear-to-ear. “Hopefully you, soon.” you said. Not being able to wait, Jungwoo pulled over and parked on a dark side street. “This will be a fun story to tell the kids one day.” you joked, straddling him in the drivers seat. 
Mark: You’ve both made this journey a million times before. Mark was no stranger to your body, but this felt different. He felt different. He looked at you like you were his beginning and his end. “How does it feel being my wife?” he asked you. Mark couldn’t stop smiling. He was laying across your body, his head resting on your stomach, his eyes on yours. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how to feel. It doesn’t feel real. It’s like you’re my dream come true. ” you said. Mark kissed your tummy. “Let me help you feel something.” he said. Making love to the Mark the first time as husband and wife was full of little moments you would cherish forever. He moved over you slowly, caressing every bit of your skin. Though gentle, Mark knew how to please you right, setting the tone for the rest of your life together.
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donaldresslerfanfic · 4 years
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 2081
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Seventy-Five
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
I don't know where I stood right now. After the accident and after I got my strength and mobility back, I made the though decision of staying grounded, helping Maggie in anyway I could.
That entailed me not giving my help to anyone in any taskforce, no consulting jobs, anything. The first week, between the physical therapy and not being able to hold my own just with my right hand, I felt so useless, I was in a bad mood for maybe a week until I was strong enough and stopped having to depend on Maggie.
With the best soothing voice she had she'd told me that it wasn't a big deal helping me, but I knew better, I knew I was a nuisance at the house, not helping with the baby, it was easily the worst week of this year.
After I finished the physical therapy I went to the gym more regularly, and I you know... Got in more shape than I was. Over time that resulted in Maggie squeezing my arm every time she walked past me with a little smile.
I staid at the house when she was away at work, I took care of Alma who was so much bigger and more fun to take care of, she could eat now, we played hide and seek, I walked her around the house, holding her face down on my arms and making train or plane noises, she had the time of her life.
If Maggie couldn't come to eat at home, I took lunch to her place, but we always had lunch together, mainly because after so many hours of being kind of alone at the house, I took any possibility I had to be with her, even for just a little while.
Maggie walked in one day with a face that I knew it was bad news, well, not necessarily bad news but something had happened. I was chopping some tomatoes for some salad when she walked into the kitchen and left her purse and her briefcase on the island.
I sometimes looked at some people and my first thought was "they're rich", the clothes, the stand, the face, the jewelry they had on, the bags they used, the phone, some of those things where telltale sings that someone was loaded.
In the time I'd been with Mags she'd gone from a normal 9 to 5 employee at a firm to the head of a whole division, along with four teams of people who worked for her. She just managed the larger details and trusted other architects that were as good as her with the minor subjects. Seeing the person she'd become now, how much she'd grown in her job despite everything, despite Reddington, job changes, the wedding, the baby. She'd managed to overcome everything, she was the kind of women who went to a car agency, picked a car and instead of being shocked at the price she asked if the seats could be leather instead not fabric.
I was so proud of this woman, luckily she was mine, only mine.
Whilst I was thinking all of this and looking at her talk, I assumed she told me something important, because she stood looking at me for a full second, expecting me to say something, then threw her hands in the hair, slapping her thighs as she walked away from me, shaking her head.
"I got distracted baby I'm sorry" I said finishing with the salad and taking it to the table.
"I was saying important things, I wasn't talking just to talk today" she said giving me a little look. I must admit I would've been angry at myself as well if I was left to talk to a wall.
I always found it funny how she could be giving me an angry look, but as soon as she looked at Alma all of her face changed to the biggest smile, her voice elevated to a high pitched 'hiiii' as she bent down to hold Alma from her mess of pillows and toys on the floor.
She went on for a while cooing to the baby and kissing her cheek several times, I finished carrying the remaining food to the table. Maggie heated up a mix of veggies she'd mixed in the blender for Alma and had stored for the day, she liked to make the food herself, said it was healthier for her.
I'd learned a little dad trick, I put a little bit of food in one of her little plates and handed it to Alma, she liked to stick the hand into everything these days, and of she had a decoy one she wouldn't pay attention to the one I had, the one with which I feed her from.
"So what happened?" I asked Mags after we sat down to have lunch. She just gave me a shrug, still with an angry pout.
"I got suspended"
"What? How?" I asked surprised. I couldn't believe that her being in the position she was could still get suspended.
"Oscar told me that the next important job I needed to take care of was in LA and that I needed to relocate for maybe two months, and I told him that I wasn't going to take it and we fought about it and he told me that you know... Fine, but to not bother coming to work until next week when he has another project for me, even though I'm still managing like 3 on the side"
"And why didn't you take it?"
"Because I'm not going to drag you to LA with me"
"Why not?" I said looking at Mags this time, she just blankly stared at me.
"Because you hate LA"
"What's that got to do with anything?"
"Because, again, I'm not going to drag you to a place you hate" I gave her a little look, I clearly didn't believe that was the reason she didn't want to go, and if it was then she hadn't understand our previous conversation on how we would go anywhere her job required her to go.
I felt Alma's hand on my hand, pulling the plate with food towards her. I think I was being to slow in the deliver of food so I turned my attention to feeding her.
"That sounds like it could've been avoided with a simple phone call, like hey baby" I made a gesture of a phone with my hand "do you mind going to LA with me, and I would've been like 'no cupcake'"
"It's not that easy"
"I just showed you how easy it was"
"Well, again, you hate LA"
"Again" I mocked "what's that got to do with anything?"
"Okay" she said with a frustrated sigh "we're just going in circles now so..." she just dismissed me with a flick of her hand.
"Do you want me to do something about it?"
She gave me a little look, unsure of what exactly I was offering.
"I don't think that would be of much help"
"I could have him beat up" she gave me a chuckle and a shake of her head.
"I'm pretty sure that's not legal"
I puffed and shrugged my shoulders.
"I'm the FBI, I can do whatever I want"
"First, no you can't, second, you're on a forced leave"
"I'm not on forced leave" I fought back  "turns out I'm not useful here, every time I try and talk with superiors or co-workers of other tasks forces they need me somewhere else, like Columbia or London or Paris and I can't leave"
"Can't or won't?"
"Don't want to" I gave Maggie a quick look, then at Alma "mainly because of her, don't want her to grow up on me"
"Oh, mainly because of her and what about me?" She said offended.
"You barely pay attention to me" I teased, she made a whinny noise ad she stood up "and every time you're home you're on your computer and working" I kept fakely whining.
She rounded my shoulders standing behind me and leaned in to kiss my cheek, then a little bit down my jaw and neck.
"It's awful how much I've downplayed you not working, and now that it's happening to me I feel so useless"
"Oh yeah, because you not working for a week is seriously going to halt the household's economy" I dramatized, Mags pulled back and patted me on the shoulders.
I heard her phone ring on the background, and Mags walked to it whilst I finished with Alma's food.
I looked at my girl whilst Maggie talked on the phone. She was looking bigger and bigger each day, she made some random noises from time to time, if we were alone she would suddenly cry out and yell. Maggie told me because she was finding her voice so she yelled a lot.
Maggie left her phone on the kitchen table and looked at me, I stood up and took the plates. Alma yelled at me.
"Hey" I said back, she yelled at me again with a little shriek, I took the plates and turned around, looking at Mags smile at us.
We cleaned the table and by the time I was going to put the plates in the dishwasher Alma had yelled so much that Maggie had to take her from the high chair and hold her.
She stood next to me whilst I loaded the remaining things.
"Very coincidentally I was put on suspension right before Christmas week"
"That's good then, you always plan out a lot of things for Christmas"
"Yeah" she said a little unenthusiastically "maybe I don't wanto do anything crazy for Christmas, I mean I know we used to spend it with my sister but, she's now divorced and" she motioned at Alma with a shake of her head "we have her around so... What do you think?"
I leaned on the kitchen counter and strolled my eyes between her and Alma.
"About what?"
"About spending Christmas and New Year's Eve just the three of us"
I gave her a little smile and walked to them.
"Well you know me, as long as it's the three of us and I don't have to socialize too much"
She chuckled then shook her head.
"I wish you had a group of friends to go out with sometimes, to drink a beer or play pool, do manly stuff"
"I get shot sometimes, that's manly"
"That's reckless"
"I thought girls liked reckless"
"Not these two" she motioned at Alma again with her head.
"I'm planning on going back to work after the New Year's, I've talked to some friends about getting something something here in DC, locally, paperwork and stuff like that"
"That sounds very not like you, but okay"
I leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead.
"Excuse me" I said taking Alma on my arms. I walked around her, leaving Mags with a little frown on her face
"Uuh, you excuse me, I was holding her"
"Yes, but we have like a little routine and you being here isn't going to interrupt it" I sat down in the couch and put Alma on my lap, then searched for the PS4 controller in a compartment the couch had, Alma laid on my chest when I sat back and pushed a few buttons.
"She goes to sleep like that?" Maggie asked giving us a look, I looked down at Alma, who looked like she was already all set to take a nap.
"Yeah" I said double checking on her.
"With the sounds of you shooting at the cops in GTA 5" she motioned at the TV.
"If I can sleep with a shout-out in the background so can she"
I looked down at Alma again, then moved my hand on top of her head, caressing her side. That was enough to make her fully close her eyes. I kissed the top of her head.
"She can get used to that"
"I'm hopping" I said looking at the screen, I felt Maggie's lips on my forehead, then walked towards the exit.
When I was alone, I couldn't help to pause the game and let the controller on the couch. I didn't know if returning to work was going to be as good as I expected, but I had to be in that mental space by the time Liz woke up.
If and when she woke up.
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rhabakoli · 5 years
Infinite White - 10
just a short, fluffy, sweet thing.
Previous Chapters here.
Taglist: @dreamwritesimagines @i-am-always-famished @marauderskeeper @superwolfchild-fan @m00nlightdelights @cgn-99 @alicedopey @alwaysadreamingoptimist @atlas-of-the-world @finnickfoxes @rmwest9
It’s been two weeks since the dinner. Exams have been taken, essays were turned in, students were drunk on freedom and spare time and alcohol. Maeve was packing her bags, she was going home for a few days. “Will you be okay?” “Yes, of course. I’ll visit my grandparents, they’ve been demanding I come as soon as I am free of exams and studying.” “Oh, great. They’ll love to see you.” She stuffed her track pants into the duffle bag she reserved for dirty laundry. “How will you go there?” “I’ll get a taxi. Or maybe I’ll take a bike, depending on the weather.” Fenja leaned against the wall and hugged a pillow to her chest. “What will you do at home?” “Give piggyback rides to my cousins, let my baby brother sleep in bed with me and built a lot of pillow forts. Last time I was home, we cracked the record of two rooms. We wanna see if we can expand to three this time.” Fenja smiled at that. Maeve’s family sounded great. She never had the opportunity to go visit them, as her grandparents were her priority during holidays. 
“Well, good luck then.” “Thank you.” Maeve zipped up the last bag and then came over to say goodbye with a hug and a kiss to her cheek. “Be good, kiddo.” “Have fun.” The door closed behind her, and Fenja was alone. She looked around in their room, empty, Maeves side weirdly clean and organized. She suddenly felt so lonely, it was like an ice cold hand holding her heart. A sob broke out of her and her hands flew up to cover her mouth, to not let it escape, lest someone heard. Her eyes were squeezed close, tears escaping still. The silence of the room, of the whole building, was pressing down on her, bringing her quite literally to her knees. She crawled under her comforter, pulled it close around her body and closed her eyes. She’d just rest for a bit. She’d be fine. She can manage just fine on her own. She just needed a break.
“So, honey, how are you? How is that writer thing going, the one you told us about?” Fenja sat with her grandparents on their patio, overlooking the small gardens of the apartment block. “The last decision is to be made soon, I’m just waiting for an announcement. But, if that doesn’t work out, my friend’s aunt offered me an internship with that very same organisation.” Her grandfather knocked on the wooden table, winking at her. “Will be fine, cupcake.” “I hope so. I need the experience, I want to learn.” Her grandmother laid a hand on her arm. “With your talent and hard work, I am sure they’ll love to have you.” “I hope so.” Fenja was sitting in one of their cozy chairs, feet up on another, let the sun shine on her naked belly, where she had pulled up her shirt. She enjoyed the time with them, get them up to date, listen to their gossip on the neighbours. Apparently, assisted living wasn’t that different from college dorms. “Just last week, Nolan from the upstairs apartment, he got busted. Was smoking all kinds of things, all prescribed, he said. Neither of his docs knew anything about the drugs, tho.” Her grandfather laughed, a cigar between his fingers as he slapped his hand on the table in amusement. His granddaughter grinned, always enjoying their stories. She was glad they had a good life here, she’d never get sleep if she knew they were unhappy here. Her grandparents were laughing and kissing each other, and she was happy. For a moment, she was really, truly happy right where she was. And she’d be even happier, if she got that internship. Gala had said it’s paid, and she could use the money. Raising her glass to her lips, she smirked. She’d send her grandparents on vacation. They never had any, because of her; they never wanted to leave her for long.
“Honey, are you staying with us, or are you going back to the dorms?” Her grandmother placed her hand on her head, stroking her hair. “I’ll go back. There’s a whole stack of books waiting for me, that I haven’t read yet.” “We’ll call you a cab, cupcake.” Fenja looked over, at her granddad and shook her head. “No need, gramps. I biked over.” He wanted to protest, when her phone started vibrating off the table. Perfect timing, whoever it was. She’d kiss them. Or not. “Hi, you.” She smiled at her grandparents and went inside, fleeing from curious gazes. “What’s up, buttercup?” She could hear the grin in his voice and scoffed. “Please, don’t ever call me that again.” With an arm crossed over her chest, she paced through the kitchen. “What do you want?” “Just a bit of your very precious time. And your location.” “What are you talking about?” “I’ll come pick you up, if you allow. Ingrid has a whole week planned, nothing but Netflix and Hulu and whatever else she’s subscribed to.” His voice went an octave deeper, raspy, as if he was sharing a secret, when he added: “She also bought a ‘lifetime’ supply of popcorn, that won’t even last through the first three days.”   Fenja just shrugged. “Popcorn is life, mate.” “Yeah, I guess so.” She heard a voice in the background, hissing something at her friend, before he asked: “So? Where am I to pick you up? Ingrid won’t take a no.” “Yeah, she got that from her brother.” She sighed. Stubborn. All of them. The whole lot. “I’m at my grandparents, give me half an hour to get home.” “Ah, nah, gimme their address, I’ll come over.” “You really don’t have to.” “Uh, yeah, I do. I’ll send you proof of the murderous looks my sisters are giving me right this moment.” His smile was evident in his voice, and she knew she’d never be able to go against all three of the Ivarsson-siblings. “Okay, fine. But park down the road, I don’t want this to come back to my grandparents.” “Why?” “Because they’ll plan our wedding, if they see you.” Over his laughter, she added: “I have my bike here, bring a big car.” 
** Ragnar was indeed waiting down the road, arm hanging out the window, head leaned back against the headrest, as he watched her cycle towards him. 
“What’s that?”, he asked, the bike obviously making him question her sanity. Before she could answer, he shook his head, and rephrased: “No, I know what a bike is, I just mean,” His hand moved up and down, gesturing at Fenja, “What are you doing on it?” “Biking, my friend. Not everyone has a monster-truck at their disposal.” He opened the car door, stepped out and rolled his eyes at her. “It’s a jeep, not a monster-truck. And she’s willing to carry your bike around, so you better thank her.” “She?” “Yes.” He took her bike and lifted it into the back of the Wrangler, before taking her hand and pulling her to the other side of the car. “You are one of those who name their cars?” “And their motorbikes.” “You have a bike?” “Yeah.” He held the door open, watched as she got in and slammed it shut, before bounding over and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Mum had quite something to say about it, but by then I already passed the exam.” “I bet.” Fenja strapped in, leaned back and watched as Ragnar pushed the car into gear and pulled out of the parking spot. “What’s her name then?” “Hela.” Fenja frowned, noticing his amused smirk. “Hela? As in, ‘ruler or Helheim - Hela’?” He hummed approvingly, eyes flicking over to her, as he took a left. “Isn’t that kinda - I don’t know, dark? For a car?” “Nah. She’s in control of the underworld, I dedicated her my car, I should be safe.” She nodded. “Sure. Logically.”
The moment Ragnar pulled up in front of the house, Ingrid came flying, Bear bounding after her. She opened the door open before Fenja could even move, and stood there, grinning from one ear to the other. “We have popcorn, sweets, chips, cheetos and peanut flips and like five different flavors of Ice Cream.” Fenja raised an eyebrow and shot Ragnar a look over her shoulder. “How long is she going to keep me here?” Ragnar came around, hugged his sister to his side and winked at his friend. “Until the end of days.”
“Where are your parents?” “Away. Mom wants a weekend for herself, before everything is about the baby, and Dad is with her, of course.” They were all in the living room, puppy piled onto the couch, buried under pillows and blankets. Fenja didn’t think there’d be any pillows left in the rest of the house. But it was so very comfy and soft, so she didn’t complain. Ingrid yawned frequently enough to catch her sisters attention. “You tired?” “No.” Fenja snorted and burrowed further into the nest she built around herself. Ragnar was curled around it, propped on his elbow so he could look over her, see the TV. He glanced over at his sisters and leaned forward, murmuring into Fenjas ear: “10 bucks Aslaug is just as tired and uses her to go to bed herself.” Aslaug threw a cheeto at him, catching him square on the forehead. “Stop being a shithead.” “What? It’s true!”, Ingrid laughed, before she almost unhinges her jaw at the next yawn. They continued bickering, no one really paying attention anymore; the movie on TV just a background noise. Fenja felt so at home with them, her heart clenched. If she ever lost them, she’d probably die. Ingrid and Aslaug indeed went to bed soon after, taking their blankets with them, but leaving the pillows. Fenja sat up, stretched over and grabbed the fluffy one Ingrid had had in her clutches all evening. She cackled, like a witch, as she hugged it to her chest. “So easy to satisfy.” “It’s a fluffy pillow. Why wouldn’t I be?” She looked back at him, stretching her neck to see his face. He looked down at her, shaking his head ever so lightly. Her lips were stretched into a wide, cheeky grin, a healthy glow on her skin, and she looked so awfully… right, where she was. If she could just stay there forever.   Her eyes went from his face to the TV, and her grin became even wider, and then: “BUTT!” She giggled at Ragnar’s confused look. There was a sex scene, and she happily screamed out whatever naked body part she could catch a glimpse off.   “Another butt!” “Fenja.” She almost drowned under her pillows, had her sweater pulled up over her chin and it’s strings knotted to a bow - so adorable, so cute, he never wanted her to wear anything else. “A nipple!” “Will you stop that, you child?” “Never.” Not 5 seconds later, a lady was naked on the screen, and Ragnar lunged at her, trying to clap a hand over her mouth, but she sat up like a stung pig and cackled loudly, as she threw a loud “Boobies!” into the room. “You are the most awful person to watch a movie with, you know that?” “I am aware.” He reached out, pulled her back down and wrapped a hand over her eyes, laughing as she started thrashing and wriggling. “If you behave like a child, I’ll treat you like one.” “You sound like an old housewife!” She pulled at his hand, tried to bring it down, away from her eyes, but he didn’t release. Only when there were no more naked parts, did he let her go. She sat up again, and turned to him. “You’re no fun.” “I’m plenty fun.” “Yeah?” “Mhm.” He smirked at her, his mind wandering to…. fun activities. She caught the expression on his face. “You are a dirty bastard.” “I am not.” “You are.” “I’ll fucking show you ‘dirty bastard’”, he growled and pulled her down once again, his free hand burrowing under her sweater and finding all the right spots to make her squirm against him, torturing her. “Okay, okay, stop, please!”   Fenja wheezed, barely getting air into her lungs, as she tried to get away from him and his traitorous hands. “Not so dirty now, huh?” “No, no, not at all!” Her laughter filled the room, bright and happy, and he wanted it to never end. He had small flashbacks to the dinner, her scared and frustrated face, so fragile... Ragnar wrapped his arms around her, held her close and still, and observed her face, while she was busy taking deep breaths. “Can you behave now?” He quickly came to regret his move, when he felt her fingers dig into his belly, cheeky smile in place. “Never.”
Part 11
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skruffie · 5 years
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It’s not the anniversary yet, but it IS National Siblings Day and I conveniently forget that this is even a thing until I go on Facebook or Twitter or something and remember. This year is a big milestone for my family because it is the 18th anniversary, which marks a passage of time from now to forever where she has been gone longer than she was alive.
I saw this thing on Facebook about grief, and it went something like grief is this hole, and you can try to fill the hole with whatever you can, but nothing fills it. It’s bottomless. It seems like your entire life gets sucked into it, but eventually as the years go on... the hole doesn’t get smaller. Your life gets bigger, and it grows around it. The hole is always there, but there’s more expanse around it as you move through each anniversary, each holiday, each milestone. It’s similar to describing grief as “it doesn’t get easier, you just get better at coping”.
(This is going to be very long and probably very sad because I talk at great length about her life and death)
I tried to write about a little bit about Nicole on Twitter today, but my initial post mentioned the word “cancer” which caught the attention of this fucking asshole that was advertising faith healing on his timeline. That dulled my grief a bit but it sure made me mad.
Trying to remember things.
We were seven years apart so we never really had a sibling rivalry or anything. I actually looked up to her so much--she was like a teenage rock star to my child self. She loved writing and wrote lots of poetry, got published in an independent zine by age nine, and through her adolescence was a bit of a grunge punk. She played piano and bass. She wore combat boots. Occasionally she dressed up with the full make-up and everything and called them her “pretty days”. She had a lock of hair in front of her face she kept in a small braid. She did blogging before the word “blog” even existed by maintaining an email list of friends and family, and she would email her updates directly to them. She coded her own websites and experimented with graphic design. She did photography. She’s why I love nail polish and tarot cards and Doc Martens--her own boots had navy blue laces with suns and moons on them. She had a huge, huge crush on Dave Navarro. She would buy hostess cupcakes for the kids at school who didn’t have food, and she kicked her own friends out of our house when they tried to bring alcohol to her party.
Nicole grew up with the brunt of our parents’ addictions before I came along. My mom (seen with baby Nicole in one of the photos above) and dad were only 19 when they had her and got married. When she was younger, they actually split up for a while and I think my great-grandma helped take care of her. My parents both went to rehab, got back together, and then had me, so... I was the baby that grew up in a sober house for a while at least. My parents still argued and it bothered me a lot when I got a bit older, so she’d come get me and take me to her room and bring chips and bean dip, and I’d have a safe place to cry.
...That’s a thought I just had right there. After she died, I didn’t really have that same kind of shield from my parents fighting (which was a lot worse after her death--a lot of couples who lose a child end up divorcing and my parents came close), which I think is probably what made the emotional neglect worse.
I don’t remember the exact progression of her cancer, but things started getting noticeable when she started developing night-blindness. I think at the time there were some doctors that didn’t believe she could be getting cancer so getting the insurance to cover tests and treatment was a fight every single time. A tumor started growing in her left arm, and the diagnosis was finally clear: rhabdomyosarcoma. She asked the doctors after her diagnosis if it was genetic, because even after that, she thought of me. (Thankfully, it isn’t. It was just a stupid, cruel twist of the universe.)
She got chemo, started to go into remission, and eventually it came back. Nicole then got a stem cell transplant when it was getting worse--more tumors, etc etc. I had met with a grief counselor at the hospital once or twice during this time period, even before we knew for sure it was terminal, because I was 10 going on 11 and needed someone to help me process and also like... kinda pay attention to me? Admitting that feels weird, but I was just a kid.
The day that I found out that the stem cell transplant didn’t work is probably almost worse than the day she died for me. They brought in a minister and we sang “Amazing Grace” and I watched her be baptized, and while she was being anointed, I kept asking everyone “Why is she being baptized? Why??? Why?! We’re Wiccan!!” Which was true. Nicole also underwent a Wiccaning around this time. Everyone was ignoring my questions, until finally it was time. She told me the stem cell transplant had not been successful and broke down crying, and I immediately understood what that meant, and I started screaming and crying. I started screaming to see the grief counselor, and I had to leave the hospital room to go with the counselor down to my favorite spot on the hospital campus.
Fuck. I hate Easter. I fucking hate Easter. It was around Easter time and this holiday plays a role in this awful memory of mine: at the hospital, some very kind person made little easter baskets for all the kids that were on the juvenile cancer ward, and I even got to get one even though I wasn’t a patient. I was starting to open mine but Nicole just looked at it. She said “Why do I get one? Why do I get one when I’m going to--” and probably started crying. I put my basket aside because the thrill of like... easter chocolate or whatever the fuck was gone. I don’t think I’ve been able to enjoy this holiday since.
Make A Wish was involved at some point, obviously. NIcole’s original wish was to meet Tori Amos, but her management team responded with “Uhhh, Tori doesn’t really do that” which was disappointing at first. (A few years later, a couple of Nicole’s friends saw T live in concert and met her at a meet and greet. They told her Nicole’s story and I guess she had no idea actually, so I believe it was a decision firmly on the management’s side.). The next wish had to be rushed, and Nicole realized that she wanted to go to prom. The actual senior prom for her high school was going to be too far out in advance with her surviving that long, so Make A Wish threw together a special prom just for her and about 150+ attendees.
The prom was held at Newport Harbor on a yacht. Rebecca Schoenkopf of Wonkette, known in 2001 as CommieGirl for the OC Weekly, met with Nicole once prior to this and attended as a prom guest to write about it. Naturally, Nicole was crowned prom queen and when she stood up to receive the crown, it was something magical. She had spent most of the evening in and out of sleep from being so ill and from the medications she was on.
When she was dying, she wanted to be at the hospital. I stayed at my grandparent’s house... probably for a couple days, I don’t actually remember how long it was, and my parents were there for her. I believe she died in the early hours of the morning on April 30th, two days short of her 18th birthday. I had a moment that morning that I consider a small blessing, which is that I found out she was gone before anyone had actually told me, and it gave me a brief reprise to just be by myself while I gathered up my will to go downstairs and face my parents. I had been in the process of going downstairs, and I saw my mom come out of the bathroom, and that was it. That was all I needed to see.
She had them write a letter as her own personal message to me. Two days later for her 18th birthday, my cousin sent us 18 lavender balloons. I don’t think we had her memorial until the 11th of May and I know this because it was the same day Douglas Adams--one of Nicole’s favorite authors--died. We joked that she took him with her. Nicole was cremated, and I do remember there was at least one funny moment that morning as we were getting out of the car. My mom handed me the wooden box that had Nicole’s cremains in it and said “Here, hold your sister for a sec.” We got a touch of that grave humor in my family.
One of the hardest things about this... hole of grief, is aging. My parents are in their mid 50s now, and I’m going to be 30 next year. I don’t have any other siblings to help take care of my parents. My mom rather flippantly says “Oh, put us in a nursing home”, but that just feels so bleak. I don’t have my sister with me to help with my wedding, to meet Zack or any of my friends, to talk to about our past and our future. She’s not here to kick ass and build amazing apps or tear down the patriarchy or be on the ground reporting the latest news break. There’s so many milestones I’ve already crossed without her but I am always going to miss her.
Bon swayr, ma souer.
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biamondpickaxe · 6 years
I Hope You’re Happy
Genre: Angst
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Based of this prompt from phanficsanonymous: Phil has moved on since him and Dan split up, finding himself happily in a new relationship, and Dan doesn’t think he can handle it.
A/N The title is from I Hope You’re Happy by Blue October and it’s an amazing song so you should go listen to it. Also, I’ve never done a prompt like this, like that someone else posted so I hope this is the proper etiquette for doing such a thing? Idk I just hope I’m doing this right haha
Contains: Swearing, references to sex, possible implications to suicidal thoughts
you can also read this on ao3!
Dan was happy for Phil.
He expressed this when Phil told him he had a new boyfriend.
Yes, they still talked. They were best friends before they were boyfriends, which came before becoming ex-boyfriends. They would always be best friends. Phil was Dan’s soulmate, even though clearly that was a one-sided feeling.
Dan never believed in soulmates until he met Phil. Nobody understood Dan like Phil did. Nobody knew his body language so well. Nobody could read him like Phil could.
No one made Dan as happy as Phil, no one made Dan as hopeful for the future as Phil, no one made Dan feel heard and understood and loved the way Phil did.
So, yes, they still talked.
It had been 7 months since the breakup, and both of them were pretty much over it. At least, that’s what Dan thought.
“I just can’t do this anymore,” Phil said when he and Dan were sitting out on the balcony of their apartment one night.
“What do you mean?” Dan asked, but he had a pretty good idea of where this was going.
“I’m just so tired all the time, Dan. I shouldn’t be tired. This thing... what we are... it shouldn't make me so damn exhausted,” Phil said. He even sounded tired. Defeated. He had his head buried in his hands and his shoulders were slumped over.
“Oh,” Dan said. He didn’t know what else to say. He was dumbfounded.
But he supposed he should have seen it coming. Optimism was never really Dan’s thing, but when it came to his relationship with Phil, he held on and remained optimistic because Phil was the only thing keeping him grounded.
Dan knew that he and Phil hadn’t had sex in 3 months. It’s been even longer since they had slept in the same bed. Dan knew all of this, realistically, but he wanted to believe that they could fix this, that they could pull through this like they had everything else.
“We could go to couple’s counseling like I’ve suggested before. We -”
“No,” Phil sighed, looking up at Dan with watery eyes. “It wouldn’t work. There’s so much that’s wrong, there’s so much that's broken. They wouldn’t even know where to start. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Please, Phil, I’m trying to fix this!” Dan begged. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, glistening in the moonlight and the twinkling brightness that came with London at night.
“You can’t fix this, Dan. I’m sorry. I’m done. It’s too much. It’s so damn much and so damn overwhelming and half the time I feel like I can’t breathe and the other half of the time I wish I could stop breathing altogether - God, Dan I’m sorry but I just can’t anymore,” Phil rambled.
Dan nodded. All he could do was nod. Phil made his decision and Dan had to accept that whether he liked it or not.
“I love you,” Dan said suddenly. “You don’t have to say it back. But I do. I love everything about you and I know how cliche it is but I will never, ever stop loving you. I’m sorry we’re so broken. I’m sorry we couldn’t work this out. But I love you. I love you so much, Phil.”
“I love you too, Dan. I’m sorry,” Phil replied.
With that, Dan stood up and went back inside. He was shivering from the cold air and the adrenaline and how hard he was trying not to break down.
Dan locked himself in the bathroom and sat down on the closed toilet seat. He finally let himself go. He started sobbing, wailing, not caring who heard him - whether it be the neighbors or Phil.
Dan cried and let everything out. It felt like five tons of weight were crushing his chest with the amount of loss and heartbreak and sorrow he felt.
He wished he could be angry. Being angry was so easy. But he wasn’t angry. He was so fucking heartbroken and so fucking sad and he couldn’t believe this was happening but it was - oh God.
And that was the end of Dan and Phil.
So when the two did hang out, they usually watched movies or played Mario Kart or did something to keep their minds away from their past, away from what happened between them. If their minds were occupied, everything went well and it wasn’t awkward.
So that’s why Dan was more than a little nervous when Phil asked Dan to get a coffee with him at Starbucks.
When Dan arrived, Phil was already sitting at a booth. Dan walked up to him and sat down across from him, smiling as he did so despite his anxiety.
“Hey, Dan,” Phil greeted happily.
“Hi, Phil,” Dan replied. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. Busy, though,” Phil chuckled.
“Same,” Dan said in response.
The conversation was going pretty well, and Dan relaxed a little bit. Phil talked about a small cupcake shop he had just tried for the first time and how the art museum had some cool new pieces.
“Wow, Phil. Sounds like you’ve been getting out a lot. What happened to you?” Dan joked.
“I met someone,” Phil said. His eyes were focused on the man in front of him, scanning his face for a reaction.
“You did?” Dan asked, feeling his voice crack.
“Yeah. He’s my boyfriend now. His name is Julian,” Phil said, almost shyly. He was looking down at the table now.
“Oh,” Dan said. “W-well, uh, I hope he makes you happy. I hope you’re happy, Phil. Or at least... happier.”
Phil just nodded and said thank you. There was no point in saying oh yeah I’m so much happier with him than I was with you, Dan because Phil knew Dan was hurting enough as it is.
Dan tried not to show his emotions but it was hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about how someone else got to experience Phil. Someone else would get to hear Phil’s laugh, see his crooked teeth when he smiled and how his tears looked running down his pale cheeks.
They would get to hug Phil and cherish him and see how his thighs trembled and shook when you touched him just right.
They got to experience all of Phil that Dan once had. The creativity, the innocence - it made Dan’s heart break all over again.
“I’ve got to go,” Dan said suddenly. He stood up quickly and threw the remainder of his coffee in the trash.
“Dan, wait, please!” Phil called.
Dan just shook his head, letting Phil know he heard him and speed walked out the door. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he hid his face in his hands, breathing heavily and walking in whatever direction his feet were taking him.
“Please talk to me, Dan!” Phil shouted as he ran after Dan, now turning into a dark alleyway.
“Wha do you want?” Dan asked, wiping away his tears and turning around to look at Phil.
“Dan I know this isn’t easy and I know you’re hurting but please. It’s been seven months. You need to move on, for your own sake. You deserve to be happy, too.”
“Do you think I was fucking lying when I told you I would never stop loving you? ‘Cause I meant it, Phil,” Dan said, raising his voice now. He was angry now because he couldn’t take being sad anymore.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t love someone else, too,” Phil tried to reason.
“No, Phil. I will never love anyone the way I loved you. I’m glad that you’re happy but you can’t expect me to just be okay and to just move on the way you did. I’m sorry, but it’s true,” Dan said.
And Dan wasn’t okay after that. He still remained friends with Phil and was even nice to Julian. He was the best man at their wedding.
But Dan wasn’t okay. He was never okay again. And he never, ever stopped loving Phil.
Title from Blue October - Masterlist & AO3
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