#<- still bitter
I genuinely love how each character on the QSMP is living in a different genre, so two characters doing the same thing have different consequences, and it has different weight on their story / the QSMP narrative as a whole.
For example, Cellbit killing 4 Federation workers is treated very seriously, and we know his actions will have serious consequences in the future.
Meanwhile, Etoiles wiping out every single Federation worker on his way out of an infiltration mission is par for the course because man's living in a shonen anime.
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xshinina · 1 year
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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kenobihater · 1 month
after literal years i finally got around to downloading a pdf of the wipers times, an unsancitioned satitical british trench magazine circulated among the troops in france from 1916-1918 after the fortuitous discovery of a printing press. i have approximately five million other things i need to read so idk when i'll be able to devote much time to it, and i gotta pick up a proper copy bc it's missing at least salient no 4 vol 2. that said? i'm genuinely laughing at what i've skimmed so far
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crafting-mojo · 4 months
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The Factory!
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Bittersweet and Sweetheart Exes
12 am brain rot
Can I get an AU where Talia, Danny and Bruce dated each other and later break up? Maybe have them meet when Bruce is in Batman training years and its a whirlwind romance between the three. Like we know how Bruce and Talia are together as exes (both a little toxic to each other, a love hate kinda thing and yet still have something) BUT Danny is the ex they always are sweet for, like he is the one they love flirting with when they see him (Talia more so regardless where and when, Bruce can only openly flirt as Bruce/Brucie, he has to be sneaky when Batman)
I want Talia and Bruce both trying to one up each other for Danny's attention. They know he's Phantom btw, and his human side as well. They however don't know he's also the Ghost King (in training at the time) Danny keeps forgetting to mention it.
Oh, oh. Let's have the Batfam find out due to a cult summoning, like someone in the League is trying to usurp Talia's rule (I want LOA leader Talia) and Damian is taken by them (which means Talia, Bruce, and the Batfam are coming to save him) and they try summoning the Ghost King to try to offer Damian as a sacrifice for power in order to take over the League.
Both Bruce and Talia weren't expecting to see their ex appear in a swirl of stars, aurora lights, and galaxies with a crown to match, a cape that looked like it had a cosmos swirling, and a Kingly outfit though.
(Or if we wanna make it extra funny, why not have them both had dated Danny at different times, and didn't know they are all exes to each other until Danny goes "DANNY!" "Talia? Bruce? What are you both doing here?" "Wait you know him/her? How?" "....Yes? And well...I dated them...")
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greenlaut · 4 months
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bitter tea & oranges
sequel -> tea & dates
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viperra1 · 2 months
tw: blood, suicidal ideation (? probably ? it's Boone we're talking about so. yeah)
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so make it one for my baby and one more for the road.
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countess-of-edessa · 2 months
the world is so fucked up and i can't help but think the damage is irreparable when i see people talking about how unusual and prudish it is to wait six to ten dates before having sex with someone. ten dates??? roughly like twenty five hours of interaction????? ten old timer burgers and mango iced teas from chilis equals sex?????? the possibility of pregnancy, STDs, emotional devastation, lifelong consequences, not to mention just straight up the possibility of getting murdered, with a STRANGER you have hung out with for maybe like two months???? and that's a LONG TIME???? and if you feel weird about that and don't want to do that that makes you NOT HETEROSEXUAL????? THATS AN ORIENTATION???? BECAUSE ITS SO OUTSIDE OF THE NORM OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR ????? i hate all of you i hate you i hate you i hate you every day i hate and I hate and I hate you
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Sorry, but I just had a thought and I’m exhausted and don’t know if I’m going to write anymore tonight.
Just Steve holding a slight grudge against Nancy after she pretty much calls his love bullshit in the bathroom. He feels lead on, he’s slightly bitter but he knows how to be discreetly passive if he needs to be. But thing is he doesn’t have the energy in him to be passive. If this had been before the monsters, and someone who he thought was the love of his life did what Nancy did and proceeded to end up dating the guy who she said not to worry about within days after getting into a fight, he would have probably done something stupid. Probably would have ruined her locker with mean words or something like that.
He wasn’t sure what he would do, he was exhausted and couldn’t think of what used to come easy to him. Or maybe he’s grown to realize how immature that was, how it didn’t even seem all that fun to do to someone. Just thinking back to spray painting slut on the theater makes his gut twist uncomfortably. Once, he used to be the one to climb up there and spray something even worst. Now the thought made him want to throw up.
And maybe the grudge he is holding against Nancy isn’t really a grudge. Maybe he has matured to realized that the grudge he held was within himself for how fast he had fallen. For how stupid he was for thinking the girl would ever end up with him. He should have seen the signs. How she defended Jonathan even after he took non consensual photos of him and her about to have sex. Which he still felt disgusted by, his skin still crawled uncomfortably around the little creep whenever he was close by.
Though when the time comes, he realizes he was holding a grudge against Nancy. When he falls harder for someone new he realizes within minutes that something was different about this one. Instead of smacking him in the shoulder and scolding him for staring to long, Eddie would pull his hair in front of his face with bright eyes. Would do something dramatic to snap Steve out of the trance he was in. Like lick his face instead of kissing him.
That was the other thing Steve discovered. In the moments where it was just the two of them, it seemed like every other minute time would stop and Eddie would be in the same bubble as him. Lost in the same spell that Steve had tumbled into, needing to kiss the other just as much as they needed oxygen to breathe.
Nancy rarely had those moments with Steve, and they had stopped right around the time she started hanging out with Jonathan.
And Steve does hold a grudge, for how she stayed with him longer than what she had to.
Eddie made him feel in love and loved. Whenever Steve watched the other man he could barely keep his hands to himself and the best part was Eddie didn’t care. Steve could bite off Eddie’s remaining nipple and the man would still let Steve do whatever he wanted to him. Nancy never trusted Steve and never earned Steve’s trust the way Eddie did within one week of knowing each other.
Eddie was the moon and Nancy had been the sun for Steve. The sun burnt his skin and left him blistered while the moon wrapped his arms around him and rocked him to sleep every night. While Steve worried about when the sun would explode, he never had to worry about the moon disappearing for to long. It always came back, no matter what happened. Even if Steve had been an asshole.
God was Steve in love. This was it for him. And maybe at one point he had loved Nancy just as much as he did Eddie.
But now, as each day passes he only finds himself falling more in love with Eddie Munson.
He slowly comes to the conclusion that his love was and will never be bullshit.
And when he finally sits down to talk to Nancy about it, he finally gets it off his chest. What had been bugging him for almost years before falling for Eddie.
“Nancy, we were bullshit. But my love, it was all real. Maybe not as strong as it is for Ed’s but I know that if … everything wasn’t such bullshit I could have gotten there.” Steve says softly to Nancy. Shortly after she confessed she still had feelings for him. He seen this conversation coming from a mile away, especially with how many one sided sparks happened between the two of them while running for their life’s on spring break.
And as he stands up, leaving her in her own shock. Letting her process that he was with Eddie, a man. He can’t help but feel proud of himself.
He didn’t intentionally hold this grudge, but he felt as if he got back at her the healthiest way he could. By maturing and moving on. And looking down at Nancy, he could tell that she needed time to do the same. Not to be with another man or date in general, but to just grow as a person. But that was no longer his problem. His problem was currently running up the steps of the trailer with what seemed to be a moving snake.
“Hey Stevie! Look what I found.”
Steve was in love, and it wasn’t bullshit.
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shahs1221 · 7 months
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Young Raph was a pouty edgy boi full of bitterness and spite
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minhyongi · 21 days
A headcanon i really like is that Odin started despising Loki more and more because he displayed a lot of the qualities he wished Thor would have had. Thor was supposed to be the wise king while Loki was supposed to be the naive puppet sitting on another realms throne, but Loki's intelligence was too great to let himself be controlled like that, thus destroying Odins plan without even knowing it.
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ef-1 · 3 months
Something so sinister and harrowing to me about the only black man in F1 bearing the weight of activism and morality for the entirety of the sport. that when it becomes institutionally acceptable to call for a fucking ceasefire F1 will point to Lewis and parade his bravery as though it was a joint enterprise and say "WE did that months ago".
The indignity about the way he gets maligned then co-opted is more harrowing to me than the overt shit they do to him somehow.
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feathers189 · 11 months
splatfests amiright guys
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boxheadpaint · 4 months
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bdsp if it was good
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crafting-mojo · 2 months
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Postmaster Pearl's new line of *Official* PostOffice Merchandise! Get yours today!!
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 months
if doctors looked for hypermobility in children you could give them appropriate physical therapy exercises from a young age as their muscles grow, orthotics to correct leg/foot placement, and where necessary additional support like professional k-tape application or other mobility aids before you obtain essentially permanent overtraining injuries from your poor muscles trying their best to stop you comedically collapsing into a pile of bones
but no it's just growing pains. kids don't have things wrong. it'll go away
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