#<- source of the feral beast in question
south-sea · 1 year
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he's a happy well-adjusted hedgehog thank you very much
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thechaoticdruid · 6 months
Astarion x Named!Tav
Plot: After setting up camp in the Underdark the weirdos start to reminisce of past lovers, which also brings a curious question to light. How come Winnie had no lovers before Astarion?
Content/Warnings: MDNI SMUT
F!MC, MC uses she/her pronouns, insecurities, chubby mc, flashbacks, unrequited love, bullying, Little Winnie being feral, Winnie is just feral in general, violence, blood, gore, some piv smut at the end, fingering, conflicted Astarion, angst, comfort.
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“Arrg! You asshat!” Winnie shouted hanging onto the back of the minotaur as it bucked and jerked around, trying to shake the druid off. The brunette-haired woman grabbed hold of the horns as she held on for dear life. “I could use a little help here!” She said with annoyance, her scimitars had been discarded onto the ground, leaving her weaponless and it was honestly too risky to try to cast a spell while being slung around.
Astarion aimed his bow at the beast, arrowhead trying to align with the minotaur’s head. The arrow came fast, but unfortunately the bull man jerked out of the way. Winnie let out a yelp as the arrow grazed the armor of her shoulder.
“Astarion!” The druid growled out.
“Apologies darling, it's hard to aim when the stupid cow keeps moving!” Astarion replied with a hint of annoyance.
“AHHHH!” Karlach suddenly screamed, flames surrounding her as she went into a rage. The fiery tiefling charged forward with her great ax, taking a swing at one of the minotaur’s legs and hacking it right off. Winnie let out a shout as the beast fell forward, dragging her along with it! Winnie fell right onto Astarion, sending him tumbling over as Karlach proceeded to repeatedly hack and slash at the monster, each swing separately another limp from the beast's body with a sickening crunch sound. The tiefling let out another loud scream as she just kept hacking and slashing into the beast, turning its body into a bloody pile of viscera. 
“Oh for gods' sake, it's dead Karlach. Now you're just getting the blood everywhere!” Astarion complained, getting up as he held the dazed druid up along with him. Karlach eventually cooled off, panting heavily as she stepped away from the battered corpse, boots drenched in blood.
“I could have drank that.” Astarion murmured under his breath. Winnie rubbed her head a bit as she gathered her bearings.
“Mystra’s blood! What happened here?!” Gale exclaimed as he appeared out from behind a large stalagmite.
“Oh, you know just getting some fresh Underdark air.” Winnie said sarcastically.
“Gale, where in the hells have you been?!” Astarion demanded as he crossed his arms, glaring at the wizard in annoyance. 
“I was helping the others find a water source to camp by. Unfortunately, we still haven't found anything yet.” Gale stated. 
“Ah, so being of no help as usual.” Astarion huffed a bit.
“Ignore Fangs, Gale. He's just cranky we weren't able to get him lunch.” Karlach piped up, finally calming down from her rage. 
“Hmm, wait a minute.” Winnie said before scurrying over to what was left of the the minotaur corpse. 
“Eh..What are you doing?” Gale asked with grimaced of disgust as Winnie took out a jar from her pack and grabbed hold of one of the severed minotaur limbs. 
“Getting some blood for Star.” Winnie said before squeezing out what blood she could from the minotaur leg. 
“Ah, you're such a sweetheart, Winnie.” Astarion gave her a flirtatious wink, causing the druid to blush as she gathered blood into a jar. 
“Awe, that is sweet, soldier. A little gross, but sweet.” Karlach smiled. 
“Ah yes, collecting blood from a mutilated corpse. A very romantic gesture.” Gale exclaimed.
“I…I'm just trying to help.” Winnie murmured, before filling up the jar completely with blood, her hands covered in red.  “Besides, it's crucial that we help each other since we are in this together.” 
Winnie walked over and handed Astarion the jar.
“Well, since you are in a helping mood. We still need to find a better spot to set up camp.” The wizard said as Winnie wiped her hands off with a handkerchief. 
“Hmm…I could wildshape into something with wings and scout out ahead. Surely, I should be able to get a better look around in the air than on the ground.”  Winnie hummed.
“Excellent idea!” Gale chimed.
Winnie soon transformed into an owl and flew upwards and across the cave, staying low enough to avoid the stalactites. Her eyes scanned the area surrounding them before taking note of what looked like a large abandoned shack on a cliff. There also happened to be a stream running past it which dropped off into a small waterfall. It seemed suspiciously convenient, but was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. Winnie flew a bit closer, scanning the area for any signs of danger and found nothing in sight aside from what looked like humanoid bones, next to a hook horror carcass. 
Well, that explains the abandoned camp, but how did that beast die? 
Winnie wondered to herself. Whatever the case, this area had shelter, water and possibly supplies. It was the perfect spot to set up camp for the night. The druid quickly turned back to quickly reunite with her companions who had all been following her halfway there. She circled around them hooting a couple of times before leading them towards the abandoned campsite. Once everyone had arrived Winnie landed on the ground, returning to her human shape. 
“I checked around the area. There doesn't seem to be anything dangerous aside from some human remains and a dead hook horror.” 
“Oh, and that's supposed to mean this place is safe?” Astarion huffed in a skeptical tone.
“Well, whatever killed them isn't around anymore. And I can't smell anything around here that could possibly be a predator of any kind.” Winnie said before sniffing the air. 
“I was unaware humans had such a keen sense of smell.” Lae’zel exclaimed.
“Normally we don't.” Gale added with a raised eyebrow at Winnie.
“I suppose I've spent so much time in wolf form it's rubbed off on my human side.” Winnie explained.
“So you're practically a puppy?” Astarion said in a teasing tone. 
“Wolf.” Winnie corrected, “the point is. The area is clear. For now anyway.” The druid sighed. 
“I'll survey the area again just to be sure. The rest of you should make camp.” Lae'zel said. 
“Sounds good to me.” Winnie said before looking around in the abandoned shack. She went through the entrance which had a curtain as a makeshift door. Inside she set down her things as she took in the surroundings. There was a fire pit in the middle of everything, surrounded by chairs made from long logs. Winnie started a fire before making herself comfortable.
The party later gathered around the fire in the abandoned shack after everyone had finished setting up camp. Winnie sat quietly as Astarion took a seat next to her, his red eyes looked her up and down. The group one way or another ended up sharing some stories. And somehow of all things the stories turned into tales of old lovers.
“Ah, I remember it was like yesterday when 15-year-old Wyll snuck off into the Blushing Mermaid and had his first kiss.”
“You didn't have your first kiss until you were fifteen?” Astarion piped up, “how pathet-” he suddenly stopped mid-sentence as he realized he was still sitting next to Winnie who was giving him a look. “Never mind that! My first lover was tremendously handsome! Like a dashing prince from a fairytale!” Astarion exaggerated. Winnie just rolled her eyes at the elf’s tall tale.  She didn't know who his first love was, but she knew damn well he didn't either.
“I'm sure he was Astarion.” Shadowheart said in a teasing tone. “What about you Winnie? Who was your first love? Before Astarion I mean.”  Winnie paused a bit. Before Astarion there wasn't really anyone. Maybe an unrequited passing fancy here and there, but nothing mutual. 
“No one.” Winnie said shyly, hands nervously fiddling with her pants. 
“You must have at least fancied someone before?”
“I suppose...When I first came to Baldur's Gate, there was Vesperr.” Winnie said, beginning to reminisce about her time in Baldur's Gate. “He had to be the most beautiful man I had ever met.” Winnie blushed a little, her mind thinking back to her first real crush. Vesperr was a high elf druid with long beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. 
Astarion scoffed at Winnie’s fond tone.
“Most beautiful back then perhaps.” He muttered under his breath. 
“He helped me with some of my druid training, taught me what he knew. He was very wise and smart.” Winnie smiled.
“So why didn't you hook up with him?” Karlach asked.
“Well…. I was a teenager for one….and he's only interested in men.” Winnie chuckled nervously, “so you can see how that wouldn't have worked.” 
“Ah, well I for one am rather glad. More of you for me. ~” Astarion flirted, running his hand over Winnie’s thigh and making her shutter.
“Funny, I would have thought you'd have more suitors. You seem like quite the romantic.” Shadowheart hummed.
“I suppose I'm just not very desirable.” Winnie shrugged with a sad look. Mind going back to her younger years. 
Winnie’s time spent in the Lost Grove was peaceful, but not always pleasant. She often found herself the target of many of her peers' torment. She could remember running through the grass alongside her friend Demi, both of them in wolf form. The Grove's beautiful lush landscapes stretched as far as the eye could see. Winnie galloped further on ahead, claws kicking up dirt as she sprinted towards the village’s huts. The two were rushing to their training after goofing off and playing around in the forest all morning. Winnie was the first to arrive, returning to her human form with a smirk. “I win!” The ten year old cheered as Demi arrived a few minutes afterwards, changing back to her gnomish form. 
“Of course you win, your legs are longer than mine!” Demi huffed, catching her breath.
“Not in wolf form they're not! We're practically the same size in wild-shape.” Winnie chuckled playfully as she looked down at her friend before hearing a laugh behind them.
“Ha! That's funny, because I'm pretty sure even in wolf form you're the fattest one here!” One of the other children, a male human, mocked.  Two elven girls who'd been standing with him as they waited for their teacher, laughed loudly, not even trying to hold back.
“Haha..No one asked you Rowan.” Winnie growled, crossing her arms. Demi suddenly stood in front of her friend, glancing back at Winnie as if to say, ‘stay calm, he's not worth it.’ 
“That was mean, Rowan. You should apologize!” Demi scolded the human boy. 
“Why should I!? We all know the truth! Just look at her! I don't think I've seen anyone as fat and ugly as her in the entire grove!” Rowan exclaimed.
“No one cares about your opinion Rowan. It's not like anyone wants to be your girlfriend so shut up!” Winnie snapped at him. Rowan chuckled with a mischievous shit eating grin on his face.
“It's not an opinion, it's a fact. You're so ugly that I doubt anyone will ever want to be with you without throwing up!” 
Demi looked over and noticed the enraged expression on the human girl’s face. “Winnie don't!” She warned. 
Winnie gritted her teeth and let out a wolf-like snarl before lunging at the rude boy, socking him right in the nose before pouncing on him and repeatedly punching him in the face. As Winnie nearly beat the snot nosed brat to death one of the elder druids rushed over. 
“What's going on here!?” She demanded. The druid was an older half-elven woman. 
“Winnie’s trying to kill me!” Rowan sobbed. The half-elf druid dragged Winnie off the boy. She glared at the woman like a feral animal, teeth bared.
“Get off of him you wicked unruly child!” The old half-elf hissed and suddenly smacked Winnie across the face.  The sound of a slap got the attention of the Grove's Archdruid who'd just arrived to help with the apprentices’ lesson for today.  The old human woman's eyes immediately landed on Winnie who had a red mark across her face. 
“What in the hells do you think you're doing to my granddaughter, Myra!?” The Archdruid demanded.
“That girl of yours is a rabid beast, Winnifred! She just attacked my nephew!” Druid Myra stood in front of Rowan protectively. 
“I thought I was going to die!” Rowan added. 
Winnie’s Grandmother turned back to look at Winnie who was panting from the scuffle. 
“Is this true, Winnie?” The Archdruid asked calmly.
“I-I…” Winnie muttered, feeling rather ashamed for her outburst. Demi quickly scurried over to the Archdruid and tugged on her robe. Winnie’s Grandmother leaned down and  allowed the gnomish girl to whisper in her ear. 
“Demi here says that boy of yours provoked my granddaughter. Perhaps you outta teach him some manners so he doesn't get his arse kicked.” 
“You're letting her get away with this!? After she assaulted my nephew!? Unbelievable!” Myra hissed before tugging Rowan along.
“That girl's nothing but a weed amongst the flowers. Ugly and vile…” The old druid hissed. 
“Yeah, yeah blow it out yer arse, ya old bitch.” The Archdruid rolled her eyes as she stood in front of Winnie and Demi.
Years later Winnie was prowling the streets of Baldur's Gate alongside her tressym companion Madeline. Winnie had a sack full of food in one arm and she and the winged cat sprinted across the cobblestones. 
“Hurry Winnie! He's coming!” Maddie called hopping up and hovering over the ground. Winnie glanced back seeing the merchant running after them.
“Come back here you thieving whore!” He shouted. The merchant had been a large human male with a thick beard. Winnie had seen him arrive on a boat a few days prior and just couldn't help herself when tempted to poke around his ship.  Unfortunately, the young woman was definitely no rogue, so the merchant was able to spot her sneaking off the boat with a sack full of goodies. A wheel of cheese, some fine cuts of meat and wine! The contents were just too tempting to pass up! Not to mention there was enough in there to feed her and the rest of her crew. Arva would be proud of her for sure! She just had to make it to the sewers. 
Unfortunately just as Winnie dashed for the man-hole that would be her ticket back to the undercity she bumped into a tall handsome half elf man, with jet black hair and green eyes.
“What's going on? Is someone hurt?” The man asked. 
“I-I…I um.. I'm in trouble…” Winnie blurred, both confused by the collision and flustered by whom she collided with. His features were soft and nearly flawless. 
“There you are, you ugly bitch!” The merchant suddenly caught up to Winnie. Maddie quickly dropped to the ground in front of the human girl and hissed, protectively. 
The half elf man quickly stepped between Winnie and the merchant. “Afternoon sir, does there happen to be a problem?” He asked.
“That wench stole from me!” The merchant hissed. 
“I need to feed my family!” Winnie exclaimed, stepping back behind the half-elf. 
“Sir, can you not find it in your heart to give to the needy?” 
“Needy!? She looks like she eats twice that much in a day!” The merchant shouted. Winnie glared at him, sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry.
“Here, how about I take care of the expenses? Say 50 gold pieces for your trouble.” The half elf offered, taking out a coin purse.  The human man grumbled under his breath.
“I suppose…But I better not catch that bitch around my ship again or I'm getting the fist!” The merchant snatched up the money before stomping off. Winnie let out a sigh of relief as the half-elf turned towards her. 
“Thank you, sir.” She responded, her pink eyes lingering over his handsome face. 
“You might want to be a little more careful next time, miss. That merchant’s not likely to forget having to chase you across town.” The handsome man smiled at her warmly.
“Y-Yes! Of course! I-I'm very grateful you came to help.” Winnie sputtered, face turning pink as her heart pounded in her chest. “I-I uh…..Here…Take this!” Winnie said, taking a bottle of wine out for him. “It's the least I could d-”
“Feris! The hells have you been!?” Suddenly a woman’s voice shouted, loudly. Winnie looked to the side to see a very unhappy looking elven woman. 
“Sorry my love. I was just speaking to this kind young woman!” Feris replied, his face growing nervous. 
“Again!? This is the third time you've ran off with some harlot, Feris!! You cheating wretch!” The elf hissed. 
“N-No my dear! It's not like that! I-I would never jeopardize our love for someone so repulsive!” Feris sputtered out frantically. Winnie’s eyes widened and her heart sank. It seemed the handsome stranger who'd come to her rescue was just like all the other shallow prick’s she's met. 
“Well I suppose my repulsive ass will be taking the wine back then.” Winnie said flatly, snatching the wine back before stomping off, her tressym quickly following. Winnie proceeded to climb back into the sewers, leaving the unfaithful man alone to be berated by his wife. 
The teen girl and her winged cat carefully wandered through the rank sewers before making their way into the undercity. Eventually they stopped in front of what appeared to be a seemingly normal brick wall. Winnie placed a hand over the bricks, taping them firmly to a specific rhythm before suddenly pressing down on one far to the right. The wall began to sink down, opening to a large cavern. Winnie walked inside with Maddie following. The bricks quickly closed behind them as they entered. 
“Guys, I'm back!” Winnie called, walking into a large room with a bright shining ball of light floating above it, Illuminating the cavern. Under the light was a lush garden, with a small tree at the center. A tall effeminate looking high elf male was tending to the garden, long luscious blonde locks draped over his shoulder as his beautiful blue eyes glanced up at the girl. 
“Winnie! Sweetie, welcome home! I hope Fi’s errand didn't give you too much trouble?” He asked, voice soft and sweet sounding. 
“Ah..No Vesperr. I didn't have any trouble at all. I got the meat and wine she wanted.” Winnie looked off shyly as the high elf druid approached her. A gentle hand ruffled her hair, affectionately.
“Well, that's good. I was worried she was sending you off into danger. I don't see why that bard can't just eat the food from my garden instead of…dead animal flesh.” Vesperr grimaced. 
“It's not an issue really. I'm happy to help everyone.” Winnie forced a smile. 
“And that's why you're the best, sweetheart!” Vesperr said, pinching Winnie’s cheeks. 
“Ah..Thanks um…Is Bekk back yet?” Winnie asked, cheeks turning a bit red, from the elf’s affection.
“Oh, my darling won't be back until later. He and the boss are taking care of some private matters. Troubles with one of the guilds I suppose.” Vesperr said, flipping his long blonde locks. 
“Well…I want to talk to him when he gets back. He promised to help me practice some sword fighting.” Winnie stated as she began to walk away, eyes glancing back at the elf with a sad longing.
“I'll make sure he finds you when he arrives home, sweetie!” 
“None of my peers ever took interest in me growing up. Honestly a lot of them found me repulsive and had no problem telling me to my face. Eventually I just gave up on the prospect of romance entirely.” Winnie leaned back, taking out a bottle of wine from her pack and chugging it. 
“Ah what do those assholes know! You're fucking gorgeous Winnie! I'd date you in a heartbeat!” Karlach huffed, steam coming off her body.
“Thank you Karlach.. I'm flattered but…. I just…erm…” Winnie wasn't sure how to put it. 
“Winnie isn't interested in the fairer sex, Karlach. I doubt she'd like being burned alive either.” Astarion chimed in, leaning closer to Winnie.
“Oh, don't worry Fangs. I'm not about to try to steal Winnie from you.” The tiefling winked at him, noticing his arm slinking around Winnie’s waist.
“As if you could steal anything from me.” The elf rolled his eyes. Karlach just smirked at Astarion's blatant jealousy.  
“She is right though. Only an idiot would find you less than enticing.” Astarion purred in Winnie's ear. His hand moved some of her messy brown locks out of her face. Winnie blushed a bit, a small smile forming on her lips. 
“Such a pretty smile.” Astarion leaned closer to the druid female almost climbing on her. His face was full of lust and seduction, but for a moment Winnie could catch a glimpse of what looked like sadness. Astarion quickly resumed his alluring persona, not wanting Winnie to catch on to his intentions.
“Well, I believe it's time I retired for the evening.” Gale said standing up and exiting the shack. 
“Me too. We'll need our strength for tomorrow.” Wyll said as Lae'zel silently followed him.
“Yes, rest would be good. Come along Karlach.” Shadowheart said getting up. 
“Awe, but I was comfortable here.” Karlach whined.
“Come on, I'm sure Clive will be missing you.” The half elf said. 
“Oh alright.” Karlach hopped up and followed after them, leaving Winnie and Astarion alone. 
The pale elf smirked and climbed on Winnie’s lap kissing her neck as soon as the others left. 
“You don't have to do this, you know.” Winnie said, shivering as she felt the vampire’s lips moving down her neck. “You don't have to touch me just because you feel bad for me.” Astarion stopped and grabbed her chin, making her look at him.
“This isn't about pity, my dear. It's about lust. I want you. All of you.” He pushed her down on her back, causing her to squeak as he hovered over her. “I honestly feel insulted that someone would even think of calling your lovely body repulsive.” Astarion said, cupping Winnie’s breasts gently, causing the human woman to gasp. “So soft and sweet. It's on my mind ceaselessly these days.” Astarion leaned down and licked Winnie’s neck. 
“Astarion…” The brunette breathed out, feeling her vampiric companion grinding himself against her.
“Yes, my sweet?” Astarion breathed against her neck. 
“Kiss me?” She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Astarion simply smiled and pressed his lips to hers. He couldn't fathom why, but he felt the need to comfort her, to let her know how beautiful he thought she was. It was a strange urge; one he wasn't quite sure he liked. Perhaps he could use this to keep her wrapped around his finger at the very least. Winnie’s arms made their way around his neck, hands playing with his soft ivory curls. 
“Ahh!” She moaned, feeling his cold hand slip into her pants and begin to stroke her wet folds. A single finger sliding inside her and making her whimper. Astarion took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth, silencing her with his kiss as he continued to play with her womanhood.
That was it, he was just ensuring her loyalty. He needed her to fall for him after all. To make sure she'd never betray him. The elven vampire pulled down her pants, along with his own. He broke the kiss, looking down at her with soft eyes. He could hear his master's voice whispering in the back of his mind. 
She'll hate you for this.
Astarion ignored it, forcing a smile as he looked down at his lover, his hand cupped her face as he positioned himself at her entrance.
“Look at me, darling. I want to see all the beautiful faces you make while I take you.” And with that he slowly began to push in. Winnie gasped, biting her lip as he stretched her walls. Definitely not as painful as the first time, but there was a slight sting as he pushed all the way in. Winnie gripped his shoulders, taking a moment to adjust before she pushed her hips up against him, edging him on. Astarion needed little encouragement before he began to thrust into her, beginning slowly and gently. The druid pulled him in for another kiss, licking his bottom lip as he rolled his hips with a soft groan. She peppered his mouth with sweet loving kisses as her hands returned to his hair. Their tongues wrapped around one another as the pale elf began to pump himself harder into her, making her moan into his mouth. Winnie threw her head back and cried out as she felt him hit her sweet spot. 
“Oh gods…” Winnie gently tugged his hair, resulting in Astarion thrusting into her once again, hitting the same spot as he bottomed out. 
“Ahhh…Ahhh..” Winnie tilted her head, exposing her neck to him, and giving him an invitation to bite. Astarion almost immediately bit down into her neck, fangs piercing her flesh as her sweet, delicious blood filled his mouth. “Fuck!” Winnie cursed, feeling a mix of pleasure and pain. Astarion moaned against her neck, hips bucking against her harder and faster with each thrust.
Others might have been completely repulsed by the wolfish druid, seeing her as not worthy of even a lustful glance. But to the vampiric rogue she was absolutely delicious.
Phew! Finally got this out. Sorry for the hold up on fanfics, burn out is rough. Thought it would be good to delve into Winnie's backstory a bit. Hope you enjoyed this one!
Taglist: @vixstarria , @paganwitchisis , @kerwin290710 , @anukulee
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ponett · 10 months
SLARPG lore question: In a world where both beastfolk and traditional animals exist, how would one in-universe differentiate between them in regular conversation? For example, let's say someone in Greenridge saw a regular fox strolling in a forest. Is there a usual way they can say "I saw this pretty fox strolling in the forest!" without someone potentially thinking they saw a fox beastfolk? Would they say "regular fox", "animal fox", or something else?
I mean, this can definitely be a source of confusion for them in-universe. I imagine people might say something like that and then have to clarify like "oh I meant a regular fox" or "feral fox" or whatever
I think the actual practical answer for me in my writing is that I just don't tend to have the characters refer to each other by species much. This is partially because the animal stuff is very mundane to them, and partially because I think the dialogue sounds way more natural if I leave out stuff like having characters call Melody a "vixen" or whatever instead of just calling her a woman. If I was to write a prose story, i would probably not be tagging many Jodie lines with "said the tiger"
(If you were to scrub through the entire script you'd find that it's actually somewhat rare for the beast folk characters to even acknowledge that they're animals. It's something that they don't tend to dwell on. It's the non-beast folk characters who tend to find it more worth remarking upon.)
Anyway, if, for example, Allison needed to point to a feline beast person on the street, she would be way more likely to just point and go "that guy over there" rather than "that cat over there." If she pointed out a cat, her friends would probably assume that she was talking about a literal cat, not a person. If someone does need to specify a beast folk character's species like that, they would probably be more likely to say something like "dog girl" or "bird dude" or "cat person" to make it clear that they're talking about a person
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who-is-page · 2 years
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BEASTPUNK: Being Unabashedly Animal
A subculture/term for anyone who identifies as partially or entirely as a nonhuman creature in an integral or intrinsic way, regardless of the origin or perceived nature of their identity, and who:
Embraces and celebrates their nonhumanity and animality, and (if applicable) the overlap and entanglement between one's human and nonhuman identity
Embraces abnormal instincts and behaviors related to their own and others' nonhumanity, so long as no active harm is done to another non-consenting individual or any real life animal
Interacts with their nonhumanity and displays it in socially unconventional or undesirable ways, and accepts and celebrates others doing so as well
Revels in the history of animal-people and beast-folk in all ways known: from the alterhuman community, from mythology, and from cultural or spiritual backgrounds relevant to the person in question
Throws respectability politics into the dumpster, lights it on fire, and dances around the burning corpse of the god "Cringe" in the moonlight
Is, unabashedly and genuinely, animal
This term is meant to be a reclamation of animalistic nonhuman identity, especially regarding individuals who may experience their nonhumanity in eccentric, "feral," or otherwise socially unacceptable or even stigmatized ways. Beastpunk is also open to endels, clinical lycanthropes, and others who experience nonhumanity in ways related to their mental health and physical bodies, although it is not open to self-identified p-shifters and p-shifter packs. Anyone who's ever been told that their animality is "too much," or that they're taking their identity as a nonhuman creature "too seriously," or who has lost previous words/groups they've used to define themself due to terminological drift, KFF appropriation and re-defining, or others gatekeeping their identity's authenticity is welcome to take up this term. Fictherians and fictional nonhuman creatures are also included in beastpunk, which is meant to be explicitly pro-fictionkin and fiction-based identities; theriomythics, folcintera, and mythkin are also included in beastpunk. Any and all nonhuman creatures, regardless of source or origin, are included.
This term is inspired by Anomalymon's original coining of kinpunk.
🚫 This term is not meant for KFF and other forms of anti-otherkin, anti-fictionkin, and similar. This term is not meant for self-identified "zootherians," "zoosexuals," "zetas," and similar. 🚫
Edit (09/28/22): Because someone asked me to clarify this: KFFers as mentioned in the above are meant to refer to individuals who redefine otherkin and related terms to just mean liking something a lot, rather than identifying as anything. They have roots in Tumblr anti-otherkin communities of the mid-2010's and in meme/fandom culture both, resulting in typically ableist and ahistorical language aimed towards otherkin: claims that otherkin are "taking it too seriously," or "just crazy," that otherkin and therians identities are "just a Tumblr thing," and that 'kins' should be based around fandom ideas of characters and morals.
Arguably, KFF are also largely responsible for the fictionkin community crash of the late 2010's due to their interactions in fictionkin community spaces, muddling of language within, and their insistences on bringing fandom wank in as a gatekeeping cudgel to ostracize others (the most common of such being the idea of what fictotypes are "moral and allowed" versus on what were "problematic and made you an evil person," which inspired no less than three separate OtherCon lectures from 2020-2022.)
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prythiansfavoritefox · 5 months
Tamlin woke up from his nightmare, shivering. He’d once again dreamt of Feyre being raped and tortured by Rhysand, his sneering face staring directly at Tamlin. He could not bear it, not knowing what he was doing to her. Even though he knew it was possibly dangerous to be out alone today, he could not help himself. He had to get away from his bedroom.
In spite of himself, Tamlin laughed. He was pulling a Feyre here, wandering about all alone on Calanmai night, foolishly risking getting caught by the Hunter. And how poetic would it be if they were both caught by the Hunter once? 
No sooner had he thought it did the hall start to smell like smoke, the sound of crackling embers filling the space like a death knell. Tamlin whipped his head towards the source, but he had no time to react before he was shoved against a wall hard.
“Thought you could have a nice, peaceful rest while I carry out your duties, hm?” Lucien said deadly soft, somehow more terrifying than if he had snarled.
Tamlin had never seen Lucien look this wild, feel this powerful. At this very moment, Lucien was the most powerful person in Spring. The thought both terrified and thrilled Tamlin, and the beast Lucien had become knew it.
“Does it seem like I’m sleeping peacefully?” Tamlin got out. “I’m wandering the halls in the middle of the night.”
The Autumn lord’s lips formed a feral smile, and he answered in that same deadly quiet voice, “Perhaps you never went to sleep at all. Perhaps you were waiting for someone to find you, for I must admit, this meeting feels far too coincidental to be mere chance. Hoping to experience what others have experienced from you for centuries, Tamlin?”
Tamlin opened his mouth but no words came out. He wasn’t sure he even could speak with Lucien’s body so close to him. He bent nearer, his russet eye simmering like freshly forged bronze, his metal eye alight in a golden flame. He had forgotten why he’d even come here. What was his name again? A wave and Tamlin found his hands shackled by chains of fire. Lucien’s wild face only came closer.
“Ianthe was stubborn,” Lucien murmured against his ear. Goosebumps formed down Tamlin’s body. “That harlot fought back like the demon incarnate. Will you be a good boy for me, Tamlin? You were the one who made me do this, after all.”
Shit shit shit shit. Tamlin could not think. There were precisely zero thoughts in his mind. The only thoughts were occurring between his legs. Fuck. How was he supposed to reply to that question and maintain any semblance of control?”
Tamlin gasped as Lucien bit down on his ear hard. “I asked you a question, Tamlin,” he crooned. “I expect a swift answer.” Well Lucien, how do you expect him to muster up a coherent response when you’re altering his brain chemistry?
“Yes,” Tamlin finally breathed. “I’ll be such a good boy for you, Luci-“
Tamlin didn’t get to finish his sentence before Lucien devoured his lips with his own.
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freyjas-musings · 4 months
When will SJM finally put us all out of our misery? I just want a scene of Gwyn waiting for Azriel and a valkyrie--Nesta--coming back from a mission. The Valkyrie is injured, and Gwyn is all like, "You are a warrior. Suck it up, buttercup." Az has the tiniest scratch on his arm, and Gwyn goes full concerned fussy mode on him in front of the others. "Be sure to keep clean and rest your arm. If it continues to hurt, let me know." I want Gwyn to be able to smother someone with love without feeling like she'll lose them like her sister, and I want Az to realize he deserves to be loved openly. The IC will tease him about this display later. What are some scenes you want to see between them?
Hello Anon,
As far as the book goes we will get it when we get it .... I have found it easier to deal with the wait by just leaving it be 😅 and enjoying other books and shows in the mean time .... my Gwynriel fix comes from all the lovely content creators and of course my friends in the fandom.
See as far as the question about Gywn fussing I think in general Gwyn is protective and very careful with the people she loves.... I don't ever see Gwyn treating her sisters Nesta or Emerie as anything less precious. She basically fed the brutes who threatened her sisters to a beast. No one messes with her sisters while she is around. She will fuss over them.
Will she go all mother hen over Az? Absolutely. I think Gwyn will be that unhinged, dangerous , feral mate who will give the world hell if her mate is hurt. Everyone thinks Az is the possessive and protective one , wait till you see Gwyn.
I do think she will give her love to him so openly , so freely and in a such an unrestricted natural way it will be something Az is not used to but something that he needs and deserves . It is healing for him to see someone love him so openly and from someone who bares her heart on her sleeve especially when it comes to Az . I can totally see Cass pulling his leg while Rhys is just happy ... Mor and Feyre would want that for Az but they can't resist teasing him .... Amren will be the one to tell him he is lucky.
Nesta and Em will be the happiest 💕 ....while they care for Az ..... Their main source of happiness is Gwyn ....
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I liked the questioning about repli beauty you brought up. So, as we go into this rabbit hole, can we attribute the appearance and preferences for own image of a repli to previous programming and the way the X program developed itself?
Like, it started with humans building the first repli series and setting human society as a parameter of likeness for non-battle/labor replis, and from there, the replis just continued the trend when building the next ones?
Also, is the operating system on the next one based on a blank template or does it come from the repli that programmed/designed them, in a kinda genetical passing manner?
a fantastic question! there's a lot of big question marks about how things work in the X world that aren't really delved into. the question of operating systems is a surprisingly straightforward one, as we know that there are at least three eras of reploids: the original line made from X's template, the improved line made by Dr. Doppler from the X3+ era, and the "New Generation" Reploids in X8+ made by an unspecified designer/developer for spaaaaaace work.
but image preferences? hooooooooooooooooooo. i can't offer a solid answer. but here's some ramblings about my thoughts.
what we DO know is that Reploids were derived from X's template and that they started off as copies of his design/aesthetic, and if we're to take the Archie series as any level of canon (probably level 2 extra-canon) we have a very clear visual as to what the early reploids looked like. and that, despite this, the X series features mostly furry robots as characters.
now, on an out-of-universe level, i want to say that i remember this decision was made because it creates more imposing silhouettes--megaman is a franchise designed for baby children first and foremost, and it's easy for child brain to correlate humanoid shapes as friends and feral beasts as enemies. however, A: i cannot find a source for this, and B: Sonic the Hedgehog
in either case, whatever the reason is, in-universe we have a very clear disparity between the originator of reploids being humanoid (the original term repliroid is even a portmanteau of "replica" [in the likeness of] and "android" [a humanoid machine]) and the majority of on-screen reploids not being humanoid. which tells me that body image is a BIG THING among reploid culture, and either chassis remodeling is a relatively easy process or a lot of reploids are willing to invest a lot into being a different person than who they started out as.
this is something briefly touched in the Classic series, with Tundra Man (a late line Robot Master) intentionally remodeling himself into a body type that he prefers, but it's fleshed out further with the (chronologically farther) X world in the design changes to the non-animal characters--Zero, Alia, and Sigma all similarly sport different bodies as the series goes on. the only person who doesn't change much in the main series is X, ironically enough, outside of Command Mission. Alia X8 and Layer are silly designs that were designed for fanservice first and foremost, but we can reasonably surmise that (in-universe) they chose to look that way. i'm not about to tell a woman she can't wear a car hood as a bra if she wants to, but i will think that it'd look better if it was put back on the jeep because i need that to fucking drive.
meanwhile, there's a lot of obvious correlations to be made with early X Mavericks and their designs being optimized for the environment. icy area gets the penguin. aerial area gets the eagle. underwater area gets the octopus. but as the series goes on, the correlations become significantly less appropriate and it's clear that animals were chosen for their design aesthetic. the munitions factory gets.....the hornet.....? i guess, like...the hornet stinger missiles.......?
it makes more sense if you take iwamoto's X mangas as level 2 extra-canon like the archie comics, because Blast Hornet was a reploid biker-gangster punk who became a hornet for the shock factor. which ends up leaning back to the original theory that reploids ultimately end up choosing how they look--if not from the onset, then further down the line.
you could probably make a solid argument that the X series is a very trans-friendly future, and that nearly every major character is trans and nobody bats an eye about it. instead the robot police are mad about the crimes and murder. but the creed is "be gay do crimes" so this is actually oppression 🙄
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daryascurse · 2 years
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𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔐𝔲𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯
Commandment Part VI: Megumi Fushiguro x Reader [nsfw][5k wc][mdni]
POV: second person, AFAB reader, nongendered pronouns
tags: aged-up!Megumi, feral Megumi, jealously, public sexual activities, over-the-clothes fondling, fantasizing, oral, fingering, biting, spanking, choking, dirty talk, doggy style, vaginal seχ
Megumi slams the door shut, shaking the residence even louder than the restaurant. As soon as you step into the hallway, he cups your face in broad hands, leaning you against the wall, and kisses you none too gently now. His lips are fervent on yours, fingers strong at the back of your neck and holding you tightly to his mouth, tongue against yours hotter than the last of ice water at your cheeks.
“You’re jealous, you’re still jealous,” you say in a gasp when Megumi's next kiss, so eager with fingers twitching at the back of your head, misses and his lips open on your chin. You take a staggering step to the side, and he follows you, sliding further down the hallway.
“Of course,” Megumi says, and there’s a snarl in his voice, the beast rippling just under the surface. You push your hips forward, back flat against the wall and knee between his.
“Do you really think I was flirting with him?”
“That doesn’t matter. It’s that he was flirting with you. And if he made a move… I swear I would have killed him.”
keep reading below the jump or on ao3 ||| set the mood with Megumi's spotify playlist
I have a very strict adult-only interaction policy. Ageless, blank, and clearly minor-run blogs that interact will be blocked. If you have questions about what that means, please read the byf in my pinned post.
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The water is cold at the back of your throat, as cold as Megumi Fushiguro’s frosty glare radiating across the table. It doesn’t normally unsettle you; it normally isn’t even worth commenting, on how that impassive cobalt gaze cuts straight through you. You shift your feet together on the hardwood restaurant floor. But normally, his thoughtful glower simply has – nothing to do with you.
But today, his knuckles are tense and teeth are bared as he speaks through tight lips, and his eyes turn to you.
“Letting him flirt with you like that is embarrassing,” Megumi says, and you twist your lips before speaking.
“How am I letting him flirt? I’m just being nice.”
“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you,” Megumi says, not for the first time. His glare moves to the true source of this tempestuous outburst somewhere behind you.
“The waiter’s just being nice also,” you say, keeping your voice low. “You know, hospitable. Part of his job.”
Megumi's nostrils flare as he presses his lips together. “Well, he clearly thinks you’re cute. What do you think?”
You take advantage of the glass still in your hand to take another sip, to brace yourself. And just at that moment, footsteps approach your booth and the waiter – and, look, if asked (anywhere out of earshot of Megumi), you’d have to admit he is handsome – places his hand on the back of your seat to lean over, water pitcher in hand.
“Would you like a refill?” he asks. The arm holding the water flexes in front of your face, and Megumi’s jaw pulses in the framed space of the waiter’s dress shirt subtly separating the two of you.
Handsome, but so corny. “Yes, please,” you say politely.
He pours with a too-white smile, gaze never leaving your face, and only turns his hand to refill Megumi’s as well as he continues speaking to you. “Please, let me know if you need anything else. Your dinner should be right out.”
“Thank you,” Megumi says coldly before you can. The waiter leaves.
Megumi watches him go with narrowed eyes, and it strikes you that there’s something familiar about the way he’s sitting. He’s not outright flexing. He’s not moving with the ostentatious peacocking display the waiter used with every interaction, from ushering you to the table to each beaming smile. But the strength is present in his muscles, in the tightening of his neck, of the shifting of tendons over knuckles.
Oh, like a guard dog, he sits possessive.
And then he stands, hands clenched against the table as if it were clay he could rip apart.
“Scoot over.”
He doesn’t give you much time to move across the smooth vinyl bench before taking a seat, his hip hard against yours.
“I’m going.”
He can’t see the kitchen either from this side, and after a moment to let the last of the irritation out of you, you sigh and lean your head on his shoulder. Sitting on the same side of a booth is such a painfully couple thing to do. But it’s cute, and the warmth that begins to settle through you from the touch of Megumi’s body heat is comfortable. And because he can’t see the waiter now, he should be calmer, controlled. It’s amazing to recognize it, amazing to see Megumi a truly mature adult practicing restraint.
Megumi sighs in turn, his body rising and falling below your cheek. Your head tilts with it as his arm moves, down against yours, and you reach forward for more water. His hand rests on your leg, elbow pressing into your rib as he moves closer still.
“Stop, stop,” you choke out over your sip in a giggle when Megumi squeezes. You’re still coughing when you almost slam the cup back to the table and he squeezes again higher. His touch is warm even through your pants fabric, and the tease against your reflex jerks your knees.
“What?” Megumi says, low, and he leans his other elbow on the table, casually creating a box of your bodies.
“We’re in public,” you say, clearing your throat.
“That’s the point.”
You reach with a hand, damp still from the cup’s condensation, down to his own, as his curving grip comes to sensitive inner thigh. Megumi deftly escapes your fingers, turning his palm up to grab your hand.
“People will see – ”
“I want him to see,” Megumi says, his grip guiding your hand higher between your thighs. “That’s the point.”
When he pushes, it’s hard, rocking your hand along the seam of your pants. He pushes again and your hips roll forward despite yourself. And – oh, fuck – it hits just at the right part, with just enough pressure to make you close your legs and shift forward again. Megumi’s fingers move against yours in a dance of pressure stronger than the constraint of your thighs. Every muscle clenches in response.
Keeping your knees together is a strain, everything rippling hot and tight up through your cunt at Megumi’s touch against you. The ache is present when you relax, when you exhale shakily and let your legs fall apart, but Megumi’s fingers slip through your puppeteered hand to push at you himself. The heat of his touch, so teasing, so dense through your pants, forces your thighs to tense up again, anxiously pushing together for friction.
Have his fingers always been so strong? Has his touch always been so hot, so shocking? You find yourself wishing Megumi would just claw through your pants and rip the fabric aside, to fuck his fingers right into you, roll his thumb against your clit and smear your arousal against your skin, to have his hands hold your hips down instead of the cold chrome of the table’s underside.
“Stop,” you gasp out again, weaker.
“Why?” Megumi’s breath is hot in your ear, hair tickling your cheek as you turn your face into his shoulder and back, writhing in the booth and practically humping his hand now.
“It’s not enough.”
Footsteps approach, barely perceptible over his chuckling breathy response.
“I am so sorry for the delay once more, your food will – ”
“We’ll just take it to go,” Megumi says crudely. His hand curves between your legs, thumb coming up against the top of your thigh to stroke lightly as the side of his fingers keep pushing. It’s hard enough that your body begins to ache as the desire starts burning even more.
Go, go, go, go.
“Oh. Of course.” The waiter hesitates, and in your hazy periphery you can see him bend down, try to break through the cage of Megumi’s protective lean over the table. “Um, are you feeling – ”
“Fine, we’re fine,” Megumi interrupts him again. “We’ll take the food to go.”
Another pause. “Right away.”
As the footsteps recede, Megumi’s thumb strokes gently, and he turns his hand down to squeeze your thigh once more. It’s disappointing when that’s all he does before withdrawing. The jostle of his arm forces you sitting upright again. Megumi places both hands politely on the edge of the table, drumming with totally relaxed fingers.
You, on the other hand, find yourself still shifting your knees together, the throbbing of his touch quickly subsiding with nothing you can do yourself under the table to bring it back. “Really?” you ask, your voice close to cracking.
“You asked me to stop,” Megumi says. He’s so satisfied you can hear the smile in his voice.
“You know what I meant,” you say.
“Mmmm. Yes, you were worried someone would see.”
“Someone did see.”
You push your lips together and blow out the air exasperatingly just as the waiter returns again, holding two white paper doggie bags crisply folded around your food.
“We apologize for the wait,” he says, and Megumi reaches with one hand to take them both.
“That’s fine. Let’s go.”
Standing is hard, your pants feeling heavy against your weak knees. Megumi should be happy, you can’t even look at the waiter who follows your quick steps with as much eagerness as he has all night, only faltering when Megumi reaches back with his empty hand to take yours. The emptiness in your body is apparent, your skin buzzing as the fabric shifts against your legs with each frantic step out the door into the night.
Megumi squeezes your hand as the waiter shouts out, “Thank you, come again!” and lets the door slam so loud the windows rattle.
“That was so rude!” you gasp.
“I know,” Megumi says, and slows the pace to squeeze your hand again. You look at him, and his teeth are bared now in a smile. “It was very mean of me to tease you. Sorry.”
You try to scowl at him, but the blood is still rushing through you too hard to be really embarrassed or angry. Megumi pulls you close to him, arms brushing together, and kisses you right on the street.
Going home, back to his home, is a speed-walk with his hand still tight against yours, and a few more kisses interrupting giggling words under lanterns and before the entrance of alleys. Megumi kisses you quickly, with teeth scraping your bottom lip. As if making sure more than the one waiter, that everyone in town knows his claimed territory. But below the brightness the heat still rolls in both of your bodies, something you feel at your hips and in the way his grip gets harder the closer you come to his doorstep. When he unlocks the door, the doggie bags are thrown to the foyer floor. Shoes are kicked off.
Megumi slams the door shut, shaking the residence even louder than the restaurant. As soon as you step into the hallway, he cups your face in broad hands, leaning you against the wall, and kisses you none too gently now. His lips are fervent on yours, fingers strong at the back of your neck and holding you tightly to his mouth, tongue against yours hotter than the last of ice water at your cheeks.
“You’re jealous, you’re still jealous,” you say in a gasp when Megumi's next kiss, so eager with fingers twitching at the back of your head, misses and his lips open on your chin. You take a staggering step to the side, and he follows you, sliding further down the hallway.
“Of course,” Megumi says, and there’s a snarl in his voice, the beast rippling just under the surface. You push your hips forward, back flat against the wall and knee between his.
“Do you really think I was flirting with him?”
“That doesn’t matter. It’s that he was flirting with you. And if he made a move… I swear I would have killed him.”
Megumi releases you. You sigh, rolling your hips again to lean for his body, and he slams his hands hard into the wall on either side of your head. It shocks you enough to shiver and eyes widen, coughing out a gasp.
“And you seem to find it funny!”
“No, no, not funny,” you say. You reach forward with open palms, splaying your fingers pleadingly across his chest. His heart hammers. “But – Megumi – don’t you get it, that it doesn’t matter to me who flirts with me or not? I only want you.”
Your hands slide down, his pulse beating below his skin, down his chest, down his stomach, and finding the hard bulge clear in his pants. You can feel the heat of his exhales as his arms on either side of your head begin to weaken, just as you brush over his crotch and palm at him with a gentler touch than his had been on you.
And you’re kinder, soothing his aching fire instead of dragging the teasing on. Stroking again, feeling the perfect curve of his cock rise to prominent outline, you move for the fastening. Megumi’s hands fall with a slight moan as you tug his pants down and come to your knees.
Megumi’s already hard, the rage and adrenaline and boiling jealously making him hot and thick to the touch. You wrap your fingers around him softly, and he twitches in your palm as you stroke from the tip down to dark coils of hair, a gentle waving motion. He moans almost like a growl, unsuppressed, and even in the dark of the foyer you tilt your head to look up at his flushed face.
“Only you,” you say again, softly, and your hand circles up once more. You rub, feeling a sheen of precum already bead against your fingertip. Megumi closes his eyes.
Your own face is beginning to burn, the dim arousal stirring as you shift on your ankles and feel that rub of fiction again. You flex your fingers around his cock involuntarily, the pulse fluttering through you.
Megumi’s hips tilt forward, and you open your mouth to spread your tongue around him. The licks are fat and lazy, slow as you work your tongue over your teeth in short motions. Your lips close briefly, saliva already sliding. The next sound is a slurp from your own mouth crashing into Megumi’s groans coming again from above.
You move around him, tongue rubbing his cock as you go low and then higher to the tip once more. Megumi growls your name, and his hand comes hard to the top of your head when you lick the underside. His grip slides down, another cupping caress at the back of your neck when your tongue withdraws to let your lips close in a pressing kiss.
Megumi’s thumb strokes your neck harder than back at the table, coming to your jaw and forcing a whimper through you at the strength of him. It comes through you wet and lewd, and you break away for a gasping breath. You close your lips again to suck, trapping that air in your chest, and your tongue slides forward in a dip.
Gasping and slobbering and you haven’t even forced him all the way back your throat yet.
Megumi’s body rocks up, his hand cradling you into his hips as you go lower, faster, and you choke.
The air in your lungs burns the further you press, saliva at the corners of your lips and congestion growing at your nose. Your tongue, heavy now at the bottom of your mouth, presses lightly up against his cock as you suck your way down. Megumi makes it easier – or, maybe worse – by pushing your head further again.
You need to breathe now, but he pulls you down. Your nose presses against him, jaw aching, as he holds you and fills your airway with his cock. Digging your nails into his bare thighs only elicits a wild groan in response. Megumi’s cock is thick and pulsing, and your weakly curling tongue finds a hard vein along the underside. You strain to stroke it. Megumi’s fingers flex and press at the back of your neck, as your face grows hot.
It’s unbearable now. You dig nails into Megumi’s legs again, and with one last tense of his hands, he finally lets go. You gag, throat convulsing as you lean on your heels to lean against the wall again with panting-open mouth breaths and drool stringing down your chin.
“Is that what I get for teasing you before?” Megumi pants.
“No,” you say, wiping your mouth with the back of your hands and grinning up him from the floor. “It’s what you get for being a jealous, half-homicidal ass.”
Megumi’s down with you before you realize it, the fire roaring in his eyes exuberant, yearning delight. You reach for his face and he kisses your smirking mouth, a growl slipping through his lips as he slides you from the wall and to your back to rest over you. He pushes at the floor next to your shoulder, elbow bending when he breaks the kiss to reach with his other hand down to your waistband. As if he knew your foolish restaurant desire, he almost rips the pants from you in that feral haste. You arch your back over the floor and groan as his hand flattens against your bare thigh, his body swaying over your twisting form as you kick outstretched legs to help him peel the pants from you.
The hunger building in you too, you wrestle with your shirt, your bra, as Megumi strips you naked on the floor. His hands leave your body with legs spread around him as he sits up to pull his shirt off. In the moonlight cascading from the windows when your eyes focus up through the darkness, his hair spikes wild across his shoulder, jaw dropped and bare chest rising and falling with the force of his breaths.
“Touch me.” Your voice cuts harsh and desperate in the night.
The hard floor is cold at the small of your back as Megumi roughly grips the back of your thighs, just as cool as the rush of air down at your flushed skin. He pushes, rolling your hips and forcing your legs apart. You kick at the wall with one foot as he spreads you further to make space for his body.
Maybe it was all the previous ministration against rough fabric instead of bare sensitive skin, but you can feel how swollen you already are. You twist on the floor as Megumi brings his mouth down, scraping his teeth along your skin and biting your thigh somewhere that feels miles long. You moan, turning your knee in an effort to bring yourself together, hips bucking up for that friction. With breath hot on you, Megumi’s fingers pull together at the back of your thigh and pinch you. You gasp as it jerks your legs apart again.
Megumi’s mouth comes first, tongue immediately, impatiently tasting you and opening your folds. It’s so easy, with how slick you already are, and your knee jerks. You kick the wall again. He makes a harsh breath, something close to a laugh, sending that hot air from his mouth directly to your spread cunt. Even more teasing? You reach down, about to rub yourself frantically, but flex your hands and push Megumi’s hair back from his sweaty forehead instead, giving him a chance.
He lets go of your leg closest to the wall. Your muscles suddenly struggle, pressed on the wallpaper to keep your angle high. Megumi’s tongue spins lazily through your folds, and pulls away to replace with his free fingers.
You moan his name, breaking at the third syllable. His thick fingers slide down through you to stroke at your entrance. You gasp in anticipation, but Megumi doesn’t push inside. He turns his hand, thumbnail scraping your inner thigh as he comes back up to give attention there, right where you wanted it. His fingers coax, stroking against your folds until he finds your clit, and he pushes so hard it almost feels like another pinch. It almost hurts, and you jerk your hips up helplessly, slamming back down to the hard floor when it proves fruitless. He just comes back to do it again, moving his lips back down with a groan that hums through you.
“Oh, oh!”
But for his wild touch, Megumi remains receptive, well-trained, moving to find patterns that elicit your loudest moans. He repeats motions when you whisper, “yes, ‘Gumi, fuck, fuck yes,” and twine your fingers urgently through his hair. So simple, so precisely exactly what you need, tilting your hips to the ceiling as your very skin grows hot. You grasp his hair in a fistful, coarse at your palms. His lips move faster, his tongue pushing saliva and your own arousal through you in a slick mess. He comes back to your clit to suck, and your eyes waver, half-crossing at nothing.
You’ve been babbling, moaning, flexing your feet and rocking your hips urgently into his face, and the pressure hard and heavy behind your stomach is beginning to make you tremble. You’re sweating, uncomfortably hot. Every sensation starts to heighten– every lap of his tongue, every shifting of pressure of his touch, every beat of your heart in your throat and ears.
Megumi pulls his fingers out of your body and rocks back on his knees, one hand drawing himself up over you again. He cups your cunt roughly with the other, pushing at you with thoughtless, rough motions as hard as the restaurant. You clench your thighs around him, clumsily humping his hand to keep it, keep that concentration, that friction that burns down to the bone. You part your lips, and “Me-gu-mi” comes cracking from you again.
He hunches, hair slipping back across his shoulders as he leans down and kisses you again, warm, open-lipped and intoxicating. Megumi smells like sweat, like sex, and he tastes salty, sweet, remnants of you a mouth-watering, heady flavor. When he pushes once more and pulls away, he wipes your slick on the top of your thigh, leaving you once more pulsing around nothing.
“Fuck me, come on, come on,” you say, whining and kissing down his neck, sitting up against him. Your back aches, and head spins, and you bring your hands back to his chest, spreading fingers across him in a pleading grab.
“Then turn around,” he whispers, tilting his head over yours.
It aches to pull yourself away, legs just as heavy as they had felt on the walk home, and the floor is just as harsh under your palms and knees as it had treated your back. You rock back, extending your arms in a long stretch and resting on your heels. Megumi's hands are on your waist, moving with you as he pants in your ear, trying to place his knees around yours. Restlessly, you lean forward on hands and knees again.
He slaps your ass.
“Keep that up and I’ll spank you sore,” Megumi says with a growl.
You moan, an invitation in itself as you rock back just slightly. “Sorry,” you breathe without sincerity. He knows it, and when he spanks you again, it stings.
“Oh, oh.”
He breathes your name when his hands grip your hips and the heels of his palms push your ass to bring himself higher, his hard cock sliding against your skin, and you want to turn around and kiss him just for that.
“Just - fuck - ”
Megumi lets go with one hand, spanks you again, and the drag of his cock on you finds direction as he positions himself to your entrance. The thick, blunt tip, easily slick with your throbbing arousal, pushes in, and your joints go weak as the heat behind your stomach begins to boil again. Your elbows bend, about to let yourself completely kneel back once more, but Megumi slaps you harder as promised.
“What did I - say - ” he pants. There’s only senseless vigor in it, just as the prick of fingernails on your skin digs harder. He pushes in completely, and you almost melt at it again, at every pulsing ridge and vein of his cock thoroughly filling you. You buck your hips, and Megumi growls.
You move with him as he fucks into you, squeezing with your inner muscles and whimpering in loud gasps. He’s pounding hard immediately, giving into the hunger that’s been consuming the both of you for far too long to be decent. His fingers are strong, streaking against your skin as his grip slides, something to discolor and bruise you as dark as his blue eyes tomorrow morning. But it feels so fucking good.
You toss your head back, finding a glimpse of his face in this aching position with back arched, teeth shining in the moonlight and eyes burning on you. He’s so beautiful, so wild, and his fingers bend on your skin.
“Fuck, fuck, look at you,” Megumi pants, and you moan.
He grabs your throat with stroking fingers, forcing your head back to him, spine bowed as his chest comes to your shoulder blades. It aches, the push of his cock lighter at this angle, somehow not reaching so deep but still making you clench your muscles and move your hips back to feel him in you. Your fingertips strain at the floor, and Megumi keeps hissing in your ear.
“I want him to see you like this, I want everyone to see you like this, splayed over my cock as I spread you open - mine - everyone to know, look at you, fuck – ”
You’re barely holding on, air beating out of you when he squeezes your throat, eyes rolling back and unable to find him, just flashes of flexing fingertips and strands of falling hair when he tosses his head and pulls back at your hip. You groan, feeble, grating, half-choked, and gasp when he lets go to place both hands firmly on your hips again and pull you fully back to him.
With that, his cock is driving deep, right to your core, and you cry out. Your hand flat against the ground for balance, you reach down, desperate to rub yourself for impatient release. But Megumi feels it somehow, and at the shift of your back against his sweat-streaked chest, he grabs your wrist and pulls the errant hand to just below your stomach.
“No,” he groans, as his fingers fan against yours to feel the push of his cock just barely swelling under your skin, “I don’t want you cumming like that. I want to be the one, I’m the one, scream my fucking name.”
And you’re so close, coming closer still with those words growled in your ear. You claw at his hand, out of your own desperate lust, and he brings his hips flush against yours and holds you tight with the next stroke in.
“You’re mine,” he says, the possessive wildness a simple crude truth.
He lets go, but you keep your hand there, feeling him in you in every way fucking possible as he thrusts. Despite the snarling bravado, you can feel the urgency in the bruising grip on your hip, in the quickening of his strokes. You tense your thighs and push yourself down, letting him fill you and spread you until you’re barely holding yourself up.
For a flash you can imagine it in the restaurant, so clearly in your mind’s eye, with that same infectious feral urge to have him rip your clothes right off in public – but he’s fucking you with your hands gripping the table for balance instead of this floor; both of your pants shoved down to the ankles as Megumi moves into you with wild haste, forcing the waiter to watch him mark his territory and claim you with his cock right there -
You cry out, hips twisting and convulsing. “I’m so close! Fuck!”
“My name, my name,” Megumi repeats through clenched teeth, saliva flying against the back of your shoulder with the force of his words.
He grabs you, reaching forward and knees bending into yours as he urges you flat to the floor with the earnest fervency of his strokes. He’s pulsing, so thick and large in you, and – there – just there, with his words and touch and your own fevered imagination, everything goes static. You slip down and let the orgasm take you. Megumi’s hands are the only anchor you have as the floor slides below you, your heartbeat drumming through your head and you hear yourself barely able to spit out his name - 
“’Gumi, ‘Gumi, I’m – cumming!”
Megumi, with the last of his control shredded to ribbons, cums with a harsh cry of your own name too, something that makes you whimper as the ripple beats through you and your legs shake again. He shoots hot, palms scrambling flat against your skin. His mouth opens again, biting at your shoulder so sharp you yelp, arching your back and bucking into his body.
“Oh…my god,” you whimper, as he moans your name again into your skin and rocks his hips forward, pushing his seed to flood through you. When he pulls out at last, his own peak subsided, it leaks hot to the swollen folds of your cunt. You shiver again, a weak moan, and then the dark is silent, cut only by two cascading sets of lungs struggling to breathe smoothly.
You lie for a moment, Megumi panting above you as he rocks back on his heels, the reverberating thud of his hand slapping against the wall for balance. The floor is no more comfortable now than it has been, but you gather yourself, heart pounding into the floorboards and slick cold on your cunt, your thighs.
“Let’s make it to the bed next time,” you say, muffled in the wood. Megumi hears you, and lets a weak barking laugh through his heaving exhales.
“I just couldn’t wait.”
“Very impatient tonight.”
“You have no idea,” he says, and there’s something half-serious in his tone now. “I didn’t even want to wait for the food to be ready. I just wanted to get you out of there.”
You laugh, a sound just as exhausted as his own. “Well, look, even if that takeaway is delicious, I never want to go back there. Never, not after the way you treated that poor guy.”
Megumi reaches for you, his hand gentle on your sweaty, aching body. “No, I know,” he says with a voice just as soft as his touch. “Because if he gives me reason… I will kill him.”
He gathers you in his arms as you sit up too, leaning against the wall with him. The gesture of possession is kind this time, and he kisses your cheek, then the corner of your mouth, before cupping your face with strong fingers and moving your lips back to his. You let him move you, kissing you back, smiling against his mouth. Yes, you’re his, and he’s yours.
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furfangsandfierceness · 3 months
Werewolf HRT: First Moon
“I can’t believe it’s finally about to happen!” I pace back and forth through my bedroom, pausing only to glance at the shining full moon rising through the sky. My heart is racing. All my dreams are about to be fulfilled. “Not to be a buzzkill, but those pills might not work” says the other person in the room, my friend Candace. She lowers the video camera and looks at me with worried eyes. 
“You are the first person to be doing this kind of treatment. Plus, it’s only been a month” “Just keep the camera steady, Candy” I snipe back. I’d invited her here to witness my transformation in case anything went wrong, but so far she wasn’t helping much. 
“Another thing. Are you sure it’s safe for me to be in here with a werewolf? Like what if you transform and you aren’t… you anymore.”
“I’d say you have a 50% chance of survival” I joke. Then seeing her solemn face I grow sober. “I wouldn’t ever hurt you, okay? You’re my friend.” This seems to comfort her a little and she relaxes, but the thought still nags at me. What if I just black out and wake up the next morning with no memories of what happened? Or worse: what if I wake up and realize that I’ve hurt someone?Candy interrupts me with another question. “When is this supposed to happen anyway? The moon’s been out for an hour.” “I… have no idea,” I confess.
We wait in silence for twenty minutes. Then thirty minutes. Then an hour. Candy falls asleep, still cradling the video camera. I start to feel really jittery. My skin feels very hot, and I’m sweating buckets. I’m about to go and turn on the AC when I have a sudden, stabbing pain in my teeth. 
Candy jerks awake. “Whaaaa?” she says groggily. I touch the tooth, and I begin to feel it lengthening, sharpening. We look at each other, wide-eyed. “FANGS!” we shout in unison. “Mirror,” I order. Candy hands me a handheld mirror and I look at my face. My canines are lengthening, sliding down over my lips. And my other teeth are beginning to change as well. “Your arm!” Candy shrieks. I look at my forearm and notice chocolate brown hairs beginning to sprout and grow. There’s an itching sensation all over my body, and a burning in my fingers and toes as my nails begin to grow into razor-sharp claws.
I stare at my new, beastly hands, and that’s when it hits. A massive wave of pain rocks me, driving me to my hands (paws?)  and knees. I’m absolutely immobilized by the agony, yet acutely aware of everything happening. I hear the mirror shatter on the floor. Candy’s screaming. I’m trying to scream, but all that comes out is an animal growl. My bones grind and change shape, and I’m painfully aware of a tail forcing itself through my lower back. My face lengthens into a canine snout, and my ears grow. The itching reaches a climax as my fur thickens and envelops my entire body.  I’m regretting every decision I ever made. It’s the worst sensation I’ve ever experienced, and I desperately wish for it to end. And then it ends.
I slowly stand up on my hind paws. The pain is fading, and being replaced by a flood of new sensations: unfamiliar sounds and smells. The heat is almost unbearable, and I’m roasting inside of my thick fur. My tail flicks behind me. And most of all: the uncontrollable hunger, the feral rage, the wild need to run and hunt. I lift up my muzzle and howl, howl to the moon, howl like an animal, howl like the beast that I am.
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twistedtummies2 · 6 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 9
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “How do you think this all works? By being big and being bad.”
Number 9 is…Bigby Wolf, from The Wolf Among Us.
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“The Wolf Among Us” is a video game made by the now-defunct developers Telltale Games. The game was based on the comic series “Fables.” I’m going to come right out and say it: I have never read the comics, and I have basically no real knowledge of them or how the characters and lore in them may differ from the established points in “The Wolf Among Us.” HOWEVER, very thankfully, the game is able to stand up on its own two feet regardless, and so are its characters, so even someone who has basically no knowledge of the source material can still enjoy it.
The game is a sort of choose-your-own-adventure sort of deal; a point-and-click adventure where the player’s choices every step of the way affect how the story plays out, the kinds of relationships you form with other characters, and so on. Some choices are more important than others, but virtually every choice of note is worth pondering. The plot is a combo of film noir crime story and dark fantasy: it takes place in a world where various characters from the world of fiction, after their universe was mysteriously destroyed, have fled to the “real” world in order to seek refuge. They’ve established their own city, called “Fabletown,” where real world problems combine with fantastical adventures, as they struggle to build new lives and survive in this different universe, and hide their identities from the “normies” who exist beyond the borders of the city.
The main character is Sheriff Bigby Wolf. Bigby, as you may have guessed from his name and the title, is the Big Bad Wolf of fairy-tale infamy himself. In the world of the game, Bigby is a werewolf, who can transform from a human to increasingly more wolf-like forms, his true and ultimate form being a GIGANTIC feral beast bigger than elephant, able to create hurricane-force winds with his breath alone, and more than capable of swallowing a person whole. Needless to say, with this kind of setup, and his reputation as one of the greatest, most archetypal villains in history, Bigby isn’t exactly a popular Sheriff. Many fear or distrust him, and those that don’t typically still keep their distance for one reason or another.
Because of the playstyle of Telltale games, Bigby’s exact personality can shift depending on the choices the player makes: he can be sort of a gentle giant, who looks rugged and tough but really isn’t that bad. In contrast, he can be much more morally and ethically dubious, an anti-hero closer to Dirty Harry, who walks a very fine line between a man and a monster. However, regardless of the choices you make, a few things remain constant: Bigby’s general demeanor is that of an almost stereotypical noir-style detective. He’s gruff, grumpy, coarse, and can’t seem to go five seconds without having a cigarette. He’s often cynical and sarcastic, very much the sardonic hard-boiled sleuth. The character is voiced by Adam Harrington, and he does a phenomenal job giving Bigby the airs of such a great archetype, while also injecting vulnerability and sympathy into his portrayal.
The most notable constant of all, however, is Bigby’s motivations: even if you make him especially nasty, it’s usually pretty clear that this Big Bad Wolf is racked with guilt over his past. He knows the stigma that hangs over him is VERY well-deserved, and he legitimately wants to try and help people and make things better. Even when he makes questionable decisions, the majority of them are still justifiable in some fashion or another. He doesn’t want to be seen as the bad guy anymore, he wants to try and start a new life. It’s up to the player to determine if Bigby is truly able to put away the vicious, cruel, beastly sides of his personality and turn over a new leaf, or if his efforts and desires are all in vain.
Even though Telltale officially closed down in 2018, the first game was so popular that it was eventually revived for an upcoming sequel, made by the remnants of the Telltale staff with help from AdHoc Studios. The new game is set to release sometime this year, though no official release date has been given. Whenever it arrives, I look forward to seeing how Bigby’s story continues, and what new paths and new cases will await him in the future.
Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 8!
CLUE: “Just one more thing…”
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katyspersonal · 10 months
18 for Gehrman and 22 & 25 for Laurence!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
We only really have Laurence, Maria, Doll and Moon Presence because whereas Willem, Djura, Eileen and Ludwig are addressed there is so much to headcanon about them that it probably evades "in canon" category... :') I really love the depth and the sadness of both his bonds with Maria and Laurence, regardless of whether they're romantic or platonic. I am a little antsy that they've left some lines suggesting a much deeper bond with Laurence in cut content realm, but I am reusing everything I physically can, sooooo xD
There is also Paleblood Hunter which I love to think is sort of reincarnation of Laurence ( x ), but this one, again, either falls back into Laurence category or there isn't enough to develop during just one night.. 🤔 Final product suggests that Gehrman loves all hunters equally, including us, which is still sweet!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Hahaha, tough luck, I only read fanfics from either 1) people that are unreachable and would never interact with the fandom or 2) people I trust deeply as friends! Reading fanfics became way too important emotional experience for me to mentally manage feeling rejected by the writer as a person. But in the AU where I am a normal person without such deep insecurities, I say everything regarding his story is good! Byrgenwerth era where he only starts picking interest in holy blood? Good. Early Healing Church? Good. His last days where he can't save himself anymore? Good. Whatever time of his life you take will be interesting, because HE is interesting! I definitely adore how Laurence is included in your fanfic, both his personality and his actions!
I do not know the state of Bloodborne fanfics well enough to judge, so I think my general turn-off applies; romantic/sexual fanfics that have such little character-specific or lore-specific context that if you detach the characters from the source material no one will notice! Good ship fanfic is the one that specifically applies to these characters, not just a random fantasy with their names attached! Easiest cheat with this problem is having characters reminiscise or address some prior events in canon, especially if they led to... uhhhh, the """interaction""", but really, there are various ways to bind them to the setting 🤔
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
YEEEEES YES GOOD QUESTION!!!! My first exposure to Bloodborne cast was getting recommended a compillation of boss themes with images attached on Youtube, so I just saw a BW image of his beast form without any context paired with his theme. For some reason I thought he was some wise, serious, dignified monster found (fought?) somewhere in library-like place, and that he could talk too!
I was yet to discover how feral this form of him really was, or that he even used to be a human to begin with! I thought this videogame just had monsters x) Now I am also aware how dirty his hands are, when I thought he was a morally grey character until [player] would disturb him for some reason. He is very complex and deep. Love him for that, but the guy is so heavy that memeing about him is easier dfshfhds But I was right on the money with 'dignified librarian dad' impression, after all! *spoon-feeds you my "Laurence is a son of Cainhurst librarian and quite a bookworm in general" speculation for 700th time*
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^^^ This is also the closest I can get to my first mental image of his human form after I've learned he had one and was a scholar in Byrgenwerth! You can see dark hair and buttchin were always there, but he used to have green eyes and less facial hair... Also his glasses were exclusively for reading. And he was tall and less "cute". I agree the "handsome" beta Laurence is a bit better than my final product <:3 He feels more... laurence-y xD If I am to ever create something 'serious' for Bloodborne, like maybe a large comics, I might roll back to this image more, but for now it is all little kitten Laurence for me.
Thank you for asking!
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haresvoid · 10 months
OOC; i've heard of vampire illithids too, to go with the lich-illithid. thoughts? 👀
❛[ UNPROMPTED QUESTIONS ≻ always accepting!
Vampiric illithids are interesting! From what I know of them, they are basically feral mind flayers whose only focus is drinking blood and eating brains and returning that source to Elder Brain. If this is meant to be creatures in subject to illithilich Ome, I'm certain that is possible, but I wonder if their needs and mental state would be unappealing to Ome whose usage of undead anyways is to aid self and others.
However, if a new breed of vampiric illithids came to be that were less mindless beast then that might be of more interest- a lil undead colony would be a fascinating possibility. Especially since Ome does still have the colony wanting trait that all illithids do. As long as it can ensure this wouldn't lead to evil actions it would be fine with it.
If this is in subject to a different undead possibility for Ome instead of becoming Lich though, again it would just be finding a version that doesn't cause mindless hunger and that's it. Also would have to possible add on need for blood traded for brains and it would probably be an offer Ome would take, given its whole fear of death.
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sunset-peril · 5 months
Wolfbred: The Affection Coded Beast Tribe
TW: very mild mentions to incest, primarily through rumor; and clear mention and depiction of genetically altered humans
The Wolfbred are an ancient, recently "rediscovered" tribe of genetically modified Hylians with feral tendencies and some physiologies. A sub-tribe to the Hylians, their natural ancestors hailed from the old Ordona region, which is now the Faron Grasslands. The exact era of the region's fall is unknown, but the region fell at some point between the Zonai's arrival in Hyrule and the construction of the Divine Beasts. They can all have their ancestry traced to the Link of the Twilight Era (Known as the Twilight Soldier in Wolfbred culture). These individuals are regarded as 'werewolves' despite not undergoing transformation like a typical werewolf. However, they do gain a wolf form like their ancestor when exposed to Twilight. In modern times, their reputation amongst others tends to follow as thus; that they "steal one's women and ravage their sisters."
The tribe originally came about through natural means, although the exact means remains under debate. Wolfbred believe themselves to have been created when the Twilight first came into contact with their ancestor, and that Twilight magic remained embedded in his genetics. Sheikah geneticists working with them believed that their ancestor must have gained their unique genetics from an unidentified ancient source. Common folk, especially among the modern era where ancient records concerning the Wolfbred have been lost, believe them to be literal Wolf-Hylian hybrids, suggesting that their ancestors crossbred with Wosu. The massive span of time between the Twilight Soldier's era and the Age of Rauru prevents an absolute answer from being derived.
The tribe gained its reputation as an "unnatural" tribe around the era of the Divine Beasts' construction. This is because they were seized from their homeland and brought to Castle Town to refine them into super soldiers for the Royal Family and their Sheikah researchers.
As with complicated relations with other tribes, the Wolfbred's poor reputation with Hyrule as a whole is a conglomeration of both past injustices and modern misinterpretations. Past injustices being inclusive of an ancient Wolfbred's vile rampage against the tribes of Hyrule and the genetic modification that ended up following. Modern misinterpretation follows suit as an extrapolation of the effects of recent desperations, which led to an assumption that because a few were forced to an immoral situation that all tribal members innately wish to be in such a situation. Applying the interpretations of private Hylian society onto the communal society of the Wolfbred have further perpetuated such assumptions, especially in the wake of increasing tribal desperation.
Although the Wolfbred retain a springtime breeding season similar to the non-domestic wildlife of Hyrule, such a physiological difference from other tribes does not appear to be a significant factor. In fact, members of the royalty and nobility of non-Wolfbred tribes did not even seem to be aware of the Wolfbred tribe's seasoning until over a year after a male Wolfbred joined the ranks of the Hyrulean nobility as a Champion.
So a question is begged from the scientific mind: If the obvious factor for a tribe being seen so beast-like was not even a consideration until recently, what is the cause?
The answer, or at least the most obvious of answers, appears to be of no biological standpoint, but that typical Wolfbred behaviors are being interpreted in a romantic or sensual light by outside onlookers.
Of course, the social structure of a tribe carrying ten millennia of rigid isolation from others cannot, and should not, be changed to fit the expectations of the greater Hyrulean society, yet it is also not suitable for the greater Hyrule to continue to interpret social behaviors in such a light.
Therefore, it is imperative to inform about the types of non-verbal communication throughout the tribe.
The following are depictions of common Wolfbred behaviors that are often misinterpreted by Hylian society
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Two Wolfbred laying together, on stomach or side. Inner Wolfbred can be pressed into side of outer Wolfbed. An affiliative behavior, used as protection of the inner Wolfbred. Often misinterpreted as romantic or sensual, but can be seen with any pair of friendly Wolfbred. Primarily used among friends and family, especially if one is weaker than the other. Main signs? Heads are facing the same direction. If the outermost Wolfbred's head is near the butt of the other, it is not this behavior.
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Two or more Wolfbred laying together, with the heads pointed in the opposite direction. Technically an affiliative behavior as well as a protective one, but seen only in mated pairs. The two-Wolfbred version is typically since only in expecting pairs, especially as birth nears.
An extended version exists where other Wolfbred lay in the same criss-cross formation around the main pair. This version is typically seen in larger families, hunting parties, or other similar situations where the pack is resting, but eyes are needed in each direction. In family formation, the mother and father are center-most. In hunting formation, the pair leading the hunt are center-most.
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Two Wolfbred nose-to-nose, one with head pointed down and one with head pointed up. Despite how this may look, this is an affiliative behavior. Wolfbred are a deferent breed, and this behavior is a common greeting/approach. Yes, it's still affiliative (not romantic/sensual) even when they're licking each other's snouts. Intense sniffing can occur between any Wolfbred, touching noses (a boop, if you will) is equivalent to "I like you", while licks are reserved for family.
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Two Wolfbred nose-to-nose, at eye level. This is an aggressive behavior when used as a greeting, as it is seen as a failure to defer. This behavior, combined with quick or sudden movements, may make the Wolfbred being approached lunge and bite at the Wolfbred approaching them. This behavior is why Hylians often believe the Wolfbred to be always looking to fight, because Hylians normally approach each other at eye level, which is a challenge to the Wolfbred.
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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who-is-page · 2 years
Can I ask, what is beastpunk? - Alex
To copy-paste from the original Tumblr post on it here:
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Beastpunk is subculture/term for anyone who identifies as partially or entirely as a nonhuman creature in an integral or intrinsic way, regardless of the origin or perceived nature of their identity, and who:
Embraces and celebrates their nonhumanity and animality, and (if applicable) the overlap and entanglement between one’s human and nonhuman identity
Embraces abnormal instincts and behaviors related to their own and others’ nonhumanity, so long as no active harm is done to another non-consenting individual or any real life animal
Interacts with their nonhumanity and displays it in socially unconventional or undesirable ways, and accepts and celebrates others doing so as well
Revels in the history of animal-people and beast-folk in all ways known: from the alterhuman community, from mythology, and from cultural or spiritual backgrounds relevant to the person in question
Throws respectability politics into the dumpster, lights it on fire, and dances around the burning corpse of the god “Cringe” in the moonlight
Is, unabashedly and genuinely, animal
This term is meant to be a reclamation of animalistic nonhuman identity, especially regarding individuals who may experience their nonhumanity in eccentric, “feral,” or otherwise socially unacceptable or even stigmatized ways. Beastpunk is also open to endels, clinical lycanthropes, and others who experience nonhumanity in ways related to their mental health and physical bodies, although it is not open to self-identified p-shifters and p-shifter packs. Anyone who’s ever been told that their animality is “too much,” or that they’re taking their identity as a nonhuman creature “too seriously,” or who has lost previous words/groups they’ve used to define themself due to terminological drift, KFF appropriation and re-defining, or others gatekeeping their identity’s authenticity is welcome to take up this term. Fictherians and fictional nonhuman creatures are also included in beastpunk, which is meant to be explicitly pro-fictionkin and fiction-based identities; theriomythics, folcintera, and mythkin are also included in beastpunk. Any and all nonhuman creatures, regardless of source or origin, are included.
🚫 This term is not meant for KFF and other forms of anti-otherkin, anti-fictionkin, and similar. This term is not meant for self-identified “zootherians,” “zoosexuals,” “zetas,” and similar. 🚫
If you have any more questions on it, feel free to ask! :V I just didn't want to retype and resummarize the Beastpunk stuff because I'm sick and don't have many spoons right now.
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spice-chan · 4 years
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description - king Katsuki Bakugo, who’s desperate in wanting to get closer to his mate hatches a morally dubious plan to do so. Let himself get injured ? check. Convince his clueless mate that his dragon needs to breed her otherwise he will rampage ? check. 
warnings - Bakugo is soo bad at feelings. loss of virginity (m&f), dom bakugo, vaginal penetration, dirty talk ?, clueless reader, breeding kink, slight lactation kink but reader isnt lactating, implied brain washing. Bakugo and his dragon are like two separate entities who existing in one body. feral baku. mentions of poison and injury. Manipulation. slight dub con if you squint.
The first time Bakugo met you was after a meeting at your kingdom. A meeting he was more than disgruntled at having to attend. 
You were the epitome of angelic, you had pretty, curly hair that framed your face, with bright (e/c) eyes that glistened in the sun as you helped a maid up. There was not an ounce of supercility or contempt in your humble smile. He didn’t even think you were a royal at first glance from how willing you were to touch and talk to someone so beneath you societally. 
Not that he thought a lot at that moment, because the only thought going through his head was - 
That, he made you. 
At least in the eyes of the nations of the dragons and your home land. 
Not in the eyes of his dragon, the fiery beast who resided within him, and neither in his, because he craves you in intimate ways that he has yet to experience, let alone experience with you, his wife. 
He promptly negotiated a marriage with your family who approved, and married you a week after. 
You didn’t get a say in it, in fact, you only spoke to him a few times before the knot was tied. It physically pained Katsuki to see the resent in your eyes. 
You slept next to him everyday, but he knew you wished to be far, far away from him. 
The closer his body got to you, the further you shrunk away from him. It was pitiful, how your small and fragile body that was made for him, scurried far away from the body made to protect it, the body it should be lusting over.
He was well endowed, a very tall man with muscles earned through hours of grueling training, yet the only thing you graced him with was a polite smile as you passed him in the hallway. 
He loved you, gosh, he loves you so bad. But you can’t see it, can you ? You just see a man who you were forced to marry within a week who ripped you away from your life. A strange, barbaric man who growls when things don’t go his way and sniffs your hair after he deems that you’ve fallen asleep. 
And Bakugo has a plan to finally make you want and need him. 
The sunlight hasn’t yet painted the sky a yellow hue, yet Katsuki somehow finds himself waking up. He stirs awake, his eyes opening languidly as his over sensitive nose seeks the smell of his mate. He turns his head to your side on instinct, and finds you snoozing without a care, your chest rhythmically moving up and done, and adorable features relaxed and vulnerable. 
Vulnerable, yet you sleep so far from him, the distance between the both of you almost reminds him of the sun and moon. 
When he married you, he bit your neck to mark you, making you officially his mate. Bound to him for life. He could deduce that you are his soulmate, a phenomenon among dragon species. They were a powerful nation, therefore to make sure their numbers don’t go out of control yet stay stable, they were gifted with soulmates. The only person they will feel sexual attraction to during their long, long lives. Their mate will age like them and the children, if one parent wasn’t of dragon kin, will still turn out full dragons. Their blood is powerful. No wonder your parents were so eager to tie themselves with him. He feels slightly furious when he remembers how eager they were to marry you off, did you live with this sort of apathy from your parents your whole life ? 
Well, it doesn’t matter how those bastards treated you because you are with him now. Besides, their uncaringness made the marriage easier and smoother. 
He turns to face you, and finds you sleeping with your back to him, your hair looks like a pretty mess across the pillow. Do you feel trapped ? Do you sometimes lament on the years you will have to stay bound to him ? 
But questions fly out of his head when his eyes stray to your form. He pants softly in need, his dragon clawing at him to claim you. Your silk nightdress did little to cover your voluptuous ass, and the spaghetti straps did little to cover your spilling cleavage, and least from what he could see from your back to him. He feels incredibly robbed about not being able to touch you right now. But he didn’t want you to hate him…
He turns his head away from you and steadies his breathing, but the tent in his pants stood proudly. Great, another day of rubbing one for you instead of ravishing you… 
The first step of his plan to get closer to you is to prey on your kindness. He’s going to let himself get injured enough to trigger his dragon’s self defence mechanism. That means not letting anyone get close to him, because he classifies everyone as a threat, except his mate, of course. 
Now, how to do it without losing his honour as the dragon king is the true question. 
Well, the answer to that is one of his counsel man. A mad cowardly enough to run away from a fight with the dragon king, and lacking honour enough to try and poison him at the same time for a few thousand quads. 
Bakugo holds his sword in a lackadaisical manner, staring at the man across from him who shivers from his intense glare. Bakugo rolls his blood red eyes, his mouth forming into a sneer. Look what finding his mate had reduced him to. 
A vulnerable mess. 
The training ground is filled with spectators who stopped their own training to watch their king fight, a necessary thing for his plan to work. He’ll have you in his arms in no time. 
His dragon rumbled in happiness at the thought of having his mate. 
The fight starts, with steel meeting steel, a minute goes by, and just as discussed, the man lets go of his sword, forfeits and bows down. 
Then grabs a sharp dagger from his pocket, coated with paralyzing poison, and slashes it across Bakugo’s chest before making a run. 
Katsuki feels his limbs become heavier, falling to the floor as the large opening in his chest bleeds and burns. Had he not been a dragon, this cut would have been fatale to his mortality. His pupils dilate as the sound of growls fill the air. His simple minded beast trying to warn the bystanders to keep clear of him or else. His dragon desperately tries to get it’s host to move, and when the beast tries to take over the host in order to survive, Bakugo gladly let’s it. 
The wiser of the bunch go to fetch the queen, their hearts hammering across their chests in anxiousness as a murderous aura surrounds their king, which is fatal to them. A dragon in this state will kill anything and everything around it to ensure its survival. His abilities, which are already deadly, will be doubled once the effects of the poison wear off. They can’t run, that would be shameful, but they can hope that the queen gets here in time. 
Deadly and furious growls fill the air, their eyes keep on switching from looking at the imminent threat that is their king and their possible saviour which is his queen. 
His toes and fingers move, and Bakugo’s reptilian eyes lock on them in clear warning. No sight of you. His claws elongate and his teeth lengthen and sharpen, their size enough to rip a chunk of meat clear of a man's chest. No sight of you. 
His limbs are slowly becoming mobile again, but too fast for the spectators' liking. No sight of you. 
They were slowly succumbing to their gruesome fates. 
His feet, which have regained mobility, along with his arms, support his previously supine body into a standing position. His enraged face faced them, his fiery throat lightening up and ready to erupt them into flames. And he was about to, until a -
“Katsuki !” 
He abruptly turns towards the sound, familiarity oozing from every syllable of the soft angelic voice that called him. 
His reptilian eyes lock on her neck, recognizing the soft pink marks that mar her neck as his own. 
“Mate.” His guttural voice spoke, the sound so deep and raw it was almost inhuman. 
You were slightly taken aback that he recognised you in this state. Dragons must really put their mates on a higher pedestal, especially considering how he was about to toast those men… 
“Mate” he repeats. He turned to the strangers, growling at them with newfound vigour. They are a threat to his mate. Kill threat. 
“No. No, no.” You said in horror, waving your hands back and forth to get his attention away. 
You slowly walk to him, your steps tentative as you gauge his reaction. He seems confused, and he remained unresponsive, at least verbally. 
You steps continue until you you could feel the warmth emanating from his body, and that's when his arms circle you and pull you possessively to his chest, protecting you as he shields your face away, still wary of the ‘threats’. 
“Katsuki, what happened, why are you trying to kill them ?” You speak patiently, trying to ignore how close you are to him. This is the closests you’d ever been to a male, and your face speaks volumes of that. 
“Kill me. Kill mate.” 
You quirk a brow in confusion. “What do you mean ? Why are you speaking like this Katsuki ?” 
“No Katsuki. Me !” He growls in frustration, looking into your eyes desperately, his eyes seem more… red- more animalistic somehow. Even when he looked into your eyes, he still kept an eye on the men nearby, who for some fucking reason are still here. 
“Why are you guys just standing here ?! He obviously wants to kill you, go !” You command, your soft voice raising into an octave none of them ever heard from their kind queen. 
The earth shook as a booming voice rocks the earth, you look left and right, trying to find the source of it when you realize that you are hugging the source. 
Katsuki’s skin fills with leathery patches of red, and his elongated nails pierce your skin as he holds you protectively, his eyes try to find the slightest movement in his surroundings. So he can eliminate it. 
“Mate. Angry.” 
You were starting to understand something. 
“Oh. Are you the dragon ?” You ask,  once again trying to direct his attention to you. 
He nods, his features relaxing slightly as he looks at you. 
“Well-uh- um, why are you trying to kill them ?” You ask him in an attempt to diffuse the situation, your uncertainty leaked into your words however. 
“Threat.” Came his simple answer. 
You sigh, trying to think your words over but you feel choked. There’s many lives on your hand. 
“No. They aren’t a threat.” That caught his attention. You gesture with your head to the exit of the training grounds, and decide to tug him after he stood still for a solid minute instead. 
That’s how you end up tugging a dragon to his bed, who in turn keeps a tight hold on you and growls at anything that moves. 
Eventually, we made it to the bedroom. You open the door, noticing that for the first time, the dragon seemed somewhat relaxed. 
“Do you have a name ?” You question him curiously, having tired of calling him dragon in your head and otherwise. 
He seems more like a puppy now, trying to cling to you while you lead him to the bed. He rubs his head against your cheek, trying to get his smell on you, but when he registered your question, he shook his head. 
“Do you mind if I call you something ?” 
He smiled excitedly, maybe like a child offered candy, but his sharp teeth were anything but childlike. You’ve no doubt they could rip flesh like marshmallows. 
You took that as a sign of acceptance. 
“Ok ! Oh, but maybe I shouldn’t give you a new name. Since you are Katsuki… Ok I’ll just call you Bakugou so I don’t mix the two of you up.” You exclaim with child-like vigor, the innocence in your eyes contradicting how consequential your current actions are. The dragon and his human host, who are so incredibly enamored with their mate, are carefully weaving a web in an attempt to trap her. Their mate, who was slowly inching to the web out of her own free will. 
He nods.
Your eyes stray down. You gasp at the sight of his bloodied chest. 
“Oh God ! I’m so sorry, this must hurt a lot.” You apologize profusely, mistaking his growl as a pained one. You move to call for a medic or something of the sort, but Ares grabs you and pulls you to lay on the bed, your supine body beneath his large frame. 
He looks down at the gash, his body will recover soon. He can’t smell anyone nearby or in the room except himself and his mate. So there’s no danger. 
His chest rumbles in happiness though, knowing his mate was worried about him. “I heal.” 
The worry evaporates from your face, instead replaced with amazement. Though the sight was unappealing, upon taking a closer look, you could see the edges of the cut sewing themselves together. 
“Amazing.” You breath out. His chest puffs up in pride, knowing he was the cause of the current expression painting his mate’s features. 
“Cute-“ his simple observation causes your face to heat up ”-good mate” and the rest of his statement didn’t help that. His face leans down and instead of pecking you, he nudges your face, and sinks down to your neck where he starts laying kisses, then slowly begins licking. The warm sensation was strange, but you didn’t find yourself hating it when he spread his warm saliva on your neck. You didn’t even find yourself hating it when his teeth start softly suckling on your neck like a chew toy. His sharp teeth aren’t quite breaking the skin. 
A content sigh leaves your lips as tingles travel down your spine. He continues leaving love bites on your neck, and upon finding it decently covered, he goes on to suck on the mating mark, and to your horror, a tiny moan escapes your lips. His movements pause, and his wet mouth detaches from your neck to flash you a smirk, and you found yourself longing for the sensation. 
This is strange, you should be protesting, you should be embarrassed, but it feels as though a fog is clouding your senses. A sweet, sweet fog. It’s as if you’re put under a spell and all that is occupying your mind is the dragon who claimed you as his mate. Little do you know, you aren’t that off mark. 
“Hot.” He says as he caresses your cheek with his calloused finger hand. 
“I’ve never done this with anyone before. It feels so nice…” you confess, your eyes seem glossier than usual, it’s as if being teased by this pleasurable feeling then having it taken away is frustrating enough to make you want to cry. 
He made a satisfied noise that is akin to a rumble and a growl. “Good. Mate is mine.” 
His hand starts caressing your tummy. Even with the dress you adorned, you can still feel the warmth. His head followed the direction of his hand, his nose doggedly sniffing your stomach. If you hadn’t known he was a dragon, you might’ve assumed he was a wolf shifter. 
“No hatchling.” 
You frown, not having expected this. 
“Do you want kids ?” You ask and receive a singular word in response. 
You grow increasingly uncomfortable as every daunting second passes by. You didn’t like the direction of this conversation at all. If you could even call it that. 
Would Katsuki be repulsed by his dragon’s behaviour? Would he be repulsed and weirded out by you ? He didn’t let the tiniest hint that he might like you slip out. 
You notice that the sky outside has darkened. It would be safe to assume there would be no dinner tonight. Not with this primal dragon keeping you away from the prying eyes of anyone. You wiggle out of this hold, and when he notices that you are trying to slip away, he makes a move to grab you but you stop him by putting a hand on his shoulder. “No.” He whines in response, trying to ignore the barrier of your hands but you repeat the ‘no’. 
“I have to change.” You explain, wincing at the thought of sleeping with this uncomfortable gown. Pretty, but uncomfortable. 
Bakugo was about to protest, your dress made you look like the queen you are, the pastel shades of pink and flowers decorating it make you look...Cute. But then the image of your nightgowns cross his mind. 
Your tiny, tight nightgowns that leave most of your delicious legs on display and do little to contain your womanly breasts that are going to fill with milk and feed his hatchlings soon enough. 
He lets you go, and to his delight, you come out of the bathroom in a maroon night dress. Your maids would usually come in two hours to prepare you for bed, but today is a mess as it is. Maybe going to bed earlier would be favourable for everyone. 
Katsuki’s chest is completely healed, nothing but a tender, pink line across his chest to tell the tale. You could bet that by morning there would be nothing. And this day will be a forgotten memory in your husband’s mind. You brought with you a wet towel to wipe his chest of any remaining blood. 
You sit on the edge of the bed, and push his body into a supine position. He watched you intensely and in silence as you wipe his chest, the warmth blooming across it either from the hot water that dampened the towel or from the love within the confines of his heart as you cared for him. Maybe it’s because for once, he feels true care from the other side of the bond the two of you share. 
He loves you so fucking much. If only he can just tell you. Well he can, but Katsuki can’t . You’ll reject him and it’ll ruin everything. 
“I love you, mate.” He speaks softly, that even his deep voice feels like a warm blanket on a winter day because of how tender his confession is. 
Your blood rushes to your face and ears, but you clear your throat awkwardly. You don’t know what to do. The dragon might think that he does because of course he fucking would, he marked your neck and bonded with you, but Katsuki doesn’t. 
“Thank you.” You reply stiffly, before disposing the towel and washing your hands. 
Your head is reeling from the confession, but you feel incredibly robbed, for some twisted reason. If only you got stuck in a loving marriage, if only. You yearn for love, but the one person in your love who mentioned love in relation to you is a beast who’s human host will never let out after this turn of events. 
The dragon, Bakugou, on the other hand wasn’t faring any better. He was happy when you expressed your gratitude in relation to his confession, but when he clocked that you never said it back his mood plummeted faster than a dragon whose wings got obliterated mid flight. 
His mood felt so low, that when Katsuki prodded him for control, he didn’t protest. 
 After freshening up yourself, you return to the bedroom and immediately sense the change in demeanor. 
Katsuki should do this now. He needs to bind you to him emotionally. 
“(Y/n). I need to speak to you.” He motions for you to sit down, his voice that’s usually boisterous and loud is now eerily calm. 
You walk, the padding of your steps filling the otherwise empty room. 
The few seconds it took you to sit on your side of the bed, facing him, were enough for him to finalise his plan. 
“I need to get you pregnant.” Your mouth gapes at his blunt statement. 
“Excuse me ?”
“This thing today, it happened because we delayed consummating our mating because I knew you weren’t ready. But I can’t delay this anymore. I’m sorry, but my dragon demands a hatchling, or what happened today could be repeated until I can’t control him anymore.” He explains. Don’t question. Don’t question. Please, accept his explanation- or more befittingly, his lies. 
You didn’t see his paralyzed form on the floor, he didn’t especially fill you in on what mating entails. 
And he’s reaping full advantage of that. 
Maybe his lies will come back to bite him, but he needs a child with you so he knows you won’t leave him—maybe after tonight, you’ll also develop some affection for him. He’ll be so good to you, you just have to give him a chance. 
His heart pounds so hard that he can hear it as loud as a drum being played right next to his ears. His poor, sensitive ears that will soon fill with the sound of your moans. 
You sigh. You didn’t want to do this. It was too abrupt. To have a child… but the thought of endangering all those lives didn’t sit well with you. It’s not Katsuki’s fault, it’s not, it was nice of him to wait for you anyway. But tears still formed at the corner of your eyes. Frustrated tears, helpless, angry tears. But tears won’t help you. 
He could have forced you to do it on your wedding night and demanded you perform your duties as a wife, even if you didn’t want to do it. And for his understanding, you were grateful. 
“I-“ your voice cracks”-I—I understand.” And his heart cracks upon seeing your red eyes that filled with tears, tears that veiled the natural curiosity and brightness that your eyes seemed to naturally permeate. Tears that didn’t make you any less beautiful to him. 
Before he starts feeling guilty, he reminds himself that he’s doing this for your future. He’ll make your sadness and doubt disappear soon enough. 
His hand, as if it has a mind of its own, goes to your soft cheeks and wipes the falling pearls. Your doe eyes look at him, innocently surprised, and the witness coating your lenses only made you look more angelic. As if acknowledging that you’re at his mercy-or rather, trusting him with your sadness. 
He wipes all your fallen tears, then brings your smaller body closer and hugs you. This would have been greatly romantic-and it was to you, but the underlying truth is that Bakugo is the cause of those tears. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you and our hatchling.” We’ll be the perfect family, just that way we're always supposed to be, mate. 
“It’s-“you hiccup”- it’s fine. I-I don’t blame you.” You reassure, returning his hug. You were surprised that Katsuki was capable of being nice like this, you didn’t know that he possessed a gentle and tender touch. Everyone always pitied you for being forced into wedlock with him, despite keeping their opinions to themselves. Maybe that’s what caused the barrier in your relationship. You suddenly feel shame at judging him so fast. 
But instead, you soak up the warmth of his body pressed against yours. 
Katsuki took the initiative, he cups your cheek and presses his warm, supple lips against yours. A truly loving kiss, because Katsuki loves you and he’s about to show you what him loving you entails. 
Surprisingly, his dragon makes an odd request.
Katsuki tries to continue kissing you but his dragon is growing increasingly demanding with his pursuit of control. 
Katsuki detaches from your lips, dissatisfied with it, but why ? The first time he kissed you at your wedding, it was magical, but now he hungers for more. 
Through his frustration, he lets his control slip and that’s when Ares comes out. 
And he truly looks like the God of War. 
He’s ready to conquer.
He smashes his lips against yours, rather roughly, and the smacking sounds of your lips filled the room. His warm tongue prods your lips, and through your inexperience, you clumsily followed his cue. He’s like a more primal version of Katsuki. 
His tongue begins exploring every crevice and every corner of your mouth, only becoming more hungry at the taste of you. 
He only separates himself after you start running out of breath and when your delicate hands push his chest away. 
His hungry eyes take in your red and swollen lips appreciatively. “Mate delicious.” 
His smirk however, flips to reveal the unfamous scowl of Katsuki. 
“Sorry. He’s eager. He wants to breed you roughly, he demands it.” Katsuki tells you shamelessly, panting with need and cheeks blushed lewdly. His predatory eyes take in your compromising position, thinking of different positions to breed you. 
“It’s ok, just please be gentle with… you know-- I’m a virgin...” you remind him with a chuckle as you try to play it off, but the embarrassment is evident on your face. Katsuki was well aware of the fact, but seeing you admit that he would be the one to deflower you just made the tent in his pants more obvious. Sprawled out beneath him, trying to avoid eye contact from shyness. What a beautiful sight. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy it.” 
He went back to kissing you, and his dragon kept giving him tips, surprisingly, and seeing how he ravished your lips before, he took the beasts advice wholeheartedly. He shed his clothes while you were preoccupied with his lips. 
“I am too, if it makes you feel any better.” That’s pleasant to hear, and it only gave your ever improving image of Katsuki more credibility. He’s not like those perverted male royals who frequently use prostitutes while fussing over the slightest male interaction their wives have. You guess that’s a plus of marrying a dragon.
After he thoroughly swapped saliva with you, his lips go to your ear and breathlessly whisper “I’m going down to prep you.” 
Your features scrunch adorably in confusion. “What do you mean ? Don’t you just put it in ?” 
He internally coos at your words, so naive. 
Outwardly though, he chuckles. “You’d be crying if I just shoved my dragon cock on you sweetheart.” 
You gasp and his words and cover his mouth with your hand. 
“Katsuki ! Don’t be crude. And did you just call your manhood cock ?” 
He continues chuckling, only now with new found vigor while removing your hands. “Yes, I called it cock.” 
His red eyes didn’t seem to hold the slightest bit of shame, you huff grumpily. 
“Ok (y/n), you have to be relaxed for me, ok ?” He asks seriously, and you nod, not knowing what to expect, but willing to let him lead. 
Katsuki goes between your legs, and lifts your tiny dress up to reveal your panties. He could already see some wetness. He slips your cotton panties down to reveal the delicious sight of your pussy. 
You adorably turn your face away, not willing to look any longer at him looking at your private parts. 
He’s lucky his primal urges are guiding him on what to do or he’d be lost, but his dragon is eagerly licking his lips at finally being able to taste his mate. He takes a tentative lick, and becomes pleased when you tense up. He takes another, slower one and when he pinpoints the exact location that had you tensing, he pays attention to it. 
After hearing a cute, restrained moan escape the confines of your mouth, he begins sucking on your clit. Your thighs close around him as you moan louder. 
“Ah. Katsuki, that feels so good.” So sexy, it’s like all his dirty daydreams in one sentence. 
He keeps sucking, and his fingers prod at your opening. You were lubricated enough that his thick finger slips right in. He experimentally thrusts it in and out while he keeps on sucking you and gets rewarded with pleasurable noises from you. 
He adds a second finger, the stretch still not quite enough. 
A third finger prods your entrance, and you gasp. “Please slow down Katsuki…” 
He gives your thigh a kiss, and murmurs a little apology before he resumes eating you out. 
Your thighs clamp around his head in pleasure as he continues sucking you. Your heart rate speeds up as you abandon all inhibitions and moan for the man pleasuring you. 
“Katsuki I feel- I feel like I’m going to pee…” you confess bashfully as he continues to suck you with his mouth while two of his fingers thrust in and out of you, mimicking the movement of his manhood. 
“No, you're about to cum. Don’t hold it back.” He commands you. So that’s what the knot you feel in your stomach is. 
He takes his fingers out and uses both of his hands to lift your hips up. His tongue teases your nub, not sucking anymore but merely rubbing your clit with the tip of his tongue. The loss of the stimulation of his fingers, added with this, makes you come down from your high. Frustrated tears stream down your face as dissatisfaction gnaws on your chest. 
“Why ?” Your question while looking down at his face between your legs, he gives your clit lazy strokes. 
“You didn’t say thank you. Is that how a good mate behaves ?” Katsuki’s voice was deeper now, not deep enough for it to be Bakugo-the dragon, but deep enough for you to know he’s primal right now.
He did say he wanted it rough… 
“I’m sorry Katsuki. I’ll be good from now on, promise !” You beg, desperately for more stimulation then the lazy strokes if his tongue. 
“I don’t know if I should believe you.” He rubs his dampened chin, looking contemplative. 
“Please, I’m gonna be a good mate ‘n say thank you Katsuki.” You plead again and he hums in response. 
Katsuki is crooning with pride seeing how desperate for him you are. Your lip wobbles as you beg, dependent, submissive to him and only him. 
“Fine, since you begged so nicely. But next time, I’m going to punish you.” You nod in acceptance. But before he can reprimand you for the same mistake, you use you words. “Ok, thank you.” His chest rumbles in pride at your obedience. 
In no time, Katsuki had you cuming in his tongue, and he laps it up, moaning at how tasty at is. 
“Thank you- ah. Thank you-“ you babble incoherently. 
Katsuki lays kisses on your thighs, giving a few nibs to mark you. 
He slips your night dress off while you bask in the afterglow of release and growls at the delicious sight of your bare breast. 
He captured a nipple in his mouth, twirling his tongue on the sensitive skin then suckling like a hatchling would. 
You bury your hand in his hair, pulling at it as pleasurable tingles travel through your body. 
“Gonna fill those with milk soon.” He declares, his fierce and deep voice confident while he squeezes your breasts in his hand. 
He took off any remaining layers on himself, deciding he delayed this enough. He was kind of nervous at your reaction. 
You look in horror at his monstrous manhood, huge, absolutely huge and the thickness towards the end could compare to a coke can, a fizzy common drink you saw servants indulge in. 
“ it’s not going to fit.” You say, folding your legs against your chest protectively. This huge thing, inside you ? Hah. 
“Yes it is.” He growls. But he softens his tone when he sees the intimidated look on your face. 
“Don’t worry.” Even though you still wanted to protest, you realize that it’s not like he can help his size, so you nod cautiously. 
He takes hold of your ankles and spreads them further apart, revealing your juicy core. 
A white pearl of precum gathers at the tip of his dick, glistening and proof of his excitement at finally being able to breed you and claim your body. His balls were full and ready to be milked inside your walls. 
“There, you can hold my hand. And tell me if it hurts.” You nod, and he interlocks his fingers with yours while his other hand adjusts his cock at your entrance. He pushed it inside, smoothly at first and he had to bite his lip to contain the whine that was going to slip out. A few inches in and you were gripping his hand until both of your knuckles turn white. 
“It hurts.” You rasp out. Well that’s troublesome, less then half his cock is inside. 
Despite how tempting it is to just ram it all in, and bask in the warmth of your walls, he gave you his word. So he pulls out, his length wet from your juices. 
He puts one of your legs over his shoulder and goes eye level with your cute, tight little hole that didn’t manage to take him. 
He gathers saliva in his mouth, then sticks his tongue inside. His warm muscle fucks you for a few minutes, thrusting in and out and relaxing your rigid walls. 
But when you start moaning for release, he takes his wet muscle out. 
Half of his length slips right in from your wetness. 
He grabs your hand and laces his fingers in yours yet again. Your hot walls clamp around him, and as he pushes his length in more and more, your tightness becomes comparable to a piece of cloth stretched too thin. It feels as if he’s going to rip you apart. 
Tears slide down your face, he’s too much. “Katsuki, it hurts…” he squeezes your hand, and begins kissing your tears away, distracting you from the painful penetration. 
“I’m all in honey. It’s ok.” He rasps out. You sigh in relief. It hurts so badly, but you’ll bear with it like a good mate. 
He stays still for a few moments, cockwarming you, while he tries to restrain his raging dragon. He growls in satisfaction, having popped your cherry and claimed your body. His scent is all over your body, even your insides. 
He begins moving his hips, hungry for the friction. You start to relax slightly, and after a few thrusts, you start to even enjoy it. 
He moans when your walls squeeze him, squelching sounds filling the room as he picks up speed. He lays his head on your chest, sucking your mounds while his hips snap against yours. 
“‘Gonna breed you so good. You’re gonna be gorgeous, swollen and full with our hatchlings. They better look like you, gorgeous.” He rambles, his cock twitching at the thought of you nursing the hatchlings with your milk and rocking them and cooing at them. It seems that you agree with him, because you hug his body tighter and squeeze him harder. So hard that his fucking falters. 
He groans when your fingers pull his hair, pretty lips mouthing pleas to come, the broken begs sounding better then any music he’d ever heard. 
He grabs your knees, pushing them against your chest, which made your walls even tighter, and let him breach and massage untouched places. 
“Ah.” You moan loudly in surprise when his tip nudges against your crevix, your tongue lolling out lewdly. 
His expression mirrors yours as he flushes an even deeper shade of red. He groans as you tighten around him in preparation for an orgasm. 
“Tell me baby, did that feel good ?” He asks, pushing your legs against your chest even more while the sound of the room fills with his balls slapping against you. 
“Yes. Thank you- thank you. Please let me cum. I’ve been good. Please. Please.” You plead and plead, but his hips slow down in response. 
“No !” You protest. He shushed you gently, grunting at the sudden lack of pleasure coursing through his body. 
“Shh. It’s ok. I’ll let you cum if you do this one thing.” You nod eagerly in response. Anything. 
“Tell me you love me.” You almost expected the voice you heard to be animalistic and deep like Bakugo, but it’s the more humanoid one lf your husband. 
“I love you Katsuki.” 
His heart flutters, the words he’s been so desperate to hear finally come out of your mouth. His lips lay a soft peck on your lips, his tender touch soft like a lover’s touch would be. 
“I love you too kitten.” He replies, and before your brain can return to its senses, his hips begin slamming again, and in no time, you are squeezing him like a vice while you cum around his cock. He hugs your small body close to him, your soft chest against his, while his cock paints your walls white. 
“So much cum and it’s all for you. It’s gonna keep coming out because dragons have that much fucking cum for their mates-“ he rambles breathlessly, shocks still traveling through his body, “- then when it finishes, I’m gonna flip you and fuck you from behind and fill you all over again.” 
The fog was starting to clear from your head, and once again, you become aware of your sweaty bodies hugging each other close and his massive cock that's still inside you and still filling you with cum.
“Uh, you want to do it again ?” You ask, unsure whether his post orgasmic rambling his nonsensical or not. 
His red eyes look at your flushed face, and he wipes any sweat or tears sticking to it with his hand- which is fairly sweaty in its own regard, but he wanted to feel like he’s taking care of you. 
“Can I ? I- the dragon is not totally satisfied yet.” He confesses while his hand presses your bloated stomach and hisses due to his cock still being inside. He’s proud of having bloated his mate because of his seed. He’ll be damned if he doesn’t do it again.
please like and reblog if you liked this, and thanks for reading.
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i dunno if you're still taking requests but um if you are do you think you could maybe do a Sidon from loz being an absolute feral fish god man. i sim p for fish :>
I actually had a drabble for feral Sidon already sitting on my computer from like??? December? of last year so thank you for giving me the reminder and an excuse to finish it </3
Should I have at least beta read this? Probably. Did I? No. 
Golden eyes watched your form disappear into the horizon, staring into the rising sun long after you disappeared from his view. Already his chest ached deeply at the loss of your presence. Why did you want to leave him so badly? Was he not enough for you? Did you believe he couldn’t protect you?
Somewhere inside him he knew that that wasn’t true. You had made it clear that you enjoyed his company, that you trusted him just as much as he trusted you with each others protection. But you were a hero, a champion. It was your destiny from the goddesses to roam the lands, throwing yourself into peril to protect and serve those who needed you.
Like you just had for his kingdom, slaying a mighty beast that had been tormenting his people and killing his soldiers left and right for months. Dozens of Zora soldiers had gone up against the beast and yet you took it down single handedly, with nothing but your weapons and your wit.
It wasn’t without cost, though. Even still when he closed his eyes he could see flashes of your body, bloodied and red. Your very source of life dripping off your fingertips onto the floors of the domain, barely making it past the gates before you collapsed onto the ground.
Yes, it was your destiny, what the goddesses had blessed you for. He knew that, he did. But it didn’t stop the rather…frightening thoughts that filled his head every time you came back from battle, beaten and bloody, skin still lingering with the heavy scent of death and destruction. The thoughts of wrapping you up in his arms and whisking you away, locking you down in a room, away from everyone else, away from things that could harm you. The thoughts of stripping you of your weapons and clothing, leaving you scared and vulnerable, desperate for his comfort and warmth.
You would cry but he would comfort you, this was all for your own good! This way he could take care of you, love and cherish you without the fears of you being ripped out of his arms be it by death or political matters. He could finally lavish you in the gifts he always wanted to, ignoring your protests or insistence that it doesnt fit you, that a warrior like you should not be seen in fine silks and glittering silver encrusted jewels.
You may fight him but he would push you down, easily dwarfing you with his size and strength. You would learn to accept your place next to him. You only needed time! Time to see that this is what was best so you could be together…with him.
At least, that’s how it would go. He always shoved down those thoughts, those urges. He knew it would make you unhappy, but a selfish part of him deep down inside didn’t care. He loved you so much, he just wanted to keep you all to himself.
Unconsciously he found himself wondering towards your room, feet leading there while his head was deep in the waters, drowning in thoughts of you. Your face, your touch, your smile…A lovelorn sigh spilled from his lips. Fate was so cruel to him, any other in the land could be by his side, be his fated, his mate forever and yet you lived just beyond his reach, your status as champion and the blessings of the goddesses leaving you in too high of standing to fall into his loving grasp.
How would you fall apart beneath him? Would it be soft and sweet, melting under his touches and crying out sweetly for him as he stuffs you full? Or would you fight him? Struggling and lashing out, fighting him for dominance with the passion and ferocity he had seen so many times on the battle field. Either way he was sure you would be a tasty meal that he would delight in partaking in! Already he could picture your thighs quivering around his head as he lapped at your most sensitive parts or see your quivering form as you’re stuffed full of his cock, shaking and whimpering as he fills you fuller than you’ve ever been, claiming you all the way to your deepest parts.
He didn’t even realize he had made it into your room, fallen onto the bed you so often used when visiting until your sweet scent surrounded him, taunting him further over your departure. There were still hints of you everywhere, trinkets left behind for safe keeping, a bloodied shirt, shredded beyond use or repair, still covered in the dark stains of your blood. A clawed hand reached out and grabbed it, pulling it close to his face before he even realized he had moved.
Your scent was so intoxicating, it was hard enough controlling himself when he got whiffs of you standing next to you, seeing your bright smile aimed up at him. But now, this pure unfiltered heavy scent…the scent of your blood. He could feel heat rolling through him, his teeth pulling back in a very unprincely like snarl as his hips instinctively rolled up, grinding into the air as he panted. Perhaps…he could forgive himself for losing control…just this once. Already he could feel the heat boiling in his loins, his lengths sliding out of their slits, already beading at the tip as they curled up against his stomach, filling out the more he breathed in your scent.
He hissed into the empty room as his hand wrapped around both of his lengths, slowly dragging up and down them as he rolled over, shoving his face into the bloodied shirt as he humped his tight fist, desperate for the friction that he craved. It wasn’t right, he couldn’t squeeze both his cocks like you would be able to, tight walls fluttering and clenching around him as you whimpered and cried out his name. If he squeezed his eyes closed tight enough he could almost pretend it was you pressed below him, soft warm body molding against his as he jerked off and ground down against you. You would take it wouldn’t you? His perfect champion, ready to be stuffed full of his cocks, to become one with him, become his forever…No one would question whose name you were screaming by the time he was done with you. He snarled teeth sinking deep into the pillow laying innocently next to the shirt, teeth easily slicing through the soft material as he squeezed himself tighter.
Deep growls echoed through the room, intermingling with harsh gasps that he barely registered. All he could feel  was the harsh drag of his claws against his cocks, the way the sheets rubbed roughly up against him with every grind of his hips as he rocked down against the image of you stuck in his head. All he could think about was you, round and heavy with his young, a clear mark on the back of your neck. His mark.
That was all it took for him to spill over, his teeth shredding through the last remnants of the pillow. He pressed his face hard against your shirt, letting your scent fill his senses as his hips weakly jerked forward, wave after wave crashing through him as he spilled across the sheets, a puddle forming below him. He shuttered weakly as his high tapered off, leaving him trembling slightly, his hips pressed into a wet sticky puddle, nothing more than a weak whiff of your scent on the shirt, now replaced with the heavy scent of sex. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. He couldn’t wait any longer, letting you slip through his fingers, slip away from where you were meant to be to run off and play hero? No. No more.
He needed to make you his.
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