#//something about an angry vampire man can just be so personal
//i keep going back and forth on how much i think sal would’ve medically transitioned
because on one hand i do love the idea of him getting top surgery from an ethically dubious mob doctor who was drunk off his ass during the procedure
but on the other hand i also love the idea of salvatore having not had top surgery and anytime someone is rude to him about it or something he just says “i’m sorry that you’re mad my tits are better than yours”
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The bathroom scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer still stands out objectively as just one of the worst things in a show or movie.
The idea of reminding the audience that Spike is a villain doesn’t work that deep into the narrative, but even then there were a million other ways to display him being evil or morally conflicted, ways that didn’t involve a out of pocket attempted rape scene.
Place aside filming it made both actors uncomfortable and both to this day are still pissed about the entire thing and how bizarre and random it was.
The scene didn’t have weight. It was sudden and gross and hellish and then sort of slowly became just this thing. Nothing about it was handled well narratively speaking.
Plus it being what drove Spike to end up accidentally receiving a soul. Other than temporarily driving him insane with guilt a soul made no major difference in Spike as a person. Spike had never been a good vampire, he wasn’t good at being a man in the era he was born into and he wasn’t good at being a vampire.
As a human he was gentle and shy and soft and lovely. Traits that had him mocked and teased and pushed out, seen as “strange” and “unmanly”. Then we see him as a vampire and he’s unique as Dru is unique, he is beyond capable of love. This man, this monster fucking loves intensely and it is his biggest trait as soon as he is introduced.
He is nothing like Angel. Angel as a human was a rude sexist drunk and a bit of a prick. Angel as a vampire was as demonic and horrendous as any monster could be, even with Dru he drove her insane then turned her, he can pretend he loves her just to toy with her, but he would kill her if she proved useless to him. Being cursed with a soul is solely the only thing making him a “good” person. Every time he loses his soul he is dangerous.
But Spike isn’t like that. Even before being chipped, even before the soul he was complicated and complex, he was protective and intense and emotional.
The show if Whedon hadn’t been insistently bizarre about Spike could have explored so much that was already laid out. What does a soul even mean? What does it mean if Spike sand soul is capable of compassion and guilt and love and kindness? That he can break down sobbing when Buffy died, that to honor a promise to a dead woman he watched after her teenage sister? What does it mean that Angel without a soul uses every kindness and softness Buffy and Giles and others showed him against them? That her vulnerability becomes something he can torment her with.
What does a soul mean or matter in this case? Is Angel a good person in any real capacity? His soul given to him as a curse is genuinely the only thing making him be good. And there is something about that that makes Angel terrifying as a character for me. Don’t get me wrong I love Angel good or evil, I love him more in Angel the series, but in general it is difficult to really take him necessarily as good.
While Spike on the other hand is more in line with a human, he isn’t good or bad. He is traumatized and hurt and angry and in love and so human despite having a demon soul.
And these complexities could have been explored. Not a pull it out of left field sexual assault scene.
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And they were roommates
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Summary: Demon Y/n and Human Wanda are roommates, and it’s obviously going really well until you have enough of Vision and decide to try and do something about it, Wanda doesn’t appreciate it though
A/n: I know I’m writing a devil reader but I missed demon reader and so they’re back for now
Words: 2000+
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI small small amounts of angst (just a small argument)
“Hey pretty lady-“
“No! Don’t start Y/n” Wanda pushed past you and slammed her bedroom door shut leaving you out in the hallway “oh no baby don’t be like that I thought we had something special!” You slammed on the door starting to laugh
“Fuck off Y/n!”
“Who’s pissed you off today? Did Vision only kiss you on the cheek again to preserve your innocence? Really funny if you think about it since you and I-“
The door opened and you barley had time to right yourself before Wanda appeared and slapped you across the face “oof nice hit Wands, try the other cheek tomorrow yeah?”
Wanda just shook her head making her way to the kitchen and taking a beer from the fridge, you obviously followed your seething roommate sitting on the kitchen island facing the redhead “was I right?”
She took a swig of the drink and nodded “yeah, yeah you were right annoyingly, but just leave it okay? Anyway what did you do today?”
You smiled wide leaning close to the woman’s face “thought about you”
“Thought about me how?” She was curious, but also worried, you were nothing if not honest, way too honest
You lent back on the table “Well first off we were laying in bed watching doctor who because you seem to really like alien men with weird space screwdrivers, personally I really like Missy, she looks like a fun time”
“Y/n! Stop getting distracted” you were known to ramble on and on about nothing and it annoyed Wanda to no end, even though she knew where the conversation was going she knew you wouldn’t shut up if you didn’t finish
“Oh yeah! Anyway long story short I was lay on my back and you were sat on my fac-
“Nevermind! I don’t actually care”
You shrugged “okay but I was getting to the best part and you know I was” you laughed while Wanda just blushed turning around to walk back to her room
There was a knock on the door and you jumped up to answer it seeing the man you were just talking about at the door “oh vision, what a disappointment I thought it was the strippers I ordered to cheer up Wanda”
The man just rolled his pushing past you to Wanda “Wanda please I didn’t know why they did that, it was just a silly joke”
You brushed off the man germs that appeared on your clothes and made a mental note to burn them later, whispering to yourself “sure just come into the house Vision, I wish you were a vampire so I couldn’t let you in the house without permission and watch you stand there unable to move and I could just bully you”
“Vision please I’m not in the mood can we just talk tomorrow?”
“But I’m here now! Please Wanda just talk to me I don’t want to lose you, how about we go on a date tomorrow? Skip lectures for the day and just go to the zoo or something?”
You let out a laugh “a zoo? Zoos are for babies, why not just go to a bar?”
The man turned back to you “because bars are for deadbeats and perverts”
Your head tilted and Wanda froze knowing you were trying your best to control yourself, she knew you didn’t like Vision but it was more because you hated men altogether she was pretty sure “Y/n let’s just calm down it’s okay, vision please just leave”
The man frowned looking between the two of you then just focusing on Wanda “why are you always defending her?”
Wanda glanced to you now with red eyes and your fangs showing, you could converse with Wanda in your mind so you did just that
“I will gut him like a fish Wanda I swear to Salem”
Looking back at Vision she grabbed his hands “I don’t always defend her, she just gets angry easy but it’s fine I will see you tomorrow I promise” she kissed him softly and you fake gagged “gross” whispering to yourself
“Okay I’ll see you tomorrow” he kissed her back turning around to you hanging your head, so to hide the fangs and eyes, “get some anger management done Y/n” your response was to flip him off, he left without another word and you lifted your head to Wanda with her arms crossed and glaring at you
“Well now I need to relive some anger, wanna have some fun?”
Wanda couldn’t believe you, you’d just pissed off her boyfriend and now you want to have sex? Unbelievable!
“Why the fuck do you think I want to have sex with you after that?!”
Shrugging you walked towards Wanda holding your arms out for a hug which she took rolling her eyes but instantly relaxed in your hold and forgetting about Vision “remember when your parents came over and you argued with them and then later you came into my room for the first time-
Wanda let out a heavy sigh “I know what you’re getting at, fine come on then” she pulled out of the hug walking to her room and looking back at you “you’re being on top this time”
You smiled “I love being on top”
Wanda rolled her eyes “only when it suits you”
“Yes because what’s hotter than a redhead whimpering and riding you harder and harder as she struggles to not cum without permission?”
The blush was heavy on Wanda’s face and instead of speaking she just went into her room quickly followed by you
“Wanda! You missed some lectures this morning!” Natasha Romanoff, Wanda’s best friend was worried about her not being in this morning “where were you?”
Wanda waved her off “I had to make sure Y/n was okay”
Wanda just raised her eyebrow “Y/n huh? How is the spicy hothead?”
“Still a bitch but she pays her half of the rent every month so I shouldn’t complain-
“Wanda!” The woman shut her eyes tight praying to whatever god she could and even the devil that it wasn’t actually you she’d heard, unfortunately no luck “Wanda! You forgot your books!” You got closer and Wanda opened her eyes to you and widening them seeing your outfit
“What the hell are you wearing??!” She whisper shouted at you trying to cover you up with her arms, practically half naked in college? You were asking for trouble
“Oh Wanda calm down it’s only a blazer” you playfully pushed the girl away and turned to Nat “what do you think Natty? Is my outfit appropriate?”
Nat glanced at your blazer open noticing the lack of anything underneath and she quickly averted her gaze “uh well if you move a certain way you can see your erm,see your breasts”
“Well you’re getting a free show then aren’t you Nat? It’s okay I won’t tell anyone, but if you want a physical touch then it’ll cost you” you winked and Nat nearly collapsed “Jesus Christ Wanda she’s a menace”
Wanda just rolled her eyes and took her books from your hand “you can go now Y/n, don’t you have a video game to complete or something”
You mulled it over “nah I’ve completed Alan wake 2, not as scary as everyone says, I’ve been in more dangerous situations, anyway no I’m hanging out with Loki today, he’s allowed to leave the house now”
You pulled Wanda into a hug kissing her cheek and keeping her close “do you have anything else to say about my outfit?”
Wanda refused to look at your chest, you knew she wanted to look but was being a baby about it “just that you should have a shirt on under your blazer”
“You’re no fun” pulling away from her you gave one last look to Nat “always a pleasure see you Natty, you’ll have to come to our party this weekend”
Nat smiled wide “absolutely! Wanda said she’s really excited for it”
“Perfect! Oh before I leave Wanda I’ll pick up dinner later, me and Loki are going to a posh restaurant, so I’ll bring some stuff back”
Wanda agreed “cool, we’ve got class so I’ll see you at home” Wanda dragged Nat away reluctantly from you as you waved her off with a sweet smile
“Is that him?” Loki whispered taking a drag of his cigarette glaring at the football players “yeah with the red bandanna on his stupid head”
“Interesting, so what are we doing about him?”
You sat up on the bench keeping your hoodie down so he didn’t recognise you “I want to kill him but I’m pretty sure Wanda wouldn’t like that”
“Still pining over Wanda huh? I thought you were with Carol and Val?”
You shrugged “nah they’re in a real relationship now and it was getting weird”
The man laughed “weirder than a demon third wheel?”
Just as you were about to respond your name was yelled “Y/n! What do you think you’re doing here?!”
Of course vision had recognised you, stupid smart human, you just offered him a smile when he approached the pair of you “Vision! What a surprise, apologised to Wanda for being a dick yet?”
The man seethed “you have no right! I don’t know why she puts up with you”
You laughed “if only you knew Vis, I’ll give you a hint, I walk around the house comfortably, which means I’m normally just wearing my boxers and sports bra, and I can tell you now my dick is so much bigger than yours”
The man stood there shocked, suddenly he held his fist out punching you square in the face forcing your head back and pretend it hurt “well fuck me Vision you have some punch on you don’t you?” You laughed wiping your nose with the back of your hand standing up and wiping it on the man’s shirt
“Aren’t you in pain?” He didn’t notice the blood, more transfixed on the fact you weren’t screaming in pain “I vowed never to let a man cause me pain, you’re not exempt from that, no matter how unmanly you are”
You walked away from the situation leaving Loki with Vision “she’s wild, maybe you should clean your white shirt, looks like she’s written something in her blood on it”
He followed in the direction you were going and Vision looked down seeing the word “douche” on his shirt “how the? How’d she do that so quick?”
Wanda was sat under a tree when you found her with her eyes closed clearing having a rest, well you were definitely putting an end to that “Wanda your oaf of a boyfriend hit me and I’m clearly in a lot of pain so I need you to fix it”
You only saw Wanda’s chest move in a slow motion indicating a heavy sigh, at least she was awake, when she did open her eyes seeing you all blooded she just sat up “why did you insult him?”
“Insult him?! That bastard hit me, all I was doing was watching the hot cheerleaders and maybe tried getting one of their numbers but he attacked me out of nowhere, I’m the innocent one!”
Wand stood up inspecting your face “are you done being a drama Queen about everything?”
You shrugged “depends on if I get a kiss from you to make it all better”
Placing your hands around Wanda’s waist you pulled her in close “we’re in public Y/n”
“Come on Wands kiss the pretty demon, I don’t bite, unless you really want me too”
Wanda looked down to your lips and back up into your now red eyes “I hate how hot you are” it was whisper but you heard it and kissed her, only a short kiss as she pulled away quick in fear of someone seeing you both
“How many lectures do you have left?”
Wanda sighed “just math”
“Skip it, come home and we’ll watch doctor who and make my fantasy yesterday a reality” the redhead smiled pulling away from you and picking up her bag taking a face wipe out and cleared her face of the blood you transferred onto her then handing you one
“I can’t skip anymore classes Y/n, I need to stay”
“You’re 25 Wanda you’re an adult, adults don’t do math” you wiped the blood from your face and very ungraciously snapped your nose back into place making Wanda wince, she hated when you did things like that, really freaked her out
“I’ll just see you later, stop annoying vision” she waved you off and headed for her class
“Only when he stops being a dick!” You shouted back and took out your phone to text her something funny
Wanda managed to get to her class just in time to see Nat waiting for her “nice to see you finally” she laughed and Wanda shoved her friend giggling until her phone buzzed with a message
👩‍🦰+😈-👚🩲=best night of your life, there’s some math for you my love, don’t keep me waiting
Wanda rolled her eyes putting her phone away earning a look from Nat “leave it let’s just go in, can’t wait until I’m finished with my degree honestly”
You were on Wanda instantly as she walked through the door, picking her up and wrapping her legs around you, kissing her all over ultimately landing on her neck sucking a dark mark there
“No, no marks you know the rules” Wanda tried pushing you away but your grip was firm on her “don’t care…you’re mine, sick of sharing you”
You continued your assault on her neck but Wanda managed to push you away and fall to the floor “okay we need to stop!”
“oh? What do you mean by stop?” Wanda’s harsh voice caught you by surprise
Your deep voice always made Wanda nervous, you being a demon and all but she stood her ground standing up and keeping her distance from you “I can’t keep dealing with this! You’re making it so difficult!”
“Making what difficult? I haven’t done anything, when you come into my room at night, when you send me dirty text messages and when you scream my name, that’s all you, you’re the instigator in all of this”
“Me?! You’re the demon, a waste of human skin and space, I don’t even know why you’re up here- wait actually I do! They don’t want you in hell, even the poor souls being tortured can’t be bothered with you!”
All you could do was laugh “you can’t even insult me properly, fucking pathetic” you continued to laugh but Wanda definitely wasn’t laughing “please just take something serious for once!
“I’m always serious, and I mean it, you’re the instigator but if you want to stop this then fine, we’ll stop, see you later Wanda”
You quickly turned and headed for the door
“Where are you going?!”
“Out. Don’t know when or if I’ll be back”
Wanda didn’t mean for this to happen, she just wanted try and talk but you were so difficult “Y/n I just, just please stay”
“No thanks Wanda, maybe I’ll go back to hell and bother the other demons there, if they’re not bored of me of course” there was no emotion in your voice and Wanda sighed “okay, just be safe”
“Bye Wanda”
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IWTV rant incoming, spoilers for both seasons, be forewarned!
I've been seeing far too much Louis hate online recently, and while I'm of the opinion that none of these vamps are completely innocent by nature, I can't help but notice the disproportionate hate on my boy.
Honestly, it feels a little like fandom racism. And I think AMC IWTV fans have convinced themselves that they're beyond such things because of Jacob and Assad, but idk, everyone turning on the Black one at once seems... yucky?
First, I've seen a lot of "Louis is an abuser". Which... is a wild take on a show where most of the main characters hurt everyone around them?
I think some of it is coming from those who saw the episode in season 2 in which it is revealed that the big fight that Louis and Lestat had in S1 was more even than just Lestat beating up Louis, but y'all... we're not supposed to take S1 as a complete fabrication. A lot of y'all keep saying "oh, we haven't met the real Lestat." Sure, not in person and not from his POV until that ending, but we're not supposed to take it as Louis just lying outright. In the series, different from the books, OUR Louis calls Daniel back in 2022 to give him a more accurate version of the story. In the 1970s, he was just trash-talking Lestat. In 2022, he is remembering Lestat fondly while also remembering all the pain Lestat caused him. He only learns at the end of the season that Armand manipulated some of his memories. And only SOME. We're not supposed to think Armand made Louis misremember everything he and Lestat ever did together. So, we can take S1 as a version of the truth, even if it has some holes or misremembered parts... and in S1, Lestat is a scary guy. When Louis fought him, he was fighting a scary monster. You can't talk about it like he was a human man fighting his human partner because he got a little angry. He was a vampire fighting an even stronger vampire who, as far as Louis knew, was capable of awful things. And Lestat stalked Louis when he was still a human, fed on him without consent, killed the priests Louis turned to in fear... none of that was healthy courtship of a lover. To then turn around and call LOUIS the abuser? That's nuts.
And then there's Armand.
Armand is capable of great physical violence without even lifting a finger. You cannot look at me in the face and tell me that Louis slamming him into a wall was *abuse* after finding out that Armand mindfucked him for 70 years. After y'all saw what Armand did to Daniel. After Armand plotted Louis' death while manipulating Louis into thinking he was loved.
"Louis is an abuser" is a wild take after watching both of those seasons. Louis isn't an innocent princess, either, but compared to the two older vampires, he is the main victim of the story. Both Lestat and Armand emotionally abused him, manipulated him, and physically hurt him, and after all of it, he just ends up alone.
Now, believe me, I love Armand and Lestat. I think they're wonderfully awful people, and so much fun to watch, so fun to love, so fun to hate. But I think so many people left season 2 on their sides completely, just because Louis stood up for himself AND admitted that he was wrong about a lot of what he thought he remembered. And in all honesty, I think a lot of y'all like Sam and Assad because they're hot and... Jacob, while hot, is still Black. With Assad, you can give yourselves the benefit of the doubt because he's still a person of color, but he's a non-black person of color...
And Black people are not afforded softness or innocence, the way non-black people are. So, Louis doing something that's not good makes him not good, even if it's in the context of being a vampire. But Lestat and Armand get "brat prince" and "baby girl" even when they're cruel.
And also, it's not great to put the "abuser" label on someone standing up to their abuser. I dunno. Feels kinda yucky, in that sense, too.
Personally, I try to keep these people's vampire incarnations out of human morality, because being a vampire is inherently immoral because you need to kill to stay alive. So, like, when they physically fight, I can excuse it because they know they can't actually do much harm for the most part, because vampires heal fast and can't be easily hurt. But when... idk, you drop your fledgling from an extreme height, or cut someone's ankles and have them buried in rocks and locked away in a mausoleum... that's actually trying to hurt them (as Lestat admitted.)
And Louis' attempt to kill Lestat was because he and Claudia feared him. None of them disagree with that fact.
Anyway, have the same grace for the Black man that you do for your brat prince. Idk why y'all are trying to make Louis the bad guy. He never even asked to be a vampire. Lestat just wanted to keep him.
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prettypinkporkchop · 1 month
Can I request a Paul x reader where Paul imprinted on reader but they just fucking hate him because reader and Paul where like each other's worst enemy's before he shifted and Paul has to convince reader that he's not the worst person on earth
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The Love side
Paul Lahote.
Your enemy.
All through school, he has hated you, and you've hated him. It's because he had beaten up your good friend. Not only that, but he was a player, and you HATE players. He tried to get in bed with you once at a party, but you slapped him.
"Oh, you've done it y/l/n. Watch yourself, little girl." He spits and shoves past you. "Fuck. You." You turn around. He stops, faces you, and then smiles. "I will make you regret that."
He sure did. Every day, he would make fun of you. He threatened to beat up your friend again just to make you mad. His exact words were, "I don't hit women. But I will make y/n cry."
One day, he stopped showing up. He was gone. It was the best feeling ever. You were free. When he came back, you were angry. You had a class together, and you ended up locking eyes.
That is when everything fell apart. Now, you have to be around him. He has to be around you. His mean attitude has slightly changed. But, you give him attitude which upsets him. You kind of love making him mad in hopes this stupid imprint thing goes away. Your dynamic annoys the pack. They wish you guys would just shut up and be a healthy relationship.
Here you guys are, in his truck.
"You are one stupid boy, Paul." You yell at him because you saw a girl he had fucked in high school. "Don't be childish. She means nothing." He growls and starts the truck. You step out and make your way down the rocky dirt road.
He jumps out too and grabs your elbow. "In the truck, now." He says sternly. You push him back, but he doesn't budge. "Don't call me childish when YOU are the man whore!"
"Why does it matter to you anyway?!" He yells and steps closer to you. His breathing is rough. "Because you imprinted on me, and I'm jealous. But I'm mad, and I know I mean nothing. You will hurt me, too." His breathing slows down. "I'll never hurt you. You need to understand that." He says quietly.
That night, you knock on Paul's bedroom door. He HAS to have you at his house during the night, or else he can't protect you due to territory issues with the vampires. Thankfully, you sleep on the couch.
He opens the door, and you stare at him with annoyance. "Ya know, the couch is very uncomfortable." You cross your arms. "Bro, I'm not in the mood. Just take the bed." He pushes past you. "I'm not sleeping in your nasty bed. I'm going home." You argue. You walk back to the living room to put your stuff in your bag. He grabs your arm with a firm grip, pulling you up to face him. "You're not going anywhere." He glares. "I. Hate. You." You hiss. Something in his eyes changed. "I don't like when you say that." His voice is still stern. You scoff and cross your arms. "Dude, like I care. You're a piece of shit. You're only keeping me around so that you don't have to deal with the physical pain of being away from me."
Something inside Paul had caught on fire. His heart is actually breaking. He can't take this anymore! He does love you.
"Can you at least stay with Emily? Kim?" He asks softly. "Okay." He sighs of relief, and you notice how genuine he seems.
'It's only because of the imprint.'
He drives you to Emily and Sam's.
You and Emily ended up staying up watching movies on the couch. You guys ended up having a deep 3 a.m girl talk.
"I'm just so mad about it being him!" You groan in your tired state. She yawns and nods her head. "I know, sweetie. Just tell me, would you ever change your mind about him?" She adjusts the blanket over her.
You take a big deep long breath, thinking.
"Mm, he'd have to really show me. He's hurt so many people. He played with girls' hearts. He was a fuck boy! Geez." You put your hand over your face. "Well, let the universe take part. Sit back and see what happens. Be nicer to him. It's not a forced bond. There's always been something there." She smiles.
You wake up to Emily cooking in the kitchen. You sit up and walk to the table, sitting down. "Oh! I hope I didn't wake you." She awkwardly bites her lip. "You did, but it's because of food, so I'm not complaining." You giggle.
You realize you look bad. Pajamas, hair's a mess, no makeup.
You go to their bathroom with your bag and fix yourself up.
You step out and see the pack sitting around. You see Paul looking down at his hands that are placed on the table.
Emily's advice plays in your head. Be nicer. You will be, but you won't give in until he shows he's a good guy. You refuse to get hurt.
You walk up to him and kneel down beside him. He looks down at you, confused. "You alright?" You ask kind of nicely? He looks surprised and smiles at you. "Uhm, I will be." He breathes out.
His brown eyes are stuck on yours. His mood has lifted a bit because you acknowledged him and somewhat showed you care. This is a good sign to him.
You stand up and see the boys side eyeing you and eating. "Y/n, I left something on my couch for you. You actually left it." He looks up at you.
What could you have left?
"Thanks." You say dryly. Paul stands up and pushes the chair in. "I'll drive you." He offers. Kim notices your face. She stands up and puts a hand on your shoulder. "I'll take you, y/n. I'll drop you off at home after you pick it up."
You look at her and nod your head, "thank you." You smile.
Being somewhat nice to Paul is hard.
You open the door to Paul's house and walk over to his couch. There's a brown paper bag with handles. You open it up.
Inside is a tiny black box. You open it, and there's a necklace. It's a beautiful necklace that you have been looking at for a while. It's expensive as shit! "No. Fucking. Way." You mumble. Under the necklace is a note. You pick up the necklace, placing it down on your lap, and open the piece of paper.
'I swear, when I think of you, the mountains before me move. Believe me when I say this: I love you.'
You forget how to breathe. Your hands become shaky. You put the note down and open the bag again. A fluffy blanket that's swirled and tied with ribbon into a bow. In the ribbon is another note.
'For when my blanket is too gross for you to sleep in. I promise I do clean them.'
You giggle a little bit. You dig inside again, and there's a bracelet. He definitely made it.
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You put on the necklace and bracelet. You put the blanket back in the bag and walk back to Kim's car. "What was it?" She asks. "A blanket!" You giggle.
You're settling in at home. You did laundry, some work on your laptop, and made yourself food.
You sit on your bed, scrolling through tiktok. Your phone dings.
Paul: how are you feeling?
Y/n: good. Thank you for the gifts.
Paul: you're welcome, beautiful. I have a question.
Y/n: what
Paul: date?
You groan in annoyance. Your mind plays out every mean thing he said to you before phasing. All of the girls he had hurt. The innocent dudes he fought because they breathed wrong.
But, his beautiful eyes. His sexy face. His body. His hands. His smile. His laugh. His electrifying touch.
Y/n: it's going to take a lot of convincing to get me to be yours.
Paul: I know. I'll wait forever.
Y/n: did you make the bracelet?
Paul: yes ma'am. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I can redo it for you.
What a suck up!!!
Y/n: it's perfect.
A couple of days later, the pack is at Jacob's house. They're helping him fix up a motorcycle. You, Emily, and Kim join in.
You girls sit on lawn chairs near the garage. Emily looks at your wrist and smirks. "Things going well?" She asks. You lean back in the chair and sigh. "I mean, I'm being nice.... enough. He's showering me in gifts. He's trying to take me on a date." You roll your eyes. "What's so bad about that? He's showing you he wants you and only you." Kim says. You know this deep down. But, it doesn't change who he was... is. You don't know anymore.
Paul, Jared, and Sam make their way to you girls. Paul smiles at you and gently grabs your hand. You leave it like that for two seconds but wiggle your hand out of his grip. He doesn't say anything.
"I want to show you something, if you'll let me." He looks at you with almost a pleading face. You get curious and look around his face for any sign of something bad.
It's just sweetness. You can feel the passion radiating off of him. "Okay, Paul." You actually say his name without anger.
This makes his heart jump. His stomach does a flip. He just wants to take you by the hand and kiss you.
You lock your fingers with his and stand up.
He leads you into the woods. "There's a specific spot. You okay?" He turns to face you. You guys have been walking for a hot while. "I'm fine." You lie. Your feet are killing you. He squints at you and then walks to you. He lifts your bridal style. "What the hell?" You squirm. "I can tell your feet are hurting. Let me help you."
Finally, you guys get to this stream of water. There are rocks planted perfectly like a path. The sound of the water is soothing. There is a tree that has fallen, which is where he places you down.
"I was patrolling and found this. It made me think of you." He sits next to you. You look over at him as he watches the stream.
"Ya know, I never meant to hurt those girls in school. I was punishing myself." He sighs. You turn your body to his. You're shocked he's opening up.
"I never hated you. I was trying to stop myself and you from ever falling. But I've always liked you. I was just young, dumb, oblivious." He looks at you. "I'd do anything for you. I hope you believe me. I'm sorry for how I was. I will forever live with that guilt, and I deserve it. I deserve no pity. But, I am so sorry." He shakes his head and his eyes get watery.
You fall.
You fell.
You love him.
"Oh, Paul." You grab his face and kiss him. He's taken aback but kisses you back. His hand wraps around your wrist gently.
Later that night, you are at his house. You are sleeping on the couch again. You are staring at the ceiling and can't stop thinking about him. His lips taste so good. His touch is like fire.
You get up and open his door slowly. His room is dark, and you can hear very quiet snoring. You make your way to his bed. You crawl under the blanket next to him. He slightly groans and shifts. He turns around, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling your back into him. Your butt is against him. You lift your head and turn it. You can't see his face, but you feel his lips on yours. The kiss is rough, and his hands slide down to your hip, near your ass. He pulls away and nuzzles his face in your neck. "Not yet."
You wake up, wrapped up in his arms and content. "I love you." You mumble to Paul. "I love you too, my girl." He kisses your cheek.
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neomujinjja · 10 months
Still a monster (Not a monster)
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Pairing: Vampire! Jay x Human! reader
Length: 466 words Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Warning: not edited, jay feeling insecure, mention of k*lling, reference to enha story-line/webtoon
Synopsis: You've been dating your boyfriend, Jay, for a few months now. He tells you that he has something important to discuss with you.
Note: read the continuation here; which is based 5 years in the relationship.
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"So, what did you want to talk about with me?" You asked as you sat down on the leather couch. Your boyfriend had sent you a text telling you to come over to his apartment for a talk. You were slightly scared that it would a break-up talk but you're trying to keep calm. Jay grabbed your hands in his.
"I have a secret that I haven't told you yet." he told you. "And you might not believe, but I need you to do so". Jay had a serious and worried look on his face.
"Of course, I'll believe you. You can tell me anything" You reassure the male in front of you. He brought your hand up to his face, giving it a peck. Jay took a deep breath in as he set your hand back down into his lap.
"I'm not actually twenty-one years old. In reality, I'm a hundred and twenty-one years old. I was turned into a vampire in 1923 and have been one since." The silver-haired man stopped talking, as of waiting for a reaction. You weren't sure if he was waiting for a general reaction or one of disgust or disbelief. He continued when he didn't see whatever he was looking for. "In the past, I've hurt people. I've killed people for my own personal gain. Sometimes those being the ones closest to me. I've turned myself around, along with my coven; we drink animal blood but only once a year". He stopped one again, this time taking his hands away from yours. Jay placed his head on his hands before running them through his hair. He kept his head down as if he couldn't look at you anymore. There was a long moment of silence between the two of you as you watched your boyfriend and his body language.
"Jay" you spoke, putting a hand on his cheek to make him look at you. "I believe you. I believe you when you say that you're a vampire, and I believe you when you say that you don't drink human blood. And I believe and trust you to not harm me; you could have in these past few months but haven't. If you thought that I was going to be angry, upset, or break up with you then you're wrong" you reassured the male sitting across from you.
"But I could" he argued back. You shook your head, giving your boyfriend a loving look. The fact that he was worried about possibly hurting you assured you that he wouldn't.
"But you won't, I know it" you responded to him. "I didn't want to say this so soon but I need you to know that I love you, Jay. And I won't be leaving you just because of who you are".
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halfmoonshines · 3 months
Hello! I saw that you write for TVD so I wonder if I can get a Damon x witch!poc fem reader, in which she, deferential to everyone who only expects the worst from him, sees something good in him, which is why she always chooses him and defends him (only Damon receiving all the love and care he deserves) please? With lots of fluffy and angst
thank you <333
damon salvatore x witch!poc fem reader
summary; you were not blind to everyone's aggression and faults, so why was everyone blind to everything but Damon's?
a note that this is not set anywhere specific in timeline - alsooo... minor Elena hate? She's such a villain to me.
The living room of the boarding house had been destroyed, couch flipped and table turned to scrap by Stefan's outburst. He had stormed out quickly afterward, but not before telling both Elena and Damon that they had made him this way.
You stood near the entrance to the room, the magic in your veins humming as it begged to be released on the retreating, erratic vampire. He had been binging on human blood for so long now, you weren't sure he would ever go back to the mild mannered man you had first met all those years ago. No matter what scheme Elena and Damon concocted in their desperate attempt to save him.
"This is all your fault." Elena's voice wavered, but it was full of venom. Your eyes snapped to find her but she was locked on the eldest Salvatore. "You did this to him."
Damon shook his head, confusion marring his face. "Elena, you know that I've been trying-"
"If you had just cleaned up your act a bit sooner, Damon!" She was angrily gathering her things now, getting ready to storm out after her equally as volatile ex. "He wouldn't be this way if you hadn't influenced him."
Your eyes were only on Damon then, you could see the tell-tale clench of his jaw from across the room. The way his fingers flexed. He was upset, because he cared, but he would lash out because he didn't know how else to stand up for himself.
"That's not very fair, Elena. Stefan is his own person. Damon didn't make him do anything." Your voice was firm as you took the single step down into the living room, inching closer to Damon. Trying to let him know he wasn't alone.
Elena's eyes narrowed, a disbelieving smile gracing her face. "Are you really defending him right now?"
"Yes." No hesitation. "I am." You could feel his gaze burning a hole in your back while you stood like a human shield between him and the Gilbert. "I understand you're upset, we're all worried about Stefan. But it isn't fair to blame everything on Damon."
Her scoff would bother you for the next week. "Whatever you say." And with that she left.
The nervousness was settling in your chest when you finally turned to Damon, offering him a small smile. "Sorry about that."
His eyes searched yours for just a second before he turned around and walked upstairs silently.
"Damon, you're bleeding." You noticed the blood literally pouring from his abdomen when he peeled himself away from you, having shielded you from the explosion that just rocked the gym of the high school. You vaguely noticed your friends pulling themselves to their feet around you, Caroline and Stefan arguing with each other over something. You didn't notice Elena storming over.
Everyone else's yelling voices faded away when you looked up to meet his gaze, noticing his eyes flickering over your dark skin, checking you for any injuries of your own.
You reached a hand out to heal him. You knew he would heal eventually, but it was the least you could do since he most definitely got injured shielding you. You didn't know what was going on with you and Damon lately, but just the thought of him bleeding made you nauseous.
Before your hand could make contact he was yanked away from you, a barely perceptible wince coming from him at the movement. You were angry before you even decided to be.
"How could you not warn us?" Elena's voice was shrill against the pounding in your head from the boom that happened moments ago. You couldn't help but noticed she didn't have a scratch on her but didn't hesitate to hit Damon right in the chest.
"Elena." You stepped forward to wedge yourself between them, not wanting Damon to take the matter into his own hands but not allowing Elena to put a hand on him. Vampire or not.
Everyone was staring now.
"No! Don't Elena me. He full knew that this group of vampires had ex military with them. A warning about potential bombs would have been nice!"
You tried hard to put a cap on your frustration. "Why would he willingly walk into somewhere that could blow him to pieces? Pretty sure there's no coming back from that. Even for a vampire."
Elena seemed to debate her reply for a moment, gaze going from the rigid vampire behind you to your own eyes. "One day, he's going to hurt you so bad, you won't care about his feelings anymore." She left with that, Stefan and Caroline in tow. Caroline was the only one who cast a haphazard glance back at you.
"Thank you." His voice was quiet, and your shock was loud.
"Of course."
"Can you believe him?" You winced as Elena's angry voice sounded after the slam of the front door. You and Caroline had beat her to her own home after the showdown at the grill, hoping to clean up the broken glass you knew was waiting for her.
"I mean, what else do we expect?" Bonnie's reply was sardonic when they both rounded the corner, spying the other women in the kitchen.
"Damon is the most selfish, disgusting idiot that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing." Elena's tone was final as she slammed her purse down on the kitchen counter, pulling up one of the stools to plop into.
You tried to ignore that angry twinge that always started in your chest whenever people set their crosshairs on the older Salvatore. He seemed to be everyone's resident punching bag, despite the recent uncovered issues Stefan also harbored.
"I still say we should get rid of him." Caroline sounded chipper at the idea she presented, ready to have his head on a pike.
That was most definitely all that you could take. The glass you had been cleaning was roughly thrown into the trash can. "So we're going to get rid of Stefan too, right? Cut out the evil right at its root. Maybe Tyler too."
Her friends looked taken aback, each ones eyebrows pulling together while they stole glances at each other.
"Are you okay?" Bonnie was hesitant in her question, her caramel colored eyes focusing on your own.
"I'm fine, Bon. But it doesn't seem like you guys are. For the last year, all I have heard is how Damon is the bane of everyone's existence. How he's evil. How is what happened tonight his fault? Do you blame him for trying to save his mother? You surely wouldn't fault Stefan for doing the same. How can you make him the villain if you wouldn't hesitate to do what he does? If you were put in the same position?" You gripped the kitchen counter, willing your magic to calm from the swirling mess inside of your stomach.
"You can't mean that. He's done terrible things." Elena argued, arms crossing over her chest.
"So have you. So have I. But he's also done amazing things, Elena. He's sacrificed himself time and time again to try and win some kind of favor with you people but you've done nothing but take him for granted, and then demonize him even more when he dares to let your treatment of him hurt his feelings." By the end of your statement, you had your purse hanging off your arm and you were shoving past Bonnie to get out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?" Caroline questioned.
"To go make sure Damon's okay."
You were pretty sure you knew where you were going to find him. Since The Grill was out of commission due to the commotion early in the night, he was definitely drinking at home. That's where you came upon him, sprawled out on the couch in the living room of his home, tumbler of amber liquid dangling from his fingers.
"Shouldn't you be plotting my demise with the Scooby Gang?" The defeat in his voice nearly made you halt, a sadness pulling at the back of your eyes. This man had no venom to him, only defeat.
You came around the couch and gently moved his legs to the ground, taking the seat you just cleared. Those clever blue eyes tracked your movements, something foreign shaded in them.
"I know you don't usually want to, but do you want to talk about tonight? It wasn't an easy decision to make, Damon." You tried to sound understanding without being placating, fearing him holding up behind those walls he so loved to build.
"It wasn't a difficult decision. She had to die. So she did." You would've believed his cold mask if you hadn't heard the cracking in his voice.
You sighed a bit, daring to reach a hand out to rest on his knee. His gaze snapped to yours quickly, hardening slowly like water in winter. "You don't deserve to feel like the villain, Damon. You're put in impossible positions to make terrible decisions, and then shunned for them. Please don't let their hatefulness make you feel any less than you are."
You thought he was going to quip back at you at first, a sardonic smirk on his face - but it dropped quickly, and his voice was almost a breath when he asked his question. "Why do you keep defending me?"
A million answers floated through your mind, because there were so many. But you felt like there was only one that would suffice right now. "Because I care about you."
His lips found yours quickly, fitting together like the last pieces of a puzzle.
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astarionconsort · 9 months
Ascendant Astarion was driven by fear, but can you really blame him?
Okay so I just read the newest interview that mentioned Astarion reasoning behind his ascension was driven by fear and I thought it made sense?
Tho I don't believe that fear was the only force behind the reason of his decision to ascend, there's a longing to be alive again to enjoy everything that the world has to offer, the need for certainty and also to protect his loved ones (when he has a love interest)
But let's talk about this fear part, there are people (even the companions) who expected that 'he should have known better' or 'shouldnt even think about ascension' and sees this fear in the recent interview as something that is so horrid but here's the thing.
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"You are right to be afraid." I mean DUH obviously it makes sense. Astarion lives in a very dangerous world where countless undead risen from their graves thanks to necromancer toying with life and death, there are bandits everywhere, monsters, evil gods who never failed to make life even more miserable than ever and even the supposedly good aligned god can be so awful at times, etc etc.
The party that he traveled with and himself were infected with worms that would eat their brain and transformed them into a living husk, the absolute cult and the dead three were on their tail, angry devils, Cazador wanted him back and not to mention the Githyanki and their lich queen wanted them dead as well for what happened with the prism
Even during act 3 where they were supposedly close to victory. The victory was not set in stone yet, nothing is certain and something could have gone wrong. They could have died or even worse!
Not to mention he's a man who was tormented for 200 hundred years. He was stripped of everything that he had and even his own reflection, reduced to catched rats to sustain himself.
Can you really blame him for wanting to seek a way out from Cazador's torment, the hunger for blood and the indignity that he suffered for so long?
Also it would be harder to convince him to not ascend if Tav or Durge romanced him. Because now he's not just afraid for his own safety and his future but also his lover. The only person whom he ever love and genuinely love him back in 200 years (also not ending up as a victim for Cazador)
Most people would have killed him when they found that he's a vampire and infected with an Illithid parasite. Most people would have abandoned him
Tav/Durge was the only light in his life after years of living in darkness and torment, you can't really blame him for wanting to keep this light from being snuffed out by untimely death
And if that means sacrificed 7000 souls that he already damned anyway (undead like vampire wouldn't be accepted by good aligned gods in the after life, not sure about evil gods but most deities most won't accept them) so be it
I don't see this fear behind his decision as something that is objectively awful? I mean it is a natural respond anyone would have if they were in his shoes
Then you might ask "If Astarion loves Tav or Durge that much why he insisted on turning them into a vampire? And break up if they refused?"
Because he was overwhelmed by his beating heart/ his renewed sense, the high from his power and he's also insecure. At that point in act 3 he expected Tav and Durge to stand by his side no matter what
Because they were the only person who didn't kill the parasite infested vampire spawn at the beach, who loves him anyway despite the face he was a man with nothing to his name, who were willing to sacrifice 7000 souls and killed the Gur for him!
Ascended Astarion didn't want THAT special person to be taken by early death or a fate worse than death
He needed the reassurance that his love would be safe and no gods nor fate will take them away
If they refused to be an immortal vampire then they were as good as sealed their fate to death. Astarion didn't want to face that heartbreak
The thing that I don't agree with the interview is that the interpretation that ascension sent him to a horrible place? It was kinda vague? Like worse place when? During or after the ascension? Because this cannot apply after the ascension since I have taken so many screenshot and recording of ascendant astarion and I didn't see him feeling miserable about his fate. He was happy that the hunger gone and he could see his reflection again
Post final battle? The epilogue? After the epilogue party? This cannot be applied to all people, all route, all Tav/Durge and Astarion in general because there's variations. I mean you might see ascended Astarion as a bit lonely because he doesn't end up with anyone but in my Tav's universe he has a consort who stay by his side and their relationship is still going strong because my Tav is aligned with him
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therealvinelle · 5 months
I love the Agatha Christie question!
Who are your HP/Twilight faves in the Christie universe? (Who’s the opportunist who knows too much and dies for it? Who’s the conman killer who courts the girl to avoid suspicion? Who’s just trying to take a holiday and gets caught-up in a murder? Who are the dynamic mystery-solving duo who realize they are in love by the end of the novel? etc.).
I mean, that is kind of what The Man Who Would Be King (and secret fic) (both cowritten with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin) have already become. We have our murder victim, Alphard, a very rich man with a colorful family, and possibly his sister, we have our unlikely detectives in Voldemort, Lily Potter, and Alphard himself. It may not be the center of the story but it's a large part of it.
In other words my answer for Harry Potter would somehow spoil all my present and future fics so I won't.
As for the Twilight version...
I vote we do it wealthy dysfunctional family style, it's most natural.
A patriarch is poisoned
Carlisle Cullen, a very wealthy man with powerful enemies, nonetheless dear to those around him and blessed with more friends than most, is found dead in his office one morning. Cause of death? Murder.
The police, caught on the detail that Dr. Cullen was a vampire and vampires are real, what the fuck is this on the doctor's autopsy table and is he going to wake up again and drink all our blood?, are little use in the investigation. Scotland Yard is soon brought in, and using Chief Swan's connections with the family they get a better picture of Dr. Cullen's life.
His family wasn't looking to inherit him anytime soon, as he was immortal. None of them were having money troubles however, all were independently wealthy.
He had made enemies of a thousand-year-old clan of powerful vampires, who on hearing that his murder is being investigated like this get very upset. Supposedly the victim lived with them in his youth (and inspector Craddock cries when he learns the timeline for this murder goes back to the 1600s. Are they going to have to bring historians in on this murder??), he might have known something
Oh what's that? The victim had a whole network of friends across the globe, who are all killers, and he knew everyone's secrets? ... do we have the budget to investigate this?
The victim was also living next to a tribe of magical shapeshifting wolves evolved specifically to kill his kind. They liked him best and had a line in their treaty that "he dies last". Not sure what to do with this information
Rosalie Hale missing person case from 1933 solved: Carlisle Cullen adopted her. Was she recognised, did someone piece it together, and was Carlisle killed in retribution?
The victim lived a fake life of fake papers. Could be important, except it's the most normal thing about this case.
The police wonder how this man didn't get murdered sooner, and are stretched so thin the investigation is going slowly.
So, Renesmee gets to be our plucky detective du jour, as she decides to see if she can help. Surely there is no harm in her poking around, and she's well liked around the vampire world so there might be answers she can get that human police can't, partly because policemen keep getting eaten.
She slowly narrows it down to the horrible realization that it was someone in the family, and she learns terrible things.
Jasper Hale wasn't Jasper Hale at all! He was a friend of Jasper's in the newborn army who wanted a new life, and who in the wake of Jasper's suden and unexpected death assumed his identity. He had Peter bite his entire face so he'd be scarred like Jasper had been, and vouch for this blond vampire most definitely being Jasper Hale. Peter later had to die because he Knew Too Much, and so did Charlotte, regrettably. Fake Jasper did however not kill Carlisle.
Edward seems a prime suspect, he is an angry and resentful young man who acts out. Everyone thinks he did it, and that Bella should certainly marry Jacob, the safer option. Much upheaval is had, however, once Renesmee is able to clear Edward's name and he meaningfully links arms with Bella. They sail off into the sunset with their inheritance.
Rosalie is a beautiful, cold, intimidating woman, the femme fatale sort who's surely conniving. It's a bit of a mystery why she married that poor fool Emmett, but it's clear to all she doesn't love him. No clear motive from her, other than the money she would inherit, but she's just so suspicious. Her alibi is ambiguous, she claims she was with Esme and Emmett but what if Esme and Emmett are lying to protect their daughter and wife? Superintendent Battle wonders about that.
Renesmee is at a loss.
And then she realizes that it's not Rosalie who acts like she doesn't love Emmett, it's Emmett who acts like he doesn't love her! And Esme's grieving widow act is just that, it's an act!
Renesmee realizes that Emmett and Esme are lovers, and killed Carlisle together. Esme committed it while Emmett tricked Rosalie into giving her an alibi. Renesmee realizes this once she has a "But Rosalie couldn't have seen Esme from that angle!" moment.
The plan was too pin Rosalie for the murder, see her hanged, and then in due time the mourning widowers would marry, happily entitled to all the money they couldn't have touched if they'd divorced. Also Rosalie was Catholic so she wouldn't have agreed to a divorce.
The two lovers are confronted, and Esme pulls out a tiny pearl-studded gun from her shoe, says "We tried, my love. I regret nothing" before shooting first Emmett, then herself.
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ratcate · 7 months
I'm here to admit that I may have developed a hyper fixation on your OCs (especially on Zerion and Sir. Valentine) so can you perhaps tell us more about them? (And other OCS)
oh hey!! great selection of characters. Makes me really happy you wanting to know more about them! I love them a lot, but Sir Valentine more, as Zerion's personality and setting is pretty nebulous still. info about them both under read more!
Zerion is some sort of cartoony super villain, heavily inspired in the night of the bald mountain monster interpretation from Fantasia(disney)
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(art from 2020)
I think he's a very strong dark mage or something. Right now I have him reduced to a joke. A cartoony villain living his slice of life, but always awaiting action, the smallest spark chaos, to join in, in a world where nothing ever happens. He has his sidekick, Vampina (I think that was her name). A vampire chick who lives in the moment and is Zerion's servant, as long as he provides him with some blood every now and then
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she almost never pulls off that relaxed smile from her face, her brain usually has no thoughts more than "can i eath this?" "I can eat this" Both of them are pretty evil. I remember once i tried to sketch out a first chapter, where they had a visit of income tax department agents, coming to remind Zerion he hadn't paid his taxes, and both Zerion and Vampina made a whole intricate plan on how to get rid of them and torture them, to show the government they're not to be fucked with. Though, all their scare tactics were just confusing, failed magic tricks for the men, now tied to apparent non functioning electric chairs, looking at each other through their sunglasses, stoic faces, while confused to what Zerion is yapping about in his villain monologue, while Vampina eats a stale bread in the BG. ---------------------------------------------------------
I don't have much about Sir Valentine either, but I certainly have drawn him more. For now, His name is Sir Cannon Valentine, but we'll get to that in a bit.
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(both from 2020)
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This is the first art ever I made of him, and that's a lot of his vibe. (2019)
This MAN, is some warrior who died in his armor but is back by some whack magic, and he's impatient, easily irritated, screams instead of talking, and I've always imagined having him a strong accent. He's here to fight and go headfirst into everything bc he really cannot die.
As of 2024, Sir Valentine is Sir Cannon Valentine (you can still call him the first version), BECAUSE, besides him being reborn and inmortal, angry and ready to fucking obliterate anything in his way, now his body works as a canonball
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He went through my manic episode of redesigning many of my characters, after getting a taste of Pizza tower's cartoony characters, and became this. Much more functional, easily drawn, flowy. he just works, i can animate him in a snap of fingers. Still consistenly working to improve his design even more.
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I will probs change the story, but this guy is resucitated as a last resort for a war between kingdoms, as a mistake, bc they wanted to revive some other guy, but got mistaken and went to his thomb. This guy revived him, after a ritualistic dance and some lightning
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and then he is like "oh wait I fucked up", and Valentine is like "TOO LATE BITCH I'M FREE!!" and blasts away from him, as a cannonball, fueled by his own fire and methane gas from the catacombs he is in lol. This story is very not much constructed, but I love Sir Valentine a lot, and the characters I can surround him with. I see him falling for a bourgeoisie woman, or a princess even, bc all my stories need the romance, I'm nothing without the romance. I am also thinking of including another character of mine, Sayen, as the daughter of this death guy
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Sayen previously appeared as a participant in a nsfw comic in my twt alt account lol. I love her and her design very much.
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kayesfanfics · 11 months
Hi! I'd like to ask for Isaac general dating headcanons!
(You can add something 18+ if you want)
Warnings: NSFW under the cut, including light BDSM/bondage
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Isaac is a very stoic and self disciplined man, he tries not to get attached to people in fear they may harm him. But with you, it was different. Your eyes didn’t hold any malice or deceit, they were warm and inviting, and a sweet smile often adorned your face. You were quite literally the complete opposite of him, you even trusted people a little too easily, and he wanted to be the one to protect you from them when they (in his mind) inevitably betrayed that trust
He may seem cold and blunt with you to other people, but you know that’s just how he is. He doesn’t get very mushy or lovey dovey, that’s just not his vibe at all. He likes to keep things relaxed and casual as he speaks to you, but he can actually be quite romantic. His smooth voice has a way of wooing you over and over again, telling you stories of his travels and the different cultures he’s come across. How he found forgemastery as a way to harness his emotions into magic to bring dead things back to life
He is extremely loyal to you, devotes all his time to you when he’s not planning a war for Master Dracula. You read or study by candlelight in his workspace, while he’s doing his work at the table. He’ll take breaks to come hug you from behind, which is rare for him to do since he’s not exactly very physically affectionate or touchy with anyone. But he’ll rest his chin on your shoulder and read over it, following your finger that’s keeping your place for you, and when you bend the corner of the page and put your book down, you turn to kiss him on the cheek. He allows it, knowing you won’t go farther than that since he’s expressed his physical boundaries to you before. He’s okay with kisses on the cheek, holding hands, that’s as intimate as it gets for awhile into the relationship since it’s very much new to him
He wants to know every corner of your mind. What you find interesting, what disgusts you, what scares you, what bores you. He wants to know your thoughts about everything, your opinions on what he does, on the war, he wants to know what humanity has done to you to bring you here to Dracula’s Castle. He’ll open up to you slowly as you open up to him, building a mutual trust with each other
So Isaac goes to Dracula, as his friend, and carefully asks how he knew he was in love with Lisa. Dracula doesn’t get angry with her name being mentioned, instead smiling softly and happy to talk about it with Isaac. He tells Isaac how her intellect and boldness first attracted him, how she was unafraid of the vampire kings reputation and demanded he teach her his knowledge about the medical world. Once Dracula fell out of his daydream about his wife, he raised an eyebrow and looked at Isaac, asking why he wanted to know. Isaac just stammering for the first time and being all “I just…I wanted to know, is all. Thank you for telling me, master.” before he bows slightly and rushes out to avoid further questions
He worries he’s not worthy of your love, that you should find someone better than him. His mind is broken, his body scarred from years of torment. Even with his night creatures, he feels he won’t be able to protect you in this world. He doesn’t see himself as someone able to love, he doesn’t know why you return his affections sometimes. But you’re always there to remind him that you love him, listing the reasons why as you kiss his cheeks, before he finally leans in to your touch and presses his lips to yours. Your first kiss is soft and gentle, full of love and trust as his hands find their way to your waist, your own arms wrapping around his shoulders
After the first kiss, there will be plenty more. Not in front of other ever, he’s a private person and wants to remain professional in front of the other members of Dracula’s Court. But in private, he allows your hands to wander, massaging his aching shoulders but avoiding his back, scattered in fresh self-inflicted wounds. You wished he didn’t do that to himself and he didn’t do it as often now that he had you, but there were times he’d break and flog himself
NSFW Under the Cut
He loves it when you’re both naked in bed, not even having sex, just touching each other and holding each other. The comfort and warmth your body brings him relaxes and calms him down, a soft smile adorning his normally stone-cold face
Prefers to top, he can’t either be soft or even indulge in a little BDSM, but nothing that would genuinely hurt you or leave a mark, he’d never forgive himself if he hurt you even if you told him it was alright. He’s just not comfortable with impact play aside from slapping your ass or thighs, maybe your chest if that’s something you’re into. He can be mean and fuck you harshly into the mattress, pinching your nipples and telling you not to cum until he gives you permission. His punishments would be orgasm denial for sure, maybe even tying your hands up so you can’t touch yourself and get off that way. His stone-cold face will return as you beg and cry for him, but he has amazing self control and won’t give into your pleads until he hears what he wants to hear from you
Will sometimes even let you tie his hands up instead while you ride him. He wants to feel and experience what you do when he does this to you, bouncing on him slowly to deny him that release. He won’t moan or whimper, he more makes low grunts and groans during sex, clenching his jaw and shutting his eyes tightly as he focuses on your every touch
But when you’re making love, he is gentle and caring and puts love into it. His lips almost never leaves yours as he slowly pumps himself into you, allowing you to feel every inch of him inside of you. Your hands avoid his back, instead grabbing his shoulders or biceps as you kiss him hungrily, wanting nothing but to feel more and more of him
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So after reading this ☝️for the who knows how many time, when an idea or something just popped out. Now we all know that in this magnificent fandom(dpxdc) that Amity is a no go area right? Well what if and I mean what if the Bats after talking with sad trenchcoat man(Yes I called John that and no I will not stop thank you very much) about Amity, Conny goes hesteria cause he outdated and stuff or just didn't know King Phantom but yeah starts talking about Pariah Dark(who is redeemed or just in the dog house cause he pissed of clockwork), ghost zone being dangerous etc etc.
Now this makes the bats assume even more that our space boi Danny is not safe. So what they do? After idk bribing the judge or somehow provide 'proof' of abuse which makes the Fenton's lose custody(Danny is not happy), takes Danny to Gotham(via knockout cause my boi will go feral), then returns back to amity as the furry squad. Do some hacking shit but since they don't know Fenton tech and Fenton thinking(I genuinely believe the Fenton's are Hella smart like Hella smart it might piss of Lex) and probably set up the self destruction system(TUE vibes).[which to normal people is the portal closing shut permanently,data is gone or encrypted by which a Fenton can access idk it's your choice person who decides to read and write or see this interesting].
Now we can make it that either one adult comes back alive or survived the blow due to being heavily ecto contaminated or be a ghost but I'm hoping Maddie (and Jazz) cause guys lets be honest here. Maddie is a beast when it comes to her family and kids, I can tell through canon wise she will literally go through hell, Tartarus, hell even throw hands with some ancients just for her kids. But anyways one Fenton comes back, teams up with Vlad(could be poly or good asshole uncle Vlad) along with the Elinor or Elizabeth(Yes Dani's other name is Elizabeth or Elinor) and Dante to try get Danny back.
Now to our boi we love, care Danny. So we have suspicious, angry and so many emotion Danny Fenton-Wayne. So we Danny who was practically taken away from his safety, his home, family, his friads and into another on in America. Now we can all agree that Danny is not happy about this and not because of the -whole taking me away from my family and no I'm not being in denial they love me so stop talking u ancient poorly dressed furries- It's about something much bigger and we all know, we hate it, despised it and we call it.... ANTI ECTO ACTS or as I like to call THE REBOOT WITCH TRIALS.
So that abomination there is something Danny hates,fears so him being in America puts him in bootleg men in black because of a bitch named Lex Luthor. It's like painting a bullseye on him, a huge ass arrow pointing at him with the signs 'Im a ghost in America come cut me up'. So yeah its bad for him especially when he finds out the Wayne's are sponsoring The furry squad and the justice league which in turn make things worse for him and the ghost zone cause the ghost(and other supernaturals cause u can't tell me, once a vampire or mermaid find out humans are now hunting ghosts they wont immediately assume they are next? Let's cause mass panic with the other supernaturals, witches having PTSD, they tweeking seeing the acts)are demanding blood, war, retribution from the living. So he is in emeny territory trying to survive, try get back to his family and try to calm the other ghost cause they thought he died to the explosion(yeah Danny won't be okay)but never came to the ghost zone so vengeance for the king.
Welp that what came up in mind, u can ignore it, or whatever just thought I share something with yall. But yeah basically for the last paragraph I want maybe the Justice League to either face backlash or punishment for agreeing with the law, cause in most fics we don't get to see what the ghost think or if they forgave em. Cause while the humans(idk why I'm calling people human when I'm human as well) think the Justice league was writing a wrong most will question if this won't happen again. I want the supernatural to actively be upset with them especially those from the magic committee, to question whether they should be trusted seeing as this was a retry of the Salem Witch Trials Era. And to exactly be wary and suspicious of Bruce or just genuinly not trust or like him cause guys let's be fucking honest here while yeah the bats is awesome we forgot one thing he is human flesh and bones, something so fragile in the eyes of all supernatural that they can accidentally squish him because they used to much strength or smth. And suddenly some supernaturals are scared of him? They fear him because of what? His paranoia, his contingencies? Nah that should be a warning cause logically and I mean logically can u tell me straight in my face that u trust this man while knowing he stalks you 30/7, goes through Ur personally stuff without permission btw, breaks in your house when u were at a wrong time, wrong place?? Have either his kids pretend y'all are buddies or your lover just to keep u on a leash?.
And if we are going to do the Lazarus Pits is ectoplasm, then the bats are done for especially Jason. Cause I can tell once the ghost found out the league agreed to the acts be lawful they won't help, cause why help the ones that tried to eradicate them?(how u may ask? Well it's simple, some soon to be fading corrupted ghost escaped when the portal first opened causing massive damage, some deaths etc and maybe the other reason maybe the citizens first cause of the negatives in the show, public enemy number 1 so forth). So the league after failing formed the GIW and soon left Amity thinking the people will be 'safe')
One note, would it be funny if the League of Shadows find out about the Acts and Lazarus pit being ectoplasm and just had straight to Amity for protection and probably swear loyalties to the ghost zone since the be liminal asf lonly to be stopped by Maddie and after some good ol' fashion Fenton style shenanigans, Maddie is either adopted to be the new Demon head or is the demon head??
So yeah that's what came to mind, so tell me what u think.
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early20sfailingplenty · 7 months
A while ago, you wrote Lester with a vampire s/o, and I was wondering if I can request something where he (and bros) find out she’s a siren? Maybe like, when she’s in her human form, she’s like, a regular girl, but when she’s in her siren form (which happens when she becomes wet), she has the typical abilities of a siren?
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Lester would think it's the coolest thing ever! He's the kind of guy who finds out you can draw and unthinkingly asks if you can draw him! He means it with genuine encouragement, and it's only after you wince and seem to withdraw a little from him that he realises that perhaps he's being a little bit pressuring towards you and your skills.
Similarly, when he finds out that you transform into a siren when your skin becomes wet, Lester immediately wants to see!
"C'mon, darlin', c'n y'show me?" He's grinning, having only ever heard of sirens on TV and from those books which Bo used to read to him when the three brothers huddled up into one person's bed to comfort one another when their parents were fighting.
If you indulge him and transform, he wants to see you show off your skills - what can you do? It's very genuine, very supportive, with Lester whooping and hollering even if all you did was flick your tail as you come up for air - whether you need it or not, the mythology surrounding sirens can be contrary at times. If you don't, Lester ain't too bothered - he'll see it sooner or later. Sooner, he hopes, he's excited!He didn't know you could do this and he wants to see!!! He knows how to be patient and in the end, time tells all.
If it's possible, Lester falls even more in love with you, and in the back of his mind he's working out ways to use this to his advantage - sirens lure sailors, he lures canvases to Ambrose... yeah, this could be fun...
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Bo scoffs when you tell him, he doesn't believe you, no matter how well you set up telling him, or even if he finds out because you transform.
You could be in the water in front of him, swishing your tail emphatically, and he would still bend down, squinting in concentration, trying to see how you're doing it. The call of the siren is irresistible, however, and the sweet haunting tones you emit from deep inside your throat would finally be what would convince him - he'd be powerless to resist even if he wanted to.
"You're real pretty, darlin', ain't never seen nothin' like it 'fore."
You should hope not, you silently bristle, but Bo's reverent gaze and calculative smirk as he mentally adjusts his killing routine to include you... it sends your tail curling - you might be the siren, but Bo is the honey trap, and you're both stuck.
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Vincent, ironically, is the one least surprised. He always thought, in the privacy of his mind, that you were like a siren - how else had he been so immediately drawn to you, falling in love with you before he had even known your name? He had often sculpted sirens while thinking of you, you had an ethereal air about you. He had thought it an unexplainable facet of your personality - clearly, it wasn't.
He would sometimes ask you to sing to him; when his thoughts are too loud or he's angry or he just needs something to shut his mind down for a little bit. Your voice instantly sweeps him out to sea, like sailors in times gone by, and all Vincent can do is stand there and take it all in. You can lull him to sleep - he trusts you to protect him, though your true form is known the world over for causing the death of thousands.
How beautiful, then, that a man who has killed tens of people feels safe in the presence of one who has likely done the same. Truly, a match made in hell.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Okay so I know you said that if anyother member of the chain wound up in Forks there would likely be violence had. Except if Twi landed, because he's too excited about flannels
But I would like you to imagine Edward creeping into Twi's room in the middle of the night. But Two decided to sleep as Wolfie. how badly do you thing Edweird would freak out? Because this person he's OBSESSED with turns out to be one of the few creatures that can just straight up kill him. And he had NO IDEA
I know you said Twilight, but I wanna take this as an opportunity to be silly and yap, and here’s how I think the others would all react if it were THEM instead of Wars:
STARTING with Twi: Unfortunately he’d fucking thrive. Flannels?? Pickup truck?? Jacob and the wolves being confused by his entire existence and calling him ‘Little Wolf’ because “Why is this one tiny…?” He’d be fine. Edward tries to fuck with him? He’s got the wolves at his back and Twilight is built like a brick wall, he could throw Edward. Plus once Edward finds out he’s a wolf too, he’d back the fuck up. However I do think he’d be really stressed, his anxiety would just absolutely skyrocket, and he’d probably lean on Charlie quite a bit once he starts to trust him. The reason I didn’t pick him: He’d get along too well with the wolves and I want drama 💔
Time: He would actually lose his mind I fear. He’d be so pissed and so angry to be in the body of a 16 yo once again. Edward is definitely straight up afraid of him because he can just FEEL something radiating off of Time (though he’d still very intrigued), but Time wouldn’t be scared to just fucking tackle him for being a freak in broad daylight. (He wouldn’t be able to pick up the social queues of people flirting with him/hitting on him, but this is a STALKER situation. He’s unnerved and doesn’t feel safe, he’s not gonna wait for Edward to attack him first.) He’s exhausted, but he’s also livid at the whole scenario. He’s the “quiet new kid” but because he’s just introverted and also too furious to form a sentence. The woods could fix him, but the second any vampire or werewolf comes near him he’s losing his mind. He’d get easily overstimulated by a lot of things, which would honestly be why his anger is so explosive. He’d definitely have a breakdown in the high school bathroom on day one and then just skip school after that, he wouldn’t handle it well at all, he’d view it like being trapped in some container. He’d HATE the modern world, though I do think he’d fuck heavily with 70s/80s music if he even has the patience to discover it. The reason I didn’t pick him: Honestly? If it wasn’t Wars it WOULD be Time, because this would be hilarious as hell, Wars is just a better pick and I’ll yap about that as a last point at the end of all this
Sky: Genuinely the most likely to thrive in the school setting. He can chat casually with people, he could make a friend or two, and I mean a GOOD friend, not Jessica. He’s quiet but he’s friendly and sweet, and people GENUINELY like him. Edward is still obsessed with him but scared to fucking death because Sky is all sweet smiles, but underneath that is the boiling rage of a man who’s killed a god, and Edward may not KNOW this, but he can just feel the danger. Jacob likely wouldn’t fuck with him either, one “absolutely the fuck not” from Sky and he’s been put in his place. The reason I didn’t pick him: He’d be able to manage the whole situation a LITTLE too easily. He’d actually be able to make friends 😭
Wild: He- He’d just kill first ask questions later- Edward breaks into his room? Dead. And then that would be the end of it. I don’t know how easily he’d make friends, but he’d certainly enjoy exploring Forks. Charlie would be worried sick about him constantly because he just vanishes all the time and then comes back COVERED in mud
Hyrule: I don’t think he’d immediately jump to violence, but he wouldn’t take shit from anyone either. He’d for sure stare so intensely BACK at Edward he’d make HIM uncomfortable. Hyrule would have the ‘mysterious new boy’ charm, but I think people would write him off as weird almost immediately because he spends all his time exploring. I’m not sure Edward would be attracted to him, more so just… confused? Like he’d see him out in the woods and go “tf is this little guy doing??” and Hyrule would stare back at him with those Forest Creature eyes and scare the fuck out of him. The reason I didn’t pick him: He’d unfortunately just vibe out in the trees the ENTIRE time and he’d be so disinterested in the plot
Legend: Edward would die. Several people would die. Anyone who tries to attack him or stalk him doesn’t stand a chance
Four and Wind are both, to me at least, younger than Bella is, so it never would’ve been them. Also Wind would just ABUSE Charlie being a sheriff and scream “IM CALLING THE COPS” and then call his dad every five minutes as a ‘scare tactic’. He’d also just genuinely be so obnoxious I think he could make Edward wish he were REALLY dead. Four would hit him in the face with a fucking hammer and his head would explode and that’d be that 💔
Aside from being my favorite and therefore automatically my first pick (plus the fact that this whole au came from the Swan Wars thing) I just genuinely do think Warriors was the best one to be Bella Swan. Like he’s the one who’s going to be the quiet new kid, he’d cause the least amount of problems at the beginning, and he’d be the most likely to act like Bella. He’s not a complete pushover and he will defend himself, but also he’d be able to keep himself calm enough to not just throw himself into a fight and start shit before he has the true scope of it all. Also I needed to give him a chance to witness the american mall ALSKDMDMDMDKE
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16sydd16 · 29 days
Not the original asker, but I’m new to the cadina fandom and now I’m curious about the ever-prevalent fallen angel AU that the cadina bitches kick around sometimes.
For this ask game!
Hi new person! We're so happy to have you! The Cadina bitches can't help but think about three things: 1) A woman putting her canine teeth in the side of my neck; 2) Cadina height difference, which is only like 5 inches in actuality, but it looks like a foot (which we love); 3) Fallen Angel AU. Okay, that's a little dramatic, but the collective brainrot about Fallen Angel!Regina is so real! For all of the obsessive thinking we do, we don't have a ton of concrete ideas about this. Here's five that have infected my brain!
Fallen Angel Regina dresses like an angel for a college halloween party in an attempt at irony. She hopes the big, judgmental man upstairs appreciates her humor, but she knows he won't. Though she's lost all of the perks of being an angel, she still takes her responsibilities pretty seriously. She spends her Friday and Saturday nights at local college parties, watching out for predators spiking drinks or making moves on girls who are far too drunk to say yes to anything. The first time she meets Cady Heron, she's laying on the frathouse lawn on Halloween night. She'd laid down to look at the stars before realizing she was too drunk to stand back up on her own. Regina lays next to her for a few minutes at Cady's insistence (Cady yanks Regina onto the ground when Regina offers her a hand up) and makes sure she gets home safe.
Cady talks Regina into staying until she falls asleep, but Regina is gone by the time she wakes. Cady spends the next two weeks searching student records, but it's tough, because she doesn't have much to go on besides "hot blonde angel who rescues drunk girls." She tries putting that in the student database, but it doesn't work.
Regina may not still have her angelic powers, but she does have her angelic beauty and a wicked right hook. Many men who have gotten too close to her have learned this the hard way.
The first time Cady sees the angry, raised scars on Regina's otherwise flawless back, she can't help but reach out to touch them. Regina wakes the instant she feels Cady's hands on her, the tender touch still painful to her damaged skin. She yells at Cady, screams, tries to push her away. Cady apologizes, gently strokes her shoulder and her cheek and her hair until Regina can't be mad at Cady. She can only be mad at herself, and the pain she's caused. She collapses into Cady's arms, and Cady holds her while she cries. Cady asks if Regina has those scars because she was hit by a bus or something. Regina hesitates before telling Cady the truth. That she's a fallen angel, and that her wings were savagely ripped from her back for her "crimes." Cady doesn't say anything at first. She just keeps stroking Regina's hair.
Later, much later, Cady jokes about how she always knew Regina was something ethereal. That Regina was too beautiful to be human. Regina asks if Cady always thought she was an angel, if the costume was a dead giveaway. Cady admits that vampire was actually her first guess, because Regina has a real Rosalie Hale kind of vibe. Regina scoffs and rolls her eyes and tries to get up. Cady Refuses to move from her lap. (Regina could push her off, but she doesn't. Won't. She used to think getting kicked out of heaven was the worst fate someone could suffer. Now, she knows being kicked out of Cady Heron's embrace would be the real hell.)
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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miupow · 3 months
you had me at "skz" and "vampires" (sorry its kinda a mess of thoughts hehe)
so, thoughts on vampire prince/king skz (i immediately thought of hyunjin, jeongin, or lix but who ever else comes to mind for you :3) who has a new human staff member that is supposed to be by his side and be his personal maid but she's also supposed to get used as his guard's blood bag so they never have to leave his side. buuut he gets super attached to her within the first week and keeps her all to himself 😼
idk what you would want to write about this but ill add on sappy/cute thoughts as well as some raunchy shit. also the red is toxic stuff
so on the lover agenda some of my thoughts are:
definitely courts her with little trinkets or gifts that he googles researches that humans historically have liked. usually any particularly shiny jewelry he can get his hands on
definitely has his right-hand-man order the highest quality ingredients and has a very talented chef cook normal (high end) food for your meals. (i also thought if he was being a tsundere about it he would sooo tell them to make the food look bad while still keeping its flavor 😭)
when you both get closer he is definitely a spoiled brat about it and will absolutely hate being told "no" by you for any reason, but you also know all too well that he won't do anything about it because he's really bad at hiding his feelings so you know he likes you
when you guys start dating he'll do everything in his power to get you to agree to be converted into a vampire, cause he'll be damned if you're gonna die while he loves you but he feels a slight sense of morals when it comes to you, so he would rather not force it (but will if theres a life or death situation)
lowkey toxic thought but uses "vampire powers" on you, but will wipe the memory from your head depending on what it was for *cough* straight up mind controlling you to win an argument *cough* hypnotizing you to stop talking if he's angry *cough*
and on the horny agenda:
fucks you literally everywhere and anywhere he wants. hes royalty so hes spoiled rotten and always gets what he wants. plus, who will have the balls to tell the prince/king that he can't have sex in the middle of the dining room? not you and sure as hell not the poor kitchen staff when they're trying to set the table around you both
i can see them preferring to make love to you most nights, but wont hesitate to fuck your brains out if he's particularly horny or angry/jealous
def uses those "vampire powers" in bed too. hypnotizes you to obey him (may or may not be with your immediate consent dont @ me) or uses his inhumane strength to force you into a position and uses it to hold you up as he fucks you (literally no matter how much you weigh because he can and he will)
also the speed power most likely means he can fuck you insanely fast and/or finger you just as fast if not even faster (& basically vibrates if he rubs your clit fast enough lmfao)
yeah.. anyways i love vampires and i love skz so u might have just awoken something in me
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