#; * ! a light that never goes out ( jily. ) ;
Harry/Hermione are more like James/Lily. Not Ron/Hermione or Ginny/Harry(the two ships that everyone wants to convince are like them)
I agree and disagree. I agree that neither Hinny nor Romione resemble Jily, however I also don't think Harry and Hermione are Jily reborn.
Harry and Ginny are only physically somewhat akin to Lily and James, but personality wise are very different. Ginny is far sportier, though she has a quick temper, and also has a bit of a hero-worship streak that Lily certainly never had for James. Like Lily she's popular, but I don't think she's as academic (her Slug Club admission was practical rather than academically based). She was never a prefect, which displays that her grades and disciplinary record was unsuitable for such a position.
Harry, despite Snape's remarks, is not much like his father. He's good at quidditch but he's not as arrogant, he's terrible with women, and he's a leader by necessity rather than by choice. Harry has James' ability to lead, but unless circumstances require it, he doesn't put himself forward to do so (he often goes along with Ron and Hermione's decisions unless there's a crisis/Voldy-level decision). Harry doesn't start confrontations, he tends to react to provocation and will escalate a fight, but he's not going around pranking Draco or Umbridge. Fight Draco after his mum has been insulted, yes, but that's not out of the blue. He asks for Umbridge to be pranked, but that's a practical matter as part of a larger scheme. Harry has a mischevious side, but it tends to come in the form of sly humor rather than large pranks. I also suspect that if Voldy had died in 81 and Harry had experienced 7 normal years, Harry probably wouldn't have broken the rules much at all, unless it was in defense of a friend. Whereas James seems more to have broken rules as much for the fun of it as anything else (though the Animagus/nights out were for Remus, so that is a point in common).
Hermione has more in common with Lily, certainly. She too is tempestuous but kind-hearted, zealous to the point of blindness as times and utterly loyal to her friends. Her academics are more in line with Lily's, as is her background. Yet Lily is portrayed as having a more charming personality; we never hear of her having the same friendship struggles Hermione had. Lily was popular and well-liked beyond just her teachers. Hermione has a much harder time relating to her peers. She has the brains and the ferocity but not the veneer that makes those socially acceptable. It's not a bad thing (personally I'm a Hermione, not a Lily), but it does make their experience of the world much different.
Ron is not much at all like James beyond a few superficial points: they're both pureblood, they both love quidditch, and they're both from Light families. James is somewhat arrogant, a natural leader, and from a privileged background. Ron is neither arrogant nor a leader, and his financial status is well known. Ron suffers an inferiority complex while James is more likely to believe in his own superiority. James is also naturally intelligent and a good student and Ron... isn't. He's not quite as moronic as a lot of fanfiction portrays, but beyond being good at Wizards chess, we don't see much scholarly aptitude from him. Their attitude toward the Dark Arts and Dark Wizards is similar, but James is more confrontational, whereas Ron tends to be reactive. James would start a fight, Ron reacts to taunting rather than starting it. Frankly I also can't see James ever abandoning his friends the way Ron did.
What we know of James and Lily's relationship is little, but we know that after he grew up a bit and started taking life more seriously that they got together and fell in love. They spent six or so years at odds first, so by the time they got together, Lily had probably accepted James as an equal. We know James was smart, so he could probably keep up with Lily to a degree, even if their interests were different. I do think they were partners, that they worked well together. When Voldemort attacked they didn't bicker over who would fight even if both could, James acted to defend while Lily went for Harry. Honestly we know so little about them canonically that comparison is difficult.
I don't really see Hinny as a relationship of equals. I don't think Ginny ever totally loses the fangirlish/looking up to Harry attitude. Harry never looks at her like she's a partner. Ginny doesn't become a fourth member of Harry's group when they become involved and he detaches from her when planning year 7 rather than work with her. She's more an emotional escape than emotional support. I think Ginny's popularity and presumably larger friend group (quidditch team, journalistic collegues) might wear on Harry over time.
Romione has a few more similarities with Jily, but I don't see the same success in their relationship. Ron and Hermione are friends in a way Jily weren't, but their incessant bickering is a source of conflict. Yet the reason for conflict differs. Lily needed James to grow up; once he stopped hexing people for fun and was a little less arrogant, they were able to build a relationship. Ron seems annoyed with Hermione's very character, and she gets frustrated with his as well. Her love of knowledge and bookishness isn't going to change and those seem to annoy him. I also don't see it as a relationship of equals. In Ron, Hermione is never going to have a partner who can keep up with her mind. She's going to always be assertive and he seems to chafe at that.
I don't think Harry and Hermione are Jily reborn, but they do have the potential to have an equally strong relationship in their own way. Harry and Hermione don't have a conflict-based relationship (he was never antagonistic toward her the way Ron was), but a friendship based one. I do think they would be equals and partners: they have a history of dividing labor between them to share the load well. Harry isn't as smart as Hermione, but he's shown more academic interest than Ron has when not around Ron (and might show more once he no longer has Voldy to worry about). Harry and Hermione might need to discuss minor habits they find annoying in one another and how to handle them, but they don't fight the way Jily or Romione would for the other to change.
I don't think Hinny, Romione, or Harmony are Jily reborn, but I do agree that Hinny and Romione are less like Jily than Harmony is.
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practicecourts · 2 months
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Two more Regency microfic's @jilymicrofics where all roads lead to Jily's holy matrimony, or Love or quite likely both...
Read No Good Deed Goes Unpunished on ao3 or below the cut, Please note Mr Snape is not nice, and karma is a bitch...
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (moody march word: revolted)
He never doubted who he’d find in the locked library.  Miss Evans could not leave the ball, as he well knew. He congratulated himself once more on his foresight to talk to Mr Dursley. He was well aware of Mrs Dursley’s disapproval, although it was inexplicable why she should think him beneath her sister’s touch. He’d offered for her with only one mention of her small dowry, he was a gentleman after all.  Now at last he would claim her, for if her virtue would keep her from accepting him, she would surely not continue to reject him once her virtue depended on becoming his wife. 
The master key in his hand, he thought for a moment of knocking and making his presence known, but that would not do. So he turned and opened the door. 
The room was barely lit, the fire in the hearth the only light. Still the sight that met him was one that absolutely revolted him. He could do nothing but stare at first. His thoughts whirred loudly in his head, his teeth crunched nearly bitting off his own tongue. His hand gripped the door handle hard, his knuckles turned white. 
He was going to murder Lord Potter. His nostrils flared, he was about to shout, but stopped before he could utter a sound. What if he called compromise now, he would be the one to force Miss Evans into the marriage bed with Lord Potter. What if he called out and Lord Potter turned his back on her, leaving her ruined forever?
His patron would not allow him to marry a wife that was compromised, he was sure of it. All his aspirations to be knighted and to be a member of Parliament would be severely damaged if he took a bit of muslin for a wife. 
He had lost, thoroughly and fully lost. He could do nothing but close the door on his most hated enemy and the woman he had wanted to have most. For he would not give his ambitions up, not for her, not if this was her true nature. No, his future was with his patron, not with a woman. 
He spat on the ground, hatred boiled in him, so much that he didn’t watch where he was going. A group of rowdy men, all too far into their cups stood at the bottom of the stairs, he pushed through them, not caring if he knocked them down. A shout, a punch, more shouting and before anyone knew what happened a full blown brawl had begun. 
Mr Snape was not a fighter. His injuries were of the kind that modern medicine would be able to cure easily, but not for another hundred years…  
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thelighthousestale · 26 days
Fan Fic Humble Brag Tag
Sometimes we love something we wrote so much we want to knock on every door spreading the good word of our little story. But sometimes we fear being seen as rude or too self promoting. Here is your chance to do a bit of self promo and bragging without fear because some asked you too.
Answer the questions and then tag five writers who you think deserve to brag about their work.
1.) The funniest bit of dialogue you wrote
from It's All About the Timing
“Merlin, Potter, what are you doing now?” “Is he going to jump?” “Nah, he’s got his broom.” “Alright then, I’m going back to bed.”
2.) A story you wrote that made you cry
When Death Would Not Come
3.) A story that still makes you laugh every time you reread it or think about it
Does Permanent Mean Forever? 
4.) Best moment of canon complaint characterization
Sirius and James relationship with Regulus from Interesting House Guests
As they climbed back down the stairs, they found themselves in the drawing room, but they weren't alone. Regulus was occupying the great big wing-backed chair by the fireplace, a copy of the Daily Prophet in his lap. “Oh great, the blood traitors are here,” Regulus muttered as the boys filed in. “Shut your stupid face.” Sirius barked back. Regulus picked up the newspaper he was reading and stood to exit the room. Smoothing out his robes in a pompous presentation of superiority, Regulus walked past Sirius with his head held high. James roughly knocked into his shoulder, causing Regulus to stumble a step as he passed by.
5.) Something you wrote in a fic you secretly (or not so secretly) think as canon
In several of my jily/marauder era fics I reference James wanting to work at the Legal Aid for Disadvantaged Magical Beings. To me it makes sense that a teen who hates dark magic, refuses to use slurs, goes out of his way to bring emotional support to his werewolf friend would grow up to legally advocate for others.
6.) The most romantic bit you’ve written
This hasn't been posted yet. Its from the next chapter of Rage Against The Dying of the Light
 The heat between them built as James lost himself, as he always did, in the sensation of her. The miracle of being with her, of being able to love her freely, was something he never took for granted. The heat between them built as James lost himself, as he always did, in the sensation of her. The miracle of being with her, of being able to love her freely, was something he never took for granted.
7.) A fic you wrote that everyone sleeps on, but you know, is excellent
Those Whom The Gods Love Die Young - the marauders story written as a folk tale
8.) Wow, us with an excellent excerpt
From Querencia 
Harry’s world wouldn’t be the size of their house forever. It would expand. He’d get to explore and go wherever he wanted. Fly on his broom to the highest of heights.  But for now, it was alright. Even if Harry’s world was the size of the sitting room he hovered around, James’ world was the size of Harry, who was still growing and expanding. There was no end to how wonderful and magnificent James’ world was going to be when it finished growing.
9.) Five words to describe your writing
heartwarming, quippy, tender, touching, introspective
10.) The fic you are most proud of
Rage Against The Dying Of The Light - My Jily survives AU that I've been thinking about for years. It has been rewarding to get it out and explore the tentative peace period after the first wizarding war. It's also my first fic to reach over 100 kudos and while I try not to pay attention to my AO3 stats it is nice to know so many people are enjoying the story.
I tag @annabtg @artemisia-black @jamesunderwater @ginnyw-potter @starlingflight
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merlinsbbeard · 10 months
Word Search Tag Game
Thank youu @uncertainwallflower and @annasghosts for tagging me and sorry I took so long to get around to this. Anyways, here goes:
They dropped Cindy off first. She hugged Petunia through the passenger window and waved and blew kisses as they pulled out of her paved drive. James remained in the middle seat, knees less compressed, but shoulder still firmly pressed against Lily’s. By the time they reached All Saints Street, the sun was setting, settling an orange hue all about the front garden. Vernon didn’t come in, he was to attend a family dinner celebrating Marge’s bulldog’s birthday. Petunia waved him off the whole way down the street and finally dropping her hand, spun on her heel and declared, “I need a smoke.” Forget-Me-Not—A Jily summer love story
“It was a mistake. We were on holiday and I hadn’t seen you in ages. I—” All's Well That Ends Well—Teenage angst eventual-Jily
Lily smiled, lifting her goblet a little closer to her painted lips, eyeing the crowd in front.  Swig.  “Happy birthday, by the way.” She broke the stalemate.  James had felt like a broken record stuck in a loop all day. Thank you, thank you, thank you. His furry mind couldn’t think of anything better to say. “Thank you.”  “Yooou’re welcome.” Ain't No Rest for the Sloshed—Prongs Party 2023 microfic
His eyes flicked down to her lips then back to her eyes. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. “May I?” She nodded. His head dipped swiftly down to meet her once more. She heard the handset clack on the cradle, then his hands found her cheeks, her jaw, the soft skin beneath her ear, tilting her up into him. She went willingly, rising up onto her tiptoes. His lips were warm on hers; slow and forgiving. He sighed into her, then took a minuscule step forward, backing her against the wall and deepening the kiss. Forget-Me-Not (again)
And now, for Bella's words:
Lily and James's eyes met often. His brow would be knit and he would look away quickly. Hers would furrow and she would keep looking. Perhaps if he had looked back once, she would have worked up the courage to go over to him and apologise. What did she even need to apologise for? For asking him not to sit with her after he had spent the early hours of the morning comforting her? A bit. For caring more about what other people thought than what he did? Yeah, a bit of that too. But he never did. So, she never did. All's Well That Ends Well (unpublished snippet)
My chest has been waxed and my body rubbed down with a cream that makes my skin glint like sunlight on still water. I’m dressed in a satin blue-grey suit, it’s belted at my hips with a silky sash that falls to the floor, brushing my polished leather shoe. Above the sash, the jacket gapes. I have no shirt so my chest is entirely exposed. Sex appeal, I think to myself. Finniad: Striking Hearts (unpublished snippet)—Finnick Odair's origin story
Dinner passed relatively quietly with scraping plates and clinking cutlery and eyes flitting across the table. Dessert was another matter. The second time Lily and James’s hands bumped while reaching for the same thing, the custard spoon this time—“Oops, sorry, you first.” “No, you.”—Petunia let out a great big sigh. Two pairs of eyes fell on her and Lily asked, “What?” “Just—would you stop eye-fucking over the crumble? Jesus Christ.” Forget-Me-Not (again, again)
The people around me are beginning to stare. I duck out of the pen and approach the stage that now seems miles away. My heart is in my throat, my feet are clumsy, and my mind is running a million thoughts at once. I look up as I climb the stairs and my own face stares back at me from the screens. I try to conceal the terror in my eyes but I’m unsure how successful I am because I’ve reached Eyre and Alfonso and now I must face the crowd. Finniad: Striking Hearts
Open tag for the following words:
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jegulusofwesper · 2 years
My Fics
Now He’s All Over Me (It’s Like I Paid For It)
Rated M
Ships: Rosestarkillerchaser
Words: 17,302
What happens when all three of Regulus' Doms decide to have some fun with him over a catch up dinner with Sirius and Remus
Die A Little To Survive
Rated E
Ships - Jegulus/Starchaser
Words - 3,076
“Yes, hurting your brother would also hurt you but killing the man you’ve loved since you were a child, that your brother abandoned you for and making you watch completely helpless as he slowly bleeds out in front of you? Sirius would never be able to forgive you for letting his best friend die. The brother he chose dying because the brother he was forced to deal with is a liar. Well… That would absolutely destroy you.” She pouted in faux sympathy. “You little brats always had to learn your lessons the hard way and this should teach you that I refuse to have a liar as a child.”
Uncca Moony
Rated G
Ships - Jegulily, Wolfstar
Words - 2,867
Remus is outted as a werewolf by a guy who dresses like a traffic light. James threatens to run anyone who hurts Remus through with his antlers. 2 year old Harry is here to be adorable and make everything better.
Unsaid Reggie
Rated G
Words - 2,774
Singer Sirius Black performs the song that he wrote about the boy named after a star whose eyes shone like they contained every star in the universe. Only this performance is attended by a special guest who Sirius hasn’t seen since the worst night of his life.
James and His Giant Peach
Rated E
Ships - Jegulus/starchaser/sunseeker
Words - 2,126
A conversation about plums and peaches turns into Regulus replacing the seed of a peach with his own as he imagines the peach is the ass of the most handsome stranger he had ever seen before. It’s a shame they’ll never see each other again.
Finest Wines and Butterflies
Rated G
Ships - jegulus, accidental jily, past snily, snape x regulus
Words - 15,313 (not completed)
An intended wedding for convenience. A marriage to a decaying corpse. A murder that was never solved. A plotted demise. A shit-stirring old man. A butterfly that is the reason to a happily ever after.
Say My Name
Rated General Audience
Ship - Jegulily
Words - 868
“Say my name and everything just stops.” Lily lowers the mic away from her face as she tilts her head up to admire the crowd in front of her. The music surrounding Lily pauses, allowing her words to echo around the arena.
Regulus leans into his microphone, looking up at his goddess of a wife as the stage lights surround her like a glowing aura. Licking his lips, he lets every desire he’s ever felt for the woman in front of him seep into his voice as he says “Lily.” into the microphone.
He can see her smirk from where he’s sat. He moves his eyes to where James is standing and he looks like he’s ready to pounce on them both.
Take My Soul, It’s Yours
Ships - sirius x dementor
Words - 1739
Prompt: You've just died and you find yourself sat across from death. After shuffles some papers he says "You've served your sentence. You're free"
1) Like An Old Friend
Rated G
Ships - Jily
Words - 590
James has a conversation with Death. In return Death gives him the one thing he wants: his family.
2) I’ve Got You, Brother
Rating G
Ships: Implied Jegulus
Words: 574
What happens when Regulus goes from fight for a single breath to being in the arms of the one person who can make anything better.
🌸TAFP Spring Equinox Fairy Tale Fest 2023🌸 Fics
Regulus Black and The Three Boyfriends
Rated G
Ships - Darkstar, Moonwater, Jegulus/Starchaser, Background Wolfstar
Words - 1,207
Regulus Black was a guy in his early twenties with curly black hair and stormy grey eyes. He used to attend a private school in Scotland, one that only accepted the most special students. You could say that the experience itself was magical. However he longed for someone who’s jokes he could laugh at, who didn’t mind him being quiet, who understood his humour and who would see through his icy exterior to who he really was. I guess you could say Regulus wanted someone who was just right.
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
⸻ a hp following disclosure
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I've been meaning to make an appreciation post for all the writer's on here and since I already reblog all stories I read on @daydreams-treasury , I thought why not just recommend blogs as a whole. All the blogs down below are amazing, talented, brilliant— you name it. Do check out their masterlists to fall in love with their writing, I know I have.
Please note that this order is quite random, I went through my rec and following lists to create this :) Also, there might be blogs who are no longer active or write anymore, but I felt it was worth mentioning their amazing works.
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☆ @scvrllet » I don't think I've ever found a person more deserving of the title "angst queen" and you'll be surprised to see her fluffy stories are equally delightful.
writes for: the marauders, lily evans, regulus black, tom riddle, barty crouch jr, golden trio, draco malfoy, the weasley’s, blaise zabini, pansy parkinson, and cedric diggory
☆ @nuttytani » To prove that no amount of fluff is just enough and stories can in fact make your days a bit brighter everyday.
writes for: bill weasley, cedric diggory, ginny weasley, harry potter and the marauders
☆ @propinquify » For angst, fluff or hurt and comfort I think Naija can take you on a roller coaster of emotions.
writes for: the marauders, wolfstar, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, ginny weasley, blaise zabini and cedric diggory
☆ @sunrisefairy » I have yet to start on her works, but I know for a reason that her works are *chef's kiss*
writes for: george weasley, bill weasley, charlie weasley and the marauders
☆ @fortisfilia » I remember reading her works and dreaming hours on end. And I think the world she created with her stories was a pretty one to live in ;)
writes for: the marauders, tom riddle, draco malfoy, fred weasley, dean thomas and cedric diggory
☆ @sirisuorionblack » You know the moment a story feels less like fanfiction, but more like an adventure you're going through? Yeah. Her stories will make you feel that.
writes for: the marauders, wolfstar, marlene mckinnon and cedric diggory
☆ @henqtic » I have yet to start on their stories but as far as general consensus goes, their works are all amazing.
writes for: the marauders, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, luna lovegood, neville longbottom
☆ @rcwenaclaw » The way she writes makes me swoon and you are bound to fall for all of those works too!
writes for: fred weasley, george weasley, charlie weasley, harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, draco malfoy
☆ @natasha-romancff » The overwhelming amount of emotions I feel when I read her stories should be illegal :')
writes for: fred weasley, george weasley, the marauders, tom riddle, ron weasley, harry potter, neville longbotton, cedric diggory, oliver wood, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, draco malfoy
☆ @shaynawrites23 » Her fluff just makes my heart skip a beat and melt all gooey inside >.<
writes for: sirius black and remus lupin
☆ @blue-writes-things » The light-hardheartedness in their works is amazing and I never not smile when I read their works.
writes for: remus lupin and sirius black
☆ @george-fabian-weasley » The amount of talent is awe-inspiring, the feelings and emotions all put to words are just so beautiful.
writes for: george weasley, fred weasley, bill weasley, oliver wood and harry potter
☆ @hxlyhead-harpies » You know the moment when you have to stop everything and look at the wall for a moment because the thing you just read actually made your heart ache? Oh yeah. Their works will do that to you.
writes for: the marauders, lily evans, wolfstar, jily, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, fred weasley, george weasley, ginny weasley and oliver wood
☆ @weasleydream » I have yet to start on their works, but please do check their works out.
writes for: fred weasley, george weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, percy weasley, ginny weasley, the marauders, harry potter and oliver wood
☆ @iwritesiriusly » For the amount of fluff and cuteness and sweet scenes that is contagious to health XD
writes for: draco malfoy, the marauders, regulus black, george weasley and newt scamander
☆ @awritingtree » If you weren't in love with a fictional character already, they'll make you fall for them, hard.
writes for: george weasley, fred weasley, draco malfoy, oliver wood, neville longbottom and the marauders
☆ @theonly1outof-a-billion » For the fluff that can cure blue days
writes for: remus lupin, sirius black, draco malfoy, fred weasley
☆ @remmyswritings » I think her writing is like a comforting hug you need after a long long day and I don't think anything describes her works better than simple beautiful.
writes for: theodore nott, blaise zabini, charlie weasley, regulus black and sirius black
☆ @willowbleedsonpaper » You know the moment you don't feel like reading, but more like watching a movie unfold? I think her writing can do that to you.
writes for: draco malfoy, theodore nott, james potter, sirius black, regulus black, fred weasley and george weasley
☆ @boxofbadaddiction » For me, reading her stories has always been painful because all the while I can't help but go "I want that-"
writes for: fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, draco malfoy and remus lupin
☆ @coffee--writes » I don't think words can accurately describe just how perfect and gorgeous her writing is. The emotions, decriptions- everything about her works is just *amazing*
writes for: the golden trio, draco malfoy, neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, blaise zabini, theodore nott, daphane greengrass, susan bones, katie bell, charlie weasley, bill weasley, fleur delcor, the marauders, regulus black and lily evans
☆ @oopskashish » Her writing cannot be described as anything else than enchanting, she'll make you fall in love with her words.
writes for: the marauders, regulus black, lily evans, harry potter, draco malfoy, fred weasley and george weasley
☆ @selenes-sun » I think I've always loved stories that make us feel like going through an old photo album and val is an expert at just that.
writes for: blaise zabini, charlie weasley, harry potter, draco malfoy, regulus black, neville longbottom, sirius black, remus lupin, fred weasley, george weasley, ginny weasley, hermione granger, minerva mcgonagall and pancy parkinson
☆ @heloisedaphnebrightmore » The way she writes is filled with fluffiness and an appropriate way to comment on them seems to be a long keysmash.
writes for: the marauders, regulus black, oliver wood, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom and charlie weasley
☆ @ghosts-of-hogwarts » Her works have always been a fluffy delight :')
writes for: the marauders and draco malfoy
☆ @leahstypewriter » I think her works give off a huge dark academia, head in the clouds vibes- in a great way.
writes for: the marauders, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom and the golden trio
☆ @iliveiloveiwrite » Millie's works have always been a joy to read- angst or fluff or light-hardheartedness alike, she has it all.
writes for: the marauders, the golden trio, draco malfoy, george weasley, fred weasley, neville longbottom, cedric diggory, oliver wood and luna lovegood
☆ @finnwrld » I still remember the time he sent in a story of his to review and I was at a loss of words. Because try as hard as I may, I could find zero faults in their work and wow, his works are simply wow.
writes for: the marauders, harry potter, draco malfoy, hermione granger and george weasley
☆ @omgrachwrites » All of her series are to die for, you wouldn't be able to comprehend the emotions she'll make you go through.
writes for: sirius black, jily and more
☆ @thou-crusty-batch-of-nature » She has written some extremely fluffy stories which are to live for.
writes for: the marauders and harry potter
☆ @angelxnaa » I don't think there is anyone who isn't a fan of her works because oh my god they are so beautiful.
writes for: the marauders, golden trio, cho chang, fleur delcor, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, george weasley, fred weasley, neville longbottom, bill weasley, lily evans, marlene mckinnon and regulus black
☆ @ickle-ronniekins » Her stories have e v e r y t h i n g. They'll get you right in your feels like magic.
writes for: fred weasley and george weasley
☆ @approved-by-dentists » The talent they have is unreal and you'll never know you're reading fanfiction or a famous published book because he is just that good.
writes for: the marauders, luna lovegood, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, golden trio
☆ @pregnant-piggy » Her stories are one of the best out there- they're so damn amazing. I'm always awe-struck when I read her works, it's like living a dream.
writes for: the marauders, jily, golden trio, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, charlie weasley and blaise zabini
☆ @sweeter-than-strawberries » Reading her stories is like watching a beautifully aesthetic movie and I love all of them for it.
writes for: sirius black
☆ @heyquxxns » I just fell in love with her writing the moment I read them and I hope you do too.
writes for: the marauders and regulus black
☆ @theweasleysredhair » I love love all her stories and the way they make me feel- the emotions and characterization, everything feels on point.
writes for: the marauders, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, neville longbottom, ron weasley and oliver wood
☆ @bave-de-crapaud » I simply adore the way she writes for Sirius and hope you will too!
writes for: sirius black
☆ @rainandhotchocolate » I remember going through her masterlist and falling in love with every single story she wrote because they were all just that good ;)
writes for: the marauders, jily, lily evans, harry potter, hermione granger and teddy lupin
☆ @padfootagain » There is a reason she's called the "queen of fluff" and that is entirely due to her breathtaking works.
writes for: sirius black, remus lupin, blackinnon, jily and charlie weasley
☆ @wreckofawriter » I don't think I've ever found such unique and beautifully written stories and I adore every single one of them on her masterlist.
writes for: the marauders, lily evans, harry potter, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, cedric diggory, teddy lupin, fred weasley and oliver wood
☆ @futurewriter2000 » She is the person who inspired me to start with my own fanfiction, because her stories were so emotion packed I couldn't help but imagine all kinds of whatifs and live in the beautiful world she created.
writes for: the marauders, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, harry potter, oliver wood, charlie weasley, ron weasley, neville longbottom, molly weasley, regulus black, mulciber, tom riddle, severus snape, peter pettigrew, teddy lupin and james sirius potter
☆ @hermioneshandbag » I went through her entire masterlist in a span of 2-3 days because I just couldn't stop reading, her works were all so fantastic.
writes for: sirius black and remus lupin
☆ @seriouslyblacklikemysoul » Another writer's whose works I couldn't help but binge time and time again. Fluff and angst- she has everything.
writes for: the marauders, lily evans, regulus black, cedric diggory, george weasley, draco malfoy and hermione granger
☆ @princesse-de-ravenclaw » Her works are light-hearted and fluffy, will make you transport right into the wizarding world because they're all so great.
writes for: the marauders, harry potter, draco malfoy, cedric diggory and fred weasley
☆ @haracelovestruck » You know how some series are just so darn great, they feel like an action packed novel? Yes, her stories will make you feel like that as you swirl up in a world of drama and mystery.
writes for: the marauders, regulus black, severus snape, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, percy weasley, bill weasley, newt scamander and credence barebone
☆ @lumos-barnes » I've always looked up to the way she writes and her stories are a huge bomb of fluffiness.
writes for: the marauders, fred weasley, george weasley, bill weasley and oliver wood
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And I guess that's it. This is the long list of all Harry Potter writers I follow and look up to. Here is the link to my own masterlist. And over here you can find a list of over 100 masterlists from different blogs.
Thank you and I hope you have a great day!
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Angst prompt -
“It mattered to me. It mattered to me.”
Thanks for the ask, @emeralddoeadeer! And, sorry about this 😂
Casual (M rated, Jily angst)
It starts quietly. In the glancing graze of skin, the eyes caught in a stare, the breath that hitches where it used to slide past, unnoticed. She finds herself seeking him out, looking for him and hoping to find him, looking back.
He always is.
It’s a late night, heads bent over a recalcitrant prefect rota, when it blossoms. His hand brushes hers, not with purpose, and she turns to look at him, to see the line of tension in his neck, the shadows that move across his face in the cool light of the nearby lamp. She doesn’t think about it (and maybe that’s where it all goes wrong, where the wrongness begins, because she knows it started somewhere and she knows it’s probably her that watered that seed), just reaches out, tilts his chin towards her. He looks broken from thought, surprise etched into his brow, and when she kisses him - at last, they both think, with very different points of reference - it feels like everything else, the room and the castle and the world around them, blurs under a fine mist, unimportant, superfluous.
Afterwards, as he steadies his breath and stares at her like she has given him light in a darkened void, she asks him not to tell anyone, and pretends not to notice that light dim, just slightly, even as he nods his assent.
She’s not sure why but the secrecy seems important. How would it look, the two Heads, shacked up together? And besides, it���s a gentle thing, a casual thing. To share it would be to lend it a greater importance. They wouldn’t be able to get around that.
This gentle thing, this casual thing, it sometimes occupies her thoughts more than it should. Now that she knows what his hands on her back feel like, now that she knows how soft his hair is, now that she knows how her eyes roll back in her head when he moves his mouth between her legs - it becomes all-consuming. She can be sitting in Transfiguration, diligently taking notes, when she’ll catch sight of him shifting in his chair, or scratching his leg, and be lost, all of a sudden, truly lost until she can pull him into a broom cupboard, or an abandoned classroom, and wrap her legs around his waist, feel his pulse flutter at every kiss, every touch.
She thinks he feels similarly. Distracted. Drunk on the taste of her.
Soon, they spend more time together than apart. Around Quidditch and Head duties and tutoring, they find time to steal away, to bracket themselves against a cold stone wall or a rickety desk or the floor of the prefects’ bathroom. It never occurs to her that what she sees, the changes between them, he might not see too. That he might not be feeling as she does, that shift from casual to, just, not.
She relies on his old feelings for her. Clings to them, not knowing that they are crumbling sandstone beneath her fingertips.
It’s February, then, when the wrongness reaches full bloom. When she’s in the girls’ loo on the fourth floor, washing her hands and mentally preparing herself for double Arithmancy, and Rachel Hart is chatting to her about the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend. She’s not really listening, just nodding politely, but then –
“And who’s going to say no to James Potter?” Rachel pats on some lip balm, pausing to nod at her reflection in the mirror. “So I said yes! Can you believe it?”
She can’t. She didn’t think they really knew each other. Rachel is a friendly, pretty Hufflepuff, the sort of girl who flies under the radar. James lives his life smack bang in the middle of the radar.
Later, as he slips his hand under her shirt in the dimly lit Heads office, she finds her voice. “You asked out Rachel Hart?”
He pauses, lifts his head from the curve of her neck. She knows her voice sounds different - heavier, a weakness there she wants to hide but can’t. “Yeah. To Hogsmeade,” he replies, and steps back.
She knows this is the breaking point. She could backtrack, put his hand back on her bra, bring his lips back to the spot on her neck where she never knew heaven could live. She could smile, and shrug, and carry on.
But she doesn’t. “Why?”
He looks confused. His hand finds its way into his hair, an old habit he won’t ever be able to shift. “Well…she’s pretty. And her friend told me she likes me…”
She blinks up at him, her cheeks flushing nothing to do with the warmth of the nearby fire. She feels an idiot. She feels a fool. She feels cracked open, raw, and left to someone who can only peer at her in confusion, like a specimen in a jar. “Oh…”
His frown deepens. “Look, Evans,” he starts, and her heart sinks further. “I thought this was casual. I thought it didn’t matter.”
She drops her gaze then; straightens her shirt, then her spine. Swallows down the rush of tears. “It mattered to me,” she says.
He doesn’t expect that. She’s not sure she does, either. In the silence they just stare at each other, and Lily thinks about the damage that can be done, so quietly, so insidiously, not noticing until it’s all shattered at your feet.
She leaves, and he lets her, and she can’t think of a better by-line for this thing they had together.
138 notes · View notes
milkiane · 3 years
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revelations and confessions
pairings: regulus black x reader
warnings: mentions of food, mention of abuse, manipulative parents, getting tied up, jily, implied wolfstar
word count: 5548
note: for @rcwenaclaw’s writing challenge — this is my favorite fic so far <3 s/o to @iwritesiriusly and @hellounicorn for listening to me rant and and rave about y/n and reggie, u’re the best mwah
“... and you would be married to the crowned heir of grimmauld by the end of the month,” your father declared.
if you have been listening to what you’ve been blindly agreeing to, you would have had the opportunity to assert your own appraisals of the sudden betrothal.
you choked on your food, earning concerned gasps and theatrical pats by the maids, “‘m fine, ‘m fine,”
your parents stared at you with iffy looks as you cleared your throat, “i thought we’ve agreed years ago that i wouldn’t be betrothed to some high-strung bloke i’ve never met before?”
your mother pursed her lips before giving you a well-mannered response, “well, dear, we ought to make some amends with that agreement,”
you just stared at her with a blank expression so she continued, “and we believe that it would be for the amelioration of our country, considering that the blacks are quite exceptional and-”
“and rich?” you smiled derisively, cutting her off.
your father looked around the royal maids and guards around the dining room, “may you excuse us for a moment?” to which they nodded and left.
he sighed, “look, y/n, i’m aware that you’re upset-”
you scoffed, “i am more than upset, father. you agreed that i will be married on my own time, on my own accord,”
“and i am the king, you ought to meet my commands.” your father bellowed, slamming the silver utensils on the table, making you and your mother flinch.
he cleared his throat, calming himself down, “tell your matron to arrange your attire for this week, we must meet the blacks tomorrow evening at the grand chateau, and i shan’t hear any more complaints.”
“yes, father,” you mumbled, excusing yourself from the table to make your way towards your bedroom, eyes becoming glassy from the upcoming tears.
you arrived at the chateau a few hours before the royal gathering with the blacks, meaning you would have enough time to devise an escape plan.
you haven’t spoken to your parents unless you’re absolutely required to, you know that you shouldn’t be disobeying them, but they should have known from just acknowledging your mindset and behavior.
you weren’t the usual prim and proper princess, no. you are your own person, you’re noble when strictly necessary, but, in all honesty, your personality was far from dainty.
you wouldn’t have chosen to have this life if you could. as fun as it was to play dress up in magnificent ball gowns, you would have chosen a life full of adventures, skinny jeans, crop tops, and dyed hair instead.
the matron knocked on your door, bringing in the gorgeous dress robes that you’re supposed to wear for later evening.
you gratefully smiled at her, asking her to give yourself some time to prepare by yourself until the formal reception.
as you hung it over with your other dresses and gowns, you walked towards the balcony, breathing in some fresh air. it had a clear view of the beautiful gardens of the chateau, the same balconies from your left and right.
you flopped yourself down on the queen-sized bed, staring at the ceiling as you thought of possible ways to avoid the betrothal.
none of your ideas sounded good enough, so you turned on the television in front of your bed to distract yourself from the inevitable proposal.
flipping through the channels, you stopped to watch audrey hepburn’s roman holiday.
when you’ve watched the scene where she snuck out of the castle, an idea popped up in your head. you knew it was impossible, of course, but it was worth a shot.
you glanced at the clock, you still had at least an hour and a half before the matron would come back to get you.
grabbing the satchel you’ve bought at a fair once, you made your way towards the elegant bathroom. you shuffled through the things, you knew that if your mother found out about your clandestine possessions, she would go calling you atrocious for merlin knows how long.
you slipped on your cargo shorts and a halter top. you stared at your long hair, you knew that if you wanted to slip away easily from the guards’ line of vision, you had to make some adjustments.
you grabbed the scissors from the corner of the countertop, taking a deep breath before snipping a lengthy portion.
you let out a hushed squeal, laughing as you stared at the chopped-off hair. you continued cropping and trimming until your hair became an uneven bob cut.
not bad, you grinned, cutting a few more strands to add curtain bangs, impeccable.
you scuffled deeper into the bag, your hand retrieving a bagged pink wig. perfect.
you started packing a few essential needs in your satchel.
you looked out the window, the sun had set an hour ago, meaning it was dark out. which also means it would be easier for you to sneak out.
you had at least ten minutes before meeting the blacks so you immediately stared across the room, looking for something to act as a rope.
stopping at the closet of gowns, you groaned in reluctance. you loved your gowns too much but you wouldn’t risk getting married, so you grabbed the scissors, ripping them up and tying them together.
once you’ve ensured that it was tight enough, you fastened it around the huge handles of the door and threw your makeshift rope out the balcony.
when you heard the whispers and footsteps of people coming you hastily grabbed your bag and ran towards the balcony.
you carefully grabbed onto the silk, lowering yourself down.
a noise from your right caught your attention, making you freeze. you snapped your head to the balcony next to you and made eye contact with a boy doing the same thing.
your prolonged eye contact was cut short when the doors to your room burst open, making you yelp in surprise as your rope had a sudden shift.
you could hear your matron holler for the guards, so you briskly lowered yourself faster, the friction of the silk burning against your hands.
you landed on your feet the same time as the mysterious guy did.
he made a run for it, dodging the bushes and flowers across the garden. his trousers not giving him any justice.
you were not too far behind him, thanking merlin that your yoga and workout lessons paid off.
the yells of the guards caught your attention, surrounding you and the man in the middle.
they all pointed their blades at you, making you gulp.
there goes your escape plan.
“which one of you has the princess?” a guard shouted, shifting the lamp between you and him. each one of the men slowly closing in on you.
that’s when you realized that they weren’t your palace guards. they were merely the chateau’s security.
“does it look like we have a princess with us?” the boy beside you refuted, gesturing between the both of you.
ten guards.
one of them asked their superintendent, “what was the description given?”
“long h/c hair, s/c skin, e/c eyes, last seen wearing a peach nightgown,”
they turned their gaze back at you, one of them approaching you to take a good look, “wait a minute,”
you sucked in a breath, but before any of you could make a move, the guy grabbed your hand and ran, swerving through the distracted guards.
but you already had a head start, you were out of the gates and into the forest the moment they called for backup.
you ran, and ran, and ran.
the adrenaline coursing in your veins had done nothing to stop you from running, it made you feel so free, so alleviated.
so alleviated that you didn’t notice the huge rock that made you stumble, but before you could even hit the ground, the man caught your arm, pulling you against him.
and you were certain that time stopped when you finally locked eyes with him. specks of green and blue surrounding his alluring hazel eyes.
they said that when you meet someone for the first time, they would either be nothing more than another face amongst the crowds of memories or a face that would be burning at the back of your mind for a long time.
it was the latter.
the moonlight was shining over the both of you, the soft light making him look so ethereal. his celestial facial structure giving the famed sculptures a run for their money.
regulus looked at you in awe, neglecting the fact that you almost fell flat on your face. his gaze fell onto your gentle e/c eyes, the smooth arch of your nose, and the sleek curve of the cupid’s bow on your lips.
you would’ve loved staying in that position, admiring the young man for the first time every chance you would be given, but alas, the distant shouts of the guards forbade you from doing it any longer.
“who are you, anyway?” the guy asked. after successfully carrying out your escape plan, with your pink wig askew, he offered to buy you a mug of warm butterbeer at the nearby pub; the leaky cauldron.
you removed the wig from your head’s hold, ruffling your hair a bit to soothe the headache. your eyes searched around the room, looking for a possible new name.
“erm,” guest singer, liane moonshine, “miliane…” holyhead harpies quidditch poster, “harper.” you finished, “miliane harper, yeah,”
he eyed you suspiciously as he took a sip from his drink, “alright, miliane harper, what’re you doing sneaking out’f the princess’ bedroom like that?”
“i could ask you the same thing, stranger,” you mused, fiddling with the straps of your satchel.
“regulus,” he said, “call me regulus,”
“what were you doing sneaking out next door, regulus?”
“i asked you first,” he said, shooting you a pointed look.
thinking of a reasonable explanation, you mumbled, “stealing?” you winced, cursing yourself for hesitating.
“a’right, here’s the deal, miliane harper, because i know f’myself that you aren’t who you claim to be and you certainly weren’t there to steal,” he whispered, leaning in ‘til his face was a few inches away from yours, “now, ‘m gonna ask you one last time, who. are. you?”
you gulped, faintly murmuring your answer, “the crowned heiress of diagon.”
“salazar,” regulus cursed, “you’re princess y/n?”
you shushed him, shoving your hand to cover his mouth as a few heads turned to look at the both of you. you were certain that your parents have sent a search team to look for you by now.
“yes, but be quiet, would you?” you hissed, retracting your hand to curtain your face with your hair, avoiding the curious gazes amongst the patrons.
he blinked at you, leaning back on his chair. he observed your appearance for a bit before snorting, “your hair, it’s uneven!”
your face flushed a deep shade of red, your hand automatically clutching your hair. you scowled at him, “how long have you been aching to tell me that?”
he chuckled, “ever since you took off your wig,” seeing that you rolled your eyes, he continued, “don’t worry, y/n, you look quite beauteous, if i must say.”
“i don’t require you to flatter me, regulus,” you scoffed, grabbing your mug to take a drink, though before the rim of the mug reached your lips, regulus set a few galleons down on the table and spoke up, “as fun as it was to meet you, your highness, i’ve got some places to go,”
“good luck with this endeavor of yours, but i mustn’t risk being one of your accomplices,” he quipped, wearing his sweater, “fare thee well.”
it took you a moment to finish your drink and grab your things before leaving the low-lit pub. your eyes searched amongst the throng of people, trying to catch the sight of his brunette curls.
you hurried beside him, trying to avoid bumping into the others. you grew quite fond of the handsome lad who ran with you, despite the fact that he was still nothing but an enigma to you.
“mind if i join you?” you sought, clasping your hands in front of you, walking side-by-side with him.
regulus groaned silently, he looked down at you and sarcastically replied, “it’s a free country,”
you rolled your eyes and responded with a retort of your own, “actually, it’s a monarchy occupied by foreign oppressors.”
he ignored your sardonic comment and asked you a question to defuse the gauche atmosphere, “why’d you run away, princess?”
you looked at him, “y’know, i’m not really obliged to answer your question,”
“i… am well aware of that,” he huffed amusingly, “but given the fact that we’re going merlin knows where, i’d rather have a conversation going than walking in utter silence.”
regulus had a gist of why you ran away, assuming that you had the same reason as him.
you laughed softly before staring at your white tennis shoes, “‘ve been betrothed, and i was s’pposed to meet the lucky bloke who’ll have my hand in marriage,”
regulus swallowed the lump in his throat.
“what about you, regulus?” you asked, “why were you running away?”
“oh,” he let out a nervous laugh, “i- stealing.”
you gave him a keen look, “i used that excuse not too long ago, if you’ve forgotten,”
he smiled tensely, “f’real though, the prince owed me something, and i’d be pleased if he returned the favor.”
you huffed, not sure if you’d believe him, but thankfully for regulus, you caught sight of your palace guards questioning some people about your whereabouts, “shit,”
you immediately linked your arm with his and whispered, “palace guards, let’s go. just- act normal,”
he carefully unhooked your hold, opting to snake his arm around your waist instead, evidently making both of you flustered.
you let out a sigh of relief when you passed by them without causing any havoc, though it was short-lived when one of them called out, “excuse me, sir, ma’am?”
the both of you continued walking, slightly hurrying your steps.
regulus hauled a carriage and helped you get in, “godric’s hollow, please,”
the guards left standing behind, one of them writing down the descriptions of the suspicious couple and the carriage they’re in.
“where are we?” you asked, looking up at the lovely cottage amongst the rows of houses.
regulus sighed, “godric’s hollow,” he walked up from the gate and knocked on their doorstep, stepping back to wait for someone to open the door.
you hummed, “alright, but what exactly’re we doing here?”
merlin must’ve been on his side again because before he could even reply, a beautiful red-headed woman opened the door.
she must’ve been taken aback for a moment because her eyebrows shot up and mouth agape. she stuttered, “i- regulus, hey,”
“evans,” he nodded politely, “is, erm, sirius with you?”
she licked her lips, “it’s actually potter now,” she showed her wedding ring, “and uhm, yes, give me a moment.”
she shuffled back inside, letting the door open but didn’t make a move to invite you in.
“she’s lovely,” you jutted out your bottom lip.
“reggie?” another man, another attractive man, whom you were assuming was sirius, inquired.
“sirius,” he greeted.
the tension was so thick that you could feel it enveloping you with warmth. or that may just be because of the additional presence of the bespectacled man behind the redhead.
“i don’t mean to be rude but are we all going to just stand in here,” you awkwardly shuffled on your feet, “or are you gonna let us in?”
sirius looked at you in wonder, “i- oh, yes, yeah!”
the man whose presence was still looming over, blinked at him, a small smile tugging at his lips as he huffed amusingly at his best friend, letting you in. you looked around the house, the atmosphere giving you a sense of comfort and a feeling of home you’ve never felt.
“james potter,” he grinned at you, “and this is my lovely wife, lily.”
“y/n l/n, the heiress of dia--” you paused, “actually, it’s just y/n. sorry, force of habit.” you chuckled sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers as they looked at you in surprise.
you wondered if you could trust that they wouldn’t send you back to your kingdom.
“you’re the crowned princess of diagon?” lily spluttered.
you smiled bashfully, “i may or may not be?”
“merlin, what’re you doing here? guards’re all over the place, knocking on doors n’all,” sirius remarked, his eyes not leaving yours.
“i also may or may not have ran away?” you grinned, scrunching your nose which both the black brothers found quite endearing.
“i would love to continue the chit chat, but d’you mind letting us stay here for a while?” regulus interrupted, but before they could even answer, a knock was heard from the door, “diagon sovereignty wards, we’ve got a couple of questions to ask.”
you cursed silently, sirius and lily quietly ushered you into the living room whilst james went to get the door.
“good evening, sir, we’ve been alerted that you’ve had some contact with these people?” a guard asked, pulling up a sketch of you and regulus.
james smiled warmly, “i’m sorry, but i reckon you’ve got the wrong person. ‘tis just me and my wife, and my best mate in ‘ere,”
they nodded politely, “that’ll be all. thank you, sir, have a great evening.”
as soon as he closed the door, james sauntered back into the living room, looking at the worrying looks on your and regulus’ faces.
he and lily exchanged glances before she smiled softly, “i’ll go prepare the guest room.”
it was deep into the night, the potter household was surrounded by a quiet and serene atmosphere as the people living in it had already dozed off, yet you and regulus were far from drifting off to a dreamy slumber.
both of you had your backs against the headboard of the queen-sized bed you were supposed to share, staring into the void of nothingness as you let the comfortable aura rage around you.
“regulus?” you whispered. as if once you’ve spoken even a tad bit louder, the brittleness of the atmosphere would break.
he turned to look at you, “yeah?”
“what’s your biggest regret in life?” you wondered, voice laced with drowsiness. the adrenaline from a while ago slowly fading away, now being replaced with exhaustion.
regulus pondered for a moment. he had a lot of regrets, letting his parents abuse him and sirius, letting sirius just leave him alone in the dark and lonely castle, not living his best childhood. he had plenty, and lying to you was one of them.
he hummed, “i suppose being a coward,”
you fluffed your pillows and lowered yourself on the bed. you yawned, “i don’t think you’re a coward, regulus. after all, you just ran away with a princess.”
regulus looked at you fondly, watching as you slowly succumbed to sleep. he smiled softly, “yeah,”
your stay with the potters, and sirius, has been wonderful. you’ve felt more at home in godric’s hollow than in your palace. no amount of grandeur wealth would compare to the amount of love and belonging you’ve felt in your sojourn.
regulus has successfully managed to keep their mouths shut about him being a prince as well. the conversation and intention still went unnoticed by you.
you and lily have been the bestest of friends. the sweet girl that made you feel more at home than anyone else could, an evident friendship blossoming into a charming one.
james and sirius welcomed you into their arms as if you were one of their long-lost mates, and quite literally if you must say. they locked you beneath their armpits and ruffled your hair one game night.
you were convinced that james was the human embodiment of a ball of sunshine, never failing to put a smile on your faces. sirius had more of a flirty demeanor, which you’ve brushed off with a quip or two of your own.
“does the princess have a prince charming or do i have to step up?”
“not every prince is charming, sirius.”
and regulus— you’ve grown closer to regulus than you’ve ever had with anyone, getting to know each other more, spending more late nights talking about everything and nothing, and not that any of you would admit it, but inevitably falling in love was part of the list.
you and lily were in her room, she was lending you some clothes to wear as all of you have made a plan to go to the market fair in town.
james was on the phone with remus, asking him to meet up at the place whilst sirius and regulus were in the living room, catching up after a few years of not seeing each other.
sirius has grown quite fond of the princess. not that he was catching feelings, but a date wouldn’t sound too bad, if he must say, so he asked his brother, “d’you reckon y/n would fancy a date w’me? maybe i could bring her to hogsmeade,”
and to say that he was dumbstruck when he heard that was an understatement, “what? no, you can’t,”
sirius looked at him with a confused expression, “how come?”
regulus hesitated, “she’s… betrothed.”
the eldest black brother scoffed, “yeah, t’you, and she doesn’t even know that you’re that bloke,”
regulus shook his head, sitting up straight as he heard your giggles from upstairs, “just- don’t, sirius.”
padfoot grinned at his brother in realization, “by the love of merlin! you love her, don’t you?” he teased, bumping their shoulders together.
“let’s go, handsomes, i’m not getting any younger here!” you laughed. regulus thought you looked angelic, the white dress hugging your curves in the most surreal way possible, the smile on your face proving that any blue day would get better with just a glimpse of it.
“this isn’t over, reggie,” sirius sang mockingly, getting up and linking his arm with yours.
the market fair in godric’s hollow is incredibly enchanting. fairy lights were hanging above the booths, multitudes of colorful stalls, the smell of the amazing street food, and the bubbly spirits of the people mingling around had you in a state of awe.
you went in separate groups, lily with james, sirius went off to find remus, and you were stuck with regulus— not that you were complaining, really.
you dragged regulus by one of the stalls that sold clothes, wanting to buy a few to avoid borrowing more from lily.
you were currently strolling around with him, your shopping bags in his hold as he insisted to carry them for you.
whilst you stopped to look at the fancy daggers, regulus caught sight of a gorgeous necklace. convincing himself that it would only take a few minutes, he left your side and onto the booth to buy the jewelry for you.
once you’ve managed to choose a design, you paid for the dagger and strapped it on your thigh with the holster you bought, “it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
when he didn’t reply, you looked up to where he was standing just a few moments ago to find that he wasn’t by your side.
you crooned your neck to look around but instead of seeing him, you saw your palace guards slowly approaching you.
you cursed, turning around and running away from them, making them step up quickly and ran after you.
“regulus!” you called out, hoping that he’ll hear you.
“regulus!” you tried once more, and he finally heard you. he immediately pocketed the paid necklace and dropped the bags as he tried to run after you, “y/n!” but it was too late.
the guards were already surrounding you, two of them managed to carry you to a carriage while you thrashed around, “let me go! i don’t want to go back, please!” you cried, “regulus!”
regulus was running around the big plaza, trying to figure out where your voice was coming from.
the carriage was already a menacing dot as it continued to advance forward, leaving regulus frustrated and broken.
“what were you thinking running away like that?” your father barked, pacing back and forth on the castle’s lounge, “d’you know how ashamed we were when we found out that you snuck off? even more so whe-”
your father stopped talking when your mother gave him a stern look. an expression you know all too well when they didn’t want you to know something.
“it came to our attention that you ran away with regulus, yes?” your mother asked, giving you a tense smile.
you didn’t answer. looking at your parents with hatred as your eyes blurred with tears.
she sighed, “well, if you must know, he was the one who called for the guards. he knew about the huge amount of payment if someone gave you up. he contacted the palace guards before you even stepped foot in that repugnant marketplace.”
“no,” you let out a teary laughed, “regulus would never do that,”
he would never. especially after all those moments you’ve shared, those constant touches, the sneaky eye contacts. he would never.
“no? then where was he when you called for him?” your mother scoffed, a sly smirk on her face.
you glared at them, taking a shaky breath, “i-”
she tutted, “i’m not done just yet, my dear daughter. you will be married to lord riddle, on the contrary, seeing that the walburga and orion’s son was quite… negligent,”
“i will not be married to anyone!” you objected, “if there’s anyone i’d rather get married to, it would be regulus.”
your mother let out a cackle, “quite amusing if you asked me, dear, because regulus was the prince you were supposed to marry!”
you froze, managing to croak out a small, “what?”
your father chuckled, “oh, don’t tell me he didn’t tell you that?”
you swallowed the forming lump in your throat, “i hope you rot in hell.”
your mother scowled at you, “guards! bring her to the room.”
“i don’t need bodyguards surrounding me all the time, mother,” you spat, “i may be of the royal bloodline, but i am no weakling.”
“... and don’t forget to tie her up,” she smirked.
before you could even react, you were hauled up by your arms, screaming at them to let you go.
you made sure to give them a hard time while they walked up the stairs. once arriving at your room, they threw you on the carpeted floor with a right thump.
you flailed around, whimpering as they tied your arms and legs, “stop, stop, stop. please,” but they paid you no mind, leaving you alone in the dark.
after a few hours of trying to remove the rope from your limbs, and a few chaffings later, you ultimately gave up on trying. you didn’t know what your parents’ plan was but you were quite grateful for the noise and crashing outside your door.
crawling a bit towards your door, your forearm brushed against something rough on your thighs. you cursed yourself for being dense, and lifted your dress a bit, carefully grabbing your new rose gold dagger from its holster.
when you heard the jingling of your door, you hastily tried to cut the rope from your wrists.
you cussed as you dropped it on the floor, you tried to get a hold of it once more when the door suddenly burst open.
“y/n!” regulus breathed out in relief, he rushed by your side, grabbing your fallen dagger and cutting the ropes. your eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, before turning your gaze to the man you’ve fallen in love with, the same man who lied to you.
sirius approached the both of you, trying to tell you to hurry up before the guards caught up with them, “let’s go!”
“are you alright?” regulus asked, cupping your face in his hands.
you glared at him, rubbing your arms to soothe the burning, “don’t touch me.”
you stood up, grabbing the dagger from his hand, and placed it back on your holster. you snatched your satchel from the floor and started packing a few necessities that could fit in.
regulus looked at you in confusion and hurt, standing up as you shuffled around the room, “what’s wrong?”
you ignored him, shoving past him, and made your way towards sirius, who just shrugged at his brother.
the three of you sneaked past the guards and the members of the order, successfully escaping and meeting up with lily and james at the entrance.
“oh, merlin!” lily brought you in a hug, “are you alright, y/n?”
“lily,” you breathed out, hugging her back. you closed your eyes in relief, letting out a teary laugh, “i’m alright, don’t worry,”
“we’ve got to go, they’ll catch up soon enough if we don’t leave,” james said, “‘m sure frank and the rest got ‘em distracted for a while.”
arriving back at the potter household, they let you retire back at the guest room, regulus following in suit.
“hey, y/n, what’s wrong?” regulus asked, grabbing your arm so you’re facing him.
you looked at him in anger and hurt, “you lied to me!”
“wha- what did i lie about? i don’t understand,” regulus was dumbstruck, he didn’t know what you were talking about until he remembered all about the betrothal. he looked down in guilt.
“stop the act, regulus. you were the one i was supposed to marry,” you whispered, “why did you lie to me?”
regulus sighed, sitting down on the bed as he ran a hand through his hair, “i was scared, alright? i was scared because i fell for you, y/n, and when i found out that you didn’t want to marry me, i didn’t know what to do… so i lied because i was afraid that you’d go if i told you that i was the prince.”
“and it’s terrifying how i would’ve given you the stars if you asked,” he chuckled softly, “but i chose to keep that to myself because that’s how much of a coward i am…”
“reg, i didn’t even know that it was you,” you frowned, expression softening as you sat down beside him, “and i frankly don’t care about the stars, or anything at all, honestly, because all i want is you, regulus,”
“don’t be so sure about that, y/n,” he breathed out, “if you’ve known that it was me, you wouldn’t agree to marry me.”
“you’re right,” you nodded, smiling softly, “i wouldn’t marry you because of some stupid betrothal, i’d marry you because i love you, regulus black, and i know f’myself that you’re the man that i would love to spend the rest of my life with.”
he looked at you with adoration and love in his eyes, a small smile adorning his lips.
regulus tucked the loose strand of hair behind your hair, his eyes shifting from your eyes down to your lips, “may i?”
not trusting your words, you nodded instead, slowly leaning in. regulus cupped the side of your face with his hand, your hand running through his brown curls as the both of you drew closer. eyes fluttering close as you felt the soft, warmth of his lips caress your own.
after a few moments, he pulled away slowly, pressing his forehead against your own, smiling softly at the result of the sudden revelations and confessions.
“let’s run away, regulus,” you whispered, “away from here and our wretched parents.”
“yeah?” he chuckled softly, “where’d you want to go, m’love?”
“... and they lived happily ever after.” you smiled softly.
“mum, what happened in italy?” your daughter asked, hugging her teddy bear as she looked up at you and regulus with her doe eyes.
regulus hummed, “they settled down in florence, italy, with the help of the marauders-”
“dad, who are the marauders?” your son questioned, exchanging looks with his sister and his cousin, harry.
“they’re the best friends of the prince and princess, orion,” james grinned, snaking his arm around lily’s waist.
“what happened next, aunt y/n?”
“well, they had a small wedding by the beach, they traveled around the world, had kids, and are now telling their stories to their adorable kids and godson,” you smiled, “and the said kids and godson should be asleep in the next five minutes.”
the three of them let out simultaneous groans. you, regulus, and the marauders had small smiles on your faces, finding the situation amusing.
“good night, my darlings, we love you,” you and regulus kissed their foreheads and tucked them in bed, as lily and james did the same with harry.
after ensuring that they were fast asleep, you and the rest went back down to the living room.
sirius grinned, grabbing the firewhiskeys and crisps out of the bag, “they finally went to sleep?”
“yeah,” you smiled, fiddling with the moonstone necklace regulus bought you from the fair, “guess our story worked perfectly fine as a bedtime tale, didn’t it, reggie?”
“indeed it did, m’love,” he kissed the top of your head, sitting down on the couch for your traditional game night.
general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @weasleyyy @oldschoolkiddo @accioweaslcy @inglourious-imagines @peterssweetpea @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @sw33tgirl @remugoodgirl @tatestripedsweater @gryffindorgirly @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
marauders taglist: @sweetnspicysimp @cherie-draco @eunoniaa @acosmis-t @amrtxntias @cedrics-grave @dracosgoodgirl @msmb
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Stars in the Night Sky
Day 3, Story #2 is by @adenei
Title: Stars in the Night Sky
Author: adenei
Pairing: Jily (James Potter x Lily Evans)
Prompt: Stargazing
Rating: PG
TW: None :)
The castle is peaceful as it nears midnight, a calm surrender to the usual bustling halls during the day. Rounds ended over an hour ago, but the quick pair of footsteps was not rushing through a late shift, they were on their way to the Astronomy Tower to meet their partner and begin Professor Sinistra’s constellation project. 
Allocation of the work was all in the luck of the draw. Where one half of the class drew a name, and the other pulled the astronomical phenomenon they were to study. Lily Evans had pulled the piece of parchment on stars and constellations, and according to the project’s outline, she and her partner would be tracking Orion, Cassiopeia, Gemini, and Canis Major for the next two weeks.
The project left Lily questioning why she chose to pursue the subject after passing her O.W.L.s. Maybe it was because she has always been fascinated by the subject, or maybe it’s for the sole fact that Astronomy is one of the subjects she can discuss with her family since it relates closely to muggle sciences. Regardless, she’s not sure it’s worth the lack of sleep she’s about to endure over the next few weeks.
As Lily climbs the steps of the Astronomy Tower, her heart thunders in her chest with anticipation about who her partner will be. The class is small, with only ten students, but she didn’t bother to hang around and discuss ‘who had who’ at the end of class. She had a meeting with Professor McGonagall about her Head Girl duties and couldn’t be bothered to worry about who her partner was. 
But now, after finding out through Mary that she’s been paired with Remus and Sirius pulled Benjy Fenwick’s name, Lily is nervous. Rumblings at dinner also confirmed that Calliope Forsythe of Hufflepuff was disappointed that she chose Bridgette Marls’s name instead of James’s, leaving Lily sweating the remaining possible outcomes. She doesn’t want to jinx it by getting her hopes up that James may have pulled her name out of the cauldron, and she’s mad at herself for wanting it so desperately.
We already spend enough time together with our Head duties. Plus, we’re friends now, so we can hang out whenever we like...just not alone.
Her last thought is only a partial lie, considering they’re ‘alone’ when creating schedules for rounds, but it never fails that some fifth or sixth-year students are always barging in to use the Prefect’s lounge to study, ruining any potential chance for either to make a move. Even when they’re on rounds, their conversation is constantly interrupted by catching a couple in a broom closet or empty classroom. 
Lily lets out a huff of frustration as she recalls the last time, when she was sure he was about to ask her to Hogsmeade, but then there was a loud clatter from a room up ahead, breaking the moment. So really, it’d be ideal if James were her partner for this project. She’s sick of the song and dance they’ve been playing since the start of term and wants nothing more than to find out whether he still fancies her or not. After all, it’s only a matter of time that some other girl will swoop in, causing his devilishly handsome smile to be trained on them instead.
As Lily approaches the foot of the stairs leading up to the observation room, she checks her watch. 11:59. Right on time. She holds her breath during the entire stair climb, and only when she rounds the corner to the dimly lit area with one singular candle on the table to take notes, does she see him. He’s leaning over the table, the light illuminating his messy black hair as his glasses slip down his nose. The sleeves on the white shirt of his uniform are rolled up to his elbows, exposing the sinewy muscles of his forearm as Lily stands there, getting lost in a daydream that finds those arms wrapped around her body.
The hoot of an owl in the distance snaps her out of her thoughts as she takes a few steps closer.
“I hope you haven’t started without me.” 
Lily’s light chiding gets James’s attention as a wide smirk dons his face. Her insides tremble as her heart pounds faster in her chest.
“How can I get started if I don’t know what we’re supposed to be looking at,” he remarks, eliciting a nervous laugh from her chest.
“Yeah, sorry for not sticking around after class. I had another appointment.”
“Well, I hope my reveal isn’t too much of a shock.”
“Better you than Mulciber or Avery,” she teases. “Why didn’t you ask Professor Sinistra what topic I pulled after you gave your information and got our timetable?”
James walks around the table to join her as she pulls out the project guidelines. She assumes he would have known what they were studying, considering everyone had to check-in and get their schedules from Professor Sinistra. Depending on what the group has chosen, their research times varied.
“Because I thought we were going for the surprise factor,” his cheeky grin matches the lightness in his voice. “Besides, I figured it’d be another excuse to pore over the parchment in close proximity.”
Lily searches the space next to her to see just how close James is before meeting his gaze. She becomes dizzy from the scent of his cologne, with hints of cinnamon and sandalwood invading her sense of smell. If she gives in to temptation now, they won’t accomplish anything on their first night.
Work first, play later.
Strengthening her resolve, Lily makes a swift turn and heads for the telescope. “We’re responsible for tracking the four constellations that are listed on the first page. I’ll see which one I can find first and we’ll go from there. We can take turns tracing, and observing if that’s alright with you.”
“Sure, I’ll get the parchment set up,” James agrees.
Lily’s not sure, but she thinks she may have heard a hint of disappointment in his tone. She pushes the thoughts aside and peers into the massive telescope that’s bolted down in the center of the room. It doesn’t take long to find Jupiter, and from there, she’s able to see a handful of the stars that make up Orion. The belt is the most prevalent as she takes mental notes to transfer on the paper.
Settling into a steady hum of working together, the pair take turns between the telescope and table, making light work of the night’s observations. When Lily checks her watch again, she realizes they’ve finished with time to spare. She wanders over to the railing, and even though she’s spent the better part of the last ninety minutes studying the stars, she finds herself looking up to the sky once more. Only this time, she’s stargazing with only the naked eye. 
She feels James approaching before he arrives at her side, gazing up at the twinkling stars among the backdrop of black and midnight blue.
“We make a pretty good team.” Her voice is soft as it carries through the air between them.
Lily’s exhaustion is prevalent as her eyelids become heavier, but she can’t be bothered to move away from James’s side. Not yet, anyways.
“You haven’t gathered that from our flawless round schedules and seamless Prefect meetings we’ve run so far as Heads?”
Lily can’t help the smile that creeps across her lips. He’s playing into her words in the exact way she was hoping for. “Of course, I’ve noticed. I was just thinking out loud…” she trails off, hoping she’s got him hooked and wanting to know what else she’s about to say.
“About what?” Barely a second passes before the question leaves his mouth.
She drags her teeth over her bottom lip as she looks up at him. Here goes nothing.
“Just about how our teamwork might work in other respects, too.”
His lips part as she hears a sharp intake of breath. “Evans,” he warns as he inches ever closer to her face.
“Potter,” she challenges right back.
They are mere centimeters away from each other now, and it’d be so easy to close the gap between them. James seems to have frozen in front of her as she finds herself leaning up on her tiptoes to press a feather-light kiss to his lips. She pulls away, not wanting to push her luck.
When he doesn’t move after she pulls away, her heart sinks. Lily grabs her bag and turns to head back to the common room. Clearly, I was mistaken.
“Sorry, I just thought—” but she never finished her apology.
Her foot grazes the top step of the staircase before a warm, strong hand wraps around her wrist and pulls her back, where she hits a wall of muscle. Her lips are on his again, and this time he’s kissing her back as her arms snake around his shoulders and her foot lifts off the ground of its own accord. 
James Potter is kissing me!
The moment only lasts a few moments before they pull apart, their breathing heavy under the starry night.
James breaks the silence after a minute. “So, er, Hogsmeade this weekend?”
Lily grins as she backs away slightly, leaving him standing there as she heads toward the stairs for the second time. She flashes a ‘come and get me’ look. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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startanewdream · 3 years
Summary: Sirius takes some time to fill his godfather duties — teaching Harry how to ride a motorbike.
Part of Eyes Glistening (Jily Lives AU). It ties with Hope, but you don't need to read it first to enjoy this moment between Harry and Sirius.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
The street is quiet, a summer afternoon in which everyone must have decided it’s too hot to stay outside, but Sirius doesn’t breathe easily until he opens the small gate and then he is finally inside the Potter’s estate, safe under their love protection, though its days are almost over. He tries not to let this thought dismay him.
He walks towards the house, but he pauses, his attention diverted. Despite the heat, Harry is standing still near the broom shed, watching the sky thoughtfully, his hands inside the pocket of his jeans.
Alone and brooding, never a good sign.
He sighs, moving direction towards his godson. He has seen that quiet stubborn resolution on Harry’s face ever since he met him after Dumbledore’s funeral; it was a soldier’s face, a soldier with a duty that was hinted by Harry’s secret meetings with Dumbledore—the most secretive man Sirius had ever known—, and from all Sirius knows about Harry and James, that didn’t bid well.
He had a feeling Harry would leave. He was sure that James would hate it.
Sirius walks quietly, stopping a few steps behind Harry.
‘So, how it went?’
Harry jumps under the sound of his voice, turning around. Sirius holds back a frown; Harry shouldn’t be caught so off guard—he may be safe at the moment, but soon, in the real world, he will need better reactions and not trust anyone. This thought doesn’t comfort him.
‘You finally told James, didn’t you?’
Harry squints, uncomfortable. ‘Dad said anything you?’
‘No, I just needed to come by—I still have a few repairs to do in my motorbike.’
‘Oh.’ Harry’s gaze strays to the broom shed. ‘Don’t mind me.’
Sirius watches him for a few seconds before nodding. It’s still hot and he had planned to do this later, but he has a feeling that now it might be the best time—and he knows that pushing Harry to talk before he is ready never works. So he goes to take his motorbike, opting to work in the open instead of the broom shed. Harry hasn’t moved when he comes back, as Sirius imagined he wouldn’t, so Sirius just kneels to check the engine, careful to let the toolbox closer to Harry.
‘Pass me a screwdriver, will you?’ he asks Harry, not taking his gaze off the engine.
It’s been a while since he rode his motorbike, Sirius notes shamefully, so he needs to check if all the electrical parts of the motor are okay. It’s a tiresome job that he could ask a real mechanic to do, but he enjoys the manual work anyway, and Harry seems to relax some of his tension as he watches Sirius working, helping him whenever Sirius asks him—things that Sirius could do alone, but he understands that Harry likes to feel helpful.
‘I am leaving,’ Harry says quietly at some point, and Sirius takes care to not let any emotion show in his face.
‘I thought so,’ he says. All those meetings with Dumbledore seemed too much as some sort of passing the torch, though Sirius doubts that Dumbledore had planned for things to go sour so quickly. ‘When?’
‘As soon as I am of age.’
‘Oh. Okay.’
Harry is watching him, and Sirius knows he is just looking for some sort of disapproval—though he doesn’t know what Harry would do if he found it. That boy is Lily’s son too much not to be stubborn and he would go anyway. Well, Harry does like to suffer.
‘Dad is mad at me. I think… I think I’m letting him down somehow.’
And there is it, the reason why Harry was staring sadly at the sky, brooding under the sun as if it could atone for his sins somehow. He sees the apprehension in his godson’s green eyes, and Sirius is suddenly aware—though he shouldn’t be surprised—how apart from his eyes, Harry looks a lot like James.
‘You never disappoint James,’ Sirius tells him reasonably. ‘He is just too worried. You know him.’
‘I feel like… like if I leave him, he won’t ever understand. He’ll hate me for doing it.’
‘Hating you for doing the right thing? That can’t be.’
‘You didn’t see him. He said… he said if I cared, I wouldn’t leave anyone.’
‘Do you?’ Sirius asks softly. ‘Do you care?’
Harry looks at his house with a heavy sigh. ‘Too much.’
‘Then he will understand. You’ll be of age, Harry, and you’ve been making decisions—good even if questionable some times—for some time now.’
‘I just want… I want it over.’
‘That’s all we want.’ Sirius pauses for a moment. ‘Are you sure you’re the only one who can do this?’
Harry doesn’t hesitate this time. ‘It has to be me. But I won’t be alone.’
‘Ron and Hermione?’ Sirius guesses, smiling a little when Harry nods. He is a firm believer that with friends by his side, Harry can do anything. ‘Ginny?’
Harry sighs. ‘No, we—I broke up with her.’
‘What?’ Sirius asks, confused, but the desolation in Harry’s face is enough to show him all he needs to do about this news. ‘For her own good?’
Harry kicks a stone in the ground, his head lowered. ‘I couldn’t put her in danger and… being near me is a hazard. It’s enough I’m already putting you and Mum and Dad in so much trouble—’
‘You know we would still be even if you didn’t exist, right? In fact, we joined the Order about two years before you were even born, kid.’
Harry shrugs, clearly not agreeing with him. Sirius rolls his eyes; Harry enjoys saving people too much not to feel guilty for anything that happens, even when is only remotely connected to it.
‘If you wanna blame someone, blame Voldemort, not you,’ Sirius says, and he stands up to finish a few protective spells on the motorbike.
As he casts them, blue light shining from his wand, it occurs to Sirius that Harry will need a quick course on Defensive Spells. He already knows quite a few, always having a knack for them, and Sirius is familiar with how much Harry loves his Expelliarmus—he supposes that a wandless enemy doesn’t provide much danger—, but Harry will need to improve his list if he is to be safe during whatever he will be doing.
He thinks of a few books he has at home that helped him in his early years of the Auror training, and he is sure that he can ask Moony to come and help them with training.
Away from James’ eyes, that’s it. Sirius enjoys not being hexed by his best friend.
But Harry’s birthday is still a few weeks away and, right now, Sirius doesn’t want to give Harry homework.
‘Why are you fixing your motorbike?’ Harry asks.
‘I got the feeling it might be useful. The Order has been discussing how to get you safely away from here, you know.’ Harry frowns heavily, so Sirius rushes to add in a teasing voice: ‘I thought of suggesting to hide you inside the trunk and be done with it. Death Eaters would never guess.’
Harry laughs. ‘I don’t think I’d fit.’
‘No, we’d need to transform you into something. Too bad you never felt an attraction to turn into an animagus, if you were a hedgehog it would be easier.’
‘Why a hedgehog?’
‘They are cute. And your hair does make you look like one.’
‘Hey!’ Harry’s indignation is cut by the grin on his lips. He runs his hand through his hair in a gesture that reminds Sirius of James more than ever. ‘It’s my charm.’
‘Oh, I’d have my doubts, but then Lily did marry and procreate with your father, so what do I know?’ Sirius tosses a helmet to Harry. ‘Here, put it on.’
‘To hide my hair?’
‘No, silly, because you need a helmet to ride.’
There is a bewildered expression on Harry’s face. Sirius smiles, more certain than ever of his idea. ‘Yeah, I've never taught you how to ride a motorbike, have I? Lousy godfather I am.’
‘You’re not,’ Harry says at once, distracted. He puts on the helmet. ‘Why didn’t you ever teach me before?’
‘Lily deemed too unsafe—a little hypocrite if you ask me, brooms are much more dangerous’
Harry doesn’t look as if he agrees on that one—that boy was way too influenced by James about brooms—but he seems excited enough.
‘Now what?’
‘Now pay attention. If you fall, your mother is gonna kill me.’
Harry looks amused with Sirius' concern.
Sirius shows him how to operate the motorbike, telling him to be careful with the brake and the acceleration and to not mix the gear shifter with them. Then he helps Harry get on the bike.
‘By the left side,’ he guides, and Harry looks somehow younger as he sits on the motorbike. Sirius had a sudden vision of himself holding a Harry who wasn’t even two yet as they flew through the night.
Merlin, the time has flown. Near seventeen already and ready to kick Voldemort's arse.
‘Keep your feet on the ground to get used to. Good?’ Harry nods. ‘Okay, now try to feel the clutch.’ After several minutes, in which Sirius makes Harry repeat over and over how every part works, he picks his key. ‘I’ll start the engine now, okay?’
Harry acquiesces; his eyes are shining, overjoyed. Sirius makes sure the bike is into neutral, then indicates the “start” button for Harry.
‘Slowly let the clutch out—keep your feet on the ground, it will give you more support.’
Harry nods once more, concentrated, his attention focused on releasing the clutch—and then his grip slips and the motorbike yanks forward too quickly. Sirius jumps to hold them.
‘Hey, hey, it happens!’ he says. Harry looks only sheepishly, not very much concerned for his health. Of course not, Sirius thinks. The boy is ready to face Voldemort, what’s a bike? ‘You stalled the engine because you let it go too fast. Try again.’
He does; this time his hand leaves the clutch in the right timing, and the motorbike wrenches him forward. Harry lets out a laugh—one of those carefree sounds that Sirius has been hearing less and less lately—at the same time as Sirius turns into a dog to chase him.
The Potter estate is vast, an enormous field that goes into the woods, and it takes several minutes until Harry finally steps on the brake, having made a huge round back to the broom shed. Sirius is glad and relieved to realize Harry remembered to use the brake over the throttle.
Sirius is out of breath—age comes with problems, though he wouldn’t admit it out loud—when he helps Harry down the kickstand so he can get off the bike. Harry immediately crashes into the ground, laying over the grass with a relaxed expression as he takes out his helmet.
‘This was so much fun!’ he admits. ‘Can I fly next time?’
‘One step at a time, kid. When you are good on the ground, we’ll try for the skies.’
‘Spoilsport,’ Harry complains without any real malice in his voice. ‘Thanks, Sirius.’
‘No problem, kid.’ Sirius sits next to him. ‘Just wanted to share Hyacinth with you.’
He lifts his eyebrows. ‘Hyacinth? Your bike has a name?’
‘All the good rides should have one. Don’t mock Hyacinth.’
Harry shakes his head, amusement all over his face as he closes his eyes. He puts his arms around his head for support, so Sirius does his godfather duty once more. He turns into Padfoot, laying next to Harry to offer him a good fluffy pillow.
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efkgirldetective · 3 years
~part IV~ of this little prompt series { part I & part II & part III }
much love&thanks to @shaniso90 for this adjusted prompt !!! your noun/color/place worked so so well with my imposed emotion ✨
(ps highly recommend listening to tell me you love me by sufjan stevens—irrefutably/canonically jily—whilst reading)
sweater + lavender+ library + apprehension
Lily pauses, lazy with sleep, in the cusp of the hall—glimpsing round the corner James and Sirius stood in the kitchen, bent together, talking in quiet tones. She leans her head to the wall, watches James smile and laugh. He looks well-rested. He’s wearing the sweater she gave him for Christmas, lavender and woolen. One elbow already rethreaded with magic.
She presses a hand to her ribs. Afraid if she doesn’t hold her heart inside, it will spill out. Sirius leans back against the counter and flicks his wand at a simmering pan, at the toaster; she can smell eggs and nearly-burnt bread; the lingering scent of James, head heavy on his morning pillow. His fluttering lashes as he woke, slowly, culled his fingers to her neck, kissed her through halfsleep; whispered I’m here, sweetheart. I’m here.
Lily lets the fingers shift down; rest on her belly. Tender and soft. She steps into the kitchen.
“Morning, sleepy,” James murmurs when she tucks herself into his side, feeling the sweater between her fingers, feeling his warmth and his being here, being alive. Gripping at the loops of his jeans. Unwilling to let go.
“Toast, Evans?” Sirius asks, slipping past them. “Eggs?”
They share slow breakfast. Peter joins not long after and steeps tea just the way they all like. They laugh when Remus finally emerges, disgruntled and bedheaded, shoving at Sirius lightheartedly as he’s pulled in for a kiss; hands touching necks. Lily keeps herself connected to James; hand on his leg as it bounces under the table; mouth pressed into his shoulder when he refills her juice; fingers moving up through his hair, still damp from a shower. As if he’ll stay, just here, if she can keep him steady. As if touch could save him—any of them.
“Come with me to the library?” Lily wonders as the table breaks up— Remus fully awake and talking aloud through his list of Saturday chores, Sirius groaning that they ought to just go back to bed and loiter, Peter insisting on clearing the dishes, jostling a kind and gentle hand at James’ shoulder—“I’ve got books to return.”
They pile on their corduroy coats and cast warming charms and walk down the street through late November leaves, sunlight yellow and cold. Lily concentrates on the feeling of their hands, entwined. Hefts her tote of books higher on her shoulder. Feels his thumb rubbing her thumb.
“Okay?” he asks and in response, she brings the thumb up to her lips.
The Muggle library is scarce with patrons. Lily returns her books and chats for a moment with sweet, silver-haired Fran. “You’re quite glowing, love,” the librarian says as Lily shuffles a stack of new books into the tote. “Has that tall handsome mister gone and given you a ring?”
Lily smiles—and it bursts in jest as much in sadness. “Not yet, Fran, no ring.”
“He’s a right plonker should he not be ring shopping, at least. Tell him I said that, would you now?”
Lily finds James in the back of the library, flipping through a book on car mechanics, muttering on about how bloody impossible it all is, sans spellwork. The glass-ceilinged atrium above scatters gold light over the floor, over the stacks; catches in his dark hair. Lily feels the heart-spill, tenfold. Fits herself to his back and wraps her arms around his body; buries her face in his coat.
“Lils?” he asks, spreading his hands over hers.
“I love you,” she tells his coat.
He twists around fully and cradles her jaw and the library feels immense—but, still, too small. She chokes on the weight of her nerves, on the weight of the future. “You’re pale,” he murmurs, and she shuts her eyes. “Really, is everything okay?”
“Let’s walk,” she diverts, eager for someplace else to breathe.
They walk to a nearby park. The sun has dimmed behind clouds. Lily feels her footsteps very intentionally. Tucked into the crook of his body, she knows this is before. The after, unknowable. They will never be the same.
They meander to a bench with a nice view of a small pond, catered in late autumn by dreary clouded algae, birds splashing their wings in the water.
James doesn’t push—knowing, perhaps, that the words are glomming in her throat, that her fear and panic and wrong time wrong time wrong time are fraught enough to bury any thrill; affection; growth.
She asks, to stall, “your leg?”
He gives her a small smile. “Aches, just a little.”
“Good,” she nods, breathing out, running her hand down his arm; feeling his eyes on her. She looks out over the water. “Good.”
A family teeters down the path behind them. The babbling child throws the skin of an orange into the grass. Lily concentrates, very hard, on the way an orange smells when its skin is peeled off; the pleasant, stinging sweet. She remembers like her own breath the day she and James shared an orange under summer sun, eighteen years old, besotted; juice dripping between fingers. I love you shimmering between them for the very first time. “Can you feel it?” he wondered, hair moved through with wind. She held his eyes and cupped his hand in hers; gave over the last slice of fruit. “I’m full of it.” She tasted the orange on his lips. Amended, “overflowing.”
“I don’t know," she whispers, now, on the cold bench, "how you’ll react.”
James squeezes her hand. “It’s okay,” he says gently. “Anything, Lils. I’m here.”
“It’s...” she smooths a hand down her wool skirt, the thick stockings beneath. Looking for something to ground. “These last weeks have been—tumultuous,” she begins, “with the Order, and the moon, and the—with you, your—”
Out in the pond, a pair of ducks submerge their heads underwater. Lily reels in the tight knot of breath in her throat; tries to swallow past.
“Love,” James says, eyebrows pressed together, shifting himself sideways, arm reaching out under her back, round her waist. “What’s happened?”
Her lips quiver. How stupid it is—how reckless. “I missed my period, fully, last month,” she whispers, toying compulsively with the hem of her skirt. “And...I’m late on my charm, I missed the appointment. In the middle of—” she cuts her head away from him; can’t bear to see his face, falling. “I didn’t go. I forgot.”
There are birds in distant trees, calling out; anxious. The memory of the child, the orange peel, and the summer sun are blurring, too much the same thing. A love without home.
A sprawl of fingers on her cheek; she lets her face turn. His eyes gone soft. “You’re—” he clears his throat and runs a thumb over her chin. “Are you—?”
No chance of swallowing this lump, now. She lets it lump. Lets herself nod, slowly.
James goes still, save the stroke of his thumb. She feels frantic to move—to gasp—to scream. But she stays in his stillness and watches for signs of life. For signs of annoyance, of anger, of this is not our time.
None of it comes.
“I know,” she says, to fill the quiet, without much of a voice, “we’re too young, and there’s—so much wrong with it, and no time for—I know I’ve fucked up, I know there’s no place for such—such irresponsible—”
“Lily,” James chokes, flattening any further defense. “Lily,” he repeats, and his eyes are wet and his hand on her chin is shaking, shaking entirely.
“Are you...upset?”
“Upset? How could I—” James searches her eyes, frantically. “Are you upset?”
She bites her lips. Finds a swell of heat, in the space of their bodies—shakes her head, suddenly certain. “No. Scared, yes, but....no,” she breathes in. “I’m not upset.”
His breath seems to rush out all at once. He hiccups on a laugh, and pulls her in desperately, arms wrapping around; she lets herself burrow. Safe and warm. His lips press into her neck without aim. His smile presses, too. “Lily,” he whispers, and even her name is safe, tucked under his tongue. “When did you—” he pulls back, wet-cheeked. She scatters it away with her thumbs. “How long have you known?”
“Only yesterday. St. Mungos sent an owl and...” she feels herself blushing. “When Mags was in, wrapping up your spells...I went to the corner shop for a Muggle test and took it in their loo.”
James blows air out through his lips. “The Muggle tests...they’re accurate?...I mean,” he restarts, deliberately, brow knit in careful concentration. “You’re—you’re absolutely sure?”
“A Healer will be able to confirm, but...” Lily extracts one of his hands and folds it over her stomach; hears his quick inhaling breath. She covers the hand with her own. “I feel...full.”
“Oh my god, Evans,” he laughs, looking up at her; voice faltering, split in two; eyes overfull with wonder. “We’re having a baby?”
To be growing something that belongs to them both; to watch him transform with the knowledge, blinking, and teary, and happy. Lily’s heart pushes hard at her ribs. The birds are calling out in the trees. In among the this is not our time: something flowering, something organic—we will make this our time.
“Yes, Potter,” she smiles, chasing his sparkling laugh; her body a home to such love. “We’re having a baby.”
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bebepac · 3 years
Date Night With Mia and Rubi
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Original Post Date: 07/04/21 at 8:25PM EST.
I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​​ prompt # 102 “You keep a photo of us in your wallet? which will appear in bold.   * I did decide to use “Us”  and I also used the prompt a second time:  “You keep a photo of  ________ in your wallet?” 
This is also @choicesmonthlychallenge​​​​ for July Day # 4 Celebration.
This is a funny, fluffy special Mia’s World for July 4th.  If you are new to Mia’s World and want to check it out and get to know her, her story begins first with Pops Place, and then book two is Mia’s 🌎 World , a crossover for TRR x The Freshman as Mia goes back to college for her Fall Sophomore semester.
The Book:  TRR x The Freshman
Pairings:  Mia x Jaiden (TRR MC x M!OC) / Chris x Emily
Word Count: 804
Warnings:  Sexual Innuendo
Ratings: PG
Summary:  Jaiden and Mia go out on a date to Kulture Shox’d.  
A/N:  This will also cross over into my series The Meet as Jili and Bebe are also there that night.  I know it doesn’t make sense and these are both different AU’s I have going on, but they defy all logic and time / space paradoxes here and collide into one mashed up world.  #sorrynotsorry
A/N2:  We also see more of Jaiden’s love for Rubi his Jeep in this chapter.  Which was also highlighted in the Mia’s World Chapter: Country Glitter.
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“Mia it’s not a big deal.”  
“Yes it is,  it never fails no matter where we go, whatever we do. It never matters who asks who to go out, you always pay.”  
“Mia, it’s something my Dad instilled in me.  If you’re with someone, you take care of them.   And I’m with you, so I take care of you.  I open doors for you,  I buy you dinner.  You’re my girl.  I like taking care of you.”  
Mia smiled, kissing him.  “Then the love fest should go both ways.  Let me take care of you.”
“For some reason, I feel like my Dad wouldn’t agree with this.”  
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“Your Dad is not here, and tonight is my treat.  So get dressed up all handsome for me.”
“I’m not a cheap date so you know.  You know I like to eat.”  
“Then you better put out tonight, Jaiden.”  Mia chuckled.  
“Then I’m getting dessert too.  Both kinds.” Jaiden licked his lips at Mia.  
“Damn right you are!!!”  
“I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about this place.”
“Kulture Shox’d, I don’t know about this place Mia.” 
Mia gasped at the two women in line ahead of her.  
“Ohh my God!!!! I love your outfits!!!!  They look amazing under the black lights!!!”
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“Thanks! Go big or go home right!”  
As the women walked away she heard one say to the other “Jili, it’s so in the bag, random stranger loves our costumes.”
“We'll have to dress up next time Jai!”    
“Maybe Em, should come with you next time then.”  
She playfully hit Jaiden.  
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. We’ll go with Chris and Emily and do it up right.” 
Since neither Jaiden or Mia were twenty-one, they got the nonalcoholic versions of  Kulture Shox’d signature smoke cocktails.
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“Okay I have to give it to you Mia, I thought this place was going to be a little weird, but it’s actually kind of cool.”
“All my ideas are good ones, Jai, you have to trust me.."
The music lowered and an announcer stepped forward.
“Thank you to all the participants in our weekly ‘You lite the night and get Kulture Shox’d Challenge.’ Our winners of this week’s costume contest are Jili and Bebe! Come up and take a bow ladies!!!”  
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“Yeaaaa!!! They Won!!!!”  Mia cheered loudly for the women she had been talking to earlier.  
Mia and Jaiden enjoyed their dinner.  
When it came time to pay, Mia pulled out her wallet from her purse.  
He saw her visibly start to panic, and look upset.
“Oh no!!!!”
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“What’s wrong?”  
“I forgot to take my card out of the pocket of my jacket.  I don’t have any money.” 
Jaiden smiled, handing her his wallet.
“Just use mine.  I’ll have to run to the restroom before we go.”  
Mia opened his wallet,  She pulled out his debit card.  She smiled seeing a picture of him and her  from that very first summer at Pop’s Place.  The picture showed them, just friends smiling at each other.  
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She noticed there were more pictures behind theirs.
Mia laughed so hard she snorted at the next picture.  
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“What’s so funny?”  Jaiden asked when he sat back down next to her.  
“First things first, Awwwwwwww!!!!  You keep a photo of us in your wallet?”  
Jaiden blushed.  “Of course I do.  You’re my girl.”
“Then can I ask you one more thing then?”  
“Yeah what is it baby?”
“You keep a photo of your Jeep in your wallet?”  
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“I mean Rubi is cute.  And I like that picture you got of her.”
She shook her head at Jaiden laughing.
“Should I be jealous of your jeep?”
“Are you sure?”
“Whose picture was the first one Mia?”
Mia laughed even harder.
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“Well then!”
“What am I going to do with you?”  
“Naughty things later I hope.”  
“I think that can be arranged.”
He kissed Mia’s lips.  
“Time to get my girlfriends to the fireworks.”  
“I knew it!!!”
Mia walked closer to Jaiden's Jeep.
"Rubi, we're friends. Don't pull a Christine on me someday."
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Just as the words got out of her mouth, Jaiden hit the panic alarm button on his fob  causing Mia to jump.
She hit him on the shoulder hard. "THAT WAS NOT FUNNY JAIDEN BROOKS!!!!"
"Yes, it was, you should have seen your face!"
"I hate you!"
"No you don't."
He opened the door for her. "Let's go watch the fireworks.”
They had gone to the field behind Pop’s Place as it was right by the fairgrounds with none of the traffic.  
She used her keys to get a few drinks from the cooler for the two of them.  
“You sure your dad won’t mind?”
“I let him know we were coming over here.”
They sat in the back of the jeep, both their feet dangling over the side.  
“You know, this is our first year watching the fireworks together as a couple.”
Last year she had watched the fireworks with Liam.
“I like this so much better.  This is definitely a cause for celebration.” 
He pulled Mia close and they stared up at the sky watching the fireworks. 
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sweeethinny · 3 years
started with a one shot because I wanted to write about someone fighting with Snape during an Order meeting (because God knows I would)
ended with me writing three moments of a world where jily lives, Sirius and Hestia happen, and it takes place in 1995
TW: the first one shot - BLACK - talks about an anxiety attack, so if you don't want to read about it, just skip to the next color: YELLOW
Black. {respect, death, isolation, fear, loneliness.}
Sirius felt like he was going to lose his mind, and he probably would.
Memories of a past he tries so hard to forget keep coming back to him at night, preventing him from sleeping, which automatically prevents him from living as a normal human being.
But it's only when Dumbledore forbids him to leave the house for anything - Moody thinks he's too unstable - that Sirius freaks out.
He breaks everything in the attic, absolutely nothing escapes his anger. He rips up stupid family portraits, smashes stupid ceramic cups, burns old newspapers that proudly displayed a picture of the Black family on the cover - a photo he wasn't in. Sirius feels he could blow up that house if it weren't for James, Lily and Harry living there. It's basically what keeps him from ending that stupid legacy that haunts him like a death spell.
He picks up that stupid box of pictures he hid before before everyone arrives - because he's ashamed -, and starts burning them one by one with his wand, hating more than anything to notice there aren't any pictures of him in there. He's been completely erased from the family, and Sirius thinks it's a pain that will never go away.
Watching Regulus's cheerful face burn through photo after photo, enrages him even more. The golden boy, the most perfect of all, while he has his name burned on the wall, and everything that could show that were two brothers before, erased like a single misspelled word in a letter.
He doesn't exist there, only his bedroom remains, which is one of the rooms he avoids the most, although it's the only one left to prove that he once lived there.
He hates that house, he feels like marching to his parents' grave and screaming at them, and screaming at that stupid portrait of his mother until there's no more air in his lungs, because she did that to him. She's turned him into this unstable madman who needs to be chained indoors like a dog while the others work for him.
Before he could do anything else, James intervened.
And at first Sirius hated him to do that, because how could James care so much for someone like him? He wanted to scream and push James from upstairs, wanted him to leave him alone, but suddenly he didn't want any of that anymore. Then Sirius began to shamelessly cry like a child on his best friend's shoulder, sobbing as if someone had hit him.
James didn't say anything, because he was a good friend after all, just stood there, hugging Sirius and hoping that whatever happened to him would pass and he'd calm down.
Sirius felt like crap for not being as good as James.
"I'm here with you," James said, as he would say to Harry or Lily. ''Everything will be fine.''
''No, James, you know it’s not that easy, I... I can't stand being in here anymore, there's a memory wherever I look, I... Dumbledore took everything I had left, I want my freedom back, I want my motorcycle, I want my wife I want my house...'' Later, Sirius would be embarrassed for sounding so weak, but right now, he couldn't care less.
"Hestia will be here in a few days, and… it will all be over as quickly as it started, you'll see, by Christmas you'll be back to your routine."
‘’It's not true, Prongs, you know it's not. We've been in this shit for years now, I feel like I'm going to die any second.”
"You won't, I won't let you," James promises, hugging him even tighter.
Yellow. {light, warmth, relaxation, optimism, joy}
Hestia first entered Grimmauld Place during the night, a storm was falling outside and her body was cold and tense. She just wanted to see him, for Merlin's sake, just make sure he was okay. She made sure not to make so much noise because Lily said in the letter that there was a horrible portrait of Sirius' mother who would scream if you woke her up, and Hestia didn't have the patience for that.
She's had horrible days now that she's had to travel further into the woods—which doesn't help her research at all—and has been prevented from talking to him. Hestia had only spoken to Lily once, and she told her that Sirius was not well, which was nothing new as he had to go back to his parents' house and Hestia knew that it would torment him much more than it already did.
But when she arrived in the kitchen she noticed him there, sitting alone at the table, a half-empty bottle of wine and an empty glass in front of him. Sirius had his back to her, but Hestia didn't need to see him to know he had a serious expression on his face.
"You shouldn't drink this time of night," she said, her voice sounding a lot more worried than she imagined it would.
Sirius jumped up from his chair, wand already in hand, gray eyes bulging as he watched her warily. ‘’Tell me about our first time.’’
Hestia laughed. "Only you to ask me that question," She sighed. ''We were at the Potter's house, Euphemia had made the bed in the guest room for me, so I went to say good night but you started kissing me and when I saw it, I was half naked on your bed, wearing a black lingerie, and you was saying you wouldn't let me out of there ever again… Anything else?''
Sirius didn't answer her, just lowered his wand and walked over to Hestia with a face so worried she almost didn't recognize him, his arms enveloping her in a warm, familiar hug that made her bury her head in his shirt, feeling a little foolish for wanting to cry.
"I've missed you so much," Sirius said, his lips against her hair, damp from the rain and a little oily from days without washing it. “Merlin, I thought I was going crazy.” He denies it. "I went crazy actually."
"Lily told me," Hestia hugged him even tighter, wanting Sirius to understand that she was really there, that he wasn't alone. ''How are you?''
"Absolute shit…" He snorted, pulling away from her enough that Hestia could look at him more cautiously. Sunken eyes and cheeks, big dark circles, long hair, stubble… Her heart aches. “But you're here now, so we're stuck in this shit together. You can't run away from me anymore, Jones.”
''Not at all, Moody forbade me to leave the house after I got back, something about,'' Hestia pauses, remembering the unfriendly conversation they had, and how the auror yelled that ''her out-of-control husband nearly killed them ''. Sirius would probably think it was his fault that she couldn't go out anymore. Which was half true, but then again, Hestia didn't help herself when she lost her temper and yelled at Moody back. "About him and Dumbledore not wanting to take chances with one of us out of the house."
“They think I'm crazy, don't they?” His jaw tensed, his gray eyes seeming to burn. "Well, I'm sorry if I didn't keep quiet when I heard someone talking shit about my godson and calling him a liar."
"You don't help Harry at all if you keep threatening other Aurors."
"I know." He sighed, leaning his forehead against hers, keeping his eyes steady on hers. There was a faint booze smell to him, but nothing to make her think he was completely drunk. "But you know how I am."
"I know," Hestia placed her hands on his face, making a brief caress of his cheek before leaning in to kiss him. "I love you, but I prefer you without that beard."
"I was thinking of making it look like Dumbledore's." Sirius chuckled softly, his eyes still closed and his lips touching hers.
"Do that, and you'll never see the middle of my legs again."
"Ouch, it's not fair," He looked at her, his gray irises gleaming in amusement as he pouted softly.
"Take it or leave it, Black." Hestia pulled away from him, grabbing her suitcase from the floor. “I need to take a shower.” She arched her eyebrows. 'Will you keep me company?'
“Of course, I hear this house is very haunted, so I'll have to stay with you to protect you from the ghosts.” They walked out of the kitchen, taking slow steps so as not to wake the fucking portrait.
''Thank you so much, I'm terrified of haunting.'' Hestia smiled, letting him lead her to his room - which looked strangely untouched - and then to the bathroom, with Sirius talking non-stop about how he would protect and secure her, so that Hestia didn't have her foot pulled during the night.
“We'll have to sleep cuddled together so that doesn't happen.” He took off his shirt, and Merlin, how she missed him. "And no clothes." Sirius waved his wand at the water to fill the tub, then unzipped his pants and took them off along with his underwear.
''I'm sure yes.''
Red. {passion, lust, war, danger, violence}
It is during a meeting of the Order that Hestia loses her temper.
She was sitting next to Sirius and holding hands with him, as they usually are, talking quietly about everything and nothing while Molly doesn't come down and McGonagall doesn't arrive. Everyone is there, she knows it, and every now and then someone looks at the nearly untouched glass of firewhiskey in front of Sirius, but she doesn't care, she keeps talking to him and making him chuckle softly, saying how indecent her new panties are just because she likes to tease him.
And because things are getting more and more tense.
Living in that house didn't just affect Sirius, but she too, and every now and then Hestia finds herself close to breaking everything in sight, blind with rage that Dumbledore has trapped them there like a lab rat, thinking that if Sirius doesn't explode that house, or that damned picture of his mother, she goes.
Anxiety gnaws at her inside and every day she wakes up thinking that this will be the last, tomorrow they will return to their home, safe and sound, enjoying their freedom again, and Hestia won't have to worry about talking portraits and a elf that pisses her off, no matter how kind she tries to be.
But when Snape speaks - something she's been ignoring since he arrived - she just can't take it anymore.
''Like Black could do anything, being trapped in here.'' He says, in that petulant tone he's been throwing at her, Sirius, James and Lily every meeting, and Hestia's chest burns, finally finding a good target to take out all her anger.
She knew Lily said it was best to ignore him, she tried to do it, but Hestia couldn't do it anymore, not when Dumbledore trapped them there now that they were no longer useful making them almost insane. Driving Sirius insane! How can he trap him in the only house he knows would affect him, in an environment where for years he's been frowned upon and unloved, making him wake up the demons that have long been sleeping.
Sirius was getting sick in there and Dumbledore couldn't care less.
Without saying a word she reached for her wand at her hip, standing up and nearly knocking over the chair behind her, making everyone look at her as she sewed Snape's mouth shut and stopped him from talking any more, eyes getting huge in his face.
"Speak one more time of my husband and I'll kill you, and I'm not even kidding," Hestia said, her voice low and her eyes hard on that coward. ''I've killed a lot of Death Eaters in the last few years, and I would have done it to you in a blink if Dumbledore hadn't convinced himself that you're worth some shit. But I don't believe it, Snape, I know you, you're nothing more than a scared coward who runs when sees the boat sinking, so think twice before talking about my husband, because I can kill you without you even seeing where the spell came from.'' She undid the invisible ropes that they kept his mouth shut, and the man let out an exaggeratedly long breath of air, but Hestia didn't mind.
She sat back down, feeling her heart beat much faster than normal, hot blood rushing through her veins and making her feel feverish.
Sirius smiled, putting his arm over her shoulder and staring at Severus near the other end of the table, his eyes blazing with anger but still looking too scared to speak. Coward.
It didn't take long for the meeting to start, obviously Dumbledore being an idiot every time he needed to talk to her, probably wanting to remind her who was in charge here, like he did at Hogwarts. Well, she hadn't been his student for years now, so she couldn't have cared less about it, honestly.
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stark-tony · 3 years
today is my 22nd birthday so i’m celebrating by reccing 22 of my favorite fics and giving my general thoughts about them.
 i'm still here by owedbetter (77.7, T, zutara) "You see me."And somehow, that makes all the difference.
thoughts: One of the first zutara fics i ever read and it’s still one of my absolute favorites. The characterization of all of the characters is superb and the gradual development of zuko and katara’s relationship is amazing.
 such selfish prayers by andromeda3116 (47.6k, T, zutara)  Katara's ambition, so long set aside for the good of others, breaks free and sets fire to her soul. Or, Katara has a vision of her canon future, casts it aside, and becomes a world-changing politician instead.
thoughts: while this fic is a zutara fic, the majority of this fic is centered on katara and her helping rebuild the world after the war and it does an astounding job of portraying just that. and honestly this probably has my favorite characterization of katara i’ve ever read in a fic.
 Southern Lights by colourwhirled (501.8k, M, zutara) A world where the Avatar has disappeared from memory. Where Sozin’s Conquest was successful. Where the unsteady order of the empire is threatened as members of the royal family are picked off one by one and lines are slowly drawn in the sand.One last chance for peace forces an unlikely alliance between a homesick waterbender, a carefree Air Nomad, a runaway Earth Kingdom heiress, and the fire lord's inscrutable son. Together they must learn to shed old enmities and become the balance they seek to restore to the world.OR:The avatar has four heads.x[[Chapter 4: "And always, his eyes, cautiously watching her. Even when he thinks she isn’t looking. It drives her mad"]]
thoughts: when i say i was unable to put this fic down i genuinely mean that. like i’m pretty sure i was hooked from the very first chapter and i never looked back.
  stickers and stars by aloneintherain (1.9k, G, gen) “Aizawa, are you sure I’m the best person for this job? There are a lot more qualified people on campus. People who have been teachers for years, and—”As All Might spoke, Midoriya Izuku crawled the length of the couch, ducked under All Might’s arm, and made himself comfortable on his lap. All Might’s hands rose into the air, as though unsure of what to with his arms now that he had a toddler curled against his stomach like a cat seeking the warmth of its owner.“Um,” All Might said.
thoughts: is it not enough to say ‘baby deku’ and leave it at that?
 Butterfly by aconstantstateofbladerunner (198.8k, T, gen) The first over-night trip off campus since the training camp was supposed to be a fun break from more intense work back home. But between a bleak introduction to chaos theory, a chilly reception from the locals, and the looming threat of a villain attack, Izuku has too much on his mind to properly enjoy the fresh air. But those worries are a light breeze compared to the hurricane that accompanies what he finds on the outskirts of town.Or rather, what finds him.
thoughts: it’s incredibly well written and the horror aspect is so good. also the dad might in it is top tier.
villain eradication plan 5C: let them attack budding heroes mothers, wait appropriate time for mother to defeat them (3.4k, G, toshinko)  Targetting the civilian families of hero students should be cakewalk. Pity they decided to go with Inko first.Or the one where Inko accidentally defeats the League of Villains.
thoughts: this fic is basically inko accidentally being a badass and it’s as hilarious and awesome as it sounds
 see it all in bloom by aloneintherain (57.2k, T,  tododeku, kiribaku, momojirou, bullying) Midoriya looked over the occupants of the room with butter soft eyes. “We should do this again. Seeing everyone in one place … it’s like we’re back in school again.”Todoroki said, “It feels like a family reunion.”(Social media fic, counting down the five months to Class 1-A's ten year reunion.) 
thoughts: this series deals with social media + the lives of class 1a after they become pro heroes and it is amazing.
 remember from here on in by aloneintherain (8.1k, G, gen) Aizawa glances from All Might to Midoriya quickly. It sounds impossible—he’s never heard of a quirk that can be handed down like a family heirloom—but at the same time, it makes perfect sense. Midoriya’s inability to use his quirk at the start of the year. The strange, familial relationship between All Might and Midoriya. The slow malnourishment of All Might’s body, like his power was being siphoned away.“You’re …” Aizawa begins.“I’m All Might’s successor.” Midoriya’s proud but shaky voice rings clearly down the empty corridor.Aizawa finds out about One for All. 
thoughts: this fic deals with one for all being revealed to aizawa + midoriya getting more quirks and it is amazing
could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita (5.2k, G, gen) Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.Or:All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit. 
thoughts: this fic is so lovely and i adore it so much
 the talk by parkrstark (3.1k, pepperony) “Wait, man, what’re you doin’?” Rhodey asked, leaning forward.“Giving the kid his talk before he goes off to college.” Duh.Rhodey blinked. “At 3am when you’re probably too drunk to even spell your name, months before he actually has to leave?”“Yeah.”Rhodey blinked again. “Okay.”
thoughts: this fic is absolutely hilarious and poor peter is suffering throughout all of it
 call you home by Madelinedear (19k, G, pepperony) sometimes family is who you're born with.and sometimes family is a spider boy, a rich not-dad, and a kickass aunt.(or; tony, may, and peter find a place in each other's lives)
thoughts: to me, this fic is the tony may co-parenting fic. like i honestly don’t think that anything can ever top it
I Never Lived 'Til I Lived In Your Light by losingmymindtonight (38.4k, T, pepperony, character death)  As the world shifts to make space for Morgan Stark, everyone around her shifts, too. (As it turns out, this also includes Peter Parker's sleep schedule.) 
thoughts: this fic is both fluffy goodness and heartwrenching angst and it handles both beautifully.
 Lazarus, come forth by iron_spider (47.9k, T, pepperony) Tony's mind is a chaotic mess but he remembers the moment—remembers his death, remembers the red hot pain and Peter screaming, Rhodey rushing to his side. How he knew he’d never see Pepper again—but they’d fixed it. They’d fixed the world, erased the lost time, set things right—and the kid was back. The kid was crying, the kid hated him for doing what he did, but he was back. He was alive.Tony Stark was dead. But now he’s breathing again, trying to think, gasping, hands tracing the box surrounding him, covering him, suffocating him.He’s in a coffin. He’s under the ground. He’s under the fucking ground.(Tony Stark dies defeating Thanos. But then he comes back to life. He has to find out how, why, and how to live again. And how to deal with the changes in the people he's coming back to.)
thoughts: although this fic was written and finished pre-endgame but to me this fic is the fix-it fic for film.
Identity Saga by KitCat992 (400.7k, T, pepperony) An organically developed, platonic slow-burn of Avengers-fam dynamic with a heavy hand of Irondad & Spiderson. Throw in an overdose of whump, a couple of cunning villains and a big-bad hiding in the shadows, and you got yourself this hot mess.
thoughts: i just love the avengers dynamic in this series and the whump is medically accurate which is amazing.
college applications: the biggest meme by sagemb (3.3k, T, pepperony) Tony covered his face with both hands and screamed very gently. “Can I just bribe the school to let Peter in?"
thoughts: this series is absolutely hilarious and i love it
 The Changeling + Armistice Series  by Annerb (586.6k, M, hinny, rape) Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
thoughts: this fic is absolutely golden and i adore it so so much. the characters are so well written and the worldbuilding in this fic is fantastic and it actually has an original aspect of hogwarts (aka the parlor) that i practially consider to be canon at this point. also the depiction of slytherin house + house unity in this fic is just *chef’s kiss*
 boy with a scar by dirgewithoutmusic (208.7k, T, hinny, romione, jily)  A series of "what if" rewrites of Harry Potter, books 1-7. Cross-posted from tumblr (ink-splotch).
thoughts: every single one of these fics are exquisitely written and i wish that i could experience the beauty of this series again for the very first time.
  Hogwarts, to welcome you home by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger) (11.1k, G, ginny) “You understand, Professor,” Harry began, after a moment, “that I don’t have my N.E.W.T.s. I never even finished seventh year. Between everything, I never had a chance the first time around, and then afterwards there didn’t seem to be much point. Hermione argued for it, of course, but I was so tired of Britain. So technically, I am completely unqualified for the position.”“Quite a way to begin an interview, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, dryly.Or, three years after the war, Harry Potter becomes Hogwarts' newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
thoughts: this is my favorite harry as dada professor i’ve ever read. no doubt about it
 And the Unethical Binding Contract by justafandomfollower (14.6k, G, gen) AU. What if the Triwizard Tournament took place in Harry's first year, not his fourth? 
thoughts: this fic is beautifully written and i love the relationship that forms between harry, cedric, krum, and fleur.
Regulus Black and the Way Things Changed: A Not!Fic by imaginary_golux (8.8k, T, wolfstar) What if Regulus Black, and not Severus Snape, ended up being the turncoat Potions Master of Hogwarts?A not!fic written in bullet points, ignoring the Deathly Hallows entirely because they annoy me.Beta by my immensely patient Best Beloved, Turn_of_the_Sonic_Screw, and by the delightful starbirdrampant.
thoughts: this fic may be ooc at some points but it’s so funny that that makes up for it
 Broadway Musical by Griftings (12.5k, M, destiel) This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
thoughts: this fic is quite possibly the single most funniest thing i have ever read. like i was straight up cackling when i was reading some of the scenes.
  Down to Agincourt by seperis (1 million+, E, destiel) There is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to war.The outcome's known. Why try? Return your rusty sword to battered sheath, bow your head and bend your stubborn knee. Why take the field when you cannot win the war? But Harry -- he went down to Agincourt.
--Harry Takes the Field by bratfarrar (AO3 link here.)
thoughts: this fic is an absolute work of art. the characterization dean and cas and all of the ocs is astounding the world building is immaculate and the writing is so detailed and in depth. a fair warning though to the first time reader as this fic can get very confusing at times but trust me it is worth it. 
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Hi! Ik it might take you a while to see this but here goes :) Can I request a Sirius x Reader, post-hogwarts (but when Lily and James were still alive) and reader and Sirius are in a toxic relationship where they truly love eachother but things are just always on and off, yk? And nobody ever knows wether they’re going to walk into the room all lovey dovey or walk into the room screaming at eachother, and you can decide the ending but please make it angsty :)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader Word Count: 4.7k Blurb: James and Lily plan a get-together to tell their friends some exciting news, but it doesn’t go to planned.  Warnings: Lot’s of fighting and yelling, toxic relationship and swearing, little bit of Jily where she keeps slapping James on the chest but it is playful and I couldn’t resist writing it I’m sorry.  A/N: Everyone in my inbox: ‘please write a part 2 to worst of you’, Me: *writes a fic with the same plot but at a different time*
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Everyone seemed to freeze as a loud popping noise was emitted from outside the Potter household. It was an unusually warm January night and the Potter’s were glad the weather had held off for their usual ‘get-together’ with their school friends. 
“Five galleons that they’re angry at each other,” James’ smirk was soon replaced with a frown as Lily playfully slapped his shoulder. 
“James! They’re our friends, don’t be so mean,” she tsked and shook her head, standing up to let the visitors in and missing Remus’ slight nod to James. 
James, Remus and Peter sat in the Potter’s lounge room seemingly frozen as they anticipated the state in which their friends would arrive. They really didn’t intend to be so mean to them. They cared and loved for them and had practically grown up as they had spent most of their Hogwarts life with the both of them. Sure a lot of that time was spent separately, but it was still spent together.
They had begun dating in their fourth year, they were both young and in love and they were both the other’s first, well, everything. They broke up at the beginning of fifth year and Sirius had done it. Something about not wanting to be kept down his entire life and needing a change - the reasons seemed to blur after a while. They had remained friendly with the both of them, but neither of them could stand to be in the same room as the other so that made it quite difficult to spend time with either of them. Until just before Christmas when the odd couple got back together because during their time apart they had realised that there was no one else for them. Until the second week back at school when she claimed to come to her senses and had realised that Sirius was never going to change and she could not spend a second longer with him. That was, of course, until after exams during the small Common Room party when they had woken up to the two of them in Sirius’ bed. All was well until about a month later and then it became hard to keep up with their odd relationship. 
It wasn’t that they didn’t care about them - because they did care about them both very much - but it was hard trying to keep up with them when one minute they were having a screaming match in the Gryffindor Common Room for all the first years to gawk at and the other they were cuddled up on Sirius’ bed pathetically telling the other everything they loved about them. 
Everyone was concerned (more intrigued) about what would happen to the odd couple after Hogwarts but nothing seemed to change. They weren’t dating when they officially graduated Hogwarts but by the next week when James invited them all over for a graduation celebration they were practically joined at the hip. That was, of course, until Sirius realised that he was free now that he was out of Hogwarts which led to a very loud screaming match on the Potter’s front porch where the three boys and Lily were sat in a similar position to where they were now: silent and nervous as they listened to their friends crying outside. 
“Bit awkward that they bought a house together now, isn’t it?” James’ voice was unusually high as he tried to make light of the very awkward situation they were in when they heard a popping noise and realised the screaming had finally ended. Similarly, Lily had playfully slapped his shoulder and scoffed, going outside to go and comfort her crying her friend. 
After that break-up James had asked Lily what she thought they did now that they lived together as opposed to Hogwarts where they could break up and get together as much as they pleased, both having their own dormitory to resign to at the end of it all. Lily had, once again, playfully slapped his shoulder making him exasperatedly ask, ‘what?! I’m curious,’ and so was Remus and Peter. 
“Well don’t tell anyone this but she told me that they have separate rooms and sometimes when it’s really bad Sirius goes to The Leaky Cauldron.” Lucky Remus and Peter weren’t just anyone. 
Now it had been over a year since they had graduated and the odd couple were still on and off and were currently just getting over a break-up which had also occurred at the Potter household during their last get-together. But apparently Sirius had come to his wits and came knocking at her door at two in the morning begging for forgiveness and they were just about to see whether or not it had worked. 
“Sorry we’re so late,” the three boys looked at each other; eyes wide, “Sirius couldn’t decide what to wear.”
“I just want to look the best for you.” They heard a giggle and a smooching noise as Lily reassured them that they were hardly late. Remus smirked as he stood up and reached his hand out to a disgruntled James who sighed as he fished in his pockets for five galleons. 
James didn’t plan on making this a game (especially not with the amount of money he was losing), but how could they not when they knew that the two ‘lovers’ would walk in either at each other’s necks and fighting or at each other’s necks and leaving a few ‘marks’.
“Hi everyone,” she was beaming and cheerful and she came around to give a big hug to everyone with Sirius trailing behind her and doing the same, “we missed you so much.”
 The Potter’s had two single lounges on either side of a three-seater lounge all facing a small table and a fireplace. James and Peter were sat on either side of the three-seater with Lily resuming her place in the middle and Remus on one of the single-seaters. 
“C’mere love,” Sirius mumbled in her ear as his hand wrapped around her wrist and led her to the other single-seater, sitting himself down and bringing her to sit on his lap. She leant her head on his chest and he put his arms around her waist. 
She felt content. She was sure that no matter how strange and chaotic their relationship was, her and Sirius were meant to be together. They were the other’s first love and when she fit so perfectly into his embrace how could she ever think otherwise? 
Sirius let out a sigh and a small smile formed on his face. He wasn’t really sure about anything in his life but this just seemed to make sense. He gave her a little squeeze before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Sure they had their moments, but isn’t love about getting through them all? 
Lily cleared her throat, trying to bring the attention of James, Peter and Remus to anywhere else but the odd couple. They were being anything but subtle with James and Peter’s bodies completely turned to face them and Remus practically off his seat all trying to get the best view of the time bomb sitting in front of them. 
“So, what have we all been up to since the last time we saw each other?” Lily regretted the words that left her mouth as soon as she said it, but she smiled confidently at them all as if she hadn’t said anything wrong. 
Of course, the last time they had all been together that bomb had gone off and they all had front row seats. 
Really, they should have seen it coming. Her cheerful smile was a blank expression and Sirius’ teasing comments were replaced with a, ‘they don’t know we broke up, just smile and act like everything is fine’ which they definitely weren’t meant to hear and which the odd couple definitely didn’t achieve. 
They had joked about it afterwards that it was the shortest amount of time it had taken them to start fighting. 
“Lily this wine is amazing, where did you get it from?” Sirius was sitting as far away from her as he could manage, their distance - lounges away - contrasting to the close proximity they were in now. 
“Oh, I got it from The Leaky Cauldron as a gift from Tom,” Lily seemed like she was about to continue before she was cut off. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried it if it’s from The Leaky Cauldron,” she couldn’t contain the smirk forming on her lips, “don’t you spend a lot of time there, Sirius?” She was going to stop there, she really was, but seeing Sirius’ hand clench on the arm rest seemed to ignite something in her and before she knew it she was asking, “or where you too busy fucking whatever whore came in that you didn’t have time to try their wine?” It took James, Peter and Remus every fibre of their being not to start whooping and shouting because as much as they loved Sirius, it was quite hilarious.
“Yes, I was actually,” Sirius stood up, “best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Oh shut up!” She stood and got up in his face. There was a moment of silence with Sirius’ glare challenging her sneer. Then, in a mumble which the rest of them could hardly make out he asked, “do you think I could have a word with you outside?”
It was more than a word. It was actually a lot of words. A lot of mean and nasty words which they all could hear as they sat inside in a similar position to where they were the first time they had fought like this when they first left Hogwarts. It was oddly silent in the house, with the only noise being their two friends screeching at each other outside. 
“You’re the one who sent me to The Leaky Cauldron,” Sirius’ voice was shrill and loud. 
“Well maybe if you stopped acting like a child I wouldn’t have broken up with you,” her voice somehow was louder than his. 
“Well maybe if you weren’t always so serious about everything then I wouldn’t have to.”
“You always fucking do this Sirius,” her voice started out softly but it rose towards the end. 
“Whatever, I don’t need this,” he sighed and with a quick, “fuck this,” Sirius disapparated and soon she was awkwardly walking into the lounge-room, tears threatening to spill as she excused herself and went home for the night. 
“Well Sirius and I got back together,” she let out a small laughm turning her head to Sirius who was playfully rolling his eyes at her. 
Peter’s eyes widened, Remus almost choked on his drink and James cleared his throat as Lily laughed with her friend and gave James an encouraging kick to the shin so he would laugh with her. 
“Thank Merlin we did,” Sirius whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her nose as everyone let their awkward giggles die down. 
She knew what everyone thought of their relationship. People might say that she was dumb for constantly going back to Sirius, but they didn’t know him like she did. Sure they all had front row seats to their constant bickering and fighting but they weren’t there when they got home and were tangled up in each other's arms with Sirius telling her everything he loved about her. But, of course, she wasn’t naive enough to think that the people around them hadn’t spoken about the eventful ending to their last ‘get-together’ and so why not address the elephant in the room?
Sirius also knew what everyone thought of their relationship. But he didn’t like people knowing the details, he was very private when it came to his relationships and why did people need to know anything about it? 
But he still smiled at her because this was their friends she was speaking to, they were like family and maybe it was okay if she let slip a few details about their relationship. 
“Obviously, last time we were here it was a bit different,” she turned around to face everyone else, a small smile forming on her lips as Sirius hummed and made a conscious effort to unclench his jaw. “But Sirius came home and apologised and we made up and trust me, we definitely made up,” she giggled before opening her mouth to continue. 
“Okay, I think they get it, love,” Sirius let out an awkward giggle as he spoke through gritted teeth. 
“Well if they can hear us screeching on their front porch then they can-”
“Well they didn’t have to hear us screeching on their front porch.” Her head snapped around to look at him smiling sweetly at her.
“What is that meant to mean?” She squinted her eyes at him as he took his hands off her waist. 
“Nothing, my love.” Sirius let out a deep sigh before pressing a soft kiss to the top of her temple. They were finally in a good place and he really didn’t want to pick a fight with her right here in front of their friends. Again. 
She glared at him hoping that he would understand how mad she was at him for picking a fight and then ending it as if it was all her fault. 
There was an awkward silence before James cleared his throat and everyone’s attention was brought to James. 
She felt a heat rise to her chest in embarrassment as she realised how pathetic their little row actually was and as James opened his mouth to start speaking she mumbled an ‘I’m sorry’ to Sirius who brought his arms back around her waist and whispered an ‘it’s okay,’ before softly kissing her cheek and bringing his attention to James. Maybe he had overreacted. 
“So I know Lily and I always invite you over for little ‘get-togethers’ because you’re our family and we love you all and we want to stay this close forever.” He turned to Lily and placed a hand on her thigh. She put her hand over his and beamed. They all looked around at each other and smiled in an acknowledgement that they were family and they did love each other very much. 
“And while this is all very true, James and I actually invited you because, well,” her and James looked at each other and let out a breathy laugh, “we are going to be extending our family.” Their beaming faces turned to look at their friend’s confused ones before Lily almost screeched, “I’m pregnant!”
A chorus of cheers broke out in the small living room as everyone got up to hug the new parents. 
“Lily, oh my gosh!” she let out a squeal as she hugged her best friend before continuing, “I’m so excited for you, congratulations!” She hugged her tight before letting go and Lily grabbed her hands and placed it on her tummy both of them giggling in excitement. 
Peter, Remus and Sirius gave their congratulations to James, waiting until the two girls broke apart so they could congratulate Lily. 
“Congratulations, mate,” Sirius beamed, patting him on the back before continuing, “can’t wait to meet the little baby and teach them everything you won’t.”
Their previous little feud had been completely forgotten by the majority of the room, fortunately overshadowed by the good news from the soon-to-be-parents. Once everyone gave their congratulations they resumed their positions across the lounges, a sense of excitement filling in the room as everyone was still beaming at James and Lily. 
“Now we want you to know that choosing the godparents was a really hard decision,” Lily’s hand was wrapped around James’ arm as she looked around to everyone individually in the room, “and we don’t want anyone’s feelings to be hurt, because James and I will have more children.”
“That we will,” James smirked, turning his head to press a soft kiss to Lily’s head. Despite their smiles, their friends scrunched up their noses in disgust and playfully rolled their eyes. 
“But we had to make a decision,” they were trying to be sympathetic but the smiling faces of all their friends were infectious and they knew that no one would be offended, “and the godparents will be,” James paused for dramatic effect before turning towards the odd couple in the single-seated chair, “you two!” 
She stood up and beamed at Sirius, grabbing his face in her hands and pulling him in for a kiss before bringing her attention to James and Lily. She pulled them both into her arms and kissed their cheeks, both them letting out a chorus of ‘thank you’s’, ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I can’t wait’s’.
When they sat back down Sirius’ grip on her waist was much tighter and this time she placed her hand over his and gave it a big squeeze. 
“We promise to be the best godparents ever,” she gushed, a large smile forming on her face. 
“Yeah, we’ll let them do everything you won’t let them do,” Sirius continued making everyone laugh. 
“I don’t doubt that you will,” James and Lily shook their heads knowing that as much as the odd couple would live up to their promise, they would never put the baby in actual danger. Well not any real danger. 
If they were being honest, which they would never be to the odd couple, they really weren’t convinced on making them godparents. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust them, they would trust them with their lives if they really had to. Well, they would trust them individually. They were amazing friends individually, but when they were together it seemed only a matter of time before they would explode and as they had experienced from the last few years, they really didn’t care who ended up in the destruction. 
When James and Lily had discussed the topic of godparents it was quite obvious that the odd couple would be the perfect choice because Lily wanted her to be the godmother, being her closest friend and all, and Sirius, who was basically James’ brother, was perfect to be the godfather because he was her boyfriend. . 
Well, at the time he was her boyfriend, but that was not long before they had the massive fight at the Potter’s and their concerns about them being godparents began to grow. 
“Maybe it will bring them together?” James had suggested innocently, shrugging his shoulders and earning a playful slap to his shoulder from Lily. “What?”
“Oh yes that will be great,” Lily beamed sarcastically at him, “I can’t wait to introduce our child to their fighting godparents only to have them go off and fuck in a closet and forget about their godchild!”
But Lily was convinced on having her as a godmother and James was convinced on having him as a godfather and it would have been a bit weird if they had given it to her and Remus and that probably would have led to another fight. 
So they decided to wait until they were in a good spot until they broke the news to them and when she had owled Lily to tell her that Sirius had apologised and they were thinking about getting back together, Lily was ecstatic to hear this (for the first time) and immediately sent out owls to come to their house in two days. She didn’t want to leave it too late in case they broke up again. Usually it lasted a little longer, but honestly who knew with them. 
Maybe it was wrong on their behalf, but godparents didn’t technically need to be together anyways so all that mattered was that they were together when they told them as this was the best case scenario with the least risk of them getting into a fight. 
But even though it was the least riskiest, there was still a risk. 
“And you were going to ruin their announcement,” Sirius chuckled, squeezing his arms around her and making her unsure about how she was meant to take that comment. 
Everyone suddenly went quiet. 
“What do you mean?” She raised an eyebrow but she hadn’t turned to look at him yet. 
“Oh merlin,” Lily whispered as all smiles were wiped off their friends' faces as they braced themselves for the explosion. 
“You tried to pick a fight with me just before they announced it,” Sirius explained, still seemingly innocent to what the outcome of his comment was going to lead to. 
“I didn’t try to pick a fight with you.” She turned around to face him, giving him a confused look but still trying to force a smile. 
“Really, well it seemed like you-”
“You were trying to pick a fight with me, you always do.” She furrowed her eyebrows together as their friends stared intently at her seemingly unable to take their eyes away from the emerging disaster in front of them.  
“I do not,” Sirius huffed, getting defensive as he took his arms away from her waist. 
“You’re picking one right now!” Her voice was getting louder and her expression angrier and Sirius let out a sigh. 
“I’m sorry, love,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead and went to continue before he was cut off. 
“No,” she stood up, “you’re an ass Sirius Black.” She could feel the tears start to pool in her eyes and she wasn’t sure if it was due to the anger or the embarrassment. “You always pick a fight with me and then you apologise as if I’m the one being annoying.” 
Their friends shared a look as they all seemed to shrink back into their seats, their previous excitement getting lost in the explosion. 
“Well at least I’m not the one who always has to make a scene in front of our friends.” Sirius stood up and waved his hand around to their friends who all moved their eyes away before she could turn around and see them staring intently at them. 
“Oh fuck off Sirius,” she rolled her eyes and sniffled as she felt a tear fall down her cheek, “do you really think they can’t hear us when we ‘take it outside?’” She asked, teasing him for always wanting to do so when it was obvious they would be able to hear. 
“Can you just fucking stop?” His voice was booming, “Tonight was about James and Lily but you just couldn’t handle the attention not being on you for more than two minutes, could you?” He was pointing at her and she squinted at him, a few more tears falling down. 
“How dare you?” Her voice was beginning to tremble and she hated that he would think he had gotten to her. She wanted to turn to James and Lily and apologise for being such shitty friends and tell them that she was really happy for them, but it was easier to pretend that they weren’t there. 
“What? Speak the fucking truth?” Sirius taunted, stepping closer to her so their faces were inches apart. “Well congratulations because you ruined their announcement.”
“How dare you accuse me of being such a shitty friend when you’re the one who is always picking a fucking fight with me!” Her voice started soft but as she continued it got more heated and soon she was yelling at him. Sirius clenched his eyes shut and took a deep breath. 
“Fuck this,” he mumbled, “fuck this,” his voice got louder, “you always fucking ruin everything for me.” He leant down so his face was even closer to hers before standing back up and clearing his throat. He finally addressed the rest of his friends as she angrily wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry that your announcement has been ruined, I’m really happy for you, mate,” he gave a sincere look to James and Lily, “and I am honoured to be their godfather. But I think it's time I went before anything escalates.” 
“I’m so happy you get to be the bigger person again,” she spat at him, but he didn’t acknowledge her words. 
He walked around the room and gave his friends a hug goodbye, congratulating them once more before giving her a dirty look and apparating to The Leaky Cauldron. 
He leant against the doorframe and took a deep breath. He really didn’t like fighting with her, as much as he did it and as much as people probably thought he liked it, he really hated it. But he just couldn’t help it. She knew exactly how to get his blood boiling and he knew exactly how to push her buttons but that was just because they knew each other so well. Too well, probably, considering their history. 
More than anything, he felt horrible for ruining his best friends, his brothers, announcement. He would never admit it but he did know that the fight wasn’t just one sided. It never was. He would get a room and write an apology to his friends immediately. Maybe they could celebrate together, with just him, to save any more dramas. 
There was the thought in the back of his head that he would be a godparent with her, but he decided to push it to the back of his head. He wouldn’t be able to sleep if he let his worries bubble to the surface. He wanted to be the best role model a godfather could be to this baby and at the moment he felt everything but. 
His heart ached as he replayed the image of the tears falling down her cheeks as she yelled at him and for a moment he considered apparating back to their house and holding her until she stopped crying and forgave him. 
He wiped the tears off his face and walked into the pub. 
She was mumbling out apologies any moment there was a silence. . 
“We are horrible friends, I am so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around both of them as they patted her back and told her it was okay, checking for the umpteenth time that she didn’t want to stay with them instead of going to a presumably empty house. “You’re too kind, but I just really want to go back to my comfortable bed.” And with one horrible attempt at a convincing smile she apparated back to her empty flat.
She threw herself on the bed and let out a muffled scream into her pillow. She hated that he knew exactly how to get her blood boiling and even though she knew exactly how to push his buttons, he had definitely initiated it tonight. 
She hated fighting with him, she hated the horrible twisty feeling she got in her tummy that always made her feel like everything inside of her was going to come out and she hated that he had the power to make her feel like this. 
But this time it was worse because even though they had fought in front of their friends many times, they had never brought so much attention to themselves when it really shouldn’t have been. She felt horrible and decided that first thing tomorrow she would owl Lily and meet up with them to properly celebrate. At least it would give her time to get a gift. 
Her mind wandered to the baby and how she was expected to be their godmother. Not that she wanted anything more than to be the best godmother the little baby could ever have, it was just that right now she didn’t know if she would ever be able to do so. 
For a moment she wanted nothing more than to have Sirius’ arms around her, shushing her and kissing the top of her head and stroking her back and telling her that everything was going to be fine. But she wasn’t sure that they were ever going to be anywhere near being fine. 
Back at the Potter’s the four friends sat in silence. No one knowing what to say. They shared a few looks and many sighs, but the tension was still leftover from the explosion and it seemed that no one knew what to say and no one really knew how to deal with the aftermath of the explosion. 
“So does this mean I get my five galleons back?” James asked innocently.  Lily shook her head and playfully slapped his shoulder as James whined when Remus shook his head. 
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
from thee quibblah putting this in here for the future WHEN foreigner's god goes up pls do a director's cut xoxooxox mwah
hello THEEEEE quibblah! thank u for this question also when can I expect ur formal mailed apology for WTRF because that second chapter put me in a DITCH
anyway. SUPER, SUPER long post under the cut! because I have no chill! have never had chill! idk what chill is, to be frank!
SO - I was actually so nervous to put the long snippet out there that had this quote in it:
"I’m dead, she thinks, even as she feels the steady thump-thump against her ribs, I’m dead. I’m dead. He found us. We’re dead."
because I was like oh that basically gives up the whole game lol, but luckily it was not so obvious that people immediately knew I was referencing canon. WHEW! I mean, a few people guessed, but thankfully if any other people figured it out they kept it to themselves so I wouldn't have a meltdown HAHA
I wanted the first flashback to be of Harry because 1) it immediately sets up what the past lives were without me having to explicitly say it (woohoo less world-building for me, a Lazy Person) and 2) I can establish that this is going to really center on undoing the tragedy of canon. I haven't really read a lot of 'lovers in a past life' fics, but one thing that has nagged at me when I have is that I want to know why these people got a second chance. what was so tragic about their past lives? why do they deserve a do-over?
and if anyone deserves a fucking do-over, it's canon Jily.
this scene also has possibly one of my favorite lines of the entire fic, which is:
"The stoplight switches from red to green, and without knowing why, Lily flinches."
I actually stared at that line for a good few minutes after writing it, because it felt like such a good, concise encapsulation of the entire plot of the story - she doesn't know what's going on, or why her body is reacting like it is, but she sees this flash of green light in front of her (obvious allusion to what her last sight was in canon as Voldemort cast the killing curse) and has a physical, visceral reaction. it's also more subtle of a line than I'm usually able to write, lol.
fun fact about the case I give Lily: that's actually based on when I worked for a French pastry store in college as a barista, and they made me sign a contract like that upon hiring, which was just...absurd. and then I showed it to my dad, who's a commercial litigator, and he responded with "that is the least enforceable contract I've ever seen in my life." so. fuck you, mister J. burrows.
also, for those wondering, Burrows and Elkins ended up settling for a reduced sum a few months later. neither Lily or James cared.
THIS lawyerly passage:
"At this, Lily can only quirk an incredulous brow; he’s just violated one of the cardinal rules of practicing law. He’s mentioned fairness.
Fairness has no place in a court of law, and neither does it in this conference room. Settlements and verdicts aren’t decided based upon what’s fair, or even what’s right; they’re decided based upon who adheres to a contract more—or alternately, who decides first to accuse the other of not adhering to said contract. In criminal cases, this contract is the law; in civil cases, it’s the documents and agreements that assign the distribution of money.
Every competent lawyer knows this. Frankly, every incompetent lawyer knows it, too, but they choose to try and leverage it anyway, because they’re either too emotional or too lacking in logic not to. It’s one of the first things taught in any legal education."
comes from a book I read in which a Contracts prof makes a very similar argument on the first day with his 1L class. I took a few liberties and am willing to admit that the whole "in civil cases, it's the documents and agreements that assign the distribution of money" is a bit contrived, but I wanted to show off how knowledgeable and sharp Lily is. so. inner monologue to the rescue!
ok I haven't really talked about this before, but writing those flashback scenes was HARD. honestly one of the harder things I've ever tried to write - trying to find a concise, legible way of describing the sensation of having an audiovisual hallucination was damn near impossible!! so saying "the world flickers" was me just being like WELL I GUESS IT DOES
the email-countersuit scene is where I really throw all knowledge of civil trial proceedings into the wind and say fuck it. would those reviews have actually been enough for a libel suit? do lawyers need to notify opposing counsel when filing a countersuit? do they need to communicate that via phone or email or letter? would Lily's counterclaim to his counterclaim even do anything? who the fuck knows! not me!
but that notwithstanding I did have seven separate tabs with various "how to file a countersuit" "what do barristers do vs solicitors" "how to set up a deposition" articles open at all times when writing. I am now seeing targeted ads for Men's Warehouse suits. FML.
the Sirius scene is....one of my favs.
THIS wonderful moment:
"It finally takes Lily’s own screeching objection—you two should be ashamed of yourselves, I know exactly what you’re doing, this venue provides a free lunch at half-noon so you’re asking nonsense question to keep this going, did you think I wouldn’t know—to get the meeting back on-track."
is quite literally word-for-word something my mom did in the 80s when a bunch of asshole lawyers kept asking bullshit questions to her witness during a depo because they wanted a catered lunch. and she actually yelled this at them. fucking queen shit.
also, I felt no need to include Peter in the flashback because there was just no way he'd contribute to that. and he wasn't going to make an appearance IRL so, goodbye sir, u are not needed
Remus as an A&E doctor made so much sense to me. he would subject himself to that much stress.
another fav passage!
"When Lily was twenty, she went on a trip to Paris with her best friend, and they watched the movie Inception for the first time in the hotel room. The next day, she walked the same streets she’d seen explode and fold inward onto themselves, and she biked to the same bridge where Ariadne grabbed ahold of the world and turned it into mirrors for her to shatter.
Hearing Remus confirm his friendship with James Potter gives her the same feeling; that she’s bearing witness to the intersection of fiction and reality, something grounded in the living world that holds a single, enduring tether to the imaginary."
I know this was very random of me, but I was not sure how to describe the feeling that Lily must have had when realizing that her subconscious brain has somehow predicted that Remus and James would know each other, and then I was like - oh, let's have her think about a movie and reconcile it with the real world.
plus, idk if anyone picked up on this, but the entire premise of inception is the mingling of dreams and reality. HMMMM? HMMMMMMM?
the dancing-to-the-beatles scene was the first thing that made me kinda cry writing the story. and I listened to blackbird while writing it, so that Made Things Worse. also, suze, that one was for u, my Beatles queen. ty for the tears xo
"Then, one day, he sends her a link to an upcoming exhibit at the V&A called Masters of European Impressionism. She’d been staring at the same link a few days prior, but had clicked off, abashed by ticket prices.
The link comes with a short message: my family are members, so we got some extra tickets we’re not going to use. I don’t know why, but you seem like the type to be a fan of impressionism. Let me know if you want the tix."
yeah I like impressionist art! and all of my art friends make fun of me for it because it's apparently very plebeian of me to have it be my fav style! so I was like fuck u Lily is going to like European Impressionism and we're all going to respect her for it.
also, we can expect another reference to Van Gogh in Bond and Free. just so u know that I know that u know.
one of the things that made me so nervous about putting this piece out there is the lack of dialogue. like, most of their communications happen via text/email/phone call, not really in-person. in fact, they see each other 4 times (once without dialogue!) before the Halloween Scene, and I debated for a while if that would be a turn-off for people or if everyone would just skip over the descriptive bits. so, thanks for not doing that, if you didn't!
SPEAKING OF the coffee scene:
"They run into each other in a Starbucks in Victoria the first weekend of September. He makes puns. She rolls her eyes but laughs, forcing reluctance for whatever semblance of disdain she can try and play at in his presence. He pays for her coffee. When she objects, stating that there’s no reason to single her out, she can pay for her own coffee, so he might as well just pay for everyone else’s coffee, while he’s at it, for god’s sake, he just blinks at her and shrugs.
And then he pays for everyone else’s coffee."
if you read the structure of the sentences in that paragraph, everything James does is very simple - 'he makes puns.' 'he pays for her coffee.' 'he just blinks at her and shrugs' while Lily's sentences are super long and run-on.
this is because I wanted to give everyone a very visceral look into the way that lily perceives their situation: she feels like she's in the middle of a very complex internal conflict, but to her, James is cool and collected and unbothered - she's not even registering any minute action he does other than 'he pays for her coffee' and 'he makes puns.'
if this had been from his perspective, it probably would have been reversed!
the war scene AHHHH
so, 2nd time J has called her after/during a dream. AKA, this man is having the same dreams as you, miss Lily, and he very much needs to confirm that you're ok and safe, but in this one we see him regret the decision and hang up before she can answer, unlike after The Sex Dreams, in which this man was so thirsty and so confused he just picked up the phone very desperately wanted to hear her voice. HA simp
can y'all tell I have never been to a psychic?
the Splintered Star thing was really fun to think about though, and I'm honestly not sure where it came from. it just felt very Fated and Destiny-based and I liked that it kinda-sorta explained the traversing of universes/reincarnation.
also. y'all rockin with the multiverse???
SO. so. the wedding scene. Yowza.
I know that it's a bit wild for Lily to just up and ask him what happens when they die, because like wow bitch u rlly said 0-100 Real Quick, but at this point she is so frazzled and sleep-deprived and desperate to sort her head out that it actually felt very honest to have her just skip over the small talk.
conversely, this also means that she hears his answer from a slightly-less-logical standpoint, and just takes it as a sign that he doesn't remember her instead of investigating further. but like. she's fucking tired y'all!!!!
YEAAAHHHHH the Train Station scene.
this made me cry super hard writing. I hope that is consolation to everyone. I was nervous because I know in canon it's like, The Veil, but this felt the most reminiscent of when Harry is about to die in DH, and I also really wanted to establish a sense of movement with their deaths. they don't just cross a Veil, they get on a train and they don't know where it's going to take them.
also, fun fact, I had another part of this scene mapped where the train makes a stop and they see Harry about to confront Voldemort in DH, and J gets to say his famous "until the very end" line, but I was pretty sure at that point I'd be run off Tumblr with pitchforks, so I just left it. but now all of you know. so. WHOOPS
Did I just add the detail that Harry was dressed up like a little deer when Voldemort attacked? Yes, I did.
Did I also add the detail that James's wand was in the laundry basket because he's a Frazzled Dad and that's why he attacked Voldemort without a wand? Yes, I did.
Did I then continue to add the detail that Lily hears James's body hit the floor? Yes. I really did.
It's ok, I hated myself too.
the Halloween reunion scene was...so hard. writing this story was so tough overall, because I had to not only give Modern J&L a reason to fall for each other independently of their last incarnations, but with this, build up to their reunion with enough emotional tension, and then on top of that, create an event or moment that would trigger them both to just lose their minds and reunite, even disregarding The Wedding. and adding the flashbacks on top of that?? GOD.
so. Halloween!
"The broken fragments of her past life are fusing together messily inside her head. Every blink of her eyes is a fleeting, flashing memory.
Mum and dad in Cokeworth. Petunia. Hogwarts. Magic. The war. The Order.
James. Harry.
Lily lurches off of the couch, nauseous, and tumbles down to her knees, hiccuping and gagging as sounds and smells and sights run a blitzkrieg on her brain, and she’s London in the First World War, time-weathered buildings crumbling within her, houses and schools and cathedrals burning into ash, giving way to rubble. It’s too much, to see all of it at once; to be two people, to share all the pain and the fear and the joy in vibrant technicolor."
I really, really wanted to get into the physicality of this. I think it would have to be painful and unpleasant and shocking to remember all of these things, and I think that the magnitude of her realization is part of what makes this moment so important: she doesn't just see flashbacks of a random other life - she has full, unmitigated understanding of who she is AND was. and then, because of this, she realizes she needs to see James there.
I loved writing J standing in the rain outside of her apartment. it felt equal parts tragic and sexy LMAO and absolutely something I could imagine him doing.
also, this passage:
"Logically, Lily knows that there are no witches or wizards or wands in this world, understands that whatever earth she lived in for her past life was built on different fundamental elements than this one, but when she throws the door open, she decides that there must be some sort of dormant, kinetic magic swimming below levels of dirt and magma, running subterranean pathways that sizzle and spark."
was so important to me - I had it written pretty much from the outset. because, yeah, I've sort of convinced you all that there's no magic in this world, but to get back to the base of it all: these people are soulmates who have been reincarnated. do we really believe that there's no otherworldly business going on?
another favorite passage appears:
"Their eyes meet, and it’s a star in supernova, the Big Bang, the creation of the universe. Suddenly there are entire galaxies within her, constellations of loss and longing and joy that crystallize under his eyes, shooting to the surface of her skin and attempting to take flight from her body.
A splintered star, Madame Arnaud had called her. A splintered star, looking for its lost fragments.
But to look at a star is to see it burned out, to stare at its ghost as the lightyears of distance trick the eye, and this, too, is true as she look at James; she doesn’t just see him, but the ghost of who he was, the mirror image of him forged from a life of war and magic, one they shared together, a stellar collision in a different cosmos."
yeah I had the two bracketing paragraphs written before I even wrote the Madame Arnaud scene, so then when I realized I'd written a star metaphor, I was like...oh dope! some continuity? as a treat?
this moment:
"“You—you left me,” she chokes as this misplaced grief swallows her, bites her in half and leaves her in sawtooth parts. “You didn’t—you didn’t have your wand, James—” (somehow, she knows he’d left it in their bedroom, even without remembering where her own wand had been that night) “—and you—I had to—why did you leave me—”
James reaches for her arms, and she nearly jerks back from his touch, but she hates the distance between them—because, really, isn’t that what this is all about?—so she lets him pull her forward until his face meets her neck, mouthing apologies into her skin."
was also really vital for me. is it logical for her to be mad at him? absolutely not. but she's just been bulldozed by every possible human emotion ever, the biggest of which is grief, so I wanted their first moments to be messy and angry and sad, because I feel like the people we love most are the people we can share those vulnerable moments with without fear of reprisal.
THEEE Oops Baby is coming!
I didn't actually think I was going to include this originally, I imagined the end of it being the Halloween reunion and then maybe tacking on an epilogue on Tumblr or something, but I came to the conclusion that I couldn't mention Harry and have him be such a vital part of the story without resolving his arc, too.
does that mean that there might be a real-world Weasley troupe and Granger family out there? POSSIBLY. who knows! I wanted to leave his future up to interpretation, with the only real stipulation being: he's going to have a happy and healthy life with his very alive young parents! because I said so!
"When they tell Sirius and Remus, something passes through the two men’s faces—something cloudy and distant, like they’re peeking behind a curtain that only they can see, and in it is some collection of wonders, some world appearing only to them."
anyone catch this moment? I debated it for a WHIIIIILE. but I wanted to give a nod to the fact that the lost souls from the HP canon weren't just Jily, but instead, all of the people lost too young who deserved so much better. Especially those fated to meet, like The Marauders.
a final few favorite passages that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside:
"“He’ll be here soon,” James murmurs, more to himself than her. “Not long now.”
Lily looks at him, watches as he traces a fingertip over the soft swell of her belly. Something warm and gentle settles in her chest. It stretches out and loosens its limbs, pressing golden handprints into the space between her lungs and painting murals of sunlight along her ribs.
“Do you hear that, Harry?” She whispers. “Your mum and dad have been waiting for you.”"
"James leans up and presses a kiss to her abdomen. “We’ll do it right this time,” he says softly, to her or to Harry or both—she can’t be sure. “We’ll get more time.”
Yes, Lily thinks, they will. She looks up through the bedroom window. The London lights are dimmer than usual tonight, and above them, the sky is twinkling with stars."
I guess the last thing I'll say here is that so much of the premise of this fic came from something a therapist said to me two years ago lmao - which is that trauma is often categorized as 'non-realization'; either the non-realization that an event is happening, or the non-realization that the event has happened, and that it's over, and that you're no longer in it.
this entire piece kind of felt like me exorcising the trauma of Jily's lives out of their bodies. it became super healing to allow them to work through this stuff by getting a second chance but still acknowledging their past life.
so! that seems like a healthy way to deal with fictional characters! ha ha!
omg. if you read this whole thing............good god, you are a champ. this was so long.
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