#<- dying at the fact that i had this as a tag already v curious to see what that was abt
domjaehyun · 3 years
Okay so what do you think about Haechan the most? Him domming you? Is he playful or strict? Sensual or fast with it? 😁😁😁 tell us about his CAWCK!!
“cawck” ….why do i feel like this is 👄 anon hiding 🤨🤨🤨 but is it….. bc i know 👄 anon doesn’t usually look @ haechan….. but the emojis….. the tone….. the use of the word “cawck” …..i’m onto you possibly
*shaky breath* i think abt . yes him domming bc . *gestures vaguely at myself* yeah djfjsjdjd he’s PLAYFUL he’s so playful and teasing like he’s SUCH an asshole abt everything and he’s so smug and he’s like a combo of sensual and like . rushed kinda? like it’s just very Needy like the kinda rushed, almost frantic pace but he’s just so . Eager 😭😭😭
like yes his hands are everywhere and nowhere at once but at the same time everywhere he does touch gets thoroughly caressed and groped and . (i am going to cry) thinking abt him like . kissing your neck and grinning/chuckling when you whine about it and squirm and he’s just taunting you in such a deceptively sweet, lilting voice ohhHh my GOD just imagining his hands roaming all over you and every time he does something you like, you let out a little moan / whimper and he just grunts something like “yeah?” “you like that?” and all you can do is whine again and nod vigorously but he wants to hear you say it, so he moves so you’re face to face, lips just barely touching, and he’s tormenting you by teasing your lips apart with his own but pulling away every time you lean in for a kiss 😭😭😭
and he’s just like “if it feels good, you have to tell me. i wanna hear you say you like it.” and the whole time he’s deliberately making it harder for you to speak bc he’s still very much doing whatever it is that made you lose your mind in the first place 😭😭😭 so when you can only protest weakly that you “can’t,” he pouts mockingly and is like “aww, come on; i know you can, baby. let me hear that pretty voice tell me how much you like it.” and just to be evil, he’d say smth like “if you don’t tell me you like it, i guess i’ll have to stop” and you grab at his wrist in a silent plea for him to keep going, and he just raises his eyebrows and is like “what’s that? hm?” and every time you try to get out the words he wants to hear, he just sadistically mocks every attempt you make, cooing your incoherent sounds back at you with a fake sympathetic pout 😭😭😭
finally, maybe you get it out and you say “i like it,” and he’s like “oh? one more time?” and makes you repeat yourself and then is like “you like what? tell me specifically what you like.” and when you finally get it out, he’s like “ohhh…so you don’t want me to stop?” and you’re like “NO, don’t stop, please” and he just presses his forehead to yours and beams at you, murmuring “much better. now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
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culticunti · 4 years
may i please get sasuke for the whole fluff alphabet? ty either way!
hi my love, thanks for stopping by! enjoy (o´ω`o)ノ
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A... Affection - How do they show affection?
Sasuke isn’t very physically affectionate, and will even push you away at times. He shows affection through words, and through sitting down with you at the end of the day, watching the dying embers of the fire, and pouring his soul out in words that are spoken too softly for their heavy meanings.
B... Babe - What kind of nicknames do they give you?
He’s not one for nicknames, but he does indulge in the occasional “babe” or “Honey”. Mostly, though, he calls you by your name, but for some reason when he says your name, it might as well be a pet name from the way it makes the butterflies in your stomach do laps.
C... Coddle - How differently do they treat you in a relationship/out of a relationship?
Outside of a relationship, Sasuke is very stoic. There’s always people begging and pleading for his attention, yet he’s always only had eyes for you. In a relationship, he’s much less stoic, but he still tries to keep his distance to avoid getting too emotionally attached. ( That doesn’t work, of course, but let’s let the poor man have one thing. )
D... Daddy - Do they get along with your parents?
Your parents absolutely adore Sasuke! When he’s away from the public eye, he’s so courteous that he practically had your parents begging you to marry him from the first time they meet him. 
E... Earful - How talkative are they about your relationship with other people?
Sasuke is relatively quiet about your relationship, though sometimes he’ll talk to Kakashi about how happy he is that you’re in his life. He can’t help but let a look of pure bliss slip onto his features, eyes crinkling and a light flush covering his cheeks, which rewards him with nothing less than a wide-eyed look from his former Sensei.
F... Flaunt - Do they brag about you?
Sasuke brags about you to the people who approach him to ask for a date. He'll probably say that he already has a partner that he has no intention of leaving, and his lips will curl on satisfaction when the group crowding him disperses. 
G... Gifts - Do they spoil you? 
Absolutely. Sasuke tries to compensate for his lackluster physical affection by buying you everything that you show even the slightest interest in. At first, it was suspicious, and you began to think that he wanted something from you, that he was trying to ask for through gifts. But no, he simply enjoys watching the joy on your face when you receive something you've been waiting for. 
H... Heartfelt - How do they compliment you? 
His compliments are soft-spoken, almost inaudible, and if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it entirely. His words are so achingly full of emotion that he gets choked up on them, reaching out a shaky hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face.
I... Intuitive - How easily can they read your emotions and comfort you?
Sasuke may seem emotionally constipated, but he’s anything but unaware. He can read your emotions like an open book, pages laid out and sorrows so plainly obvious to him that he can’t help but try to reach out with shy, comforting touches.
J... Jealousy - How easily do they get jealous over you? vice versa?
Sasuke attracts the attention of a ton of people, and you can’t help but be jealous. You knew none of the people who approached him had even a sliver of a chance with him, but you couldn’t help your heart racing and your face glowing in embarrassment as people who adored him looked at you like you were nothing but scum.
Sasuke was very overprotective of you, if not a little obsessive. Any man or woman who gave you even so much as a second glance was struck with Sasuke’s heated glare that seemed to strike their hearts as it sent shivers up their spines.
K... Kisses - Where is their favorite place to smooch you?
Sasuke isn’t the type to beat around the bush. He loves to kiss you out of nowhere, lips always tasting like some variety to juice. Full and greedy, his usual appetite doesn’t even compare to how constantly starved his lips felt against yours, like a starving man hungry for food.
L... Lonely - How attached to you are they?
He’d never admit it, but Sasuke simply can’t live without you. On any given day, he’d lay down his life for you, but at the same time, he still tells you to stay on your side of the bed. ( Even if this never works, and you always wake up with a Uchiha pressed into the crook of your neck. )
M... Mannerisms - What silly things do they do for your attention?
Sasuke almost reminded you of a cat, always curious and ever so push, but never in a blatant way. He’ll follow you around for hours, eyes never leaving the back of your head, silently trailing you like a predator stalking its prey, until you can’t take it anymore and ask him what his damn problem is.
A small smile creeps onto Sasuke’s lips as he laughs, wide smile and scrunched up eyes so contagious you can’t help but laugh along with him about his stupid antics.
N... Name Tag - Who’s name would they take after marriage?
Sasuke would keep his name, but it’s up to you to decide what to do with your last name. He loves you more than anything, and he’s not really bothered by the fact that your last name won’t be Uchiha, Sasuke is just happy to have you all to himself.
O... Oath - What promises have they made you?
A long time ago, when the two of you were all but children, Sasuke promised to marry you when the two of you were old enough, and not a single second later.
P... Provoke - What silly things do you do to get their attention?
It’s quite hard to piss your lover off, but you know how to do it in just the right way every single time. Your best ploy to date was subtle, yet effective, and it involved moving every single object in the house an inch or two to the left every single day until Sasuke noticed.
Q... Quiet - What are some things that they do that renders you speechless?
When the Sea breeze rustles his hair, salt flooding the air around the two of you, so dense you can practically taste it on the tip of your tongue. When he stares into the coastline, his frigid fingers weaved with your own, his eyes shining with unvoiced desire and hopefulness you’ve never seen directed at anything but yourself before. You can’t do anything but admire your lover as he has such an intimate moment with the sea, all you can do is stand witness to their holy matrimony.
R... Rapt - What part of you did they notice first?
It’s hard for Sasuke to remember his first time meeting you- you were only kids, after all, but the thing he appreciates the most about you is your honesty. He adores your sheer transparency about every topic, and your calm stature when faced with problems that may be even too big for you to handle.
S... Sour - What kind of candy do they like to share with you?
Sasuke loves bitter things, which you always joked was perfect for such a bitter man. Dark chocolate was a must-have in the (Last Name)-Uchiha household.
T... Truce - What’s one thing the two of you will never agree on?
Sasuke prefers sleeping on the left side of the bed, while you also prefer the left. The middle ground is sleeping on top of each other, of course, but after a few too many mornings waking up with kinks in your neck, you’ve collectively decided it was a battle neither of you could win.
U... Unconscious - What’s something they do around you without realizing it?
Sasuke has a bad habit of laying his hand on your thigh and mindlessly rubbing circles into it, his mind a thousand miles away and definitely not paying attention to the flush that carried from the tips of your ears down to your knees.
V... Vulnerable - What’s a topic that you should never bring up with them?
Naruto. Never speak of the man if you want your lover to speak to you for the rest of the month. Sasuke is very vocal about his dislikes for the two of you being on good terms. His reasons aren’t as shallow as you would think, though, he’s just worried that you’ll see something in Naruto that Sasuke just can’t compare to. For one thing, Naruto felt *alive*, his aura so welcoming and inviting that Sasuke simply couldn’t compare if his lover did leave him for his friend. ( Which - To clarify wouldn’t happen in a thousand years, but the poor man still worries. )
W... Weightless - What’s the happiest they’ve ever been around you?
Sasuke has honestly lost count of all the times that you’ve made him happy- for one thing, every morning that he wakes up to your relaxed face, his gaze softens and he runs a calloused thumb across your cheek, waking you up softly and with a tooth-rottingly sweet kiss.
X... Xanax- How do you calm them down?
When Sasuke is really, really, really mad, there’s no stopping him, but when he’s just plain angry, a careful hand slipped into his own and comforting words whispered in his ear calms him down almost immediately. 
Y... Yearning - How often do they find themself thinking about you?
Sasuke has much more important things to do than think of his partner- is what he would say, if that wasn’t the biggest, fattest lie he’d ever tell. You never leave his mind, whenever he’s out in public without you he’s always daydreaming about what it would be like if you were here with him. Even if he appears present in the moment, his mind is a million miles away.
Z... Zzz - Do they fall asleep easily?
Sasuke has a hard time falling asleep on his own, but with you wrapped in his arms, he sleeps like a little kid. There's just something so relaxing about feeling your chest rise and fall in time with his own, his senses being filled with nothing but you, and knowing that you’re his and not going anywhere.
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strawberry-skies-xx · 4 years
W H U M P   A D V E N T   2 0 2 0
day 1-3 | hypothermia/out in the cold | @whump-advent-calendar​
summary: Hiccup swears under his breath, then shivers and grimaces. Note to self: never decide to use the cover of snow for an attack, he thinks bitterly, looking around frantically for somewhere to hide, any direction to go that wouldn’t be putting himself right in the Hunters’ path. He isn’t even sure what direction they’re coming from.
word count: 2792
tags: hiccup/astrid, hypothermia, hurt hiccup, hurt/comfort, happy ending
main masterlist | story on ao3 | next entry >>
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Stupid. This is the worst plan Hiccup had ever come up with, and that’s in a long history of “worst” plans that usually ended up working out very well.
This one, however, had gone wrong, and it had gone very wrong, and it didn’t seem to be looking better.
It didn’t seem to be looking anything, really, because Hiccup can’t see. The snow falls thickly, obscuring everything from view. Underneath his feet - his freezing feet, his metal leg is ice cold and the only thing stopping it from transferring it to his actual leg is the wood between his leg and the prosthetic, and even that is cold - the snow rises to just below knee height, hindering his movements. He has no fur coat, nothing but his leather armor and his one boot, both of which the cold is sinking quickly into.
The only good thing about this is that if he can’t see, the Hunters can’t either, and that buys him some time.
If the cold doesn’t kill me first, he thinks morbidly, shivering with his arms wrapped around himself.
Toothless was somewhere; Hiccup had lost him when they’d both gone down, crashing into a thick copse of trees and getting separated when they landed. He’d searched for several minutes, following the sound of Toothless’s roars, but the snow was far too thick to see in and he’d realized he was nowhere near his dragon. So now, he is walking simply to find somewhere to get warm - he’s no use to Toothless dead.
The trees had ended behind him, and all Hiccup can see is endless white - white snow, gray-white sky, white falling snow, white snow-covered hills in the distance, white snow-covered trees in front of the hills. He’s getting rather sick of the color, and is imagining red and orange flames, violet plasma blasts, anything warm that he can think of. It’s really not helping very much.
He can feel himself slowing, mind getting fuzzy and legs dragging slower and slower through the snow, and he knows this is the beginning of hypothermia. He has no idea how long he’s been out here, the world being suspended in an eternal state of dull gray sunlight and falling snow, but apparently it’s long enough for the cold to start really affecting him. He has to keep going, though - if he stops now, there’s no doubt that he’ll die, but he might find a cave he can shelter in.
And then he hears a stick snap, and the voices come from off to his right.
“I saw the Haddock boy go down with that dragon of his.”
“We can barely see out here. He could’ve flown off already and we’d be freezing our asses off for nothing.”
“Viggo would give us a reward if we captured him, though. He’s said so himself.”
There’s a distant grumble, and then a reluctant, “Fine. We’ll keep searching.”
Hiccup swears under his breath, then shivers and grimaces. Note to self: never decide to use the cover of snow for an attack, he thinks bitterly, looking around frantically for somewhere to hide, any direction to go that wouldn’t be putting himself right in the Hunters’ path. He isn’t even sure what direction they’re coming from.
It’s all white, endless gods-damned white. Hiccup groans in frustration. “Think, Hiccup, think,” he mutters under his breath, but his thoughts are fuzzy and it’s hard to make his mouth move. He’s already forgetting the words that the Hunters said, that they’re even after him - he swears again. His hypothermia is worse than he thought, he thinks briefly, with effort, before that thought disappears and he shivers.
He picks a direction and runs as fast as he can in the thick snow. He’s helped only by the fact that one of his legs is metal - if both feet were freezing and affected by hypothermia like one is, he’s sure he would’ve been even slower. As it is, he feels like he isn’t running at all, and it’s far too much effort to keep the thought of run in his mind long enough to keep going. He’s lucky he doesn’t pick the direction the Hunters are in.
The voices echo behind him, getting fainter. Hiccup keeps running, dragging his feet through the heavy snow, forcing himself to remember the reason he’s doing this, that he has to.
The minutes drag on; his mind gets fuzzier. Run.
He forgets why he’s running, barely moves fast enough to be considered a proper walk, but he has to run.
An indeterminable amount of time passes like this, Hiccup’s mind and body slowing until he feels like he’s about to collapse and the final thought of run finally slips away from him. He’s surrounded by white, now, as he keeps moving for no reason at all, and he’s so, so cold. His whole body is ice, though he’s stopped shivering and has his arms still wrapped around himself, though it’s useless at this point.
He wonders why he doesn’t just stop and collapse, why he keeps going. It seems like a good idea, to just sink into the cold and the darkness threatening to overtake him. He’d be warmer in the darkness, he thinks, wouldn’t have to keep going through his overwhelming exhaustion.
He almost does - feels himself slow until he almost stops, feels his legs almost give out - until he sees something moving in the white, something dark. Whatever part of his mind is still coherent forces him to keep going, walking towards the black shape until he breaks through the snow and stumbles into a cave.
He falls, using too much effort to walk through the snow and not slowing his momentum fast enough when the snow abruptly ends. The stone is cold against his skin - but he can’t feel it, anyway, his entire body is numb. Something in him is satisfied at the fact that he found the cave, though he can’t remember why, and he relaxes right on the ground.
The darkness is welcoming, even in the cave. Hiccup feels a little warmer, sheltered from the snow, and he’s so tired. He just goes limp where he lays, a few feet in the cave, and lets exhaustion overtake him, unconsciousness rising quickly to drag him down.
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Toothless whines as he and Astrid walk through the storm, tail flicking. He looks up at Astrid when Stormfly stops, losing Hiccup’s scent in the deep snow, and gives a quiet, worried whimper.
Astrid frowns, shivering in her fur coat and putting a hand on Toothless’s scales. “We’ll find him, Toothless,” she says, reassuring him as well as herself. They’ve been searching for hours, the Riders following her and Toothless and keeping warm by the heat of their dragons - and now, even the dragons are getting cold.
Toothless whines and sniffs at the snow, pawing at it and then looking up into the dense snowfall. All the tracks Hiccup might have made have been covered by the snow, and they don’t even know if he was captured by Hunters before he made it to a cave - or before he… well. She’s not going to think about that.
Stormfly chirps and makes her own low whining noise, feet shifting in the snow as she sniffs at it and comes up with nothing. Astrid wants to cry, her hope slowly dying as they keep searching and Stormfly loses the faint scent of Hiccup’s trail. It’s been hours, she thinks despairingly. She doesn’t know how long he could’ve survived on his own - which means he’s either captured by Hunters or- or-
No. Hiccup isn’t- that. He’s the most stubborn person she knows, he’s not gone. He’s not gone.
Her hands curl into fists and she feels spiteful anger rise in her. She starts walking, forcefully moving through the snow. Toothless follows reluctantly behind her, giving a curious whine.
“Uh, Astrid? Where are you going? Stormfly lost the scent,” Tuffnut says confusedly from behind her.
Astrid glares at the snow and keeps going. “We’re obviously going in the right direction. We need to find Hiccup, so I’m going to keep searching. You can stay behind if you want,” she replies - a little too harsh, but she’s worried and she lashes out when she’s worried. Especially when there’s the possibility that Hiccup is- is dying. Not already- not that yet, but dying. He’s not gone. She would’ve felt it.
After a moment, she hears the dragons huff and the other Riders follow behind her, fanning out a little to search in every direction. They’re reluctant to go far, for fear of losing each other like they lost Hiccup, but they at least look all around them.
It seems like forever that they’re searching when Stormfly perks up, chirping and running lightly on the snow. Toothless follows a bit slower, and Astrid struggles to keep up with them. “Guys! Stormfly found something!” she calls back to the other Riders.
In a few minutes, Astrid stumbles onto stone when the snow abruptly ends and she’s covered by the roof of a cave. Toothless whines and nudges at something in the dark, circling around it. Stormfly opens her mouth and holds a low flame, dimly illuminating the cave.
Orange light plays over Hiccup’s unconscious form right by Astrid’s feet, and she gasps when she sees him. A thin layer of snow covers his feet and legs from when the wind changed direction, and his lips are a worrying shade of blue. She crouches down and brushes off the snow from his legs - his prosthetic foot is ice cold, and his armor is cold as well. Even his skin is cold, as she takes his hand and squeezes it.
Blood rushes into his hand when she does, coloring the pale skin a light red. Toothless whimpers and nuzzles underneath his hand, pressing his body up against him and curling around. Hiccup doesn’t respond; Astrid shoves down the panic and presses her fingers to his throat, feeling for a pulse.
It’s slow, far too slow for it to be normal, but eventually she hears a thud-thud beneath her fingers and she almost sobs in relief. He’s alive, he’s alive, she thinks desperately to herself to calm the panic.
Toothless nudges his nose under Hiccup’s body and Astrid nods, standing up. “You’re right, Toothless,” she says. She unclips Toothless’s saddle to get better heat from his scales and helps him drape Hiccup over his back, laying him on his back down Toothless’s body. She leads him further into the cave so Toothless can lay down carefully, keeping Hiccup on him.
She turns to the other Riders. “Does anyone have a light?”
Snotlout holds his lantern out and she takes it, setting it down in the middle of the area she’s designated. “Alright. Hookfang and Barf and Belch,” she turns to the dragons, who give answering noises, realizing how bad the situation is, “can you put your wings up to block the wind?”
Hookfang growls and rumbles, stepping back a little and onto his hind legs, spreading his wings to cover the entire length of the cave. Barf and Belch look at each other, then follow Hookfang’s lead, moving in front of him and raising their wings a bit lower to cover the open bottom edges of Hookfang’s wingspan over the cave.
Astrid smiles at them in thanks and looks around at their little area. It’s a small cave in the first place, and she doesn’t want to have to heat up too big of an area.
She walks over to Hiccup, picking up his hands and raising them. “Stormfly?”
Stormfly chirps and walks over, opening her mouth and holding another low flame. She puts herself near Hiccup’s hands, enough to feel the heat, and Astrid rubs his skin a little as she holds them, feeling warmth slowly return.
The other Riders have sat down against the far wall of the cave. Astrid turns away from Stormfly, letting go of Hiccup’s hands. Stormfly starts moving her mouth up and down Hiccup’s body, close enough for him to feel the heat, like a fire, but far enough it won’t burn him.
“Fishlegs, can you stand guard with Meatlug and tell us if anyone is coming? We shouldn’t have to be here long, not with Stormfly and Toothless warming Hiccup up, but we can’t leave and fly in the cold with him like this.”
Fishlegs nods, glancing over at Hiccup. There’s a dark, determined look in his eyes when he walks away, Barf and Belch folding their wing in to allow him to pass. Astrid turns to Snotlout and the twins when she’s finished, then glances at Hiccup.
Suddenly, there’s nothing to do. She can’t do anything else to help Hiccup, and the cave is as heated up as it can be with one lantern and two dragons blocking the wind and wayward drifting snow. It makes her feel a little lost, a little helpless, and she paces with the feeling. She hates feeling helpless, even if she knows she did everything she could to help Hiccup by the glances she gives up at Toothless and Stormfly every few minutes.
It’s a long, torturous hour that they wait, Astrid growing more restless and Snotlout and the twins’ bored antics only agitating her further. Even their antics have an edge of desperation to them, an edge of too-much-distraction that comes when the thoughts of something worse is beating at the edges, threatening to take over. The dragons shift restlessly too, Stormfly taking a break from holding a flame to guard the cave while Hookfang moves his head slowly up and down above Hiccup’s body, fire held in his mouth. Toothless whimpers concernedly, head twisting back to look at Hiccup.
Finally, they hear him stir. Toothless’s head snaps back instantly, and Hookfang leans back, still holding a flame in his mouth. Astrid, Snotlout, and the twins all go silent, looking up.
“Hiccup?” Snotlout asks tentatively, the first real sign he’s shown that he’s as scared for Hiccup as Astrid is.
There’s a cough, then a pained groan, and Hiccup’s head lifts. Toothless warbles and whines, trying to nudge at Hiccup without knocking him off his back and failing.
Hookfang steps back, letting Astrid rush over to Hiccup as he tries rolling onto his side and help him down without falling. He lands unsteadily on his feet, and Astrid helps hold him up as he leans against her.
“Hiccup, how are you feeling?” she asks when he’s quiet, simply staring at the ground.
“Not…” he stops, and she waits. He holds up one hand, slowly flexing his still-cold fingers, and tries again. “Not… terrible,” he gets out, as if it was difficult to say.
She nods. “Okay, do you think you can fly Toothless? I’m sorry, but we really need to get out of here. We’re still in Hunter territory.”
She hates doing this, but he’ll be able to warm up for longer at the Edge, and there will be no threat of the Hunters finding them. The sooner they fly back, the better Hiccup will be in the long run.
He nods slowly, again after a long pause. “Yeah,” he says slowly, voice slightly slurred. She frowns in concern, but walks him over to the wall where he sits down and turns back to start strapping Toothless’s saddle back on.
She finishes a few minutes later, helping Hiccup back onto Toothless. He can barely sit up, and she frowns deeper. “Hiccup, what if I ride with you? That’ll keep you warmer. Stormfly can fly on her own.”
Hiccup’s brow furrows for a moment and then he nods, his eyes drifting shut. Astrid climbs behind him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him back against her chest. He leans against her, almost limp in her arms, and Toothless stands up, looking back with a concerned whimper.
“He’ll be fine, Toothless,” Astrid says, and smiles when Hiccup’s hand twitches, rubbing back and forth on Toothless’s scales.
The other Riders have already gone to their dragons, Snotlout extinguishing his lantern, and Fishlegs has gotten the message too. They all turn and take off into the still falling snow, barely able to see but warm with their dragons and Hookfang on fire in the middle of them, relying on their dragons’ innate sense of direction.
It’s a while before Astrid notices Hiccup has fallen asleep against her, foot locked into holding the prosthetic tailfin in place. He’s breathing steadily and still with cold skin, but it’s not ice cold like before and his pulse is stronger. She smiles, feeling the final edges of panic recede and a calm peace fall over her, pulling Hiccup closer to her.
He’s okay. He’s alive. They’ll all be okay.
next entry >>
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traci0417 · 4 years
So I had an concept that just exploded in my head & I have to post this somewhere. No idea if this has already been done, but please let me know if it has so I can tag stories like it.
V long post- sorry. I’ll add a ‘read more’ if I can.
[spoliers, trauma, angst, alt trespasser ending, abandonment, found family ect - Youll get it in a min]
•Imagine if the inquisitor was a child. A little slip of an elven girl no more than 12. Who was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Her mother, a scout for her clan who wanted to bring her too curious daughter to see shems In person.
•Cassandras heart cracks at the sight of the kneeling prisoner in the cell. They didn’t even bother restraining her, the chains slipped off her thin wrists any time she moved. She’s a child! A child! Cassandra looks down, and the girl looks up at her with too big, too green bloodshot eyes. The tear stains on her face finally break Cassandras resolve, in the best way she can, she kneels, & as gently as Cassandra can, she asks “What happened?” The girl hiccups, her face crumples into another sob, and in between gasps she tells her all she knows.
•The trek up the mountain is no easy feat on a good day- So nevermind adding holding the hand of a little elf and fighting demons in the mix. But they do well, the girl doesn’t get in the way or scream every time an attack comes to close- then halfway up, the girl picks up a discarded mages staff, “So you are a mage?” The girl looks up at the seeker, cracking the first smile the woman has seen from her ,”With arms like these, I don’t think I’d do too well with a sword.” Cassandra gives a rare chuckle, ”no, I suppose not- are you proficient enough to defend yourself?” The elf stands straighter, “yes ma’am” “Then you must protect yourself well- we still have much to go.” And they continued.
•When Solas sees her- he feels something shoot him through the heart- grief? Remorse? You are only a child, I am so sorry, I have put you on a path that was not meant for you, you survived only for me to set you on the path of death once again. He is so angry, so enraged, it was not enough for Fen’Harel to damn his world, but in order to set it right he has to put a burden too great on a child? There is no atonement for what he means to do- but every time he sees that green glow on too small hands- he truly feels like the monster that this world thinks he is.
•Back at haven, she is getting more life back, her spirits are high despite the odds, She asks too many questions, but no one can deny her. Every time they see her flit about the encampment, smiling and laughing with the soldiers, the blacksmiths, no one knows how they should treat her, the herald, so they treat her as a child. She sits with Lilianna while she is writing messages, asks if she can help, and lilianna gives a gentle smile, because no way the girl can copy down & understand the codes needed, “I think just you being here helps” and the girls smile is filled with such joy that the spymasters heart aches- after she leaves, and goes to ask Jospehine, Cullen, Varrik, Blackwall, Bull & Solas a million questions- they all th ink the same thing after she turns in for the night. A child must bear this burden- we are so sorry for the pain that you must go though- we are so sorry that we cannot help you more, you were not meant for this path, but we will protect you with our lives.
•Despite the odds, she saves everyone. Haven is destroyed, she faced an arch demon, but she lived. The small settlement blooms with newfound hope because the herald is back. Solas holds her hand while she sleeps on the cot, healing magic Long spent, but he cannot bear to leave her, he underestimated her, she sacrificed herself, this little elf barely even 12, had saved them and faced against the abomination- Solas is in awe- he vows to protect her better. The advisers looked to her cot, seeing her sleeping body, tears running down their faces, although no one says anything about it, they’ve never been so relieved. They all vow to protect her better.
•Although the ceremony is symbolic, and the sword is taller than her, she accepted. Did her best to keep the sword steady.- but, naming her inquisitor was something they never wanted to put on her.
in the war room, hours before the ceremony had taken place, Josephine, with teary eyes and a lump in her throat, looks at red faced Cullen & Cassandra, who have been screaming at her for the better part of an hour. (“How could we even consider this!?” “She is a child, she has already done enough for us!” “We cannot possibly put more responsibility on those shoulders!” “Isn’t this needlessly cruel?”) Josephine stands taller, even though she has never felt so small,”I cannot think of a worse thing to do to her- but to name her inquisitor gives us a political edge, if we do not have a clear appointed leader, we will not be taken seriously- and to not name the only one who can close the rifts, the herald of Andraste, the inquisitor- would be political suicide.” “Damn the game!” Cullen bellows, “no amount of coin or favor can be worth what we are putting her though!” Lelianna has stayed silent, but as Cullen finishes his outburst, she clears her throat, and whispers, “we must.” And with that, the fight leaves the advisors, and despair replaces it.
•She loves freely, as only a child can, despite the sorrow. She triumphs, she charms, she is one of the strongest mages Solas has ever seen. She calls him Hahren & he calls her Da’Len. She never strays far from him, and it is clear to all that she loves the apostate & there is little Solas can do but love her just as much. it could just be homesickness on her part- but the attachment that she has formed with the mage, one cannot help but think it is that of what a daughter forms with a father.
•Solas is weak against her, as is everyone, but Solas in particular. Which is ironic considering he tried everything to put up a boundary between them- he knows how this will turn out- but he is helpless against the too curious, too bright eyes. He has infinite patience for her, her constant questions, her empathy, her aptitude for magic all pull at him. No one teases him for it. Although, one day, as he was walking through the courtyard, Iron Bull ran to him, “Solas! You’re daughter is on the roof- mind getting her down before Josephine bas a heart attack?” Solas’ heart flipped, he was not the childs father- the furthest thing, in fact, but he found he did not have it in him to correct the qunari.
•Despite her gentle nature, they have sharpened her into something to be feared. It haunts them, but they did not have a choice. She always helps, always saves, seems to always make the most righteous judgements- but as Adolescent, 13 now- she is growing before their eyes. Sometimes even going on missions alone(she lets Cole come, of course). No one says anything, but they all see how Solas & her circle leave on horses a few hours after she departed because “they need to check on something.”
•At 13, she charms the courts, Halamshiral was a success and Josephine couldn’t be more proud. Solas could nearly see her in the parties in arlathan, His daughter did so beautifully that he knows she would be the most feared, but he Tamps the thought down, it hurts to think about.
•Dorian and Sera love her more than they thought they could love anybody. She teaches them to look beyond themselves. They are her closets friends, and when it all becomes to much for Da’Len, they do their best to make mischief, so she never forgets to have fun as well.
•ever since she was 12, she has called Solas ‘Father’. It is a sweet pang in his heart every time, but he does not stop her. Just like no one stops her when she calls Iron Bull ‘uncle’ or lilianna, “Aunt”. But Skyhold does notice when the spy master is in a particular good mood for weeks, or how uncharacteristically quite Bull is after that.
•She defeats Corypheous, and Solas tells her how proud he is as he holds the broken orb, that he needs to go to do something important. And that he will be back. She begs to come with him, tells him to wait, that she is his daughter and fathers are never supposed to leave, & it is the first time she sees her father cry, she begs him to wait, but when he turns around. He is already gone,
•2 years have passed and she is 15. She is turning into a great beauty and an even greater mage. Her people worship her like a god, despite her protests. Ever since Solas left, Cullen and varrik have taken up the mantle as best they can, though they know it’s not enough, & Josephine teaches her all she knows, then lelianna teaches her how to hide it. They have done there best despite the worst and she knows that, the seeker is her closet to a mother though, with all of her harshness, she would do anything for the growing elf.
•The exalted council flurries past, she saves everyone yet again, but she is dying, and Da’len knows it. Her anchor is melting down and she tells everyone that she loves them- that she had the greatest family, that she was so grateful to help. She goes through the eluvian alone, leaving her patched up family screaming and crying behind her, to do this one last thing
•Fen’Harel was not prepared. He did not account for how much it would devastate him to see his daughter again. Hunched over in pain, the anchor killing her and oh maker it’s all his fault- but she still looks up at him, her face older, more wise, beautiful, she smiles a bloody smile, “Father, I‘ve missed you so much .”
•Fen’harel swallows down a sob, kneels before her, calms the anchor slightly, “My daughter, I suspect you have questions.”
•she lunges for him, wrapping her arms around his neck in the first hug he’s had since before he left her, “Father, I’ll never ask another question again if it means I can come with you.” He never heard her beg for anything, but she’s begging now. “Let me stay with you, Please never leave, not you, not again.”
•Fen’Harel was always weak when it came to his Da’Len. He carries his daughter through the eluvian, and together they’ll try to build a better future, for everyone.
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afni-fics · 3 years
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn: Chapter 29: Leaving Whiterun - Magic and Bandits
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn: Chapter 29: Leaving Whiterun - Magic and Bandits (38503 words) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 28/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Modded Skyrim, Skyrim Spoilers, Tim Drake is Dragonborn | Dovahkiin, Tim Drake-centric, Trope: It sucks to be the chosen one, Trope: Trapped in another world, Trope: Kidnapped by the Call
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Tim and Lucien finally set out from Whiterun towards the town of Ivarstead, on their way to visit the Greybeards of High Hrothgar. Along they way that morning, there is learning about magic and dealing with bandits.
The sun was just cresting over the horizon as Tim and Lucien made their way past the outer walls of Whiterun. Despite himself, Tim paused as they reached the stables to look back at the city, trying to commit what he saw to memory. Who knew when, if ever, he'd return to this place? He may not be very fond of the leadership of this place, but the citizens he'd interacted with seemed to be good, generous, hardworking people. If it wasn't for them, especially Irileth and Danica, he'd probably be dead.
"What do you mean, you can't take us to Iverstead?"
Tim turned his attention to the conversation taking place between Lucien and the carriage driver.
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"Is something wrong?" he asked as he walked up to the pair.
Lucien sighed. "Apparently this carriage has already been commandeered by Honningbrew Meadery to take a large shipment of mead up to Windhelm, so we can't hire him to take us to Ivarstead."
"I'm sorry," the Nordic man said regretfully. "If I were to take you Ivarstead, it would delay my shipment to Windhelm by a couple of days, and transporting this quantity of mead is riskier the longer I'm on the road due to the bandits."
"Hmmm," Tim murmured as he pulled out his map and studied the space between Whiterun, Ivarstead, and Windhelm. "Well, could you at least take us halfway?" he asked as he showed the map to the carriage man and Lucien. "Just take us to where the road forks off here." He shrugged at Lucien. "We'll have to make the rest of the trip to Ivarstead on foot, but at least we're not walking the entire way."
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"That shouldn't be a problem," the Nord said with an agreeable nod. "and I'll only charge you half the usual fee since I'm only taking you halfway."
Lucien sighed again. "I suppose it can't be helped. At least we can follow the river to the town from there and don't have to worry about getting lost in the wilderness." He regarded the map critically. "We may have to camp for a couple of nights though. Do we have the supplies for that?"
Tim nodded. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst," he replied. "I got enough supplies I think we'll be ok for a straight week of camping. Especially if we follow the river, we won't have to worry about water, and we can hunt or fish for food if rations get low."
"Salmon are starting to make their migration runs to their spawning grounds this time of year," the carriage man offered. He inclined his head toward Tim's bow. "If you've got decent aim with that, catching fish with it won't be a problem along the Darkwater River. You will have to be careful of bears, though. Also, make sure you have a strong line tied to the arrow shaft when fishing. Because of the spring melt off from the mountains, the rivers are running deeper and faster and will send your catch downriver before you can blink."
"Alright," Tim said with as he folded his map back up. "We've got a plan. How soon can we leave?" 
"As soon as you fellas hop into the cart, we can be off."
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The carriage driver's name is Bjorlam, and for the first part of the morning the ride is pleasant enough. Riding on the cart is definitely faster than walking the path on foot, but still slower than Tim is used to back on Earth, which is frustrating. He wished they could afford to purchase horses so they could travel at a faster pace. However, the stables back at Whiterun wouldn't sell for anything less than one thousand Septims apiece. So for the first hour that morning, Tim sat brooding as he watched the landscape pass by.
At least until Lucien pulls out a book and taps Tim's knee with it.
"What's this?" Tim asks as he takes the thin book and examines the cover. The leather is dyed yellow and has what appears to a bird symbol stitched on the front.
"It's a book on novice Restoration spells," Lucien explained.
Tim looked at Lucien with surprise. "You want to start teaching me magic now?"
"Why not? Didn't I say back in Whiterun that I was going to teach you? Besides, we've got scads of time to kill."
Tim's heartbeat quickened a bit and any boredom and frustration he had been entertaining was immediately forgotten. He listened intently as Lucien started to explain basic spell theory and Magicka.
It was a few hours past sunrise and while Tim had no problem absorbing the more technical explanations of spellcasting that came from the book and Lucien's own clarifications, actually tapping into Tim's own pool of Magicka in order to bring the basic healing spell into existence had been a far greater challenge. Lucien was starting to be concerned that perhaps Tim just didn't have access to Magicka, being from another world and all. It had been frustrating for the both of them. For Lucien, accessing Magicka was something innate and natural, like breathing or blinking. He never had to try and explain "how" to tap into it to someone who was completely unaware of its existence until recently. Mentally, the scholar likened it to trying to teach a fish how to drink water while they were swimming in a pond.
Then, the young man had suggested something that Lucien had never heard of before.
"What is 'meditation'?"
Tim had shifted to sit on the floor of the cart, so he could adjust his posture into a cross-legged seated position that Lucien found curious. "It's a little hard to explain," he said with a slight frown. "It's a kind of mental training... Limiting distractions... Focusing inward... Maybe... If I can just clear my mind and adjust my awareness I can find this Magicka pool you say I should have?"
So Lucien watched as Tim adjusted his hands into very specific poses before resting them on his knees, closed his eyes, and breathed in and out with slow measured breaths. He watched as Tim's face relaxed into an expression of quiet concentration. After a bit, Lucien wondered if perhaps Tim had fallen asleep, but the fact that the young man kept his posture intact, even to the precise position of the tips of his thumbs resting against the tips of his ring and pinky fingers while his other two fingers were extended reassured the scholar that more than just slumber was taking place.
For about an hour, it was quiet and peaceful in the cart. While Tim meditated, Lucien had pulled out a different Restoration spellbook to study, this one containing Apprentice level healing spells. Healing Hands was a slightly more complex spell since it was used to heal other people, not just the caster, but it was not beyond Lucien's grasp as a mage. However, out of the corner of his eyes, a movement broke his own concentration. 
Timothy's posture had changed. While his left hand was still resting on his knee, his right hand was slowly rising upward and towards his chest, fingers still held in the same position though his first two fingers were now pointing upward. His eyes were still closed, though his brows were furrowed slightly. Then his right hand shifted. His ring and pinky fingers stretched to join their brothers, and then his hand went through a motion as if scooping something gently from the air in front of him, curling his fingers around something intangible. Lucien's eyes widened as slender tendrils of light began to swirl around Tim's hand. Then, when Tim opened his hand, those tendrils coalesced into a small glowing sphere of golden light.
"Oh my..." Lucien whispered as a smile formed on his lips. "You did it!"
Slowly, Tim's eyes opened. His gaze seemed distant at first, but soon he focused wide-eyed at the golden spell cradled in his right hand.
"Wow," Tim breathed out in awe. "It's like holding a star." He brought his other hand up and brushed his fingertips along the outer edges of the spell, watching as small embers of light broke off from the main sphere to chase after them.
"So, you can access your Magicka now?"
Tim nodded. "I think so. It's... different. Definitely not intuitive like you describe it. It's kinda like flexing a muscle I never knew I had. I have to make a conscious effort to tap this... energy." 
He furrowed his brow in concentration again and actively channeled energy into the spell. Larger golden tendrils of light swirled around him for a few seconds, and he could feel a comforting warmth coursing through his veins. But before too long those tendrils disappeared and the light of the spell in Tim's hand winked out suddenly. He winced as a slight headache twinged behind his eyes.
Lucien watched this with great curiosity, wincing along with him in sympathy as he immediately recognized the sign of Tim expending all the Magicka at his disposal. "Interesting... It appears your Magicka pool might be quite small at this point even compared to novice mages just starting out." He fidgeted thoughtfully with his beard. "I wonder if the reason your pool is smaller than normal is because you aren't from this world to begin with?"
"That might make sense," Tim said as he tried to massage away the remains of the headache. "Theoretically, if Magicka is something heavily present in the environment here, like in the air you breathe or the food and water you eat, native people would be passively absorbing Magicka since the day they were born. Since I'm not from here, I've only been taking in Magicka for a few weeks at most, so I'm starting at a disadvantage." Tim couldn't help the edge of disappointment to his voice.
Lucien smiled reassuringly at him, though. "Well, fortunately with time and practice, that shouldn't be the case for long. It's a known phenomenon that the more spells a mage learns and practices the larger their natural pool of Magicka grows. There are also potions and enchantments that can be used to artificially boost a mage's mana pool as well."
Tim smiled a little. "So it is like exercising a muscle. That's good to know." 
"Indeed," Lucien agreed with a nod. "Let's have you rest for a bit, and then you can check your Magicka pool to see if there's enough to practice with later."
The sun was halfway across the sky when unexpectedly their carriage came to a halt.
"Damn it," the carriage driver cursed.
"What's going on, Bjorlam?" Lucien asked.
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The Nord shook his head. "The damned bandits are still occupying the Valtheim Towers," he spat out in frustration as he pointed to the two stone towers coming up ahead with a bridge that spanned the river. "Last time I came by here, the bandits demanded a one hundred Septim 'toll' for me to pass without getting mugged. I'd hoped by now Whiterun's guards would've run these bastards off, but I guess they haven't made it this far east yet. The moment those thieves see all the mead I have, they'll demand that along with the Septims." Bjorlam sighed. "I'm sorry fellas, but I think I might not have a choice but to turn back to Whiterun to fetch the guards or hire one or two of the Companions."
"What?" Lucien squawked. "No! We can't go back now! It took half a day just to get this far!"
As Lucien argued with Bjorlam, Tim was peering at the towers and bridge between them. "One... Four... Six..." He squinted "Maybe seven?"
At that, Lucien and Bjorlam had stopped arguing and had turned their attention onto him, the carriage driver with confusion and the scholar with a frown. 
"Seven what?" Lucien asked Tim suspiciously.
"Bandits, of course," Tim replied as he checked to make sure he had some potions in his belt pouches and added a few metal throwing stars he'd had the blacksmith in Whiterun make for him before they left the city to a simple leather holster that was strapped to his right thigh.
"Wait... You're not going to--"
Tim had grabbed his new metal quarterstaff and hopped off the back of the cart. "I needed to stretch my legs anyways. Might as well clear out the garbage while I'm at it." He looked to other two men. "Why don't you both stay here? I'll wave you over once I've cleared them out."
Bjorlam looked at him like he was crazy, and Lucien's expression was laced with concern. "Are you sure, Tim? I can come along to help."
Tim shook his head. "I feel better than I have in months and honestly I need to figure out where my baseline is now that I'm healthy. This is the perfect chance."
"Your baseline?"
Tim's smiled in a coy way before he started making his way to the Towers on foot. 
Ten minutes later, Lucien and Bjorlam were watching with amazement as commotion erupted at the Tower. Tim had quickly taken out the three bandits that had been guarding the first tower and was now making his way across the bridge towards the second. Though some of the bandits in the other tower tried to snipe him with arrows from the other side, Tim managed to either deflect those arrows with spins from his quarterstaff or dodged them with effortless grace even as he attacked the two bandits that were in the middle of the bridge. The bandits on the bridge seemed utterly outclassed, and frankly Tim seemed to be toying with them before he sent them flying down to the waters of the river below with a few well placed blows and kicks. The moment he was close enough to the second tower, the young man sent two of his new throwing stars flying at the remaining bandits. One bandit got tagged by the sharp metal star on the back of his hand and howled in pain before he could send another arrow flying. The other had the string to his bow sliced through, rendering it absolutely useless. They both stared at Tim warily.
"Okay fellas! This is going to end one of two ways!" Tim yelled at them warningly. "Either you two take a dive--" he pointed to the river with his staff. "--Or I am coming over there to beat you down and throw you in! Either way, you're both going for swims. Which is it going to be?!"
One of the bandits decided to take his chances. They pulled a sword out and tried to rush Tim while he was still on the bridge. Unfortunately for then, Tim could see the attack coming a mile away and the smile that lit up his face was practically feral. "The fun way it is then," he muttered as he held his staff in a ready position.
He let the bandit get close enough to try and get a swing on him. Unfortunately for the bandit, Tim's reach and momentum with the metal staff was far greater than the sword. Tim met the bandit's sword with a downward swing of his staff. The sword was immediately parried with enough force to disarm the attacker completely and the unfortunate bandit found the end of Tim's staff was aimed squarely at his face. A quick thrust forward was all it took for Tim to knock the man off balance, and a flashy flying tornado kick sent the bandit completely off the bridge before he even realized what was going on. 
Once that bandit was in the river, Tim looked pointedly at the last one standing. Wisely, the final bandit decided to take the dive himself.
As soon as Tim was certain the towers were cleared, he stood there on the bridge in a bit of a daze. That fight was child's play compared to what he used to deal with back in Gotham. The bandits were clearly not skilled fighters, firearms were not a threat he had to worry about in this place, and bad luck for them he was completely healthy to boot. All in all it was a pretty fun exercise for him. 
But still... something about that fight and its aftermath felt odd to him, like something more was out of place or forgotten. He didn't realize it until he lifted a hand to wipe the sweat from his brow. Then the thought struck him out of the blue, and he froze. 
He wasn't wearing a mask.
Here he was in this strange world. He was fighting with all the skills and strengths he had developed as a child soldier of Gotham, first as Robin, then Red Robin. 
However, Timothy Drake-Wayne wasn't supposed to be a fighter. He name and face was that of a teenager from a wealthy set of families. A child of privilege and influence. Tapped to lead the family business, even ahead of his older adopted siblings and the younger biological son of his father. His civilian identity was supposed to be a separate person from his vigilante one. Never were the two supposed to intersect.
And yet, at an intersection is where he found himself. Tim's civilian name and face had collided with his vigilante identity, strengths and skills. Even if he had a mask to wear, there was no real reason to do so here. But he still had to fight, both to survive and to safeguard those under his protection in the moment, he realized as he watched the carriage with Lucien approach the towers.
And on top of that he was now learning magic as well as trying to find answers to this whole Dragonborn mystery that was swirling around him. 
Who was he now?
"That was amazing to behold!" the carriage man said as Tim emerged from the first tower, a satchel full of recovered valuables from the bandits stash slung over his shoulder. "The way you took out all those bandits, just on your own! I've never seen anyone fight like that before!" 
The Nord's smile grew even wider as Tim handed him a bag of Septims. "There's probably a bit more than a hundred Septims here, but you don't mind, right?" Tim smiled and graciously accepted Bjorlam's profuse thanks.
"Are you alright?" Lucien asked Tim made his way to the back of the cart.
Tim nodded. "Yeah. I think so." He hopped in and settled in before Bjorlam set the cart in motion again.
"While it was amazing to see you fighting in peak condition, I couldn't help but notice you seem a little troubled after it was all said and done," Lucien observed. "Did something happen at the towers we weren't able to see?"
"No," Tim said with a dismissive shrug. "Just thought of a question I don't have any answers to yet."
"Anything I can help with?"
Tim smiled and deflected. "Actually, I think I banged up my knuckles a bit on those bandits. Might be the perfect chance to practice that healing spell. Can you show me again how to cast it?"
Lucien shook his head with a sigh. "Sure. Let's take it from top."
NOTE: Though Tim has a lot of hand-to-hand combat experience, the longer he stays in Skyrim the more I see him taking up magic as his primary go-to for offense and defense. While growing up in Gotham he wasn't the best student and even dropped out of high school due to his vigilante lifestyle, here in Skyrim the study of magic is something he can dive into whole-heartedly. The subject matter is fascinating and the practical applications both in combat and even daily life are nearly endless. I don't see him ever going full blow magic-only. Sometimes, you just need to hit something with a blunt/sharp weapon or a clenched fist, and I don't see Tim ever really giving up the protection of at least a suit or several of light armor for cloth robes, no matter how enchanted they are.
I'm also using the mod "Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8379) that allows my characters to hire a carriage that actually transports them overland from one destination to another, and allows for stopping and starting inbetween those locations. I'm trying not to use the Fast Travel function unless absolutely necessary so that I can include more opportunities for role-play as my characters are journeying.
Finally, I am also using a pair of mods in conjunction that allow for the use of throwing weapons (specifically in this case throwing stars - because Red Robin): Throwing Weapons Skills & Perks Tree (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39499) and True Spear Combat (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78347?) which adds the throwing starts among other weapons you can throw. This same mod author also made the Spears Skills and Perks Tree I'm using for Tim's quarterstaff fighting (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99303?).
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hi! I adore your writings! Are you still taking requests? May I ask you to write some headcannons for RFA (including V and Saeran) reacting to MC looking like a sweet cinnamon roll but in fact being a lead of rock band that perfectly practices extreme vocal techniques. Sorry if I made some mistakes (I am not a native speaker and, unfortunately, was out of English practice for a long period of time) and huge thank you!
heyo! Don’t worry, your english is fine ^^
I hope you like this, I wrote for MC using she/her pronouns, but I can absoloutely change that if you’d like!
I unfortunately don’t have the time to write for V and Saeran too right now, but I promise I’ll come back to this headcanon and write their parts too once I have the time to! Sorry ;;
He felt like the luckiest man in the world, having such a cute loving girlfriend!! The two make the cutest freaking couple, people cooing at them when they walk down the street
So when MC told him she's in a band, he found it really cool, but didn't question it further-he assumer she may sing some cute acoustic songs or pop bops.
When MC invited him to a show at a bar he was a little curious about the location choice but hey, of course he'll be there to support his girl!
When they arrived MC kissed him, promising she'll see him after the show; he invited a few of his classmates along to see his MC's talent uplose
He already started wondering what kind of band MC's was when the opening act started with punk rock covers of pop songs, one particularly sticking in Yoosung's mind as it was a rendition of Taylor Swift's 'Love story', taking note of their extreme fashion, all spikes and dyed bright hair...
And them MC's band came on stage and hoo boy she was unrecognisable! Thick smudged eyeliner, a bold black lipstick, her leather jacket adorned with patches and spikes all over, her jeans so ripped you could see her thighs, and thos massive combat boots...
Yoosung didn't have the time to pass out as MC greeted the crowd with a cheer and the drummer started up the beat, the guitsrist following suit, and MC's voice...
Sure he heard her hum at home but this was NUTS. Her voice was so thick, deep, yet she managed to pull out some screams from her little frame that Yoosung couldn't believe
After the show he would NEVER shut up about how much of a cool badass his girl is. And if someone said sure, she's cute but not a badass...Yoosung would simply invite them to MC's next preformance
When MC had casually mentioned she's a singer in the RFA chatroom, Zen was thrilled!!! How did he end up flirting-dating a fellow colleague??
When he kept asking what kind of singing she did, MC cryptically replied 'oh, it might not be the type of gig you're used to' and left it at that, much to Zen's dismay.
After the two started dating, MC invited him along to a show, which Zen excitedly prepared for, tagging along as MC drove him to the location.
He took note of the underground bar-turned-coner-hall, the exposed cement walls and dingy barstand in the further corner, how there were posters and graffiti covering parts of the walls, the floor...
He raised a brow; Zen was no stranger to the punk rock scene, and definitely not to these underground bars; let's not forget he was in a motorcycle gang thank u very much
MC took him along backstage to meet her bandmates, whose styles ranged from completely average everyday style to punk spikey badass. He didn't question that either, but started to understand what MC's gig was, smirking as he realized; MC was testing him, pushing to see just how comfortable he'd be with her scene.
As the opening act started up on the stage, MC had been putting the finishing touches to her makeup, Zen sitting besides her smirking up at her reflection in the mirror.
"What?" she asked with a laugh, adjusting her spikey necklace.
"Not my kind of gig, you'd called it? Baby, I've been in this scenes long long ago. And knowing you're about to go out there and sing your lungs off..." he bit his lip, having the nerve to look bashful for a moment.
She rolled her eyes as he stood up, tugging her into an embrace.
"Give them hell out there" he whispered in her ear.
And she did. Hoo boy she did.
What she also did was bring out Zen to the stage...and boy, this man was born for the punk rock scene!!
To be fair...Jehee respected MC's profession, but she didn't really understand at first.
"So...it's not like Zen's musicals?" "No Jaehee, it's not." "But...you sing and have a distinctive style when on stage?" "Yes!" "I see...just like Zen! :D" "Jaehee...no baby"
Instead of trying to explain, MC sat Jaehee on the couch, connecting her phone to the TV to find one of her band's videoclips to play.
She settled on one of her favorite songs of theirs, and with a glance Jaehee's way, she hit play.
Jaehee was mesmerised; she stared at the screen, barely blinking as she took in this brand new side of MC she was witnessing, blushing as MC sang and winked at the camera, her lipstick smudged on purpose, her black ripped shirt falling off of one shoulder as if she'd been in a scuffle, her voice-how could a girl as sweet as her MC let out such a grovely voice?!
As the video ended, Jaehee remained quiet, her eyes still focused on the screen.
"So.." MC started, "What did you think?"
With an unfathomable intensity, Jaehee turned her head towards MC, pushing her glasses that'd fallen low.
"MC, I need you to show me every videoclip and concert you've got videotaped. NOW!"
She's from now on MC's number 1 fan UwU
MC actually didn't tell him much about her occupation, worried how someone serious like Jumin would take it.
He knew she sings, and that she has a band, but that's pretty much it.
Not wanting to push her, Jumin simply left it at that, allowing MC to share what she felt comfortable sharing at her own pace.
He did hear her hum songs to herself sometimes, sometimes finding her on the couch surrounded by pages and music chords as she figured out new songs and lyrics.
He did sneak a peak at one of her music sheets once, reading through the lyrics with a confused frown.
"Lips like blades cut words through blood...?" he read the words aloud, looking to the paper with furrowed brows. "I see..what a wonderful metaphor MC has thought of" he smiled, setting the paper back down. He was so proud of his beloved's  talent!
Once at a buisness party, he saw an associate of his approach him and MC with his daughter in tow, a girl seemingly no older than 16.
"Mr. Han, greetings" the man started, "I'm sorry to interrupt your discussion this suddenly, but you see, my daughter saw your fiancee from across the room and insisted we come over and say hi."
The girl looked up to MC with a wide grin. "I'm sorry I-I'm a big fan! I love your music and your latest song-'Bloody Sins', I loved it so much!"
Jumin watched the situation unfold as MC chatted with the girl, even taking a 'selfie' with her that the girl squealed with joy at, and in a flurry she was gone, leaving Jumin alone with MC again.
Jumin glanced at MC, a small smile on his lips. "Bloody Sins, was it?"
MC blushed, looking away with a flustered grin. "Ah yeah um-I never told you the genre of my music, I don't think it'd be something you'll be into-"
"Metal, I assume? Or rather, judging by the glance I've happened to take at your music sheets, the chords seem more befitting of some modern form of rock. Punk rock, prehaps?"
MC stared at Jumin flabbergasted. "You...how do you even know what punk rock is?!" she couldn't help her voice raising with shock.
Jumin smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "You'll find I'm not as dull of a buisnessman as you might've thought me to be my love. If you'd do me the honor of inviting me to your next show, I'd be happy to listen to your wonderful voice live."
Jumin wearing ripped skinny jeans and leather jackets? Sign me tf UP
Not only did he know who MC was from his background search on her, he was actually a fun!
He loves punk rock, its the type of music he listens to whenever he works lol, and there was something about MC's voice that he just loved
He knew MC only as she was in her videoclips and as an online persona; a strong voice, tiny and soft-spoken in a couple interviews he stumbled upon online but with heavy makeup and rocking outfits.
The MC he met in the RFA though was much different; she was soft and cute, funny but so insufferably sweet, how could an innocent girl like her belch out such badass lyrics about death and destruction?!
Not that Saeran minded it-on the contrary lol, he loved to point out the difference in online punk rock MC and his now-girlfriend MC, throwing some of her more intense lyrics her way whenever she’d try teasing him over something herself.
Still, he was her biggest supporter, talking about her online to the point of getting a hector of traction towards her band; he rarely attended her shows given his job, but when he did he’d watch her from backstage with the proudest of smiles, and sometimes…well, he’d be a bit of a prick and mess with the lighting and audios backstage lmao
Im sorry MC you’re the one that decided to date a prankster OwO
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trojanjean · 7 years
writing tag
tagged by the wonderful @aftgonice , thank you! <3 
Rules: Answer the questions for your work. You can use different fics, and even WIPs. Don’t hesitate to link your stuff for the curious ones :) And tag writer friends to play along!
1/ Which scene/paragraph/sentence are you the most proud of?
Hmm. I really like this one part of a Drarry fic I haven’t ever gotten around to publishing. I wrote it about a year ago and it’s short and kinda awkward, but I like it. Here :
“The mid-morning was busy, Ministry workers buzzing past them and chattering loudly, shoes clapping on the pale marble floor. Harry had always hated how overwhelming the entrance hall was, too bright and traffic-y. And going by the look on Malfoy’s face, he didn’t like it either. Harry was curious to know if this place reminded him of the war and what had happened afterwards, with the trials and all that crap. He wondered if he’d been assigned to wear work-robes like everyone else, and whether him wearing jeans that had tears in the knees was just a way to say Fuck you.”
2/ For which work/piece of work do you get comments telling how marvelous it is, while you’re not that enthralled by that piece yourself?
I was really surprised that fingers crossed my obsession with you is tameable has become my ummm most famous fic? Idk if you can call it that but it’s got a lot more comments than my other stuff. When I wrote it i was still very new to the fandom and knew v v little about anything. I’m glad that people like it and I’m quite proud of it myself too, but there are other stories I’ve spent writing 5 times longer than that one, like the two fics I wrote for Otayuri Reversebang. I spent sooo much time making my characters believable, plot interesting etc. and yet they’re not that popular. Hell, I even have 20 pages of unused material for both of those fics because I made several different endings and tried to find the perfect one. But then again, maybe overworking them shows or smth? Anyway. I’ve only published stuff I like tbh so I don’t really know how to anwer this question :) 
3/ Which character highjacked the story they’re in?
Well, right now I writing the second chapter for my heart’s a stereo  and I’m trying to chill a bit because it’s got too much on Yuri’s small crush on Yuuri, and the fic is supposed to be about Yuri and Otabek, not how wonderful Yuuri is (in Yuri’s opinion). I already have a oneshot in mind about Yuuri and Viktor (and Chris), happening at the same time as the main story. Yuuri is my sunshine boy and wins my heart, but I’m trying my best to focus on Otayuri on this one.
4/ Which sentence/kind of sentence do you overuse?
Yikes. My language skills in English are very limited so there are lots of things I don’t know how else to describe so I’ll probably end up repeating myself? “Despite the fact that” is a good example of that. I’m trying my best to learn by reading a lot and googling things but I’m very insecure about using new phrases in case I’m using them wrong lol. But, I accept that English is not my first language and that the only way to learn is to write and read more, so. Also, feel free to tell me when there’s something funny going on in one of my fics? Because so far most of my stuff is unbetaed (bc I don’t want to bother anyone shh).
5/ Which work of yours would you be dying to get fanart for?
Oh, definitely either we go alive in a heartbeat or i’ll be there, rain or shine. They’re both sweet and innocent oneshots and they are my babies. But I’d be over the moon to receive fanart about any fic! :))
6/ Which work would you rather forget?
Anything written before 2016. And I can’t quite read my first YoI fic without cringing because it was also one of the first fics I’d written in English and the first time I wrote smut. BUT I am incredibly happy that I wrote it because I don’t think I’d be writing anything now if I hadn’t had the courage to write (and post!) it back then. 
7/ Do you have a project you never got the nerves/guts to write?
YES. I think about heavy angst headcanons daily, but I will never ever have the guts to write any of those ideas down. I think my characters in those are very OC and no one would ever ever buy a fic where, say, a person from YoI is cheating on their soulmate or whatever. Also the ideas include lots of things I would probably like to read about but maybe not write myself? Cutting, depression and eating disorders and things like that. Angst just for the sake of angst in general is too heavy for me to write. But I’ve got so sooo many sad headcanons that I sort of hope that I could write them lol. 
8/ For which fandom have you written the most? (can be original fic, say if you count in terms of words, chapters or fics)
Yuri on ice. I’ve published 12 YoI fics, and I have about four serious wips waiting for my motivation to return, plus a dozen ideas I haven’t written down/have only written a rough draft. 
I’ve published two Drarry fics (well, actually one since the other one is made by me and my gf together), but I have L O T S of wips from that ship too. I have two or three stories that have 3000-7000 words to but I just haven’t gotten around to finishing them. 
I’ve written a few Johnlock oneshots as well but I haven’t published any in ao3. 
Tagging @kirinvlinder @trans-boy-yuri @definitelynotadulting @rayraywrites !! <3 
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
Name. Shion Kaito. Date of birth. February 14th ( Age: 23 / Star sign: Aquarius ). Sexual orientation. Closeted homosexual. Languages. Japanese, Korean &&. English. Blood type. B + Height. 178cm Weight. 65kg. Occupation. Idol, actor.
Limbo  / Airplane mode Wish you were gay / Billie Eilish Koi Suru Apuri / Kaito 1 / 4  / Kaito La La Latch / PTX Cough Syrup / Blaine Anderson Words fail / Dear Evan Hansen
「 V ❥ 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 ; Kaito / ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵐʸ ʰᵃⁿᵈ 」
Default verse / Human / 23 years old
The idol currently works with the company named ᴠᴏᴄᴀʟᴏɪᴅ industries.
Despite being one of the oldest in the company, he’s unexpectedly young — people assume he is old due Kaito being quite a popular name yet that is the opposite case upon meeting him and realizing that he has been around since he is sixteen and only has grown in height, almost as if he hadn’t aged at all. 
The bluenette is also fairly popular within co-workers due his kind nature, some call him older brother too which can make him flustered. However, not much is actually known about his private life except that prior ‘the no love rule’, he was dating a fellow idol though it seems to have ended abruptly. Nothing was known and, to this day, if inquired about that past relationship, he will flinch and tense up, quick to change the topic though there’s a visible pain in his visage.
Thanks to his cousin frequently visiting him, Kaito can avoid thinking too much about his past and the pain it brings.
「 V ❥ 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 ; Kaito / 」
Rather than being a mere program that can be used to sing a variety of themes and songs, languages included. He is an android idol that blends perfectly in the human world, in fact, not many know he is actually not human — the company went as far as to design organs that act like human’s.
「 V ❥ 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐫 ; Kaito / 」
Interactions remain inside an electronic device  ( say phone, desktop, laptop…).  Kaito is known to often remind his master about messages from other people that had been ignored for more than three hours and is usually cleaning the mess of the desktop, cleaning the trashbin as well.
「 V ⓞ 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚 ; Kaito / ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉᵃʳˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵖᵒᵘʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ 」
Based in the manga 23:45 mixed with the song ‘Donut Hole’ by GUMI.
The hole in the middle of  donut counts as a kind of existence, but it’s also a kind of emptiness. The reason why I believe that the hole, clearly devoid of matter, is a kind of ‘existence’ is because for other people the memories of that ‘emptiness’ probably exists. Just as other people believe that a donut can only have a hole because the outside circle of its dough exists the things that lack are also because someone’s memories are stored here and can be understood.
   Shion Kaito, 21 years idol at the time, suffered an accident that left him in a comma for two years — though when he woke up, all he could think about was to get better as soon as possible without a clue on why. Initially, he thought this was caused by his motivation to tell his fans that he was alright but it didn’t feel...right.    In his dreams, there was always a faceless person smiling at him before it turned its back to him as Kaito hopelessly extended his hand in a pitiable attempt to reach for them. Waking up confused, the blue-haired can only believe that it’s truth that one’s soul might leave its body during such state and explored around due not knowing who he is to begin with or how did he end in such state, maybe he came a cross someone who could see him and helped him recall his memories to return to his body? 
「 V ; Kaito /  」
Monster prom verse / ?/ 22 years old.
To be added.
「 V ; Kaito /  」
DDLC verse.
To be added.
「 V ⇱ 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭 ; Kaito / 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 」
AU shared with starryburglar / Human, merchant / 23 years old.
PLOT.  Royal MUSE A has never been out of the castle but mnages to sneak out and meets  MUSE B  whose a shop vendor and falls in fucking love and they have a grand ol day but then  MUSE A  disappears bcs responsabilities and  MUSE B  is like fuck they were cute and then the next day they see them waving to the people and  MUSE B  is like  what the hell I just kissed the royal of my country I- .
Shion Kaito is a young man from a farmer family background, however against all odds he decided to become a potion maker, to cultivate his own medicinal herbs and sell his effective and advanced products in a small shop he built through sweat and blood which led him to be disowned by his family due disrespecting the tradition.
Furthermore, Kaito is able to read and write unlike a majority of the country folks. Ocasionally, he would help fellow merchants with accounting and aritmethics.
「 V ♡ Mysme ; Kaito /   」
Mystic Messenger / Human / 23 years old.
To be added.
「 V ♡ 𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐚 ; Kaito /   」
Fantasy or Eldarya, merman.
   There are reasons to which he doesn’t want to return to the sea, a background story that Kaito rather  not  share the details — keeping them all for himself.
   Although he is glad that Ezarel, his boss and leader of the Garde Absynthe  (  finesse fighter and herbal knowledge; excelling in making potions and strategy. Alchemists )  taught him how to create a potion that allows him to have human legs; the bluenette has a necklace with a small bottle with said potion since he ought to drink it everyday so the effect lasts.
   Plus,  because he is constantly in his human appearance, his body has a couple of blue scales across his body; and when it comes to a companion, Kaito actually owns a Galorze which is a rare familier to begin with. How he caught it?  Water creatures actually possess an hability called  Devil’s whisper  which can make them manipulate others through their melodic voice alone and get whatever they want.
「 V ♡ 𝐌𝐂𝐋 ; Kaito / 」
Amour Sucre / Human / 18 years old.
   A transfer student. Due his parents work requiring them to travel constantly, the Shion family settled in Paris, France — Kaito only begged them to be able to finish highschool and then get to return back to Tokyo, Japan.
「 V • 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ; Kaito / ˢᵘᶜʰ ᵃ ˢⁿᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵏⁱⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵗʷᵒ⁻ᶠᵃᶜᵉᵈ ˡᵒᵛᵉ / ˡⁱᵉ 」
Lovesick / Yandere simulator.
   Mida Rana was the new substitute teacher that...never  arrived. There wasn’t an actual explanation from her side except that she coudn’t, by any means, teach within the Akademi High institution but that she  would  send someone else without adding further in case they were being spied on through the call.    Truth be told, those words were enough to freak out the director who was already a tired old man — he had been once a bright man looking forward to help students graduate without issue but since the events of Ryoba, that spark was soon to extinguish and his name was highly damaged.    Imagine the surprise of everyone when the substitute teacher was a man whose hair was dyed blue and was a half  ( quarter but, details ); the female students were thrilled whereas the male ones were curious but disappointed.    But regardless of his kind smile and big brother nature, Kaito was uncomfortable because Mida had warned him about a student in particular that wasn’t what they pretended to be and if he wanted to help everyone, he had five days to discover who.
「 V • PJ ; Kaito / 」
Percy Jackson &&. the olympus or Demigod verse  / 25 years old.
「 Ludere deorum ; Kaito/ 」
Kamigami no asobi / Minor deity: tba / Physically looks in his mid twenties.
「 Kaito Shion / 𝘎𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨  𝘧𝘰𝘳  𝘢𝘪𝘳」
「 Kaito Shion / MUSINGS 」
「 Kaito Shion / INQUIRY 」
「 Kaito Shion / VISAGE 」
「 Kaito Shion / MANNERISMS 」
「 Kaito Shion / ROMANCE 」
「 Kaito Shion / MUSIC 」
「 Kaito Shion / CRACK 」
✘ ·  ♡(  )
• &   • / ( )
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willfainder-a · 7 years
Tumblr media
before reading this please consider that there will be massive spoilers from the last of us ( game ) so please if you still have to play it don’t read this ! that being said you can go & cry tears of blood for me because i worked hard on this & i’m a bit proud of this work so yep love me & this au & feel free to ask me about things if you didn’t understand something.
I. ALL MIGHT AS JOEL & DEKU AS ELLIE. // okay listen up now ( because i still think this is way too accurate for this au ) you can see exactly what i'm talking about ( if you played the game ), when i say that all might is joel & deku is ellie, though some of you may be of a different opinion since joel as personality ( especially from the start of the game, after losing his daughter ) is more like aizawa, tho i want to believe that his father's figure never left him & though he suffered from the loss of his only daughter, i think his overall personality is pretty similar to all might as cared & stubborn as both these characters are. also please don't forget the develop these 2 characters got in the game is very similar to all might & deku, — as, if you look at it, both started a journey with the main objective to reach a final destination / task. i want to headcanon all might just like joel who lost his own " son " / " daughter " ( that's depend from the all might rp partner who is gonna write this au with me ) because of military then i think he would become exactly like the joel we all know right now, maybe softer but i don't think so. / / & about ellie of course she swears a lot ( she is actually tiny female kacchan ) but remember she loves COMICS & she is curious & a free spirit like our boy izuku so please though izuku doesn’t swear at all, he still has some connections with ellie. 
II. ALL GONE / IZUKU’S PAST ( 15 years old ). // this is a backstory of izuku just to let everyone knows why he always acted so nicely with everyone & why he is so scared of killing people, even clickers or runners. / / izuku was born in a small town & stayed there with his mother for all his life. he never knew his father since in this universe his father abandoned his mother when he found out she was pregnant & although he offered to pay her monthly for foods & rant, he left with no words to the young kid who growth only with her mother who somehow tried to cope with the baby, her home & work all by herself. things were not better at school, especially during middle school where he was often targeted for his shy and taciturn nature & the fact that he had an unbridled passion for super-hero comics did’t help him sympathize with his peers. fortunately he managed to cope in some way with these suffering & abuse even though his monotonous life ceased its course when the parasitic fungal began to appear in his town, ending up infecting the people who lived there & forcing his mother to run away with the him. needless to say, their run was stopped before they could get away from the town by some infected who ended up biting izuku's mother, who tried to protect his son with her own life. scared & unable to observe while his mother was devoured by two infected, izuku tried to not puke as his heart reached the maximum speed’s level. the thing was made even more traumatic since izuku saw that scene without being able to do anything &, as if it was not enough, those two infected were shot down by some soldiers who came to clean the square. needless to say that izuku in his present state could only fall to the ground in front of his dying mother without being able to say anything since the military didn’t hesitate to shoot the woman right in her head. finally the militants took away izuku with force, although he protested for a few seconds before being hit at the head & brought in the quarantine zone, then transferred to a military area where he would be trained to fight against the enemies.
III. A1 CLASS MEETS IN THE MILITARY SCHOOL. // kids / children are put in that school & everyone live in the quarantine zone for protection ( of course ), yet don’t expect a good time in that military school because kids fight like HELL, sometimes killing the “ weak ” one of the group because in that school kids learn how to survive to CLICKERS / RUNNERS & FIREFLIES ( the latter is basically the military’s enemy ). so if you are weak you are usless besides you don’t have options; so you pretty much stay with the military group or you are kicked out with the rest of the population with runners & clickers ready to kill you at any second. that being said izuku is one of the " weakest " kid in there & it's not usual for him to be kicked / punched or injured for his personality & his " good " character. the only friends who would help him in this mess would probably be iida & uraraka & i think the one who would pick up on this boy would be katsuki since he thinks that deku is taking this whole situation as a game & way too lightly. after all, in the world they were living, a good & kind attitude like his would only bring to his own death & maybe this is why katsuki can't stand the kid at all & he thinks he should just die already since he doesn't deserve to waste some precious food & water.
IV. FINDING HOPE IN IMAGINARY SUPERHEROES. // even though the motivations here for izuku to behave in such way are mostly caused from the trauma of seeing his mother killed without being able to do anything to help her, he is actually good for nature, he is not strong both physically & psychologically, and even if he wanted to be better he couldn’t since his will his broken & those forced trainings & abuses in the military school don’t help him overcome his insecurities nor the internal drama he is fighting. he really hates the military school & if he could, he would leave already, however, the courage & the thought that a clicker or a runner might kill him scare him & this only creates more anxiety & fears in him. the only way he has to survive this is hoping that, sooner or later, things will change & that someone weaker than him would come to school however this never happened. for this reason he tried to find hope & strength in comics; in fact one of his greatest passions has not changed & still today he collects them, looking for these in dumps in the quarantine zone.
V. DEKU & THE FIREFLIEES. // izuku will meet the fireflies during a mission with some of the young guys in the school ( the reason why they are out is to look for supplies & medicines ). however the circumstances in which the fireflies are found by izuku are a bit messy since izuku’s team would be attacked by some clickers & runners. needless to say, izuku will try to escape from that attack, thanks to his stealth tactics he had learned & practiced alone. izuku will succeed in escaping from that group of enemies, but he would end up captured by a runner who was alone in a house. luckily in that moment, before izuku could do something to protect himself, the fireflies arrived, saving the teen’s life who will find himself again scared by what he had just experienced. marlene seeing him in those conditions will approach him making sure he wasn’t bitten or else; later she would explain who are the fireflies & why they were here, finally telling the boy to join their group & that he would be safe as long as he will stay with them. marlene then decides to give the boy a gun just for personal protection, he decides to take it in his trembling hands, making a small nod in approval of the woman's action & words. / / after that incident he wouldn’t talk for a few days ( 2 days exactly ) until he faces marlene that will help him overcome his fears & anxieties, teaching him how to fight & how to take care of himself. after a year he would learn basic fighting moves & how to distinguish the surroundings. his personality would change becoming secure & curious about the outside world. his shyess will in some way be replaced by determination, although a tiny bit of timidness will remain anyway.
VI. MY HERO. // izuku will overcome his trauma thanks to a mission with marlene & some other fireflies. although he was good in strategy & his physicality was now decent, the trauma still hunted his heart & mind, in fact he had not yet killed a clicker nor a runner on his own. in this mission by the way izuku has come to face an important choice, saving the life of kid who was in front of his eyes, ready to be killed by a clicker or seeing them dying like his own mother. would he choose to be a hero of those comics he loved or let his hopes down once again, living his weak life ? this time he didn’t think twice about it & with no hesitation he fired all his bullets against that clicker. the kid reached for him & he thanked him, calling him his hero. after that mission marlene decides to donate him a firefly’s tag as a symbol of his courage, saying that he now was a true hero & that he has nothing more to learn from her.
VII. I’LL SAVE THE WORLD NO MATTER WHAT. // izuku was bitten by a runner when he was trying to save a companion who eventually died slaughtered by a clicker. he found himself wandering for a week in the field outside the fireflies zone without answering their calls & without approaching them, since he didn’t know what to do & he was too afraid for killing himself or to commit suicide. after all that time, however, it seemed that his body had developed a sort of immunity against that fungus, so he decided to return to the base camp, calling for marlene & telling her about his bite. needless to say, the woman was surprised by this & she seemed at first reluctant about what to do even if in the end she seemed to believe izuku's words since the bite on his right arm seem to be healed & cicatrized. that is why she made an important decision : she entrusted to izuku the task of arriving in an big fireflies area where they could study izuku & the reason why he wasn’t turning. izuku will leave for this mission with some firefighter soldiers, but they will almost die, leaving him alone to reach the base of the fireflies & perhaps save the whole way just like a superhero ( this is the main verse but if an all might would roleplay with me i would change this piece & i would go like the game’s flow since as i said before i really like the idea of all might as joel & ellie as deku ).
VIII. BATTLE SCARS & WEAPONS. // izuku has a lot of scars, firstly the bite one on his right arm & small scars on his left arm, hands, legs, shoulders & long & disgusting scars on his back. he has a small cut on his lower lip that has never been healed & a scar on his left cheek. he has a decent body & he is very agile & he is fastest runners due to his skilled parkour abilites. / / about wapons he likes to use guns, mostly revolvers, tiny knives & bow, snipers. he would avoid a 1 vs 1 fight because though he knows how to fight those he is still too disadvantage in those fights. he is also skilled in making tools & traps for his enemies & he prefers a stealth tactic & long raged attacks. 
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