#;Frances Barrison
reaperlight · 1 year
Frances: Oh baby, what's wrong?
Cletus: I think I'm coming down with something. I've been so nauseous lately.
Eddie, seriously: Maybe you're pregnant.
*they sit there in silence for a moment*
Cletus: I don't know who's the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack--
Carnage: Um... about that...
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marionedde · 2 months
thinking about a sonic venom au...
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shadow would be venom, sonic would be eddie brock, vanilla would be Mrs. Chen, silver would be cletus kasady and blaze would be frances barrison
possiblities: amy as annie? i don't like annie much but her friendship with eddie is nice
Carlton drake would 100% be eggman. Riot could be metal sonic? not sure
silver would also kinda double as carnage.
and tails would be the priest that appeared for 2 minutes
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We are squaring up for the big final fight, when Cloak suddenly shows up, bringing along the suddenly no longer dead Dagger with him.
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thevondoom62 · 11 months
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Mania across Marvel
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murasakinocatt · 7 months
I just watched Venom 2 and the film is simply about Frances Barrison and Cletus Kasady trying romantic and sociopathic moments together while Eddie and Venom are in a recent divorce
🇧🇷: Acabei de assistir Venom 2 e o filme simplesmente se trata da Frances Barrison e Cletus Kasady tento momentos românticos e sociopatas juntos enquanto o Eddie e Venom estão num divórcio recente
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Shh 🤫 They're hiding from cops paparazzi 📸
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pageofqueens · 1 month
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DCUO Tribute Characters
Golden Age Cheetah
Bronze Age Cheetah
80s Psylocke
Shriek Dazzler Annalee
Jerri Blank lol
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frankenbolt · 1 year
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An offering to my fellow ShriekingCarnage fans out there. I see you. Your mass likes remind me of my OTP in these dark, Shriek-dead-in-canon times.
Do be sure to call me when she’s revived in comic, please and thank you.
Movie!Cletus and Movie!Frances continue to be my faves and I will stand by them for ever. Middle-age, desperately in love and manic losers that they are.
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venomorphs · 1 year
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venom as text post memes, villains edition
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gigisluigi · 1 year
In remembrance of what we could have had, from Paolo Giandoso's account:
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reaperlight · 4 months
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Oh sure!
Shriekingcarnage headcanons (a non-exhaustive list)
This is of course based on Movie!Cletus and Movie!Frances though incorporating some of the 616 backstory which of course gets really dark...
(tw: child abuse, csa, rape, incest, cannibalism, torture)
* So like their 616 counterpart they like metal music. Cletus especially enjoys Mötley Crüe.
* Unlike his 616 counterpart Cletus does not throw babies out of windows--his character has fundamentally changed from knowing Frances in childhood. Doing atrocious things will occur to him but he'll listen to her if she thinks its going too far.
* Unlike her 616 counterpart Frances is not a drug dealer because there's no evidence of that in the movies and doing so would be problematic and reinforcing racist stereotypes.
* The Kasady family is originally from Texas. Roscoe was a military man and so they had to move around a lot. Cletus was born in Brooklyn before they moved to San Francisco.
* Cletus has never been to Texas but he picked up the accent due to being kept extremely isolated by his family in childhood. This was to further hide both Cletus's meltdowns and the abuse. They abused him emotionally, physically, and sexually. They also neglected him.
* Cletus eats spiders because his grandma would frequently lock him in the basement and starve him. There was nothing to eat but spiders, nothing to drink but dirty water dripping from the pipes.
* That's why he ultimately pushed her down the stairs.
* Baby Cletus first became a cannibal when he ate some of his grandma before someone finally noticed the smell and called the authorities.
* Due to the trauma of his upbringing Cletus gets overly attached easily and has a tendency to fawn over anyone who gives him a crumb of kindness or affection. (See: Eddie. Friend? Must be friend. :) )
* Frances is a bit more well-adjusted ("this is some great-tasting kool-aid but...") and rational though she also has this tendency.
* this version of Cletus isn't a sociopath he's autistic but growing up he was convinced he was evil/bad/wrong by everyone but Frances.
* Frances's mother also had them move around a lot (Atlanta, New Jersey, Tulsa, San Francisco) because she always had a new gig/project/scam she wanted to try and also to hide the abuse. Frances's mother was very abusive towards her children both emotionally and physically but Frances took the brunt of it to protect her younger siblings. Frances's mother also starved her because she wanted to her to live her dreams through her and have her be a model/actress but thought she was too fat.
* Frances's shrieking powers manifested when her stepfather attempted to rape her and she killed him.
* Her family abandoned her after that and she ended up at St. Estes.
* While killing her stepfather had been an accident, for a while she felt really guilty about it because she was made to feel guilty by her mother, and the authorities, and she would never see her siblings again but after confiding in Cletus and her supporting her thst she was in the right and he got what he deserved and now she doesn't regret it.
* Frances never knew her biological father--he was murdered by the police for crossing the street while black. She likes to imagine that he was a kind and decent man, certainly better than her mother and stepfather and sometimes imagined what her life would have been like if her biofather had raised her instead but then again he'd been with her mother so maybe he had bad taste.
* Frances has two younger half-siblings Claire and Billy, neither of them have her powers. That's Claire Dixon (special agent of the FBI assigned to Kasady's case, unaware that her sister is involved with the killer) and Billy Bentine (a skilled chemistry with a gambling problem who, by complete coincidence, met Cletus before and considers them friends.)
* Initially Frances missed them both very much but neither of them came to see her, neither of them ever looked for her. In the end all her family had abandoned her. But she has Cletus and that is enough.
* At St. Estes, Frances helped Cletus with his schoolwork because she was better at discerning what the teachers wanted to hear.
* They'd take sanctuary in the library and read Gothic Lit together... away from abusive teachers and abusive peers and that's how Cletus learned to read. He did not know how--not because he's stupid but because no one gave a shit before. His parents didn't teach him and the school simply wrote him off as stupid. She instilled an interest in learning in him. (Later for the sake of survival he become self-taught in legal theory as well as Latin.)
* Frances's dream car became the dream car because they both snuck out of St Estes together to watch Natural Born Killers in theaters in '94. They watched it and were like #goals and also she wanted that car. They didn't get to see how the movie ended because they got caught and dragged back to St. Estes about halfway through.
Frances: Doesn't the main guy kinda look like you?
Cletus: I just don't see it....
They finally get to finish the movie after Cletus and Carnage break her out of Ravencroft
Frances: See he does look like you!
Cletus: ...Okay, maybe a little.
They would be more careful the next time they escaped.
* They escape a few more times. They like hanging out at the Hot Topic at the mall but St. Estes always confiscated anything they stole (or even bought) and brought back with them.
* Their biggest and most ambitious escape attempt would be the big road trip (in divergent aus this would be where they escape for good) where they escape St. Estes, steal a car, and drive over three hours one way to attend Ozzfest in '96.
* That's when they both really learned to drive. Due to being trapped at Ravencroft, Frances hasn't had an opportunity to practice driving since.
* Despite a complete lack of consideration for traffic laws they almost didn't make it to the show in time.
* They didn't have tickets of course but Frances uses her powers to blast in. Due to the overall noise level of the concert this goes unnoticed and they are able to sneak in.
* Cletus is hard of hearing. If you suggest Frances had anything to do with it, he will gut you. He listened to his music too loud. Of course that's the reason.
* Frances is a vegan for health reasons.
* She doesn't make Cletus be a vegan but he is careful around her and never feeds her meat and certainly not people (Unlike certain monster and their spawn...)
* Cletus and Frances get separate sets of cookware for meat and non-meat food, and Cletus has yet another separate set, out of their place of residence, for the people meat. He's not an idiot, he is quite careful about his nasty habits and to keep it out of the house and away from Family.
* Cletus naturally has no problem with the eating people part of the symbiosis thing but finds the whole eating them raw to be kinda gross. He did not go to the effort of learning to cook to go back to eating raw man meat. Not that Carnage would listen if he complained.
* He's happy to eat vegan with Frances, she's a very good cook, and if he has a craving he can always pick up a burger... or a guy to eat later.
* Cletus is not Hannibal Lecter, he's not a great cook. "Cooking" means sprucing up some cheap ramen or a microwave burrito with spiders and/or human flesh.
* You'd think he and Carnage would have similar tastes regarding eating people but Carnage prefers her prey live and raw and when Cletus cooks it Carnage complains that he's ruining the meat.
* Cletus gains some mentors/adopted parents in the time after Frances is taken and he leaves St. Estes. They are the kind of people who upon finding a feral teenage cannibal say "is anyone going to adopt that" and not wait for an answer. They are "We can fix him" not as in some stupid and invalidating moralizing he'd never accept but as in we can be supportive of his revenge quest against Ravencroft and help him be a ninja and better killer. He gains skills and resources from them to continue his search for Frances. They also show him what loving/supportive parental figures are supposed to look like.
* His mentors meet tragic ends (not by his hand) and its yet more angst in a shit life he was sure even country music song writers would find a bit much.
* Frances is very good at puzzles because when she was stuck in the box, the crossword puzzles and sudoku in the newspaper were the only thing she had to stimulate her mind.
* Because Ravencroft pretends to be a mental hospital much therapy speak and victim blaming were used against her. This makes Frances more reluctant to get therapy later.
* Frances plays guitar and in aus where they escape and start a new life she becomes the lead guitarist for a popular female-fronted metal band called The Doom Maidens.
* Frances has the Sith Lord-like psychic powers (that is in addition to the shouty powers she also has telekinesis (throwing stuff around with your mind and can augment physical attacks with force of will), mind control (potentially on a massive scale), telepathic communication, flight) she has in the comics but they are latent due to the torture and trauma she went through at Ravencroft--lights kept on frequently, unable to sleep, and kept in solitary confinement barely ever seeing another human being is not a good environment to develop powers which are based on empathy. Once out and with Cletus and/or their family she can channel them through the power of love.
* Cletus surfs, a hobby taken up as cover so no one questions his comings and goings at Rodeo Beach. He'll dump a body and then go catch a wave. His surf board is silver and red. It began as cover but he does genuinely finds it relaxing. When he gets Frances out they have fun together as he teaches her to surf.
* They are all bi and they may also be aspec Carnage having no sex drive of her own and Cletus and Frances due to trauma. (Both Cletus and Frances are csa victims.) But they want kids and want to please each other so they do have sex.
* Cletus has a preference for women (namely Frances) though one cannot successfully bond with a symbiote and continue laboring under the delusion that they are completely heterosexual. (Cletus swallowed Carnage-- you know where those tentacles went. And then there's Eddie... "Bestie! I love you!" "Please go away.")
* Cletus and Frances are extremely loyal to each other but also open to experimentation/polyamory/ethical nonmonogamy if the other/their partners are cool with it.
* Carnage is transfemme and Cletus is genderfluid. They both discover this because of each other. Carnage because Cletus has a preference for women = He'll like me more if I'm a lady so asks to be referred to as such. Carnage finds she genuinely likes being referred to as a woman and it's another way to distinguish herself from her parents. And Cletus finds he doesn't mind when they shape-shift.
* Cletus and Frances probably don't know any of these terms and just think it's more proof they are broken somehow. Carnage would know those terms from Eddie and might be the one to tell them.
* Carnage could heal Frances's eye and brain damage if they were to bond (and if Cletus could convince her to help and not just be a petty bitch and eat her.)
* If Carnage did bond with Frances, she could copy Frances's innate immunity to her Shrieking powers and gain a resistance or immunity to sonic attacks.
* Cletus and Frances knew Eddie as kids, protected him and took him under their wing and protected him from the worst of it. Eddie was five years younger than them and doesn't really remember them but they remember him. This is why Cletus knows about Eddie's shitty family history.
* Eddie was the baby of their "Family," Cletus cares about him and Frances would have wanted him to protect him---that's why in canon compliant aus Cletus gets caught and ends up in San Quentin because he falsely confessed to the murders that Eddie and Venom committed. That's why Eddie didn't get in trouble despite all the bodies in his apartment and also why Mulligan is so focused on and antagonistic with Eddie. Because he thinks Eddie isn't telling him everything he knows about Kasady while Eddie knows jackshit.
* Cletus and Carnage are actually a perfect match but their bonding was quite rough, and Cletus already loves Frances so Carnage feels she's competing against that. And she can't help but notice and resent being Cletus's replacement goldfish for Eddie.
* Carnage also feels like they are just her parents again with the roles reversed where she, the symbiote, has to be the responsible one... (while being the worst of the lot.)
* Carnage is the symbrock baby left in the dumpster. She remembers being Venom, she also remembers being Eddie, being human, which would be very disconcerting if she didn't also have the Klyntar genetic memories to go on. She also remembers being Anne which is helpful when deciding on a new gender.
* Carnage having Anne's memories also helps Cletus should they ever be able to settle down and he and Frances pretend to be a normal couple with new identities he can immediately begin practicing law without a license and pull in some big bucks in an almost honest way.
* Because Carnage initially was a fragment of Venom and Eddie her initial opinion of Cletus was quite negative. But they had to bond and do it quickly to survive. So she did and didn't care if she hurt him in the process because he was an evil twisted monster... but then they bonded and she understood where he was coming from, that he only wanted to save the woman he loved and was only eating bad guys--just like her parents... and she feels incredibly guilty for the way she treated him. The part of her that remembers being Venom is also initially very disconcerted upon finding Cletus in everything she could ever want in a host. All the complaints Venom had about Eddie were nonexistent in this man her parents/past selves hated and labeled as evil.
* When bonding Cletus initially assumes he's gone to Hell and that Carnage is the Devil. It probably should have taken a while to repair their relationship. It helps that she's very apologetic, does everything he asks, and is love bombing him insistently and Cletus is completely starved for affection and contact. So they're actually pretty cool up until Carnage gets hurt by and threatens Frances.
* Of her parents, in terms of personality Carnage takes after Eddie the most. She has his pettiness and penchant to use big words and eloquent language. She also embodies Cletus, Eddie, and Venom's worst qualities... and dials them up to 11.
* Carnage wants Cletus, and those he cares about and considers family, to be safe and belong even if the whole world has to burn. Cletus, tired and just wants to retire to a quiet life with his wife, has to talk her out of genocide and world domination.
* Carnage sees Cletus the same way that Cletus sees Frances--his one bright light in a Hell World. Cletus is initially very disconcerted by this but does his best to teach Carnage what Frances taught him and Cletus becomes even more deeply appreciative of Frances for putting up with his bullshit.
* Carnage does bond emotionally with her host and his wife because Cletus and Frances both know knows what it's like to be abandoned and none of your family of birth giving a shit about you.
* Carnage adopts a ginger cat who is both her pet and secondary host. She names her Slayer, mainly because Cletus wouldn't let her name her Cletus II.
* Carnage does not like leaving Cletus but sometimes Cletus and Frances want alone time and Carnage doesn't care for the shrieking even if they insist sometimes screaming is good. Carnage does not agree.
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Is Eddie going to be Cletus' wingman, and help Cletus gain the courage to ask Shriek out?
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He tried.
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Carnage wants to kill the Dopp, but Shriek wants to keep him like a pet, or weird child... and we see the first look at her sonic powers here... which is an interesting team-up for a symbiote.
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thevondoom62 · 1 year
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Ben and his brother always seem to have issues to work out, whether it be with each other or with their shared enemies.
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Death of the Venomverse #002
Art by Gerardo Sandoval, Victor Olazaba and Jim Campbell
Written by Cullen Bunn
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cletuscortlandkasady · 6 months
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New year, old draft.
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