#<- because of the Implicaitons
mychlapci · 9 months
i have not stopped thinking about pitcher plant pussy since you started posting about it and now my mind has combined it with that ask i sent a while back involving minibots being used as permanent spike sleeves
so uh, enjoy my deranged horny ramblings
i've been thinking so hard about a minibot whose owner is in a relationship with another bot, specifically another mech who is far bigger than their partner. which leads me to the image of the minibot still firmly stuck on their owner's spike being thrust into a hot wet valve, gasping as their frame is surrounded by tight calipers and trying desperately to keep their intake shut as lubricant and fluid coats them in all sides, their own valve clinging to their owner even as the extra lube begins to shift them off the spike they're surrounding
their armour begins to creak and shift as the valve surround them clenches down in overload and they get to deal with a mouthful of fluids and the overwhelming feeling of transfluid flooding their own valve as their owner begins to pull out. but the pulsing, clenching valve of their owner's partner is so tight that they get trapped inside it
and then, very faintly, still reeling from all the sensations of being fucked while being fucked into someone else
"you can just keep them as a gift, from me to you" and then there's the distinct sound of a panel sliding shut and the minibot realises with horror (and arousal) that they are now trapped inside someone's valve
they get nervous at first, pushing at clusters of internal nodes and quickly realising that it only makes the valve walls lubricate more and the hot wet environment gets even hotter and even wetter. they can feel the transfluid from their owner's overload trickle out of them slowly and they can only squirm and wriggle about even as their new owner goes about their day, completely helpless because of the now locked modesty panels keeping them firmly contained
an unknown amount of time passes and the minibot gets used to being trapped, they start to tug and press on specific nodes, relishing in the muffled moans and the feeling of calipers clamping down on top of them. normally they don't get to actually stimulate or play with their former owner's spike, forced to sit there and be quiet, so the minibot takes their own pleasure by fingering themselves, pushing old, half dried transfluid out of their valve and enjoying the feeling of hot sticky walls pulsing around them
maybe their owner comes back later, a pair of digits wrapping around their pedes and dragging them outward into the light. they're blinded at first, not used to the brightness of a normal room after being trapped in a place with only the dim glow of biolights to illuminate their surroundings. but they adjust and they get to see their owner's spike standing proud, dripping precum and they get tossed to the side as the sounds of rough and rigorous interfacing fills their audials
"did you enjoy the gift?" they hear faintly, still half dazed from the sudden influx of stimulation in their optics and audials
"a-aa-ah, y-yes, the p-lug worked quite nic-ah-ely, so wonderfully filling" and the minibot can only moan helplessly and finger themself vigorously at the way they're only treated like an object
and then when their owners are done interfacing, they're shoved right back up into the valve they were just pulled out of, and the click of a panel locking into place is the only warning they get before they're trapped once again
i just really like the idea of a bot helplessly squirming inside a valve, trapped by panels and forced to just sit there. maybe the minibot has to subsist off of lubricant (and potentially period energon depending on how long they get trapped in there) because their owners don't bother to refuel them while they're outside the valve. maybe their owners get another minibot for their spike since the old one is now being used as a plug, and occasionally the minibots get to frag each other while their owners are going at it
maybe their owners have a huge wardrobe of minibots that get switched out depending on the occasion, like one for formal events, another for more casual outings, another for work and the plug minibot and the others have a massive orgy while their owners are out
sorry for the long ask, but i cannot stop thinking about a minibot being trapped inside a valve
-burnt ice anon
this is… exceptional. sorry if I seem speechless, it’s because i am. I have no idea what to add. 
A minibot living inside someone’s valve is a crazy hot concept. A minibot living inside of someone’s valve and enjoying it is even hotter to me. Fingering themself constantly while pressing against the various clusters of nodes within their new owner’s valve, adding to the constant stream of valve juices that’s covering them. Their plating is always slick and warm, sometimes they still choke when their owner overloads and a wave of lubricants washes over them. The squirming stimulation would be so much more different than a plug, the new owner would probably overload a lot, letting the little minibot enjoy a steady diet of lubricants and transfluid <33
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captainsophiestark · 18 days
Take A Break
Javi Rivera x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Twisters
Summary: As part of Kate's original crew of tornado-tamers, you're as much of a workaholic as she is. Thankfully, Javi's around to help pull his girlfriend out of her notes when she really needs a break.
Word Count: 1,123
Category: Fluff, Humor, kind of angst just because of what happens to the original crew, but you can easily pretend that doesn't happen in the timeline of this fic :)
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey, enough work for tonight. Come join the party with the rest of us."
I smiled to myself as I made a few last notes off the computer screen. I knew Jeb was mostly talking to Kate, but I also knew that if I stayed here and tried to keep working after he managed to get Kate to take a break, my boyfriend wouldn't be far behind to literally drag me away from my notes.
I scribbled down a few last things as Jeb herded Kate away to the campfire, then started the process of shutting down my computer. Just as the last program finished closing, two arms wrapped tightly around my waist and picked me up, pulling me away from my work at the back of the truck.
"Javi!" I squealed, laughing as he slung me over one shoulder and started heading for the campfire.
"Yeah babe?"
"I was about to head over!"
"Oh yeah, I've heard that one before. Sorry, I know you too well. I know how fast another minute can turn into another hour. I care about this project as much as you do, but you need to take a break."
I sighed, rolling my eyes even though Javi couldn't see me. Even so, I couldn't totally hold back a smile.
"You know, Jeb just came and threw an arm around Kate."
"That's because Jeb lacks commitment," Javi responded as we neared the fire with the rest of our friends. He made sure to speak loudly enough that Jeb could hear him, too. "And because Kate's easier to convince than you are."
I scoffed, but the impact was lessened as Javi flopped into one of the chairs around the fire, pulling me around to sit in his lap in one smooth move. I shook my head and grinned up at him once we landed.
"You don't want your own chair?"
"My girl's had her head in her work, completely ignoring me for hours. No, I don't want my own chair."
I laughed, snuggling in closer to Javi and resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around me, and I smiled to see the rest of our friends settled comfortably around the fire, too.
"Glad you could finally join us!" called Praveen, Addy grinning beside him. I grinned right back.
"Don't act like I'm the only workaholic in this group," I said, fake-scowling as I curled closer into Javi's side. "You're all just as bad as I am. That's why we're friends."
"Alright, I resent the implicaiton that I don't know how to have a healthy work-life balance," said Javi, drawling his words a little as he held up his hands on either side of me to help illustrate his point. "I know how to have fun and how to work my ass off with Dorothy."
I twisted in Javi's lap to look up at him with a frown.
"Is it a healthy work-life balance to go way too hard on work and fun?"
He just looked down at me with a grin, leaning in for a quick kiss before pulling back with the same roguish smile.
"Hell yeah it is."
I just laughed and shook my head, leaning back on his shoulder as he tigthened his arms around me.
"Alright, whatever you say. I guess that's what college is for anyway, even if it's grad school."
"We're making memories. We have to have something to say when we're being interviewed for our incredible scientific breakthrough. Some good memories for the memoir."
"He's right," Jeb chimed in, leaning back and stretching his arm out across Kate's chair. "Most people won't want to hear that we spent every hour of every day in the lab. They want to know the people behind the science."
"I don't think any of the journals we want to publish in are going to care about who we are outside of the lab," Kate countered, flopping back against Jeb. "Or the people reading our grant proposals."
"Still works for the long-term headlines," Addy chimed in. "'Brilliant scientists tame the tornado, protecting the home where they spent countless nights together'."
"I think that's a little long," mused Kate.
"It makes it sound like we were all sleeping with each other or something," I added.
"Yeah, that's just the two sets of lovebirds over there," Praveen added.
Kate and Jeb smiled, Kate tucking her head into Jeb's shoulder, and I shot Praveen a wink before leaning up to give Javi a quick kiss. Praveen and Addy liked to make a big show of covering their eyes and shouting at any sign of PDA, but we knew it was all in good fun. They loved the four of us, both separately and as couples, even if they'd both developed strong ten minute comedy sets on the fact that they weren't dating each other or anyone else in our little group.
"Alright, enough of this," Kate said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow. "I came over here with the promise of s'mores. So where are they?"
"Javi packed them," said Jeb, nodding in our direction. Javi shifted under me, settling further into the chair and wrapping his arms a little tighter around me.
"They're in the back of the van, but somebody else is gonna have to get them. I'm settled in here, and if I don't keep an eye on this one, she might just run right back to her computers."
Most of our friends rolled their eyes, but even so, Addy stood up.
"Lucky for both of you, I want s'mores enough that I'm willing to get up and take one for the team."
"Thank you, Addy," we chorused. She just waved us off with a smile. I waited until she passed Javi and I and got all the way to the truck, then leaned up to whisper in my boyfriend's ear.
"You absolutely know I wouldn't choose computers over s'mores. Probably ever."
"Of course I know," Javi said, leaning down to whisper in my ear with a smile, nuzzling into the crook of my shoulder. "But I'm enjoying sitting with you like this. We're too comfortable to be getting up for s'mores when we have friends that'll take care of that for us."
I laughed, nodding and resting my forehead against his.
"You're right. Genius decision."
"I know."
We shared a smile, one of Javi's hands gently squeezing my thigh as I leaned in to give him another quick kiss. Sitting by the fire with him, surrounded by all our friends, was my absolute favorite happy place. It made all the work and risk and long nights spent huddled over calculations and theories worth it, to be able to do it with Javi and the rest of our crew.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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paragonrobits · 6 months
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so this has been bugging me ever since i saw this post. Part of it is that this is a pretty common criticism that mostly seems to boil down to people who think the found family trope is the POINT of the story, rather than a facet of it and think that any ending other than staying together forever is a failure, and this is pretty reductive. lots of stories have end goals and purposes beyond found family, like there's agendas and goals beyond finding a group of people you like, there's things like justice and Saving the World and liberating sapient beings from subjugation and so forth, but the thing that bothers me the most about this is that it kind of illustrates the biggest issue with this kind of found family fixation
that almost none of the tagged series are actually a case of found families.
you see this a lot, but more often than not they're not actually found families. They're co workers. They're people who have similar agendas and shared goals, or they're hired by a larger organization, or they're working together for the same end, or they're led by the vision and goal of a magnetic leader, but I think you could honestly make an argument that none of these are actual cases of found family.
Star Trek is the most explicit case; they didn't volunteer to go together, mostly. they're people who serve on the same ship, and that's it. they might get along, or constantly argue, but they're co-workers.
The Outer Worlds is, they're generally following the Unplanned Variable, working with them and each other because they have nowere else to go, or they see it as a job, or they went 'fuck it, not like i have anything else going on'. They bicker and fight and most of them don't particularly like each other.
Dragon Age and Mass Effect all go together since, in this case, with the probable exception of Dragon Age 2 (which, i'll grant you, actually probably is a found family to some degree), they're also working together for a common goal, and that's the primary reason they meet you. Dragon Age 1 is them staying together to fight the Blight and save the world, DA2 is mostly a case of 'I FUCKING LIVE HERE', Inquisition is all the party members joining the Inquisition to save thge world from demon doom and fight the machinations of Tevinter imperialists. The Mass Effect series has something similar for the most part, from the 'fight the Reapers' motivation of the triology as well as Andromeda focusing on building a home in a new galaxy.
DA and ME both are people who share a larger goal, and are working together SPECIFICALLY for that goal; while its easy to build friendships, their mutual bond is not the primary reason they work together. They do that because its either work together or everyone dies. There's a larger goal, and their own agendas and fears (such as Wrex's concern for his people, or the quarian/geth conflict) can become factors in that. Even further proving my point here, a lot of the ME games have squad members not returning to be party members in other games because they have bigger matters; Wrex is only a squad member in ME1 and a single DLC because he has bigger things to do in leading his people rather than getting directly involved in Shepard's mission. They might care about each other, but their own goals ultimately come first.
I like found family, as a trope. I do! But its a trope that tends to get REALLY badly misused and applied to every group of characters with decent chemistry, even if they clearly only share a goal and don't want to stay together past that point, or even if they outright openly hate each other.
Another big issue with it is that the constant treatment of the found family not sticking together afterwards being seen as a failure state. Again, these aren't families; these are groups made to serve a goal, and the goal is done, so now they have other things to do. The implicaiton from a lot of these criticisms of the found family seperating implies that you might think that you're morally obligated to spend the rest of your life with the first people you meet that vaguely tolerate you, and that's just a platonic version of conservative 'get married out of high school ASAP' relationship values.
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jeannahas · 1 year
Midnight Musings - Not at midnight
Honestly, it is the thing that I was the least prepared for, growing up. Constant, unending, cycling pain. You grow up, and everything seems good- you play with friends, cut flowers, run around, climb trees, played in the wash, and just... lived life.
I hit high school, and the pain began. Existence became a chore. People told me that they were the best years of my life, so I should enjoy them - that made me wonder if life was worth living even because just getting up in the morning was already so hard.
Each day, it gets alittle harder. The drive to keep moving, to keep fighting, to keep working and living and striving gets smaller and smaller. I've hit seven different phases of burnout and have lived in a perpetual and unending midlife crisis since I was 17 - ten years of pain, emotional and existentail.
Then the physical pain began. A knee, a wrist - an ankle I landed on sideways. Now it is everywhere - an all encompasing, constant, universal pain. Every joint in my body aches constantly, but it will surge in waves that almost leave me buckled on the ground. I contemplate if it might be ALS , or if this is just normal aging - either way.... I don't like the implicaitons. If this is how much LIVING hurts... how much longer can I go on? Never catching a break? Falling from one disaster to the next, with no rest, no escape? I told my brother once "Someday I will know what rest feels like." Will that be the day i die? Will I be able to finally rest without pain, without waking up to a new disaster, without waking up to more bad news as the world I knew and grew up with, as the rules I was taught to follow, become less and less effective? Should I even keep trying?
Days like these, I want to curl up in a ball and break down into a nervous wreck - but even that takes too much energy. I'm too tired to even care anymore, even though I know I should. Flights get cancelled, waves of pain wash over my body, the business I rely on collapses around me, clients leave in waves as their own funds collapse from underneath them, leaving me hollowed and empty, without a way to provide for my girls.
I told my parents an echo of what I heard, that "to experience the joy of being loved, one must endure the horror of being known", and I have passed through both that horror and that joy, and there are many who care deeply about me- who would sacrifice for me, to help, and who have, those who depend on me in the community for the service I provide, who love what I teach and who help me to get through the week by loving the information I give them - but... I am now experiencing that pain that comes from being left behind. The pain of defeat, cold cruel despair, and that empty, echoing void that says nothing and simply yawns open to recieve, a heartless oblivion that consumes and rages.
I just want to sleep.
I just want to rest.
When will I rest?
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
I never thought Doppler and Amelia were trans? I assumed it was just that alien biology does not have to be the same as human. I hope I don't seem antagonistic! I just think that is a more interesting explanation versus what is otherwise a very human concept? If that makes any sense.
You could easily argue they’re nb because they’re aliens and have no concept of human gender binary at all (like they’re implied to be the same species, so maybe they just use he/him for dogs and she/her for cats regardless of which ones can reproduce). I just lean to them being trans because nb aliens can sometimes fall into the “well only inhuman things can be nonbinary sweaty :)” trope.
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waywardrose13 · 3 years
Night and Day
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4263
Warnings: Language, witch!reader, mentions and implicaitons of sex, angst, some fluff, not enough editing to satisfy me
Summary: You hid the fact that you were a witch from the Winchester brothers for years. After a run in with an old mentor of yours causes your secret to be revealed, the brothers find out that not only are you a witch, but one of the most powerful in the world. When Dean is given the task to kill you in exchange for his brother’s life, you must face the fact you lied to the man you loved- the same man who hates witches with a burning passion.
A/N: My tags haven’t been working lately. I’m going to put my tags in a reblog. Comment or shoot me an ask letting me know if you got a notification or not. Oh, and also- surprise!
“Dean, I’m serious. We gotta get up.”
You gently nudged at your boyfriend. A smile played on your lips as you felt his arms tighten around you. He whined and let out a long sigh.
“Five more minutes.”
“You said that twenty mintues ago,” you scoffed, smirking down at him. He groaned and lifted his head to look at you.
“You’re a joy killer,” he said. 
“A joy killer?” You asked. You raised a brow as your smirk grew. “Really?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Dean said.
“Right. Okay big boy, up and attem, let’s go. We’ve got that case in Ozark.”
Dean groaned again. “We just got back from a case two days ago.”
“Comes with the job description, honey,” you said. You swung your legs out of bed, placing your feet onto the floor. As you stood up, Dean suddenly wrapped his arms around you again, pulling you back down onto the bed. You squealed as he squeezed your sides, his lips latching onto your throat.
“Wanna stay here with you,” Dean said. He raised his head to kiss your lips. You ran your hand through his hair, his fingers running up your side, raising to cup your breast beneath your shirt.
“Dean, we don’t have time for this,” you said. He peppered kisses along your throat and collarbone, settling on the pulse point below your ear. “As much as I love doing this, we really need to get up.”
Dean halted his movements and lifted his head to scowl at you. He pushed himself up and off you, walking over to the dresser.
“Alright, fine,” he huffed. “Joy killer.”
“Of course, it has to be fucking witches.”
You winced at his words. You had been in Ozark for nearly a day now. After interviewing two of the victims who survived the attacks, you had also spoken to the detectives on the case before investigating the victims’ homes. The victims claimed to have been attacked by a shadow figure. The other three victims had been slaughtered in their homes, while the two survivors suffered severe lacerations and what seemed to be burns. You and the brothers were stumped for a while, until you found a hex bag hidden in a vase in one of the homes, and another hex bag stuffed in a couch cushion in the other.
You always hated witch cases. Not only were they dangerous, but they were also conflicting. You were a natural born witch, coming from a long line of witches on your mother’s side of the family. You had the gift of sight, also known as psychic abilities, and you had practiced witchcraft since you were thirteen.
When you had met Dean Winchester, it had been on a ghoul hunt. In those three days, you instantly felt an attraction to him that you couldn’t describe. You never thought he would be interested in you. You saw the women he’d frequent, and you weren’t like them. You were in shape, hunting keeping you fit, however you had some stretch marks, love handles, and thicker thighs than you would’ve liked. You also weren’t the prettiest woman in your opinion. You weren’t ugly, but you were always self conscious of the way you looked. You were sarcastic, cursed like a sailor, and reserved. You had always kept a wall around yourself ever since you were younger, sprouting at early ages due to things you had experienced and seen. You were twenty-four, a virgin, and a bit awkward at times.
Not at all Dean Winchester’s type.
But after meeting up with the Winchesters a few more times, you and Dean slowly became closer, until one night after a hunt, Dean had confessed his feelings for you. He was hesitant at first due to the ten year age difference, but your relationship had quickly blossomed. He was your first real relationship, the first person to ever be with you entirely, the first person to ever hold your heart.
Which is why you never told him about yourself.
Dean hated witches. It was a fact everyone knew. If you were to tell him that you were, in fact, a witch, he’d not only break up with you, but you were afraid he’d hunt you. Although you had never used your abilities for anything other than good, you weren’t entirely sure Dean would be able to trust you after you kept it from him for so long.
You were one of the most powerful witches in the world. Numerous covens have tried to recruit you, but you turned them all down. You were nomadic by nature, a free spirit, and you didn’t want to use your abilities to do someone else’s bidding. So you stuck to yourself. You kept off the radar and hoped your protective hex bags shield sigil tattoos worked. When Dean asked about the tattoos, you had simply told him they were more sigils for protection- like the anti possession tattoo. He believed you without a second thought.
“Okay, so now that we know what we’re dealing with,” Sam began. “We need to find out who. After doing some digging, I found that all of the victims attended the same addiction recovery group.”
“So you think the group is somehow linked to the murders?” Dean asked.
“It makes sense,” you said. “They all had this one thing in common. That’s what we always look for, right?”
“Right. There are only three people left in the group who have not been attacked. Since it’s a support group, anonymity is a requirement. But luckily for us, we have fake badges,” Sam said. “Marcus Wainwright, Brienne Tarly, and Astrid Waters are the only people who haven’t been attacked.”
You froze at Astrid’s name. You knew that name. She was the leader of a coven who tried to recruit you years ago. You turned them down because of the craft which they practiced.
“Who’s the leader of the group?” You asked.
“Uh…” Sam looked at the files. “Astrid.”
“I think it’s her,” you said. The brothers looked at you in question. You mentallykicked yourself. You said it before you could think. “She’s the leader, right?” You tried to cover yourself. “What if she used this group as a way to make sacrifices to whatever that shadow is?”
“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Sam said. “Carla, one of the victims I talked to today, said that Astrid would always try to get the group attendants to recruit more people. Apparently Astrid was always trying to bring more people into the group. Almost like she was obsessed with it.”
“She was trying to get more people to sacrifice,” Dean said.
“Exactly,” you said.
“Okay, let’s find this bitch.”
Astrid still lived in the same cottage as she did all those years ago when she tried to recruit you. Cobblestone walls covered in climbing ivy. Black shutters hung off the gothic windows. Various leafy plants grew around the sides of the house. The broken path led to a great wood door. The negative energy rolling off the house made you nauseous, and it took everything in you not to pass out.
You were only sixteen when you met Astrid, only just beginning to truly tap into your true potential when other witches began to feel your energy.
“You’re strong,” she had told you. “Stronger than me. You would be a valuable asset to any coven. A threat to witches below your strength. Others will want to harvest that power for themselves. We can keep you safe. I can keep you safe.”
You could feel her energy was dark. Her aura was an ominous black, a stark contrast from your pure white. You knew she was lying immediately. You threatened her. You were stronger than Astrid, and that pissed her off.
“I can fend for myself, thanks,” you had said.
Astrid had simply smirked at you, patting your hand gently. “We’ll see about that, my dear.”
You never thought you’d run across her again. You had hoped that you wouldn’t run into her again. Not only was she incredibly dangerous to you, but there was a high chance she would spill your secret, and you would not only lose Dean forever, but you would lose your life.
Swallowing back your fear, you trudged through the woods alongside the brothers. You knew you needed to do this. Innocent people were dying. If this was your last night on Earth, you wanted to be able to save them at least.
The three of you ducked below one of the windows. Dean peeked inside, trying his best to stay as hidden as possible.
“She’s in there,” he whispered. “She’s… at an altar. She’s chanting something.”
“Guess we found our witch,” Sam muttered. “Nice, Y/N.”
You gave him a weak smile.
Dean got up in front of the door, gun in hand. You and Sam waited for his call.
“Okay, on three,” he said.
“One… two…”
A new voice echoed around you, the door of the cottage violently swinging open, a gust of wind knocking Dean off his feet. Astrid’s cackle filled the air, and suddenly you began to feel woozy. Dean’s eyes fluttered shut, Sam falling down next to you. You knew it was Astrid, and you tried to fight it off, but soon succumbed to her power as well, your world going dark.
“How exciting!”
Head pounding, you awoke to the sound of a female’s voice. Trying to move, you soon found yourself unable to. Your eyelids felt heavy, and your limbs felt numb.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself staring up at the ceiling of the cottage. Astrid’s silver head was bent over you, bright emerald eyes staring into yours, a crooked, elated smile on her face.
“My oh my, I never thought the day would come,” she muttered to herself. A long nailed finger stroked your cheek, and you flinched away.
“Don’t touch her, you bitch!” You turned your head at the sound of Dean’s voice. You smiled weakly immediately at the sight of him, finding yourself incredibly tired.
You felt drained.
You tried to move your hands, finding them strapped to the table you were currently laid out on. Your flannel had been removed, as were your jeans, leaving you in only a tank top and panties. You shivered in the cool air. You hated being exposed like this in front of anyone that wasn’t Dean.
“What are you doing?” You asked weakly. “Let me go.”
Astrid laughed. “Please. You fall right into my hands and you think I’m going to let you go?” She asked. “You’re smarter than that, little fox.”
 “Why are you doing this?” Sam asked. “Why did you kill all those people? Why did you sacrifice them?”
Astrid looked surprised. “Oh my, you’re a smart one, aren’t you?” She smiled at Sam, holding a mortar and pestle up over you. She crushed something inside, muttering a few incantations.
“The shadow makes me stronger. The more it's fed, the stronger I become,” Astrid said smoothly. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong witch. Stronger than your average natural born, much stronger. However, there are only two people in the world who are stronger than me.”
Astrid gave you a pointed look. 
“The shadow makes me stronger, as I said, but without the power of the other two witches, I will never be the strongest. If I were to siphon their energies from their souls, I would be the strongest witch there ever was and will ever be.”
“Pretty egotistical, eh there, granny?” Dean said. Astrid sneered at him.
“You’ll be the first one to die once I’m done with her, honey,” Astrid said.
“That is if I don’t kill you first, sweetheart.”
“If you only knew what I would be capable of,” Astrid snapped. “One witch has kept herself hidden. The Scottish bitch never can be found.”
“Rowena,” Sam said. 
“Oh, you know her?” Astrid said. “Yes, Rowena. Now, the other witch. Well, I met her years ago. She was just a wee lass of sixteen at the time, but she was already so strong. I knew she was going to be a problem for me. I tried to recruit her to my coven, but she was smart. Too smart. I’ve been trying to track her down for years, and I’ve never been able to find her.”
Astrid let out a dreamy sigh. “And then, by the grace of God, she fell right into my hands.”
“If you’ve already killed her, why take the souls of innocents?” Dean asked.
Astrid scoffed. “Oh no, dear. I haven’t killed her yet.”
“Well what’s the hold up? One less witch to worry about. You’ll stop killing innocent people.”
Astrid laughed. She looked down at you. “No idea how you’ve been with the man as long as you did. If I heard that, I’d run for the hills. Or stab him in his sleep.”
“Don’t touch him,” you hissed. Astrid grinned.
“There’s that fire,” she said. She smeared the green paste she made over your chest. You let out a small cry as it burned your skin. She painted a pentacle on you, muttering more incantations.
“Unfortunately, to siphon all of a witch's power, the siphoner cannot kill the siphonee,” Astrid said. “Someone else has to do it after I prepare her, then I could siphon it.”
“Well let’s make you a deal,” Dean said. Your lip wobbled. “If I kill the bitch, letting you siphon her power, you will never kill another person.”
Astrid smiled wickedly. “Really?”
“Sure. One less witch and we save some people.”
Astrid laughed. “Oh that’s too good. I’ll make a blood vow. If I break it, I die.”
“Fine.” Dean nodded at her.
“Give me your word, hunter,” Astrid said.
“I give you my word.”
“That no matter what, you follow through,” Astrid continued.
Dean sighed. “Yeah, fine.”
“Dean,” you said softly. A tear leaked from your eye. “Please.”
He looked at you curiously. Astrid cut his bindings, letting him free.
“He’s not the brightest bulb, is he?” She asked you, laughing.
“Where do I find her?” Dean asked.
Astrid handed Dean a knife. It had a curled handle, various sigils carved into it. She stepped back, folding her arms over her chest. 
“Go ahead.”
“You deaf?” Dean asked. “Where do I find the bitch?”
Astrid smirked, running her tongue over her lips.
“Right in front of you.”
The blood drained from Dean’s face. Tears streamed from your eyes now, leaking down your temples onto the wood beneath you. Astrid killing you was one thing. Dean killing you? There was nothing worse you could think of.
“Y/N?” He said. “No fucking way. She’s not a witch.”
“Isn’t she?” Astrid asked. “Go on, Y/N. Show us a little trick.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing this was all a dream. Wishing that you would wake up and you’d be back at the bunker in Dean’s arms.
But when you opened your eyes, Dean still stood there, that curved knife in his hand, Astrid’s evil grin plastered on her face, a shocked Sam watching from his confinement on the wall.
“Fuck you,” you hissed.
“If you don’t show him-” she walked over to Sam, hand on his head- “I blow his brain apart.”
You took in a shaky breath, eyes focusing on the windows. Suddenly, your eyes glowed purple, and the windows shattered. The glass floated up into the air, spinning around and around, wind whipping everyone’s hair. It only lasted a few moments, and when the glass stopped spinning, a heart floated six feet off the ground. It slowly moved towards Dean, and once it reached him, you blinked, eyes going back to their normal E/C, the heart falling to the ground, glass shattering once more, mimicking your own heart.
Dean looked up at you in shock.
“You did that?”
“It’s her best party trick,” Astrid said. “Y/N here is an artist. Unless, of course, she’s blowing a werewolf to pieces with a simple flick of her wrist, or growing a thirty foot tree with the blink of an eye.”
“No,” Dean said lowly. “You lied to me.”
“I was afraid,” you said. “You hate witches. I thought you were going to kill me.”
“You fucking kept this giant ass secret from me!” He yelled. “You lied to me for years! All that time we’ve been together, you’ve been fucking
“Dean, please-”
“How do I know anything you said was true?”
“It all is! You know everything about me, Dean! I just never told you this!” You urged. “Please, Dean. You know me. You know I’m a good person.”
“I don’t know shit,” he hissed. “Have you ever killed anyone?”
“What?” You asked.
“Have you ever killed someone?” He snapped.
“No! I’ve never-”
“Eh, eh, eh,” Astrid said. “Don’t lie to the poor man anymore, Y/N.”
You let out a sob. “It was an accident.”
“An accident?” Astrid exclaimed. “Bursting a man into flames was an accident? Killing a father of four was an accident?”
“Yes!” You said. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know how to control myself, I-”
A sharp pain suddenly seared inside your head. You gasped, eyes squeezing shut.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked. Astrid grinned.
“Punishing her,” she answered calmly. You screamed as the pain became so intense, white flashed behind your eyes and your whole body went rigid.
“Stop!” Dean yelled.
The pain was gone instantly. You panted, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, sweat mixing with your tears.
“Slit her wrists, Dean,” Astrid whispered. “You swore.”
Dean took the few steps he needed to be right next to you. He looked at the knife, then at your wrist, then at your face.
“Won’t she just heal herself?” He asked.
“Those cuffs around her wrists contain sigils that will prevent any self healing or harm to another person,” Astrid said. “It limits her power. It’s why she hasn’t broken out yet.”
Dean swallowed thickly. He looked at you, eyes searing deeply into your own. An anger burned behind the green you loved so much. It scared you. That anger had never been directed towards you before. 
But there was something else as well. Despair. Dean was torn. You were a witch, a powerful one, and you had lied about it for years. On the other hand, Dean was in love with you. He loved you so much, it scared him.
“Do it,” Astrid said. “Do it, or I kill him.”
She was bent down beside Sam now, lips near his ear, eyes burning purple. Dean looked between you and his brother. You knew he’d never choose you over Sam.
“Do it,” you whispered. You nodded at him, giving him a soft smile. “It’s alright.”
“How can you say that?” Dean asked. 
“I’ll find my way back to you someday,” you told him. “If not, I’ll simply wait for you.”
Dean bit his lip. “I wish you had told me.”
“I thought you were going to kill me,” you admitted. He shook his head, leaning against the table. He cupped your cheek, thumb wiping away a stray tear.
“Baby, you’re a good person,” he said. “Sure, I hate witches.”
You winced.
“But I could never hate you.”
You blinked a few times. “Even though I’m-”
He pressed his lips softly to yours. His eyes were misty, brows pulled together. 
“I could never hate you,” he whispered against your lips.
“Do it, Dean!” Astrid urged. “You’ve got ten seconds.”
“Dean, don’t do it,” Sam said. 
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “I’ll wait for you, my love.”
Dean shook his head.
“Five seconds,” Astrid warned.
“I love you, Dean. It’s okay,” you whispered. 
Dean looked down at the knife in his hands. He caressed your wrist, bringing the knife down against your skin.
“Three seconds!”
He gave you one last look, moving the knife back-
He jerked the knife-
You expected the sting of the blade, but only felt the release of the cuff. 
“Man, you should have had some sort of spell on that shit,” Dean said. He smiled darkly at you, giving you a wink. Using your other hand, you flashed your eyes purple, burning the other cuff off.
“No!” Astrid yelled. “What have you done?”
With a simple flick of your wrist, Astrid was flung away from Sam. She crashed into the opposite wall. You slipped off the table, bare feet hitting the cold floor. A wind blew through the cottage, blowing your hair back from your face. You stalked towards her, all the while a smirk grew on your lips, your fingers tingling.
“I haven’t let myself go in so long,” you said. You lifted your hands, seeing the purple glow in your palms and beneath your fingertips. You cocked your head. “All this pent up energy…”
“It’s almost like snapping a rubber band,” you muttered.
“Y/N,” Dean said slowly. 
Using a blast of power, you forced Astrid’s arms against the wall. Keeping them there, you raised her up until her feet dangled off the floor. You did the same to her ankles, the strain causing her skin to bruise immediately.
“Y/N, wait-”
You forced her head back, a sickening crunch resonating inside the cottage.
“So much power… can be dangerous,” Astrid gasped. Blood dribbled from her mouth and nose, pouring out of her eyes like tears. You forced more pressure upon her, crushing her further. “I was your mentor once… don’t let it consume you… keep your soul pure…”
You crushed her further, your brow raising slightly. You smiled wickedly at Astrid, a dark chuckle leaving your lips. “Rich coming from you,” you said.
“I let it consume me,” Astrid told you. “Don’t… follow in my footsteps.”
You hadn’t used your power like this in years, not since Astrid was your mentor. It sizzled in your veins and made you feel more rushed than ever. It was almost euphoric, the way your body burned with power, power that came from the Earth beneath your feet. 
You missed that feeling.
What you didn’t miss, however, was the creeping feeling of darkness. It would intrude your thoughts and darken your mind. The risk of using that much power was the potential that it could consume you, and you would flip darkside.
Like Astrid did.
“See you in hell.”
Using once last surge of power, Astrid let out a guttural scream as her whole body turned an odd shade of red, eyes nearly popping from their sockets, blood streaming from any open source, before she stopped moving.
Letting your power retract, she slumped to the floor.
You blinked, letting your eyes return to their natural colour, turning to face Dean.
“You gonna kill me now?” You asked.
Dean swallowed thickly, giving you a small smile.
“Why not?” You said. “I’m a monster, right? You hate witches. I am witch. Pretty self explanatory.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Dean said.
“You can’t pick and choose the monsters you kill and don’t kill,” you said. “You came here to kill a witch. I killed her, now it’s your turn.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Dean repeated.
You gritted your teeth, sighing deeply. “Fine.”
You walked over to Sam, looking over your shoulder at Dean. With a simple flick of your wrist, Sam was released from his bindings.
“Do it, Sam.”
“Why?” He asked.
“I haven’t let myself go like that in a long time,” you said. “I forgot how tempting it is to give in. I want to do it, Dean. You need to kill me before I do.”
“No,” he said.
“Do it!” You yelled. “Do you really want me to flip? You want me to become like her?” You pointed to the woman you had just killed.
“You won’t,” Dean said. “You’re not like her.”
“Yes,” you whispered. A single tear slipped down your cheek. “I am. I killed that man when I was sixteen because I almost let it win. Who knows what else I could have done if I did.”
“Then we lock you up in the dungeon,” Dean said. “And we bring you back. But you’re good, Y/N. I know you better than anyone.”
Your lip wobbled. 
“You still love me?” You murmured. “Even after finding out?”
Dean smiled warmly at you. He took your hands in his, massaging the backs of yours. “Sure, I was pissed you didn’t tell me. Still am, quite frankly. But you’re my girl,” he said. “I know you. I know the kind of person you are.”
“You hate witches,” you pointed out.
“Eh, maybe they’re not so bad,” Dean said, giving you a lopsided shrug. “I mean, I know this one witch. She’s pretty hot, really good in bed-”
“Dean!” You exclaimed, slapping his chest playfully. He laughed, kissing your forehead, bringing you into his chest.
“What can I say? What you did was pretty badass. Not my fault I’m into that.”
You shook your head. “Okay, big boy. If you’re not gonna kill me, let’s go home.”
Dean took a deep breath, leaning down to pick you up bridal style. You gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
“Come on, Sabrina,” he said. You gave him a bitch face, making Sam laugh.
“Really?” You asked.
“Oh, I’ve got more,” he said. “Do you have a pointy hat? Or a broomstick? Were you always this color, or were you born green?”
“Yeah, this is gonna be a long ride home,” Sam muttered.
Did you like it? What was your favorite part? Send me an ask with your thoughts! Feedback is loved and greatly appreciated:)
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The reason I like angel whump (and demon whump) is because there are many angles not available to say human whump. by default this type of whumpees provides great variability of what "angel" or "demon" is, there is this implicaiton of longevity so one can easily have whumpee be captive for millenia. There is this heavily spiritual component, the fact that there is often direct connection between how they look and what is their mental state. Powers, of course. Resilence. Ready conflict. Wings.
Oh big same here- i think all of my favorite tropes deal with non human whumpees mainly because I like exploring other elements- and angel are specifically fun since they by default have some form of connection to some kind of underworld.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
for a while I’ve had a vague idea for making an OC that is a dragon, perhaps loosely based on Dragon from Shrek, who transforms into a more conventional humanoid or monster girl form, and is otherwise a gigantic dragon matriarch that has the amiable, pleasant vibe contrasted by being a big terrifying dragon
and I think i have a great idea for combinging this with a character who would have this be narratively appropriate:
Tamitayo, my Dark Elf OC.
bear in mind, she started out as a Skyrim character; a dragonborn, a mortal with the soul of a dragon. consider the implicaitons there.
This, possibly a D&D or similar variation, would take it to the logical inclusion. She’s not just a dark elf with a dragon’s soul; she is an actual black dragon that, for her own reasons, transforms into a dark elf and lives as one, wandering the world and doing good, perhaps building giant fortresses and turning them into orphanages for monstrous humanoid children who have no families, because someone ought to care about them.
you could work in some thoughts on the nature of evil and that good is a choice; in D&D lore, black dragons are evil by nature, so there’s some interesting implications there. Something similar would apply to drow, which she would be as well.
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nuttyrabbit · 7 years
Same anon - I took it more of them trying to show a different perspective of how some people deal with things like this. There are people who handle real rape like the story portrays. Not every portrayal of murder and rape is handled " It must be condemned immediately! " Doesn't mean the Arthur supports or waves off the real crime . You shouldn't condemn people for works of fiction. This coming from someone who was sexually assaulted.
I’m not TRYING to condemn it. I get that they’re trying to portray different perspectives, but sometimes the way you do it can make it come off as excusing it or playing it down, even if that wasn’t the intent. I feel like I’m not getting my point across properly.
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biotechtimes · 4 years
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session
New Post has been published on https://biotechtimes.org/2020/06/26/aiims-bhopal-phd-admission-2020-july-session/
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session
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AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission Notification
The official notification for the AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session has been announced. Non-medical candidates with Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry background can apply for the PhD program. Interested and eligible applicants can check out the details on the eligibility, fee structure, application procedure and online application portal below:
AIIMS Bhopal is one of the seven AIIMS apex healthcare institutes being established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). AIIMS Bhopal is offering Fellowship seats available in the project as well as Own Government Fellowship seats.
Summary of Examination Pattern
Mode of Examination Offline Objective type Duration of Examination 90 minutes Stage I & II Stage I 30 minutes Date of Examination & interview 10th July 2020 Number of Shift 02 (Two) Location of Examination centres Medical College, AIIMS Bhopal
A: Fellowship seats available in the project (FA): Candidates with or without Own Fellowship can apply
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Microbiology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 30,000/- per month for two years.
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry Biotechnology/Life Sciences Candidates with CSIR / UGCNET/GATE will be preferred
Project Title: Unravelling chemoresistance and S1P signalling in a bioengineered 3-D oral squamous cell carcinoma model: implicaitons in cancer therapy
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Cancer Biology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 31,000/- per month for two years
Department: FMT (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
Code: 103(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: M.Sc in Forensic Science /Microbiology/ Zoology/Biotechnology/ with biology as one of the subjects in graduation level
Project Title: To see the incidence and attempt to find the aetiology of incidental pleural adhesions seen during medicolegal autopsy at AIIMS Bhopal
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 36,000/- per month for two years
Department: Neurology
Code: 104(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Masters degree in Biochemistry/Medical/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Life Sciences
Project Title: Screening of CGG repeat in FMR monogenic disorder in Indian patients and its role in inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D.: Neurobiology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 35960/- per month for two years
Fellowship shall be paid for 24 months as mentioned against each Project.
Fellowship period can be extended if the project gets extended with the provision of fellowship or PI can arrange fellowship from any other project if available.
Candidate are allowed to apply for Govt. fellowship after joining Ph.D at AIIMS Bhopal and can avail the fellowship if awarded for both option (A & B) however, only one fellowship/ stipend can be availed at one time.
B: Own Government Fellowship seats (OF): only those candidates who have their Own Fellowship or In-Service candidates (as indicated) from Government Organisation can apply
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Microbiology
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Microbiology
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry /Life Sciences
Project Title: Natural product isolation with characterization on in vitro antineoplastic property
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Medical Biochemistry
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(c)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry Biotechnology/Life Sciences Candidates with their own fellowship (CSIR / DBT / UGC / ICMR etc.)
Project Title: Unravelling chemoresistance and S1P signalling in a bioengineered 3-D oral squamous cell carcinoma model: implicaitons in cancer therapy
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Cancer Biology
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 105(a)
No. of seats: 02
Qualification requirement: MBBS/ M.Sc in Biochemistry/Biotechnolo gy/Life sciences
Project Title: To study the prevalence of common metabolic disorders and Hemoglobinopathies in newborns of central India by New Born Screening (NBS)
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Newborn  Screening/ Hemoglobinopathy
1) A candidate is allowed to submit an application for Two code numbers only. Code numbers are 101,102, 103,104 & 105.
2) Every candidate can apply for PhD seats in maximum two codes (departments). The question paper for Stage II will be such as to test the competency of the student in the subject in which the candidate wishes to pursue the PhD program. Provisions are also incorporated to address non-specific qualifications like MBBS and MSc Life Sciences. Illustrative examples are given below with the caveat that this is only an example and no comparison is drawn between MD and MSc qualifications:
PhD seats are advertised in departments of Biochemistry, Microbiology, CFM, Neurology and Paediatrics in this advertisement
Scenario 1: Candidates with MSc in specific subject e.g. Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Yoga / Microbiology will choose to pursue Ph.D. in the subject of PG qualification, hence it will be natural and logical that he /she be asked to appear in Stage II question paper in the subject in which candidate has applied for Ph.D. which is identical to his / her PG qualification.
. Scenario 2: Candidates with MBBS / MD qualification can choose to apply for Ph.D. in any of the branches (maximum two codes) because candidates with MBBS / MD qualification have studied and been examined in the subjects in which Ph.D. seats are advertised (Biochemistry, Microbiology, CFM, and Paediatrics), during MBBS program, provided that aforementioned qualifications are asked in the concerned project.
Candidates with MSc Life Sciences (wherein the MSc degree certificate mentions only MSc in Life Sciences but doesn’t mention any particular subject like Zoology, Botany, Forensic Sciences and candidates with MSc Biotechnology can also apply in two subject codes provided that the eligibility qualification asked against the project titles specifies these degrees.
In scenario 1 single merit list will be prepared based upon marks obtained in the question paper in which the candidate has appeared. In scenario 2 two merit lists will be prepared if the candidate chose to appear in more than one subject code
3) All seats in a single code number (related to a single department) will be clubbed and candidates qualifying for them will be offered the project of their choice (within that code number) based on their merit.
4) Selected candidates who have their own fellowship but apply for ‘Seats where fellowship is available in the project’ may be offered ‘seats where candidates must have their own government fellowship’ if these seats remain unfilled after being offered to all selected candidates who have applied in this category
Application fees for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
For General/OBC candidates Rs. 1000/-
For SC/ST/PwD and all Women candidates – Nil
Fees to be paid by Demand Draft only in favor of “AIIMS Bhopal” payable at Bhopal
Fee once remitted will not be refunded in any circumstance
Inadequately filled/incomplete applications may be summarily rejected.
General Eligibility for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Eligibility – Non Sponsored
A candidate seeking admission to the course of study leading to the award of a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
Medical qualification: MBBS with minimum 55% aggregate marks or MD/MS /DM/M.Ch in the subject concerned or Diplomate of National Board of Examination. Candidates who have obtained any of these degrees from medical colleges which are not recognized by the Medical Council of India shall not be eligible to apply.
Non-Medical – For nonmedical candidates eligibility shall be Master’s Degree (two years course) awarded by Indian Universities or equivalent in the subject as per the requirement of the project. Candidates holding M.Sc. (Other than M.Sc. Nursing) M.Tech. degree & BAMS will be eligible for the Non-Medical Qualification Category.
Candidate possessing a Masters Degree through distant learning course shall not be eligible
Candidate having eligibility under the non-medical category should have at least 55% marks in the last eligibility examination qualified.
Desired qualifications for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
The non-medical candidates should have preferably qualified in any one of the following national entrance tests in the last 2 years:
NBHM screening test
INSPIRE fellowship
*. Candidates who have qualified in the above-said examinations leading to the award of fellowships will be given special weightage in the entrance examination as detailed in method of selection part of guidelines.
Candidates working under Central Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous organization should submit their applications through proper channel i.e. employer. They will be required to submit a ‘No Objection Certificate” from their employer before they are allowed to join the Ph.D. Course.
The candidates who are likely to complete requisite qualification and degree by 30th June 2020 may also apply. However, the candidates who are completing their requisite qualification after 30th June 2020 are not eligible to take up this examination.
* Applicants from AIIMS Faculty/Scientific Staff for Ph. D. registration will be considered as in-service candidates as per guidelines laid down by AIIMS in this regard.
Duration of the Course
(I) The duration of the course shall be the time period from registration to submission of the thesis. The minimum period of registration in respect of all the candidates who are registered for Ph.D. shall be three years. The maximum period of registration shall not exceed five years. Extension beyond the period of 5 years can be given for a maximum period of 6 months on the recommendation of Dean Academic and final approval by the Director.
(II) Further extension of six months beyond 5 ½ years can only be given by the Academic Committee for a maximum period of 6 months in highly exceptional circumstances medical exigencies, natural calamities etc.) and such extension may not be given retrospectively.
(III) The Chief guide of Ph.D. Student shall give a clear reason for the delay to the Academic Committee and must present the case before the Academic Committee.
(IV) In case of extension beyond 5 ½ years without justifiable reasons and circumstances as mentioned above, the Ph.D. registration of the candidate shall be canceled.
(V) Failure to submit a thesis within a stipulated time period of maximum 5yrs. with extension after approval upto 5½ years (6 years in exceptional circumstances by prior approval of Academic Committee) shall lead to cancellation of Ph.D. registration of the candidate.
Submission of Application
The applications will be invited on a prescribed Performa. The application form (with self-attested copies of all documents) and fees must be submitted by Speed Post / by email at [email protected] with a photocopy of the Demand draft latest by 30th June 2020 by 5.00 PM. In the Office of Registrar, AIIMS. Saket Nagar, Bhopal- 462020 (M.P).For any postal delay AIIMS, Bhopal is not responsible.
Download Notification & Application Form
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3. Unpacking Headlines
What I want to do now is look at two different media headlines and try to understand how they are both constructed by and contribute to the hegemonic powers relating to gender/responsibility/victimization as previously discussed. An aspect of reporting on sexual violence that I find particularly interesting is the representation of perpetrators of assault.  We’ve already come to understand the ways that responsibility is shifted to the victim through passive voice as well as how reporting and ascribing truth varies across genders.  My question now relates to the perpetrators.  How does the media convey the identities of perpetrators of sexual assault and what implicaitons does this have for overall constructions of sexual violence?
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According to Coates and Wade, “characterization of the offender” fairly heavily influences judge’s discernment about responsibility of perpetrators within a judicial setting*. Consequently, the level of responsibility also impacts leniency of sentencing times.  The most notable case of this, to me, would be with reference to Brock Turner/the Stanford Rapist (as Philip DeFranco has appropriately dubbed him).  The headline displayed above is not an exception to the way Turner was depicted throughout his year-long trial.  On the contrary - noting his accomplishments as a swimmer at an esteemed university seemed to be the norm throughout, while simultaneously calling into question the merit of the victim’s testimony.  Justaposing Turner’s accomplishments with the intoxication of the female victim is a method of purposeful identity creation that inevitably led to Turner getting the minimum sentence (6 months) for his crime. 
While I am certain that there are individuals out there who believe 6 months is a significant amount of time for a ~man of Brock Turner’s caliber~ (I’d just like to know when being good at water sports became an identity feature with more weight than, say, a person who commits rape???), I think it’s critical to understand that the purposeful construction of the Stanford Rapist in terms of his accomplishments and positive attributes directly influenced judicial interpretations of responsibility for the action and, consequently, the ridiculously short time served. In this sense, language is action, and it is action by the media which led to a gross underrepresentation of fault and responsibility of the perpetrator of rape. 
Unfortunately, representation of assailants in this way is not uncommon.
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Honestly, not to be dramatic, but when I came across this one I almost fained. There is a lot to unpack with this in terms of identity construction as a means to deflect responsibility and blame, so I’m opting for a bullet list.
Married businessman, 45: both of these aspects of the perpetrator’s identity are actively constructing him as an individual who would be indexed as trustworthy.  A middle-aged family man who runs a business would never be the person to rape a woman too intoxicated to consent.  
Flirty woman: this ties in to the larger dynamic of painting women as promiscusous in order to discredit their experiences.  By portraying victims within a light of promiscuity, it invalidates any power they could potentially have through pursuing some semblance of justice.  This also serves to place owness for what happened on the victim (fuck victim blaming) - if she was “flirty”, it negates her inability to say “no”, because she clearly would have participated in the sexual activity if she were able to consent. This is a purposeful representation of victimhood that strips the victim of power and credibility.
Heavy drinking session: This is two-fold - it simultaneously erases responsibility from the perpetrator (as in Brock Turner’s father’s account that his son shouldn’t be held responsible due to binge drinking and inability to make appropriate decisions) while further discrediting the victim’s statement because she “couldn’t remember consenting”.  This relates closely to the widespread assertion that if a woman doesn’t want to get assaulted, she should maintain a level of sobriety - otherwise, she is “asking for it”.  
In these two cases, we can clearly see the ways that identities of rapists are constructed in juxtaposition to their victims, which leads to a shift in responsibility from the rapist to the victim and, in both cases, to lenient (or no) sentencing judgements.  
Coates, L., & Wade, A. (2004). Telling it like it isn’t: Obscuring perpetrator responsibility for violent crime. Discourse & Society, 15(5), 499-526.
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paragonrobits · 1 year
Just had this crazy idea of a homestuck / mass effect crossover:
To start you have the Alternian Empire instead of humans, and naturally still get in a war with the Turians after the trolls shot first. I figure they'd be roughly on par for ground combat, but are a bit of Outside Context Problem in space as Alternian naval combat involves industrial scale psionics and non eezo ftl (I think troll ftl can still use mass effect induced from psionics to make it easier for ships to be pushed at past light speeds).
Alternia rejects all attempts at diplomacy that isn't surrender until one day they suddenly announce a peace / cease-fire (but theyre still keeping any systems they took) and are sending an ambassador to the Council for 'military coordination' and 'defense agreements'. Can you imagine their reaction when the ambassador arrives, who would be a fuschia, maybe Feferi, and explains that the sudden about face is to prepare to fight against the Reapers? And this was "ordered" by the 'god' of the imperial cult.
So the trolls would be an old enough race for their early or near sentience phase to be at the same time as the reapers, and Gl'bgolyb remembers it- and probably the previous cycles too if she was there since the planet formed. And Feferi would be if not grimdark/grimdark adjacent then very obviously a "cultist" of some sort to citadel people. Also fuschias don't have to fight to the death automatically, its still an option if they want to try for the throne but for the most part they're the penultimate level of imperial bureaucracy, administering multiple systems and such.
Unfortunately, I haven't thought much about what happens after since I dont know mass effect that well.
I'm embarassed it's taken me a while to get to this because something about this made the dopamine go ZOP!
i'm still perpetually salty about human exceptionalism being such a norm and partially present in Mass Effect's earlier entries so anything that gets the uninteresting primates with an entitlement complex out of the way is of course of interest
That honestly makes perfect sense; the Turians are well suited to fighting the trolls in a ground-based or one on one context, as from what we see in canon, their extremely ruthless attitude towards warfare makes them good at just fighting the trolls directly as opposed to canon humans continually escalating. It's also VERY similar to the way the turians fought the krogan, who have similar physical capability to trolls and even a similar explosive reproduction that allows them to waste troops with the piles of bodies strategy of just throwing disposable soldiers at a problem.
I REALLY like the sudden twist and, if this was a narrative story, I think this might be a good place to start it since its full of interesting character bits to set off around this point; everyone is confused and has no idea what the hell is going on. The implicaiton I get is that Feferi has recently taken her position, in response to the revelation about the Reapers.
I think making fuchsias not unique and instead being the chief administrators makes a LOT of sense and works really well for taking the trolls into a space opera or even a relatively hard-ish sci fi setting. I would also say that Feferi's cultist status would probably be a bit weird to the Citadel but, funnily enough, something they can work with; in canon we see that they're no strangers to alien religions and tend to accomodate them, and in fact this is QUITE similar to the batarians, who are often religiously motivated, but the trolls would actually be easier to deal with, as the batarians constantly have friciton with the citadel aliens wheras this isn't really a factor here, from what i can say.
I DO know Mass Effect extremely well so I can offer a lot of thoughts. My first thought is, assuming humans are not present at all and trolls occupy their narrative position, that Commander Shepard is a troll here; POSSIBLY a fuchsia for maximum coolness, but narratively i can see the appeal of them being a lowblood of some sort. A psionic would work well, given Shepard often being portrayed as a biotic.
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paragonrobits · 3 years
in all honestly I really wish the Planet Hulk trade paperback included the Fantastic Four issues that immediately precede the events of Planet Hulk for the following reasons:
1. they’re really good and add a layer of complexity to the Thing empathizing with the Hulk that he doesn’t get too often, feeling the Hulk’s pain and loneliness because he feels they’re BOTH monsters
2. we get a signfiicant amount of time inside the Hulk’s mind that informs his mindset throughout Planet Hulk and it really adds a LOT to his character if you’re... aware of him having a near-death experience following an attempt to defuse a HYDRA bomb where he spent a whole lot of time mentally dueling with traumatic experiences and his friends, enemies and Banner all telling him he should have died the day the bomb went off, and the Hulk thinking to himself that all he can really think about in these dark times when he’s convinced this is IT, he really won’t survive this time, he thinks of all the time he’s been hurt, and all the hurt he has brought.
“Is this it?” the Hulk wonders. “Is this really all we can do? Bringing nothing to the world but more pain? Hurting more people?” and, startling, there’s an implicaiton of relief; the Hulk isn’t afraid to die. The Hulk is afraid of living longer, of loneliness and suffering and the eternal misery he’s known just... going on and on.
And then, his final greatest fear, is that he can’t die. That he’ll be like this, enduring eternally, too strong to die as all his friends betray him or leave him and everything just keeps hurting forever.
(Which was... prescient, given the events of Immortal Hulk.)
3. That following this, Hulk is sent on a trick mission to defuse a sattilite and realizes too late that while it was a threat, it was actually a SHIELD weapon and not a HYDRA one, and they lied to his face about it and about a way to bring him back home, intending to strand him there, and THEN it turns out his friends used the whole thing to exile him into space.
4. So, as a result of those previous points, there’s this underlying element of Hulk:
- Being afraid not of dying, but that he’ll just go on forever and things will always get worse
- That he can do nothing to help people, that all he does is hurt things and make things worse for everyone, including himself, but especially the people around him
- all the big losses, suffering and self-doubt got thrown straight at him, forcing him to dwell on these things, and given that it was set up by a bomb exploding, all literally blowing up in his face
- he tried to stick his neck out for people, and it keeps hurting him. They betray him, in rapid succession, and he snaps. He’s finally had enough; the Hulk is DONE trying to be a hero, when it never does anything but hurt him.
Now in Planet Hulk this recontextualizes a LOT of what he does and goes through; his extreme bitterness, his hostile attitude, his certainty that even if they help free the people of Sakaar they’ll just turn on them sooner or later. Even as he unknowingly encourages Miek to simmer in his bitterness, to feel nothing but hate and spite and the need to make other people suffer for their crimes against him, Hulk says to the world:
“Fine. You win.
“I tried being a hero, and it screwed me over. You know what? You win.
“I’ll never be anything but a monster. A monster I am, and no matter what I do, a monster I’ll be.
“Screw you all. Your heroes won’t save you, and I hope you choke on whatever comes next.”
He’s flown over his personal despair event horizon, he’s given up in every way possible, and he’s DONE.
...And in the end, he still can’t resist being a hero to a world that needs it, when it counts.
And it still blows up in his face.
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paragonrobits · 3 years
one criticism of the MCU that bothers me is, essentially, an implicaiton that any superhero interaction is a crossover and implicitly bad, but a superhero setting IS a shared universe and you lose something if you just drop that
imagine a DC setting where Batman and Superman never meet, that’s messed up
i get that people don’t like the MCU but lets not just throw the entire superhero setting conceit into the dumpster because of one cinematic universe!
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paragonrobits · 3 years
if i have to be honest, I’ll admit i don’t understand why things being coached in purely romantic terms is a good thing or like
“x character only saved the girl because he loved her” being framed as a GOOD thing, because the implicaiton is that he would have left her to die if he didn’t love her and
that’s not a good thing
that is a very bad thing
what does this suggest they think people should normally do? That no one ever does anything unless they get something out of it? That selfishness is the only important factor in interpersonal dynamics?
like, making it personal doesn’t have to be the end all and be all of helping others
its sort of like that one argument where someone goes ‘Superman is an all powerful god and helping that one girl from a suicidal moment doesn’t mean that much from him, Deadpool did the same thing and spent ALL DAY WITH HER’ and i’ll never understand why the latter is treated as somehow more heroic, because firstly superman was LEGITIMATELY ACTUALLY DYING and he spent some of the precious time he had left to help a random girl he’d never met before and never would see again, but he still went out of his way to give her a helping hand and support and reaffirm her belief in others
but a big part of it seems to imply the thought of this: “If its not personal, it doesn’t matter”
you have to wonder if the people that say these things genuinely believe that they wouldn’t help other people unless they knew them personally
and that goes against every donation post and every real life account of someone helping a stranger in need, and that all of human society is built on that impuilse to help others or to do things that help other people you will never meet
but there’s this whole glorification of selfishness that i cannot understand, and i suspect the kind of people who believe this wholeheartedly and really hate superhero things is probably connected because they base everything in terms of selfishness and personal gain, and the idea of a character who dedicates their lives to helping others at express cost to themselves is generally just unfathomable
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biotechtimes · 4 years
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session
New Post has been published on https://biotechtimes.org/2020/06/26/aiims-bhopal-phd-admission-2020-july-session/
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session
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AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission Notification
The official notification for the AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission 2020 July Session has been announced. Non-medical candidates with Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry background can apply for the PhD program. Interested and eligible applicants can check out the details on the eligibility, fee structure, application procedure and online application portal below:
AIIMS Bhopal is one of the seven AIIMS apex healthcare institutes being established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). AIIMS Bhopal is offering Fellowship seats available in the project as well as Own Government Fellowship seats.
Summary of Examination Pattern
Mode of Examination Offline Objective type Duration of Examination 90 minutes Stage I & II Stage I 30 minutes Date of Examination & interview 10th July 2020 Number of Shift 02 (Two) Location of Examination centres Medical College, AIIMS Bhopal
A: Fellowship seats available in the project (FA): Candidates with or without Own Fellowship can apply
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Microbiology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 30,000/- per month for two years.
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry Biotechnology/Life Sciences Candidates with CSIR / UGCNET/GATE will be preferred
Project Title: Unravelling chemoresistance and S1P signalling in a bioengineered 3-D oral squamous cell carcinoma model: implicaitons in cancer therapy
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Cancer Biology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 31,000/- per month for two years
Department: FMT (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
Code: 103(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: M.Sc in Forensic Science /Microbiology/ Zoology/Biotechnology/ with biology as one of the subjects in graduation level
Project Title: To see the incidence and attempt to find the aetiology of incidental pleural adhesions seen during medicolegal autopsy at AIIMS Bhopal
Broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D: Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 36,000/- per month for two years
Department: Neurology
Code: 104(a)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Masters degree in Biochemistry/Medical/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Life Sciences
Project Title: Screening of CGG repeat in FMR monogenic disorder in Indian patients and its role in inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D.: Neurobiology
Quantum and duration of fellowship/ Stipend: Stipend of Rs. 35960/- per month for two years
Fellowship shall be paid for 24 months as mentioned against each Project.
Fellowship period can be extended if the project gets extended with the provision of fellowship or PI can arrange fellowship from any other project if available.
Candidate are allowed to apply for Govt. fellowship after joining Ph.D at AIIMS Bhopal and can avail the fellowship if awarded for both option (A & B) however, only one fellowship/ stipend can be availed at one time.
B: Own Government Fellowship seats (OF): only those candidates who have their Own Fellowship or In-Service candidates (as indicated) from Government Organisation can apply
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Microbiology
Department: Microbiology
Code: 101(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: MD Microbiology/ MBBS/ M.Sc. Microbiology from a recognized University.
Project Title: A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Microbiology
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(b)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry /Life Sciences
Project Title: Natural product isolation with characterization on in vitro antineoplastic property
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Medical Biochemistry
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 102(c)
No. of seats: 01
Qualification requirement: Master’s degree in Biochemistry / Medical Biochemistry Biotechnology/Life Sciences Candidates with their own fellowship (CSIR / DBT / UGC / ICMR etc.)
Project Title: Unravelling chemoresistance and S1P signalling in a bioengineered 3-D oral squamous cell carcinoma model: implicaitons in cancer therapy
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Cancer Biology
Department: Biochemistry
Code: 105(a)
No. of seats: 02
Qualification requirement: MBBS/ M.Sc in Biochemistry/Biotechnolo gy/Life sciences
Project Title: To study the prevalence of common metabolic disorders and Hemoglobinopathies in newborns of central India by New Born Screening (NBS)
The broad subject area proposed research for Ph.D. Newborn  Screening/ Hemoglobinopathy
1) A candidate is allowed to submit an application for Two code numbers only. Code numbers are 101,102, 103,104 & 105.
2) Every candidate can apply for PhD seats in maximum two codes (departments). The question paper for Stage II will be such as to test the competency of the student in the subject in which the candidate wishes to pursue the PhD program. Provisions are also incorporated to address non-specific qualifications like MBBS and MSc Life Sciences. Illustrative examples are given below with the caveat that this is only an example and no comparison is drawn between MD and MSc qualifications:
PhD seats are advertised in departments of Biochemistry, Microbiology, CFM, Neurology and Paediatrics in this advertisement
Scenario 1: Candidates with MSc in specific subject e.g. Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Yoga / Microbiology will choose to pursue Ph.D. in the subject of PG qualification, hence it will be natural and logical that he /she be asked to appear in Stage II question paper in the subject in which candidate has applied for Ph.D. which is identical to his / her PG qualification.
. Scenario 2: Candidates with MBBS / MD qualification can choose to apply for Ph.D. in any of the branches (maximum two codes) because candidates with MBBS / MD qualification have studied and been examined in the subjects in which Ph.D. seats are advertised (Biochemistry, Microbiology, CFM, and Paediatrics), during MBBS program, provided that aforementioned qualifications are asked in the concerned project.
Candidates with MSc Life Sciences (wherein the MSc degree certificate mentions only MSc in Life Sciences but doesn’t mention any particular subject like Zoology, Botany, Forensic Sciences and candidates with MSc Biotechnology can also apply in two subject codes provided that the eligibility qualification asked against the project titles specifies these degrees.
In scenario 1 single merit list will be prepared based upon marks obtained in the question paper in which the candidate has appeared. In scenario 2 two merit lists will be prepared if the candidate chose to appear in more than one subject code
3) All seats in a single code number (related to a single department) will be clubbed and candidates qualifying for them will be offered the project of their choice (within that code number) based on their merit.
4) Selected candidates who have their own fellowship but apply for ‘Seats where fellowship is available in the project’ may be offered ‘seats where candidates must have their own government fellowship’ if these seats remain unfilled after being offered to all selected candidates who have applied in this category
Application fees for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
For General/OBC candidates Rs. 1000/-
For SC/ST/PwD and all Women candidates – Nil
Fees to be paid by Demand Draft only in favor of “AIIMS Bhopal” payable at Bhopal
Fee once remitted will not be refunded in any circumstance
Inadequately filled/incomplete applications may be summarily rejected.
General Eligibility for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
AIIMS Bhopal PhD Eligibility – Non Sponsored
A candidate seeking admission to the course of study leading to the award of a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
Medical qualification: MBBS with minimum 55% aggregate marks or MD/MS /DM/M.Ch in the subject concerned or Diplomate of National Board of Examination. Candidates who have obtained any of these degrees from medical colleges which are not recognized by the Medical Council of India shall not be eligible to apply.
Non-Medical – For nonmedical candidates eligibility shall be Master’s Degree (two years course) awarded by Indian Universities or equivalent in the subject as per the requirement of the project. Candidates holding M.Sc. (Other than M.Sc. Nursing) M.Tech. degree & BAMS will be eligible for the Non-Medical Qualification Category.
Candidate possessing a Masters Degree through distant learning course shall not be eligible
Candidate having eligibility under the non-medical category should have at least 55% marks in the last eligibility examination qualified.
Desired qualifications for AIIMS Bhopal PhD Admission
The non-medical candidates should have preferably qualified in any one of the following national entrance tests in the last 2 years:
NBHM screening test
INSPIRE fellowship
*. Candidates who have qualified in the above-said examinations leading to the award of fellowships will be given special weightage in the entrance examination as detailed in method of selection part of guidelines.
Candidates working under Central Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous organization should submit their applications through proper channel i.e. employer. They will be required to submit a ‘No Objection Certificate” from their employer before they are allowed to join the Ph.D. Course.
The candidates who are likely to complete requisite qualification and degree by 30th June 2020 may also apply. However, the candidates who are completing their requisite qualification after 30th June 2020 are not eligible to take up this examination.
* Applicants from AIIMS Faculty/Scientific Staff for Ph. D. registration will be considered as in-service candidates as per guidelines laid down by AIIMS in this regard.
Duration of the Course
(I) The duration of the course shall be the time period from registration to submission of the thesis. The minimum period of registration in respect of all the candidates who are registered for Ph.D. shall be three years. The maximum period of registration shall not exceed five years. Extension beyond the period of 5 years can be given for a maximum period of 6 months on the recommendation of Dean Academic and final approval by the Director.
(II) Further extension of six months beyond 5 ½ years can only be given by the Academic Committee for a maximum period of 6 months in highly exceptional circumstances medical exigencies, natural calamities etc.) and such extension may not be given retrospectively.
(III) The Chief guide of Ph.D. Student shall give a clear reason for the delay to the Academic Committee and must present the case before the Academic Committee.
(IV) In case of extension beyond 5 ½ years without justifiable reasons and circumstances as mentioned above, the Ph.D. registration of the candidate shall be canceled.
(V) Failure to submit a thesis within a stipulated time period of maximum 5yrs. with extension after approval upto 5½ years (6 years in exceptional circumstances by prior approval of Academic Committee) shall lead to cancellation of Ph.D. registration of the candidate.
Submission of Application
The applications will be invited on a prescribed Performa. The application form (with self-attested copies of all documents) and fees must be submitted by Speed Post / by email at [email protected] with a photocopy of the Demand draft latest by 30th June 2020 by 5.00 PM. In the Office of Registrar, AIIMS. Saket Nagar, Bhopal- 462020 (M.P).For any postal delay AIIMS, Bhopal is not responsible.
Download Notification & Application Form
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