#<<<what even his name. i think of him as the cool evil ichigo but i am unsure if he has an. actual name
bbq-potato-chip · 2 months
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littleeyesofpallas · 10 months
Bleach’s Issue with Queer characters (1/3)
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So, someone recently(when i started this draft anyway) left a kind of incoherent rant on one of my posts.  It wasn’t actually related to anything I’d said in the post, and just came across as disjointed babble, so it didn’t warrant a direct reply at the time.  But it did bring up a subject I would actually like to talk about:
How Kubo handles gender queer characters.
I think it’s a little easy to look at the most glaring cases, come to the conclusion that he doesn’t handle representation well, and leave it at that.  That’s valid.  And he’s clearly not well versed or tactful in how he portrays these characters, and it’s really not that unreasonable to judge him for it.  But I also think there’s more going on with it than that really accounts for, so let’s pick at it a little...
By and large what Kubo does is some pretty by-the-books queer-coding villains, and what amounts to casting effeminate men in adversarial roles.  In the big picture, it’s not a good trope to be falling back on: it comes from a bad place historically, and even if Kubo doesn’t mean anything bad by it (and I’ll get into why I think he genuinely doesn’t) it contributes to the momentum already behind it that other, less well intentioned creators and readers inevitably stand to do more direct harm with.
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The earliest case of this is actually from Zombie Powder.  Very early episodic villain, Ranewater Calder is a youthful and even girlish looking man who is actually an old man sustained by a youth restoring drug.  He’s a villain of the week type, so the fact that he’s pretty and evil is literally all there is to him.  Moreover, his fixation on youth, his vanity, and his deception (he pretends to be a frail, dainty victim at first) all link directly to his moral character.  Although Calder is himself never made out to be gay, the archetype he's clearly based on is a pretty classically homophobic characterization at face value
But even here it’s not totally black and white...  
There’s a snag in that Kubo’s not writing some 1950s American pulp novel where the perils of homosexuality spell self-destruction or divine/dramatic irony on the loathesome villain; he’s writing a shounen action manga, and it operates on the Rule-of-Cool first and foremost.  Calder isn’t a vehicle for moral preaching by religious conservatives, he’s a highlight character taking up valuable print space in a popular comic.  He’s attractive, he has a cool name, he has a cool weapon with a unique fighting style, and even his vanity and deception aren’t there to make him unappealing, they’re there to make him compelling.
And herein lies the root of Kubo’s problem.  He just likes having cool characters, and he crams them in where ever he can fit them, and that often means in villain roles.  Moreover, although some characters get more vilified than others, even within the scope of villain roles, not all of them get to stick around long enough to be developed as either something other than queer and villainous, or to get the full turn around.  After all...
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Yumichika was a villain at first.
And you’ll noticed I hesitated just now at calling it a “turn around” and not a “redemption” or “turning over a new leaf” because frankly, the Shinigami never actually changed alignment.  They were circumstantially the villains of the Soul Society Arc until Aizen turned on them to be the bigger "real” villain.  Technically it was Ichigo & co. that changed alignments from fighting against the Gotei13 to fighting with them.  But relatively aside, Yumichika became a good guy and his favorable portrayal got to outweigh his villainous introduction.
Speaking of which, there’s not a whole lot to go over with it, but Yumichika’s original appearance pretty closely mirrored the profile of Ranewater Calder’s bit in Zombie Powder: a kind of “sissy” prettyboy is obsessed with his looks, and other than just being a guy with a sword pointed at the established heroes making him a villain, that vanity and narcissism make them mean, judgy and vindictive.
But Yumichika came back, and stuck around, and frankly became something of a fan favorite.  And I think this particular development says a lot about how Kubo looks at these situations.  You’ll notice, he didn’t actually have to change Yumichika’s character much to shift him from villain to hero.  Yumichika gets a little less prickly, but he’s still vain and it’s not even something that anyone ever frames as a problem he needs to work on.  In fact, the introduction of his shikai brought into play a new facet of his vanity: Deception.  So we’re back to that Ranewater Calder framework, where the prettyboy has something to hide with his looks, but in Yumichika’s case it’s shown as an almost endearing quality.  He hides his sword’s powers, a reflection of his true self, to fit in.  But this isn’t shown to be a thing to pity, his willingness to sacrifice a part of his own identity is portrayed as a kind of noble restraint.
Now, granted, I don’t think those elements all play nicely together. (In fact, the nobility of his self-restraint is a very dangerous thing to uphold as a virtue) But when it comes to trying to draw a line between message and intent, I think the most pertinent thing to consider as context isn’t actually the villain or hero dichotomy, or even your own personal feelings about the themes in play, it’s the attitude ("attitude" as different from “intent,” mind you) of the creator towards his creations: Kubo seemed to enjoy making Yumichika.
He had fun with his design (the feathers and the weird sweater collar thing) He had fun with the sword, with giving him a secret power.  He had fun writing his vanity rants.  He didn’t have to have Yumichika, he didn’t have to bring him back, and he didn’t have to add to his character, but he did.  He invested his own time and effort and space on the page to him and to making him interesting to have around.
But like I said, Yumichika’s the lucky one.  He came in early, got to have a comeback, and had time to stick around.  But consider that when Kubo was floundering around trying to figure out how to salvage the mess that was the late TYBW arc, he didn’t need to bring back Arrancar, and he didn’t need to bring back the ones he did. (in fact, only the Privaron even make sense in-world, Luppi and Charlotte weren’t convenient choices, they were just Kubo’s personal picks.)  And when he did finally get around to cleaning up the Sternritter?  Bazz-B was an obvious choice to keep, sure (following that Renji/Grimmjow mold of the hotblodded rival who bucks his own organizations rules) but Giselle and Lilttoto?  That was Kubo playing favorites.
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Luppi was so short lived, it’s hard to really say anything about him.  He was basically just reusing notes from Yumichika’s first appearance, which again also refer back to Ranewater Calder in Zombie Powder for basic aesthetic and demeanor.  (It’s actually kind of weird that Yumichika never really had any kind of dynamic with Luppi when they fought.)
Side note here, but Kubo really loves to build some of his recurring character types around a certain kind of scene or dynamic.  Byakuya and Ulquiorra both do this thing where they’re supposed to be the stoic unflinching types, but they actually get shocked and surprised almost constantly.  Kubo seems to be going into it with the mentality that he thinks it’s cool when the character who predicts everything and always has everything under control, can’t predict something and doesn’t have it under control, and just reverse engineers a stoic person for the purpose of having them “break character” later.  In this vein Kubo seems to have a real love of very pretty characters shifting into a kind of sinister “ugly mode.”  It wouldn’t serve his purpose to just have them ugly or obviously meanspirited all the time, the ugliness has to be served up in its reveal as that “breaking character” moment, even though that “breaking” moment is itself the core of the character.
Not to get too heady about this little observation, but it honestly feels like something that applies even to Kubo’s broader writing habits; wanting the payoff of a twist, and planning said twist first but then reverse engineering the supporting ruse only as a matter of course.  Just a silly little thought...
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 220 Thoughts
Time for Gojo to come out of the box. As Gojo's allies gather together there's a lot that could be said in terms of what Gojo's unboxing, and coming back into the story will mean for future developments. In particular this chapter seems to be focusing on the individual vs the collective themes that are present all throughout Jujutsu Kaisen.
1. You Say that Like It's Easy
One thing I want to begin with before discussing the Gojo-related parts of the chapter, is to establish that Gojo's unboxing might not be the magic fix-all that characters assume it to be.
First, Jujutsu Kaisen is not a story where things are narratively easy. If you need an example just go back a few chapters, when it seemed like everyone in the culling game working together to finally free Tsumiki, this happens.
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Hey, turns out she's possessed and there's no way of saving her. Not only was she possessed, but she's been possessed from the beginning and was merely pretending to be your sister, and you didn't even notice because you weren't paying close enough attention to the sister you're supposedly fighting to protect.
The words "Why did I assume...?" are important here.
Jujutsu Kaisen is unique among shonen manga, because it tends to punish characters who think and act like they're in a Shonen manga. For example, there are lots of shonen protagonists with evil sealed inside of them, Naruto and the Ninetailed Fox, Ichigo and Hichigo to name a few. However, when they lose control they tend to not permanently damage anyone. It's more of a "Hey, look at this cool uncontrollable power getting released". When Naruto goes full nine tailed fox mode nothing too bad happens, because the author generally doesn't want to get blood on the main characters hands.
In the first ten chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen, the manga starts out by establishing that Yuji is a one in a thousand years freak occurrence that can somehow manage to keep control of his body when Sukuna takes control. He also manages to switch between himself and Sukuna when Gojo wants to test Sukuna's powers in a fight.
Then when Megumi and Yuji face an opponent too difficult for either of them to fight, Yuji gets the idea of switching to Sukuna and making him fight the curse and taking control back when he's done. However, Yuji is punished for his assumption because he didn't understand the reason why he was easily able to switch back and forth when Gojo asked him to switch. Gojo established a binding vow in that moment that gave Yuji the extra boost he needed to regain control. Yuji assuming he can just switch back and forth no problem and use Sukuna as an easy out in situations, not only gets Yuji's own heart ripped out, it nearly gets Megumi killed.
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Whenever characters think in story book tropes, they get punished. What I mean by that is exactly what Mahito points out to Yuji here, assuming you're the hero of some story and everything will work out the way it does in a storybook.
Jujutsu Kaisen goes out of is way to establish early on that "Jujutsu Sorcerers are not heroes." They're not really saving the day so much as they're barely surviving. The characters live in a very grey and nuanced world, however, a lot of the main characters tend to lean towards more black and white thinking because it's easier to think that way.
Yuji even says so, he's a cog he doesn't need to think about what his purpose might be. If you're a cog in a machine, or a character in a stage play following a script then you don't have to think and act for yourself. You don't have to self-reflect. In a world where most Jujutsu Sorcerers are forced to just, put their heads down and do their jobs it's inviting to think that way.
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For example when Yuji is thanking Gojo and Megumi for giving him a role to play, he's employing narrative thinking. Yuji's basically spent the entire arc not thnking about anything. He doesn't want to think about whether he's responsible for Shibuya, because the weight is too much. He's not pursuing redemption or running away, he's just suicidal and trying to find a knife to throw himself on.
If Yuji can give himself over to angel to exorcise Sukuna, and then angel can bring Gojo out of the box because of that, then that means Yuji can finally die in some grand heroic gesture rather than live in the extremely harsh reality.
You could say narrative thinking is just escapism, why live in the real world when it's nothing but indifferent at best, and cruel at worst, when you can avoid that reality and pretend you're in a story where your actions have meaning. That is what Yuji has been searching for since the beginning of the story. A role to play. He tells Yaga he wants to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer and eat Sukuna's fingers because it gives him a greater role.
I've always been good at sports and fighting. But I've never once thought... that I was the only one who could do something. Consuming Sukuna... I know that's something only I can do.
So narrative thinking / escapism = bad. The goal of Jujutsu Kaisen after all, is to raise young people into strong adults who can survive in the world. In order to survive of course, you have to live in reality, you have to find a reason to keep going in the real world. A fantasy is always going to end eventually. Yuji's fantasy of being a hero was ruined when Sukuna rampaged on Shibuya. Megumi's fantasy of saving his sleeping sister from a coma, was ended when he didn't even recognize his sisters' body was stolen from her. In these cases, these characters are often blinded by their fantasy to the reality.
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After all narratively we never get to meet Tsumiki, we only ever seen Megumi's version of her, that's present in his head, along with his longing to see her again. Tsumiki never once narrates her own story, we never see the story told from her perspective, Tsumiki might as well not even exist, she's been overwritten entirely by the memory Megumi had of her.
Tsumiki is just a story of a sleeping princess Megumi must wake up at this point. He even tells Tsumiki to go back to sleep and let him do all the work. The fantasy blinds him to the reality, not noticing or paying attention to the hints or his intution that Tsumiki might be acting off.
All of this to say, as excited as everyone is for Gojo's unboxing, it makes me nervous that the characters are once again treating Gojo like he's going to be a magic fix all.
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Maki has a conversation with Ui Ui along those lines, that actually things are easier for them now because all they have to do is kill Kenjaku and Sukuna and everything is magically solved. However, Kenjaku isn't dangerous because he has Geto Suguru's body and therefore is a special class sorcerer. He's dangerous, because he's a good thinker and plotter.
Not only did he have years to plan this in advance, but in general instead of fighting situations head on he thinks around them. In that way, just blindly assuming that the way to defeat him is by fighting him, being stronger, and killing him seems like the worst possible way to deal with him. Kenjaku's not a danger to the kids because he's stronger than them, he's a danger because they're bad at strategizing and literally none of them are big picture thinkers.
This is something I've wanted to point out for awhile, but the problem with the kids in Jujutsu Kaisen isn't really that they're not strong enough. The main characters are pretty much all overpowered by this point, Yuta is a special class, Maki got two power upgrades in a row, Yuji somehow got even stronger after losing Sukuna, Choso doesn't have raw power but he's an isnanely good strategic thinker, Hakari has shown his jujutsu technique can take on the likes of Hajime and Yuta. Considering they also vastly outnumber Sukuna and Kenjaku, it's not really a problem of power levels at this point.
The problem is they're all followers, and not one of them has a head for strategy. Yuji literally called himself a cog. Yuta announced to Geto as he faced him in Zero that he actually has no idea what the world of Jujutsu is like, he just wants to protect his friends. The reason why Sukuna took Megumi's body in the first place, is because Sukuna had a long-term plan, whereas Megumi and Yuji just sort of assumed things would work out and did not try to plan around Sukuna's plan. He didn't overpower them, he outwitted them. Which is what brings me to my next point.
2. But you idiot, who's alone?
So, here's where I question whether or not Gojo's unboxing is a good thing. I'm not talking about "Is this good writing or not?" but rather narratively will Gojo being unboxed will lead to positive development in story or negative developments.
As I stated above, characters in story tend to believe that Gojo is a magical band-aid which once released will fix all of their problems.
Yes, Gojo is individually strong enough that he can take on Kenjaku or Sukuna in a fight and confidently win against them. However, if individual strength won every fight Gojo never would have been sealed in the first place.
Number one, narratively the whole purpose of the long stretched out culling games arc it to show all the characters learning to fight in the culling games without having Gojo Satoru around as a buffer. They needed to fight their own battles and grow in his absence. If they all, collectively as a group just decided their job was done once they unboxed him then that'd be negative character development.
Number two, Gojo is sort of the embodiment of the toxic individualism in Jujutsu Society even though he's also trying to subvert it. Gojo is really good at one thing, and that's killing what the higher ups point at and tell him to kill. Of course that's simplifying, but Gojo has subversive political ideas yeah, he wants to replace the higher ups with his own allies, he will throw his political weight around to help kids but Gojo ultimately still is a cog.
Gojo's a part of the society that he's fighting against, he draws all of his self-confidence and identity from the fact that he's the strongest, and he does more or less believe in might makes right philosophy. Gojo doesn't really want to deconstruct the idea of might makes right, or the toxic individualism of Jujutsu Society. What he's doing is raising kids that he hand picked, to be strong enough that he can put them in important political positions to support his regime.
Of course I'm not saying that Gojo should just burn down the whole world, I'm saying that Gojo's not able to fully pull himself away from the toxic individualism that makes up Jujutsu Society, because he's essentially both the central cog in that society, and the crutch holding up all of society on his shoulders.
If anything, Gojo's absence should have shown how wrong it is to have all of Jujutsu Society rely on one strong person, because it completely falls apart when he's gone.
A good part of this chapter is also devoted to characters who are not the overpowered main characters, and yet still made a contribution that helped with Gojo's unboxing.
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Amai is more or less a scrub with a weak cursed technique, that Yuji didn't even remember the name of. Takaba is a joke character with literally no idea how his cursed technique works. If it were not for these two literal nobodies, then Gojos' unboxing would have completely failed. Hana is also, soeone who loses most of her power and is only able to contribute one thing that the whole group needs.
Amai tells Yuji that he's too weak willed to stand up to bullies, not only when he was being beaten up by them, but when they bullied other people he didn't care and just hid behind them. He's extremely weak willed and yet someone like him made a contribution that Yuji wasn't able to do.
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These things go very much against Gojo's very toxic idea that all of society rests on his shoulders, or in the hands of a few powerful people.
It's another contradiction within Gojo's character. He assumes he's fundamentally alone, because he's the strongest looking down on others and therefore no one can ever understand what it's like to be him. However, it's Gojo himself who chooses to look down on others.
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Which is what Shoko says this chapter. Gojo's not actually alone. There's plenty of people around him, trying to be there for him, Gojo just chooses not to see them. Gojo willfully isolates himself because he's been taught that is strength places him above others and he's internalized that.
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It's why he placed his friendship with Geto on such a high pedestal, for awhile because they were the strongest together Gojo knew what it was like to have an equal. With Geto gone even if Shoko's right next to him it doesn't matter.
Which is what makes this scene so touching, that there are people who want to be in Gojo's life if he'd just let them be... and also so hilarious because Shoko's just telling Gojo he needs to get over himself. If the story is following its themes of the individual versus the collective though, it won't be Gojo who saves the day here, but the students he's fostered to be strong enough that they don't need him anymore.
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amostimprobabledream · 2 months
You're on!
Coyote Starrk
SMASH. Have you seen him? He's gorgeous! Also he's the number one Espada, so y'know. The power. Also I like his voice and he has a surprisingly sad backstory for a 'villain' character.
Barragan Luisenbarn
Him old and not in a hot dilf-y way. Pass.
Tier Halibel
Smash! She's gorgeous and dignified, and she's probably the least likely to accidentally (or purposefully) kill you.
Ulquiorra Cifer SMASH SMASH SMASH. C'MON FUCK ME, EMO BOY! Ugh. He's so rude and cold, and his character development is so good. Those pretty green eyes and the smooth voice. He's so fine.
Nnoitra Gilga
Pass. He's scary. I WILL say, though, I do think Nnoitra is a really well-written villain. He perfectly encapsulates what it means to be a Hollow, especially in his backstory with Nelliel and fight with Kenpachi. I do kind of hope Kubo brings him back for the Hell Arc like he did with Syazel.
Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez
LIGHT OF MY LIFE. FIRE OF MY LOINS. DO YOU KNOW HOW DOWN BAD I AM FOR THIS MAN? I literally started watching Bleach just for him. I was on a Naruto forum one day and somebody had a fanart of Grimmjow as their signature. I was like, "WHO is that fine man???" and the rest is history. I've loved him since like 2006 and he's the origins on my Junichi Suwabe fixation and one of my major villainfucker influences. Icon. Everything about him is so fucking cool, the god-tier design, the voice, the fights. Wow.
Anyways, Smash. <3
Zommari Leroux
Pass. His design is cool but then his fight with Byakuya immediately yeeted any cred he had out the window. Also he had barely enough screentime to leave any lasting impression. Szayel Aporro Granz
I can never spell this fucker's name. Anyway, Pass. Again, his character design isn't bad but the flamboyant evil nerd thing is off-putting to me. He kind of reminds me of one of those villain Pokemon team admins you fight midway through the game.
Aaroneiro Arrururie
Pass. The only time this man jar thing is hot is when he's wearing Kaein Shiba's face. And same with the Zommari issue, you never get a sense of who he is as a character because his screentime is so limited. (Another character's surname I had to google because I forgot it.) Also he lost to Rukia.
Ew. Pass. -
Since the Espada are so hilariously divisive (half look like greek gods and the other are straight-up abominations), I'll include the ex-Espada for fun.
Luppi Atenor Pass. I'm sure the extremely androgynous look is someone's thing, but personally I like my male characters a bit more rugged. Also his personality was kind of lame and his fight with the lieutenants was nothing to write home about. Nelliel Oderschwank
PASS. I could write a literal essay on how much I dislike her, but in the interest of brevity I'll say this - her design is fantastic but that's all she's got going for her. The bitch has two personalities and both of them suck, hyperactive toddler or condescending and holier-than-thou.
Dordonii Soccacio Pass. He's so forgettable I had to google what his last name is. I don't think his design is bad but I don't really remember him except Ichigo whooped his ass and then he got drooled on by Nel.
Cirucci Sanderwicci
Smash! Goth chick solidarity ftw. It's a shame such an amazing design was given to a minor character because I love it, she's easily as pretty as Halibel but unfortunately since she had one fight and got stomped by Ishida I think the fandom forgets her. Also I like her name, it's that classic Kubo balance of being goofy but kinda cool.
Gantenbainne Mosqueda
Pass. It says something about how forgettable you are as a character when Kubo didn't even bring him back as a Mayuri zombie, instead Charlotte got revived just for being popular. (L for all Barragan's other fraccion.)
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Hello Hello! I've spotted the Deck of Phoenix tag enough times on my dash now that I HAVE to ask. Whats it about? Care to share the cool oc universe story thing? If you're interested in doing so of course! I would love to hear about it (:
This is going to be long and barely coherent/word salady but here you go friend Merin :)
Okay so... Deck of Phoenix. Prefacing this with with the fact DoP's message is about finding your own way to deal with trauma of all kinds. All of the characters have their own trauma and deal with it in different ways for better or worse LOL! LMAO! The main 6 we have for the cast are Neptune, Vikki, Teresa, Twilip, Ichigo and Salem. Salem is Ollie's OC that got absorbed into the story and became one of the linchpins in Ichigo's backstory (Childhood friends who were kinda romantic then shit happened and then OUAHGAHFDHGgeF anyways)
The magic system in the story is really complicated to explain because it really only makes sense in my brain at the moment and it's supposed to be universal across many different alien worlds :) Hehe! Did I mention this is a fantasy sci-fi? In the way of a fantasy world in a sci-fi setting!!! HEHEHHE!
Every person/soul is born with an ability that aligns with two sigils (magic types) and it can range from something extremely powerful and useful to something that never even manifests. An example of the latter would be a character we have; she seemed powerless until she died because her power was to revive permanently when brought back by a necromancer. Back to the main characters! Neptune canonically has schizophrenia, he has the ability to see the future of someone when he looks them in the eyes, which is how the story starts and also how he finds out he saves the universe from an evil tyrant called Paradox (Name might be temporary, idk lol) But yeah he has a character arc that might be spoilers so i'll explain on discord but it makes his schizophrenia so so soooo much worse <3 <- Projecting my problems onto him. (Also he is the only human in the group)
Vikki's powers are under construction but! She is basically the glue holding the crew together and is a satyress :3 She likes ballet and is the sweetest person you'll ever meet unless you get on her bad side HFGJEHFVQ Also she's built like a centaur and it's so cool to meee cuz I love drawing non-human characters
Teresa is like if Doc was a Loverboy and also a necromancer >:) I'm thinking about giving her the weird gender swag just to make one of the others the only cis person in the group TKYURLF (Twilip) Xe's an alien from a desert planet and is kinda a cyclops lynx/kangaroo mouse and she kinda looks like a vortigaunt now that I think about it..
Twilip. How do I even explain... He's like if Boomer (bubby x coomer) was a person tbh.. Cranky old man who gives tutorials and worked at a library and he misses his late wife so so much :( BUT he has a swag ass pen that can make drawings come to life and he's about the size of a cat btw if you even care <3 /ref
Ichigo... WHERE DO I START. Ichigo's been our OC since we were a KID! So they technically have the deepest lore due to sheer time scale soooo.. They use any pronouns with a preference for they/them and ze/zir and zir sooo everything to me <3 Imagine Leading Light with cloud's buster blade and soooo many more insecurities... Yea :) I can't even begin to dive into their backstory because I will be here FOREVER but long story short, canon system allegory with being 3 souls meshed into one body by the US government to be a super soldier (A human, an alien, and an inter dimensional being) and the alien part is destined to destroy the universe but that's beside the point! Teehee!
For Salem I suggest asking Ollie because I don't wanna misinterpret anything about him <3
That's all I have for now because my fingers are starting to hurt from typing /g /lh I hope you enjoy!!!!! >:)
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primofate · 3 years
Smile for Me (Part 5) Zhongli x fem!reader
Summary: Zhongli never smiled at you the way that he smiled at his memories of Guizhong. Thinking that the only way Zhongli would ever be happy is for Guizhong to come back again, you secretly set off on a journey to bring her back to life. But it comes with a price: Your life.
Warnings: pining, angst, one-sided (at first), hurt, angst again, drama, some Guizhong x Zhongli, hints of Xiao x reader, MAY NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL LORE, not proofread.
Notes: This took longer than expected too. It’s just that I didn’t want to take too long explaining what happened and everything, I didn’t think that was the main focus, but my OCD self still wanted to include an explanation so...
Read: (Part 1)   (Part 2)   (Part 3)   (Part 4)   (Part 6)
“I told you not to do anything reckless,” was the first thing you heard when you opened your eyes. You hadn’t even processed anything yet. Not where you were. Not who was talking. Not even who you were. It came back to you very slowly as the ceiling started to become clearer. You rolled your head sideways to see Xiao, arms crossed and glaring at you.  You blinked. As if missing pieces of your brain slowly coming back and you shot up from the bed, gasping. In alarm, Xiao stands as well and places his hands on your shoulders out of instinct. “What’re you doing?!” he hisses and you only look up at him, horrified. “Rex Lapis found out?” you whispered, eyes not hiding the fact that you were crestfallen. 
If you were back, it only meant one thing. Someone took you back and you knew who it was. Xiao’s lips turn into a tight line, but he urges you to lay back down on the bed. Wangshu Inn. You recognize the decorations.
“Rex Lapis found out,” he confirms, but his fists ball up tight. Xiao himself had forgotten about you too, and the guilt he felt at that seemed to have increased his burdens. “...and he was enraged, Y/N, more so than normal,” Xiao explained and your shoulders slump, head down towards the hands on your lap. 
“...and so was I... I warned you not to go to Wuwang Hill!” You winced at Xiao’s tone, but he had said nothing after that. You fell into silence as well. The only sound between you two were the birds chirping outside. “...I thought...” before you knew it the droplets were landing on your hands. Xiao stiffened up at the realization you were crying. “I thought it’d be better if she came back and I left,” your voice is barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to take care of him, Xiao. I don’t know how to serve Rex Lapis for him to be at ease, the way he was with Guizhong. I don’t know how to make him smile the way Guizhong makes him smile. I--” and your sobs are soft, because you hold them back, because the last thing you wanted to do was to come back and face Rex Lapis and his questioning gaze. 
Xiao suddenly stands. Your eyes dart over to him in question. He’s looking at you with guarded remorse, and yet, his face is stiff. You blink up at him, and watch as he walks backwards off to the side and bows towards the door that you hadn’t noticed had opened.
Your eyes widen, amidst your tears you can see the unmistakable blur of Zhongli standing there. Expression unreadable. 
In the next moment, Xiao has left the room. 
You cannot process what just happened. He continues to stand there, as if a statue, the only indication that he was living was the soft rise and fall of his chest. A shiver runs down your spine and you wipe the remaining tears you had left, reduced to just sniffling under his gaze.
“You must be wondering what transpired,” Zhongli starts, but doesn’t make a move to come closer. Not really, you think. You didn’t really care about what happened. There was only a deep set embarrassment in your stomach.
“It turned out to be an evil spirit residing in the tree for millennia. Trapping lost souls...Chongyun and Xiao had to help me restrict her.” He seemed to take in a ragged breath. “It’s nothing short of a miracle that we got you safely out of her realm,” here his voice changes. The tone hiding a type of anger that was slowly boiling over, like a volcano about to erupt.
“I could not imagine what would force you to go through such lengths, Y/N,” you could see the bits of lava spurting out now. “and to discover that I was the reason. Xiao is correct. I was enraged in the process,” the volcano was rumbling, and you didn’t know how to escape it’s wrath, you only fiddled with your fingers. As if a child being scolded.
Surprisingly he ended his speech there, and the volcano had simmered down. Rex Lapis was not one to lose his cool, specially after hearing what you said, and finding out the reason for it. You could hear the unmistakable sound of his shoes walking over, but you refused to look his way and look him in the eye. You didn’t have to though, because his fingers touch your chin and gently moves it towards him.
“...But I was more unsettled because of my own shortcomings. My lack of ability to see through you and stop you,” he drops his hand when he was sure you were going to hold his gaze. “You have misunderstood, Y/N. Guizhong is a past memory, I’ve long since accepted it. But of course, no matter how much time has passed, I still cherish those memories,” He takes the chair that Xiao was previously on and even sitting, he’s still a tad taller than you who is on the bed. “And so how do you imagine I felt when I discovered you’d chosen to erase all memories of you? Those memories that I cherish?” 
Your head moves to try and look away from him but he catches it yet again with his hand and levels a gaze on you. He doesn’t want you to look away. “There was nothing to grasp at,” he starts and you notice his voice descends into a whisper. “Nothing to remember you by, it was by sheer luck that I found out,” you see that something shifts in his gaze, an emotion you’ve never seen in his eyes before. “Despite remembering your face I could not recall your name.” He doesn’t say it but you can see the frustration in his golden orbs and your lips part in wonder. “I had only realized it then but forgetting you completely is...” he pauses, searching for the right words to say. “...is like losing myself,” 
He takes his hand away from your face and fresh tears start to pool around your eyes. “...I’m sorry,” you croak out but he shakes his head. “The apologies...should be coming from me,” his hand then slips into a back pocket, and retrieves a small rectangular box. A golden one, something that you seemed to recognize but not completely.
“I had one made for you,” and hands it over. Your hands grasp around it delicately, and the front flap opens up to reveal a fa-zan hairpin, the crystal design at the end of it were...blue Forget-Me-Nots. The type of blue that usually matched your qipao. Your eyes widen a fraction, and your lips upturn at the irony and thoughtfulness of it all the same. At the corner of your eye he seemed to relax at the expression on your face, but he covers one of your hands with his and you look at him curiously.
“Please do not think that I have done this out of pity,” Zhongli, in some ways, knew you quite well. “It’s something...that I should have done a while ago, but my own inadequacies and hesitance had prevented me,” he takes your hand, and as his eyes close, his lips presses on your knuckles briefly. 
“But there is no rush, Y/N, I will gain your trust back, as it deserves to be gained,” 
His lips part from your hand, and his eyes gaze upon yours. 
“I will protect you, as you deserve to be protected,” 
and then there’s an unmistakable fire of determination in his eyes.   
“and if you allow it... I will court you as you deserve to be courted.”
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26 Reasons why Qrow is not Ruby’s father and why Taiyang is Ruby’s father
In response to the toxic aspect of the fandom attacking CRWBY and demanding that their desires for Qrow be chosen over canon, or how they feel their theory is more valid than the show itself? I have researched RWBY to make this 26-point Discussion as to why Canon is valid, and fancanon is not when it comes to Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Summer Rose.
 1.       “Monty said NO”    Most obviously. Monty Oum.
   He said in this tweet that ruby and yang are half-sisters…half-sisters,  which means they share the same mom or dad…in this case Taiyang….
Now people have claimed “he obviously meant step-sisters or cousins” Why is it that every time we show the English dictionary to you people or ask you to read it, that you claim you are being attacked or that you claim Monty was misleading us?
 2.       The writers said NO
   Miles Luna debunked this theory on Reddit…
   He pointed out that Ruby sees Qrow as a Role model, so she adapts her colors to be similar to his.
   And you don’t need somebody to be blood to be your role model.
 3. “Rooster Teeth said NO” Rooster Teeth even said that Qrow is "Ruby and Yang's Uncle" They also said “Ladies, he’s not your man”
 4.  “But what if Summer had feelings for Qrow? Why does Qrow Serve Ozpin?” Qrow said in Volume 6 " No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... " So he was saying he wasn't wanted, so no relationship with Summer. SUMMER DID NOT WANT HIM. And he was literally saying he served Ozpin because Ozpin gave him purpose. It’s pretty sad how people think Qrow can only be a complex character if he obsesses over another person’s wife and child. What , you wanna make him Severus Snape, the Lilly Potter stalker who insulted a girl’s face and tried to poison a boy’s pet and publicly outed a teacher?
5, "But Qrow could be lying" Except in volume 6 Qrow literally said "Don't lie...we're better than that"
And in volume 7?
" Long time ago. I just found working alone tends to be for the best "
" Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field. "
And finally World Of Remnant on Patch.
" Nice place to raise a family, if you're into that sort of thing. "
  6.  “Qrow fans claim that Ruby and Summer form a core part of Qrow’s character and backstory.” WRONG! The main accusation for demanding Rooster Teeth / CRWBY change the backstory for Qrow would accomplish nothing.
Raven already pushed Yang onto Taiyang to raise on his own.
Qrow forcing Tai to Raise Ruby alongside Yang while Qrow could regularly visit, and while Summer lived with Taiyang, Yang, and Ruby?
It would cheapen Qrow’s character….blood isn’t everything.  Neither are cliches.
 7. “But what if Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer’s death?” Volume Chapter 6, Burning the Candle.
Yang tells Blake that she (yang) and Ruby were raised together by Summer and Taiyang…not by Taiyang on his own, but by Summer and Taiyang.
Yang clearly had memories of being raised by Summer and Tai both,  which meant that Summer and Taiyang lived together raising Ruby and Yang for Several Years.
  8. “Does Taiyang care about Summer or Ruby?” Taiyang was noted to have shut down when Summer didn’t come back…. Yang noted this in Volume 2 Chapter 6, and Ruby mentioned in the first episode of Volume 3 that Taiyang missed Summer. Qrow also said that Ruby is Taiyang’s “Special Angel”…. Ruby has also pointed out numerous times that Taiyang is Overprotective of Ruby. In fact, Ruby's conversation with Penny about overprotective fathers.
 9. “Qrow knows Taiyang is Ruby’s Father. Taiyang knows Ruby is Taiyang’s daughter. Qrow has referred to Taiyang as Ruby’s father during volume 3 and 7. Taiyang referred to Ruby as his daughter in volume 3.
 10. “Why didn’t Taiyang train Ruby in Martial Arts?” Taiyang is a martial arts fighter.   Ruby has neither the build nor the personality for ruthless hand to hand combat like her sister… Taiyang would trust Qrow, despite his semblance.   Remember how bad Ruby was in v5?
 11. “Qrow’s semblance is not what his fans exaggerate it to be”
Speaking of Qrow’s semblance? He was playing video games with his nieces,   taught at Signal Academy,   and could train Ruby… Clearly,  his semblance is not what theorists make it out to be.
 12. “Why doesn’t Qrow treat Yang the same way he treats Ruby?”
Yang is the daughter of Qrow’s sister,who abandoned the team.
During a one on one interaction between Qrow and Yang after yang vs mercury, Qrow called his own niece crazy, after she had been framed.
Qrow was not empathetic to Yang.
Qrow may not like Yang’s resemblance to Raven.
Ruby is the daughter of his two closest friends, so of course he’d prefer Ruby over Yang.
 13.  “Examples of Taiyang caring for Ruby.”
Volume 2 Ruby was excited when Taiyang sent a package in the mail, not even knowing it was Zwei.
Taiyang was at Ruby’s bedside in V3, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
He also tried to bring her breakfast in bed.
Taiyang said he wanted to chase after Ruby, but had to nurse Yang back to health.
During the V8 broadcast, Taiyang was upset when the broadcast was cut.
 14. “Genetics research”
Black hair is the subtype of the pigment for blonde hair…
Also, Ruby’s got the same hair strand that Yang and Taiyang have.
Finally, black hair is more dominant.
So Ruby doesn’t need blonde hair to be Taiyang’s kid.
 15. “The STRQ Photo”
The photo....Qrow was with STRQ for four years...do you really think Qrow is not allowed to cry on the photo unless he was romantically involved? Can't a man grieve over the death of a female friend that he was NOT in a relationship with? Or are men not allowed to have female friends? Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach for example...friendship. They were his friends, his family. People seem obsessed with the idea that Qrow cannot care about a woman unless he was romantically involved or unless he's their bastard father.
 16. “Men and Women…as friends, platonic” Harry Potter as a book showed that a boy and a girl can interact and still be friends…
Why can’t Qrow be Summer’s friend?
Why does he have to be her lover?
We’ve seen Qrow talk about Innkeeper’s skirt lengths and leer at Barmaids who flirted with him.
Also, he’s shown to be bonding with both Clover and Robyn.
People act like he doesn't flirt with anyone , and yet he does.
 17. “Bad Luck Charm” Qrow has spent his whole life with his semblance, named after a Crow.
Raised by the Branwen bandit tribe.
“You and I are not the same, you don’t want the burden of my name” Both Branwen and Qrow are names that Qrow hates due to his semblance and past…
People may think of him as cool, but Qrow suffers from self-loathing.
So NO, the Bad Luck Charm song does NOT in fact allude to Qrow being Ruby’s father, but that Qrow hates himself, hence a major part of why he’s alcoholic.
Proof of which is his volume 6 exchange with Ozpin about being useful, which Qrow disagrees with, leading him to drink further. Yang literally said that she had never seen qrow so drunk before in v6.
And Ruby encourages his self-worth leading him to try giving up alcohol….
His alcoholism is tied to low-self-esteem, not relationships.
 18. Manga Anthology
Taiyang was shown in the Manga Anthology to have shut down upon Summer’s Death. That impacted his relationship with Ruby and Yang. Qrow? Is relatively unaffected. The good Uncle helping around the house. Taiyang haters and Qrow stans took this to demand that Qrow is entitled to Ruby, despite Taiyang recovering and doing his best to be a father. Anything Qrow does is worshipped like Mother Teresa, while anything Taiyang does, good or bad, is downplayed and smashed. Taiyang loved Summer so much he was devastated by her death. Qrow was unaffected. Think about that.
 19. “I like Brats” Why does Qrow spend time with kids he’s not related to? Because he likes kids. You know how there are adults who enjoy being around brats? That’s Qrow. He didn’t have romantic feelings for Summer, he liked being around her because she was like a kid. Similar to how Blake likes Ruby’s idealism? And trusts her leadership?
 20.  “Taiyang the 2-timer accusation”
A woman on youtube claimed that Taiyang was a 2-timer who cheated on raven with summer, as there was, in her and her friends’ minds, “no way that taiyang could be with half his team” When asked about TaiQrow as a joke, she was angered that people even ship TaiQrow.
But let me ask you this. Are you the same person you are now that you were 10 years ago? People claim that Qrow was somehow cool in beacon…because he’s cool now. But Taiyang, who raises two kids, and holds a job and a house…cannot be ruby’s father…because he’s not cool? And that somehow he was never cool? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had to be cool to be a parent. I also had no idea people were only allowed to be in one relationship per lifetime. Raven freaking abandoned Tai for the tribe. Summer chose Taiyang over Qrow. People literally make Qrow out to be either an OC in a shipping fanfic, or a Naruto fanfic where Naruto is written to be fawned over by a girl whose canonical spouse, boyfriend, or male friend is somehow rewritten as evil.
1 year…..in 1 year since Raven abandoned Taiyang and Yang, Summer Rose the friend of Taiyang’s who he had known for 4 years, became more than a friend.
So no….Taiyang is not a two-timer…he moved on from Raven.
 22. “Why can’t Taiyang talk about Summer?” To WHO? He’s barely got 15 minutes of screentime, and the writers did NOT do him any favors when they had Qrow demand he leave so Qrow could tell Ruby a secret Ozpin trusted him with, before telling Ruby to run away from home leaving only a freaking note. Terrible daughter. Even Yang was prepared to do the same! To a man whose first wife abandoned him! At least Weiss has a legit reason for acting as she does against Jacques, several at least. Ruby? No. Now why would Taiyang talk about Summer’s fighting style to Yang when trying to get her to stop acting like Raven in her fighting style and semblance? Sure if there was more time…but RT at the end of the day isn’t some money-hungry political entity, it’s a startup at the end of the day, they don’t have the ability to do a full anime episode. Also, Taiyang cannot go out on these active missions…he was a schoolteacher who did not do missions until only recently…he was retired, remember.
 23. “These fanworks make more sense to me”
Qrow fans have tried using fanworks to justify their theory or ship, the same way Blacksun fans or Adam apologists make similar claims, and even Raven fans try to claim Raven is somehow a good mother. What do these fanworks do? Hate on Taiyang. Dismiss Ruby and Yang being half-blood siblings. Ignore multiple elements of the show or scenes. Occasionally shit-talk the writers.
Every time somebody tries to make a “rwby rewrite” or “rwby alt” or “Qrow is ruby’s father au” they cannot do it without completely rewriting the characters in so many forms and even the show, till Qrow, Raven, Taiyang, and Summer are NOTHING like they are in the show…And ONLY how a shipper wants qrow to be.
Or rewriting qrow to be nothing like he is in the show.
Most Alt or Rewrite consists of making Taiyang abusive, a cheater, or refusing to allow him to interact with Summer, while regularly pushing qrowxsummer at each other.
So no…it’s not that it makes sense to them through some fanart….a headcanon that has been debunked is no longer headcanon. A theory that is shut down is no longer a theory. There’s a reason anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers still exist. Because to them, their theories make more sense than reality. Which is why people still believe Qrow is Ruby’s father the same way people believe vaccines cause autism. Neither are true, and no amount of facts will shut them down, but they’re both popular theories.
 24. “Qrow Rings and Cross”
People claim that Qrow was married to Summer or that his cross represents him mourning Summer. Did the STRQ photo, in v3, the same volume as his appearance, not show Qrow with his rings, his cross, and angrily scowling, while Summer was right next to Taiyang?
 25. “What about Summer Rose’s choice?”
Remember how I said making Qrow’s character based on solely Ruby and Summer, ignoring everything regarding the tribe and ozpin giving him hope, and the grimm reaper…was bad writing? There’s a reason people hated v5. Raven was proven to be the deadbeat, Qrow was shown to have friends, and that Taiyang knew about Salem, and of course it was confirmed that Yang and Ruby again were sisters by Raven.
Now how about Summer? Team leader….took a man and a daughter who were abandoned by her friend…and made them her own. Yang calls Summer Rose “Supermom” and “Her Hero”…was literally willing to storm a bandit camp so Raven could use her portal to take Yang to Qrow, so she could get to Ruby. And yeah, I know the RWBY critics scream “why didn’t Yang just look for Ruby in Mistral?” It’s a bloody kingdom, and Yang was pursuing a lead, that Tai had given her, and Qrow told Yang he’d look after her sister. Remember that? Oh wait, RWBY Critics forget, my bad. Anyway, she’s more of a sister to Qrow than his blood sister Raven, she’s more of a mother to Yang than Raven, and she’s more of a spouse to Tai than Raven. Good Stepmother. Non-married couple. Relationship built on trust. Blood is not the same as family. (Example Weiss’s remark to her father) (Or Dom Toretto)
So making Summer into a throw-away character who dies so that a brooding jerk of an alcoholic can claim character development? Making a woman nothing except a throw-away for a man to get development is BAD WRITING. For God’s Sakes, even Pyrrha was written better than that! She interacted with team rwby, nora was always helping her out, and so was Ren (though those shakes are a crime against humanity” But when Qrow fans try to demand he’s ruby’s father? Their fanworks make Summer as much of a flat character as Preston Harvey from Fallout 4, where they make Summer unable to do anything but be obsessed with Qrow and having his child, similar to how Preston cannot think of anything other than “Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your pip-boy”
 26. Finally, the accusations that CRWBY are lying.
“You have to be ****** if you believe CRWBY when they say Qrow isn’t Ruby’s father” “CRWBY is lying, it’s what writers do” “It’s okay for writers to lie, it’s good for plot” “I’d prefer it if CRWBY was lying to us” “Monty is dead, the writers should change it now” “Monty is dead, nothing else in the writing matters” “Monty was hiding the truth from us” “CRWBY is hiding the truth about Qrow being Ruby’s father” “It makes sense for CRWBY to lie to us” Look at this…Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram…. The first quote? Was a woman who was using an anti-autism anti-disability slur defending the theory. Never have I ever seen people so obsessed with a  theory that they would deny reality and be rude to the very writers and original creator. But the QrowxSummer and Qrow is Ruby’s Father fandom group has made countless cases of this. THIS is how they defend their theory? And people upvote, like and support these remarks? SHAME SHAME SHAME
I get how people desire qrow to be Ruby’s father for ships or fanfics.
Even to where they make Taiyang a hated character just for the sake of making sure nobody disagrees with them.
But the attacking of RWBY and CRWBY, claiming that “this needs to be fixed”, or getting angry at RT for not giving you the non-canon ship you want? Claiming that just because you want it to be so, that somehow your ship/theory has “validity?”
That reflects poorly on the fandom and critics.
But then again…. It’s easy to ignore what’s real and what’s a fact that when theorists and ship-pushers and CRWBY Haters on youtube tells you to stop listening to monty and the writers, and instead believe whatever you want and claim whatever you want, Because surely you know what’s better for the show than the people who worked on it, right? Ha ha ha, no. THAT is the ULTIMATE disrespect somebody calling themselves a fan could ever give. And if you think or agree with that type of logic, you should look in the mirror.
I looked for backup sources to defend CRWBY and RWBY, you’ll find them below.
Backup sources include:
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover Watches Bleach Episodes 164-165: All My Faves Try to Straight up Kill Each Other
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(adding a cover pick from now on I think)
1. So back to Uryu and Renji’s fight huh. Dammit why Shonen always gotta leave the MCs bleeding to death for like 20 episodes. 
2. I guess I should be responding more to their fight, I mean I like these two as well. But we just ditched the fascinating “What does GJ want with Hime” plot for these shenanigans, so I’m just a tad bit impatient to get back to that.
3. FINALLY BACK TO ICHIGO. Nel is ok and she’s saying his name a lot while he doesn’t respond. So he’s apparently dead? 
6. Hime is now looking at what appears to be Ichigo’s corpse. OMG GRIMMJOW BROUGHT HER HERE TO HEAL ICHI? Are you heel turning GJ? Also Ulqui is returning to Hime’s cell to find the evil girls and castigate them.
7. Nel is begging Hime to heal Ichi. I don’t think she needs any encouragement honey. Ill admit Nel’s constant screaming is a little annoying so I do kinda feel GJ when he tells her to shut up (assuming she’s some kinda immortal instead of an Actual Kid)
8. Hime is, of course, healing him, but struggling with it. GJ explains Ulqui did it. OK so GJ is mad at Ulqui for Taking His Prey and Hime does in fact succeed in healing Ichi. I got you GJ. No one else is allowed to kill Ichi while you’re around. 
9. Just as GJ name drops Ulqui Ulqui appears. He’s like Candyman.
10. Damn so now almost all my faves are in the same room. We’re gonna have a four way fight between Ulqui Ichi GJ and Hime? yes. Or whatever will happen here. 
11. Ulqui: “WTF Are you doing Hime?” GJ: smirks. Hime: “Um...it’s complicated”. Ulqui: Hand her over. GJ: Attempted murder. OK so GJ is officially betraying the bad guys? I think? I mean he’s trying to kill Ulqui so clearly he’s not in a good position here.
12. We do get GJ vs Ulqui which is cool and blows lots of shit up. They’re legitimate threats to each other though. Hime is standing there shielding Ichi and like “WTF WAS THAT?” GJ reveals he sealed Ulqui in another dimension. 
14. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a healer character in a Shonen do this before. Like even Recovery Girl in MHA - she said she wouldn’t but she always does anyway. Hime being the first ever to legitimately say “NOPE. ENOUGH’S ENOUGH. GO AHEAD AND CHOKE ME DUDE I DNGAF. WON’T DO IT.” Holy crap.
15.  Ichi jumps in with what little strength he’s got to stop GJ choking Hime. Thanks Ichi. Though he immediately asks Hime to heal him and GJ. Even though she just said she wouldn’t. 
16. Oh. Oh. I get it. This is the GOLD OL FASHIONED SHONEN RIVALRY THING. GJ has apparently decided to replace Uryu as The Rival. (Does this mean I have to switch to Ichigo/GJ? I have no idea how old GJ is supposed to be, but I’m down for Immortal Rukia x 16 year old Hime so clearly we’re working on vampire rules here)
17. Oh and it looks like Hime did heal them. Dammit Hime (or not dammit cause we’re gonna get this fight.) Ichi tells the ladies not to worry about him. Um dude you end up hospitalized every goddamn arc.
18. HIME PATS NEL ON THE HEAD. OMG HIME’S ADOPTED HER TOO. She and Nel debate about whether or not Ichi will really win. Hime explains that Ichi wouldn’t lie, and that she knows him well enough to know that.
19. See this kinda stuff is why I don’t mind that these two are gonna be the Official Couple the way most Shonen couples tend to annoy me. Hime genuinely knows Ichi as a person, she’s not watching him from a distance and never a part of his life. She genuinely knows his whole story, what makes him tick, and who he really is. It’s not perfect per se but it’s so much better than what I’ve seen in any other shonen couple’s development.
20. Ichi and GJ’s fight keeps going still with lots of big flashy moves. LOL GJ is annoyed that Ichi isn’t excited to kill him for hurting Rukia. Senpai isn’t paying him enough Rival Attention. 
21. Please don’t kill Nel or hime to motivate Ichi to want to kill you GJ. I like you but you’re on thin ice with that Choking Hime thing from earlier. GJ is confronting him about why he didn’t just grab Hime and leave and end this arc right there. Hm.
22. GJ makes an interesting point here. He claims Ichi came here to fight and not to save Hime. You know I was thinking this back in the first arc, where it seemed like he was prioritizing fighting people over saving Ruki. Like this arc though he’s been way more focused on the saving part of things though so I’m not sure if that’s true here. Like has he grown since then? Or is GJ actually right?
23.  Ichi notices that GJ seems to be aiming at Hime. Holy crap dude that’s cheating. And wow Ichi instantly goes Hollow Masky to save her! And all feral-y and shit. You know I feel like that sorta proves that he really is here for Hime, since he didn’t start fighting this way until GJ threatened her. 
24. Well those were two really good episodes! Nice development for GJ and Ulqui, Ichi and Hime. So many of my faves got some good focus here. I feel like I need to legitimately process it for a sec. 
-So Hime is starting to feel like she doesn’t want to enable Ichi’s Constantly Fighting to the Death thing anymore. Interesting development, I wonder how that will play out going forward?
-Ichi’s motives have been cast in an interesting shadow. Is he only in this for the thrill of a good fight (like Goku) or is he in it to save his friends (like Naruto)? Which flavor of Shonen hero are you Ichi?
-Grimmjow seems to have officially betrayed Aizen for the sake of a good fight and has identified himself clearly as Ichigo’s rival. Interesting - i guess this has been building for a while.
-The development of Ichigo and Hime’s relationship in this episode was really interesting. It raises great questions about Ichigo’s side of things - was he doing this for a fight, or because he cares for Hime? Little of A, little of B? This is gonna be good
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Into the Light
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki
Additional Tags: Feudal Japan AU
The starlight caught on Rukia’s strands of hair, making them glimmer like threads of obsidian as she strolled along the perimeter of the stone wall surrounding the lofty Kurosaki estate. Her armor lightly chinked as she adjusted it over her bandage-wrapped bust; despite her best efforts to secure gear suited to her petite frame, the chest plate provided no room for her endowments. For once in her life, Rukia was grateful that she wasn’t as bequeathed as most young ladies her age; she’d barely be able to breathe in the damn thing. Worse, she certainly couldn’t have masqueraded as a male for as long as she had. She’d already suffered too many close calls; thank the gods for the overwhelming stupidity of men. 
It had been two months since Rukia had fled her adoptive brother’s estate, reproaching an arranged marriage to a man ten years her senior. She’d tracked a course across Japan, traveling by night and using the local skirmishes between warlords to hop borders, until she’d arrived in a relatively calm countryside controlled by a daimyo known as Isshin Kurosaki. The gentle and amiable man garnered high esteem from his subjects due to his generosity and fairness; yet, he ruled his borders with an iron fist, quietly quashing all opposition. Rukia found it both admirable and terrifying. However, it gave her hope that she could remain undiscovered in this place for quite some time.
The compound’s perimeter was quiet, as usual. Rukia quickened her pace when the dull orange light of the flickering braziers came into view, eager to retire so she could finally catch a bath. Rukia could only bathe in the deep of night when most of the men of the estate slept. She found herself eagerly anticipating her frequent ritual, as it was one of the rare times she could strip free of the suffocating armor and bindings to relax. As she trotted around the bend to the iron-reinforced wooden gate to the estate, a serene smile graced her face. 
“What’s that look for?” her replacement huffed; she wasn’t sure if it was amusement or disdain, but to keep the peace, Rukia elected to proceed as if it were the former. She stopped in front of him, bowing respectfully to the senior officer, and looked at him with bright indigo eyes. 
“No, sir. It is just a lovely night for a patrol.” She laughed awkwardly and rubbed her neck as she admitted, “But, I would like to get to bed. I don’t know how you can volunteer for all these late-night shifts, sir!” It seemed her assumption of his gentility proved correct; he laughed heartily and clapped her on the shoulder. She planted her feet as his meaty hand jostled her back and forth. 
“I would expect more energy from a young sprout such as yourself, Rasa!” That was the name she gave upon coming to the compound; “Rukia” didn’t exactly inspire masculinity. “Although, you do work hard throughout the day, so it’s no wonder you’re tuckered out by this time of the evening.” Rukia was grateful the red-orange light hid the blush rising to her cheeks. She appreciated the acknowledgment of her efforts. She had been berated for her small stature until then, but several months of hard work and a fiery temper had warmed the estate’s samurai up to her a degree or two. The older man rested a hand on the hilts of his katanas as he began meandering down the path circling the compound. “Rest well, young one! You never know what the dark of the night can bring…” he called cryptically, pausing to watch a thick, gray cloud drift over the full moon to eclipse its light. 
Rukia blinked slowly and craned her head back to watch the cloud float over the white disc. When she finally glanced back down, the samurai had already vanished around the corner. 
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Rukia unabashedly moaned aloud as she sank into the estate’s small hot spring’s steaming waters. The collection of heated pools coalesced on a rocky bluff marking the complex’s lateral border, which climbed over sixty feet high. The edge of the house peeked over the peak of a sloping hill, allowing Rukia to keep an eye out if anyone decided to venture out for a late-night soak and catch her unawares. With one final glance at the house, she sunk to her chin into the spring to enjoy the tension melting from her muscles. 
Her eyes drifted shut after a few minutes as she eased into a rare moment of tranquility. The bubbling of the springs, the lapping of the water against the slick sandstone rocks, the singing of the crickets, and the wind in the trees graced her ears to fill them with a peaceful symphony. The cool night air kissed her face, making her lips curl into a smile at the pleasant contrast. Under the water, she rolled her shoulders to further ease the slowly-unknotting kinks in her trapezii. She then reclined back against the water-smoothed stone. A sigh of contentment breezed past her lips. So absorbed in her relaxation, she didn’t register the clanging steel and the angry shouting until she heard the door to the side of the house slam open. 
“Damn it!” The man’s cursed floated down the hill. Rukia suddenly surged up from the spring to fumble for her katana by the bank, the cold air blasting her pink, heated skin as she scrambled about. She snatched up the sword and ripped it from the scabbard, then retreated up against the bluff to hide in the water between a pair of large, round boulders. Rukia would much rather charge up the hill to join the ensuing skirmish, but she sure as hell couldn’t do it stark-naked. Her only hope was that no one wandered down the slope to discover her wedged between the rocks with only her katana and her agility to defend her. 
What’s happening? Her mind whirled a hundred miles per second. Had an invasion party somehow broken through the border fifty miles away without them knowing? No, that was impossible; they’d have sent a message to Lord Kurosaki without fail. What could have happened?
Rukia sucked in a gasp as the sound of footsteps thundered down the hill; based on the quality, three bodies were currently trundling towards her. Rukia crouched down in the water, hoping the shadows would be enough to conceal her small form. Then, she remembered her armor neatly draped across the flat rock beside the hot springs, and her heart leaped up into her throat. 
“Bah. It’s just some dumb hot springs,” the wheedling, nasally whine of a man echoed across the springs. She could hear armor clanking as he shuffled around the bank. Please turn around. Please turn around, she prayed. Her heart dropped from her throat to the pit of her belly when she heard a sharp whistle and the unmistakable sound of the tip of a katana scouring across an armored chest plate. 
“Well, well, well. Looks like we have a little mouse scurrying about,” sneered another voice, deeper and edged with malice. Rukia jumped as someone out of her field of vision kicked her scabbard into the spring. She watched with wide blue eyes as the leather sheath sunk to the bottom. 
“Come out, come out! We just want to play.” Rukia shuddered as the harsh scraping of steel echoed around the springs when the three men drew their swords. She still had the advantage of mild surprise and could charge them- but could she surprise them enough to kill all of them in seconds? Most likely not; if these men were bold enough to attack a samurai estate in the middle of the night, they were likely battle-seasoned veterans. A shiver gripped Rukia’s body as she struggled to come up with a viable plan. 
“Where are you hiding, little mouse?” The men continued to jeer, walking into Rukia’s line of sight at last as she hollered and chortled scathingly. Her heart sunk further, feeling like it plummeted into the soles of her feet. The men sported bulky frames and, worse, the Kuchiki family crest. They found me after all…! “Rukia-chaaaaaaaan,” one finally cooed, stomping to the bank to kick the top of the water. Droplets splashed across the surface and into Rukia’s midnight-colored hair. “It’s best if you come out now. Lord Byakuya will be pissed if we come back with ya missin’ a limb or two.” Rukia meekly pressed back into the rocks a few more inches until its rough surface began to imprint into her skin. “Don’t make me come and drag you out, you ungrateful little bitch!” 
“Boss, boss,” another sighed magnanimously and pointed at her armor. “She’s just embarrassed. Girl don’t have any clothes on.”
Even from the considerable distance, Rukia could clearly see the malicious and lecherous glint that chipped their eyes. 
“Ohhhhh,” the leader cooed darkly. “How unfortunate… Little Miss Rukia will have to walk the whole way back home with no clothes. But that’s all right- I could think of a few ways to warm her up.” The men burst into evil laughter while Rukia whimpered. This was not how it was supposed to go. Rukia was supposed to run away and become a strong samurai. Yet here she was, cowering in a crevice praying for a savior. She squeezed her eyes shut, compressing her watery tears to force them out. They rolled down her cheeks to drop down into the water sloshing around her shaking form. 
Please…! I don’t want to go back! 
The men’s gruff cackles ceased with the singing of steel, the crunching of metal, and a high-pitched yelp fading into a grotesque gurgle. Rukia’s indigo eyes snapped open just in time to see one of the men splash into the hot spring, blood spurting from his severed carotids and jugular. The red stain began to flood through the steaming water as his form descended the few feet to the rocky bottom. In his place stood an orange-haired individual, scowling as he brandished a bloody katana at the other two samurai, who wore identical expressions of shock. 
“All right, you bastards,” Ichigo Kurosaki snarled, “either you hightail it outta here with the rest of your pathetic rabble, or you join your friend there.” While most sensible men would have gratefully taken the offered chance and fled, Kuchiki men were prideful to a fault; with ear-splitting roars, the two samurai charged and slashed at Ichigo. The young Kurosaki easily side-stepped the first blade to parry it, simultaneously grabbing the other man’s wrist to drive his katana through the first attacker’s belly. As the one enemy sucked in a breath and clutched at the sword in his stomach while the other spluttered apologies, Ichigo skirted around his back to slash down the length of his skull, splitting it open. They both fell into a heap at his feet, groaning and twitching and bleeding profusely. Ichigo crouched down, drawing his short knife from his hip, and quickly sent them to the afterlife. 
“Rasa.” Rukia flinched as he called her false name. The tall, lanky boy cleaned his katana and knife with a cloth before standing up and sheathing them both. The din of battle ceased with raucous victory yells, presumably from the Kurosaki samurai clan. Ichigo did not indulge in their revelry but instead peered critically into the shadows where she still hid. “Rasa,” he repeated. “Come out, you coward. You always bathe at this time of night; I know it’s you.” Rukia bristled at the insinuation, but she couldn’t blame him; it certainly looked like she was a craven right now. She was too absorbed in her whirling mind even to consider that Ichigo knew that intimate detail about her schedule. Instead of coming into the light, she called back. 
“I’m not a coward!” Fright raised her voice several octaves. She couldn’t give herself away, not after this. The Kuchikis had attacked the compound; she could be accused of being a spy and forced to commit seppuku! Ripples coursed across the water as she began to quake. “I’m not… I didn’t… It’s not what you think,” she pleaded weakly. Ichigo watched the sloshing water through narrowed, hardened eyes. After a minute, she squeaked, “I can’t come out, Kurosaki-san…” 
“Why the hell not?” he demanded, stamping his feet. “You shy? I ain’t leavin’ until you give me an explanation, dammit!” Rukia bit down on her bottom lip. She wracked her brain for several seconds, trying to develop a plan, but to no avail. She had to resign herself to her fate, whatever it may be. She covered her exposed intimate areas with her hands, growing hot and red-faced as she suddenly felt all the more exposed. Gingerly, she eased out of her hiding place into the moonlight. “There you a- Oh. Ohhh.” 
The tangerine-haired boy gawked stupidly at her small, curvaceous form hidden partially by her hands. Her pinkened skin shone in the moonlight as she cast her embarrassed gaze down at the water, too mortified to meet his eye. Through her thick lashes, she could see the way he shuffled around on the shore, struggling with the epiphany thrust upon him. “I- dammit, you’re a-a-a girl- a girl, yeah, shit, that explains a lot, um… Shit! What’s your name? I know Rasa has to be a fake name. Shit! Nevermind that! Put some damn clothes on!” He suddenly turned around, covering his face with his forearm for good measure. She could see the dark red tinge on his ears even in the gloom as she finally looked up at him. “J-just let me know when you’ve got your underclothes on, okay?” 
“Y-yes!” she stammered, quickly splashing out of the hot springs to scramble to her clothes. She flung her silk kimono on over herself, fumbling with the sash as her fingers trembled. “Al-almost done!” she yelled after a few seconds. Finally, she secured the strap and turned around, smoothing the creases in her clothes and kinks in her hair. “I-I’m ready now! Thank you!” 
“Jeez,” Ichigo whined as he turned to face her, rubbing the back of his neck. His cheeks shone with a rosy hue as he regarded her with a mixture of weary and curiosity. “Your name?” he asked again, tiredly. Rukia hesitated, but when he demanded it with more bark, she complied. 
“R-Rukia!” She gulped, hoping he wouldn’t recognize it. 
“Rukia Kuchiki?” he pressed with an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Her eyes flickered down to his hand, but it did not yet sneak towards his sword’s hilt. 
“Yes,” she breathed. Better to admit the truth than be caught in yet another lie later. Ichigo continued to watch her guardedly. 
“Did you know?” 
“No! I swear it! I ran away from a marriage Byakuya arranged for me. He sent those thugs here to find me! I’m not a spy, Kurosaki-san, I swear it!” 
“Stop, stop, stop, stop,” he interrupted, holding up a hand in a “halt” motion while pressing his forehead tiredly into the other. “Too much. As long as you weren’t involved, I don’t care about your baggage.” Rukia had been flapping her arms wildly the entire ordeal; as he accepted her claims so readily, she dropped them to her sides with soft plap!s. 
“You believe me?”
“What reason do I have not to? If you had been with them, you would have been with them, not caught unawares in the bath. I doubt those losers are good actors,” he huffed disdainfully while nudging one of the dead samurai with a toe. Rukia sagged as relief washed over her body. Soon, however, doubt began to tense her muscles once more. 
“Are you going to tell Kurosaki-sama…?” 
“No.” She nearly fainted with how easily the refusal dropped from his tongue. He began picking up her armor, heading back up the hill while gesturing to follow. “The raid failed, and they don’t know you’re here, right? There’s no need for him to know yet. It will just make things difficult for you,” he explained as he marched up towards the house. Rukia scurried after him, hurrying to keep up with his long strides. “However, things won’t be the same after this. From here on out, you’re my attendant. I’ll make sure everything is in order by tomorrow morning,” he said as he strolled up to the door leading to his bedroom. As he threw it open and casually tossed her armor down on the tatami mat floor, Rukia sputtered in indignance.
“I- what- why?” 
“Because,” Ichigo said as he whirled around, “if anyone else finds out, it won’t be good for you, will it? This way, you can keep your secret.” He seemed so serious that for a moment, she believed his motives were purely selfless. Then, he leaned against the frame of the door with a sneer. “Plus, Byakuya is a prick. I’d love to see him spin his wheels looking for you,” he cackled. Rukia made a slight face at his mischievousness. Then she sighed and bowed. 
“Thank you for this kindness. I will do my best as your attendant, Kurosaki-san.” 
“Ichigo,” he corrected with an uncomfortable look. “I’m not into all that politeness stuff. Just Ichigo is fine.” Rukia felt her cheeks warm, but she nodded, wanting to respect his wishes.
“All right… Ichigo.” 
“Good. I’ll bet the boys are gettin’ rowdy with the afterparty. Come on, Rasa,” he grinned and threw a big arm around her shoulders to corral her toward the hall, where raucous laughter was drifting in. “I’ll tell them all about how you killed three samurai naked as you came out the womb.” Rukia groaned and shoved her red face into the palms of her hands. She had a feeling that her life was going to become worse, not better, thanks to this meddling son of a feudal lord.
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Drama Intensifies
Part 13
Now here we are in the final scene. Reika and the Shadow King finally joined forces turning a big dragon and they flew up, against the Devildom's ground. Sure this is shocking, suddenly they hear a loud thump. A certain angel has been summoned.
Sandalphon : So... what did I miss?
Michael: That- [points into that big dragon]
Sandalphon: Ah, like the old times. It's been a while, shadow king.
Shadow King: ???? What? Who are you?!
Sandalphon: One of the Cherubim angels. So, are we gonna fight or what?
Reika: You're on!
Sandalphon: Before that- [creates a wall between himself and the others]
Michael: Are you sure you don't need help?
Sandalphon: Certainly not, Michael. The other Cherubim angels are on their way as well. So if there's more earthquake don't mind us^^
Michael: Okay! We'll count on you, Sandalphon!!
Sandalphon: I'll do my best!
And so the battle begins. The others have zero idea what's going on because of Sandalphon's wall hindering them from seeing everything despite flying. But one thing, this angel is definitely winning.
Haruka: ...What now?
Simeon: Unsure, let's just let him do his thing.
Solomon: Can I just-
Asmo: No! That's dangerous! Are you crazy?!
Tidus : Let's just...introduce ourselves. I'm Tidus and this is my wife, Yuna.
Yuna: Hello, everyone! It's very nice to meet you^^
Warrior of Light: As you know, my name is warrior of light^^ it's very nice to meet you kids.
Luke: I'm not a kid???
Zidane: Oh, how old are you?
Luke: .... 10? In human age... but 885 in angel age....
Zidane : pfft, you're actually a kid. I'm 16.
Luke: Stop calling me that!
Noctis: Ehem! Everyone, my name is Noctis. Heir to the Lucian Throne.
Diavolo: Oh a royal as well! I'm Diavolo, soon to be king of Devildom!
Solomon: Heh, already a king right here! King of Israel!
Ichigo: Ex. Ex-King of Israel.
Solomon: I'm still a king!
Ichigo: And I don't give a sht!
Tina: Uhm... Hi everyone, I'm Tina^^
Asmo: She's so pretty! Hi, Tina! I'm Asmo! We're gonna be good friends!
Tina: W-we are?
Asmo: If you want to ^^
And so on, basically, they're all bonding on Ichigo's dragon. Luckily Violet is fine with them being on top of her. Of course, the other oldies are with Merlin, on his dragon Kilgharrah. As they were talking, another earthquake happens.
Haruka: I'm gonna see what happened.
Lucifer: Haruka no! That's really dangerous!
Haruka: I'll be fine. Fenrir is with me and he'll protect me!
Lucifer: Fine, Satan, go with her.
Satan and Simeon: What?!
Satan: Why are you shocked as well?!
Simeon: You tell me!
Lucifer: ...Unfortunately, I only trust Satan at this point. Because my other brothers... are reckless.
Beel: I'm not re-
Lucifer: and in this case, a certain someone wouldn't let you-
Ichigo: Me? I'm fine with it. If you want Beel to go with her.
Lucifer: My decision is final.
Haruka: ...Fine.... Guess Satan will get on Fenrir with me.
Haha, of course, Simeon doesn't like any of this. Ichigo and the twins are cracking up because it's too funny. So are Mammon and Levi. So here they are, Haruka and Satan on Fenrir looking at the battle.
Satan: Wow, he did summon another one.
Haruka: Indeed... and it's quite an intense battle.
Fenrir: It is, Princess. I think we should come back soon.
Haruka: Why so?
Satan: Sht! Get down, Fenrir! Now!!
Luckily Fenrir flies down all the way back to them. Sandalphon is shocked by the sudden shot. Did someone come there? Perhaps one of their strategies. Oh well. Back at the safe space, Haruka and Satan are both scared shtless. They almost died because of that shot!
Lucifer: What happened?!
Satan: That thing saw us... and shoot us...
Lucifer: I told you going there was a bad idea!
Haruka: I know...I know.... I think she notices my appearance and wants to fight me.
Solomon: Why would she fight you? Isn't her target Ichigo and I?
Haruka: Well....yeah... it's a long story actually. So technically Reika and I are sisters, she's my evil twin considering her acts.
Solomon: So?
Ichigo: Uhm... there are also twins who are getting along just well.
Haruka: Not the point. But I'll just battle this. Since she already hurt you guys and I can't have it!
Ichigo: Then I'll go too! Her target is me, not you! We'll do it!
Solomon: I'm surrounded by crazy chicks!
Ichigo: Yes you are^^ Now our final form?
Haruka: Final form^^
With that Ichigo and Haruka transform into their final form. Ichigo ends up in a pink-black outfit while Haruka turns into a white mage with a crystal wand.
Luke: Whoa! That's so cool!
Lucifer: Are you sure you don't want any help from us?
Ichigo: Certainly not. Sure I might summon you guys for battle but for now, I don't think so. You guys did well.
Beel: Don't die!
Ichigo: I won't or at least I'll try to.
Warrior of Light: For now, we'll give you backup powers. All of us!
With that Haruka's knights connect all their powers and give her more into that crystal wand. Of course, Merlin supports her granddaughter by giving her his powers.
Merlin: Here is mine, Please use them well.
Ichigo: Thanks a lot Grandpa, I won't let you down!
Haruka: Fenrir! Take us there!
Fenrir: Yes, your highness.
Fenrir finally took Ichigo and Haruka to the battle field. Of course Sandalphon and his cherubim angels are still battling the Azazel dragon a.k.a Reika and Shadow King's union. Once they arrive, Reika suddenly comes out with a psycho grin.
Reika: Oh, you're here. Finally, the battle I've been looking for, especially with you.
Ichigo: ...can you like specify....? Because there's like three of us. Are you battling the wolf? Me? Haruka? Who?
Fenrir: I'll go help Sandalphon, I don't think her target is me.
Haruka: Alright^^ Good luck, Fenrir!
As soon as Fenrir runs towards the Sandalphon's area. Reika obviously charges towards Ichigo first considering she's her target. Luckily Ichigo summons her flame sword to parry that sword. Of course, Reika being Reika forces the sword into her further.
Ichigo: Heh, you're so motivated to kill me, are you?
Reika: Yes. Because you deserve death.
Ichigo: Go on then, kill me. [parries the sword and luckily removes that sword]. I'm done. I'm done with all your bullsht, Reika. You go "oh I'm gonna kill Ichigo" but here we are. I'm not dead yet!
Reika: Oh, I will certainly kill you.
Ichigo: Do it. I don't have my sword now. Come on, coward
Reika getting riled up summons her sickle to finally kill her once and for all. She's about to throw it at Ichigo. Ichigo anticipates her death right now until someone blocks the attack.
Reika: See! This is why I haven't killed you yet! Let go, you old man!
Ichigo: Grandpa... why can't you just let her kill me....?
Merlin: Because you're my granddaughter that's why. Now allow me^^ [throws the sickle far far away]
Ichigo: Grandpa... [sigh]
Meanwhile, in the safe space, everyone hears a loud thump. There are so many explosions they don't even know who's winning!
Beel: Lucifer, you have to let me get in there! Please!!
Lucifer: I can't let you do that! That's really dangerous!
Beel: But-
Satan: Dad, you gotta let me in. She might be dead anytime soon!
Diavolo: ....uhm....have you guys seen Merlin?
Barbatos: pfft-
Diavolo: What?
Barbatos: Rest assure everyone, we have hope^^
Diavolo: You're telling me...Merlin joins them?
Barbatos: He is, as a good grandpa that he is^^
Back at the battlefield, Merlin and Ichigo both joined forces to battle Reika. Haruka luckily has finally defeat Reika's clone. Of course, Reika summons her sickle again to battle them.
Merlin: [sigh] Time to summon my most powerful weapon.
Ichigo: What do you mean?
Merlin: The one and only... [Pulls out his magical sword] This, we'll use this to battle her.
Reika: Ha! Guess she did lose after all. Such a weakling.
Ichigo: Do you like...wanna check your cloning?
Reika: What do you mean?!
Ichigo: That thing is destroyed and so will you! Grandpa, use the sword!
Reika: Not so fast!
Just like that Reika ends up battling Merlin, she did use the illusion magic but Merlin knows well where she was. He's just giving her a chance until Merlin smirks and freezes her in place.
Reika: What?! How?! How is it possible?! How?!
Merlin: Because this sword will kill sinners and sinners only, and you're one of them. [slashes her]
With that Reika has finally disappeared with a scream and a big explosion, unfortunately, Sandalphon is still battling with Shadow King. Hearing the explosion, Shadow King checks what happened and he finds Reika exploding.
Shadow King: No!! Reika! HOW DARE YOU, LOWLY SORCERER!!
Merlin: Low? Really? Me? Low? I literally just killed your partner.
Shadow King: You will pay for this!
Sandalphon: [sigh] Everyone, please take cover. This world is gonna explode.
Ichigo: What?!
Fenrir: Come on, let's go! Both of you!
Ichigo and Merlin get on top of Fenrir but they can't seem to find Haruka.
Ichigo: Fenrir! Where's Haruka?!
Fenrir: Simeon caught her, let's go.
Once they return, Simeon is still healing Haruka with Michael's help. Fenrir also tells them the news that the world is gonna explode.
Lucifer: The world is gonna what?!
Simeon: Come again?!
Fenrir: That thing is so mad, he's gonna blow up the world and that wall is not going to hold it back.
Solomon: Human world! We'll go to the human world!
Lucifer: Hurry! Solomon! Open the portal!
Lucifer: Hurry up!!
Ichigo: [sigh] Let me!
Both Solomon and Ichigo create a big portal to help them.
Noctis: What about us?!
Ichigo: YOU TOO! COME ON, GO!!
So with that, everyone hurriedly enters the portal, entering the human world. Luckily everyone is saved and none are injured. The angels have returned to heaven. Now this leaves the humans and demons. Unfortunately, Devildom is now gone, leaving it in a pool of lava.
Diavolo: I can't believe we went on battle just because of a petty reason....
Lucifer: Indeed... I'm sorry about Devildom.
Diavolo: It's okay.... at least we're now in the human realm. I'm sure Devildom will renincarnate.
Lucifer: I'm sure of that too.
Ichigo: Now what?
Beel: Human world food!!
Ichigo: Sure, I'm kinda hungry as well.
Belphie: Heh, never thought of the day of seeing Ichigo wearing short shorts.
Ichigo: It's 32 degrees Celcius! It's hot!
Asmo: You know what else is hot?
Ichigo: Hm?
Asmo: THAT MAN! [points at Solomon in his summer outfit]
Ichigo: ....ew
Haruka: ew indeed.
Solomon: What?!
Haruka: I prefer to stare at this anyway-
Simeon: Hm? Me?
Haruka: Yeah...^^
Belphie: Perhaps my twin brother?
Ichigo glances at Beel in his human world outfit. Alright, this is time for Ichigo to die....slowly...
Ichigo: ....uh....
Warrior of Light: Everyone! I'm sorry for interrupting your talk, but we have to return to our home soon^^
Lucifer: Our apologies. We do get distracted a lot.
Luke: So soon???
Noctis: Yeah! This kid is cool!
Luke: I'm not a kid!!
Noctis: can't you just focus on the nice stuff?!
Lightning: Unfortunately, Noctis, we need to go^^
Noctis: But we're in the human world though-
Warrior of light: We're in the wrong universe though. We should come back soon.
Noctis: Psh. You're no fun! Fine!
Warrior of Light: Well, it's good knowing you all^^ Farewell, Michael, Lucifer.
Michael: Farewell^^
Lucifer: Have a safe journey.
At the same time, Diavolo, Ichigo, and Merlin have to part as well. Sure he can stay with them but that'd mean exposing his identity.
Ichigo: Do you really have to go?
Merlin: I mean... I can stay but that'd mean exposing my identity to the whole world. So I have to go on a nomad. I'll visit though.
Ichigo: I see...
Diavolo: Do inform if you're visiting. I'm sure to make the best welcome party for you!
Barbatos: M'lord-
Merlin: I'm sure to inform you guys! But off I go now! See you all soon!
With that Merlin and the knights from Haruka's world left them with their own portal.
Tina: I'm gonna miss you all!! Especially you, bestie!!
Asmo: Samme!! Please visit though!! I'll do your hair! and your nails and-
Solomon: Shut up.
Asmo: and your makeup!!
Tina: Me too!! We can switch outfits too!!
Warrior of Light: Tina!
Tina: Y-Yes sir, my apologies!
Warrior of Light: Come on, we're late.
Once the portal closes, this leaves the devil dom citizen and the angels.
Diavolo: You know...Warrior of light reminds me of both of you.
Lucifer: Both of- nooo! Michael and I are totally different!
Michael: Yep! 100% difference.
Solomon: Are you sure?
Lucifer and Michael: SHUT UP!!
Diavolo: indeed, twins. Right, Rosaria?
Rosaria: Indeed. Twins.
Satan: ....does that mean Michael and Rosaria are my uncle and auntie?
Lucifer: ....
Michael: .....
Rosaria: ....
Solomon: Great, you broke all three of them!
Lucifer: I don't think I can sleep tonight...
Michael: Same...
Rosaria: What?!
Michael: Hahaha, just ignore him. He's probably unfocused today. Wanna go shopping?
Rosaria: Human world shopping?! Yes!
Now back to our couple. Of course, Ichigo is dying inside because Beel is teasing her right now while Simeon and Haruka are relaxing beneath the tree.
Belphie: I'll just go... yeah... [leave the area] wait I can't even sleep. It's too hoooot!!
Haruka: Hey Belphie, you can sleep beside me!
Belphie: Aaa thank you!! It's too hot and here we are! [sleeps beside Haruka]
Simeon: Well.... we need to find a place soon because we can't possibly sleep on this grass.
Ichigo: Well that's true, we need to get a place soon.
Belphie: Yea, sleeping on grass is uncomfortable!
Lucifer: I actually....have a place here^^
Simeon: You do?
Lucifer: I do! A mansion actually to fit all six of my brothers and some guests... sometimes Lord Diavolo.
Satan: I didn't know you were rich...
Lucifer: Why do you think Mammon always tries to get my wallet?
Satan: touche.
Lucifer: Luckily, it's not that far from here so we can get there soon.
Michael: Oh that's good! Because... I got banned from the celestial realm by Father for 3 months... Because of engaging some sins...
Simeon: Same.... unironically it's only the three of us.
Luke: ....That's really biased....
Haruka: ....Lucifer.... can I stay in a hotel instead?
Lucifer: ??? Why?
Haruka: Because I wanna stay with Simeon...?
Lucifer: With Simeon?
Haruka: Yes.
Lucifer: Well you guys are fiance, it's only fair.
Lucifer: Wait- Fiances?! Since when are you guys engaged?!
Simeon: ....months ago....?
Michael: Probably more.
Lucifer: Oh, I didn't no- Satan... are you okay?
Satan: ....y-yeah I'm fine. Haha.....
Ichigo: Here. [gives him tissue]
Satan: no, no, no I'm fine.
Ichigo: Bruh-
Beel: There there [pats Satan's shoulder]
And everyone, that's how Devildom got destroyed.... well reincarnated. So here they are in Lucifer's mansion while the angels and Haruka stay at the hotel.
Ichigo:....why are you staying at the hotel? And with him???
Haruka: Because....
Asmo: oh ho ho ho ho~ What are you gonna do there~
Simeon: Asmodeus!
Asmo: Who knows, perhaps Simeon is more sinful~
Michael: Asmodeus Morningstar!
Asmo: Alright, alright, okay!
Simeon: Get your head out of the gutter, Asmo.
Asmo: I'm the avatar of lust, it's impossible~
Asmo: But certainly someone is free to do sins in the mansion~ I can smell how turned you are because of Beel's outfit.
Beel: Asmo!
Ichigo: What- no!
Belphie: I mean... if you want to-
Ichigo: Belphegor!
Solomon: Watch everyone in the mansion hears screams from their room.
Lucifer: [smacks Solomon] Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself!
Michael: Lucifer, Rosaria and I are going to the hotel, okay?
Lucifer: Sure! See you around, twin brother!
Michael: ...Lucifer acknowledges me!
Lucifer: Shut up!
Rosaria: There there^^ We'll be off now.
Lucifer: Have a safe trip^^ You too, Simeon, Luke.
Simeon: Thank you, Lucifer. I wish the same for you. Come on, Haruka.
Haruka: Bye everyone!!!
Luke: Byeee!! We'll visit!!
Ichigo: :(( I'll miss you, Luke!!
Luke: I'll visit!! It won't be far!
Ichigo: [sighs in relief] Oh that's good. I can visit you!
Luke: You can!
Simeon: Luke... come on^^
Luke: o-o oh no [catches up to them]
Now this leaves Ichigo, Barbatos, Diavolo, and the seven brothers. They're now on their way to the human world mansion. Satan unfortunately is still sad because of what he sees. Belphie and Asmo comfort him of course but Satan prefers to be alone.
Asmo: That poor guy, he seems to be so heartbroken. I feel bad...
Belphie: It's for his own peace too. Despite his change.... Haruka is still with Simeon so he can't.
Solomon: Unless....
Asmo: Don't you dare! [smacks Solomon]
Solomon: I haven't finished!
Asmo: Are you implying her to be like you?! To have multiple lovers?!
Solomon: May- [gets smacked by Ichigo]
Ichigo: She's not like you. Stop trying to make people into a polyamorous person.
Beel: Certainly not. She's pretty much loyal to whoever her lover is. For now, I might do what Asmo said.
Asmo: Hm?
Ichigo: What?! Beel! Wtf?! [got carried away to their room, help]
Asmo: oooh! Oh my Lord! Don't forget the silencing spell!!
Solomon: Holy sht-
Belphie: What-
Lucifer: [facepalms]
Asmo: OML...he locked the door-
Solomon: ..... where are the angels when we need them....
Yeah.... that's pretty much it! We'll see you in our sequel "human world adventures". See you guys soon~^^
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wvtailors · 3 years
TOP 10 Anime in India
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Top 10 Anime in India | Latest 2020 Hits
link---- https://wvtailors.in/top-10-anime-in-india-latest-2020-hits/
Table of Contents
10. Black Clover
9. Attack on Titan
8. Bleach
7. One Punch Man
6. Death Note
5. Shinchan
4. Doremon
3. Pokemon Franchise
2. Naruto Series
1. Dragon Ball Franchise
So undoubtedly Dragon Ball is the most popular anime series in India.
10. Black Clover
It’s a popularity charts has blown everything away. Black Clover is on top of suggestion list of Magic anime. It’s is having one of best present day Shonen storyline.
Black Clover is becoming famous in India, among people watching anime online. It can even become more famous as it is ongoing anime and it’s manga is also ongoing. Now its also available on Netflix in India.
It’s is based of Manga named same. It flows the hardship and adventures of a boy name Asta who does not have magic in world magic is a everyday tool. He got power of anti magic and starts his journey to became the Wizard King with his Friend Yuno.
It’s magical action ride and one of my personal favorites. Go be sure to check it out.
9. Attack on Titan
t’s is anime with one of Best Animation , Action and Adventure. Which great story writing and one of best theme song in the history of anime. It’s very dark and bruttle anime. Not for people with weak hearts.
It’s is the anime that has best and most memes after Dragon Ball. This is enough to show it’s popularity in India.
It follow the story of world where great mindless creator named Titans rule and loves to eat humans. The Humanity for its survival takes refuge inside 3 layers of great walls. Which Titans cannot pass through.
Now rest you go and watch .
8. Bleach
Despite being never aired on Indian TV screens. The Bleach anime has a big fan base. They actively take parts in the community and petition to bring Bleach anime back.
It has story of People named shinigami with lives in a world named soul society. They have sword to bring back souls from earth and kill corrupted souls named Hollows. Our protagonist Ichigo can see them.
Best Sword fights you name it we have it. Action , comedy and great shonen powerup we have it all. The series which is part of Big 3.
Most trending anime of the decade just watch and enjoy favorite of many.
7. One Punch Man
The Legend himself Saitama
The anime with great fanbase just because the protagonist can defeat everyone in One Punch. One punch man is hilarious.
It follows a world where only humans and monsters are there. Heroes save then form monsters. Our protagonist Saitama became hero JUST FOR FUN. He trained so hard that he became invincible. Anime has Two seasons go and check it out.
Anime with undoubtedly best animation , great story , direction and action scenes. It’s the first anime my Brother saw and he got surprised . He was unable to sleep for 2 days, because he was thinking about it.
6. Death Note
When Light Yagami finds a notebook giving him power over death, will he use it for good—or evil?
The most rated anime on IMDB. If you are newbie in anime community so that’s what you need to watch .The first priority would be this.
It’s is having great story and the mind game b/w Light and L is just jaw braking. It not spoiler.
The light Yagami is student who got a notebook. When write anybody’s name the person dies. He started mass killing of criminals which and came under notice buy L and the chess begins.
5. Shinchan
Shinchan is a naughty boy who create mischief around. It’s story about him and his family , their Daily lives.
Shinchan is inspired by the real life kid “Shinnosuke Nohara” who faced death in a car accident. His mother “Misae” went in misery and gloom after the son’s death, Misae started sketching Shinchan in his remembrance. … The crayons of her mother embraced the emergence of the cartoon series “Crayon Shinchan.
4. Doremon
Doremon is a future robot who genreally helps a lazy boy named Nobita(central character of the anime). With his cool gadget from his pocket he crazily uplifts the anime more .Nobita everytime gets stuck into problem and come to Doremon for help.
Both Shinchan and Doremon are personal favorites of mine.
3. Pokemon Franchise
The anime which makes you feel to have a stronger animal like creature with superpower. Pokemon Franchise gives the ultimatum how your pet can make your name go viral . Ash and his pet Pikachu is famous and most liked by everyone.
It is targeted towards children. It is story of different world were anime like creatures named Pokémon lives with humans. Humans catch them and have matches among themselves.
t is one of most iconic , impactful and successful anime franchise in India. It’s game Pokemon Go was most talked and hyped game in mobiles.
2. Naruto Series
The fans from India mostly get attracted and like this more than one piece as it is Hindi dubbed for long long time.
Child named Naruto wants to be Hokagay. The series packs a punch.
Fantastic fights , techniques and storyline with great direction. It follows the story in the world of Ninjas .
1. Dragon Ball Franchise
Dragon ball fans loves this series and masses supports it from India. From Dragon Ball Z to Super, From Kamehameha to Super Saiyan The king of all is Dragon Ball Franchise.
Dragon ball is an iconic series. Every child from 2000s know it and most of them loves it. From Goku to Vegeta , from Freeza to Broly all characters are loved.
When I fans came to know Dragon ball super Broly movie was not gonna release in India. They stormed the petitions and social media. Finally they were able to get theatrical release but after 2 months of release.
The series is full with Super Saiyan fights and great comedy. From vegeta’s hard training to defeat Goku, to study of Gohan.
This series still remains in the heart of most Indian fans.
So undoubtedly Dragon Ball is the most popular anime series in India.
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bazz-b · 4 years
I warned y’all yesterday that there was another character rant coming, and here we are.
Today in “Learning about Bazz-B”, we address how despite his hotheaded nature, gun-ho attitude, and penchant for rising to provocation, Bazz-B is a very perceptive individual. Always watching, digesting information-- so long as a subject doesn’t cross wires with a particularly passionate emotion, Bazz-B can be as analytical as the next guy. Probably more so, he hasn’t spent 1000 years playing with his dick.
His shrewd observation skills appear generally unnoticed by most, in favor of them focusing on the more overt, louder parts of his personality. That said, I think it's important to note that ALL of these traits can and do exist within Bazz-B simultaneously. While at times his impulsivity can interfere with his ability to really observe, it should be noted that these are skills that work together effectively both in personal relationships, as well as battle scenarios. I'll expand on both of these instances further below.
Maybe the most fascinating thing about his observation skills is that we see them present within Bazz-B quite early on in his life, while he's still a child and styled as Bazzard Black. With an education befitting a future lord, his father ensured he was taught to see things for more than what they seemed on a surface level. To settle disputes between conflicting families, when deciphering the appeals of the masses, the crimes of vagabonds. Not all who sin are evil.
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In the above examples (images pulled from across two pages), Bazzard is watching Haschwalth quite intently, despite his continued outbursts. He’s perceptive to the different factors in the strange boy’s life, paying close attention to all the clues. At the mention of a lack of friends, the briefest display of concealed wounds, he acts. Tossing his catch to Haschwalth so that the other might avoid punishment, or at least give him a chance to stave it off, he also decrees that the pair are now partners of sorts. Hero and Sidekick, Bazzard is still quite an arrogant child. But this imparts two things to the despondent Haschwalth; a friend, and hopefully a reprieve having succeeded in the day’s hunt.
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The effect is overwhelmingly positive. The gestures were exactly what Haschwalth needed at this point. A spark of hope, and a practical solution. Even at this age, unable to play a large part in Haschwalth’s pain, he manages to make a difference.
This talent, in his youth, blossomed in a natural empathy. Bazzard lived a privileged life, he knew the expectations that would fall on his shoulders, and was taught the importance of understanding his fellow man. His actions towards Haschwalth reflect this, but by the time we see Bazz-B in Silbern, the nature of the place has changed him. Aspects of himself have dwindled, and an empathy that came easily has been pushed aside for an analytical approach. There’s no longer the luxury for it. 
Bazz-B’s continues to display this theme predominantly in battle. Observing the nature of those around him, he can typically predict how a person will react to an event. When matched against Yamamoto Genryuusai, it quickly became apparent that the power level between the assembled Sternritter (Äs Nödt, NaNaNa Najahkoop, and Bazz-B) and the Captain Commander was far too great. Instead of fighting a losing battle, he switched to the defense. 
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That quick thinking was the only thing that saved their lives. Despite the unfathomable glory they could have attained from killing the old man, Bazz-B knew the odds of survival and played defense. Both NaNaNa and Äs likely expected death was inevitable in that moment, or were crazy enough to think they had a shot at victory. Both would definitely find themselves shocked that it was Bazz-B that saved them.
His insight has also lead him to such situations as almost landing a deciding blow on Kurosaki Ichigo. Surrounded by Sternritter, Ichigo is barely holding on. Dodging attacks, unable to find an opening to push back, Bazz-B makes his move. Anticipating the actions of his current allies, analyzing Ichigo’s penchant and skill for dodging, he closes in.
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He grabs hold.
A simple strategy, yet it completely shuts down Ichigo’s options. Without the aid of his allies, this would have been a deciding moment in the war. This is also a pivotal scene for Ichigo. After returning from the Palace he’s like a new man, taking names and kicking ass, calm and collected. But Bazz-B still gets him. Almost cracks that plot armour and eat delicious Kurosaki yolk.
His shrewd observation and careful study, despite his hot-headed demeanour, works in tandem with his raw power, making him a highly adaptable and highly dangerous opponent. This is further cemented because he has so many different match-ups with so many different characters throughout the TYBW arc, and takes down a LOT of well-known characters with varying types of strategies.
The biggest issue people seem to have in identifying Bazz-B’s intelligence is the matter of his emotions, his ego. The man flares up so easily, it’s easy to write him off as just another loud idiot in a shonen manga. But even infuriated, rushing, a goal in sight, he can acknowledge when he’s outmatched. As was the case with Yamamoto Genryuusai, and later with the assembled Lieutenants lead by Kuchiki Byakuya.
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With a brief word from Liltotto, he cools his jets. Rather than rushing ahead, biting off more than he can chew, our Lord and Saviour Liltotto Lamperd gives pause to the storm long enough for a cooler head to prevail. Uniting with the Sternritter he’d previously betrayed, will continue to betray in the future, they make a unified stand against the Gotei 13.
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The final scene I think worth mentioning is the death of NaNaNa Najahkoop. In the face of oblivion, there were still those among the Quincy loyal to Yhwach, spiteful in the face of the Shinigami. Deserting from any army is dangerous, but none more so than the Wandenreich. Open dissension couldn’t be spoken of, not without fear of retribution. Bazz-B had spent his life studying people, and the scene was set. Once painted a threat, NaNaNa was taken out. A single shot to indenture the Shinigami to his cause, he’d already pegged Liltotto and Giselle to sharing a fury against their former king. A reckless, blundering, foolhardy man would have thrown his lot in with his ilk and set his foes ablaze. In the face of Armageddon, Bazz-B weighed the scales.
As much as people like to insist that Quincy are the victims, that they are in need of more sympathy, there is an effortless ease in which they dehumanize Bazz-B for his righteous fury.
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zanguntsu · 4 years
what are ur thoughts on each bleach arc o: like quality wise!
oh boy this got longer than expected. Whoops.
substitute arc: i rlly like this arc! its short but i love how it sets up the characters and i adore the integration between ichigos human life vs shinigami life And i like the monster of the week set up its a fun and its a lot more character focused in the beginning. the fights were very character driven, like with grand fisher, sora, the hollow that went to hell. all the fights felt like they had a meaning that had a strong impact on a character, like ichigo having closure after defeating (he should have killed him tbh) grand fisher.
soul society: one of the best if not the best arcs imo. theres a good amount of development, the fights are good and have emotional weight (ichigo v byakuya, uryu v mayuri, chad v shunsui, yoruichi v soi fon) and the newly introduced characters are interesting! very iconic and cool! there was a lot of character arc conclusions? Closure? like with uryu and yoruichi as well as rukia. the characters are a strong point here too and the introduction of soul society brought in world building and it was something we really needed to see. soul society as the villains was pretty good and it did show them as a threat. its a good arc and had a good cliffhanger ending to the next arc
arrancar arc: its a pretty good arc but this is where i feel like bleach was starting to fall off in quality since kubo didnt plan for the series to go past ss. like the plot was a little repetitive with the rescue arc the placing was pretty bad and its where the kubos problem of having too many characters started forming. there are some pretty good moments though, i really love the ichigo vs grimmjow and ichigo vs ulquiorra fights along with rukia vs aaroniero (rukia development time,,). the arc just felt pretty slow at times ig? But there are some very good moments
fake karakura arc/deicide: i like this arc even though i know half of it was bullshit. there are some good fights, soi fon vs barragan is one of my faves bc her bankai and it was just interesting to see the captains more involved even though i wish they didnt just stand there. like cmon the fate of the world is at stake gang up on ppl u have numbers. i do think its bullshit to have aizen be That powerful (i will excuse the hogyoku use bc thats his trump card and was set up) but having him take down everyone like that was eh. like i know it was meant to show how powerful aizen was but honestly i wish there was a better way. maybe make them all fight amongst each other like with momo but its all mind games and shit i feel like that was a better way of showing how strong aizen was. also speaking of aizen i wish there was more character to him like take away his manipulative badass thing and its just nothing. what drives him to kill the soul king and why? was it loneliness (which is a poor motive tbh), injustice? what brought him on this path? i feel like tousens goals had more to it then aizen tbh
the deicide arc was pretty okay i love mugetsu but im sorry there was absolutely no lead up to him. i love that form but its pretty bullshit that it didnt get as much as a mention in the past and i wish it did bc that would have made mugetsu have a lot more impact. i remember how ppl theorized that it was how isshin lost his powers even though it was proven otherwise but i wish they went with that. but i did like seeing zangetsu again and that touching moment with him and ichigo was good also the rukia and ichigo goodbye was very emotional. was it a good arc? maybe not plot wise but its pretty beloved
fullbringer: oh this is where the quality definitely dropped which sucks because i feel like this arc had a very interesting premise and plot set up. i know that i havent watched/read all of the fb arc but i do know enough of it just not much in between the beginning and end. i wish that the fullbringers had more focus bc they were all forgettable except maybe riruka and they should have had more screentime and the concept of fullbringers is genuinely interesting?? humans with hollow powers is a good concept and its a shame kubo didnt expand upon this more
oh and i have some beef with the villains bc its a fucking tragedy of wasted potential. ginjo is like. almost there to be considered a good villain. hes the previous substitute shinigami and u only bring it up at the end?? thats such a huge chunk of information and it sets up a connection between ichigo and ginjo. idc about tsukishima he can be whatever but i do think ginjo could have been a pretty good villain if he wasnt as blatantly evil. like i know the betrayal schtick is getting old but i would have preferred him as a villain with good intentions, like having him against soul society is a good motive bc ss commits war crimes but it was never clear in this arc (aside from ss monitering the substitutes) but it just didnt feel as strong as a motive to make him do what he did.
one good thing i do have to say about this arc was i do like ichigo in this arc and how much conflict he experiences and we get to see him commit murder although i do wish this had repercussions on him. i feel like soul society’s intervention was unnecessary but thats just me. the fullbringer arc being centered around humans was a good idea, bringing the series back to its roots and i just wish we spent more developmemt with the humans before jumping back to soul society, like more time on the aftermath of the last arc. also this arc should have been the chad arc im dying on this hill.
tybw: wow! this was a trainwreck of an arc! i have. So Many issues with tybw and its where kubos writing weaknesses truly shine. the biggest issues are its pacing which is absolutely abhorrent and it takes up at least a third of the entire series (literally. tybw had 206 chapters out of 686 since tybw officially starts on 480). we had periods where the main cast dont show up for like. 50 chapters. the other biggest problem were the characters. why did kubo think it was a good idea to introduce 26+ characters. why. there is absolutely no time to develop them and while some may receive screentime the majority have no impact to the plot beyond their fights with the characters we actually care about. there is no reason for people to give a shit about them. i can barely remember their names, much less their backstories
and one of the bigger problems was the antagonists themselves. they have a motive and while i understand hatred towards soul society. yhwach’s motives were the worst out of all the villains. i cannot fathom what motivates him because it went fucking everywhere. did he have beef with ss? was he waging war out of self preservation? did he want to end death? like the narrative hints at all of these but it just feels like a mess of a character! i never liked yhwach to begin with since his very concept is awful (seriously? giving a previously thought group of people who experienced genocide a nazi motif? what the fuck kubo). hes a villain but theres no substance. his powers could have been cool but it was on the point of needing a deus ex machina to take him down.
and the fights are forgettable with the occasional good ones (shunsui v that one fuck, rukia v that other fuck) but there are some bad fights (askin v yoruichi, the quincy thor guy). there are some good moments, like all the bankai reveals, it adds more to the characters but it also causes so much jumping around in the plot and this is what happens when u have this many characters and some will be forgotten (so sorry chad). it sucks. some of the fights dragged on longer than necessary and it was just. so much. all of these issues really downgraded the arc and thats what made it the mess it was.
and a lot of the ideas brought in to tybw are criminally underused. ichigo being a quincy may have been wack but i did like the idea but it really only had some sparse moments like masaki and zangetsu development, creating a connection between ichigo and yhwach but that was really it. it was not like his hollow powers which coexisted with the plot and had huge moments and was just a constant presence. you could forget that ichigo was a quincy tbh and we needed more quincy moments. and the soul king was horribly underused because it did have set up from the arrancar arc, it was aizens entire goal! but kubo never really explores the ideas of the soul king and only in cfyow do we really get more info about it and thats no good because the soul king is a vital piece of bleach lore and worldbuilding.
anyways thats my two cents sorry this was rlly long
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kari-izumi · 4 years
001-Yugioh 002-Sheith 003-Renji Abarai
I probably should clarified one per ask lol :p
I'm gonna break this off into three separate posts since i have people outside of V/D who are in one of the other two fandoms who have Sheith blacklisted and because line breaks never work for me on an OP from mobile. I'll start with Yu-Gi-Oh (and legit thanks for the variety in fandoms BTW!)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Seto Kaiba, without a doubt. Even for all the other interests this blog has shifted towards and the volume of VLD content that damn near came close to dethroning it, Seto Kaiba is still my #1 tag.
Like, he's overcome so much and I'm really glad current fandom sees that 1) he's a teenager (the youngest in the group, in fact!) 2) he's a survivor of abandonment even before the adoption and 3) that even though he's not murdering people these days over cards that abuse doesn't just go away and that he's trying.
He's my disaster son, and I live him :)
Least Favorite character: Gozaburo. We know why
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Silentshipping (don't @ me over it, I've heard all the howls about it over dialup)
Character I find most attractive: huh. I don't get much into that aspect of the characters for this fandom, but if I had to take a stand, I'd got for Kaiba after his ab game got turned up to 11 in DSOD. NICE 👀
Character I would marry: I thought about this, but tbh that's a blank for me
Character I would be best friends with: Yugi ❤️ cuz he's best friends with everyone!
a random thought: I can never figure out exactly what Pot of Greed does
An unpopular opinion: L!ttleKurib0h's bad charicature of Tea went a long way towards fostering the irrational hatred this fandom has of her. There's a whole lot about the guy in general that doesn't sit right, most of which has been lost time time and aren't mine stories to tell, but nowadays most of the ppl who hate her usually came by the Abridged series before actually watching the show and not because she got in the way of their yaoi ship of choice.
My Canon OTP: we have none
My Non-canon OTP: Nakamashipping, which is the name for Yugi/Honda/Jou/Anzu
Most Badass Character: Jou, by a long shot. Somewhere in the depths of this blog was a post on how much of Jou's fighting ability and strength was downplayed or removed in DM and it's a shame he, like Renji, got put in to solely comic relief category.
Most Epic Villain: honestly, are there really any "badass" epic villains in this series? Like, they're either cartoonishly evil like the way early antagonists pre-Duel Monsters or victims of circumstances beyond their control. Yu-Gi-Oh really doesn't have a Sosuke Aizen or a [insert JJBA villain of choice here]. Even the Kaibas' adopted dad was just more crazy and given a few panels in the manga.
Honestly, I've never given that any thought before now. 🤔
Pairing I am not a fan of: Kaiba/Pegasus. I have a hard time thinking Seto is going to push aside him using Mokuba in his plans to revive his wife anytime soon, but it's not a hill I'd die on tbh. Truthfully, it's hard for me to hate ships these days.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Do I have pick just one?
I could pick the usual ones of Honda, Anzu, Ryou Bakura (and I was tempted for the last one)
But honestly, I think the one who gets shafted most is Yugi himself. You know how in OItNB where Piper stopped being the focus by mid season 3 and thank God cuz really? It's like that for Yugi after Duelist Kingdom where he just takes a backseat as Yami/Atem gets all cool story.
And even Shounen Jump shafts hi, too. I think it was a post by @engelchenyugi who pointed out that the Jump Force game identified Atem as Yugi in game play footage. That's just...really bad coming from the official publishers. Yugi Mutou might be the most misunderstood and underrated protagonist in their entire library, and I'm saying this as a Bleach fan who's had to hear how supposedly "boring" Ichigo is because he doesn't fight for an overarching goal.
Favourite Friendship: All of them...? But mostly Joy and Yugi for being soft bois who openly love one another.
Character I most identify with: for all the love I give Kaiba, I'm gonna have to go with Mokuba. Poor kid gets dragged along into his brother's reckless ideas and has to sit back until he comes back into reality. Sounds like the story of my life *sigh*
There's a reason this icon hasn't changed in all the time I've had this blog beyond just laziness
I promise I'll finish that one fic one day
Character I wish I could be: hmmmmm, maybe Honda, cuz his family is probably the only normal one in all of canon, even if they don't question that he disappears for that whole weekend where Duelist Kingdom took place. Hey, look, it's the same canon where Kaiba got a dog collar slapped on his and Joy's mom left him with an alcoholic, Mr. Honda gets some slack here 🤣
That's all for that! And if others want to send more, the meme is here! :)
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withered-tears · 4 years
(and AUs)
Ever since I can remember, I've loved the concept of crossovers and AUs
There's something about "these characters you already know, but..." That it's so appealing to me.
I love how many different ways there's to connect stories to each other as well.
You can have, franchise (book game cartoon series comic literally anything you like) X somehow gets in contact with franchise Y and they both collide while still being the same, for example:
Someone from the star wars universe somehow ends up in our earth and finds force-sensitive harry Potter infant and trains him. (I've read at least 4 fics that start like that, loved every single one)
Here both stories, both universes remain intact until the moment of contact. Everything that happened in SW still happened and everything that happened in HP still happened. Until that point in which the stories can start to influence each other.
Another type of crossovers, characters from X re-imagined to always been part of Y universe, the most common example I can think of is characters imagined as Hogwarts students to see which house they would belong into.
There can also be both X and Y are slightly altered so that they are and always been part of the same universe. These are pretty hard to do.
But I think what I love most about crossovers is, choosing two franchises that have no friking common room whatsoever and somehow making them work.
There's something so REWARDING about writing a fantasy character having to interact with something out of a sci-fi universe. Or throwing some normal people who deal with normal problems in the middle of a supernatural situation.
Or maybe not even that different of shows, but just ones that people don't tend to connect.
Like I dunno the Omnitrix fell into Gotham so now batman has to deal with a Robin that has more powers than half of the justice league.
Or maybe the fellowship of the ring uncovers an ancient metal golem that calls itself Optimus prime who warns them about ancient evil that will fall from the stars themselves.
Or perhaps instead of Bill cipher, Dipper finds about a demon that will show up to solve your problems if you call his name (Beetlejuice? Sounds like something Mabel would drink) three times.
My point is, there's no stories you can't connect if you try. There's always an excuse to make them meet, hell, sometimes you don't even need an excuse other than "ok but wouldn't it be cool?" I have a LOT of ideas floating around in my head, some iv written down, others i havnt. just for fun heres a list of my current/maybe someday ill get to it projects: fullmetal alchemist transformers crossover, i dont care how IM GONNA MAKE THIS ONE WORKS. Silent hill portal crossover, with Cave Johnson looking for Caroline Where is she... if this stupid monsters think they can hide her from him they are wrong. WRONG. dont they know who he is? no one takes from him NO ONE “WHERE IS SHE? WHERES MY CAROLINE!?” “caroline deleted” it isnt the amalgation of rotten flesh and rusted metal that gives him pause, its not the disgusting sound of corpses being crushed between massive gears that make him flinch, its not the yellow giant eye glowering at him like a flashlight out of hell that makes him cower in fear. its that voice. her voice.  he never heard her sound so hateful. “good morning Mr. Johnson”
Silent hill my little pony crossover, those of you who know the silent ponyville saga, yeah basically that except its not connected to that particular universe (i actually already have like 3000 words of this one) adventure time captain america crossover, with steve waking up in the land of Ooo Harry potter bleach crossover, with ichigo helping train harry (harry learning to access Voldemort’s magic the same way ichigo learns to harness his hollow powers anyone?) @thefringeperson just imagine ichigo giving harry the determination speech that urahara gave him, or better yet something new like ”so what does it matter where that power comes from” ichigo lowers his stance,his hand over his face “what does it matter if a madman put it there, what does it matter if that power was used to hurt people you love” the air gets  heavy and cold, its hard to breathe, the training  grounds that the room of requirement conjured seemed to shake, or maybe he was the one shaking. “you grab that power by the horns, and. make. it. YOURS.” a explosion of black flames, its all he can do to not fall on his knees, every fiber of his being its telling him to run run run from this creature, this monster, this hungry beast. he wondered if this is the kind of fear death eaters tried to instigate when they wear their masks. compared to this, they might as well being children dressed for halloween.
non crossover, harry potter fic where a grown up harry wanting to stay more in contact with the muggle world, gets a working pc out of novelty, finds minecraft, and plays it as a sort of venting game (harry builds the prettiest cottages and cabins, ron finally gets to take on a dragon, hermione is a redstoner because after dealing with idiots in the ministry all day she just NEEDS something that works super efficiently) homestuck cafe au in 2020 because screw off with cringe culture im doing this im making this happen. 3 original fantasy stories, one adventure like one based on tooth fairies and other fae, a comedy one following an elf trying to write a recipe book, and a psychological horror one following your cliche rpg hero  1 original sci-fi one i also have another crossover idea but imma keep this one private because i want to make it special. and thats some of my crazy ideas. im gonna be honest people i have no idea what i got the urge to write such long rant. I guess i just wanted some of my ideas to be written down here. sorry for the long rant.
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firebirdsdaughter · 7 years
Still watch Chou Super Hero Taisen RAW...
... And, unfortunately, still haven’t become fluent in Japanese.
(spoilers? ish? gonna do a read more since this gonna be super long...)
Still not sure where the real world is.
Okay, it feels kinda like they just remembered the Kyurangers existed.
Come to think of it, whatever happened to the other Kyus? Where are Lucky, Garu, and Hammy? Where’s the Aibous (even though I don’t think they’d become Aibous yet when this came out)? Much as I love Balance and Naga... I’d love to see the others, too.
Wait... Is this Hiiro’s house?
Did Amu follow him? I still don’t get why she’s here... Though I’m glad she’s taking care of the Hiiro-wrangling (because this is before the majority of his development, I think... Though I’m pretty sure it was after he discovered he’d accidentally started caring about Emu).
Okay, why don’t I just admit I don’t remember where either of these shows were when this film came out?
Come to think of it... Did Hiiro see a kid get sucked into a game and nots ay anything? It’d probably be less confusing if I knew what was being said.
Also, Tokusatsu suit actors are all bloody gifts to this world and should be cherished. Their physical and silent acting is positively charming and magnificent.
Oh, god, he did the surgeon hand thing. That means shit’s about to go down. Not sure if he said one of his catchphrases, but the hand thing is the equivalent of the hat turning around for Hiiro.
In other news, Seto is so pretty. Just getting that out of the way. No one wants to hear me gush about it, probably.
On a technical level, I’m super curious how they filmed this scene. I mean, it’s Seto talking to himself, and then fighting himself. You can do camera angles for the conversation, but it’s pretty cool they made it look like he was getting kicked through a wall by his doppelgänger.
Also, I detect an error. Taddle Legacy is higher than Lvl 50. Alternate Hiiro, you lie!
Though, no way around it, I still love Brave’s henshin jingles. All of them.
It was the real Utcchy! Wait, it was? Then why was he in the game thing before? Was Candelira/Torin’s ghost just like ‘whoops, shit’s happening in this game! Utcchy! Handle it!’ and dropped him in?
Oh, whatevs. He’s still a good little muffin.
Announcer does unnecessary but still wonderful ‘A-MA-ZON’ style proclamation for Amazons Amazon. And this after we saw original Amazon. Except he wasn’t actually... Oh, forget it.
Actually, what happened to the rest of the GoRiders? Did I miss it? Since Jin’s very dead, that wasn’t actually them anyway, I guess. Maybe. I DON’T KNOW.
Slightly disappointed by the loss of the scarf. I liked Amazon’s scarf.
Emu shows off his need to say ‘Dai Henshin’ with multiple ‘Dai’s whenever he Henshins these days.
So... The kid is the villain?
I found the other Zyuohgers! Though... I’m pretty sure their lines are prerecorded. Oh well, nice to know they came.
Okay, this faux, alternate Amazons gang up on Emu has gone on far enough.
Also, I love Emu, he’s a precious baby, too. Especially in that form. And, of course, why wouldn’t he stop the battle to explain to the Amazons how a game worked! (I think that was what happened? They certainly all paused)
I feel like Hiiro is saying friendship words, but I can’t understand him, so I don’t know.
Oh... Hi... Drive-Spectre? WTH? And... Is that Necrom? No, it’s not Necrom. He hasn't got a hood, but... Yeah, I have no clue who y’all are.
NOTE: I do not condone killing children in any way. Please do not quote me on my emotional outbursts.
CTTOI... What is Balance doing?
And... The Hiiros are still throwing each other through walls... At least the originals seems to be winning...
Think he’s saying friendship or something cool again, but I don’t know. Actually, knowing Hiiro, it’s probably meant to be cool, but is actually dorky.
Hiiro’s like ‘yup, just killed myself. That was awkward.’
Naga is now saying friendship words! But... clue what they actually are.
Wow, Emu! You beat all three of those fake alternate Riders I couldn’t identify! I’m so proud!
Wait... Why are the other Zyuohger just showing up now? Like, if Yamato saw or Sela heard Amu being taken to a hospital, wouldn't they come running? And if not, shouldn’t they have been looking for her?
Ah, drama on roof tops at night. That’s all I got, folks. No idea what’s being said, though I did hear ‘intern’ in there, so I guess Hiiro’s being Hiiro? Meaning uninformative, aloof, introverted, and incapable of normal social interaction without offending others.
Oh! Wow, he punched Emu, that’s new! I guess fighting an alternate version of yourself to the death makes you a little emotionally volatile?
Alternate thought is that he’s doing it to force even heartless monster boy that made Naga cry to see that people care about what happens to him? ‘Cause I can see Hiiro identifying with that view because he’s a big self-loathing little baby. If that made any sense.
Or maybe he knows something they don’t? He and his doppelgänger were talking and fighting, so the alternate may have said something. Then again, I have no clue what anyone is saying.
Good to know Hiiro is still super parkour surgeon!
It was really whacky when he broke that out all of a sudden. It was like, whoa, okay! Hiiro just ran up a wall! Out of suit!
Also, I think Hiiro just made a Vulcan call--lives of the many.
Mr RED HAM is upset and taking it out on Utcchy. Someone please kill him. I don’t even know who he is or what he’s doing here, but he’s hurting my children so shoot him!
Holy fuck, are those... Are pincers coming out of his eyes? WHAT IS THIS MOVIE?
No, seriously, what happened to the other Kyurangers?
Nice line up, kids. Good to know we can all put our differences aside to form a Sentai line when necessary.
What happened to the Kyurangers, AGAIN? (Oh! There’s Balance!) But this is more like a Zyuohger/Ex-Aid crossover...
Welcome to Taisen, pause the music while everyone takes a brief glance at each other’s Henshins!
Poor Parad. I almost for got he was here. Taiga too, honestly. Sorry guys!
We have Kurous, but no ToQgers...
Hey, there’s the rest of the GoRiders! I’d watch a whole series with those five, they’re a good mix.
Another reason Toku suit actors aren’t paid enough; those falling in shots.
RIP everyone.
OH, THERE THEY ARE! What, could they not get the actors for more than the opening?
I’m assuming that’s what happened w/ Kiriya, since I know for a fact Hayato is working on other things as well.
Finally some other folks!
Did ToQ Ichigo just hit his hand w/ his sword?
Glad too see you again, Marv! Even if it is just a fake alternate version and you have no lines. Same goes for you, Decade. And Diend, from earlier.
MISAO! Baby, I wish you coulda been in more of this!
Brave, WTF is that Gashat? That’s... I don’t even... Take it off. NOW.
Ex-Aid baseball?
God, the fireball and his eye on it!
RIP Red large ham man whose name I’m not sure we ever learned.
Where’d the rest of the Zyuoghers go all of a sudden?
Dramatic lineup!
So... How do Hiiro and this kid know each other, exactly?
They seem to have a sort of ‘we’re isolated geniuses who have trouble interacting with others and believe no one cares about us/we don’t deserve to be cared for’ bond going...
Now, we all talk to an evil demon child through a game screen!
I can see why a small, very intelligent, super introverted and social-awayness lacking child would look up to Hiiro enough to have him as a sort of ‘guardian entity’ being a game/world he made... Then again, I am none of those things.
Oh! Lucky’s back! And... Hiiro is confused by him.
I feel like we’ve mentioned Saki, like, twice in this film and I’m not sure why.
Now they’re still alive? WTH? I find it real interesting that the people the kid choose to put into this game thing were Utcchy and Hiiro. Those two are pretty different, if you ask me. And how does he even know Utcchy?
Aw, Naga awkward smile is back!
Awwwwwwww, it’s a socially awkward trio shot! (meaning Hiiro, Naga, and little evil demon boy)
Hiiro just looked at Lucky like ‘why are you touching me?'
Actually, now that I think about it, if I go w/ my theory that the boy did this/started this because he was a lonely, socially inept genius kid, I can see why he’d go with Utcchy. God knows that man is socially inept. Still don’t get how they knew each other. If anyone actually read to the end of this, have an imaginary cookie!
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