#<? idk if his wife is a spoiler but just in case i suppose
spotted-peat · 1 month
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*and [our] boyfriend, Senshi!
I am literally obsessed with the three of them i'm dying. i need them in situations
this is refrencing a bit from parts and rec - "this is my boyfriend, Derek, and this is Derek's boyfriend, Ben" (extras + suggestive under cut)
behind the scenes
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hand on ass propagands (propahanda?) + they were kissing sorry. there is no such thing as transfer-proof lipstick in my world
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so in summary AAAHHH!!!!!!AUAUHHAHHGHGH
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gamerwoo · 8 months
Wonwoo: Achilles (Part Four)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: attack on titan au, technically enemies to lovers???, angst but also angsty fluff??? fluffy angst???? idk one of the two lmao but there’s also straight angst, verbal/physical abuse, one mention of lying about sa, one mention of suicide, if i missed anything else pls lmk!!
Word count: 3,051
Summary: With a title like ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’, Wonwoo is the best of the best with zero weaknesses. But when the female titan betrays the scouts and runs away to Marley, Seungcheol decides to enlist the help of you: one of the people aboard the Marleyan ship sent out to sabotage them. And it’s then that Wonwoo discovers his one weakness that might just be his downfall.
a/n: remember that this series will contain spoilers if you’re not caught up with attack on titan!! also things in italics are flashbacks
Previous | Next | Achilles Masterlist
“You’re nothing,” the words were spat in your face while you just sat on your knees and took it. It wasn’t like there was much you could do even if you wanted to, but you learned it was best to just say nothing and show no emotion -- even if it meant they called you a braindead moron. “You’re just another useless Eldian-- No, you’re worse than an Eldian. You’re more braindead than a normal one. You’re completely useless.”
You continued to stare blankly at the Marleyan who had you by the hair. His grip hurt you, but you didn’t show any indication of it. You always thought that if they knew they were hurting you, they’d just want to do it more.
Back when you first had the idea to not react -- you were a young child and noticed that the Eldian kids who cried and pleaded for the Marleyans to stop just seemed to egg them on -- they would try harder to get a reaction. Sometimes, some of them still did because they wanted to be the one to ‘break the braindead Eldian’. But mostly, they’d throw you into the dirt, spit on you, and walk away.
But there were still guys like this Marleyan, who wanted so badly to be the one to get a reaction from you. That, or maybe he just wanted something to take his anger out on. Maybe his kids didn’t love him. Maybe his wife left him. You weren’t sure.
He shoved your head down into a bucket of freezing water. You tried not to react to it, your eyes squeezing shut as your breath was forced out of your lungs from how cold it was. But he kept holding you there, waiting for you to start thrashing.
But you’d sooner pass out than do that.
You were staring out at the ocean, the moon being mirrored off the surface. You blinked a couple times before turning your head to look at Soonyoung, who sat on the beach a couple feet away from you. He offered a soft smile.
“You okay?” he asked. “I said your name like, 3 times.”
You nodded, “Yeah. Just...thinking.”
“‘Bout what?” he wondered.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “You can’t actually miss that place, right?”
You shook your head, “They weren’t homesick thoughts.”
His face softened, and he looked down at the sand the two of you sat on. His legs were apart with his knees up, his arms resting on them. You were sitting with your legs outstretched in front of you, looking down the beach at the water. The two of you were supposed to be on lookout in case anyone invaded. You were working in shifts, but Wonwoo was supposed to be showing up to take over for Soonyoung any minute now.
“So...what was Marley like?” Soonyoung wondered.
You shrugged, “It was a nice place visually. It was the people who lived there who ruined it.”
“Is it like here?”
“No, it was more... I don’t know. Fancier, I guess? For lack of a better word. It’s kind of like the interior, but nicer.”
While Soonyoung mulled over that thought, you studied him. You wondered what you would’ve been like if you’d grown up on Paradis like he did. Even though the people who lived on the island were looked at as devils and were constantly fighting for their lives, Soonyoung somehow always seemed so happy and carefree. But you? You hardly spoke a word in your life up until being sent off to the island. 
Honestly, you were happier ever since coming to Paradis. Yeah, maybe Wonwoo gave you a hard time, but even he was mostly just amusing to make grumpy.
Speak of the devil... you thought, as you heard footsteps begin to get louder behind you.
“Alright, get lost,” his familiar voice suddenly said behind the two of you.
Soonyoung jumped before he whipped his head around, looking up at the captain, “A warning might be nice, you freak.”
“Just go,” Wonwoo told him in a bored tone, ignoring the insult. “You need all the rest you can get.”
Soonyoung pushed himself to stand up, saying goodnight to you and swearing under his breath at Wonwoo before leaving the beach. Wonwoo took Soonyoung’s spot a couple feet away from you, and even sat in the same position he had.
“So Marley’s nicer than the interior, huh?” Wonwoo questioned.
You let out a sigh, “Do you always eavesdrop on conversations?”
“And what if I only do it to you?” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “You also seem to only be this annoying toward me. What, you got a crush on me or something?”
He scoffed, looking back toward the ocean, “You wish.”
“I’d rather get crunched by Chan, but whatever helps you sleep at night.”
A silence fell between the two of you, but it didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. It felt...nothing. It was like you were sitting on the beach alone.
After just sitting there listening to the waves, you finally spoke up, “Can I ask you something?”
“Even if I say no, you’ll run your big mouth anyway,” he sighed, staring across the ocean.
You chose to ignore him, instead asking what you'd been wondering ever since you saw Wonwoo interact with his comrades.
"Why haven't you hit me yet?"
His head snapped toward you suddenly, eyes watching you from behind round glasses. You continued to stare out at the ocean, but Wonwoo just sat silently, waiting for you to elaborate on your question.
When you didn't he asked, "You want me to hit you?"
You shrugged, finally looking back at him, "You do it to Soonyoung all the time. And Mingyu. And Jun. And literally everyone else who gets on your nerves. You've physically threatened the others, but you've never done that to me. So why not?"
It was like a staring contest. He stared at you, his expression unreadable. So you stared back, waiting for a response.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity but was realistically maybe no more than 4 or 5 seconds, Wonwoo scoffed and turned back to the view, "You ask too many questions."
"And you don't give enough answers," you replied, mimicking his actions.
There was another silence that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. It continued to feel like you were just sitting on your own, staring at the moonlight reflecting off the water. You weren't sure how long you sat like that, but neither of you broke it for at least a few minutes.
"So what happened to you?"
Wonwoo's voice probably should've made you jump since it was sudden, breaking through the soft sounds of the waves. But somehow, it didn't startle you.
Neither of you broke your gaze away from the water, but you were kind of happy his scrutinizing eyes weren't on you. You felt like he was always judging you or studying you whenever he looked at you, and while you knew why, you still didn't like it. You felt like a science experiment.
Then again, it was better than being looked at with disgust.
"You know what happened to me," you replied with a breath.
"But I want to know the details," he pressed.
You were the first to look away now, "Why?"
He met your eyes, explaining, "You're still an unknown to us. You could turn on us at any point still, actually. So I require more knowledge on you in case you do decide to become a traitor -- if you're not secretly one already."
It was your turn to scoff now, rolling your eyes, "Yeah right. If you knew everything I went through, you'd feel like an idiot even thinking I'd help them."
"So then prove me wrong."
"Okay," you nodded, but you paused, "only if you tell me about you first."
He chuckled, but more because he found your request silly rather than amusing, "Why?"
You shrugged, "To me, you're the unknown. I know your name is Wonwoo and you're the captain. You're Seungcheol's best friend and right-hand man. And I heard before that you 'owe him' for some reason, and I wanna know what and why."
For a second, Wonwoo seemed surprised that you knew about him and Seungcheol, but then he softly chuckled and nodded while he looked down at the sand, "Yeah, I should've expected word would travel to you. But to be fair, nobody knows the whole story."
"Well I want the whole story. Then I'll talk."
He seemed to consider your deal for a moment, continuing to stare at the sand before he took a deep breath and looked back out to where the sky met the ocean. He let out his breath in a soft hum, and then was silent for another beat.
"There's an underground city where a lot of less fortunate people live," he began. "It's full of...grime and poverty... Once you're down there, it's almost impossible to come up to the surface. And the air down there is awful. A lot of people have medical issues because there's no fresh air or sunlight.
"Well, my dad passed away before I was born because of those medical issues. My mom died during childbirth, so I was left all alone as soon as I was born. They had no choice but to let me up to the surface to be placed into a children's home because there aren't any down below, and there was nobody to take me in. Even as a baby, I was treated differently, and the fact I was born in the underground followed me as I grew up. Kids were brutal, and they got even worse as we got older. I got spit on and beat up at first, but it started turning into being held down in the river or getting threatened with knives and whatever kids and teenagers could use as weapons. I fought back at first, and I got good at fighting. But suddenly, everyone around me was hitting growth spurts or putting on weight, and I was...unfortunately, pretty small compared to everyone else. So instead, I learned not to react because that made them want to hurt me more. It made them realize they got a rise out of me and they liked that."
Yeah, that sounds familiar, you thought, but you kept your comments to yourself, letting Wonwoo talk.
"I decided it was best to sneak back to the underground, so that's what I did. I stayed there for a couple years, until I was older and taller and bigger. Nobody down there treated me differently, but there were still some troubled kids who picked fights, and I would just fight because I wanted to stay tough so I could eventually go back to the surface and give those stupid kids a taste of their own medicine.
"In between all that, though, I had realized that because I found a way to sneak in, I could sneak back out. So I started stealing things from the surface to give to people underground. Some people would give me some spare change in return, and at first, I didn't want it. I had nothing, but that didn't mean I wanted what little other people had, y'know? But then I saw some guy selling ODM gear on the black market and I wanted it. I knew it would help me, so I started accepting anything people gave me so I could save up for it. And when I got it, I spent forever teaching myself how to use it and how to be good with it.
"I started spending more time on the surface, and I eventually ran into some of the kids who really abused me when we were younger. I was at least a head taller than them now, and I had gotten really strong from all the fights I'd get into and from training myself with the ODM gear, so I won most of the fights against guys my age. But there was one time... I don't even remember the kid, but I beat him up pretty bad. I honestly probably would've gotten arrested again but nobody from the Garrison was around, and I guess the kid went straight to his dad instead."
He was lost in thought, staring out at the ocean but his eyes weren't really fixed on it. He was somewhere else completely.
"I noticed these big guys following me, so I went down some alley hoping maybe I was just paranoid for whatever reason. Like I said, I was angry a lot. I felt like everyone was out to get me because people just...were. But they followed me down there. They managed to catch up to me, and it was the kid's dad and some of his friends. It was hard to fight off men who were at least 2 decades older than me, and they probably would've beaten me to death if they could.
"But Seungcheol was there. He showed up out of nowhere. He had only recently become Commander, and nobody really knew what to think of him just yet. But he scared off the guys and got me on his horse and took me to get patched up and healed. I guess he'd seen me once getting away from the market on the ODM gear. I had stolen some fruit and the merchant was after me, but the Garrison couldn't care less about helping them. He asked around and heard more about me from the Garrison Regiment since I had gotten arrested a couple times -- thankfully, never with my ODM gear so they could never confiscate it. He had been scoping me out for a little while after that. He said he wanted me on the Scouts. I had nothing and nobody, so I figured why not. Now I have people and something to live for."
You weren't sure why, after all of that, the first thing you asked was, "So you do care about the Scouts?"
But that was what you asked.
Wonwoo chuckled, dropping his head down to his knees that were bent, his arms resting on them. Then he looked at you, still smiling, "Yeah, I care about my friends in the Scouts. They're pains in my ass, but I'd do anything for them. Especially Seungcheol. He gave me a purpose.
"Now it's your turn," he reminded you with a smirk. "Talk, Marleyan."
You let out a sigh, not nearly putting in as much thought or heart into your story as Wonwoo had with his.
"I was born to an Eldian and a Marleyan, but if you're even partly Eldian, you're not seen as Marleyan at all. You get treated as an Eldian. My mom was Marleyan and had fallen in love with my dad, but when it was found out that she had me with an Eldian, she suddenly turned the narrative around and claimed he had come onto her. That got him executed, so I was put into an Eldian children's home."
You barely heard Wonwoo chuckle softly, but that was all.
"I found out my mom committed suicide not too long after, so I was alone -- not that she would've wanted to take me in anyway. The children's home for Eldian's was basically a lawless land. There were bugs and rats everywhere, all our clothes and bedding were dirty, and there was hardly enough food to feed all of us.
"Anyway, not much happened there. Marleyans would say mean things to us sometimes they'd push us around and beat us up if they saw us, but that was it. I got kicked out of the home when I was of age. I worked some small, shitty jobs until I eventually went into the military because I needed something to do and I needed somewhere to live because I could never get enough money for housing. Word traveled pretty quickly about me. Because I stopped responding to the abuse, I was known as the braindead Eldian, so a lot of soldiers were disgusted I was there, but they figured they could use me for simple jobs like cleaning or cooking. Then, when they came up with their big plan to kidnap Jiwoo, they decided to use me since I was expendable.
"And," you finished with a deep sigh. still looking out at the water and how the moon and stars reflected on it, "now here we are."
Wonwoo's response was, surprisingly, to chuckle. You glanced at him, giving him a look that was partly offended and partly confused, but he was still looking out at the water.
"I give you my detailed life story and you just skip out on everything?" he asked, shaking his head. "That's pretty unfair."
"Because it was all the same shit. Nothing interesting happened. Kinda sounded like your story, anyway."
He let some air out through his nose as he nodded slowly, "Yeah, guess so."
There was a moment of silence. You still looked at Wonwoo expectantly, but he was looking out at the ocean. You knew he could feel your stare on him, but you could tell he was choosing to ignore it.
"So?" you finally pressed.
He looked at you, "So what?"
"Do you still think I'm gonna turn on you or whatever?"
He shrugged, "Maybe. The chance is always there."
You huffed and looked back at the ocean. This seemed to amuse him because he let out a quiet laugh.
"What's the issue, princess?"
You rolled your eyes at the nickname but said nothing about it, replying, "I don't understand you."
"Which part?"
"Why would you bother trusting me with all of that if you think I could be a traitor? Seems pretty counterintuitive to me."
You didn't think Wonwoo was going to answer because your question was followed by silence. You continued to look at the water for a few seconds of silence. At least 10 must've passed.
Those whole 10 seconds, though, Wonwoo was looking at you. He was studying your profile in the moonlight, eyes softening as an almost sad smile tugged at his lips that you didn't see. And then he slowly turned back to the view.
"I dunno," he mumbled. "Guess you just...remind me of someone."
»»———-  ———-««
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shxugx · 8 months
my theory academia
also known as “what i wrote in my notes app to explain my mha theories to my wife, who knows the bare minimum of mha lore”
* manga spoilers ahead *
SO i begin with Red Shoe TheoryTM
Red Shoe Theory is basically the idea that Izuku’s trademark red shoes are a specific brand made for quirkless people.
The doctor in episode one explains that quirkless people are biologically different than quirked people. one of the differences is they have a second toe joint in their toes. a very specific and odd thing to include, but go off i guess
then we see izuku’s ugly ass (affectionate) red shoes. he wears the same damn shoes since he was a kid to literally current day. no one else in the series has this type of shoe and he wears them with everything.
theory is basically bc of the toe joint, they have to wear specific shoes to accommodate.
now: this is kinda a dumb theory by itself. however, i lied when i said only one character in the series wears them.
there is two.
introducing the Shigaraki was Quirkless theory.
HandJob McGee is the only other character that wears these red ass shoes. but they’re not just red. they’re fucking identical to izuku’s. again, not super compelling at first.
until you take in account the UA traitor, Aoyama Yuuga.
he was quirkless. his parents, rich and stupid, asked AFO to give him a quirk. he gives him Naval Laser and now basically has his family enslaved and forces him to be the traitor.
something odd about aoyama’s quirk (besides that is fucking stupid) is that it hurts him. not in a “worked out too much” way but in a “can barely use it” way. he gets better with training but he can barely handle using it for a few seconds without being in pain and he is RELIANT on support gear, something people with quirks are taught not to rely on as it is a handicap in case their gear is destroyed. he has no choice and has to wear it because otherwise the fuckin bitch leaks n shit
there are two other characters who’s quirks hurt them like this. izuku and his liquified bones, who we also know was quirkless
and shiggy.
all the characters we have seen that have toxic quirks have a natural immunity or defense against it to protect them (IE: kacchan and fire, mina and acid etc)
however, shigaraki is literally flaking away. we also know that he was originally Tenko shimura and had black hair and black eyes. now tho, he has white hair and red eyes and his skin is so dry he scratches constantly.
his quirk is decay.
his body is slowly decaying itself as a reaction to the quirk because it’s not supposed to be there. he’s basically turning albino.
now. this i feel like is too obvious to not be canon but *shrugs*
AFO manipulated and groomed baby Tenko bc he’s a petty ass bitch
AFO forced decay onto bb tenko, causing him to accidentally kill his family, and be the one to find him after to “save him”, and it was planned every step of the way.
So this is easier just to go in order of tragic events.
Yoichi Shigaraki, first user of One for All, brother of All For One, so obviously All For One is a shigaraki.
Nana Shimura. Seventh user of one for all and All Might’s beloved mentor.
All Might, who is still alive and who AFO hates.
Nana Shimura. Also known as Tenko Shimura’s grandmother.
nana is dead. bc afo fucking killed her.
all might is not dead and is proving to be afo’s biggest asshole to date.
all might continues to be heartbroken about nana’s death to current day. it’s no secret how important she was to him.
afo, an immortal petty bitch, thinks hmm how can i make all might suffer the most.
oh i know.
finds her quirkless grandson and says “hey lil boy i can give you a quirk! :D”
tenko, 4 and stupid, “omg really!! :D”
afo, *gives tenko a super fucking destructive quirk*
*sends him home*
(note: he could have also have it to him without tenko knowing it happened idk. the details are flexible but the main point it the important thing here)
tenko, fucking accidentally kills his entire family bc how was he supposed to know better.
afo, is immortal and rich so has people watching to make sure no one gets close to the boy and he swoops in to “save him”
proceeds to groom him and traumatize him by making him wear his fucking dead family’s hands on his body to constantly remind him he is a killer and evil and afo will be the only one to be kind and care about him
afo brainwashes tenko into forgetting what happened and who he used to be (through grooming, gaslighting, etc) and now he only knows himself as tomura shigaraki.
plans to make him basically the successor to afo and be what kills one for all/ all might is sick poetic fuckery of all might being killed by his mentors grandson.
(also adds a reason as to why nana is the only female user. to show that she is important to the story beyond just being a past user/mentor)
now this next theory has less of a hold bc of lack of evidence but i personally head canon it to be true.
Dad for One
basically. midoriya izuku’s dad, midoriya hisashi is actually AFO.
he left when izuku was diagnosed as quirkless which could be considered hypocritical considering he sought out tenko but i think afo is a dramatic bitch and wanted to fuck with all might but ALSO
tenko is older than izuku by at least a few years, so he would have already had that plan in motion and may have stuck around just to see if izuku developed a quirk worth stealing or not and decided he wasn’t worth it. or could have also just not been able to get away with using him bc of inko and the bakugous. or a little of all that idk. (i GUESS it’s possible that he also actually did care about izuku and didn’t want to hurt him but i meeeannnnn idk man i wasn’t there)
* horikoshi has confirmed that izuku’s dad would be revealed before the end of the series and we kinda don’t have many options left here (at least i saw something that said that at one point, could be bs but STILL his dad is one of the last mysteries of the show)
* afo’s fuckin face is destroyed so we can’t see any resemblance BUT Yoichi looks INCREDIBLY similar to izuku
* it honestly makes the story super fucking interesting?? like izuku is the son of afo, born quirkless, given the quirk one for all by all might, all might basically becomes dad might, and izuku is the one to take his father down with the help of the previous users (including his uncle yoichi) in an incredible poetic justice loose end tying satisfying ass ending
i also wanna add that the Dabi is Touya Todoroki theory being canon gives credibility that this story has a thing for the family drama plot line and why wouldn’t they use it in the main characters storyline?
in conclusion, i held my wife hostage for a solid hour and a half to explain these to her, not dissimilar to this meme;
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and i wanted to share it bc i worked too hard on it to just delete the note lmfao
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
Armor by John Steakley pt 3 (end)
Actually wait, no, I have a promise to fulfill.
I finished Armor. Let's talk about it.
The final sections of Armor cover what happened to Felix back on the planet Banshee, and then what happens on the planet Sanction with Jack Crow, the Fleet's project director Hollis "Holly" Ware, Lewis the drunk planet owner, and Borglyn the space pirate come to collect.
The no-more-spoilers review is: if you liked the sound of Steakley's man-punches-space-bug action and enjoy some melodramatic manpain, you might have fun. Just feel free to skim liberally over the Jack Crow sections. It's not like, amazing, but the ending was fun enough for me that it made the whole thing maybe worth it.
Now that I know what does and does not matter, I'll backpedal a little.
In the first section with Felix, he met a female Scout named Forest who turned out to be the second best armor operator in the entire fleet, as determined by the powered armor Olympics. (Which are, apparently, a thing.)
During this section, he came to learn about how the man who bested Forest (Nathan Kent) is treated as an ornamental hero by Fleet: He's the best there is at using armor, but he's never been sent on a combat drop because his job is entirely to be shown off for PR.
Also, Forest loved him.
Forest dies.
After we limp our way through Jack Crow's long section, we return to Felix as he has gone through combat drop after combat drop.
Eventually, Fleet decides to establish a research base on Banshee. Nathan Kent is even sent out to participate in combat for PR because it is finally deemed safe, the Fleet thinks they understand how the ants work on Banshee and how to build up an impenetrable fortress that makes operating on the planet so much safer.
Felix is actually, through the force of having other people around him and nothing going horrifyingly wrong for five minutes, temporarily coaxed into feeling more like a human being.
He even finally breaks it to Kent what happened to Forest, which fucks Kent up emotionally because Kent feels responsible for her death.
The ants fuck everything up. But that's not as important as what happens later.
Felix's 21st combat drop isn't even a real combat drop. He's actually there to babysit a visiting dignitary who has used his vast wealth and influence to get Fleet to include him for idk, some kind of warrior honor dignity reasons probably: The Masao. He's extremely wealthy. He shows up with a personal guard. They give him golden armor, and a fake milk run to go do in the Banshee desert that will almost certainly not endanger him for real.
Felix, being their best fighter, is of course there for security purposes just in case.
This is all according to the Masao's plan.
The Masao is known to Felix as his childhood friend Allie, back when Felix was growing up special on his own very wealthy and important planet, Golden. Felix was supposed to become First Guardian, which is the beloved leader position for the whole of Golden.
Allie asks Felix what the fuck he's doing out here, and pretty quickly figures out the extent of how bad Felix has buried himself in the antwar.
Felix, it turns out, abandoned his people and his planet after his wife, who was named Angel, died and he blamed the people of Golden for failing to protect her.
It almost seems like things are going to work out for Felix. His friend's understanding and sympathy (and calling him out a bit) revive him, and Allie and Felix start making tentative plans re: what Felix is going to do after he gets out of this war.
.......Then, of course, when they're about to transport back to the ship, the ants attack them and Allie is killed.
Back on the ship, a grieving Felix is approached and apparently attacked by Nathan Kent (???).
The recording ends there.
Jack Crow, Holly, and Lya on Sanction headscratch over the ending of the recording, convinced that Nathan Kent killed Felix?
But they also have much bigger problems because soon enough, the space pirate that Jack was cutting a deal with (Borglyn) is ready to come collect the power cell he was scheming to get.
But actually, unbeknownst to Jack, his plan is bigger than that. Borglyn intends to take the whole planet. Nobody told Jack, and Jack was too stupid to figure it out apparently.
This results in a standoff between Borglyn aboard his ship threatening Holly down in the Dome headquarters. Holly won't come out, so Jack goes in to try to convince him in order to save his life. They both end up trying to last stand against Borglyn and his pirates.
Then.... something weird happens.
Lewis, you know, the drunk fisherman who supposedly owns this planet, shows up??? Through everything????
....And he goes to the black Scout suit they've been reading memories from, opens it up, and climbs inside.
They have A Moment with Felix, whose memories have changed their lives, and everyone's like fuck, okay, we have so much we need to talk about later. But for now, they do get one detail:
Nathan Kent did not kill Felix. Nathan Kent popped him out of his armor (that's why the recording ended) and threw him onto the little ship that Allie had brought as a gift for him, and remotely programmed it to fly Felix out here away from the war so that Fleet couldn't find him.
Fleet executed him for it.
Mystery solved.
Felix proceeds to fuck up Borglyn's entire heavily armed pirate crew so badly the big (also heavily armed) stolen spaceship has to flee, but not before Felix gets a grip on it.
The last anyone sees of Felix is him deteriminedly punching his way up the side of the stolen ship to go after Borglyn.
Epilogue: Holly and his girlfriend Lya are married with kids, Jack Crow and Karen the administrator are still miserable bastards that fuck one another, and the people from Golden have sent investigators looking for Felix because they refuse to believe he's dead. See, a body was never recovered.
Jack Crow wonders if he's still out there.
The end made this for me, I was finally having fun by the time it was over. Felix is a Very Special Boy and you know what? Sure, I can roll with that. Making jokes about how obviously Felix/Allie was real for five minutes was some of the most fun I've had all week.
Armor wants to be smarter than it is, the psychology it has cooked up for Felix is kind of bonkers to the point where it distracts me, but like. I respect that it tried.
It's not high art, but it very much fits into the overall shape of military scifi as a genre and I have read multiple stories that feel like its descendents.
....I also have an anthology of power armor short stories that is dedicated to John Steakley. I'll let you guys know if/when I get around to those.
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Reacting to Animated Marvel Shows 1/?
Taking a break from my Loki rewatch to react to another animated Marvel show because I saw SIGYN in the thumbnail of this episode and got excited. Is Loki going to treat Sigyn poorly? Almost definitely. Is Marvel going to treat both of them poorly? Almost definitely. Am I going to watch it anyway because I'm a glutton for punishment? Absolutely. Let's get started.
[Post-watch edit: Sigyn is NOT in this. It is a case of mistaken identity in the thumbnail because this is the only episode of this show I've watched. I've been bamboozled and I'm still pissed about it. Sorry if I got your hopes up. I got mine up too.]
Spoilers for Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2x15
Okay so already in the recap I'm seeing they buried the lead and this is NOT the only episode of this show Loki is in. So once again I will be consuming Loki content backwards. Cool.
Fuck yeah Surtur, crush Amora in your fiery hand!!
Okay recap over
New York always just has tanks casually rolling around
Loki that was the most chill groan of pain I've ever heard. Isn't this shit supposed to HURT? It seems like you're more annoyed than anything else.
Fuck I'm sorry y'all. Sigyn is not in this. Goddammit Marvel. IT'S THE VENOM MYTH [not Venom like the character] AND YOU PUT AMORA THERE INSTEAD OF SIGYN??? THE BITCH WHO BETRAYS HIM TIME AND AGAIN INSTEAD OF HIS WIFE. FUCK Y'ALL.
How fucking rude to replace Sigyn with AMORA. Just add to his fucking torture, Jesus.
Amora has Maleficent horns. Bitch take those off you ain't shit. You can't hold a candle to Maleficent. Get the fuck out of here and go get Sig.
Wait why does Thor still get to be buff but not Steve?
Dude the theme goes too hard for this show
The balls on Thor to call his fucking bodybuilder shit a frail form in front of Cap's asthmatic, wrinkly ass
Eew Amora stop touching Loki's face
SHE JUST GAVE HIM THE ARMOR SIGYN WENT TO GREAT LENGTHS IN THE OLD COMICS TO GET FOR LOKI'S SOUL TO INHABIT (I mean it might be the Destroyer armor but I'm angry anyway so I'm going with the first option)
Goddammit am I gonna have to write an AU for this episode specifically, where Sigyn shows up and punches Amora's lights out, like Get away from my husband, bitch!
Cap looks like he's both eleven and ninety
Damn it is the Destroyer, but I think Loki possesses it which is the thing that happens in the old comics? Idk, I only know this secondhand.
Steve I'm begging you to lose your temper just once. Thor is towering over you, at least twice your body mass, can still walk with a broken leg and hasn't once complained of the pain, but anytime the fucker opens his mouth it's to complain about how weak he is. Meanwhile you could drop dead any second, polio has been eradicated in the US and you've already gotten it, but you could probably breathe wrong and immediately need an iron lung in 2010 with your luck.
Thor says "That voice" like he didn't grow up for thousands of years with Loki by his side. Like this isn't fucking, I don't know, Ultron, someone you've fought once (I know they tend to fight him more in the comics and animated shows), that's your BROTHER
Tony saving Steve was cute
Good job, Clint. You helped.
Well do we call that Sigynbait? Healthy relationship bait? Whatever it is I'm fucking pissed and I'm going to have to change my intro for this post to reflect it because I don't do clickbait (which you already know because you aren't reading my draft).
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questionablespecies · 2 years
Might be a controversial opinion but: I'm kinda upset that Cabinet of Curiosities isn't that...goooodddd.....😬
[Episode spoilers under the cut]
IDK I expected it to be a little more.... engaging??? The first episode was supposed to be THEE HOOK, it was supposed to reel the audience in to keep watching, right? And in a way, it did cause you kinda wanted to see that asshole die and you got that at least. The second episode felt like a repeat of the first (man desperate because in debt will do anything for cash otherwise he dies tomorrow), except in this case, I began to feel bad for that guy in his desperation and then we fall into the same outcome once again. So it's like...alright....same outcome, will the leads of these episodes ever live or...?
NOW THE THIRD EPISODE???? THE THIRD EPISODE????? That was amazing, I was locked into the plot, I wanted to know what the fuck was going on, I was glued to my seat because I was hooked into the mystery - even tho the same outcome once again happened to the lead, in this case, he went out in STYLE. It was amazing, loved every second of it. And this is where my hope of the show rose cause NOW I'm like finally we're getting somewhere, finally we're getting locked in.
And then the fourth episode came and it was okay. Honestly I'm questioning if there was even really an evil in it besides from trying to adhere to the "normal" beauty standards - and it's not like the product lied, it DID give her what she wanted, I don't even think it drove her crazy to kill her husband. I know he was in the way of her changing - and it's kind of funny because on one hand her husband was wrong and right, TO ME. Like, if your wife is unhappy with how she looks, you constantly telling her that she looks good to you and that she doesn't need to change is nice in theory, but otherwise unhelpful. If he sat down to be like okay, what are you unhappy about, what can we work on so you can feel better, that would've been the support she needed (so that's where he was wrong) - he was right tho just because the product was supernatural and weird and fucking up her skin for a minute, obviously doing this type of damage wasn't helping (so that's why he was right). BUT OVERALL?? If he just waited one more night, she would've had her transformation and her skin would've cleared up no biggie.
Fifth episode...man I love Ben Barnes but eh...he really couldn't save it, I just did not care what was happening in that.
I stopped at the 6th episode cause I got distracted and lost focus, so idk what was really happening in that 💀
But yeah my OVERALL point is that so far, out of 5 episodes, I really only liked ONE and the rest have just been okay to boring and I had high hopes that they'd all be bangers or at least the MAJORITY would be.
It's just a shame 🤧
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Omg can I request a scenario with Levi in season 4? So you know how he's supposed to keep watch over Zeke in the forest? One of the Yeagerists finds out their location and lies to Levi that his wife is giving birth so Levi rushes back to town and leaves the other soldiers in charge of keeping an eye on Zeke. And by the time Levi meets up with his wife, she's very confused as to why he came in such a rush. I've read the manga so I also want to add onto what happens next but idk if you write manga spoilers so 😭 anywho the explosion doesn't end up happening tho! :D
ofccc!!! i hope you like it!! <3 sorry if i wrote to much fluff it just came :’) i took some manga spoilers so read under your own risk under the spoiler line!!
a/n: i didn't took the canon manga words or events!
❁ levi x female!reader
❁ some bad talking against zeke :’), pregnancy and death.
Zeke opened another wine bottle and drank, being cautious with the book he has been reading. Levi looks at him, his face totally unexpressive but his eyes look at Zeke with disgust. They have been days in that place, sleeping in tents, near the Forest of Giant Trees. He’s in charge of Zeke, with some of his closest soldiers, who are now drinking some wine in reward for their hard work, even when Levi told them to have some water instead.
“Come on, Captain. We also want to have fun...”
He couldn’t stop his soldiers, they deserved it. He looks to the campfire in font of him, the flames reflected in his grey eyes. He thought about his family, the one he’s about to have. You’re pregnant with his baby, the baby you two wanted for a long time. Armin told him he estimates less than a week for you to give birth.
And he’s trapped in this forest with a fucking bastard. He looks at Zeke. He seems strangely calm, as he wasn’t being watched by humanity’s most strong soldier ever. The one that cut his arms and legs more than once, and was about to kill him at least another two. But he didn’t learn about it, and keeps trying to get killed.
“Levi, you look too serious. Do you want some wine?”
“Drink it yourself and hopefully you’ll choke to death.”
“That’s not very sweet for a married man, Ackerman.” Levi raises an eyebrow, taking his blade out and cleaning it slowly. Zeke looked at the blade, shimmering in the light. He took his eyes to the book once again. Some fast steps were heard. Levi took out his blades and, with a look to his soldiers, they all stood in their positions. A little girl, with the Corps jacket, searched the Captain with her eyes. He looked at her.
“Captain Ackerman, I have news from the District!”
He looked at his soldiers, one of them behind her, in case she tried to hurt the Captain. Levi’s gaze told them to be alert around her. Zeke looked at the girl from behind his book.
“Talk, then.”
“It’s your wife... She’s having complications with the birth. She’s about to have the child, but the possibilities of them both surviving are minimum.”
Levi’s eyes reflected true terror while he was listening to her. He looked back to the bearded man. He keeps reading, while drinking. He looks then to his loyal subordinate.
“You should go, Captain. We’ll have an eye on this man.”
Levi nods. He looks at the girl closely, analyzing her. He talks before taking his horse.
“Keep one eye in this girl too. She seems like a liar.” Right after that, he rode his horse, going as fast as he could. During all the way, he though how you were. How the baby is. If you two are okay. If he's late to save one of you. 
He obligated himself to fix his attention on the way and keeps going, He arrived to the city at almost night. He searched his home, the one the army gave him after getting married, to avoid the Captain and his wife living with them. He opened the door with his hands shaking, and almost run to the living room. He smelled rice. Then, the sound of a knife. He also took out his blades. You both encountered in the corner of the kitchen, your hand holding tightly the knife and his holding the blades. Both of you looked at each other with surprise, before you let go the knife and run towards him. His hands found your waist.
“Levi...” you whisper. You have missed him a lot all this time. He hugged you, his eyes full of tears. He’s trying to relax his breath, but you notice. “Why did you come so fast? Weren’t you watching Zeke?” 
He nods, his hand caressing quietly your belly. 
“It’s the baby okay?” you nod, confused. “And you?”
“Of course, I’m fine. Why?” he sighs before hugging you again. His head buried on you hair, your belly against his worked abdominal. 
“I thought I was late to save you. I thought I lost you and our baby.”
“No, no. Armin came half an hour ago. He told me I’m really healthy and the baby is in a good position to give birth to. We’re both totally fine, but we were missing you.” You pout. His lips found your neck. 
“I also missed you.” His hands cover your belly, and he receives a little kick. You laugh,
“It has been kicking for a while now. It’s the Ackerman gene.” Levi lets out a little laugh. He also knows he has to go back to the camp, to keep watching over Zeke and interrogate the girl who is she and for who does she work. But his soldiers are there, just a minute more. He gets on his knees, near to your baby bump. His hands keep being warm against your covered skin.
“Daddy missed you a lot this days, hm? But we’ll be all together really fast, baby. Don’t make mommy feel bad, yes?”
“I can’t see you as the strongest and fiercer soldier alive if you talk to my belly like that.” He lets out a little laugh, but his brain made “click”. That girl was a Yeagerist. For sure. This was all a trick to make Levi come here and leave his post.
“You have to leave this house. Fast. And don’t go out for a while. They have an eye on you.”
“Were I’m I supposed to sleep then?” You ask, lost and confused. He takes a couple clothes from your wardrobe and put a brown cape on you, covering your head and your bump. “Should I stay with my parents?” you ask. He shakes his head while he keeps searching things you might need. Also, some baby’s clothes, because he’s sure you’re about to give birth.
“No, that’s too obvious.” Levi’s brain was working faster than ever. You need to be in a comfort place, so sleeping in the barricade it’s out. Then, you should be with someone who knows how to help you giving birth. A place where a pregnant woman won’t be found and hurt.
“Historia.” he whispers. “Can you walk fast?”
“Of course.” he took your hand and guided you. You talked to Historia a couple times. You know she’s also pregnant, and protected by some guards. He guides you fast. When you’re in a campsite house, near the town but kinda hidden, he knocks. 
“Were you talking about Queen Historia?” you ask in a whisper. He nods. A soldier opens, without recognizing Levi. His head totally covered by his cape.
“Sorry, this is restricted area. It’s an orphanage...”
“We know that.” Levi takes his cape out of his head. The soldier stands straight and puts his hand in his heart as a salute. You two do the same.
“Tell Historia she’s my wife. They have been rounding around our house, so I hope the Queen can give a favor back and let my wife sleep here until we’re safe.”
The soldier ran up the stairs, to talk to the Queen. He came back faster.”
“The Queen accepts. She’ll be in the best care and, if she gives birth, she’ll be in the hands of the real matrons. Don’t wprry about her, Captain Levi.” He nods before looking at you again. The soldier lefts to give you privacy.
“Be careful. Talk to them if you feel bad or if you need something. And, please, don’t make efforts. The baby it’s near and...”
“Got it, Levi. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You should be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt, or worst...”
“I’ll be okay.” he answers. “Just looking to a barbed man. I’ll be back faster than you think.” He takes you again between his arms. You bury your head on his chest, hugging him stronger. 
“I don’t want you to go.” you say in a whisper. He pats your head before giving you a kiss.
“I’ll be right back.” he says. You enter the orphanage with his little smile promising you you’ll be together soon.
-------------------s p o i l e r s  a h e a d -----------------------
Then, he runs back to the camp. Things seem quiet there. Levi hears his soldier’s voices, followed by a scream.
And then the click of a thunder.
All the soldiers he had there were now titans. From different sizes and type, but they had the face of his comrades. And a blonde-haired bastard was running in front.
“This fucking bastard...”
He was surrounded by his now-titans comrades. He had no exit, just killing them. When will this nightmare end? He saw his friends getting killed, he killed friends. He's tired of this macabre game.
“I’m sorry, guys. I’m so sorry...” he thought, before starting to move his blades against his friends’ necks. He saw his faces, his families, every time their blood got into his uniform.
His teary eyes weren’t an obstacle when he kept fighting. He saw Zeke, in the hands of a titan, covered by other two. He killed the first one silently.
Zeke searched him, founding nothing, looking surprised.
He killed the next one. There was just the one carrying Zeke left
“You thought I was not going to be able to kill my comrades? That’s dirty play.” Zeke looked at the man with fear in his eyes before turning into the beast titan. Levi smirked.
“Pathetic.” Zeke says. Levi's blades are covered in blood. "I'm going to kill you."
Zeke took the head of the titan carrying him. He looked around for Levi. A near movement caught his attention, making him throw a smashed titan head to a branch. Levi cut branches to distract Zeke, right before covering his neck with thunder spears.
"Did you think that converting my subordinates into titans will stop me? that i wouldn't kill them? You don't know how many comrades I killed."
Zeke's neck exploded, making is titan fall. Levi went back to the flor and searched Zeke between all that blood and flesh. He was charred.
"I'm not going to kill you... yet."
Levi took Zeke by the head and dragged him.
"I'm so sick of you, barbed bastard."
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
So, I'm through episode 2 in Tears of Themis, and I would like to give a little review and say some things.
Spoilers for episodes 1, 2, and the beginning of Vyn's story BTW!!!
As far as functionality and storyline, those things are great. I am extremely interested in where the story is going, and the characters and plot are captivating. The game runs pretty smooth too, and it's not too different from Obey Me in terms of a card system and the episodes, though I do feel it could have been made a bit simpler...
So now that I've given my praise, I want to address a couple...issues that I have with the actual content of the game. 😬
I'll just be blunt. I don't like the fact that so far, mental illness has been portrayed the way it has. Quite frankly I think it's not only extremely harmful and misrepresenting of those who actually are affected by it, but also in poor taste to include it in such a prevalent way in an otome game. I'm not sure I understand the point behind it other than using it as an excuse for a motive for some of the cases and situations, which to me is absolutely just...yuck. And for that matter, there have been no warnings whatsoever for players who might be sensitive to those subjects either. It just pops up in the story randomly.
In Vyn's very first story segment, you literally see someone with SH marks, and it's MC's job to somehow read into that and come to the conclusion that one of Vyn's students is suicidal. In epside 2, bipolar disorder (idk the current/correct term or if that one's outdated, I'm sorry! I'm only quoting the term from the game!) is literally used as a piece of evidence and the motive as to why a man murdered his wife. Also, let's not forget the way Estelle literally used Janus' illness against him to try and manipulate him to go public with their marriage, saying "I have to take care of you and your depression, but who's going to take care of me?" That was quite possibly the most toxic line from this game I've read yet. And even in episode one, there was a brief mention of Grandpa Vern having depression after everything that transpired with Pedro and Penny's Comfort Foods, but MC and Artem quickly pass it off with something along the lines of "Well the trial's over now, so he'll be fine!"
Are you kidding me? 😳 I just feel like if you can't write a compelling murder mystery plot without having to make someone mentally ill to give them a motive, maybe you shouldn't be writing that plot. Also, you're misrepresenting everyone with mental illness and spreading misinformation about what it's really like. In real world situations, it's never black and white like that. It's so different for everyone, and it cannot be 'cured' or just 'go away' just because the main stressor or source of the problem does. It doesn't work like that, but I digress...
Note: I didn't really mention it here, but because I bring up Mystic Messenger in a later comparison, I would like to note that while MysMes also had a similar issue to this (ie. Rika, her cult, and mental illness), I feel that it was handled significantly better and multiple characters recognized her wrongdoings and condemned her and her actions for it. I haven't played through Saeran or V's route, so I can't vouch for that content. I just feel that MysMes handled it better (not perfectly), which is why it wasn't brought up here.
I think I've said enough about that. On to my next qualm:
I've noticed there have been several conversations about MC's figure and weight already, including Luke saying something akin to "I've always thought you looked too skinny," and MC thinking they were fat or asking/acusing Luke of calling them fat. I can't remember exactly what was said or mentioned but it made me feel uncomfortable for several reasons. The first is that weight didn't really need to be mentioned at all, and that is a particular sensitivity of mine, and the second being that Luke calling MC skinny is, well- it assumes that every single player is...skinny.
That is quite obviously not the case. Whatever their reasoning for it, they've now made every person who isn't considered skinny feel left out and shitty. I would even go as far as to say it's borderline fat-phobic with the type of comments that were made.
And on that topic...there is also no representation for POC whatsoever when it comes to MC. As far as I know, MC isn't customizable. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I never saw an option to change skin color, hair color, eye color, or just icons in general. Why? I'm tired of the "skinny white girl" rhetoric. Not everyone is skinny, not everyone is white, and not everyone is a girl or feminine.
Which leads me to my final big issue! I understand that an otome game's target audience is usually women, so I understand MC being a girl. I do. However- in comparison with Obey Me and even Mystic Messenger, the MC in Tears of Themis is overwhelmingly feminine. Again, I understand target audience, but come on. Even Mystic Messenger only occasionally poked at the MC's specific gender and even hid their eyes so make it slightly more anonymous/neutral (not to say the game wasn't in the wrong for it, bc they very well could have made the MC gender neutral apart from the CGI's), but I feel like this game specifically really paints a picture of a female MC that's extremely hard for me to relate to as a nonbinary person.
Also, even though I'm supposed to be the main character, it feels like I'm playing through someone else's life. They've fleshed out MC so much that she isn't actually relatable anymore, at least in my opinion. She's unnaturally upbeat, has an entire story about her childhood, specific hobbies and a designated work place, and has an entire appearance on screen. And unlike in both MysMes and Obey Me, you actually don't get the option to choose different responses to characters. It's just a set story. The only place you get to choose anything is when you're presenting evidence and testimony in court. So no personalization of MC is really my issue here, I think.
Props to Obey Me for making MC gender neutral, and props to MysMes for at least keeping MC relatable and giving them choices to respond with even if the game set their gender. And hey, MysMes even had different icons to choose from for MC too. Tears of Themis, what's the hold up? 🤨
It's generally a good game when it comes to it's working functions and systems, and I understand that no one is obligated to tag triggers, really. But it's still a game, and it's not above critique.
I give this game...3 stars out of 5. Functionality is great, plot is interesting when it's not misrepresenting, and the love interests are interesting and attractive. The art is beautiful. However, it ranks third on the list of otome games I've played so far (and I've only played three, meaning it's last on the list).
Obey Me takes the cake at number one with it's beautiful art and gender neutral MC as well as its multiple love interests and ridiculously hilarious plot. Mystic Messenger comes in at a solid second place, also with beautiful art and an interesting plot. MysMes also gets props for the way their hourglass system works and the way the story unfolded in different routes and all the different endings you could get. And finally we've got Tears of Themis in third...it could stand to do a bit better.
Well, that's pretty much all I got. Others are welcome to add on to this as well. If I'm wrong about something, please let me know respectfully.
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shmart-ash · 4 years
Spoilers for case 4 of Great Pretender, so if you haven’t finished it I recommend not reading!
While I loved the show, this was everything I found wrong with Case 4
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•Edamura’s Dad
The previous cases show what kind of life Edamura lived up until he was recruited by Laurent. He grew up thinking his dad was a human trafficker, someone he respected and loved as a kid, and was someone who would not visit his dying wife. Edamura was abandoned in this indirect regard and was forced to take care of his mother. However, his mother ends up dying and now he has neither a mother or a father but it’s alright because his father was never really guilty in the first place right? Wrong. I absolutely can not get over the fact that his father chose to be a con-man over a father. This is where his father directly abandons him. I’m not even as upset that he chose to help Laurent get revenge for Dorothy, but that he chose a life where he KNEW there was a large chance there was going to be terrible repercussions for both him and his family. Edamura was just a kid and lawyers make plenty of money, there was no need for him to take on those cons. Also because of his father Edamura is forced to grow up with the label “son of a human trafficker”. Not only did that mentally effect Edamura, but it effected how other people saw him. It forced him to feel like the only way to live was by taking from others. I absolutely despised how Edamura’s father knowingly manipulated him. Imagine you are living your life and you are knowingly being manipulated. You can recognize people are pushing you a certain way, but it’s fine becasue really it’s not that big of a deal, such as Laurent manipulating Edamura to continue doing cons, but then you come to find out that a large portion of your life was planned out. That those little manipulations were nothing compared to what was happening behind the scenes. You had unknowingly been lead to someone else’s advantage and you never really had a life of your own. You have no idea what could have been because it was taken from you. Now imagine it’s your father, or someone else you looked up too, manipulating you. I don’t know about y’all but the idea that someone who was supposed to love me guided me through their own plans without my knowledge or consent is extremely upsetting and quite frankly a smidge unforgivable. I absolutely hate Edamura’s dad and can’t stand the way he was forgiven.
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Idk why but Laurent really pissed me off in this case. At the beginning it was fine. The chemistry between him and Dorothy was meh, and I liked seeing his story, but when I realized he had been manipulating Edamura the entire time I was actually livid. The show lead me to believe that he was a good guy, but after this case I am rethinking my initial judgment. Laurent doesn’t kill, deal drungs, traffic humans, or anything that was addressed earlier in the show, but he has manipulated someone to a caliber I don’t think I get behind anymore. At first it was okay, that was just how their relationship was, Laurent dragging Edamura into the life of a con artist and Edamura grumpily being dragged along, but now? Laurent had taken away Edamuras choices and lead him on a path to bring closure to himself. I’m all for some good old fashioned revenge, but directing the life choices of someone who you barely know was a huge no-no for me. Edamura was mentally toyed with by a man who never really saw Edamura as just Edamura, but as a means to an end. His choice to put Edamura in a human trafficking business was also in horrendous fashion. Not only does Edamura have an indirect history with human trafficking, but like the show constantly says, he is emotionally sensitive. He put stress on Edamura to convince the chairwoman of his loyalty, and in response the only thing Edamura could do was sell kids despite not wanting too. Edamura really changed during this case (and I’m not talking about his looks) for the worse because of Laurent, and I honestly I don’t think Laurent is a good person anymore, which is sad because I used to love his character.
•The Resoultion
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Okay so there might have been a logical reason for the previous cases antagonists to be involved in case 4, but honestly I hated it. To me there was legitimately no reason for them to come back. Their partnership didn’t make sense and it made it seem like the show was trying to throw in a bunch of random plot twists. However, I did kind of take their return as symbolism. As I said before, I don’t really like Luerant anymore because I feel like his manipulation was too much in this case. I feel like the return to these antagonists and their supossed turn to a better life drew a bridge between them and Laurant. They got better while he got worse and they kind of met each other in the middle if that makes sense. In all honesty I would have liked their return if Edamura really had gone dark, but that will be in my next point.
•Edamura’s Betrayal
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When Edamura “betrayed” the team I was honestly excited. The show had established a good lead up to Edamura betraying them and honestly I felt like it’s what I would have done. I’m not gonna lie, Great Pretender had the perfect opportunity to establish Stockholm syndrome. A vile woman who comforts a man who lost his friends and even felt betrayed enough to “kill” his father. A man who felt abandoned by the world in both abandonment and death and only relied on himself until he was dragged into the world of being a con artist. I forget her name, but they both clearly felt strong familial bonds towards each other and I honestly don’t know that I would have had the strength to leave that safety despite the severity of her crimes. I genuinely believe the plot should have gone more in this direction rather than the “Let’s forgive everyone becasue they have issues”. Having trauma and issues is never an okay reason to abandon or manipulate someone. It’s a reason but should not be an excuse. Also dark Edamura was kind of a vibe and I’m going to miss it
Please keep in mind that these are freely up for discussion and do not fully reflect my feelings on the show. There were many things I enjoyed about it but I needed to get this off my chest. I’ve dealt with manipulative people in my life and it really bothers me when I see it in shows and no one acknowledges it or wants to address it. If you having anything you want to point out that needs fixed as it is canonicallyinaccurate, add, or want to discuss I’ll be more than happy to accommodate!
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
((so since i can't sleep what shall i talk about since i don't feel like getting on my laptop and doing proper answers/tags and such atm.
Here's something that maybe confuses some of you!
I've had Azazel mention before that Bablon was his first wife. And you may think. That sounds weird. Where'd you get that from.
So if you remember anything about Babalon that was only mentioned in passing, I feel like what you might remember is her comment of 'I only wanted to be equal to men.'
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It's a good comment! Important thing to say!
But she also said something else I want to point out that's, imo, rather important to acknowledge.
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Bablon ate from one of the Pillar Trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
Now idk how many of you are of an Abrahamic originating faith(and if so I only partially apologize for the Aggressive Blasphemy on this blog) or were raised one or just happen to be familiar with the mythology there but
As someone who went to Christian school all their school life
The most notable woman to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree in the Garden of Eden which the Pillars are based on was Eve, the first woman.
But Eve never made a fuss about being equal to Adam. That anger towards dominating men is part of Babalon's character, so where did they get it if she's Eve?
Well! If you're familiar with the Jewish side of mythology there's actually someone else of relevance here!
(""blog spoilers"" because this references something that Azazel's been asked about but was somewhat avoidant with because i thought it might be more fun to have people ask about it and ~unravel some mysteries~ along the way but i have no patience i guess)
So! In Jewish mythology, Eve was not the first woman, to my understanding!
In fact, Eve was made of one of Adam's ribs. But earlier on, the bible says that God made man and woman, which sounds like they were supposed to be made at the same time(whereas Eve being made from one of Adam's ribs came about after Adam didn't connection strongly to any animals.)
But the actual first woman was made from the same earth as Adam, refused to be subservient to him, and left the Garden so God had to make Adam a new wife.
And the actual first woman's name was Lilith! And while I don't remember reading anything about her eating from the tree(and I admit I am underread atm shh there's a lot of shit to read), considering she's made at the same time and from the same source as Adam I'm sure she had the time at some point.
Now you may be thinking 'that's cool and all but where does Azazel come into this'
So to start off with that, Azazel got asked about Samael like. A week ago. And if you recall that ask, he was kind of vague about answering it, basically only saying that he liked Samael.
So Samael is often equated with Satan but whether or not they're the same entity is dubious because Samael, though sinful and condoning of sin, is considered "good". I decided to go with them being different for a few reasons, namely convenience and because Babalon surely would have seen him in MC if that were the case.
Samael supposedly means 'poison of god' or 'venom of god'
Which is a fitting name for a snake, I think.
Samael either orchestrated the tempting of Adam and Eve to sin with/using the snake or took the form of a snake to perform this temptation, depending on your source material. I'm going with the latter interpretation.
In the Book of Enoch, which some of Azazel's canon material references, Azazel is also the snake from the garden of Eden--which adds up if you consider God saying Azazel is to be blamed for all sin(Azazel himself corroberates this in-game by telling MC that their sins are because of him in the story where he marries MC and Zabaniyya.)
It also adds up if you make Samael and Azazel the same entity, as Samael condoned the sins of humanity as well as orchestrated Adam and Eve eating the fruit--and Samael could have just convinced Azazel to do it, but why not link two major sinful angels when Azazel already has so much fallen angel lore at once?
What I'm getting at is that, on this blog at least, Samael and Azazel are the same person--Samael is just a name that Azazel had very early along with a different Role. When he took on the Role of the Watcher after fulfilling the Role of [undecided, leaning towards Infection or Temptation], he began to use Samael less and Azazel more until he stopped using it entirely, or maybe took on the name Azazel when Lilith/Babalon was banished. Or maybe he was given the name with the new Role.
And in several sources, Lilith married Samael after leaving the Garden.
And thus, Babalon was married to Azazel on this blog once upon a time(or as married as Adam and Eve were.) They've since 'broken up'(Babalon was banished and Azazel wasn't for like 200+ years after lmao couldn't rrally sustain it even if they wanted to) and Babalon treats Azazel hostilely most of the time. Neither of them really discuss it lol
It's just headcanon for fun and to make some links around with his relationships and it's far from the most far-fetched one I have lol
Of course if people disagree with it or someone who wants to play Babalon or Samael disagrees with it, I have no problem with that and won't enact it on them! But like that's why we have those answers, in case you were wondering.
TL;DR--Babalon canonically implies she's Lilith and I make Azazel Samael for reasons and that's why they used to be married.))
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
I finally finished Inazuma Archon quest and I have so many things in my mind.
Spoiler maybe (????????)
1. I wanna slap Ei so so so so so so bad. Like, uhg, damn.
2. I think I'm in love with Yae Miko, be my mommy ma'am 🥺
3. It bruns me to the core that Childe is one of the fatui, after seeing all the things they've done and how they don't really care about human life... I feel like, uhg, out of love with him? I still like him but then my brain says "He's not too different from Scara, he tried to drown Liyue, what if he would have succeeded?" I'm having a crisis here. Childe the househusband and Childe the heartless fatui, I hope in this new event we can learn more about him but still... I feel salty.
4. I cried like a baby, Teppei, I'll miss you so much.
5. Archons are selfish, I don't trust them no matter how attractive and daddy like cofcofzhonglicofcof they can be.
Okay, I finished! In general a good story, however, the ending was kinda rushed? Hehehehe Thank you for reading, I just wanted to share this with you 💕
🤷🏻‍♀️ Anon
so uh… well… hm… i have a lot of things to say abt the inazuma archon quest and aha… majority of them are… not good </3 i wont bore u w it tho bc istg i could write a full 180 pages just ranting abt whatever the hell that was. i did share my thoughts utc abt the points u made tho
ei is… well i dont really know what to say abt her. i like her design and her playstyle but how she was written? eh… i’m not the fondest unfortunately. i cant say that she’s not endearing sometimes tho.
yes. i worship one (1) yae miko 🧎‍♀️
lol. well… as his self-proclaimed first wife, i feel like i need to defend him but literally, with what?? i made an in-depth analysis over this b4 and idk if you read it but it was in an ask and i discussed my take on househusband childe and canon childe. the way i see it, scaramouche and childe are different. they’re both evil, yes, but their ambition, reasoning and way of things make them different kinds of evil people. in my eyes, childe seems like the person who would avoid unnecessary innocent deaths but wouldn’t hesitate to cut them down for his own goal. on the other hand, i dont think scaramouche would even bother w his dubious morals. now dont get me wrong, death is death and im not justifying his murders. i’m just saying that to a degree, childe does care abt human life. after all, he values his family. i find it hard to believe that whenever he does kill, he doesnt, for a split second, see his family’s faces. it’s just that he values his own ambition over life and its not any better but i think it’s a vital point of his character. one thing i like abt childe is that he’s not pretentious and the game also does a good job of portraying him as a harbinger. childe has never tried to pretend as if he’s a misunderstood villain. no, he admits that he’s a bad person who has done bad things and the game doesnt make it anymore or less than it’s supposed to be. yes, this guy is bad. there’s no justifying that. he was introduced from the get-go as someone we should be wary of and we were. ngl tho, i dont think him succeeding in liyue would affect anything. first, his plan was never going to succeed bc zhongli was ready to fix things if the qixing proved to be incompetent and second, because childe already has red on his ledger even b4 the game started. he’s canonically ‘evil’ and ‘immoral’ in that sense. tldr, liking childe means a.) liking the complexities of his canon character and psychology, b.) liking the fans’ portrayal of childe and c.) a little of both. i think you fit in the b category in which case i feel like you should avoid letting the canon bleed into your views bc it’ll be quite stressful? difficult? to think abt. i really do think it’s easier to think of those as two different people bc the way househusband childe could become canon is very different from the househusband childe you probably have in mind.
sigh… teppei you would be missed… i hope you had more development and roles.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok so i have a lot to say abt this but i’ll get to the gist. ‘selfish’ would be a good term but i also feel like it’s lacking. rather than being ‘selfish’ i think they’re more ‘human.’ they’re no different to the mortals save for their ageless and powerful nature. every day, we receive stimulus that make us react differently, possibly immorally which i can assure you, none of these archons believe they were immoral. ei, for example, believed an unchanging inazuma would be the best way to safeguard her people from the pain of loss. zhongli also thought that him leaving liyue to the hands of the people is a gift and so is venti’s lack of overseeing presence in mondstadt. we cant say they’re wrong bc their principles are also fundamentally different from ours. similarly, i can’t say for sure that if i were in their shoes (which is to say i am a god who experienced years of war, faced millions of loss and did smth that was against my morals), i’ll be any less ‘selfish.’ the only reason i could react negatively rn at ei’s actions is bc i know what it means to be mortal and to waste away but in her eyes, she probably cant comprehend the human dislike for stagnancy. how could she when she’s been stagnantly herself all these thousands of years? the truth of this matters remains to be that these archons thought they were right (just like human decision in their day to day drama) and the choices they made are flawed similar to how humans would make choices that cant be agreeable for everyone. but yes. don’t trust anyone for that matter
the entire thing was rushed. wish it took a different turn but eh- i hope this was a good reply lol. i got carried away and ended up rambling abt my cluttered view of some things. hope you dont mind <33
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Almost A Thousand Years | Hisirdoux Casperan Headcannons
a little odd, but still fun to do.  Also, I threw in some fun facts because headcannons are hard
Taglist:  @furblrwurblr​ @rainningdoom​ @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458​ @sitherin-mxschief​ @jinxedleo​ @douxiesdamsel​
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(Y/N) had a slight Irish accent back in Camelot  (she hung out in Ireland pre-Gunmar.  It faded over time.)
It’s never specified, but the colour of her magic is red, because blue and red is the colour scheme of all good ships  (jk, jk)
(Y/N) still has the good doctor’s plague mask
(Y/N) and Douxie share clothes.  She’s cold?  She wears his hoodie.  It’s too bright out?  He borrows her sunglasses (they’re heart shaped)
When they get time, Douxie, Zoe and Archie take it upon themselves to introduce (Y/N) to 90’s/2000’s culture.  This ends with excessive amounts of G-noting between the three humans, much to the annoyance of Archie
Despite using an enchanted sword most of the time, (Y/N) is a decent shot (you had to be in the war :/ )
Speaking of swords, (Y/N) has two that she uses over the course of the fic, and one of them is only a technicality.  There’s the sword that got stuck in Bular, and the one she uses for most of Trollhunters.  She switches back after Jim kills Bular, allowing her to get her sword back
AND SPEAKING OF TECHNICALITIES, (Y/N) doesn’t consider herself one of Merlin’s apprentices since she was supposed to be spying on him during that time
There are probably a few meetings between Douxie and (Y/N) that were skipped in this fic.  Can you blame me?  I have to cover almost a thousand years of these two flirting
Speaking off, there may be a few extra chapters released after AATY ends, and that doesn’t include the Trollhunters stuff
While Douxie is better at fighting monsters, (Y/N) is better with demons
Both (Y/N) and Douxie mix lingo from different time periods a lot more than you see in this fic
Jeff Goldbum and the other immortals are still betting on (Y/N) and Douxie.  Spoiler alert, Jeff wins the bet.
(Y/N) would fight literally every anti-vaxxer if Douxie didn’t stop her.  He only does this because fighting so many people would probably get (Y/N) sent to prison
These two share the same brain cells and half the time Archie has custody of the cells anyways 
When things calm down, (Y/N) teaches Douxie a bunch of healing spells because our favourite emo gets himself hurt a lot more than (Y/N) and it’s starting to worry her
Both (Y/N) and Zoe keep a stock of canned fish for Archie, (Y/N) has kept hers since the Jack the Ripper case, Zoe has kept hers since the early 90s
After they start living together, they become couple goals and it’s very soft (but you knew that already)
Post moving in together, Douxie will make (Y/N) her favourite tea whenever she’s sad.  
Both of these nerds are eternally sleep deprived
After the 20s-40s (Y/N) doesn’t drink much
The amount of books in either of their living spaces is a gosh darn fire hazard
(Y/N) and Archie are and always have been bros, even if (Y/N) and Douxie aren’t getting along.  Same with Zoe
Zoe was half serious about asking (Y/N) out in the 80s.  She would do it just to get under Douxie’s skin, but also, you’re a cute doctor???  Who kicks ass???  Who wouldn’t date you, honestly
Magically, Douxie is stronger, but (Y/N) is obviously the better healer 
Despite (Y/N)’s sass usually sent in his direction, Merlin approves of her and Douxie being together
The bond between (Y/N) and Douxie is usually more of an annoyance than anything
It is nice to know that you have someone out in the world though, and for that, they are thankful
Idk about you, but in my own personal opinion, (Y/N) is either Ravenclaw or Slytherin.  Overtime, that changes a little, she leans more towards Ravenclaw, but as a kid she was hella ambitious.  Street urchin life does that :/
Douxie is probably a Hufflepuff
Mandatory Fuck JKR
(Y/N) is an ominous texter.  It’s hilarious
Both of them prefer rainy weather (that means kisses in the rain!!!!!)
These nerds simp for each other and I love it
Parts of AATY are vaguely based on songs from waitress (‘you matter to me’ and ‘bad idea’)
I wanted to include more side characters through time, but it never really happened.  I am very happy with the good doctor and his impact as a character though
The good doctor’s whole side plot about his wife was based on something my grandpa said to me a while back.  It was originally just something I put in to make his death more emotional, but it became a major part of the story, at least to me
I think at one point he mentions that his wife made him want to be a better person and (Y/N) goes, “I wish I had that, rip,” the idea was that she found that with Douxie.  Idk how well that came across, but I tried
I tried to keep (Y/N) as gender neutral as possible.  I kind of worked, but i kind of gave up on it at the end lol
When writing (Y/N), I basically made her do everything I would do if I were immortal
(Y/N) and Douxie’s relationship is not based on a real one in the slightest.  It’s more of my idea of what a supportive relationship is
A few more songs that inspired specific chapters are: ‘The Vampire Masquerade’ by Peter Gundry, ‘Masquerade’ by Lindsey Sterling, ‘What is a Youth’ by Nino Rota or Joanna, and ‘Mamma Mia’ by Abba
I might just make a playlist for this actually
I wrote/write most of AATY at like, 3 a.m. so if something doesn’t make sense that’s probably why
I tried to fit as many tropes into this bad boy as i could (only one bed, fake dating) and on a more surface level, it’s an enemies to lovers slowburn that could be classified as a soulmate fic (even though the universe doesn't bond these two, Merlin does)
I started writing AATY there wasn’t enough Douxie x Reader fic and i wanted more
My worst fear is one of the creators seeing this lol
The first part of the first chapter is one of, if not my favourite part of AATY
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
I wanna know your thoughts on the possible new my hero moivee With all the different theories going around I wanna know you standing point
I’m glad you brung it up ‘cause I’ve been dying to talk about it for a hot minute, first of all -
Okay. I have so. many. thoughts. on this and I’ve been waiting until I felt a bit better after being sick to answer this ask because I tried to write up a response already and my brain was so foggy that it literally made no sense, I was just *rambling* and then I pointed to a picture that was completely unrelated and went - see?!?! Ahaha! Like, oh my god.
But! Now I’m back on my coherent rambling bullshit so - here we go. (Please be aware of any slight spoilers regarding the manga / series in this post and that all of these are my own opinions and my own theories, which you are more than welcome to disagree with or have some kind of rebuttal for. I’m just here to be a part of the discussion and throw in my two cents on a few things since some of my followers are curious!)
These are all of my first immediate thoughts upon seeing the promotional image and the tagline included.
*cracks knuckles*
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Their new costumes??
Their new costumes?????
I don’t know how to describe this feeling that I have nor do I have any evidence to back up this first claim that I am about to make but my only thought on the costumes is that they are government-issued or specially-made specifically for a certain mission or training exercise, mostly because of the NHA (National Hero Association???) logo printed on the sides and also because they’re not shown in the manga or anything like that outside of this promotional teaser -
But damn, are they sleek as FUCK.
Like, if Todoroki went the rest of his days using that suit, I would die happy, because wow, immaculate. I am so in love with Bakugou’s new gauntlets. Just fucking send me to heaven (or hell idk the rules) now.
As for the “HE” in the teaser sentence shown on the original image – I think, like most people do, that it is meant to be inferred that they are referring to All for One in some degree (though I don’t think that All for One is going to be the main villain of the movie. I think there will probably be a side villain or something that takes precedence over All for One and that All for One might appear just for a bit at the end or something).
HOWEVER, I have other theories about who “HE” is referring to, which I will get into in a moment.
(Quick side bar here –  Do any of my followers also think that All for One is Deku’s father or something? Because let me tell you, ya girl just can’t get this damn fan theory out of her head ‘cause like... Deku was born quirkless, All for One is about borrowing and lending quirks, all the other parallels, and we know how much my man Horikoshi loves parallels… I just... I don’t know what happened along the way and I think someone posted something ages ago that may or may not have debunked that entire theory already but after the Dabi reveal of recent chapters it just feels very in line with the BNHA mindset and previously displayed plot twists, but WHAT DO I KNOW, BACK TO THE SHOW!)
The three musketeers.
There’s a lot to unpack there.
Firstly, I think Todoroki is going to experience One for All at some point in some way, because Bakugou already experienced it and the whole slogan for the three musketeers is “all for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall” - which is obviously a play on the quirk and All for One, blah, blah, blah. So I think that at some point Todoroki is also going to have One for All for a short period of time just like Bakugou had in Heroes Rising (but boy, if they try to pull the same bullshit they did before where they were like “OOP. He used OfA but he doesn’t remember any of it lul” I’m going to lose my fucking mind, cause that really pissed me off in Heroes Rising LOL).
But. I also wanted to take a closer look at Alexandre Dumas’ novel “The Three Musketeers” - just for funsies (stay with me on this wild ride, I promise I connect all the dots at the end):
Disclaimer: I am a huge literature nerd. I’ve read “The Three Musketeers” so many damn times, it’s insulting, and there’s A LOT that happens in those novels that I won’t ever be able to ramble on about for long enough to do it justice for those who haven’t read it and that’s fine because there’s only a few things that I would like to bring to everyone’s attention in regards to the original stories and how they may or may not connect with this movie.
1. None of the three musketeers are the protagonist of the story.
The protagonist is actually a man called D’Artagnan, or sometimes he is referred to as “the fourth musketeer” by readers, who arrives in Paris because he wants to join the King’s musketeers, but somewhere along the way he ends up offending/pissing off the three musketeers and they all end up challenging him to this duel (because of course they do, violence solves everything, don’t you know?) and the duel ends up getting interrupted by a bunch of guards working for the ‘bad guy’ (who I won’t name just to keep this as simple and straight forward as possible) and D’Artagnan ends up fighting WITH the three musketeers to defeat the guards and they all end up being friends (LMAO I am way oversimplifying this but that’s literally what happens and now you get the point).
2. The ‘bad guy’ has a lot of his work done for him by his right-hand woman; MiLady de Winter.
I believe (and this is just one of my theories) that MiLady from the three musketeers is SUPPOSED to make us believe that it’s the reflection of the UA traitor, but I don’t think she actually IS, and I will also explain what I mean by that in another moment.
With these two pieces of information in mind, I theorize that the aforementioned “HE” in the tagline actually doesn’t have anything to do with a villain or All for One at all, but it’s actually referring to whoever ends up fighting alongside the three musketeers (Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki) in the movie, and who the entire movie is going to be centered around in some way or another (don’t misread this; I still think that Midoriya will be the main NARRATOR of the movie but I don’t think that means that he will be the main CHARACTER – there’s a very distinct difference between those two roles. One of them is telling the story, the other is who the story is actually about).
Now, IF we’re sticking with the three musketeers theme (which you can tell I’m obviously leaning very heavily on that being the case in all of my theories because that is literally all that we are given to theorize about at this time), then I would like to provide my take on who is who, because I think it’s a very important distinction, which are as followed:
Bakugou is Porthos
Porthos is generally known for being very extroverted, loud, he is known for his physical strength, and he is described as being “gullible” (which, that word by itself with its reflexive connotations doesn’t seem to fit him at all, but when you think about what the word gullible actually means – easily persuaded or manipulated – then yeah, it fucking fits the boot LMAO). Not to mention that he (Porthos) is often used as a sense of comic relief, which I truly believe that Bakugou is ‘used’ sometimes as a comic sense of relief throughout the manga and anime, because it off balances his ferocious nature in a way that further proves to the audience that just because he is feral, that doesn’t inherently mean that he is bad.
Midoriya is Aramis
Aramis is generally known for being vastly ambitious and never satisfied in the sense that he is always working for more, which stumbled me at first because I was originally picturing Bakugou as Aramis, but he (Aramis) craves to live the life of a solider (see the parallel? Midoriya craves to live the life of a hero), and he (Aramis) sees every new victory as a step in the right direction to a ‘greater power’ (which, if my characterizations are correct, parallels Midoriya’s mindset that every new victory or challenge he overcomes is another step towards better handling and controlling One for All and making it his own quirk).
Todoroki is Athos
Athos is generally known for being very noble, handsome, and he is a bit of a sad or melancholy character, as he has a very depressing and mysterious backstory that he actually ends up telling to D’Artagnan, but he doesn’t end up telling D’Artagnan that the sad story is based on him (which, I don’t know about you guys, but that damn near sounds like Todoroki Shouto to me).
Are you guys ready for this? We’re gonna get into the really good theories here.
I would no doubt be flooded with inboxes and messages if I didn’t mention the poses that the boys are portraying in the teaser image and how it all connects to the mysterious UA traitor and how everyone (including me) is losing their damn minds over the fact that Bakugou is using Kirishima’s pose, and so people are theorizing that must mean that Kirishima is the traitor since Midoriya and Todoroki are mimicking both Shigaraki and Dabi, respectively.
Here is my theory on all of that, and here is the detail that I think a lot of people are overlooking that I think might be really important IF (seriously, all of my theories ride on this) IF Horikoshi and the producers are indeed leaning heavily on the comparisons between “The Three Musketeers” and the BNHA characters (which I can only assume that they are, otherwise they would have chosen different wording, etc, for their promotional images).
So, Athos’ big sad backstory is all about how he was married to this woman who then ended up being revealed as this convicted thief and all this angst happened and by the end of it, Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos (TODOROKI) believes that his thieving wife (MURDEROUS BROTHER - DABI) is dead.
I just. I feel like this is really important BECAUSE in “The Three Musketeers” story, Athos’ thieving wife who he believed to be dead (drink every time I repeat that line ahaha) is actually alive and well and working for the aforementioned ‘bad guy.’
It’s my theory (and my own opinion) that this whole movie is going to be heavily driven by the Todoroki family and all of their Keeping up with the Kardashian type drama in some way (maybe not directly because manga and spoilers and blah, blah, blah, but in some sort of significant way), because the first movie was all about Midoriya going to I-Island and learning more about One for All and All Might and everything like that, and then the second movie was all about Bakugou and how he ended up using One for All and how he and Midoriya worked together and they showed snippets of the LoV doing their things back in Musutafu, and now I just assume that Todoroki is probably going to be given One for All at some point in this movie, or he’s going to share it amongst Bakugou and Midoriya, because the three musketeers, and the fact that he’s in the promotional teaser when literally nobody else is, and the fact that his character heavily seems to reflect Athos character in the novel to an almost absurd degree.
So, for me, the whole ‘Kirishima being the UA traitor’ and that being proven by Bakugou using his signature move in the teaser photo is not anything to seriously worry about - and I don’t say this just because I’m a KiriBaku fan or anything at all like that (though seriously, if it’s true, what the fuck am I gonna do with this damn blog, I-?? Ahaha!) but I say this for a few different reasons;
I don’t think the “convicted thief” or whatever that is heavily implied within the three musketeer story is connected to Bakugou in anyway, I think it’s all a contrasting parallel to Todoroki and the Dabi reveal somehow, and that the UA traitor won’t be making any kind of appearance in this film in that way.
I don’t think their relationship (Bakugou and Kirishima) is center stage enough to be used as any kind of plot twist in the story, unfortunately. And what I mean by that is; I think that the entire relationship was built up as a way to influence the audience into rethinking their original thoughts about Bakugou’s character from the beginning of the series (since in the beginning he was literally the most horrible shit kid to Midoriya and everyone hated him and he was treated as a villain – blah blah blah – thus building up the suspense leading up to the rescue arc in which the audience was genuinely divided at the time on whether or not Bakugou was actually going to side with Shigaraki and join the LoV), because then once he (Bakugou) declines the offer to join the LoV and he accepts Kirishima’s helping hand, it was supposed to be a turning point for the audience to realize that they may have been misled by his feral ambition into believing that he could really be a bad guy when in the end, he’s just as much of a hardcore hero fanboy as the rest of his class, and that if such a great guy like Kirishima can befriend him then he must not be all that bad.
We have already seen Kirishima’s backstory. We have already seen the struggles he faced to get accepted into UA, we have already seen how much he looked up to Mina’s bravery, we have already been introduced to his undying love for the most chivalrous hero Crimson Riot, and hey, maybe this whole persona thing he has going on is all an act, sure. Maybe the villains got to him when he was still dark-haired and weak, and maybe they are copy+pasting Crimson Riot into Red Riot as a way to slip under the radars, yeah, maybe. But I really fucking doubt it. Mostly because, unfortunately, I believe his relationship with Bakugou (as mentioned above) was written specifically to reverse the audience’s opinion of Bakugou, but then since he became so popular and was such a loved character, that then his inclusion in the Eri rescue operation sort of solidifies him as the man that Horikoshi says he is. It just wouldn’t make any sense, in my opinion as a writer, to turn Kirishima right around in a 360-twist to be revealed as the traitor, since it would just feel like too much of a stab in the back in regards to the trust that the readers are giving Horikoshi in believing that what he shows us is more or less the truth because we don’t have anything else to go on and he went into such great detail into his backstory that it would be such a waste to then say, ha, SIKE.
I think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is a deliberate red herring – I think it’s specifically meant to throw the audience off in all these different directions and to get the theories growing in the fandom, and I actually think that it’s meant to pull attention AWAY from Todoroki, because in my opinion, the entire movie will most likely focus heavily on Todoroki in some way or another (whether because of Dabi or not), since I believe that he will probably gain the use of One for All at some point during the film, just like Bakugou had, and I believe that the LoV (and more specifically, Dabi) will have some part in this film outside the realm of All for One.
I just think that the narrative is constantly trying to lead us in different directions so that you don’t end up paying much attention to all of the other little details that would then point towards something else, much like how (spoilers for some of the manga chapters here - if you don’t want to read then skip the rest of this paragraph) they keep kind of hinting at Bakugou’s death, over and over again, like dangling it on a string and being like, is he gonna die this time? What about this time? What about now - with his guts all over the place after he fucking saved Deku’s life? Could happen at any moment!
So, I just think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is just because Kirishima has had a huge influence on his character development and it would be the perfect red herring to lead the fans on some wild goose chase in the interest of gaining public awareness for the movie.
(Also - in the discussion of the UA traitor, I really believe that it’s Class 1-B’s sensei, actually - ahaha! Either that or Aoyama, but I’ve started to kind of lean away from that one because Class 1-B’s sensei is fucking sus and I don’t care what anyone says, that’s my own theory until proven wrong! Just let me live in this world a little longer, okay?! :,D)
Soooo... to sum this shit up (TLDR AMIRIGHT LMAO), because holy shit this got way out of hand and I haven’t even really gotten into the meat of all of my theories regarding the fucking PLOT of the new potential movie yet but whatever –
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-        I think the really cool NHA suits are temporary costumes issued specifically for some type of training exercise or undercover mission or something like that.
-        I think Bakugou posing like Kirishima is some kind of red herring meant to make everyone panic, but I don’t think it really holds any weight in the UA traitor discussion/theory, and I don’t think the UA traitor will be revealed in the movie – because it would kind of be dropping a BIG plot point in the series into a separate movie that maybe a good portion of the manga readers / anime watchers might not even see and therefore would not fully understand once the series caught up with the movie (whenever the timeline might be). I just think a lot of the stuff that happens in the movies are not directly related to the series for the very purpose that if somebody watches the anime but then doesn’t watch the movies, they don’t miss anything too important.
-        I think the movie might lean heavily on Todoroki and perhaps include some of his family drama, especially in regards to Dabi (since the reveal happened right before the promotional teaser dropped and generally speaking it takes about 8-9 months after initial speculation for the movie to then come out with a trailer of some kind, which would be plenty of time for those who want to read the manga to have done so by then), and that at some point during the film Todoroki is going to use or obtain One for All in a similar manner that Bakugou did in the second movie in order to help fight off a random side villain that doesn’t have much of an impact in regards to the fight between heroes and villains happening in the main storyline.
-        I think the “HE” in the teaser image doesn’t have much to do with All for One, but actually it’s referring to some mysterious side character who is going to end up fighting with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya (playing the parallel, inferred role of D’Artagnan) and that All for One won’t actually be the villain in the film, but he may show up for a bit at the end.
All of these theories revolve HEAVILY around the basis that the producers and Horikoshi are attempting to lean on any of the other parallels regarding “The Three Musketeer” novels – or if they just thought that The Three Musketeers sounded dope as fuck, let’s throw that on there because there’s three of them, right? Get it?
Which, if that’s the case, then literally most of my theories go right out the damn window and I have no idea what this movie could be about, LMAO!
So… yeah. What do you guys think?? I’d love to hear your ideas – rip this post to fucking shreds if you want to, because there’s like an 87% chance or higher that I’m completely off base with everything I’ve just said and that my over-active imagination clung onto The Three Musketeers relevance and just wouldn’t let go of it and it totally sent me off in the wrong direction, I don’t know! It’s possible, ahahaha!
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theprotagonistdies · 3 years
Mortal Kombat 2021 Movie Review (w spoilers)
Just wanted to get this off my chest now that the movie’s been released in America. I watched this on 8th April when it was first released in Singapore, and two more times the following week.
So, overall I give the movie about a 6.5-7/10 or C+. Acting: Decent Story: Average at best Action: Above average to Good Gore: Graphic but not as often or much Best highlights: Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero, Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion, Costuming
I’ll be referencing some comments by others about the movie, but this’ll all be my opinions. I reviewed the movie based on my understanding that it’s a low budget film before even watching the movie. I am also a fan of the game (though I do not play, I watched most of the lore)
When I first watched the movie, I was excited. The intro showing Hanzo Hasashi’s backstory would be something familiar to fans of the game. As expected, his wife and child were killed, but as we know it, they have an extra baby girl who later survives and carries on the bloodline. At this point, I was already ‘eh’ because it was so predictable what happens next. I was already disappointed that they named the son ‘Jyubei’ in the subtitles, when the wife didn’t even utter his name in Japanese. In the game, Hanzo’s son is called Satoshi. But one can say that’s something petty.
Anyways, as it goes on, we meet Joe Taslim as Bi-Han. He’s menacing, he’s cocky and has the presence that fills the screen. Already, I was smitten. While some people were saying the movie is rushed, I’d say this part of the intro felt a little draggy. But, the fight scene after is great, and we see Hanzo and Bi-Han throw hands.
I’d have to say at this point: ALL fight scenes including  Bi-Han/Sub-Zero were great. They’re the best. Every other fight scene with the other characters were decent but not great.
Then we get introduced to Cole Young. From the get go, I do not like new characters not in the lore. I’m that type of person who does not like original characters in fanfiction. And his story further made me feel that a lot of time was wasted on him. Mortal Kombat has story elements around family, yes, but it’s not central, and it made the movie too wholesome and not in a way that I feel implemented well. In my opinion, it made the movie a little cringey at times. I like Lewis Tan who plays Cole but unfortunately he’s been given a role that was completely unnecessary.
A Youtube reviewer said it best: Why make up an entirely new character when there’s a plethora of characters to choose from? Heck, if you want him related to Hanzo, you could have used Takeda or something (though yes i know he’s not related to Hanzo, but he could be like a distant cousin relative whatever, with Takehashi on one of this other parents side).
There’s Jax and Sonya - why not just use Sonya? She’s the one gathering all the information. They could have used her. 
Anyway, moving on. We also meet Kano. He was good and I see a lot of people loved him. Personally I thought he was okay, but he was too comedic in my opinion and felt underwhelming. While funny quips and mockery are appreciated, he felt like what Liu Kang called him: A small, angry little bunny. Not at all what I’d expect of the leader of Black Dragon. 
There was... it that supposed to be Reptile? I honestly do not know, but I don’t believe that’s the Reptile we know from the game, and more of a mindless monster that has Reptile’s abilities.
I loved Sonya in this movie. Jessica McNamee was amazing as her. One - she’s attractive as hell, and Two - she felt far more relatable than Cole Young. From her being a soldier living in her ‘shithole’, to her curiosity in trying to find out more about the Mortal Kombat tournament.
They look for Raiden’s Temple in the desert. This was a little slow and again, I say Kano just felt like a chump here. A try-hard doing his best to appear intimidating but failing.
Liu Kang appears. Kano won’t shut up. Liu Kang’s introduction was interesting and I liked it, but later on his monologues and exaggerated actions were so odd and ‘extra’ to me that I was cringing. I don’t know why they don’t just make him a normal guy who’s a Shaolin monk lol.
Raiden is as cranky as we know him in the game. He’s kinda dull here, but to be honest, so is he in the game, so I don’t mind it. I saw someone compare him to the 1995 version which while I enjoyed and appreciated, did not think he suited the game and movie. So Tadanobu Asano’s Raiden is fine to me! Also, shut up to the people who get on others’ case on the way they pronounce Raiden. In Japanese it’s Rai-den, not Ray-den, like they say in the game. Both are correct, so shut up.
Sub-Zero makes an entrance again, menacingly running down the hall and making me sploosh, and Kung Lao also makes an entrance. Here you can see how poor the CG is. This is where you can tell the budget is low and realise that all the sets we’ve seen so far is pretty small and closed.
The ‘arcana’ thing that they made up to explain their powers was honestly pretty smart and I quite liked it. It then becomes a training arc, which while understandably can be seen as slow, it’s quite needed for the story.
The villains in this story were sadly underutilised. Admittedly I am unfamiliar with Nitara and Reiko, so them being throwaway characters did not affect me. Kabal, while very charismatic, died but I felt it was a decent end. I personally wish they could have included him more. However, for Mileena and Goro, I could see the moment I watched it that people were gonna be mad. I’m not fans of either of them but I understood that they are major characters in the game. So for them to be offed that easily was... tbh very disappointing and quite insulting. I sincerely hope they will bring back Mileena for the next movie, experimented on and brought to life using Kitana’s blood or something.
But best villain? Obviously goes to Bi-Han/Sub-Zero. Honestly I went into the movie expecting to root for Scorpion but I ended up being so in love with Joe Taslim’s menacing and chilling portrayal of Sub-Zero. He’s soooo good. People said he was like a slasher film villain and I think they made a great choice doing so!
As for Cole - I’m still not a fan of him or his powers. I like they used tonfas, but as some called it - he has literally plot armour which, tru. Hahahhaa.
So finally after all that, we finally get to the last fight.
Sub-Zero is about to kill Cole then Scorpion is summoned. They both fight and actually one can see Scorpion is winning? He got more hits in than Sub-Zero (two stabs, a side slash and a throw from Scorp, meanwhile Sub got one slash and a throw) so I don’t understand why people thought he actually needed help from Cole.
Also, this is another major complaint about the ‘wholesomeness’. Why was Hanzo’s family killed but Cole’s family spared by Sub-Zero? Why couldn’t they just killed them off for extra weight to the story instead of making it so safe? I felt that would have redeemed Cole’s character as more of  Mortal Kombat character if they did so.
But I really enjoyed the fight here. As I mentioned all fights that involved Sub-Zero are amazing and people not giving the credit to this fight scene are blind. I also saw a comment that said they were expecting ‘John-Wick level’ of fight. Both fair and unfair comment because: It’s a low budget movie and they are two different styles of movies. John Wick is more realistic while this one is more fantastical. Though for them to call this a Marvel level choreography... I’m not sure bc Marvel put a lot of money, so that means for their budget the MK movie did well? So IDK but I believe the fight choreography was good in this most especially in the Sub-Zero/Scorpion fights.
Fatalities were great, costuming were great and for the sets while small and enclosed they did good.
Story could have been better and I cannot stress how much I find Cole’s role completely pointless. Pacing wise I actually do not find a problem with it. I only wished for more fighting and less about ‘family’.
From the movie overall I understood it as to be a set up, and even before watching it, from the trailers, I somehow knew it was not going to have a tournament so I don’t know why all these people in comments are lamenting about the lack of a tournament. It feels clear to me that this is a set up movie and more are to come.
So while I have a lot of issues with this movie, I do think it’s a fun watch which is why I give it a pretty generous score imo.
Hopefully we’ll have more to come, improving everything in all aspects with hopefully a bigger budget!
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irondad-not-ironsad · 3 years
WandaVision Episode 1 Reaction
Spoilers below!!
I enjoy the music over the marvel logo
But also a 43 second logo feels kinda long for a 29 minute episode- is it just for the premier or is this gonna happen before each ep?
Also I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that there is a title sequence, which will probably be similar in length. Combine that with the lengthy credits people have been complaining about, it seems that the percentage of the thirty minutes that is actually the story is lower than it should be
not that I don’t love a good title sequence! But I’ll take a well fleshed out episode over fancy logos, title sequences and credits any day
now that I’ve got that of my chest, on to the actual show
I like how they have the frame shaped like that of an old timey tv, combined with the black and white it really adds to the old timey sit come vibe
I like these bells
Ok I know I complained about to much time being wasted with logos and such, but i LOVE how cheesy this theme song is and I love them showing vision and Wanda driving tp there house in wedding attire
“A regular husband and wife” 2 seconds late *vision disappears into a cloud of sparkles*.... 1 minute 8 seconds in and I love this 
Even there acting is reminiscent of an old timey sit com this is amazing
feel like I should note he title sequence ends at the 1.36 mark approximately, which may not seem like a lot but again the show is less than thirty minutes so it adds up
Wanda talks with a fifties accent: I already love this show
Also I wish I had magic I could use to clean, I’m moving back into my dorm right now and Wanda’s powers would be SO helpful
Also I LOVE the laugh track
Also Wanda’s short curly hair is so cute
I love how neither of them knows what the heart means so they play it off by being like “yeah of course I know what it means, how could I forget? Do YOU remember what it means
Also Vision is literally part computer shouldn’t he have a photographic memory? 
Also how old is Wanda? I could have sworn someone said she was 19 in civil war, which would make her like 21 here? I think?? Idk tho, as a 19 year old I don’t think she has ever looked 19 in the movies, even back in Ultron she looked at least in her mid twenties
The face Vision makes when he makes himself human is so funny
Also Vision blowing Wanda a kiss and her reaching back to grab it is the perfect amount of corny that makes it still cute
Also I wonder what vision’s job is
The backing music is so funny
I can already tell Agnes is going to be some great comic relief in a show that’s already hilarious
“I assure you, I’m married. To a man. A HUMAN one!” I know I’ve said before that I was never the biggest fan of Wanda or Vision but I love Wanda in this show
Obv there is something clearly off here, but I feel like I need to mention that it’s clear this is some warped reality. If I had never seen any of the MCU before, I may believe it was just  witch and her robot husband living in the fifties, but the little details really make it clear to the audience (the majority of whom I am sure are familiar with the mcu) that something is off. This scene is one of those, where Wanda cannot seem to recall how long her and Vision have been together and plays it off by saying “It feels like we always have been together”
Is Agnes giving Wanda advice for the bedroom? is this really what I’m watching? Or have I wildly misinterpreted this?
Love the old timey lingo
Vision working a desk job is so funny
Love that vision doesn’t even know what they do at his job, I know it’s part of the false reality thing but also lowkey relatable
“you’re like a walking computer” “I most certainly am not! I’m a regular carbon-based employee made entirely of organic matter”
I started this like twenty minutes ago and have only gotten 7 minutes in because I keep stopping to type my reactions. I am going to try to shut up and watch, and stop screaming about every little detail for a bit 😂
Real quick though does Vision just go by Vision at work?
Ope apparently he does. 
I wonder if Vision took Wanda’s last name
Or is he Vision Stark-Banner since it was Tony and Bruce who made him??
He probably isn’t called that but I think it would be funny if he was
Love that instead of writing “dinner with boss” or “Dinner w/ Harts” or even just “Harts” he drew a freaking heart like im dying
if my lack of emojis seems weird I’m typing this on a computer which I never normally do and I’m to lazy to pull up the emoji keyboard, so basically imagine there’s a cry laughing emoji after everything funny
“No skeletons in the closet?’ “I don’t have a skeleton sir.”
Yup I was right, Agnes is giving her sexy time advice
“you should stumble when you walk in a room so he can catch you. It’s romantic!” that is the only way I will be flirting from now on
Also I got to say, I'm guessing it’s a fifties thing but those pointy bras don’t look comfortable
So she answers the phone “Vision Residence” Is Vision also their last name now? Does he go by Vision Vision??
They make the best facial expressions
This phone conversation where Wanda think they’re having a date night whereas Vision is talking about his boss coming for dinner is comedy GOLD
also I love the fact that they’re giving us stereotypical sitcom drama while keeping it clear that there are bigger problems than dinner with the boss
Fake commercial break is at 9.56 (these time stamps are for myself I want to calculate how much of the episode is actually the story)
I do love the fake commercials tho! And I suppose in a way they ARE part of the show
They missed the chance to make it the toastmate three thousand and make every ironman fan cry
The beeping toaster sounds like a ticking bomb..... also the little red light is the only color we’ve seen this episode I think
Commercial ends at 10.46
Also love that it was an SI toaster, still wish they had made it 3000 instead of 2000
How did Wanda confuse Mr. Hart with her husband? Not that I’m complaining, her coming out in a robe and covering Vis’ Boss’ eyes is HILARIOUS
“This is the traditional Sokovian greeting? Didn’t I tell you my wife is from Europe?” “How exotic!” “We don’t break bread with Bolsheviks”
Visions pants are SO high waisted
“It’s our anniversary!” “Our anniversary of WHAT?” “WELL IF YOU DON”T KNOW I”M NOT GONNA TELL YOU”
Poor Vision is trying to figure out what kind of company he works for this is sooo funny
Agnes coming in clutch with a full meal
So Wanda needs the ingredients in order to magic a meal she can’t just make one appear
Vision breaking into song was amazing
How did one chicken turn into like 30 eggs
Vision is singing old McDonald with his bosses wife this is great
“Diane!” “That must be my wife summoning me!” “She calls you Diane?” “Yes... it’s her pet name for me” “I’m coming... Fred”
So many clichés in this show but it’s done in such a purposeful way that it’s still funny
Also we have only seen three rooms: the kitchen, the living room and Vision’s workplace
“Well I think tonight’s going SWIMMINGLY”
Mrs. Hart is SO NOSY
But I love that they don’t know the answers
Wanda looks SO disturbed when Mr. Hart is demanding her and visions story, you can tell her mind is fighting itself and it’s so sad
Mr. Hart is choking, is it bad that I think he deserves it?
Mrs. Hart keeps cheerily repeating stop it, and gone is the stereotypical sitcom camera angles and and the backing music is switched for something eery
This is lowkey scary, Mr. Hart Dying while his wife keeps cheerily saying Stop It and it just feels creepier the more she repeats
Wanda looks distressed and vision is just looking to her for what to do, her old timey accent is gone and she sounds nearly robotic as she tells Vision to help
Poor Wanda, she is so clearly going through it mentally right now
Laugh track is back, and just like that the Harts are leaving, despite only having one bite of food
And somehow Mr. Hart is impressed? Was Wanda rewriting reality to make them so?
I know that this is clearly some alternate reality and nothing is right, but wanda and vision deciding to choose that day as there anniversary and this little convo here is soooooo cute
Aw her making them rings and them both saying I do is soooo cute
And vision saying “and they lived happily ever after’ is so sweet but also so sad in context
What is that little remote vision is holding meant to be?
And love the hexagon closing in on them with the cute music playing to end the episode
Are the people in these credits real? Because it lists the start as Wanda Maximoff and Vision but are the rest actual people?
So there is some sketchy dude watching the maybe fake credits so there's something going on there
The actual credits start with 7.13 left and I’ve been told there's no mid or post credits scene. I’ll let them play while I finish this up anyways
8 minutes and 49 seconds of this show is the logo, title sequence and credits. Out of 29.36 total this means only 20 minutes and 47 seconds is the show, which I suppose is standard for a sitcom but I think I felt deceived by it showing as 29 minutes
Also 50 seconds of “commercial takes the show time down to 19.57 if anyone was wondering
I swear tho I’m not all that bothered by the length, just did the math in case anyone was curious like I am. 
I thought I was going to really enjoy this going it, but it still really surpassed my expectations and I can’t wait for episode 2!
This is my raw reactions, but I’m sure that as I mull it over more I’ll be posting more about the show
This is somehow a perfect combo of lighthearted comedy and mild horror
I wanna let this episode stew for a while, so I prob won’t watch episode 2 for at least a day
Also what are your guys’ thoughts on this format of reaction? Did I write to much?
Also what did y’all think of this episode? Feel free to let me know what you think of my reaction, and whether you agree or disagree. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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camuslittlesister · 3 years
I have just finished Sakuya’s Act 1 in SLBP.
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Sakuya was my first Shadow route after I read almost everyone in Radiance (sorry, Shigezane, nothing personal but please don’t call me doll). I hate now how long it took me to switch to Shadow because 🥺 that boy is the actual love of my actual life 🥺 (at least until IkeSen Yoshimoto is released in English, then the title is once again up for grabs).
I am fully aware of how unpopular Sakuya is. I am surprised not so much that I am ranking in the character ranking for the current Battle Event, but that there are enough people for a rank. I was told by several people I talk to in the community and various reviews that he was the.worst. but I went ahead and read him because could I resist his dark hair and deep blue eyes and almost looking like he might drop dead from consumption any minute. I mean, I guess compared to other people (*cough* Toshihisa Maede *cough*) he’s looking like a picture of health but he lives in the shadows and likely has a vitamin D deficiency, he qualifies.
I was surprised that I actually liked his personality as well as his looks. I will share my thoughts on the route after the images so if you don’t want spoilers this is your warning.
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I cannot bring myself to pick the next character (who is going to be Hotaru). The His POV route is very tempting.
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Look at us, a big happy family (Shingen not actually happy he’s been relegated to no2...)
So, I regret now not taking the leap into starting a blog here until now, as writing a bit every day will mean more of my actual funny snarky reactions compared to vague memories of what I read a month ago. Anyway, here we are.
I expected MC to be worse than Radiance MC but somehow she is the same, only, in a way, slightly better. I still have a lot of questions about how Radiance MC has survived into adulthood with her mix of impulsiveness and naïveté, but in the case of Shadow MC it comes with the extra layer that she was supposed to be trained as a shinobi, and a lot of this route was Sakuya asking the questions we’ve all been thinking. However, as the Young Werther I am, I appreciated the whole drama around self-sacrifice and depth of feelings for someone she had not been around for a decade at least, and I’m still not sure how much time passed within the route itself. So, for a change, the personality worked in her favour.
Their relative equality (both shinobi from Iga, although one is the son of the chief of a village and the other a runaway from a different village who wields immense power by virtue of the secret medicine only her family can make) was also something that works in her favour. I never liked the way in 90% of Radiance routes she never really steps up to the role she needs to fulfill as the wife of the lord of a clan. I haven’t read Shigezane so Idk if the number would, in fact, be 85% but the notable exception was the other two Oshu routes. A topic for another time, I’ll write up a Radiance Acts 1 masterpost before I move on to the Acts 2.
So, in a way, I was already predisposed to like Shadow more than Radiance even with a lot of my favourite characters likely to remain Radiance ones, and I am now a convert and as zealous a convert as you’d expect of new ones.
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There are few things I love more than angst, and a life in the shadows is bound to be angsty by definition, but Sakuya provided a good level of it as an individual too. I loved how he is a sensitive soul and his upbringing tried to take that away from him but in the end his true self triumphed and he allowed himself to have feelings, with the help of MC and other nice people. I like childhood friends as a trope well enough, but I would have liked the story if they had just met too. I just love to see his internal conflict and that soft half-smile that looks like he knows he shouldn’t smile but he can’t help it.
I found the common route to be nicely done, with Sasuke as her first crush and his first hero and all that, but I really cannot see much in terms of what Kyoichiro said at the end about the Sasuke’s feelings for MC (especially not after a very infantilising remark of Shingen’s in a conversation they had about MC). I’m not in any rush to read his route, which is unusual because, aside from a couple of notable exceptions, I’ve always got to the split in the route looking forward to going back and picking the other guy, even in Shingen’s route (oh Kenshin, you beautiful beautiful soul 🥺). Maybe the actual route will show me something missing from the rivalry in this one, it’s not like I won’t read it since Shingen is in it...I also loved the fake battle at the wedding, I wish we could have seen it as an animation.
I didn’t particularly like having so much of Nobunaga, although that’s inevitable given Sakuya is his guy, but Toshiee is always the best wingman and one of my favourites as secondary characters, and old Katsuie is as sweet and adorable as ever. I also liked what we saw of Genya, likely my 3rd route when I’m done with Hotaru. I rather liked Hanzo in the recent story event but I am in no rush to see more of the sadist baby Tanuki and his friends.
I think this is pretty much all my thoughts. Now I’ll go cry in a corner.
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