#Fenton-Masters Clan
So after reading this ☝️for the who knows how many time, when an idea or something just popped out. Now we all know that in this magnificent fandom(dpxdc) that Amity is a no go area right? Well what if and I mean what if the Bats after talking with sad trenchcoat man(Yes I called John that and no I will not stop thank you very much) about Amity, Conny goes hesteria cause he outdated and stuff or just didn't know King Phantom but yeah starts talking about Pariah Dark(who is redeemed or just in the dog house cause he pissed of clockwork), ghost zone being dangerous etc etc.
Now this makes the bats assume even more that our space boi Danny is not safe. So what they do? After idk bribing the judge or somehow provide 'proof' of abuse which makes the Fenton's lose custody(Danny is not happy), takes Danny to Gotham(via knockout cause my boi will go feral), then returns back to amity as the furry squad. Do some hacking shit but since they don't know Fenton tech and Fenton thinking(I genuinely believe the Fenton's are Hella smart like Hella smart it might piss of Lex) and probably set up the self destruction system(TUE vibes).[which to normal people is the portal closing shut permanently,data is gone or encrypted by which a Fenton can access idk it's your choice person who decides to read and write or see this interesting].
Now we can make it that either one adult comes back alive or survived the blow due to being heavily ecto contaminated or be a ghost but I'm hoping Maddie (and Jazz) cause guys lets be honest here. Maddie is a beast when it comes to her family and kids, I can tell through canon wise she will literally go through hell, Tartarus, hell even throw hands with some ancients just for her kids. But anyways one Fenton comes back, teams up with Vlad(could be poly or good asshole uncle Vlad) along with the Elinor or Elizabeth(Yes Dani's other name is Elizabeth or Elinor) and Dante to try get Danny back.
Now to our boi we love, care Danny. So we have suspicious, angry and so many emotion Danny Fenton-Wayne. So we Danny who was practically taken away from his safety, his home, family, his friads and into another on in America. Now we can all agree that Danny is not happy about this and not because of the -whole taking me away from my family and no I'm not being in denial they love me so stop talking u ancient poorly dressed furries- It's about something much bigger and we all know, we hate it, despised it and we call it.... ANTI ECTO ACTS or as I like to call THE REBOOT WITCH TRIALS.
So that abomination there is something Danny hates,fears so him being in America puts him in bootleg men in black because of a bitch named Lex Luthor. It's like painting a bullseye on him, a huge ass arrow pointing at him with the signs 'Im a ghost in America come cut me up'. So yeah its bad for him especially when he finds out the Wayne's are sponsoring The furry squad and the justice league which in turn make things worse for him and the ghost zone cause the ghost(and other supernaturals cause u can't tell me, once a vampire or mermaid find out humans are now hunting ghosts they wont immediately assume they are next? Let's cause mass panic with the other supernaturals, witches having PTSD, they tweeking seeing the acts)are demanding blood, war, retribution from the living. So he is in emeny territory trying to survive, try get back to his family and try to calm the other ghost cause they thought he died to the explosion(yeah Danny won't be okay)but never came to the ghost zone so vengeance for the king.
Welp that what came up in mind, u can ignore it, or whatever just thought I share something with yall. But yeah basically for the last paragraph I want maybe the Justice League to either face backlash or punishment for agreeing with the law, cause in most fics we don't get to see what the ghost think or if they forgave em. Cause while the humans(idk why I'm calling people human when I'm human as well) think the Justice league was writing a wrong most will question if this won't happen again. I want the supernatural to actively be upset with them especially those from the magic committee, to question whether they should be trusted seeing as this was a retry of the Salem Witch Trials Era. And to exactly be wary and suspicious of Bruce or just genuinly not trust or like him cause guys let's be fucking honest here while yeah the bats is awesome we forgot one thing he is human flesh and bones, something so fragile in the eyes of all supernatural that they can accidentally squish him because they used to much strength or smth. And suddenly some supernaturals are scared of him? They fear him because of what? His paranoia, his contingencies? Nah that should be a warning cause logically and I mean logically can u tell me straight in my face that u trust this man while knowing he stalks you 30/7, goes through Ur personally stuff without permission btw, breaks in your house when u were at a wrong time, wrong place?? Have either his kids pretend y'all are buddies or your lover just to keep u on a leash?.
And if we are going to do the Lazarus Pits is ectoplasm, then the bats are done for especially Jason. Cause I can tell once the ghost found out the league agreed to the acts be lawful they won't help, cause why help the ones that tried to eradicate them?(how u may ask? Well it's simple, some soon to be fading corrupted ghost escaped when the portal first opened causing massive damage, some deaths etc and maybe the other reason maybe the citizens first cause of the negatives in the show, public enemy number 1 so forth). So the league after failing formed the GIW and soon left Amity thinking the people will be 'safe')
One note, would it be funny if the League of Shadows find out about the Acts and Lazarus pit being ectoplasm and just had straight to Amity for protection and probably swear loyalties to the ghost zone since the be liminal asf lonly to be stopped by Maddie and after some good ol' fashion Fenton style shenanigans, Maddie is either adopted to be the new Demon head or is the demon head??
So yeah that's what came to mind, so tell me what u think.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
Over This Whole ‘School’ Thing
Dick leans on the railing of the school building's roof as he watches the building the deal’s about to go down in. It’s an abnormally quiet night, which is great, since it’s the first night he’s getting to take Danny out on patrol with him since he joined the bat clan.
It was pretty obvious that Danny had suspected them of being the bat clan the moment Masters dropped him on their porch, and finally getting confirmation that he was in the know and actually wanted to help was probably the best thing of Dick’s year.
Now, waiting on the Joker’s goons to show up for a deal, he’s glad he’s getting the chance to hang out with his newest brother(excepting Oracle on the comms, of course.). It was almost relaxing just sitting together on a quiet stakeout, and listening to the noises of Gotham and the occasional siren wailing in the distance.
“You know, I never actually liked school.”
Dick jumps when Danny finally starts a conversation. He’s been very quiet the entire time and it was almost startling how quickly he moved from dead silence to noise. It was almost a surprise that he decided to start a conversation at all, given how quiet he’d been since coming to the manor. Alfred is probably the only one he talks with regularly, now that he thinks about it.
“How so?” Dick asks hesitantly. God knows that he had a pretty rough time in school too, so he may not be the best person to talk with about the subject. “I thought Masters said your schooling was just fine? Your records didn’t say anything either.” Dick trails off a bit when Danny flinches at the mention of Masters. It’s not the first time he’s acted hesitant about the man, but nobody has been able to figure out the mystery or get any information about him yet.
“I wasn’t exactly popular, you know? Lotta bullies in small town schools, and my life outside school kinda kept bleeding over into class time. Sucked hardcore.”
That was new. Danny hasn’t really talked about his school experience before now, but it could be where they are at the moment prompting this, Dick thinks as he gazes out over the run-down neighborhood they’re watching.
“I wasn’t exactly ‘mister popular’ back then, myself.” He starts warily, smothering his words in fake cheer. “High society kids don’t take well to ‘circus freaks’ stealing their opportunities and invading their school. Couldn’t do much about it either because I didn’t want to tell Bruce I was struggling.” Dick drops a bit of the over-the-top peppy mask as he thinks about it.
“So what did you do about it?” Danny leans over, peering at the older vigilante as he waits for an answer.
“Got tired of it and beat them up after a couple months. They gossiped about it for months and refused to talk to me for a while. It was pretty sweet, actually.” He sighs in contentment at the memory. “Bruce and Alfred were pretty disappointed in me though. Practically grounded me for weeks.”
Dick preened as Danny let out a chuckle.
“Man, I wished my parents cared that much about my education. ‘A Fenton always gets A’s. Or in your Dad’s case B-‘s.’ was something Mom always said.” Danny seems to droop as he thinks of his parents. It’s obvious something happened there, but he’d usually shut down immediately if anyone brought them up.
“On top of the ‘out of school’ activities taking over my life, this dickhead named Dash made it his personal mission to ruin my day every time we interacted.” Dick busts out laughing as Danny considers what he said, before freezing and slapping his hands over his face. “Ancients, I didn't even think of that- sorry Dick. He was definitely an asshat though. Real piece of work, that one!” Danny chirped mock-cheerfully. “Did you know that if you’re really flexible you can fit in a half size locker?”
Dick freezes at the sudden question. “Uh… No?” He replies warily. The idea of someone being inside a locker that small physically pained him, and he really didn’t want to think about why Danny would know that.
Why anyone would shove his little brother into a locker.
He pushed the fear and guilt boiling in his gut down and turned to Danny with a smile. “How would you feel about online classes?”
Danny whips his head around to stare at Dick like he grew a second head. “Online?” He asks tentatively, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Online.” Dick agrees quietly.
Danny stares out over the dreary scenery and the sun just starting to shine light over the edge of the horizon. ‘The only time you can see it through the smog’ Dick muses as Danny thinks about his offer.
“I think I would like online school. It might help.” Danny admits in a quiet voice, hands gripping the railing almost painfully tight(For a second Dick thought he saw the metal give a big, but that must have been a trick of the light. Danny’s blood tests didn’t have the meta gene.). “And thank you… For offering to do that for me I mean.” Danny mumbles.
“Of course! What are older siblings for!” Dick beams at him, only faltering a little at the well concealed hurt in Danny’s face. It was pretty obvious that he was just about to shut down the conversation completely, when the batcom went off. Perfect timing.
Dick waves the com in Danny’s direction. “Looks like our clown friend got picked up across town on his way here.” Danny glances up in confusion as Dick hops off the railing he had been sitting on. “You want to race back?”
Danny visibly perked up as he hopped over the railing and pulled his grapple out of his belt pocket. He smirked Devilishly and took off before Dick could even hop over the railing.
“Get back here! I never said start!” Dick yelled out after Danny as they sped across the rooftop and swung between buildings chasing each other back to the cave.
Back home.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 21/23
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TW: Mentions of past torture and death
Well, here we are, the next chapter. After this, there will only be two chapters left and maybe an epilogue. Enjoy
Danny and his family helped the Justice League clear out technology and explain what it did. Justice League-approved doctors were looking over Jason.
Danny felt his heart squeeze at Jason’s vacant expression. If only Danny had been faster. If only he could’ve gotten rid of the GIW sooner. If only—
“You’re blaming yourself again, little badger.”
Danny scowled at the older halfa. Vlad Masters stopped by Danny, looking well put together for someone who just came out of a fight.
“So, another one joins the ranks of the halfa. Good to see our population is growing.”
Danny snarled, “Stay away from him, Vlad. He won’t be your son; he already has a father.”
Danny and Vlad watched as Batman flittered around Jason.
“Yes, I suppose you’re right,” Vlad said, “How’s Danielle?”
Danny’s scowl deepened.
“Listen, I know we made a temporary truce to eliminate our enemies; that does not make us allies, Plasmius. Stay away from my daughter.”
Danny left the older halfa behind and went to Bruce.
“He’ll get better, B,” Danny said as he approached the distraught man. Jason still hadn’t acknowledged their presence, “He needs to process what happened to him. Let him rest.”
A doctor came up to them. She eyed Danny’s white hair and glowing eyes and slightly shuddered before getting herself together.
“Good news, Mr. Batman. Jason’s vitals are a bit slow but they seem to be his new baseline. He will be physically fine and will make a full recovery. He can stay with us overnight, or you can take him somewhere you feel will be more comfortable for the both of you.”
Bruce said nothing as he picked Jason up. Jason rested his head on Bruce’s chest (right where his heartbeat would be.) and finally closed his eyes. His breathing tempered out, and he lost consciousness.
Danny walked alongside his biological father, not knowing how to comfort the man.
“It’s not your fault,” Danny said.
After a moment of silence, Bruce said, “It’s not yours, either.”
They both stayed silent after that. Neither knew what to say as they walked toward the Batplane. Despite that, the silence didn’t feel awkward. (It was somber.)  Danny’s parents, sister, and the rest of Batman’s brood stood by the plane. Even mother was a bit further away from the rest of them, with Damian the closest to her.
Once they saw Bruce holding Jason, everyone ran (or, in Talia’s case, walked) toward them. Nightwing put his fingers on Jason’s neck, feeling his pulse.
“How is he,” Red Robin asked.
“The doctor said his vitals are a bit lower than they should be, but that’s his new normal baseline. He lost consciousness when I picked him up, but he wasn’t responsive before that. He needs rest.”
“Dying and coming back is not pleasant,” Danny started, “I died violently but quickly. Jason was tortured to death and then brought back. It was slower. He’ll need time to process what happened to him.”
The Bat clan nodded in understanding. Mother approached Bruce and put her hand on Jason’s chest, watching his rising chest. She gave a bitter smile and kissed Jason’s forehead.
Talia al Ghul didn’t want to say goodbye to her children, but she had things to do. Things her beloved would not approve of. (Like destroying any remaining GIW bases she could find.) She looked at Bruce, “Take care of them this time, beloved, or I will take them away as is my right as their mother.”
Talia and her assassins melted into the shadows before disappearing altogether.
Samantha was allowed to stay in the manor that night. She mostly ignored the Batfamily and talked to the Fentons. Damian was fine with that; he wasn’t there to make friends. (Though she seemed a bit too close to his older brother.)
‘They like each other,’ Cassandra signed. Damian scowled. He didn’t want to share his brother’s attention more than he had to.
‘Stop that. They make each other happy.’
Damian let his scowl fall. Well, if Samantha Manson made Danny happy, he supposed he could learn to deal with her. At least she was vegetarian.
Soon, Samantha bid the Fentons a good night, and Pennyworth escorted her to the guest room. Maybe Damian could tell father to keep an eye out for Danny and Samantha that night… No, he was better than that.
“How you feeling, Dami,” Danny asked while approaching him.
“Fine,” he lied. One of his older brothers had died. He had seen his strong father break down, and Damian feared his time with Daniel was limited.
Danny took Damian’s hand, “You know it’s okay not to be, right?”
“Tt,” Damian looked away from his older brother’s understanding gaze. Damian felt tears burning behind his eyes and stubbornly held them back.
“How are you,” he asked instead. Thankfully, Danny let him change the subject.
“Tired, pissed,” Danny sighed, “We got their main base, but this won’t be over if the government that doesn’t change those damned laws.”
Damian watched their father fluff Jason’s pillow. The man hadn’t taken his eyes off Jason since he brought him into the Batplane. (He even allowed the Fenton’s to pilot it while he held Jason.)
“Father and the Justice League will repeal those laws,” Damian reassured his brother, “And I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”
Danny smiled at his younger brother and hugged him. For just that night, Danny allowed himself to break down in his younger brother’s arms.
Meanwhile, Jason opened his eyes. He stared at the familiar ceiling, noticing the lack of white. (Noticing the absence of pain.) Something was different; he could tell.
“Dad,” he mumbled.
Bruce Wayne’s worried blue eyes came into view.
“Jay-lad, you’re home. You can rest.”
Jason hummed before falling into a restful sleep.
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fan-dot · 1 year
the mountain calls (are you listening?)
Vlad Masters finds himself on a cold mountain with nothing but a talking frog for company on the eve of Danny Fenton's birth. The past is never too far away, especially when it seems determined to catch up with him.
DannyMay 2023, Day 1: Fantasy AU
He is tired, he is cold, and the wind blows past him like a scouring brush, eating away at his sanity with its scream. Every mistake in his pathetic little life has led him here and he regrets all of them with the desperate, furious sort of tenacity. He knew better, is the thing, but knowing better and doing better are two concepts always uncoupled for him, magnetically polarized. 
Jack would have the body composition to survive this wretched cold, but then, Jack has a great many things Vlad does not.
“The Prince comes!” the little frog in his snow jacket croons. It does tend to do that, he has found as the night drags on and the hair of his chin slowly turns to ice. “The Prince comes! Hail the prince!”
“No one is getting up here,” he snaps, furious and bitter. “No one is getting up here, least of all some sniveling, non-existent prince in his royal regalia, you odious little toad.” 
He knows it doesn’t understand him, but it is satisfying to see it quiver at his tone, nonetheless. 
Vlad stews in his misery for a while longer, wind whipping and whistling through the high Celestia Mountains. 
Their second child is being born today. Jack and Madeline’s, that is. Rumor would have it that Vlad would be named the babe’s patron. He hoped not. The last thing he wanted was to have to either accept the little brat as an honorary member of his house— or worse, have to deny the squalling thing and face the societal consequences. He already had enough to deal with since the alchemy incident. 
The alchemy incident. The anniversary was coming around once more, like a cruel reminder that the new child’s birth only seemed to punctuate. Vlad’s life ruined, the Fenton clan’s elevated. Perhaps he still had his land, his titles, his fortune scraped together and hoarded, but he had lost Madeline (he had lost Jack). 
He had lost the only family he had left and damn it all, of course a child would serve to punctuate that misery, that loss. 
The Fentons, renowned if— eccentric— alchemic rangers. Not a title that existed before them, but well. They were good at forcing into existence things that should not be. 
Perhaps that was unfair, but Vlad didn’t particularly care. Jack was not the one who had been transformed by alchemical horror into a half-alive thing, cursed to walk both the living realm and the spirit world. Jack was not the one who had been left to torment and suffering and agony in the grasp of doctors who hadn’t known a thing to help and had little care for an alchemist in these times. Jack was not the one who had lost the nearest thing to family to a buffoon with more creativity than sense, more boisterousness than responsibility, and Jack was not the one sitting alone and pathetic on a mountain in the middle of winter. 
“The Prince has come!” the frog croaks, loud and warbling. “He comes!” 
“There isn’t a prince,” he snaps at the frog. “Not in either realm!” 
“The Prince has come!” it croaks in the blinding snow. Vlad regrets his choices.
Howling, the wind crows and calls and twirls around him and in the shadow of the mountain, at least, he can be less than a man and all of one at once. There is no one here to see him cry, in one way or another. There is no victory, no forgiveness, no mercy. Just cold ice and cruel wind and a damn frog he regrets agreeing to be courtier for and he is tired. 
He rests.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Batman vs Vampire Husbands(But not really)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tIYg9bW
by Joshua2000
Almost two centuries after Danny Phantom is set, the Bat Clan cross paths with husbands, Danny and Vlad, while they are on vacation from the Ghost Zone. After some investigation(finding out they were born nearly two centuries ago), they come to the conclusion that they...are vampires.
Words: 1200, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Danny Fenton, Vlad Masters, Tim Drake, Tucker Foley, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Danny Fenton/Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley
Additional Tags: Immortal Husbands Au, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Humor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tIYg9bW
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Danny Phantom Randomness (Vlad Masters If He Was More Like David Xanatos ~ Part 1)
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I think I mentioned this when I first got back into the phandom but personally I have a sneaking suspicion Vlad may have also been at least somewhat inspired by one of my favorite Disney villains/antagonists -apart from Maleficent- and that’s David Xanatos from the old animated TV series Gargoyles. Lets face it, anyone else who has seen this amazing show probably thought the same thing when Danny Phantom originally released and we met Vlad Masters for the first time.
Mind you, this is just my personal opinion though so take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt and I’m well aware that I’m probably not the first to think of this. The point of this post is to share how terrifying Vlad would have been if he was less of a comical villain and more ruthless and cunning like David Xanatos. Before we get to that though, lets start with the basics...
David Xanatos/Vlad Masters Comparison:
Gargoyles came out in 1994 and ended in 1997.
Danny Phantom came out in 2004 and ended in 2007, meaning both shows are exactly 10 years apart from each other.
Do they both have a personal nemesis? Yes!
Xanatos has many enemies but the main one is Goliath, one of the main characters in the show, because Xanatos is constantly manipulating the Gargoyle clan’s leader and his companions in some way.
As for Vlad, the obvious answer is Danny and his old college buddy Jack Fenton, but with the latter he doesn’t exactly fight Jack that often and just calls him names behind his back.
Both of these guys are the richest people in the world in their respective versions of it, AND live in their very own castle too! How could I not see the similarities?! Not to mention they’re both fascinated with mystical/supernatural artifacts.
Speaking of which, the biggest similarity between these two is probably their design, I mean just look at these handsome devils:
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They’re both totally giving off the same charismatic vibes. Although the art styles are completely different, they both have: long hair in a ponytail, similar circle beard & goatee, nicely sculpted jawline (don’t give me that look you know it’s true!) and most obviously they both dress in finely tailored suits.
There’s even a TV trope NAMED after Xanatos known as the Xanatos Gambit and strangely enough...Vlad actually DOES use this sort of tactic with a few of his plans which connects to several important events together (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit).
 Sorry in advance it’s kinda crappy looking but hopefully it gives you the idea of how literally EVERYTHING Vlad did involving Valerie benefited him somehow from the very start of her ghost hunting days.
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Next up, these two billionaires are incredibly smart. However, sadly Vlad was created to be more of a comedic villain for the most part since that’s what Nickelodeon is best known for which is totally fine. He’s the kind of cookie-cutter bad guy who is still easily defeated by the hero in most cases so we’ll get to how incredibly dangerous Vlad would be if he was more like Xanatos...
Speaking of, David Xanatos does a lot of the same sort o things Vlad did in a way; he cloned Goliath the same way Vlad cloned Danny; they have both manipulated their respective nemesis into doing their dirty work; both of them have a robotic exo-skeleton though to be fair Vlad never wore the one he stole from Fenton Works himself; and they’ve used their nemesis’s loved ones as bargaining chips/hostages.
As for their wealth, both Xanatos and Vlad rigged theirs in one way or another as follows:
Xanatos had a valuable 10th century coin sent to him from the past into the future via his connections to the Illuminati while time traveling for his honeymoon using a mystical relic known as the Phoenix Gate. Trust me, it’s a lot cooler than it sounds. And after selling it for about 20k he invested that money into many successful ventures, thus becoming the richest man in the world.
Vlad on the other hand went the more classic villain route and admits in “Kindred Spirits” that he committed a string of invisible burglaries to make his billions and I assume he also invested a lot of that money just like Xanatos did. Although he had the additional option to overshadow people and trick them into signing over the rights to many influential companies to him.
A bit unrelated but there’s also a clan of Gargoyle hunters in Gargoyles too so imagine if Valerie’s family had a much longer history of hating ghosts than we realized? As in on her mom’s side they were descendants of ghost hunters all alone just like the Fenton’s.
I could probably go into more detail but I’m putting a lot of this together through memory since I haven’t re-watched Gargoyles again recently or anything like that. We’ll get to the fun part in another post with some examples of how Danny probably would have been no match for a Vlad who has his act together and planned EVERYTHING well in advance.
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ecto-stone · 3 years
DP Paranormal AU
-DP but it contain more then just ghost.
-Where Fenton Clans throught history have alway been involved with Paranormal Activity.  -The Fenton Clans line end few decade ago After the Killing and bannishing the soul of a Powerful Vampire to the Unworld which utimately end with the distruction of the entire Fenton Clans known at that point along with their Document and Record of paranormal enity throught history. -By a Miracle one last blood line Young Jack Fenton survived. And like any Fenton man he develop interest in paranormal mainly Ghost. And want to prove their existence through science. -Along with his two friend Vlad and Maddie they created the proto portal. But due to fatal error in calculation the portal didn’t open it supposed destination it mafuntion and blash full forced what ever the hell is behind the proto gate into Jack poor friend face,Vlad who happened to stand right infront of the portal. Leaving the young man face serverly burn and boiling with ecto acne....It a miracle that he didn’t die.
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+Added lore Earth getting distroyed won’t affect Ghost Zone at all , Ghost Zone is univeral scale that exist along side Living realm. +Halfa <Ghost Zone kind-Danny> is a living Bridge between world, there for as Danny get Stronger he will get the ability to freely travel between Living World and Ghost Zone without the need of using the portal down basement. +Cult like acient method of ghost contain or summon exist here <Vlad recoved and collect remaining Record of Fenton Clans and Paranormal history as a whole. Master Clan also have history of Paranormal involment but it fall off after what happened to Fenton Clan> +Halfa <Unworld kind -Vlad> can make portal to go in and out < closing it included>Unworld if they got strong enough. Upon their death can caused Unworld portal to open directly where they die <if they are emotionally distressed at the point of their “death”> +Halfa Death is more of a mental flip of a coin , they are in theory immortal. As killing one woud caused Two soul half that exist within their body to switch states . <whisper Halfa have two core>
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boydgearloose · 4 years
DuckTales Theory: The Rightful Heir of Scrooge McDuck
With the finale on the horizon, I've been thinking a lot about where they could potentially take the whole "rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding" thing. After rewatching the whole series thus far a few weeks ago, it's been on my mind a lot, and with all the news we've gotten about the finale recently, I've managed to piece something together that I think is pretty plausible. I want to warn you guys right away that this post will have spoilers for the finale promo that was released on Monday, so if you haven't seen it and don't plan on checking it out, please don't read any further! That being said, let's get into this.
For starters, let's look at what we know about the rightful heir to the Papyrus of Binding so far. FOWL is taking all of the missing mysteries and it's included, but they can't retrieve this one on their own. In The First Adventure!, Scrooge wrote that it shall go to "the rightful heir of McDuck" and "that those who attempt to harm any of them will be incapable to getting it." Therefore, nobody in FOWL would be able to retrieve the Papyrus because none of them are Scrooge's heirs and they've all tried to harm him and his family in some way. Another thing to note on the topic of this particular episode, despite being the finale of the show, The Last Adventure! is a clear parallel title to The First Adventure!, where the Papyrus was introduced, so it's likely to be found in the finale.
Now, let's look back to The Split Sword of Swanstantine! At the end of this episode, it's shown that Black Heron has gotten a feather from one of the McDucks for some mysterious reason. Many assumed this would be a cloning situation, where they need to get McDuck DNA in order to replicate a "rightful heir" who hasn't hurt Scrooge or his family in order to get the Papyrus back. However, a lot of the fandom seemed to think it was Scrooge's feather. I personally don't think that is the case. In the episode, we see Heron swipe at all of the children.
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She very well could have picked up a feather from one of the kids instead. Of course, the triplets are the first to come to mind because they are essentially Scrooge's heirs, so it would make sense if she was after one of their feathers. But then, I started thinking and realized that none of them really take after Scrooge entirely. Huey primarily looks up to Fenton and Donald (if you're looking for someone inside the family) and leans toward being a superhero/scientist rather than adventurer. We know from the last episode that Dewey wants to be a pilot and has always primarily looked up to Della more than anyone else in the family. Louie you could make an argument for, but he only really admires Scrooge because of his money. He doesn't like adventuring and would rather focus on strategy.
So who could the rightful heir be? Well, there's really only one choice and it fits infinitely better than the rest. I'm very certain that Webby is going to be the rightful heir who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding. There is a ton of evidence hidden throughout the show since season 1 of this, and I've collected all I could find. I'm sure I even missed some.
First of all, let's get into Webby's character. From her first appearance, she's shown to idolize Scrooge and everything about his family. She's invested in McDuck history and dreams of becoming an adventurer just like Scrooge. In fact, the episode of the series that introduces FOWL way back in season 1 is one that focuses heavily on Scrooge's bond with Webby. There's also the part in A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! where it's revealed that her perfect dream is quite literally turning into Scrooge. She also believed him longer than the other family members in 87 Cent Solution! There's LOTS of stuff in the show about Webby looking up to him, too much for me to even include in one post.
Season 3 is focused on legacy. We've gotten focus or are getting focus on the legacies of each of the triplets: Huey being a superhero (we could get more of this tbh), Dewey being a pilot and whatever's going on with Louie in the next episode. What about Webby's legacy? Well, it's very clear to me that it lies with Clan McDuck. The last Webby-centric episode we got was The Fight for Castle McDuck!, one that heavily focused on why she's a part of the McDuck family and heavily revolved around getting a placement in it (the whole statue thing). This episode really felt like it was leading up to her ultimate legacy being to follow in Scrooge's footsteps and become a great adventurer. It was also very recent and not counting the Christmas episode which was likely out of production order, the last Webby episode before the finale. (Also, I think it's important to note that the first season 3 episode that heavily focuses on FOWL has a Scrooge and Webby B plot. Just food for thought.)
Another important thing that I just noticed is that in the season 2 finale Moonvasion!, at the end of the FOWL reveal, the camera SPECIFICALLY pans in on Webby hugging Scrooge. This is a deliberate decision, as Webby could have easily been shown with the triplets of Beakley in this scene. But they chose to put Scrooge and Webby front and center.
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Another thing to point out is that FOWL's intentions with the feather is obviously cloning, as mentioned before and theorized by many. In the finale for the promo, we saw two new characters with an interesting resemblance to Webby. It's very likely that May and June are the results of them trying to clone Webby through her feather.
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However, they don't look exactly like her. Their color schemes and hairstyles are different, and we know by the casting announcement that they have different voice actresses. Therefore, I don't think FOWL has mastered the art of cloning just yet. They need a perfect clone of Webby, and much like Bentley and Buford (who appear to be clones of Bradford, I'm gonna be real), they're like Webby but not exactly Webby. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sent to the lost library for being "rejects," where they're later found by the family, explain why they were created and open up the exposition for The Last Adventure.
How does FOWL know Webby is the rightful heir? I don't know. I don't think we'll be able to determine that until we know more. But I feel like they somehow do and plan on making the perfect clone of her to retrieve the Papyrus before the McDucks are able to. This is a bit of a stretch, but maybe Beakley knows about this too and is keeping it from Webby because it opens her up to danger. Who knows?
And one more thing before we wrap this post up: remember when Frank said something from Last Crash of the Sunchaser! would come up in season 3? That had to be about him stating Webby wasn't family. It could very well be brought up again in the context that Webby isn't only family but the rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck himself!
Anyway, that's about all I have. I'm sure there's more evidence, and if you have any, feel free to respond with it or send it to me via DMs or asks! This will definitely be on my mind until the finale airs LOL
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jknerd · 3 years
DP AU What If: Lady Vanessa Masters
(What if Vlad Masters/Vlad Plasmius was a woman in Danni Phantom AU)
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Vanessa Masters is a beautiful and wealthy woman residing in castle located at Wisconsin, owned by first generation of the European Masters clan. She was childhood friend and college friend of Jack and Maddie but their paranormal portal incident cost her a youthful chance at her first crush Jack but granted her a youthful appearance with silvery long hair, and desirous body that can make any man's mouth watery at sight. 
Her ghost form is based on Lady Alcina Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village; wearing white elegant dress with wide-brimmed hat. Her black hair can grow as it can be prehensile with shapes of spears to attack her victims without using her hands. Through all time, Vanessa's beauty was well-known that countless suitors visit for her hand in marriage, but she refused. As she has become the first matriarch of Masters family gaining more wealth and power, the politicians can't lay their hands on her. In her first appearance, she is very elegant and eloquent, even amiable woman who warmly welcomes the Fenton. For some reason, she express great maternal affection for Danni.
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immortalonus · 3 years
Victorian AU 2: Jack
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So, fun fact-I actually do know how to fully ink and color a work, it's just that my work flow is terrible for whatever reason and I rarely get stuff done.
I love his jacket, but not his eyes, face, and left hand, all of which are wonky. I think the biggest problem is that the face just doesn't read as Jack! Looking back at my initial sketch, it seems to mostly be an issue of his facial hair + the face is too round just in general. My man Jack needs more rectangles to look like himself :/
Oh well, at least he still wears orange.
The interesting thing about men's fashion is how little it seems to have changed over the centuries - take off the bowler cap, jacket, and switch the suspenders for a belt, and this clothing set wouldn't look too out of place in the modern day.
While facial hair was going out of fashion in the 1890s due to the rise of the Gibson guy ideal of a clean shaven, freshly cut young man coming into vogue, since jack is an older guy without much interest in haute couture of any kind, it would make sense that he'd be slow to switch out his mustache and beard.
A self trained expert in mechanics, Jack was born to an old, strict clan of exorcists who were expert in the use traditional exorcism and anti-ghost techniques. Jack grew up as the black sheep of the family, being too loud, too fidgety, and too prone to questioning his elders to endear himself to anyone.
Afflicted with a sense of wunderlust and a fascination with the science and innovation his kinfolk so disdained, jack set off as soon as he could, working as a traveling exorcist and itinerant preacher, spending every dime he made on machine parts and magazines of para-natural phenomena.
The only time he ever settled down from his wanderings was to study. Since he had no money to pay for tuition, however, he had to make due with a janitorial job, where he would make a point to clean something in the background whenever class was in. It was during this period that he met both Vladmir Masters, a low class student who took on massive loans in an effort to lift himself out of poverty, and Madeline Walker, a young lady who transferred from the university of Edinburgh to seek further education and opportunity in the United states.
The unlikely trio would become fast friends, for a time, all fascinated by the supernatural and the chance to apply modern science and techniques to these mysterious phenomena.
Unfortunately, this all fell apart in their final year, when an attempt at a real ritual to contact the spirit realm put Vladmir in a hospital and Jack, as the lowest status of the three, being forced to shoulder the blame and leave his position at the campus. Maddie would join him, forgoing her own promising career to join him on his adventures, eventually marrying him formally a few months later. they both felt bad for Valdmir, but with the man hospitalized and comatose with skin lesions all over his face, there was very little they could do.
By the time Danny and Jasmine are young teenagers, the two elder Fentons have settled down and made something of a name for themselves, being frequent guests of famous paranaturalists, hypnotists, and magicians, traveling from town to town hawking their famous Fenton wares and ghost-busting tonics (Sales improved dramatically when Maddie took jack's place as the face of the business.) Jack couldn't be happier, though he has begun to consider settling down for his family's sake, allowing his kids to make more stable connections and get the kind of solid education he himself was denied.
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jinks050 · 5 years
You know I find it weird how no one mentions the whole ghost hunter job being part of the Fenton Family Tree shown in “Infinite Realms”. Jack literally has an ancestor who was a ghost/witch-hunter during the 1600s. You people are sleeping on the idea or a castlevania inspired au where the Fentons became the first ghost hunting clan as a result of the Masters family utilizing the dark arts to obtain spiritual powers from ghosts. Vlad already fits the role of Dracula in the whole castlevania scenario now that I think about it, but Danny‘s family name would scare any low level ghosts because of his ancestors’ reputations. Idk there’s more to be said here, but words evade me. Though, I do have to say the reason I thought about this idea was from watching this scene and it’s basically how Vlad realizes who Danny Phantom truly is in this au or idea
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
it’s time for my play-by-play review (put some breaks in so it’s not a giant wall of text):
“Here in Duckburg, life is like...a hurricane?” Ha ha theme song reference.
El Pato is Spanish for the duck and that amuses me. Although we call our version of that storm system El Niño, so shouldn’t it have been El Patito?
Mr. Chunk’s EXTRA CHUNKY Chili Chunks
“Could you give us a hand?” *All laugh* In hindsight, he probably should have helped them instead of using the time tub again. He’d still get in trouble for stealing, but he probably would have gotten a less harsh punishment.
“We should have plenty of food we won’t get sick of.” “I said sick from and you know it.” Classic kid logic.
Are the chili dogs a Sonic reference, since Ben is playing him in the upcoming movie?
“Chili dogs put the ‘hooray’ in ‘hooraycane’ party.” That was an awful pun and we should all be mad at Della for it.
“And we all get scurvy. Again.” This is why they need Donald home.
“Is that your parenting strategy or did you get that off a bumper sticker?” Beakley keeps in real.
Beakley and Della have a great dynamic this episode. I honestly think Beakley sees a lot of herself in Della and is trying to teach Della what she wishes someone had taught her when she had her own kid(s).
Louie pushing Huey to the center of the room so that nobody notices him leaving, smart.
“My brother’s gonna be a professional nerd.” Hooray for supporting your brother!
The wooden cane reminds me of Hop Pop’s
“That boy’s up to something.” Crazy thought here but maybe you should be proactive about that and follow him YOURSELF.
Launchpad never ceases to amaze me. How did he nail wood to STAINED GLASS?
That’s coming out of his paycheck.
“You’ve got your own tub?! Lucky.” GET THIS MAN A TUB, STAT!
I hope we get more Louie and Launchpad stuff. The way they play off each other is great.
Louie’s little presentation is great and runs on kid logic.
Bubba is adorable.
BWAMP. Nice sound effect.
“Time Treasures, a subsidiary of Louie Inc. It’s not a crime if it’s lost to time.” Cute, but I doubt that would hold up in court. 
Also, did Louie’s plan/most of the episode remind anyone else of Bender’s Big Score? Bender pulled a similar scheme at the end, only his time traveling caused a rip in the fabric of space. So they got off lucky here?
I totally buy Launchpad keeping a shower cap and rubber ducky on his person at all times. I WANT HIM TO GET HIS BUBBLE BATH, DAMMIT!
“HEY COOL. A DEAD GUY!” Dewey, you really shouldn’t get that excited over corpses. I know Bubba is actually alive, but did they?
Webby, Bubba is taller and buffer than you. I don’t think he qualifies as a “little” guy.
I DEMAND to know about the times Scrooge was frozen in an iceberg! Is Webby counting the time he and Goldie were frozen together?
Metaphors and hypothetical situations don’t work on Della. Maybe it’s a pilot thing. 
I love when people meet someone who doesn’t understand them/speaks a different language, they think talking louder will help.
“He’s got a hat like a person!” Is that racist?
Of COURSE Dewey turns the hat backwards.
“Your Funky Fresh ways” These kids have watched waaaay too much 90s media. The little hip shimmy was great.
Chili dogs>tree bark 
“Man, I am learning SO MUCH.” Me too, Webby. Me too.
Did the exchange between Louie and Launchpad about the ethical nature of Time Treasures remind anyone else of when Jim and Launchpad discussed Jim’s plan to get himself into the movie or am I seeing parallels where there aren’t any?
Louie went to the school of Katara. (Both agree it’s ok to steal from pirates)
NOTHING is ever 100% safe
Dewey reeeeeeally wants another sibling. I bet someone is gonna push his mom into the dating scene.
Bubba-a lyrical genius
Launchpad looks SO LOST while all of this is going on. Though he seems pretty lost in the whole episode.
“At least make him wear a helmet.” Safety lessons!
“Don’t think about it too hard.” A rule of thumb when dealing w/ time travel.
Poor Launchpad is having an existential crisis.
 And THAT is why we leave time travel to the professionals, Louie. Next time just ask Uncle Scrooge.
How did they make a graphic for Timephoon so fast?
Roxanne is salty, but of course the source is McDuck Manor.
I DEMAND MORE FRANKLOON. Maybe Fenton could write a musical about him. Sidenote: I REALLY WANT a Ben Franklin musical. 
Bubba-an artistic MARVEL
Shimmy that board clean!
The little head stroke she gives Louie. MY HEART!
I...don’t think that is how to do math.
“I see how you turned this into a lesson in parenting and I’m impressed.” THAT’S HOW GRANDMAS ROLL.
Gyro-the most USELESS TWINK. I love him.
I love the way Bobby says “oh boy” for Louie.
“HE IS OFFENSIVE TO THE FIELD OF ANTHROPOLOGY!” Time travel in general is probably offensive to anthropology.
Is it wrong to enjoy Huey going FERAL AS FUCK? Because I thoroughly enjoy it.
Why would you listen to Dewey on research?
“Did you SEE that finger progression on that solo?” 
“COME HERE, YOU HISTORICAL ABOMINATION!” Not saying Huey’s killed a man, but he knows how to and how to cover it up.
 Pretty sure Webby and Dewey are trolling.
“Definitely not cloning an army.” I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. 
Louie’s in hoodie-ville.
“He could be anywhen!” Time travel jokes.
I like that they all assume it’s Gyro at first. WHAT CRIMES HAS THIS MAN COMMITTED?!
“It’s one of the kids.” “I’ll get Dewey.” I could see Dewey stealing the time tub, but he’d just try and change the name of things into Dewey puns.
Ninjas,worse than termites-Scrooge Mcduck, 2019 
“Even good kids do dumb things.” And good adults. No one thinks Louie is a bad kid, but he was pretty dumb.
What was with the log?
“Oh no, they may be French.” That line made me laugh.
Launchpad falling asleep when the tapestry was over his face-hilarious.
“Don’t ask.”
Launchpad-always asking the right questions.
“Thank you past and/or future me.” 
I love Huey trying to make sense of Bubba.
“I hate this.”
Poor Huey.
Bubba-an amazing animal tamer
I really like how much Della admires Beakley.
Webby shouting “GRANNY!” T_T
So is that picture of Scrooge, Donald, and Della fighting pirates a time travel related adventure?
Hi Woody and Jessie
Launchpad is so wise. But I think time is more timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly, right Scrooge?
Della’s angry mom voice
The fight is cool.
Not the time for time travel logic, Dewey. Plus they seem to be coming from different countries so anywhere would still work.
Bubba-A HERO
Della shouting “KIDS” and Louie shouting “MOOOM” really hit me in the gut.
Let’s pour one out for Bubba.
I PRAY TO GOD someone writes fics about what each character was doing in the time period they ended up in.
Della was giving me MAJOR Joan of Arc vibes in that armor.
Yeah, this scene hurt. But it needed to be done. Louie still seems to think that it was all a good idea. He hasn’t learned his lesson yet.
That scene also reminded me of Merida and Elinor’s fight in Brave. Both sides have a point, but both went too far.
I’m glad Louie didn’t instantly accept his mom. It’s more interesting that way and feels real.
I love that Launchpad looks around at everyone before he reacts. He most likely knows nothing about the Spear of Selene incident so he has no idea of how hurtful Louie’s comment was.
Gyro had NO REACTION to any of that fight.
That broke poor Della.
“I went to the future. I’ve seen how the world ends.*pause* It was neat! See you there soon!” 
I wonder why Launchpad was the only one who went forward in time. Could it play a role in stopping the invasion?
“Some people aren’t ready for the truth.” So wise.
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musekicker · 6 years
Just some random ducktales fandom related thoughts that I want to expand on but currently having issues with. Yelling into the void and seeing what comes back I guess?
- I don’t think i’d make a whole side blog for this, but a sort of ask the Fenton/Gyro family thing would be fun.
- a the whole duck clan family are secret shape shifting unicorns au? And one of the beings that keep daylight going.
- Not worked out beyond this concept but Crackbeaks au of the who is gizmoduck episode where Mark doesn’t throw Fenton out. Rather, he won’t let him leave.
- just need to make a master collection of all my ducktales ocs in general actually.
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ghchgc · 3 years
The mini tablet has lots of graphics processing power
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The mini tablet has lots of graphics processing power and nike air vortex desert sand even managed to top our all leon papucs győr time chart in the offscreen GFXBench T Rex test. Marq Mandrake, whose pox-scarred face had a hole in one cheek where a slave’s mark had been burned away, wore a chain of golden skulls as well.. The company has come out with improved financials for Q2FY13. If the wildlings are still alive, it may be we can bring them in. 82C is well below the limit for Tahiti, and as an added bonus for overclockers this means there at least some thermal headroom to play with.. The old man had already abandoned all hopes of anything elevated. The other part was trickier, but the waif was there to help her. Val’s absence was not spoken of openly, but some men knew, and in the common hall at night the brothers talked. The next morning, the rain stopped but it was foggy and the trees were dripping. “The Green Grace says that I must take a Ghiscari king,” she said, flustered. He further states that he is lost, and not a runaway. Much of the talk about the table was of the matches to be fought upon the morrow. Everything else you see people contacted us and it means a lot. “Do you know what? He wants dreadfully to get away from me,” Natasha whispered to me hurriedly when he went out for a minute to give some order to Mavra. Early symptoms commonly include itching of the skin of the forefoot and a burning sensation in the foot and lower leg. Why did I come here? These are not my gods. From the church and from the communion-table the Christian brother and sister are taken to make up the slave-coffle. Everyone wanted to know what they could do to help. “But now my little friend must excuse me. “So I did. These things sufficiently show the estimate which the Southern clergy and church have formed and expressed as to the relative value of slavery and the right of free inquiry. He did. 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Our third quarter successes in running, basketball, soccer, Nike Pro, apparel, women's dance and other categories demonstrate how we can continue to reinvent, reenergize and reshape markets, consumer segments and product categories. “Corliss Penny, come over here. It takes less time to do this than on any other router I've tried. WOOD TV8 provides commenting to allow for constructive discussion on the stories evro kalkulator we cover. It’s his son. маратонки puma mercedes amg The fat lord opened his eyes slowly, as if the effort were almost too much for him. Rodriguez was also complimentary towards Verlander.. (See Judge Clark’s speech, on p. Tormund and his people will need to be fed and clothed and housed. He was sure not to be awake yet after yesterday; besides, Elena might wake up and be frightened at finding herself alone in my room. Clan champions fight with huge two-handed greatswords, while the common men sling stones and batter one another with staffs of mountain ash. polo raflorene A press release issued by the Redding Police Department said Max Charles Magnussen, 51, of Redding was driving a white Ford Aerostar van at a high rate of speed down Fig Tree Lane after leaving the Epperson Flea Market when he attempted to pass 56 year old Cindy Kelman. Its exceptional qualities helped this machine to distinguish itself by earning top ten reviews at Gold Awards. The clatter of the chains that bound them made a harsh metallic music as they marched across the sand in lockstep and formed up with their long spears. 2017.. His left hand still throbbed—a dull pain, but persistent. And we’ll go out of the room for a little, we won’t get in her way; let her have a sleep.”. I was trying to look like Mr. Washington state resident Constance Fenton and Oregon resident Mark Hansen were also indicted.According to the indictment, the suspects allegedly reached out to people and convinced them to loan money under the guise of a story involving Cecrle. Justice Network Ad Choices Advertise With Us Closed Captioning Privacy Terms More About RSS Newsletters Cobrand Header Whats On NBC Cobrand Footer Survey FCC Public Inspection File Community Rules. Captain elect for 2014 . The sun and moon and stars had been gone so long that Asha was starting to wonder whether she had dreamed them.. The fat tallow candles on the tables gave off more smoke than light, and the wine that Davos ordered looked more brown than red in the gloom. Reznak and Skahaz waited atop the marble steps. Collins, 4 2. “Three hundred miles as the raven flies.”. No matter. At the very minimum, we need a coach that can occasionally steal one against a legend like Tierney. The last was chained, the others guarded. I hear them asking and demanding accommodation for ?Islam when they offer less than nothing to others.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Batman vs Vampire Husbands(But not really)
by Joshua2000
Almost two centuries after Danny Phantom is set, the Bat Clan cross paths with husbands, Danny and Vlad, while they are on vacation from the Ghost Zone. After some investigation(finding out they were born nearly two centuries ago), they come to the conclusion that they...are vampires.
Words: 1200, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Danny Fenton, Vlad Masters, Tim Drake, Tucker Foley, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Danny Fenton/Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley
Additional Tags: Immortal Husbands Au, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Humor
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44682154
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ecto-stone · 3 years
“chuckkle” i don’t know why but i’m just very hellbend on the idea of a reboosted Vlad that is nothing like Original Vlad
-So You have this sickly Vlad who been in hospital for 2 year fighting for his life after the accident, with his friend alway there cheering up for him and then in his final moment ,he die feeling love of his friend < a peaceful death make him free soul and have no grudge over Maddie and Jack>. -Then latter wake up a in tux suit buried in a coffin 6ft under ground with Blue Skin and comepletely bald <which is why he got so savy about his long hair and don’t like tight space>  -Unlike original Vlad, Para Vlad is a kind out going adveturous person < sortal like some one that would make sense for jack to go full idol over>. So when he get his new Power and no longer exist on paper, he just resume doing the thing he love .Become a Nomad Ghost researcher and have a whole Packer cover journal for it. <his journal base mostly on the info he gather from Ghost that he encounter on living realm, the man look like a kid in candies store when he first entered the ghost zone via Fenton Portal> -The journal series originally dedicated to ghost only would soon grow into a huge collection of paranormal stuff when he found out other mythical creature like Vampire, werewolf, gnorm,Fairy, mermaid exist,... and He started to recovered lost Knowlege of the Fenton Clan and Master clan regard Paranormal activity and practice Magic and dark magic < Sometime combine it with science>. +He help Ghost resolve their unfinish bussines.Skulker is one of his close ghost friend <it start off as Vlad getting hunted to be mounted on Skulker abandoned hunter shed Wall but slowly grow into Friendship.Vlad already help him resolve the unfinish bussiness but Skulker just chose to stay around as a ghost caused he enjoy hunting too much> + Like collect shiny artifact and shiny gothic looking thing in general <this is totally caused of Plasmius-the boy been to and raid alots of hidden acient temple as well as vampire castle and fortress> +Have Bad temple <didn’t really show this to outsider, if you are close to him or You frequencely fight him u would know, The Roasted Vampire cult of 2001 know> +Cursed in sweet if there minor around, Cursed like sailor If no children is around. +Consider Resurectioning someone that already pass onto Elsewhereness <Heaven/after life> is Insulting .<He can’t die You can tear him into thousand pieces and he would comeback the next day un-scratched ,which is why He didn’t res Ellie eventhought he know how to do it>. -Got into grudge with Vampire After keep foiling their Plan of resurecting their dark lord Plasmius or messing with their plan of rissing back into power over  other mythical Species  which latter redirected to wanting his blood caused it extremely poten <being a halfa and have second core being a G0 Vampire> to wanting to capture him and make him open the portal to Unworld  +Unworld is where Living Realm, Pugatory <Ghostzone> And Fairy world been banishing evil creature to for thousand of year so there is all sort of inhuman eldritch horror there, and vlad have natural ability to access the place and banish You to this dark realm <Unworld Halfa thing> -At some point he also encounter or know about the existence ofother halfa + Wulf a werewolf halfa <the poor boy die few year after vlad encounter with him but he become a rare kind of ghost that can open gate to Purgatory> +Actual recorded naturally exist halfa in Fenton Cland Grimoire due to naturally open portal. <short lived> +The cult Melty Halfa <imagine the danny clone but created via cultist dark magic method> -vampire and cult attemp to replicated Vlad power didn’t end well +Danielle <Ellie> Master: Lucky survivor of the cult melty halfa, created from Vlad rib and a vampire carrier mother. She lived and travel with Vlad for 9 year before dying to a mysterious illness <what vlad said at least> few month before her tenth birthday.  (Vlad could prob go on for hour when you aks about what Ellie is like when she is alive?) -Vlad: The Cost of Being Missed so deeply is the prices for Being Loved so much.  <don’t ask, losing bone and organs is regular for Vlad when it come to fighting. After he learn of the crime that is CMH and after Ellie death he Become less reckless and more of a long term planner> *Note from Vlad Journal: Halfa genuinly have very short life spawn as their ghost half tend to over power the living half leading to the death of the creature and instant like Me that perfectly dangling between life and death one does not over power the other is unheard of. <Vlad tell Jack and Maddie to spend more time with their chrildren is caused of this. He assume Danny to be a Short lived Halfa-No he not he is the immortal kind like Vlad> ..................................................... After Ellie pass away, Vlad stop with the Paranormal adventure and traveling or using his power as a whole. To just go low Profile and start as new life as a Freelance Wall Painter. Until by the meedling of a certain “Being” that make Vlad and Danny, those two that never cross path in the original timeline, cross Path . And change both of their life forever. -With Danny fidding some one he can talk ,vent to about life and understand his struggle. Someone who is there for him and just bring so much change to his suffercating life just by existing. -With Vlad finding back his purpose in life, reconnecting with old friend, restarting his old chaotic way of life. +He live with the Fenton now, right next to their bed, at the end of the hall is one of vlad magical pocket dimension coat nail to the wall surrounded and magic circle and candle to act as Vlad room> +Few month After the reveal that Vlad is alive, come to Jack accepting that Danny is a half ghost now and winning back maddie afection after she left caused of a bad fall out regarding Danny getting in trouble caused of Ghost Power.Maddie and Jack start back the whole Paranormal investigation/inventor thing up again .They want to see what inside halfa look like for a very long time but too afraid to ask. And After like week of them just nervously staring at Danny and Vlad. The one day Vlad just have enough go Well I can let you dissect me if You like... They do dissect session with Vlad being full concious to get an insider opinion and Info on Halfa Bio on Halloween night caused the kid would be out trick or treating. . <Fright Knight Version of Para>. And Danny and co just comeback into lab right after the Dissect is over and Jack is Patching Vlad up and just go. -um Uncle Vlad we “brorrow” one of your sword and accidently unleash an acient halloween ghost knight into the town and it now threatening to Take over the town  -You Did WHAT? Insert fire/ Pink magical circle and ghost laser here. With Vlad looking like a Bad Vampire mummy halloween costume lying wasted on the street bleeding out surrounded by the Danny gang with the Fright knight barely Escape Vlad "To Unworld You go” Beam fly away sworn revenge  <setting up for event that make Danny Pugatory Avatar Halfa becoming the new ghost King > ........................................................................................................................ To Who ever read this entire mess. I Kudo You for putting up with my bullshit.
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