#/shakes the USPS
lesenbyan · 1 year
anyway, not that I think anyone is like. Actively Seeking This but like
I have also started taking screencaps of sightseeing vistas (that's part of why I was at dragonspit on aki for the pictures yesterday) so maybe when I finally get my tablet I can also whip out my amateur at best (but actually existent) photo manip skills to make those into what I Want Them to be and then maybe.
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wickedsnack · 9 months
got an email that usps adjusted one of my etsy shipping labels and i was like "ugh god how much extra was i charged"
fool! they CREDITED me $1.20
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volturissideslut · 11 months
The Voltori guard(separate) beside their mate in the hospital or in a room and they brought in a doctor. Their mate is in a coma after an accident(in or outside of the castle). Could be a few weeks or months but their mate finally wakes from the coma. Please and thank you!!
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
He point blank refuses to leave your room, starving himself of blood. The only thing he can think of is that in there is a chance you could wake up in the moments he's gone for and that he wouldn't be there for you.
It becomes his worst fear
Because of his status (and the fact the they honestly can't so anything to stop him) he's allowed to stay
He can't focus on anything or even read a book the whole time you're in a coma, left to just stare blankly at the white walls and beg whatever diety there may be that you please come back to him
And whatever may be out there seemed to have listened to him
"... alec?" your voice is groggy from the lack of use
"Cara mia!" and just like that, you're locked kn his embrace for at least a week. And he's not letting you out of his sight for at least a century
It kills her to sit in that room with you, but it kills her even more to be apart from you
Tag teams with Alex on watching over you. There is never a moment that you're not guarded
And it's only Alec because he's the only one she trusts enough
Is way more snappy with everyone than ever before, she's just is a constant frenzied state and doesn't know what to do with herself
Her chest physically aches so badly the whole time you're in a coma, and though she doesn't need to breathe she still finds herself hyperventilating frequently
The day you wake up her shoulders tremble like when humans sob, only no tears can come to her eyes
"My darling, please come back to me"
For the longest time, he stays in denial.
And by 'denial' I mean lashing out in hurt, frustration and rage at all of those around him
He loses his shit without you. Point blank. He can't handle it
God forbid any of the nurses or carers looking after you fuck up anything
He's murderous without you. You ground him
He only really breaks down when he sees you
Obviously, he'd seen you in this state before, but eventually he let's his guard down and really sees you
And it breaks him in a whole new way
He feels vulnerable, and you're not here. You're always here when he needs you. And now you're not
When you finally wake up he's begging and pleading with you to let him turn you because he can't go through that again. Ever.
He can't lose you
Dry sobs, shoulders shaking, throat heaving and body trembling
He may not be able to cry, but the sounds he makes are more heartbreaking then real tears
He can't even find comfort in the emotional release of actually crying
Tragic, isn't it?
For the time you're under, he's completely inconsolable
The only thing that usually cheers him usp is spending time with you, his mate, and he can't even do that anymore so there is not comfort to be given
The day you wake up, he trembles in your hold. His head is buried in your neck and your hands are his his hair and you just embrace eachother
It's all you can do
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renecdote · 1 year
how about "this reminded me of you" if it sparks? <3
Hi Kate ily I hope you don't mind that I took some creative liberties with the dialogue here <3 It also got way longer than expected oops so enjoy 4.4k of these two being ridiculously in love.
Also for @starlingbite who requested the same prompt.
[Read on AO3]
The package shows up on the doorstep on Wednesday afternoon. Eddie is supposed to be at work—the last shift in the cycle before their four days off—but instead he kissed Buck goodbye at the door, made him promise not to do anything too dangerous, then stayed home to look after his sick kid. He’s expecting groceries when the doorbell rings just after five p.m., not the lumpy grey package left by a USPS driver who is already climbing into his truck and driving away.
Eddie skims the label as he shuts the door—sent to: Evan Buckley; description: boyfriend hoodie—curious because he doesn’t remember Buck mentioning anything he ordered recently. He doesn’t open it, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted. He pulls out his phone instead and types boyfriend hoodie into the search bar, only hesitating a moment before he hits enter. A dozen links pop up, but none of them are all that enlightening. Eddie is left with no clearer idea of what a boyfriend hoodie is and a vague disgust at how expensive they are to buy. He’s pretty sure that if Buck ever put together a budgeting spreadsheet it would look something like:
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Hoodies $3,600
Utility $150
And Eddie knows he’s so, so far gone for his boyfriend. He knows he has been for a long time. But damn he’s got it bad because he knows that if Buck put a budget like that in front of him, he’d never be able to talk him out of spending a fortune on all his cosy, tempting hoodies.
The doorbell rings again, cutting into his thoughts, and Eddie leaves the package on the dining table to collect his groceries. Milk and eggs and the deli bacon Buck likes go in the fridge, oranges in the fruit bowl, crackers and pedialyte left on the table, everything else in the pantry. He checks on Chris—sleeping, no warmer than he was an hour ago when Eddie brushes a hand over his forehead—and somewhere between folding laundry and ladling chicken soup into a cup, the mystery of the package slips to the back of his mind.
Buck tries to sneak in when he gets home, but Eddie is dozing on the couch, half awake in case Chris needs him, and he hears the rumble of the Jeep’s engine before the door is unlocked.
“Hey,” he greets sleepily, “you’re early.”
He’s not really: it’s twenty past eight. Eddie is just so used to calls taking them overtime, or lingering in the station at the end of a shift, or the hell beast that is LA traffic in the mornings. Their shifts end at eight, but he rarely sees the inside of his house any earlier than eight forty-five.
“Hey,” Buck echoes, yawning. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
Eddie shakes his head, swallowing back his own yawn. “Nah, I’ve been up for a while.” Sort of up, anyway. “How was work?”
“Busy,” Buck answers. “I missed you.”
He looks tired, which means he probably didn’t get much sleep in the bunks. Hard to tell whether that was because of the busy or the I missed you though.
“How’s Chris?” he asks before Eddie can question him further. “Is he feeling any better?”
It hits Eddie sometimes, in the moments he least expects it, that he’s been coparenting with his best friend for far longer than either of them realised. Buck letting himself into the house, asking how Chris is when he’s been sick—none of it feels new. They could have had this conversation just as easily three years ago as they are today. The only difference is that now, after Eddie has reassured his partner that Chris seems to be on the upswing, he can tip his head back against the couch and Buck will lean down and kiss him; first on the forehead, then, when Eddie pouts upside down at him, on the lips.
“Hi,” he murmurs, eyes crinkling with his smile, and Eddie can’t help smiling back at him.
“Hi,” he echoes. Thinks: I missed you too.
Buck starts to straighten up and—it’s fine, he’s not going to go far, but—a sound of protest catches in Eddie’s throat and he reaches up and snags his boyfriend by the hoodie string and—
Oh. The hoodie!
“You got mail,” he blurts, sitting up so fast he almost smacks Buck in the head.
“Mail…? Oh!” Buck’s eyes light up as he grabs the package. “I didn’t think this would be here until next week.”
“You bought another hoodie?” Eddie asks, trying to sound casual and probably failing. He hopes it’s a nice blue that will bring out Buck’s eyes. Or the kind of pink that makes his lips pop. Or that burnt orange he looks so good in. Or green, or white, or maroon, or purple. He’s pretty sure Buck doesn’t own a purple hoodie yet.
“Actually,” Buck is already ripping open the packaging, his grin bright and unrestrained, “this one is for you.”
Eddie frowns, confused. Why? he almost asks. We both know I’d just steal it from you anyway. And then Buck gets the hoodie out of its packaging inside the packaging (Eddie mourns the environment) and holds it up, the material unfolding to show a grey-blue hoodie that says I stole this from my boyfriend on the front. He blinks. Reads it again.
“Doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose if it’s for me? I mean, if you give it to me, I didn’t really steal it from my boyfriend, did I?”
Buck rolls his eyes, but his grin hasn’t faltered. “I can wear it a few times first, if that helps.”
“I think you should,” Eddie agrees, reaching out to run his fingers over the white letters. They’re embroidered, thread bumpy under his fingers, not the plastic feeling of writing that will flake off after a few too many washes, and when he dips his fingers under the hem, the inside is so soft and cosy he almost shivers just thinking about wearing it.
They both turn—and Eddie’s heart thumps, a pain that doesn’t really hurt, at the way Buck responds just as easily—to find Christopher making his way towards them.
“Hey, buddy,” Eddie says. “How are you feeling?”
Christopher shrugs, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m thirsty.”
Buck’s hand presses against Eddie’s shoulder just for a second—I’ve got it—and then he’s moving into the kitchen while Eddie fusses over Chris, checking his temperature and getting him settled on the couch and convincing him to try a piece of toast.
“Buck,” Christopher says between nibbling bites of toast, and Eddie watches Buck shake himself back to attention, the long shift starting to catch up with him. “Do you really need another hoodie?””
Buck blinks, slow and cat-like in his confusion, and then his face twists into such exaggerated affront that Eddie has to bite his cheek on a laugh. The packaging is still scattered on the dining table, the new hoodie hanging over the back of a chair, and Chris couldn’t have seen who it was addressed to, but he didn’t even question that it would be Buck.
“There’s no such thing as too many hoodies,” Buck tells Chris mock-seriously. Mostly mock, anyway; Eddie knows there’s a part of him that really believes there is no such thing as too many hoodies.
Christopher’s teeth poke out with his smile. “But we live in LA.”
“LA gets cold,” Buck insists, the same way he insists whenever anyone brings up his absurdly large jacket collection (“it’s not just me! why does no one ever talk about all Hen’s sweaters?”). He looks at Eddie for help, but Eddie just shrugs.
“Kid has a point,” he says, as if he doesn’t spend half his time stealing from his boyfriend’s side of the closet.
Buck grasps his chest in mock betrayal, but there’s a smile pushing at the corners of his mouth.
“Now I know you’re feeling better,” he says, tousling Christopher’s curls while Chris giggles and ducks away.
It’s overwhelming, sometimes, how much Eddie loves them both. His heart is doing that thing again, that hard thump that makes his breath catch, and when Buck glances at him—you okay?—he just shakes his head, smiling back: I love you, I’m okay.
Buck reaches out to take his hand, tangling their fingers together: I love you too. His eyes in the morning light are a pale, glittering blue and Eddie leans over and kisses him, just because he can.
Eddie has been expecting to be taken out by the germs from the moment Chris first pushed his food around his plate on Tuesday night and said he wasn’t hungry.
Somehow, it’s Buck who catches the bug next. He crashes for four hours while Eddie putters around doing housework, sleeps right through lunch, and when he wakes up in the afternoon, he’s achy and shivering.
“I’m okay,” he still tries to insist, slumped at the kitchen table while Eddie watches him warily, putting all the sandwich fillings that were offered and rejected back in the fridge. Christopher and Buck are more alike than they both know, their appetites always the first thing to go when something is wrong.
“You’re sick,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “I don’t know why you’re denying it, it was bound to happen.”
Buck grumbles. “I was fine earlier.”
Eddie thinks back, tries to remember if he missed any sign, but Buck really did seem fine earlier. It doesn’t really reassure him; Chris seemed fine when they picked him up from school on Tuesday as well. 
“Go lie down,” he suggests. “The sooner you give in, the sooner you’ll be able to kick this bug.”
More grumbling, but Buck goes to lie down on the couch. Eddie mentally files that under feeling worse than he’s willing to admit. He stands by the table for a moment, listening to Buck and Chris through the open doorway (a muted “hey buddy,” and, “sorry I got you sick, Buck”), the sound of a cartoon explosion on the TV, a funny line of dialogue that should get twin laughs from the couch but doesn’t.
Definitely feeling bad, Eddie thinks, and it’s not like it’s the first time germs have been shared around between the three of them—he’s lost count of how many times they’ve huddled on that couch and taken care of each other—but it still makes his heart squeeze.
When he checks in on them fifteen minutes later, Christopher is fast asleep at one end of the couch and Buck is huddled under a blanket at the other, eyes closed but not sleeping. His face is flushed with fever heat, but even under the blanket, he’s shivering.
“Are you cold?” Eddie frowns, checking Buck’s temperature with the back of his hand.
Buck shrugs, lethargic. His face is half hidden by the blanket, but there’s a tight little scrunch between his brows that means he probably has a headache as well.
“Okay,” Eddie says, quiet. “Hang on.”
He heads for their bedroom, but the dryer beeps so he backtracks to the laundry instead. He pulls out the clean clothes, dumping them all in a basket to be dealt with later, then fishes out the new hoodie that he threw in with the load earlier. It’s warm in his hands, feeling even softer and cosier than it did coming out of the packaging.
“Here,” he says, smiling as he drops it in Buck’s lap. “The sooner you wear it, the sooner I can steal it.”
“You might not want to steal it if I throw up on it,” Buck mumbles, but he puts the hoodie on, struggling for a moment with the left sleeve before his head emerges, curls sticking up in every direction. Eddie runs a hand through his hair, then kisses the top of his head.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t throw up on the hoodie,” he agrees, “but I’d still love you.”
“You always love me.”
Buck blinks up at him, pale and miserable, and even after all these years there’s a persistent thread of wonder in his voice, like he can’t quite believe how much he is loved. Like he can’t quite believe that they made it back here, together, after everything. Eddie can’t blame him because he still can’t believe it sometimes too. He doesn’t know what to do except kiss Buck again, holding him close and hoping that some of his warmth will soak through the layers between them. Buck sinks against him, boneless, and Eddie thinks they could stay like that forever, just holding each other, until Buck pulls away with a low groan.
They spend a while on the bathroom floor after that.
“You’re going to get sick,” Buck tries to protest, but it’s half-hearted; getting sick has pretty much been an inevitability since Christopher brought the note home from school a week ago warning parents that the stomach flu was going around. Once Buck was taken out, it became a certainty. It’s not like Eddie is going to move out of their bed until the germs are gone, after all.
“I’ll risk it,” he says, rubbing Buck’s back. He’d risk a hell of a lot more than a virus for his partner, but it doesn’t feel like the time to say it.
Buck shakes his head, but it’s not really a denial, just, “You don’t want this, Eds.”
Eddie kind of wants to shake him sometimes. To take him by the shoulders and say: I want you, remember? all of you? But he’s pretty sure it would be labouring the wrong point, right now, and it doesn’t really matter anyway because Buck is scrambling to get his head over the toilet again and Eddie can only grimace sympathetically and rub his back. Buck is right: he doesn’t want this bug. But he does want Buck and Chris, so. Germs are a pretty small price to pay.
He tosses and turns, sleeping fitfully, and by three a.m. they’re both sick and miserable together.
“Is this what they mean by ‘in sickness and in health’?” Buck asks the ceiling, and Eddie’s sluggish brain has to think through that for a long moment before he remembers:
“We aren’t married.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Buck’s voice sounds far away. “Should we get married?”
Eddie thinks about that for a long moment too.
“Probably,” he decides. And then his stomach twists again and it doesn’t really matter if they’re married or not because he’s too busy throwing up to think about anything except how awful he feels.
When Eddie does steal the hoodie, it’s mostly an accident. He wakes up freezing, desperately thirsty, and when he staggers up in search of water, he grabs the hoodie that has been tossed onto the end of the bed without thinking about it. It’s already over his head before he realises that it’s the one Buck was wearing when they crawled into bed.
The next time he wakes up, he’s too warm, Buck a long line of heat pressed up against his back, and he has to wriggle free to wrestle the hoodie off again. It’s damp with fever sweat and he tosses it on the floor in disgust. He just did laundry yesterday, but he’s already thinking about how they’ll need to do it again.
“Okay?” Buck asks, still half asleep.
The answer is yes but also no, I feel like crap, and I hate how never-ending housework is, which is all too much to explain. Eddie just groans and buries his face in his pillow. A sound catches in Buck’s throat, something vague and sympathetic, and he slips a hand under Eddie’s t-shirt to rub his back. Eddie shivers, pressing back into him.
“Your hands are cold,” he mumbles, but it doesn’t mean stop.
Buck shuffles a little closer and kisses the back of his neck: I’ve got you.
Eddie still feels awful, but he thinks he’ll feel a little less awful as long as he has Buck there rubbing his back. He knows this isn’t what either of them meant when they promised to have each other’s backs all those years ago, but it feels inevitable that they ended up here anyway. Buck’s hand moves over his skin, warm and solid and familiar, and Eddie wonders—lets himself wonder, the way he doesn’t usually dare—how it might feel with a ring on his finger. He’s pretty sure it would feel just like this; like home.
The hoodie spends two days waiting for someone in the house to have enough energy to do another wash cycle, then three more days at the bottom of the laundry basket waiting to be folded and put away. Buck is the one who finally puts it in the closet, his hands moving restlessly when they get home from a busy shift, jittery from too much caffeine and too little sleep.
“I love you,” Eddie says when he pulls oven cleaner out from under the sink next, “but if you’re going to deep clean our whole house, I’m going to nap without you.”
He’s exhausted, slumped at the kitchen table because even sitting up feels too hard right now, and Buck’s energy is starting to make him a little dizzy. He doesn’t think twenty-four hour shifts used to be this exhausting, maybe he should be more worried about getting old?
“Twenty minutes,” Buck bargains, already reaching for a cloth to scrub the oven with. “I just want to do this and then I’ll join you.”
Eddie considers insisting—he knows Buck is just as exhausted as he is and if he lies down for ten seconds he’ll probably crash—but compromise is the foundation of all good relationships, or so Bobby keeps telling him. It’s a foundation, Eddie is willing to concede, but he’s pretty sure the foundation of all good relationships is trust.
“Twenty minutes,” he agrees. “I better not wake up alone, Buckley.”
Buck smiles, like he can see right through the faux-stern Buckley to the heartfelt honey underneath, and ducks in to kiss Eddie on the cheek on his way to the oven.
“Twenty minutes,” he says. “I promise.”
Eddie is out as soon as his head hits the pillow, so he doesn’t know if it is twenty minutes, but when he wakes up and rolls over, he finds Buck sprawled on the bed beside him, dark green hoodie rucked up around his waist, one leg sticking out from under the covers, breath whistling faintly between snores. He smiles and closes his eyes. Chris is at school, the house smells vaguely like lemon disinfectant, he’s warm and comfortable and they have nowhere important to be. He can spare five more minutes before getting up, he thinks.
Half an hour later, they’re still in bed, wrapped up around each other, and Eddie has forgotten why he ever wanted to get up at all.
“Uh, isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?” Chimney asks, pointing between them.
Eddie glances at Buck, I stole this from my boyfriend embroidered right over his heart.
“Looks fine to me,” he answers, shrugging.
Buck grins. “You think I look fine?”
Eddie opens his mouth, a dozen answers to that on his tongue, half of them straying dangerously close to NSFW, but Hen beats him to it was a drawn out, “Oookay, save it for when we don’t have to stand here and listen to your foreplay, boys.”
Eddie can feel his cheeks turning pink, but Buck is as unrepentant and shameless as always.
“You could stand somewhere else,” he suggests, and he’s laughing when Hen smacks him in the arm.
The hoodie is traded for an LAFD one instead, relegated to Buck’s locker for the duration of their shift. Eddie isn’t fussy; he’s just as happy to watch the LAFD material stretch over Buck’s arms and chest and broad shoulders as he is any other kind of clothing.
Buck goes home with the hoodie tucked into his bag the next morning, but somewhere between walking in the front door and leaning against each other in the kitchen while the coffee maker works its magic, Eddie ends up wearing it. It’s like wearing a hug, he thinks, but that might be the way Buck’s arms are wrapped around his waist as well, a solid wall of heat at his back. Eddie doesn’t want to step away when the coffee machine beeps, but the lure of caffeine is strong enough to get him one step, two, three, cold as soon as his partner’s arms are no longer around him.
“Thanks,” Buck murmurs when Eddie hands him a mug.
Eddie kisses him, a quick peck on the lips, you’re welcome, and Buck catches him by one hoodie string to kiss him again when he starts to step away. The coffee mug in his hand dips and Eddie takes it from him, setting it aside without looking. The space the movement put between them is only there for a second before Buck hooks his hands in the hoodie pouch to pull Eddie closer, deepening the kiss.
“Have I told you lately,” he says between kisses, “that I love when you wear my clothes?”
Eddie hums, busy working his hands under the hem of Buck’s shirt so he can touch as much warm skin as possible. It takes him longer than it ordinarily would to string together the words to say, “I thought you bought this hoodie for me?”
“I bought it because it reminded me of you,” Buck agrees, his own hands under Eddie’s hem now, hot enough to brand everywhere he touches, “but you’re the one who said it doesn’t make sense unless it’s my hoodie.”
“And you said you’d just wear it a few times first,” Eddie reminds him, distracted enough now to frown, hands stilling on Buck’s waist. “Hang on, are you trying to steal my hoodie?”
Buck’s next kiss is more like a bite, teeth nipping under Eddie’s jaw; the promise of a mark that will sit just above where the hoodie might cover it.
“Right now,” he says, the same kind of promise in his voice, “I’m just trying to get you out of it.”
Eddie is more than happy to help with that. He lets Buck take him by the hand and pull him down the hall towards the bedroom, coffee forgotten on the counter, hoodie tugged off and quickly forgotten on the floor. Buck lips press against his skin right over this heart, right where the embroidered words would be, and Eddie feels like there is a mirror image of them etched into the beating muscle beneath his skin: my boyfriend stole this from me. He would have given it—has given it, a dozen times over—but every time he reached into his chest, he found Buck’s name already there.
I love you, Buck presses into his skin with his lips.
And Eddie holds him close and kisses it right back: I love you, I love you, I love you.
“Our hoodie.”
Buck pushes himself up on his elbow and Eddie blinks up at him, his brain still feeling a little melt-y.
“It can be our hoodie,” Buck says, idly tracing a pattern over Eddie’s ribs, just because he can.
“Like a timeshare?” Eddie asks, musing, the start of a smile breaking through. “You steal it this week and I’ll steal it next week?”
Buck flicks him and Eddie grins.
“I take it back,” Buck says, rolling away onto his back. “It’s my hoodie now.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to push himself up on an elbow, going far enough to lean over Buck and kiss him, cradling his face in one hand. It’s just supposed to be one kiss, but Buck kisses back readily, arms wrapping around Eddie’s back, and it’s easy to lose themselves in it after that, the thread of conversation unravelling as they make out.
“Okay,” Eddie says eventually, the word quiet and breathy in the space between them. “Our hoodie.”
It gives him a thrill, the same way it always does, whenever he refers to the two of them as an our. Our home, our family, our hoodie.
Buck’s smile is a brilliant thing. It burrows in through bone and blood and tissue to reach the heart underneath, making itself at home.
“I love you,” he says, so sincere Eddie feels it in his chest.
“I love you too,” he replies, punctuated with a kiss. “You know Hen and Chimney are going to give us so much shit about this hoodie for the rest of our lives, right?”
“Oh yeah,” Buck agrees. “Maddie too. Don’t tell Chris, but she thinks I already own too many hoodies as well.”
Eddie laughs. God, he’s so, so far gone for this man.
“She might have a point,” he says, but he’s pretty sure it just sounds like there’s no such thing as too many hoodies.
Buck rolls his eyes, still crinkled with his smile. “See if I ever buy you a hoodie again.”
It’s an empty threat. And it doesn’t really matter anyway because—
“That’s fine,” Eddie answers. “I’ll just steal yours.”
He can’t be sure, really, which happened first: that first stolen LAFD hoodie, or Buck stealing his heart. He tried once, wine drunk with Hen and Karen, to answer their question about when he knew he was in love, but the only answer that came to him was I’m pretty sure I loved Buck before I knew him.
“I don’t think it’s stealing if I let you,” Buck tells him.
“You’re going to let me, huh?”
“Yeah.” Buck nods. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I kinda like it when you wear my clothes.”
Eddie grins. “I might have had some idea.”
The proof is on the bedroom floor, or whatever that saying is. He never did understand why it was always in the pudding. It’s on the bedroom floor, and in the way Buck is smiling at him, and in the laundry all mixed up in the basket. It’s the way Buck kisses him, soft and lingering, and the way Eddie’s heart thumps once, twice, a pain that doesn’t really hurt. It’s our home and our family and our hoodie. It’s I love you and I love you and I love you.
It's the fact that they’re here, together, despite everything. Because of everything.
It’s kissing Buck again, and again, and again. Just because he can.
(Eddie wonders—lets himself wonder, the way he doesn’t usually dare—how it might feel with a ring on his finger. He’s pretty sure it would feel just like this; like home.)
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lesbians535 · 5 months
PAIGES DRAFT FIT……..????? ???¿¿¿???
i just fell to my knees at USPS i’m almost in tears
I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE AZZI WAS THERE everyone looks so good i’m shaking
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granulesofsand · 10 months
Hi, I’ve got a question if you don’t mind answering
I’m just…. Really confused. Because our system has changed and grown so much that we realized that we were a polyfrag system since our experiences perfectly match it, but recently uh. Our gatekeeper found a whole like … sidesystem?? It’s the only term that makes sense because it’s completely separate from the “main” system even with layers and stuff it’s a whole other headspave I guess, and it turns out they have some pyramid heirarchy with themes for each tier and a lot more detail we don’t know about.
My partner got extremely concerned and told me to ask about this because … wtf there can’t be any possible way we’ve gone through ramcoa, it just doesn’t make sense ???? Like yeah I’m shaking as I type this but it doesn’t make sense we barely ‘unlocked’ past sa trauma and even then we doubt that (despite alter patterns)
I’ve got no idea what this is or who to ask since I’m not in any form of therapy and can’t get any professional help, thank you for your time in advance
Sidesystems, as in separate group of alters or multiple systems in one body, can happen to anymany. If it’s more comfortable to explore without the fear of programming, that might be better for your system right now.
Programmed or Not
Anything that happens in programmed systems can happen in nonprogrammed systems. The only difference is external control, which leads to a higher concentration of less common features. The term sidesystem in programming means the same thing, but with external control.
Some symptoms are indicative of particular traumas; flashbacks of being drugged might come with body memories of that experience, clips of cloaks or butchered animals tend to belong to RA.
But even those can be explained away, psychosomatic presentations of passive influence or detailed descriptions and photos of events.
The structuring is unusual, but not impossible. The themes are the same. Memories will be your best indicator, but those will take time and trust to get to.
For some lists of programming (mind control) and other abuse symptoms, explore https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1FqT248H1e6w9P2zWheTnaMXsrvT-ZqzJ/19U3sNkCGBLTuks1ITbm8QhcPlfif5k84?usp=drive_link&sort=13&direction=a from the Legion System.
Support for Healing
You don’t necessarily need a therapist during the initial stages, but we would recommend a support friend or significant other who will learn alongside you and sit with you as you go.
It’s good to have a page of hotlines you can call, and on that list add safe people for unaware system members. Carrying a phone or keeping a calendar is also helpful. Some of the newly discovered ones may be less informed or have trauma surrounding particular dates.
Supporting Your System
If you are trusted with trauma details, you should do your best to sit with the keeper like your support people would for you. Educate yourself and provide care for them, keeping in mind you may be the first in a long time (or ever) to receive this knowledge.
Some common programming environments are high-control groups, and that can mean anything from a small cult meeting in a basement to a multinational trafficking ring. You don’t have to piece together any of that now, but you cannot perpetuate the cycle of shame on your systemmates.
No matter where you come from, abuse is awful. You might come up with recollections of forced perpetration or loss, and it is crucial that you remember it was not your fault. No one is responsible for the abuse done onto them.
You should take time to sort out your own feelings and work through the consequences of knowing. You should not be blaming anyone inside. You have the opportunity to give what these selves always needed and never got. Often, you’re giving love.
Healing Both
The basics of deprogramming are the same as healing from most maltreatment; getting through everything together. You all played a role in your survival, and now you have the chance to live.
So regardless of what this ends up being, try for compassion first. You might have more steps to take, but compassion comes first and last. You can do it. Living well takes practice, but I promise you can do it.
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mr2swap · 2 years
Maybe I'll stay
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-What did I do wrong? WHY THE FUCK DID I GAIN 2 KILOS THIS WEEK?- It had been 2 weeks since my grandson Jeremy and I had that big fight, we can never stand each other, but because of the appreciation I had for him when he was just a child, I let him live with me. He was disgusted by my way of life, “Grandpa makes me sick to see you sitting for hours on the couch in front of the TV, could you get up and get out of the house for a couple of hours? A girl is coming tonight, and I don't want her to see you” I had heard his hurtful words from him for too long, I was fed up with him behaving like this when I offered him to live with me when his parents kicked him out of the house.
-THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, THIS SHIT MUST BE BROKEN! I'M GOING TO LOOK FOR ANOTHER SCALE- I couldn't help but laugh as I walked slowly to complain to one of the coaches that his equipment was "broken"
-You better make it quick kid, you know what that means. you're going to stay in that body another week, and I'll stay in yours...- I and my grandson Jeremy made a little bit, if he managed to lose a couple of kilos in my body and not be so unpleasant I would agree to leave the house when He will take all the girls he wants to the house and when I die my house and my car will be all his, I had completely forgotten the magic relic that I got on my trip to India a couple of decades ago, I never thought I would use it and much less with my grandson.
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But the first moment I put my mind on his hot, muscular young body, I knew I didn't want to get out of it. My grandson had everything to gain, with my house and all my belongings, and I had nothing to lose but leaving the house and fulfilling his whim to my inconsiderate grandson, we both touched the ancient statue of that Indian god at the same time and our consciousness traveled from our bodies to the statue and then to the body of the other, it was like being on a roller coaster for one second.
My grandson was more concerned about not missing a day at the gym before finishing university, all of us in the family did not understand why he made such a stupid decision, but now that I have his body and all his long work in the gym I can understand it, I feel incredible! Now I can understand what a shitty body he had.
I've been swapping out Jeremy's lean food for the greasy version, adding sugar to his protein shakes, and leaving cold beer and ice cream in the fridge for that greasy bag of trash to see so he can't get his body back.
Maybe this will teach my grandson a lesson about not making fun of his grandpa, or maybe I'll stay in his hot young body forever who knows, all I know is that the blonde girl in the gym keeps staring at my huge biceps and she'll be in my bed tonight, I just hope the fat drunk old man watching tv in the living room doesn't bother my new girl.
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I wrote this story in May, if you are interested in my stories you can take a look at my patreon account, otherwise you can contact me on my Discord server, because for some reason I can't receive messages on Tumblr.
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The End
Warm sunlight streamed into the room spilling onto the floor in a golden cascade. As the sun moved, the golden pool crept its way across the floor and up the side of the untidy bed. Sometime during the night sheets and pillows had been thrown to the floor by the rows of a restless sleeper, and now the occupant lay face down atop a small mound of pillows face partially obscured. The light continued its creeping trail upwards, sliding onto the bed and across the occupant’s face.
It was only a  little at first, but it wasn’t long before light was spilling down with full force, and the occupant of the bed groaned and turned his head inward. At the far end of the room the door opened a crack allowing two furry forms access to the room. The first dog was large, with glowing blue eyes and a coat as black as tar. The second was no more than a puppy, still trying to wrangle in its huge paws and oversized ears. Its fur was as silver as gunmetal, almost blue in the light and unusually uniform. Together they trotted across the room, tongues lolling and leaped onto the bed.
Their mission was clear.
The first dog proceeded to step onto the bed’s occupant with some amount of gusto, while the other just went straight for the face, pink tongue lolling and flapping with excitement, tail sweeping back and forth with enthusiasm as it licked the occupant from hairline to chin.
With a muffled shout of protest, the figure flailed, grabbing a dog with each set of arms to try and force them away, but the enthusiasm was simply too much to contain. The younger of the two dogs lunged forward, the thick skin at the scruff of its neck affording it just enough wiggle room to lick the bed’s occupant across the eye socket.
“HEY Pancake! Doughnut!!” The shout was not one of anger, but laughter, the dog’s tails wagged even harder, “Alright I’m up I’m up.”
Ka’Leen sat up, shaking himself and shooed the dogs off the bed eyeing them both reproachfully, “Did dad let you in here? I bet he did” The dogs didn’t answer, but danced around his feet looking for ear scratches, which Kay happily gave to them. There was no better reason to have two sets of arms, than being fully able to pet two dogs with equal gusto at the same time. Eventually they grew tired of him, and he let them out into the hall, going back into his room to get dressed.
Kay was Sixteen almost seventeen and didn’t remember Armageddon though it was the one greatest defining moment of their generation. 
He hopped into the shower, music on in the background singing loudly without fear of anyone being bothered, he was usually the last to get up anyway.
As far as most things went, he was mostly average for his age…. Well maybe that wasn’t quite right.
He was anything but average, but he mostly blamed his parents for that. 
Kay was nearly six two at sixteen, his father was a human and his mother was a Drev. What resulted was a tall, lanky teenage boy with four arms instead of two, or at least he had been lanky. Arcadia offered an endless supply of weapons training in its public schools, and what Resulted was hours of physical training and discipline taught by the most brutal of Neospartains and Drev warriors.
Over the past year or so he had finally started packing on the pounds, and fancied himself a little in the mirror as he looked.
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
He stepped out of the shower and flexed at his reflection glad that the door was locked so no one could catch and make fun of him. Again, Kay was tall, a trait he got more from his father than his mother, and short cropped golden hair that he kept in a way that he personally thought was artfully messy. His skin glowed gold, and his mother said he looked a bit like his grandfather. His eyes were green just like his father. He didn’t look much like his mother, but he had a couple octaves of human vocal range others would kill for. He could sing anything from bass to soprano without batting an eye: both the men and women’s parts.
Puberty had been a real bitch.
After messing with his hair to give it that intentionally unintentionally messy look, he hurried into the other room and pulled on some pants, grabbing his weapon before heading out the door and into the hallway. He ran into Nyx on his way out walking down the hallway. She had her head bent low over her handheld arms tucked tight into her sides.
Nyx, like mom, had never gotten that tall. At only around five five she was the shortest one in the family and the shyest. She looked more like their grandmother, a fact that Nyx hated, its not exactly easy to be told your whole life that you kind of resemble space Hitler, because that’s what Kazna was.
She had even tried to kill Kay on one or two occasions at least though he didn’t remember that.
Nyx didn’t actually look much like Kazna, just her coloring, a carapace that was a sort of cosmic looking purple shot through with tones of deep blue and red. She also had only two arms, one of which had been missing the hand since she was a baby, though she had a whole wall full of cool attachments courtesy of their mother.
Walking past his younger sister Kay plucked the handheld from her hands and then held it high over her head as she protested.
“Give it back”
“Sure, go on, take it.” He stopped trying to keep it away from her but instead stood still holding it high over her head where she couldn’t reach leaning back when she tried to jump for it.
“Kayyyy, give it back!” She jumped for it again, but she was simply too short.
He tossed it from one hand to the other, slipping it behind his back when she tried to reach for it, “Go on take it.”
Nyx was just starting to get mad, to kay’s amusement, when something hard and fast drove itself into his stomach, doubling him over and causing him to drop the handheld. A hand darted from nowhere plucking the game from the air, mid fall with contemptuous ease. Kay grunted and looked up to find his other sister Astra standing in front of him with a smirk on her face.
She was tall, pearly white where he was gold. She had short spiky hair, less hair and more like chitin in some places. She wore black tactical pants and a men’s black T shirt, an ensemble that lended her a rather androgynous appearance,  one that she intentionally cultivated. At nearly five eight and still growing, she was on her way to being very tall.
“Here Nyx, I think kay dropped this.”
“Hey, you three, what did I say about non consensual violence.”
The three of them turned abruptly to find their father looming at the end of the hall, hand resting on one hip, the other currently occupied holding their six year old baby brother, still sleepy in the early morning. Despite the fact that he was holding a baby, Adam Vir could cut a rather intimidating figure. Kay and he were about the same height, but  their father had years of physical training behind him. a fact well documented through the simple cotton t-shirt. Not only that but he had the look of a grizzled space pirate with his messy snow white hair, eyepatch, scars, and visible prosthetic leg.
He claimed that he HAD been a space pirate for a time, though none of his kids believed him.
He had plenty of stories that were just too good not to be made up.
“Astra started it.” Kay protested
“I did not start it, but I definitely finished it.” She pronounced 
Their father raised an eyebrow, “Uh huh, ill be living in an igloo in hell before I believe that. Anyway, breakfast is almost ready.” he walked into the other room, gently depositing Tana on the couch with a cup of juice before heading into the kitchen.
His three other children followed, sitting down at the table just as their mother swept into the room. She was wearing her Saint’s armor and carried a massive spear in the palm of one hand. It looked like she had just come back from training, golden light rolling off the electric surface of her chitin. Their father turned to look at her, a small smirk crossing his face.
Kay sighed, “Oh here we go.”
Their dad frowned at him, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You guys are about to get all weird, aren’t you.” Nyx mumbled.
“My apologies for appreciating the aesthetic appeal of my wife.” he said, brandishing the spatula like it was a weapon. 
Their mother walked across the room, sliding both sets of arms around him, and resting her chin atop his head humming softly as she did.
Kay rolled his eyes.
“Be glad your parents like each other.” Their mother commented, “Not everyone is that lucky.”
The three of them mumbled incoherently, but perked up as soon as dinner was served.
The three of them ate with gusto, finished, put their dishes away and were halfway to the door when Sunny called over, “Hey, where are you three going.”
Kay turned to look at her, “We were going to hang out with the triplets.”
“Okay just don’t forget to bring a weapon, and call me if you need help with a body-” She said, like she always did though kay was never sure  if she was being facetious or not.
Just as they were about to leave, the front door was thrown wide, and a small crowd of people burst into the room, headed by Uncle Ramirez who threw his hands wide, “¡Buenos días, mis sobrinas y sobrinos favoritos!”
“Buenos días tío Ramírez” They chorused 
He grinned at them stepping aside to allow Aunt Maverick in through the door. Despite how small she was, Kay had always thought she looked a bit like a viking. She raised an eyebrow at him and he raised an eyebrow back by way of greeting, breaking into a grin just as Uncle Conn sailed through the door, “Oh Honey, I’m home!”
Their father sighed, “Honey is a term reserved only for people who are allowed to kiss me on the lips.”
Conn tilted his head, pitch dark eyes glimmering, “Well in that case-” He lifted his pale arms and began to chase their father around the room making kissy noises as he did. Adam brandished the spatula and swatted t him.
“Back foul demon.”
Following them was uncle Celex in all his technicolor glory. Kay was surprised he didn’t have a new lady friend on his arm as he seemed to have a new one every other week. He ruffled Kay’s hair despite being shorter than him, which he only ever did to Astra and kay but never Nyx, “You three don’t cause any more trouble than I would.” he said with a wink.
Astra smirked.
“And don’t forget the first rule.” Ramirez said.
Kay frowned, “Don’t try to use your heelies on the stairs.”
Their father winced visibly
Ramirez shook his head, “Not that one.”
“Don’t add to the population and don’t subtract from the population?” Nyx offered.
“No, not that one either. By the way, your dad was actually terrible with that roll back in the day.”
Adam frowned again, “half of that is not my fault.” 
Ramirez just shook his head, “no no,, the BIG rule.”
They had to pause for a minute before, “Oh, don’t chuck Marshmallows at neutron stars/” Nyx finished.
Ramirez grinned, “Alright, out of here you crazy kids-”
They would have if Riss and krill hadn’t showed up just then, scuttling through the door mid argument. It didn’t seem to be about anything important, specifically the correct way to put toilet paper on the toilet paper roller which was an odd argument to have for two people who didn’t need toilet paper.
Uncle Krill frowned at them suppling his best grouchy expression from a creature that was always grumpy, “Rule number one-”
“Don’t chuck marshmallows at-”
“No! Don’t stick anything in any body cavity that doesn’t have a flared base.” Nyx blushed while Astra and Kay howled with laughter, stepping out the door and into the hallway. Nyx was just like their father like that, she got embarrassed at almost everything which was hilarious for everyone else.
They made their way down, and out into the cool morning air, scrubbed clean by the scents of the forest, which had been integrated seamlessly into the Noxumber metropolitan landscape. All around them water features, flower beds, and small huddles of trees clustered in the main square below the spiral tower. 
Dr Katie, waved at them, holding hands with her partner on the way up Accompanied by Narobi and her husband and wife. 
Massive billboards played 24 hour GA news reels showing plenty of footage of their quarter sister Eris, who had been chairwoman of the GA for over a decade now.
Grandpa and Grandma Vir waved at them from across the square on their morning walk.
They stopped in the central square, in the shade of the Armageddon memorial.
Kay craned his neck back staring solemnly up at their family legacy.
The memorial was large, a tall landscape of rock and moss, around which were placed several strategic statues all with their own plaques. He had read them all, had read them multiple times since his childhood. At the base, old and wise, but wise in her weathered stone, Hijan, motherly and thoughtful.
To the other side Dzara, raising the weak from the ashes.
Above her Kanan, the stalwart poet soldier.
On the other side, a black statue sat in cross legged repose, deep in mediation, Naktan keeper of the mountain, and at the very pinnacle, a massive statue reaching towards the sky in triumph, his spear brandished, his cape billowing behind him,  Lanus, the saint of light, the saint of gold.
The savior of the universe.
A figure that in the past decade had been nearly deified.
Their grandfather.
A man none of them had ever met but one Kay personally, deeply respected, and whose loss he mourned.
He stared at it for a long while feeling a lump come into his throat, and was glad to look away when someone called his name, and he turned to see the triplets, and the rest of their little bad hurrying up the square, an eclectic group of alien and hybrids, they were they were the perfect mix to make trouble.
And so they made their way from the square, out from under the watchful eye of Lanus’s statue, standing vigil high above.
The End
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softandwigglybones · 11 months
I finally finished it!
I present to you
A Bone By Any Other Name
by me
(for alternative ways to read:
“Now then, you know where to take these, yeah?” asked father Dimmon.
The boy he was talking to, unusually small and thin for his age, nodded fervently.
“Words, Jorgmund, use words,” father Dimmon sighed.
“Ossuary,” was all he got in reply.
Still, it was good enough. For now, at least. Certainly better than when he’s taken young Jorgmund in all those years ago.
So, with just another shake of his head, and the accompanying jiggle of his long beard, he let the boy go. Well, only after calling him back to actually pick up the box he was supposed to deliver.
The boy, Jorgmund, was fast on his feet. It didn’t take long for his short legs to carry him out of the main hall, through one empty corridor too many and out the doors into the yard behind the temple. Where he finally slowed down.
This was one of the few safe places on temple grounds, a place where he could relax. With its quiet atmosphere and nothing but a field of strange stones as far as the eye could see, it was perfect. For some reason Jorgmund never understood, the others avoided this place. But that just meant he liked it all the more, even going as far as spending as much of his time here as he could.
Well, there was one more thing here, other than the weird stones. Just a short stroll in, maybe 10 minutes at most, stood an old stone hut. It was quite small, almost decrepit looking, yet it held on strong. So strong in fact that when one stood right in front of it, one would have the feeling of a distant beast looming high above them. It was the ossuary, young Jorgmund’s destination.
Laboriously prying the huge double doors open, Jorgmund just barely managed to slip through the resulting crack before it closed shut behind him with a loud boom.
And then, there was heaven. For Jorgmund, at least. Inside the ossuary even the minor sounds of the wind finally stilled.  If the graveyard leading up to here were a delicious slice of bread, then the inside of the ossuary itself would be a gourmand garlic bread. Simply delicious.
But Jorgmund’s adventure still wasn’t over. No, before him lay a lengthy staircase leading deep down below the earth. So deep in fact that the bottom wasn’t even visible.
Jorgmund, the brave hero that he was, valiantly stepped forward. Delivery box in one hand and a torch in the other, he ventured forth into the depths.
Step by step, he descended the stairs. Led by gentle caresses of dim light and the guiding hand of silence, Jorgmund felt right at home. Welcome.
Enough so that he could focus on more than just his immediate actions for once. Things like all the murals carved into every wall, and even the ceiling, of this place. Everywhere he looked, old carvings depicting anything from heroic knights slaying vile beasts to hooded figures putting the dead to rest decorated the staircase. It all held a certain majesty in it, even with all the cracks and chips in the artwork.
That being said, even the best piece of art has a finite amount of detail, and Jorgmund had already walked this path many times before. At this point, he may as well have just been looking at some pretty pictures.
And then, he’d reached the bottom. A seemingly infinite hallway expanded before Jorgmund. Dark, and yet all the more inviting. Dark, but not abyssal. It was actually quite bright considering how far beneath the earth this was.
The only sound, the only thing, disturbing this place were Jorgmund’s footsteps. And considering his size, it was more of a gentle pitter-patter than agitating stomps.
The walls of the corridor were lined many an alcove. Hundreds, thousands even, small holes in the wall extended down the hall. Each one held a smallish pile of bones, along with some ever-burning candles. It was all those candles providing the light down here, beating back the darkness in exchange for a dim sanctity. It also provided the place with a warm glow rather than the dreary coldness one would expect from such a sombre place.
By the time Jorgmund reached the end of the tunnel, his torch had long gone out. Not that it was a problem with all the candles down here.
At the end of the ossuary was a slightly larger room with a too high ceiling. Perhaps this is why it was built so far underground. And yet, despite all the obvious grandeur this room was supposed to command, it held nothing more than a simple altar set against the far wall.
Or rather, it was supposed to be flush with the wall, with nary a gap in between. But whether through negligence during construction, the simple passage of time, or some other force, a crack formed. Like the beckoning maw of the deep abyss, it called out to Jorgmund. And not for the first time. Actually, this was only on of many such trips Jorgmund had made.
Luckily for him, the calls from behind the altar weren’t from some dark force or a devouring demon. In fact, the calls here were quite literal. If you were to put your ear as close to the gap as possible, you could even make out the barely discernible mutters of, “bones. bones. bones.” Over and over, the same thing repeated day in and day out.
For any other person, this would surely be a sign to turn back immediately. Maybe even to call an exorcist or some such too. After all, it’s only natural to be creeped out by mad murmurs.
But not Jorgmund. He’d gotten used to it long ago. Let’s not get into the specifics of how that happened though.
The point is, Jorgmund did not run away in terror, screaming. Instead, he, for whatever reason, decided to humour the creature responsible for the sounds. Perhaps he could hear something in its voice, perhaps it reminded him of something. One thing was for sure though, he was not here to deliver the package, the bones, for storage.
As Jorgmund gently put the box down and removed its covering, the noises from behind the altar stilled.
“Bones?” asked the creature in the gap. Its voice was surprisingly high-pitched for such a creature of the dark. Though as if to compensate, its voice was all the more grating.
“Mm, bones,” said Jorgmund in reply.
In a certain way, it was nice how the two, so different yet undeniably similar, had found each other. Two beings with a love for using few words.
Jorgmund reached into the box he’d carried all this way and took out a single thin bone. White as a, well, bone, it had the exact right measurements to just barely fit into the slit between the altar and the wall. As soon as he pushed it in as far as he possibly could, a different force took hold of it from the other side and pulled it even deeper where it disappeared.
What followed were some of the most haunting sounds to ever exist. Crunches and crack worse than the sound of a scraping chalkboard. It all lasted for a whole 30 seconds before silence reigned again.
“Bone?” it asked again after a moment of silence. Jorgmund obliged.
Like this, minutes passed until finally, the only pieces of bone remaining were the ones too big to pass through. And to the customary question of “Bone?” Jorgmund only replied with a shake of his head and a simple, “Outside.”
The creature in the wall only replied with silence. At last, it let out the sad, falling tones of a single “Bone.”
“Don’t be sad,” said Jorgmund. But no one answered.
The creature, whatever it was, must have scurried off somewhere. Still, Jorgmund wasn’t disheartened. He knew that by the time he returned it’d be back too.
And like that, days passed. Every now and then he’d drop by with another box of bones and feed the creature in the wall. Over time, he took up more and more responsibilities in the ossuary. With everyone else too afraid of it to volunteer for jobs involving it, he eventually became the unofficial caretaker of the ossuary. He’d wake up every day and head over to the graveyard, where he spent the vast majority of his time. Most of it inside the ossuary itself though.
Even more time passed and slowly everyone got used to the arrangement. The few other duties he still had at the temple were dropped, leaving Jorgmund with even more free time. And with all that time on his hands, Jorgmund had even more opportunities to be with his creature-friend.
Until one day, when he was descending down the ossuary stairs, he heard a strange noise. A noise coming from much further in. It was a sort of popping and crackling sound, interspersed with much louder cracks.
Rushing down the rest of the stairs and through the long hallway, Jorgmund found himself in the altar room, beholding a peculiar scene.
The altar, various new crack lines running through it with more still forming, was ever so slowly moving. Something was pushing it away from the wall.
 Stunned into silence, Jorgmund could do nothing more than watch the events unfold. Not that he’d have to wait for long.
As soon as the altar got pushed far enough, the creature exited into the candlelight. At least, it was supposed to be the creature.
Instead, what actually came out was a long stream of a coarse, white, sandy substance that flowed out, hovered in the air for a minute and before changing shape into a vaguely quadrupedal… animal…
Its “head” looked around for a moment until it caught sight of Jorgmund. Once it did so, it immediately rushed at him. Poor Jorgmund barely had the time to flinch before it collided into him.
Or not. Right when it seemed a collision was imminent, the creature’s solid form once again transformed into a powdery material that flowed right around him. Which just left him standing there, unharmed but even more confused than before.
And as he turned around and caught sight of his little friend, a gasp escaped him.
“Is, is that you, Bone?”
The white sand the creature was apparently made out of had once again changed shape. Standing on two legs, with a torso, arms and a head, the creature just barely reached above his legs. It looked like a facsimile of a human, just the general shape with none of the details that made every human unique. It had no identifying features. Unless you count the lack of them as one. And also, the whole being bone white thing.
“Bone,” the creature’s mouth opened and the same voice that Jorgmund was so familiar with came out.
A couple of weeks had passed since Jorgmund properly met his creature-friend for the first time, and life was good. Good, but not perfect.
Because while the creature in the wall, which Jorgmund aptly named Bone, was no longer trapped in the wall, it certainly didn’t mean that it was free.
Yes, as sad as it was, Jorgmund realized Bone couldn’t exit the ossuary just yet. Other people, especially the others from the temple, wouldn’t think kindly of a creature risen from the bones of the dead. At best, they’d drive it out into the wilderness.
And so, Jorgmund made the difficult decision to keep Bone hidden. Every time he finished off his duties in the ossuary, he’d make sure to properly close and lock the door, ensuring nobody would get in, or out.
Fortunately, Boen itself had no desire to go out and explore. Not yet, at least. Instead, it was quite content to spend its day engorging itself on all of the bones stored in the ossuary.
Naturally, that wasn’t all that changed. Since Bone was now free, and n longer starving much of the time, their available activities drastically expanded from only Jorgmund feeding Bone. No longer was their relationship purely one-sided.
Well, mostly. A lot of the time Bone wasn’t that interested in whatever Jorgmund had in mind. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, it also couldn’t say anything other than its name.
Therefore, if you somehow happened to wander into the ossuary, you’d often find them just lounging on the floor. Bone nibbling on whatever bone was closest and Jorgmund telling it about his day. At most, Bone would sometimes reply with the usual “Bone,” “Bone?” or perhaps, very occasionally, “Bone!” And while the communication left much to be desired, it was enough for them.
So, the days passed, both of them content, if not happy. For as long as the bone reserves held, there was nothing to worry about. And the number of bones the temple had collected over the years was truly staggering.
Everything was fine and good. It should have been perfect. But then a stranger came to town.
He travelled light, with only a small travel sack on him. Along with the dark robes he wore, a deep hood hiding his face, he had a certain aura about him. Dark, but not evil. Sort of… mystical.
It didn’t take long for rumours to spread among the townsfolk. Of a wizard, a magus, a dark sorcerer that arrived under some nefarious purpose.
Fortunately for the people, none of those were quite true. At most, they contained just the barest hint of the truth. After all, how could someone expect a full wizard, let alone a magus, to just randomly visit a town in the middle of nowhere. Those were titles earned by years upon years of study! No, at most, and even this was unlikely, this stranger was a hobbyist mage with a magical inheritance.
But that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is why he was here. Or, to be even more specific, what he found as soon as he entered town.
Like any other person dabbling in the arcane arts, the newcomer was attuned to the mystical. Had a sort of sixth sense, could sense what wasn’t really there. And what he sensed at that moment intrigued him greatly. For unlike most other areas in the world, this town had an abundance of mystical energies concentrated around it. In fact, they all appeared to be congregating on one spot.
So, the mysterious stranger wandered through the streets, blind to everything other than his sixth sense. Until he found himself in front of a sprawling temple.
That is to say, sprawling in relation to the rest of the town. But seeing as this was the spot, he didn’t hesitate and entered.
Now, any professionally trained mage would have immediately pointed out his mistake. However, as he was just an independent mage with an underdeveloped mystic sense, the robed visitor incorrectly assumed the origin of all of the mystic energy must be in the temple.
As soon as the first disciple caught sight of the wandering mage, he ran off inside the temple. It didn’t take long after that for father Dimmon to appear in front of the temple. In was the least they could do when greeting a mage.
“Salutation, seer beyond the veil! What bring you to our humble abode?” Dimmon spoke as soon as the robed figure got within earshot.
For the briefest of moments, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, the mage froze. It was the first time being addressed like that. Still, a mage is a mage, no matter how untrained. Besides, if he could keep this up, the respect would undoubtedly help him in his investigation.
“Greeting to you too, wise soul,” he began. Damn, was that too much, he thought. Ah, whatever. Might as well fully commit. “Through many marches I have wandered, many rivers have I crossed and mountains conquered to reach this place. Hear ye, if thou are wise, a strange power hath descended onto tine place of dwelling! Its purpose I know not, yet a foreboding feeling grows within my spirit. Heed my words! Something must be done, lest thou people face doom!”
This, was not an appropriate response to a greeting. Not for a peasant, not for a knight and not even for a hero. And mages were no exception to that rule. At least, they should have been.
As it oft happens when someone wields supernatural powers, superstition arises in the common folk. And when a whole community doesn’t come into contact with magic for multiple generations? Well, their opinions certainly won’t be grounded in reality. So much so even that they could consider the strange stranger’s response as normal. And indeed, that is exactly what happened here.
What followed was, simply put, chaos. Everyone who happened to be nearby, which, due to eavesdropping, wasn’t a small number, panicked. Even father Dimmon couldn’t hold it together for a hot minute.
All the while, the stranger, who still hadn’t introduced himself, just stood there, awkwardly staring at the pandemonium he inadvertently caused.
I… may have gone a bit overboard, was all that was running through his mind.
It took a while for everyone to calm down. That did not mean they were no longer terrified though. No, their calm just meant actions could be undertaken to solve the issue of their supposed doom.
“Gather everyone in the Great Hall! We must decide on a course of action,” father Dimmon said.
Another, lightly more organized, flurry of activity ensued. Every single person, whether it be the lowest of initiates or the highest of priests, all were ushered into the biggest hall in the temple. Along with one extra person.
The visiting mage, now standing before a gathering of about a hundred temple caretakers, gulped. Truly, a bad situation to fid oneself in. He’d have to truly sell his grand magus persona if he wanted to leave without half the town chasing after him.
“Good people, worldly souls! I am… Kasorin Electozoon. Grand Wizard Electozoon!” Every single pair of eyes in the room was glued to him, rapt with attention. “And I’ve come to warn you of a great danger that looms above this quaint town! But fear not, for I am here! I only need to identify the source of the malicious energies surrounding your home to banish it for good. But for that I’ll need your help. I’ve narrowed the area down to somewhere withing temple grounds, but that’s as much as I can do. Worry not though, …” on and on he went, speaking complete nonsense for the better part of the next hour.
By the end of his speech, everyone was fille with grim determination. They’d do whatever it took to save their town, their friend, family and neighbours.
And Electozoon (if that is indeed his real name) … well, he was just glad nobody was suspicious of him. Perhaps some day he’d think over the consequences of his actions, but that day was to today.
Jorgmund, meanwhile, was slowly starting to panic. Not unjustifiably, he had jumped to the conclusion that it was his friend Bone who was responsible for all this. And in a community where even educated people like Dimmon were ready to believe something that, from ant other mouth, would be considered madness, he wasn’t exactly hopeful of how they’d treat Bone.
So, while everyone else began to comb through every inch of the temple, Jorgmund began to weave a plan together. Hopefully he’d have enough time. As long as they don’t check the ossuary immediately, it should all work out.
Fortunately, luck was on his side and nobody even thought to check the graveyard that day.
Like that it happened that on the very same day this all happened, right as the sun descended behind the horizon and night fell upon the world, Jorgmund’s bed was empty. Sadly, it would seem that Jorgmund’s luck had run dry, for there were also many other beds left unoccupied. A patrol had been established. As much as you can call untrained individuals walking random routes a patrol.
Still, it wasn’t nothing and would certainly make Jorgmund’s job much harder that night.
If he were under suspicions, that is. But seeing as he was just another disciple, combined with the improvised nature of the patrol, he very easily blended in as just another person doing their job. It didn’t take long for him to reach the outside.
From there, it was smooth sailing for the next while. Pretty much no one was watching the outside, so the walk to the ossuary wasn’t much different from usual. Once there, Jorgmund unlocked the door and slipped inside. The real difficulty had yet to come.
Somehow, he’d now have to explain the situation to Bone and then escort it away from town. All while remaining unnoticed.
As Jorgmund descended the many stairs in the ossuary, he wondered how to do this. Lure Bone with pieces of bone? No, it had more than enough of them in the ossuary. Try to actually explain the situation? Doubtful. Jorgmund still wasn’t sure how much Bone actually understood when he was talking to him.
He’d have to improvise, as he’d reached the bottom of the stairs.
Bone was, as usual, crouching by a pile of bones. It was still in its vaguely humanoid form, but bigger. It came as a shock to Jorgmund when, one day, he entered the ossuary to find Bone had grown. As it turns out, Bone could grow by eating more and more bones. That also led do Jorgmund properly observing it when ate, which led him to discover Bone wasn’t actually eating. Instead, it ground the bones down into a fine powder, which it then assimilated into its body.
Briefly, Bone paused its feast, but soon resumed when it saw Jorgmund. Such a sight wasn’t unfamiliar to Jorgmund. He always felt a bit of warmth in his heart when he saw that Bone found comfort in his presence.
“Bone? I need to tell you something,” Jorgmund began softly, “But I’ll need your full attention on me, alright?”
“Bone?” said Bone, its head cocked to the side.
“Listen buddy. You know how this place is a part of a temple, and how you’re not really supposed to be here?”
“Well, it turns out people really don’t want you here and are sort of, um, hunting for you.”
“Bone!” exclaimed Bone, its entire body tensing.
“I know, I know,” Jorgmund tried to calm it, “but there’s not much we can do about it.”
“Bone…” its high-pitched whine made Jorgmund want to hug it.
“Still, I think I can get you out of here before they find you.” At this, Bone perked up. “But I’ll need your full cooperation on this, alright? No talking, not even making any sounds. I’ll need you to do exactly as I say and stay still. Can you do that?”
Bone stayed silent, but nodded, filled with determination. In fact, it stood up and began to walk in the direction of the door.
“Hey. Hey! Wait up buddy! That’s not the plan! Everyone would spot you like that!”
Bone paused in the middle if taking its next step, unsure. Seeing this, Jorgmund quickly took out one of the boxes he’s use to deliver bones, and opened it.
“See this? You’ll climb inside and make sure you stay very still and quiet, so that nobody even knows you’re there. Like that, I’ll carry you until it’s safe again,” Jorgmund quickly explained.
Bone sighed and approached the box. Huh, did it just make a new sound, Jorgmund thought. No time, I can think about useless stuff later.
Once everything was ready, Jorgmund lifted the box and got on his way. The track up the stairs took a bit longer than usual, what with having to carry an entire extra person, but soon they stood in front of the ossuary doors. Well, Jorgmund stood. Bone was still in the box.
“You ready for this?” asked Jorgmund.
“Alright, then hold tight and stay as quiet as you can.”
Jorgmund pushed open the heavy door, more that he normally would so that the box could pass too, and exited into the graveyard.
The night was still relatively young, but the cloud cover had dispersed, letting the moon shine through. It illuminated much of the surrounding land, its silvery light giving everything an air of mystery.
Quiet as a mouse, Jorgmund skulked through the graveyard, hiding behind tombstones, when possible, all in an effort to remain hidden. But even the world’s best sneak is but a normal person when faced with the supernatural.
Just as Jorgmund and Bone were approaching the edge of the temple grounds, where it bordered upon a thick forest, a shout reached them from behind. One sounding suspiciously like the Grand Wizard.
Jorgmund didn’t hesitate. He didn’t even pause to process what was said. He just booked it, sprinting as fast as he could into the forest.
He ran and ran, deeper and deeper into the forest until he could run no more. Exhausted, he collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. Bone, who, thanks to the box’s cover having fallen during Jorgmund’s tumble, peeked out of the box, stayed silent. It was just staring at Jorgmund, a bit confused about what had happened.
Meanwhile, right outside the forest, Electozoon was cursing up a storm. Not literally.
“Damn it, I almost had it! Not that I even know what it is. Argh! Stupid boy and his stupid box!” he muttered under his breath. But being left with no other recourse, he eventually bit the bullet and entered the forest.
Electozoon was, of course, still a mage though and such trivialities like brambles, branches, mud or similar mundanities of ordinary life didn’t hinder him much at all. In fact, he even managed to receive aid from them instead, shortening his journey to just a scant few minutes.
When he finally arrived at the clearing Jorgmund was resting at, he wasn’t even winded, much less experiencing the complete exhaustion that Jorgmund was.
And as Electozoon laid his eyes upon his most coveted prize, he couldn’t quite believe what he saw.
Instead of a magical amulet, arcane ore, or any such classic treasures, what stood before him was the hulking form of a great beast. It towered more than a meter above him, its bulky form staring at him, almost as if into his very soul. But one thing terrified him more than any other. The whole of the creature was an eerie colour, like a sun-bleached bone.
Its entire body undulating, as if it didn’t have a proper shape, it spoke just one word.
And then it launched itself at Electozoon. Only to be repelled by an almost translucent barrier.
“Fascinating,” Electozoon said. He couldn’t help but to remark on the intriguing creature before him.
It was only then, as Bone was bashing against his barrier with its monstrous fists that he noticed Jorgmund. Well, he noticed the body of a random boy he vaguely remembered being at the temple.
Hmm, I wonder what he was trying to do, he thought. Perhaps he’s also a mage? And this is his creation? Unlikely. Anyway, I suppose I should take care of this thing before pondering though.
Electozoon closed his eyes and began concentrating on a big spell, arms flailing about and eldritch incantations escaping his lips. All the while Bone continued to loudly pound against his barrier spell.
So loudly, in fact, that they even managed to wake up the dead tired Jorgmund. Who immediately jumped up with a panicked expression on his face, adrenaline pumping in his veins. There was only one going through his head. Is Bone safe?
Which was, admittedly, a strange thing to think. Especially since the next moment, when he saw what was actually happening, he didn’t think, “Is that human being attacked by a monster ok?”, as most people would.
No, as soon as he saw that a Wizard was casting some strange spell on poor little Bone, he became even more panicked.
He became so panicked that before he knew what he was doing, he sprinted right into the thick of it. Jorgmund, worried for the life of his only friend, positioned himself between Bone and Electozoon.
And just in time.
Electozoon uttered the last words of his incantation and crackling ball of energy materialized before him. And, still with his eyes closed, he launched it right at the bone-monster.
Which meant it first had to pass through Jorgmund. Which it promptly did. Literally.
The magical orb passed through Jorgmund without harming a single hair on him. In fact, it didn’t interact with the physical at all. It was, after all, magic. And this spell especially was a bit of an outlier.
The orb continued forth, its inevitable trajectory heading straight for Bone. Nothing could be done. Jorgmund was too slow, Bone still focused on punching and Electozoon recovering from one of the most difficult spells he could cast.
The spell impacted Bone. And left it completely intact. Instead, it entered Bone’s body, suffusing the entirety and letting off a gentle glow. But as soon as that happened, it all also played out in reverse. The glow retracted from Bone’s body until it reformed into the ball of mystical energy and shot back at Electozoon.
Except that, once again, Jorgmund stood in the way.
Just as the spell was about to collide with Jorgmund, Electozoon finally opened his eyes. And as he saw what was about to happen, he couldn’t do anything except let out an anguished scream.
The spell hit Jorgmund and this time it also activated. It got absorbed into him, similarly to what happened to Bone. But instead of suffusing him, it entered deeper and brushed up against something, something core to Jorgmund’s existence.
And then, Jorgmund understood the purpose of the spell. It was supposed to bind one creature’s will to another, making it its magical servant. A glorified slavery spell.
At that, Jorgmund rebelled. It wasn’t the type of relationship he had with Bone, nor the kind he wanted. They were friends, not whatever this was. They provided for one another, each giving what the tother one needed.
This, this is, this is just wrong! Jorgmund shouted in his mind. And the world answered. A part of him, some deep, forgotten part of him reached out into the spell and twisted it, twisted its very purpose.
And then it was over. Barely second had passed.
“Noooooooo! What have you done!” Electozoon was still wailing.
Jorgmund ignored him though. He was much more focused on something else. At the back of his mind, he could feel a bridge. And at the other end, something precious. Someone precious. Bone.
Bone, too, suddenly had the same connection it its mind. It stopped pounding on the barrier and stood still for a moment. Then it shrunk down until it was smaller than Jorgmund and stared at him.
Jorgmund did the same.
In that moment, more than a thousand words were wordlessly exchanged between them. In no small part thanks to their magical connection.
Then, they both nodded at each other. They knew what they had to do.
A couple days later, Jorgmund and Bone could be seen leaving their small town as they walked side by side. Of course, Bone had to be covered by a cloak, the townsfolk would still think of it as a monster, but that was part of why they were leaving.
The other part? Well, that’s a story for another time. Suffice it to say, it’s a story of magical exploration.
@aroace-wizard @irlactualwizard @alvareus-the-sorcerer-of-seals @opalescent-apples @microwavewizard @saltedwizard @the-wizard-of-revolution @wizardgoblin @verylegalwizard @wizard-wylin-wylerian @carnivalwizard @amphibiouswizard
(poll deciding next story coming soon)
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i would tag everyone thats in it but its 3:45 am and i can feel my body shaking and thatd be kind of annoying HAHSHJFNSJDNNJDF SO UMM MUTUALS THAT I TALK TO YOU ARE PROBABLY IN IT OK THANK YOU I LOVE YOU MUTUALS
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Works by Being_Happy
Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IxHUfWlHQIgnqgZHw8EMs-enTxsrwMpl?usp=sharing
None of the works have a preview available. In order to read them, you have to download them. They're all epub so you'll need an epub reader such as Calibre on Desktop or Lithium on mobile.
The works you can find here are:
The Daylight Series 1. Daylight 2. but it's golden 3. dancing with our hands tied 4. Ghostin 5. dress 6. exile 7. All too well (the ten months long version)
The Falling Series 1. Falling 2. Falling: The Darker Half
Ladrien June 1. Rumors 2. Sick Day 3. Party 4. Security Detail 5. Hold Me
Finding You
Bleeding Love
You broke me
when the party's over
touch me, and my world will end
Talk to Me
kissing is a sign of intimacy
Just Hugs
I'm kidnapping you
All of them are complete, except for the second installement in the Falling Series. Under the cut you can find detailed descriptions for all of them.
you broke me
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 3,509 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Alcohol, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Arguing, Break Up, Drunken Confessions, Established Relationship, F/M, Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Ladybug Swears A LOT, Love Confessions, Post-Break Up, Sad with a Happy Ending, Swearing, Sweet, Underage Drinking, drunk Ladybug Summary: “It’s dangerous to drink so high up, you know.”
Ladybug froze, opening her eyes despite the splitting headache and looked forward, watching the lights glimmer in blurry ornaments across the city.
He was the last person she wanted to see.
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,509 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Depression, Dorks in Love, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Established Relationship, F/M, Falling In Love, First Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Grief/Mourning, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sex, Sad, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary: Your skin Oh, yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful Do you know You know I love you so
You know I love you so…
when the party's over
Rating: T Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 921 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst, F/M, Grief/Mourning, Heavy Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Minor Character Death, Murder Family Summary: Chat Noir stared down at his baton, his hands shaking and his blood roaring in his ears. The little screen was lighting up his face in the dark alleyway, illuminating the bright green in his eyes that sat half lidded. The red and black spotted heroine smiled up at him, her contact glowing in his phone while she smiled up at him with a toothy grin and a peace sign.
After a moment of staring, he pressed the call button and listened to it buzz for a long moment.
Finally, in what seemed like hours, the call went through with a gentle click on the other end.
Touch me, and my world will end
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,546 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentle Kissing, Gentleness, Hurt Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Kissing, Non-Sexual Intimacy, One Shot, Romantic Soulmates, Soulmates, a little traumatized, closeness, have fun <3, its very light and it remains unresolved, these two are so close Summary: a touch from someone you're falling in love with, will shatter your world, then it will slowly unravel you, and break you until you're ready to fall apart.
Talk to Me
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2022 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 876 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Needs a Hug, Angst, Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Forehead Touching, Gentleness, Hugs, Hurt/Comfort, Ladrien | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Light Angst, Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Romance, Sharing a Bed, Sleepy Cuddles, Sleepy Kisses, Unresolved Emotional Tension, they both melt Summary: “You understand, don’t you?” “What?” “The… the famous life?”
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,758 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags:Bittersweet, Bittersweet Ending, Dancing, Dancing in the Rain, Established Relationship, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentle Kissing, Gentleness, Idiots in Love, JJ DON'T READ, Kissing in the Rain, Light Angst, Marichat, No Plot/Plotless, Oneshot, Slow Dancing, Soulmates, Stay, i was bored, not edited pls dont hate, wanted to try marichat for a change Summary: “This is gonna take a while,” she said to herself, biting her lip as she returned her eyes to the sky, hoping to see any glimpse of blue.
After a moment, something shifted in the darkness behind her.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ve got company.”
Rating: M Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2022 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 12,838 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Chat Noir dom?????, Denial of Feelings, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Falling In Love, Feelings Realization, Fluff, Forehead Kisses, Forehead Touching, Friends to Lovers, Gentle Chat Noir, Gentleness, Idiots in Love, Ladybug melts lol, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Light Angst, Longing, Love Confessions, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Romance, Sexual Tension, Sweet, Unresolved Sexual Tension Summary: Valentine's Day is full of possibilities. Ladybug knew this better than anyone, especially when her partner, Chat Noir, suggests the most absurd idea she has ever heard in her life. She doesn't expect anything from it, even with the realization she makes in the beginning. But, with this "absurd idea" of Chat Noir's, comes being close to him, and the last time she was ever close enough to be with Chat Noir, the world was catalyzed into eternal damnation. Let's just say being close to Chat Noir is a huge… huge risk.
Rating: G Archive Warnings: Major Character Death Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,632 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst, Angst and Feels, F/M, Fluff and Angst, GUYS THIS IS ACTUALLY SAD I CRIED, Major Illness, Memory Loss, Sad, Sad Ending, be proud of me, this is my first major character death Summary: Memories. The most precious thing we could make together is memories. You sometimes don’t know whether or not you’re making them. And sometimes you don’t know when you remember them or even when they took place. Interesting thing, isn’t it?
kissing is a sign of intimacy
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2020 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6,149 Relationships: (Adrienette) - Relationship, (Ladrien), (Ladynoir) - Relationship, (Marichat), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Adrien has never been kissed before, Cuddling & Snuggling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Gentle Kissing, Ice Cream, Kissing, Light Angst, Light-Hearted, a lot of dumb kissing and cuddling, light Violence, these two are too cute Summary: How each part of the love-square's first kiss goes! Prepare for some adorable fluffiness!
Just Hugs
Rating: G Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2022 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,111 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Dorks in Love, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers, Gentleness, Hugs, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Short One Shot, Sweet, Teenagers, i'm not good with tags sorry, they just need a hug Summary: Ladybug and Chat Noir DESPERATELY need a hug right now.
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 21/21 Words: 125,937 Summary: Ladybug is pulled from her reality into a new one filled with ash, water and a demon that has haunted her nightmares for far too long. But, as always, demons are deceiving, and it turns out this one needs, not her miraculous, but her instead.
but it's golden
Series: The daylight series (2) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 7,838 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: ngst and Hurt/Comfort, Dirty Jokes, Established Relationship, F/M, Fighting, Flirting, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Grief/Mourning, Hallucinations, Humor, Idiots in Love, Love, Past Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Secrets, Skinny Dipping, Tension, Unofficial Sequel, Unresolved Tension, daylight is one of my fics go read pls, fear of water, follow up from daylight, how is ladybug doing? let's find out, please if you haven't read daylight you won't understand this Summary: A few months after Ladybug's return from her top secret mission in a different dimension, she's struggling to separate reality from her nightmares. Sometimes it feels all too surreal, sometimes it doesn't even feel like it actually happened. But she's not really allowed to talk about it, which doesn't help her at all. She should be happy, right? She deserves that much, at least.
Yes, she saved a world that wasn't hers, yes she was scared of water, yes, maybe she did have a little bit of a sit still look pretty problem.
And, yes, she was utterly in love with her partner.
But all this doesn't matter. What mattered was the icy blue eyes that kept haunting her dreams, that were either going to tear her apart… or sit with her in the dark.
dancing with our hands tied
Series: The daylight series (3) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 10,899 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Bittersweet Ending, Dreams and Nightmares, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Intimacy, Mentioning of Past Trauma, Night Terrors, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Past Torture, Past Violence, Post-Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, Sharing a Bed, Shock, Unofficial Sequel, Unresolved Emotional Tension, in that order, please read my fic daylight and but it's golden before this one Summary: The nightmares are getting worse and Ladybug's intimate relationship with Chat Noir is getting more and more strained. Ladybug doesn't know how much longer she can hold up these walls around herself to keep the people she loves from seeing what's really underneath.
Even after months of leaving that God forsaken place, she's having a hard time controlling her demons and locking them away. It feels like she's constantly in a panic mode, trying to hold herself together so she can continue to protect the city and the people she cares about.
She's where she wants to be, and yet her mind is somewhere else.
It's like she's dancing with her hands tied.
Series: The daylight series (4) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6,201 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Affection, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anxiety, Chat Noir is a Sweetheart, Dreams and Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, F/M, Fighting, Fluff, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Past Relationship(s), Past Violence, Post-Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Scary, Unofficial Sequel Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Summary: “I had a nightmare,” she said below him, shifting like she was uncomfortable. Which he understood, since being on the floor feeling like you’re going to vomit isn’t very ideal.
“What about?” he asked, watching her face.
His heart grew a little as she shuffled back against her side, curling into a ball as the wind picked up and touched the back of her neck. She shivered under his fingertips, holding her clenched fists against her chest like she was going to start convulsing.
“I was in that place again,” she said quietly, this time more subdued. “The bad place.”
Series: The daylight series (5) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 2/2 Words: 12,453 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Affection, Album: Reputation (Taylor Swift), Bad Reputation, Bullying, Dark Past, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Flirting, Drunkenness, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Gentle Kissing, Gentleness, Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Past Violence, Post-Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Secrets, Sexual Tension, Underage Drinking, Unofficial Sequel, Unresolved Sexual Tension, drunk Ladybug, relationships are hard, things are getting a little intense for our favorite superheroes Summary: Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try And if I get burned, at least we were electrified I'm spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we're both drunk Everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
Series: The daylight series (6) Rating: M Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 10,784 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Episode: s03 Chat Blanc Spoilers, Established Relationship, F/M, Fighting, Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Gun Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Hallucinations, Heavy Angst, Insomnia, Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Panic Attacks, Past Violence, Post-Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, Secrets, So much angst, Trauma, Unofficial Sequel, Unresolved Emotional Tension, relationship troubles, relationships are hard Summary: I think I've seen this film before So I'm leavin' out the side door So step right out, there is no amount Of crying I can do for you All this time We always walked a very thin line
~exile by Taylor Swift
all too well (the ten months long version)
Series: The daylight series (7) Rating: M Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Language: English Published: 2022 Chapters: 10/10 Words: 97.059 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug) Tags: Album: Red (Taylor Swift), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Break Up, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Established Relationship, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Hopeful Ending, Identity Reveal, Insomnia, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Panic Attacks, Past Violence, Post-Episode: s03 Chat Blanc, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, Relationships Troubles, Sad, Secrets, Sequel, Song: All Too Well (Taylor Swift), Suicide Attempt, Trauma, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Tension, With A Twist Summary:"'Are you seriously trying to say goodbye to me right now?'
He studied her with that sad look she knew all too well, before nodding."
~from the fic "daylight"
For Alex
Rating: M Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety Attacks, Blood and Injury, Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Depression, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Evil Lila Rossi, Evil Nathalie, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Graphic Description, Heavy Angst, Hot Mess Adrien Agreste, Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Identity Reveal, Love Confessions, Major character death - Freeform, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Minor Character Death, Non-Sexual Intimacy, PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION., Panic Attacks, Physical Intimacy, Protective Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Protective Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Protectiveness, Self-Harm, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Recovery, THERES GONNA BE A HAPPY ENDING I SWEAR, Thing will get dark, Wishes, but they come back to life!!, evil Felix, one sided identity reveal, please read carefully, things will get dark Language: English Published: 2020-2021 Chapters: 46/46 Words: 310,869 Summary: During the final battle with Scarlet Moth, Ladybug takes a fatal blow, and Chat Noir has to watch as the love of his life dies in his arms. He can't do it, he can't live without her. Her earrings… The wish… It's all too much to take, and with a terrible warning of a darkness the wish comes with, Chat Noir takes the final plunge and begs for her to come back. She does… but maybe it was too much for her to take in the end.
Bleeding love
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2020 Chapters: 12/12 Words:61,674 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe Tags: Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, F/M, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Ladrien | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marinette is a badass, Older Characters, gets depressing, marinette owns a motorcycle, marinettexchatblanc, maybe implied sex?, stuff gets dark, things get bloody Summary: Paris has been on lock down for five years, and it's all because of one person, the one person Hawkmoth made a mistake akumatizing. Chat Noir. He haunts the city at night, destroying it brick by brick, but only one person stands in his way. Ladybug. 21-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng has been protecting the city by herself for five years, ever since her partner was akumatized and started terrorizing the city with his deadly powers. But something doesn't feel right, he keeps rescuing Marinette, not knowing she's Ladybug. Why?
Rating: G Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2022 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,177 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Dorks in Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Falling In Love, Feelings, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Forehead Kisses, Gentle Chat Noir, Gentleness, Intimacy, Longing, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot, closeness Summary: heart, in French means "coeur". his heart, and her existence.
Series: TheFalling series (1) Rating: M Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Language: English Published: 2020-2021 Chapters: 41/41 Words: 227,575 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe Tags: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Identity Reveal, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Adrien dealing with feelings, Aftermath of Torture, Angst with a Happy Ending, Blood and Injury, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff and Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Injured Chat Noir, Ladrien | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Minor Character Death, Sexual Assault, Soulmates, a lot of dumb texting, birds and bees talk, feel the love, injured ladybug, marinette dealing with feelings, very graphic violence Summary: How do you fall in love? Simple, let yourself fall. Okay… well how do you stop yourself from falling too fast? You can't
Falling: The Darker Half
Series: The falling series (2) Rating: M Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Language: English Published: 2021-2022 Chapters: 33/? Words: 209,255 Relationships:Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug) Tags:Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anxiety, Blood and Injury, Character Death, Cuddling & Snuggling, Dark, Dark Character, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentleness, Injured Chat Noir, Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Torture, Protective Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Protective Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sad, Sequel, Soulmates, Torture, injured ladybug, relationship troubles, yes things will get dark if you couldnt tell Summary: Facing your demons means falling deeper. You're forced to watch as your world falters. An oath of blood with a choked breath, but in that holy place… It promises death.
Finding You
Rating: M Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Language: English Published: 2020 Chapters: 31/31 Words: 116,602 Relationships:Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Plagg, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki Tags:Aftercare, Almost Kiss, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Beaches, Caretaking, Chat Blanc - Freeform, Chat Noir is a dominant gentle kitty cat, Cute, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Gentle Chat Noir, Gentle Kissing, Gentle Ladybug, Graphic Character Death, Hot Mess Adrien Agreste, Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Implied Sexual Content, Ladynoir July, Light Angst, Love Confessions, Morning After, Morning Cuddles, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Oblivious Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Plans For The Future, Practice Kissing, Protectiveness, Sexual Harassment, Sleepy Cuddles, Sunsets, but its only a dream, light - Freeform Summary:After realizing there might be something more between her and Chat Noir, Ladybug quickly starts falling for the masked hero, not expecting what she finds when she stops. And maybe, finding exactly what she didn't expect, was the best part about it. (This is part of the Ladynoir July 2020 prompts list, all the chapters are tied together.)
Series: Ladrien June (1) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,919 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Body Image, Body Shaming, Cute, Eating Disorders, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentleness, Implied Sexual Content, Ladrien June, Ladrien June 2021, mean reporters Summary: People outside the walls can be really mean, but Ladybug feels really safe inside her little hiding space.
Sick Day
Series:Ladrien June (2) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,188 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags:Clumsiness, Cute, Cuties, F/M, Fluff, Gentleness, Idiots in Love, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Short & Sweet, Showers, Sick Character, babying each other, they are so stupid Summary: These two don't know how to take care of themselves. Luckily, tonight, they don't have to worry about that.
Series: Ladrien June (3) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,546 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Cute, Emotional Baggage, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentleness, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Short & Sweet, Slow Dancing Summary: Adrien hated parties. Especially ones that his father forced him to go to as his "representative."
He's so glad a certain girl in red agreed to go.
Security Detail
Series: Ladrien June 4 Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,633 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Cute, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, F/M, Flirting, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Gabriel's A+ parenting, Gentle Kissing, Gentleness, Hurt/Comfort, Unresolved Emotional Tension Summary: Gabriel insists that his son, Adrien, requires the best security.
In walks Lady freaking luck.
Hold Me
Series: Ladrien June (5) Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,444 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Anger, Angst, Comfort/Angst, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, F/M, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Gentleness, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort Summary: When Ladybug wanders through Adrien's window, he's startled to see her panicked state.
i'm kidnapping you
Rating: G Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Language: English Published: 2021 Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,008 Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: Cute, Dorks in Love, Established Relationship, F/M, Falling In Love, Fluff, Height Differences, Humor, I wrote this randomly, Idiots in Love, This Is STUPID, This is crack, and Chat loves it, enjoy lol, ladybug is smol, me? writing fluff without angst?, not for mature audiences?, they love each other but they also hate each other, this is so stupid Summary: Ladybug doesn't like reporter.
Chat doesn't like reporter.
Solution? Kidnapping.
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kingsgate · 1 year
Transformation Life Coach Certification
Online ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification https://sites.google.com/view/how-to-become-life-coach-certi/home/transformation-life-coach-certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Ashely's Story
Find your true calling
I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives.
Pretty amazing, right??
You may be wondering just how the heck I did that.
Well, it all started with getting REAL. I had to ask myself, ‘How am I staying small, comfortable, and complacent?'
When I quit my job in real estate, I was uncertain, scared, and lost. I was good at real estate, yet I knew it wasn't my true calling. I sensed there was more but had no idea what ‘more' could possibly be.
Even in that uncertainty, I knew that letting go of a soul-crushing job would be so much better than feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Every. Single. Day.
I prayed for the answer to my next move.
How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certified Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Quantum Coaching Academy Transformation Life Coach Certification
While waiting, I found myself at a wedding. Across the dance floor, I spotted a girl I knew, and she was absolutely beaming.
I ran over to tell her how freaking lit up she looked, and I was shocked when she responded...
"You changed my life, Ashley!"
At the bachelorette party a month prior, I'd had an amazing conversation with this girl about manifestation and personal development.
Just a conversation
One conversation
It was at that moment, shaking my groove thang in the middle of the dance floor, that I figured out the ‘more' I always knew I was meant for.
Is It Worth Getting Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy
I connected to a part of my calling that had been hidden deep within my soul just waiting to emerge.
I realized that I'm here to help people wake up to their potential.
At that moment, I turned to my husband and said, “I think I'm meant to be a life coach!”
It felt like my heart cracked open, and I knew I was ready to completely change my life and align with my truth.
My authentic truth
So, I took the leap to become a life coach.
Was it easy?
But it was far easier than keeping myself small.
The impact, income, and difference I'm making now are so much bigger than I ever could have imagined.
It's time to go big, isn't it?
I know this message may seem like it dropped out of the sky into your inbox at the most aligned time. Because it did.
It's not too late to change your life.
Maybe you've thought about becoming a life coach, or maybe this is a brand new realization like it was for me on the dance floor at that wedding.
Since that night, I've helped hundreds of people step into their calling of becoming a coach through the internationally-accredited 6-month certification program I created, the Quantum Coaching Academy
Will you be the next Quantum Coach to join our certification program and completely change your life like all of these incredible souls?
Book your call NOW!
To your quantum transformation,
Ashley Gordon Founder of the Quantum Coaching Academy
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Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1trsAxUbGkjsWHDWywEDJ3cBn_f-xm8cEQGj12eSSTqg/edit?usp=sharing
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theaologies · 1 year
Me shaking usps: where is my PACKAGE it’s been in limbo for FIVE DAYS
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niconiconwo · 2 years
Amtrak needs to be transformed and have it's own lines laid, meanwhile the USPS should be given it's own clearance to build federal freight lines and force competition in the freight liner sector to improve our infrastructure through brute economic force or nationalisation.
We can fund it by shaking down the Pentagon and Ag/Health Depts. Or like properly taxing richfags and corpos too. Easy.
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tangiblethomas · 2 years
Coincidence? Serendipity
I am sitting in my garage working on my detailing van. I had taken a seat to let the caulk dry on the wood panel i am going to spray paint black. The over cut slits needed to be filled. As I am sitting I can see down my street a good ways, as I am staring down the street shaking the rattle spray can, a USPS truck appears and parks in a neighbors yard. With my mind churning as I am thinking…
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pictured above: ruthie gently toasting herself by the baseboard heaters.
well I got up at 6:30ish and have spent the past five hours stressing about money & spring travel expenses which is fun! but I think I can make it all work. I just uhhh can’t let myself think too hard about how much I’m spending or look too closely at my account balance 😵‍💫😵‍💫 also as soon as I finish the half bath I am categorically forbidden to undertake any more home improvement projects until late spring at the earliest. but OKAY I am shaking off the money stress!! I am moving on!!!!!
today I would like to Get My House In Order, both literally and figuratively. here’s what I want to tackle today:
TIDY MY LIVING SPACE. empty dishwasher, clean kitchen (focus on decluttering), take out recycling, stack library books in one place, vacuum the whole downstairs, pack USPS return and drop it in the mailbox, stack UPS returns in one place, go through my art boxes and move them upstairs to storage, reorder bookshelves so they don’t look so messy, tidy the messy part of my bedroom closet, tidy desk area, disassemble that old shoe rack, vacuum up the dirt from that plant I knocked over, do another big load of laundry
FIGURE OUT MY FINANCES. map out major spring expenses, pay off credit card balance, set a reminder to figure out dog-sitting, and try to gently set it out of my mind for now.
MAKE A FITNESS PLAN. I also spent a lot of time this morning researching gyms, which I’ve done before but in a sort of unfocused way. I need to accept that I am not the kind of person who just accidentally slides into a gym routine. I gotta consciously make a realistic plan and then enact it. I did finally pick a gym today after making a spreadsheet comparing all the options (my ability to procrastinate via planning… truly inspiring!), so that’s progress. but now I need to print out a blank calendar page, sit down with my weekly work schedule and the gym’s fitness class + pool schedule, and actually make a provisional schedule to follow for the next 4 weeks. I am trying to give myself every chance of success for🤰and while I’ve got the healthy diet part covered I would like to build up a moderate intensity exercise routine on top of my daily long walks. I would also very much like to GO to the gym today—so maybe part of my planning will be picking out shows or podcasts for gym time so I have something to listen to today (unless I swim hmmm).
WRITE THIS REC LETTER & SUBMIT. I might even do this first—maybe I’ll set a timer for 30 min right now and see how much I can knock out in that time before I move on to other stuff.
PLAN MEALS & COOK. I have the new recipe I’m trying for this week so I’d like to prep & cook that, then look at the contents of the fridge and plan meals for the rest of the week.
okay jes! you can have 15-20 min of mindless scrolling time now but then you gotta get up, put real clothes on, and sort out your affairs.
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